Conan Exiles - Treasures of Turan Pack (DLC)
Conan Exiles - Treasures of Turan Pack (DLC)

Conan Exiles - Treasures of Turan Pack (DLC)

Release Date: 15/04/2019 | WORLDWIDE
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Massively Multiplayer
11.99 € + VAT


As riquezas do reino oriental de Turan esperam por você! Construa palácios opulentos, adornados com estátuas cintilantes; domestique rinocerontes e elefantes como animais de carga; e vista-se com a deslumbrante Armadura de Falangista Turaniano.

Este novo pacote de conteúdo oferece material exclusivo da cultura turaniana. Ele permite a você usar o que há de novo em peças de construção, objetos, conjuntos de armadura, conjuntos de armas, pinturas de guerra e mascotes!

Presenteie-se com os equipamentos e as peças de construção mais ostensivos que já apareceram em Conan Exiles. Desfrute das decorações douradas das peças de construção e ainda das armas e armaduras finamente elaboradas.

O Pacote Tesouros de Turan contém:
  • 39 novas peças de construção turanianas.
    Um conjunto completo de peças de construção com as mesmas estatísticas das já existentes na categoria três.
  • 15 novas peças de armaduras em três conjuntos, como o da armadura de mercenário turaniano.
    Conjuntos leves, médios e pesados, com uma versão épica de cada para o jogo avançado.
  • 9 armas novas no conjunto de armas turanianas.
    O mesmo poder das armas de ferro, com uma versão épica de cada arma para o jogo avançado.
  • 5 novas pinturas de guerra turanianas.
    Pinturas de guerra decorativas simbolizando, por exemplo, a opulência e a glória.
  • 9 objetos novos, tais como a lamparina de pé e o braseiro.
    Fabrique-os na nova mesa de artesão turaniano.
  • 2 novos mascotes animais exclusivos do pacote
    O rinoceronte e o elefante de caravana enfeitados com todo o luxo

Todo o novo conteúdo de Turan é exclusivo deste DLC e não representa nenhuma vantagem em poder ou força no jogo - mas tem um visual maneiro. Todos os novos itens têm estatísticas comparáveis aos de itens já existentes.

The riches of the eastern kingdom of Turan await! Build opulent palaces adorned with glittering statues, tame rhinos and elephants as pack animals and dress yourself in the dazzling Turanian Phalanx armor.

This new content pack offers exclusive content from the Turanian culture. It allows you to use all new building pieces, placeables, armor sets, weapon sets, warpaints and pets!

Treat yourself to the most ostentatious gear and building pieces in Conan Exiles yet. Enjoy the golden decorations of the building pieces and finely wrought weapons and armor.

Treasures of Turan Pack contains:
  • 39 new Turanian building pieces.
    A full set of building pieces with the same stats as existing tier three
  • 15 new armor pieces in three sets, such as the Turanian Mercenary armor
    Light, medium and heavy sets with an epic end-game version of each
  • 9 new weapons in one Turanian weapon set
    Same power as iron weapons with an epic end-game version of each weapon
  • 5 new Turanian warpaints
    Decorative warpaints symbolizing for example opulence and glory
  • 9 new placeables, such as the standing lamp and brazier
    Craft them at the new Turanian Artisan table
  • 2 new exclusive pack animal pet skins
    The richly adorned caravan rhino and elephant

All the new content from Turan is exclusive to this DLC and adds a host of new visual options but does not give any in-game advantage in power. All the new items have comparable stats to existing items.

The riches of the eastern kingdom of Turan await! Build opulent palaces adorned with glittering statues, tame rhinos and elephants as pack animals and dress yourself in the dazzling Turanian Phalanx armor.

This new content pack offers exclusive content from the Turanian culture. It allows you to use all new building pieces, placeables, armor sets, weapon sets, warpaints and pets!

Treat yourself to the most ostentatious gear and building pieces in Conan Exiles yet. Enjoy the golden decorations of the building pieces and finely wrought weapons and armor.

