Call of Duty: World War II
Call of Duty: World War II

Call of Duty: World War II

Release Date: 03/11/2017 | EU
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6,047.72 ₽ + VAT


Novo conteúdo adicional disponível

Acabe de vez com a luta no Pacote de DLC 4 de Call of Duty®: WWII - Guerra Sombria. Ponha um fim nas ambições malignas do inimigo em três novos mapas multijogador: Escavação, Dirigível e Chancelaria. Descubra os segredos de um complexo confidencial de armas do Eixo na nova missão modo Guerra com base em objetivo: Operação Arcane. Além disso, vivencie o capítulo final na saga Zumbis Nazistas.


Edição digital de luxo

The Call of Duty®: WWII Digital Deluxe edition inclui:

- Passe de Temporada* de The Call of Duty®: WWII
- Mapa bônus Carentan
- 1.100 Pontos Call of Duty**
- Melhoria de MJ (desbloqueio de arma + 2XP)***
- Camuflagem de Zumbis****
- Pacote Divisões

Sobre o jogo

Inclui conteúdo bônus da edição digital: 1.100 Pontos Call of Duty**

Call of Duty® retorna às suas raízes com Call of Duty®: WWII, uma experiência espetacular que redefine a Segunda Guerra Mundial para uma nova geração de jogos. Desembarque na Normandia no Dia D e batalhe pela Europa em locais icônicos na maior guerra da história. Experimente o clássico combate de Call of Duty, os laços de camaradagem, e a natureza implacável da guerra contra uma potência global que está transformando o mundo em uma tirania.

Call of Duty®: WWII cria a experiência definitiva de última geração da Segunda Guerra Mundial em três modos de jogo diferentes: Campanha, Multijogador e Cooperativo. Com imagens impressionantes, o modo Campanha transporta os jogadores para o cenário europeu, onde eles se envolverão em uma história inédita de Call of Duty® ambientada em batalhas icônicas da Segunda Guerra Mundial. O Multijogador marca um retorno ao modo de jogo nas linhas de frente, original de Call of Duty. As armas autênticas e a tradicional ação de combate rápido vão mergulhá-lo em uma vasta variedade de locais temáticos da Segunda Guerra. O modo Cooperativo libera uma história nova e original em uma experiência de jogo independente cheia de momentos inesperados e com muita adrenalina.

Достъпно е ново сваляемо съдържание

Finish the fight in DLC Pack 4 for Call of Duty®: WWII - Shadow War. Make a final strike to the enemy's evil ambitions in three new Multiplayer maps: Excavation, Airship, and Chancellery. Uncover the secrets of a classified Axis weapons facility in a new objective-based War Mode mission: Operation Arcane. Plus, experience the final chapter in the Nazi Zombies saga.


Луксозно дигитално издание

The Call of Duty®: WWII Digital Deluxe edition includes:

- Call of Duty®: WWII Season Pass*
- Carentan Bonus Map
- 1,100 Call of Duty®: WWII Points**
- Multiplayer Upgrade (Weapon Unlock + 2XP)***
- Zombies Camo****
- Divisions Pack

Относно играта

Includes Digital Edition Bonus Content: 1,100 Call of Duty Points**

Call of Duty® returns to its roots with Call of Duty®: WWII - a breathtaking experience that redefines World War II for a new gaming generation. Land in Normandy on D-Day and battle across Europe through iconic locations in history’s most monumental war. Experience classic Call of Duty combat, the bonds of camaraderie, and the unforgiving nature of war against a global power throwing the world into tyranny.

Call of Duty®: WWII creates the definitive World War II next generation experience across three different game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer, and Co-Operative. Featuring stunning visuals, the Campaign transports players to the European theater as they engage in an all-new Call of Duty® story set in iconic World War II battles. Multiplayer marks a return to original, boots-on-the ground Call of Duty gameplay. Authentic weapons and traditional run-and-gun action immerse you in a vast array of World War II-themed locations. The Co-Operative mode unleashes a new and original story in a standalone game experience full of unexpected, adrenaline-pumping moments.

Nový stáhnutelný obsah

Finish the fight in DLC Pack 4 for Call of Duty®: WWII - Shadow War. Make a final strike to the enemy's evil ambitions in three new Multiplayer maps: Excavation, Airship, and Chancellery. Uncover the secrets of a classified Axis weapons facility in a new objective-based War Mode mission: Operation Arcane. Plus, experience the final chapter in the Nazi Zombies saga.


Digitální luxusní edice

The Call of Duty®: WWII Digital Deluxe edition includes:

- Call of Duty®: WWII Season Pass*
- Carentan Bonus Map
- 1,100 Call of Duty®: WWII Points**
- Multiplayer Upgrade (Weapon Unlock + 2XP)***
- Zombies Camo****
- Divisions Pack

O hře

Includes Digital Edition Bonus Content: 1,100 Call of Duty Points**

Call of Duty® returns to its roots with Call of Duty®: WWII - a breathtaking experience that redefines World War II for a new gaming generation. Land in Normandy on D-Day and battle across Europe through iconic locations in history’s most monumental war. Experience classic Call of Duty combat, the bonds of camaraderie, and the unforgiving nature of war against a global power throwing the world into tyranny.

Call of Duty®: WWII creates the definitive World War II next generation experience across three different game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer, and Co-Operative. Featuring stunning visuals, the Campaign transports players to the European theater as they engage in an all-new Call of Duty® story set in iconic World War II battles. Multiplayer marks a return to original, boots-on-the ground Call of Duty gameplay. Authentic weapons and traditional run-and-gun action immerse you in a vast array of World War II-themed locations. The Co-Operative mode unleashes a new and original story in a standalone game experience full of unexpected, adrenaline-pumping moments.

Nyt DLC tilgængeligt

Afslut kampen med DLC Pack 4 til Call of Duty®: WWII - Shadow War. Iværksæt det endelige angreb mod fjenden i tre nye multiplayerbaner: Excavation, Airship og Chancellery. Afslør hemmelighederne bag en hemmelig Axis-våbenfabrik i den nye objektivbaserede War Mode-mission: Operation Arcane. Og oplev det sidste kapital i Nazi Zombies-sagaen.


