Arma 3 (EU)
Arma 3 (EU)

Arma 3 (EU)

Release Date: 12/09/2013 | EU
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$15.83 + VAT


Arma 3 Community Guide Series


Sobre o jogo

Experimente uma verdadeira jogabilidade de combate em um mundo aberto militar de multijogador. Com uma enorme variedade de conteúdo para um ou mais jogadores, mais de 20 veículos e 40 armas, além de oportunidades ilimitadas de criação de conteúdo, esse é um dos melhores jogos militares para PC. Autêntico, diverso, aberto - o Arma 3 envia você para a guerra.

Principais características do Arma 3

  • Altis e Stratis
    Derrote seu inimigo em um campo de batalha aberto e incrivelmente detalhado, por mais de 290 km² de terreno nas ilhas mediterrâneas. De cidades a colinas, quer você esteja dominando com o seu tanque pelas planícies poeirentas, pilotando um helicóptero de transporte sobre densas florestas ou travando uma guerra assimétrica nas colinas rochosas, as ilhas de Altis e Stratis são mundos dinâmicos e os cenários dos mais variados confrontos de jogo.
  • Armas e veículos
    Vá para o combate a pé, dirija veículos blindados ou vá até os céus em helicópteros e jatos. Conduza uma ataque com forças combinadas sobre o ar, terra e mar com mais de 20 veículos para conduzir e pilotar, mais de 40 armas para escolher, além de carregamentos personalizados com acessórios para curta e longa distância e diversos tipos de equipamentos para atender a suas necessidades no campo de batalha. Com um enorme arsenal à sua disposição, o Arma 3 leva você para um mundo de oportunidades táticas.
  • Um jogador
    Siga a história de Ben Kerry, um soldado que fica preso em um ponto de confronto no mediterrâneo, por três episódios de campanha orientada por jogabilidade: Sobreviva, Adapte-se, Vença. Emerja-se na jogabilidade diversa do Arma 3 completando os cenários de amostra. Corra pelos competitivos treinamentos de tiro para afiar suas habilidades de tiro e movimento, e complete seu treinamento se inscrevendo para o Arma 3 Bootcamp, que contém tutoriais para um ou mais jogadores, além de um ambiente de treinamento dedicado de Realidade Virtual.
  • Multijogador
    Lute online no mundo aberto militar de multijogador que é o Arma 3. Forme um esquadrão para lutar contra seu inimigo nos cenários oficiais de multijogador de Conquistar e Defender. Ou entre em um dos tão populares modos de jogo não oficiais, desenvolvidos pela comunidade do Arma 3. Experimente uma nova forma de modo multijogador em Arma 3 Zeus, onde os Game Masters têm a habilidade de influenciar o campo de batalha dos outros jogadores em tempo real.
  • Criação de conteúdo
    Comece a criar suas próprias experiências com poderosas ferramentas de modificação e o editor de cenário intuitivo do Arma 3. Divirta-se em uma plataforma cheia de conteúdo criado por jogadores, que vão desde armas e veículos personalizados a cenários intensos de um jogador e modos de jogo completamente novos para multijogador. Compartilhe e descubra mais conteúdo no Steam Workshop do Arma 3, que permite que você instale conteúdos criados por jogadores com apenas um clique.
  • Mecanismo reformulado
    Navegue pelo campo de batalha com animações fluidas e novas. Sinta o poder devastador do combate com uma ferramenta de som aprimorada, uma nova simulação estilo “ragdoll” e veículos compatíveis com PhysX™. Aprimorada com inovações de jogabilidade, a ferramenta Real Virtuality™ 4, altamente personalizável, traz uma nova geração do Arma com gráficos ainda mais impressionantes, uma jogabilidade de simulação ampla e terrenos de mundo aberto massivos.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


Относно играта

Experience true combat gameplay in a massive military sandbox. Deploying a wide variety of single- and multiplayer content, over 20 vehicles and 40 weapons, and limitless opportunities for content creation, this is the PC’s premier military game. Authentic, diverse, open - Arma 3 sends you to war.

Key Features in Arma 3

  • Altis & Stratis
    Defeat your enemy on a richly detailed, open-world battlefield – stretching over 290 km² of Mediterranean island terrain. From expansive cities to rolling hills, whether steamrolling your tank across the dusty plains, flying a transport helicopter over the dense forests, or waging asymmetric warfare from the rocky hills, the islands of Altis and Stratis are dynamic worlds, which lend themselves to the most varied engagements in gaming.
  • Weapons & Vehicles
    Head into combat on foot, drive armored vehicles, or take to the skies in helicopters and jets. Conduct a combined arms attack over air, land, and sea, with over 20 vehicles to drive and pilot, 40+ weapons to pick from, customizable loadouts with short- and long-distance attachments, and various types of gear to suit your needs on the battlefield. With a massive arsenal at your disposal, Arma 3 moves you into a world of tactical opportunities.
  • Singleplayer
    Follow the story of Ben Kerry, a soldier who gets caught up in a Mediterranean flashpoint, across three gameplay-driven campaign episodes: Survive, Adapt, Win. Immerse yourself in Arma 3’s diverse gameplay by completing the focused showcase scenarios. Run through the competitive firing drills to hone your shooting and movement skills, and complete your training by signing up to Arma 3 Bootcamp, which features SP and MP tutorials, and a dedicated Virtual Reality practice environment.
  • Multiplayer
    Fight online in the massive military sandbox that is Arma 3. Form a squad and team up against your enemy in the official Defend and Seize multiplayer scenarios. Or jump into one of the many popular unofficial game modes developed by the Arma 3 community. Experience a new form of multiplayer in Arma 3 Zeus, where Game Masters have the ability to influence the battlefield of other players in real-time.
  • Content Creation
    Start creating your own experiences with Arma 3’s intuitive scenario editor and powerful modding tools. Enjoy a platform filled with player-created content, ranging from custom weapons and vehicles, to intense singleplayer scenarios and entirely new multiplayer game modes. Share and discover content on the Arma 3 Steam Workshop, which lets you install player-created content with a click of a button.
  • Revamped Engine
    Navigate the battlefield with fluid new animations; feel the devastating power of combat with the upgraded sound engine, new ragdoll simulation and PhysX™-supported vehicles. Pushed forward by game-changing innovations, the highly moddable Real Virtuality™ 4 engine powers a new generation of Arma with even more stunning graphics, broad simulation gameplay, and massive sandbox terrains.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


O hře

Prožijte skutečný bojový herní zážitek v masivní vojenské sandboxové hře. Díky bohaté škále obsahu hry jednoho i více hráčů, více než 20 vozidlům, 40 zbraním a neomezeným možnostem tvorby obsahu se jedná o přední vojenskou hru na PC. Autentická, rozmanitá, otevřená – Arma 3 vás vyšle do války.

Klíčové prvky ve hře Arma 3

  • Altis a Stratis
    Porazte nepřítele na bohatě detailním, otevřeném bojišti, které se rozkládá na více než 290 km² středozemního ostrovního terénu. Ostrovy Altis a Stratis představují otevřený svět, kde se vám dostane příležitosti bojovat ve velkých městech, zvlněných kopcích, brázdit v tanku prašné pláně, prolétnout se v dopravním vrtulníku nad hlubokými lesy nebo vést asymetrický boj z kamenitých kopců. Tento obrovský herní svět tak nabízí jeden z nejrozmanitějších herních zážitků.
  • Zbraně a vozidla
    Vydejte se do boje pěšky, usedněte za volant obrněných vozidel nebo ovládněte nebe ve vrtulnících a stíhačkách. Dejte rozkaz ke kombinovanému útoku ze vzduchu, země a moře. K dispozici máte více než 20 vozidel, která můžete řídit a pilotovat, přes 40 zbraní, přizpůsobitelnou výstroj a výzbroj s příslušenstvím na krátkou a dlouhou vzdálenost a širokou paletu vybavení do všech situací na bojišti. Arma 3 vám dává k dispozici masivní arzenál a staví vás do světa plného taktických možností.
  • Hra pro jednoho hráče
    Nechte si odvyprávět příběh Bena Kerryho, vojáka, kterého okolnosti uvrhly do středu dění ve středozemním ohnisku konfliktu. Projděte s ním kampaň o třech epizodách: Přežít, Adaptovat, Vyhrát. Ponořte se do bohaté hratelnosti hry Arma 3 a dokončete tematické ukázkové scénáře. Projděte soutěžními střeleckými cvičeními, ve kterých si zdokonalíte střelecké a pohybové dovednosti. Svůj výcvik završte ve výcvikovém táboře Arma 3 Bootcamp, kde naleznete výuku hry pro jednoho i více hráčů, a v samostatném tréninkovém prostředí programu Virtual Reality.
  • Hra pro více hráčů
    Bojujte online v masivní online vojenské sandboxové hře Arma 3. Vytvořte jednotku a spojte se proti nepříteli v oficiálních scénářích pro více hráčů, kde vaším úkolem bude buď obrana, či obsazení. Zahrát si můžete také jeden z mnoha oblíbených neoficiálních herních režimů vyvinutých komunitou hry Arma 3. Zažijte nový rozměr hry více hráčů v režimu Arma 3 Zeus, kde mají páni hry možnost ovlivnit bojiště ostatních hráčů v jiném čase.
  • Tvorba obsahu
    Vytvořte si vlastní zážitky pomocí intuitivního editoru scénářů Arma 3 a výkonných nástrojů na vytváření modů. Užijte si prostředí naplněné obsahem vytvořeným hráči, od vlastních zbraní a vozidel až po intenzivní scénáře pro jednoho hráče nebo zcela nové režimy hry pro více hráčů. Sdílejte a objevujte nový obsah do hry Arma 3 na službě Steam Workshop, díky které máte možnost instalovat hráči vytvořený obsah jediným kliknutím.
  • Zdokonalený engine
    Pohybujte se na bojišti s novými plynulými animacemi. Pociťte devastující sílu boje díky vylepšenému zvukovému enginu, nové simulaci pohybu a vozidel s podporou technologie PhysX™. Novou generaci hry Arma pohání zásadní inovace a vysoce modifikovatelný engine Real Virtuality™ 4, díky čemuž si hráči mohou užít ještě více ohromující grafiku, hluboký herní zážitek postavený na simulaci a sandboxový terén.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


Om spillet

Experience true combat gameplay in a massive military sandbox. Deploying a wide variety of single- and multiplayer content, over 20 vehicles and 40 weapons, and limitless opportunities for content creation, this is the PC’s premier military game. Authentic, diverse, open - Arma 3 sends you to war.

