Conan Exiles - Blood and Sand Pack (DLC)
Conan Exiles - Blood and Sand Pack (DLC)

Conan Exiles - Blood and Sand Pack (DLC)

Release Date: 03/09/2019 | WORLDWIDE
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Massively Multiplayer
$13.72 + VAT


Com o novo Pacote Sangue e Areia, você pode esmagar seus inimigos em túneis e arenas com novas armas e armaduras.

O machado de duas mãos e as espadas curtas foram introduzidos em Conan Exiles e, com Sangue e Areia, você terá a oportunidade de pôr as mãos em cinco de cada.

Você pode construir novas arenas, sensacionais, e equipá-las com estandartes de guerra, portões, calabouços e muito mais!

O Pacote Sangue e Areia contém:

  • 29 novas peças de construção
    Um conjunto de peças de construção feitas para arenas e calabouços
  • 15 novas peças de armaduras em três conjuntos, como o da armadura de xamã urso.
    Conjuntos leves, médios e pesados, com uma versão épica de cada para o jogo avançado.
  • 19 novas armas no conjunto do Sanguinário, além de todas as novas armas.
    O mesmo poder das armas de ferro, com uma versão épica de cada arma para o jogo avançado.
  • 15 novos estandartes de guerra
    Decore sua nova arena ou castelo com os estandartes de guerra totalmente novos

Todo o novo conteúdo de Sangue e Areia é exclusivo deste DLC e não representa nenhuma vantagem em poder ou força no jogo - mas tem um visual maneiro. Todos os novos itens têm estatísticas comparáveis às de itens já existentes.
The battle over the Exiled lands is brutal and relentless. With the all new Blood and Sand Pack you can crush your enemies wearing all new armor sets and wielding fearsome weapons while fighting in new vaulted tunnels and arenas.

The mighty two-handed axe and short swords have just been introduced to Conan Exiles and with Blood and Sand you can get your hands on five new great axes and five short swords.

Build awesome new arenas and fill them with all new war banners, gates, vaults and much more!

Blood and Sand Pack contains:

  • 29 new arena building pieces
    A set of building pieces made for arenas and vaults
  • 15 new armor pieces in three sets, such as the Bear Shaman armor
    Light, medium and heavy sets with an epic end-game version of each
  • 19 new weapons in the Bloodletter set plus all new weapons
    Same power as iron weapons with an epic end-game version of each weapon
  • 15 new war banner placeables
    Decorate your new arena or castle with all new war banners

All the new content in Blood and Sand is exclusive to this DLC and adds a host of new visual options but does not give any in-game advantage in power. All the new items have comparable stats to existing items.

The battle over the Exiled lands is brutal and relentless. With the all new Blood and Sand Pack you can crush your enemies wearing all new armor sets and wielding fearsome weapons while fighting in new vaulted tunnels and arenas.

The mighty two-handed axe and short swords have just been introduced to Conan Exiles and with Blood and Sand you can get your hands on five new great axes and five short swords.

Build awesome new arenas and fill them with all new war banners, gates, vaults and much more!

Blood and Sand Pack contains:

  • 29 new arena building pieces
    A set of building pieces made for arenas and vaults
  • 15 new armor pieces in three sets, such as the Bear Shaman armor
    Light, medium and heavy sets with an epic end-game version of each
  • 19 new weapons in the Bloodletter set plus all new weapons
    Same power as iron weapons with an epic end-game version of each weapon
  • 15 new war banner placeables
    Decorate your new arena or castle with all new war banners

All the new content in Blood and Sand is exclusive to this DLC and adds a host of new visual options but does not give any in-game advantage in power. All the new items have comparable stats to existing items.

The battle over the Exiled lands is brutal and relentless. With the all new Blood and Sand Pack you can crush your enemies wearing all new armor sets and wielding fearsome weapons while fighting in new vaulted tunnels and arenas.

The mighty two-handed axe and short swords have just been introduced to Conan Exiles and with Blood and Sand you can get your hands on five new great axes and five short swords.

Build awesome new arenas and fill them with all new war banners, gates, vaults and much more!

Blood and Sand Pack contains:

  • 29 new arena building pieces
    A set of building pieces made for arenas and vaults
  • 15 new armor pieces in three sets, such as the Bear Shaman armor
    Light, medium and heavy sets with an epic end-game version of each
  • 19 new weapons in the Bloodletter set plus all new weapons
    Same power as iron weapons with an epic end-game version of each weapon
  • 15 new war banner placeables
    Decorate your new arena or castle with all new war banners

All the new content in Blood and Sand is exclusive to this DLC and adds a host of new visual options but does not give any in-game advantage in power. All the new items have comparable stats to existing items.

