Cossacks 3
Cossacks 3

Cossacks 3

Release Date: 20/09/2016 | WORLDWIDE
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Návrat legendárních Cossacks! Pokračování oceněné strategické série.

Hra se odehrává v Evropě 17. a 18. století, realtimová strategie umožňuje obrovské bitvy až s 32 000 jednotkami na bojišti.

Toto je remake hry, která byla původně vydána v roce 2000. Obsahuje všechny prvky úspěšné a význаmné hry Cossacks a kombinuje je se současnou 3D grafikou. Cossacks 3 poskytují hráči neomezené strategické a taktické možnosti. Zahrnující nejen budování staveb a těžbu surovin, ale také široký výběr různých jednotek a vliv krajiny.

Hráč má k dispozici 20 hratelných národů, 120 jedinečných typů jednotek, 100 vědeckých výzkumů a více než 220 rozmanitých historických budov. Kromě bitev na souši, hráči mohou budovat loďstvo a napadnout své nepřátele na moři. Cossacks 3 nabídne pět historických kampaní pro jednoho hráče a multiplayer až pro 8 hráčů, možnost hrát v týmech i proti počítači. Přizpůsobivý generátor náhodných map s výběrem požadované krajiny poskytuje nekonečno variant bitev a zábavy.

Herní prvky:
  • Velkolepé bitvy až s 32 000 jednotkami na bojišti
  • 20 hratelných národů
  • 100 vědeckých výzkumů
  • 220 odlišných historických budov
  • Bitvy jak na souši, tak na moři
  • Pět historických kampaní pro jednoho hráče
  • Nekonečno variant bitev na náhodných mapách

Information about Digital Deluxe Edition (no longer available for purchase):

Digital Deluxe - is a game edition, that contained both base game and 4 previously announced DLC, which are getting consequent releases during 1 year after Cossacks 3 release, along with few great bonuses.
We have already released 4 promised DLCs: Days of Brilliance, Rise to Glory, Path to Grandeur and The Golden Age. They include:

Early access to new nations:
  • [Days of Brilliance] Denmark
  • [Days of Brilliance] Netherlands
  • [Rise to Glory] Bavaria
  • [Rise to Glory] Saxony
  • [Path to Grandeur] Hungary
  • [Path to Grandeur] Portugal
  • [The Golden Age] Switzerland
  • [The Golden Age] Piedmont

  • [Days of Brilliance] Pro Fide, Lege et Rege
  • [Rise to Glory] Huge gambles and great achievements.
  • [Rise to Glory] The Lion of the North.
  • [Path to Grandeur] St.Jacob with us, Spain!
  • [Path to Grandeur] In the Service of the Grand Vizier!
  • [The Golden Age] Oranien bovem!

Single-player missions:
  • [Days of Brilliance] Konotop
  • [Days of Brilliance] Clash at Nordlingen
  • [Days of Brilliance] Stuart Restoration
  • [Days of Brilliance] Peasants' War
  • [Days of Brilliance] Landing in Brittany
  • [Rise to Glory] Second Northern War
  • [Rise to Glory] Great Northern War
  • [Rise to Glory] Franco-Dutch War
  • [The Golden age] War for Brazil
  • [The Golden age] War in the Caribbean
  • [The Golden age] The Portuguese War of Independence
  • [The Golden age] Siege of Dunkirk
Historical battle:
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Nieuwpoort (1600)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Pyliavtsi (1648)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Prostki (1656)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Saint Gotthard (1664)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Villaviciosa (1710)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Sheriffmuir (1715)
  • [The Golden age] Oran (1732)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Soor (1745)
  • [Rise to Glory] Winter maps
  • [Path to Grandeur] Desert maps

Digital Deluxe Edition owners would also receive soundtrack in lossless quality (wav format).

Digital Deluxe Edition is no longer available for purchases. Its owners have already got 4 DLC for free, as we`ve promised
Return of the legendary Cossacks! The sequel of the award winning strategy series.

Leaning on the history of the 17th and 18th century, the real time strategy game awakens colossal mass battles with up to 32,000 soldiers simultaneously on the battlefield.

This remake of the classic game, that originally launched in 2000, contains all of the elements that distinguish the successful Cossacks games and combines them with contemporary 3D-graphics. Cossacks 3 provides the player with infinite tactical options, including not only the construction of buildings, the production of raw materials, but also the broad selection of various units and the influence of the landscape.

20 nations, 120 different unit types, 100 research opportunities, and over 220 different historical buildings are available to the player. Besides the battles ashore, players can build an armada and attack their enemies at sea. Cossacks 3 offers five historic single player-campaigns and up to eight players can fight each other in multiplayer-mode on one map. The player can forge alliances with or against others as well as challenge the computer. Randomly generated maps provide endless variations and can be adapted to the gamer’s needs.

Game features:
  • Grandiose battles of up to 32,000 soldiers on the battlefield
  • 20 playable nations
  • 100 research opportunities
  • 220 different historic buildings
  • Battles ashore and at sea
  • Five singleplayer historical campaigns
  • Infinite variations of battles on randomly generated maps
As a free DLC all the players will receive 8 additional playable nations with the unique music main themes.

