Assassin's Creed: Syndicate Gold Edition (EU)
Assassin's Creed: Syndicate Gold Edition (EU)

Assassin's Creed: Syndicate Gold Edition (EU)

Release Date: 19/11/2015 | EU
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17.49 € + VAT


The Gold Edition includes the Standard Edition and the Season Pass. London, 1868. In the heart of the Industrial Revolution, lead your underworld organization and grow your influence to fight those who exploit the less privileged in the name of progress: Champion justice As Jacob Frye, a young and reckless Assassin, use your skills to help those trampled by the march of progress. From freeing exploited children used as slave labour in factories, to stealing precious assets from enemy boats, you will stop at nothing to bring justice back to London’s streets. Command London’s underworld To reclaim London for the people, you will need an army. As a gang leader, strengthen your stronghold and rally rival gang members to your cause, in order to take back the capital from the Templars’ hold. A new dynamic fighting system In Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, action is fast-paced and brutal. As a master of combat, combine powerful multi-kills and countermoves to strike your enemies down. A whole new arsenal Choose your own way to fight enemies. Take advantage of the Rope Launcher technology to be as stealthy as ever and strike with your Hidden Blade. Or choose the kukri knife and the brass knuckles to get the drop on your enemies. A new age of transportation In London, the systemic vehicles offer an ever-changing environment. Drive carriages to chase your target, use your parkour skills to engage in epic fights atop high-speed trains, or make your own way amongst the boats of the River Thames. A vast open world Travel the city at the height of the Industrial Revolution and meet iconic historical figures. From Westminster to Whitechapel, you will come across Darwin, Dickens, Queen Victoria… and many more.
De Gold Edition bevat de Standard Edition en de Season Pass. Londen, 1868. Het hart van de Industriële Revolutie. Leid je clandestiene organisatie en vergroot je invloed om diegenen te bestrijden die de minderbedeelden uitbuiten in naam van de vooruitgang. Verdedig gerechtigheid Als Jacob Frye, een jonge en roekeloze Assassin, gebruik je vaardigheden om degenen te helpen die vertrappeld worden door de mars van de vooruitgang. Van het bevrijden van uitgebuite kinderen die voor slavenarbeid worden gebruikt in de fabrieken tot het stelen van waardevolle assets van vijandelijke boten, niets zal je tegenhouden om de gerechtigheid terug naar de straten van Londen te brengen. Voer het bevel over de onderwereld van Londen Om Londen opnieuw op te eisen voor het volk, zal je een leger nodig hebben. Als bendeleider, versterk je vesting, verzamel rivaliserende bendeleden voor je doel en bevrijd de hoofdstad uit de greep van de Tempeliers. Een nieuw dynamisch vechtsysteem In Assassin’s Creed Syndicate is de actie snel en brutaal. Als een meester in de strijd, combineer je krachtige multi-kills en counterbewegingen om je vijanden neer te halen. Een gloednieuw arsenaal Kies jouw eigen manier om vijanden te bestrijden. Maak gebruik van de Rope Launcher technologie om stealthier dan ooit tevoren te zijn en sla toe met je Hidden Blade. Of kies het kukri mes en de boksbeugel om je vijanden neer te slaan. Een nieuw tijdperk van transport In London, zorgen de systemische voertuigen voor een voorgoed veranderende omgeving. Bestuur koetsen om je doelwit op te jagen, gebruik je parkour vaardigheden om de strijd aan te gaan in epische gevechten boven op hogesnelheidstreinen, of baan je een weg tussen de boten op de Thames. Een uitgebreide open wereld Reis door de stad op het hoogtepunt van de Industriële Revolutie en ontmoet iconische historische personages. Van Westminster tot Whitechapel onmoet je Darwin, Dickens, Queen Victoria en vele anderen.
