Blackguards 2
Blackguards 2

Blackguards 2

Release Date: 20/01/2015 | WORLDWIDE
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Retail Price: 11.91 € 13%
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Sobre o jogo

Blackguards 2 é a sequência do RPG de estratégia por turnos e irá oferecer batalhas em locais enfeitiçados e uma história ainda mais corajosa, cheia de violência e crimes.

Escolha o seu modo de jogo: não importa se monstro de combate na linha de frente, mago ou lutador de longo alcance, está em suas mãos como você deseja desenvolver seu personagem. Toda ação tem consequências, então tome suas decisões com inteligência. A morte pode estar à espreita.

Passaram-se três anos desde as conspirações do Conde de Uria. Os Conquistadores das Nove Legiões há muito seguiram em direções diferentes mas a vida em Aventuria continuou. Cassia, uma jovem de ascendência nobre, tem apenas um objetivo: Ela quer reivindicar o Trono de Trapaceira, não importa o preço, e ser uma por apenas um dia. Infelizmente, há dois problemas que potencialmente frustram seus planos. Primeiro, ela passa seus dias presa em uma masmorra e, segundo, já há um homem nesse trono: Marwan. Ela nem gosta e nem domina questões de diplomacia ou política, então, ela escolhe uma... abordagem mais prática. Ela pretende fugir da prisão e dar um golpe em Marwan para reivindicar o trono. Para isso, ela precisa de fortes aliados. Ela precisa recrutar um exército de Mercenários e duelar com os Conquistadores das Nove Legiões em volta dela. Soa como um plano sólido, não é? Mas, então, novamente, quão esperta uma pessoa deve ser para escapar dos muros da masmorra; e quão audaciosa deve ser para reunir e comandar a pior gentalha dos reinos?

  • Recrute mercenários, encontre atualizações e construa um exército invencível
  • Encontre os Conquistadores das Nove Legiões e saiba o que aconteceu com Takate, Naurim e Zurbaran
  • Uma história com muitas reviravoltas, decisões fatídicas e mais de 20 desafiadoras horas de jogo esperam por você
  • Comande até 20 personagens no seu grupo e conduza-os à morte ou à glória
  • Domine e termine o jogo em muitos caminhos diferentes não lineares
  • Tome decisões que influenciam sua equipe e o final do jogo
  • Escolha seus feitiços, talentos e habilidades com inteligência, pois eles ditam sua estratégia no campo de batalha. Dê prioridade à ofensiva ou tática nas batalhas desafiadoras
  • Interaja com seu ambiente e deixe as paredes desmoronarem, ou mesmo descubra novas rotas na sua viagem por Aventuria
  • Destrua seus inimigos com poderosos feitiços e habilidades. Mas esteja alerta: seus inimigos podem fazer isso também

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Относно играта

Blackguards 2 is a turn-based strategy-RPG and will deliver challenging hexfield battles and a gritty story filled with violence and crime.

Choose your playstyle: no matter if front line combat monster, mage or ranged fighter it's in your hands how you want to develop your character. Every action has consequences, so make your decisions wisely. Death may be just around the corner.

Three years have passed since Count Uria´s plots. The Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes long parted ways but life in Aventuria went on. Cassia, a young woman of noble descent, has only one goal: She wants to claim the Shark Throne, no matter the price; and be it only for one day. Unfortunately, there are two problems that potentially foil her plans. First of all, she spends her days incarcerated in a dungeon and secondly, there is already a man on her throne: Marwan. She is neither fond nor proficient in matters of diplomacy or politics, so she chooses a more... practical approach. She intends to break out of prison and overthrow Marwan to claim the throne herself. For this, she needs strong allies. She needs to recruit an army of Sellswords and rally the Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes around her. Sounds like a solid plan, doesn't it? But then again, how cunning must one be to escape the dungeon's walls; and how reckless must one be to gather and command the worst scum of the realms?

  • Recruit mercenaries, find upgrades and build an indomitable army
  • Find the Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes and see what has become of Takate, Naurim and Zurbaran
  • A story with many twists and turns, fateful decisions and more than 20 challenging hours of playtime awaits you
  • Command up to 20 characters in your party and lead them to death or glory
  • Master and finish the game on many different non-linear paths
  • Make decisions influencing your squad and the ending of the game
  • Choose your spells, talents and skills wisely, since they dictate your strategy on the battlefield. Give priority to offensive or tactic in challenging battles
  • Interact with your environment and let walls collapse or even discover new routes on your journey through Aventuria
  • Lay waste to your enemies with powerful spells and abilities. But be on your guard: your foes may wield them as well

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O hře

Hra Blackguards 2 je pokracování tahové RPG strategie a prináší více bitev na bojišti a ješte drsnejší príbeh zaplnený násilím a zlocinem.

Vyberte si svuj herní styl: nezávisle na tom, zda hrajete za príšeru z prední linie, mága nebo bojovníka na dálku, rozvoj vaší postavy je ve vašich rukách. Každá akce má následky, takže volte svá rozhodnutí peclive. Smrt muže cíhat za rohem.

Od intrik hrabete Uria uplynuly tri roky. Premožitelé devíti hord se již dávno rozešli, ale život v Aventurii pokracuje. Cassia, mladá žena urozeného puvodu, má jediný cíl: Chce za každou cenu usednout na Žralocí trun, i kdyby to melo být jen na jeden den. Naneštestí existují dva problémy, které ji potenciálne kríží plány. Zaprvé tráví své dny zavrená v podzemí a zadruhé již na jejím trune už nekdo sedí: Marwan. Príliš neobdivuje diplomacii nebo politiku, takže volí ponekud... praktictejší prístup. Hodlá utéct z vezení, svrhnout Marwana a nárokovat si trun pro sebe. Proto potrebuje silné spojence. Musí naverbovat armádu žoldáku a shromáždit okolo sebe Premožitele devíti hor. To zní jako dobrý plán, ne? Zamyslete se však, jak odvážný nekdo musí být, aby utekl ze sten podzemí? A jak bezohledný musí být, aby shromáždil a velel nejhoršímu odpadu ríše?

  • Rekrutujte žoldáky, hledejte vylepšení a budujte nezdolnou armádu.
  • Najdete Premožitele devíti hord a zjistete, co se stalo s Takate, Naurimem a Zurbaranem.
  • Ceká na vás príbeh mnoha zvratu a otocek, osudných rozhodnutí a více než 20 nárocných hodin herní doby.
  • Velte až 20 postavám ve své skupine a vedte je na smrt nebo za slávou.
  • Ovládnete a dokoncete hru mnoha ruznými nelineárními zpusoby.
  • Cinte rozhodnutí ovlivnující vaši cetu a ukoncení hry.
  • Chytre si volte kouzla, talenty a schopnosti, jelikož budou diktovat vaši strategii na bojišti. V nárocných bitvách uprednostnete útok nebo taktiku.
  • Komunikujte se svým prostredím a nechte hroutit zdi a objevujte nové cesty na své ceste Aventurií.
  • Znicte své neprátele mocnými kouzly a schopnostmi. Ale budte na pozoru: mohou je ovládat i vaši neprátelé.

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Om spillet

Blackguards 2 er efterfølgeren til det turbaserede strategi-RPG, og leverer flere hexfield-kampe og en endnu mere grusom historie, fyldt med vold og kriminalitet.

Vælg din spillestil: uanset om du er et monster ved frontlinjen, magiker eller artillerist er det op til dig, hvordan du vil udvikle din karakter. Alle handlinger har konsekvenser, så træf dine beslutninger med omhu. Døden kan lure lige om hjørnet.