Digital Deluxe Edition

The Call of Duty®: WWII Digital Deluxe Edition indeholder:

- Call of Duty®: WWII Season Pass*
- Carentan-bonusbanen
- 1.100 Call of Duty®: WWII Points**
- Multiplayer-opgradering (Oplåsning af våben + 2 EP)***
- Zombie-kamuflage****
- Divisions-pakke

Om spillet

Indeholder Digital Edition-bonusindhold: 1.100 Call of Duty Points**

Call of Duty® vender tilbage til rødderne i Call of Duty®: WWII - en storslået oplevelse, der vil redefinere oplevelsen af anden verdenskrig for en ny generation af spillere. Gå i land i Normandiet på D-dag, og kæmp gennem Europa i de ikoniske områder i historiens mest monumentale krige. Oplev den klassiske kamp i Call of Duty, kammeratskabet og krigens nådesløse væsen i kampen mod en global magt, der søger at underlægge sig hele verden.

Call of Duty®: WWII skaber den ultimative oplevelse af anden verdenskrig til den næste generation af konsoller gennem tre spiltyper: Campaign, Multiplayer og Co-Operative. Campaign vil med sin fantastiske grafik føre spillerne med tilbage til den europæiske slagmark, når de kaster sig ud i en helt ny Call of Duty®-historie, som udspiller sig i de mest ikoniske slag fra anden verdenskrig. Multiplayer vender tilbage til det oprindelige Call of Duty-gameplay, der smider dig ind midt i kampen. Takket være de autentiske våben og den solide skydespils-action vil du føle dig hensat til mange af de berømte omgivelser fra anden verdenskrig. I Co-Operative kan du se frem til at opleve en helt ny historie i en selvstændig spiloplevelse, der er fuld af uventede, adrenalin-pumpende øjeblikke.

Nieuwe DLC beschikbaar

Maak het gevecht af in DLC-pack 4 voor Call of Duty®: WWII - Shadow War. Dwarsboom de boosaardige plannen van de vijand in 3 nieuwe multiplayermaps: Excavation, Airship en Chancellery. Onthul de geheimen van een geheime wapenfabriek van de asmogendheden in een nieuwe op doelstellingen gebaseerde War Mode-missie: Operation Arcane. En ervaar tevens het laatste hoofdstuk in de Nazi Zombies-saga.


Luxe digitale editie

De Call of Duty®: WWII Digital Deluxe Edition bevat:

- Call of Duty®: WWII Season Pass*
- Bonusmap Carentan
- 1100 Call of Duty®: WWII Points**
- Multiplayerupgrade (wapenunlock + 2XP)***
- Zombies-camo****
- Divisions-pack

Info over het spel

Bevat Digital Edition Bonuscontent: 1100 Call of Duty-punten**

Call of Duty® keert terug naar zijn roots met Call of Duty®: WWII , een adembenemende belevenis die een compleet nieuwe draai geeft aan WOII-games voor een nieuwe generatie. Land in Normandië tijdens D-Day en vecht op beroemde locaties door heel Europa in de grootste oorlog uit de geschiedenis. Beleef de klassieke gevechten uit Call of Duty, de kameraadschappen en de keiharde strijd tegen een tirannieke wereldmacht.

Call of Duty®: WWII is een next-gen-mijlpaal voor games die zich afspelen in de Tweede Wereldoorlog en bestaat uit drie speltypen: Campaign, Multiplayer en Co-Operative. In de visueel adembenemende campagne reis je af naar Europa en beleef je een nieuw verhaal waarin je deelneemt aan de grootste gevechten uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog. De multiplayer grijpt terug naar de oorspronkelijke Call of Duty-gameplay, waarin je met beide laarzen op de grond staat. Authentieke wapens en de klassieke 'run-and-gun'-actie staan centraal in de gevechten op diverse locaties uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog. In het coöpspeltype beleef je een op zichzelf staand verhaal vol wendingen en bloedstollende momenten.

New DLC Available

Finish the fight in DLC Pack 4 for Call of Duty®: WWII - Shadow War. Make a final strike to the enemy's evil ambitions in three new Multiplayer maps: Excavation, Airship, and Chancellery. Uncover the secrets of a classified Axis weapons facility in a new objective-based War Mode mission: Operation Arcane. Plus, experience the final chapter in the Nazi Zombies saga.


Digital Deluxe Edition

The Call of Duty®: WWII Digital Deluxe edition includes:

- Call of Duty®: WWII Season Pass*
- Carentan Bonus Map
- 1,100 Call of Duty®: WWII Points**
- Multiplayer Upgrade (Weapon Unlock + 2XP)***
- Zombies Camo****
- Divisions Pack

About the Game

Includes Digital Edition Bonus Content: 1,100 Call of Duty Points**

Call of Duty® returns to its roots with Call of Duty®: WWII - a breathtaking experience that redefines World War II for a new gaming generation. Land in Normandy on D-Day and battle across Europe through iconic locations in history’s most monumental war. Experience classic Call of Duty combat, the bonds of camaraderie, and the unforgiving nature of war against a global power throwing the world into tyranny.

Call of Duty®: WWII creates the definitive World War II next generation experience across three different game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer, and Co-Operative. Featuring stunning visuals, the Campaign transports players to the European theater as they engage in an all-new Call of Duty® story set in iconic World War II battles. Multiplayer marks a return to original, boots-on-the ground Call of Duty gameplay. Authentic weapons and traditional run-and-gun action immerse you in a vast array of World War II-themed locations. The Co-Operative mode unleashes a new and original story in a standalone game experience full of unexpected, adrenaline-pumping moments.

Uutta lisäsisältöä saatavilla

Call of Duty®: WWII:n neljännessä DLC-pakkauksessa "Shadow War" pääset viemään taistelut päätökseen. Anna vihollisen uhkaaville aikomuksille lopullinen kuolonisku kolmella uudella moninpelikartalla: Excavation, Airship ja Chancellery. Paljasta akselivaltojen salaisen asetehtaan salat uudessa tavoitepohjaisessa sotatilatehtävässä "Operation Arcane" ja koe Nazi Zombies -saagan viimeinen luku.


Digital Deluxe Edition

Call of Duty®: WWII Digital Deluxe Edition sisältää:

- Call of Duty®: WWII -kausipassin*
- Carentan-bonuskartan
- 1 100 Call of Duty®: WWII -pistettä**
- moninpelipäivitys (aseen avaus + tupla-XP:t)***
- Zombies-camo****
- Divisions-paketti

Tietoja pelistä

Digital Edition -lisäsisältöä: 1 100 Call of Duty -pistettä**

Call of Duty®: WWII palauttaa Call of Duty® -pelisarjan juurilleen ja tarjoaa uudelle pelaajasukupolvelle henkeäsalpaavan pelikokemuksen, joka herättää toisen maailmansodan aivan uudella tavalla eloon. Nouse maihin Normandiassa ja taistele Euroopan näyttämöillä kaikkien aikojen mittavimmassa sodassa. Nyt voit kokea klassisen Call of Duty -taistelun, sotilaiden legendaarisen toverihengen ja sodan armottomuuden, kun vastassa on maailmaa tyrannian ikeeseen ajava suurvalta.