Key Features in Arma 3

  • Altis & Stratis
    Defeat your enemy on a richly detailed, open-world battlefield – stretching over 290 km² of Mediterranean island terrain. From expansive cities to rolling hills, whether steamrolling your tank across the dusty plains, flying a transport helicopter over the dense forests, or waging asymmetric warfare from the rocky hills, the islands of Altis and Stratis are dynamic worlds, which lend themselves to the most varied engagements in gaming.
  • Weapons & Vehicles
    Head into combat on foot, drive armored vehicles, or take to the skies in helicopters and jets. Conduct a combined arms attack over air, land, and sea, with over 20 vehicles to drive and pilot, 40+ weapons to pick from, customizable loadouts with short- and long-distance attachments, and various types of gear to suit your needs on the battlefield. With a massive arsenal at your disposal, Arma 3 moves you into a world of tactical opportunities.
  • Singleplayer
    Follow the story of Ben Kerry, a soldier who gets caught up in a Mediterranean flashpoint, across three gameplay-driven campaign episodes: Survive, Adapt, Win. Immerse yourself in Arma 3’s diverse gameplay by completing the focused showcase scenarios. Run through the competitive firing drills to hone your shooting and movement skills, and complete your training by signing up to Arma 3 Bootcamp, which features SP and MP tutorials, and a dedicated Virtual Reality practice environment.
  • Multiplayer
    Fight online in the massive military sandbox that is Arma 3. Form a squad and team up against your enemy in the official Defend and Seize multiplayer scenarios. Or jump into one of the many popular unofficial game modes developed by the Arma 3 community. Experience a new form of multiplayer in Arma 3 Zeus, where Game Masters have the ability to influence the battlefield of other players in real-time.
  • Content Creation
    Start creating your own experiences with Arma 3’s intuitive scenario editor and powerful modding tools. Enjoy a platform filled with player-created content, ranging from custom weapons and vehicles, to intense singleplayer scenarios and entirely new multiplayer game modes. Share and discover content on the Arma 3 Steam Workshop, which lets you install player-created content with a click of a button.
  • Revamped Engine
    Navigate the battlefield with fluid new animations; feel the devastating power of combat with the upgraded sound engine, new ragdoll simulation and PhysX™-supported vehicles. Pushed forward by game-changing innovations, the highly moddable Real Virtuality™ 4 engine powers a new generation of Arma with even more stunning graphics, broad simulation gameplay, and massive sandbox terrains.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


Info over het spel

Experience true combat gameplay in a massive military sandbox. Deploying a wide variety of single- and multiplayer content, over 20 vehicles and 40 weapons, and limitless opportunities for content creation, this is the PC’s premier military game. Authentic, diverse, open - Arma 3 sends you to war.

Key Features in Arma 3

  • Altis & Stratis
    Defeat your enemy on a richly detailed, open-world battlefield – stretching over 290 km² of Mediterranean island terrain. From expansive cities to rolling hills, whether steamrolling your tank across the dusty plains, flying a transport helicopter over the dense forests, or waging asymmetric warfare from the rocky hills, the islands of Altis and Stratis are dynamic worlds, which lend themselves to the most varied engagements in gaming.
  • Weapons & Vehicles
    Head into combat on foot, drive armored vehicles, or take to the skies in helicopters and jets. Conduct a combined arms attack over air, land, and sea, with over 20 vehicles to drive and pilot, 40+ weapons to pick from, customizable loadouts with short- and long-distance attachments, and various types of gear to suit your needs on the battlefield. With a massive arsenal at your disposal, Arma 3 moves you into a world of tactical opportunities.
  • Singleplayer
    Follow the story of Ben Kerry, a soldier who gets caught up in a Mediterranean flashpoint, across three gameplay-driven campaign episodes: Survive, Adapt, Win. Immerse yourself in Arma 3’s diverse gameplay by completing the focused showcase scenarios. Run through the competitive firing drills to hone your shooting and movement skills, and complete your training by signing up to Arma 3 Bootcamp, which features SP and MP tutorials, and a dedicated Virtual Reality practice environment.
  • Multiplayer
    Fight online in the massive military sandbox that is Arma 3. Form a squad and team up against your enemy in the official Defend and Seize multiplayer scenarios. Or jump into one of the many popular unofficial game modes developed by the Arma 3 community. Experience a new form of multiplayer in Arma 3 Zeus, where Game Masters have the ability to influence the battlefield of other players in real-time.
  • Content Creation
    Start creating your own experiences with Arma 3’s intuitive scenario editor and powerful modding tools. Enjoy a platform filled with player-created content, ranging from custom weapons and vehicles, to intense singleplayer scenarios and entirely new multiplayer game modes. Share and discover content on the Arma 3 Steam Workshop, which lets you install player-created content with a click of a button.
  • Revamped Engine
    Navigate the battlefield with fluid new animations; feel the devastating power of combat with the upgraded sound engine, new ragdoll simulation and PhysX™-supported vehicles. Pushed forward by game-changing innovations, the highly moddable Real Virtuality™ 4 engine powers a new generation of Arma with even more stunning graphics, broad simulation gameplay, and massive sandbox terrains.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


About the Game

Experience true combat gameplay in a massive military sandbox. Deploying a wide variety of single- and multiplayer content, over 20 vehicles and 40 weapons, and limitless opportunities for content creation, this is the PC’s premier military game. Authentic, diverse, open - Arma 3 sends you to war.

Key Features in Arma 3

  • Altis & Stratis
    Defeat your enemy on a richly detailed, open-world battlefield – stretching over 290 km² of Mediterranean island terrain. From expansive cities to rolling hills, whether steamrolling your tank across the dusty plains, flying a transport helicopter over the dense forests, or waging asymmetric warfare from the rocky hills, the islands of Altis and Stratis are dynamic worlds, which lend themselves to the most varied engagements in gaming.
  • Weapons & Vehicles
    Head into combat on foot, drive armored vehicles, or take to the skies in helicopters and jets. Conduct a combined arms attack over air, land, and sea, with over 20 vehicles to drive and pilot, 40+ weapons to pick from, customizable loadouts with short- and long-distance attachments, and various types of gear to suit your needs on the battlefield. With a massive arsenal at your disposal, Arma 3 moves you into a world of tactical opportunities.
  • Singleplayer
    Follow the story of Ben Kerry, a soldier who gets caught up in a Mediterranean flashpoint, across three gameplay-driven campaign episodes: Survive, Adapt, Win. Immerse yourself in Arma 3’s diverse gameplay by completing the focused showcase scenarios. Run through the competitive firing drills to hone your shooting and movement skills, and complete your training by signing up to Arma 3 Bootcamp, which features SP and MP tutorials, and a dedicated Virtual Reality practice environment.
  • Multiplayer
    Fight online in the massive military sandbox that is Arma 3. Form a squad and team up against your enemy in the official Defend and Seize multiplayer scenarios. Or jump into one of the many popular unofficial game modes developed by the Arma 3 community. Experience a new form of multiplayer in Arma 3 Zeus, where Game Masters have the ability to influence the battlefield of other players in real-time.
  • Content Creation
    Start creating your own experiences with Arma 3’s intuitive scenario editor and powerful modding tools. Enjoy a platform filled with player-created content, ranging from custom weapons and vehicles, to intense singleplayer scenarios and entirely new multiplayer game modes. Share and discover content on the Arma 3 Steam Workshop, which lets you install player-created content with a click of a button.
  • Revamped Engine
    Navigate the battlefield with fluid new animations; feel the devastating power of combat with the upgraded sound engine, new ragdoll simulation and PhysX™-supported vehicles. Pushed forward by game-changing innovations, the highly moddable Real Virtuality™ 4 engine powers a new generation of Arma with even more stunning graphics, broad simulation gameplay, and massive sandbox terrains.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


Tietoja pelistä

Experience true combat gameplay in a massive military sandbox. Deploying a wide variety of single- and multiplayer content, over 20 vehicles and 40 weapons, and limitless opportunities for content creation, this is the PC’s premier military game. Authentic, diverse, open - Arma 3 sends you to war.

Key Features in Arma 3

  • Altis & Stratis
    Defeat your enemy on a richly detailed, open-world battlefield – stretching over 290 km² of Mediterranean island terrain. From expansive cities to rolling hills, whether steamrolling your tank across the dusty plains, flying a transport helicopter over the dense forests, or waging asymmetric warfare from the rocky hills, the islands of Altis and Stratis are dynamic worlds, which lend themselves to the most varied engagements in gaming.
  • Weapons & Vehicles
    Head into combat on foot, drive armored vehicles, or take to the skies in helicopters and jets. Conduct a combined arms attack over air, land, and sea, with over 20 vehicles to drive and pilot, 40+ weapons to pick from, customizable loadouts with short- and long-distance attachments, and various types of gear to suit your needs on the battlefield. With a massive arsenal at your disposal, Arma 3 moves you into a world of tactical opportunities.
  • Singleplayer
    Follow the story of Ben Kerry, a soldier who gets caught up in a Mediterranean flashpoint, across three gameplay-driven campaign episodes: Survive, Adapt, Win. Immerse yourself in Arma 3’s diverse gameplay by completing the focused showcase scenarios. Run through the competitive firing drills to hone your shooting and movement skills, and complete your training by signing up to Arma 3 Bootcamp, which features SP and MP tutorials, and a dedicated Virtual Reality practice environment.
  • Multiplayer
    Fight online in the massive military sandbox that is Arma 3. Form a squad and team up against your enemy in the official Defend and Seize multiplayer scenarios. Or jump into one of the many popular unofficial game modes developed by the Arma 3 community. Experience a new form of multiplayer in Arma 3 Zeus, where Game Masters have the ability to influence the battlefield of other players in real-time.
  • Content Creation
    Start creating your own experiences with Arma 3’s intuitive scenario editor and powerful modding tools. Enjoy a platform filled with player-created content, ranging from custom weapons and vehicles, to intense singleplayer scenarios and entirely new multiplayer game modes. Share and discover content on the Arma 3 Steam Workshop, which lets you install player-created content with a click of a button.
  • Revamped Engine
    Navigate the battlefield with fluid new animations; feel the devastating power of combat with the upgraded sound engine, new ragdoll simulation and PhysX™-supported vehicles. Pushed forward by game-changing innovations, the highly moddable Real Virtuality™ 4 engine powers a new generation of Arma with even more stunning graphics, broad simulation gameplay, and massive sandbox terrains.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


À propos du jeu

Découvrez un véritable gameplay de combat dans un sandbox militaire massif. Déployant une variété de contenu solo et multijoueur, plus de 20 véhicules et 40 armes, ainsi que des opportunités sans limites de création de contenu, voici le premier jeu militaire pour PC. Authentique, varié; ouvert - Arma 3™ vous fait vivre la guerre.