The Gold Edition includes the Standard Edition and the Season Pass. London, 1868. In the heart of the Industrial Revolution, lead your underworld organization and grow your influence to fight those who exploit the less privileged in the name of progress: Champion justice As Jacob Frye, a young and reckless Assassin, use your skills to help those trampled by the march of progress. From freeing exploited children used as slave labour in factories, to stealing precious assets from enemy boats, you will stop at nothing to bring justice back to London’s streets. Command London’s underworld To reclaim London for the people, you will need an army. As a gang leader, strengthen your stronghold and rally rival gang members to your cause, in order to take back the capital from the Templars’ hold. A new dynamic fighting system In Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, action is fast-paced and brutal. As a master of combat, combine powerful multi-kills and countermoves to strike your enemies down. A whole new arsenal Choose your own way to fight enemies. Take advantage of the Rope Launcher technology to be as stealthy as ever and strike with your Hidden Blade. Or choose the kukri knife and the brass knuckles to get the drop on your enemies. A new age of transportation In London, the systemic vehicles offer an ever-changing environment. Drive carriages to chase your target, use your parkour skills to engage in epic fights atop high-speed trains, or make your own way amongst the boats of the River Thames. A vast open world Travel the city at the height of the Industrial Revolution and meet iconic historical figures. From Westminster to Whitechapel, you will come across Darwin, Dickens, Queen Victoria… and many more.
L'Édition Gold comprend l'Édition Standard et le Season Pass. Londres, 1868. En plein cœur de la Révolution Industrielle, menez votre gang et développez votre influence pour combatte ceux qui exploitent les plus démunis au nom du progrès : Défendez la justice Incarnez Jacob Frye, un jeune Assassin impétueux et rebelle, et utilisez vos capacités pour aider les laissés-pour-compte dans la marche vers le progrès. Sauvez les enfants exploités tels des esclaves dans les usines et volez de précieuses cargaisons des bateaux ennemis. Ne laissez rien vous empêcher de rétablir la justice dans les rues de Londres. Dirigez les gangs de Londres Pour rendre les rues de Londres au peuple, vous aurez besoin d’une armée. En tant que dirigeant d’un gang, fortifiez votre repère et ralliez les membres des gangs rivaux à votre cause afin de reprendre la capitale des mains des Templiers. Un nouveau système de combat dynamique Dans Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, les combats sont vifs et brutaux. En tant que maître du combat, combinez les éliminations multiples et les attaques de contre pour dominer vos ennemis. Un tout nouvel arsenal Choisissez la méthode qui vous convient pour combattre les ennemis. Profitez du Lance-Grappin pour vous infiltrer et attaquer avec votre Lame Secrète. Ou bien mettez à contribution le Kukri et votre poing américain. La révolution des transports À Londres, l’environnement change sans cesse grâce aux véhicules systémiques. Conduisez des calèches pour poursuivre votre cible, utilisez vos capacités de parkour pour livrer des combats épiques sur des trains à vapeur roulant à grande vitesse ou frayez-vous votre propre passage de bateau en bateau sur la Tamise. Un gigantesque monde ouvert Parcourez la ville de Londres en pleine Révolution Industrielle et rencontrez des personnages historiques iconiques. Du quartier de Westminster à celui de Whitechapel, vous croiserez Darwin, Dickens, la Reine Victoria… et bien d’autres.
