Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
Sobre o jogo
As imagens de captura de tela e/ou trailers podem mostrar conteúdos que ainda não estejam disponíveis. Estes conteúdos, quando disponíveis, serão disponibilizados para os donos de ACC anteriores sem cobranças adicionais. Para obter o roteiro completo do lançamento, confira o seguinte cronograma: Corsa Competizione é o novo jogo oficial do Blancpain GT Series.Graças à qualidade extraordinária da simulação, o jogo permitirá que você experimente a atmosfera real do campeonato GT3, competindo contra motoristas, equipes, carros e circuitos oficiais reproduzidos no jogo com o mais alto nível de precisão já obtido.
Corridas de Velocidade, Resistência e 24 Horas de Spa ganharão vida com um nível de realismo incrível, tanto no modo para um único jogador quanto para multijogadores.
Assetto Corsa Competizione contará com a Temporada 2018 do Blancpain GT Series e também incluirá a Temporada 2019, que será fornecida como uma atualização gratuita durante o Verão de 2019.
O Assetto Corsa Competizione é o resultado da união da larga experiência do KUNOS Simulazioni com a tecnologia do Unreal Engine 4, capaz de reproduzir gráficos, condições climáticas, corridas noturnas, captura de movimentos e animações fotorrealistas, definindo um novo padrão em termos de imersão no comando de veículos, graças a seus modelos de pneus e aerodinâmica aprimorados.
Projetado para inovar, o Assetto Corsa Competizione será usado na promoção de eSports, levando jogadores ao coração do Blancpain GT Series e oferecendo a eles o comando de Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens e vários outros conceituados carros de corrida GT. Tudo isso reproduzido com um impressionante nível de detalhes.
SIMULAÇÃO REALISTAAssetto Corsa Competizione foi projetado para recriar de forma fiel o desempenho e a experiência de controle de carros reais do Blancpain GT Series através de um modelo matemático sofisticado que replica de forma precisa os atrito do pneu, o impacto da aerodinâmica, os parâmetros do motor, as suspensões e o sistema eletrônico que determina o equilíbrio do veículo, assim como a influência do dano mecânico na dirigibilidade do carro.
GRÁFICOS E EFEITOS VISUAIS DE NOVA GERAÇÃOO Unreal Engine 4 garante uma renderização fotorrealista e uma representação de cenário, materiais do carro e condições climáticas precisas. Graças à amostragem de áudio multicanal dos verdadeiros carros GT, o jogo transmite acústica e efeitos ambientais realísticos, cativantes e imersivos.
ATENÇÃO AOS DETALHESAté mesmo os detalhes secundários são reproduzidos de forma fiel para que você sinta a emoção de estar no cockpit de um carro de corrida de verdade. Portas, limpadores de para-brisas, faróis, luzes de corrida, equipamento de corrida e dispositivos de controle como ABS, controle de tração, ignição do motor e mapeamento de ECU, estão todos sob o gerenciamento do motorista para garantir o melhor desempenho e oferecer ao jogador o controle total do carro.
OS CIRCUITOS MAIS PRECISOSGraças à tecnologia Laserscan, todo circuito oficial foi recriado com o máximo de precisão: todos os meios-fios e detalhes se encaixam perfeitamente ao seu equivalente real para garantir uma experiência de jogo o mais fiel à realidade possível.
FUNÇÃO MULTIJOGADOR AVANÇADAUm sistema de classificação bem estruturado avaliará o desempenho individual e comportamento de direção para premiar os motoristas mais virtuosos e promover equidade em competições online. A função de união garante que você possa competir com os oponentes de níveis de habilidades similares e encontrar com facilidade corridas online para participar, enquanto os placares de líderes permitirão a comparação de desempenho de uma única volta com pilotos virtuais de motoristas de todo mundo com o mesmo carro, circuito e condições climáticas.
EXPERIÊNCIA DE ÚNICO JOGADOR IMERSIVAOs modos de Carreira, Campeonato e Jogo Livre oferecem uma experiência de jogo completa e personalizável, graças também aos tutoriais e níveis de ajuda progressiva que permitem que você personalize a dificuldade do oponente de IA e controle de estabilidade do veículo às suas habilidades. Os Eventos Especiais permitirão que você ganhe uma experiência direta dos desafios Blancpain GT Series reais mais notáveis.
COMPATIBILIDADE DO HARDWARE DE ALTO-NÍVELAssetto Corsa Competizione garante uma compatibilidade completa com uma ampla gama de periféricos, de controles a volantes profissionais.
CAPTURA DE MOVIMENTO PARA ANIMAÇÕES REALÍSTICASA tecnologia de captura de movimento é usada para criar as animações de mecânicos e motoristas de uma forma ainda mais realista e garantir um alto nível de envolvimento do jogador durante as corridas, pit stops e desafios do motorista.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESEncorajados pelo sucesso do Blancpain Endurance Series, que depois de sua criação em 2011 rapidamente se tornou referência global para corridas GT, o fabricante de relógios mundialmente conhecido, Blancpain, e o SRO Motorsports Group decidiram no final de 2013 estender sua parceria ao Blancpain Sprint Series. Desde 2015, equipes e motoristas também tiveram a chance de competir por um título geral do Blancpain GT Series. O resultado consistia de grades diferentes, com várias equipes e pilotos de GT no início de cada corrida. O Blancpain GT Series também viu um fluxo de motoristas jovens e talentosos, tornando-se referência mundial na corrida de GT3.
Com a Copa de Primavera do Blancpain GT Series e a Copa de resistência do Blancpain GT Series agora compartilhando as mesmas categorias de motorista e sistema de pontuação, a temporada de dez rodadas do Blancpain GT Series – que conta com cinco eventos de primavera e cinco eventos de resistência – premia os motoristas de GT mais competentes do mundo.
Um Evento de Primavera do Blancpain GT Series consiste de duas corridas de uma hora cada, enquanto as corridas da Copa de Resistência do Blancpain GT Series vão de eventos de três horas através de uma corrida de 1000 km até o ápice da temporada do 24 Horas de Spa, uma das principais corridas de 24 horas do mundo.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
Относно играта
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the new official GT World Challenge videogame. Thanks to the extraordinary quality of simulation, the game will allow you to experience the real atmosphere of the GT3 championship, competing against official drivers, teams, cars and circuits reproduced in-game with the highest level of accuracy ever achieved.
Sprint, Endurance and Spa 24 Hours races will come to life with an incredible level of realism, in both single and multiplayer modes.
Assetto Corsa Competizione will feature Blancpain GT Series’ 2018 and 2019 seasons.
Assetto Corsa Competizione is born from KUNOS Simulazioni's long-term experience, and it takes full advantage of Unreal Engine 4 to ensure photorealistic weather conditions and graphics, night races, motion capture animations, reaching a new standard in terms of driving realism and immersion, thanks to its further improved tyre and aerodynamic models.
Designed to innovate, Assetto Corsa Competizione will be set to promote eSports, bringing players at the heart of the GT World Challenge and putting them behind the wheel of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens and many other prestigious GT racing cars, all reproduced with outstanding level of detail.
REALISTIC SIMULATIONAssetto Corsa Competizione is designed to faithfully recreate the performance and the driving experience of real GT World Challenge cars through a sophisticated mathematical model that accurately replicates tyre grip, aerodynamic impact, engine parameters, suspensions and electronics systems that determine vehicle balance, as well as the influence of mechanical damage on the car's drivability.
NEW-GENERATION GRAPHICS AND VISUAL EFFECTSUnreal Engine 4 guarantees photorealistic rendering and an accurate representation of scenarios, car materials and weather conditions. Thanks to the multi-channel audio sampling of real GT cars, the game conveys captivating and immersive acoustic surroundings and realistic environmental effects.
CARE FOR DETAILSEven the secondary details are faithfully reproduced to make you feel the thrill of being in the cockpit of a real racing car. Doors, windshield wipers, headlights, racing lights, racing equipment and control devices such as ABS, traction control, engine ignition and ECU mapping, are all under the driver’s management to assure the best performance and offer the player total control of the car.
THE MOST ACCURATE CIRCUITSThanks to Laserscan technology, every official circuit is recreated with the utmost accuracy: all curbs and details perfectly fit their real counterparts to grant a gaming experience as faithful to reality as possible.
ADVANCED MULTIPLAYER FUNCTIONALITYA well-structured ranking system will evaluate individual performance and driving behaviour to reward the most virtuous drivers and promote fair play in online competitions. The matchmaking function makes sure that you can compete with opponents of similar skill level and easily find online races to join, while the leaderboards will allow you to compare single-lap performance with drivers from all around the world with the same car, circuit and weather conditions.
IMMERSIVE SINGLE PLAYER EXPERIENCECareer, Championship and Free Play modes offer a complete and customizable gaming experience, also thanks to the tutorials and progressive aid levels that allow you to tailor AI opponent difficulty and vehicle stability control to your abilities. The Special Events will allow you to gain a first-hand experience of the most noteworthy real-life GT World Challenge.
HIGH-LEVEL HARDWARE COMPATIBILITYAssetto Corsa Competizione ensures full compatibility with a wide range of peripherals from gamepads to professional steering wheels.
MOTION CAPTURE FOR REALISTIC ANIMATIONSMotion capture technology is used to create the animations of mechanics and drivers in an even more realistic fashion, and guarantee a high level of player engagement during races, pit stops and driver changes.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESEncouraged by the success of the Blancpain Endurance Series, which after its creation in 2011 quickly became the global reference for GT racing, world-renowned Swiss watch manufacturer Blancpain and the SRO Motorsports Group decided at the end of 2013 to extend their partnership to the Blancpain Sprint Series. From 2015, teams and drivers were also given the opportunity to compete for an overall Blancpain GT Series title. Varied grids were the result, with a host of respected GT teams and drivers at the start of each race. The Blancpain GT Series also saw an influx of young and talented drivers, making it a worldwide benchmark in GT3 racing.
With both the Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup and Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup now sharing the same driver categories and points system, the ten-round Blancpain GT Series season – comprising five sprint events and five endurance events – crowns the world’s most complete GT drivers.
A Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup event consists of two races of one hour each, while the Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup races range from three-hour events through a 1000 km race to the season highlight of the Total 24 Hours of Spa, one of the world’s leading 24-hour races.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
O hře
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the new official GT World Challenge videogame. Thanks to the extraordinary quality of simulation, the game will allow you to experience the real atmosphere of the GT3 championship, competing against official drivers, teams, cars and circuits reproduced in-game with the highest level of accuracy ever achieved.
Sprint, Endurance and Spa 24 Hours races will come to life with an incredible level of realism, in both single and multiplayer modes.
Assetto Corsa Competizione will feature Blancpain GT Series’ 2018 and 2019 seasons.
Assetto Corsa Competizione is born from KUNOS Simulazioni's long-term experience, and it takes full advantage of Unreal Engine 4 to ensure photorealistic weather conditions and graphics, night races, motion capture animations, reaching a new standard in terms of driving realism and immersion, thanks to its further improved tyre and aerodynamic models.
Designed to innovate, Assetto Corsa Competizione will be set to promote eSports, bringing players at the heart of the GT World Challenge and putting them behind the wheel of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens and many other prestigious GT racing cars, all reproduced with outstanding level of detail.
REALISTIC SIMULATIONAssetto Corsa Competizione is designed to faithfully recreate the performance and the driving experience of real GT World Challenge cars through a sophisticated mathematical model that accurately replicates tyre grip, aerodynamic impact, engine parameters, suspensions and electronics systems that determine vehicle balance, as well as the influence of mechanical damage on the car's drivability.
NEW-GENERATION GRAPHICS AND VISUAL EFFECTSUnreal Engine 4 guarantees photorealistic rendering and an accurate representation of scenarios, car materials and weather conditions. Thanks to the multi-channel audio sampling of real GT cars, the game conveys captivating and immersive acoustic surroundings and realistic environmental effects.
CARE FOR DETAILSEven the secondary details are faithfully reproduced to make you feel the thrill of being in the cockpit of a real racing car. Doors, windshield wipers, headlights, racing lights, racing equipment and control devices such as ABS, traction control, engine ignition and ECU mapping, are all under the driver’s management to assure the best performance and offer the player total control of the car.
THE MOST ACCURATE CIRCUITSThanks to Laserscan technology, every official circuit is recreated with the utmost accuracy: all curbs and details perfectly fit their real counterparts to grant a gaming experience as faithful to reality as possible.
ADVANCED MULTIPLAYER FUNCTIONALITYA well-structured ranking system will evaluate individual performance and driving behaviour to reward the most virtuous drivers and promote fair play in online competitions. The matchmaking function makes sure that you can compete with opponents of similar skill level and easily find online races to join, while the leaderboards will allow you to compare single-lap performance with drivers from all around the world with the same car, circuit and weather conditions.
IMMERSIVE SINGLE PLAYER EXPERIENCECareer, Championship and Free Play modes offer a complete and customizable gaming experience, also thanks to the tutorials and progressive aid levels that allow you to tailor AI opponent difficulty and vehicle stability control to your abilities. The Special Events will allow you to gain a first-hand experience of the most noteworthy real-life GT World Challenge.
HIGH-LEVEL HARDWARE COMPATIBILITYAssetto Corsa Competizione ensures full compatibility with a wide range of peripherals from gamepads to professional steering wheels.
MOTION CAPTURE FOR REALISTIC ANIMATIONSMotion capture technology is used to create the animations of mechanics and drivers in an even more realistic fashion, and guarantee a high level of player engagement during races, pit stops and driver changes.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESEncouraged by the success of the Blancpain Endurance Series, which after its creation in 2011 quickly became the global reference for GT racing, world-renowned Swiss watch manufacturer Blancpain and the SRO Motorsports Group decided at the end of 2013 to extend their partnership to the Blancpain Sprint Series. From 2015, teams and drivers were also given the opportunity to compete for an overall Blancpain GT Series title. Varied grids were the result, with a host of respected GT teams and drivers at the start of each race. The Blancpain GT Series also saw an influx of young and talented drivers, making it a worldwide benchmark in GT3 racing.
With both the Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup and Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup now sharing the same driver categories and points system, the ten-round Blancpain GT Series season – comprising five sprint events and five endurance events – crowns the world’s most complete GT drivers.
A Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup event consists of two races of one hour each, while the Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup races range from three-hour events through a 1000 km race to the season highlight of the Total 24 Hours of Spa, one of the world’s leading 24-hour races.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
Om spillet
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the new official GT World Challenge videogame. Thanks to the extraordinary quality of simulation, the game will allow you to experience the real atmosphere of the GT3 championship, competing against official drivers, teams, cars and circuits reproduced in-game with the highest level of accuracy ever achieved.
Sprint, Endurance and Spa 24 Hours races will come to life with an incredible level of realism, in both single and multiplayer modes.
Assetto Corsa Competizione will feature Blancpain GT Series’ 2018 and 2019 seasons.
Assetto Corsa Competizione is born from KUNOS Simulazioni's long-term experience, and it takes full advantage of Unreal Engine 4 to ensure photorealistic weather conditions and graphics, night races, motion capture animations, reaching a new standard in terms of driving realism and immersion, thanks to its further improved tyre and aerodynamic models.