Der er gået tre siden Grev Uria's komplot. Bekæmperne af De Ni Horder er for længe siden gået hver til sit, men livet i Aventuria gik videre. Cassia, en ung kvinde af adelig afstamning, har kun et mål: Hun vil gøre krav på Hajtronen, uanset prisen – selv for én enkelt dag. Desværre er der to problemer der kan spolere hendes planer. For det første tilbringer hun sine dage indespærret i en fangekælder, og for det andet sidder allerede en mand på hendes trone: Marwan. Hun er hverken glad for eller god til diplomati eller politik, så hun vælger en mere... praktisk tilgang. Hun planlægger at bryde ud af fængslet og vælte Marwan af tronen for at gøre krav på den til hende selv. Til dette behøver hun stærke allierede. Hun har brug for at rekruttere en hær af Lejesoldater, og at samle Bekæmperne af De Ni Horder bag hende. Lyder som en god plan, ikke? Men så igen, hvor snedig skal man være for bryde ud af fangekælderen? Og hvor hensynsløs skal man være for at samle og befale over de værste udskud i hele riget?

  • Rekruttér lejesoldater, find opgraderinger og opbyg en uovervindelig hær
  • Finde Bekæmperne af De Ni Horder, og find ud af, hvad der er blevet af Takate, Naurim og Zurbaran
  • En historie med mange uventede drejninger, skæbnesvangre beslutninger og mere end 20 udfordrende timers spilletid venter på dig
  • Befal over op til 20 karakterer i din gruppe, og led dem til død eller hæder
  • Mestr og gennemfør spillet på mange forskellige unikke måder
  • Træf beslutninger, som påvirker din gruppe og afgør spillets slutning
  • Vælg dine besværgelser, evner og teknikker med omhu, da de afgør din strategi på slagmarken Prioriter mellem offensiv eller taktik i udfordrende kampe
  • Interager med dine omgivelser, vælt vægge, eller opdag endda nye ruter på din færd gennem Aventuria
  • Nedkæmp dine fjender med kraftfulde besværgelser og evner Men vær på vagt: dine fjender kan også bruge dem mod dig

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Info over het spel

Blackguards 2 is het vervolg van het op beurten gebaseerde strategie-RPG en bevat meer hexfield gevechten en een nog spannender verhaal vol geweld en criminaliteit.

Kies je speelstijl: het maakt niet uit of je in de eerste linie als monster vecht, een tovenaar of een vechter bent, jij kiest hoe je je personage wilt ontwikkelen. Elke actie heeft consequenties, dus maak verstandige beslissingen. De dood kan om de hoek liggen.

Drie jaar zijn voorbij gegaan sinds de samenzweringen van graaf Uria. De Overwinnaars van de Negen Hordes gingen al lang geleden uit elkaar, maar het leven in Aventuria ging door. Cassia, een jonge vrouw van adellijke afkomst, heeft maar één doel: Ze wil de Shark Troon opeisen, ongeacht wat het kost, en ook al is het maar voor één dag. Maar er zijn twee problemen die haar plannen kunnen verijdelen. Ten eerste is ze opgesloten in een kerker en ten tweede zit er al een man op haar troon: Marwan. Ze houd niet van diplomatie of politiek, waar ze niet veel van afweet, dus ze kiest voor een meer... praktische aanpak. Ze is van plan om uit de gevangenis te ontsnappen, Marwan van de troon te stoten en deze zelf op te eisen. Hiervoor heeft ze sterke bondgenoten nodig. Ze moet een leger van Sellswords werven en de Overwinnaars van de Negen Hordes rond haar verzamelen. Dit klinkt als een goed plan, of niet? Maar hoe slim moet ze zijn om aan de muren van de kerker te ontsnappen? En hoe roekeloos moet ze zijn om het ergste uitschot uit het rijk te verzamelen en te bevelen?

  • Werf huurlingen, zoek upgrades en vorm een ontembare leger
  • Vind de overwinnaars van de Negen Hordes en vindt uit wat er is geworden van Takate, Naurim en Zurbaran
  • Een verhaal met vele wendingen, noodlottige beslissingen en een speeltijd van meer dan 20 uren staat je te wachten
  • Beveel je team van maximaal 20 personages en leidt ze naar de overwinning... of de dood
  • Beheers en voltooi het spel op vele verschillende niet-lineaire manieren
  • Maak beslissingen die je team en het einde van het spel beïnvloeden
  • Kies nauwkeurig je bezweringen, talenten en vaardigheden, omdat ze je strategie op het slagveld bepalen. Kies een offensieve of tactiek of ga uitdagende gevechten aan
  • Reageer op je omgeving en laat muren instorten, of ontdek zelfs nieuwe routes op je reis door Aventuria
  • Vernietig je vijanden met krachtige bezweringen en vaardigheden. Maar wees op je hoede: je vijanden kunnen die ook kiezen

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About the Game

Blackguards 2 is a turn-based strategy-RPG and will deliver challenging hexfield battles and a gritty story filled with violence and crime.

Choose your playstyle: no matter if front line combat monster, mage or ranged fighter it's in your hands how you want to develop your character. Every action has consequences, so make your decisions wisely. Death may be just around the corner.

Three years have passed since Count Uria´s plots. The Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes long parted ways but life in Aventuria went on. Cassia, a young woman of noble descent, has only one goal: She wants to claim the Shark Throne, no matter the price; and be it only for one day. Unfortunately, there are two problems that potentially foil her plans. First of all, she spends her days incarcerated in a dungeon and secondly, there is already a man on her throne: Marwan. She is neither fond nor proficient in matters of diplomacy or politics, so she chooses a more... practical approach. She intends to break out of prison and overthrow Marwan to claim the throne herself. For this, she needs strong allies. She needs to recruit an army of Sellswords and rally the Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes around her. Sounds like a solid plan, doesn't it? But then again, how cunning must one be to escape the dungeon's walls; and how reckless must one be to gather and command the worst scum of the realms?

  • Recruit mercenaries, find upgrades and build an indomitable army
  • Find the Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes and see what has become of Takate, Naurim and Zurbaran
  • A story with many twists and turns, fateful decisions and more than 20 challenging hours of playtime awaits you
  • Command up to 20 characters in your party and lead them to death or glory
  • Master and finish the game on many different non-linear paths
  • Make decisions influencing your squad and the ending of the game
  • Choose your spells, talents and skills wisely, since they dictate your strategy on the battlefield. Give priority to offensive or tactic in challenging battles
  • Interact with your environment and let walls collapse or even discover new routes on your journey through Aventuria
  • Lay waste to your enemies with powerful spells and abilities. But be on your guard: your foes may wield them as well

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Tietoja pelistä

Blackguards 2 on vuoropohjaisen strategiaroolipelin jatko-osa. Luvassa on lisää heksakentällä käytäviä taisteluja ja vielä entistäkin tummempi tarina, täynnä väkivaltaa ja rikoksia.

Valitse pelityylisi: oli komennettavissasi sitten etulinjan taisteluhirviö, maagi tai kaukotaistelija, hahmon kehittäminen on sinusta kiinni. Joka toiminnolla on seurauksensa, joten valitse viisaasti. Kuolema saattaa odottaa joka hetki kulman takana.

Kreivi Urian juonista on kulunut jo kolme vuotta. Yhdeksän armeijakunnan tuhoajat ovat jo kauan sitten lähteneet omille teilleen, mutta elämä Aventuriassa jatkuu kuten ennenkin. Cassia, nuori jalosukuinen nainen, haluaa vain yhtä asiaa: Haivaltaistuimen takaisin saamista, hinnalla millä hyvänsä ja vaikka vain päiväksikin. Hänellä on kuitenkin kaksi ongelmaa; toisaalta hän viruu vankityrmässä ja toisaalta valtaistuimella on jo joku toinen, eli Marwan. Cassia ei pidä diplomatiasta tai politiikasta, saati sitten osaa niitä, joten hänen lähestymistapansa on… käytännöllisempi. Hän aikoo vapauttaa itsensä vankityrmästä ja syöstää Marwanin vallasta saadakseen valtaistuimen itselleen. Tähän tarvitaan kuitenkin vahvoja liittolaisia. Hänen aikomuksenaan onkin palkata palkkasotureita ja saada yhdeksän armeijakunnan tuhoajat puolelleen. Kuulostaako suunnitelmalta? Ongelmia hänellä kuitenkin riittää: miten päästä pois tyrmästä ja miten houkutella valtakunnan suurimmat roistot puolelleen?