Treasures of Turan Pack contains:
  • 39 new Turanian building pieces.
    A full set of building pieces with the same stats as existing tier three
  • 15 new armor pieces in three sets, such as the Turanian Mercenary armor
    Light, medium and heavy sets with an epic end-game version of each
  • 9 new weapons in one Turanian weapon set
    Same power as iron weapons with an epic end-game version of each weapon
  • 5 new Turanian warpaints
    Decorative warpaints symbolizing for example opulence and glory
  • 9 new placeables, such as the standing lamp and brazier
    Craft them at the new Turanian Artisan table
  • 2 new exclusive pack animal pet skins
    The richly adorned caravan rhino and elephant

All the new content from Turan is exclusive to this DLC and adds a host of new visual options but does not give any in-game advantage in power. All the new items have comparable stats to existing items.

The riches of the eastern kingdom of Turan await! Build opulent palaces adorned with glittering statues, tame rhinos and elephants as pack animals and dress yourself in the dazzling Turanian Phalanx armor.

This new content pack offers exclusive content from the Turanian culture. It allows you to use all new building pieces, placeables, armor sets, weapon sets, warpaints and pets!

Treat yourself to the most ostentatious gear and building pieces in Conan Exiles yet. Enjoy the golden decorations of the building pieces and finely wrought weapons and armor.

Treasures of Turan Pack contains:
  • 39 new Turanian building pieces.
    A full set of building pieces with the same stats as existing tier three
  • 15 new armor pieces in three sets, such as the Turanian Mercenary armor
    Light, medium and heavy sets with an epic end-game version of each
  • 9 new weapons in one Turanian weapon set
    Same power as iron weapons with an epic end-game version of each weapon
  • 5 new Turanian warpaints
    Decorative warpaints symbolizing for example opulence and glory
  • 9 new placeables, such as the standing lamp and brazier
    Craft them at the new Turanian Artisan table
  • 2 new exclusive pack animal pet skins
    The richly adorned caravan rhino and elephant

All the new content from Turan is exclusive to this DLC and adds a host of new visual options but does not give any in-game advantage in power. All the new items have comparable stats to existing items.

Les richesses du royaume oriental du Turan vous attendent ! Bâtissez des palais opulents ornés de statues scintillantes, utilisez des éléphants ou des rhinocéros apprivoisés comme animaux de bât et revêtez la splendide armure de la phalange turanienne.

Ce nouveau pack comprend du contenu exclusif provenant de la culture turanienne. Vous y trouverez de nouvelles pièces de construction, ainsi que des objets à placer, des armures complètes, des armes, des peintures de guerre, ou encore des familiers !

Offrez-vous les objets et les bâtiments les plus ostentatoires de Conan Exiles, et montrez à tous les dorures de vos décorations et de vos armes et armures.

Le pack des Trésors du Turan comprend :
  • 39 nouvelles pièces de construction turaniennes
    Un jeu complet de pièces, ayant les mêmes caractéristiques que les autres pièces de construction de grade trois
  • 15 nouvelles pièces d'armure constituant 3 armures complètes, telles que celle de mercenaire turanien
    Une armure légère, une intermédiaire et une lourde, avec une version épique de niveau maximum pour chacune d'entre elles
  • 9 nouvelles armes constituant un jeu d'armes du Turan
    Leur puissance est la même que celle d'armes en fer du même type, et chacune a sa version épique de niveau maximum
  • 5 nouvelles peintures de guerre turaniennes
    Plusieurs peintures de guerre décoratives, symbolisant par exemple l'opulence ou la gloire
  • 9 nouveaux objets à placer, tels qu'un lampadaire ou un brasero
    Vous pourrez les fabriquer à l'aide du tout nouvel établi d'artisan turanien
  • 2 nouveaux animaux de bât exclusifs
    L'éléphant et le rhinocéros de caravane, aux fabuleuses décorations

Tout le nouveau contenu du Turan est exclusif à ce DLC. Il ajoute un grand nombre d'options visuelles mais ne confère aucun avantage en termes de puissance. Tous ces nouveaux objets ont des caractéristiques comparables aux objets existants.

Die Reichtümer des im Osten gelegenen Königreichs Turan warten! Errichte opulente Paläste mit glänzenden Statuen, bilde Nashörner und Elefanten zu Packtieren aus und lege die überwältigende Rüstung der turanischen Phalanx an.

