Airport CEO
Airport CEO
Airport CEO
Airport CEO
Airport CEO
Airport CEO
Airport CEO

Airport CEO

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Airport CEO é um jogo de magnata e gerenciamento em que você assume o lugar de CEO do seu próprio aeroporto. Você construirá toda a infraestrutura do mesmo, desde as pistas de pouso, decolagem e de circulação, os portões e as placas de estacionamento, até os terminais de construção contendo check-in, segurança, restaurantes e lojas. Você gerenciará a perspectiva comercial do aeroporto contratando funcionários e executivos, fazendo acordos com as companhias aéreas e ao mesmo tempo se certificando de que está tudo balanceado, mantendo a atenção no orçamento e nos recursos.

Você terá que cuidar dos passageiros fazendo-os esperar o mínimo, tendo funcionários amigáveis e prestativos por perto e fazendo com que os mesmos se sintam seguros, mantendo inexistente a possibilidade de qualquer incidente; Um passageiro feliz é um passageiro que gasta. Tomara que você não encontre problemas, como: Funcionários estressados, falhas no equipamento ou mau tempo, que podem causar atrasos maciços ou até mesmo pousos de emergência. Você será responsabilizado quando as coisas derem errado e se sentirá podre de rico quando as coisas derem certo.

Gerenciando um Aeroporto

Seu objetivo é construir e gerenciar seu aeroporto com perfeição, tomando decisões estratégicas, projetando o layout ideal do aeroporto e finalmente, garantir que seus passageiros e as companhias aéreas estejam satisfeitos. Você precisará construir todo o aeroporto do zero, incluindo as fundações de terminais com os seus pisos, paredes, portas e itens, bem como toda a infraestrutura do aeroporto, incluindo as pistas de pouso e decolagem, pistas de rolamento, placas de estacionamento e outras infra-estruturas aeroportuárias. Tudo no Aiport CEO é detalhadamente simulado e é o seu trabalho se certificar que tudo corra perfeitamente e com um saldo bancário positivo.

Companhias Aéreas

As companhias aéreas e os seus viajantes são um elemento essencial do Airport CEO, pois consistem na principal fonte de receita do seu aeroporto. A assinatura de contratos com as companhias aéreas traz fluxo de caixa e passageiros para o seu aeroporto, o que significa, em termos de oportunidades, o recebimento de diversas taxas de serviço, assim como as despesas dos passageiros. As companhias aéreas têm tamanhos diferentes e assim necessitam de diferentes requisitos do seu aeroporto e dos serviços que você oferece. Você não é responsável apenas por planejar o horário dos voos, mas também por atender e suprir todas as necessidades. Ocasionalmente, você precisará lidar com emergências e atrasos devido ao mau tempo ou a acidentes na área, o que colocará suas habilidades de gerenciamento em teste.


Os passageiros do Airport CEO têm personalidades, necessidades, uma história de vida e o mais importante; um vôo para pegar (na hora). Os passageiros são completamente simulados e as suas decisões, comportamentos e opiniões sobre o seu aeroporto são afetados por diversos fatores. Os passageiros do Airport CEO , assim como na vida real, devem esperar em filas, check-in, passar pela segurança e, em seguida, entreter-se até que seu vôo esteja pronto para o embarque. Os passageiros que chegarem devem encontrar o caminho de onde se pega a bagagem, devem pegar suas malas e talvez passar pela fiscalização da alfândega antes de chegar na sua área de transfer. Se eles vão conseguir realmente pegar o voo, já é com você: Os passageiros podem ter dificuldade em encontrar as coisas pelo aeroporto, então você deve construir um guichê de informações; os passageiros também podem ficar irritados devido à longa fila e do tempo de espera para inspeção de segurança, então cabe a você ampliar a sua capacidade, os passageiros podem reclamar da falta de lazer na área de embarque, então você constrói uma loja isenta de impostos ou algumas butiques de marcas exclusivas.


Os funcionários são aqueles em que você confia para manter o aeroporto funcionando. Assim como os passageiros, eles são indivíduos simulados que têm vontades próprias. Os funcionários ocupam diversas funções diferentes e é seu o trabalho de garantir que o seu aeroporto tenha a mão de obra correta e necessária a todo momento. De agentes de passageiros, zeladores, agentes de rampa e de segurança, mecânicos, aos administradores e executivos. Quanto mais você expandir a capacidade e os serviços do seu aeroporto, mais versáteis e qualificados seus funcionários deverão ser. Quando os funcionários interagirem com os passageiros, eles deverão ter habilidade na gestão de pessoas e devem ser resistentes ao stress, desta forma evitando os erros ou os maus serviços oferecidos aos clientes.

Instalações e Construções

Os aeroportos são mega estruturas complexas com diversos edifícios e instalações diferentes. Embora um aeroporto pequeno possa não precisar de mais do que uma simples pista de grama e um terminal, à medida que você cresce seu aeroporto, você também deve expandir suas instalações, como as torres de controle aéreo, estandes para aeronaves e pistas de circulação maiores para o mau tempo, abastecimento ou postos de combustível. À medida que o aeroporto cresce, o terminal cresce com ele e você deve garantir que ele esteja equipado com as instalações necessárias que os passageiros esperam. Construir um terminal no Airport CEO é altamente personalizável, você pode definir sua forma e interior, como os pisos, paredes, janelas e portas. As bagagens necessitam ser processadas e transportadas para o mesmo vôo que o seu dono e só depende de você para evitar entraves e por projetar o melhor terminal de aeroporto.

Sendo um CEO

Dados, dados, dados! Como CEO interino do seu aeroporto, você precisa ser capaz de tomar decisões comerciais difíceis baseadas na operação atual. No Airport CEO você é fornecido com múltiplas fontes de informação, a partir das quais você pode tirar conclusões e gerir o seu aeroporto. Como CEO, você não será responsável apenas pela arquitetura do aeroporto, mas também por quem trabalha nele. Cansado de planejar todos os voos? Estabeleça um departamento de informática e deixe que um sistema automatizado faça isso por você! Cansado de avaliar o saldo do orçamento mensal? Contrate um CFO, o mesmo pode ajudá-lo a reduzir custos e definir preços. Boa sorte!
Airport CEO Airport CEO je magnátská a manažerská hra, kde se usadíte jako generální ředitel svého vlastního letiště. Budete stavět infrastrukturu se vším všudy, od ranveje až po trasy pro taxíky, postavíte gaty, parkovací plochy, terminály na check-in, bezpečnostní kontrolu, restaurace a obchody. Budete spravovat perspektivu letiště z byznys pohledu, budete najímat zaměstnance a vedoucí, uzavírat smlouvy s aerolinkami a kontrolovat rozpočet a zdroje.
O své zákazníky se budete muset postarat, pokusíte se zkrátit čekací doby na minimum, mít přátelský a nápomocný personál, díky kterému se budou cestující cítit bezpečně. Důležité je potenciální incidenty řešit okamžitě. Šťastný cestující je utrácející cestující. Snad nenarazíte na žádné problémy jako jsou vystresovaný zaměstnanec, poruchy vybavení nebo špatné počasí, které mohou způsobit velká zpoždění či dokonce nouzová přistání. Pokud se něco pokazí, budete za to zodpovědní vy, pokud vše bude skvěle šlapat, budete nechutně bohatí.

Provoz letiště

Vaším úkolem je postavit a perfektně spravovat své letiště, dělat strategická rozhodnutí, vytvořit optimální rozložení letiště a zajistit, že jsou Vaši cestující a aerolinky spokojení. Budete muset vybudovat celé letiště od základů, včetně terminálů s podlahami, stěnami, dveřmi a dalšími položkami, stejně jako ranveje, dráhy pro taxi, parkovací plochy a další letištní infrastrukturu. Vše je v Airport CEO řádně simulováno a Vaším úkolem je zajistit, že všechno probíhá hladce a máte kladný zůstatek na účtu.


Aerolinky a jejich cestující jsou základním prvkem Airport CEO, protože představují hlavní zdroj příjmu Vašeho letiště. Podepsáním smluv s aerolinkami obdržíte cash-flow a přibydou cestující na letišti, což následně znamená, že budete moct vydělávat na poplatcích za různé služby, navíc nadále porostou útraty cestujících. Aerolinky mají různé velikosti a mohou mít různé požadavky na Vaše letiště a Vámi nabízené služby. Budete zodpovědní za naplánovaní letů, ale také za naplnění jejich představ a potřeb. Čas od času budete muset zvládat i nečekané pohotovosti a zpoždění kvůli špatnému počasí nebo nehodám v dané oblasti. Tyto události otestují Vaše manažerské schopnosti.


Všichni pasažéři v Airport CEO mají unikátní osobnosti, potřeby a životní příběh, zejména ale musí (včas) stihnout letadlo. Chování, rozhodování a názory cestujících jsou simulovány a ovlivněny několika faktory. Stejně jako v běžném životě musí i v Airport CEO cestující čekat ve frontách, při check-inu, projít bezpečnostní kontrolou a pak se zabavit až do začátku boardingu. Cestující, co právě přistáli, musí najít cestu k vyzvednutí zavazadel, možná projít i celnicí a až pak se dostat na svůj letištní transfer. Zda budou schopni let chytit, je na vás: Cestující možná budou hledat cestu po letišti, takže jim postavte informační cedule. Možná budou naštvaní, že dlouho čekají ve frontě na bezpečnostní kontrolu, takže budete muset najmout více personálu, možná si budou stěžovat na nedostatek zábavy na gatech, takže vybudujete duty-free obchody nebo butiky exkluzivních značek.


Právě na zaměstnance se musíte při provozu letiště spoléhat. Stejně jako u cestujících jde i u zaměstnanců o nasimulované jedince s vlastními myšlenkami. Zaměstnanci zastávají velký počet různých rolí, Vaším úkolem je zajistit, aby mělo letiště neustále dostatek pracovní síly. Od agentů osobní dopravy, správců ramp a mechaniků, bezpečnostních pracovníků, správců až po vedoucí pracovníky. Čím více rozšiřujete kapacitu svého letiště a poskytované služby, tím všestrannější a schopnější musí být Vaši zaměstnanci. Pokud přijdou Vaši zaměstnanci do kontaktu s cestujícími, měli by být dobří v komunikaci s lidmi a odolní vůči stresu, aby se vyhnuli chybám nebo špatné zákaznické službě.

Zařízení a budovy

Letiště jsou komplexní velké struktury se spoustou různých budov a zařízení. Ačkoli malé letiště nebude potřebovat víc než jednoduchý zatravněný ranvej a terminál, tak se zvětšováním svého letiště budete muset rozšířit svá zařízení od kontrolních věží, větších míst pro letadla, cest pro taxíky až po požární stanice, meteostanice, catering a benzínky. Spolu s Vaším letištěm roste i terminál a musíte se ujistit, že je vybaven vším, co pasažéři očekávají. Budování terminálu v Airport CEO může jít zcela podle Vašich představ. To vy si vybíráte tvar a interiér, včetně typu podlahy, stěn, oken a dveří. Je nutné zatřídit zavazadla a přepravit je ke správnému letadlu a je jen na Vás, abyste se vyhnuli problémům a vytvořili skvělý letištní terminál.