Call of Duty®: WWII on toiseen maailmansotaan sijoittuva uuden sukupolven pelikokemus, jota voi pelata kampanjana, moninpelinä tai yhteispelinä. Visuaalisesti häikäisevässä kampanjassa pelaajat astuvat Euroopan sotanäyttämölle uuteen Call of Duty® -tarinaan, joka sijoittuu toisen maailmansodan legendaarisiin taisteluihin. Moninpeli puolestaan tarjoilee yllin kyllin alkuperäistä Call of Duty -jalkaväkitoimintaa - autenttiset aseet ja herkeämätön räiskintä toisen maailmansodan tapahtumapaikoissa ei takuulla jätä ketään kylmäksi. Yhteispelitilassa pelaajat puolestaan pääsevät mukaan uuteen alkuperäiseen pelikokemukseen, joka on täynnä odottamattomia, adrenaliinintäyteisiä hetkiä.

Nouveau DLC disponible

Assénez le coup final dans le pack de DLC 4 pour Call of Duty®: WWII, Guerre de l'ombre. Mettez un terme aux ambitions de l'ennemi dans trois nouvelles cartes multijoueur : Excavation, Airship et Chancellery. Déterrez les secrets d'une usine d'armement secrète de l'Axe dans une toute nouvelle mission du mode Guerre : Operation Arcane. Découvrez le dernier chapitre de la saga Zombies nazis.


Édition numérique de luxe

L'édition Digital Deluxe de Call of Duty®: WWII inclut:

- Season Pass de Call of Duty®: WWII*
- La carte Carentan
- 1 100 points Call of Duty®: WWII**
- Amélioration Multijoueur (Arme débloquée + 2EXP)***
- Camouflage Zombies****
- Un Pack Divisions

À propos du jeu

Comprend le contenu bonus de l'édition numérique : 1 100 points Call of Duty**

Call of Duty® retourne à ses origines avec Call of Duty®: WWII, une expérience à couper le souffle qui servira de référence à la nouvelle génération de joueurs. Débarquez en Normandie pour le jour J et combattez à travers l'Europe dans les lieux emblématiques de la plus grande guerre de l'Histoire. Prenez part à des combats classiques dans la tradition Call of Duty, créez des liens de camaraderie et survivez à cette guerre pour la domination mondiale, qui plongea le monde dans la tyrannie.

Call of Duty®: WWII offre l'expérience ultime de la Seconde Guerre mondiale pour la nouvelle génération avec trois modes de jeu : Campagne, Multijoueur et Coop. Dotée de graphismes à couper le souffle, la campagne transporte les joueurs sur le champ de bataille européen. Le multijoueur marque le retour au gameplay réaliste des débuts de Call of Duty. Immergez-vous dans les lieux de la Seconde Guerre mondiale grâce à des armes authentiques et des combats intenses. Le mode coop offre une histoire entièrement originale et indépendante du jeu principal, pleine de passages surprenants et bourrée d'adrénaline.

Neuer DLC verfügbar

Bringen Sie den Kampf im DLC-Pack 4 für Call of Duty®: WWII - Shadow War zu Ende. Vereiteln Sie die finsteren Pläne Ihrer Feinde auf den 3 neuen Maps Excavation, Airship und Chancellery. Lüften Sie das Geheimnis um eine Waffeneinrichtung der Achsenmächte in Operation Arcane, einer neuen zielbasierten Mission für den Kriegsmodus. Und erleben Sie noch dazu das letzte Kapitel der Nazi-Zombies-Saga.


Digitale Deluxe-Edition

Die Call of Duty®: WWII - Digital Deluxe Edition enthält:

- Season Pass für Call of Duty: WWII*
- Carentan-Bonusmap
- 1.100 Call of Duty®-Punkte**
- Multiplayer-Upgrade (Waffenfreischaltung +2xEP)***
- Zombies-Tarnung****
- Divisionen-Pack

Über das Spiel

Include contenuto bonus delle edizioni digitali: 1.100 punti Call of Duty**

Call of Duty® kehrt mit Call of Duty®: WWII - einem atemberaubenden Erlebnis, das die Art, den Zweiten Weltkrieg zu erleben, in einer neuen Spielegeneration neu definiert - zu seinen Wurzeln zurück. Landen Sie in der Normandie am D-Day und kämpfen Sie an markanten Orten in ganz Europa im monumentalsten Krieg der Geschichte. Erleben Sie dabei klassische Call of Duty-Kämpfe, echten Kameradschaftsgeist und die Härte des Krieges gegen einen Feind, der die ganze Welt der Tyrannei unterwerfen will.

Call of Duty®: WWII sorgt für ein unnachahmliches Next-Gen-Erlebnis des Zweiten Weltkriegs mit drei verschiedenen Spielmodi: Kampagne, Mehrspieler und Koop. Die Kampagne versetzt die Spieler mit beeindruckender Optik und einer neuen Call of Duty®-Geschichte an die Kriegsschauplätze der berühmten Schlachten des Zweiten Weltkriegs in Europa. Der Mehrspieler-Modus kehrt zum ursprünglichen Call of Duty-Gameplay zurück. Die authentischen Waffen und die traditionelle "Feuern und Vorstürmen"-Action lassen Sie an den unterschiedlichsten Orten im Zweiten Weltkrieg angesiedelte Karten erleben. Der Koop-Modus bietet eine neue Story mit einem eigenständigen Spielerlebnis voller unerwarteter und nervenaufreibender Momente.

Νέο DLC διαθέσιμο

Finish the fight in DLC Pack 4 for Call of Duty®: WWII - Shadow War. Make a final strike to the enemy's evil ambitions in three new Multiplayer maps: Excavation, Airship, and Chancellery. Uncover the secrets of a classified Axis weapons facility in a new objective-based War Mode mission: Operation Arcane. Plus, experience the final chapter in the Nazi Zombies saga.