Information about Digital Deluxe Edition (no longer available for purchase):

Digital Deluxe - is a game edition, that contained both base game and 4 previously announced DLC, which are getting consequent releases during 1 year after Cossacks 3 release, along with few great bonuses.
We have already released 4 promised DLCs: Days of Brilliance, Rise to Glory, Path to Grandeur and The Golden Age. They include:

Early access to new nations:
  • [Days of Brilliance] Denmark
  • [Days of Brilliance] Netherlands
  • [Rise to Glory] Bavaria
  • [Rise to Glory] Saxony
  • [Path to Grandeur] Hungary
  • [Path to Grandeur] Portugal
  • [The Golden Age] Switzerland
  • [The Golden Age] Piedmont

  • [Days of Brilliance] Pro Fide, Lege et Rege
  • [Rise to Glory] Huge gambles and great achievements.
  • [Rise to Glory] The Lion of the North.
  • [Path to Grandeur] St.Jacob with us, Spain!
  • [Path to Grandeur] In the Service of the Grand Vizier!
  • [The Golden Age] Oranien bovem!

Single-player missions:
  • [Days of Brilliance] Konotop
  • [Days of Brilliance] Clash at Nordlingen
  • [Days of Brilliance] Stuart Restoration
  • [Days of Brilliance] Peasants' War
  • [Days of Brilliance] Landing in Brittany
  • [Rise to Glory] Second Northern War
  • [Rise to Glory] Great Northern War
  • [Rise to Glory] Franco-Dutch War
  • [The Golden age] War for Brazil
  • [The Golden age] War in the Caribbean
  • [The Golden age] The Portuguese War of Independence
  • [The Golden age] Siege of Dunkirk
Historical battle:
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Nieuwpoort (1600)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Pyliavtsi (1648)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Prostki (1656)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Saint Gotthard (1664)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Villaviciosa (1710)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Sheriffmuir (1715)
  • [The Golden age] Oran (1732)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Soor (1745)
  • [Rise to Glory] Winter maps
  • [Path to Grandeur] Desert maps

Digital Deluxe Edition owners would also receive soundtrack in lossless quality (wav format).

Digital Deluxe Edition is no longer available for purchases. Its owners have already got 4 DLC for free, as we`ve promised
Le retour du légendaire Cossacks ! La suite du jeu de stratégie maintes fois récompensée.

Basé sur le contexte historique du 17e et 18e siècle, ce jeu de stratégie est le théâtre de batailles gigantesques où pas moins de 32 000 soldats peuvent s'affronter simultanément.

Ce remake du jeu original, paru initialement en 2000, associe tous les éléments qui ont forgé le succès des jeux Cossacks à des graphismes modernes en 3D . Cossacks 3 laisse au joueur une multitude de choix tactiques via la construction de bâtiments et la production de matières premières, mais également de par le vaste choix d'unités ou encore l'influence du terrain et de sa topographie.

20 nations, 120 types d'unités différentes, 100 possibilités de développement technologique, et plus de 220 bâtiments historiques différents sont à la disposition du joueur. Outre les batailles terrestres, les joueurs pourront bâtir une armada et affronter leurs ennemis sur les mers. Cossacks 3 propose cinq campagnes solo historiques tandis que le mode multijoueur pourra accueillir jusqu'à huit joueurs sur une même carte. Le joueur pourra forger des alliances avec ou contre d'autres joueurs comme il pourra défier l'ordinateur. Les cartes générées aléatoirement offrent d'innombrables possibilités tout en étant adaptables aux préférences du joueur.

Caractéristiques du jeu:
  • Des batailles grandioses incluant jusqu'à 32.000 soldats sur le champ de bataille
  • 20 nations jouables
  • 100 possibilités de développement technologique
  • 220 bâtiments historiques différents
  • Des batailles terrestres et navales
  • Cinq campagnes solo historiques
  • Une infinie variété de batailles sur des cartes générées aléatoirement
Et comme DLC gratuit tous les joueurs recevront 8 nations jouables supplémentaires avec les principaux thèmes musicaux uniques.

Information about Digital Deluxe Edition (no longer available for purchase):

Digital Deluxe - is a game edition, that contained both base game and 4 previously announced DLC, which are getting consequent releases during 1 year after Cossacks 3 release, along with few great bonuses.
We have already released 4 promised DLCs: Days of Brilliance, Rise to Glory, Path to Grandeur and The Golden Age. They include:

Early access to new nations:
  • [Days of Brilliance] Denmark
  • [Days of Brilliance] Netherlands
  • [Rise to Glory] Bavaria
  • [Rise to Glory] Saxony
  • [Path to Grandeur] Hungary
  • [Path to Grandeur] Portugal
  • [The Golden Age] Switzerland
  • [The Golden Age] Piedmont

  • [Days of Brilliance] Pro Fide, Lege et Rege
  • [Rise to Glory] Huge gambles and great achievements.
  • [Rise to Glory] The Lion of the North.
  • [Path to Grandeur] St.Jacob with us, Spain!
  • [Path to Grandeur] In the Service of the Grand Vizier!
  • [The Golden Age] Oranien bovem!