Funkce generálního ředitele

Data, data, data! Pokud jste ve funkci generálního ředitele letiště, pak musíte dělat náročná rozhodnutí, která se opírají o aktuální stav. V Airport CEO dostanete různé zdroje informací, ze kterých budete moct dělat závěry a spravovat své letiště. Jakožto generální ředitel budete zodpovědní nejen za architekturu letiště, ale taky za jeho funkčnost. Už Vás unavuje plánovat každý let? Založte IT oddělení a vytvořte automatický systém, který to bude dělat za Vás! Už Vás nebaví sestavovat každý měsíc rozpočet? Najměte si finančního ředitele, který to udělá za Vás, pomůže Vám snížit výdaje a nastavit ceny. Hodně štěstí!
Airport CEO is een tycoon- en managementspel waarin je plaatsneemt als CEO van je eigen luchthaven. Je bouwt de infrastructuur van de luchthaven met alles van landingsbanen en taxibanen, gates en schorten voor het bouwen van terminals met check-in, beveiliging, restaurants en winkels. Je beheert het zakelijke perspectief van de luchthaven door werknemers en leidinggevenden aan te nemen, deals te sluiten met luchtvaartmaatschappijen en ervoor te zorgen dat je je geld verdient door het budget en je middelen in de gaten te houden.

Je zult de passagiers moeten bedienen door de wachttijd tot een minimum te beperken, door vriendelijk en behulpzaam personeel in de buurt te hebben en door passagiers zich veilig te laten voelen en potentiële incidenten op afstand te houden; een gelukkige passagier is een passagier die geld uitgeeft. Hopelijk kom je geen problemen tegen zoals gestresseerde medewerkers, uitval van apparatuur of slecht weer die enorme vertragingen of zelfs noodlandingen kunnen veroorzaken. Je wordt verantwoordelijk gehouden als er dingen misgaan en smerig rijk als dingen goed gaan.

Een luchthaven runnen

Je doel is om je luchthaven perfect te bouwen en te beheren door strategische beslissingen te nemen, de optimale luchthavenindeling te ontwerpen en uiteindelijk ervoor te zorgen dat uw passagiers en luchtvaartmaatschappijen tevreden zijn. U moet de hele luchthaven helemaal opnieuw bouwen, inclusief terminal funderingen met vloeren, muren, deuren en items, evenals de luchthaveninfrastructuur inclusief landingsbanen, taxibanen, schorten en andere luchthaveninfrastructuur. Alles in Airport CEO is diep gesimuleerd en het is jouw taak om ervoor te zorgen dat alles soepel en met een positieve bankrekening verloopt.


Luchtvaartmaatschappijen en hun reizigers zijn een essentieel onderdeel van Airport CEO omdat zij de belangrijkste bron van inkomsten voor uw luchthaven vormen. Ondertekening van contracten met luchtvaartmaatschappijen brengt cash-flow en passagiers naar uw luchthaven, wat op termijn mogelijkheden betekent voor het ontvangen van verschillende servicekosten, evenals passagiers uitgaven. Luchtvaartmaatschappijen zijn er in verschillende groottes en hebben verschillende vereisten op uw luchthaven en de diensten die u aanbiedt, u bent niet alleen verantwoordelijk voor het plannen van het vluchtschema, maar ook voor het voldoen aan en het onderhouden van de behoeften. Af en toe moet u omgaan met noodsituaties en vertragingen als gevolg van slecht weer of ongevallen in het gebied, wat uw managementvaardigheden op de proef stelt.


Passagiers in Airport CEO hebben allemaal hun unieke persoonlijkheden, behoeften, een achtergrondverhaal en vooral; een vlucht die ze (op tijd) moeten halen. Passagiers worden grondig gesimuleerd en hun beslissingen, gedrag en meningen over uw luchthaven worden beïnvloed door verschillende factoren. Passagiers in Airport CEO, moeten net als in het echte leven, in rijen wachten, inchecken, de beveiliging passeren en zich dan vermaken totdat hun vlucht klaar is om aan boord te gaan. Aangekomen passagiers moeten hun weg naar de bagageclaim vinden, hun koffers pakken en misschien langs een douanehokje gaan voordat ze op hun luchthaventransfer stappen. Of ze hun vlucht daadwerkelijk kunnen halen, is aan jou: passagiers vinden het misschien moeilijk om hun weg te vinden op de luchthaven, dus bouw je een informatiebalie, passagiers kunnen geïrriteerd raken vanwege de lange wachtrij en wachttijd, zodat je de capaciteit uitbreidt, passagiers kunnen klagen over het gebrek aan leuke dingen om te doen aan de gate, waardoor u een belastingvrije winkel of exclusieve merk boetieks bouwt.


Medewerkers zijn die waarop u vertrouwt om uw luchthaven draaiende te houden. Net als passagiers zijn het gesimuleerde individuen die een eigen geest hebben. Medewerkers hebben een aantal verschillende rollen en het is uw taak om ervoor te zorgen dat uw luchthaven op elk moment over de juiste en noodzakelijke medewerkers beschikt. Van passagiersdienst agenten, conciërges, platform agenten en monteurs, beveiligingsmedewerkers tot beheerders en leidinggevenden. Hoe meer u de capaciteit en services van uw luchthaven uitbreidt, hoe veelzijdiger en vaardiger uw medewerkers moeten zijn. Wanneer werknemers met passagiers omgaan, moeten ze vaardig zijn in het beheren van mensen en stressbestendig zijn om fouten te voorkomen of slechte klantenservice te bieden.

Faciliteiten en gebouwen

Luchthavens zijn complexe megastructuren met veel verschillende gebouwen en faciliteiten. Terwijl een klein vliegveld misschien niet meer nodig heeft dan een eenvoudige grasbaan en een terminal, moet u tijdens het uitbreiden van uw luchthaven zijn faciliteiten uitbreiden, variërend van luchttorens, grotere vliegtuigstands en taxibanen tot vuur, weer, catering of tankstations. Naarmate uw luchthaven groeit, groeit uw terminal mee en moet u ervoor zorgen dat deze is uitgerust met de nodige voorzieningen die passagiers verwachten. Het bouwen van een terminal in Airport CEO is in hoge mate aanpasbaar, waarbij u de vorm en het interieur zoals vloertype, muren, ramen en deuren kunt bepalen. Bagage moet worden verwerkt en vervoerd naar dezelfde vlucht als de eigenaar en het is allemaal aan jou om knelpunten te voorkomen door de ultieme luchthaventerminal te ontwerpen.

Een CEO zijn

Gegevens, gegevens, gegevens! Als de CEO van uw luchthaven moet u moeilijke zakelijke beslissingen kunnen nemen op basis van de huidige activiteiten. In Airport CEO krijgt u meerdere informatiebronnen waaruit u conclusies kunt trekken en uw luchthaven kunt beheren. Als CEO ben je niet alleen verantwoordelijk voor de architectuur van de luchthaven, maar ook voor degenen die er werken. Ben je het zat om elke vlucht te plannen? Richt een informatica afdeling op en laat een geautomatiseerd systeem het voor u doen! Ben je het zat om het maandelijkse begrotingssaldo te beoordelen? Huur een CFO in die u kan helpen kosten te verminderen en prijzen vast te stellen. Veel succes!
Airport CEO is a tycoon and management game where you take the seat as a CEO of your own airport. You will build the airport’s infrastructure with everything from runways and taxiways, gates and aprons to constructing terminals with check-in, security, restaurants and shops. You will manage the business perspective of the airport by hiring employees and executives, making deals with airline companies and making sure that ends meet by keeping an eye on budget and resources.

You will have to cater to the passengers by keeping waiting time to a minimum, by having friendly and helpful staff around and by making passengers feel secure, keeping any potential incidents at bay; a happy passenger is a spending passenger. Hopefully you won’t run into any problems such as stressed out employee, equipment breakdowns or bad weather which can cause massive delays or even emergency landings. You will be held accountable when things go wrong and filthy rich when things go right.

Running an airport

Your objective is to build and manage your airport to perfection by making strategic decisions, designing the optimal airport layout and ultimately making sure that your passengers and airlines are satisfied. You will need to build the entire airport from scratch including terminal foundations with floors, walls, doors and items as well as the airport infrastructure including runways, taxiways, aprons and other airport infrastructure. Everything in Airport CEO is deeply simulated and it is your job to make sure it all runs smoothly and with a positive bank account.


Airlines and their travelers are an essential element of Airport CEO as they consist of the main source of your airport’s income. Signing contracts with airlines bring cash-flow and passengers to your airport which in term means opportunities for receiving different service fees, as well as passenger expenditures. Airlines come in different sizes and have different requirements on your airport and the services you offer, you are responsible for not only planning the flight schedule but also for meeting and maintaining the needs. Occasionally you will need to handle emergencies and delays due to bad weather or accidents in the area, all which will put your management skills to the test.


Passengers in Airport CEO all have their unique personalities, needs, a background story and most importantly; a flight to catch (on time). Passengers are thoroughly simulated and their decisions, behaviors and opinions about your airport are affected by several factors. Passengers in Airport CEO, just as in real life, must wait in lines, check in, pass security and then entertain themselves until their flight is ready for boarding. Arriving passengers must find their way the baggage claim, get a hold of their bags and maybe pass a customs booth before getting on their airport transfer. Whether they’ll be able to actually catch their flight is up to you: Passengers might have a hard time finding their way around the airport so you build an information desk, passengers might get irritated because of the long security queue and waiting time so you extend its capacity, passengers might complain about the lack of fun things to do in the gate area so you build a duty-free shop or exclusive brand boutiques.


Employees are those you rely on to keep your airport running. Just as passengers they are simulated individuals who have a mind of their own. Employees have a number of different roles and it is your job to make sure that your airport has the right and necessary work force at any time. From passenger service agents, janitors, ramp agents and mechanics, security officers to administrators and executives. The more you expand your airport’s capacity and services, the more versatile and skilled your employees have to be. When employees interact with passengers, they’ll have to be skilled at managing people and stress resistant in order to avoid making mistakes or give bad customer service.

Facilities and buildings

Airports are complex mega-structures with a lot of different buildings and facilities. While a small airport might not need more than a simple grass runway and a terminal, as you grow your airport you will have to expand its facilities ranging from air control towers, larger aircraft stands and taxiways to fire, weather, catering or fuel stations. As your airport grows your terminal grows with it and you will have to make sure that it is equipped with the necessary facilities that passengers are expecting. Building a terminal in Airport CEO is highly customizable where you lay out its shape and interior such floor type, walls, windows and doors. Baggage needs to be processed and transported to the same flight as its owner and its all up to you to avoid bottlenecks and by designing the ultimate airport terminal.