The battle over the Exiled lands is brutal and relentless. With the all new Blood and Sand Pack you can crush your enemies wearing all new armor sets and wielding fearsome weapons while fighting in new vaulted tunnels and arenas.

The mighty two-handed axe and short swords have just been introduced to Conan Exiles and with Blood and Sand you can get your hands on five new great axes and five short swords.

Build awesome new arenas and fill them with all new war banners, gates, vaults and much more!

Blood and Sand Pack contains:

  • 29 new arena building pieces
    A set of building pieces made for arenas and vaults
  • 15 new armor pieces in three sets, such as the Bear Shaman armor
    Light, medium and heavy sets with an epic end-game version of each
  • 19 new weapons in the Bloodletter set plus all new weapons
    Same power as iron weapons with an epic end-game version of each weapon
  • 15 new war banner placeables
    Decorate your new arena or castle with all new war banners

All the new content in Blood and Sand is exclusive to this DLC and adds a host of new visual options but does not give any in-game advantage in power. All the new items have comparable stats to existing items.

La bataille qui déchire les Terres de l'Exil est brutale et implacable. Grâce au nouveau pack du Sable et du Sang, battez-vous avec des armures et des armes inédites dans des arènes que vous aurez vous-même créées.

Ce pack comprend également cinq nouvelles haches à deux mains et épées courtes.

Construisez des arènes impressionnantes et meublez-les de bannières de guerre, plafonds en voûte, grilles et autres !

Ce pack contient :

  • 29 nouvelles pièces de construction pour arène
    Jeu de pièces de construction pour créer arènes et plafonds en voûte
  • 15 pièces d'armure constituant trois armures complètes, dont celle de chaman de l'Ours
    Armures légère, intermédiaire et lourde, avec une version épique de chaque
  • 19 armes de massacreur, plus de nouveaux modèles
    Même puissance que les armes en fer, avec une version épique pour la fin du jeu
  • 15 bannières de guerre
    Décorez votre arène et votre forteresse de bannières de guerre inédites

Le contenu du pack du Sable et du Sang est exclusif à ce DLC. Il ajoute de nouvelles options visuelles, sans offrir le moindre avantage en termes de puissance. Tous les objets qu'il contient ont des caractéristiques comparables aux objets existants.
Der Kampf um das Land der Verdammten ist gnadenlos. Mit dem brandneuen Blood and Sand-Pack kannst du deine Feinde in brandneuen Rüstungssets und mit schrecklichen Waffen vernichten, wobei der Kampf in neuen Tunneln und Arenen stattfindet.

Conan Exiles wurde gerade erst um Zweihandäxte und Kurzschwerter erweitert, und Blood and Sand gibt dir jetzt jeweils fünf davon in die Hand.

Erbaue großartige neue Arenen und statte sie aus – mit brandneuen Kriegsbannern, Toren, Tunneln und vielem mehr!

Das Blood and Sand-Pack enthält:

  • 29 neue Arena-Gebäudeteile.
    Ein Set von Gebäudeteilen für Arenen und Tunnel
  • 15 neue Rüstungsteile in drei Sets, darunter die Bärenschamanenrüstung
    Leichte, mittlere und schwere Sets mit epischen Endspiel-Versionen
  • 19 neue Waffen im Aderlasser-Set plus brandneue Waffen
    Diese entsprechen Eisenwaffen und verfügen über epische Endspiel-Versionen
  • 15 neue platzierbare Kriegsbanner
    Dekoriere deine neue Arena oder Festung mit brandneuen Kriegsbannern

Alle Inhalte aus Blood and Sand-Pack sind exklusiv in diesem DLC enthalten. Sie fügen dem Spiel zahlreiche neue optische Möglichkeiten hinzu, gewähren im Spiel aber keine Vorteile. Alle neuen Objekte haben vergleichbare Werte wie die bereits vorhandenen Objekte.

La battaglia nelle Lande dell'esilio è spietata. Con questo pacchetto puoi schiacciare i nemici con nuove corazze e armi, e affrontare nuove segrete e arene.

In Conan Exiles sono stati da poco introdotti nuovi tipi di armi, e finalmente potrai far tue cinque nuove grandi asce e cinque daghe.

