BATTALION 1944 (incl. early access)
BATTALION 1944 (incl. early access)

BATTALION 1944 (incl. early access)

Release Date: 01/02/2018 | WORLDWIDE
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Massively Multiplayer
17.99 € + VAT


First to Fight Edition

Além do jogo básico, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition inclui uma trilha sonora digital e baús de guerra 5. O pacote também traz uma aparência de arma exclusiva.

Oferta especial

Quem tiver The Turing Test poderá desbloquear automaticamente uma aparência de arma em Battalion 1944 inspirada na icônica Ferramenta de Manipulação de Energia do jogo The Turing Test.

Sobre o jogo

Battalion traz de volta a essência dos jogos de tiro competitivos clássicos e os reinventa para a nova geração. Com foco no combate 5x5 de infantaria, no qual tiros precisos com sua Kar98, disparos de cobertura da sua Thompson e movimentação fluida são chaves para sobreviver em equipe.

Além do jogo básico, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition inclui uma trilha sonora digital e baús de guerra 5. O pacote também traz uma aparência de arma exclusiva.

FACEIT – O mais alto nível de competição
Battalion 1944 é o primeiro jogo a integrar completamente o conjunto de ferramentas competitivas da FACEIT diretamente no jogo. A FACEIT, com sua renomada organização de partidas competitivas, torneios, classificações e placares de líderes baseadas em habilidades, movem a competição dentro do Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – Com classificação da FACEIT
Uma situação de Ataque/Defesa 5v5 na qual a primeira equipe a vencer 16 rodadas leva a vitória para casa. Aperfeiçoe suas táticas, momentos de sprint e quando mirar nesse modo de jogo extremamente competitivo. Toda vida importa e todo tiro conta.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
Você, seu fuzil e um alvo tentando fazer tudo que puder para parar você. Consegue eliminá-lo primeiro?

Arcade – Diversão livre
Capture a bandeira, controle territórios ou simplesmente consiga o máximo de tiros na cabeça no servidor. O modo Arcade do Battalion 1944 oferece uma variedade de tipos de jogo para que tanto o jogador casual quanto o fã de jogos de tiro competitivo possam aproveitar.

Nações em Guerra - O Fronte Oriental
Além das forças dos EUA e da Alemanha, você agora pode levar a batalha para o Fronte Oriental como a União Soviética. Carregue uma ampla variedade de armamentos de época, desde fuzis de precisão com ferrolho até submetralhadoras de ação rápida.

Battlerank – Ganhe e Desbloqueie
Conclua desafios, ganhe medalhas, aumente sua classificação e avance nos placares de líderes, tudo isso enquanto desbloqueia pinturas de guerra para armas em todas as temporadas gratuitamente.

Histórico e Replays da Partida
Executou todos os inimigos ou quer analisar as estatísticas? A ferramenta de replay no Battalion 1944 permite que você abra as estatísticas da partida e assista a replays em perspectivas de 1ª e 3ª pessoa e com câmera livre.

Ferramentas para Mods e Servidores Dedicados
Com arquivos de ferramentas para mods e servidores dedicados disponíveis gratuitamente, qualquer um pode hospedar seu próprio servidor do Battalion 1944 e aproveitar diversas opções de configuração personalizadas. Aqueles que quiserem se dedicar aos mods para o Battalion também podem fazer o mesmo.

First to Fight Edition

In addition to the core game, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition adds a digital soundtrack and 5 War Chests. It also features a weapon skin exclusive to the pack.

Специална оферта

Owners of The Turing Test will automatically unlock a weapon skin in Battalion 1944 inspired by The Turing Test's iconic Energy Manipulation Tool.

Относно играта

Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team.

FACEIT – The Highest Level Of Competition
Battalion 1944 is the first game to integrate FACEIT’s competitive toolset directly into the game. FACEITs world-renowned skill-based competitive matchmaking, tournaments, rankings & leaderboards power competition within Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – FACEIT Ranked
A 5v5 Attack/Defend scenario in which the first team to win 16 rounds goes home victorious. Perfect your tactics, sprint timings, and when to aim down sights in this highly competitive game mode. Every life matters and every round counts.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
You, your rifle, and a target looking to do everything within their power to stop you. Do you have what it takes to end them first?

Arcade – Run & Gun Fun
Capture the flag, control territories or simply land the most headshots in the server – Battalion 1944’s Arcade mode offers a variety of game types for casual and competitive shooter fan to enjoy alike.

Nations at War - The Eastern Front
In addition to US and German forces, you can now take on the fight on the Eastern Front as the Soviet Union. Wield a wide variety of period specific weaponry, from precision bolt action rifles to swift submachine guns.

Battlerank – Earn & Unlock
Complete challenges, earn medals, increase your rank and climb the leaderboards; all while unlocking free weapon war paint each and every season.

Match History & Replays
Pull off an ace or want to analyse strats? Battalion 1944’s in-game replay tool allows you to pull up match statistics and watch replays from 1st, 3rd and freecam perspectives.

Mod Tools & Dedicated Servers
With mod tools and dedicated server files freely available, anyone can host their own Battalion 1944 servers and avail of a whole host of custom configuration options. Those are you wanting to work on mods for Battalion can also do the same.

First to Fight Edition

In addition to the core game, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition adds a digital soundtrack and 5 War Chests. It also features a weapon skin exclusive to the pack.

Speciální nabídka

Owners of The Turing Test will automatically unlock a weapon skin in Battalion 1944 inspired by The Turing Test's iconic Energy Manipulation Tool.

O hře

Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team.

FACEIT – The Highest Level Of Competition
Battalion 1944 is the first game to integrate FACEIT’s competitive toolset directly into the game. FACEITs world-renowned skill-based competitive matchmaking, tournaments, rankings & leaderboards power competition within Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – FACEIT Ranked
A 5v5 Attack/Defend scenario in which the first team to win 16 rounds goes home victorious. Perfect your tactics, sprint timings, and when to aim down sights in this highly competitive game mode. Every life matters and every round counts.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
You, your rifle, and a target looking to do everything within their power to stop you. Do you have what it takes to end them first?

Arcade – Run & Gun Fun
Capture the flag, control territories or simply land the most headshots in the server – Battalion 1944’s Arcade mode offers a variety of game types for casual and competitive shooter fan to enjoy alike.

Nations at War - The Eastern Front
In addition to US and German forces, you can now take on the fight on the Eastern Front as the Soviet Union. Wield a wide variety of period specific weaponry, from precision bolt action rifles to swift submachine guns.

Battlerank – Earn & Unlock
Complete challenges, earn medals, increase your rank and climb the leaderboards; all while unlocking free weapon war paint each and every season.

Match History & Replays
Pull off an ace or want to analyse strats? Battalion 1944’s in-game replay tool allows you to pull up match statistics and watch replays from 1st, 3rd and freecam perspectives.

Mod Tools & Dedicated Servers
With mod tools and dedicated server files freely available, anyone can host their own Battalion 1944 servers and avail of a whole host of custom configuration options. Those are you wanting to work on mods for Battalion can also do the same.