Being a CEO

Data, data, data! As the acting CEO of your airport you need to be able to make difficult business decisions based on current operation. In Airport CEO you’re provided with multiple sources of information from which you can draw conclusions and manage your airport. As the CEO you will not only be responsible for the architecture of the airport but also for those working in it. Tired of planning every flight? Establish an informatics department and let an automated system do it for you! Tired of assessing the monthly budget balance? Hire a CFO which can help you cut cost and set prices. Best of luck!
Airport CEO est un jeu de magnat et de gestion où vous prenez le siège en tant que PDG de votre propre aéroport. Vous devez construire l’infrastructure de l’aéroport avec tout ce qu’il y faudra ; des pistes, des voies de circulation, des portes et des rampes, des terminaux avec check-in, des contrôles de sécurité, des restaurants et des boutiques. Vous allez prendre la perspective économique sur l’aéroport en embauchant des employés et des cadres. Vous faites des affaires avec les compagnies aériennes, tout en contrôlant que se maintiennent le budget el les ressources.

Il vous faudra répondre aux besoins des passagers ; ne pas leur faire trop attendre, les traiter avec gentillesse et utilité et faire qu’ils se sentent en sécurité en gardant les incidents potentiels à distance : un passager heureux est un passager qui dépense. Il se peut que vous rencontriez des problèmes tels que des employés stressés, de l’équipement en panne et du mauvais temps ; pas mal de choses pourront causer des délais massifs ou même des atterrissages d’urgence. Ce sera vous le responsable quand les choses vont mal – et vous serez très riche quand tout va bien.

Gestion d’un aéroport

L’objectif du jeu est de construire et gérer un aéroport jusqu’à la perfection. Vous prendrez des décisions stratégiques, vous dessinerez l’aéroport d’une manière optimale pour que les passagers et les compagnies aériennes se sentent à l’aise. Vous devrez dessiner et construire du fond l’aéroport entier, inclus les sols, les murs, les portes et les objets des terminaux, ainsi que l’infrastructure avec les pistes, les taxiways, les rampes et cetera. Tout en Airport CEO est profondément simulé et c’est à vous de contrôler que tout va bien et que le compte bancaire se maintient en positif.

Les compagnies aériennes

Les compagnies et leurs voyageurs sont des éléments essentiels du jeu Airport CEO, comme ils sont la source plus importante des revenus de l’aéroport. Signer des contrats avec des compagnies aériennes apporte de l’argent liquide et des passagers à l’aéroport, ce qui rend possible d’encaisser de différentes charges de service et des redevances passagers. Les compagnies aériennent varient en taille et en demandes vis à vis de votre aéroport et vos services et c’est à vous de planifier l’horaire des vols et de correspondre à leurs besoins. De temps en temps il vous faudra traiter avec des urgences et des délais, dûs au mauvais temps ou aux accidents proches. Tout cela va tester vos talents de gestion.

Les passagers

Les passagers en Airport CEO ont tous leur personnalité, leurs besoins, leur histoire et, plus important, un vol a attraper (à l’heure). Les passagers sont soigneusement simulés et leurs décisions, comportements et opinions sur votre aéroport dépendent de plusieurs facteurs. Les passagers dans Airport CEO, ainsi que dans la vie réelle, doivent faire la queue, enregistrer, passer la sécurité et ensuite se divertir avant leur embarquement. Les arrivants doivent trouver leurs bagages, prendre leurs valises et peut-être passer la douane avant de trouver leur service de transfert. S’ils vont arriver à l’heure ou non, cela dépend de vous ! Il se peut que les passagers aient des problèmes à s’orienter ; donc vous construirez un bureau d’information. La queue de sécurité est peut-être trop longue ; vous étendrez la capacité. Les passagers se plaignent de n’avoir rien à faire pendant les heures d’attente ; vous faites ouvrir des boutiques de marque ou un magasin duty free.

Les employés

Le personnel est super important pour la gestion de l’aéroport. Comme les passagers, les employés sont simulés en tant qu’individus avec un comportement propre. Ils ont des rôles différents et c’est à vous de assurer qu’il y aura le personnel nécessaire à toute heure. Il y en a beaucoup, par exemple des agents du service passagers, des concierges, des agents de rampe, des mécaniciens, des officiers de sécurité, des administrateurs et des cadres. Quand vous augmentez la capacité et les services de l’aéroport, plus les exigences sur votre personnel sont élevées. En interagissant avec les passagers, les employés doivent être habiles et résistants au stress, afin qu’ils ne fassent pas d’erreurs et que le service aux clients soit toujours bon.

Facilités et bâtiments

Les aéroports sont des mégastructures complexes avec beaucoup de bâtiments et de facilités différents. Tandis qu’un petit aéroport a besoin d’une simple piste en herbe et un seul terminal, un plus grand aéroport devra contenir plusieures facilités, comme une tour de contrôle, des aires de stationnement plus grandes, des taxiways, du service météo, des services de pompiers, de restauration et de carburants. À mesure que votre aéroport se fait plus grand, les exigences sur le terminal augmentent aussi, pour pouvoir correspondre aux demandes des passagers. Construire un terminal dans Airport CEO est très personnalisable ; vous dessinez la forme et l’intérieur, comme le style des sols, des murs, des fenêtres et des portes. Les bagages doivent être expédiées et transportées au même vol que leur propriétaire et c’est à vous de faire éviter les goulets d’étranglement en dessinant le terminal parfait.

Le rôle de CEO

Les donnés, c’est tout! En tant que CEO de votre aéroport, il vous faudra prendre des décisions commerciales difficiles, fondées sur les opérations en cours. Dans Airport CEO vous recevrez des sources d’information multiples, à partir desquelles vous prendrez des décisions qui concernent la gestion de l’aéroport. Comme CEO vous êtes responsable et de l’architecture des installations, et aussi des personnes qui y travaillent. Fatigué de planifier tous les vols ? Installez un département d’information avec un système automatique. Las d’évaluer le budget mensuel ? Embauchez un DAF (directeur administratif et financier) pour vous aider à réduire les coûts et décider les prix. Bonne chance !
Airport CEO Airport CEO ist ein Tycoon und Managementspiel, in dem Sie als CEO Ihres eigenen Flughafens Platz nehmen. Du musst die Infrastruktur des Flughafens aufbauen – von den Lande- und Rollbahnen, Gates und Vorfeldern bis hin zum Bau von Terminals mit Check-In, Sicherheitskontrollen, Restaurants und Geschäften. Du verwaltest die Geschäftsseite des Flughafens, indem du Angestellte und Führungskräfte anheuerst, Deals mit Airlines aushandelst und sicherstellst, dass du genug Geld verdienst, indem du Budget und Ressourcen im Auge behältst.

Du musst dich um die Passagiere kümmern, damit ihre Wartezeit so gering wie möglich ist. Dazu brauchst du freundliches und hilfreiches Personal. Damit Passagiere sich sicher fühlen, solltest du mögliche Vorfälle auf ein Minimum beschränken, denn ein glücklicher Passagier, ist ein Passagier, der gerne die Geldbörse öffnet. Hoffentlich hast du keine Probleme mit gestresstem Personal, kaputten Gerätschaften oder schlechtem Wetter, das zu großen Verzögerungen oder sogar Notlandungen führt. Wenn etwas schief geht, wirst du zur Rechenschaft gezogen. Läuft aber alles richtig, wirst du stinkreich.

Einen Flughafen betreiben

Dein Ziel ist es, deinen Flughafen perfekt zu planen und zu verwalten. Dazu musst du strategische Entscheidungen treffen, das optimale Layout für den Flughafen finden und zu guter Letzt sicherstellen, dass deine Passagiere und die Airlines glücklich sind und es auch bleiben. Du fängst ganz von vorne an – zuerst muss ein Fundament für das Terminal gebaut werden, dann folgen Wände, Türen und Objekte, und dazu eine Flughafeninfrastruktur mit Landebahnen, Rollbahnen, Vorfeldern und anderen nötigen Anlagen. Alles in Airport CEO ist simuliert und deine Aufgabe ist es, dafür zu sorgen, dass alles reibungslos läuft und du schwarze Zahlen schreibst.


Die Airlines und ihre Fluggäste sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil von Airport CEO, denn sie sind die Hauptquelle deiner Einkünfte. Verträge mit Airlines bringen Cashflow und Passagiere für deinen Flughafen, was wiederum Einkunftsmöglichkeiten durch verschiedene Gebühren und Aufwendungen für Passagiere beinhaltet. Airlines gibt es in verschiedenen Formen und Größen. Sie stellen unterschiedliche Anforderungen an deinen Flughafen und die Dienstleistungen, die du anbietest. Du bist nicht nur für den Flugplan, sondern auch für die Erfüllung ihrer Anforderungen verantwortlich. Manchmal musst du dich auch um Notfälle oder Verspätungen aufgrund von schlechtem Wetter oder Unfällen in der Nähe kümmern. Diese Vorfälle stellen dein ganzes Managementtalent auf die Probe.


Die Passagiere in Airport CEO haben alle eigenen Persönlichkeiten, Anforderungen, eine Hintergrundgeschichte, und – was noch wichtiger ist: einen Flug, den sie erwischen müssen (pünktlich!). Die Passagiere sind vollständig simuliert und ihre Entscheidungen, Verhaltensmuster und Meinungen über deinen Flughafen basieren auf mehreren Faktoren. Passagiere in Airport CEO müssen (wie im echten Leben auch) in Warteschlangen warten, einchecken, durch die Sicherheitskontrollen und sich dann beschäftigen, bis der Flug zum Boarden bereit ist. Passagiere, die ankommen, müssen den Weg zur Gepäckabholung finden, ihr Gepäck einsammeln und dann vielleicht noch am Zoll vorbei, bevor sie den Flughafen verlassen können. Ob sie ihren Flug tatsächlich erwischen, hängt von dir ab: Es kann sein, dass Passagiere ihren Weg nicht finden und du ihnen einen Infostand zur Verfügung stellen musst. Manchmal sind sie auch von langen Warteschlangen und -zeiten genervt, sodass es sich lohnen würde, die Flughafenkapazitäten zu erweitern. Oder sie beschweren sich, wenn es nicht genug interessante Sachen im Gate-Bereich zu tun gibt. Da hilft dann ein Duty-Free-Shop oder exklusive Markenboutiquen.


Du musst dich darauf verlassen, dass dein Personal den Flughafen am Laufen hält. So wie die Passagiere simulierte Individuen sind, die einen eigenen Willen haben, verfügen auch die Mitarbeiter über verschiedene Rollen. Deine Aufgabe ist es, sicherzustellen, dass dein Flughafen jederzeit die richtigen, erforderlichen Mitarbeiter hat. Du brauchst Dienstleister für Passagiere, Hausmeister, Ramp-Agents und Mechaniker, Sicherheitsbeamte, Administratoren und Führungskräfte. Je weiter du die Kapazitäten und Dienste deines Flughafens ausbaust, desto flexibler und fähiger müssen deine Angestellten sein. Wenn sie mit Passagieren zu tun haben, dann müssen sie über eine gute Menschenkenntnis verfügen und stressresistent sein, damit sie keine Fehler machen oder Passagiere schlecht behandeln.