Single-player missions:
  • [Days of Brilliance] Konotop
  • [Days of Brilliance] Clash at Nordlingen
  • [Days of Brilliance] Stuart Restoration
  • [Days of Brilliance] Peasants' War
  • [Days of Brilliance] Landing in Brittany
  • [Rise to Glory] Second Northern War
  • [Rise to Glory] Great Northern War
  • [Rise to Glory] Franco-Dutch War
  • [The Golden age] War for Brazil
  • [The Golden age] War in the Caribbean
  • [The Golden age] The Portuguese War of Independence
  • [The Golden age] Siege of Dunkirk
Historical battle:
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Nieuwpoort (1600)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Pyliavtsi (1648)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Prostki (1656)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Saint Gotthard (1664)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Villaviciosa (1710)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Sheriffmuir (1715)
  • [The Golden age] Oran (1732)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Soor (1745)
  • [Rise to Glory] Winter maps
  • [Path to Grandeur] Desert maps

Digital Deluxe Edition owners would also receive soundtrack in lossless quality (wav format).

Digital Deluxe Edition is no longer available for purchases. Its owners have already got 4 DLC for free, as we`ve promised
Wiederkehr des legendären Computerspiels: Cossacks! Die Fortsetzung einer preisgekrönten Serie.

Anlehnend an die Geschichte des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts, finden in diesem Echtzeitstrategiespiel kolossale Massenschlachten mit bis zu 32,000 Soldaten gleichzeitig auf einem Schlachtfeld statt.

Diese Neufassung der Ur-Version des Spiels aus dem Jahre 2000 beinhaltet alles des erfolgreichen Cossacks 1 und vereinigt es mit zeitgenössischer 3D Grafik. Cossacks 3 ermöglicht dem Spieler nicht nur eine unendliche Anzahl taktischer Optionen, oder das Bauen von Gebäuden, sondern auch eine große Auswahl an verschiedenen Einheiten unter Einfluss des Geländes.

20 Nationen, 120 unterschiedliche Einheiten, 100 Forschungsmöglichkeiten und über 220 unterschiedliche historische Gebäude stehen dem Spieler zur Verfügung. Neben den Schlachten zu Land, kann der Spieler auch eine Schiffsarmada aufbauen und seine Feinde zur See angreifen.

Cossacks 3 bietet fünf historische Einzelspielerkampagnen und bis zu 8 Spieler können sich über den Multispielermodus bekämpfen. Der Spieler kann Allianzen mit oder gegen Menschen schmieden oder eben mit oder gegen den Computer. Zufällig generierte Karten ermöglichen endlose Variationen und können je nach Bedarf des Spielers genutzt werden.

  • Grandiose Gefechte mit bis zu 32,000 Soldaten auf dem Schlachtfeld
  • 20 spielbare Nationen
  • 100 Forschungsmöglichkeiten
  • 220 verschiedene historische Gebäude
  • Schlachten an Land und zur See
  • Fünf historische Einzelspieler Kampagnen
  • Unendliche Gefechtsvariationen auf zufällig generierten Karten möglich
Als ein freierhältliches Paket werden die Spieler 8 weitere spielbare Nationen mit einzigartiger musikalischer Untermalung erhalten.

Information about Digital Deluxe Edition (no longer available for purchase):

Digital Deluxe - is a game edition, that contained both base game and 4 previously announced DLC, which are getting consequent releases during 1 year after Cossacks 3 release, along with few great bonuses.
We have already released 4 promised DLCs: Days of Brilliance, Rise to Glory, Path to Grandeur and The Golden Age. They include:

Early access to new nations:
  • [Days of Brilliance] Denmark
  • [Days of Brilliance] Netherlands
  • [Rise to Glory] Bavaria
  • [Rise to Glory] Saxony
  • [Path to Grandeur] Hungary
  • [Path to Grandeur] Portugal
  • [The Golden Age] Switzerland
  • [The Golden Age] Piedmont

  • [Days of Brilliance] Pro Fide, Lege et Rege
  • [Rise to Glory] Huge gambles and great achievements.
  • [Rise to Glory] The Lion of the North.
  • [Path to Grandeur] St.Jacob with us, Spain!
  • [Path to Grandeur] In the Service of the Grand Vizier!
  • [The Golden Age] Oranien bovem!

Single-player missions:
  • [Days of Brilliance] Konotop
  • [Days of Brilliance] Clash at Nordlingen
  • [Days of Brilliance] Stuart Restoration
  • [Days of Brilliance] Peasants' War
  • [Days of Brilliance] Landing in Brittany
  • [Rise to Glory] Second Northern War
  • [Rise to Glory] Great Northern War
  • [Rise to Glory] Franco-Dutch War
  • [The Golden age] War for Brazil
  • [The Golden age] War in the Caribbean
  • [The Golden age] The Portuguese War of Independence
  • [The Golden age] Siege of Dunkirk
Historical battle:
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Nieuwpoort (1600)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Pyliavtsi (1648)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Prostki (1656)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Saint Gotthard (1664)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Villaviciosa (1710)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Sheriffmuir (1715)
  • [The Golden age] Oran (1732)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Soor (1745)
  • [Rise to Glory] Winter maps
  • [Path to Grandeur] Desert maps

Digital Deluxe Edition owners would also receive soundtrack in lossless quality (wav format).