First to Fight Edition

In addition to the core game, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition adds a digital soundtrack and 5 War Chests. It also features a weapon skin exclusive to the pack.


Owners of The Turing Test will automatically unlock a weapon skin in Battalion 1944 inspired by The Turing Test's iconic Energy Manipulation Tool.

Om spillet

Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team.

FACEIT – The Highest Level Of Competition
Battalion 1944 is the first game to integrate FACEIT’s competitive toolset directly into the game. FACEITs world-renowned skill-based competitive matchmaking, tournaments, rankings & leaderboards power competition within Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – FACEIT Ranked
A 5v5 Attack/Defend scenario in which the first team to win 16 rounds goes home victorious. Perfect your tactics, sprint timings, and when to aim down sights in this highly competitive game mode. Every life matters and every round counts.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
You, your rifle, and a target looking to do everything within their power to stop you. Do you have what it takes to end them first?

Arcade – Run & Gun Fun
Capture the flag, control territories or simply land the most headshots in the server – Battalion 1944’s Arcade mode offers a variety of game types for casual and competitive shooter fan to enjoy alike.

Nations at War - The Eastern Front
In addition to US and German forces, you can now take on the fight on the Eastern Front as the Soviet Union. Wield a wide variety of period specific weaponry, from precision bolt action rifles to swift submachine guns.

Battlerank – Earn & Unlock
Complete challenges, earn medals, increase your rank and climb the leaderboards; all while unlocking free weapon war paint each and every season.

Match History & Replays
Pull off an ace or want to analyse strats? Battalion 1944’s in-game replay tool allows you to pull up match statistics and watch replays from 1st, 3rd and freecam perspectives.

Mod Tools & Dedicated Servers
With mod tools and dedicated server files freely available, anyone can host their own Battalion 1944 servers and avail of a whole host of custom configuration options. Those are you wanting to work on mods for Battalion can also do the same.

First to Fight Edition

In addition to the core game, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition adds a digital soundtrack and 5 War Chests. It also features a weapon skin exclusive to the pack.

Speciale aanbieding

Owners of The Turing Test will automatically unlock a weapon skin in Battalion 1944 inspired by The Turing Test's iconic Energy Manipulation Tool.

Info over het spel

Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team.

FACEIT – The Highest Level Of Competition
Battalion 1944 is the first game to integrate FACEIT’s competitive toolset directly into the game. FACEITs world-renowned skill-based competitive matchmaking, tournaments, rankings & leaderboards power competition within Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – FACEIT Ranked
A 5v5 Attack/Defend scenario in which the first team to win 16 rounds goes home victorious. Perfect your tactics, sprint timings, and when to aim down sights in this highly competitive game mode. Every life matters and every round counts.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
You, your rifle, and a target looking to do everything within their power to stop you. Do you have what it takes to end them first?

Arcade – Run & Gun Fun
Capture the flag, control territories or simply land the most headshots in the server – Battalion 1944’s Arcade mode offers a variety of game types for casual and competitive shooter fan to enjoy alike.

Nations at War - The Eastern Front
In addition to US and German forces, you can now take on the fight on the Eastern Front as the Soviet Union. Wield a wide variety of period specific weaponry, from precision bolt action rifles to swift submachine guns.

Battlerank – Earn & Unlock
Complete challenges, earn medals, increase your rank and climb the leaderboards; all while unlocking free weapon war paint each and every season.

Match History & Replays
Pull off an ace or want to analyse strats? Battalion 1944’s in-game replay tool allows you to pull up match statistics and watch replays from 1st, 3rd and freecam perspectives.

Mod Tools & Dedicated Servers
With mod tools and dedicated server files freely available, anyone can host their own Battalion 1944 servers and avail of a whole host of custom configuration options. Those are you wanting to work on mods for Battalion can also do the same.

First to Fight Edition

In addition to the core game, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition adds a digital soundtrack and 5 War Chests. It also features a weapon skin exclusive to the pack.

Special Offer

Owners of The Turing Test will automatically unlock a weapon skin in Battalion 1944 inspired by The Turing Test's iconic Energy Manipulation Tool.

About the Game

Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team.

FACEIT – The Highest Level Of Competition
Battalion 1944 is the first game to integrate FACEIT’s competitive toolset directly into the game. FACEITs world-renowned skill-based competitive matchmaking, tournaments, rankings & leaderboards power competition within Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – FACEIT Ranked
A 5v5 Attack/Defend scenario in which the first team to win 16 rounds goes home victorious. Perfect your tactics, sprint timings, and when to aim down sights in this highly competitive game mode. Every life matters and every round counts.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
You, your rifle, and a target looking to do everything within their power to stop you. Do you have what it takes to end them first?

Arcade – Run & Gun Fun
Capture the flag, control territories or simply land the most headshots in the server – Battalion 1944’s Arcade mode offers a variety of game types for casual and competitive shooter fan to enjoy alike.

Nations at War - The Eastern Front
In addition to US and German forces, you can now take on the fight on the Eastern Front as the Soviet Union. Wield a wide variety of period specific weaponry, from precision bolt action rifles to swift submachine guns.

Battlerank – Earn & Unlock
Complete challenges, earn medals, increase your rank and climb the leaderboards; all while unlocking free weapon war paint each and every season.

Match History & Replays
Pull off an ace or want to analyse strats? Battalion 1944’s in-game replay tool allows you to pull up match statistics and watch replays from 1st, 3rd and freecam perspectives.

Mod Tools & Dedicated Servers
With mod tools and dedicated server files freely available, anyone can host their own Battalion 1944 servers and avail of a whole host of custom configuration options. Those are you wanting to work on mods for Battalion can also do the same.

First to Fight Edition

In addition to the core game, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition adds a digital soundtrack and 5 War Chests. It also features a weapon skin exclusive to the pack.


Owners of The Turing Test will automatically unlock a weapon skin in Battalion 1944 inspired by The Turing Test's iconic Energy Manipulation Tool.

Tietoja pelistä

Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team.

FACEIT – The Highest Level Of Competition
Battalion 1944 is the first game to integrate FACEIT’s competitive toolset directly into the game. FACEITs world-renowned skill-based competitive matchmaking, tournaments, rankings & leaderboards power competition within Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – FACEIT Ranked
A 5v5 Attack/Defend scenario in which the first team to win 16 rounds goes home victorious. Perfect your tactics, sprint timings, and when to aim down sights in this highly competitive game mode. Every life matters and every round counts.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
You, your rifle, and a target looking to do everything within their power to stop you. Do you have what it takes to end them first?

Arcade – Run & Gun Fun
Capture the flag, control territories or simply land the most headshots in the server – Battalion 1944’s Arcade mode offers a variety of game types for casual and competitive shooter fan to enjoy alike.

Nations at War - The Eastern Front
In addition to US and German forces, you can now take on the fight on the Eastern Front as the Soviet Union. Wield a wide variety of period specific weaponry, from precision bolt action rifles to swift submachine guns.

