videogame adaptation of Games Workshop’s classic tabletop game, pitting the Chaos, Imperium, Eldar, and Orks against each other in visceral space-battles.
Developed with Unreal Engine 4, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada offers deep management of every ship composing the player’s fleet, both during and between battles. From the fastest frigates to the gigantic, miles-long battleships, the player will customize all aspects of his ships: weaponry, defense and support sub-systems, but also crew, captains, and more... each customization affecting the very performances of the ship and the special abilities available during battle. From battle to battle, the admirals and crew of surviving ships will gain experience and promotions, improving the battle-readiness of the ships for future, bigger and more dangerous battles.
Additionally an extensive multiplayer mode with persistent fleets where up to 4 players can battle simultaneously, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada also features a big story campaign, taking place during the 12th Black Crusade and putting players in the middle of the Gothic War that raged between the Imperium and Abaddon the Despoiler. Players will be at the centre of every fight, commanding fleets of gigantic ships as the Chaos unleash a sequential chain of surprise attacks on Imperium worlds – the start of 20 years of warring in the sector.
Twitch Dev Session
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Informacje o grze
Gra RTS Battlefleet Gothic: Armada jest adaptacją kultowej gry figurkowej wydawnictwa Games Workshop, w której siły Chaosu, Imperium, Eldarów i Orków ścierają się w brutalnych bitwach kosmicznych.
Oparta na silniku Unreal Engine 4, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada umożliwia kompleksowe zarządzanie każdą jednostką należącą do floty gracza, zarówno w czasie walki, jak i po bitwie. Można spersonalizować każdy aspekt okrętu, czy jest to szybka frygata, czy wielokilometrowy pancernik: uzbrojenie, systemy obronne i wspierające, załoga, dowódcy, itp. Każda decyzja gracza ma wpływ na skuteczność i dodatkowe możliwości okrętu w czasie walki. Z bitwy na bitwę, admirałowie i załogi ocalałych jednostek zyskują doświadczenie i awansują, dzięki czemu okręty zwiększają swój poziom gotowości bojowej i są w stanie sprostać coraz większym wyzwaniom na polu walki.
Poza trybem wieloosobowym, w którym do 4 graczy kierującymi permanentnymi flotami może walczyć ze sobą, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada oferuje rozległy tryb kampanii, która rozgrywa się w czasie 12. Czarnej Krucjaty i rzuca graczy w sam środek Wojny o Gothic pomiędzy Imperium i Abaddonem Profanatorem. Gracze będą w samym środku każdego starcia, dowodząc flotami gigantycznych okrętów na początku dwudziestoletniej wojny o sektor, kiedy siły Chaosu rozpoczęły serię niespodziewanych ataków na światy Imperium.
- Rozległa kampania dla jednego graczy w sektorze Gothic.
- Cztery dostępne frakcje, o różnych mocach i umiejętnościach.
- Taktyczny tryb wieloosobowy PVP, oferujący setki godzin gry.
- Ogromny wybór wiernie odtworzonych okrętów z gry Battlefleet Gothic.
- Autentyczna strategia czasu rzeczywistego z wieloma taktycznymi elementami z gry Battlefleet Gothic.
- Pełna gama umiejętności kompatybilnych ze światem WH40K.
- Wzmacniaj i stosuj umiejętności w porcie Maw
Twitch Dev Session
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Acerca do Jogo
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is the
RTS videogame adaptation of Games Workshop’s classic tabletop game, pitting the Chaos, Imperium, Eldar, and Orks against each other in visceral space-battles.
Developed with Unreal Engine 4, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada offers deep management of every ship composing the player’s fleet, both during and between battles. From the fastest frigates to the gigantic, miles-long battleships, the player will customize all aspects of his ships: weaponry, defense and support sub-systems, but also crew, captains, and more... each customization affecting the very performances of the ship and the special abilities available during battle. From battle to battle, the admirals and crew of surviving ships will gain experience and promotions, improving the battle-readiness of the ships for future, bigger and more dangerous battles.
Additionally an extensive multiplayer mode with persistent fleets where up to 4 players can battle simultaneously, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada also features a big story campaign, taking place during the 12th Black Crusade and putting players in the middle of the Gothic War that raged between the Imperium and Abaddon the Despoiler. Players will be at the centre of every fight, commanding fleets of gigantic ships as the Chaos unleash a sequential chain of surprise attacks on Imperium worlds – the start of 20 years of warring in the sector.