Digital Deluxe Edition is no longer available for purchases. Its owners have already got 4 DLC for free, as we`ve promised
Ecco il sequel del leggendario e accreditato Cossack, vincitore di svariati premi nel suo genere.

Imparando la storia europea del XVII e XVIII secolo il gioco rievoca colossali battaglie che includono fino a 32 000 unità schierate contemporaneamente nel campo di battaglia.

Questo remake del gioco, che originariamente fu rilasciato nel 2000, contiene tutti gli elementi che distinsero i giochi della serie Cossacks, aggiungendo la grafica 3-D. Cossacks 3 fornisce al giocatore un'infinità di opzioni tattiche, includendo non solo la costruzione di edifici e la raccolta di materie prime, ma anche una vasta selezione di diverse unità e la dinamicità di un terreno che influisce sulle meccaniche di gioco.

20 nazioni, 120 diverse unità, 100 diverse tecnologie e oltre 220 differenti strutture storiche sono disponibili per il giocatore. Oltre agli scontri terrestri i giocatori possono costruire la loro flotta e scontrarsi con i propri nemici in mare. Cossacks 3 offre inoltre 5 campagne storiche in modalità giocatore singolo, oltre che immense battaglie on-line dove si possono sfidare fino a 8 giocatori. Il giocatore può forgiare alleanze con o contro altri giocatori, ed è inoltre possibile combattere contro uno o più computer. Le mappe randomiche garantiscono una possibilità illimitata di combinazioni che si possono adattare alle necessità del giocatore.

Caratteristiche del gioco:
  • Immense battaglie con più di 32000 soldati schierati sul campo di battaglia
  • 20 nazioni giocabili
  • 100 diverse tecnologie
  • 220 strutture storiche uniche
  • Combattimenti terrestri e navali
  • 5 campagne storiche per giocatore singolo
  • Infinite battaglie su mappe randomiche contenenti fino a 8 giocatori

Information about Digital Deluxe Edition (no longer available for purchase):

Digital Deluxe - is a game edition, that contained both base game and 4 previously announced DLC, which are getting consequent releases during 1 year after Cossacks 3 release, along with few great bonuses.
We have already released 4 promised DLCs: Days of Brilliance, Rise to Glory, Path to Grandeur and The Golden Age. They include:

Early access to new nations:
  • [Days of Brilliance] Denmark
  • [Days of Brilliance] Netherlands
  • [Rise to Glory] Bavaria
  • [Rise to Glory] Saxony
  • [Path to Grandeur] Hungary
  • [Path to Grandeur] Portugal
  • [The Golden Age] Switzerland
  • [The Golden Age] Piedmont

  • [Days of Brilliance] Pro Fide, Lege et Rege
  • [Rise to Glory] Huge gambles and great achievements.
  • [Rise to Glory] The Lion of the North.
  • [Path to Grandeur] St.Jacob with us, Spain!
  • [Path to Grandeur] In the Service of the Grand Vizier!
  • [The Golden Age] Oranien bovem!

Single-player missions:
  • [Days of Brilliance] Konotop
  • [Days of Brilliance] Clash at Nordlingen
  • [Days of Brilliance] Stuart Restoration
  • [Days of Brilliance] Peasants' War
  • [Days of Brilliance] Landing in Brittany
  • [Rise to Glory] Second Northern War
  • [Rise to Glory] Great Northern War
  • [Rise to Glory] Franco-Dutch War
  • [The Golden age] War for Brazil
  • [The Golden age] War in the Caribbean
  • [The Golden age] The Portuguese War of Independence
  • [The Golden age] Siege of Dunkirk
Historical battle:
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Nieuwpoort (1600)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Pyliavtsi (1648)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Prostki (1656)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Saint Gotthard (1664)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Villaviciosa (1710)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Sheriffmuir (1715)
  • [The Golden age] Oran (1732)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Soor (1745)
  • [Rise to Glory] Winter maps
  • [Path to Grandeur] Desert maps

Digital Deluxe Edition owners would also receive soundtrack in lossless quality (wav format).

Digital Deluxe Edition is no longer available for purchases. Its owners have already got 4 DLC for free, as we`ve promised
Powrót legendarnych Kozaków! Kontynuacja wielokrotnie nagradzanej serii gier strategicznych.

Opierając się na historii wieku XVII i XVIII, ta strategia czasu rzeczywistego przywołuje gigantyczne bitwy z udziałem aż do 32 000 jednostek jednocześnie na polu walki.

To remake klasycznej gry, pierwotnie wydanej w 2000 roku, zawiera wszystkie elementy które wyróżniały tak znanych i lubianych Kozaków, z współczesnymi możliwościami grafiki 3D. Kozacy 3 zapewniają graczom nieskończony zakres możliwości taktycznych, włączając zarówno wydobycie surowców jak i budowę budynków oraz szeroki wybór jednostek, czy wpływ na krajobraz.

