Cities in Motion
Cities in Motion

Cities in Motion

Release Date: 22/02/2011 | WORLDWIDE
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6.49 € + VAT


Nova atualização

Cities in Motion has just received a Free update to include the German city, Munich!

Sobre o jogo

Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

Key Features

  • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
  • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
  • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
  • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
  • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
  • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
  • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites
  • Току-що обновено

    Cities in Motion has just received a Free update to include the German city, Munich!

    Относно играта

    Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
    Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

    Key Features

    • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
    • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
    • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
    • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
    • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
    • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
    • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites
    • Nově aktualizováno

      Hra Cities in Motion byla právě rozšířena o německé město Mnichov - a to zcela zdarma!

      O hře

      Čtyři vysoce propracovaná města, která patří k těm nejznámějším, jmenovitě Vídeň, Helsinky, Berlín a Amsterdam, čekají na dobrého manažera jejich hromadné dopravy ve hře Cities in Motion.
      Budete dohlížet a rozvíjet přepravu pro lidi od roku 1920 až do 2020. Abyste co nejvíce vydělávali, musíte ovládat vše od autobusů, tramvají a metra, dokonce i lodě a vrtulníky.

      Klíčové vlastnosti

      • Navštívíte čtyři rozdílná města: Vídeň, Helsinky, Berlín a Amsterdam.
      • Dohrajte kampaň s 12 misemi nebo hrajte nekonečnou hru, kde jsou také dostupná všechna města.
      • Kochejte se s více jak 100 detailními 3D budovami.
      • Vyhrajte si s editorem map a vytvořte vlastní město.
      • Na každé mapě můžete hrát v rozmezí 100 let rozdělených do čtyř ér od 1920 do 2020.
      • I s podzemním pohledem pro metro bude hračka koordinovat víc jak 30 skutečných vozidel ze světa vlaků, tramvají, autobusů, přívozů a vrtulníků.
      • Zažijte žijící město s opravdovou simulací života – lidé chodí do prací, škol a domovů.

        Cities in Motion has just received a Free update to include the German city, Munich!

        Om spillet

        Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
        Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

        Key Features

        • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
        • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
        • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
        • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
        • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
        • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
        • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites
        • Onlangs bijgewerkt

          Cities in Motion has just received a Free update to include the German city, Munich!

          Info over het spel

          Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
          Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

          Key Features

          • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
          • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
          • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
          • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
          • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
          • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
          • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites
          • Just Updated

            Cities in Motion has just received a Free update to include the German city, Munich!

            About the Game

            Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
            Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

            Key Features

            • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
            • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
            • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
            • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
            • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
            • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
            • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites
            • Juuri päivitetty

              Cities in Motion on juuri saanut ilmaisen päivityksen, joka sisältää saksalaisen kaupungin, Münchenin!

              Tietoja pelistä

              Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
              Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

              Key Features

              • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
              • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
              • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
              • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
              • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
              • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
              • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites
              • Nouvelle mise à jour

                Cities in Motion vient juste de recevoir une mise à jour Gratuite pour inclure la ville allemande, Munich !

                À propos du jeu

                4 des plus grandes villes du monde, reproduites avec détail - Vienne, Helsinki, Berlin et Amsterdam - ont besoin de vous pour gérer et développer leurs réseaux de transport dans Cities in Motion.
                Suivez l'évolution des besoins des citadins sur 100 ans et gérez les transports urbains (bus, tramways, métro, etc...) pour optimiser les profits tout en répondant aux attentes des usagers.