Fonctionnalités clé dans Arma 3

  • Altis & Stratis
    Terrassez votre ennemi sur des champs de bataille richement détaillés – s'étendant sur le terrain d'une île méditerranéenne de plus de 290 km2. Des villes étendues aux régions vallonnées, qu'il s'agisse de faire avancer le rouleau compresseur de votre tank à travers les plaines poussiéreuses, faire voler un hélicoptère de transport au-dessus de la forêt dense ou de mener une guerre asymétrique depuis les collines rocheuses, les îles d'Altis et de Stratis sont des mondes dynamiques, qui se prêtent aux engagements les plus variés dans le jeu.
  • Armes & Véhicules
    Plongez dans le combat à pied, en conduisant des véhicules blindés ou par le ciel dans des hélicoptères et des jets. Conduisez des attaques armées combinées dans les airs, sur terre ou la mer avec plus de 20 véhicules à conduire et piloter, plus de 40 armes au choix, des chargements personnalisables avec des fixations à courte ou longue distance, et des types d'équipements variés pour répondre à vos besoins sur le champ de bataille. Grâce à un immense arsenal à votre disposition, Arma 3 évolue dans un monde d'opportunités tactiques.
  • Jeu solo
    Suivez l'histoire de Ben Kerry, un soldat qui se trouve pris dans une poudrière méditerranéenne, à travers trois épisodes-campagnes alimentées par le gameplay : Survivre, s'adapter, gagner. Immergez-vous dans le gameplay varié d'Arma 3 en exécutant les scénarios principaux. Courez à travers des exercices de tirs stimulants pour affiner vos compétences de tir et de déplacement, et achevez votre formation en souscrivant au Arma 3 Bootcamp, qui propose des didacticiels solo et multijoueurs, et un environnement d'entraînement en Réalité Virtuelle.
  • Multijoueur
    Combattez en ligne dans le sandbox militaire massif que représente Arma 3. Formez une escouade et faites équipe contre votre ennemi dans les scénarios multijoueurs officiels Défendre et Capturer. Ou bien sautez dans l'un des nombreux modes de jeu populaires non-officiels développés par la communauté d'Arma3. Découvrez une nouvelle forme de multijoueurs dans Arma 3 Zeus, où les Game Masters ont la capacité d'influencer le champ de bataille des autres joueurs en temps réel.
  • Création de contenu
    Commencez à créer votre propre expérience avec l'éditeur de scénario intuitif et les outils puissants de modding d'Arma 3. Profitez d'une plateforme pleine de contenu créé par les joueurs, allant des armes et véhicules personnalisés aux scénarios intenses en solo et aux modes de jeu multijoueurs complètement nouveaux. Partagez et découvrez le contenu dans le Steam Workshop d'Arma 3, qui vous permet d'installer du contenu créé par le joueur d'un seul clic.
  • Moteur Remanié
    Naviguez sur le champ de bataille avec de nouvelles animations fluides, ressentez la puissance dévastatrice du combat avec le moteur sonore amélioré, la nouvelle simulation ragdoll et les véhicules compatibles PhysX™. Poussé en avant par les innovations modifiant le jeu, le moteur entièrement moddable Real Virtuality™ 4 produit une nouvelle génération d'Arma avec encore plus de superbes graphismes, un gameplay dévolu à la simulation et de gigantesques terrains de jeu.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


Über das Spiel

Erlebe echtes Schlachten-Gameplay in einer Massiv-Militär-Sandbox. Mit einer weitreichenden Auswahl an Einzel- und Mehrspielerinhalten, über 20 Fahrzeugen und 40 Waffen und endlosen Möglichkeiten der Inhalte-Erstellung ist dies das beste Militärspiel auf dem PC. Authentisch, vielfältig, offen – Arma 3 schickt dich in den Krieg.

Haupt-Features in Arma 3

  • Altis & Stratis
    Besiege deine Feinde in einem reichhaltig detaillierten Open-World-Schlachtfeld, das sich auf über 290 km² an mediterranen Inselwelten erstreckt. Von sich ausbreitenden Städten bis zu rollenden Hügeln, ob du nun mit deinem Panzer in der staubigen Prärie alles plattwalzt, mit deinem Hubschrauber über dichten Wald fliegst oder asymmetrische Kriegskunst von felsigen Hügeln aus betreibst, die Inseln von Altis und Stratis sind dynamische Welten, die die beste Verbindung an Abwechslung im Gaming bieten.
  • Waffen & Fahrzeuge
    Ziehe in die Schlacht zu Fuß, fahre bewaffnete Fahrzeuge oder schwinge dich in die Lüfte in Hubschraubern und Jets. Stelle vernetzte Operationen zusammen und greife aus der Luft, über Land und See an mit über 20 steuerbaren Fahrzeugen, 40+ Waffen zur Auswahl, einstellbare Verladung mit Kurz- und Langstrecken-Erweiterungen und verschiedenen Ausrüstungstypen nach deinen Schlachtfeld-Wünschen. Mit einem massiven Arsenal zu deiner Verfügung, bietet dir Arma 3 eine ganze Welt an taktischen Möglichkeiten.
  • Einzelspieler
    Folge der Geschichte um Ben Kerry, einem Soldaten, der in einen mediterranen Siedepunkt gerät, der sich auf drei Gameplay-getriebene Kampagnen-Episoden erstreckt: Überleben, Anpassen, Gewinnen. Tauche ein in Arma 3s unterschiedliche Gameplays indem du die fokussierten Showcase-Szenarien beendest. Laufe durch konkurrenzbetonte Feuerübungen, um deine Schieß- und Bewegungsfähigkeit zu verbessern und beende dein Training, indem du dich beim Arma 3 Bootcamp einschreibst, dass ES- und MS-Einführungsspiele beinhaltet und eine spezielle Virtual-Reality-Übungsumgebung.
  • Mehrspieler
    Kämpfe online in eine Massiven-Militär-Sandbox Arma 3. Bilde eine Truppe und ziehe los gegen deine Feinde in den offiziellen Verteidigungs-und Übernahme-Mehrspieler-Szenarien. Oder nutze einen der vielen beliebten inoffiziellen Spielmodi, die von der Arma 3-Community entwickelt wurden. Erfahre eine neue Form von Mehrspieler in Arma 3 Zeus, wo Spielleiter die Möglichkeit haben, das Schlachtfeld anderer Spieler in Echtzeit zu beeinflussen.
  • Erstellung von Inhalten
    Erstelle dein eigenes Erlebnis mit Arma 3s intuitivem Szenarieneditor und den leistungsstarken Modding-Werkzeugen. Lass dich unterhalten von einer Plattform mit von Spielern erstellten Inhalten, die von speziellen Waffen und Fahrzeugen bis zu intensiven Einzelspielerszenarien und komplett neuen Mehrspieler-Spielmodi reichen. Teile und entdecke Inhalte im Arma 3 Steam Workshop, der dich von Spielern erstellte Inhalte mit nur einem Mausklick installieren lässt.
  • Überarbeitete Engine
    Steuere durch das Schlachtfeld mit flüssigen, neuen Animationen; fühle die vernichtende Kraft des Kampfes durch die verbesserte Sound-Engine, neue Ragdoll-Simulation und PhysX™-unterstützten Fahrzeugen. Weiter vorangetrieben durch wegweisende Innovationen, die hochgradig modding-fähige Real Virtuality™ 4-Engine treibt eine neue Generation von Arma an, mit noch mehr beeindruckenden Grafiken, weitreichendem Simulations-Gameplay und Massive-Sandbox-Gebieten.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Experience true combat gameplay in a massive military sandbox. Deploying a wide variety of single- and multiplayer content, over 20 vehicles and 40 weapons, and limitless opportunities for content creation, this is the PC’s premier military game. Authentic, diverse, open - Arma 3 sends you to war.

Key Features in Arma 3

  • Altis & Stratis
    Defeat your enemy on a richly detailed, open-world battlefield – stretching over 290 km² of Mediterranean island terrain. From expansive cities to rolling hills, whether steamrolling your tank across the dusty plains, flying a transport helicopter over the dense forests, or waging asymmetric warfare from the rocky hills, the islands of Altis and Stratis are dynamic worlds, which lend themselves to the most varied engagements in gaming.
  • Weapons & Vehicles
    Head into combat on foot, drive armored vehicles, or take to the skies in helicopters and jets. Conduct a combined arms attack over air, land, and sea, with over 20 vehicles to drive and pilot, 40+ weapons to pick from, customizable loadouts with short- and long-distance attachments, and various types of gear to suit your needs on the battlefield. With a massive arsenal at your disposal, Arma 3 moves you into a world of tactical opportunities.
  • Singleplayer
    Follow the story of Ben Kerry, a soldier who gets caught up in a Mediterranean flashpoint, across three gameplay-driven campaign episodes: Survive, Adapt, Win. Immerse yourself in Arma 3’s diverse gameplay by completing the focused showcase scenarios. Run through the competitive firing drills to hone your shooting and movement skills, and complete your training by signing up to Arma 3 Bootcamp, which features SP and MP tutorials, and a dedicated Virtual Reality practice environment.
  • Multiplayer
    Fight online in the massive military sandbox that is Arma 3. Form a squad and team up against your enemy in the official Defend and Seize multiplayer scenarios. Or jump into one of the many popular unofficial game modes developed by the Arma 3 community. Experience a new form of multiplayer in Arma 3 Zeus, where Game Masters have the ability to influence the battlefield of other players in real-time.
  • Content Creation
    Start creating your own experiences with Arma 3’s intuitive scenario editor and powerful modding tools. Enjoy a platform filled with player-created content, ranging from custom weapons and vehicles, to intense singleplayer scenarios and entirely new multiplayer game modes. Share and discover content on the Arma 3 Steam Workshop, which lets you install player-created content with a click of a button.
  • Revamped Engine
    Navigate the battlefield with fluid new animations; feel the devastating power of combat with the upgraded sound engine, new ragdoll simulation and PhysX™-supported vehicles. Pushed forward by game-changing innovations, the highly moddable Real Virtuality™ 4 engine powers a new generation of Arma with even more stunning graphics, broad simulation gameplay, and massive sandbox terrains.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


A játékról: 

Experience true combat gameplay in a massive military sandbox. Deploying a wide variety of single- and multiplayer content, over 20 vehicles and 40 weapons, and limitless opportunities for content creation, this is the PC’s premier military game. Authentic, diverse, open - Arma 3 sends you to war.

