Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders
Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders
Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders
Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders
Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders
Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders
Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders

Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders

Release Date: 05/02/2016 | EU
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6.99 € + VAT


A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


Sobre o jogo

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test!

The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent who goes by the name of "ABC".

Your intelligence will never have been so challenged!

You will have to explore many crime scenes in various cities set in beautiful surroundings across the United Kingdom. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to cross examinations and deadly puzzles!
Observe, question and explore everything possible in order to make the smartest deductions and understand the murderer’s plans!


  • Examinations: The player can collect information by examining suspects and paying attention to what they say, how they say it and how they feel.
  • Puzzles: The player will have to solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues.
  • Brain Deductions: Depending on the clues collected, the player will be able to make deductions and find out more about the murderer.
  • Timeline: As the player draws conclusions and progresses through the story, he can use Poirot's Timeline. This means that Hercule Poirot can build a timeline with all the relevant events revealed during the investigation.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


Относно играта

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test!

The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent who goes by the name of "ABC".

Your intelligence will never have been so challenged!

You will have to explore many crime scenes in various cities set in beautiful surroundings across the United Kingdom. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to cross examinations and deadly puzzles!
Observe, question and explore everything possible in order to make the smartest deductions and understand the murderer’s plans!


  • Examinations: The player can collect information by examining suspects and paying attention to what they say, how they say it and how they feel.
  • Puzzles: The player will have to solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues.
  • Brain Deductions: Depending on the clues collected, the player will be able to make deductions and find out more about the murderer.
  • Timeline: As the player draws conclusions and progresses through the story, he can use Poirot's Timeline. This means that Hercule Poirot can build a timeline with all the relevant events revealed during the investigation.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


O hře

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test!

The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent who goes by the name of "ABC".

Your intelligence will never have been so challenged!

You will have to explore many crime scenes in various cities set in beautiful surroundings across the United Kingdom. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to cross examinations and deadly puzzles!
Observe, question and explore everything possible in order to make the smartest deductions and understand the murderer’s plans!


  • Examinations: The player can collect information by examining suspects and paying attention to what they say, how they say it and how they feel.
  • Puzzles: The player will have to solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues.
  • Brain Deductions: Depending on the clues collected, the player will be able to make deductions and find out more about the murderer.
  • Timeline: As the player draws conclusions and progresses through the story, he can use Poirot's Timeline. This means that Hercule Poirot can build a timeline with all the relevant events revealed during the investigation.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


Om spillet

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test!

The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent who goes by the name of "ABC".

Your intelligence will never have been so challenged!

You will have to explore many crime scenes in various cities set in beautiful surroundings across the United Kingdom. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to cross examinations and deadly puzzles!
Observe, question and explore everything possible in order to make the smartest deductions and understand the murderer’s plans!


  • Examinations: The player can collect information by examining suspects and paying attention to what they say, how they say it and how they feel.
  • Puzzles: The player will have to solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues.
  • Brain Deductions: Depending on the clues collected, the player will be able to make deductions and find out more about the murderer.
  • Timeline: As the player draws conclusions and progresses through the story, he can use Poirot's Timeline. This means that Hercule Poirot can build a timeline with all the relevant events revealed during the investigation.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


Info over het spel

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test!

The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent who goes by the name of "ABC".

Your intelligence will never have been so challenged!

You will have to explore many crime scenes in various cities set in beautiful surroundings across the United Kingdom. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to cross examinations and deadly puzzles!
Observe, question and explore everything possible in order to make the smartest deductions and understand the murderer’s plans!


  • Examinations: The player can collect information by examining suspects and paying attention to what they say, how they say it and how they feel.
  • Puzzles: The player will have to solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues.
  • Brain Deductions: Depending on the clues collected, the player will be able to make deductions and find out more about the murderer.
  • Timeline: As the player draws conclusions and progresses through the story, he can use Poirot's Timeline. This means that Hercule Poirot can build a timeline with all the relevant events revealed during the investigation.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


About the Game

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test!

The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent who goes by the name of "ABC".

Your intelligence will never have been so challenged!

You will have to explore many crime scenes in various cities set in beautiful surroundings across the United Kingdom. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to cross examinations and deadly puzzles!
Observe, question and explore everything possible in order to make the smartest deductions and understand the murderer’s plans!