Battlerank – Earn & Unlock
Complete challenges, earn medals, increase your rank and climb the leaderboards; all while unlocking free weapon war paint each and every season.

Match History & Replays
Pull off an ace or want to analyse strats? Battalion 1944’s in-game replay tool allows you to pull up match statistics and watch replays from 1st, 3rd and freecam perspectives.

Mod Tools & Dedicated Servers
With mod tools and dedicated server files freely available, anyone can host their own Battalion 1944 servers and avail of a whole host of custom configuration options. Those are you wanting to work on mods for Battalion can also do the same.

First to Fight Edition

En plus du jeu, l'édition First to Fight de Battalion 1944 propose une bande originale numérique et 5 War Chests. Cette édition inclut en outre une skin d'arme exclusive.

Offre spéciale

Les joueurs possédant The Turing Test débloqueront automatiquement une skin d'arme inspirée de l'emblématique Energy Manipulation Tool (EMT) de The Turing Test dans Battalion 1944.

À propos du jeu

Battalion 1944 reprend l'essence des jeux de tir compétitifs et remet le FPS classique au goût du jour. Des tirs fouettés de votre Kar98, des tirs de couverture avec votre Thompson, et des mouvements fluides seront essentiels afin de remporter chaque manche lors de combats d'infanterie en 5v5.

FACEIT – Le top de la compétition
Battalion 1944 est le premier jeu à intégrer l'ensemble des outils compétitifs de FACEIT directement en jeu. L'intégration introduit la fonctionnalité de matchmaking en fonction des compétences de première classe de FACEIT, des tournois, des classements, et des tableaux des scores dans Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – Classement FACEIT
Un scénario d'attaque/défense en 5 contre 5 dans lequel la victoire revient à la première équipe à remporter 16 manches. Perfectionnez vos tactiques, vos temps de course, et votre visée dans ce mode de jeu incroyablement compétitif. Chaque vie compte, chaque balle compte.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
C'est entre vous, votre fusil, et une cible qui compte bien tout faire pour vous arrêter que ça se joue. Serez-vous capable de l'éliminer en premier ?

Arcade – Courez, tirez, amusez-vous
Capturez le drapeau, prenez le contrôle des territoires, ou réalisez le plus grand nombre de headshots sur le serveur. Le mode Arcade de Battalion 1944 propose tout un éventail de jeux qui plairont aux fans de jeux de tir compétitif comme à ceux qui jouent sans se soucier de leur score.

Nations at War – Le Front de l'Est
En plus des armées américaine et allemande, vous pouvez désormais vous battre sur le Front de l'Est sous l'étendard de l'URSS à l'aide d'un vaste arsenal contemporain allant du fusil à verrou de précision à la mitraillette.

Battlerank – Gagnez des médailles, débloquez des skins
Relevez des défis, gagnez des médailles, montez en rang et grimpez dans les tableaux de score tout en débloquant des skins d'armes gratuits à chaque saison.

Historique et replay des matches
Vous avez éliminé toute l'équipe adverse ? Vous voulez analyser les stats du dernier combat ? La fonction de replay en jeu de Battalion 1944 vous permet de consulter les statistiques des matches et de regarder des replay en vue subjective, objective, ou en caméra libre.

Outils de mod et serveurs dédiés
Grâce à des outils de mods et des fichiers de serveurs dédiés disponibles pour tous, tout le monde peut héberger des serveurs de Battalion 1944 et profiter de nombreuses options de configuration personnalisées. Et si vous désirez créer des mods pour Battalion, c'est également possible.

First to Fight Edition

Neben dem Hauptspiel bietet die Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition auch den digitalen Soundtrack und 5 War Chests. Ebenfalls enthalten ist ein exklusiver Waffen-Skin.


Besitzer von „The Turing Test“ schalten automatisch einen Waffen-Skin in Battalion 1944 frei, der von dem kultigen Energiemanipulator in The Turing Test inspiriert wurde.

Über das Spiel

Battalion 1944 fängt den Kern kompetitiver Shooter ein & verfeinert die „klassische“ FPS-Atmosphäre für die nächste Generation. Im Fokus ist 5-vs-5-Infanteriekampf, in dem du präzise Schüsse mit deiner Kar98 abfeuerst, Deckfeuer mit deiner Thompson gibst und Bewegung der Schlüssel zum Sieg ist.

FACEIT – Die höchste Stufe des Wettbewerbs
Battalion 1944 ist das erste Spiel, das die kompetitiven Werkzeuge von FACEIT direkt ins Spiel integriert. FACEITs weltbekanntes skillbasiertes Matchmaking, Turniere und Bestenlisten schüren in Battalion 1944 den Wettbewerbsgeist.

5v5 Wartide – FACEIT-Rangliste
Ein Szenario, in dem zwei Fünfer-Teams abwechselnd angreifen und verteidigen, bis ein Team 16 Siege erreicht. Perfektioniere deine Taktiken, Sprint-Timings und wann du über Kimme und Korn zielst, um diesen enorm kompetitiven Modus zu meistern. Jedes Leben und jede Kugel zählt.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
Du, dein Gewehr und ein Ziel, das alles tun wird, um dich aufzuhalten. Hast du das Zeug, deinen Gegner zuerst zu erledigen?

Arcade – Rennen, ballern, Spaß haben
Schnapp dir die Flagge, kontrolliere Gebiete oder erziele einfach die meisten Kopfschüsse auf dem Server – der Arcade-Modus von Battalion 1944 bietet abwechslungsreiche Spieltypen für Gelegenheitsspieler und Shooter-Profis.

Nations at War – Die Ostfront
Neben amerikanischen und deutschen Truppen kannst du nun auch an der Ostfront in der Rolle der Sowjetunion kämpfen. Führe eine Reihe zeitgemäßer Waffen, darunter Präzisions-Kammerverschlussgewehre und Maschinengewehre.

Battlerank – Verdienen & Freischalten
Schließe Herausforderungen ab, verdiene Medaillen, erhöhe deinen Rang und erklimme die Bestenlisten. Schalte dabei mit jeder Saison kostenlose Skins für deine Waffen frei.

Match-Verlauf & Wiederholungen
Du hast einen irren Spielzug geschafft oder willst Strategien analysieren? Das Wiederholungswerkzeug von Battalion 1944 zeigt Match-Statistiken an und lässt dich das Spiel aus Ego- und Verfolgerperspektive sowie mit freier Kamera wiederholen.

Mod-Tools & Dedizierte Server
Da Mod-Werkzeuge und dedizierte Serverdateien frei verfügbar sind, kann jeder seine eigenen Battalion 1944-Server hosten und diese mit ganz eigenen Konfigurationen versehen. Wenn du an Mods für Battalion arbeiten willst, ist dies auch problemlos möglich.

First to Fight Edition

In addition to the core game, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition adds a digital soundtrack and 5 War Chests. It also features a weapon skin exclusive to the pack.

Ειδική προσφορά

Owners of The Turing Test will automatically unlock a weapon skin in Battalion 1944 inspired by The Turing Test's iconic Energy Manipulation Tool.

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team.

