Darkest Dungeon
Darkest Dungeon
Darkest Dungeon
Darkest Dungeon
Darkest Dungeon
Darkest Dungeon
Darkest Dungeon

Darkest Dungeon

Release Date: 19/01/2016 | WORLDWIDE
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10.99 € + VAT


Apenas Atualizado

Recentemente atualizado com o novo MODO RADIANTE. Este modo reduz o tempo para completar o jogo em quase 50%. Agora inclui três modos de jogo completos para escolher, dependendo do seu nível de experiência!

Steam Workshop

Inclusão de integração com o Steam Workshop! Baixe mods feitos pela comunidade do Darkest Dungeon ou crie o seu próprio e modifique o jogo de acordo com a sua vontade. Você pode encontrar novas classes de herói, monstros, tesouros, melhorias de interface e muito mais no Workshop!

Idiomas Suportados

(Lembrando que o jogo atual tem suporte apenas para os seguintes idiomas: inglês, alemão, francês, russo, polonês, checo, espanhol, italiano e português brasileiro)

Sobre o jogo

Darkest Dungeon é um jogo gótico desafiante em turnos de RPG sobre os estresses psicológicos vivenciados em aventuras.

Recrute, treine e lidere uma equipe de heróis imperfeitos através de florestas corrompidas, labirintos esquecidos, criptas arruinadas e além. Você lutará não apenas contra inimigos inimagináveis, mas também contra o estresse, a fome, a doença e a escuridão sempre crescente. Desvende mistérios intrigantes e enfrente uma variedade de monstros temíveis com seus heróis em um sistema de combate estratégico em turnos inovador.

  • 3 modos e mais de 80 horas de jogo
  • Integração com o Steam Workshop para mods
  • O sistema de aflição – lute não apenas contra monstros, mas também contra o estresse! Lide com paranoia, masoquismo, medo, irracionalidade e várias outras peculiaridades que produzem um efeito significativo jogo!
  • Arte em estilo gótico desenhada a mão
  • Combates em turnos inovadores colocam você frente a frente com vários monstros diabólicos
  • 16 (por enquanto!) classes de heróis, incluindo a Doutora da Peste, Infernal e até o Leproso!
  • Acampe para curar os ferimentos e fazer discursos inspiradores.
  • Descanse seus personagens fatigados e traumatizados na cidade, na Taverna ou na Abadia, para manter seu nível de estresse sob controle.
  • RPG clássico com características "roguelike", incluindo morte permanente, masmorras procedurais e incrível rejogabilidade

Você consegue deter a maré de horrores esquecidos que surgem da propriedade ancestral da sua família?

Explore por sua conta e risco!

Prêmios e honras

Wishlist Darkest Dungeon II Now!


Steam Workshop

Now includes Steam Workshop integration! Download mods made by the Darkest Dungeon community or create your own and tweak the game to your liking. You can find new hero classes, monsters, treasures, UI improvements, and more in the Workshop!

Supported Languages

Please note that the game currently supports the following languages only in-game: English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese.

Относно играта

Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring.

Reclaim Your Ancestor's Estate

Recruit, train, and lead a team of flawed heroes through twisted forests, forgotten warrens, ruined crypts, and beyond. You'll battle not only unimaginable foes, but stress, famine, disease, and the ever-encroaching dark. Uncover strange mysteries, and pit the heroes against an array of fearsome monsters with an innovative strategic turn-based combat system.

Core Features

  • The Affliction System – battle not only monsters, but stress! Contend with paranoia, masochism, fear, irrationality, and a host of gameplay-meaningful quirks!
  • Striking hand-drawn gothic crowquill art style
  • Innovative turn-based combat pits you against a host of diabolical monsters
  • Narration system to celebrate your successes...and failures
  • 16 (and counting!) playable hero classes, including Plague Doctor, Hellion, and even the Leper!
  • Camp to heal wounds or deliver inspiring speeches.
  • Rest your weary, shell-shocked characters in town at the Tavern or the Abbey to keep their stress in check.
  • Classic CRPG and roguelike features, including character permadeath, procedural dungeons, and incredible replay

Can you stem the tide of eldritch horrors erupting across your family’s ancestral estate?

Descend at your peril!

Awards and Honors

Jen Aktualizováno

Nedávná aktualizace se zcela novým ZÁŘIVÝM REŽIMEM. Zářivý režim zkracuje dobu na dokončení hry o téměř 50 %. Nyní máte na výběr ze tří plnohodnotných herních režimů v závislosti na vaší osobní úrovni zkušeností!