Einrichtungen und Gebäude

Flughäfen sind komplexe Megastrukturen mit vielen verschiedenen Gebäuden und Einrichtungen. Für einen kleinen Flughafen mag eine einfache Start- und Landebahn und ein Terminal ausreichen, aber wenn dein Flughafen größer wird, musst du die Einrichtungen erweitern. Das können Flugverkehrskontrolltürme sein, größere Flugzeugstandplätze und Rollfelder, bis hin zu Stationen für Catering oder Treibstoff. Wenn dein Flughafen größer wird, werden auch die Terminals größer und du musst sicherstellen, dass sie mit den Einrichtungen ausgestattet sind, die die Passagiere erwarten. Du kannst dein Terminal in Airport CEO umfangreich anpassen, indem du die Form und die Innenausrichtung wählst, sowie Wände, Fenster und Türen. Das Gepäck muss weitergeleitet und zum selben Flug wie der dazugehöre Passagier transportiert werden, und es liegt an dir, Engpässe zu vermeiden und das ultimative Flughafenterminal zu entwerfen.

CEO sein

Daten, Daten, Daten! Als CEO deines Flughafens musst du in der Lage sein, wichtige Geschäftsentscheidungen aufgrund des derzeitigen Betriebs zu treffen. In Airport CEO stehen dir verschiedene Informationsquellen zur Verfügung, die dir helfen, Schlüsse zu ziehen und deinen Flughafen zu verwalten. Als CEO bist du nicht nur für die Architektur des Flughafens verantwortlich, sondern auch für alle, die dort arbeiten. Du hast keine Lust mehr, jeden Flug zu planen? Dann richte eine IT-Abteilung ein und lass die Arbeit von einem automatisierten System erledigen! Du willst nicht mehr monatlich mit deinem Budget rechnen müssen? Heure einen CFO an, der dir hilft, Kosten zu senken und Preise festzusetzen. Viel Glück!
Airport CEO is a tycoon and management game where you take the seat as a CEO of your own airport. You will build the airport’s infrastructure with everything from runways and taxiways, gates and aprons to constructing terminals with check-in, security, restaurants and shops. You will manage the business perspective of the airport by hiring employees and executives, making deals with airline companies and making sure that ends meet by keeping an eye on budget and resources.

You will have to cater to the passengers by keeping waiting time to a minimum, by having friendly and helpful staff around and by making passengers feel secure, keeping any potential incidents at bay; a happy passenger is a spending passenger. Hopefully you won’t run into any problems such as stressed out employee, equipment breakdowns or bad weather which can cause massive delays or even emergency landings. You will be held accountable when things go wrong and filthy rich when things go right.

Running an airport

Your objective is to build and manage your airport to perfection by making strategic decisions, designing the optimal airport layout and ultimately making sure that your passengers and airlines are satisfied. You will need to build the entire airport from scratch including terminal foundations with floors, walls, doors and items as well as the airport infrastructure including runways, taxiways, aprons and other airport infrastructure. Everything in Airport CEO is deeply simulated and it is your job to make sure it all runs smoothly and with a positive bank account.


Airlines and their travelers are an essential element of Airport CEO as they consist of the main source of your airport’s income. Signing contracts with airlines bring cash-flow and passengers to your airport which in term means opportunities for receiving different service fees, as well as passenger expenditures. Airlines come in different sizes and have different requirements on your airport and the services you offer, you are responsible for not only planning the flight schedule but also for meeting and maintaining the needs. Occasionally you will need to handle emergencies and delays due to bad weather or accidents in the area, all which will put your management skills to the test.


Passengers in Airport CEO all have their unique personalities, needs, a background story and most importantly; a flight to catch (on time). Passengers are thoroughly simulated and their decisions, behaviors and opinions about your airport are affected by several factors. Passengers in Airport CEO, just as in real life, must wait in lines, check in, pass security and then entertain themselves until their flight is ready for boarding. Arriving passengers must find their way the baggage claim, get a hold of their bags and maybe pass a customs booth before getting on their airport transfer. Whether they’ll be able to actually catch their flight is up to you: Passengers might have a hard time finding their way around the airport so you build an information desk, passengers might get irritated because of the long security queue and waiting time so you extend its capacity, passengers might complain about the lack of fun things to do in the gate area so you build a duty-free shop or exclusive brand boutiques.


Employees are those you rely on to keep your airport running. Just as passengers they are simulated individuals who have a mind of their own. Employees have a number of different roles and it is your job to make sure that your airport has the right and necessary work force at any time. From passenger service agents, janitors, ramp agents and mechanics, security officers to administrators and executives. The more you expand your airport’s capacity and services, the more versatile and skilled your employees have to be. When employees interact with passengers, they’ll have to be skilled at managing people and stress resistant in order to avoid making mistakes or give bad customer service.

Facilities and buildings

Airports are complex mega-structures with a lot of different buildings and facilities. While a small airport might not need more than a simple grass runway and a terminal, as you grow your airport you will have to expand its facilities ranging from air control towers, larger aircraft stands and taxiways to fire, weather, catering or fuel stations. As your airport grows your terminal grows with it and you will have to make sure that it is equipped with the necessary facilities that passengers are expecting. Building a terminal in Airport CEO is highly customizable where you lay out its shape and interior such floor type, walls, windows and doors. Baggage needs to be processed and transported to the same flight as its owner and its all up to you to avoid bottlenecks and by designing the ultimate airport terminal.

Being a CEO

Data, data, data! As the acting CEO of your airport you need to be able to make difficult business decisions based on current operation. In Airport CEO you’re provided with multiple sources of information from which you can draw conclusions and manage your airport. As the CEO you will not only be responsible for the architecture of the airport but also for those working in it. Tired of planning every flight? Establish an informatics department and let an automated system do it for you! Tired of assessing the monthly budget balance? Hire a CFO which can help you cut cost and set prices. Best of luck!
Airport CEO è un magnate e un gioco gestionale in cui prendi posto come CEO del tuo aeroporto. Costruirai tutte le infrastrutture dell'aeroporto, dalle piste e vie di rullaggio, ai gate e aree di stazionamento, fino alla costruzione di terminal con check-in, sicurezza, ristoranti e negozi. Potrai gestire la direzione dell'aeroporto assumendo dipendenti e dirigenti, stringendo accordi con le compagnie aeree e e assicurandoti di tenere d'occhio il budget e le risorse a fine mese.

Dovrai occuparti dei passeggeri riducendo al minimo i tempi di attesa, circondandoti di personale cordiale e disponibile e facendo in modo che i passeggeri si sentano sicuri, facendo sì che i passeggeri si sentano al sicuro, prevenendo eventuali incidenti; un passeggero felice è un passeggero che spende. Spera di non incorrere in problemi come dipendenti stressati, guasti alle attrezzature o il maltempo che potrebbe causare enormi ritardi o anche atterraggi di emergenza. Sarai ritenuto responsabile quando le cose andranno male e diventerai ricco sfondato quando le cose invece andranno bene.

Gestione di un aeroporto

Il tuo obiettivo è quello di costruire e gestire il tuo aeroporto alla perfezione, prendendo decisioni strategiche, progettando la configurazione ottimale dell'aeroporto e, infine, fare in modo che i passeggeri e le compagnie aeree siano soddisfatti. Dovrai costruire l'intero aeroporto da zero, comprese le fondamenta dei terminal con pavimenti, muri, porte e oggetti, così come l'infrastruttura aeroportuale, tra cui piste, vie di rullaggio, Gate e il resto. Tutto in Airport CEO è profondamente simulato ed è tuo compito assicurarti che tutto fili liscio mantenendo un saldo in banca positivo.

Le compagnie aeree

Le compagnie aeree e i loro viaggiatori sono un elemento essenziale di Airport CEO in quanto costituiscono la principale fonte di reddito del tuo aeroporto. Firmare dei contratti con le compagnie aeree porta contanti e passeggeri al tuo aeroporto, che si tramutano in opportunità di ricevere diverse tariffe di servizio, oltre agli incassi per i passeggeri. Le compagnie aeree sono disponibili in diverse dimensioni e hanno esigenze diverse riguardo al tuo aeroporto ed ai servizi che offri, sarai responsabile non solo di pianificare il programma di volo, ma anche di venire incontro e soddisfare le loro necessità. Occasionalmente dovrai gestire emergenze e ritardi a causa del maltempo o di incidenti in zona e tutto ciò metterà alla prova le tue abilità di gestione.

I passeggeri

I passeggeri in Airport CEO hanno tutti personalità uniche, esigenze, una storia alle spalle e, soprattutto un volo da prendere (in tempo). I passeggeri vengono accuratamente riprodotti e le loro decisioni, i loro comportamenti e le loro opinioni per quanto riguarda il tuo aeroporto sono influenzati da diversi fattori. I passeggeri in Airport CEO, proprio come nella vita reale, devono aspettare in fila, fare il check-in, passare i controlli di sicurezza e poi intrattenersi fino a quando il loro volo è pronto per l'imbarco. I passeggeri in arrivo devono trovare la strada per il ritiro dei bagagli, prendere i loro bagagli e magari passare da una cabina doganale prima di salire a bordo di un mezzo dedicato al trasferimento dall'aeroporto. Spetta a te fare in modo che siano in grado di prendere davvero il loro volo: i passeggeri potrebbero avere difficoltà ad orientarsi in aeroporto, quindi costruisci uno sportello informazioni, potrebbero irritarsi a causa della lunga coda e dei tempi di attesa per i controlli di sicurezza, quindi tu estendine le capacità, i passeggeri potrebbero lamentarsi della mancanza di cose divertenti da fare nel gate, quindi costruisci dei duty-free o delle boutique di marchi esclusivi.

I Dipendenti

È ai dipendenti che ti affidi per mantenere in funzione l'aeroporto. Proprio come i passeggeri, anche loro sono individui simulati con una mente propria. I dipendenti hanno un certo numero di ruoli diversi, ed è tuo compito assicurarti che il tuo aeroporto disponga della forza lavoro giusta e necessaria in qualsiasi momento. Dagli addetti al servizio passeggeri, agli inservienti, agli agenti di rampa e ai meccanici, agli addetti alla sicurezza, passando per gli amministratori e i dirigenti. Più espandi le capacità e i servizi del tuo aeroporto, più i tuoi dipendenti devono essere versatili e qualificati. Quando i dipendenti interagiscono con i passeggeri, devono essere abili nel gestire le persone e resistenti allo stress, per evitare errori o fornire un cattivo servizio clienti.