- An expansive single-player campaign across the Gothic sector.
- Four factions to command, each one with its own strengths and skills.
- Tactical PVP multiplayer offering infinite replayability.
- A huge array of authentically recreated Battlefleet Gothic ships.
- A real-time strategy experience retaining many of the tactical Battlefleet Gothic elements.
- A plethora of lore-abiding skills to fill the player’s arsenal.
- Upgrade and apply skills at port Maw
Twitch Dev Session
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Acerca do Jogo
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is the
RTS videogame adaptation of Games Workshop’s classic tabletop game, pitting the Chaos, Imperium, Eldar, and Orks against each other in visceral space-battles.
Developed with Unreal Engine 4, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada offers deep management of every ship composing the player’s fleet, both during and between battles. From the fastest frigates to the gigantic, miles-long battleships, the player will customize all aspects of his ships: weaponry, defense and support sub-systems, but also crew, captains, and more... each customization affecting the very performances of the ship and the special abilities available during battle. From battle to battle, the admirals and crew of surviving ships will gain experience and promotions, improving the battle-readiness of the ships for future, bigger and more dangerous battles.
Additionally an extensive multiplayer mode with persistent fleets where up to 4 players can battle simultaneously, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada also features a big story campaign, taking place during the 12th Black Crusade and putting players in the middle of the Gothic War that raged between the Imperium and Abaddon the Despoiler. Players will be at the centre of every fight, commanding fleets of gigantic ships as the Chaos unleash a sequential chain of surprise attacks on Imperium worlds – the start of 20 years of warring in the sector.
- An expansive single-player campaign across the Gothic sector.
- Four factions to command, each one with its own strengths and skills.
- Tactical PVP multiplayer offering infinite replayability.
- A huge array of authentically recreated Battlefleet Gothic ships.
- A real-time strategy experience retaining many of the tactical Battlefleet Gothic elements.
- A plethora of lore-abiding skills to fill the player’s arsenal.
- Upgrade and apply skills at port Maw
Twitch Dev Session
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Despre joc
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is the
RTS videogame adaptation of Games Workshop’s classic tabletop game, pitting the Chaos, Imperium, Eldar, and Orks against each other in visceral space-battles.
Developed with Unreal Engine 4, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada offers deep management of every ship composing the player’s fleet, both during and between battles. From the fastest frigates to the gigantic, miles-long battleships, the player will customize all aspects of his ships: weaponry, defense and support sub-systems, but also crew, captains, and more... each customization affecting the very performances of the ship and the special abilities available during battle. From battle to battle, the admirals and crew of surviving ships will gain experience and promotions, improving the battle-readiness of the ships for future, bigger and more dangerous battles.
Additionally an extensive multiplayer mode with persistent fleets where up to 4 players can battle simultaneously, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada also features a big story campaign, taking place during the 12th Black Crusade and putting players in the middle of the Gothic War that raged between the Imperium and Abaddon the Despoiler. Players will be at the centre of every fight, commanding fleets of gigantic ships as the Chaos unleash a sequential chain of surprise attacks on Imperium worlds – the start of 20 years of warring in the sector.
- An expansive single-player campaign across the Gothic sector.
- Four factions to command, each one with its own strengths and skills.
- Tactical PVP multiplayer offering infinite replayability.
- A huge array of authentically recreated Battlefleet Gothic ships.
- A real-time strategy experience retaining many of the tactical Battlefleet Gothic elements.
- A plethora of lore-abiding skills to fill the player’s arsenal.
- Upgrade and apply skills at port Maw
Twitch Dev Session
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Об игре
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada — адаптация классической настольной игры Games Workshop. В этой стратегии в реальном времени Хаос, Империум, эльдары и орки сойдутся в жестоких космических сражениях.