20 państw, 120 typów jednostek, 100 możliwych badań, oraz ponad 220 historycznych budynków, to wszystko zostaje oddane w ręce gracza. Poza bitwami lądowymi, gracz może stworzyć flotę i atakować przeciwników drogą morską. Kozacy 3 oferują pięć historycznych kampanii dla jednego gracza, poza tym istnieje możliwość gry wieloosobowej aż do 8 graczy. Gracze mogą być razem w sojuszu, walczyć przeciwko sobie, jak i rzucać wyzwanie przeciwnikom sterowanym przez komputer. Generowane losowo mapy zapewniają nieskończone ilości kombinacji i dają możliwość dostosowania mapy do potrzeb gracza.

Cechy gry:
  • Imponujące walki nawet do 32,000 żołnierzy na polu bitwy
  • 20 grywalnych państw
  • 100 możliwości badawczych
  • 220 różnych historycznych budynków
  • Walki na lądzie i na morzu
  • Pięć historycznych kampanii dla pojedynczego gracza
  • Nieskończone warianty bitew na losowo generowanych mapach
Ponadto każdy gracz w ramach darmowego dodatku otrzyma 8 grywalnych i dodatkowych państw, każde z niepowtarzalnym utworem przewodnim.

Information about Digital Deluxe Edition (no longer available for purchase):

Digital Deluxe - is a game edition, that contained both base game and 4 previously announced DLC, which are getting consequent releases during 1 year after Cossacks 3 release, along with few great bonuses.
We have already released 4 promised DLCs: Days of Brilliance, Rise to Glory, Path to Grandeur and The Golden Age. They include:

Early access to new nations:
  • [Days of Brilliance] Denmark
  • [Days of Brilliance] Netherlands
  • [Rise to Glory] Bavaria
  • [Rise to Glory] Saxony
  • [Path to Grandeur] Hungary
  • [Path to Grandeur] Portugal
  • [The Golden Age] Switzerland
  • [The Golden Age] Piedmont

  • [Days of Brilliance] Pro Fide, Lege et Rege
  • [Rise to Glory] Huge gambles and great achievements.
  • [Rise to Glory] The Lion of the North.
  • [Path to Grandeur] St.Jacob with us, Spain!
  • [Path to Grandeur] In the Service of the Grand Vizier!
  • [The Golden Age] Oranien bovem!

Single-player missions:
  • [Days of Brilliance] Konotop
  • [Days of Brilliance] Clash at Nordlingen
  • [Days of Brilliance] Stuart Restoration
  • [Days of Brilliance] Peasants' War
  • [Days of Brilliance] Landing in Brittany
  • [Rise to Glory] Second Northern War
  • [Rise to Glory] Great Northern War
  • [Rise to Glory] Franco-Dutch War
  • [The Golden age] War for Brazil
  • [The Golden age] War in the Caribbean
  • [The Golden age] The Portuguese War of Independence
  • [The Golden age] Siege of Dunkirk
Historical battle:
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Nieuwpoort (1600)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Pyliavtsi (1648)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Prostki (1656)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Saint Gotthard (1664)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Villaviciosa (1710)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Sheriffmuir (1715)
  • [The Golden age] Oran (1732)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Soor (1745)
  • [Rise to Glory] Winter maps
  • [Path to Grandeur] Desert maps

Digital Deluxe Edition owners would also receive soundtrack in lossless quality (wav format).

Digital Deluxe Edition is no longer available for purchases. Its owners have already got 4 DLC for free, as we`ve promised
Возвращение легендарных «Казаков»! Масштабная стратегия о великих сражениях XVII–XVIII вв.

Современный ремейк лучшей стратегии 2001 года, многотысячные армии и выверенная игровая механика. Настоящая классика жанра RTS со строительством и добычей ресурсов. Огромный выбор типов юнитов, холодное и огнестрельное оружие, влияние ландшафта и реалистичная физика предоставляют игроку неограниченное количество тактических возможностей.

Впечатляющий масштаб.
До 32 000 юнитов на поле боя! 20 игровых наций, 120 различных типов игровых юнитов, 100 научных исследований и свыше 220 различных исторических построек.

Классический игровой процесс.
Стратегия в реальном времени со строительством, добычей ресурсов и деревом развития. Морские баталии, влияние ландшафта и реальная физика предоставляет игроку огромное количество тактических ходов.

Многопользовательская игра.
Захватывающие сетевые сражения до 8 игроков на карте. Возможность объединения в команды и игры против компьютера. Гибкие настройки генератора случайных карт с выбором желаемого ландшафта.

Особенности игры:
  • Захватывающая историческая стратегия реального времени.
  • Действия разворачиваются на территории Европы XVII–XVIII вв.
  • Пять исторических кампаний в однопользовательском режиме.
  • 20 противоборствующих стран.
  • Грандиозные сражения до 32 000 юнитов на карте.
  • Реалистичная физика полета пуль и ядер.
  • Существенное влияние ландшафта на тактику сражений.
  • Бесконечные вариации битв с компьютерными противниками на случайных картах.
  • Гибкий генератор случайных карт с выбором предпочитаемого ландшафта.
В качестве бесплатных DLC все игроки получат 8 дополнительных игровых наций с уникальным музыкальным оформлением.

