Video Tutorials

Sobre o jogo
O Astra Exodus é um jogo de estratégia sci fi 4x baseado em turnos para um jogador, inspirado no estilo retro, com uma campanha épica dirigida por narrativas de escolha múltipla, batalhas táticas em tempo real e uma extensa grelha de pesquisa semi-aleatória; desenvolvido pelo Atomic Kaiser, um exército de gamedev do Uruguai.
Aproveite a chance de levar a humanidade de volta para casa, enquanto descobre os mistérios por trás do Êxodo, através de uma campanha narrativa dirigida pela campanha. Ou desafie-se no modo Sandbox, levando qualquer uma das várias facções alienígenas a várias possíveis condições de vitória.
- Campanha de história épica
Liderar a Força-Tarefa do Legado da Terra por meio de 9 missões árduas, em sua campanha para descobrir a herança perdida da Terra e tomar decisões que alterem a história e a jogabilidade de maneira significativa; para o qual você pode ser recompensado com habilidades exclusivas e diversas encontradas apenas neste modo.

- Modo Sandbox Dinâmico
Encarrega-te de uma das 8 facções principais diferentes ou cria as tuas próprias no Modo Sandbox, à medida que vais prosperar para escravizar, exterminar, seduzir ou bater toda e qualquer competição. Sobreviva a uma série de eventos e ameaças que certamente desafiarão seu império e todos os outros.

- Batalha no espaço e no chão
Lute no espaço e no solo, com batalhas espaciais táticas em tempo real, onde o posicionamento e a direção são tão importantes quanto o armamento. E batalhas baseadas na iniciativa, com tropas de infantaria, armaduras, greve e até mechs. Ou apenas explodi-los de órbita, que funciona tão bem.

- Explore galáxias cativantes
Colonize ou conquiste uma galáxia vibrantemente diversa de sua escolha, cheia de estrelas maravilhosas, planetas, cinturões de asteróides, etc., todos inspirados por fenômenos astronômicos verdadeiros. Manobre seus navios em torno de buracos negros e supernovas, para usar ou evitar seus efeitos, em suas conquistas.

- Grade de pesquisa semi-aleatória
Pesquise mais de 300 tecnologias, em uma grade de tecnologia exclusiva e randomizada, que obriga a escolher sabiamente o que você pesquisa e garante que não haverá dois jogos iguais. Reaja a eventos na galáxia pesquisando sobre eles e obtendo vantagens exclusivas sobre seus inimigos.

- Lidere os incríveis heróis
Encontre e recrute heróis galácticos incríveis, para liderar suas frotas, governar suas colônias ou até mesmo espionar seus inimigos! Fazer o havok sem disparar uma única explosão, conduzindo Sabotagem e Revolta, entre outras operações; bem atrás das linhas inimigas.

- Crie suas próprias naves estelares
Crie suas próprias naves, decidindo não apenas quais armas elas carregam e em qual configuração, mas também seus sistemas Core e Support. Sobrecarregue o seu oponente com hostes de Frigates ágeis, enxames de Strike Craft ou apenas com o imenso poder de fogo de um único Titan enorme.

- Arquivos abertos para modding
Mexa, mude e personalize o jogo para o conteúdo do seu coração. Adicionando novas ou modificando naves, facções, tropas, tecnologias, etc. existentes ao jogo. Talvez reencenando, em seguida, alguns dos seus programas de tv e filmes favoritos, bem no jogo.

Video Tutorials

Относно играта
Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

Video Tutorials

O hře
Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

Video Tutorials

Om spillet
Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

Video Tutorials

Info over het spel
Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

Video Tutorials

About the Game
Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

Video Tutorials

Tietoja pelistä
Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

Video Tutorials

À propos du jeu
Astra Exodus est un jeu de stratégie sci fi 4x inspiré rétro et basé sur un joueur, avec une campagne épique à choix multiples, des batailles tactiques en temps réel et une vaste grille de recherche semi-aléatoire. développé par Atomic Kaiser, une armée uruguayenne à un jeu.
Saisissez l’occasion de ramener l’humanité à la maison, tout en dévoilant les mystères de l’exode, à travers une campagne narrative axée sur le choix, la campagne. Ou défiez-vous dans le mode Sandbox, en menant l’une des factions extraterrestres, vers plusieurs conditions de victoire possibles.
- Campagne de récits épiques
Dirigez le groupe de travail Earth Legacy à travers 9 missions difficiles, dans le cadre de leur campagne de découverte du patrimoine perdu de la Terre, et prenez des décisions qui altèrent de manière significative l'histoire et le jeu; pour lequel vous pouvez être récompensé avec des capacités exclusives et diverses que l’on ne trouve que dans ce mode.