Игра Battlefleet Gothic: Armada разработана на движке Unreal Engine 4 и позволяет управлять каждым кораблем из флота игрока — как в бою, так и между битвами. Игрок может тонко настраивать любой из своих кораблей — от быстрых фрегатов до гигантских линкоров длиной в несколько километров. Настройке поддается все: оружейные, защитные и вспомогательные системы, команда, капитаны и многое другое — и каждое изменение отражается на показателях корабля и особых способностях, доступных ему в бою. В каждой битве адмиралы и команды уцелевших кораблей получают опыт и новые звания, чтобы во всеоружии подойти к новым, еще более масштабным и опасным сражениям.
В Battlefleet Gothic: Armada игроков ждет многопользовательский режим, где до 4 игроков могут сражаться друг с другом переходящими из боя в бой флотами, а также масштабная сюжетная кампания — в ней игрокам предстоит сыграть за Империум, остановить 12-й Черный крестовый поход Абаддона Разорителя. Двадцатилетняя война в секторе Готика начинается чередой неожиданных атак Хаоса, и, командуя флотом колоссальных кораблей, игроки смогут оказаться в гуще любого из сражений.
- Масштабная одиночная кампания в секторе Готика.
- Четыре игровые фракции со своими сильными сторонами и способностями.
- Тактические сражения по сети, позволяющие наслаждаться игрой бесконечно.
- Флотилии точно воссозданных кораблей из игры Battlefleet Gothic.
- Стратегия в реальном времени, сохранившая многие тактические элементы Battlefleet Gothic.
- Обширный арсенал тематических способностей.
- Возможность улучшать и менять способности на Порт-Моу.
Twitch Dev Session
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Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 是 Games Workshop 经典桌游的即时战略视频游戏改编版本,在此版本中,混乱、帝权、灵族和兽人在太空战斗中你争我夺。
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 采用 Unreal Engine 4 开发,玩家在战斗中和战斗间歇期间可对舰队中的每艘战舰进行深层管理。从速度最快的护卫舰到体型巨大、长达几英里的战舰,玩家可以对船舰的方方面面进入自定义设计——包括武器、防御和支援子系统,还有船员、船长等等…每项自定义设计都会影响战舰的表现和战斗中可用的特殊能力。经过一场场战斗,幸存船上的海军上将和船员们将获得经验值和晋级机会,并能提升船的战备力,为将来更大型、更危险的战斗作准备。
增加了一种具备永久舰队的多人模式,最多 4 名玩家可以同时战斗,Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 还具备一种大型战役,它发生在第 12 次黑色圣战时期,让玩家置身在帝权与破坏之王阿帕顿之间肆虐的歌特战争之中。玩家将身处每场战斗的中心,在混乱对帝权世界发动一系列突然袭击时指挥由巨型船组成的舰队作战 — 战区 20 年交战的开端。
- 遍布哥特战场声势浩大的单人战役。
- 有四个派别可指挥,每一个派别都有自己的强项和技能。
- 战术上的多玩家对战带来无尽的可重玩性。
- 大阵仗的真实重现的哥特舰队船。
- 实时战略体验,保留了许多哥特舰队战术元素。
- 众多传统持久的技能以充实玩家的武器库。
- 莫港升级和应用技能
Twitch Dev Session
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Acerca del juego
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada es la adaptación a
RTS del clásico juego de tablero de Games Workshop, que enfrenta al Caos, el Imperio, los Eldar y los Orkos en viscerales batallas espaciales.
Desarrollado en Unreal Engine 4, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada ofrece una gestión profunda de todas las naves que integran la flota del jugador, tanto en batalla como fuera. Podrás personalizar tus naves de guerra, desde rápidas fragatas a naves de batalla de varios kilómetros de longitud, en todos los aspectos. Esto no incluye solo el armamento, los sistemas de defensa y los subsistemas de apoyo, sino también tu tripulación, capitanes y mucho más. Todos los aspectos de la personalización repercutirán en el comportamiento de tus naves y de sus habilidades especiales durante la batalla. A medida que avance la guerra, tus almirantes y tripulación supervivientes ganarán experiencia, serán promocionados y aumentarán su preparación para batallas más grandes y peligrosas.
Además de un vastísimo modo multijugador con flotas persistentes en el que podrás jugar simultáneamente hasta con 3 jugadores más, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada también cuenta con una historia épica para su modo campaña. Esta tiene lugar durante la 12ª Cruzada Negra y te coloca en mitad de la Guerra Gótica entre el Imperio y Abaddon el Saqueador. Estarás en el centro de las batallas, comandando flotas de naves gigantescas contra el Caos, que lanzará cadenas secuenciales de ataques sorpresa sobre los mundos del Imperio, como preámbulo a 20 años de guerra en el sector.