Treasures of Turan-Pack enthält:
  • 39 neue turanische Gebäudeteile.
    Ein vollständiges Set aus Gebäudeteilen mit denselben Werten wie die bereits vorhandene Stufe 3.
  • 15 neue Rüstungsteile (wie die turanische Söldnerrüstung) in drei Sets.
    Leichte, mittlere und schwere Sets mit epischen Endspiel-Versionen.
  • 9 neue Waffen in einem turanischen Waffen-Set.
    Diese entsprechen Eisenwaffen und verfügen über epische Endspiel-Versionen.
  • 5 neue turanische Kriegsbemalungen.
    Dekorative Kriegsbemalungen, die Prunk und Ruhm symbolisieren.
  • 9 neue platzierbare Objekte, wie Stehlampe und Kohlenpfanne.
    Stelle sie auf der neuen turanischen Werkbank her.
  • 2 neue exklusive Packtier-Begleiter.
    Das reich geschmückte Karawanennashorn und der Karawanenelefant.

Alle neuen Turan-Inhalte sind exklusiv in diesem DLC enthalten. Sie fügen dem Spiel zahlreiche neue optische Möglichkeiten hinzu, gewähren im Spiel aber keine Vorteile. Alle neuen Objekte haben vergleichbare Werte wie die bereits vorhandenen Objekte.

The riches of the eastern kingdom of Turan await! Build opulent palaces adorned with glittering statues, tame rhinos and elephants as pack animals and dress yourself in the dazzling Turanian Phalanx armor.

This new content pack offers exclusive content from the Turanian culture. It allows you to use all new building pieces, placeables, armor sets, weapon sets, warpaints and pets!

Treat yourself to the most ostentatious gear and building pieces in Conan Exiles yet. Enjoy the golden decorations of the building pieces and finely wrought weapons and armor.

Treasures of Turan Pack contains:
  • 39 new Turanian building pieces.
    A full set of building pieces with the same stats as existing tier three
  • 15 new armor pieces in three sets, such as the Turanian Mercenary armor
    Light, medium and heavy sets with an epic end-game version of each
  • 9 new weapons in one Turanian weapon set
    Same power as iron weapons with an epic end-game version of each weapon
  • 5 new Turanian warpaints
    Decorative warpaints symbolizing for example opulence and glory
  • 9 new placeables, such as the standing lamp and brazier
    Craft them at the new Turanian Artisan table
  • 2 new exclusive pack animal pet skins
    The richly adorned caravan rhino and elephant

All the new content from Turan is exclusive to this DLC and adds a host of new visual options but does not give any in-game advantage in power. All the new items have comparable stats to existing items.

Le ricchezze del regno orientale di Turan ti attendono! Costruisci sfarzosi palazzi decorati con statue scintillanti, addestra rinoceronti ed elefanti come animali da soma e indossa la lucente corazza della falange turaniana.

Questo nuovo pacchetto offre contenuto esclusivo ispirato alla cultura turaniana. Potrai usare nuovissimi elementi da costruzione, elementi posizionabili, corazze, armi, pitture di guerra e famigli!

Divertiti con l'attrezzatura e gli elementi da costruzione più fastosi di Conan Exiles. Ammira le decorazioni dorate degli elementi da costruzione e le armi e corazze finemente lavorate.

Il pacchetto dei tesori di Turan contiene:
  • 39 nuovi elementi da costruzione turaniani
    Un set completo di elementi da costruzione con le stesse statistiche del livello 3 già presente
  • 15 nuove corazze in 3 set, tra cui la corazza del mercenario turaniano
    Set leggeri, normali e pesanti, ciascuno con una versione epica per l'end-game
  • 9 nuove armi in un set di armi turaniane
    Ciascuna arma ha potere pari a quelle di ferro e una versione epica per l'end-game
  • 5 nuove pitture di guerra turaniane
    Pitture di guerra decorative che simboleggiano la gloria e l'opulenza
  • 9 nuovi elementi posizionabili, tra cui la lampada da terra e il braciere
    Creali grazie al nuovo tavolo da artigiano turaniano
  • 2 nuovi famigli esclusivi da soma
    Il rinoceronte e l'elefante da carovana sontuosamente decorati

Il nuovo contenuto di Turan è esclusivo di questo DLC e aggiunge una serie di nuove opzioni grafiche, ma non offre alcun vantaggio nel gioco. Tutti i nuovi oggetti hanno statistiche paragonabili a oggetti già presenti.