Designed to innovate, Assetto Corsa Competizione will be set to promote eSports, bringing players at the heart of the GT World Challenge and putting them behind the wheel of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens and many other prestigious GT racing cars, all reproduced with outstanding level of detail.
REALISTIC SIMULATIONAssetto Corsa Competizione is designed to faithfully recreate the performance and the driving experience of real GT World Challenge cars through a sophisticated mathematical model that accurately replicates tyre grip, aerodynamic impact, engine parameters, suspensions and electronics systems that determine vehicle balance, as well as the influence of mechanical damage on the car's drivability.
NEW-GENERATION GRAPHICS AND VISUAL EFFECTSUnreal Engine 4 guarantees photorealistic rendering and an accurate representation of scenarios, car materials and weather conditions. Thanks to the multi-channel audio sampling of real GT cars, the game conveys captivating and immersive acoustic surroundings and realistic environmental effects.
CARE FOR DETAILSEven the secondary details are faithfully reproduced to make you feel the thrill of being in the cockpit of a real racing car. Doors, windshield wipers, headlights, racing lights, racing equipment and control devices such as ABS, traction control, engine ignition and ECU mapping, are all under the driver’s management to assure the best performance and offer the player total control of the car.
THE MOST ACCURATE CIRCUITSThanks to Laserscan technology, every official circuit is recreated with the utmost accuracy: all curbs and details perfectly fit their real counterparts to grant a gaming experience as faithful to reality as possible.
ADVANCED MULTIPLAYER FUNCTIONALITYA well-structured ranking system will evaluate individual performance and driving behaviour to reward the most virtuous drivers and promote fair play in online competitions. The matchmaking function makes sure that you can compete with opponents of similar skill level and easily find online races to join, while the leaderboards will allow you to compare single-lap performance with drivers from all around the world with the same car, circuit and weather conditions.
IMMERSIVE SINGLE PLAYER EXPERIENCECareer, Championship and Free Play modes offer a complete and customizable gaming experience, also thanks to the tutorials and progressive aid levels that allow you to tailor AI opponent difficulty and vehicle stability control to your abilities. The Special Events will allow you to gain a first-hand experience of the most noteworthy real-life GT World Challenge.
HIGH-LEVEL HARDWARE COMPATIBILITYAssetto Corsa Competizione ensures full compatibility with a wide range of peripherals from gamepads to professional steering wheels.
MOTION CAPTURE FOR REALISTIC ANIMATIONSMotion capture technology is used to create the animations of mechanics and drivers in an even more realistic fashion, and guarantee a high level of player engagement during races, pit stops and driver changes.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESEncouraged by the success of the Blancpain Endurance Series, which after its creation in 2011 quickly became the global reference for GT racing, world-renowned Swiss watch manufacturer Blancpain and the SRO Motorsports Group decided at the end of 2013 to extend their partnership to the Blancpain Sprint Series. From 2015, teams and drivers were also given the opportunity to compete for an overall Blancpain GT Series title. Varied grids were the result, with a host of respected GT teams and drivers at the start of each race. The Blancpain GT Series also saw an influx of young and talented drivers, making it a worldwide benchmark in GT3 racing.
With both the Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup and Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup now sharing the same driver categories and points system, the ten-round Blancpain GT Series season – comprising five sprint events and five endurance events – crowns the world’s most complete GT drivers.
A Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup event consists of two races of one hour each, while the Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup races range from three-hour events through a 1000 km race to the season highlight of the Total 24 Hours of Spa, one of the world’s leading 24-hour races.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
Info over het spel
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the new official GT World Challenge videogame. Thanks to the extraordinary quality of simulation, the game will allow you to experience the real atmosphere of the GT3 championship, competing against official drivers, teams, cars and circuits reproduced in-game with the highest level of accuracy ever achieved.
Sprint, Endurance and Spa 24 Hours races will come to life with an incredible level of realism, in both single and multiplayer modes.
Assetto Corsa Competizione will feature Blancpain GT Series’ 2018 and 2019 seasons.
Assetto Corsa Competizione is born from KUNOS Simulazioni's long-term experience, and it takes full advantage of Unreal Engine 4 to ensure photorealistic weather conditions and graphics, night races, motion capture animations, reaching a new standard in terms of driving realism and immersion, thanks to its further improved tyre and aerodynamic models.
Designed to innovate, Assetto Corsa Competizione will be set to promote eSports, bringing players at the heart of the GT World Challenge and putting them behind the wheel of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens and many other prestigious GT racing cars, all reproduced with outstanding level of detail.
REALISTIC SIMULATIONAssetto Corsa Competizione is designed to faithfully recreate the performance and the driving experience of real GT World Challenge cars through a sophisticated mathematical model that accurately replicates tyre grip, aerodynamic impact, engine parameters, suspensions and electronics systems that determine vehicle balance, as well as the influence of mechanical damage on the car's drivability.
NEW-GENERATION GRAPHICS AND VISUAL EFFECTSUnreal Engine 4 guarantees photorealistic rendering and an accurate representation of scenarios, car materials and weather conditions. Thanks to the multi-channel audio sampling of real GT cars, the game conveys captivating and immersive acoustic surroundings and realistic environmental effects.
CARE FOR DETAILSEven the secondary details are faithfully reproduced to make you feel the thrill of being in the cockpit of a real racing car. Doors, windshield wipers, headlights, racing lights, racing equipment and control devices such as ABS, traction control, engine ignition and ECU mapping, are all under the driver’s management to assure the best performance and offer the player total control of the car.
THE MOST ACCURATE CIRCUITSThanks to Laserscan technology, every official circuit is recreated with the utmost accuracy: all curbs and details perfectly fit their real counterparts to grant a gaming experience as faithful to reality as possible.
ADVANCED MULTIPLAYER FUNCTIONALITYA well-structured ranking system will evaluate individual performance and driving behaviour to reward the most virtuous drivers and promote fair play in online competitions. The matchmaking function makes sure that you can compete with opponents of similar skill level and easily find online races to join, while the leaderboards will allow you to compare single-lap performance with drivers from all around the world with the same car, circuit and weather conditions.
IMMERSIVE SINGLE PLAYER EXPERIENCECareer, Championship and Free Play modes offer a complete and customizable gaming experience, also thanks to the tutorials and progressive aid levels that allow you to tailor AI opponent difficulty and vehicle stability control to your abilities. The Special Events will allow you to gain a first-hand experience of the most noteworthy real-life GT World Challenge.
HIGH-LEVEL HARDWARE COMPATIBILITYAssetto Corsa Competizione ensures full compatibility with a wide range of peripherals from gamepads to professional steering wheels.
MOTION CAPTURE FOR REALISTIC ANIMATIONSMotion capture technology is used to create the animations of mechanics and drivers in an even more realistic fashion, and guarantee a high level of player engagement during races, pit stops and driver changes.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESEncouraged by the success of the Blancpain Endurance Series, which after its creation in 2011 quickly became the global reference for GT racing, world-renowned Swiss watch manufacturer Blancpain and the SRO Motorsports Group decided at the end of 2013 to extend their partnership to the Blancpain Sprint Series. From 2015, teams and drivers were also given the opportunity to compete for an overall Blancpain GT Series title. Varied grids were the result, with a host of respected GT teams and drivers at the start of each race. The Blancpain GT Series also saw an influx of young and talented drivers, making it a worldwide benchmark in GT3 racing.
With both the Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup and Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup now sharing the same driver categories and points system, the ten-round Blancpain GT Series season – comprising five sprint events and five endurance events – crowns the world’s most complete GT drivers.
A Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup event consists of two races of one hour each, while the Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup races range from three-hour events through a 1000 km race to the season highlight of the Total 24 Hours of Spa, one of the world’s leading 24-hour races.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
About the Game
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the new official GT World Challenge videogame. Thanks to the extraordinary quality of simulation, the game will allow you to experience the real atmosphere of the GT3 championship, competing against official drivers, teams, cars and circuits reproduced in-game with the highest level of accuracy ever achieved.
Sprint, Endurance and Spa 24 Hours races will come to life with an incredible level of realism, in both single and multiplayer modes.
Assetto Corsa Competizione will feature Blancpain GT Series’ 2018 and 2019 seasons.
Assetto Corsa Competizione is born from KUNOS Simulazioni's long-term experience, and it takes full advantage of Unreal Engine 4 to ensure photorealistic weather conditions and graphics, night races, motion capture animations, reaching a new standard in terms of driving realism and immersion, thanks to its further improved tyre and aerodynamic models.
Designed to innovate, Assetto Corsa Competizione will be set to promote eSports, bringing players at the heart of the GT World Challenge and putting them behind the wheel of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens and many other prestigious GT racing cars, all reproduced with outstanding level of detail.
REALISTIC SIMULATIONAssetto Corsa Competizione is designed to faithfully recreate the performance and the driving experience of real GT World Challenge cars through a sophisticated mathematical model that accurately replicates tyre grip, aerodynamic impact, engine parameters, suspensions and electronics systems that determine vehicle balance, as well as the influence of mechanical damage on the car's drivability.
NEW-GENERATION GRAPHICS AND VISUAL EFFECTSUnreal Engine 4 guarantees photorealistic rendering and an accurate representation of scenarios, car materials and weather conditions. Thanks to the multi-channel audio sampling of real GT cars, the game conveys captivating and immersive acoustic surroundings and realistic environmental effects.
CARE FOR DETAILSEven the secondary details are faithfully reproduced to make you feel the thrill of being in the cockpit of a real racing car. Doors, windshield wipers, headlights, racing lights, racing equipment and control devices such as ABS, traction control, engine ignition and ECU mapping, are all under the driver’s management to assure the best performance and offer the player total control of the car.
THE MOST ACCURATE CIRCUITSThanks to Laserscan technology, every official circuit is recreated with the utmost accuracy: all curbs and details perfectly fit their real counterparts to grant a gaming experience as faithful to reality as possible.
ADVANCED MULTIPLAYER FUNCTIONALITYA well-structured ranking system will evaluate individual performance and driving behaviour to reward the most virtuous drivers and promote fair play in online competitions. The matchmaking function makes sure that you can compete with opponents of similar skill level and easily find online races to join, while the leaderboards will allow you to compare single-lap performance with drivers from all around the world with the same car, circuit and weather conditions.
IMMERSIVE SINGLE PLAYER EXPERIENCECareer, Championship and Free Play modes offer a complete and customizable gaming experience, also thanks to the tutorials and progressive aid levels that allow you to tailor AI opponent difficulty and vehicle stability control to your abilities. The Special Events will allow you to gain a first-hand experience of the most noteworthy real-life GT World Challenge.
HIGH-LEVEL HARDWARE COMPATIBILITYAssetto Corsa Competizione ensures full compatibility with a wide range of peripherals from gamepads to professional steering wheels.
MOTION CAPTURE FOR REALISTIC ANIMATIONSMotion capture technology is used to create the animations of mechanics and drivers in an even more realistic fashion, and guarantee a high level of player engagement during races, pit stops and driver changes.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESEncouraged by the success of the Blancpain Endurance Series, which after its creation in 2011 quickly became the global reference for GT racing, world-renowned Swiss watch manufacturer Blancpain and the SRO Motorsports Group decided at the end of 2013 to extend their partnership to the Blancpain Sprint Series. From 2015, teams and drivers were also given the opportunity to compete for an overall Blancpain GT Series title. Varied grids were the result, with a host of respected GT teams and drivers at the start of each race. The Blancpain GT Series also saw an influx of young and talented drivers, making it a worldwide benchmark in GT3 racing.
With both the Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup and Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup now sharing the same driver categories and points system, the ten-round Blancpain GT Series season – comprising five sprint events and five endurance events – crowns the world’s most complete GT drivers.
A Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup event consists of two races of one hour each, while the Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup races range from three-hour events through a 1000 km race to the season highlight of the Total 24 Hours of Spa, one of the world’s leading 24-hour races.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
Tietoa pelistä
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the new official GT World Challenge videogame. Thanks to the extraordinary quality of simulation, the game will allow you to experience the real atmosphere of the GT3 championship, competing against official drivers, teams, cars and circuits reproduced in-game with the highest level of accuracy ever achieved.
Sprint, Endurance and Spa 24 Hours races will come to life with an incredible level of realism, in both single and multiplayer modes.
Assetto Corsa Competizione will feature Blancpain GT Series’ 2018 and 2019 seasons.
Assetto Corsa Competizione is born from KUNOS Simulazioni's long-term experience, and it takes full advantage of Unreal Engine 4 to ensure photorealistic weather conditions and graphics, night races, motion capture animations, reaching a new standard in terms of driving realism and immersion, thanks to its further improved tyre and aerodynamic models.
Designed to innovate, Assetto Corsa Competizione will be set to promote eSports, bringing players at the heart of the GT World Challenge and putting them behind the wheel of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens and many other prestigious GT racing cars, all reproduced with outstanding level of detail.
REALISTIC SIMULATIONAssetto Corsa Competizione is designed to faithfully recreate the performance and the driving experience of real GT World Challenge cars through a sophisticated mathematical model that accurately replicates tyre grip, aerodynamic impact, engine parameters, suspensions and electronics systems that determine vehicle balance, as well as the influence of mechanical damage on the car's drivability.
NEW-GENERATION GRAPHICS AND VISUAL EFFECTSUnreal Engine 4 guarantees photorealistic rendering and an accurate representation of scenarios, car materials and weather conditions. Thanks to the multi-channel audio sampling of real GT cars, the game conveys captivating and immersive acoustic surroundings and realistic environmental effects.
CARE FOR DETAILSEven the secondary details are faithfully reproduced to make you feel the thrill of being in the cockpit of a real racing car. Doors, windshield wipers, headlights, racing lights, racing equipment and control devices such as ABS, traction control, engine ignition and ECU mapping, are all under the driver’s management to assure the best performance and offer the player total control of the car.
THE MOST ACCURATE CIRCUITSThanks to Laserscan technology, every official circuit is recreated with the utmost accuracy: all curbs and details perfectly fit their real counterparts to grant a gaming experience as faithful to reality as possible.
ADVANCED MULTIPLAYER FUNCTIONALITYA well-structured ranking system will evaluate individual performance and driving behaviour to reward the most virtuous drivers and promote fair play in online competitions. The matchmaking function makes sure that you can compete with opponents of similar skill level and easily find online races to join, while the leaderboards will allow you to compare single-lap performance with drivers from all around the world with the same car, circuit and weather conditions.
IMMERSIVE SINGLE PLAYER EXPERIENCECareer, Championship and Free Play modes offer a complete and customizable gaming experience, also thanks to the tutorials and progressive aid levels that allow you to tailor AI opponent difficulty and vehicle stability control to your abilities. The Special Events will allow you to gain a first-hand experience of the most noteworthy real-life GT World Challenge.
HIGH-LEVEL HARDWARE COMPATIBILITYAssetto Corsa Competizione ensures full compatibility with a wide range of peripherals from gamepads to professional steering wheels.