- Una enorme campaña individual en el sector Gótico.
- Campaña multijugador de profundidad táctica con flotas persistentes.
- Un inmenso despliegue de barcos de Battlefleet Gothic minuciosamente recreados.
- Una experiencia en tiempo real que conserva numerosos elementos tácticos de Battlefleet Gothic.
- Una amplia selección de habilidades para llenar tu arsenal, basadas en el universo de la saga.
- Aplica mejoras y habilidades en Puerto Maw.
Twitch Dev Session
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Om spelet
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is the
RTS videogame adaptation of Games Workshop’s classic tabletop game, pitting the Chaos, Imperium, Eldar, and Orks against each other in visceral space-battles.
Developed with Unreal Engine 4, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada offers deep management of every ship composing the player’s fleet, both during and between battles. From the fastest frigates to the gigantic, miles-long battleships, the player will customize all aspects of his ships: weaponry, defense and support sub-systems, but also crew, captains, and more... each customization affecting the very performances of the ship and the special abilities available during battle. From battle to battle, the admirals and crew of surviving ships will gain experience and promotions, improving the battle-readiness of the ships for future, bigger and more dangerous battles.
Additionally an extensive multiplayer mode with persistent fleets where up to 4 players can battle simultaneously, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada also features a big story campaign, taking place during the 12th Black Crusade and putting players in the middle of the Gothic War that raged between the Imperium and Abaddon the Despoiler. Players will be at the centre of every fight, commanding fleets of gigantic ships as the Chaos unleash a sequential chain of surprise attacks on Imperium worlds – the start of 20 years of warring in the sector.
- An expansive single-player campaign across the Gothic sector.
- Four factions to command, each one with its own strengths and skills.
- Tactical PVP multiplayer offering infinite replayability.
- A huge array of authentically recreated Battlefleet Gothic ships.
- A real-time strategy experience retaining many of the tactical Battlefleet Gothic elements.
- A plethora of lore-abiding skills to fill the player’s arsenal.
- Upgrade and apply skills at port Maw
Twitch Dev Session
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Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is the
RTS videogame adaptation of Games Workshop’s classic tabletop game, pitting the Chaos, Imperium, Eldar, and Orks against each other in visceral space-battles.
Developed with Unreal Engine 4, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada offers deep management of every ship composing the player’s fleet, both during and between battles. From the fastest frigates to the gigantic, miles-long battleships, the player will customize all aspects of his ships: weaponry, defense and support sub-systems, but also crew, captains, and more... each customization affecting the very performances of the ship and the special abilities available during battle. From battle to battle, the admirals and crew of surviving ships will gain experience and promotions, improving the battle-readiness of the ships for future, bigger and more dangerous battles.
Additionally an extensive multiplayer mode with persistent fleets where up to 4 players can battle simultaneously, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada also features a big story campaign, taking place during the 12th Black Crusade and putting players in the middle of the Gothic War that raged between the Imperium and Abaddon the Despoiler. Players will be at the centre of every fight, commanding fleets of gigantic ships as the Chaos unleash a sequential chain of surprise attacks on Imperium worlds – the start of 20 years of warring in the sector.
- An expansive single-player campaign across the Gothic sector.
- Four factions to command, each one with its own strengths and skills.
- Tactical PVP multiplayer offering infinite replayability.
- A huge array of authentically recreated Battlefleet Gothic ships.
- A real-time strategy experience retaining many of the tactical Battlefleet Gothic elements.
- A plethora of lore-abiding skills to fill the player’s arsenal.