Ψηφιακή πολυτελής έκδοση

The Call of Duty®: WWII Digital Deluxe edition includes:

- Call of Duty®: WWII Season Pass*
- Carentan Bonus Map
- 1,100 Call of Duty®: WWII Points**
- Multiplayer Upgrade (Weapon Unlock + 2XP)***
- Zombies Camo****
- Divisions Pack

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Includes Digital Edition Bonus Content: 1,100 Call of Duty Points**

Call of Duty® returns to its roots with Call of Duty®: WWII - a breathtaking experience that redefines World War II for a new gaming generation. Land in Normandy on D-Day and battle across Europe through iconic locations in history’s most monumental war. Experience classic Call of Duty combat, the bonds of camaraderie, and the unforgiving nature of war against a global power throwing the world into tyranny.

Call of Duty®: WWII creates the definitive World War II next generation experience across three different game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer, and Co-Operative. Featuring stunning visuals, the Campaign transports players to the European theater as they engage in an all-new Call of Duty® story set in iconic World War II battles. Multiplayer marks a return to original, boots-on-the ground Call of Duty gameplay. Authentic weapons and traditional run-and-gun action immerse you in a vast array of World War II-themed locations. The Co-Operative mode unleashes a new and original story in a standalone game experience full of unexpected, adrenaline-pumping moments.

Új DLC érhető el

Finish the fight in DLC Pack 4 for Call of Duty®: WWII - Shadow War. Make a final strike to the enemy's evil ambitions in three new Multiplayer maps: Excavation, Airship, and Chancellery. Uncover the secrets of a classified Axis weapons facility in a new objective-based War Mode mission: Operation Arcane. Plus, experience the final chapter in the Nazi Zombies saga.


Digital Deluxe kiadás

The Call of Duty®: WWII Digital Deluxe edition includes:

- Call of Duty®: WWII Season Pass*
- Carentan Bonus Map
- 1,100 Call of Duty®: WWII Points**
- Multiplayer Upgrade (Weapon Unlock + 2XP)***
- Zombies Camo****
- Divisions Pack

A játékról: 

Includes Digital Edition Bonus Content: 1,100 Call of Duty Points**

Call of Duty® returns to its roots with Call of Duty®: WWII - a breathtaking experience that redefines World War II for a new gaming generation. Land in Normandy on D-Day and battle across Europe through iconic locations in history’s most monumental war. Experience classic Call of Duty combat, the bonds of camaraderie, and the unforgiving nature of war against a global power throwing the world into tyranny.

Call of Duty®: WWII creates the definitive World War II next generation experience across three different game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer, and Co-Operative. Featuring stunning visuals, the Campaign transports players to the European theater as they engage in an all-new Call of Duty® story set in iconic World War II battles. Multiplayer marks a return to original, boots-on-the ground Call of Duty gameplay. Authentic weapons and traditional run-and-gun action immerse you in a vast array of World War II-themed locations. The Co-Operative mode unleashes a new and original story in a standalone game experience full of unexpected, adrenaline-pumping moments.

Nuovo DLC disponibile

Unisciti all'incursione finale in Shadow War, il pacchetto DLC 4 per Call of Duty®: WWII. Annulla le malvagie ambizioni nemiche in tre nuove mappe multigiocatore: Excavation, Airship e Chancellery. Esplora un deposito di armi segreto dell'Asse in Operation Arcane, una nuova missione per la modalità a obiettivi Guerra. Inoltre, vivi il capitolo finale della saga degli Zombi nazisti.


Edizione deluxe digitale

Call of Duty®: WWII Digital Deluxe Edition include:

- Il pass stagionale di Call of Duty®: WWII*
- La mappa bonus Carentan
- 1.100 punti Call of Duty®: WWII**
- Potenziamento multigiocatore (Sblocco arma + PE doppi)***
- Mimetica a tema zombi****
- Pacchetto Divisioni

Informazioni sul gioco

Include contenuto bonus delle edizioni digitali: 1.100 punti Call of Duty**

Call of Duty® torna alle sue radici con Call of Duty®: WWII, un'esperienza mozzafiato che porterà una nuova generazione nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Sbarca in Normandia durante il fatidico D-Day e combatti in tutta Europa rivivendo leggendarie battaglie che hanno segnato il conflitto più sanguinoso della storia. Scopri il classico combattimento di Call of Duty, i legami del cameratismo e il cuore crudele di una guerra contro un potere globale che sta tenendo il mondo in pugno.

Call of Duty®: WWII porta la Seconda Guerra Mondiale nella nuova generazione con tre diverse modalità di gioco: Campagna, Multigiocatore e Cooperativa. Con una grafica strabiliante, la Campagna cala i giocatori nel teatro bellico europeo offrendo una nuovissima storia di Call of Duty® che tocca le battaglie più celebri del secondo conflitto mondiale. Il Multigiocatore segna il ritorno delle meccaniche di gioco dure e pure che hanno portato al successo la serie di Call of Duty. Armi autentiche e tradizionali combattimenti frenetici portano i giocatori in un'ampia varietà di ambientazioni della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. La modalità Cooperativa è una nuova avventura originale che si configura come un'esperienza completa e a sé stante, ricca di momenti intensi e inaspettati.

新 DLC を配信中

Call of Duty®: WWIIのDLCパック4「影の大戦編」で戦いに終止符を打とう。3つの新しいマルチプレイヤーマップ「EXCAVATION」「AIRSHIP」「CHANCELLERY」で、敵の邪悪な野望を打ち砕こう。WARモード「OPERATION ARCANE」では枢軸軍の秘密兵器開発施設に潜入することになります。さらに、ナチゾンビの伝説がクライマックスを迎えます。



Call of Duty®: WWII - デジタルデラックスエディションには:

- 「Call of Duty: WWII」シーズンパス*
- ボーナスマップの「Carentan」
- 1,100 Call of Duty®: WWIIポイント**
- マルチプレイヤーアップグレード(武器アンロック+2XP)***
- ゾンビ迷彩****
- 師団パック


デジタル版ボーナスコンテンツの1,100Call of Dutyポイントが含まれます**

「Call of Duty®: WWII」はシリーズの原点に回帰――第二次世界大戦を舞台に、圧倒的な新世代のゲーム体験を味わえます。D-デイにノルマンディーに上陸し、史上最も大規模な戦争が繰り広げられたヨーロッパ各地の戦場で生き抜きます。従来の地に足のついたCall of Dutyの戦闘、仲間との絆、世界に独裁統治を広げる大国との過酷な戦争を体感しましょう。