Costruisci nuove e fantastiche arene e decorale con i nuovi stendardi, cancelli, segrete e altro ancora!

Il pacchetto Sangue e sabbia contiene:

  • 29 nuovi elementi da costruzione per le arene
    Un set di elementi da costruzione specifico per arene e segrete
  • 15 nuove corazze in 3 set, tra cui la corazza degli sciamani dell'orso
    Set leggeri, normali e pesanti, ciascuno con una versione epica per l'end-game
  • 19 nuove armi nel set dei sanguinari più altre nuove armi
    Ciascuna arma ha potere pari a quelle di ferro e una versione epica per l'end-game
  • 15 nuovi stendardi di guerra posizionabili
    Decora la tua nuova arena o castello con nuovi stendardi di guerra

Tutti i contenuti del pacchetto Sangue e sabbia sono esclusivi di questo DLC e aggiungono molte nuove opzioni grafiche, ma non offrono alcun vantaggio di gioco. Tutti i nuovi oggetti hanno statistiche paragonabili a oggetti già presenti nel gioco.

今回『Conan Exiles』に初めて登場する最強の大斧と小剣。血に染まる砂漠パックでは、新実装となる5種の大斧と5種の小剣を入手することが可能だ。



  • 新登場となる闘技場用の建築部品29種。
  • 3種類の新防具セット全15アイテム。大地の呪術師の防具一式など。
  • 流血の武器セットを含めた新武器、全19アイテム。
  • 戦旗などの置物全15アイテム。

추방자의 땅에서 전투는 가혹하고 잔인합니다. 새로 출시된 피와 모래 팩에서 최신 방어구 세트를 착용한 적을 박살내고, 새 아치형 터널과 투기장에서 가공할 무기로 전투를 펼치십시오.

강력한 양손 도끼와 짧은 검이 Conan Exiles에 새로 도입되었습니다. 피와 모래에서 5가지의 거대한 도끼와 5가지의 짧은 검을 새롭게 획득하십시오.

새롭고 멋진 투기장을 건설하고 최신 전쟁 휘장, 관문, 아치 등 다양한 아이템으로 채우십시오.

피와 모래 팩 구성:

  • 29가지의 새로운 투기장 건축 자재
    투기장과 아치용 건축 자재 세트
  • 곰 주술사 방어구를 비롯한 15가지의 최신 방어구 3세트
    경량, 일반, 중량 방어구 세트로 구성되며 각각 최종 등급의 버전이 포함됩니다.
  • 혈투사 세트의 19가지 최신 무기를 비롯한 최신 무기들
    철제 무기와 동일한 공격력을 가지며 각 무기의 최종 등급 버전이 포함됩니다.

• 15가지 최신 전쟁 휘장 이동식 개체
○ 새 투기장 또는 성을 최신 전쟁 휘장으로 장식하십시오.

피와 모래 팩에 포함된 모든 컨텐츠는 본 DLC 전용이며 새로운 시각적 옵션을 게임에 추가하지만 공격력 측면에서는 어떤 이점도 제공하지 않습니다. 모든 새 아이템의 성능은 기존 아이템과 유사합니다.
The battle over the Exiled lands is brutal and relentless. With the all new Blood and Sand Pack you can crush your enemies wearing all new armor sets and wielding fearsome weapons while fighting in new vaulted tunnels and arenas.

The mighty two-handed axe and short swords have just been introduced to Conan Exiles and with Blood and Sand you can get your hands on five new great axes and five short swords.

Build awesome new arenas and fill them with all new war banners, gates, vaults and much more!

Blood and Sand Pack contains:

  • 29 new arena building pieces
    A set of building pieces made for arenas and vaults
  • 15 new armor pieces in three sets, such as the Bear Shaman armor
    Light, medium and heavy sets with an epic end-game version of each
  • 19 new weapons in the Bloodletter set plus all new weapons
    Same power as iron weapons with an epic end-game version of each weapon
  • 15 new war banner placeables
    Decorate your new arena or castle with all new war banners

All the new content in Blood and Sand is exclusive to this DLC and adds a host of new visual options but does not give any in-game advantage in power. All the new items have comparable stats to existing items.

Bitwa o Ziemie Wygnańców jest krwawa i bezlitosna. Pakiet Krew i Piach pozwoli unicestwiać wrogów w sklepionych korytarzach i arenach przy pomocy nowych pancerzy i broni.