FACEIT – The Highest Level Of Competition
Battalion 1944 is the first game to integrate FACEIT’s competitive toolset directly into the game. FACEITs world-renowned skill-based competitive matchmaking, tournaments, rankings & leaderboards power competition within Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – FACEIT Ranked
A 5v5 Attack/Defend scenario in which the first team to win 16 rounds goes home victorious. Perfect your tactics, sprint timings, and when to aim down sights in this highly competitive game mode. Every life matters and every round counts.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
You, your rifle, and a target looking to do everything within their power to stop you. Do you have what it takes to end them first?

Arcade – Run & Gun Fun
Capture the flag, control territories or simply land the most headshots in the server – Battalion 1944’s Arcade mode offers a variety of game types for casual and competitive shooter fan to enjoy alike.

Nations at War - The Eastern Front
In addition to US and German forces, you can now take on the fight on the Eastern Front as the Soviet Union. Wield a wide variety of period specific weaponry, from precision bolt action rifles to swift submachine guns.

Battlerank – Earn & Unlock
Complete challenges, earn medals, increase your rank and climb the leaderboards; all while unlocking free weapon war paint each and every season.

Match History & Replays
Pull off an ace or want to analyse strats? Battalion 1944’s in-game replay tool allows you to pull up match statistics and watch replays from 1st, 3rd and freecam perspectives.

Mod Tools & Dedicated Servers
With mod tools and dedicated server files freely available, anyone can host their own Battalion 1944 servers and avail of a whole host of custom configuration options. Those are you wanting to work on mods for Battalion can also do the same.

First to Fight Edition

In addition to the core game, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition adds a digital soundtrack and 5 War Chests. It also features a weapon skin exclusive to the pack.

Különleges ajánlat

Owners of The Turing Test will automatically unlock a weapon skin in Battalion 1944 inspired by The Turing Test's iconic Energy Manipulation Tool.

A játékról: 

Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team.

FACEIT – The Highest Level Of Competition
Battalion 1944 is the first game to integrate FACEIT’s competitive toolset directly into the game. FACEITs world-renowned skill-based competitive matchmaking, tournaments, rankings & leaderboards power competition within Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – FACEIT Ranked
A 5v5 Attack/Defend scenario in which the first team to win 16 rounds goes home victorious. Perfect your tactics, sprint timings, and when to aim down sights in this highly competitive game mode. Every life matters and every round counts.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
You, your rifle, and a target looking to do everything within their power to stop you. Do you have what it takes to end them first?

Arcade – Run & Gun Fun
Capture the flag, control territories or simply land the most headshots in the server – Battalion 1944’s Arcade mode offers a variety of game types for casual and competitive shooter fan to enjoy alike.

Nations at War - The Eastern Front
In addition to US and German forces, you can now take on the fight on the Eastern Front as the Soviet Union. Wield a wide variety of period specific weaponry, from precision bolt action rifles to swift submachine guns.

Battlerank – Earn & Unlock
Complete challenges, earn medals, increase your rank and climb the leaderboards; all while unlocking free weapon war paint each and every season.

Match History & Replays
Pull off an ace or want to analyse strats? Battalion 1944’s in-game replay tool allows you to pull up match statistics and watch replays from 1st, 3rd and freecam perspectives.

Mod Tools & Dedicated Servers
With mod tools and dedicated server files freely available, anyone can host their own Battalion 1944 servers and avail of a whole host of custom configuration options. Those are you wanting to work on mods for Battalion can also do the same.

First to Fight Edition

Oltre al gioco base, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition include una colonna sonora in formato digitale e 5 War Chests. Include inoltre una skin esclusiva per la tua arma.

Offerta speciale

Chi possiede The Turing Test sbloccherà automaticamente una skin per un'arma su Battalion 1944 ispirata all'iconico Energy Manipulation Tool di The Turing Test.

Informazioni sul gioco

Battalion 1944 combina l'essenza degli sparatutto classici con l'atmosfera degli FPS di nuova generazione. Il gioco si concentra sui combattimenti di fanteria, in cui i colpi del tuo Kar98, il fuoco di copertura del tuo Thompson e i movimenti fluidi sono la chiave per la vittoria della tua squadra.

FACEIT - Il meglio della competizione
Battalion 1944 è il primo gioco a integrare il set di strumenti competitivi di FACEIT direttamente nel gioco. L’integrazione ha introdotto i matchmaking competitivi basati sulle abilità di FACEIT, conosciuti in tutto il mondo, dei tornei, dei ranghi e delle classifiche all’interno di Battalion 1944.

5 vs 5 Wartide - Ranghi FACEIT
Uno scenario d’attacco/difesa 5 vs 5 in cui la prima squadra che vince 16 round si aggiudica la vittoria. Perfeziona le tue strategie, le tue tempistiche e la tua mira in questa modalità di gioco altamente competitiva. Ogni vita è importante e ogni round conta.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
Ci siete solo tu, il tuo fucile e un bersaglio che cerca di fare di tutto per fermarti. Hai la stoffa per vincere?

Arcade - Corri, spara e divertiti
Cattura la bandiera, prendi il controllo dei territori o manda a segno più colpi alla testa di tutto il resto dei giocatori nel server. La modalità arcade di Battalion 1944 offre vari tipi di gioco adatti sia ai fan degli sparatutto competitivi che ai casual gamers.

Nations at War - Il fronte orientale
Oltre agli eserciti tedeschi e americani, ora puoi combattere sul fronte orientale battendo la bandiera dell’URSS. Usa varie armi dell’epoca, dai fucili di precisione a retrocarica fino alle mitragliatrici velocissime.

Battlerank - Guadagna e sblocca
Completa le sfide, guadagna delle medaglie, aumenta il tuo rango e scala le classifiche, tutto mentre sblocchi delle skin gratuite per le tue armi in ogni stagione.

Storico e replay delle partite
Vuoi mettere a segno un “ace” o analizzare le possibili strategie? Lo strumento del replay di Battalion 1944 ti permette di consultare le statistiche delle partite e guardare i replay in prima persona, in terza persona o in telecamera libera.

Strumenti per le mod e server dedicati
Grazie agli strumenti per le mod e dei server dedicati disponibili gratuitamente, chiunque può hostare dei server di Battalion 1944 e usufruire di varie opzioni di configurazione personalizzate. Chi vuole creare delle mod per Battalion, può fare la stessa cosa.

First to Fight Edition

In addition to the core game, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition adds a digital soundtrack and 5 War Chests. It also features a weapon skin exclusive to the pack.


Owners of The Turing Test will automatically unlock a weapon skin in Battalion 1944 inspired by The Turing Test's iconic Energy Manipulation Tool.


Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team.

FACEIT – The Highest Level Of Competition
Battalion 1944 is the first game to integrate FACEIT’s competitive toolset directly into the game. FACEITs world-renowned skill-based competitive matchmaking, tournaments, rankings & leaderboards power competition within Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – FACEIT Ranked
A 5v5 Attack/Defend scenario in which the first team to win 16 rounds goes home victorious. Perfect your tactics, sprint timings, and when to aim down sights in this highly competitive game mode. Every life matters and every round counts.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
You, your rifle, and a target looking to do everything within their power to stop you. Do you have what it takes to end them first?