  • Palkkaa palkkasotureita, päivitä varusteitasi ja rakenna voittamaton armeija
  • Etsi yhdeksän armeijakunnan tuhoajat ja opi, mitä Takatelle, Naurimille ja Zurbaranille on tapahtunut
  • Tarinassa on monta käännettä ja päätöstä, ja sinua odottaa yli 20 tuntia pelihaasteita
  • Retkueessasi on yli 20 hahmoa, jotka voit johdattaa kuolemaan tai kunniaan
  • Pelissä on monta ei-lineaarista polkua
  • Tee päätöksiä, jotka vaikuttavat retkueesi elämään ja pelin loppuun
  • Valitse taikasi, kykysi ja taitosi viisaasti, koska ne vaikuttavat taistelukenttästrategiaasi
  • Priorisoi hyökkäys tai taktiikka haastavissa taisteluissa
  • Vaikuta ympäristöösi ja murra muurit tai löydä uusia reittejä Aventuriassa matkatessasi
  • Voita vihollisesi voimakkailla taioilla ja kyvyillä. Ole kuitenkin valpas: myös vihollisesi osaavat käyttää niitä

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À propos du jeu

Blackguards 2 est la suite du RPG stratégique en tour par tour, avec plus de combats sur les fameuses cases hexagonales, et avec une histoire encore plus sinueuse, parsemée de violence et de crime.

Choisissez votre style de jeu : que vous soyez un monstre de première ligne, mage ou combattant à distance, l'évolution de votre personnage est entre vos mains. Toutes vos actions auront des conséquences, alors pesez chacune de vos décisions avec sagesse. La mort vous guette peut-être déjà.

Trois ans ont passé depuis la conspiration du comte Urias. Les vainqueurs des Neuf Hordes s'en sont allés depuis longtemps, mais la vie a continué son cours à Aventuria. Cassia, jeune femme de sang noble, n'a qu'un seul objectif en tête : accéder au trône du requin à tout prix, fût-ce pour un jour seulement. Malheureusement pour elle, deux problèmes viendront lui barrer la route. Le premier est qu'elle est emprisonnée dans un donjon, le deuxième est qu'il y a déjà un homme sur ce trône : Marwan. N'étant pas très à cheval sur la diplomatie ni sur la politique, elle a choisi une méthode plus... radicale. Elle prévoit de s'évader de prison et de renverser Marwan afin de revendiquer le trône. Pour mener ses plans à bien, il lui faut des alliés puissants. Il lui faut recruter une armée de mercenaires et rallier les vainqueurs des Neuf Hordes à sa cause. Ça semble infaillible, non ? Et pourtant faut-il être ingénieux pour s'évader du donjon, et faut-il être téméraire pour rallier et diriger les pires ordures du royaume.

  • Recrutez des mercenaires, trouvez des améliorations et levez une armée invincible
  • Trouvez les vainqueurs des Neuf Hordes et voyez où en sont Takate, Naurim et Zurbaran
  • Une histoire pleine de rebondissements, de revirements et de décisions capitales, et plus de 20 heures de jeu qui vous mettront au défi
  • Dirigez jusqu'à 20 personnages dans votre équipe et menez-les à la mort où à la victoire
  • Explorez et finissez le jeu au terme de nombreux cheminements non-linéaires
  • Prenez des décisions cruciales pour votre groupe et pour la fin du jeu
  • Choisissez judicieusement vos sorts, talents et compétences, ce sont eux qui détermineront votre stratégie au combat. Préférez l'attaque ou la tactique lors de combats difficiles
  • Interagissez avec votre environnement et faites tomber les barrières, découvrez même de nouvelles routes au cours de votre périple dans Aventuria
  • Dévastez vos ennemis grâce à de puissants sorts et compétences. Soyez tout de même sur vos gardes : vos ennemis maîtrisent peut-être les mêmes

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Über das Spiel

Erlebe in dem rundenbasierten Strategie-RPG Blackguards 2 herausfordernde Kämpfe auf Hexfeld-basierenden Schlachtfeldern und eine düstere Story voller Gewalt und Verbrechen.

Spiele, wie Du willst. Als Nahkampfmaschine, Fernkämpfer oder als Magier, es liegt in Deinen Händen wie Du Dich entwickeln möchtest. Alles im Leben hat seine Konsequenzen, also überlege sehr gut, welche Entscheidungen Du im Spiel triffst, denn der Tod kann hinter jeder Ecke lauern.

3 Jahre sind nach den Ereignissen um Graf Urias vergangen. Die Bezwinger der Neun Horden gehen längst getrennte Wege, doch die Geschichte in Aventurien steht nicht still. Cassia, eine junge Frau von edler Herkunft, hat nur ein Ziel: Sie will unbedingt vom Haifischthron aus herrschen, koste es, was es wolle – und sei es nur für einen Tag. Es gibt allerdings zwei Probleme, die dieses Unterfangen schwierig gestalten. Erstes Problem: Cassia fristet ihr Dasein in einem Kerker, in dem sie gefangen gehalten wird, und zweites, dieser Thron ist bereits von Marwan besetzt. Da sie nichts von Politik oder Diplomatie hält, geht Cassia pragmatisch an dieses Vorhaben heran. Sie muss aus dem Kerker entkommen und den jetzigen Inhabers des Thrones seines Amtes entheben. Dafür benötigt sie allerdings starke Verbündete. Sie will eine Söldnerarmee aufstellen und die Hilfe der Bezwinger der Neun Horden einfordern. Hört sich nach einem guten Plan an, doch wie gerissen muss man sein, um aus dem Kerker zu entkommen. Aber vor allem, wie skrupellos muss man sein, um den Abschaum der Welt befehligen zu können.

  • Heuere Söldner an, finde Upgrades für sie und bilde so eine unschlagbare Armee
  • Suche die Bezwinger der Neun Horden und sieh, wie es Takate, Naurim und Zurbaran ergangen ist
  • Eine Story voller Wirrungen und schwerwiegender Entscheidungen wartet darauf, von Dir in über 20 Stunden Spielzeit gemeistert zu werden
  • Steuere bis zu 20 Charaktere in Deiner Party und führe sie zum glorreichen Sieg oder in den Untergang
  • Finde verschiedene non-lineare Wege, um das Spiel zu meistern
  • Treffe Entscheidungen, die Deine Truppe oder den Ausgang des Spieles beeinflussen.
  • Die Auswahl der Zaubersprüche, Talente und Fähigkeiten entscheidet über Deine Taktik auf dem Schlachtfeld. Gehe offensiv oder taktisch in herausfordernde Kämpfe
  • Interagiere mit der Umgebung und bringe zum Beispiel Mauern zum Einsturz oder lege neue Routen auf Deiner Reise durch Aventurien frei.
  • Teile mit den Sonderfertigkeiten und Zaubern kräftig aus oder werde selbst davon vernichtet

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Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Blackguards 2 is a turn-based strategy-RPG and will deliver challenging hexfield battles and a gritty story filled with violence and crime.

Choose your playstyle: no matter if front line combat monster, mage or ranged fighter it's in your hands how you want to develop your character. Every action has consequences, so make your decisions wisely. Death may be just around the corner.