Do gry wprowadzono dwuręczne topory i krótkie miecze, a z pakietem Krew i Piach otrzymacie do dyspozycji 5 wielkich toporów i 5 krótkich mieczy.

Będzie można budować m.in. nowe areny i wstawiać do nich proporce wojenne, sklepienia oraz wiele innych elementów!

Zawartość pakietu Krew i Piach:

  • 29 fragmentów budynków
    Nowe fragmenty budynków do konstruowania aren i sklepień
  • 15 elementów zbroi w trzech zestawach, m.in. pancerz niedźwiedziego szamana.
    [Zestawy lekkich, średnich i ciężkich pancerzy wraz z ich wersjami z rozgrywki końcowej.
  • 19 broni z zestawu Wykrwawiacza oraz całkiem nowa broń
    Skuteczność dorównująca broni żelaznej i epickie wersje broni z rozgrywki końcowej.
  • 15 nowych obiektów do umieszczania – proporców wojennych.
    To pozwoli udekorować zbudowane areny i zamki proporcami wojennymi.

Zawartość pakietu Krew i Piach dostępna jest wyłącznie w nim i wprowadza wiele opcji wizualnych, ale nie zapewnia żadnej realnej przewagi w grze. Statystyki nowych przedmiotów są porównywalne ze statystykami obecnie istniejących przedmiotów.
The battle over the Exiled lands is brutal and relentless. With the all new Blood and Sand Pack you can crush your enemies wearing all new armor sets and wielding fearsome weapons while fighting in new vaulted tunnels and arenas.

The mighty two-handed axe and short swords have just been introduced to Conan Exiles and with Blood and Sand you can get your hands on five new great axes and five short swords.

Build awesome new arenas and fill them with all new war banners, gates, vaults and much more!

Blood and Sand Pack contains:

  • 29 new arena building pieces
    A set of building pieces made for arenas and vaults
  • 15 new armor pieces in three sets, such as the Bear Shaman armor
    Light, medium and heavy sets with an epic end-game version of each
  • 19 new weapons in the Bloodletter set plus all new weapons
    Same power as iron weapons with an epic end-game version of each weapon
  • 15 new war banner placeables
    Decorate your new arena or castle with all new war banners

All the new content in Blood and Sand is exclusive to this DLC and adds a host of new visual options but does not give any in-game advantage in power. All the new items have comparable stats to existing items.

Бои в Землях изгнанников жестоки и беспощадны. Наденьте новые доспехи и возьмите в руки грозное оружие из набора «Кровь и песок», чтобы сокрушить врага!

В Conan Exiles как раз добавили мощный двуручный топор и короткие мечи. В набор «Кровь и песок» вошли 5 огромных топоров и 5 коротких мечей.

Стройте прекрасные арены и украшайте их боевыми знаменами. Оформляйте входы, залы и многое другое!

«Кровь и песок» — это:

  • 29 строительных блоков для арен;
    Набор строительных блоков для арен и залов.
  • 3 комплекта доспехов (к примеру, одеяние шамана-медведя) в общей сложности из 15 новых элементов;
    Комплекты легких, средних и тяжелых доспехов. У каждого — эпическая версия.
  • 19 видов оружия в наборе «Кровопускатель» и не только;
    По мощи оружие не уступает железному. У каждого — эпическая версия.
  • 15 знамен.
    Украсьте арену или замок боевыми знаменами.

Декоративные материалы из набора «Кровь и песок» доступны только в этом дополнении. Характеристики всех новых предметов соответствуют существующим.

强大的双手斧和短剑已经引入了《Conan Exiles》,在血与沙中,你还能获得五种新的巨斧和五种新的短剑。


  • 血与沙扩展包内含:
  • 29种新的竞技场建材
  • 15种全新的护甲(分为三组),例如熊萨满盔甲
  • 新增了19种放血人套装的新武器,还有其他多种新武器
  • 15种可放置的战旗

血与沙扩展包的所有内容均为本 DLC 的专属内容,另有大量全新的视觉选择可供调整(不会影响角色的强度)。所有新物品在强度上均可匹配现有的物品。

La batalla en las tierras del exilio es brutal y despiadada. Con el nuevo pack Sangre y Arena, puedes aplastar a tus enemigos mientras vistes nuevas armaduras y blandes armas temibles en nuevos túneles y arenas.

El hacha de dos manos y la espada corta han llegado a Conan Exiles y, con Sangre y Arena podrás hacerte con cinco nuevas grandes hachas y cinco espadas cortas.