Steam Workshop

Nyní s integrací Steam Workshop! Stahujte modifikace vyrobené komunitou hry Darkest Dungeon, nebo si vytvořte své vlastní a upravte si hru dle vlastní libosti. Ve Workshopu najdete nové třídy hrdinů, nové stvůry, poklady a vylepšení uživatelského rozhraní!

Podporované Jazyky

(Mějte na paměti, že hra v aktuálním stavu podporuje pouze následující jazyky: angličtina, němčina, ruština, polština, čeština, španělština, italština a brazilská portugalština)

O hře

Darkest Dungeon je náročná, tahová RPG hra s gotickou tematikou ve stylu roguelike, která pojednává o těžkém životě dobrodruhů.

Rekrutujte družinu hrdinů s pokřivenými charaktery, vycvičte ji a veďte ji do temných lesů, zapomenutých tunelů, polorozpadlých krypt a ještě mnohem dále. Utkáte se s protivníky, kteří se vymykají jakékoli fantazii, a počítejte s tím, že budete trpět stresem, hladem, nemocemi a dokonce i všudypřítomnou temnotou. Odhalte prazvláštní tajemství a vyšlete své hrdiny na souboj s pestrou paletou obávaných monster v inovativním strategickém tahovém systému boje.

  • 3 herní režimy a více než 80 hodin hraní
  • Integrace Steam Workshopu pro modifikace
  • Systém soužení – budete bojovat nejen s monstry, ale také se stresem! Čeká vás paranoia, masochismus, strach, iracionalita a celá řada rysů, které přispívají k většímu požitku z hry!
  • Strhující ruční kresba havraním brkem v gotickém stylu
  • Inovativní tahový souboj vás postaví tváří v tvář celé škále ďábelských monster
  • 16 (a bude jich ještě víc!) hratelných povolání hrdinů, mezi které patří například morová doktorka, darebačka a také malomocný!
  • Utábořte se, abyste si vyléčili rány nebo pronesli motivující proslov.
  • Dopřejte svým utahaným, zdrceným postavám odpočinek ve městě, kde můžete jejich hladinu stresu udržet pod kontrolou díky krčmě nebo opatství.
  • Klasické rysy CRPG a roguelike, mezi kterými najdete například smysluplnou trvalou smrt, procedurálně generované kobky a zábavu i při opakovaném hraní

    Podaří se vám zastavit příliv nadpozemských hrůz, které začaly proudit do vašeho rodinného panství, dědictví po předcích?

    Sestup dolů je pouze na vlastní nebezpečí!

    Ceny a čestná uznání

  • IGF 2016 - 3 nominace
  • Rock Paper Shotgun - 50 nejlepších RPG všech dob
  • PAX 10 - 2015
  • Nominace na cenu SXSW Gamer's Choice 2015
  • MMORPG - Nejlepší indie RPG (Pax East 2014), nominace na nejlepší RPG v rámci veletrhu PAX Prime 2014
  • Výběr z Indie Megabooth - PAX East 2014, PAX Prime 2015

Wishlist Darkest Dungeon II Now!


Steam Workshop

Now includes Steam Workshop integration! Download mods made by the Darkest Dungeon community or create your own and tweak the game to your liking. You can find new hero classes, monsters, treasures, UI improvements, and more in the Workshop!

Supported Languages

Please note that the game currently supports the following languages only in-game: English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese.

Om spillet

Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring.

Reclaim Your Ancestor's Estate

Recruit, train, and lead a team of flawed heroes through twisted forests, forgotten warrens, ruined crypts, and beyond. You'll battle not only unimaginable foes, but stress, famine, disease, and the ever-encroaching dark. Uncover strange mysteries, and pit the heroes against an array of fearsome monsters with an innovative strategic turn-based combat system.

Core Features

  • The Affliction System – battle not only monsters, but stress! Contend with paranoia, masochism, fear, irrationality, and a host of gameplay-meaningful quirks!
  • Striking hand-drawn gothic crowquill art style
  • Innovative turn-based combat pits you against a host of diabolical monsters
  • Narration system to celebrate your successes...and failures
  • 16 (and counting!) playable hero classes, including Plague Doctor, Hellion, and even the Leper!
  • Camp to heal wounds or deliver inspiring speeches.
  • Rest your weary, shell-shocked characters in town at the Tavern or the Abbey to keep their stress in check.
  • Classic CRPG and roguelike features, including character permadeath, procedural dungeons, and incredible replay

Can you stem the tide of eldritch horrors erupting across your family’s ancestral estate?