Three years have passed since Count Uria´s plots. The Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes long parted ways but life in Aventuria went on. Cassia, a young woman of noble descent, has only one goal: She wants to claim the Shark Throne, no matter the price; and be it only for one day. Unfortunately, there are two problems that potentially foil her plans. First of all, she spends her days incarcerated in a dungeon and secondly, there is already a man on her throne: Marwan. She is neither fond nor proficient in matters of diplomacy or politics, so she chooses a more... practical approach. She intends to break out of prison and overthrow Marwan to claim the throne herself. For this, she needs strong allies. She needs to recruit an army of Sellswords and rally the Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes around her. Sounds like a solid plan, doesn't it? But then again, how cunning must one be to escape the dungeon's walls; and how reckless must one be to gather and command the worst scum of the realms?

  • Recruit mercenaries, find upgrades and build an indomitable army
  • Find the Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes and see what has become of Takate, Naurim and Zurbaran
  • A story with many twists and turns, fateful decisions and more than 20 challenging hours of playtime awaits you
  • Command up to 20 characters in your party and lead them to death or glory
  • Master and finish the game on many different non-linear paths
  • Make decisions influencing your squad and the ending of the game
  • Choose your spells, talents and skills wisely, since they dictate your strategy on the battlefield. Give priority to offensive or tactic in challenging battles
  • Interact with your environment and let walls collapse or even discover new routes on your journey through Aventuria
  • Lay waste to your enemies with powerful spells and abilities. But be on your guard: your foes may wield them as well

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A játékról: 

A Blackguards 2 a kör alapú stratégiai szerepjáték folytatása, amely még több, hatszög alakú mezőkön folytatott harccal és egy még keményebb, erőszakkal és gaztettekkel teli történettel jelentkezik.

Válaszd ki a játékstílusodat: legyen az fronton küzdő harci szörny, mágus vagy sorkatona, tőled függ, hogy mivé fejleszted szereplődet. Minden cselekedetnek következményei vannak, ezért okos döntéseket kell hoznod. A halál mindenütt ott leselkedik.

Három év telt el Count Uria cselszövései óta. A Kilenc Horda legyőzőinek útjai már rég elváltak egymástól, de Aventuriában az élet ment tovább. Cassiának, egy fiatal, nemesi származású nőnek csak egyetlenegy célja van: A főhősnő bármi áron meg akarja szerezni a Csaló Trónját; akár egyetlen napra is. Sajnos, terveit két dolog is meghiúsíthatja. Az első, hogy egy várbörtönbe zárva tölti napjait, és a második, hogy egy férfi már elfoglalta trónját: Marwan. Hősnőnk se nem szereti, se nem jártas a diplomáciában vagy politikában, ezért egy sokkal... gyakorlatiasabb megoldást választ. Azt tervezi, hogy megszökik a börtönből és megbuktatja Marwant, hogy saját magának szerezze meg a trónt. Ehhez erős szövetségesekre van szüksége. Egy zsoldoshadsereget kell toboroznia és saját oldalára kell állítania a Kilenc Horda legyőzőit. Ez jó tervnek tűnik, nemde? Viszont mennyire dörzsöltnek kell lennie valakinek, hogy megszökjön a börtön falai közül; és mennyire vakmerőnek kell lennie, hogy összegyűjtse és győzelemre vezesse a birodalom legaljasabb söpredékét?

  • Toborozz zsoldosokat, szereld fel őket korszerűen és építs ki egy rettenhetetlen hadsereget
  • Keresd meg a Kilenc Horda legyőzőit és tudd meg, hogy mi lett Takate, Naurim és Zrbaran sorsa
  • Egy fordulatos történet, végzetes döntések és több mint 20 órás kihívást jelentő játékidő vár rád
  • Akár 20, a pártodon álló szereplőnek is parancsolhatsz, és a halálba vagy dicsőségre vezetheted őket
  • Számos különböző kacskaringós úton vezetheted és fejezheted be a játékot
  • Hozz a csapatodat és a játék kimenetelét befolyásoló döntéseket
  • Válaszd meg okosan varázsigéidet, tehetségeidet és képességeidet, mivel ezek határozzák meg a harcmezőn követett stratégiádat. Határozd meg, hogy a kemény ütközetek során a támadás vagy a taktika élvezzen-e elsőbbséget
  • Teremts kapcsolatot környezeteddel és engedd leomlani a falakat vagy akár fedezz fel új utakat az Aventurián keresztül tett utazásod során
  • Pusztítsd el ellenségeimet hatalmas varázsigéiddel és képességeiddel. De legyél résen: ellenfeleid is jó forgatják a kardot

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Informazioni sul gioco

Blackguards 2 è il seguito del gioco di ruolo strategico a turni omonimo che offre un numero più grande di campi di battaglia esagonali e una trama ancora più cupa e ricca di violenza e misfatti.

Scegli il tuo stile di gioco: non importa che tu sia un mostro combattente in prima linea, un mago o un arciere, sta a te decidere quanto sviluppare il tuo personaggio. Ciascuna azione ha le sue conseguenze, quindi fai le tue scelte saggiamente. La morte è sempre in agguato dietro l'angolo.

Sono passati tre anni dagli episodi narrati in Count Uria. I Conquistatori delle Nove orde si sono divisi da tempo ma la vita in Aventuria è proseguita. Cassia, una giovane donna di nobile discendenza, ha un unico obiettivo: rivendicare il trono di Shark a qualsiasi costo anche se fosse per un solo giorno. Sfortunatamente, due ostacoli rovinano potenzialmente i suoi piani. Uno, lei si trova in carcere in un dungeon e secondo, qualcuno siede già sul suo trono: Marwan. A lei, che non è mai stata capace ad usare metodi diplomatici, non resta che scegliere un approccio... più pragmatico. Intende così evadere dalla prigione e rovesciare Marwan per rivendicare il trono che le spetta. Per questo, occorrono dei forti alleati. Lei deve reclutare un esercito di Mercenari e radunare i Conquistatori delle Nove orde ai suoi ordini. È un piano che non può fallire, no? Tuttavia, quanta astuzia serve per fuggire dal dungeon e quanta temerarietà occorre per radunare e comandare la peggior feccia del reame?

  • Raduna i mercenari, trova gli upgrade e costruisci un'armata inarrestabile
  • Trova i Conquistatori delle Nove orde e scopri cosa ne è stato di Takate, Naurim e Zurbaran
  • Ti aspettano una storia ricca di colpi di scena, scelte decisive e più di 20 ore di gioco entusiasmanti
  • Prendi il comando di una squadra comprendente fino a 20 personaggi e conducila verso la gloria o la morte
  • Conosci e termina il gioco seguendo percorsi non lineari diversi
  • Prendi decisioni che influiscono sulla tua squadra e sul finale del gioco
  • Scegli attentamente incantesimi, talenti e abilità, dato che da questi dipenderà la tua strategia sul campo di battaglia. Scegli se dare priorità a una strategia offensiva o tattica durante le battaglie
  • Interagisci con l'ambiente circostante e distruggi muri o scopri nuovi percorsi nel tuo viaggio attraverso Aventuria
  • Stermina i tuoi nemici con incantesimi e capacità potenti Ma stai attento: anche i tuoi nemici potrebbero farne uso

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自身のプレースタイルの選択:前線のコンバットモンスターが賢く視野の広いファイターの前に立ちふさがっても、キャラクターを成長させるのは自分しだい。 全ての行動が関係してくるので、賢い決断をしよう。 死がすぐそこまで迫っているかも。