- Mode bac à sable dynamique
Prenez en charge l'une des 8 factions principales différentes ou créez la vôtre en mode Sandbox, alors que vous aspirez à asservir, à exterminer, à séduire ou à battre toutes les compétitions. Survivez à une foule d'événements et de menaces qui défieront sûrement votre empire et tous les autres.

- Bataille dans l'espace et sur le sol
Combattez dans l'espace et dans le sol, avec des batailles tactiques spatiales en temps réel, où le positionnement et la direction comptent autant que les armes. Et des batailles au sol basées sur l’initiative, avec des armées d’infanterie, d’armures, de grévistes et même de mechs. Ou tout simplement les neutraliser en orbite, cela fonctionne aussi bien.

- Explorez des galaxies captivantes
Colonisez ou conquérez une galaxie vibrante et variée de votre choix, pleine d'étoiles merveilleuses, de planètes, de ceintures d'astéroïdes, etc., toutes inspirées par de véritables phénomènes astronomiques. Manœuvrez vos vaisseaux autour des trous noirs et des supernovas, pour utiliser ou éviter leurs effets, dans vos conquêtes.

- Grille de recherche semi-aléatoire
Recherchez plus de 300 technologies dans un réseau technologique exclusif et aléatoire, ce qui vous oblige à choisir avec soin ce que vous recherchez et vous garantit qu'aucun jeu ne sera identique. Réagissez aux événements de la galaxie en effectuant des recherches à leur sujet et en obtenant des avantages uniques par rapport à vos ennemis.

- Dirigez par des héros incroyables
Rencontrez et recrutez d’incroyables héros galactiques pour diriger vos flottes, gouverner vos colonies ou même espionner vos ennemis! Faites des ravages sans tirer un seul coup, en procédant notamment au Sabotage et à la Révolte; profondément derrière les lignes ennemies.

- Créez vos propres vaisseaux spatiaux
Concevez vos propres vaisseaux, en décidant non seulement quelles armes ils transportent et dans quelle configuration, mais également de leurs systèmes Core et Support. Débarrassez votre adversaire avec une multitude de frégates agiles, d'essaims de Strike Craft ou simplement avec la puissance de feu immense d'un seul Titan.

- Ouvrir des fichiers pour modding
Modifiez, modifiez et personnalisez le jeu à votre guise. Ajouter ou modifier de nouveaux vaisseaux, factions, troupes, technologies, etc., au jeu. Vous pourrez peut-être reproduire quelques-unes de vos émissions de télévision et films scifi préférés, directement dans le jeu.

Video Tutorials

Über das Spiel
Astra Exodus ist ein retro-inspiriertes Sci-Fi-4x-Strategiespiel für Einzelspieler, mit einer Multiple-Choice-Kampagne, episch gesteuerten epischen Kampagnen, taktischen Top-down-Echtzeitkämpfen und einem umfangreichen semi-randomisierten Forschungsraster. Entwickelt von Atomic Kaiser, einer Armee aus Uruguay.
Nutzen Sie die Chance, die Menschheit nach Hause zu führen, und entdecken Sie dabei die Geheimnisse hinter dem Exodus über eine Wahlkampagne. Oder fordern Sie sich im Sandbox-Modus heraus, indem Sie eine der verschiedenen außerirdischen Fraktionen zu mehreren möglichen Siegbedingungen führen.
- Epische Story-Kampagne
Führe die Earth Legacy Task Force durch 9 schwierige Missionen in ihrer Kampagne zur Entdeckung des verlorenen Erbes der Erde und treffe Entscheidungen, die die Geschichte und das Gameplay in bedeutender Weise verändern. für die Sie mit exklusiven und vielfältigen Fähigkeiten belohnt werden können, die nur in diesem Modus zu finden sind.