Key Features in Arma 3

  • Altis & Stratis
    Defeat your enemy on a richly detailed, open-world battlefield – stretching over 290 km² of Mediterranean island terrain. From expansive cities to rolling hills, whether steamrolling your tank across the dusty plains, flying a transport helicopter over the dense forests, or waging asymmetric warfare from the rocky hills, the islands of Altis and Stratis are dynamic worlds, which lend themselves to the most varied engagements in gaming.
  • Weapons & Vehicles
    Head into combat on foot, drive armored vehicles, or take to the skies in helicopters and jets. Conduct a combined arms attack over air, land, and sea, with over 20 vehicles to drive and pilot, 40+ weapons to pick from, customizable loadouts with short- and long-distance attachments, and various types of gear to suit your needs on the battlefield. With a massive arsenal at your disposal, Arma 3 moves you into a world of tactical opportunities.
  • Singleplayer
    Follow the story of Ben Kerry, a soldier who gets caught up in a Mediterranean flashpoint, across three gameplay-driven campaign episodes: Survive, Adapt, Win. Immerse yourself in Arma 3’s diverse gameplay by completing the focused showcase scenarios. Run through the competitive firing drills to hone your shooting and movement skills, and complete your training by signing up to Arma 3 Bootcamp, which features SP and MP tutorials, and a dedicated Virtual Reality practice environment.
  • Multiplayer
    Fight online in the massive military sandbox that is Arma 3. Form a squad and team up against your enemy in the official Defend and Seize multiplayer scenarios. Or jump into one of the many popular unofficial game modes developed by the Arma 3 community. Experience a new form of multiplayer in Arma 3 Zeus, where Game Masters have the ability to influence the battlefield of other players in real-time.
  • Content Creation
    Start creating your own experiences with Arma 3’s intuitive scenario editor and powerful modding tools. Enjoy a platform filled with player-created content, ranging from custom weapons and vehicles, to intense singleplayer scenarios and entirely new multiplayer game modes. Share and discover content on the Arma 3 Steam Workshop, which lets you install player-created content with a click of a button.
  • Revamped Engine
    Navigate the battlefield with fluid new animations; feel the devastating power of combat with the upgraded sound engine, new ragdoll simulation and PhysX™-supported vehicles. Pushed forward by game-changing innovations, the highly moddable Real Virtuality™ 4 engine powers a new generation of Arma with even more stunning graphics, broad simulation gameplay, and massive sandbox terrains.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


Informazioni sul gioco

Prova l'esperienza del vero combattimento in un gioco sandbox militare sterminato. Con un'ampia varietà di contenuti per giocatore singolo e multiplayer, più di 20 veicoli e 40 armi e opportunità illimitate di creazione di contenuti, questo è il miglior gioco militare per PC. Autentico, vario, libero: Arma 3 ti manda in guerra.

Caratteristiche principali di Arma 3

  • Altis e Stratis
    Sconfiggi il nemico in un campo di battaglia open-world altamente dettagliato, su oltre 290 km² di isole sul Mediterraneo. Da grandi città a zone collinari, avanzando con il carro armato su pianure polverose, in volo sull'elicottero da trasporto sopra fitte foreste o impegnato nella guerriglia dalle brulle colline, le isole di Altis e Stratis sono mondi dinamici che si prestano alle più variegate tattiche di ingaggio mai viste in un videogioco.
  • Armi e veicoli
    Scendi sul campo di battaglia a piedi, alla guida di blindati o dominando i cieli con elicotteri e jet. Conduci assalti combinati via terra, cielo e mare con più di 20 veicoli da guidare e pilotare, più di 40 armi tra cui scegliere, armamenti personalizzati a corto e lungo raggio e diversi tipi di attrezzatura per rispondere a tutte le tue necessità sul campo. Con un arsenale sconfinato a tua disposizione, Arma 3 ti porta in un mondo di opportunità tattiche.
  • Giocatore singolo
    Segui la storia di Ben Kerry, un soldato coinvolto suo malgrado in una escalation esplosiva nel Mediterraneo, nei tre episodi della campagna: Sopravvivi, Adattati, Vinci. Immergiti nell'immensa varietà di Arma 3 portando a termine gli scenari di esempio incentrati su missioni specifiche. Affronta le esercitazioni di sparo competitive per affinare le abilità di tiro e movimento e completa il tutto con il campo d'addestramento di Arma 3, con tutorial a giocatore singolo e multiplayer e un ambiente di prova dedicato in realtà virtuale.
  • Multiplayer
    Combatti online nello sterminato sandbox militare di Arma 3. Forma una squadra e affrontate insieme il nemico negli scenari multiplayer ufficiali di difesa e conquista. Oppure prova una delle tante e gettonatissime modalità di gioco non ufficiali sviluppate dalla community di Arma 3. Prova la nuova incarnazione del multiplayer in Arma 3 Zeus, dove i Game master possono influenzare il campo di battaglia degli altri giocatori in tempo reale.
  • Creazione di contenuti
    Inizia a creare le tue esperienze con l'intuitivo editor di scenari di Arma 3 e i suoi potenti strumenti di modding. Avrai una piattaforma piena di contenuti creati dai giocatori, da armi e veicoli personalizzati ad appassionanti scenari per giocatore singolo scenario e modalità di gioco multiplayer completamente nuove. Condividi e scopri contenuti sullo Steam Workshop di Arma 3, con cui potrai installare contenuti creati dai giocatori con un semplice clic.
  • Motore rinnovato
    Esplora il campo di battaglia con nuove animazioni fluide; prova la potenza devastante del combattimento con il motore audio migliorato, la nuova simulazione ragdoll e i veicoli con supporto PhysX™. Il motore altamente modificabile Real Virtuality™ 4, con innovazioni capaci di rivoluzionare il gioco, offre alla nuova generazione di Arma una grafica ancora più mozzafiato, simulazioni ad ampio spettro e terreni sandbox sconfinati.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series



最大のミリタリー・サンドボックスで、本物の戦闘ゲームプレイを体験しよう。幅広く豊富なシングル/マルチプレイヤーコンテンツや20種類以上の車両と40種類以上の武器、コンテンツ作成における無限の可能性を提供する、PC初のミリタリーゲームです。本格的で、バラエティーに富む内容、かつオープンなシステムと共に、Arma 3はあなたを戦場に送り込みます。

Arma 3の主要フィーチャー

  • アルティスとストラティス
    きめ細やかなグラフィックスで描かれるオープンな世界の戦場 – 290 km²に及ぶ地中海の島の地形で敵を倒そう。拡張する市街からなだらかに連なる丘まで、埃の舞い上がる平地を迫力ある戦車で横切ったり、緑濃い森の上を輸送ヘリコプターで飛行したり、岩だらけの丘から独特の攻撃を行ったり、アルティスとストラティスの島々のダイナミックな世界を舞台に、ゲームにおいて様々な戦闘を展開することができます。
  • 武器と車両
    戦闘に歩兵として加わったり、装甲車を運転したり、ヘリコプターやジェット機で空を飛び回ろう。20種類以上の車両を運転したり操作して、40種類以上の武器から選択し、近距離/長距離付属品でカスタマイズ可能な積出と、戦場のニーズに合わせた多様なタイプのギアを使用し、空、陸、海の軍隊を組み合わせた攻撃を行おう。Arma 3は豊富な武器庫と共に戦術的チャンスの世界を提供します。
  • シングルプレイヤー
    地中海で一触即発の危機に陥った兵士、ベン・ケリーを追って、ゲームプレイベースの3種類の作戦エピソードを楽しもう:生存、適応、勝利。特定条件におけるショーケースシナリオをクリアして、Arma 3の多様なゲームプレイを堪能しよう。強力な射撃訓練で射撃能力と移動スキルを磨き、SP/MPチュートリアルありのArma 3ブートキャンプと専門バーチャル・リアリティー訓練環境で仕上げの訓練をしよう。
  • マルチプレイヤー
    Arma 3の最大のミリタリーサンドボックスでオンライン戦闘しよう。公式防御占領マルチプレイヤーシナリオで、分隊を構成し、敵に対してチームを形成しよう。または、Arma 3コミュニティーが開発した、人気の非公式ゲームモードの一つにチャレンジしよう。ゲームマスターがリアルタイムで戦場の他のプレイヤーに影響を与えることができるArma 3 Zeusで、画期的なマルチプレイヤーを体験しよう。
  • コンテンツ作成
    Arma 3の直観的なシナリオエディターとパワフルなMODツールで、オリジナルな体験を生み出そう。カスタム武器から車両、強烈なシングルプレイヤーシナリオ、革新的なマルチプレイヤーゲームモードまで、プレイヤー作成コンテンツに満ちたプラットフォームを楽しもう。プレイヤー作成コンテンツをクリック一つでインストールできる、Arma 3 Steam Workshopでコンテンツを共有、探索しよう。
  • 改良エンジン
    流れるような新規アニメーションで戦場をナビゲート:アップグレードされたサウンドエンジン、新たなラグドール・シミュレーションとPhysX™をサポート車両など、強力な戦闘のパワーを体感しよう。画期的イノベーションにより、高度にMOD可能なReal Virtuality™4エンジンが新世代のArmaを、一層驚異的なグラフィックと、幅広いシミュレーションゲームプレイ、最大のサンドボックス地形でパワーアップします。

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


게임 정보

거대한 군사 샌드박스에서 진정한 전투 게임을 경험하십시오. 다양한 단독 및 다중 플레이어 콘텐츠, 20가지가 넘는 차량과 40가지가 넘는 무기, 제약 없이 콘텐츠를 생성할 수 있는 기회를 제공하는 이 게임은 PC 최고의 밀리터리 게임입니다. 현실감 넘치고, 다양하며, 높은 자유도를 통해서 Arma 3는 당신을 진짜 전쟁의 한복판으로 초대합니다.