¡Construye increíbles arenas y llénalas de estandartes, portones, bóvedas y más!

El pack Sangre y Arena contiene:

  • 29 bloques de construcción de arena.
    Un lote de bloques de construcción para arenas y bóvedas.
  • 15 nuevas piezas de armadura pertenecientes a tres conjuntos, como la armadura de chamán oso.
    Conjuntos ligero, mediano y pesado con versión épica de final de juego de cada uno.
  • 19 armas del lote desangrador y otras más.
    Poder equivalente a las armas de hierro, con versión épica de final de juego de cada arma.
  • 15 nuevos estandartes de guerra colocables.
    Decora tu arena o castillo con estos nuevos estandartes.

Todo el contenido de Sangre y Arena es exclusivo del DLC y añade nuevas opciones gráficas sin afectar al poder de los personajes del juego. Los objetos nuevos tienen parámetros comparables a los ya existentes.
The battle over the Exiled lands is brutal and relentless. With the all new Blood and Sand Pack you can crush your enemies wearing all new armor sets and wielding fearsome weapons while fighting in new vaulted tunnels and arenas.

The mighty two-handed axe and short swords have just been introduced to Conan Exiles and with Blood and Sand you can get your hands on five new great axes and five short swords.

Build awesome new arenas and fill them with all new war banners, gates, vaults and much more!

Blood and Sand Pack contains:

  • 29 new arena building pieces
    A set of building pieces made for arenas and vaults
  • 15 new armor pieces in three sets, such as the Bear Shaman armor
    Light, medium and heavy sets with an epic end-game version of each
  • 19 new weapons in the Bloodletter set plus all new weapons
    Same power as iron weapons with an epic end-game version of each weapon
  • 15 new war banner placeables
    Decorate your new arena or castle with all new war banners

All the new content in Blood and Sand is exclusive to this DLC and adds a host of new visual options but does not give any in-game advantage in power. All the new items have comparable stats to existing items.

The battle over the Exiled lands is brutal and relentless. With the all new Blood and Sand Pack you can crush your enemies wearing all new armor sets and wielding fearsome weapons while fighting in new vaulted tunnels and arenas.

The mighty two-handed axe and short swords have just been introduced to Conan Exiles and with Blood and Sand you can get your hands on five new great axes and five short swords.

Build awesome new arenas and fill them with all new war banners, gates, vaults and much more!

Blood and Sand Pack contains:

  • 29 new arena building pieces
    A set of building pieces made for arenas and vaults
  • 15 new armor pieces in three sets, such as the Bear Shaman armor
    Light, medium and heavy sets with an epic end-game version of each
  • 19 new weapons in the Bloodletter set plus all new weapons
    Same power as iron weapons with an epic end-game version of each weapon
  • 15 new war banner placeables
    Decorate your new arena or castle with all new war banners

All the new content in Blood and Sand is exclusive to this DLC and adds a host of new visual options but does not give any in-game advantage in power. All the new items have comparable stats to existing items.


強大的雙手斧和短劍剛於 Conan Exiles 隆重登場,而藉由碧血黃沙包,你將可以擁有五把強大的新斧頭和五把短劍。



  • 29 塊新競技場建築塊
  • 三套 15 件的新盔甲,例如熊薩滿盔甲
  • 19 件放血者系列的新武器,外加全新武器
  • 15 面可放置的新戰旗

The battle over the Exiled lands is brutal and relentless. With the all new Blood and Sand Pack you can crush your enemies wearing all new armor sets and wielding fearsome weapons while fighting in new vaulted tunnels and arenas.

The mighty two-handed axe and short swords have just been introduced to Conan Exiles and with Blood and Sand you can get your hands on five new great axes and five short swords.

Build awesome new arenas and fill them with all new war banners, gates, vaults and much more!

Blood and Sand Pack contains:

  • 29 new arena building pieces
    A set of building pieces made for arenas and vaults
  • 15 new armor pieces in three sets, such as the Bear Shaman armor
    Light, medium and heavy sets with an epic end-game version of each
  • 19 new weapons in the Bloodletter set plus all new weapons
    Same power as iron weapons with an epic end-game version of each weapon
  • 15 new war banner placeables
    Decorate your new arena or castle with all new war banners

All the new content in Blood and Sand is exclusive to this DLC and adds a host of new visual options but does not give any in-game advantage in power. All the new items have comparable stats to existing items.

System Requirements


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