- Dynamic Sandbox-Modus
Übernimm die Verantwortung für eine von acht verschiedenen Hauptfraktionen oder erstelle deine eigene im Sandbox-Modus, während du versuchst, alle und jeden Wettbewerb zu versklaven, auszulöschen, zu verführen oder zu schlagen. Überleben Sie eine Vielzahl von Ereignissen und Bedrohungen, die Ihr Imperium und alle anderen sicherlich herausfordern werden.

- Schlacht im Weltraum und auf dem Boden
Kämpfe im Weltraum und im Boden mit taktischen Echtzeitkämpfen, bei denen Positionierung und Kurs genauso wichtig sind wie Waffen. Und auf Initiative basierende Top-down-Ground-Schlachten mit Schützen von Infanterie, Rüstung, Schlagzeug und sogar Mechs. Oder einfach nur aus dem Orbit nuke, das funktioniert genauso gut.

- Erkunde faszinierende Galaxien
Besiedeln oder erobern Sie eine vibrierende, vielfältige Galaxie Ihrer Wahl, gefüllt mit wunderbaren Sternen, Planeten, Asteroidengürteln usw., die alle von echten astronomischen Phänomenen inspiriert sind. Manövrieren Sie Ihre Schiffe um Schwarze Löcher und Supernovas, um sie bei Ihren Eroberungen zu nutzen oder zu vermeiden.

- Semi-Random Research Grid
Erforschen Sie über 300 Technologien in einem exklusiven und randomisierten Tech-Grid, das Sie zwingt, klug zu wählen, was Sie recherchieren, und garantiert, dass keine zwei Spiele gleich sind. Reagieren Sie auf Ereignisse in der Galaxie, indem Sie nach ihnen suchen und einzigartige Vorteile gegenüber Ihren Feinden erzielen.

- Führe durch erstaunliche Helden
Begegnen und rekrutieren Sie erstaunliche galaktische Helden, um Ihre Flotten zu führen, Ihre Kolonien zu steuern oder sogar Ihre Feinde auszuspähen! Machen Sie Havok, ohne eine einzige Explosion abzufeuern, indem Sie unter anderem Sabotage und Aufstand durchführen. tief hinter den feindlichen Linien.

- Entwerfe deine eigenen Raumschiffe
Entwerfen Sie Ihre eigenen Raumschiffe, indem Sie nicht nur entscheiden, welche Waffen sie in welcher Konfiguration tragen, sondern auch deren Kern- und Unterstützungssystem. Überwältige deinen Gegner mit Scharen agiler Fregatten, Schwärmen von Strike Craft oder einfach nur mit der immensen Feuerkraft eines einzigen riesigen Titan.

- Öffne Dateien zum Modden
Basteln, verändern und anpassen Sie das Spiel nach Herzenslust. Hinzufügen neuer oder Ändern bestehender Raumschiffe, Fraktionen, Truppen, Technologien usw. zum Spiel. Vielleicht spielen Sie dann einige Ihrer Lieblings-Scifi-TV-Shows und Filme direkt im Spiel nach.

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Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι
Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

Video Tutorials

A játékról:
Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

Video Tutorials

Informazioni sul gioco
Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

Video Tutorials

Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

Video Tutorials

게임 정보
Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

Video Tutorials

Om spillet
Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

Video Tutorials

Informacje o grze
Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

Video Tutorials

Acerca do Jogo
O Astra Exodus é um jogo de estratégia sci fi 4x baseado em turnos para um jogador, inspirado no estilo retro, com uma campanha épica dirigida por narrativas de escolha múltipla, batalhas táticas em tempo real e uma extensa grelha de pesquisa semi-aleatória; desenvolvido pelo Atomic Kaiser, um exército de gamedev do Uruguai.
Aproveite a chance de levar a humanidade de volta para casa, enquanto descobre os mistérios por trás do Êxodo, através de uma campanha narrativa dirigida pela campanha. Ou desafie-se no modo Sandbox, levando qualquer uma das várias facções alienígenas a várias possíveis condições de vitória.
- Campanha de história épica
Liderar a Força-Tarefa do Legado da Terra por meio de 9 missões árduas, em sua campanha para descobrir a herança perdida da Terra e tomar decisões que alterem a história e a jogabilidade de maneira significativa; para o qual você pode ser recompensado com habilidades exclusivas e diversas encontradas apenas neste modo.