Информация про Digital Deluxe Edition (более недоступно для покупки):

Digital Deluxe - издание, которое содержит в себе базовую игру и 4 заранее анонсированных DLC, постепенно выходящих на протяжении года после релиза, с набором из обещанного контента, а также нескольких значительных бонусов.
На данный момент выпущены все 4 обещанных DLC: Days of Brilliance, Rise to Glory, Path to Grandeur и The Golden Age. Они включают в себя:

Ранний доступ к новым нациям:
  • [Days of Brilliance] Дания
  • [Days of Brilliance] Нидерланды
  • [Rise to Glory] Бавария
  • [Rise to Glory] Саксония
  • [Path to Grandeur] Венгрия
  • [Path to Grandeur] Португалия
  • [The Golden Age] Швейцария
  • [The Golden Age] Пьемонт
  • [Days of Brilliance] За веру, закон и короля
  • [Rise to Glory] Большие риски и великие свершения.
  • [Rise to Glory] Лев Севера.
  • [Path to Grandeur] Святой Иаков с нами, Испания!
  • [Path to Grandeur] На службе великого визиря!
  • [The Golden Age] Oranien bovem!
Одиночные миссии:
  • [Days of Brilliance] Конотоп
  • [Days of Brilliance] Противостояние у Нёрдлингена
  • [Days of Brilliance] Реставрация Стюартов
  • [Days of Brilliance] Крестьянская война
  • [Days of Brilliance] Высадка в Бретани
  • [Rise to Glory] Вторая северная война
  • [Rise to Glory] Великая северная война
  • [Rise to Glory] Голландская война
  • [The Golden age] Война за Бразилию
  • [The Golden age] Война в Карибах
  • [The Golden age] Португальская война за независимость
  • [The Golden age] Осада Дюнкерка
Исторические Баталии:
  • [The Golden age] Ньювпорт (1600г.)
  • [The Golden age] Пилявцы (1648г.)
  • [The Golden age] Простки (1656г.)
  • [The Golden age] Сентготтхард (1664г.)
  • [The Golden age] Виллависьоса (1710г.)
  • [The Golden age] Шериффмур (1715г.)
  • [The Golden age] Оран (1732г.)
  • [The Golden age] Соор (1745г.)
Климатические зоны:
  • [Rise to Glory] Зимние карты
  • [Path to Grandeur] Пустынные карты
Владельцы Digital Deluxe также получают саундтрек в формате без потери качества (формат wav).

На данный момент Digital Deluxe недоступен для покупки. Обладатели Digital Deluxe, как мы и обещали, получили 4 DLC абсолютно бесплатно
¡Vuelve el legendario Cossacks! La secuela de la galardonada serie de estrategia.

Apoyado en la historia del siglo 17 y 18, la estrategia en tiempo real permite batallas colosales de hasta 32.000 soldados simultáneos en el campo de batalla.

Este nueva versión sobre el juego clásico, que originalmente se lanzó en 2000, contiene todos los elementos que distinguen al exitoso juego de Cossacks combinando además gráficos 3d contemporáneos. Cossacks 3 proporciona al jugador con opciones tácticas infinitas, incluyendo no solo la construcción de edificios, la producción de materiales primas, sino también una amplia selección de unidades diferentes y la influencia del terreno.

20 naciones, 120 tipos diferentes de unidades, 100 oportunidades de investigación y más de 220 edificios históricos diferentes están disponibles para el jugador. Además de batallas terrestres, los jugadores podrán construir una armada y atacar a sus enemigos en el mar. Cossacks 3 ofreces 5 campañas históricas para un solo jugador y hasta ocho jugadores podrán pelear entre sí en batallas multijugador. El jugador podrá formar alianzas con o contra otros así como desafiar a la máquina.Los mapas generados al azar proporcionan un sinfín de variaciones y se pueden adaptar a las necesidades del jugador.

Características del juego:
  • Grandiosas batallas de hasta 32.000 soldados en el campo de batalla
  • 20 naciones jugables
  • 100 oportunidades de investigación
  • 220 edificios históricos diferentes
  • Batallas en tierra como en el mar
  • Cinco campañas históricas para un jugador
  • Variaciones infinitas de batallas por mapas generados al azar

Information about Digital Deluxe Edition (no longer available for purchase):

Digital Deluxe - is a game edition, that contained both base game and 4 previously announced DLC, which are getting consequent releases during 1 year after Cossacks 3 release, along with few great bonuses.
We have already released 4 promised DLCs: Days of Brilliance, Rise to Glory, Path to Grandeur and The Golden Age. They include:

Early access to new nations:
  • [Days of Brilliance] Denmark
  • [Days of Brilliance] Netherlands
  • [Rise to Glory] Bavaria
  • [Rise to Glory] Saxony
  • [Path to Grandeur] Hungary
  • [Path to Grandeur] Portugal
  • [The Golden Age] Switzerland
  • [The Golden Age] Piedmont

  • [Days of Brilliance] Pro Fide, Lege et Rege
  • [Rise to Glory] Huge gambles and great achievements.
  • [Rise to Glory] The Lion of the North.
  • [Path to Grandeur] St.Jacob with us, Spain!
  • [Path to Grandeur] In the Service of the Grand Vizier!
  • [The Golden Age] Oranien bovem!