Strutture ed edifici

Gli aeroporti sono mega-strutture complesse con molti edifici e strutture diverse. Mentre un piccolo aeroporto potrebbe non aver bisogno di più di una semplice pista in erba e di un terminal, man mano che il tuo aeroporto si espande, dovrai ingrandire le sue strutture che vanno dalle torri di controllo del traffico aereo, piazzole di sosta più grandi per gli aeromobili e vie di rullaggio per le stazioni di servizio antincendio, meteorologiche, di ristorazione o di rifornimento carburante. In base a come si espande il tuo aeroporto, anche il tuo terminal cresce e dovrai fare in modo che sia dotato delle strutture necessarie che i passeggeri si aspettano. La costruzione di un terminal in Airport CEO è altamente personalizzabile e potrai definirne l disposizione e gli interni come il tipo di pavimento, pareti, finestre e porte. Il bagaglio dovrà essere gestito e trasportato sullo stesso volo del suo proprietario e tutto dipenderà da te per evitare intoppi e progettando il terminal aeroportuale definitivo.

Essere un CEO

Dati, dati, dati! In qualità di CEO del tuo aeroporto dovrai essere in grado di prendere decisioni aziendali difficili in base alle operazioni da svolgere. In Airport CEO ti vengono fornite molteplici fonti di informazioni da cui puoi trarre conclusioni e gestire il tuo aeroporto. In qualità di CEO sarai responsabile non solo dell'architettura dell'aeroporto, ma anche di coloro che vi lavorano. Stanco di pianificare ogni volo? Crea un dipartimento di informatica e lascia che un sistema automatizzato lo faccia per te! Stanco di valutare il saldo del budget mensile? Assumi un CFO che può aiutarti a ridurre i costi e a fissare i prezzi. Buona fortuna!
Airport CEO to gra typu potentat i zarządzanie, w której zajmujesz stanowisko prezesa własnego lotniska. Budujesz całą infrastrukturę lotniska, od pasów startowych i dróg kołowania, bram i hangarów po budowę terminali do odprawy pasażerów, ochroną, restauracjami i sklepami. Będziesz zarządzać perspektywą biznesową lotniska, zatrudniając pracowników i kadrę kierowniczą, zawierając umowy z liniami lotniczymi a dzięki kontroli budżetu i zasobów, upewnisz się, że wszystko zarabia na swoje utrzymanie. W grze będziesz musiał zaspokoić potrzeby pasażerów, ograniczając ich czas oczekiwania do minimum, zapewnić przyjazny i pomocny personel oraz dbać o bezpieczeństwo pasażerów i zapobiegać ewentualnym incydentom; szczęśliwy pasażer jest pasażerem wydającym pieniądze. Mamy nadzieję, że nie napotkasz żadnych problemów, takich jak zestresowany pracownik, awarie sprzętu lub zła pogoda, które mogą powodować ogromne opóźnienia, a nawet awaryjne lądowania. Będziesz pociągnięty do odpowiedzialności, gdy coś pójdzie nie tak, i obrzydliwie bogaty, gdy wszystko ułoży się dobrze.

Prowadzenie lotniska

Twoim celem jest zbudowanie lotniska oraz opanowanie zarządzania nim do perfekcji poprzez podejmowanie strategicznych decyzji, projektowanie optymalnego układu lotniska i ostatecznie upewnienie się, że pasażerowie i linie lotnicze są zadowolone. Będziesz musiał zbudować od podstaw całe lotnisko, w tym fundamenty terminali z podłogami, ścianami, drzwiami i przedmiotami, a także infrastrukturę lotniska, w tym pasy startowe, drogi kołowania, płyty postojowe i inną infrastrukturę lotniska. Wszystko w Airport CEO jest głęboko symulowane i Twoim zadaniem jest upewnienie się, że wszystko działa płynnie oraz stan konta posiada wartość na plusie.

Linie lotnicze

Linie lotnicze i ich podróżni są istotnym elementem Airport CEO, ponieważ stanowią oni główne źródło dochodów Twojego lotniska. Podpisanie umów z liniami lotniczymi zapewnia przypływ gotówki i pasażerów na lotnisko, co z kolei oznacza pasażerów wydających pieniądze oraz możliwość otrzymywania pieniędzy za oferowane usługi. Linie lotnicze są dostępne w różnych rozmiarach i mają różne wymagania dotyczące lotniska oraz oferowanych usług. Odpowiadasz nie tylko za planowanie rozkładu lotów, ale także za spełnianie potrzeb. Czasami będziesz musiał poradzić sobie z sytuacjami kryzysowymi i opóźnieniami spowodowanymi złymi warunkami pogodowymi lub wypadkami w okolicy, a wszystko to wystawi Twoje umiejętności zarządzania na próbę.


Wszyscy pasażerowie w grze Airport CEO mają swoją wyjątkową osobowość, potrzeby, historię i, co najważniejsze, lot do złapania (na czas). Pasażerowie są częścią symulacji, a na ich decyzje, zachowania i opinie na temat Twojego lotniska ma wpływ kilka czynników. Pasażerowie w Airport CEO, podobnie jak w prawdziwym życiu, muszą czekać w kolejkach, odprawić się, przejść kontrolę bezpieczeństwa, a następnie szukać rozrywki do momentu, gdy samolot będzie gotowy do wpuszczenia pasażerów na pokład. Przybywający pasażerowie muszą znaleźć drogę do strefy odbioru bagażu, odebrać bagaż i być może przejść przez stanowisko celne przed transferem do ich punktu docelowego. To, czy uda im się złapać lot, zależy od Ciebie. Pasażerowie mają trudności ze znalezieniem drogi na lotnisku? Zbuduj punkt informacyjny. Pasażerowie są zirytowani z powodu długiej kolejki do kontroli bezpieczeństwa i czasu oczekiwania? Rozważ zwiększenie pojemności lotniska. Pasażerowie narzekają na brak rozrywki w strefie dla pasażerów, może zbudujesz sklep wolnocłowy lub ekskluzywne butiki?


Pracownicy to osoby na których polegasz jeśli chodzi o utrzymywanie lotniska. Podobnie jak pasażerowie, są oni częścią symulacji i osobami, które mają własne zdanie. Pracownicy mają wiele różnych ról i Twoim zadaniem jest upewnienie się, że Twoje lotnisko ma odpowiednią i niezbędną siłę roboczą w dowolnym momencie.
Od osób z obsługi pasażerów, dozorców, pracowników obsługi naziemnej i mechaników, oficerów bezpieczeństwa po administratorów i kierownictwo. Im bardziej zwiększysz przepustowość i usługi swojego lotniska, tym bardziej wszechstronni i wykwalifikowani muszą być Twoi pracownicy. Kiedy pracownicy wchodzą w interakcje z pasażerami, muszą oni być wykwalifikowani w zarządzaniu ludźmi i odporni na stres, tak, aby uniknąć błędów lub złej obsługi klienta.

Udogodnienia i budynki

Porty lotnicze są złożonymi mega-strukturami z wieloma różnymi budynkami i obiektami. Podczas gdy małe lotnisko może potrzebować jedynie prostego pasa startowego z trawą i terminala, wraz z rozwojem lotniska będziesz musiał rozbudowywać swoje zaplecze, od wież kontrolnych, większych samolotów i dróg kołowania do stacji przeciwpożarowych, pogodowych, gastronomicznych lub paliwowych. Wraz ze wzrostem lotniska rośnie wraz z nim terminal i będziesz musiał upewnić się, że jest on wyposażony w niezbędne urządzenia, których oczekują pasażerowie. Budowa terminalu w Airport CEO jest możliwa do dostosowywania, poprzez dobranie jego kształtu i wnętrze wybierając rodzaj podłogi, ściany, okna i drzwi. Bagaż musi zostać przetworzony i przetransportowany na ten sam lot, co jego właściciel. To, czy uda Ci się uniknąć problemów związanych z małą wydajnością i zaprojektować ostateczny funkcjonalny terminal lotniska zależy tylko od Ciebie!

Zostań Dyrektorem Generalnym

Dane, dane, dane! Jako dyrektor generalny swojego lotniska musisz być w stanie podejmować trudne decyzje biznesowe na podstawie bieżącej działalności. W Airport CEO masz wiele źródeł informacji, z których możesz wyciągać wnioski i zarządzać swoim lotniskiem. Jako dyrektor generalny będziesz odpowiedzialny nie tylko za architekturę lotniska, ale także za osoby w nim pracujące. Masz dość planowania każdego lotu? Załóż dział informatyczny i pozwól, aby zautomatyzowany system zrobił to za Ciebie! Masz dość oceniania miesięcznego salda budżetowego? Zatrudnij dyrektora finansowego, który pomoże Ci obniżyć koszty i ustalić ceny. Powodzenia!
Airport CEO is a tycoon and management game where you take the seat as a CEO of your own airport. You will build the airport’s infrastructure with everything from runways and taxiways, gates and aprons to constructing terminals with check-in, security, restaurants and shops. You will manage the business perspective of the airport by hiring employees and executives, making deals with airline companies and making sure that ends meet by keeping an eye on budget and resources.

You will have to cater to the passengers by keeping waiting time to a minimum, by having friendly and helpful staff around and by making passengers feel secure, keeping any potential incidents at bay; a happy passenger is a spending passenger. Hopefully you won’t run into any problems such as stressed out employee, equipment breakdowns or bad weather which can cause massive delays or even emergency landings. You will be held accountable when things go wrong and filthy rich when things go right.

Running an airport

Your objective is to build and manage your airport to perfection by making strategic decisions, designing the optimal airport layout and ultimately making sure that your passengers and airlines are satisfied. You will need to build the entire airport from scratch including terminal foundations with floors, walls, doors and items as well as the airport infrastructure including runways, taxiways, aprons and other airport infrastructure. Everything in Airport CEO is deeply simulated and it is your job to make sure it all runs smoothly and with a positive bank account.


Airlines and their travelers are an essential element of Airport CEO as they consist of the main source of your airport’s income. Signing contracts with airlines bring cash-flow and passengers to your airport which in term means opportunities for receiving different service fees, as well as passenger expenditures. Airlines come in different sizes and have different requirements on your airport and the services you offer, you are responsible for not only planning the flight schedule but also for meeting and maintaining the needs. Occasionally you will need to handle emergencies and delays due to bad weather or accidents in the area, all which will put your management skills to the test.


Passengers in Airport CEO all have their unique personalities, needs, a background story and most importantly; a flight to catch (on time). Passengers are thoroughly simulated and their decisions, behaviors and opinions about your airport are affected by several factors. Passengers in Airport CEO, just as in real life, must wait in lines, check in, pass security and then entertain themselves until their flight is ready for boarding. Arriving passengers must find their way the baggage claim, get a hold of their bags and maybe pass a customs booth before getting on their airport transfer. Whether they’ll be able to actually catch their flight is up to you: Passengers might have a hard time finding their way around the airport so you build an information desk, passengers might get irritated because of the long security queue and waiting time so you extend its capacity, passengers might complain about the lack of fun things to do in the gate area so you build a duty-free shop or exclusive brand boutiques.