Arma 3의 주요 특징

  • 알티스 & 스트라티스
    290 km²에 이르는 지중해 섬 지형의 섬세하고 자유도 높은 전장에서 적들을 섬멸하십시오. 방대한 도시부터 경사진 언덕까지, 전차로 평원 위를 먼지를 휘날리며 달리든, 울창한 숲 위로 수송 헬기를 몰든, 산악지대에서 비대칭 전투를 벌이든, 알티스와 스트라티스의 섬들은 그 어떤 게임보다도 다양한 전투 상황을 제공하는 역동적인 공간이 될 것입니다.
  • 무기 & 차량
    도보로 이동하거나, 장갑 차량을 운전하거나, 헬리콥터와 제트기로 하늘을 비행하십시오. 20가지가 넘는 차량과, 40가지가 넘는 무기, 단거리나 장거리 부가 장치를 부착할 수 있는 직접 조정 가능한 장비 구성, 다양한 형태의 복장 등으로 육해공에서 복합적인 공격을 감행하십시오. 방대한 무기와 장비를 제공하는 Arma 3는 당신을 끝없는 전술의 세계로 안내합니다.
  • 단독 플레이어
    지중해의 일촉즐발의 상황에 내던져진 병사, 벤 케리의 시점으로 생존, 적응, 승리의 이야기 중심 캠페인 에피소드를 플레이하십시오. 주요 쇼케이스 시나리오를 완료하면서 Arma 3의 다양한 게임 플레이에 빠져드십시오. 경쟁이 치열한 사격 훈련을 통해서 자신의 사격 및 이동 기술을 가다듬고, 단독 플레이어 및 다중 플레이어 튜토리얼 기능을 제공하는 가상 현실 훈련 환경인 Arma 3 신병 훈련소에 입소해서 훈련을 완수하십시오.
  • 다중 플레이어
    온라인 상에서 Arma 3의 방대한 군사 샌드박스 전투를 경험하십시오. 분대를 구성하고 공식 방어 및 점령 다중 플레이어 시나리오에서 적을 상대하십시오. 아니면 Arma 3 커뮤니티에서 개발한 인기 절정의 다양한 비공식 게임 모드 중 하나에 뛰어드십시오. 게임 마스터가 실시간으로 다른 플레이어의 전장에 영향을 끼칠 수 있는 Arma 3 Zeus에서 새로운 형태의 다중 플레이어를 경험하십시오.
  • 콘텐츠 제작
    Arma 3의 직관적인 시나리오 편집기와 강력한 모드 도구를 이용해서 자신만의 경험을 만들어 가십시오. 무기, 차량, 치열한 단독 플레이어 시나리오, 완전히 새로운 다중 플레이어 게임 모드까지 플레이어가 만든 콘텐츠가 가득한 플랫폼을 즐기십시오. Arma 3 Steam 창작마당에서 콘텐츠를 공유하고 발견하며, 단 한 번의 클릭으로 플레이어 생성 콘텐츠를 설치하십시오.
  • 개선된 엔진
    부드러운 애니메이션을 통해 전장을 누비고, 업그레이드된 사운드 엔진, 새로운 래그돌 시뮬레이션, PhysX™ 지원 차량으로 전투의 치명적인 힘을 경험하십시오. 혁신적인 변화로 더욱 강력해진 모드 활용도 높은 Real Virtuality™ 4 엔진은 더욱 놀라운 그래픽과, 다양한 시뮬레이션 게임 플레이, 받애한 샌드박스 지형으로 Arma의 새로운 시대를 엽니다.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


Om spillet

Experience true combat gameplay in a massive military sandbox. Deploying a wide variety of single- and multiplayer content, over 20 vehicles and 40 weapons, and limitless opportunities for content creation, this is the PC’s premier military game. Authentic, diverse, open - Arma 3 sends you to war.

Key Features in Arma 3

  • Altis & Stratis
    Defeat your enemy on a richly detailed, open-world battlefield – stretching over 290 km² of Mediterranean island terrain. From expansive cities to rolling hills, whether steamrolling your tank across the dusty plains, flying a transport helicopter over the dense forests, or waging asymmetric warfare from the rocky hills, the islands of Altis and Stratis are dynamic worlds, which lend themselves to the most varied engagements in gaming.
  • Weapons & Vehicles
    Head into combat on foot, drive armored vehicles, or take to the skies in helicopters and jets. Conduct a combined arms attack over air, land, and sea, with over 20 vehicles to drive and pilot, 40+ weapons to pick from, customizable loadouts with short- and long-distance attachments, and various types of gear to suit your needs on the battlefield. With a massive arsenal at your disposal, Arma 3 moves you into a world of tactical opportunities.
  • Singleplayer
    Follow the story of Ben Kerry, a soldier who gets caught up in a Mediterranean flashpoint, across three gameplay-driven campaign episodes: Survive, Adapt, Win. Immerse yourself in Arma 3’s diverse gameplay by completing the focused showcase scenarios. Run through the competitive firing drills to hone your shooting and movement skills, and complete your training by signing up to Arma 3 Bootcamp, which features SP and MP tutorials, and a dedicated Virtual Reality practice environment.
  • Multiplayer
    Fight online in the massive military sandbox that is Arma 3. Form a squad and team up against your enemy in the official Defend and Seize multiplayer scenarios. Or jump into one of the many popular unofficial game modes developed by the Arma 3 community. Experience a new form of multiplayer in Arma 3 Zeus, where Game Masters have the ability to influence the battlefield of other players in real-time.
  • Content Creation
    Start creating your own experiences with Arma 3’s intuitive scenario editor and powerful modding tools. Enjoy a platform filled with player-created content, ranging from custom weapons and vehicles, to intense singleplayer scenarios and entirely new multiplayer game modes. Share and discover content on the Arma 3 Steam Workshop, which lets you install player-created content with a click of a button.
  • Revamped Engine
    Navigate the battlefield with fluid new animations; feel the devastating power of combat with the upgraded sound engine, new ragdoll simulation and PhysX™-supported vehicles. Pushed forward by game-changing innovations, the highly moddable Real Virtuality™ 4 engine powers a new generation of Arma with even more stunning graphics, broad simulation gameplay, and massive sandbox terrains.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


Informacje o grze

Doświadcz realistycznej symulacji działań wojennych w ogromnym, otwartym świecie. Jest to najlepsza gra wojskowa na komputery osobiste, udostępniająca liczne elementy gry dla pojedynczego gracza i wieloosobowej, ponad 20 pojazdów i 40 rodzajów uzbrojenia, a także nieograniczone możliwości tworzenia własnych treści. Arma 3 wysyła cię na wojnę – jest autentyczna, urozmaicona i zawiera otwarty świat.

Najważniejsze cechy Arma 3

  • Altis i Stratis
    Pokonaj wroga na szczegółowo dopracowanym, otwartym polu walki – śródziemnomorskiej wyspie o powierzchni ponad 290 km² z dużymi miastami i rozległymi wzgórzami. Jazda czołgiem przez suche równiny, lot śmigłowcem transportowym nad gęstym lasem, czy asymetryczna walka zbrojna pośród kamiennych wzgórz – to wszystko umożliwiają wyspy Altis i Stratis, będące dynamicznym światem, zapewniającym najbardziej urozmaicone potyczki w grach komputerowych.
  • Uzbrojenie i pojazdy
    Ruszaj do walki pieszo, kierując pojazdami opancerzonymi lub za sterami śmigłowców i odrzutowców. Przeprowadź połączony atak z powietrza, lądu i morza, korzystając z ponad 20 maszyn lądowych i powietrznych, ponad 40 rodzajów uzbrojenia do wyboru, opcjonalnych modułów dla bliskiego i dalekiego zasięgu oraz przeróżnych rodzajów sprzętu niezbędnego na polu bitwy. Tak rozbudowany arsenał Arma 3 umożliwia ci skorzystanie z niezliczonych opcji taktycznych.
  • Tryb dla gracza pojedynczego
    Poznaj historię Bena Kerry’ego – żołnierza, który zostaje wciągnięty w konflikt na Morzu Śródziemnym – w trzech epizodach kampanii: Przeżycie, Przystosowanie, Zwycięstwo. Zanurz się w urozmaiconej rozgrywce Arma 3 i weź udział w przygotowanych scenariuszach, ćwiczeniach strzeleckich i ruchowych, ukończ trening w Obozie Szkoleniowym Arma 3, który zawiera przewodniki dla pojedynczego gracza i dla gry wieloosobowej oraz opcję treningu wirtualnego.
  • Tryb wieloosobowy
    Rozbudowany, otwarty świat Arma 3 umożliwia także rozgrywkę online. Stwórz swój oddział i staw czoła przeciwnikowi w oficjalnych scenariuszach wieloosobowych Obrona i Przejęcie, albo skorzystaj z jednej z wielu popularnych, nieoficjalnych modyfikacji gry, stworzonych przez społeczność graczy Arma 3. Doświadcz nowej odmiany gry wieloosobowej w Arma 3 Zeus, gdzie Mistrzowie Gry mają wpływ na pole bitwy innych graczy w czasie rzeczywistym.
  • Tworzenie własnych treści
    Rozpocznij tworzenie własnych przygód dzięki intuicyjnemu edytorowi scenariuszy Arma 3 i potężnym narzędziom modyfikacyjnym. Korzystaj z platformy pełnej treści stworzonej przez graczy – od własnego uzbrojenia i pojazdów, aż po pełne akcji scenariusze jednoosobowe i zupełnie nowe odmiany rozgrywki wieloosobowej. Twórz i odkryj nowe zasoby dla Arma 3 w Warsztacie Steam, który umożliwia instalację treści stworzonych przez graczy poprzez jedno kliknięcie.
  • Ulepszone środowisko gry
    Nowe, płynne animacje uprzyjemnią wędrówkę po polu bitwy; walka wywrze na tobie jeszcze większe wrażenie dzięki ulepszonemu systemowi udźwiękowienia, nowym animacjom modeli postaci oraz pojazdom obsługującym PhysX™. Wysoce podatny na modyfikacje silnik Real Virtuality™ 4 zawiera innowacje zmieniające rozgrywkę, dając nowemu wcieleniu Arma jeszcze bardziej olśniewającą grafikę, rozleglejszą symulację i ogromny, otwarty świat.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


Acerca do Jogo

Experience true combat gameplay in a massive military sandbox. Deploying a wide variety of single- and multiplayer content, over 20 vehicles and 40 weapons, and limitless opportunities for content creation, this is the PC’s premier military game. Authentic, diverse, open - Arma 3 sends you to war.