「Call of Duty®: WWII」では、キャンペーン、マルチプレイヤー、協力プレイの3つのゲームモードで、第二次世界大戦の決定版となる次世代体験を実現。圧倒的なグラフィックで描かれるキャンペーンでは、第二次世界大戦を象徴するヨーロッパ各地の戦域で、かつてないCall of Duty®のストーリーが展開。マルチプレイヤーでは、地上戦が繰り広げられるシリーズ独自のゲームプレイに原点回帰。実在の武器を手に、第二次世界大戦の舞台となった様々な戦場で没入感に溢れる戦闘を体感できます。協力プレイモードでは、新しいオリジナルストーリーで予測不能かつスリリングな瞬間に溢れる独立したゲーム体験を味わえます。

새 DLC 출시

Finish the fight in DLC Pack 4 for Call of Duty®: WWII - Shadow War. Make a final strike to the enemy's evil ambitions in three new Multiplayer maps: Excavation, Airship, and Chancellery. Uncover the secrets of a classified Axis weapons facility in a new objective-based War Mode mission: Operation Arcane. Plus, experience the final chapter in the Nazi Zombies saga.


디지털 디럭스 에디션

The Call of Duty®: WWII Digital Deluxe edition includes:

- Call of Duty®: WWII Season Pass*
- Carentan Bonus Map
- 1,100 Call of Duty®: WWII Points**
- Multiplayer Upgrade (Weapon Unlock + 2XP)***
- Zombies Camo****
- Divisions Pack

게임 정보

Includes Digital Edition Bonus Content: 1,100 Call of Duty Points**

Call of Duty® returns to its roots with Call of Duty®: WWII - a breathtaking experience that redefines World War II for a new gaming generation. Land in Normandy on D-Day and battle across Europe through iconic locations in history’s most monumental war. Experience classic Call of Duty combat, the bonds of camaraderie, and the unforgiving nature of war against a global power throwing the world into tyranny.

Call of Duty®: WWII creates the definitive World War II next generation experience across three different game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer, and Co-Operative. Featuring stunning visuals, the Campaign transports players to the European theater as they engage in an all-new Call of Duty® story set in iconic World War II battles. Multiplayer marks a return to original, boots-on-the ground Call of Duty gameplay. Authentic weapons and traditional run-and-gun action immerse you in a vast array of World War II-themed locations. The Co-Operative mode unleashes a new and original story in a standalone game experience full of unexpected, adrenaline-pumping moments.

Ny DLC tilgjengelig

Fullfør kampen i DLC-pakke 4 til Call of Duty®: WWII - Shadow War. Slå et siste og avgjørende slag mot fiendens onde planer på tre nye flerspillerkart: Excavation, Airship og Chancellery. Avdekk hemmelighetene i et av aksemaktenes våpenanlegg i et nytt målbasert War Mode-oppdrag: Operation Arcane. I tillegg får du det siste kapittelet i Nazi Zombies-sagaen.


Digital Deluxe-utgave

Call of Duty®: WWII Digital Deluxe Edition inneholder:

- Call of Duty: WWII Season Pass*
- Carentan-bonuskart
- 1100 Call of Duty®: WWII Points**
- Multiplayer-oppgradering (våpenopplåsing + 2XP)***
- Zombies-kamo****
- Divisions Pack

Om spillet

Inclui conteúdo de bónus da edição digital: 1.100 pontos Call of Duty**

Call of Duty® vender tilbake til røttene med Call of Duty®: WWII, et banebrytende spill som omdefinerer andre verdenskrig for en ny spillgenerasjon. Gå i land i Normandie på D-dagen, og kjemp deg gjennom Europa på kjente steder i historiens mest monumentale krig. Kast deg ut i klassiske Call of Duty-kamper, føl kameratskapet på slagmarken, og opplev den uforsonlige krigen mot en global supermakt som prøver å kaste verden ut i tyranni.

Call of Duty®: WWII gir deg en intens krigsopplevelse fra andre verdenskrig i tre forskjellige spillvarianter: Campaign, Multiplayer, og Co-Operative. Du får fantastisk grafikk og blir fraktet til de europeiske slagmarkene i en ny Call of Duty®-historie i slagene fra andre verdenskrig. I flerspilllerdelen er du tilbake på bakken i en standard Call of Duty-spillopplevelse. Med autentiske våpen og tradisjonell run-and-gun-action blir du kastet ut i intense kamper på kjente steder fra andre verdenskrig. Samarbeidsspillet gir deg en ny og original historie i en enkeltstående spillopplevelse full av uventede, adrenalinspekkede øyeblikk.

Dostępne nowe DLC

Dokończ walkę w pakiecie DLC 4 do Call of Duty®: WWII - Shadow War. Pokrzyżuj złowrogie plany przeciwnika na trzech mapach wieloosobowych: Excavation, Airship i Chancellery. Poznaj sekrety tajnego ośrodka zbrojeń państw Osi w nowej misji trybu Wojny: Operation Arcane. Poznaj też ostatni rozdział historii Zombie Nazistów.


Digital Deluxe Edition

Cyfrowa Edycja Deluxe Call of Duty®: WWII Digital zawiera:

- Karnet sezonowy* Call of Duty®: WWII
- Dodatkową mapę Carentan
- 1100 punktów** Call of Duty®: WWII
- Ulepszenie wieloosobowe (Odblokowanie broni + 2 x PD)***
- Kamuflaż Zombie****
- Pakiet Dywizje

Informacje o grze

Zawiera bonusową zawartość z edycji cyfrowej: 1 100 punktów CoD**

Call of Duty® powraca do swoich korzeni w Call of Duty®: WWII-zapierającej dech w piersiach grze, które na nowo przedstawi potyczki II wojny światowej. Wylądujcie w Normandii i walczcie w całej Europie na słynnych polach bitwy największej wojny w historii. Doświadczycie klasycznych starć Call of Duty, więzi braterstwa i niebezpiecznej natury walk przeciw tyranii światowego mocarstwa.

Call of Duty®: WWII zapewnia niesamowite wrażenia z drugiej wojny światowej w trzech różnych trybach: w kampanii fabularnej, grze wieloosobowej i w trybie współpracy. Kampania z niesamowitą oprawą graficzną przenosi graczy do Europy, gdzie poznają nową fabułę, rozgrywającą się w trakcie słynnych bitew drugiej wojny światowej. Tryb wieloosobowy to powrót do korzeni rozgrywki Call of Duty. Autentyczne bronie i dobrze znane tempo rozgrywki przeniosą cię do wielu lokacji z II wojny światowej. Tryb współpracy zaś przedstawi nową historię, pełną niesamowitych, trzymających w napięciu momentów.