Die Gold Edition enthält die Stander Version und den Season-Pass London, 1868. Führe in der Wiege der Industriellen Revolution deine Unterweltorganisation und weite deinen Einfluss aus, um jene zu bekämpfen, die die Unterprivilegierten im Namen des Fortschritts ausbeuten: Ein Meister der Gerechtigkeit Spiele als Jacob Frye, einem furchtlosen Assassinen, und nutze deine Fähigkeiten, um jenen zu helfen, die vom Lauf des Fortschritts überrollt wurden. Ob du ausgebeutete Kinder, die in Fabriken als Arbeitssklaven gehalten werden, befreien oder wertvolle Gegenstände von feindlichen Schiffen stehlen musst, nichts wird dich daran hindern, die Gerechtigkeit zurück in die Straßen Londons zu bringen. Führe Londons Unterwelt Willst du London für die Menschen zurückerobern, brauchst du eine Armee. Als Bandenführer musst du deinen Unterschlupf befestigen und rivalisierende Bandenmitglieder für deine Sache gewinnen. Nur so kannst du die Hauptstadt den Templern entreißen. Ein neues dynamisches Kampfsystem Assassin's Creed Syndicate steckt voller rasanter und brutaler Action. Als Meister der Kampfkunst kombinierst du mächtige Mehrfach-Kills und Gegenangriffe, um deine Gegner niederzustrecken. Ein neues Arsenal Wähle deinen eigenen Weg im Kampf gegen deine Feinde. Nutze den Seilwerfer, um dich so unbemerkt wie immer anzuschleichen und mit der Versteckten Klinge zuzuschlagen. Oder wähle das Kukri-Messer und Schlagringe, um deinen Gegnern zuvorzukommen. Ein neues Transportzeitalter In London bieten die historischen Fahrzeuge ständig wechselnde Schauplätze. Lenke Kutschen auf der Jagd nach deinem Ziel, benutze deine Parkour-Fähigkeiten, um epische Kämpfe auf dem Dach von Hochgeschwindigkeitszügen auszufechten oder bahne dir einen Weg durch den Schiffsverkehr auf der Themse. Eine riesige offene Welt Erkunde die Stadt auf dem Höhepunkt der industriellen Revolution und triff berühmte historische Figuren. Von Westminster bis Whitechapel erwarten dich Darwin, Dickens, Königin Victoria ... und viele mehr.
La Gold Edition include la Standard Edition e il Season Pass. Londra, 1868. Guida la tua organizzazione segreta durante la rivoluzione industriale e accresci il tuo potere per combattere chi sfrutta i poveri nel nome del progresso: Un paladino della giustizia Vesti i panni del giovane Assassino ribelle Jacob Frye e usa le tue abilità per aiutare tutti coloro che sono oppressi dall'avanzata del progresso, liberando i bambini sfruttati come schiavi nelle fabbriche e rubando risorse preziose dai battelli dei nemici. Non ti fermerai davanti a nulla pur di riportare la giustizia nelle strade di Londra. Comanda la malavita di Londra Per ridare la città ai suoi abitanti, ti servirà un esercito. Guida la rivolta, rinforza la tua roccaforte e convinci le bande rivali a sposare la tua causa, per riprenderti la capitale dal giogo dei Templari. Un nuovo sistema di combattimento dinamico In Assassin's Creed Syndicate, troverai un’azione di gioco frenetica e brutale. Ma come maestro del combattimento, potrai combinare potenti contromosse e uccisioni multiple per eliminare tutti i tuoi nemici. Un intero nuovo arsenale Scegli come affrontare i tuoi nemici. Sfrutta il lanciacorda per essere ancora più furtivo e colpisci con la tua lama celata. Oppure eliminali con il coltello kukri e il tirapugni. Una nuova era per i trasporti Scopri una Londra in costante cambiamento con tutti i veicoli di questo importante periodo storico. Guida le carrozze per inseguire il tuo bersaglio, usa le tue abilità nel parkour per combattere sul tetto dei treni in corsa o fatti largo tra le barche sul Tamigi. Un vasto scenario liberamente esplorabile Esplora una Londra all'apice della rivoluzione industriale, da Westminster a Whitechapel, e incontra alcuni celebri personaggi storici, come Darwin, Dickens, la Regina Vittoria… e molti altri.
The Gold Edition includes the Standard Edition and the Season Pass. London, 1868. In the heart of the Industrial Revolution, lead your underworld organization and grow your influence to fight those who exploit the less privileged in the name of progress: Champion justice As Jacob Frye, a young and reckless Assassin, use your skills to help those trampled by the march of progress. From freeing exploited children used as slave labour in factories, to stealing precious assets from enemy boats, you will stop at nothing to bring justice back to London’s streets. Command London’s underworld To reclaim London for the people, you will need an army. As a gang leader, strengthen your stronghold and rally rival gang members to your cause, in order to take back the capital from the Templars’ hold. A new dynamic fighting system In Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, action is fast-paced and brutal. As a master of combat, combine powerful multi-kills and countermoves to strike your enemies down. A whole new arsenal Choose your own way to fight enemies. Take advantage of the Rope Launcher technology to be as stealthy as ever and strike with your Hidden Blade. Or choose the kukri knife and the brass knuckles to get the drop on your enemies. A new age of transportation In London, the systemic vehicles offer an ever-changing environment. Drive carriages to chase your target, use your parkour skills to engage in epic fights atop high-speed trains, or make your own way amongst the boats of the River Thames. A vast open world Travel the city at the height of the Industrial Revolution and meet iconic historical figures. From Westminster to Whitechapel, you will come across Darwin, Dickens, Queen Victoria… and many more.