MOTION CAPTURE FOR REALISTIC ANIMATIONSMotion capture technology is used to create the animations of mechanics and drivers in an even more realistic fashion, and guarantee a high level of player engagement during races, pit stops and driver changes.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESEncouraged by the success of the Blancpain Endurance Series, which after its creation in 2011 quickly became the global reference for GT racing, world-renowned Swiss watch manufacturer Blancpain and the SRO Motorsports Group decided at the end of 2013 to extend their partnership to the Blancpain Sprint Series. From 2015, teams and drivers were also given the opportunity to compete for an overall Blancpain GT Series title. Varied grids were the result, with a host of respected GT teams and drivers at the start of each race. The Blancpain GT Series also saw an influx of young and talented drivers, making it a worldwide benchmark in GT3 racing.
With both the Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup and Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup now sharing the same driver categories and points system, the ten-round Blancpain GT Series season – comprising five sprint events and five endurance events – crowns the world’s most complete GT drivers.
A Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup event consists of two races of one hour each, while the Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup races range from three-hour events through a 1000 km race to the season highlight of the Total 24 Hours of Spa, one of the world’s leading 24-hour races.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
À propos du jeu
Les captures d’écran et/ou bandes-annonces peuvent contenir des éléments qui ne sont pas encore disponibles dans le jeu. Une fois disponible, ce contenu sera mis à la disposition des joueurs de ACC gratuitement. Pour la feuille de route complète, consultez le calendrier suivant : Corsa Competizione est le nouveau jeu vidéo officiel des Blancpain GT Series.Grâce à son extraordinaire qualité de simulation, le jeu vous permettra de découvrir la véritable atmosphère du Championnat GT3 avec les pilotes, les équipes, les voitures et les circuits officiels reproduits dans le jeu avec le plus haut niveau de détail vu à ce jour.
Les courses Sprint, Endurance et 24 Heures de Spa prendront vie avec un niveau incroyable de réalisme dans les modes solo et multijoueur.
Assetto Corsa Competizione mettra en vedette la saison 2018 des Blancpain GT Series, et inclura également la saison 2019, fournie avec une mise à jour gratuite prévue pour l’été 2019.
Assetto Corsa Competizione est le dernier né de la longue expérience de KUNOS Simulazioni. Il profite pleinement de l’Unreal Engine 4 pour créer des conditions météorologiques, graphismes, courses de nuit et animations de motion capture photoréalistes, relevant la barre en matière de réalisme et d’immersion de conduite grâce à ses modèles améliorés de pneus et d’éléments aérodynamiques.
Conçu pour innover, Assetto Corsa Competizione favorisera la promotion des eSports, plongeant les joueurs au cœur des Blancpain GT Series en les plaçant au volant de Ferraris, de Lamborghinis, de McLarens et de nombreuses autres prestigieuses voitures de course GT, chacune ayant été reproduite avec un niveau de détail exceptionnel.
UNE SIMULATION RÉALISTEAssetto Corsa Competizione est conçu pour reproduire à l’identique la performance et l’expérience de conduite de véritables voitures des Blancpain GT Series grâce à un modèle mathématique sophistiqué qui reproduit précisément l’adhérence des pneus, les répercussions aérodynamiques, les paramètres du moteur, les suspensions et les systèmes électroniques qui déterminent l’équilibre du véhicule, ainsi que l’influence des dégâts mécaniques sur la maniabilité de la voiture.
UNE NOUVELLE GÉNÉRATION DE GRAPHISMES ET D’EFFETS VISUELSL'Unreal Engine 4 garantit un rendu photoréaliste et une représentation exacte des scénarios, des matériaux des voitures et des conditions météorologiques. Grâce à l’échantillonnage audio multicanal de véritables voitures GT, le jeu fournit un environnement acoustique captivant et immersif, en plus d’effets environnementaux réalistes.
LE SOUCI DU DÉTAILMême les détails secondaires sont fidèlement reproduits pour vous donner l’impression réaliste que vous vous trouvez dans l’habitacle d’une véritable voiture de course. Les portières, essuie-glaces, phares, feux, équipements de pilote et systèmes de commande tels que l’ABS, l’antipatinage, l’allumage moteur et la configuration de l’ECU sont tous gérés par le pilote afin de garantir les meilleures performances et offrir au joueur un contrôle total de la voiture.
LES CIRCUITS LES PLUS PRÉCISGrâce à la technologie Laserscan, chaque circuit officiel est recréé avec la plus grande précision : tous les virages et les détails correspondent parfaitement à leur version réelle, fournissant une expérience de jeu aussi proche de la réalité que possible.
FONCTIONNALITÉS MULTIJOUEURS AVANCÉESUn système de classement structuré permettra d'évaluer la performance individuelle et le comportement au volant afin de récompenser les pilotes les plus vertueux et promouvoir le fair-play dans les compétitions en ligne. La fonction de matchmaking vous garantira d'affronter des adversaires du même niveau de compétences et de facilement trouver des courses en ligne à rejoindre, tandis que le classement vous permettra de comparer vos performances de tour unique avec celles des pilotes du monde entier sur la même voiture, le même circuit et dans des conditions météorologiques identiques.
UNE EXPÉRIENCE SOLO IMMERSIVELes modes Carrière, Championnat et Jeu libre offrent une expérience de jeu complète et personnalisable grâce aux tutoriels et aux niveaux d’aide progressive qui vous permettront d’adapter l’IA des adversaires adversaire et le contrôle de stabilité du véhicule en fonction de vos compétences. Les événements spéciaux vous fourniront une expérience directe des défis des Blancpain GT Series les plus notables.
UNE COMPATIBILITÉ MATÉRIELLE AVANCÉEAssetto Corsa Competizione garantit une compatibilité totale avec une large gamme de périphériques, de manettes jusqu’aux volants professionnels.
LA MOTION CAPTURE POUR DES ANIMATIONS RÉALISTESNous avons utilisé la technologie de motion capture pour créer les animations des mécaniciens et des pilotes de façon encore plus réaliste, garantissant un niveau élevé d’engagement de la part du joueur pendant les courses, les arrêts aux stands et les changements de pilote.
LES BLANCPAIN GT SERIESEncouragés par le succès des Blancpain Endurance Series, qui, après leur création en 2011 sont rapidement devenues la référence pour les courses GT, Blancpain, le célèbre fabricant suisse de montres, et le SRO Motorsports Group ont décidé en 2013 de prolonger leur partenariat avec les Blancpain Sprint Series. À partir de 2015, les équipes et pilotes ont également reçu la possibilité de concourir pour le titre mondial des Blancpain GT Series. Des grilles variées ont été formées, avec une foule d'équipes et de pilotes de GT respectés au début de chaque course. Les Blancpain GT Series ont également connu un afflux de jeunes et talentueux pilotes, faisant de cette série une référence mondiale de course GT3.
La coupe Sprint et la coupe Endurance des Blancpain GT Series partageant maintenant les mêmes catégories de pilote et système de point, la saison de dix manches des Blancpain GT Series, composée de cinq événements Sprint et cinq événements Endurance, couronne les pilotes de GT les plus complets au monde.
Une épreuve de la coupe Sprint des Blancpain GT Series est composée de deux courses d'une heure chacune. Les courses de la coupe Endurance des Blancpain GT Series sont quant à elles organisées sous forme d’événements variés : des courses d'une durée de trois heures, une course de 1 000 km, et le point culminant de la saison est représenté par les 24 Heures de Spa, l'une des courses de 24 heures les plus populaires au monde.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
Über das Spiel
Screenshots und/oder Trailer können Inhalte zeigen, die eventuell noch nicht verfügbar sind. Diese Inhalte werden, sobald sie verfügbar sind, allen ACC-Besitzern ohne zusätzliche Kosten zur Verfügung gestellt. Den Zeitplan der kompletten Veröffentlichungs-Roadmap gibt es hier: Corsa Competizione ist das neue offizielle Spiel der Blancpain GT Series.Dank der außergewöhnlichen Qualität der Simulation kann man mit diesem Spiel die echte Atmosphäre der GT3-Meisterschaft erleben und gegen die offiziellen Fahrer, Teams und Autos auf den offiziellen Rennstrecken antreten, die mit der höchsten jemals erreichten Genauigkeit reproduziert werden.
Sprint-, Ausdauer- und Spa 24-Stunden-Rennen werden mit einem unglaublichen Maß an Realismus zum Leben erweckt, sowohl im Einzel- als auch im Mehrspielermodus.
Assetto Corsa Competizione bietet die Saison 2018 der Blancpain GT Series und auch die Saison 2019 wird im Sommer 2019 durch ein kostenloses Update enthalten sein.
Assetto Corsa Competizione ist aus der langjährigen Erfahrung von KUNOS Simulazioni entstanden und nutzt die Vorteile der Unreal Engine 4, um fotorealistische Wetterbedingungen und Grafiken, Nachtrennen und Motion-Capture-Animationen zu gewährleisten und dank ihrer weiter verbesserten Reifen- und Aerodynamik-Modelle einen neuen Standard in Bezug auf Realismus und Immersion zu erreichen.
Assetto Corsa Competizione ist auf Innovation ausgelegt und wird bereit sein, den eSport zu fördern, die Spieler im Herzen der Blancpain GT Series zusammenzubringen und sie ans Steuer von Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens und vieler anderer namhafter GT-Rennautos zu setzen, die alle herausragend detailliert nachgebildet sind.
REALISTISCHE SIMULATIONAssetto Corsa Competizione ist darauf ausgelegt, die Performance und das Fahrerlebnis der echten Fahrzeuge der Blancpain GT Series naturgetreu nachzubilden, mit einem ausgeklügelten mathematischen Modell, das präzise die Griffigkeit der Reifen, Aerodynamik-Auswirkungen, Antriebsparameter, Aufhängung und elektronische Systeme reproduziert, sowie den Einfluss von mechanischen Schäden auf das Fahrverhalten der Fahrzeuge.
GRAFIK UND VISUELLE EFFEKTE DER NEUESTEN GENERATIONDie Unreal Engine 4 garantiert fotorealistisches Rendering und eine präzise Darstellung der Szenarien, Fahrzeugmaterialien und Wetterbedingungen. Dank Multikanal-Sampling von echten GT-Fahrzeugen vermittelt das Spiel eine packende und immersive akustische Umgebung und realistische Umwelteffekte.
LIEBE ZUM DETAILSelbst nebensächliche Details werden naturgetreu reproduziert, um das aufregende Gefühl zu erzeugen, im Cockpit eines echten Rennwagens zu sitzen. Türen, Scheibenwischer, Scheinwerfer, Rennbeleuchtung, Rennausrüstung und Fahrhilfen wie ABS, Traktionskontrolle, Zündung und Motorsteuerung können vom Fahrer kontrolliert werden, um eine optimale Performance sicherzustellen und dem Spieler die absolute Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug zu geben.
PRÄZISESTE RENNSTRECKENDank Laserscan-Technologie wird jede offizielle Rennstrecke mit äußerster Präzision nachgebaut: Alle Kanten und Details entsprechen genau dem realen Vorbild, um ein möglichst originalgetreues Spielerlebnis zu gewährleisten.
AUSGEREIFTE MULTIPLAYER-FUNKTIONALITÄTEin gut strukturiertes Rangsystem beurteilt die einzelne Leistungen und das Fahrverhalten, um die geschicktesten Fahrer zu belohnen und Fairness in Online-Wettbewerben zu fördern. Die Spielersuche-Funktion sorgt dafür, dass man gegen Spieler mit ähnlichem Können antreten kann und schnell Online-Rennen findet, in die man einsteigen kann. In den Bestenlisten können die Spieler die Leistungen einzelner Runden mit virtuellen Fahrern aus aller Welt mit dem gleichen Fahrzeug, auf der gleichen Strecke und bei identischen Wetterbedingungen vergleichen.
IMMERSIVES EINZELSPIELER-ERLEBNISDie Spielmodi Karriere, Championship und freies Spiel bieten ein komplettes und anpassbares Spielerlebnis, auch dank der Tutorials und progressiven Hilfestufen, mit denen man die Schwierigkeit der KI-Gegner und die Fahrzeugstabilitätskontrolle auf das eigene Können maßschneidern kann. Mit den Spezial-Events kann man die bemerkenswertesten Herausforderungen der echten Blancpain GT Series unmittelbar nacherleben.
BREITGEFÄCHERTE HARDWARE-KOMPATIBILITÄTAssetto Corsa Competizione sorgt für volle Kompatibilität mit einer breiten Palette an Peripheriegeräten, von Gamepads bis zu professionellen Lenkrädern.
MOTION-CAPTURING FÜR REALISTISCHE ANIMATIONENDie Animationen für Mechanik und Fahrer wurden mit Hilfe der Motion-Capturing-Technologie erstellt, damit sie noch realistischer werden, um den Spielern ein noch intensiveres Erlebnis der Rennen, Boxenstopps und Fahrerwechsel zu ermöglichen.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESErmutigt durch den Erfolg der Blancpain Endurance Series, die nach ihrer Gründung 2011 schnell zur weltweiten Referenz für GT-Rennen wurde, entschlossen sich der renommierte schweizerische Uhrenhersteller Blancpain und die SRO Motorsports Group Ende 2013, die Partnerschaft auf die Blancpain Sprint Series auszuweiten. Ab 2015 konnten die Teams und Fahrer auch für einen Gesamtsieg in der Blancpain GT Series antreten. Die Folge waren verschiedene Aufstellungen mit einer Reihe respektierter GT-Teams und -Fahrer beim Start jedes Rennens. Die Blancpain GT Series erlebte auch einen Zustrom an jungen und talentierten Nachwuchsfahrern, wodurch sie zum weltweiten Maßstab für GT3-Rennen wurde.
Weil der Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup und Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup jetzt die gleichen Fahrerkategorien und Punktesysteme nutzen, krönt die Blancpain GT Series-Saison mit ihren zehn Etappen – bestehend aus fünf Sprint-Events und fünf Ausdauer-Events – die vollendetsten GT-Fahrer der Welt.
Ein Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup-Event besteht aus zwei einstündigen Rennen, die Rennen des Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup reichen dagegen von dreistündigen Events über ein 1000-km-Rennen bis zum Saison-Highlight Total 24 Hours of Spa, einem der weltweit führenden 24-Stundenrennen.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the new official GT World Challenge videogame. Thanks to the extraordinary quality of simulation, the game will allow you to experience the real atmosphere of the GT3 championship, competing against official drivers, teams, cars and circuits reproduced in-game with the highest level of accuracy ever achieved.
Sprint, Endurance and Spa 24 Hours races will come to life with an incredible level of realism, in both single and multiplayer modes.
Assetto Corsa Competizione will feature Blancpain GT Series’ 2018 and 2019 seasons.
Assetto Corsa Competizione is born from KUNOS Simulazioni's long-term experience, and it takes full advantage of Unreal Engine 4 to ensure photorealistic weather conditions and graphics, night races, motion capture animations, reaching a new standard in terms of driving realism and immersion, thanks to its further improved tyre and aerodynamic models.
Designed to innovate, Assetto Corsa Competizione will be set to promote eSports, bringing players at the heart of the GT World Challenge and putting them behind the wheel of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens and many other prestigious GT racing cars, all reproduced with outstanding level of detail.
REALISTIC SIMULATIONAssetto Corsa Competizione is designed to faithfully recreate the performance and the driving experience of real GT World Challenge cars through a sophisticated mathematical model that accurately replicates tyre grip, aerodynamic impact, engine parameters, suspensions and electronics systems that determine vehicle balance, as well as the influence of mechanical damage on the car's drivability.