Descend at your peril!

Awards and Honors

Wishlist Darkest Dungeon II Now!


Steam Workshop

Now includes Steam Workshop integration! Download mods made by the Darkest Dungeon community or create your own and tweak the game to your liking. You can find new hero classes, monsters, treasures, UI improvements, and more in the Workshop!

Supported Languages

Please note that the game currently supports the following languages only in-game: English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese.

Over het spel

Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring.

Reclaim Your Ancestor's Estate

Recruit, train, and lead a team of flawed heroes through twisted forests, forgotten warrens, ruined crypts, and beyond. You'll battle not only unimaginable foes, but stress, famine, disease, and the ever-encroaching dark. Uncover strange mysteries, and pit the heroes against an array of fearsome monsters with an innovative strategic turn-based combat system.

Core Features

  • The Affliction System – battle not only monsters, but stress! Contend with paranoia, masochism, fear, irrationality, and a host of gameplay-meaningful quirks!
  • Striking hand-drawn gothic crowquill art style
  • Innovative turn-based combat pits you against a host of diabolical monsters
  • Narration system to celebrate your successes...and failures
  • 16 (and counting!) playable hero classes, including Plague Doctor, Hellion, and even the Leper!
  • Camp to heal wounds or deliver inspiring speeches.
  • Rest your weary, shell-shocked characters in town at the Tavern or the Abbey to keep their stress in check.
  • Classic CRPG and roguelike features, including character permadeath, procedural dungeons, and incredible replay

Can you stem the tide of eldritch horrors erupting across your family’s ancestral estate?

Descend at your peril!

Awards and Honors

Wishlist Darkest Dungeon II Now!


Steam Workshop

Now includes Steam Workshop integration! Download mods made by the Darkest Dungeon community or create your own and tweak the game to your liking. You can find new hero classes, monsters, treasures, UI improvements, and more in the Workshop!

Supported Languages

Please note that the game currently supports the following languages only in-game: English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese.

About the Game

Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring.

Reclaim Your Ancestor's Estate

Recruit, train, and lead a team of flawed heroes through twisted forests, forgotten warrens, ruined crypts, and beyond. You'll battle not only unimaginable foes, but stress, famine, disease, and the ever-encroaching dark. Uncover strange mysteries, and pit the heroes against an array of fearsome monsters with an innovative strategic turn-based combat system.

Core Features

  • The Affliction System – battle not only monsters, but stress! Contend with paranoia, masochism, fear, irrationality, and a host of gameplay-meaningful quirks!
  • Striking hand-drawn gothic crowquill art style
  • Innovative turn-based combat pits you against a host of diabolical monsters
  • Narration system to celebrate your successes...and failures
  • 16 (and counting!) playable hero classes, including Plague Doctor, Hellion, and even the Leper!
  • Camp to heal wounds or deliver inspiring speeches.
  • Rest your weary, shell-shocked characters in town at the Tavern or the Abbey to keep their stress in check.
  • Classic CRPG and roguelike features, including character permadeath, procedural dungeons, and incredible replay

Can you stem the tide of eldritch horrors erupting across your family’s ancestral estate?

Descend at your peril!

Awards and Honors

Wishlist Darkest Dungeon II Now!


Steam Workshop

Now includes Steam Workshop integration! Download mods made by the Darkest Dungeon community or create your own and tweak the game to your liking. You can find new hero classes, monsters, treasures, UI improvements, and more in the Workshop!

Supported Languages

Please note that the game currently supports the following languages only in-game: English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese.

Tietoa pelistä

Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring.

Reclaim Your Ancestor's Estate

Recruit, train, and lead a team of flawed heroes through twisted forests, forgotten warrens, ruined crypts, and beyond. You'll battle not only unimaginable foes, but stress, famine, disease, and the ever-encroaching dark. Uncover strange mysteries, and pit the heroes against an array of fearsome monsters with an innovative strategic turn-based combat system.