『Conan Exiles』サービス開始以来の豪華絢爛な防具と建築部品を入手して栄華を極めろ。黄金の装飾を施した建築物や、精巧を極めた防具を堪能せよ。

  • 新しいトゥランの建設部品39種。
  • 3種類の新防具セット全15アイテム。トゥラン傭兵の防具一式など。
  • トゥランの新武器セット1種、全9アイテム。
  • トゥラン様式の戦化粧5種。
  • ランプやかがり火など、トゥラン様式の新たな置物9種。
  • 2種のペットが新登場。


동방의 왕국 투란의 보물이 기다립니다. 번쩍이는 동상으로 꾸민 호화로운 궁전을 건설하고, 팩 전용 동물인 코뿔소와 코끼리를 길들이고, 눈부신 투란 팔랑크스 방어구를 착용하십시오.

투란 고유의 문화가 반영된 전용 컨텐츠가 담긴 최신 팩입니다. 완전히 새로운 건물 자재, 이동식 개체, 방어구 세트, 무기 세트, 전투 분장 및 애완 동물을 사용할 수 있습니다.

Conan Exiles 사상 가장 호화스러운 장비와 건물 자재로 명예를 드높이십시오. 황금 장식으로 꾸민 건물 자재와 정교하게 제련된 무기 및 방어구가 여러분을 기다립니다.

투란의 보물 팩 내용물:
  • 39가지의 새로운 투란 건물 자재
    기존과 동일한 3등급의 전체 건물 자재 세트입니다.
  • 투란 용병 방어구를 비롯한 15가지의 최신 방어구 3 세트
    경량, 일반, 중량 방어구 세트로 구성되며 각각 최종 등급의 버전이 포함됩니다.
  • 투란 무기 세트 하나에 최신 무기 9개 포함
    철제 무기와 동일한 공격력을 가지며 각 무기의 최종 등급 버전이 포함됩니다.
  • 5가지의 최신 투란 전투 분장
    부와 영광 등을 상징하는 장식용 전투 분장입니다.
  • 입식 램프 및 화로 등 9가지의 새로운 이동식 개체
    투란 장인 탁자에서 제작할 수 있습니다.
  • 2가지의 팩 전용 애완 동물
    화려하게 꾸민 캐러밴 코뿔소와 코끼리가 포함됩니다.

투란 팩에 포함된 모든 컨텐츠는 본 DLC 전용이며, 새로운 시각적 옵션을 게임에 추가하지만, 공격력 측면에서는 어떤 이점도 제공하지 않습니다. 모든 새 아이템의 상태는 기존 아이템과 유사합니다.

Bogactwa wschodniego królestwa Turanu czekają! Budujcie ociekające przepychem pałace pełne lśniących posągów! Oswajajcie nosorożce i słonie, by wam służyły za zwierzęta juczne! Ubierajcie się w olśniewające zbroje turańskiej falangi!

Nowy pakiet zawartości udostępnia wyjątkowe elementy związane z kulturą Turanu. W jego ramach dostępne są nowe fragmenty budynków, obiekty do umieszczania, pancerze, bronie, barwy wojenne i zwierzaki!

Podarujcie sobie najbardziej wymyślne wyposażenie i fragmenty budynków, jakie do tej pory pojawiły się w Conan Exiles. Naciesz oko złotymi ozdobami fragmentów budynków oraz misternie dopracowanymi broniami i zbrojami.

Zawartość pakietu Skarby Turanu:
  • 39 nowych fragmentów budynków w stylu turańskim.
    Pełny zestaw fragmentów budynków o takich samych statystykach jak na obecnym poziomie trzecim.
  • 15 nowych elementów zbroi w trzech zestawach, takich jak ciężki pancerz turańskiego najemnika.
    Zestawy lekkich, średnich i ciężkich pancerzy wraz z ich spektakularnymi wersjami z rozgrywki końcowej.
  • 9 nowych broni z jednego zestawu broni turańskiej.
    Skuteczność dorównująca broni żelaznej i spektakularne wersje broni z rozgrywki końcowej.
  • 5 nowych turańskich barw wojennych.
    Ozdobne barwy wojenne nawiązujące do symboliki przepychu i chwały.
  • 9 nowych obiektów do umieszczania takich jak lampa stojąca czy kadzielnica.
    Można je stworzyć na nowym turańskim stole rzemieślniczym.
  • 2 nowe, wyjątkowe juczne zwierzaki.
    Bogato przyozdobiony juczny nosorożec i słoń.