NEW-GENERATION GRAPHICS AND VISUAL EFFECTSUnreal Engine 4 guarantees photorealistic rendering and an accurate representation of scenarios, car materials and weather conditions. Thanks to the multi-channel audio sampling of real GT cars, the game conveys captivating and immersive acoustic surroundings and realistic environmental effects.
CARE FOR DETAILSEven the secondary details are faithfully reproduced to make you feel the thrill of being in the cockpit of a real racing car. Doors, windshield wipers, headlights, racing lights, racing equipment and control devices such as ABS, traction control, engine ignition and ECU mapping, are all under the driver’s management to assure the best performance and offer the player total control of the car.
THE MOST ACCURATE CIRCUITSThanks to Laserscan technology, every official circuit is recreated with the utmost accuracy: all curbs and details perfectly fit their real counterparts to grant a gaming experience as faithful to reality as possible.
ADVANCED MULTIPLAYER FUNCTIONALITYA well-structured ranking system will evaluate individual performance and driving behaviour to reward the most virtuous drivers and promote fair play in online competitions. The matchmaking function makes sure that you can compete with opponents of similar skill level and easily find online races to join, while the leaderboards will allow you to compare single-lap performance with drivers from all around the world with the same car, circuit and weather conditions.
IMMERSIVE SINGLE PLAYER EXPERIENCECareer, Championship and Free Play modes offer a complete and customizable gaming experience, also thanks to the tutorials and progressive aid levels that allow you to tailor AI opponent difficulty and vehicle stability control to your abilities. The Special Events will allow you to gain a first-hand experience of the most noteworthy real-life GT World Challenge.
HIGH-LEVEL HARDWARE COMPATIBILITYAssetto Corsa Competizione ensures full compatibility with a wide range of peripherals from gamepads to professional steering wheels.
MOTION CAPTURE FOR REALISTIC ANIMATIONSMotion capture technology is used to create the animations of mechanics and drivers in an even more realistic fashion, and guarantee a high level of player engagement during races, pit stops and driver changes.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESEncouraged by the success of the Blancpain Endurance Series, which after its creation in 2011 quickly became the global reference for GT racing, world-renowned Swiss watch manufacturer Blancpain and the SRO Motorsports Group decided at the end of 2013 to extend their partnership to the Blancpain Sprint Series. From 2015, teams and drivers were also given the opportunity to compete for an overall Blancpain GT Series title. Varied grids were the result, with a host of respected GT teams and drivers at the start of each race. The Blancpain GT Series also saw an influx of young and talented drivers, making it a worldwide benchmark in GT3 racing.
With both the Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup and Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup now sharing the same driver categories and points system, the ten-round Blancpain GT Series season – comprising five sprint events and five endurance events – crowns the world’s most complete GT drivers.
A Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup event consists of two races of one hour each, while the Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup races range from three-hour events through a 1000 km race to the season highlight of the Total 24 Hours of Spa, one of the world’s leading 24-hour races.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
A játékról:
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the new official GT World Challenge videogame. Thanks to the extraordinary quality of simulation, the game will allow you to experience the real atmosphere of the GT3 championship, competing against official drivers, teams, cars and circuits reproduced in-game with the highest level of accuracy ever achieved.
Sprint, Endurance and Spa 24 Hours races will come to life with an incredible level of realism, in both single and multiplayer modes.
Assetto Corsa Competizione will feature Blancpain GT Series’ 2018 and 2019 seasons.
Assetto Corsa Competizione is born from KUNOS Simulazioni's long-term experience, and it takes full advantage of Unreal Engine 4 to ensure photorealistic weather conditions and graphics, night races, motion capture animations, reaching a new standard in terms of driving realism and immersion, thanks to its further improved tyre and aerodynamic models.
Designed to innovate, Assetto Corsa Competizione will be set to promote eSports, bringing players at the heart of the GT World Challenge and putting them behind the wheel of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens and many other prestigious GT racing cars, all reproduced with outstanding level of detail.
REALISTIC SIMULATIONAssetto Corsa Competizione is designed to faithfully recreate the performance and the driving experience of real GT World Challenge cars through a sophisticated mathematical model that accurately replicates tyre grip, aerodynamic impact, engine parameters, suspensions and electronics systems that determine vehicle balance, as well as the influence of mechanical damage on the car's drivability.
NEW-GENERATION GRAPHICS AND VISUAL EFFECTSUnreal Engine 4 guarantees photorealistic rendering and an accurate representation of scenarios, car materials and weather conditions. Thanks to the multi-channel audio sampling of real GT cars, the game conveys captivating and immersive acoustic surroundings and realistic environmental effects.
CARE FOR DETAILSEven the secondary details are faithfully reproduced to make you feel the thrill of being in the cockpit of a real racing car. Doors, windshield wipers, headlights, racing lights, racing equipment and control devices such as ABS, traction control, engine ignition and ECU mapping, are all under the driver’s management to assure the best performance and offer the player total control of the car.
THE MOST ACCURATE CIRCUITSThanks to Laserscan technology, every official circuit is recreated with the utmost accuracy: all curbs and details perfectly fit their real counterparts to grant a gaming experience as faithful to reality as possible.
ADVANCED MULTIPLAYER FUNCTIONALITYA well-structured ranking system will evaluate individual performance and driving behaviour to reward the most virtuous drivers and promote fair play in online competitions. The matchmaking function makes sure that you can compete with opponents of similar skill level and easily find online races to join, while the leaderboards will allow you to compare single-lap performance with drivers from all around the world with the same car, circuit and weather conditions.
IMMERSIVE SINGLE PLAYER EXPERIENCECareer, Championship and Free Play modes offer a complete and customizable gaming experience, also thanks to the tutorials and progressive aid levels that allow you to tailor AI opponent difficulty and vehicle stability control to your abilities. The Special Events will allow you to gain a first-hand experience of the most noteworthy real-life GT World Challenge.
HIGH-LEVEL HARDWARE COMPATIBILITYAssetto Corsa Competizione ensures full compatibility with a wide range of peripherals from gamepads to professional steering wheels.
MOTION CAPTURE FOR REALISTIC ANIMATIONSMotion capture technology is used to create the animations of mechanics and drivers in an even more realistic fashion, and guarantee a high level of player engagement during races, pit stops and driver changes.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESEncouraged by the success of the Blancpain Endurance Series, which after its creation in 2011 quickly became the global reference for GT racing, world-renowned Swiss watch manufacturer Blancpain and the SRO Motorsports Group decided at the end of 2013 to extend their partnership to the Blancpain Sprint Series. From 2015, teams and drivers were also given the opportunity to compete for an overall Blancpain GT Series title. Varied grids were the result, with a host of respected GT teams and drivers at the start of each race. The Blancpain GT Series also saw an influx of young and talented drivers, making it a worldwide benchmark in GT3 racing.
With both the Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup and Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup now sharing the same driver categories and points system, the ten-round Blancpain GT Series season – comprising five sprint events and five endurance events – crowns the world’s most complete GT drivers.
A Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup event consists of two races of one hour each, while the Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup races range from three-hour events through a 1000 km race to the season highlight of the Total 24 Hours of Spa, one of the world’s leading 24-hour races.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
Informazioni sul gioco
Assetto Corsa Competizione è il nuovo videogame ufficiale della Blancpain GT Series. Grazie allo straordinario livello simulativo, Assetto Corsa Competizione offre la possibilità di vivere in prima persona l'atmosfera del Campionato omologato FIA GT3, gareggiando con i piloti, i team, le vetture ufficiali e i circuiti riprodotti con estrema accuratezza, i giocatori potranno godere, al massimo livello di realismo, di tutte le gare Sprint, Endurance e 24 Ore del Campionato, disponibili sia in modalità single player che multigiocatore.
Assetto Corsa Competizione nasce dall'esperienza maturata da KUNOS Simulazioni e sfrutta al meglio le caratteristiche dell'Unreal Engine 4, che garantiscono grafica e condizioni atmosferiche fotorealistiche, gare in notturna, animazioni in motion capture, mentre un tire model e modelli aerodinamici ancora più evoluti rispetto al passato, consentono il raggiungimento di un nuovo standard in termini di realismo di guida e immersività.
Progettato per innovare, Assetto Corsa Competizione si candida a promuovere l'eSport per portare i giocatori nel cuore della Blancpain GT Series al volante di Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren e delle altre GT racing più prestigiose del motorsport, tutte riprodotte con un livello di dettaglio maniacale.
SIMULAZIONE REALISTICAAssetto Corsa Competizione è stato concepito per riprodurre fedelmente le performance e il feeling di guida delle vere auto della Blancpain GT Series, grazie a un modello matematico molto sofisticato che replica accuratamente l'aderenza degli pneumatici, l'incidenza aerodinamica, i parametri di motore, sospensioni ed elettronica che determinano il bilanciamento delle vetture, come anche l'influenza dei danni meccanici sulla guidabilità dell'auto. Inoltre, strumenti avanzati di telemetria consentiranno di analizzare in dettaglio le proprie performance.
GRAFICA ED EFFETTI DI NUOVA GENERAZIONEL'Unreal Engine 4 garantisce un rendering fotorealistico e una riproduzione accurata degli scenari, dei materiali delle auto e delle condizioni atmosferiche. Grazie alla campionatura audio su canali multipli delle vere auto GT è possibile garantire un ambiente acustico immersivo e coinvolgente, ed effetti ambientali realistici.
CURA PER I DETTAGLIAnche i dettagli secondari sono curati al meglio trasmettere l'emozione di trovarsi nell'abitacolo di una vera auto da corsa: portiere, tergicristalli, fari, segnalatori luminosi, strumentazione e controllo di dispositivi come ABS, traction control, accensione motore e mappatura della centralina sono controllabili dal pilota per ottenere la migliore performance e offrire il totale controllo della vettura.
I CIRCUITI PIU' ACCURATIGrazie alla tecnologia Laserscan, tutti i circuiti ufficiali sono riprodotti con la massima accuratezza: tutti i cordoli, le asperità e i dettagli copiano perfettamente le controparti reali per garantire un'esperienza il più possibile fedele alla realtà.
FUNZIONALITA' MULTIPLAYER AVANZATEUn complesso sistema di ranking valuterà le performance individuali e la condotta di guida, per premiare i piloti più virtuosi e incoraggiare il fair play nelle competizioni online. La funzione matchmaking consentirà di gareggiare con avversari di livello simile e di trovare facilmente gare online alle quali partecipare, mentre la leaderboard permetterà di confrontare le proprie performance sul giro secco con quelle di altri piloti virtuali di tutto il mondo, a parità di auto, circuito e condizioni ambientali.
ELEVATA COMPATIBILITA' HARDWAREAssetto Corsa Competizione offre piena compatibilità con un'ampia gamma di periferiche, dal gamepad ai volanti professionali.
MOTION CAPTURE PER ANIMAZIONI REALISTICHELa tecnica del motion capture è stata utilizzata per rendere ancora più verosimili le animazioni dei meccanici e dei piloti e garantire un elevato coinvolgimento durante le fasi di guida, pitstop e cambio pilota.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESSpinta dal successo della Blancpain Endurance Series, che dopo la sua creazione nel 2011 è diventata rapidamente il riferimento globale per le gare GT, il marchio di orologi svizzeri di fama mondiale Blancpain e il gruppo SRO Motorsports alla fine del 2013 hanno deciso di estendere la loro partnership al Blancpain Sprint Series. Dal 2015, anche i team e i piloti hanno avuto l'opportunità di gareggiare per un titolo Blancpain GT Series, ottenendo come risultato maggiore varietà per le griglie di partenza composte da una schiera di team e piloti GT di alto livello all'inizio di ogni gara. La Blancpain GT Series ha visto anche un afflusso di piloti giovani e talentuosi, che l'hanno resa un punto di riferimento mondiale nelle corse GT3.
Con la Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup e la Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup che ora condividono le stesse categorie di piloti e punti, la decima stagione Blancpain GT Series - che comprende cinque eventi Sprint e cinque eventi Endurance - la Blancpain GT Series costituisce oggi la serie GT più completa al mondo.
Un evento Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup consiste in due gare da un'ora ciascuna, mentre le gare della Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup vanno da eventi di tre ore a una gara di 1000 km fino al momento clou della stagione della Total 24 Hours of Spa, una delle principali corse del mondo disputate in 24 ore.
CONDIZIONI AMBIENTALI REALISTICHELa Blancpain GT Series include gare di diversa durata, dai 60' delle Sprint alla Endurance di 24 ore di Spa. Assetto Corsa Competizione offrirà l'opportunità di gareggiare in diversi orari sull'arco completo delle 24 ore e con sistema meteo dinamico, grazie a una riproduzione grafica altamente realistica delle condizioni meteorologiche e di visibilità.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
公式 GT World Challengeの最新作レーシング・ゲーム『Assetto Corsa Competizione』最先端クオリティを搭載したレーシング・シュミレーター。『Assetto Corsa Competizione』では、レーザースキャンによる高精度なクオリティにより、公式ドライバー、チーム、マシン、サーキットなどがリアルに再現され、公認GT3チャンピオンシップの実際の雰囲気を体験することができる。
また、『Assetto Corsa Competizione』では、2018年・2019年のBlancpain GTシリーズが収録されている。
『Assetto Corsa Competizione』は、レーシングシミュレーター開発を手掛けるKUNOS Simulazioniが、長年の経験を活かして創り出した最高傑作。Unreal Engine 4を最大限に活用し、臨場感あふれるリアルな天候、グラフィック、ナイトレース、モーションキャプチャー・アニメーションを実現。さらに改良されたタイヤや空気力学モデルにより、ドライビングのリアリズムと没入感が、新たなレーシングシムの一面を見せてくれる。
「革新」をテーマにデザインされた『Assetto Corsa Competizione』は、eSports展開を加速させている。GT World Challengeのリアルな世界を体感し、忠実に再現されたFerraris、Lamborghinis、McLarensなど多くの有名GTレースカーで走行する。
リアリズム・シミュミレーション『Assetto Corsa Competizione』では、GT World Challengeで走行する本物のマシンが登場!高度な数式モデルを用いて、タイヤグリップ、空気力学に基づいた動作、エンジンパラメータ、サスペンション、車両バランスを左右する電子システム、さらには機械的な損傷がマシン走行に及ぼす影響など、ドライビングとパフォーマンスを忠実に再現している。
新時代グラフィック&視覚効果Unreal Engine 4の搭載により、レース環境、マシン素材、天候などの写実的描写を可能にした。そして、実在するGTマシンをマルチチャンネル・オーディオ・サンプリングにより、魅力的で没入感のある音響環境とリアルな環境効果も実現している。
没入感のあるシングルプレイを堪能キャリア、チャンピオンシップ、無料プレイモードで完全且つカスタマイズ可能なゲームエクスペリエンスを提供します。さらには、チュートリアルや段階的なレベルにより、AI対戦相手の難易度や車両のスタビリティコントロールも完全にマッチするようになっています。スペシャルイベントでは、現実のGT World Challengeで最も注目すべきものをダイレクトに体感できる。
高精度ハードウェア互換性『Assetto Corsa Competizione』では、ゲームパッドからプロ仕様のステアリングホイールまで、さまざまなゲームデバイスを使って楽しむことができる。
BLANCPAIN GTシリーズ2011年に開催された「ブランパン耐久シリーズ(Blancpain Endurance Series)」が人気を集め、GTレースの世界基準となる。スイスの高級時計ブランドであるBlancpainとSRO Motorsports Groupは、2013年末に「ブランパン・スプリントシリーズ(Blancpain Sprint Series)」へ発展させる。2015年から、チームとドライバーに「Blancpain GTシリーズ」すべてのタイトルで競争する機会が与えられたことにより、様々なチャレンジができるようになり、各レースのスタートラインには、多くの著名なGTチームやドライバーが姿を見せるようになる。また、「Blancpain GTシリーズ」には、若くて才能のあるドライバーが続々と参戦し、GT3レースの世界基準を作り上げる。
「Blancpain GTシリーズ」の「スプリントカップ (Sprint Cup) 」と「耐久カップ (Endurance Cup) 」では、同じドライバーカテゴリーとポイントシステムがシェアして、10ラウンド(スプリント:5、耐久:5)の「Blancpain GTシリーズ」シーズンで、世界最強GTドライバーを決定する。
公式 GT World Challengeの最新作レーシング・ゲーム『Assetto Corsa Competizione』。レーザースキャンによる高精度なクオリティにより、公式ドライバー、チーム、マシン、サーキットなどがリアルに再現され、公認GT3チャンピオンシップの実際の雰囲気を体験することができる。
『Assetto Corsa Competizione』は、かなりの最高傑作!ドライビングゲームを超越した、トップレベル・シミュレーションで、まさにプロドライバーによるプロドライバーのためのゲームです。
『Assetto Corsa Competizione』は、いかに忠実に再現しているか、献身的、情熱、努力が垣間見える作品です。
Kunos Simulazioniが、現実世界の「GTシリーズ」をお届けします。スーパーライセンスの所持は必要ありませんので、レースシムの世界をどうぞお楽しみください!