                • Partez à la découverte de 4 villes : Vienne, Helsinki, Berlin et Amsterdam
                • Une campagne comprenant 12 scénarios ainsi qu'un mode bac à sable où il est possible de jouer à toutes les campagnes dans toutes les villes
                • Vivez une fantastique expérience urbaine grâce à des graphismes 3D réalistes avec plus de 100 bâtiments uniques et incroyablement détaillés
                • Utilisez un éditeur de cartes ultra-complet pour créer vos propres villes
                • Traversez 100 ans d’histoire des transports à travers quatre époques, allant de 1920 à 2020
                • Choisissez parmi plus de 30 différents véhicules inspirés d'authentiques modèles : bus, trams, bateau-bus, hélicoptères et métro
                • Simulateur de ville et de trafic en temps réel
                • Kürzlich aktualisiert

                  Cities in Motion hat soeben ein GRATIS Update erhalten und beinhaltet nun auch die deutsche Stadt, München!

                  Über das Spiel

                  Detailreich dargestellt erwarten vier der großartigsten Städte der Welt - Wien, Helsinki, Berlin und Amsterdam - die ruhige Hand eines Planers zur Bewältigung Ihrer Transportbedürfnisse in Cities in Motion.
                  Während Sie die sich ständig ändernden Bedürfnisse der Einwohner von 1920 bis 2020 überwachen, liegt es an Ihnen alles von Bussen, Straßenbahnen bishin zu U-Bahnzügen zu leiten um Profite zu maximieren und gleichzeitig die Pendler zufrieden zu stellen.


                  • Erkunden Sie vier verschiedene Städte: Wien, Helsinki, Berlin und Amsterdam
                  • Lassen Sie Sich ein auf eine Kampagne mit 12 Szenarien und einen Sandkastenmodus in dem alle Städte der Kampagne spielbar sind
                  • Erleben Sie realistische 3D-Grafiken mit mehr als 100 verschiedenen, hoch detaillierten Gebäuden
                  • Nutzen Sie den erweiterten Karteneditor um Ihre eigenen Städte zu erstellen
                  • Durchleben Sie über 100 Jahre Transportgeschichte in vier Zeitabschnitten, von 1920 bis 2020
                  • Wählen Sie zwischen mehr als 30 unterschiedlichen Fahrzeugen, basierend auf realen Modellen von Bussen, Straßenbahnen, Wasserbussen, Helikoptern sowie U-Bahnen, komplett mit Untergrundansichten
                  • Erleben Sie einen Stadt- und Verkehrssimulator in Echtzeit, in dem die geschäftige Bevölkerung jedes Schauplatzes zwischen ihrem Zuhause, ihrem Beruf und ihren Freizeitstätten pendelt
                  • Μόλις ενημερώθηκε

                    Cities in Motion has just received a Free update to include the German city, Munich!

                    Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

                    Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
                    Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

                    Key Features

                    • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
                    • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
                    • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
                    • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
                    • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
                    • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
                    • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites
                    • Most frissítve

                      A Cities in Motion ingyenes frissítésen esve át immár a németországi Münchent is tartalmazza!

                      A játékról: 

                      A Cities in Motion-ben a világ legnagyszerűbb városai közül négy, Bécs, Helsinki, Berlin és Amszterdam várja, hogy egy ügyes kezű tervező kezelje a részletgazdagon újraalkotott városok közlekedési igényeit.
                      A te dolgod, hogy a lakosság változó igényeit 1920-tól 2020-ig szemmel tartva kezelj mindent a buszoktól kezdve a villamosokig és metrókig, a profit maximalizálására és a közlekedők igényeinek kielégítésére.

                      Fő jellemzők

                      • Fedezz fel négy különböző várost: Bécs, Helsinki, Berlin és Amszterdam
                      • Vágj bele egy 12 forgatókönyvből álló kampányba, vagy játssz „sandbox” módban, melyben az összes kampány-város játszható
                      • Tapasztald meg a valósághű 3D grafikát több mint száz egyedi, igen részletes épülettel
                      • Használd a fejlett pályaszerkesztőt saját városok megalkotására
                      • Játssz a tömegközlekedés történetének száz évén, négy korszakán át 1920-tól 2020-ig
                      • Válassz több mint 30 különféle, valódi járművekről mintázott busz, villamos, vízibusz, helikopter és földalatti nézettel rendelkező metró közül
                      • Tapasztalj meg egy valós idejű város- és közlekedés-szimulátort, ahogy a helyszínek nyüzsgő lakossága közlekedik az otthonok, munkahelyek és szórakozóhelyek között
                      • Appena aggiornato

                        Cities in Motion has just received a Free update to include the German city, Munich!