Single-player missions:
  • [Days of Brilliance] Konotop
  • [Days of Brilliance] Clash at Nordlingen
  • [Days of Brilliance] Stuart Restoration
  • [Days of Brilliance] Peasants' War
  • [Days of Brilliance] Landing in Brittany
  • [Rise to Glory] Second Northern War
  • [Rise to Glory] Great Northern War
  • [Rise to Glory] Franco-Dutch War
  • [The Golden age] War for Brazil
  • [The Golden age] War in the Caribbean
  • [The Golden age] The Portuguese War of Independence
  • [The Golden age] Siege of Dunkirk
Historical battle:
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Nieuwpoort (1600)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Pyliavtsi (1648)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Prostki (1656)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Saint Gotthard (1664)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Villaviciosa (1710)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Sheriffmuir (1715)
  • [The Golden age] Oran (1732)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Soor (1745)
  • [Rise to Glory] Winter maps
  • [Path to Grandeur] Desert maps

Digital Deluxe Edition owners would also receive soundtrack in lossless quality (wav format).

Digital Deluxe Edition is no longer available for purchases. Its owners have already got 4 DLC for free, as we`ve promised
Efsanevi Cossacks'ın dönüşü! Ödüllü strateji serisinin devamı.

17. ve 18. yüzyıllardaki tarihsel döneme dayanan konusu ve savaş meydanında aynı anda 10 bin askere kadar devasa savaşlar verebilme özelliği ile gerçek zamanlı strateji oyunu olarak yeniden uyanıyor.

2000 yılında çıkmış olan klasik oyunun modern 3D grafikler ve Cossacks serisinin ayırt edici özelliklerini çağdaş bir çizgide harmanlayan Cossacks 3, bir yeniden yapım oyunu olarak çok daha başarılı bir şekilde geliyor. Aynı zamanda Cossacks 3 oyunculara sınırsız taktiksel seçenekler, sadece binaların yapımı değil, bunun yanında çeşitli materyallerin üretiminin yanında geniş savaş birimleri tercihleri ve oyuna etki eden yerleşim özelliklerini içeriyor.

20 ulus, 120 farklı ünite tipi, 100 araştırma fırsatı ve 220'ın üzerinde tarihsel bina olacak. Kara savaşlarının yanı sıra, oyuncular donanma yaratarak düşmanlara deniz üzerinden de saldırabilecek. Cossacks 3, beş adet tarihsel tek kişilik savaş sunarken, sekiz kişiye kadar da çoklu oyuncu modlarını destekliyor. Oyuncular birbirleriyle savaşabildiği gibi, yapay zekaya karşı ittifak da yapabilecekler. Rastgele olarak yaratılan haritalar, oyuncunun ihtiyaçlarına göre sınırsız varyasyonlar sağlayacak.

Oyun Özellikleri:
  • Savaş alanında 32,000 askere kadar görkemli mücadeleler
  • 20 oynanabilir ulus
  • 100 araştırma seçeneği
  • 220 farklı tarihsel bina
  • Kara ve denizde savaşlar
  • Beş tarihsel tek kişilik senaryo
  • Rastgele yaratılan haritalarda sınırsız varyasyon seçeneği

Information about Digital Deluxe Edition (no longer available for purchase):

Digital Deluxe - is a game edition, that contained both base game and 4 previously announced DLC, which are getting consequent releases during 1 year after Cossacks 3 release, along with few great bonuses.
We have already released 4 promised DLCs: Days of Brilliance, Rise to Glory, Path to Grandeur and The Golden Age. They include:

Early access to new nations:
  • [Days of Brilliance] Denmark
  • [Days of Brilliance] Netherlands
  • [Rise to Glory] Bavaria
  • [Rise to Glory] Saxony
  • [Path to Grandeur] Hungary
  • [Path to Grandeur] Portugal
  • [The Golden Age] Switzerland
  • [The Golden Age] Piedmont

  • [Days of Brilliance] Pro Fide, Lege et Rege
  • [Rise to Glory] Huge gambles and great achievements.
  • [Rise to Glory] The Lion of the North.
  • [Path to Grandeur] St.Jacob with us, Spain!
  • [Path to Grandeur] In the Service of the Grand Vizier!
  • [The Golden Age] Oranien bovem!