Key Features in Arma 3

  • Altis & Stratis
    Defeat your enemy on a richly detailed, open-world battlefield – stretching over 290 km² of Mediterranean island terrain. From expansive cities to rolling hills, whether steamrolling your tank across the dusty plains, flying a transport helicopter over the dense forests, or waging asymmetric warfare from the rocky hills, the islands of Altis and Stratis are dynamic worlds, which lend themselves to the most varied engagements in gaming.
  • Weapons & Vehicles
    Head into combat on foot, drive armored vehicles, or take to the skies in helicopters and jets. Conduct a combined arms attack over air, land, and sea, with over 20 vehicles to drive and pilot, 40+ weapons to pick from, customizable loadouts with short- and long-distance attachments, and various types of gear to suit your needs on the battlefield. With a massive arsenal at your disposal, Arma 3 moves you into a world of tactical opportunities.
  • Singleplayer
    Follow the story of Ben Kerry, a soldier who gets caught up in a Mediterranean flashpoint, across three gameplay-driven campaign episodes: Survive, Adapt, Win. Immerse yourself in Arma 3’s diverse gameplay by completing the focused showcase scenarios. Run through the competitive firing drills to hone your shooting and movement skills, and complete your training by signing up to Arma 3 Bootcamp, which features SP and MP tutorials, and a dedicated Virtual Reality practice environment.
  • Multiplayer
    Fight online in the massive military sandbox that is Arma 3. Form a squad and team up against your enemy in the official Defend and Seize multiplayer scenarios. Or jump into one of the many popular unofficial game modes developed by the Arma 3 community. Experience a new form of multiplayer in Arma 3 Zeus, where Game Masters have the ability to influence the battlefield of other players in real-time.
  • Content Creation
    Start creating your own experiences with Arma 3’s intuitive scenario editor and powerful modding tools. Enjoy a platform filled with player-created content, ranging from custom weapons and vehicles, to intense singleplayer scenarios and entirely new multiplayer game modes. Share and discover content on the Arma 3 Steam Workshop, which lets you install player-created content with a click of a button.
  • Revamped Engine
    Navigate the battlefield with fluid new animations; feel the devastating power of combat with the upgraded sound engine, new ragdoll simulation and PhysX™-supported vehicles. Pushed forward by game-changing innovations, the highly moddable Real Virtuality™ 4 engine powers a new generation of Arma with even more stunning graphics, broad simulation gameplay, and massive sandbox terrains.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


Despre joc

Experience true combat gameplay in a massive military sandbox. Deploying a wide variety of single- and multiplayer content, over 20 vehicles and 40 weapons, and limitless opportunities for content creation, this is the PC’s premier military game. Authentic, diverse, open - Arma 3 sends you to war.

Key Features in Arma 3

  • Altis & Stratis
    Defeat your enemy on a richly detailed, open-world battlefield – stretching over 290 km² of Mediterranean island terrain. From expansive cities to rolling hills, whether steamrolling your tank across the dusty plains, flying a transport helicopter over the dense forests, or waging asymmetric warfare from the rocky hills, the islands of Altis and Stratis are dynamic worlds, which lend themselves to the most varied engagements in gaming.
  • Weapons & Vehicles
    Head into combat on foot, drive armored vehicles, or take to the skies in helicopters and jets. Conduct a combined arms attack over air, land, and sea, with over 20 vehicles to drive and pilot, 40+ weapons to pick from, customizable loadouts with short- and long-distance attachments, and various types of gear to suit your needs on the battlefield. With a massive arsenal at your disposal, Arma 3 moves you into a world of tactical opportunities.
  • Singleplayer
    Follow the story of Ben Kerry, a soldier who gets caught up in a Mediterranean flashpoint, across three gameplay-driven campaign episodes: Survive, Adapt, Win. Immerse yourself in Arma 3’s diverse gameplay by completing the focused showcase scenarios. Run through the competitive firing drills to hone your shooting and movement skills, and complete your training by signing up to Arma 3 Bootcamp, which features SP and MP tutorials, and a dedicated Virtual Reality practice environment.
  • Multiplayer
    Fight online in the massive military sandbox that is Arma 3. Form a squad and team up against your enemy in the official Defend and Seize multiplayer scenarios. Or jump into one of the many popular unofficial game modes developed by the Arma 3 community. Experience a new form of multiplayer in Arma 3 Zeus, where Game Masters have the ability to influence the battlefield of other players in real-time.
  • Content Creation
    Start creating your own experiences with Arma 3’s intuitive scenario editor and powerful modding tools. Enjoy a platform filled with player-created content, ranging from custom weapons and vehicles, to intense singleplayer scenarios and entirely new multiplayer game modes. Share and discover content on the Arma 3 Steam Workshop, which lets you install player-created content with a click of a button.
  • Revamped Engine
    Navigate the battlefield with fluid new animations; feel the devastating power of combat with the upgraded sound engine, new ragdoll simulation and PhysX™-supported vehicles. Pushed forward by game-changing innovations, the highly moddable Real Virtuality™ 4 engine powers a new generation of Arma with even more stunning graphics, broad simulation gameplay, and massive sandbox terrains.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


Об игре

Испытайте настоящий вкус боевых действий в массовой военной "песочнице". С обширным многообразием контента для одиночной и многопользовательской игры, с более чем 20 видами боевой техники и 40 видами оружия, а также с безграничными возможностями для создания контента, это лучшая военная игра для ПК. Аутентичная, разнообразная, открытая - Arma 3 отправляет вас на войну.

Основные характеристики Arma 3

  • Алтис и Стратис
    Разгромите противника на детализированном поле боя в открытом мире, занимающем более 290 км² островной территории в Средиземном море. От масштабных городов до покатых холмов - пересекаете ли вы пыльные равнины в танке, летите ли на транспортном вертолете над густым лесом или ведете бой в холмистой местности - острова Алтис и Стратис являются динамическими мирами, подходящими для ведения самых разнообразных боевых действий в игре.
  • Оружие и боевая техника
    Окунитесь в сражение в качестве пехотинца, управляйте бронированной техникой или взмойте под небеса на вертолете или истребителе. Проводите комбинированные атаки по воздуху, на суше и на море, располагая более чем 20 видами боевой техники, более 40 видами оружия, настраиваемым снаряжением с приспособлениями для ближнего и дальнего боя, а также различными типами экипировки под ваши потребности на поле боя. С богатым арсеналом, предоставляемым в ваше распоряжение, Arma 3 вводит вас в мир тактических возможностей.
  • Одиночная игра
    Следуйте перипетиям нелегкой службы капрала Бена Кэрри, волею судеб втянутого в вооруженный конфликт на Средиземном море, проходя три эпизода одной кампании: Выжить, Приспособиться, Победить. Погрузитесь в разнообразный геймплей Arma 3, проходя специально созданные показательные сценарии. Выполняйте учебные стрельбы, чтобы оттачивать свои стрелковые и прочие боевые навыки, и завершите свою тренировку в Arma 3 Bootcamp, воспользовавшись учебными материалами для одиночной и многопользовательской игры и специальными тренировками в виртуальной среде.
  • Многопользовательская игра
    Сражайтесь в режиме онлайн в массовой военной "песочнице", коей является Arma 3. Сформируйте группу и объединитесь против своего врага в многопользовательских сценариях по защите и захвату. Или окунитесь в один из многих популярных неофициальных игровых режимов, разработанных сообществом Arma 3. Опробуйте новый тип многопользовательской игры в Arma 3 Zeus, где Мастера Игры могут влиять на сражение других игроков в режиме реального времени.
  • Создание контента
    Начните сами творить с помощью интуитивно понятно редактора сценариев Arma 3 и мощных инструментов для создания модов. Наслаждайтесь платформой, наполненной контетом, созданным игроками, начиная от оружия и техники с измененными параметрами и заканчивая сценариями для одиночной игры и совершенно новыми режимами многопользовательской игры. Делитесь контентом в Arma 3 Steam Workshop и устанавливайте контент, созданный другими игроками, по щелчку мыши.
  • Усовершенствованный движок
    Наслаждайтесь новыми плавными анимациями на поле боя; почувствуйте разрушительную мощь сражений с улучшенным звуковым движком, новым Ragdoll-моделированием и боевой техникой с поддержкой физики PhysX™. Начиненный передовыми инновациями модифицируемый движок Real Virtuality™ 4 наделяет игру нового поколения серии Arma еще более потрясающей графикой, лучшим моделированием и обширнейшими игровыми пространствами.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series



在大型军用沙箱中体验真正的战斗游戏。这是最棒的 PC 军事游戏,它部署了多种多样的单人和多人游戏内容、20 多辆车和 40 多种武器,以及无限的内容创建机会。逼真、多样、开放 - Arma 3 送你去打仗。