カウントウリアの陰謀から三年がすぎ、九つの群れの征服者が長い間離れていたが、アベンチュリアでの生活は続いていた。高貴で若い女、カシアの目標は一つだけ。それは、何があってもシャークの王位を手に入れることである。 残念ながら、この目標を邪魔する問題がある。 まず、ダンジョンに閉じ込められた日々を過ごし、次に彼女の王位には既にある男がいる。 彼女は外交や政治が好きではないため、もっと現実的な方法を選ぶのであった。 刑務所を脱獄し、マルワンを転覆させ王位を手に入れるつもりだ。 このためには、強い見方が必要である。 そこで、セールスワーズの軍隊と九つの群れの征服者を集める必要がある。妥当な計画ではないだろうか。 しかし、ダンジョンの壁を乗り越えるのは難しく、荒くれ者を集め指揮するのがいかに無謀であろうか。

  • 傭兵を集め、強靭な軍隊を作り上げよう。
  • 九つの群れの征服者を探し出し、何がタカテ、ナウリム、ズルバランとなるのかを見てみよう。
  • 仕掛けの多い物語、運命の選択や困難の待ち受ける20時間以上のプレー時間が待っている。
  • 20以上のキャラクターを指揮し、死か栄光へと導くことになる。
  • 決まりの無い様々な方法でゲームを攻略。
  • 自身のスクアッドやゲームのエンディングに影響を与える決断しよう。
  • 戦場での策略を左右するので、自身の能力と技術を賢く選択しよう。 難しいバトルでは攻撃や戦略を優先。
  • 自身の環境を受け入れ、壁を壊し、アベンチュラで旅への新たな道を見つけ出そう。
  • 強力な魔力と能力で敵を倒そう。しかし、敵も力を発揮してくるので守りも必要だ。

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게임 정보

Blackguards 2 는 턴제 기반 전략과 역할 수행 게임의 속편이며, 폭력과 범죄로 가득한 전장의 이야기를 전개해 나갑니다.

플레이스타일을 선택할 수 있어서 최전방 전투 몬스터나 마법사, 특별 전사 등 원하는 캐릭터를 개발하는 플레이어의 손에 달려 있습니다. 모든 액션은 결과가 수반되므로, 현명하게 결정해야 합니다. 죽음이 목전에 닥칠 수도 있으니까요.

카운트 우리아의 이야기가 전개된 지 벌써 3년이 지났습니다. 아홉 명의 정복자는 빈틈이 없고 모험하는 여주인공의 삶이 펼쳐집니다. 귀족 가문의 젊은 처녀, 카시아는 어떤 대가를 치르더라도 샤크의 왕좌를 취하는 오직 한 가지 일념을 갖고 있습니다. 불행하게도, 카시아의 계획을 어렵게 하는 두 가지 문제가 있습니다. 첫째는 카시아가 오랫동안 지하감옥에서 감금되어 있다는 것이며, 둘째는 이미 그녀의 왕좌를 차지한 마르완이라는 남자입니다. 카시아는 능란한 외교술이나 정치술책에는 관심이 없고, 좀 더 실리적인 접근을 선택합니다. 카시아는 탈옥해서 마르완을 타도하고 자신의 왕좌를 탈환하려고 합니다. 그러기 위해서는 강한 동맹이 있어야 합니다. 카시아는 셀즈워즈 부대를 모집하고 9명의 정복자를 결집합니다. 뭔가 든든한 계획 같지 않아요? 하지만 다시 지하감옥의 벽을 탈출할 수 있는 지혜가 있으며, 가장 무모한 부대를 모으고 통솔할 수 있는 무모할 정도의 용맹함이 있어야 합니다.

  • 용병 모집, 업그레이드 찾기, 불굴의 부대 만들기
  • 9명의 정복자를 찾고 타카테, 나우림, 쮸바란이 어떻게 되는지 보기
  • 우여곡절의 줄거리, 운명적 결정 및 20시간이 넘는 도전적인 플레이타임
  • 최대 20명의 캐릭터를 조종하여 죽음 또는 영광으로 인도
  • 많은 다른 비선형 경로에서 게임을 마스터하고 완료하기
  • 부대에 영향을 미치고 게임을 완료할 수 있는 결정을 하기
  • 전장에서 전략을 상대방이 감지할 수 있기 때문에 주문, 재능, 기술들을 현명하게 선택 도전적인 전투에서 공격이나 전술에 우선순위 두기
  • 배경을 조절하고 벽이 무너지거나 모험하는 여주인공과 함께 여행하면서 새 경로들을 발견
  • 강력한 주문과 능력들로 적을 초토화 하지만 적들도 그것들을 이용할 수 있으니 조심할 것

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Om spillet

Blackguards 2 er oppfølgeren til det turbaserte strategi-rollespillet Blackguards, og byr på enda flere heksagon-baserte slag og en enda røffere historie full av vold og forbrytelser.

Velg spillemåte – uansett om du velger å bruke en slåsskjempe ved frontlinjen, en magiker eller en bueskytter, er det opp til deg å utvikle rollefiguren. Hver eneste handling medfører konsekvenser, så ta kloke avgjørelser; døden kan være rett rundt hjørnet.

Det har gått tre år siden greve Urias komplott. De Ni Horders Erobrere har skilt lag, men livet i Aventuria har gått videre. Cassia, en ung kvinne av adelig herkomst, har bare ett mål – hun vil ta Haitronen, uansett hva prisen er, og uansett om det bare er for én dag. Uheldigvis for henne er det to ting som kan komme i veien for planene hennes. Den første er at hun er innesperret i et fangehull, og den andre er noen allerede sitter på tronen hennes: Marwan. Ettersom diplomati og politikk ikke er hennes beste trekk, velger hun en mer... praktisk tilnærming. Hun vil bryte ut av fangehullet og styrte Marwan slik at hun selv kan ta over tronen, og trenger sterke allierte for å gjøre dette. Hun må rekruttere en hær av leiesoldater og verve De Ni Horders Erobrere. Høres ut som en god plan, eller hva? Men nøyaktig hvor utspekulert må man egentlig være for å unnslippe fangehullets vegger, og hvor dumdristig må man være for å samle og kommandere verdens verste avskum?

  • Rekruttere leiesoldater, finn oppgraderinger og samle en uovervinnelig hær
  • Finn De Ni Horders Erobrere og finn ut hva som har skjedd med Takate, Naurim og Zurbaran
  • En historie med mange overraskende vendinger, skjebnesvangre avgjørelser og mer enn 20 timers utfordrende spilletid venter deg
  • Ta kontroll over opp til 20 rollefigurer i selskapet, og led dem til død eller ære
  • Gjennomfør og mestre spillet på flere ulike, ikke-lineære måter
  • Ta avgjørelser som påvirker troppen din og måten spillet slutter på
  • Velg trylleformler, egenskaper og og talenter med omhu, ettersom de avgjør strategien din på slagmarken. Velg enten offensivt eller taktisk spill i utfordrende slag
  • Samhandle med omgivelsene dine og la vegger kollapse, eller oppdag nye ruter på reisen gjennom Aventuria
  • Ødelegg fiender med kraftfulle trylleformler og evner. Men vær på vakt: fiendene har kanskje de samme våpnene som deg

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Informacje o grze

Blackguards 2 to druga część strategicznej gry RPG, w której znaleźć można jeszcze więcej ciężkich bitew oraz jeszcze bardziej mroczną fabułę.

Wybierz swój styl gry: zamień się w giganta walki z pierwszej linii, maga lub strzelca wyborowego – to Ty decydujesz, jak rozwija się Twoja postać. Każde działanie ma swoje konsekwencje, więc podejmuj mądre decyzje. Śmierć może czaić się tuż za rogiem.