  • Examinations: The player can collect information by examining suspects and paying attention to what they say, how they say it and how they feel.
  • Puzzles: The player will have to solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues.
  • Brain Deductions: Depending on the clues collected, the player will be able to make deductions and find out more about the murderer.
  • Timeline: As the player draws conclusions and progresses through the story, he can use Poirot's Timeline. This means that Hercule Poirot can build a timeline with all the relevant events revealed during the investigation.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


Tietoja pelistä

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test!

The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent who goes by the name of "ABC".

Your intelligence will never have been so challenged!

You will have to explore many crime scenes in various cities set in beautiful surroundings across the United Kingdom. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to cross examinations and deadly puzzles!
Observe, question and explore everything possible in order to make the smartest deductions and understand the murderer’s plans!


  • Examinations: The player can collect information by examining suspects and paying attention to what they say, how they say it and how they feel.
  • Puzzles: The player will have to solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues.
  • Brain Deductions: Depending on the clues collected, the player will be able to make deductions and find out more about the murderer.
  • Timeline: As the player draws conclusions and progresses through the story, he can use Poirot's Timeline. This means that Hercule Poirot can build a timeline with all the relevant events revealed during the investigation.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


À propos du jeu

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Votre meilleure arme, votre intelligence. Relevez l'ultime défi cérébral !

The ABC Murders est un jeu d'aventure et d'enquête à la 3e personne, adapté du célèbre roman d'Agatha Christie. Dans la peau du célèbre détective privé Hercule Poirot, vous affronterez un mystérieux adversaire se faisant appeler « ABC ».

Vos talents de fin limier seront mis plus que jamais à contribution !

Vos investigations vous conduiront dans plusieurs villes du Royaume-Uni pour explorer de nombreuses scènes de crime aux environnements somptueux. Procédez à des contre-interrogatoires, déjouez de mortelles énigmes... et surtout, ne négligez aucun indice !
Observez, questionnez et explorez sans relâche pour faire éclater la vérité et comprendre le mode opératoire du meurtrier !


  • Interrogatoires : vous récoltez des informations en examinant les suspects et en recueillant leurs témoignages. Outre la teneur de leurs propos, soyez attentif à leur façon de parler et à leurs émotions.
  • Énigmes : vous devrez résoudre des énigmes pour trouver des indices supplémentaires.
  • Déductions : en fonction des indices rassemblés, vous pourrez vous livrer à des déductions pour en savoir plus sur l'assassin.
  • Chronologie : utilisez la chronologie d’Hercule Poirot pour guider votre réflexion. Elle permettra de dresser, au fur et à mesure de vos conclusions et de votre avancée dans le scénario, une chronologie des événements qui ont marqué l'enquête.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


Über das Spiel

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Ihre Waffe ist Ihr Wissen! Ihr Scharfsinn wird auf die letzte Probe gestellt!

The ABC Murders ist ein an Agatha Christies Romanklassiker adaptiertes Abenteuer- und ein Ermittlungsspiel. Der Spieler verkörpert in diesem geheimnisvollen Abenteuerspiel den berühmten Privatdetektiv Hercule Poirot in der 3. Person. Erneut steht der Privatdetektiv einem geheimnisvollen Gegner gegenüber, der sich selbst „ABC“ nennt.

Ihre Cleverness war noch nie so gefragt!

Sie werden viele Tatorte in verschiedenen Städten mit hübschen Umgebungen im ganzen Vereinigten Königreich erkunden müssen. Berücksichtigen Sie alle Hinweise, wenn es darum geht, Ermittlung und tödliche Rätsel miteinander zu kreuzen!
Setzen Sie Ihre Beobachtungsgabe ein, hinterfragen und untersuchen Sie alles, was Ihnen möglicherweise dabei hilft, die cleversten Folgerungen zu ziehen und die Vorgehensweise des Mörders zu verstehen!