- Upgrade and apply skills at port Maw
Twitch Dev Session
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Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 是改編自 Games Workshop 經典桌上遊戲的即時策略遊戲,混沌、帝國、埃爾達爾、獸人在太空內彼此戰鬥著。
採用Unreal Engine 4引擎開發,Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 提供了玩家艦隊每艘船艦的深度管理,無論在戰鬥間或戰鬥中。從最快速的小型驅逐艦到巨大延綿數里的戰船、 玩家可以客製化船隻的所有方向:像是武器、防禦與支援的次系統、還有組員、艦長以及其他更多……每種不同組合都會在戰鬥中影響船艦效能和可用特殊能力。在戰鬥中,生存下來船隻上的將軍和組員們會獲得經驗值及晉升、能夠應付將來更龐大、更危險的戰役。
遊戲額外支援網路多人模式,至多4名玩家能在不間斷的艦隊中同時戰鬥,Battlefleet Gothic: Armada還有龐大的故事戰役,發生於12世紀黑十字軍的遠征時代,能讓玩家參與帝國與掠奪者阿巴頓間的哥德戰爭。玩家將身處每場戰鬥,在混沌對帝國世界發動連續奇襲、拉開20年地區戰爭的序幕時,指揮著那些巨大船隻艦隊進行作戰。
- 橫跨哥德地區的龐大單人戰役。
- 四個可控制勢力 、每個勢力都有其獨特力量與技能。
- 戰略性 PVP 多人模式提供了無限重玩可能。
- 大量哥德艦船真實再現
- 即時策略體驗保留許多哥德戰艦策略元素。
- 玩家軍火庫能填入許多不變知識技能
- 在港口貿升級並運用技能
Twitch Dev Session
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Oyun Açıklaması
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is the
RTS videogame adaptation of Games Workshop’s classic tabletop game, pitting the Chaos, Imperium, Eldar, and Orks against each other in visceral space-battles.
Developed with Unreal Engine 4, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada offers deep management of every ship composing the player’s fleet, both during and between battles. From the fastest frigates to the gigantic, miles-long battleships, the player will customize all aspects of his ships: weaponry, defense and support sub-systems, but also crew, captains, and more... each customization affecting the very performances of the ship and the special abilities available during battle. From battle to battle, the admirals and crew of surviving ships will gain experience and promotions, improving the battle-readiness of the ships for future, bigger and more dangerous battles.
Additionally an extensive multiplayer mode with persistent fleets where up to 4 players can battle simultaneously, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada also features a big story campaign, taking place during the 12th Black Crusade and putting players in the middle of the Gothic War that raged between the Imperium and Abaddon the Despoiler. Players will be at the centre of every fight, commanding fleets of gigantic ships as the Chaos unleash a sequential chain of surprise attacks on Imperium worlds – the start of 20 years of warring in the sector.
- An expansive single-player campaign across the Gothic sector.
- Four factions to command, each one with its own strengths and skills.
- Tactical PVP multiplayer offering infinite replayability.
- A huge array of authentically recreated Battlefleet Gothic ships.
- A real-time strategy experience retaining many of the tactical Battlefleet Gothic elements.
- A plethora of lore-abiding skills to fill the player’s arsenal.
- Upgrade and apply skills at port Maw
Twitch Dev Session
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Про гру
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is the
RTS videogame adaptation of Games Workshop’s classic tabletop game, pitting the Chaos, Imperium, Eldar, and Orks against each other in visceral space-battles.
Developed with Unreal Engine 4, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada offers deep management of every ship composing the player’s fleet, both during and between battles. From the fastest frigates to the gigantic, miles-long battleships, the player will customize all aspects of his ships: weaponry, defense and support sub-systems, but also crew, captains, and more... each customization affecting the very performances of the ship and the special abilities available during battle. From battle to battle, the admirals and crew of surviving ships will gain experience and promotions, improving the battle-readiness of the ships for future, bigger and more dangerous battles.
Additionally an extensive multiplayer mode with persistent fleets where up to 4 players can battle simultaneously, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada also features a big story campaign, taking place during the 12th Black Crusade and putting players in the middle of the Gothic War that raged between the Imperium and Abaddon the Despoiler. Players will be at the centre of every fight, commanding fleets of gigantic ships as the Chaos unleash a sequential chain of surprise attacks on Imperium worlds – the start of 20 years of warring in the sector.
- An expansive single-player campaign across the Gothic sector.
- Four factions to command, each one with its own strengths and skills.
- Tactical PVP multiplayer offering infinite replayability.
- A huge array of authentically recreated Battlefleet Gothic ships.
- A real-time strategy experience retaining many of the tactical Battlefleet Gothic elements.
- A plethora of lore-abiding skills to fill the player’s arsenal.
- Upgrade and apply skills at port Maw
System Requirements