Arcade – Run & Gun Fun
Capture the flag, control territories or simply land the most headshots in the server – Battalion 1944’s Arcade mode offers a variety of game types for casual and competitive shooter fan to enjoy alike.

Nations at War - The Eastern Front
In addition to US and German forces, you can now take on the fight on the Eastern Front as the Soviet Union. Wield a wide variety of period specific weaponry, from precision bolt action rifles to swift submachine guns.

Battlerank – Earn & Unlock
Complete challenges, earn medals, increase your rank and climb the leaderboards; all while unlocking free weapon war paint each and every season.

Match History & Replays
Pull off an ace or want to analyse strats? Battalion 1944’s in-game replay tool allows you to pull up match statistics and watch replays from 1st, 3rd and freecam perspectives.

Mod Tools & Dedicated Servers
With mod tools and dedicated server files freely available, anyone can host their own Battalion 1944 servers and avail of a whole host of custom configuration options. Those are you wanting to work on mods for Battalion can also do the same.

First to Fight Edition

바탈리언 1944: First to Fight 에디션에는 게임의 핵심 콘텐츠뿐만 아니라, 디지털 사운드 트랙과 5 전쟁 상자가 추가됩니다. 또한, 패키지는 전용 무기 스킨을 제공합니다.


Owners of The Turing Test will automatically unlock a weapon skin in Battalion 1944 inspired by The Turing Test's iconic Energy Manipulation Tool.

게임 정보

Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team.

FACEIT – The Highest Level Of Competition
Battalion 1944 is the first game to integrate FACEIT’s competitive toolset directly into the game. FACEITs world-renowned skill-based competitive matchmaking, tournaments, rankings & leaderboards power competition within Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – FACEIT Ranked
A 5v5 Attack/Defend scenario in which the first team to win 16 rounds goes home victorious. Perfect your tactics, sprint timings, and when to aim down sights in this highly competitive game mode. Every life matters and every round counts.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
You, your rifle, and a target looking to do everything within their power to stop you. Do you have what it takes to end them first?

Arcade – Run & Gun Fun
Capture the flag, control territories or simply land the most headshots in the server – Battalion 1944’s Arcade mode offers a variety of game types for casual and competitive shooter fan to enjoy alike.

Nations at War - The Eastern Front
In addition to US and German forces, you can now take on the fight on the Eastern Front as the Soviet Union. Wield a wide variety of period specific weaponry, from precision bolt action rifles to swift submachine guns.

Battlerank – Earn & Unlock
Complete challenges, earn medals, increase your rank and climb the leaderboards; all while unlocking free weapon war paint each and every season.

Match History & Replays
Pull off an ace or want to analyse strats? Battalion 1944’s in-game replay tool allows you to pull up match statistics and watch replays from 1st, 3rd and freecam perspectives.

Mod Tools & Dedicated Servers
With mod tools and dedicated server files freely available, anyone can host their own Battalion 1944 servers and avail of a whole host of custom configuration options. Those are you wanting to work on mods for Battalion can also do the same.

First to Fight Edition

In addition to the core game, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition adds a digital soundtrack and 5 War Chests. It also features a weapon skin exclusive to the pack.


Owners of The Turing Test will automatically unlock a weapon skin in Battalion 1944 inspired by The Turing Test's iconic Energy Manipulation Tool.

Om spillet

Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team.

FACEIT – The Highest Level Of Competition
Battalion 1944 is the first game to integrate FACEIT’s competitive toolset directly into the game. FACEITs world-renowned skill-based competitive matchmaking, tournaments, rankings & leaderboards power competition within Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – FACEIT Ranked
A 5v5 Attack/Defend scenario in which the first team to win 16 rounds goes home victorious. Perfect your tactics, sprint timings, and when to aim down sights in this highly competitive game mode. Every life matters and every round counts.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
You, your rifle, and a target looking to do everything within their power to stop you. Do you have what it takes to end them first?

Arcade – Run & Gun Fun
Capture the flag, control territories or simply land the most headshots in the server – Battalion 1944’s Arcade mode offers a variety of game types for casual and competitive shooter fan to enjoy alike.

Nations at War - The Eastern Front
In addition to US and German forces, you can now take on the fight on the Eastern Front as the Soviet Union. Wield a wide variety of period specific weaponry, from precision bolt action rifles to swift submachine guns.

Battlerank – Earn & Unlock
Complete challenges, earn medals, increase your rank and climb the leaderboards; all while unlocking free weapon war paint each and every season.

Match History & Replays
Pull off an ace or want to analyse strats? Battalion 1944’s in-game replay tool allows you to pull up match statistics and watch replays from 1st, 3rd and freecam perspectives.

Mod Tools & Dedicated Servers
With mod tools and dedicated server files freely available, anyone can host their own Battalion 1944 servers and avail of a whole host of custom configuration options. Those are you wanting to work on mods for Battalion can also do the same.

First to Fight Edition

In addition to the core game, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition adds a digital soundtrack and 5 War Chests. It also features a weapon skin exclusive to the pack.

Oferta specjalna

Owners of The Turing Test will automatically unlock a weapon skin in Battalion 1944 inspired by The Turing Test's iconic Energy Manipulation Tool.

Informacje o grze

Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team.

FACEIT – The Highest Level Of Competition
Battalion 1944 is the first game to integrate FACEIT’s competitive toolset directly into the game. FACEITs world-renowned skill-based competitive matchmaking, tournaments, rankings & leaderboards power competition within Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – FACEIT Ranked
A 5v5 Attack/Defend scenario in which the first team to win 16 rounds goes home victorious. Perfect your tactics, sprint timings, and when to aim down sights in this highly competitive game mode. Every life matters and every round counts.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
You, your rifle, and a target looking to do everything within their power to stop you. Do you have what it takes to end them first?

Arcade – Run & Gun Fun
Capture the flag, control territories or simply land the most headshots in the server – Battalion 1944’s Arcade mode offers a variety of game types for casual and competitive shooter fan to enjoy alike.

Nations at War - The Eastern Front
In addition to US and German forces, you can now take on the fight on the Eastern Front as the Soviet Union. Wield a wide variety of period specific weaponry, from precision bolt action rifles to swift submachine guns.

Battlerank – Earn & Unlock
Complete challenges, earn medals, increase your rank and climb the leaderboards; all while unlocking free weapon war paint each and every season.

Match History & Replays
Pull off an ace or want to analyse strats? Battalion 1944’s in-game replay tool allows you to pull up match statistics and watch replays from 1st, 3rd and freecam perspectives.

Mod Tools & Dedicated Servers
With mod tools and dedicated server files freely available, anyone can host their own Battalion 1944 servers and avail of a whole host of custom configuration options. Those are you wanting to work on mods for Battalion can also do the same.

First to Fight Edition

In addition to the core game, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition adds a digital soundtrack and 5 War Chests. It also features a weapon skin exclusive to the pack.