Core Features

  • The Affliction System – battle not only monsters, but stress! Contend with paranoia, masochism, fear, irrationality, and a host of gameplay-meaningful quirks!
  • Striking hand-drawn gothic crowquill art style
  • Innovative turn-based combat pits you against a host of diabolical monsters
  • Narration system to celebrate your successes...and failures
  • 16 (and counting!) playable hero classes, including Plague Doctor, Hellion, and even the Leper!
  • Camp to heal wounds or deliver inspiring speeches.
  • Rest your weary, shell-shocked characters in town at the Tavern or the Abbey to keep their stress in check.
  • Classic CRPG and roguelike features, including character permadeath, procedural dungeons, and incredible replay

Can you stem the tide of eldritch horrors erupting across your family’s ancestral estate?

Descend at your peril!

Awards and Honors

Juste mis à jour

Ajout récent du nouveau mode RADIEUX. Ce mode vous permet de terminer le jeu deux fois plus rapidement. Vous pouvez désormais choisir entre trois modes de jeu, selon votre niveau !

Steam Workshop

L'intégration dans Steam Workshop est désormais disponible ! Téléchargez les mods réalisés par la communauté Darkest Dungeon ou créez les vôtres et modifiez le jeu comme bon vous semble. Dans le Workshop, vous trouverez de nouvelles classes de héros, de nouveaux monstres, de nouveaux trésors, des améliorations de l'interface utilisateur et bien plus encore !

Langues prises en charge

(Remarque : pour le moment, les langues prises en charge dans le jeu sont l'anglais, l'allemand, le français, le russe, le polonais, le tchèque, l'espagnol, l'italien et le portugais du Brésil.)

À propos du jeu

Darkest Dungeon est un JdR rogue-like au tour par tour, gothique et sans pitié, sur le stress psychologique de partir à l'aventure.

Recrute, entraîne et mène une équipe d'anti-héros au travers de forêts déformées, de tanières oubliées, de cryptes en ruines et au-delà. Tu combattras non seulement des ennemis inimaginables mais aussi le stress, la famine, la maladie et les envahissantes ténèbres. Découvre d'étrange mystères et lance les héros contre un ensemble de monstres effrayants grâce à un système de combat au tour par tour innovant.

  • 3 modes de jeu et plus de 80 heures d'amusement
  • Intégration des mods dans Steam Workshop
  • Le système d'affliction. Combats non seulement les monstres mais aussi le stress ! Gère la paranoïa, le masochisme, la peur, l’irrationalité et tout un éventail de manies influant sur le jeu !
  • Style graphique gothique frappant réalisé à la main avec un effet plume de corbeau
  • Des combats innovants au tour par tour vous font affronter une horde de monstres diaboliques
  • 16 (à ce jour !) classes de héros jouables, dont le Docteur Lapeste, la Furie et même le Lépreux!
  • Campe pour soigner tes blessures ou faire des discours exaltants.
  • Envoie tes personnages épuisés et en état de choc en ville à la taverne ou à l'abbaye pour juguler leur stress.
  • CRPG classique et fonctionnalités de rogue-like dont la mort permanente, les donjons générés procéduralement et une rejouabilité incroyable

Pourras-tu tarir la vague d'horreurs sans nom qui surgissent dans ton domaine de famille ancestral ?

Descends à tes risques et périls !

Récompenses et mentions


Nur Aktualisiert

Vor kurzem mit dem brandneuen STRAHLENDEN MODUS upgedatet. Dieser Modus reduziert die Zeit, die zum Abschließen des Spiels benötigt wird, um fast 50 %. Nun kann zwischen drei vollen Spielmodi gewählt werden, je nach persönlicher Erfahrung!

Steam Workshop

Beinhaltet nun Steam-Workshop-Integrierung! Lade Mods herunter, die von der Darkest-Dungeon-Community erstellt wurden oder erschaffe eigene und feile nach Belieben am Spiel. Im Workshop findest du neue Heldenklassen, Monster, Schätze, Benutzeroberflächen-Verbesserungen und mehr!

Unterstützte Sprachen

(Bitte beachte, dass das Spiel derzeit nur die folgenden Sprachen unterstützt: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Russisch, Polnisch, Tschechisch, Spanisch, Italienisch und Brasilianisches Portugiesisch)

Über das Spiel

Darkest Dungeon ist ein anspruchsvolles, rundenbasiertes Gothic-Rollenspiel mit Roguelike-Elementen, bei dem es um die psychologischen Belastungen bei Abenteuern geht.