  • Untersuchung: Der Spieler kann Informationen sammeln, indem er Verdächtige überprüft und darauf achtet, was sie sagen, wie sie es sagen und wie sie sich fühlen.
  • Rätsel: Der Spieler muss Rätsel lösen, um mehr Hinweise zu erhalten.
  • Folgerungen: Die gesammelten Hinweise ermöglichen dem Spieler, einige Folgerungen zu ziehen und mehr über den Mörder herauszufinden.
  • Zeitleiste: Während der Spieler Folgerungen zieht und in der Geschichte Fortschritte macht, kann er Poirots Zeitleiste benutzen. Grundsätzlich kann Hercule Poirot eine Zeitleiste mit allen relevanten Ereignissen erstellen, die während der Ermittlung eingetreten sind.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test!

The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent who goes by the name of "ABC".

Your intelligence will never have been so challenged!

You will have to explore many crime scenes in various cities set in beautiful surroundings across the United Kingdom. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to cross examinations and deadly puzzles!
Observe, question and explore everything possible in order to make the smartest deductions and understand the murderer’s plans!


  • Examinations: The player can collect information by examining suspects and paying attention to what they say, how they say it and how they feel.
  • Puzzles: The player will have to solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues.
  • Brain Deductions: Depending on the clues collected, the player will be able to make deductions and find out more about the murderer.
  • Timeline: As the player draws conclusions and progresses through the story, he can use Poirot's Timeline. This means that Hercule Poirot can build a timeline with all the relevant events revealed during the investigation.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


A játékról: 

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test!

The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent who goes by the name of "ABC".

Your intelligence will never have been so challenged!

You will have to explore many crime scenes in various cities set in beautiful surroundings across the United Kingdom. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to cross examinations and deadly puzzles!
Observe, question and explore everything possible in order to make the smartest deductions and understand the murderer’s plans!


  • Examinations: The player can collect information by examining suspects and paying attention to what they say, how they say it and how they feel.
  • Puzzles: The player will have to solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues.
  • Brain Deductions: Depending on the clues collected, the player will be able to make deductions and find out more about the murderer.
  • Timeline: As the player draws conclusions and progresses through the story, he can use Poirot's Timeline. This means that Hercule Poirot can build a timeline with all the relevant events revealed during the investigation.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


Informazioni sul gioco

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

La tua sola arma è la tua conoscenza. La tua sagacia sarà messa a dura prova!

The ABC Murders è un gioco di avventura e di investigazione tratto dal celebre romanzo di Agatha Christie. Il giocatore incarna il famoso Hercule Poirot, in un gioco d'avventura con prospettiva in terza persona pieno di misteri. Ancora una volta, l’investigatore privato si troverà ad affrontare un misterioso avversario che si fa chiamare "ABC".

Una sfida unica per la tua intelligenza!

Dovrai esplorare numerose scene del crimine in varie città con magnifici ambienti attraverso tutto il Regno Unito. Non tralasciare nessun indizio quando dovrai affrontare i controinterrogatori e rompicapi micidiali!
Osserva, domanda ed esplora tutto ciò che è possibile per fare le deduzioni più intelligenti e svelare il piano che c’è dietro gli omicidi!


  • Interrogatori: il giocatore può raccogliere informazioni sottoponendo a interrogatorio i sospettati e facendo attenzione a ciò che dicono, a come lo dicono e a come si sentono.
  • Rompicapi: il giocatore dovrà risolvere dei rompicapi per ottenere ancora più indizi.
  • Deduzioni: a seconda degli indizi raccolti, il giocatore può fare alcune deduzioni e ottenere maggiori informazioni sull'assassino.
  • Cronologia: man mano che il giocatore trae conclusioni e fa progressi nella storia, può usare la Cronologia di Poirot. In sostanza, Hercule Poirot può costruire una cronologia con tutti gli eventi rilevanti accaduti durante l'inchiesta.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:



Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test!

The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent who goes by the name of "ABC".

Your intelligence will never have been so challenged!

You will have to explore many crime scenes in various cities set in beautiful surroundings across the United Kingdom. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to cross examinations and deadly puzzles!
Observe, question and explore everything possible in order to make the smartest deductions and understand the murderer’s plans!


  • Examinations: The player can collect information by examining suspects and paying attention to what they say, how they say it and how they feel.
  • Puzzles: The player will have to solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues.
  • Brain Deductions: Depending on the clues collected, the player will be able to make deductions and find out more about the murderer.
  • Timeline: As the player draws conclusions and progresses through the story, he can use Poirot's Timeline. This means that Hercule Poirot can build a timeline with all the relevant events revealed during the investigation.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


게임 정보

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test!