Oferta especial

Owners of The Turing Test will automatically unlock a weapon skin in Battalion 1944 inspired by The Turing Test's iconic Energy Manipulation Tool.

Acerca do Jogo

Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team.

FACEIT – The Highest Level Of Competition
Battalion 1944 is the first game to integrate FACEIT’s competitive toolset directly into the game. FACEITs world-renowned skill-based competitive matchmaking, tournaments, rankings & leaderboards power competition within Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – FACEIT Ranked
A 5v5 Attack/Defend scenario in which the first team to win 16 rounds goes home victorious. Perfect your tactics, sprint timings, and when to aim down sights in this highly competitive game mode. Every life matters and every round counts.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
You, your rifle, and a target looking to do everything within their power to stop you. Do you have what it takes to end them first?

Arcade – Run & Gun Fun
Capture the flag, control territories or simply land the most headshots in the server – Battalion 1944’s Arcade mode offers a variety of game types for casual and competitive shooter fan to enjoy alike.

Nations at War - The Eastern Front
In addition to US and German forces, you can now take on the fight on the Eastern Front as the Soviet Union. Wield a wide variety of period specific weaponry, from precision bolt action rifles to swift submachine guns.

Battlerank – Earn & Unlock
Complete challenges, earn medals, increase your rank and climb the leaderboards; all while unlocking free weapon war paint each and every season.

Match History & Replays
Pull off an ace or want to analyse strats? Battalion 1944’s in-game replay tool allows you to pull up match statistics and watch replays from 1st, 3rd and freecam perspectives.

Mod Tools & Dedicated Servers
With mod tools and dedicated server files freely available, anyone can host their own Battalion 1944 servers and avail of a whole host of custom configuration options. Those are you wanting to work on mods for Battalion can also do the same.

First to Fight Edition

In addition to the core game, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition adds a digital soundtrack and 5 War Chests. It also features a weapon skin exclusive to the pack.

Ofertă specială

Owners of The Turing Test will automatically unlock a weapon skin in Battalion 1944 inspired by The Turing Test's iconic Energy Manipulation Tool.

Despre joc

Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team.

FACEIT – The Highest Level Of Competition
Battalion 1944 is the first game to integrate FACEIT’s competitive toolset directly into the game. FACEITs world-renowned skill-based competitive matchmaking, tournaments, rankings & leaderboards power competition within Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – FACEIT Ranked
A 5v5 Attack/Defend scenario in which the first team to win 16 rounds goes home victorious. Perfect your tactics, sprint timings, and when to aim down sights in this highly competitive game mode. Every life matters and every round counts.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
You, your rifle, and a target looking to do everything within their power to stop you. Do you have what it takes to end them first?

Arcade – Run & Gun Fun
Capture the flag, control territories or simply land the most headshots in the server – Battalion 1944’s Arcade mode offers a variety of game types for casual and competitive shooter fan to enjoy alike.

Nations at War - The Eastern Front
In addition to US and German forces, you can now take on the fight on the Eastern Front as the Soviet Union. Wield a wide variety of period specific weaponry, from precision bolt action rifles to swift submachine guns.

Battlerank – Earn & Unlock
Complete challenges, earn medals, increase your rank and climb the leaderboards; all while unlocking free weapon war paint each and every season.

Match History & Replays
Pull off an ace or want to analyse strats? Battalion 1944’s in-game replay tool allows you to pull up match statistics and watch replays from 1st, 3rd and freecam perspectives.

Mod Tools & Dedicated Servers
With mod tools and dedicated server files freely available, anyone can host their own Battalion 1944 servers and avail of a whole host of custom configuration options. Those are you wanting to work on mods for Battalion can also do the same.

First to Fight Edition

Помимо самой игры в комплект Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition входит цифровая копия саундтрека игры и военные наборы (5 шт.), а также эксклюзивная для этого издания окраска оружия.

Специальное предложение

Владельцы игры The Turing Test смогут автоматически разблокировать в Battalion 1944 окраску оружия, вдохновленную классическим манипулятором энергии из The Turing Test.

Об игре

Battalion — это ода любимым соревновательным шутерам и классический игровой процесс в игре нового поколения. Побеждайте в динамичных боях 5 на 5, используя разнообразное оружие и тактику.

Помимо самой игры в комплект Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition входит цифровая копия саундтрека игры и военные наборы (5 шт.), а также эксклюзивная для этого издания окраска оружия.

FACEIT — наивысший уровень конкуренции соревнований
Battalion 1944 — первая игра, в которой полностью интегрирован набор многопользовательских инструментов FACEIT. FACEIT привносит в Battalion 1944 всемирно известный и качественный подбор противников в зависимости от их умения, турниры, рейтинги, списки лидеров и отчаянную борьбу за первые места.

«Линия фронта 5 на 5» — с рейтингом FACEIT
Сценарий атаки/защиты 5 на 5, в котором выигрывает первая команда, победившая в 16 раундах. Отточите вашу тактику, тайминги бега и точность стрельбы в этом напряженном соревновательном режиме игры. Каждая жизнь имеет значение, и важен каждый выстрел.

«Стычка 1 на 1» — FACEIT
Вы, ваша винтовка и цель, пытающаяся сделать все, что в ее силах, чтобы вас остановить. Удастся ли вам одолеть врага прежде, чем он одолеет вас?

Аркадный режим — Быстрое веселье с пушками
Захватывайте флаг, контролируете территории или просто станьте лучшим снайпером на сервере — аркадный режим Battalion 1944 предлагает широкий диапазон типов игры как для любителей, так и для настоящих фанатов шутеров.

Война наций - Восточный фронт
Вдобавок к войскам США и Германии, теперь вы можете сражаться на Восточном фронте за Советский Союз. Вооружитесь богатым арсеналом соответствующего периоду оружия, от точных магазинных винтовок до скорострельных автоматов.

Боевой рейтинг — Зарабатывайте и открывайте
Проходите испытания, получайте медали, повышайте свой ранг и взбирайтесь вверх по списку лидеров и разблокируйте бесплатную боевую раскраску для оружия в каждом новом сезоне.

История матчей и повторы
Блестяще проявили себя или хотите проанализировать неудачи? Встроенные возможности Battalion 1944 по записи игрового процесса позволяют вам поднимать статистику матчей и смотреть повторы от первого и третьего лица и со свободной камерой.

Инструменты для авторов модов и выделенные сервера
Бесплатные инструменты для создания игровых модификаций и запуска выделенных серверов позволяют кому угодно запустить свой собственный сервер Battalion 1944 и настроить его по своему вкусу, сделав непохожим на все остальные. Ну а если вы хотите создать игровые модификации для Battalion 1944, дело лишь за желанием.