Cała nowa zawartość z Turanu dostępna jest tylko w tym pakiecie DLC i wprowadza wiele nowych opcji wizualnych, ale nie zapewnia żadnej realnej przewagi w grze. Statystyki wszystkich nowych przedmiotów są porównywalne ze statystykami obecnie istniejących przedmiotów.

The riches of the eastern kingdom of Turan await! Build opulent palaces adorned with glittering statues, tame rhinos and elephants as pack animals and dress yourself in the dazzling Turanian Phalanx armor.

This new content pack offers exclusive content from the Turanian culture. It allows you to use all new building pieces, placeables, armor sets, weapon sets, warpaints and pets!

Treat yourself to the most ostentatious gear and building pieces in Conan Exiles yet. Enjoy the golden decorations of the building pieces and finely wrought weapons and armor.

Treasures of Turan Pack contains:
  • 39 new Turanian building pieces.
    A full set of building pieces with the same stats as existing tier three
  • 15 new armor pieces in three sets, such as the Turanian Mercenary armor
    Light, medium and heavy sets with an epic end-game version of each
  • 9 new weapons in one Turanian weapon set
    Same power as iron weapons with an epic end-game version of each weapon
  • 5 new Turanian warpaints
    Decorative warpaints symbolizing for example opulence and glory
  • 9 new placeables, such as the standing lamp and brazier
    Craft them at the new Turanian Artisan table
  • 2 new exclusive pack animal pet skins
    The richly adorned caravan rhino and elephant

All the new content from Turan is exclusive to this DLC and adds a host of new visual options but does not give any in-game advantage in power. All the new items have comparable stats to existing items.

Богатства восточного королевства Туран ждут вас! Возводите роскошные дворцы со сверкающими статуями, укрощайте носорогов и слонов и облачайтесь в превосходные доспехи туранских пехотинцев.

С набором вы сможете с головой окунуться в туранскую культуру. Встречайте новые строительные блоки, размещаемые предметы, комплекты доспехов и оружия, боевые раскраски и питомцев!

Conan Exiles еще не видывала такого шикарного снаряжения и строений! Порадуйте себя впечатляющей золотой отделкой зданий, искусно сделанным оружием и доспехами.

В набор «Сокровища Турана» входят:
  • 39 строительных блоков в туранском стиле.
    Полный набор строительных блоков с характеристиками, соответствующими третьему рангу.
  • 3 комплекта доспехов (к примеру, доспех туранского наемника), в общей сложности из 15 новых элементов.
    Комплекты легких, средних и тяжелых доспехов. У каждого комплекта есть эпическая версия.
  • 9 видов оружия в одном комплекте туранского оружия.
    По мощи это оружие не уступает железному. У каждого оружия есть эпическая версия.
  • 5 туранских боевых раскрасок.
    Декоративная боевая раскраска для демонстрации статуса и престижа.
  • 9 размещаемых предметов, в том числе напольная лампа и жаровня.
    Новые предметы создаются на туранским ремесленном столе.
  • 2 эксклюзивных вьючных питомца.
    Носорог и слон с богатой сбруей.

Новые материалы из набора «Сокровища Турана» доступны только в этом дополнении, являются чисто декоративными и не дают игровых преимуществ. Характеристики всех новых предметов соответствуют уже существующим.



在《Conan Exiles》中尽情享受最浮华的装备和建材。享受金色的建材装饰和精心锻造的武器与盔甲。

  • 39种全新的图兰建材。
  • 15种全新的护甲(分为三组),例如图兰佣兵盔甲
  • 一套图兰武器组合中的9件新武器
  • 5种新的图兰战绘
  • 9种新的可放置物品,例如立灯和火盆
  • 2种新的独有驮兽宠物

图兰扩展包的所有内容均为本 DLC 的专属内容,另有大量全新的视觉选择可供调整(不会影响角色的强度)。所有新物品在强度上均可匹配现有的物品。

¡Las riquezas del reino oriental de Turán esperan! Construye opulentos palacios decorados con relucientes estatuas, doma rinocerontes y elefantes como bestias de carga y viste la deslumbrante armadura de la falange turania.

Este nuevo pack ofrece contenido exclusivo de la cultura turania. ¡Te permite usar más elementos de edificio, objetos colocables, armaduras, armas, pinturas de guerra y mascotas!