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
게임 정보
스크린샷이나 트레일러에서 현재 제공되지 않는 콘텐츠가 소개될 수도 있습니다. 이러한 콘텐츠가 추가될 때는, 이전 ACC 보유자들도 추가 비용 없이 즐길 수 있게 됩니다. 정식 출시 로드맵은 다음 일정을 통해 확인하세요: Corsa Competizione는 새로운 공식 Blancpain GT 시리즈 비디오 게임입니다.탁월한 시뮬레이션 품질을 자랑하는 본 게임에서는 정교하게 재현된 공식 드라이버, 팀, 차, 서킷을 상대로 경쟁하는 FIA GT3 챔피언쉽의 실제 분위기를 만끽할 수 있습니다.
실감나게 재현된 스프린트, 인듀어런스, 스파 24시간 레이스가 싱글 및 멀티플레이어 모드로 펼쳐집니다.
Assetto Corsa Competizione는 Blancpain GT Series’ 2018 시즌을 선보이며, 2019년 여름에 출시되는 무료 업데이트를 통해서 2019 시즌도 제공될 예정입니다.
Assetto Corsa Competizione는 KUNOS Simulazioni의 오랜 경험을 통해 탄생했으며, Unreal Engine 4의 도움을 받아 사실감 넘치는 날씨 그래픽, 야간 레이스, 모션 캡쳐 애니메이션, 그리고 더욱 향상된 타이어 및 공기역학 모델을 적용하여 레이싱 게임의 수준을 한 단계 끌어올린 현실적이고 몰입도 높은 드라이빙을 구현했습니다.
혁신적인 Assetto Corsa Competizione는 플레이어들에게 Blancpain GT Series의 매력을 전파하고 섬세하게 재현된 Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens 등 최고급 GT 레이싱 카를 운전하는 재미를 선사해서 e스포츠의 홍보에 기여할 것입니다.
사실감 넘치는 시뮬레이션Assetto Corsa Competizione는 타이어 그립, 공기역학적인 충격, 엔진 파라미터, 서스펜션, 차량의 밸런스를 결정하는 전자 시스템, 기계적 손상이 차의 운전에 비치는 영향 등을 정확하게 구현한 정교한 수학적 모델을 통해 실제 Blancpain GT Series 차의 성능과 드라이빙을 재현했습니다.
새로운 차원의 그래픽과 시각 효과Unreal Engine 4를 통해 실감나는 렌더링 및 시나리오, 차 재질, 날씨 상황의 정확한 구현해냈습니다. 실제 GT 차량의 멀티 채널 오디오 샘플링을 통해 몰입도 높은 주변 청각 환경 및 현실감 넘치는 환경 효과를 제공합니다.
섬세한 디테일실제 레이싱 카에 앉아 질주하는 스릴을 선사하기 위해서 사소한 디테일도 정확하게 재현했습니다. 문, 전면 와이퍼, 헤드라이트, 레이싱 라이트, 레이싱 장비, ABS, 트랙션 컨트롤, 엔진 시동장치, ECU 매핑과 같은 제어 장비를 전부 제어할 수 있기 때문에, 플레이어는 차량을 완전히 통제해서 최고의 주행 성늘을 이끌어낼 수 있습니다.
정확하게 재현된 서킷모든 공식 서킷은 레이저 스캔 기술을 통해 정확하게 재현됐습니다. 모든 요소들이 실제 그대로 적용되어 실제와 똑같은 드라이빙 경험을 제공합니다.
고급 멀티플레이어 기능섬세하게 구축된 랭킹 시스템을 통해 개인 성적과 드라이빙 방식을 평가하여 뛰어난 드라이버들에게는 보상을 제공하고 온라인 경쟁 속 공정한 플레이를 유도하고 있습니다. 매치메이킹 기능을 통해 비슷한 수준의 플레이어들끼리 경쟁하고 손쉽게 온라인 레이스에 참여할 수 있습니다. 순위표에서는 동일한 차, 서킷, 날씨 상황으로 달린 전 세계의 드라이버들끼리 각자의 싱글-랩 성적을 비교해볼 수 있습니다.
몰입도 높은 싱글 플레이어 경험커리어, 챔피언쉽, 프리 플레이 모드는 최고의 게임 경험을 제공하며 자신의 입맛에 맞게 편집할 수도 있습니다. 상대 AI의 난이도와 차량 안정성 제어를 조정할 수 있게 해주는 튜토리얼과 진행 지원 레벨을 통해 더욱 다양한 경험이 가능합니다. 특별 이벤트는 실제 Blancpain GT Series의 도전 과제를 직접 경험할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.
높은 수준의 하드웨어 호환성Assetto Corsa Competizione는 게임패드부터 프로 운전대까지 다양한 보조기기와의 완벽한 호환을 제공합니다.
현실감 넘치는 애니메이션을 위한 모션 캡쳐더욱 현실감 넘치는 기계 장치 및 드라이버 애니메이션을 재현하고, 레이스, 핏 스탑, 드라이버 교체 중에 더욱 높은 몰입도를 유지하기 위해 모션 캡쳐 기술을 사용했습니다.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIES빠른 속도로 글로벌 GT 레이싱의 대명사로 자리매김한 스위스 시계 제조회사 Blancpain과 SRO Motorsports Group은 2011년 시작된 Blancpain Endurance Series의 성공에 고무되어 2013년 말 Blancpain Sprint Series과의 제휴 계약을 연장하기로 결정했습니다. 2015년부터, 팀과 드라이버는 전체 Blancpain GT Series 타이틀을 두고 경쟁할 수 있게 되었습니다. 그 결과 다양한 스타트 그리드를 채택했으며, 레이스 시작점에 유명 GT 팀과 드라이버들이 합류했습니다. 또한, Blancpain GT Series는 젊고 재능있는 드라이버들을 받아들여 GT3 레이싱의 세계적인 기준으로 발돋움했습니다.
Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup 및 Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup은 모두 같은 드라이버 카테고리와 포인트 시스템을 공유하며, 5개의 스프린트 이벤트와 5개의 인듀어런스 이벤트로 구성된 10 라운드 Blancpain GT Series 시즌을 통해 세계 최고의 GT 드라이버를 가립니다.
Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup 이벤트는 각각 1시간씩 진행되는 두 개의 레이스로 구성되어 있으며, Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup은 1000km 레이스의 3시간짜리 이벤트부터 세계 최고의 24시간 레이스 중 하나인 스파 24시간까지 다양한 레이스를 선보입니다.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
Om spillet
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the new official GT World Challenge videogame. Thanks to the extraordinary quality of simulation, the game will allow you to experience the real atmosphere of the GT3 championship, competing against official drivers, teams, cars and circuits reproduced in-game with the highest level of accuracy ever achieved.
Sprint, Endurance and Spa 24 Hours races will come to life with an incredible level of realism, in both single and multiplayer modes.
Assetto Corsa Competizione will feature Blancpain GT Series’ 2018 and 2019 seasons.
Assetto Corsa Competizione is born from KUNOS Simulazioni's long-term experience, and it takes full advantage of Unreal Engine 4 to ensure photorealistic weather conditions and graphics, night races, motion capture animations, reaching a new standard in terms of driving realism and immersion, thanks to its further improved tyre and aerodynamic models.
Designed to innovate, Assetto Corsa Competizione will be set to promote eSports, bringing players at the heart of the GT World Challenge and putting them behind the wheel of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens and many other prestigious GT racing cars, all reproduced with outstanding level of detail.
REALISTIC SIMULATIONAssetto Corsa Competizione is designed to faithfully recreate the performance and the driving experience of real GT World Challenge cars through a sophisticated mathematical model that accurately replicates tyre grip, aerodynamic impact, engine parameters, suspensions and electronics systems that determine vehicle balance, as well as the influence of mechanical damage on the car's drivability.
NEW-GENERATION GRAPHICS AND VISUAL EFFECTSUnreal Engine 4 guarantees photorealistic rendering and an accurate representation of scenarios, car materials and weather conditions. Thanks to the multi-channel audio sampling of real GT cars, the game conveys captivating and immersive acoustic surroundings and realistic environmental effects.
CARE FOR DETAILSEven the secondary details are faithfully reproduced to make you feel the thrill of being in the cockpit of a real racing car. Doors, windshield wipers, headlights, racing lights, racing equipment and control devices such as ABS, traction control, engine ignition and ECU mapping, are all under the driver’s management to assure the best performance and offer the player total control of the car.
THE MOST ACCURATE CIRCUITSThanks to Laserscan technology, every official circuit is recreated with the utmost accuracy: all curbs and details perfectly fit their real counterparts to grant a gaming experience as faithful to reality as possible.
ADVANCED MULTIPLAYER FUNCTIONALITYA well-structured ranking system will evaluate individual performance and driving behaviour to reward the most virtuous drivers and promote fair play in online competitions. The matchmaking function makes sure that you can compete with opponents of similar skill level and easily find online races to join, while the leaderboards will allow you to compare single-lap performance with drivers from all around the world with the same car, circuit and weather conditions.
IMMERSIVE SINGLE PLAYER EXPERIENCECareer, Championship and Free Play modes offer a complete and customizable gaming experience, also thanks to the tutorials and progressive aid levels that allow you to tailor AI opponent difficulty and vehicle stability control to your abilities. The Special Events will allow you to gain a first-hand experience of the most noteworthy real-life GT World Challenge.
HIGH-LEVEL HARDWARE COMPATIBILITYAssetto Corsa Competizione ensures full compatibility with a wide range of peripherals from gamepads to professional steering wheels.
MOTION CAPTURE FOR REALISTIC ANIMATIONSMotion capture technology is used to create the animations of mechanics and drivers in an even more realistic fashion, and guarantee a high level of player engagement during races, pit stops and driver changes.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESEncouraged by the success of the Blancpain Endurance Series, which after its creation in 2011 quickly became the global reference for GT racing, world-renowned Swiss watch manufacturer Blancpain and the SRO Motorsports Group decided at the end of 2013 to extend their partnership to the Blancpain Sprint Series. From 2015, teams and drivers were also given the opportunity to compete for an overall Blancpain GT Series title. Varied grids were the result, with a host of respected GT teams and drivers at the start of each race. The Blancpain GT Series also saw an influx of young and talented drivers, making it a worldwide benchmark in GT3 racing.
With both the Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup and Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup now sharing the same driver categories and points system, the ten-round Blancpain GT Series season – comprising five sprint events and five endurance events – crowns the world’s most complete GT drivers.
A Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup event consists of two races of one hour each, while the Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup races range from three-hour events through a 1000 km race to the season highlight of the Total 24 Hours of Spa, one of the world’s leading 24-hour races.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
Informacje o grze
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the new official GT World Challenge videogame. Thanks to the extraordinary quality of simulation, the game will allow you to experience the real atmosphere of the GT3 championship, competing against official drivers, teams, cars and circuits reproduced in-game with the highest level of accuracy ever achieved.
Sprint, Endurance and Spa 24 Hours races will come to life with an incredible level of realism, in both single and multiplayer modes.
Assetto Corsa Competizione will feature Blancpain GT Series’ 2018 and 2019 seasons.
Assetto Corsa Competizione is born from KUNOS Simulazioni's long-term experience, and it takes full advantage of Unreal Engine 4 to ensure photorealistic weather conditions and graphics, night races, motion capture animations, reaching a new standard in terms of driving realism and immersion, thanks to its further improved tyre and aerodynamic models.
Designed to innovate, Assetto Corsa Competizione will be set to promote eSports, bringing players at the heart of the GT World Challenge and putting them behind the wheel of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens and many other prestigious GT racing cars, all reproduced with outstanding level of detail.
REALISTIC SIMULATIONAssetto Corsa Competizione is designed to faithfully recreate the performance and the driving experience of real GT World Challenge cars through a sophisticated mathematical model that accurately replicates tyre grip, aerodynamic impact, engine parameters, suspensions and electronics systems that determine vehicle balance, as well as the influence of mechanical damage on the car's drivability.
NEW-GENERATION GRAPHICS AND VISUAL EFFECTSUnreal Engine 4 guarantees photorealistic rendering and an accurate representation of scenarios, car materials and weather conditions. Thanks to the multi-channel audio sampling of real GT cars, the game conveys captivating and immersive acoustic surroundings and realistic environmental effects.
CARE FOR DETAILSEven the secondary details are faithfully reproduced to make you feel the thrill of being in the cockpit of a real racing car. Doors, windshield wipers, headlights, racing lights, racing equipment and control devices such as ABS, traction control, engine ignition and ECU mapping, are all under the driver’s management to assure the best performance and offer the player total control of the car.
THE MOST ACCURATE CIRCUITSThanks to Laserscan technology, every official circuit is recreated with the utmost accuracy: all curbs and details perfectly fit their real counterparts to grant a gaming experience as faithful to reality as possible.
ADVANCED MULTIPLAYER FUNCTIONALITYA well-structured ranking system will evaluate individual performance and driving behaviour to reward the most virtuous drivers and promote fair play in online competitions. The matchmaking function makes sure that you can compete with opponents of similar skill level and easily find online races to join, while the leaderboards will allow you to compare single-lap performance with drivers from all around the world with the same car, circuit and weather conditions.
IMMERSIVE SINGLE PLAYER EXPERIENCECareer, Championship and Free Play modes offer a complete and customizable gaming experience, also thanks to the tutorials and progressive aid levels that allow you to tailor AI opponent difficulty and vehicle stability control to your abilities. The Special Events will allow you to gain a first-hand experience of the most noteworthy real-life GT World Challenge.