Employees are those you rely on to keep your airport running. Just as passengers they are simulated individuals who have a mind of their own. Employees have a number of different roles and it is your job to make sure that your airport has the right and necessary work force at any time. From passenger service agents, janitors, ramp agents and mechanics, security officers to administrators and executives. The more you expand your airport’s capacity and services, the more versatile and skilled your employees have to be. When employees interact with passengers, they’ll have to be skilled at managing people and stress resistant in order to avoid making mistakes or give bad customer service.

Facilities and buildings

Airports are complex mega-structures with a lot of different buildings and facilities. While a small airport might not need more than a simple grass runway and a terminal, as you grow your airport you will have to expand its facilities ranging from air control towers, larger aircraft stands and taxiways to fire, weather, catering or fuel stations. As your airport grows your terminal grows with it and you will have to make sure that it is equipped with the necessary facilities that passengers are expecting. Building a terminal in Airport CEO is highly customizable where you lay out its shape and interior such floor type, walls, windows and doors. Baggage needs to be processed and transported to the same flight as its owner and its all up to you to avoid bottlenecks and by designing the ultimate airport terminal.

Being a CEO

Data, data, data! As the acting CEO of your airport you need to be able to make difficult business decisions based on current operation. In Airport CEO you’re provided with multiple sources of information from which you can draw conclusions and manage your airport. As the CEO you will not only be responsible for the architecture of the airport but also for those working in it. Tired of planning every flight? Establish an informatics department and let an automated system do it for you! Tired of assessing the monthly budget balance? Hire a CFO which can help you cut cost and set prices. Best of luck!
Airport CEO is a tycoon and management game where you take the seat as a CEO of your own airport. You will build the airport’s infrastructure with everything from runways and taxiways, gates and aprons to constructing terminals with check-in, security, restaurants and shops. You will manage the business perspective of the airport by hiring employees and executives, making deals with airline companies and making sure that ends meet by keeping an eye on budget and resources.

You will have to cater to the passengers by keeping waiting time to a minimum, by having friendly and helpful staff around and by making passengers feel secure, keeping any potential incidents at bay; a happy passenger is a spending passenger. Hopefully you won’t run into any problems such as stressed out employee, equipment breakdowns or bad weather which can cause massive delays or even emergency landings. You will be held accountable when things go wrong and filthy rich when things go right.

Running an airport

Your objective is to build and manage your airport to perfection by making strategic decisions, designing the optimal airport layout and ultimately making sure that your passengers and airlines are satisfied. You will need to build the entire airport from scratch including terminal foundations with floors, walls, doors and items as well as the airport infrastructure including runways, taxiways, aprons and other airport infrastructure. Everything in Airport CEO is deeply simulated and it is your job to make sure it all runs smoothly and with a positive bank account.


Airlines and their travelers are an essential element of Airport CEO as they consist of the main source of your airport’s income. Signing contracts with airlines bring cash-flow and passengers to your airport which in term means opportunities for receiving different service fees, as well as passenger expenditures. Airlines come in different sizes and have different requirements on your airport and the services you offer, you are responsible for not only planning the flight schedule but also for meeting and maintaining the needs. Occasionally you will need to handle emergencies and delays due to bad weather or accidents in the area, all which will put your management skills to the test.


Passengers in Airport CEO all have their unique personalities, needs, a background story and most importantly; a flight to catch (on time). Passengers are thoroughly simulated and their decisions, behaviors and opinions about your airport are affected by several factors. Passengers in Airport CEO, just as in real life, must wait in lines, check in, pass security and then entertain themselves until their flight is ready for boarding. Arriving passengers must find their way the baggage claim, get a hold of their bags and maybe pass a customs booth before getting on their airport transfer. Whether they’ll be able to actually catch their flight is up to you: Passengers might have a hard time finding their way around the airport so you build an information desk, passengers might get irritated because of the long security queue and waiting time so you extend its capacity, passengers might complain about the lack of fun things to do in the gate area so you build a duty-free shop or exclusive brand boutiques.


Employees are those you rely on to keep your airport running. Just as passengers they are simulated individuals who have a mind of their own. Employees have a number of different roles and it is your job to make sure that your airport has the right and necessary work force at any time. From passenger service agents, janitors, ramp agents and mechanics, security officers to administrators and executives. The more you expand your airport’s capacity and services, the more versatile and skilled your employees have to be. When employees interact with passengers, they’ll have to be skilled at managing people and stress resistant in order to avoid making mistakes or give bad customer service.

Facilities and buildings

Airports are complex mega-structures with a lot of different buildings and facilities. While a small airport might not need more than a simple grass runway and a terminal, as you grow your airport you will have to expand its facilities ranging from air control towers, larger aircraft stands and taxiways to fire, weather, catering or fuel stations. As your airport grows your terminal grows with it and you will have to make sure that it is equipped with the necessary facilities that passengers are expecting. Building a terminal in Airport CEO is highly customizable where you lay out its shape and interior such floor type, walls, windows and doors. Baggage needs to be processed and transported to the same flight as its owner and its all up to you to avoid bottlenecks and by designing the ultimate airport terminal.

Being a CEO

Data, data, data! As the acting CEO of your airport you need to be able to make difficult business decisions based on current operation. In Airport CEO you’re provided with multiple sources of information from which you can draw conclusions and manage your airport. As the CEO you will not only be responsible for the architecture of the airport but also for those working in it. Tired of planning every flight? Establish an informatics department and let an automated system do it for you! Tired of assessing the monthly budget balance? Hire a CFO which can help you cut cost and set prices. Best of luck!
Airport CEO это игра про магнатов и менеджеров, в которой вы становитесь генеральным директором собственного аэропорта. Вы должны построить инфраструктуру аэропорта, начиная со взлетно-посадочной полосы и подъездов для такси и до строительства терминалов с регистрацией, охраной, ресторанами и магазинами. Вы будете управлять всеми бизнес-аспектами аэропорта, принимая на работу сотрудников и менеджеров, заключая сделки с авиакомпаниями и следя за тем, чтобы ваши ресурсы и деньги не закончились.

Вам придется обслуживать пассажиров, сводя к минимуму их время ожидания, нанимая дружелюбный и эффективный персонал и заботиться об их безопасности, сводя к минимуму любые возможные происшествия; ведь счастливый пассажир - щедрый пассажир. Надеемся, что вы не столкнетесь с уставшими сотрудниками, поломками оборудования или плохой погодой, которые могут привести к значительным задержкам рейсов или даже к аварийным посадкам. Вы будете терять деньги, если дела пойдут плохо, и до жути богатыми, стоит делам пойти в гору.

Управляя Аэропортом

Ваша цель - построить и безошибочно управлять аэропортом, принимая важные стратегические решения, выбирая оптимальное расположение аэропорта и, в идеале, сделать так, чтобы пассажиры и авиакомпании были удовлетворены. Вам надо будет построить целый аэропорт с ноля, включая базу для терминалов с полами, стенами, дверьми и другой инфраструктурой, такими как взлетными полосами, подьездов для такси, козырьков и прочих. Все в Airport CEO - правдоподобная симуляция, и ваша работа - убедиться, что все работает так, как положено, и иметь положительный счет в банке.


Авиакомпании и те, кто путешествует с их помощью - важный элемент Airport CEO, так как они являются главным источником прибыли в аэропорте. Заключение контрактов с авиалиниями принесет приток денег и пассажиров в аэропорт, что для вас означает возможности получения платы за различные сервисы, но и планирование отправки пассажиров. Авиакомпании бывают различных масштабов и у них могут быть различные требования к вашему аэропорту, так как вы ответственны не только за составление расписаний рейсов и предлагаемые услуги. Иногда вам придется справляться с чрезвычайными ситуациями и задержками рейсов из-за плохой погоды или происшествий, что будет отличной проверкой вашим качествам в качестве менеджера.


Пассажиры в Airport CEO обладают особыми личными качествами, потребностями, историей, и самое главное, они должны попасть на рейсы (вовремя). Пассажиры тщательно проработаны, и на их решения, поведение и мнение о вашем аэропорте влияют несколько факторов. Пассажиры в Airport CEO, как и в обычной жизни, должны ожидать очереди, регистрироваться на рейс, проходить проверку охраны, а затем чем-либо заняться, пока их рейс не будет готов для посадки. Прилетающие пассажиры должны получить багаж, взять его с собой и, возможно, пройти таможню, прежде чем сесть на трансфер из аэропорта. Смогут ли они успеть на свой рейс, зависит только от вас: пассажирам может быть трудно передвигаться по аэропорту, поэтому вам надо построить информационный пост; пассажиры могут рассердиться из-за длинной очереди для проверки безопасности и времени ожидания, так что вам надо увеличить вместимость; также они могут жаловаться на отсутствие веселья в зоне терминалов, поэтому вы можете построить магазин Duty-Free или эксклюзивные фирменные бутики.


Сотрудники - это те, кому вы доверяете бесперебойную работу аэропорта. Так же, как пассажиры, они детально проработаны, и обладают собственным разумом. Сотрудникам можно назначить различную работу, и ваша задача в любое время убедиться, что в вашем аэропорту есть необходимые работники. От агентов по обслуживанию пассажиров, уборщиков, регулировщиков, механиков и охранников до администраторов и руководителей. Чем больше вы расширяете вместимость и качество услуг аэропорта, тем более универсальными и квалифицированными должны быть ваши сотрудники. Когда сотрудники обслуживают пассажиров, они должны владеть навыками по работе с людьми и быть устойчивыми к стрессу, чтобы избежать ошибок или недовольства клиентов.

Здания и структуры

Аэропорты - огромные комплексы с огромным количеством зданий и структур. В то время, как маленькому аэропорту достаточно простой взлетной полосы и одного терминала, то при разрастании вашего аэропорта вам надо будет обеспечить его различными строениями вроде башен управления полетами, большим табло для рейсов и подъезда для такси до пожарной, заправочной, метеостанциями и кафе. Когда разрастается ваш аэропорт, ваш терминал тоже разрастается, и вам надо убедиться, что он обеспечен всеми необходимыми строениями, которые нужны пассажирам. Постройку терминала в Airport CEO можно легко настроить, чтобы вы могли создать нужную вам форму и интерьер вроде полов, стен и дверей. Багаж надо обработать и отправить тем же рейсом, которым полетит его владелец, и вы должны избегать проблем, создав лучший терминал.

Быть Директором

Данные, данные, данные! В качестве действующего директора вашего аэропорта, вам надо принимать сложные бизнес-решения, основанные на текущих процессах. В Airport CEO вы обеспечены различными источниками информации, из которых надо извлекать урок и управлять аэропортом эффективно. В качестве директора вы ответственны не только за архитектуру аэропорта, но и за его работников. Устали планировать каждый полет? Создайте информационный отдел, чтобы автоматизированная система собирала информацию вместо вас! Надоело распределять деньги каждый месяц? Наймите Зам Директора по Финансам, который поможет вам сэкономить и установить цены. Удачи!
机场CEO 是一款大亨和管理游戏,您可以在其中担任自己机场的 CEO。您将建造机场的基础设施,从跑道、滑行道、登机门和停机坪到开发带有登机台、保安系统、餐厅和商店的航站楼。您将通过雇佣员工和高管来运营机场业务、与航空公司进行交易,并通过关注预算和资源,确保收支平衡。













Airport CEO es un juego magnate y de gestión en el que usted ocupa el puesto de director ejecutivo de su propio aeropuerto. Tendrás que construir la infraestructura necesaria para el aeropuerto, desde las pistas de aterrizaje, despegue y rodaje, hasta las puertas de embarque, las plataformas de estacionamiento y las terminales, con las zonas de facturación, áreas de acceso, restaurantes y tiendas. Para gestionar el aeropuerto desde una perspectiva empresarial, tendrás que contratar empleados y ejecutivos, llegar a acuerdos con las aerolíneas y cumplir con los objetivos, sin descuidar el presupuesto ni los recursos.