The Gold Edition includes the Standard Edition and the Season Pass. London, 1868. In the heart of the Industrial Revolution, lead your underworld organization and grow your influence to fight those who exploit the less privileged in the name of progress: Champion justice As Jacob Frye, a young and reckless Assassin, use your skills to help those trampled by the march of progress. From freeing exploited children used as slave labour in factories, to stealing precious assets from enemy boats, you will stop at nothing to bring justice back to London’s streets. Command London’s underworld To reclaim London for the people, you will need an army. As a gang leader, strengthen your stronghold and rally rival gang members to your cause, in order to take back the capital from the Templars’ hold. A new dynamic fighting system In Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, action is fast-paced and brutal. As a master of combat, combine powerful multi-kills and countermoves to strike your enemies down. A whole new arsenal Choose your own way to fight enemies. Take advantage of the Rope Launcher technology to be as stealthy as ever and strike with your Hidden Blade. Or choose the kukri knife and the brass knuckles to get the drop on your enemies. A new age of transportation In London, the systemic vehicles offer an ever-changing environment. Drive carriages to chase your target, use your parkour skills to engage in epic fights atop high-speed trains, or make your own way amongst the boats of the River Thames. A vast open world Travel the city at the height of the Industrial Revolution and meet iconic historical figures. From Westminster to Whitechapel, you will come across Darwin, Dickens, Queen Victoria… and many more.
The Gold Edition includes the Standard Edition and the Season Pass. London, 1868. In the heart of the Industrial Revolution, lead your underworld organization and grow your influence to fight those who exploit the less privileged in the name of progress: Champion justice As Jacob Frye, a young and reckless Assassin, use your skills to help those trampled by the march of progress. From freeing exploited children used as slave labour in factories, to stealing precious assets from enemy boats, you will stop at nothing to bring justice back to London’s streets. Command London’s underworld To reclaim London for the people, you will need an army. As a gang leader, strengthen your stronghold and rally rival gang members to your cause, in order to take back the capital from the Templars’ hold. A new dynamic fighting system In Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, action is fast-paced and brutal. As a master of combat, combine powerful multi-kills and countermoves to strike your enemies down. A whole new arsenal Choose your own way to fight enemies. Take advantage of the Rope Launcher technology to be as stealthy as ever and strike with your Hidden Blade. Or choose the kukri knife and the brass knuckles to get the drop on your enemies. A new age of transportation In London, the systemic vehicles offer an ever-changing environment. Drive carriages to chase your target, use your parkour skills to engage in epic fights atop high-speed trains, or make your own way amongst the boats of the River Thames. A vast open world Travel the city at the height of the Industrial Revolution and meet iconic historical figures. From Westminster to Whitechapel, you will come across Darwin, Dickens, Queen Victoria… and many more.