First to Fight Edition

除了主游戏外,《Battalion 1944》:冲锋陷阵版将新增数字音乐与 5 个战争宝箱。组合包中还会包含独家武器造型


拥有《The Turing Test》的玩家将会自动在《Battalion 1944》中解锁受《The Turing Test》标志性能量操纵工具启发的武器造型。


《Battalion》捕捉了经典竞技射击游戏的核心并为下一代玩家改善了“传统”第一人称射击游戏的体验。专注于 5 对 5 步兵战,使用你的 Kar98 精准的点射、用汤普森冲锋枪进行掩护射击与流畅的动作将是为团队取胜的关键。

除了主游戏外,《Battalion 1944》:冲锋陷阵版将新增数字音乐与 5 个战争宝箱。组合包中还会包含独家武器造型

《Battalion 1944》是首款完全将FACEIT竞技工具集直接集成到游戏体验中的游戏。在《Battalion 1944》中体验全球知名的技能向竞技配对、锦标赛、等级和排行榜实力竞逐。



夺旗、占地,或者只需在服务器上完成最多的爆头次数。《Battalion 1944》的街机模式提供了能让休闲和竞技射击爱好者各得其乐的各种游戏类型。



想在取得全歼胜利之后进行战略分析?《Battalion 1944》的游戏内回放工具可让你调出比赛统计数据,并从第一、第三或自由的视角观看回放。

通过免费提供的模组工具和专用服务器文件,任何人都可以提供《Battalion 1944》主机服务,并利用大量的定制配置选项。那些想要为《Battalion》开发模组的人也能毫无障碍地进行。

First to Fight Edition

Además del juego base, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition incluye la banda sonora en formato digital y 5 War Chests. Este pack también incluye un aspecto exclusivo para tu arma.

Oferta especial

Quienes tengan The Turing Test desbloquearán automáticamente un aspecto para arma en Battalion 1944 inspirado en la Energy Manipulation Tool de The Turing Test.

Acerca del juego

Battalion 1944 traslada y perfecciona la esencia de los FPS clásicos para la próxima generación. Vive combates de infantería en los que los precisos disparos de tu Kar98, el fuego de cobertura de tu Thompson y tu propia agilidad son cruciales para que tu equipo salga victorioso en cada ronda.

FACEIT – El máximo nivel competitivo
Battalion 1944 es el primer juego que integra por completo el conjunto de herramientas para la competición de FACEIT. Disfruta de las mundialmente reconocidas funciones competitivas basadas en la habilidad de FACEIT en matchmaking, torneos, clasificaciones y marcadores integrados en Battalion 1944.

Marea de guerra 5 contra 5 – Clasificación FACEIT
Un escenario de ataque y defensa 5 contra 5, en el que el primer equipo que consiga ganar 16 rondas se alza con la victoria. Perfecciona tus tácticas, la sincronización al acelerar y cuándo apuntar con precisión en este modo de juego tremendamente competitivo. Cada vida importa y cada ronda cuenta.

Enfrentamiento 1 contra 1 – FACEIT
Tú, tu fusil y un enemigo que hará todo cuanto esté en su mano por detenerte. ¿Tienes lo que hace falta para adelantarte y eliminarlo primero?

Arcade – Divertidos tiroteos a toda velocidad
Captura la bandera, controla territorios o consigue simplemente el récord de tiros a la cabeza del servidor. El modo Arcade de Battalion 1944 ofrece una gran variedad de modos de juego para los aficionados a los juegos de disparos más casuales y para los más competitivos.

Naciones en guerra - El frente oriental
Además de las fuerzas estadounidenses y alemanas, ahora puedes luchar en el frente oriental al mando de la Unión Soviética. Emplea una amplia variedad de armamento específico de la época, desde precisos fusiles de cerrojo hasta rápidas ametralladoras.

Clasificación de batalla – Gana y desbloquea
Completa desafíos, gana medallas, mejora tu nivel y asciende en los marcadores, todo ello mientras desbloqueas pinturas de guerra gratuitas para tus armas cada temporada.

Historial y repeticiones de partidas
¿Quieres volver a ver tu partida perfecta o analizar estrategias? La herramienta integrada de repeticiones de Battalion 1944 te permite buscar estadísticas de tus partidas y ver repeticiones en primera persona, tercera o en modo de cámara libre.

Herramientas para modificaciones y servidores dedicados
Gracias a las herramientas para crear modificaciones y a los archivos para instalar servidores dedicados, que están disponibles de manera gratuita, cualquiera puede alojar su propio servidor de Battalion 1944 y usar un montón de opciones de configuración personalizadas. Los jugadores que quieran trabajar en modificaciones para Battalion también tendrán numerosos recursos a su disposición.

First to Fight Edition

In addition to the core game, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition adds a digital soundtrack and 5 War Chests. It also features a weapon skin exclusive to the pack.

Speciellt erbjudande

Owners of The Turing Test will automatically unlock a weapon skin in Battalion 1944 inspired by The Turing Test's iconic Energy Manipulation Tool.

Om spelet

Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team.

FACEIT – The Highest Level Of Competition
Battalion 1944 is the first game to integrate FACEIT’s competitive toolset directly into the game. FACEITs world-renowned skill-based competitive matchmaking, tournaments, rankings & leaderboards power competition within Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – FACEIT Ranked
A 5v5 Attack/Defend scenario in which the first team to win 16 rounds goes home victorious. Perfect your tactics, sprint timings, and when to aim down sights in this highly competitive game mode. Every life matters and every round counts.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
You, your rifle, and a target looking to do everything within their power to stop you. Do you have what it takes to end them first?

Arcade – Run & Gun Fun
Capture the flag, control territories or simply land the most headshots in the server – Battalion 1944’s Arcade mode offers a variety of game types for casual and competitive shooter fan to enjoy alike.

Nations at War - The Eastern Front
In addition to US and German forces, you can now take on the fight on the Eastern Front as the Soviet Union. Wield a wide variety of period specific weaponry, from precision bolt action rifles to swift submachine guns.

Battlerank – Earn & Unlock
Complete challenges, earn medals, increase your rank and climb the leaderboards; all while unlocking free weapon war paint each and every season.

Match History & Replays
Pull off an ace or want to analyse strats? Battalion 1944’s in-game replay tool allows you to pull up match statistics and watch replays from 1st, 3rd and freecam perspectives.

Mod Tools & Dedicated Servers
With mod tools and dedicated server files freely available, anyone can host their own Battalion 1944 servers and avail of a whole host of custom configuration options. Those are you wanting to work on mods for Battalion can also do the same.

First to Fight Edition

In addition to the core game, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition adds a digital soundtrack and 5 War Chests. It also features a weapon skin exclusive to the pack.


Owners of The Turing Test will automatically unlock a weapon skin in Battalion 1944 inspired by The Turing Test's iconic Energy Manipulation Tool.


Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team.

FACEIT – The Highest Level Of Competition
Battalion 1944 is the first game to integrate FACEIT’s competitive toolset directly into the game. FACEITs world-renowned skill-based competitive matchmaking, tournaments, rankings & leaderboards power competition within Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – FACEIT Ranked
A 5v5 Attack/Defend scenario in which the first team to win 16 rounds goes home victorious. Perfect your tactics, sprint timings, and when to aim down sights in this highly competitive game mode. Every life matters and every round counts.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
You, your rifle, and a target looking to do everything within their power to stop you. Do you have what it takes to end them first?