                        Informazioni sul gioco

                        Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
                        Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

                        Key Features

                        • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
                        • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
                        • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
                        • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
                        • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
                        • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
                        • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites
                        • 更新されました

                          Cities in Motion has just received a Free update to include the German city, Munich!


                          Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
                          Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

                          Key Features

                          • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
                          • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
                          • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
                          • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
                          • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
                          • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
                          • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites
                          • 최신 업데이트

                            Cities in Motion has just received a Free update to include the German city, Munich!

                            게임 정보

                            Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
                            Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

                            Key Features

                            • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
                            • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
                            • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
                            • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
                            • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
                            • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
                            • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites
                            • Nylig oppdatert

                              Cities in Motion has just received a Free update to include the German city, Munich!

                              Om spillet

                              Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
                              Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

                              Key Features

                              • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
                              • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
                              • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
                              • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
                              • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
                              • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
                              • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites
                              • Właśnie zaktualizowano

                                Gra Cities in Motion została zaktualizowana o niemieckie miasto Monachium - zupełnie za darmo!

                                Informacje o grze

                                Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
                                Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

                                Key Features

                                • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
                                • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
                                • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
                                • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
                                • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
                                • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
                                • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites
                                • Atualizado recentemente

                                  O jogo Cities in Motion acaba de receber uma atualização GRATUITA para incluir a cidade Alemã, Munique!

                                  Acerca do Jogo

                                  Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
                                  Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

                                  Key Features

                                  • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
                                  • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
                                  • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
                                  • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
                                  • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
                                  • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
                                  • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites
                                  • Atualizado recentemente

                                    O jogo Cities in Motion acaba de receber uma atualização GRATUITA para incluir a cidade Alemã, Munique!

                                    Acerca do Jogo

                                    Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
                                    Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

                                    Key Features

                                    • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
                                    • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
                                    • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
                                    • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
                                    • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
                                    • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
                                    • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites
                                    • Recent actualizat

                                      Cities in Motion has just received a Free update to include the German city, Munich!

                                      Despre joc

                                      Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
                                      Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

                                      Key Features

                                      • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
                                      • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
                                      • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
                                      • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
                                      • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
                                      • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
                                      • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites
                                      • Вышло обновление

                                        Недавно вышедшее обновление для Cities in Motion добавляет немецкий город Мюнхен!

                                        Об игре

                                        Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
                                        Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

                                        Key Features

                                        • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
                                        • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
                                        • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
                                        • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
                                        • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
                                        • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
                                        • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites
                                        • 最新更新



                                          通过丰富的细节渲染,4 座世界上的最大城市——维也纳,赫尔辛基,柏林和阿姆斯特丹——正在等待果敢的规划者在都市运输(Cities in Motion)中管理他们的交通需求。
                                          纵览从 1920 年到 2020 年人们的需求变化,现在将由您来决定使用公交车、有轨电车和地铁等交通工具,不仅要保证利润最大化,还要让乘客们满意。


                                          • 探索 4 座不同的城市:维也纳,赫尔辛基,柏林和阿姆斯特丹
                                          • 挑战一个拥有 12 个情节的任务,而在沙盒模式中所有任务城市均可用
                                          • 体验拟真的 3D 图形制作的超过 100 个高清晰的独特建筑
                                          • 使用高级地图编辑器来创造自己的城市
                                          • 经历从 1920 年到 2020 年之间四个时代共 100 年的交通发展历史
                                          • 从现实生活中出现的超过 30 种不同的交通工具中做出选择,包括公交车、有轨电车、水上巴士、直升飞机,还有地铁——可获得完整的地下视野
                                          • 体验实时的城市和交通模拟系统,根据人们居家、工作和休闲时间的区别,他们会集中出现在不同的地点
                                          • Recién actualizado

                                            ¡Cities in Motion ha recibido una actualización gratuita que incluye la ciudad alemana de Munich!