Tendrás que atender a los pasajeros y asegurarte de que su tiempo de espera es mínimo; para ello, deberás contar con empleados amables y serviciales que hagan sentirse seguro al pasajero y que sepan mantener a raya cualquier incidente que pueda ocurrir. Un pasajero feliz es un pasajero que consume. Con suerte no tendrás que lidiar con algunos problemas que puedan causar enormes retrasos o incluso aterrizajes de emergencia, como empleados estresados, averías o mal tiempo. Tendrás que rendir cuentas cuando las cosas vayan mal y serás muy rico cuando vayan bien.

Dirigir un aeropuerto

Tu objetivo es construir y dirigir totalmente tu propio aeropuerto. Para ello, tendrás que tomar decisiones estratégicas, diseñar la distribución del aeropuerto de manera óptima y, básicamente, asegurarte de que tus pasajeros y las compañías aéreas estén satisfechos. Necesitarás construir todo el aeropuerto desde cero, incluidos los cimientos de las terminales, el suelo, las paredes, las puertas y todo lo necesario. También tendrás que construir la propia infraestructura aeroportuaria, como las pistas de aterrizaje, despegue y rodaje, las plataformas de estacionamiento de los aviones y otras infraestructuras indispensables. Todo en Airport CEO está fielmente reproducido, así que tu tarea es hacer que todo funcione sin contratiempos y asegurarte de que tienes dinero en tu cuenta bancaria.


Las compañías aéreas y los pasajeros son esenciales en Airport CEO, pues son la principal fuente de ingresos de tu aeropuerto. Firmar contratos con las aerolíneas te asegurará un flujo de caja y de pasajeros, lo que se traduce en la posibilidad de recibir comisiones y en un mayor gasto por parte de los pasajeros. Cada compañía aérea tiene un tamaño determinado, por lo que sus necesidades y los servicios que requieren serán diferentes. Por tanto, no solo serás el responsable de planificar los vuelos, sino también de atender y satisfacer las necesidades de las aerolíneas. A veces tendrás que hacer frente a emergencias y retrasos debidos al mal tiempo o a accidentes, lo que pondrá a prueba tus habilidades de gestión.


Todos los pasajeros en Airport CEO tienen su propia personalidad, diferentes necesidades, una historia de fondo y, lo más importante, un vuelo que coger (a tiempo). Los pasajeros están reproducidos minuciosamente, así que sus decisiones, comportamientos y opiniones sobre tu aeropuerto dependen de varios factores. Los pasajeros en Airport CEO, al igual que en la vida real, tienen que hacer cola, facturar, pasar el control de seguridad y, por fin, mantenerse ocupados hasta que su vuelo esté listo para embarcar. Los pasajeros que lleguen a tu aeropuerto tienen que buscar la zona de recogida de equipajes, coger sus maletas, e incluso puede que tengan que pasar un puesto de aduanas antes de poder coger el taxi o el bus que les lleve a su destino final. Depende de ti que puedan coger su vuelo a tiempo: Puede que no sepan muy bien hacia dónde tienen que ir, por lo que tendría que haber un mostrador de información; también puede que se enfaden por las largas colas para pasar el control de seguridad y el tiempo que tienen que esperar, así que, en este caso, deberías ampliar la capacidad del aeropuerto. También pueden quejarse porque no haya nada divertido que hacer en la zona de embarque, entonces tendrías que construir un duty-free o tiendas de marcas exclusivas.


Los empleados son, al fin y al cabo, quienes se ocupan del funcionamiento de tu aeropuerto. Al igual que los pasajeros, los empleados tienen su propia personalidad y opinión. Los trabajadores tienen diferentes roles y puestos, así que tendrás que asegurarte de que tu aeropuerto cuente con la cantidad correcta de empleados que necesita en todo momento, como agentes de información, conserjes, agentes de rampa, mecánicos, técnicos de seguridad, administrativos y ejecutivos. Cuanta más capacidad y servicios tenga tu aeropuerto, más versátiles y habilidosos tienen que ser tus empleados. Cuando tus empleados interactúen con los pasajeros, tendrán que ser habilidosos, saber tratar a la gente y ser fuertes frente el estrés para evitar errores o dar un mal servicio al consumidor.

Instalaciones y edificios

Los aeropuertos son megaestructuras muy complejas que cuentan con muchos edificios e instalaciones muy diferentes. Mientras que un aeropuerto pequeño solo necesita una simple pista de césped y una terminal, a medida que tu aeropuerto crezca, tendrás que ampliar el alcance de sus instalaciones y contar con torres de control, zonas más amplias para estacionar los aviones, pistas de rodaje, estaciones de bomberos y meteorológicas, así como terminales de catering y estaciones de repostaje. Como tu aeropuerto crece, tu terminal crece con él, así que tendrás que asegurarte de que cuenta con todo lo necesario que esperan tus pasajeros. Con Airport CEO podrás personalizar totalmente tu terminal, desde el plano en sí hasta los elementos del interior, como el tipo de suelo, las paredes, las ventanas y las puertas. El equipaje se debe controlar y tendrás que comprobar que viaja en el mismo vuelo que sus dueños. Tú serás el responsable de que no haya retrasos actualizando el diseño de tu terminal.

Convertirse en CEO

¡Datos, datos, datos! Como CEO de tu propio aeropuerto, algunas situaciones harán que tengas que tomar difíciles decisiones en cuanto a tu negocio. Airport CEO te dará múltiples fuentes de información con las que sacarás conclusiones para gestionar tu aeropuerto. Como CEO, no solo serás el responsable de la arquitectura del aeropuerto, sino también de su correcto funcionamiento. ¿Cansado de programar los vuelos? ¡Crea un departamento informático y deja que un sistema automatizado lo haga por ti! ¿Harto de evaluar el saldo presupuestario mensual? ¡Contrata a un director financiero! Él o ella te ayudará a reducir costes y a establecer precios. ¡Mucha suerte!
Airport CEO is a tycoon and management game where you take the seat as a CEO of your own airport. You will build the airport’s infrastructure with everything from runways and taxiways, gates and aprons to constructing terminals with check-in, security, restaurants and shops. You will manage the business perspective of the airport by hiring employees and executives, making deals with airline companies and making sure that ends meet by keeping an eye on budget and resources.

You will have to cater to the passengers by keeping waiting time to a minimum, by having friendly and helpful staff around and by making passengers feel secure, keeping any potential incidents at bay; a happy passenger is a spending passenger. Hopefully you won’t run into any problems such as stressed out employee, equipment breakdowns or bad weather which can cause massive delays or even emergency landings. You will be held accountable when things go wrong and filthy rich when things go right.

Running an airport

Your objective is to build and manage your airport to perfection by making strategic decisions, designing the optimal airport layout and ultimately making sure that your passengers and airlines are satisfied. You will need to build the entire airport from scratch including terminal foundations with floors, walls, doors and items as well as the airport infrastructure including runways, taxiways, aprons and other airport infrastructure. Everything in Airport CEO is deeply simulated and it is your job to make sure it all runs smoothly and with a positive bank account.


Airlines and their travelers are an essential element of Airport CEO as they consist of the main source of your airport’s income. Signing contracts with airlines bring cash-flow and passengers to your airport which in term means opportunities for receiving different service fees, as well as passenger expenditures. Airlines come in different sizes and have different requirements on your airport and the services you offer, you are responsible for not only planning the flight schedule but also for meeting and maintaining the needs. Occasionally you will need to handle emergencies and delays due to bad weather or accidents in the area, all which will put your management skills to the test.


Passengers in Airport CEO all have their unique personalities, needs, a background story and most importantly; a flight to catch (on time). Passengers are thoroughly simulated and their decisions, behaviors and opinions about your airport are affected by several factors. Passengers in Airport CEO, just as in real life, must wait in lines, check in, pass security and then entertain themselves until their flight is ready for boarding. Arriving passengers must find their way the baggage claim, get a hold of their bags and maybe pass a customs booth before getting on their airport transfer. Whether they’ll be able to actually catch their flight is up to you: Passengers might have a hard time finding their way around the airport so you build an information desk, passengers might get irritated because of the long security queue and waiting time so you extend its capacity, passengers might complain about the lack of fun things to do in the gate area so you build a duty-free shop or exclusive brand boutiques.


Employees are those you rely on to keep your airport running. Just as passengers they are simulated individuals who have a mind of their own. Employees have a number of different roles and it is your job to make sure that your airport has the right and necessary work force at any time. From passenger service agents, janitors, ramp agents and mechanics, security officers to administrators and executives. The more you expand your airport’s capacity and services, the more versatile and skilled your employees have to be. When employees interact with passengers, they’ll have to be skilled at managing people and stress resistant in order to avoid making mistakes or give bad customer service.

Facilities and buildings

Airports are complex mega-structures with a lot of different buildings and facilities. While a small airport might not need more than a simple grass runway and a terminal, as you grow your airport you will have to expand its facilities ranging from air control towers, larger aircraft stands and taxiways to fire, weather, catering or fuel stations. As your airport grows your terminal grows with it and you will have to make sure that it is equipped with the necessary facilities that passengers are expecting. Building a terminal in Airport CEO is highly customizable where you lay out its shape and interior such floor type, walls, windows and doors. Baggage needs to be processed and transported to the same flight as its owner and its all up to you to avoid bottlenecks and by designing the ultimate airport terminal.

Being a CEO

Data, data, data! As the acting CEO of your airport you need to be able to make difficult business decisions based on current operation. In Airport CEO you’re provided with multiple sources of information from which you can draw conclusions and manage your airport. As the CEO you will not only be responsible for the architecture of the airport but also for those working in it. Tired of planning every flight? Establish an informatics department and let an automated system do it for you! Tired of assessing the monthly budget balance? Hire a CFO which can help you cut cost and set prices. Best of luck!
Airport CEO is a tycoon and management game where you take the seat as a CEO of your own airport. You will build the airport’s infrastructure with everything from runways and taxiways, gates and aprons to constructing terminals with check-in, security, restaurants and shops. You will manage the business perspective of the airport by hiring employees and executives, making deals with airline companies and making sure that ends meet by keeping an eye on budget and resources.