Arma 3 中的主要特点

  • Altis 与 Stratis
    在细节丰富的开放式战场 - 方圆 290 多平方千米的地中海岛屿地形 - 上击败敌人。从广阔的城市到起伏的山丘,无论是在尘土飞扬的平原上驾驶坦克、在茂密的森林上空驾驶运输直升机,还是从多岩石的山区进行不对称战争,岛屿 Altis 和 Stratis 是充满活力的世界,适于以多种形式参与游戏。
  • 武器和载具
    步行进入战斗、驾驶装甲车或者乘坐直升机和喷气机飞向天空。对空中、陆地和海上进行混合武器攻击,有 20 多辆车可供驾驶和操纵,40 多种武器可供挑选、可使用短距离和长距离附件进行定制的装备,还有满足战场上需要的各种类型的装备。Arma 3 的大规模武器库任您自由支配,为您带来大量的战术机会。
  • 单人游戏
    在“生存”、“适应”、“获胜”三个游戏驱动的战役章节中,了解卷入地中海动乱的士兵 Ben Kerry 的故事。通过完成重点的展示场景,沉浸于 Arma 3 不同的游戏中。从头到尾完成竞争性射击操练以磨练射击和移动技能,并通过报名参加具有 SP 和 MP 教程以及专用虚拟现实练习环境的 Arma 3 Bootcamp,来完成训练。
  • 多人游戏
    在大型军用沙箱 Arma 3 中在线战斗。在官方 Defend 和 Seize 多人游戏场景中组建小队并联合起来对抗敌军。或者跳入由 Arma 3 社区开发的多种非官方流行游戏模式之一。在 Arma 3 Zeus 中体验一种新形式的多人游戏,其中 Game Master 能够实时影响其他玩家的战场。
  • 内容创建
    使用 Arma 3 的直观场景编辑器和强大的修改工具,开始创建自己的体验。享受充满玩家创建内容的平台,从自定义武器和载具到激烈的单人游戏场景和全新的多人游戏模式。在 Arma 3 Steam Workshop 上分享和发现内容,您可以通过单击按钮安装玩家创建的内容。
  • 翻新的引擎
    利用流畅的新动画穿过战场;通过升级的声音引擎、新的布娃娃模拟和支持 PhysX™ 的载具,感受毁灭性的战斗力。在颠覆性创新的推动下,可修改性极高的 Real Virtuality™4 引擎为新一代 Arma 提供了更漂亮的图案、广泛的模拟游戏和大量的沙箱地形。

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


Acerca del juego

Experimenta la verdadera dinámica de combate en un gigantesco entorno de pruebas militar. Con una amplia variedad de contenidos para un jugador y multijugador, más de 20 vehículos y 40 armas e infinitas oportunidades para la creación de contenidos, este título se ha convertido en el principal juego militar para PC. Auténtico, diverso, abierto: Arma 3 te lleva a la guerra.

Características clave de Arma 3

  • Altis y Stratis
    Derrota a tu enemigo en un campo de batalla abierto y con un riquísimo nivel de detalle que abarca más de 290 km² de terrenos de islas del Mediterráneo. Desde ciudades expansivas hasta colinas interminables, tanto si estás rodando tu tanque por las polvorientas llanuras, pilotando un helicóptero de transporte sobre el espeso bosque o luchando en una guerra asimétrica desde las montañas rocosas, las islas de Altis y Stratis son mundos dinámicos que ofrecen escenarios de juego donde se pueden librar los combates más variados.
  • Armas y vehículos
    Lánzate al combate a pie, a bordo de un vehículo blindado o por el cielo, pilotando helicópteros y jets. Lidera un ataque armado combinado por tierra, mar y aire con más de 20 vehículos que podrás conducir y pilotar, más de 40 armas para elegir, cargas personalizables con accesorios de corto y largo alcance y diferentes tipos de equipamiento, dependiendo de tus necesidades en el campo de batalla. Con un arsenal gigantesco a tu disposición, en Arma 3 te adentrarás en todo un mundo de oportunidades tácticas.
  • Un jugador
    Sigue la historia de Ben Kerry, un soldado que se encuentra en medio de un punto crítico del Mediterráneo a través de tres episodios de campañas dirigidas por la mecánica del juego: Sobrevivir, Adaptarse, Ganar. Sumérgete en la variada dinámica de Arma 3 completando los escenarios de presentaciones. Participa en las prácticas de tiro competitivas para perfeccionar tus habilidades de ataque y movimiento, y completa tu entrenamiento registrándote en el campo de entrenamiento de Arma 3, con tutoriales para un jugador y multijugador y un exclusivo entorno de práctica de Realidad Virtual.
  • Multijugador
    Combate en línea en el gigantesco entorno de pruebas de Arma 3. Forma un pelotón y uníos contra el enemigo en los escenarios multijugador oficiales Tomar y Defender. O lánzate a uno de los muchos modos de juego no oficiales desarrollados por la comunidad Arma 3. Disfruta de una nueva forma de vivir el multijugador en Arma 3 Zeus, donde los Game Masters tienen la capacidad de influir en el campo de batalla de otros jugadores en tiempo real.
  • Creación de contenidos
    Empieza a diseñar tus propias experiencias con el intuitivo editor de escenarios de Arma 3 y con las poderosas herramientas de mods. Disfruta de una plataforma llena de contenidos creados por jugadores, desde armas y vehículos personalizados hasta intensos escenarios para un jugador y modos de juego multijugador totalmente nuevos. Comparte y descubre contenidos en Arma 3 Steam Workshop, donde podrás instalar contenidos creados por jugadores con solo hacer clic.
  • Relanzamiento del motor
    Recorre el campo de batalla con nuevas y fluidas animaciones; siente el poder devastador del combate con el motor de audio mejorado, nueva simulación con física ragdoll y vehículos compatibles con PhysX™. Impulsado por las cambiantes innovaciones del juego, el motor Real Virtuality™ 4 compatible con mods alimenta un Arma de nueva generación con unos gráficos aún más impresionantes, una amplia mecánica de juego de simulación y unos gigantescos terrenos en entorno de pruebas.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


Om spelet

Experience true combat gameplay in a massive military sandbox. Deploying a wide variety of single- and multiplayer content, over 20 vehicles and 40 weapons, and limitless opportunities for content creation, this is the PC’s premier military game. Authentic, diverse, open - Arma 3 sends you to war.

Key Features in Arma 3

  • Altis & Stratis
    Defeat your enemy on a richly detailed, open-world battlefield – stretching over 290 km² of Mediterranean island terrain. From expansive cities to rolling hills, whether steamrolling your tank across the dusty plains, flying a transport helicopter over the dense forests, or waging asymmetric warfare from the rocky hills, the islands of Altis and Stratis are dynamic worlds, which lend themselves to the most varied engagements in gaming.
  • Weapons & Vehicles
    Head into combat on foot, drive armored vehicles, or take to the skies in helicopters and jets. Conduct a combined arms attack over air, land, and sea, with over 20 vehicles to drive and pilot, 40+ weapons to pick from, customizable loadouts with short- and long-distance attachments, and various types of gear to suit your needs on the battlefield. With a massive arsenal at your disposal, Arma 3 moves you into a world of tactical opportunities.
  • Singleplayer
    Follow the story of Ben Kerry, a soldier who gets caught up in a Mediterranean flashpoint, across three gameplay-driven campaign episodes: Survive, Adapt, Win. Immerse yourself in Arma 3’s diverse gameplay by completing the focused showcase scenarios. Run through the competitive firing drills to hone your shooting and movement skills, and complete your training by signing up to Arma 3 Bootcamp, which features SP and MP tutorials, and a dedicated Virtual Reality practice environment.
  • Multiplayer
    Fight online in the massive military sandbox that is Arma 3. Form a squad and team up against your enemy in the official Defend and Seize multiplayer scenarios. Or jump into one of the many popular unofficial game modes developed by the Arma 3 community. Experience a new form of multiplayer in Arma 3 Zeus, where Game Masters have the ability to influence the battlefield of other players in real-time.
  • Content Creation
    Start creating your own experiences with Arma 3’s intuitive scenario editor and powerful modding tools. Enjoy a platform filled with player-created content, ranging from custom weapons and vehicles, to intense singleplayer scenarios and entirely new multiplayer game modes. Share and discover content on the Arma 3 Steam Workshop, which lets you install player-created content with a click of a button.
  • Revamped Engine
    Navigate the battlefield with fluid new animations; feel the devastating power of combat with the upgraded sound engine, new ragdoll simulation and PhysX™-supported vehicles. Pushed forward by game-changing innovations, the highly moddable Real Virtuality™ 4 engine powers a new generation of Arma with even more stunning graphics, broad simulation gameplay, and massive sandbox terrains.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series



Experience true combat gameplay in a massive military sandbox. Deploying a wide variety of single- and multiplayer content, over 20 vehicles and 40 weapons, and limitless opportunities for content creation, this is the PC’s premier military game. Authentic, diverse, open - Arma 3 sends you to war.

Key Features in Arma 3

  • Altis & Stratis
    Defeat your enemy on a richly detailed, open-world battlefield – stretching over 290 km² of Mediterranean island terrain. From expansive cities to rolling hills, whether steamrolling your tank across the dusty plains, flying a transport helicopter over the dense forests, or waging asymmetric warfare from the rocky hills, the islands of Altis and Stratis are dynamic worlds, which lend themselves to the most varied engagements in gaming.
  • Weapons & Vehicles
    Head into combat on foot, drive armored vehicles, or take to the skies in helicopters and jets. Conduct a combined arms attack over air, land, and sea, with over 20 vehicles to drive and pilot, 40+ weapons to pick from, customizable loadouts with short- and long-distance attachments, and various types of gear to suit your needs on the battlefield. With a massive arsenal at your disposal, Arma 3 moves you into a world of tactical opportunities.
  • Singleplayer
    Follow the story of Ben Kerry, a soldier who gets caught up in a Mediterranean flashpoint, across three gameplay-driven campaign episodes: Survive, Adapt, Win. Immerse yourself in Arma 3’s diverse gameplay by completing the focused showcase scenarios. Run through the competitive firing drills to hone your shooting and movement skills, and complete your training by signing up to Arma 3 Bootcamp, which features SP and MP tutorials, and a dedicated Virtual Reality practice environment.
  • Multiplayer
    Fight online in the massive military sandbox that is Arma 3. Form a squad and team up against your enemy in the official Defend and Seize multiplayer scenarios. Or jump into one of the many popular unofficial game modes developed by the Arma 3 community. Experience a new form of multiplayer in Arma 3 Zeus, where Game Masters have the ability to influence the battlefield of other players in real-time.
  • Content Creation
    Start creating your own experiences with Arma 3’s intuitive scenario editor and powerful modding tools. Enjoy a platform filled with player-created content, ranging from custom weapons and vehicles, to intense singleplayer scenarios and entirely new multiplayer game modes. Share and discover content on the Arma 3 Steam Workshop, which lets you install player-created content with a click of a button.
  • Revamped Engine
    Navigate the battlefield with fluid new animations; feel the devastating power of combat with the upgraded sound engine, new ragdoll simulation and PhysX™-supported vehicles. Pushed forward by game-changing innovations, the highly moddable Real Virtuality™ 4 engine powers a new generation of Arma with even more stunning graphics, broad simulation gameplay, and massive sandbox terrains.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series