Novo DLC disponível

Termina a luta no DLC Pack 4 para o Call of Duty®: WWII - Shadow War. Faz um ataque final às maléficas ambições do inimigo em três novos mapas Multijogador: Excavation, Airship e Chancellery. Descobre os segredos de umas instalações secretas de armamento do Eixo numa nova missão do modo War baseada em objetivos: Operation Arcane. E ainda poderás experimentar o capítulo final da saga Nazi Zombies.


Edição Deluxe digital

O Call of Duty®: WWII - Digital Deluxe Edition inclui:

- Season Pass* do Call of Duty®: WWII
- Mapa de bónus Carentan
- 1.100 pontos Call of Duty®: WWII**
- Melhoramento multijogador (arma desbloqueada + 2XP)***
- Camuflagem Zombies****
- Pacote Divisions

Acerca do Jogo

Inclui conteúdo de bónus da edição digital: 1.100 pontos Call of Duty**

O Call of Duty® regressa às raízes com o Call of Duty®: WWII, uma experiência arrebatadora que redefine a II Guerra Mundial para uma nova geração de jogadores. Desembarca na Normandia no Dia D e combate através da Europa em locais emblemáticos da guerra mais monumental da história. Descobre combates clássicos do Call of Duty, os laços de camaradagem e a natureza imperdoável da guerra contra uma potência global que mergulha o mundo na tirania.

O Call of Duty®: WWII cria a experiência definitiva da II Guerra Mundial através de três modos de jogo diferentes: campanha, multijogador e cooperativo. Com grafismo espantoso, a campanha transporta os jogadores para o teatro de operações europeu com uma nova história do Call of Duty® localizada em batalhas icónicas da II Guerra Mundial. O multijogador marca o regresso à jogabilidade original e mais "terra a terra" do Call of Duty. As armas autênticas e a ação frenética tradicional levam-te até um vasto leque de locais da II Guerra Mundial. O modo cooperativo apresenta uma história nova e original numa experiência independente cheia de momentos inesperados e com muita adrenalina.

DLC nou disponibil!

Finish the fight in DLC Pack 4 for Call of Duty®: WWII - Shadow War. Make a final strike to the enemy's evil ambitions in three new Multiplayer maps: Excavation, Airship, and Chancellery. Uncover the secrets of a classified Axis weapons facility in a new objective-based War Mode mission: Operation Arcane. Plus, experience the final chapter in the Nazi Zombies saga.


Ediţia Digital Deluxe

The Call of Duty®: WWII Digital Deluxe edition includes:

- Call of Duty®: WWII Season Pass*
- Carentan Bonus Map
- 1,100 Call of Duty®: WWII Points**
- Multiplayer Upgrade (Weapon Unlock + 2XP)***
- Zombies Camo****
- Divisions Pack

Despre joc

Includes Digital Edition Bonus Content: 1,100 Call of Duty Points**

Call of Duty® returns to its roots with Call of Duty®: WWII - a breathtaking experience that redefines World War II for a new gaming generation. Land in Normandy on D-Day and battle across Europe through iconic locations in history’s most monumental war. Experience classic Call of Duty combat, the bonds of camaraderie, and the unforgiving nature of war against a global power throwing the world into tyranny.

Call of Duty®: WWII creates the definitive World War II next generation experience across three different game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer, and Co-Operative. Featuring stunning visuals, the Campaign transports players to the European theater as they engage in an all-new Call of Duty® story set in iconic World War II battles. Multiplayer marks a return to original, boots-on-the ground Call of Duty gameplay. Authentic weapons and traditional run-and-gun action immerse you in a vast array of World War II-themed locations. The Co-Operative mode unleashes a new and original story in a standalone game experience full of unexpected, adrenaline-pumping moments.

Новый дополнительный контент

В наборе DLC 4 для Call of Duty®: WWII, получившем название Shadow War, вам предстоит завершить войну. Нанесите последний удар по силам противника на трех новых сетевых картах Excavation, Airship и Chancellery. Раскройте тайну секретного оружия нацистов в новой операции "Аркейн" для режима "Война". И, конечно же, пройдите финальную главу саги "Зомби Рейха".


Издание Digital Deluxe Edition

Цифровое расширенное издание Call of Duty®: WWII включает:

- сезонный абонемент* Call of Duty®: WWII
- дополнительную карту - Carentan
- 1100 очков Call of Duty® WWII**
- Улучшение сетевой игры (доступ к оружию + удвоение опыта)***
- Камуфляж "Зомби"****
- Набор дивизий

Об игре

Премиальные материалы цифрового издания: 1 100 очков Call of Duty**

Call of Duty® возвращается к истокам. Следующей игрой в серии станет Call of Duty®: WWII - захватывающее повествование о Второй мировой, благодаря которому пользователи современных игровых платформ по-новому увидят эту войну. Вам предстоит совершить высадку в Нормандии и побывать на всех ключевых полях сражений Европы, участвуя в самом масштабном конфликте за всю историю человечества. Вас ждут битвы в лучших традициях Call of Duty, в ходе которых вы познаете беспощадную природу конфликта с мировой державой, грозящей ввергнуть мир в пучину тирании.

Call of Duty: WWII являет собой захватывающее повествование о Второй мировой войне, воплощенное в трех уникальных режимах: "Кампания", "Сетевая игра" и "Совместная игра". События кампании развернутся на европейском театре военных действий, где вас ждет абсолютно новый сюжет, великолепная графика и самые знаменитые сражения Второй мировой. В сетевой игре вас ждет возвращение к классическим боевым столкновениям в духе ранних игр серий Call of Duty. Применяя аутентичные образцы вооружения и традиционную тактику постоянного маневрирования, вы будете истреблять противников в разнообразных декорациях, объединенных общей тематикой Второй мировой. Режим совместной игры представляет собой отдельную законченную историю, полную неожиданных и в высшей степени драматичных моментов.

现已推出最新 DLC

Finish the fight in DLC Pack 4 for Call of Duty®: WWII - Shadow War. Make a final strike to the enemy's evil ambitions in three new Multiplayer maps: Excavation, Airship, and Chancellery. Uncover the secrets of a classified Axis weapons facility in a new objective-based War Mode mission: Operation Arcane. Plus, experience the final chapter in the Nazi Zombies saga.