The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent who goes by the name of "ABC".

Your intelligence will never have been so challenged!

You will have to explore many crime scenes in various cities set in beautiful surroundings across the United Kingdom. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to cross examinations and deadly puzzles!
Observe, question and explore everything possible in order to make the smartest deductions and understand the murderer’s plans!


  • Examinations: The player can collect information by examining suspects and paying attention to what they say, how they say it and how they feel.
  • Puzzles: The player will have to solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues.
  • Brain Deductions: Depending on the clues collected, the player will be able to make deductions and find out more about the murderer.
  • Timeline: As the player draws conclusions and progresses through the story, he can use Poirot's Timeline. This means that Hercule Poirot can build a timeline with all the relevant events revealed during the investigation.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


Om spillet

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test!

The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent who goes by the name of "ABC".

Your intelligence will never have been so challenged!

You will have to explore many crime scenes in various cities set in beautiful surroundings across the United Kingdom. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to cross examinations and deadly puzzles!
Observe, question and explore everything possible in order to make the smartest deductions and understand the murderer’s plans!


  • Examinations: The player can collect information by examining suspects and paying attention to what they say, how they say it and how they feel.
  • Puzzles: The player will have to solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues.
  • Brain Deductions: Depending on the clues collected, the player will be able to make deductions and find out more about the murderer.
  • Timeline: As the player draws conclusions and progresses through the story, he can use Poirot's Timeline. This means that Hercule Poirot can build a timeline with all the relevant events revealed during the investigation.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


Informacje o grze

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Najlepszą bronią będzie Twoja inteligencja. Twój intelekt poddany zostanie najwyższej próbie!

ABC Murders to gra przygodowa ze śledztwem, będąca adaptacją znanej powieści Agathy Christie. Z perspektywy 3-ej osoby gracz wciela się w słynnego Herculesa Poirota, który rzuca się w wir gry przygodowej pełnej tajemnic. Prywatny detektyw musi ponownie samotnie stawić czoła tajemniczemu przeciwnikowi o pseudonimie “ABC”.

Twój umysł nigdy nie spotkał takiego wyzwania!

Śledztwo zaprowadzi Cię na liczne miejsca zbrodni we wspaniałych dzielnicach różnych brytyjskich miast. Nie przepuść najmniejszego szczegółu podczas krzyżowego ognia pytań i rozwiązywania śmiertelnych zagadek!
Obserwuj, wypytuj i analizuj wszystko, co się tylko da zbadać, aby dojść do jak najlepszej dedukcji i zrozumieć plany mordercy!

Najważniejsze cechy :

  • Przesłuchania: Gracz ma możliwość zgromadzenia informacji dzięki przesłuchaniom i uważnej obserwacji tego, co podejrzani mówią, sposobu w jaki zeznają i uczuć, jakie okazują
  • Zagadki: Gracz musi rozwiązać zagadki, aby uzyskać więcej wskazówek
  • Dedukcje: Zależnie od zebranych wskazówek gracz może wydedukować dodatkowe informacje na temat mordercy
  • Chronologia: W miarę wyciągania wniosków i postępowania w scenariuszu możliwe jest korzystanie z chronologii Poirota. Pozwoli Ci to na utworzenie chronologii obejmującej wszystkie wydarzenia, jakie odkryjesz podczas swojego śledztwa.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


Acerca do Jogo

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test!

The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent who goes by the name of "ABC".

Your intelligence will never have been so challenged!

You will have to explore many crime scenes in various cities set in beautiful surroundings across the United Kingdom. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to cross examinations and deadly puzzles!
Observe, question and explore everything possible in order to make the smartest deductions and understand the murderer’s plans!


  • Examinations: The player can collect information by examining suspects and paying attention to what they say, how they say it and how they feel.
  • Puzzles: The player will have to solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues.
  • Brain Deductions: Depending on the clues collected, the player will be able to make deductions and find out more about the murderer.
  • Timeline: As the player draws conclusions and progresses through the story, he can use Poirot's Timeline. This means that Hercule Poirot can build a timeline with all the relevant events revealed during the investigation.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


Despre joc

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test!