HIGH-LEVEL HARDWARE COMPATIBILITYAssetto Corsa Competizione ensures full compatibility with a wide range of peripherals from gamepads to professional steering wheels.
MOTION CAPTURE FOR REALISTIC ANIMATIONSMotion capture technology is used to create the animations of mechanics and drivers in an even more realistic fashion, and guarantee a high level of player engagement during races, pit stops and driver changes.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESEncouraged by the success of the Blancpain Endurance Series, which after its creation in 2011 quickly became the global reference for GT racing, world-renowned Swiss watch manufacturer Blancpain and the SRO Motorsports Group decided at the end of 2013 to extend their partnership to the Blancpain Sprint Series. From 2015, teams and drivers were also given the opportunity to compete for an overall Blancpain GT Series title. Varied grids were the result, with a host of respected GT teams and drivers at the start of each race. The Blancpain GT Series also saw an influx of young and talented drivers, making it a worldwide benchmark in GT3 racing.
With both the Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup and Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup now sharing the same driver categories and points system, the ten-round Blancpain GT Series season – comprising five sprint events and five endurance events – crowns the world’s most complete GT drivers.
A Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup event consists of two races of one hour each, while the Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup races range from three-hour events through a 1000 km race to the season highlight of the Total 24 Hours of Spa, one of the world’s leading 24-hour races.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
Acerca do Jogo
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the new official GT World Challenge videogame. Thanks to the extraordinary quality of simulation, the game will allow you to experience the real atmosphere of the GT3 championship, competing against official drivers, teams, cars and circuits reproduced in-game with the highest level of accuracy ever achieved.
Sprint, Endurance and Spa 24 Hours races will come to life with an incredible level of realism, in both single and multiplayer modes.
Assetto Corsa Competizione will feature Blancpain GT Series’ 2018 and 2019 seasons.
Assetto Corsa Competizione is born from KUNOS Simulazioni's long-term experience, and it takes full advantage of Unreal Engine 4 to ensure photorealistic weather conditions and graphics, night races, motion capture animations, reaching a new standard in terms of driving realism and immersion, thanks to its further improved tyre and aerodynamic models.
Designed to innovate, Assetto Corsa Competizione will be set to promote eSports, bringing players at the heart of the GT World Challenge and putting them behind the wheel of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens and many other prestigious GT racing cars, all reproduced with outstanding level of detail.
REALISTIC SIMULATIONAssetto Corsa Competizione is designed to faithfully recreate the performance and the driving experience of real GT World Challenge cars through a sophisticated mathematical model that accurately replicates tyre grip, aerodynamic impact, engine parameters, suspensions and electronics systems that determine vehicle balance, as well as the influence of mechanical damage on the car's drivability.
NEW-GENERATION GRAPHICS AND VISUAL EFFECTSUnreal Engine 4 guarantees photorealistic rendering and an accurate representation of scenarios, car materials and weather conditions. Thanks to the multi-channel audio sampling of real GT cars, the game conveys captivating and immersive acoustic surroundings and realistic environmental effects.
CARE FOR DETAILSEven the secondary details are faithfully reproduced to make you feel the thrill of being in the cockpit of a real racing car. Doors, windshield wipers, headlights, racing lights, racing equipment and control devices such as ABS, traction control, engine ignition and ECU mapping, are all under the driver’s management to assure the best performance and offer the player total control of the car.
THE MOST ACCURATE CIRCUITSThanks to Laserscan technology, every official circuit is recreated with the utmost accuracy: all curbs and details perfectly fit their real counterparts to grant a gaming experience as faithful to reality as possible.
ADVANCED MULTIPLAYER FUNCTIONALITYA well-structured ranking system will evaluate individual performance and driving behaviour to reward the most virtuous drivers and promote fair play in online competitions. The matchmaking function makes sure that you can compete with opponents of similar skill level and easily find online races to join, while the leaderboards will allow you to compare single-lap performance with drivers from all around the world with the same car, circuit and weather conditions.
IMMERSIVE SINGLE PLAYER EXPERIENCECareer, Championship and Free Play modes offer a complete and customizable gaming experience, also thanks to the tutorials and progressive aid levels that allow you to tailor AI opponent difficulty and vehicle stability control to your abilities. The Special Events will allow you to gain a first-hand experience of the most noteworthy real-life GT World Challenge.
HIGH-LEVEL HARDWARE COMPATIBILITYAssetto Corsa Competizione ensures full compatibility with a wide range of peripherals from gamepads to professional steering wheels.
MOTION CAPTURE FOR REALISTIC ANIMATIONSMotion capture technology is used to create the animations of mechanics and drivers in an even more realistic fashion, and guarantee a high level of player engagement during races, pit stops and driver changes.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESEncouraged by the success of the Blancpain Endurance Series, which after its creation in 2011 quickly became the global reference for GT racing, world-renowned Swiss watch manufacturer Blancpain and the SRO Motorsports Group decided at the end of 2013 to extend their partnership to the Blancpain Sprint Series. From 2015, teams and drivers were also given the opportunity to compete for an overall Blancpain GT Series title. Varied grids were the result, with a host of respected GT teams and drivers at the start of each race. The Blancpain GT Series also saw an influx of young and talented drivers, making it a worldwide benchmark in GT3 racing.
With both the Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup and Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup now sharing the same driver categories and points system, the ten-round Blancpain GT Series season – comprising five sprint events and five endurance events – crowns the world’s most complete GT drivers.
A Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup event consists of two races of one hour each, while the Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup races range from three-hour events through a 1000 km race to the season highlight of the Total 24 Hours of Spa, one of the world’s leading 24-hour races.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
Despre joc
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the new official GT World Challenge videogame. Thanks to the extraordinary quality of simulation, the game will allow you to experience the real atmosphere of the GT3 championship, competing against official drivers, teams, cars and circuits reproduced in-game with the highest level of accuracy ever achieved.
Sprint, Endurance and Spa 24 Hours races will come to life with an incredible level of realism, in both single and multiplayer modes.
Assetto Corsa Competizione will feature Blancpain GT Series’ 2018 and 2019 seasons.
Assetto Corsa Competizione is born from KUNOS Simulazioni's long-term experience, and it takes full advantage of Unreal Engine 4 to ensure photorealistic weather conditions and graphics, night races, motion capture animations, reaching a new standard in terms of driving realism and immersion, thanks to its further improved tyre and aerodynamic models.
Designed to innovate, Assetto Corsa Competizione will be set to promote eSports, bringing players at the heart of the GT World Challenge and putting them behind the wheel of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens and many other prestigious GT racing cars, all reproduced with outstanding level of detail.
REALISTIC SIMULATIONAssetto Corsa Competizione is designed to faithfully recreate the performance and the driving experience of real GT World Challenge cars through a sophisticated mathematical model that accurately replicates tyre grip, aerodynamic impact, engine parameters, suspensions and electronics systems that determine vehicle balance, as well as the influence of mechanical damage on the car's drivability.
NEW-GENERATION GRAPHICS AND VISUAL EFFECTSUnreal Engine 4 guarantees photorealistic rendering and an accurate representation of scenarios, car materials and weather conditions. Thanks to the multi-channel audio sampling of real GT cars, the game conveys captivating and immersive acoustic surroundings and realistic environmental effects.
CARE FOR DETAILSEven the secondary details are faithfully reproduced to make you feel the thrill of being in the cockpit of a real racing car. Doors, windshield wipers, headlights, racing lights, racing equipment and control devices such as ABS, traction control, engine ignition and ECU mapping, are all under the driver’s management to assure the best performance and offer the player total control of the car.
THE MOST ACCURATE CIRCUITSThanks to Laserscan technology, every official circuit is recreated with the utmost accuracy: all curbs and details perfectly fit their real counterparts to grant a gaming experience as faithful to reality as possible.
ADVANCED MULTIPLAYER FUNCTIONALITYA well-structured ranking system will evaluate individual performance and driving behaviour to reward the most virtuous drivers and promote fair play in online competitions. The matchmaking function makes sure that you can compete with opponents of similar skill level and easily find online races to join, while the leaderboards will allow you to compare single-lap performance with drivers from all around the world with the same car, circuit and weather conditions.
IMMERSIVE SINGLE PLAYER EXPERIENCECareer, Championship and Free Play modes offer a complete and customizable gaming experience, also thanks to the tutorials and progressive aid levels that allow you to tailor AI opponent difficulty and vehicle stability control to your abilities. The Special Events will allow you to gain a first-hand experience of the most noteworthy real-life GT World Challenge.
HIGH-LEVEL HARDWARE COMPATIBILITYAssetto Corsa Competizione ensures full compatibility with a wide range of peripherals from gamepads to professional steering wheels.
MOTION CAPTURE FOR REALISTIC ANIMATIONSMotion capture technology is used to create the animations of mechanics and drivers in an even more realistic fashion, and guarantee a high level of player engagement during races, pit stops and driver changes.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESEncouraged by the success of the Blancpain Endurance Series, which after its creation in 2011 quickly became the global reference for GT racing, world-renowned Swiss watch manufacturer Blancpain and the SRO Motorsports Group decided at the end of 2013 to extend their partnership to the Blancpain Sprint Series. From 2015, teams and drivers were also given the opportunity to compete for an overall Blancpain GT Series title. Varied grids were the result, with a host of respected GT teams and drivers at the start of each race. The Blancpain GT Series also saw an influx of young and talented drivers, making it a worldwide benchmark in GT3 racing.
With both the Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup and Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup now sharing the same driver categories and points system, the ten-round Blancpain GT Series season – comprising five sprint events and five endurance events – crowns the world’s most complete GT drivers.
A Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup event consists of two races of one hour each, while the Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup races range from three-hour events through a 1000 km race to the season highlight of the Total 24 Hours of Spa, one of the world’s leading 24-hour races.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
Об игре
Снимки экрана и видео могут демонстрировать материалы, которые пока не доступны. После их выхода все владельцы ACC получат к ним доступ без дополнительной платы. С полным планом выпуска материалов вы можете ознакомиться здесь: Corsa Competizione — новая видеоигра, выпущенная самим чемпионатом Blancpain GT Series.Выдающееся качество симуляции позволяет прочувствовать атмосферу гонок FIA GT3 и вступить в борьбу против официальных пилотов на автомобилях и трассах реального чемпионата, воссозданных в игре с непревзойдённой точностью.
С фантастическим уровнем реализма Assetto Corsa Competizione предлагает форматы спринта, гонки на выносливость и 24-часовой гонки — в режиме как одиночной, так и многопользовательской игры.
В Assetto Corsa Competizione будет представлен чемпионат Blancpain GT Series сезона 2018 года. Игра также будет включать сезон 2019 года, который ожидается в качестве бесплатного дополнения летом 2019 года.
Благодаря опыту студии KUNOS Simulazioni игра Assetto Corsa Competizione использует все возможности движка Unreal Engine 4 для создания реалистичных погодных условий и графики, ночных гонок и анимации с технологией захвата движения. Все это позволяет задать новые стандарты реализма и погружения для гоночных симуляторов, в том числе благодаря улучшенной модели аэродинамики и поведения шин.
Assetto Corsa Competizione ставит своей целью продвижение киберспорта. Игра предложит новый подход к дизайну гонок и позволит участникам ощутить себя в самом сердце чемпионата Blancpain GT Series за рулем Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren и других престижных гоночных автомобилей, каждый из которых воссоздан с выдающимся вниманием к деталям.
РЕАЛИСТИЧНАЯ СИМУЛЯЦИЯРазработчики Assetto Corsa Competizione стремились максимально достоверно воспроизвести поведение реальных автомобилей чемпионата Blancpain GT Series и ощущения от их вождения. Глубоко проработанная математическая модель игры позволяет предельно точно передать сцепление шин, аэродинамику, параметры двигателя, подвески и электронных систем, определяющих баланс автомобиля, а также влияние механических повреждений на то, как автомобиль ведёт себя на трассе.
ГРАФИКА И ВИЗУАЛЬНЫЕ ЭФФЕКТЫ НОВОГО ПОКОЛЕНИЯИспользование движка Unreal Engine 4 позволяет гарантировать фотореалистичную отрисовку графики и точное представление ситуаций на трассе, погодных условий и материалов, из которых сделан автомобиль. Благодаря использованию многоканальной записи звучания реальных автомобилей игра демонстрирует захватывающе правдоподобный звуковой фон чемпионата.
ВНИМАНИЕ К ДЕТАЛЯМДаже малозаметные детали воспроизведены в игре с максимальной точностью. Вам предстоит испытать всю гамму ощущений, которые возникают в кабине настоящего гоночного автомобиля. Двери, стеклоочистители, фары, гоночное оборудование и регулировочные устройства, такие как АБС, противобуксовочная система, зажигание и программирование ЭБУ, находятся под управлением пилота, что даёт игроку полный контроль над поведением автомобиля и обеспечивает наилучшие результаты.
ТОЧНОЕ ВОСПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЕ ТРАССБлагодаря технологии Laserscan каждая официальная трасса воспроизведена с высочайшей точностью: все треки в деталях соответствуют реальным, что позволяет обеспечить игровой опыт, максимально приближенный к действительности.
ПРОДВИНУТЫЕ ФУНКЦИИ СЕТЕВОЙ ИГРЫПроработанная система рангов позволит оценить личные навыки вождения и поведение игрока за рулем, чтобы вознаградить самых добросовестных пилотов и поощрить честную игру в многопользовательских соревнованиях. Функция подбора игроков обеспечивает вам возможность найти соперников примерно равного уровня и лёгкий поиск заездов онлайн, а рейтинговые таблицы игроков позволят виртуальным пилотам со всего мира сравнить свои результаты на конкретном круге трассы на одном и том же автомобиле при одинаковых погодных условиях.
УВЛЕКАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ОПЫТ ОДИНОЧНОЙ ИГРЫРежимы «Карьера», «Чемпионат» и «Свободная игра» позволят вам модифицировать игровой опыт по своему усмотрению. Кроме того, обучение и многоуровневая система помощи водителю позволяет настроить ИИ соперников и поведение автомобиля на трассе под ваши навыки вождения. Система особых событий позволит вам лично пройти самые выдающиеся испытания в истории проведения чемпионата Blancpain GT Series.
АППАРАТНАЯ СОВМЕСТИМОСТЬAssetto Corsa Competizione гарантирует полную совместимость с широким спектром периферийных устройств, от геймпадов до профессиональных игровых рулей.
РЕАЛИСТИЧНАЯ АНИМАЦИЯ С ТЕХНОЛОГИЕЙ ЗАХВАТА ДВИЖЕНИЯИспользуемые технологии захвата движения выводят анимацию действий механиков и водителей на новый уровень реализма, что поддерживает вовлеченность игрока во время гонок, пит-стопов и смены пилотов.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESНа волне успеха соревнований Blancpain Endurance Series, стартовавших в 2011 году и быстро ставших международным стандартом гонок GT, швейцарская компания «Blancpain» — известный во всём мире производитель часов — и компания «SRO Motorsports Group» в 2013 году приняли решение включить в свою партнёрскую программу и Blancpain Sprint Series. Начиная с 2015 года экипажи и пилоты получили возможность соревноваться за титул победителей всего чемпионата Blancpain GT Series. На старте гонок, которые привлекали множество уважаемых пилотов и экипажей, можно было наблюдать самые разные позиции и ситуации. Кроме того, гонки Blancpain GT Series сумели привлечь огромное количество молодых и талантливых пилотов, что превратило их в мировой эталон гонок GT3.