The Call of Duty®: WWII Digital Deluxe edition includes:

- Call of Duty®: WWII Season Pass*
- Carentan Bonus Map
- 1,100 Call of Duty®: WWII Points**
- Multiplayer Upgrade (Weapon Unlock + 2XP)***
- Zombies Camo****
- Divisions Pack


Includes Digital Edition Bonus Content: 1,100 Call of Duty Points**

Call of Duty® returns to its roots with Call of Duty®: WWII - a breathtaking experience that redefines World War II for a new gaming generation. Land in Normandy on D-Day and battle across Europe through iconic locations in history’s most monumental war. Experience classic Call of Duty combat, the bonds of camaraderie, and the unforgiving nature of war against a global power throwing the world into tyranny.

Call of Duty®: WWII creates the definitive World War II next generation experience across three different game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer, and Co-Operative. Featuring stunning visuals, the Campaign transports players to the European theater as they engage in an all-new Call of Duty® story set in iconic World War II battles. Multiplayer marks a return to original, boots-on-the ground Call of Duty gameplay. Authentic weapons and traditional run-and-gun action immerse you in a vast array of World War II-themed locations. The Co-Operative mode unleashes a new and original story in a standalone game experience full of unexpected, adrenaline-pumping moments.

Nuevo DLC disponible

Pon fin a la contienda con Shadow War, el cuarto paquete de contenido descargable para Call of Duty®: WWII. Asesta el golpe final a las malévolas ambiciones del enemigo en tres nuevos mapas multijugador: Excavation, Airship y Chancellery. Descubre los secretos de una instalación armamentística confidencial del Eje en una nueva misión con objetivos del Modo Guerra: Operation Arcane. Además, descubre el último capítulo de la saga de Zombis nazis.


Digital Deluxe Edition

La edición Digital Deluxe de Call of Duty®: WWII incluye:

- Pase de temporada* de Call of Duty®: WWII
- Mapa Carentan
- 1.100 puntos Call of Duty**
- Mejora multijugador (Desbloqueo de arma + 2 PX)***
- Camuflaje Zombi****
- Paquete Divisiones

Acerca del juego

La edición digital incluye el siguiente contenido extra: 1100 puntos Call of Duty**

Call of Duty® regresa a sus raíces con Call of Duty®: WWII, una experiencia sobrecogedora que redefine la Segunda Guerra Mundial para toda una nueva generación de jugadores. Desembarca en Normandía el Día D y combate por toda Europa en algunos de los escenarios más emblemáticos de la guerra más cruenta de la historia. Vive el combate clásico de Call of Duty, los lazos de camaradería y la naturaleza imperdonable de la guerra contra una potencia global que sume al mundo en la tiranía.

Call of Duty®: WWII acerca la experiencia definitiva de la Segunda Guerra Mundial a la nueva generación con tres modos de juego diferentes: campaña, multijugador y cooperativo. La campaña y sus espectaculares gráficos trasladan a los jugadores al teatro europeo para sumergirse en una nueva historia de Call of Duty® ambientada en las icónicas batallas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El multijugador supone una vuelta al juego terrestre clásico de Call of Duty. Las armas auténticas y la acción de los tradicionales tiroteos rápidos harán que te sumerjas en una amplia variedad de ubicaciones basadas en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El modo cooperativo introduce una nueva y original historia en una experiencia de juego independiente cargada de inesperados momentos cargados de adrenalina.

Nytt DLC tillgängligt!

Avsluta striden i DLC-paket 4 till Call of Duty®: WWII - Shadow War. Gör ett sista anfall mot fiendens onda planer i tre nya Multiplayer-kartor: Excavation, Airship och Chancellery. Avslöja hemligheterna kring axelmakternas fördolda vapenanläggning i ett nytt målbaserat War Mode-uppdrag: Operation Arcane. Upplev dessutom det sista kapitlet i Nazi Zombies-sagan.


Digital delux-utgåva

Call of Duty®: WWII Digital Deluxe Edition ingår:

- Call of Duty®: WWII Season Pass*
- Bonuskartan Carentan
- 1 100 Call of Duty®: WWII Points**
- Multiplayer-uppgradering (vapenupplåsning + 2XP)***
- Zombies-kamouflage****
- Divisions-paket

Om spelet

Innehåller Digital Edition-bonusinnehåll: 1 100 Call of Duty Points**

Call of Duty® återvänder till rötterna med Call of Duty®: WWII - en gastkramande upplevelse som tar andra världskriget till en ny generation. Landstig i Normandie på Dagen D och kämpa dig fram genom ikoniska platser i Europa i historiens största krig. Upplev klassiska Call of Duty-strider, kamratskapets band och den oförlåtande verkligheten i ett krig mot en global styrka som försöker ta makten över världen.

Call of Duty®: WWII ger dig den definitiva nästagenerationsupplevelsen av andra världskriget i tre olika spellägen: Campaign, Multiplayer och Co-Operative. Kampanjens otroliga grafik tar med spelaren till den europeiska fronten i en helt ny Call of Duty®-berättelse med ikoniska slag från andra världskriget. Flerspelarläget återvänder till seriens klassiska verklighetsförankrade spelsätt. Autentiska vapen och traditionella anstormningar väntar på kartor inspirerade av andra världskriget. Samarbetsläget är en fristående berättelse full av oväntade och adrenalinstinna ögonblick.


Finish the fight in DLC Pack 4 for Call of Duty®: WWII - Shadow War. Make a final strike to the enemy's evil ambitions in three new Multiplayer maps: Excavation, Airship, and Chancellery. Uncover the secrets of a classified Axis weapons facility in a new objective-based War Mode mission: Operation Arcane. Plus, experience the final chapter in the Nazi Zombies saga.


Digital Deluxe Edition

The Call of Duty®: WWII Digital Deluxe edition includes:

- Call of Duty®: WWII Season Pass*
- Carentan Bonus Map
- 1,100 Call of Duty®: WWII Points**
- Multiplayer Upgrade (Weapon Unlock + 2XP)***
- Zombies Camo****
- Divisions Pack


Includes Digital Edition Bonus Content: 1,100 Call of Duty Points**

Call of Duty® returns to its roots with Call of Duty®: WWII - a breathtaking experience that redefines World War II for a new gaming generation. Land in Normandy on D-Day and battle across Europe through iconic locations in history’s most monumental war. Experience classic Call of Duty combat, the bonds of camaraderie, and the unforgiving nature of war against a global power throwing the world into tyranny.