The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent who goes by the name of "ABC".

Your intelligence will never have been so challenged!

You will have to explore many crime scenes in various cities set in beautiful surroundings across the United Kingdom. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to cross examinations and deadly puzzles!
Observe, question and explore everything possible in order to make the smartest deductions and understand the murderer’s plans!


  • Examinations: The player can collect information by examining suspects and paying attention to what they say, how they say it and how they feel.
  • Puzzles: The player will have to solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues.
  • Brain Deductions: Depending on the clues collected, the player will be able to make deductions and find out more about the murderer.
  • Timeline: As the player draws conclusions and progresses through the story, he can use Poirot's Timeline. This means that Hercule Poirot can build a timeline with all the relevant events revealed during the investigation.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


Об игре

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Ваше оружие — это ваше знание. Ваша сообразительность подвергнется наивысшему испытанию!

ABC Murders — это приключенческая игра с расследованиями, созданная по мотивам классического романа Агаты Кристи. Игрок выступает в роли знаменитого Эркюля Пуаро в полной тайн приключенческой игре с перспективой от 3-го лица. Частному детективу снова бросает вызов загадочный противник, называющий себя "ABC".

Ваш ум еще никогда не сталкивался с таким испытанием!

Вам предстоит расследовать множество сцен преступления в различных городах на фоне живописных окрестностей по всему Соединенному Королевству. Не пропустите ни одной зацепки, когда дело дойдет до перекрестного допроса и смертельных головоломок!
Наблюдайте, задавайте вопросы и расследуйте все, что возможно, чтобы сделать проницательные умозаключения и понять план убийцы!

Основные особенности :

  • Расследование: игрок может собирать информацию, опрашивая подозреваемых и обращая внимание на то, что они говорят, как они это говорят и что при этом чувствуют.
  • Головоломки: игроку предстоит разгадывать головоломки, чтобы получить больше зацепок.
  • Умозаключения: в зависимости от собранных зацепок и улик игрок может сделать некоторые умозаключения и узнать больше об убийце.
  • Хронология: делая выводы и продвигаясь в игре, игрок может использовать Хронологию Пуаро. По сути, Эркюль Пуаро способен создать хронологию, содержащую все значимые события, произошедшие за время расследования.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:



Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test!

The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent who goes by the name of "ABC".

Your intelligence will never have been so challenged!

You will have to explore many crime scenes in various cities set in beautiful surroundings across the United Kingdom. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to cross examinations and deadly puzzles!
Observe, question and explore everything possible in order to make the smartest deductions and understand the murderer’s plans!


  • Examinations: The player can collect information by examining suspects and paying attention to what they say, how they say it and how they feel.
  • Puzzles: The player will have to solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues.
  • Brain Deductions: Depending on the clues collected, the player will be able to make deductions and find out more about the murderer.
  • Timeline: As the player draws conclusions and progresses through the story, he can use Poirot's Timeline. This means that Hercule Poirot can build a timeline with all the relevant events revealed during the investigation.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


Acerca del juego

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Tus mejores armas serán tus conocimientos. ¡Exprime al máximo tus neuronas!

The ABC Murders es un juego de aventuras e investigación inspirado en el clásico de Agatha Christie. El jugador encarna al famoso Hércules Poirot en un juego de aventuras en tercera persona repleto de misterios. Una vez más, el detective privado debe enfrentarse a un misterioso contrincante, que en este caso se hace llamar "ABC".

¡Tu inteligencia nunca se ha visto ante un desafío tan complejo!

Visita varias escenas del crimen con magníficos decorados en distintas ciudades del Reino Unido. ¡No pases por alto ninguna pista durante los interrogatorios y los endiablados puzles!
¡Observa, pregunta y explora cuanto puedas para llegar a las deducciones más brillantes y comprender los planes del asesino!