大型軍事 sandbox 的遊戲方式,讓您體驗真正的戰場。這是電腦平台上首屈一指的軍事遊戲,內容包含豐富的單人與多人模式玩法、超過 20 種載具、40 種武器,為自製內容帶來無限的可能。Arma 3 帶您進入戰場--真實多變的開放世界。

Arma 3 主要特色

  • Altis 與 Stratis
    您將征戰於這刻劃精細、開放的戰場--占地約 290 平方公里、地中海地形的島嶼。Altis 與 Stratis 島是多變的動態世界,其中充滿變幻莫測的遊戲體驗,無論是從大型城市到起伏山坡、駕駛戰車穿梭滿天風沙的平原、搭乘直升機飛越濃密森林、從崎嶇山脈進行不對稱作戰等,在這裡都有可能出現。
  • 武器與載具
    步行、搭乘裝甲載具、或駕駛直升機與戰鬥機奔走於戰場。從海陸空發動聯合兵種作戰,共有超過 20 種載具與飛行員、40 種武器、短程/長程加載武器配件、還有多種裝備任您挑選,滿足一切作戰需求。正因有著如此龐大的軍火庫,Arma 3 足以將您帶往處處危機的戰略遊戲世界。
  • 單人遊戲模式
    您將扮演身陷於地中海衝突中的士兵,Ben Kerry,努力完成劇情戰役三部曲:「生存」、「適應」、「勝利結局」。展示櫃場景展現了 Arma 3 的豐富遊戲方式,請來體驗。在本遊戲中,您可以參加刺激的射擊訓練精進射擊與移動技巧,和加入 Arma 3 新兵訓練營完成新訓,內容包含單人與多人遊戲教學、還有專屬的 Virtual Reality 練習環境。
  • 多人遊戲模式
    透過連線,加入 Arma 3 的大型軍事 sandbox 作戰。官方的 Defend 與 Seize 多人遊戲場景中,玩家可以組織分隊、共同對抗敵人。或者,試試由 Arma 3 社群中玩家自製、回響熱烈的非官方模組。Arma 3 Zeus 是新型的多人遊戲模式,玩家可以扮演遊戲管理人,及時增進其他玩家的遊戲體驗。
  • 自製內容
    利用 Arma 3 的直覺式場景編輯器與強力模組工具,實現屬於自己的遊戲。本遊戲可搭載眾多玩家自製的模組,從自訂武器與載具、緊湊的單人遊戲場景到全新的多人遊戲模式,應有盡有。您只要按一下按鍵,就能安裝玩家自製的模組,請來看看 Arma 3 Steam Workshop 的內容。
  • 引擎翻新
    新增流暢動畫穿梭於戰場間、升級音效引擎,讓您深刻體會作戰的震撼威力、增加人偶模擬功能與支援 PhysX™ 的載具。Real Virtuality™ 4 引擎超群的創新製作功能,將 Arma 推向了新的一頁:驚人的畫面效果、多種擬真玩法、還有寬闊的 sandbox 地形。

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


Oyun Açıklaması

Devasa bir askeri sandbox’ta gerçek savaş oyunu deneyimini yaşayın. Bu oyun, çok çeşitli tek ve çok oyunculu içerik, 20’den fazla araç ve 40 silah, sınırsız içerik oluşturma fırsatı ile bilgisayar için tasarlanmış 1. sınıf bir askeri oyundur. Özgün, çeşitli, açık - Arma 3 seni savaşa gönderiyor.

Arma 3’teki Önemli Özellikler

  • Altis ve Stratis
    290 km² Akdeniz ada arazisine yayılan, zengin ayrıntılara sahip bir açık dünya savaş alanında düşmanınızı yenin. Geniş şehirlerden engebeli tepelere kadar, tankınızla tozlu ovaları gezebilir, sık ormanların üzerinde nakil helikopterinizi uçurabilir veya kayalıklardan asimetrik savaş açabilirsiniz. Altis ve Stratis, oyun deneyiminde çeşitli çatışmalara uygun dinamik dünyalardır.
  • Silahlar ve Araçlar
    Yaya olarak savaşa gidin, zırhlı araçlar kullanın ya da helikopterler ve jetlerle göklerde süzülün. Kullanabileceğiniz ve pilotluk edebileceğiniz 20’den fazla araç, arasından seçim yapabileceğiniz 40’ı aşkın silah, kısa ve uzun mesafe donanımlara sahip özelleştirilebilir mühimmatlar ve savaş alanında ihtiyaçlarınıza uygun çeşitli teçhizat türleri ile havada, karada ve denizde karma sınıf saldırısı düzenleyin. İstediğiniz zaman kullanabileceğiniz devasa cephanelik sayesinde Arma 3 sizi taktiksel fırsatlar dünyasına taşıyor.
  • Tek Oyunculu
    Üç oyun deneyimine göre şekillenen hareket bölümü: Hayatta Kal, Uyum Sağla, Kazan’da kendini Akdeniz’deki kritik bir durumda bulan asker Ben Kerry’nin hikâyesini izleyin. Tanıtım senaryolarını tamamlayarak Arma 3’ün çok çeşitli oyun deneyimine dahil olun. Atış ve hareket becerilerinizi geliştirmek için rekabetçi atış talimlerine katılın, TO ve ÇO öğreticileri ve özel bir Sanal Gerçeklik egzersiz ortamı sunan Arma 3 Acemi Birliği’ne kaydolup eğitiminizi tamamlayın.
  • Çok Oyunculu
    Devasa askeri sandbox Arma 3’te çevrimiçi savaşın. Bir manga oluşturun ve resmi Seize ve Defend çok oyunculu senaryolarında düşmanınıza karşı birlik olun. Ya da Arma 3 topluluğu tarafından geliştirilen birçok popüler resmi olmayan oyun moduna katılın. Game Master'ların, diğer oyuncuların savaş alanını gerçek zamanlı etkileme fırsatına sahip olduğu Arma 3 Zeus’ta yeni bir çok oyunculu türünün tadını çıkarın.
  • İçerik Oluşturma
    Arma 3’ün sezgisel senaryo editörü ve güçlü modlama araçlarıyla kendi deneyimlerinizi oluşturmaya başlayın. Özel silahlardan araçlara, çarpıcı tek oyunculu senaryolardan yepyeni çok oyunculu oyun modlarına kadar, oyuncu tarafından oluşturulmuş içeriklerle dolu bir platformun keyfini yaşayın. Tek bir tıklamayla oyuncu tarafından oluşturulmuş içeriği yüklemenizi sağlayan Arma 3 Steam Workshop’ta içerik paylaşabilir ve keşfedebilirsiniz.
  • Yenilenen Motor
    Yeni akıcı animasyonlarla savaş alanında gezinin; yükseltilmiş ses motoru, yeni ragdoll simülasyonu ve PhysX™ destekli araçlarla savaşın tahrip edici gücünü hissedin. Oyun değiştirici yeniliklerle donanan yüksek modifiyeli Real Virtuality™ 4 motor, çok daha büyüleyici grafiklere, geniş simülasyon oyun deneyimine ve devasa sandbox arazilerine sahip yeni nesil Arma’ya güç sağlıyor.

Arma 3 Community Guide Series


Про гру

Experience true combat gameplay in a massive military sandbox. Deploying a wide variety of single- and multiplayer content, over 20 vehicles and 40 weapons, and limitless opportunities for content creation, this is the PC’s premier military game. Authentic, diverse, open - Arma 3 sends you to war.

Key Features in Arma 3

  • Altis & Stratis
    Defeat your enemy on a richly detailed, open-world battlefield – stretching over 290 km² of Mediterranean island terrain. From expansive cities to rolling hills, whether steamrolling your tank across the dusty plains, flying a transport helicopter over the dense forests, or waging asymmetric warfare from the rocky hills, the islands of Altis and Stratis are dynamic worlds, which lend themselves to the most varied engagements in gaming.
  • Weapons & Vehicles
    Head into combat on foot, drive armored vehicles, or take to the skies in helicopters and jets. Conduct a combined arms attack over air, land, and sea, with over 20 vehicles to drive and pilot, 40+ weapons to pick from, customizable loadouts with short- and long-distance attachments, and various types of gear to suit your needs on the battlefield. With a massive arsenal at your disposal, Arma 3 moves you into a world of tactical opportunities.
  • Singleplayer
    Follow the story of Ben Kerry, a soldier who gets caught up in a Mediterranean flashpoint, across three gameplay-driven campaign episodes: Survive, Adapt, Win. Immerse yourself in Arma 3’s diverse gameplay by completing the focused showcase scenarios. Run through the competitive firing drills to hone your shooting and movement skills, and complete your training by signing up to Arma 3 Bootcamp, which features SP and MP tutorials, and a dedicated Virtual Reality practice environment.
  • Multiplayer
    Fight online in the massive military sandbox that is Arma 3. Form a squad and team up against your enemy in the official Defend and Seize multiplayer scenarios. Or jump into one of the many popular unofficial game modes developed by the Arma 3 community. Experience a new form of multiplayer in Arma 3 Zeus, where Game Masters have the ability to influence the battlefield of other players in real-time.
  • Content Creation
    Start creating your own experiences with Arma 3’s intuitive scenario editor and powerful modding tools. Enjoy a platform filled with player-created content, ranging from custom weapons and vehicles, to intense singleplayer scenarios and entirely new multiplayer game modes. Share and discover content on the Arma 3 Steam Workshop, which lets you install player-created content with a click of a button.
  • Revamped Engine
    Navigate the battlefield with fluid new animations; feel the devastating power of combat with the upgraded sound engine, new ragdoll simulation and PhysX™-supported vehicles. Pushed forward by game-changing innovations, the highly moddable Real Virtuality™ 4 engine powers a new generation of Arma with even more stunning graphics, broad simulation gameplay, and massive sandbox terrains.

System Requirements


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