Rekrutiere und trainiere eine Gruppe zusammengewürfelter Helden und führe sie durch düstere Wälder, vergessene Labyrinthe, Gruftruinen und mehr. Dabei musst du dich nicht nur unvorstellbaren Gegnern stellen, sondern dich auch mit Stress, Hunger, Seuchen und der allgegenwärtigen Dunkelheit auseinandersetzen. Entdecke rätselhafte Geheimnisse und lass deine Helden in einem innovativen, strategischen, rundenbasierten Kampfsystem gegen eine Vielfalt furchterregender Monster antreten.

  • 3 Spielmodi und über 80 Stunden Spielzeit
  • Steam-Workshop-Integrierung für Mods
  • Das Qualensystem – Du kämpfst nicht nur gegen Monster, sondern gegen Stress, Paranoia, Masochismus, Angst, Wahn und viele andere Ticks, die sich auf das Spiel auswirken!
  • Einzigartige, von Hand gezeichnete Grafiken im Federkielstil.
  • Innovative, rundenbasierte Kämpfe gegen eine Vielzahl teuflischer Monster.
  • 16 (Tendenz steigend!) spielbare Heldenklassen, darunter Seuchendoktorin, Barbarin und der Aussätzige!
  • Lagere, um Wunden zu heilen oder motivierende Reden zu schwingen.
  • Schicke deine erschöpften, kriegsneurotischen Charaktere in die Dorftaverne oder ins Kloster, damit sie sich von der Anspannung und den Strapazen erholen können.
  • Klassische Funktionen von Computer-Rollenspielen und Roguelikes – darunter eine sinnvolle Permadeath-Funktion, prozedural generierte Dungeons und ein unglaublich hoher Wiederspielwert.

Kannst du dem Ansturm der grauenhafter Scheusale standhalten, die auf dem Stammsitz deiner Vorfahren ihr Unwesen treiben?

Riskiere es auf eigene Gefahr!

Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen

Wishlist Darkest Dungeon II Now!


Steam Workshop

Now includes Steam Workshop integration! Download mods made by the Darkest Dungeon community or create your own and tweak the game to your liking. You can find new hero classes, monsters, treasures, UI improvements, and more in the Workshop!

Supported Languages

Please note that the game currently supports the following languages only in-game: English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese.

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring.

Reclaim Your Ancestor's Estate

Recruit, train, and lead a team of flawed heroes through twisted forests, forgotten warrens, ruined crypts, and beyond. You'll battle not only unimaginable foes, but stress, famine, disease, and the ever-encroaching dark. Uncover strange mysteries, and pit the heroes against an array of fearsome monsters with an innovative strategic turn-based combat system.

Core Features

  • The Affliction System – battle not only monsters, but stress! Contend with paranoia, masochism, fear, irrationality, and a host of gameplay-meaningful quirks!
  • Striking hand-drawn gothic crowquill art style
  • Innovative turn-based combat pits you against a host of diabolical monsters
  • Narration system to celebrate your successes...and failures
  • 16 (and counting!) playable hero classes, including Plague Doctor, Hellion, and even the Leper!
  • Camp to heal wounds or deliver inspiring speeches.
  • Rest your weary, shell-shocked characters in town at the Tavern or the Abbey to keep their stress in check.
  • Classic CRPG and roguelike features, including character permadeath, procedural dungeons, and incredible replay

Can you stem the tide of eldritch horrors erupting across your family’s ancestral estate?

Descend at your peril!

Awards and Honors

Wishlist Darkest Dungeon II Now!


Steam Workshop

Now includes Steam Workshop integration! Download mods made by the Darkest Dungeon community or create your own and tweak the game to your liking. You can find new hero classes, monsters, treasures, UI improvements, and more in the Workshop!

Supported Languages

Please note that the game currently supports the following languages only in-game: English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese.

A játékról: 

Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring.

Reclaim Your Ancestor's Estate

Recruit, train, and lead a team of flawed heroes through twisted forests, forgotten warrens, ruined crypts, and beyond. You'll battle not only unimaginable foes, but stress, famine, disease, and the ever-encroaching dark. Uncover strange mysteries, and pit the heroes against an array of fearsome monsters with an innovative strategic turn-based combat system.