Call of Duty®: WWII creates the definitive World War II next generation experience across three different game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer, and Co-Operative. Featuring stunning visuals, the Campaign transports players to the European theater as they engage in an all-new Call of Duty® story set in iconic World War II battles. Multiplayer marks a return to original, boots-on-the ground Call of Duty gameplay. Authentic weapons and traditional run-and-gun action immerse you in a vast array of World War II-themed locations. The Co-Operative mode unleashes a new and original story in a standalone game experience full of unexpected, adrenaline-pumping moments.

推出新 DLC

Finish the fight in DLC Pack 4 for Call of Duty®: WWII - Shadow War. Make a final strike to the enemy's evil ambitions in three new Multiplayer maps: Excavation, Airship, and Chancellery. Uncover the secrets of a classified Axis weapons facility in a new objective-based War Mode mission: Operation Arcane. Plus, experience the final chapter in the Nazi Zombies saga.



The Call of Duty®: WWII Digital Deluxe edition includes:

- Call of Duty®: WWII Season Pass*
- Carentan Bonus Map
- 1,100 Call of Duty®: WWII Points**
- Multiplayer Upgrade (Weapon Unlock + 2XP)***
- Zombies Camo****
- Divisions Pack


Includes Digital Edition Bonus Content: 1,100 Call of Duty Points**

Call of Duty® returns to its roots with Call of Duty®: WWII - a breathtaking experience that redefines World War II for a new gaming generation. Land in Normandy on D-Day and battle across Europe through iconic locations in history’s most monumental war. Experience classic Call of Duty combat, the bonds of camaraderie, and the unforgiving nature of war against a global power throwing the world into tyranny.

Call of Duty®: WWII creates the definitive World War II next generation experience across three different game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer, and Co-Operative. Featuring stunning visuals, the Campaign transports players to the European theater as they engage in an all-new Call of Duty® story set in iconic World War II battles. Multiplayer marks a return to original, boots-on-the ground Call of Duty gameplay. Authentic weapons and traditional run-and-gun action immerse you in a vast array of World War II-themed locations. The Co-Operative mode unleashes a new and original story in a standalone game experience full of unexpected, adrenaline-pumping moments.

Yeni DLC Yayınlandı

Call of Duty®: WWII DLC Paketi 4 Shadow War'da savaşı bitirin. Üç yeni çok oyunculu haritada düşmanın şeytani pusularına son darbeyi indirin: Excavation, Airship ve Chancellery. Hedef tabanlı yeni Savaş Modu görevi Operation Arcane'de Mihver Devletlerin gizli silah tesisinin sırlarını ortaya çıkarın. Ayrıca Nazi Zombies efsanesinin son bölümünü tecrübe edin.


Dijital Lüks Paket

Call of Duty®: WWII Digital Deluxe sürümü:

- Call of Duty®: WWII Season Pass*
- Carentan Bonus Haritasını
- 1.100 Call of Duty®: WWII Puanı**
- Çok Oyuncu Geliştirmesi (Silah Kilit Açımı + 2XP)***
- Zombies Kamuflajı****
- Divisions Paketi

Oyun Açıklaması

Digital Edition Bonus İçeriğini içerir: 1.100 Call of Duty Puanı**

Call of Duty®, II. Dünya Savaşı'nı yeni bir oyun nesli için yeniden tanımlayan nefes kesen bir deneyim olan Call of Duty®: WWII ile köklerine geri dönüyor. Çıkarma gününde Normandiya'ya ayak basın ve tarihin en anıtsal savaşında Avrupa'nın simgeleşmiş noktalarında savaşın. Klasik Call of Duty savaşını, yoldaşlık bağlarını ve dünyayı zorbalığa sürükleyen küresel bir güce karşı verilen savaşı tecrübe edin.

Call of Duty®: WWII, eksiksiz II. Dünya Savaşı deneyimini yeni nesle üç farklı oyun moduyla getiriyor: Sefer, Çok Oyuncu ve Ortak. Müthiş görsellerle Sefer modu, yepyeni Call of Duty® hikayesinde oyuncuları unutulmaz II. Dünya Savaşı muharebelerinin yaşandığı Avrupa sahnesine taşıyor. Çok Oyuncu modu, oyuncuları başlangıçtaki Call of Duty oyunundaki gibi muharebe alanına götürüyor. Otantik silahlar ve geleneksel vur-kaç taktikleri, II. Dünya Savaşı temalı çok çeşitli konumlarda insanı adeta içine çekiyor. Ortak mod ise beklenmedik olaylarla dolu, adrenalinin tavan yaptığı yalnız başına bir oyunda yeni ve orijinal bir hikaye sunuyor.

Доступний новий вміст

Finish the fight in DLC Pack 4 for Call of Duty®: WWII - Shadow War. Make a final strike to the enemy's evil ambitions in three new Multiplayer maps: Excavation, Airship, and Chancellery. Uncover the secrets of a classified Axis weapons facility in a new objective-based War Mode mission: Operation Arcane. Plus, experience the final chapter in the Nazi Zombies saga.


Видання «Digital Deluxe»

The Call of Duty®: WWII Digital Deluxe edition includes:

- Call of Duty®: WWII Season Pass*
- Carentan Bonus Map
- 1,100 Call of Duty®: WWII Points**
- Multiplayer Upgrade (Weapon Unlock + 2XP)***
- Zombies Camo****
- Divisions Pack

Про гру

Includes Digital Edition Bonus Content: 1,100 Call of Duty Points**

Call of Duty® returns to its roots with Call of Duty®: WWII - a breathtaking experience that redefines World War II for a new gaming generation. Land in Normandy on D-Day and battle across Europe through iconic locations in history’s most monumental war. Experience classic Call of Duty combat, the bonds of camaraderie, and the unforgiving nature of war against a global power throwing the world into tyranny.

Call of Duty®: WWII creates the definitive World War II next generation experience across three different game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer, and Co-Operative. Featuring stunning visuals, the Campaign transports players to the European theater as they engage in an all-new Call of Duty® story set in iconic World War II battles. Multiplayer marks a return to original, boots-on-the ground Call of Duty gameplay. Authentic weapons and traditional run-and-gun action immerse you in a vast array of World War II-themed locations. The Co-Operative mode unleashes a new and original story in a standalone game experience full of unexpected, adrenaline-pumping moments.

System Requirements


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