Minęły trzy lata, kiedy to hrabia Urias zrealizował swoje podstępne plany. Pogromcy Dziewięciu Hord już dawno się rozstali, ale życie w Aventurii toczyło się dalej. Cassia, młoda kobieta szlacheckiego pochodzenia, ma tylko jeden cel: chce odzyskać Rekini Tron, bez względu na cenę i choćby na jeden dzień. Niestety, są dwa problemy, które mogą zepsuć jej plan. Przede wszystkim: siedzi uwięziona w lochu, a po drugie: na jej tronie zasiada już człowiek o imieniu Marwan. A ponieważ nie jest wprawna w kwestiach dyplomacji i polityki, wybiera bardziej… praktyczne podejście. Zamierza uciec z więzienia, zrzucić Marwana z tronu i sama na nim zasiąść. Dlatego właśnie potrzebuje silnych sojuszników. Chce zwerbować armię wojowników i zgromadzić wokół siebie Pogromców Dziewięciu Hord. Plan wydaje się niezły, prawda? Ale z drugiej strony, ile trzeba przebiegłości, by wydostać się z lochów, i ile naiwności, by zdecydować się zgromadzić największych łotrów tego świata i rządzić nimi?

  • Rekrutuj najemników, znajduj ulepszenia i twórz niezwyciężoną armię
  • Znajdź Pogromców Dziewięciu Hord i zobacz, co stało się z Takate, Naurimem i Zurbaranem
  • Fabuła pełna niespodziewanych zwrotów akcji, brzemiennych w skutki decyzji, obejmująca ponad 20 godzin gry
  • Pokieruj nawet 20 postaciami i poprowadź je do chwały lub na śmierć
  • Opanuj grę do doskonałości i zakończ ją w swój sposób
  • Podejmuj decyzje, które zadecydują o losach Twojej drużyny i o powodzeniu w grze
  • Mądrze wybieraj zaklęcia, talenty i umiejętności, ponieważ wpływają one na Twoją strategię na polu walki. Stawiaj na ofensywę lub strategię w trudnych bitwach
  • Wchodź w interakcje z otoczeniem – niszcz mury i odkrywaj nowe ścieżki podczas podróży przez Aventurię
  • Zwyciężaj wrogów potężnymi zaklęciami i umiejętnościami. Ale uważaj: Twoi przeciwnicy też mogą nimi władać

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Acerca do Jogo

Blackguards 2 is a turn-based strategy-RPG and will deliver challenging hexfield battles and a gritty story filled with violence and crime.

Choose your playstyle: no matter if front line combat monster, mage or ranged fighter it's in your hands how you want to develop your character. Every action has consequences, so make your decisions wisely. Death may be just around the corner.

Three years have passed since Count Uria´s plots. The Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes long parted ways but life in Aventuria went on. Cassia, a young woman of noble descent, has only one goal: She wants to claim the Shark Throne, no matter the price; and be it only for one day. Unfortunately, there are two problems that potentially foil her plans. First of all, she spends her days incarcerated in a dungeon and secondly, there is already a man on her throne: Marwan. She is neither fond nor proficient in matters of diplomacy or politics, so she chooses a more... practical approach. She intends to break out of prison and overthrow Marwan to claim the throne herself. For this, she needs strong allies. She needs to recruit an army of Sellswords and rally the Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes around her. Sounds like a solid plan, doesn't it? But then again, how cunning must one be to escape the dungeon's walls; and how reckless must one be to gather and command the worst scum of the realms?

  • Recruit mercenaries, find upgrades and build an indomitable army
  • Find the Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes and see what has become of Takate, Naurim and Zurbaran
  • A story with many twists and turns, fateful decisions and more than 20 challenging hours of playtime awaits you
  • Command up to 20 characters in your party and lead them to death or glory
  • Master and finish the game on many different non-linear paths
  • Make decisions influencing your squad and the ending of the game
  • Choose your spells, talents and skills wisely, since they dictate your strategy on the battlefield. Give priority to offensive or tactic in challenging battles
  • Interact with your environment and let walls collapse or even discover new routes on your journey through Aventuria
  • Lay waste to your enemies with powerful spells and abilities. But be on your guard: your foes may wield them as well

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Despre joc

Blackguards 2 is a turn-based strategy-RPG and will deliver challenging hexfield battles and a gritty story filled with violence and crime.

Choose your playstyle: no matter if front line combat monster, mage or ranged fighter it's in your hands how you want to develop your character. Every action has consequences, so make your decisions wisely. Death may be just around the corner.

Three years have passed since Count Uria´s plots. The Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes long parted ways but life in Aventuria went on. Cassia, a young woman of noble descent, has only one goal: She wants to claim the Shark Throne, no matter the price; and be it only for one day. Unfortunately, there are two problems that potentially foil her plans. First of all, she spends her days incarcerated in a dungeon and secondly, there is already a man on her throne: Marwan. She is neither fond nor proficient in matters of diplomacy or politics, so she chooses a more... practical approach. She intends to break out of prison and overthrow Marwan to claim the throne herself. For this, she needs strong allies. She needs to recruit an army of Sellswords and rally the Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes around her. Sounds like a solid plan, doesn't it? But then again, how cunning must one be to escape the dungeon's walls; and how reckless must one be to gather and command the worst scum of the realms?

  • Recruit mercenaries, find upgrades and build an indomitable army
  • Find the Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes and see what has become of Takate, Naurim and Zurbaran
  • A story with many twists and turns, fateful decisions and more than 20 challenging hours of playtime awaits you
  • Command up to 20 characters in your party and lead them to death or glory
  • Master and finish the game on many different non-linear paths
  • Make decisions influencing your squad and the ending of the game
  • Choose your spells, talents and skills wisely, since they dictate your strategy on the battlefield. Give priority to offensive or tactic in challenging battles
  • Interact with your environment and let walls collapse or even discover new routes on your journey through Aventuria
  • Lay waste to your enemies with powerful spells and abilities. But be on your guard: your foes may wield them as well

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Об игре

Blackguards 2 — это продолжение пошаговой стратегии с элементами ролевой игры. В этой остросюжетной игре вы столкнетесь с насилием, преступлениями и множеством кровопролитных битв на шестиугольных картах.

Выберите свой стиль игры: хотите сыграть за страшное чудовище, которое разрывает врагов в ближнем бою? Мудрого волшебника? Умелого стрелка? Развивайте своего персонажа так, как захотите! Но помните: за все приходится платить и каждое действие возымеет последствия. Смерть может поджидать вас за каждым углом.

Со времен Графа Урии прошло три года. Победители девяти орд давно разошлись, но жизнь в Авентурие идет своим чередом. У Кассии, молодой дамы знатного происхождения, есть лишь одна цель: она жаждет захватить Акулий трон любой ценой, пусть даже на один день. Однако два обстоятельства могут помешать ее планам. Во-первых, она была брошена в подземелье и теперь проводит свои дни в заточении, во-вторых, трон не пустует, на нем восседает Марван. Кассия не сильна в дипломатии или политике, а поэтому она избирает более… прямой подход. Она хочет сбежать из тюрьмы, свергнуть Марвана и объявить себя королевой. Но для этого ей понадобятся могучие союзники. Нужно собрать армию наемников и убедить Победителей девяти орд помочь ей. Отличный план, не так ли? Но подумайте, насколько нужно быть хитрым, чтобы сбежать из темницы, и насколько нужно быть безрассудным, чтобы собрать под свои знамена худших из худших этого мира?

  • Нанимайте наемников, ищите улучшения и создайте непобедимую армию
  • Найдите Победителей девяти орд и узнайте, что случилось с Такате, Науримом и Зурбараном
  • Вас ждут непредсказуемый сюжет, судьбоносные решения и более 20 часов игры
  • В вашей группе может одновременно состоять до 20 персонажей. Ведите их к победе… или к поражению!
  • Нелинейный сюжет с множеством ключевых моментов
  • Принимайте решения, которые повлияют на судьбу вашего отряда и на концовку игры
  • Грамотно подбирайте заклинания, таланты и умения, ведь именно от них будет зависеть ваша стратегия на поле боя. Выберите то, что вам больше по душе: безумное нападение или продуманная тактика
  • Интерактивное окружение: обрушивайте на врагов стены и ищите скрытые проходы во время своего путешествия по Авентурие
  • Используйте мощные заклинания и способности, чтобы уничтожить своих врагов. Но будьте начеку: противник тоже может их использовать

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Blackguards 2 is a turn-based strategy-RPG and will deliver challenging hexfield battles and a gritty story filled with violence and crime.