                                            Acerca del juego

                                            Cuatro de las mayores ciudades del mundo que han sido cuidadas hasta el más mínimo detalle - Viena, Helsinki, Berlín y Amsterdam - esperan la mano firme de un planificador para gestionar sus necesidades de transporte en Cities in Motion.
                                            Supervisa la evolución de las necesidades de los ciudadanos desde 1920 hasta 2020 y gestiona los autobuses, los tranvías y los metros para aumentar los beneficios a la vez que complaces a los viajeros.

                                            Características principales

                                            • Explora cuatro ciudades diferentes: Viena, Helsinki, Berlín y Amsterdam
                                            • Participa en una campaña con 12 escenarios, así como en un modo sandbox en el que podrás jugar a todas las ciudades de las campañas
                                            • Disfruta de gráficos realistas en 3D con más 100 edificios singulares y muy detallados
                                            • Usa el editor de mapas avanzado para crear tus propias ciudades
                                            • Juega a lo largo de 100 años de historia del transporte a través de cuatro épocas que abarcan desde 1920 a 2020
                                            • Elige entre más de 30 vehículos diferentes reproducidos a partir de modelos reales: autobuses, tranvías, autobuses acuáticos, helicópteros y metros con una completa vista subterránea
                                            • Experimenta una ciudad en tiempo real y un simulador de tráfico mientras los ajetreados ciudadanos se desplazan entre sus hogares, puestos de trabajo y zonas de ocio
                                            • Nyligen uppdaterat

                                              Cities in Motion has just received a Free update to include the German city, Munich!

                                              Om spelet

                                              Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
                                              Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

                                              Key Features

                                              • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
                                              • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
                                              • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
                                              • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
                                              • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
                                              • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
                                              • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites
                                              • เพิ่งอัปเดต

                                                Cities in Motion has just received a Free update to include the German city, Munich!


                                                Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
                                                Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

                                                Key Features

                                                • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
                                                • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
                                                • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
                                                • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
                                                • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
                                                • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
                                                • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites
                                                • 最新更新

                                                  Cities in Motion has just received a Free update to include the German city, Munich!


                                                  Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
                                                  Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

                                                  Key Features

                                                  • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
                                                  • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
                                                  • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
                                                  • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
                                                  • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
                                                  • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
                                                  • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites
                                                  • Yeni Güncellendi

                                                    Cities in Motion has just received a Free update to include the German city, Munich!

                                                    Oyun Açıklaması

                                                    Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
                                                    Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

                                                    Key Features

                                                    • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
                                                    • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
                                                    • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
                                                    • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
                                                    • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
                                                    • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
                                                    • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites
                                                    • Щойно оновлено

                                                      Cities in Motion has just received a Free update to include the German city, Munich!

                                                      Про гру

                                                      Rendered in rich detail, four of the world’s greatest cities - Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam - await the steady hand of a planner to manage their transportation needs in Cities in Motion.
                                                      Overseeing the changing needs of people from 1920 to 2020, it’s up to you to manage everything from buses, trams and subway trains to maximize profits while pleasing commuters.

                                                      Key Features

                                                      • Explore four different cities: Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, and Amsterdam
                                                      • Engage in a campaign with 12 scenarios, as well as a sandbox mode where all campaign cities are playable
                                                      • Experience realistic 3D graphics with more than 100 unique, highly detailed buildings
                                                      • Use the advanced map editor to create your own cities
                                                      • Play through 100 years of transportation history throughout four eras spanning from 1920 to 2020
                                                      • Choose between more than 30 different vehicles based on real-life models of buses, trams, water buses, helicopters, and subways, complete with an underground view
                                                      • Experience a real-time city and traffic simulator as each location's bustling population commutes between their homes, jobs, and leisure sites

                                                      System Requirements