Single-player missions:
  • [Days of Brilliance] Konotop
  • [Days of Brilliance] Clash at Nordlingen
  • [Days of Brilliance] Stuart Restoration
  • [Days of Brilliance] Peasants' War
  • [Days of Brilliance] Landing in Brittany
  • [Rise to Glory] Second Northern War
  • [Rise to Glory] Great Northern War
  • [Rise to Glory] Franco-Dutch War
  • [The Golden age] War for Brazil
  • [The Golden age] War in the Caribbean
  • [The Golden age] The Portuguese War of Independence
  • [The Golden age] Siege of Dunkirk
Historical battle:
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Nieuwpoort (1600)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Pyliavtsi (1648)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Prostki (1656)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Saint Gotthard (1664)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Villaviciosa (1710)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Sheriffmuir (1715)
  • [The Golden age] Oran (1732)
  • [The Golden age] Battle of Soor (1745)
  • [Rise to Glory] Winter maps
  • [Path to Grandeur] Desert maps

Digital Deluxe Edition owners would also receive soundtrack in lossless quality (wav format).

Digital Deluxe Edition is no longer available for purchases. Its owners have already got 4 DLC for free, as we`ve promised
Повернення легендарних «Козаків»! Масштабна стратегія про великі битви XVII–XVIII ст.

Сучасний ремейк кращої стратегії 2001 року, багатотисячні армії та вивірена ігрова механіка. Справжня класика жанру RTS з будівництвом та видобуванням ресурсів. Величезний вибір типів юнітів, холодна та вогнепальна зброя, вплив ландшафту та реалістична фізика надають гравцеві необмежену кількість тактичних можливостей.

Вражаючий масштаб.
До 32 000 юнітів на полі бою! 20 ігрових націй, 120 різних типів ігрових юнітів, 100 наукових досліджень та понад 220 різноманітних історичних будівель.

Класичний ігровий процес.
Стратегія у реальному часі з будівництвом, видобуванням ресурсів і деревом розвитку. Морські баталії, вплив ландшафту та реальна фізика надають гравцеві величезну кількість тактичних ходів.

Багатокористувацька гра.
Захоплюючі мережеві битви до 8 гравців на мапі. Можливість об’єднання у команди та гри проти комп’ютера. Гнучкі налаштування генератора випадкових мап із вибором бажаного ландшафту.

Особливості гри:
  • Захоплююча стратегія реального часу.
  • Дії розвертаються на території Європи XVII-XVIII ст.
  • П’ять історичних кампаній в режимі одиночної гри.
  • 20 протиборчих країн.
  • Грандіозні битви до 32 000 юнітів на мапі.
  • Реалістична фізика польоту куль та ядер.
  • Суттєвий вплив ландшафту на тактику бою.
  • Нескінченні варіації битв із комп’ютерними супротивниками на випадкових мапах.
  • Гнучкий генератор випадкових мап із вибором бажаного ландшафту.
В якості безкоштовних DLC всі гравці отримають 8 додаткових ігрових націй з унікальним музичним оформленням.

Інформація про Digital Deluxe Edition (наразі недоступне для придбання):

Digital Deluxe - видання, що містить базову гру та 4 заздалегідь анонсованих DLC, що поступово виходили протягом року після релізу, з набором обіцяного контенту, а також декількох значних бонусів.
Вже випущені всі 4 обіцяні DLC: Days of Brilliance, Rise to Glory, Path to Grandeur та The Golden Age. Вони охоплюють:

Ранній доступ до нових націй:
  • [Days of Brilliance] Данія
  • [Days of Brilliance] Нідерланди
  • [Rise to Glory] Баварія
  • [Rise to Glory] Саксонія
  • [Path to Grandeur] Угорщина
  • [Path to Grandeur] Португалія
  • [The Golden Age] Швейцарія
  • [The Golden Age] П'ємонт
  • [Days of Brilliance] За віру, закон і короля
  • [Rise to Glory] Великі ризики і великі звершення
  • [Rise to Glory] Лев півночі
  • [Path to Grandeur] Святий Яків з нами, Іспаніє!
  • [Path to Grandeur] На службі у великого візиря
  • [The Golden Age] Oranien bovem!
Однокористувацькі місії:
  • [Days of Brilliance] Конотоп
  • [Days of Brilliance] Протистояння біля Нердлінгена
  • [Days of Brilliance] Реставрація Стюартів
  • [Days of Brilliance] Селянська війна
  • [Days of Brilliance] Висадка в Бретані
  • [Rise to Glory] Друга північна війна
  • [Rise to Glory] Велика північна війна
  • [Rise to Glory] Голландська війна
  • [The Golden age] Війна за Бразилію
  • [The Golden age] Війна у Карибах
  • [The Golden age] Португальска війна за незалежність
  • [The Golden age] Осада Дюнкерка
  • [The Golden age] Ньювпорт (1600р.)
  • [The Golden age] Пилявцы (1648р.)
  • [The Golden age] Простки (1656г.)
  • [The Golden age] Сентготтхард (1664р.)
  • [The Golden age] Виллависьоса (1710р.)
  • [The Golden age] Шериффмур (1715р.)
  • [The Golden age] Оран (1732р.)
  • [The Golden age] Соор (1745р.)
Кліматичні зони:
  • [Rise to Glory] Зимові мапи
  • [Path to Grandeur] Пустельні мапи
Власники Digital Deluxe отримують також саундтрек у форматі без втрати якості (формат wav).

Наразі Digital Deluxe недоступний для покупки. Власники Digital Deluxe, як ми й обіцяли, отримали 4 DLC абсолютно безкоштовно

System Requirements


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