- Modo Sandbox Dinâmico
Encarrega-te de uma das 8 facções principais diferentes ou cria as tuas próprias no Modo Sandbox, à medida que vais prosperar para escravizar, exterminar, seduzir ou bater toda e qualquer competição. Sobreviva a uma série de eventos e ameaças que certamente desafiarão seu império e todos os outros.

- Batalha no espaço e no chão
Lute no espaço e no solo, com batalhas espaciais táticas em tempo real, onde o posicionamento e a direção são tão importantes quanto o armamento. E batalhas baseadas na iniciativa, com tropas de infantaria, armaduras, greve e até mechs. Ou apenas explodi-los de órbita, que funciona tão bem.

- Explore galáxias cativantes
Colonize ou conquiste uma galáxia vibrantemente diversa de sua escolha, cheia de estrelas maravilhosas, planetas, cinturões de asteróides, etc., todos inspirados por fenômenos astronômicos verdadeiros. Manobre seus navios em torno de buracos negros e supernovas, para usar ou evitar seus efeitos, em suas conquistas.

- Grade de pesquisa semi-aleatória
Pesquise mais de 300 tecnologias, em uma grade de tecnologia exclusiva e randomizada, que obriga a escolher sabiamente o que você pesquisa e garante que não haverá dois jogos iguais. Reaja a eventos na galáxia pesquisando sobre eles e obtendo vantagens exclusivas sobre seus inimigos.

- Lidere os incríveis heróis
Encontre e recrute heróis galácticos incríveis, para liderar suas frotas, governar suas colônias ou até mesmo espionar seus inimigos! Fazer o havok sem disparar uma única explosão, conduzindo Sabotagem e Revolta, entre outras operações; bem atrás das linhas inimigas.

- Crie suas próprias naves estelares
Crie suas próprias naves, decidindo não apenas quais armas elas carregam e em qual configuração, mas também seus sistemas Core e Support. Sobrecarregue o seu oponente com hostes de Frigates ágeis, enxames de Strike Craft ou apenas com o imenso poder de fogo de um único Titan enorme.

- Arquivos abertos para modding
Mexa, mude e personalize o jogo para o conteúdo do seu coração. Adicionando novas ou modificando naves, facções, tropas, tecnologias, etc. existentes ao jogo. Talvez reencenando, em seguida, alguns dos seus programas de tv e filmes favoritos, bem no jogo.

Video Tutorials

Despre joc
Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

Video Tutorials

Об игре
Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

Video Tutorials

Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

Video Tutorials

Acerca del juego
Astra Exodus es un juego retro-inspirado de estrategia espacial 4x basado en turnos, con una campaña épica que incluye múltiples decisiones para el jugador, batallas tácticas espaciales/terrestres en tiempo real y una extensa grilla de investigación semi aleatoria; desarrollado por Atomic Kaiser, un ejército de un gamedev desde Uruguay.
Aprovecha la oportunidad de llevar a la humanidad de regreso a su hogar, mientras descubres los misterios detrás del Éxodo, a través de una narrativa basada en tus decisiones a lo largo de la Campaña. O desafíate a ti mismo en el modo Sandbox, llevando a cualquiera de las varias facciones alienígenas a la victoria, a través de varias condiciones de victoria posibles.