Сегодня на соревнованиях Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup и Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup действует единая система категорий пилотов и начисления баллов, так что чемпионами сезона Blancpain GT Series, который включает пять соревнований в формате «спринт» и пять в формате «гонка на выносливость», становятся лучшие в мире пилоты, способные проявить себя в любом формате.
Каждое соревнование Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup включает два заезда длительностью по одному часу. Заезды в рамках соревнований Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup могут длиться от трех часов, если речь идёт о дистанции в 1000 км, до суток, если это самое важное событие сезона — гонка «Total 24 Hours of Spa», одна из главных 24-часовых гонок мира.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
展示内容中的截图/视频可能为未上线内容。这些内容在上线之后,将对持有ACC的玩家们进行推送。完整的游戏路线图请见: Corsa Competizione是最新的宝珀GT系列赛官方授权游戏。该作优异的拟真水平能让玩家感受GT3系列赛的独特氛围,游戏内有官方赛车手、车队、车辆与赛道能提供优异的竞赛条件,游戏内的赛道将以高水准的精确细节呈现。
在单人与多人模式下,不管是加速赛、耐力赛还是Spa 24小时赛都将以难以置信的拟真水品呈现。
Assetto Corsa Competizione将呈现宝珀GT系列赛的2018赛季,2019夏季将通过免费更新的形式呈现2019赛季。
Assetto Corsa Competizione源自KUNOS Simulazioni的长期经验,它充分利用了虚幻4引擎来确保精确再现天气条件、画面、夜间竞赛和动作捕捉动画等内容,这些都为逼真的沉浸式驾驶体验树立了新标准。得益于此,游戏进一步改进了轮胎模拟与空气动力学模型。
作为革新之作,Assetto Corsa Competizione将致力于推广电子竞技,带领玩家体验宝珀GT系列赛的核心内容与 Ferraris、Lamborghinis、McLarens等著名GT赛车,所有的内容的再现都将具备出色的细节水平。
逼真的模拟水准Assetto Corsa Competizione在设计上忠实地再现了宝珀GT系列赛事车辆的表现与驾驶体验,通过复杂的数学模型来精确再现轮胎抓地力,空气动力影响、发动机参数、悬挂与电子辅助系统来确定车辆的平衡性,以及机械损伤对车辆驾驶性能的影响。
高度硬件兼容性Assetto Corsa Competizione确保全面兼容从手柄到专业方向盘等众多周边外设。
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
Acerca del juego
Las imágenes o tráileres podrían mostrar contenido que puede que aún no esté disponible. Este contenido, una vez esté disponible, será ofrecido a todos los poseedores de ACC sin coste adicional. Aquí podrás revisar nuestro plan completo de lanzamientos: Corsa Competizione es el nuevo juego oficial de la Blancpain GT Series.La excelente calidad de la simulación del juego te permitirá experimentar la auténtica atmósfera de un campeonato homologado por la FIA GT3, en el que te enfrentarás a circuitos, vehículos, equipos y pilotos oficiales. Todos ellos han sido recreados con un nivel de precisión nunca antes visto en ningún juego.
Las carreras de velocidad, resistencia y Spa 24 horas cobrarán vida con un nivel de realismo increíble, tanto en el modo para un jugador como en el multijugador.
Assetto Corsa Competizione incluirá la temporada 2018 de la Blancpain GT Series, así como también incluirá la temporada 2019, que se ofrecerá a modo de descarga gratuita durante el verano de 2019.
Assetto Corsa Competizione nace de la longeva experiencia de KUNOS Simulazioni y aprovecha el Unreal Engine 4 para ofrecer gráficos y condiciones climatológicas fotorrealistas, carreras nocturnas, animaciones capturadas del mundo real y grandes mejoras a nivel de modelos aerodinámicos y de ruedas. Todo esto le permite alcanzar un nuevo estándar en lo que respecta a inmersión y realismo al volante.
Diseñado para innovar, Assetto Corsa Competizione está pensado para promocionar el deporte electrónico y poner a los jugadores en el corazón de la Blancpain GT Series. Es una ocasión única para ponerse al volante de Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens y muchos otros vehículos famosos de GT, todos ellos recreados con un increíble nivel de detalle.
SIMULACIÓN REALISTAAssetto Corsa Competizione está diseñado para recrear, con la máxima fidelidad posible, el rendimiento y la experiencia de conducción de los vehículos reales de la Blancpain GT Series. Esto se consigue a través de un sofisticado modelo matemático que replica con precisión el agarre de las ruedas, los impactos aerodinámicos, los parámetros del motor, las suspensiones y los sistemas electrónicos que determinan el equilibrio del vehículo, así como el modo en el que influyen en la conducción los daños mecánicos del vehículo.
EFECTOS VISUALES Y GRÁFICOS DE NUEVA GENERACIÓNEl motor Unreal Engine 4 garantiza una recreación fotorrealista y precisa de los escenarios, los materiales de los vehículos y las condiciones climatológicas. Gracias a las grabaciones multicanal del sonido de coches GT reales, el juego consigue presentar entornos acústicos cautivadores y envolventes, además de efectos realistas del entorno.
ATENCIÓN A LOS DETALLESIncluso los detalles secundarios están fielmente reproducidos para hacerte sentir toda la emoción de estar a los mandos de un coche de competición real. Puertas, limpiaparabrisas, faros, luces de competición, equipo de carrera y dispositivos de control tales como ABS, control de tracción, encendido del motor, unidad de control del motor... Todo está bajo el control del piloto, para asegurar el mejor rendimiento y ofrecer al jugador el control total del coche.
LOS CIRCUITOS MÁS REALESGracias a la tecnología de escaneado láser, todos los circuitos oficiales están recreados con la máxima precisión. Todas las curvas y todos los detalles son totalmente fieles a sus homólogos reales, para garantizar así una experiencia de juego lo más fiel posible a la realidad.
FUNCIONALIDAD MULTIJUGADOR AVANZADAUn sistema de marcadores muy bien estructurado evaluará el rendimiento individual y el comportamiento al volante, con el fin de recompensar a los pilotos más virtuosos y de promover el juego limpio en las competiciones online. El sistema de emparejamientos se asegura de que compitas contra rivales de un nivel de habilidad similar y de que puedas encontrar fácilmente carreras online a las que unirte. Por su parte, los marcadores te permitirán comparar tu actuación en vueltas individuales con la de otros pilotos virtuales de todo el mundo que hayan usado el mismo coche, el mismo circuito y las mismas condiciones climatológicas.
ENVOLVENTE EXPERIENCIA PARA UN JUGADORLos modos Carrera, Campeonato y Juego libre ofrecen una experiencia de juego completa y personalizable. Además, gracias a los tutoriales y a los niveles de ayuda progresivos, podrás determinar la dificultad de tus rivales de la IA y la adaptar el control del vehículo a tus habilidades. Los eventos especiales te permitirán experimentar de primera mano los desafíos reales más destacables de la Blancpain GT Series.
COMPATIBLE CON HARDWARE DE GAMA ALTAAssetto Corsa Competizione te asegura compatibilidad total con un amplio abanico de periféricos, desde mandos hasta volantes profesionales.
CAPTURA DE MOVIMIENTO PARA ANIMACIONES REALISTASLa tecnología de captura de movimiento se usa para crear las animaciones más realistas posibles para mecánicos y pilotos y, de este modo, garantizar que el jugador se sumerja completamente en las carreras, en las paradas en boxes y en los cambios de piloto.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESTras el éxito de la Blancpain Endurance Series, que no tardó en convertirse en la referencia mundial de GT tras su creación en 2011, la famosa fabricante de relojes suizos Blancpain y el SRO Motorsports Group decidieron, a finales de 2013, ampliar su colaboración con la Blancpain Sprint Series. Además, desde 2015, equipos y pilotos tienen la oportunidad de competir por el título general de la Blancpain GT Series. El resultado fueron parrillas de lo más variado al inicio de las carreras, con pilotos y equipos de GT de renombre. La Blancpain GT Series también vivió la llegada de muchos pilotos jóvenes y talentosos, convirtiéndose en un emblema de la competición de GT3.
Ahora que la Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup y la Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup comparten el mismo sistema de puntos y las mismas categorías de pilotos, la temporada de la Blancpain GT Series (de diez rondas, con cinco eventos de velocidad y cinco eventos de resistencia) corona a los pilotos más completos de GT.
El evento Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup consta de dos carreras de una hora cada una, mientras que las carreras de la Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup van desde eventos de tres horas hasta una carrera de 1000 kilómetros. Eso, sin contar las 24 Horas de Spa, una de las carreras de 24 horas más importantes del mundo.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
Om spelet
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the new official GT World Challenge videogame. Thanks to the extraordinary quality of simulation, the game will allow you to experience the real atmosphere of the GT3 championship, competing against official drivers, teams, cars and circuits reproduced in-game with the highest level of accuracy ever achieved.
Sprint, Endurance and Spa 24 Hours races will come to life with an incredible level of realism, in both single and multiplayer modes.
Assetto Corsa Competizione will feature Blancpain GT Series’ 2018 and 2019 seasons.
Assetto Corsa Competizione is born from KUNOS Simulazioni's long-term experience, and it takes full advantage of Unreal Engine 4 to ensure photorealistic weather conditions and graphics, night races, motion capture animations, reaching a new standard in terms of driving realism and immersion, thanks to its further improved tyre and aerodynamic models.
Designed to innovate, Assetto Corsa Competizione will be set to promote eSports, bringing players at the heart of the GT World Challenge and putting them behind the wheel of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens and many other prestigious GT racing cars, all reproduced with outstanding level of detail.
REALISTIC SIMULATIONAssetto Corsa Competizione is designed to faithfully recreate the performance and the driving experience of real GT World Challenge cars through a sophisticated mathematical model that accurately replicates tyre grip, aerodynamic impact, engine parameters, suspensions and electronics systems that determine vehicle balance, as well as the influence of mechanical damage on the car's drivability.
NEW-GENERATION GRAPHICS AND VISUAL EFFECTSUnreal Engine 4 guarantees photorealistic rendering and an accurate representation of scenarios, car materials and weather conditions. Thanks to the multi-channel audio sampling of real GT cars, the game conveys captivating and immersive acoustic surroundings and realistic environmental effects.
CARE FOR DETAILSEven the secondary details are faithfully reproduced to make you feel the thrill of being in the cockpit of a real racing car. Doors, windshield wipers, headlights, racing lights, racing equipment and control devices such as ABS, traction control, engine ignition and ECU mapping, are all under the driver’s management to assure the best performance and offer the player total control of the car.
THE MOST ACCURATE CIRCUITSThanks to Laserscan technology, every official circuit is recreated with the utmost accuracy: all curbs and details perfectly fit their real counterparts to grant a gaming experience as faithful to reality as possible.
ADVANCED MULTIPLAYER FUNCTIONALITYA well-structured ranking system will evaluate individual performance and driving behaviour to reward the most virtuous drivers and promote fair play in online competitions. The matchmaking function makes sure that you can compete with opponents of similar skill level and easily find online races to join, while the leaderboards will allow you to compare single-lap performance with drivers from all around the world with the same car, circuit and weather conditions.
IMMERSIVE SINGLE PLAYER EXPERIENCECareer, Championship and Free Play modes offer a complete and customizable gaming experience, also thanks to the tutorials and progressive aid levels that allow you to tailor AI opponent difficulty and vehicle stability control to your abilities. The Special Events will allow you to gain a first-hand experience of the most noteworthy real-life GT World Challenge.
HIGH-LEVEL HARDWARE COMPATIBILITYAssetto Corsa Competizione ensures full compatibility with a wide range of peripherals from gamepads to professional steering wheels.
MOTION CAPTURE FOR REALISTIC ANIMATIONSMotion capture technology is used to create the animations of mechanics and drivers in an even more realistic fashion, and guarantee a high level of player engagement during races, pit stops and driver changes.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESEncouraged by the success of the Blancpain Endurance Series, which after its creation in 2011 quickly became the global reference for GT racing, world-renowned Swiss watch manufacturer Blancpain and the SRO Motorsports Group decided at the end of 2013 to extend their partnership to the Blancpain Sprint Series. From 2015, teams and drivers were also given the opportunity to compete for an overall Blancpain GT Series title. Varied grids were the result, with a host of respected GT teams and drivers at the start of each race. The Blancpain GT Series also saw an influx of young and talented drivers, making it a worldwide benchmark in GT3 racing.
With both the Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup and Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup now sharing the same driver categories and points system, the ten-round Blancpain GT Series season – comprising five sprint events and five endurance events – crowns the world’s most complete GT drivers.
A Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup event consists of two races of one hour each, while the Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup races range from three-hour events through a 1000 km race to the season highlight of the Total 24 Hours of Spa, one of the world’s leading 24-hour races.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the new official GT World Challenge videogame. Thanks to the extraordinary quality of simulation, the game will allow you to experience the real atmosphere of the GT3 championship, competing against official drivers, teams, cars and circuits reproduced in-game with the highest level of accuracy ever achieved.
Sprint, Endurance and Spa 24 Hours races will come to life with an incredible level of realism, in both single and multiplayer modes.
Assetto Corsa Competizione will feature Blancpain GT Series’ 2018 and 2019 seasons.
Assetto Corsa Competizione is born from KUNOS Simulazioni's long-term experience, and it takes full advantage of Unreal Engine 4 to ensure photorealistic weather conditions and graphics, night races, motion capture animations, reaching a new standard in terms of driving realism and immersion, thanks to its further improved tyre and aerodynamic models.
Designed to innovate, Assetto Corsa Competizione will be set to promote eSports, bringing players at the heart of the GT World Challenge and putting them behind the wheel of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens and many other prestigious GT racing cars, all reproduced with outstanding level of detail.
REALISTIC SIMULATIONAssetto Corsa Competizione is designed to faithfully recreate the performance and the driving experience of real GT World Challenge cars through a sophisticated mathematical model that accurately replicates tyre grip, aerodynamic impact, engine parameters, suspensions and electronics systems that determine vehicle balance, as well as the influence of mechanical damage on the car's drivability.
NEW-GENERATION GRAPHICS AND VISUAL EFFECTSUnreal Engine 4 guarantees photorealistic rendering and an accurate representation of scenarios, car materials and weather conditions. Thanks to the multi-channel audio sampling of real GT cars, the game conveys captivating and immersive acoustic surroundings and realistic environmental effects.
CARE FOR DETAILSEven the secondary details are faithfully reproduced to make you feel the thrill of being in the cockpit of a real racing car. Doors, windshield wipers, headlights, racing lights, racing equipment and control devices such as ABS, traction control, engine ignition and ECU mapping, are all under the driver’s management to assure the best performance and offer the player total control of the car.
THE MOST ACCURATE CIRCUITSThanks to Laserscan technology, every official circuit is recreated with the utmost accuracy: all curbs and details perfectly fit their real counterparts to grant a gaming experience as faithful to reality as possible.