Choose your playstyle: no matter if front line combat monster, mage or ranged fighter it's in your hands how you want to develop your character. Every action has consequences, so make your decisions wisely. Death may be just around the corner.

Three years have passed since Count Uria´s plots. The Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes long parted ways but life in Aventuria went on. Cassia, a young woman of noble descent, has only one goal: She wants to claim the Shark Throne, no matter the price; and be it only for one day. Unfortunately, there are two problems that potentially foil her plans. First of all, she spends her days incarcerated in a dungeon and secondly, there is already a man on her throne: Marwan. She is neither fond nor proficient in matters of diplomacy or politics, so she chooses a more... practical approach. She intends to break out of prison and overthrow Marwan to claim the throne herself. For this, she needs strong allies. She needs to recruit an army of Sellswords and rally the Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes around her. Sounds like a solid plan, doesn't it? But then again, how cunning must one be to escape the dungeon's walls; and how reckless must one be to gather and command the worst scum of the realms?

  • Recruit mercenaries, find upgrades and build an indomitable army
  • Find the Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes and see what has become of Takate, Naurim and Zurbaran
  • A story with many twists and turns, fateful decisions and more than 20 challenging hours of playtime awaits you
  • Command up to 20 characters in your party and lead them to death or glory
  • Master and finish the game on many different non-linear paths
  • Make decisions influencing your squad and the ending of the game
  • Choose your spells, talents and skills wisely, since they dictate your strategy on the battlefield. Give priority to offensive or tactic in challenging battles
  • Interact with your environment and let walls collapse or even discover new routes on your journey through Aventuria
  • Lay waste to your enemies with powerful spells and abilities. But be on your guard: your foes may wield them as well

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Acerca del juego

Blackguards 2 es la secuela del aclamado juego de rol de estrategia por turnos y viene con aún más batallas, además de una cruenta historia llena de crimen y violencia.

Elige tu estilo de juego: ya sea con un monstruo en primera línea de combate, un mago o un arquero. Está en tus manos cómo desarrollar a tus personajes. Cada acción tiene sus consecuencias, así que decide sabiamente. La muerte te espera en cada esquina.

Han pasado tres años desde la conspiración del Conde Uria. Los Destructores de las nueve hordas hace ya tiempo que partieron, pero la vida en Aventuria no ha parado. Cassia, una joven mujer de descendencia noble tiene un solo objetivo: Quiere reclamar el Trono del tiburón, sin importarle a qué precio, aunque sea solo por un día. Desafortunadamente, hay dos problemas que se anteponen a sus planes. El primero es que está encerrada en una mazmorra, y el segundo es que ya hay un hombre en su trono: Marwan. La diplomacia o la política no es su fuerte, así que elige un método más... práctico. Su intención es escaparse de su prisión y derrocar a Marwan para así reclamar el trono. Para conseguir esto, necesita poderosos aliados. Necesitará reclutar un ejército de mercenarios y reunir a los Destructores de las nueve hordas. ¿Parece un buen plan, no? Aún así, hay que ser muy astuta para escaparse de los muros de una mazmorra, y aún más temeraria para reunir y comandar a la mayor escoria de cada reino.

  • Recluta mercenarios, encuentra mejoras y reúne un ejército indomable
  • Encuentra a los Destructores de las nueve hordas y entérate que ha pasado con Takate, Naurim y Zurbaran
  • Te espera una historia con un montón de giros, sorpresas y decisiones trascendentales durante más de 20 horas de juego
  • Dirige hasta 20 personajes y llévalos hasta la gloria... o la muerte
  • Domina y termina el juego siguiendo tu propio camino de forma no lineal
  • Toma decisiones que influyen tanto en tu propio equipo como en el final del juego
  • Elige tus hechizos, talentos y habilidades sabiamente, ya que serán los que decidan tu estrategia en el campo de batalla. Dale prioridad a la fuerza bruta o a las tácticas en desafiantes batallas
  • Interactúa con el escenario y haz que caigan paredes, o incluso descubre nuevas rutas a seguir en tu viaje por Aventuria
  • Destruye a tus enemigos con poderosos hechizos y habilidades. Pero estate siempre en guardia: tus enemigos pueden utilizar los mismos recursos que tu

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Om spelet

Blackguards 2 är uppföljaren till det turbaserad strategi-RPG-spelet och har fler hexfield-slag och en ännu fränare berättelse fylld med våld och brott.

Välj din spelstil: oavsett om det är ett stridsmonster i frontlinjen, magiker eller långdistanskrigare, du bestämmer hur du vill utveckla din karaktär. Varje handling har konsekvenser, så fatta kloka beslut. Döden kan lura alldeles runt hörnet.

Tre år har gått sedan Count Urias intriger. Besegrarna av de nio horderna har gått skilda vägar sedan länge men livet i Aventuria gick vidare. Cassia, en ung kvinna av adlig börd, har bara ett mål: Hon vill erövra Shark-tronen, oavsett vad priset blir; och även om det bara blir för en dag. Tyvärr finns det två problem som potentiellt kan gäcka hennes planer. För det första tillbringar hon sina dagar inspärrad i en fängelsehåla och för det andra finns det redan en man på hennes tron: Marwan. Hon är varken förtjust i eller bra på diplomati eller politik, så hon väljer en mer... praktisk väg. Hon tänker bryta sig ur fängelset och störta Marwan och själv erövra tronen. För detta behöver hon starka förbundsförvanter. on måste rekrytera en armé av hyrsvärd och samla besegrarna av de nio horderna runt sig. Visst låter det som en stark plan? Men, hur slug måste man vara för att ta sig ur fängelsehålans murar, och hur våghalsig måste man vara för att samla in och styra rikets värsta avskum?

  • Rekrytera legosoldater, hitta uppgraderingar och bygg en oövervinnelig armé
  • Hitta besegrarna av de nio horderna och se vad som hänt med Takate, Naurim och Zurbaran
  • En berättelse med många olika vändningar, ödesdigra beslut och mer än 20 utmanande timmar speltid väntar dig
  • Styr upp till 20 karaktärer i din grupp och led dem till död eller ära
  • Behärska och avsluta spelet på många olika ickelinjära vägar
  • Fatta beslut som påverkar din egen trupp och hur spelet slutar
  • Välj dina förtrollningar, talanger och färdigheter klokt, eftersom de dikterar din strategi på slagfältet. Prioritera anfall eller taktik i hårda slag
  • Interagera med din omgivning och låt murar falla eller upptäck nya rutter på din väg genom Aventuria
  • Orsaka dina fiender förödelse med kraftfulla förtrollningar och förmågor. Men var på din vakt: dina fiender kan också hantera dme

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Blackguards 2 is a turn-based strategy-RPG and will deliver challenging hexfield battles and a gritty story filled with violence and crime.

Choose your playstyle: no matter if front line combat monster, mage or ranged fighter it's in your hands how you want to develop your character. Every action has consequences, so make your decisions wisely. Death may be just around the corner.

Three years have passed since Count Uria´s plots. The Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes long parted ways but life in Aventuria went on. Cassia, a young woman of noble descent, has only one goal: She wants to claim the Shark Throne, no matter the price; and be it only for one day. Unfortunately, there are two problems that potentially foil her plans. First of all, she spends her days incarcerated in a dungeon and secondly, there is already a man on her throne: Marwan. She is neither fond nor proficient in matters of diplomacy or politics, so she chooses a more... practical approach. She intends to break out of prison and overthrow Marwan to claim the throne herself. For this, she needs strong allies. She needs to recruit an army of Sellswords and rally the Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes around her. Sounds like a solid plan, doesn't it? But then again, how cunning must one be to escape the dungeon's walls; and how reckless must one be to gather and command the worst scum of the realms?