Disfruta del equipo y los elementos de construcción más espectaculares hasta la fecha en Conan Exiles. Disfruta de las decoraciones de oro de los edificios y las mejores galas en armas y armaduras.

El pack Tesoros de Turán contiene:
  • 39 nuevas piezas de edificios turanios.
    Un lote entero de piezas de edificio con las estadísticas de la actual clase tres.
  • 15 nuevas piezas de armadura en tres lotes, entre ellos la armadura de mercenario turanio.
    Lotes ligero, medio y pesado con versión épica para el final del juego.
  • 9 armas en un nuevo lote turanio.
    La misma potencia que las armas de hierro con versión épica de cada una para el final del juego.
  • 5 pinturas de guerra turanias.
    Pinturas de guerra decorativas que simbolizan opulencia y gloria.
  • 9 elementos colocables, como una lámpara de pie y un brasero.
    Usa la nueva Mesa de artesano turania para fabricarlos.
  • 2 nuevas mascotas que usar como animales de carga.
    Elefante y rinoceronte de caravana, decorados de forma extravagante.

Todo el contenido de Turán es exclusivo de este DLC y añade muchas opciones visuales, aunque no proporciona ventaja alguna en cuanto a poder. Todos los objetos son comparables en poder a los ya existentes.

The riches of the eastern kingdom of Turan await! Build opulent palaces adorned with glittering statues, tame rhinos and elephants as pack animals and dress yourself in the dazzling Turanian Phalanx armor.

This new content pack offers exclusive content from the Turanian culture. It allows you to use all new building pieces, placeables, armor sets, weapon sets, warpaints and pets!

Treat yourself to the most ostentatious gear and building pieces in Conan Exiles yet. Enjoy the golden decorations of the building pieces and finely wrought weapons and armor.

Treasures of Turan Pack contains:
  • 39 new Turanian building pieces.
    A full set of building pieces with the same stats as existing tier three
  • 15 new armor pieces in three sets, such as the Turanian Mercenary armor
    Light, medium and heavy sets with an epic end-game version of each
  • 9 new weapons in one Turanian weapon set
    Same power as iron weapons with an epic end-game version of each weapon
  • 5 new Turanian warpaints
    Decorative warpaints symbolizing for example opulence and glory
  • 9 new placeables, such as the standing lamp and brazier
    Craft them at the new Turanian Artisan table
  • 2 new exclusive pack animal pet skins
    The richly adorned caravan rhino and elephant

All the new content from Turan is exclusive to this DLC and adds a host of new visual options but does not give any in-game advantage in power. All the new items have comparable stats to existing items.



在《Conan Exiles》中盡情使用最炫酷的裝備和建築塊。享受建築物的金色裝飾和精細鍛造的武器和盔甲。

  • 39 件新的圖倫建築塊
  • 三套 15 件的新盔甲,例如圖倫傭兵盔甲
  • 一套圖倫武器套裝中的 9 件新武器
  • 5 款新的圖倫戰妝
  • 9 個新的可放置物品,例如立燈和火盆
  • 2 種可用作為載貨動物的新獨家寵物


The riches of the eastern kingdom of Turan await! Build opulent palaces adorned with glittering statues, tame rhinos and elephants as pack animals and dress yourself in the dazzling Turanian Phalanx armor.

This new content pack offers exclusive content from the Turanian culture. It allows you to use all new building pieces, placeables, armor sets, weapon sets, warpaints and pets!

Treat yourself to the most ostentatious gear and building pieces in Conan Exiles yet. Enjoy the golden decorations of the building pieces and finely wrought weapons and armor.

Treasures of Turan Pack contains:
  • 39 new Turanian building pieces.
    A full set of building pieces with the same stats as existing tier three
  • 15 new armor pieces in three sets, such as the Turanian Mercenary armor
    Light, medium and heavy sets with an epic end-game version of each
  • 9 new weapons in one Turanian weapon set
    Same power as iron weapons with an epic end-game version of each weapon
  • 5 new Turanian warpaints
    Decorative warpaints symbolizing for example opulence and glory
  • 9 new placeables, such as the standing lamp and brazier
    Craft them at the new Turanian Artisan table
  • 2 new exclusive pack animal pet skins
    The richly adorned caravan rhino and elephant

All the new content from Turan is exclusive to this DLC and adds a host of new visual options but does not give any in-game advantage in power. All the new items have comparable stats to existing items.

System Requirements


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