ADVANCED MULTIPLAYER FUNCTIONALITYA well-structured ranking system will evaluate individual performance and driving behaviour to reward the most virtuous drivers and promote fair play in online competitions. The matchmaking function makes sure that you can compete with opponents of similar skill level and easily find online races to join, while the leaderboards will allow you to compare single-lap performance with drivers from all around the world with the same car, circuit and weather conditions.
IMMERSIVE SINGLE PLAYER EXPERIENCECareer, Championship and Free Play modes offer a complete and customizable gaming experience, also thanks to the tutorials and progressive aid levels that allow you to tailor AI opponent difficulty and vehicle stability control to your abilities. The Special Events will allow you to gain a first-hand experience of the most noteworthy real-life GT World Challenge.
HIGH-LEVEL HARDWARE COMPATIBILITYAssetto Corsa Competizione ensures full compatibility with a wide range of peripherals from gamepads to professional steering wheels.
MOTION CAPTURE FOR REALISTIC ANIMATIONSMotion capture technology is used to create the animations of mechanics and drivers in an even more realistic fashion, and guarantee a high level of player engagement during races, pit stops and driver changes.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESEncouraged by the success of the Blancpain Endurance Series, which after its creation in 2011 quickly became the global reference for GT racing, world-renowned Swiss watch manufacturer Blancpain and the SRO Motorsports Group decided at the end of 2013 to extend their partnership to the Blancpain Sprint Series. From 2015, teams and drivers were also given the opportunity to compete for an overall Blancpain GT Series title. Varied grids were the result, with a host of respected GT teams and drivers at the start of each race. The Blancpain GT Series also saw an influx of young and talented drivers, making it a worldwide benchmark in GT3 racing.
With both the Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup and Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup now sharing the same driver categories and points system, the ten-round Blancpain GT Series season – comprising five sprint events and five endurance events – crowns the world’s most complete GT drivers.
A Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup event consists of two races of one hour each, while the Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup races range from three-hour events through a 1000 km race to the season highlight of the Total 24 Hours of Spa, one of the world’s leading 24-hour races.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
《神力科莎出賽準備: 競爭 Assetto Corsa Competizione》是全新的 GT 世界挑戰系列賽官方遊戲。本遊戲出色的模擬品質將讓你得以透過官方車手、車隊、賽車和賽道共同組成的賽車模擬,在以最高的準確度還原賽事中體驗 GT3 錦標賽的真實氛圍。
《 神力科莎出賽準備: 競爭 》將內含寶珀 GT 系列賽 2018 與 2019 賽季。
《 神力科莎出賽準備: 競爭》為 KUNOS Simulazioni 灌注了長期經驗的力作,充分利用 Unreal Engine 4 的優點以真實呈現寫實的天氣狀況與圖像、夜間賽事、動態捕捉動畫,並進一步改良了輪胎與空氣動力學模型,為寫實的沈浸式模擬駕駛樹立了全新的標準。
《 神力科莎出賽準備: 競爭》以創新為開發的核心概念,並且在開發時以推廣電子競技為目標,讓玩家置身於 GT 世界挑戰系列,駕駛法拉利 (Ferrari)、藍寶堅尼 (Lamborghini)、麥拿侖 (McLaren)以及其他眾多著名的 GT 賽車 - 全部以極細膩的方式真實重現。
寫實的模擬《 神力科莎出賽準備: 競爭》具備精密的運算模型,可精準地重現輪胎抓地力、空氣動力學影響、引擎參數、懸吊與電控系統這些共同決定車輛平衡的要素以及可能影響車輛操控性的機械損傷,可藉此寫實呈現真正的 GT 世界挑戰系列中賽車的性能和駕駛體驗。
次世代圖像與視覺效果Unreal Engine 4 保證了渲染的寫實度,以及場景、車輛材質和天氣狀況的精準呈現。藉由向真正的 GT 賽車進行多聲道取樣,本遊戲提供引人入勝的聽覺體驗以及寫實的環境效果。
面面俱到的細節所有次要的細節將會栩栩如生的再現,讓你體驗置身於真實賽車駕駛座的興奮感。車門、雨刷、車頭燈、賽車燈、賽車配備、控制裝置(ABS、循跡控制系統、點火系統、ECU 調校等),一切都能由車手控制,在確保玩家可完全控制車輛的同時,提供最佳的性能。
引人入勝的單人遊戲職業生涯、冠軍賽及自由駕駛模式提供了完整而可自訂的遊戲體驗。在此同時,教學與漸進式的協助等級讓你能根據自己的技術,量身訂做 AI 對手的難度以及車輛穩定性控制。特別賽事將使你得以第一手地體驗最值得關注的現實 GT 世界挑戰系列。
高度硬體相容性《 神力科莎出賽準備: 競爭》能完整相容於各式各樣的配件,從手柄到專業方向盤都不是問題。
寶珀 GT 系列賽寶珀耐力系列賽在 2011 年出現後便很快地成為了 GT 賽事在全世界的重要指標。在這個成功經驗的鼓勵下,世界級瑞士鐘錶製造商寶珀與 SRO Motorsports Group 在 2013 年底決定拓展他們的合作關係,舉辦寶珀衝刺系列賽 (Blancpain Sprint Series)。2015 年起,各家車隊與車手也都獲得了爭奪寶珀 GT 系列賽總冠軍的機會。眾多備受敬重的 GT 車隊與車手都會參與本賽事,爭奪排位。寶珀 GT 系列賽也聚集了許多有天份的年輕車手,這使它成為 GT3 競賽的世界級指標。
寶珀 GT 系列衝刺盃以及寶珀 GT 系列耐力盃現在共用相同的車手分級與積分系統,十回合的寶珀 GT 系列賽季(衝刺賽與耐力賽各五回合)現在擁有世界上最完整的 GT 車手陣容。
寶珀 GT 系列衝刺盃賽事包含兩場各為時一小時的比賽,而寶珀 GT 系列耐力盃則包含三小時競賽、一千公里競賽,以及賽季重頭戲斯帕二十四小時耐力賽 - 這是世界上最頂級的二十四小時競賽之一。
《神力科莎出賽準備: 競爭 Assetto Corsa Competizione》是全新的 GT 世界挑戰系列賽官方遊戲。本遊戲出色的模擬品質將讓你得以透過官方車手、車隊、賽車、賽道共同組成的賽車模擬,體驗國際汽車聯盟 GT3 錦標賽的真實氛圍。
《 神力科莎出賽準備: 競爭》出色的要素使它不只是一款賽車遊戲,而是由頂級車手為頂級車手開發的頂級模擬遊戲。
想知道《 神力科莎出賽準備: 競爭》的主要特點嗎?奉獻、熱情、苦幹實幹、服務的天賦。
Kunos Simulazioni 將 GT 系列賽帶到了我們家裡,而你不需要超級駕駛執照便可盡情飆速
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
Oyun Açıklaması
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the new official GT World Challenge videogame. Thanks to the extraordinary quality of simulation, the game will allow you to experience the real atmosphere of the GT3 championship, competing against official drivers, teams, cars and circuits reproduced in-game with the highest level of accuracy ever achieved.
Sprint, Endurance and Spa 24 Hours races will come to life with an incredible level of realism, in both single and multiplayer modes.
Assetto Corsa Competizione will feature Blancpain GT Series’ 2018 and 2019 seasons.
Assetto Corsa Competizione is born from KUNOS Simulazioni's long-term experience, and it takes full advantage of Unreal Engine 4 to ensure photorealistic weather conditions and graphics, night races, motion capture animations, reaching a new standard in terms of driving realism and immersion, thanks to its further improved tyre and aerodynamic models.
Designed to innovate, Assetto Corsa Competizione will be set to promote eSports, bringing players at the heart of the GT World Challenge and putting them behind the wheel of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens and many other prestigious GT racing cars, all reproduced with outstanding level of detail.
REALISTIC SIMULATIONAssetto Corsa Competizione is designed to faithfully recreate the performance and the driving experience of real GT World Challenge cars through a sophisticated mathematical model that accurately replicates tyre grip, aerodynamic impact, engine parameters, suspensions and electronics systems that determine vehicle balance, as well as the influence of mechanical damage on the car's drivability.
NEW-GENERATION GRAPHICS AND VISUAL EFFECTSUnreal Engine 4 guarantees photorealistic rendering and an accurate representation of scenarios, car materials and weather conditions. Thanks to the multi-channel audio sampling of real GT cars, the game conveys captivating and immersive acoustic surroundings and realistic environmental effects.
CARE FOR DETAILSEven the secondary details are faithfully reproduced to make you feel the thrill of being in the cockpit of a real racing car. Doors, windshield wipers, headlights, racing lights, racing equipment and control devices such as ABS, traction control, engine ignition and ECU mapping, are all under the driver’s management to assure the best performance and offer the player total control of the car.
THE MOST ACCURATE CIRCUITSThanks to Laserscan technology, every official circuit is recreated with the utmost accuracy: all curbs and details perfectly fit their real counterparts to grant a gaming experience as faithful to reality as possible.
ADVANCED MULTIPLAYER FUNCTIONALITYA well-structured ranking system will evaluate individual performance and driving behaviour to reward the most virtuous drivers and promote fair play in online competitions. The matchmaking function makes sure that you can compete with opponents of similar skill level and easily find online races to join, while the leaderboards will allow you to compare single-lap performance with drivers from all around the world with the same car, circuit and weather conditions.
IMMERSIVE SINGLE PLAYER EXPERIENCECareer, Championship and Free Play modes offer a complete and customizable gaming experience, also thanks to the tutorials and progressive aid levels that allow you to tailor AI opponent difficulty and vehicle stability control to your abilities. The Special Events will allow you to gain a first-hand experience of the most noteworthy real-life GT World Challenge.
HIGH-LEVEL HARDWARE COMPATIBILITYAssetto Corsa Competizione ensures full compatibility with a wide range of peripherals from gamepads to professional steering wheels.
MOTION CAPTURE FOR REALISTIC ANIMATIONSMotion capture technology is used to create the animations of mechanics and drivers in an even more realistic fashion, and guarantee a high level of player engagement during races, pit stops and driver changes.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESEncouraged by the success of the Blancpain Endurance Series, which after its creation in 2011 quickly became the global reference for GT racing, world-renowned Swiss watch manufacturer Blancpain and the SRO Motorsports Group decided at the end of 2013 to extend their partnership to the Blancpain Sprint Series. From 2015, teams and drivers were also given the opportunity to compete for an overall Blancpain GT Series title. Varied grids were the result, with a host of respected GT teams and drivers at the start of each race. The Blancpain GT Series also saw an influx of young and talented drivers, making it a worldwide benchmark in GT3 racing.
With both the Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup and Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup now sharing the same driver categories and points system, the ten-round Blancpain GT Series season – comprising five sprint events and five endurance events – crowns the world’s most complete GT drivers.
A Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup event consists of two races of one hour each, while the Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup races range from three-hour events through a 1000 km race to the season highlight of the Total 24 Hours of Spa, one of the world’s leading 24-hour races.
Watch 505 Games TGS Digital Showcase on Sep 16th 18:00 JST
Про гру
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the new official GT World Challenge videogame. Thanks to the extraordinary quality of simulation, the game will allow you to experience the real atmosphere of the GT3 championship, competing against official drivers, teams, cars and circuits reproduced in-game with the highest level of accuracy ever achieved.
Sprint, Endurance and Spa 24 Hours races will come to life with an incredible level of realism, in both single and multiplayer modes.
Assetto Corsa Competizione will feature Blancpain GT Series’ 2018 and 2019 seasons.
Assetto Corsa Competizione is born from KUNOS Simulazioni's long-term experience, and it takes full advantage of Unreal Engine 4 to ensure photorealistic weather conditions and graphics, night races, motion capture animations, reaching a new standard in terms of driving realism and immersion, thanks to its further improved tyre and aerodynamic models.
Designed to innovate, Assetto Corsa Competizione will be set to promote eSports, bringing players at the heart of the GT World Challenge and putting them behind the wheel of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens and many other prestigious GT racing cars, all reproduced with outstanding level of detail.
REALISTIC SIMULATIONAssetto Corsa Competizione is designed to faithfully recreate the performance and the driving experience of real GT World Challenge cars through a sophisticated mathematical model that accurately replicates tyre grip, aerodynamic impact, engine parameters, suspensions and electronics systems that determine vehicle balance, as well as the influence of mechanical damage on the car's drivability.
NEW-GENERATION GRAPHICS AND VISUAL EFFECTSUnreal Engine 4 guarantees photorealistic rendering and an accurate representation of scenarios, car materials and weather conditions. Thanks to the multi-channel audio sampling of real GT cars, the game conveys captivating and immersive acoustic surroundings and realistic environmental effects.
CARE FOR DETAILSEven the secondary details are faithfully reproduced to make you feel the thrill of being in the cockpit of a real racing car. Doors, windshield wipers, headlights, racing lights, racing equipment and control devices such as ABS, traction control, engine ignition and ECU mapping, are all under the driver’s management to assure the best performance and offer the player total control of the car.
THE MOST ACCURATE CIRCUITSThanks to Laserscan technology, every official circuit is recreated with the utmost accuracy: all curbs and details perfectly fit their real counterparts to grant a gaming experience as faithful to reality as possible.
ADVANCED MULTIPLAYER FUNCTIONALITYA well-structured ranking system will evaluate individual performance and driving behaviour to reward the most virtuous drivers and promote fair play in online competitions. The matchmaking function makes sure that you can compete with opponents of similar skill level and easily find online races to join, while the leaderboards will allow you to compare single-lap performance with drivers from all around the world with the same car, circuit and weather conditions.
IMMERSIVE SINGLE PLAYER EXPERIENCECareer, Championship and Free Play modes offer a complete and customizable gaming experience, also thanks to the tutorials and progressive aid levels that allow you to tailor AI opponent difficulty and vehicle stability control to your abilities. The Special Events will allow you to gain a first-hand experience of the most noteworthy real-life GT World Challenge.
HIGH-LEVEL HARDWARE COMPATIBILITYAssetto Corsa Competizione ensures full compatibility with a wide range of peripherals from gamepads to professional steering wheels.
MOTION CAPTURE FOR REALISTIC ANIMATIONSMotion capture technology is used to create the animations of mechanics and drivers in an even more realistic fashion, and guarantee a high level of player engagement during races, pit stops and driver changes.
BLANCPAIN GT SERIESEncouraged by the success of the Blancpain Endurance Series, which after its creation in 2011 quickly became the global reference for GT racing, world-renowned Swiss watch manufacturer Blancpain and the SRO Motorsports Group decided at the end of 2013 to extend their partnership to the Blancpain Sprint Series. From 2015, teams and drivers were also given the opportunity to compete for an overall Blancpain GT Series title. Varied grids were the result, with a host of respected GT teams and drivers at the start of each race. The Blancpain GT Series also saw an influx of young and talented drivers, making it a worldwide benchmark in GT3 racing.
With both the Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup and Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup now sharing the same driver categories and points system, the ten-round Blancpain GT Series season – comprising five sprint events and five endurance events – crowns the world’s most complete GT drivers.
A Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup event consists of two races of one hour each, while the Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup races range from three-hour events through a 1000 km race to the season highlight of the Total 24 Hours of Spa, one of the world’s leading 24-hour races.