  • Recruit mercenaries, find upgrades and build an indomitable army
  • Find the Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes and see what has become of Takate, Naurim and Zurbaran
  • A story with many twists and turns, fateful decisions and more than 20 challenging hours of playtime awaits you
  • Command up to 20 characters in your party and lead them to death or glory
  • Master and finish the game on many different non-linear paths
  • Make decisions influencing your squad and the ending of the game
  • Choose your spells, talents and skills wisely, since they dictate your strategy on the battlefield. Give priority to offensive or tactic in challenging battles
  • Interact with your environment and let walls collapse or even discover new routes on your journey through Aventuria
  • Lay waste to your enemies with powerful spells and abilities. But be on your guard: your foes may wield them as well

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Blackguards 2 Steam exclusive content:


Blackguards 2 is a turn-based strategy-RPG and will deliver challenging hexfield battles and a gritty story filled with violence and crime.

Choose your playstyle: no matter if front line combat monster, mage or ranged fighter it's in your hands how you want to develop your character. Every action has consequences, so make your decisions wisely. Death may be just around the corner.

Three years have passed since Count Uria´s plots. The Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes long parted ways but life in Aventuria went on. Cassia, a young woman of noble descent, has only one goal: She wants to claim the Shark Throne, no matter the price; and be it only for one day. Unfortunately, there are two problems that potentially foil her plans. First of all, she spends her days incarcerated in a dungeon and secondly, there is already a man on her throne: Marwan. She is neither fond nor proficient in matters of diplomacy or politics, so she chooses a more... practical approach. She intends to break out of prison and overthrow Marwan to claim the throne herself. For this, she needs strong allies. She needs to recruit an army of Sellswords and rally the Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes around her. Sounds like a solid plan, doesn't it? But then again, how cunning must one be to escape the dungeon's walls; and how reckless must one be to gather and command the worst scum of the realms?

  • Recruit mercenaries, find upgrades and build an indomitable army
  • Find the Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes and see what has become of Takate, Naurim and Zurbaran
  • A story with many twists and turns, fateful decisions and more than 20 challenging hours of playtime awaits you
  • Command up to 20 characters in your party and lead them to death or glory
  • Master and finish the game on many different non-linear paths
  • Make decisions influencing your squad and the ending of the game
  • Choose your spells, talents and skills wisely, since they dictate your strategy on the battlefield. Give priority to offensive or tactic in challenging battles
  • Interact with your environment and let walls collapse or even discover new routes on your journey through Aventuria
  • Lay waste to your enemies with powerful spells and abilities. But be on your guard: your foes may wield them as well

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Oyun Açıklaması

Blackguards 2, sira tabanli strateji-RYO'nun devami ve daha fazla altigen savas alani ile siddet ve suç dolu, daha cesur bir öykü sunacak.

Kendi oyun tarzinizi seçin: Ister ön cephede yer almayi seven bir savas canavari olun, ister büyücü ya da menzilli silahlar kullanan bir dövüsçü, karakterinizi nasil gelistireceginize karar vermek sizin elinizde. Her eylemin sonuçlari var, bu yüzden kararlarinizi akillica verin. Ölüm, hemen köse basinda olabilir.

Kont Uria´nin planlarindan beri üç yil geçti. Dokuz Ordunun Kahramanlari yollarini uzun süre önce ayirdi ama Aventuria'da yasam devam etti. Soylu bir genç kadin olan Cassia, tek amaca sahip: Köpekbaligi Tahti'ni bedeli her ne olursa olsun, tek gün için bile olsa ele geçirmek istiyor. Ne yazik ki planlarini suya düsürebilecek iki sorun var. Öncelikle, günlerini bir zindanda tutsak halde geçirmekte ve ayrica, tahtinda zaten oturmakta olan bir adam var: Marwan. Cassia diplomasi ve politika konularinda pek ilgili ve uzman degil, bu yüzden daha... pratik bir yaklasimi benimsiyor. Zindandan kaçmaya ve tahti ele geçirmek üzere Marwan'i devirmeye niyetli. Bunun için güçlü müttefiklere ihtiyaci var. Parali Askerler'den olusan bir ordu kurmali ve Dokuz Ordunun Kahramanlari'ni çevresinde toplamali. Kulaga iyi bir plan gibi geliyor, degil mi? Ama dogrusu, insan bir zindanin duvarlarindan kaçmak için ne kadar kurnaz ve tüm diyarlarin en büyük yüz karalarini toplayip hükmetmek için ne kadar pervasiz olmali?

  • Parali askerler tutun, terfileri kesfedin ve yenilmez bir ordu kurun
  • Dokuz Ordunun Kahramanlari'ni bulun ve Takate, Naurim ile Zurbaran'in basina neler geldigini ögrenin
  • Pek çok sürprizle dolu bir öykü, kaderinizi belirleyecek kararlar ve 20 saatin üzerinde zorlu oyun süresi sizi bekliyor
  • Grubunuzda 20 karaktere komuta edin ve onlari ölüme ya da zafere tasiyin
  • Çok sayidaki dogrusal olmayan yolu izleyerek ustalasin ve oyunu bitirin
  • Ekibinizi ve oyunun bitisini etkileyen kararlar alin
  • Büyülerinizi, yetilerinizi ve becerilerinizi akillica seçin çünkü savas alanindaki stratejinizi onlar belirleyecek. Zorlu savaslarda ofansif ya da taktik yaklasimlara öncelik verin
  • Çevrenizle etkilesime geçin ve duvarlari yikin, hatta Aventuria'daki yolculugunuzda yeni yollar kesfedin
  • Düsmanlarinizi kuvvetli büyüler ve becerilerle ezip geçin. Ama tetikte olun: bu büyülere ve becerilere düsmanlariniz da sahip olabilir

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Про гру

Blackguards 2 is a turn-based strategy-RPG and will deliver challenging hexfield battles and a gritty story filled with violence and crime.

Choose your playstyle: no matter if front line combat monster, mage or ranged fighter it's in your hands how you want to develop your character. Every action has consequences, so make your decisions wisely. Death may be just around the corner.

Three years have passed since Count Uria´s plots. The Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes long parted ways but life in Aventuria went on. Cassia, a young woman of noble descent, has only one goal: She wants to claim the Shark Throne, no matter the price; and be it only for one day. Unfortunately, there are two problems that potentially foil her plans. First of all, she spends her days incarcerated in a dungeon and secondly, there is already a man on her throne: Marwan. She is neither fond nor proficient in matters of diplomacy or politics, so she chooses a more... practical approach. She intends to break out of prison and overthrow Marwan to claim the throne herself. For this, she needs strong allies. She needs to recruit an army of Sellswords and rally the Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes around her. Sounds like a solid plan, doesn't it? But then again, how cunning must one be to escape the dungeon's walls; and how reckless must one be to gather and command the worst scum of the realms?

  • Recruit mercenaries, find upgrades and build an indomitable army
  • Find the Vanquishers of the Nine Hordes and see what has become of Takate, Naurim and Zurbaran
  • A story with many twists and turns, fateful decisions and more than 20 challenging hours of playtime awaits you
  • Command up to 20 characters in your party and lead them to death or glory
  • Master and finish the game on many different non-linear paths
  • Make decisions influencing your squad and the ending of the game
  • Choose your spells, talents and skills wisely, since they dictate your strategy on the battlefield. Give priority to offensive or tactic in challenging battles
  • Interact with your environment and let walls collapse or even discover new routes on your journey through Aventuria
  • Lay waste to your enemies with powerful spells and abilities. But be on your guard: your foes may wield them as well

System Requirements


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