Gold Edition включает в себя Стандартное Издание и Season Pass 1868 год, Лондон. В разгаре индустриальная революция. Управляйте собственной уличной бандой и направьте все силы на то, чтобы никто не смел творить злодеяния, прикрываясь стремлением к прогрессу. Вершите правосудие Молодой импульсивный ассасин Джейкоб Фрай готов помочь всем, кто оказался беззащитным перед натиском прогресса и попал в беду. Освобождайте детей, принужденных к непосильному труду, похищайте ценные материалы у своих врагов... И пусть справедливость восторжествует. Управляйте уличными бандами Не стоит пытаться что-либо изменить в одиночку. Постройте настоящую подпольную империю - и у вас появятся верные союзники. Укрепляйте собственные позиции и устраняйте конкурентов - тамплиеры не должны контролировать денежные потоки. Новая система боя Сражения стали гораздо динамичнее и реалистичнее. Отражайте удары и атакуйте - удачные комбинации ваших действий не оставят врагам шансов. Расширенный арсенал Выбирайте снаряжение на свой вкус. Предпочитаете действовать незаметно? Взберитесь по канату и воспользуйтесь скрытым клинком. Хотите вступить в бой? Тогда вам пригодится кастет или кукри. Новые средства передвижения Передовая транспортная система сделает город по-настоящему живым. Преследуйте цель, разогнав кэб как следует, сражайтесь на крышах скоростных поездов и научитесь лавировать между лодками, скользящими по поверхности Темзы. Детализированный открытый мир Исследуйте Лондон, облик которого изменила промышленная революция. Познакомьтесь с узнаваемыми историческими фигурами - Чарльзом Дарвином, Чарльзом Диккенсом, королевой Викторией и многими другими.
La Gold Edition incluye la Standard Edition y el Season Pass. Londres, 1868. En plena Revolución Industrial, lidera tu organización secreta e influye para luchar contra los que explotan a los desprotegidos en nombre del progreso: Campeón de la justicia Serás Jacob Frye, un joven y temerario Assassin. Usa tus habilidades para ayudar a aquellos que ven pisoteados sus derechos por el avance y el progreso. No te detendrás ante nada para devolver la justicia a las calles de Londres, ya sea liberar a niños usados como esclavos en las fábricas, o robar objetos preciosos de barcos enemigos. Dirige el mundo subterrándeo de Londres Para reclamar Londres para el pueblo, necesitarás un ejército. Como líder de una banda, fortalece tu campamento y convence a miembros de otras bandas para que se unan a tu causa, así podrás arrebatar la ciudad a los Templarios. Nuevo sistema dinámico de lucha En Assassin’s Creed Syndicate la acción es rápida y brutal. Como maestro del combate, combina las muertes múltiples y los contraataques para vencer. Un nuevo arsenal Elige cómo quieres luchar. Aprovecha el lanzador de cuerda para ser más sigiloso y ataca con tu Hoja Oculta. O elige el kukri y los nudillos de acero para sorprender a tus enemigos. Vehículos sistémicos En Londres, los vehículos sistémicos ofrecen un escenario que no deja de cambiar. Conduce carruajes para perseguir a tu objetivo, usa el parkour para enzarzarte en épicos combates en lo alto de trenes a toda velocidad, o atraviesa en barco a tu manera el río Támesis Un gran mundo abierto Recorre la ciudad en pleno apogeo de la Revolución Industrial y conoce a importantes personajes históricos. De Westminster hasta Whitechapel, tu camino se cruzará con los de Darwin, Dickens, la Reina Victoria… Y muchos más.
The Gold Edition includes the Standard Edition and the Season Pass. London, 1868. In the heart of the Industrial Revolution, lead your underworld organization and grow your influence to fight those who exploit the less privileged in the name of progress: Champion justice As Jacob Frye, a young and reckless Assassin, use your skills to help those trampled by the march of progress. From freeing exploited children used as slave labour in factories, to stealing precious assets from enemy boats, you will stop at nothing to bring justice back to London’s streets. Command London’s underworld To reclaim London for the people, you will need an army. As a gang leader, strengthen your stronghold and rally rival gang members to your cause, in order to take back the capital from the Templars’ hold. A new dynamic fighting system In Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, action is fast-paced and brutal. As a master of combat, combine powerful multi-kills and countermoves to strike your enemies down. A whole new arsenal Choose your own way to fight enemies. Take advantage of the Rope Launcher technology to be as stealthy as ever and strike with your Hidden Blade. Or choose the kukri knife and the brass knuckles to get the drop on your enemies. A new age of transportation In London, the systemic vehicles offer an ever-changing environment. Drive carriages to chase your target, use your parkour skills to engage in epic fights atop high-speed trains, or make your own way amongst the boats of the River Thames. A vast open world Travel the city at the height of the Industrial Revolution and meet iconic historical figures. From Westminster to Whitechapel, you will come across Darwin, Dickens, Queen Victoria… and many more.

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