  • Observaciónes: El jugador puede recabar información estudiando a los sospechosos y prestando atención a lo que dicen, cómo lo dicen y las sensaciones que transmiten.
  • Puzles: El jugador deberá resolver puzles para acceder a determinados indicios.
  • Deducciones: En función de los indicios recabados, el jugador podrá efectuar deducciones y descubrir más detalles acerca del asesino.
  • Historial: A medida que el jugador llegue a conclusiones y avance en la trama, podrá utilizar el Historial de Poirot. En efecto, Hércules Poirot puede elaborar un Historial con todos los acontecimientos relevantes que se van produciendo durante la investigación.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


Om spelet

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test!

The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent who goes by the name of "ABC".

Your intelligence will never have been so challenged!

You will have to explore many crime scenes in various cities set in beautiful surroundings across the United Kingdom. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to cross examinations and deadly puzzles!
Observe, question and explore everything possible in order to make the smartest deductions and understand the murderer’s plans!


  • Examinations: The player can collect information by examining suspects and paying attention to what they say, how they say it and how they feel.
  • Puzzles: The player will have to solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues.
  • Brain Deductions: Depending on the clues collected, the player will be able to make deductions and find out more about the murderer.
  • Timeline: As the player draws conclusions and progresses through the story, he can use Poirot's Timeline. This means that Hercule Poirot can build a timeline with all the relevant events revealed during the investigation.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:



Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test!

The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent who goes by the name of "ABC".

Your intelligence will never have been so challenged!

You will have to explore many crime scenes in various cities set in beautiful surroundings across the United Kingdom. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to cross examinations and deadly puzzles!
Observe, question and explore everything possible in order to make the smartest deductions and understand the murderer’s plans!


  • Examinations: The player can collect information by examining suspects and paying attention to what they say, how they say it and how they feel.
  • Puzzles: The player will have to solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues.
  • Brain Deductions: Depending on the clues collected, the player will be able to make deductions and find out more about the murderer.
  • Timeline: As the player draws conclusions and progresses through the story, he can use Poirot's Timeline. This means that Hercule Poirot can build a timeline with all the relevant events revealed during the investigation.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:



Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test!

The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent who goes by the name of "ABC".

Your intelligence will never have been so challenged!

You will have to explore many crime scenes in various cities set in beautiful surroundings across the United Kingdom. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to cross examinations and deadly puzzles!
Observe, question and explore everything possible in order to make the smartest deductions and understand the murderer’s plans!


  • Examinations: The player can collect information by examining suspects and paying attention to what they say, how they say it and how they feel.
  • Puzzles: The player will have to solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues.
  • Brain Deductions: Depending on the clues collected, the player will be able to make deductions and find out more about the murderer.
  • Timeline: As the player draws conclusions and progresses through the story, he can use Poirot's Timeline. This means that Hercule Poirot can build a timeline with all the relevant events revealed during the investigation.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


Oyun Açıklaması

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test!

The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent who goes by the name of "ABC".

Your intelligence will never have been so challenged!

You will have to explore many crime scenes in various cities set in beautiful surroundings across the United Kingdom. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to cross examinations and deadly puzzles!
Observe, question and explore everything possible in order to make the smartest deductions and understand the murderer’s plans!


  • Examinations: The player can collect information by examining suspects and paying attention to what they say, how they say it and how they feel.
  • Puzzles: The player will have to solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues.
  • Brain Deductions: Depending on the clues collected, the player will be able to make deductions and find out more about the murderer.
  • Timeline: As the player draws conclusions and progresses through the story, he can use Poirot's Timeline. This means that Hercule Poirot can build a timeline with all the relevant events revealed during the investigation.

A new investigation by Hercule Poirot coming soon:


Про гру

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test!

The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent who goes by the name of "ABC".

Your intelligence will never have been so challenged!

You will have to explore many crime scenes in various cities set in beautiful surroundings across the United Kingdom. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to cross examinations and deadly puzzles!
Observe, question and explore everything possible in order to make the smartest deductions and understand the murderer’s plans!


  • Examinations: The player can collect information by examining suspects and paying attention to what they say, how they say it and how they feel.
  • Puzzles: The player will have to solve puzzles in order to obtain more clues.
  • Brain Deductions: Depending on the clues collected, the player will be able to make deductions and find out more about the murderer.
  • Timeline: As the player draws conclusions and progresses through the story, he can use Poirot's Timeline. This means that Hercule Poirot can build a timeline with all the relevant events revealed during the investigation.

System Requirements


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