You will have to cater to the passengers by keeping waiting time to a minimum, by having friendly and helpful staff around and by making passengers feel secure, keeping any potential incidents at bay; a happy passenger is a spending passenger. Hopefully you won’t run into any problems such as stressed out employee, equipment breakdowns or bad weather which can cause massive delays or even emergency landings. You will be held accountable when things go wrong and filthy rich when things go right.

Running an airport

Your objective is to build and manage your airport to perfection by making strategic decisions, designing the optimal airport layout and ultimately making sure that your passengers and airlines are satisfied. You will need to build the entire airport from scratch including terminal foundations with floors, walls, doors and items as well as the airport infrastructure including runways, taxiways, aprons and other airport infrastructure. Everything in Airport CEO is deeply simulated and it is your job to make sure it all runs smoothly and with a positive bank account.


Airlines and their travelers are an essential element of Airport CEO as they consist of the main source of your airport’s income. Signing contracts with airlines bring cash-flow and passengers to your airport which in term means opportunities for receiving different service fees, as well as passenger expenditures. Airlines come in different sizes and have different requirements on your airport and the services you offer, you are responsible for not only planning the flight schedule but also for meeting and maintaining the needs. Occasionally you will need to handle emergencies and delays due to bad weather or accidents in the area, all which will put your management skills to the test.


Passengers in Airport CEO all have their unique personalities, needs, a background story and most importantly; a flight to catch (on time). Passengers are thoroughly simulated and their decisions, behaviors and opinions about your airport are affected by several factors. Passengers in Airport CEO, just as in real life, must wait in lines, check in, pass security and then entertain themselves until their flight is ready for boarding. Arriving passengers must find their way the baggage claim, get a hold of their bags and maybe pass a customs booth before getting on their airport transfer. Whether they’ll be able to actually catch their flight is up to you: Passengers might have a hard time finding their way around the airport so you build an information desk, passengers might get irritated because of the long security queue and waiting time so you extend its capacity, passengers might complain about the lack of fun things to do in the gate area so you build a duty-free shop or exclusive brand boutiques.


Employees are those you rely on to keep your airport running. Just as passengers they are simulated individuals who have a mind of their own. Employees have a number of different roles and it is your job to make sure that your airport has the right and necessary work force at any time. From passenger service agents, janitors, ramp agents and mechanics, security officers to administrators and executives. The more you expand your airport’s capacity and services, the more versatile and skilled your employees have to be. When employees interact with passengers, they’ll have to be skilled at managing people and stress resistant in order to avoid making mistakes or give bad customer service.

Facilities and buildings

Airports are complex mega-structures with a lot of different buildings and facilities. While a small airport might not need more than a simple grass runway and a terminal, as you grow your airport you will have to expand its facilities ranging from air control towers, larger aircraft stands and taxiways to fire, weather, catering or fuel stations. As your airport grows your terminal grows with it and you will have to make sure that it is equipped with the necessary facilities that passengers are expecting. Building a terminal in Airport CEO is highly customizable where you lay out its shape and interior such floor type, walls, windows and doors. Baggage needs to be processed and transported to the same flight as its owner and its all up to you to avoid bottlenecks and by designing the ultimate airport terminal.

Being a CEO

Data, data, data! As the acting CEO of your airport you need to be able to make difficult business decisions based on current operation. In Airport CEO you’re provided with multiple sources of information from which you can draw conclusions and manage your airport. As the CEO you will not only be responsible for the architecture of the airport but also for those working in it. Tired of planning every flight? Establish an informatics department and let an automated system do it for you! Tired of assessing the monthly budget balance? Hire a CFO which can help you cut cost and set prices. Best of luck!
Airport CEO kendi havalimanınızın CEO'su olarak yer aldığınız bir iş adamı ve yönetim oyunudur. Pistlerden ve taksi yollarından, kapılardan ve apronlardan tutmuş check-in terminalleri, güvenlik, restoran ve mağazalara kadar her şeyiyle birlikte kendi havalimanızın altyapısını inşa edeceksiniz. Çalışanları ve yöneticileri işe alarak, havayolu şirketleriyle anlaşmalar yaparak ve bütçe ve kaynakları kontrol altında tutarak havalimanının işletme perspektifini yöneten kişi olacaksınız.

Bekleme süresini minimuma indirerek, etrafta canayakın ve yardımsever personelin olmasını sağlayarak ve olası kazaları yolculardan uzak tutmakla onların kendilerini güvende hissetmelerini sağlayarak yolculara hizmet edeceksiniz; mutlu yolcular harcama yapmayı sever. Umuyoruz ki, stresli çalışanlar, ekipman arızaları veya kötü hava koşulları gibi büyük gecikmelere ve hatta acil inişlere neden olabilecek herhangi bir sorunla yüzleşmek zorunda kalmayacaksınız. İşler ters gittiğinde bunun için sorumluluk alacak ve işler yolunda gittiğinde de inanılmaz zengin birine dönüşeceksiniz.

Havaalanının işletilmesi

Amacınız, stratejik kararlar alarak, en uygun havaalanı düzenini tasarlayarak ve sonuç olarak yolcularınızın ve havayollarınızın memnun kalmasını sağlayarak havalimanınızı mükemmel bir şekilde inşa etmek ve yönetmek olacak. Katlar, duvarlar, kapılar ve eşyalar ile terminal temelleri ve pistler, taksi yolları, apronlar ve diğer havaalanı altyapı öğeleri dahil olmak üzere tüm havaalanı altyapısını sıfırdan inşa etmeniz gerekecek. Airport CEO'daki her şey derinden simüle edilmiştir ve her şeyin sorunsuz bir şekilde çalışmasını sağlamak ve banka hesabının devamlı artmasını temin etmek sizin işinizdir.

Hava Yolları

Havayolları ve onları kullanan yolcular, havalimanınızın gelirinin ana kaynağı oldukları için Airport CEO'nun en önemli parçalarından birini oluşturur. Havayolları ile sözleşmelerin imzalanması, havaalanınıza nakit akışı ve yolcular gelmesini sağlar ki, bu da onlara farklı hizmetler sunmak için fırsatların ve yolcu harcamaların oluşması anlamına gelir. Farklı boyutlarda gelen Havayolları, havalimanınızda sunduğunuz hizmetler bakımından farklı gereksinimlere sahiptir, ve sadece uçuş planını planlamak değil, aynı zamanda ihtiyaçları karşılamak için yükümlü olursunuz. Bazen, kötü hava koşulları veya bölgedeki kazalar nedeniyle ortaya çıkan acil durum ve gecikmeleri halletmeniz gerekecek ve bu tür durumlar da yönetim becerilerinizi test edecek.


Airport CEO'daki tüm yolcuların kendine özgü kişilikleri, ihtiyaçları, öz geçmişleri ve en önemlisi de; kaçırmamaları gereken bir uçuşları var. Yolcular yüksek seviyede simüle edilmiştir ve onların havalimanınızla ilgili kararları, davranışları ve fikirleri çeşitli faktörlerden etkilenir. Airport CEO yolcuları, tıpkı gerçek hayatta olduğu gibi, kuyruklarda beklemeli, check-in yapmalı, güvenliği geçmeli ve uçak binişe hazır olana kadar eğlenerek zaman geçirmelidirler. Gelen yolcular, havalimanı transferine ulaşmadan önce bagajlarını almalı, çantalarını tutmalı ve belki de gerekirse bir gümrük kabinini geçmelidir. Onların uçuşlarını gerçekten yakalayıp yakalayamayacakları size kalıyor: Yolcular havalimanında yollarını bulmakta zorlanabilirler, işte bu yüzden bir bilgilendirme masası oluşturmanız lazım.Yolcular uzun güvenlik kuyruğu ve bekleme süresi nedeniyle rahatsız olabilirler, bu yüzden kapasiteyi artırmanız gerekecek. Yolcular kapı alanında yapılacak eğlenceli şeylerin azlığından şikayet edebilirler ki, bu problemi de halletmek için gümrüksüz bir mağaza veya özel marka butikler inşa edebilirsiniz.


Havaalanınızı çalışır durumda tutmak için çalışanlarınıza güvenirsiniz. Yolcular gibi onlar da kendi akıllarına sahip olan simüle edilmiş bireylerdir. Çalışanlar bir sıra farklı rollere sahiptir ve havaalanınızın her zaman doğru ve gerekli iş gücüne sahip olmasını sağlamak sizin görevinizdir. Yolcu servis ajanlarından, kapıcılardan, rampa ajanlarından ve mekaniklerden, güvenlik görevlilerinden idarecilere ve yöneticilere kadar farklı türde çalışanlara sahip olursunuz. Havaalanınızın kapasitesini ve verdiğiniz hizmetlerin kapsamını ne kadar genişletirseniz, çalışanlarınızın da bir o kadar çok yönlü ve yetenekli olması gerekir. Çalışanlar yolcularla etkileşime geçtiğinde, insanları yönetme konusunda becerikli olmaları ve hata yapmamak veya kötü müşteri hizmeti vermemek için strese karşı dirençli olmaları gerekir.

Tesisler ve binalar

Havaalanları, birçok farklı bina ve tesise sahip oldukça karmaşık mega yapılardır. Küçük bir havalimanının basit bir çim pistten ve bir terminalden daha fazlasına ihtiyacı duymasa bile, havalimanınızı büyütürken hava kontrol kuleleri, daha büyük uçak durma alanları ve taksi yollarından tutmuş yangın, hava ve yakıt istasyonlarına kadar çok sayıda farklı tesisler eklemeniz gerekecek. Havaalanınız büyüdükçe terminaliniz de bununla birlikte büyür ve tüm havaalanının yolcuların beklediği gerekli tesislerle donatılmış olmasını sağlamak sizin görevinizdir. Airport CEO'da bir terminal inşa etmek, şeklil ve iç mekan, zemin tipi, duvar, pencere ve kapıların yerleştirilmesi dahil küçük detaylara kadar son derece özelleştirilebilir bir süreçtir. Bagajın işlenmesi ve sahibinin bindiği ile aynı uçağa taşınması gerekir ve darboğazlardan kaçınmak ve en iyi havaalanı terminalini tasarlamak tamamen size bağlıdır.

CEO olmak

Veri, veri, veri! Havalimanınızın CEO'su olarak mevcut operasyona dayanarak kritik iş kararlarını verebilmeniz gerekir. Airport CEO'da, sonuçlar çıkarabileceğiniz ve havalimanınızı yönetebileceğiniz birden fazla bilgi kaynağına erişimiz olur. CEO olarak sadece havaalanının mimarisinden değil, aynı zamanda orada çalışanlardan da sorumlu olacaksınız. Tüm uçuşları planlamaktan bıktınız mı? Bir bilişim departmanı kurun ve bu işlerin sizin için otomatik bir sistemle yapılmasını sağlayın! Aylık bütçe bakiyesini hesaplamaktan bıktınız mı? Maliyeti düşürmenize ve fiyatları belirlemenize yardımcı olabilecek bir CFO işe alın. Bol şans!

System Requirements


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