Arcade – Run & Gun Fun
Capture the flag, control territories or simply land the most headshots in the server – Battalion 1944’s Arcade mode offers a variety of game types for casual and competitive shooter fan to enjoy alike.

Nations at War - The Eastern Front
In addition to US and German forces, you can now take on the fight on the Eastern Front as the Soviet Union. Wield a wide variety of period specific weaponry, from precision bolt action rifles to swift submachine guns.

Battlerank – Earn & Unlock
Complete challenges, earn medals, increase your rank and climb the leaderboards; all while unlocking free weapon war paint each and every season.

Match History & Replays
Pull off an ace or want to analyse strats? Battalion 1944’s in-game replay tool allows you to pull up match statistics and watch replays from 1st, 3rd and freecam perspectives.

Mod Tools & Dedicated Servers
With mod tools and dedicated server files freely available, anyone can host their own Battalion 1944 servers and avail of a whole host of custom configuration options. Those are you wanting to work on mods for Battalion can also do the same.

First to Fight Edition

In addition to the core game, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition adds a digital soundtrack and 5 War Chests. It also features a weapon skin exclusive to the pack.


Owners of The Turing Test will automatically unlock a weapon skin in Battalion 1944 inspired by The Turing Test's iconic Energy Manipulation Tool.


Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team.

FACEIT – The Highest Level Of Competition
Battalion 1944 is the first game to integrate FACEIT’s competitive toolset directly into the game. FACEITs world-renowned skill-based competitive matchmaking, tournaments, rankings & leaderboards power competition within Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – FACEIT Ranked
A 5v5 Attack/Defend scenario in which the first team to win 16 rounds goes home victorious. Perfect your tactics, sprint timings, and when to aim down sights in this highly competitive game mode. Every life matters and every round counts.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
You, your rifle, and a target looking to do everything within their power to stop you. Do you have what it takes to end them first?

Arcade – Run & Gun Fun
Capture the flag, control territories or simply land the most headshots in the server – Battalion 1944’s Arcade mode offers a variety of game types for casual and competitive shooter fan to enjoy alike.

Nations at War - The Eastern Front
In addition to US and German forces, you can now take on the fight on the Eastern Front as the Soviet Union. Wield a wide variety of period specific weaponry, from precision bolt action rifles to swift submachine guns.

Battlerank – Earn & Unlock
Complete challenges, earn medals, increase your rank and climb the leaderboards; all while unlocking free weapon war paint each and every season.

Match History & Replays
Pull off an ace or want to analyse strats? Battalion 1944’s in-game replay tool allows you to pull up match statistics and watch replays from 1st, 3rd and freecam perspectives.

Mod Tools & Dedicated Servers
With mod tools and dedicated server files freely available, anyone can host their own Battalion 1944 servers and avail of a whole host of custom configuration options. Those are you wanting to work on mods for Battalion can also do the same.

First to Fight Edition

In addition to the core game, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition adds a digital soundtrack and 5 War Chests. It also features a weapon skin exclusive to the pack.

Özel Teklif

Owners of The Turing Test will automatically unlock a weapon skin in Battalion 1944 inspired by The Turing Test's iconic Energy Manipulation Tool.

Oyun Açıklaması

Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team.

FACEIT – The Highest Level Of Competition
Battalion 1944 is the first game to integrate FACEIT’s competitive toolset directly into the game. FACEITs world-renowned skill-based competitive matchmaking, tournaments, rankings & leaderboards power competition within Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – FACEIT Ranked
A 5v5 Attack/Defend scenario in which the first team to win 16 rounds goes home victorious. Perfect your tactics, sprint timings, and when to aim down sights in this highly competitive game mode. Every life matters and every round counts.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
You, your rifle, and a target looking to do everything within their power to stop you. Do you have what it takes to end them first?

Arcade – Run & Gun Fun
Capture the flag, control territories or simply land the most headshots in the server – Battalion 1944’s Arcade mode offers a variety of game types for casual and competitive shooter fan to enjoy alike.

Nations at War - The Eastern Front
In addition to US and German forces, you can now take on the fight on the Eastern Front as the Soviet Union. Wield a wide variety of period specific weaponry, from precision bolt action rifles to swift submachine guns.

Battlerank – Earn & Unlock
Complete challenges, earn medals, increase your rank and climb the leaderboards; all while unlocking free weapon war paint each and every season.

Match History & Replays
Pull off an ace or want to analyse strats? Battalion 1944’s in-game replay tool allows you to pull up match statistics and watch replays from 1st, 3rd and freecam perspectives.

Mod Tools & Dedicated Servers
With mod tools and dedicated server files freely available, anyone can host their own Battalion 1944 servers and avail of a whole host of custom configuration options. Those are you wanting to work on mods for Battalion can also do the same.

First to Fight Edition

In addition to the core game, Battalion 1944: First to Fight Edition adds a digital soundtrack and 5 War Chests. It also features a weapon skin exclusive to the pack.

Особлива пропозиція

Owners of The Turing Test will automatically unlock a weapon skin in Battalion 1944 inspired by The Turing Test's iconic Energy Manipulation Tool.

Про гру

Battalion recaptures the core of classic competitive shooters & refines the ‘classic’ FPS feel for the next generation. Focusing on 5v5 infantry combat, where precise flick shots with your Kar98, covering fire with your Thompson and fluid movement are key to clutching every round for your team.

FACEIT – The Highest Level Of Competition
Battalion 1944 is the first game to integrate FACEIT’s competitive toolset directly into the game. FACEITs world-renowned skill-based competitive matchmaking, tournaments, rankings & leaderboards power competition within Battalion 1944.

5v5 Wartide – FACEIT Ranked
A 5v5 Attack/Defend scenario in which the first team to win 16 rounds goes home victorious. Perfect your tactics, sprint timings, and when to aim down sights in this highly competitive game mode. Every life matters and every round counts.

1v1 Showdown – FACEIT
You, your rifle, and a target looking to do everything within their power to stop you. Do you have what it takes to end them first?

Arcade – Run & Gun Fun
Capture the flag, control territories or simply land the most headshots in the server – Battalion 1944’s Arcade mode offers a variety of game types for casual and competitive shooter fan to enjoy alike.

Nations at War - The Eastern Front
In addition to US and German forces, you can now take on the fight on the Eastern Front as the Soviet Union. Wield a wide variety of period specific weaponry, from precision bolt action rifles to swift submachine guns.

Battlerank – Earn & Unlock
Complete challenges, earn medals, increase your rank and climb the leaderboards; all while unlocking free weapon war paint each and every season.

Match History & Replays
Pull off an ace or want to analyse strats? Battalion 1944’s in-game replay tool allows you to pull up match statistics and watch replays from 1st, 3rd and freecam perspectives.

Mod Tools & Dedicated Servers
With mod tools and dedicated server files freely available, anyone can host their own Battalion 1944 servers and avail of a whole host of custom configuration options. Those are you wanting to work on mods for Battalion can also do the same.

System Requirements


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