- Campaña de historia épica
Dirige la Fuerza Especial del Legado de la Tierra a través de 9 arduas misiones, en su Campaña por descubrir la herencia perdida de la Tierra, y toma decisiones que alteran la historia y el juego de manera significativa; por lo que puede ser recompensado con habilidades exclusivas y diversas que solo se encuentran en este modo.
- Modo de Sandbox dinámico
Toma el control de una de cada 8 facciones principales diferentes, o crea la tuya propia en el modo Sandbox, a medida que buscas esclavizar, exterminar, seducir o vencer a toda y cualquier competencia. Sobrevive a una gran cantidad de eventos y amenazas, que seguramente desafiarán tu imperio y todos los demás.
- Batalla en el espacio y en tierra
Lucha en el espacio y en el suelo, con batallas espaciales tácticas en tiempo real, donde el posicionamiento y el rumbo son tan importantes como el armamento. O toma la iniciativa en batallas terrestres, con legiones de infantería, blindados, cazas e incluso mechs. O simplemente bombardearlos desde órbita, eso funciona igual de bien.
- Explora cautivadoras galaxias
Coloniza o conquista una vibrante y diversa galaxia de tu elección, llena de estrellas, planetas, cinturones de asteroides, etc., inspirados en los fenómenos astronómicos verdaderos. Maneja tus naves alrededor de Agujeros Negros y Supernovas, para usar o evitar sus efectos, en tus conquistas.
- Grilla de investigación semi-aleatoria
Investiga más de 300 tecnologías, en una red tecnológica exclusiva y aleatoria, que te obliga a elegir sabiamente lo que investigas y garantiza que no habrá dos juegos iguales. Reacciona ante los eventos en la galaxia investigándolos y obteniendo ventajas únicas sobre tus enemigos.
- Lidera a través de increíbles héroes
Encuentra y recluta increíbles héroes galácticos para dirigir tus flotas, gobernar tus colonias o incluso espiar a tus enemigos. Haz estragos sin disparar una sola bala, realizando operaciones de Sabotaje y Revolución entre otras; profundamente detrás de las líneas enemigas.
- Diseña tus propias naves estelares
Diseñe tus propias naves estelares, al decidir no solo qué armas llevan y en qué configuración, sino también sus sistemas Principales y módulos de Soporte. Agobie a su oponente con huestes de fragatas ágiles, enjambres de cazas o simplemente vía la inmensa potencia de fuego de un solo enorme Titán.
- Archivos abiertos para modificar
Toquetea, cambia y personaliza el contenido del juego como quieras. Agregando nuevas o modificando naves espaciales, facciones, tropas, tecnologías, etc. al mismo. Tal vez recreando entonces, algunos de tus programas favoritos y películas de ciencia ficción, en el mismo juego.

Video Tutorials

Om spelet
Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

Video Tutorials

Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

Video Tutorials

Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

Video Tutorials

Oyun Açıklaması
Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.

Video Tutorials

Про гру
Astra Exodus is a single player turn based Sci-fi 4X strategy game inspired by the classics, with a multiple choice narrative driven epic campaign, top down real time tactical battles and an extensive semi-randomized research grid.
Take the chance to lead humanity back home, while uncovering the mysteries behind the Exodus, across a choice driven narrative campaign. Alternatively challenge yourself in the Sandbox mode by leading any of the various alien factions to several possible victory conditions.

Epic Story Campaign
Lead the Earth Legacy Task Force through 9 arduous missions, in their Campaign for discovering the lost heritage of Earth, and make decisions that alter the story and gameplay in significant ways. You can be rewarded with exclusive and diverse abilities only found in this mode.
Dynamic Sandbox Mode
Take charge of one out of 8 different main factions, or create your own in the Sandbox Mode, as you thrive to enslave, exterminate, seduce or right out beat all and any competition. Survive a host of events and menaces, that will surely challenge your empire and all others.
Battle in Space and on the Ground
Fight in space and on the ground, with real time tactical space battles, where positioning and heading matters as much as weaponry. Lead your forces in initiative based top-down ground battles, with hosts of infantry, armour, strike-craft and even mechs! Or maybe just nuke them from orbit, that works just as well.
Explore captivating Galaxies
Colonize or conquer a vibrantly diverse galaxy of your choosing, full of wonderful stars, planets, asteroid belts, etc, all inspired by true astronomical phenomena. Maneuver your ships around black holes and supernovas.
Semi-random Research Grid
Research over 300 technologies, in an exclusive and randomized tech grid, which forces you to choose wisely what you research and guarantees that no two games will be the same. React to events in the galaxy by researching about them and obtaining unique advantages over your enemies.
Lead through amazing Heroes
Encounter and recruit amazing galactic heroes, to lead your fleets, govern your colonies or even spy on your enemies! Cause havok without firing a single blast, by conducting Sabotage and Revolt, among other operations, deep behind enemy lines.
Design your own Starships
Design you own starships, by deciding not only what weapons they carry and in which configuration, but also their Core and Support systems. Overwhelm your opponent with hosts of agile Frigates, swarms of Strike Craft or just with the immense firepower of a single huge Titan.
Open files for modding
Tinker, change and customize the game to your heart's content, adding new or modifying existing starships, factions, troops, technologies to the game. Re-enact some of your favourite sci-fi tv shows, movies and books moments right in the game.