Core Features

  • The Affliction System – battle not only monsters, but stress! Contend with paranoia, masochism, fear, irrationality, and a host of gameplay-meaningful quirks!
  • Striking hand-drawn gothic crowquill art style
  • Innovative turn-based combat pits you against a host of diabolical monsters
  • Narration system to celebrate your successes...and failures
  • 16 (and counting!) playable hero classes, including Plague Doctor, Hellion, and even the Leper!
  • Camp to heal wounds or deliver inspiring speeches.
  • Rest your weary, shell-shocked characters in town at the Tavern or the Abbey to keep their stress in check.
  • Classic CRPG and roguelike features, including character permadeath, procedural dungeons, and incredible replay

Can you stem the tide of eldritch horrors erupting across your family’s ancestral estate?

Descend at your peril!

Awards and Honors

Appena Aggiornato

Recentemente aggiornato con la nuova MODALITÀ BARLUME. La modalità Barlume riduce di quasi il 50% il tempo necessario a completare il gioco. Ora è possibile scegliere fra tre modalità di gioco, a seconda del proprio livello di esperienza!

Steam Workshop

Ora include l'integrazione con Steam Workshop! Scarica mod creati dalla community di Darkest Dungeon o creane tu stesso e modifica il gioco a piacimento. Puoi trovare nuove classi per gli eroi, mostri, tesori, migliorie all'interfaccia, e altro ancora nel Workshop!

Lingue Supportate

(Nota: al momento il gioco supporta soltanto le seguenti lingue: inglese, tedesco, francese, russo, polacco, ceco, spagnolo, italiano e portoghese brasiliano)

Informazioni sul gioco

Darkest Dungeon è un coinvolgente RPG roguelike a turni gotico, incentrato sullo stress da avventura.

Recluta, addestra e guida un gruppo di eroi disturbati in tetre foreste, dedali dimenticati e cripte in rovina. Non affronterai solo nemici inimmaginabili, ma anche stress, carestie, malattie e tenebre voraci. Svela oscuri misteri e misura i tuoi eroi contro una serie di temibili mostri grazie a un innovativo sistema di combattimento strategico a turni.

  • 3 modalità di gioco e oltre 80 ore di longevità
  • Integrazione con Steam Workshop per i mod
  • Sistema di Afflizioni: non combatterai soltanto mostri, ma anche lo stress! Affronta paranoia, masochismo, paura, irrazionalità e una serie di ossessioni capaci di sconvolgere la tua avventura!
  • Straordinario stile gotico disegnato finemente a mano
  • L'innovativo sistema di combattimento a turni ti farà affrontare una moltitudine di diabolici mostri
  • La Narrazione celebrerà i tuoi successi... e i fallimenti
  • 15 (per adesso!) classi di eroi giocabili, tra cui il Dottore della Peste, la Furia e perfino il Lebbroso!
  • Accampati per curare le ferite e motivare il gruppo.
  • Fai riposare in città i tuoi personaggi esausti e traumatizzati grazie alla Taverna e all'Abbazia, per tenere sotto controllo il loro stress.
  • È un classico CRPG con funzionalità roguelike, tra cui la morte permanente dei personaggi, i dungeon procedurali e una rigiocabilità incredibile.

Riuscirai ad arginare l'ondata di orrori spettrali affiorante dalla tenuta ancestrale della tua famiglia?

Affrontala a tuo rischio e pericolo!

Premi e riconoscimenti



Steam Workshop

Steam Workshopが統合されました!『Darkest Dungeon』コミュニティが作成したMODをダウンロードしたり、自分だけのMODを作成してゲームを自分好みに調整しましょう。新しいヒーローやモンスター、お宝、UIの改善などさまざまな要素がWorkshopで見つかります!




『Darkest Dungeon』は、プレイする度にダンジョンが変わるローグライクダークファンタジーRPG。本作の最大の特徴は、冒険における「ストレス」。

集めた仲間(ヒーロー)を訓練し、暗く深い森や忘れ去られた迷宮、廃墟となった墓地などを探索しよう。君を待つ戦いは、想像を絶するモンスターとの戦闘だけではない。ストレス、飢餓、疫病、そして這い寄る闇が目の前に立ち塞がる『Darkest Dungeon』。――奇妙な謎を解き明かし、革新的なターン制戦闘システムで恐るべきモンスターたちを薙ぎ払うのだ。

  • 3つのゲームモードと80時間を超えるゲームプレイ
  • MODが利用できるSteam Workshopの統合
  • 苦痛システム:モンスターだけでなく、ストレスとも戦わなければならない。被害妄想やマゾヒズム、恐怖、不合理などさまざまな障壁と立ち向かおう!
  • カラスの羽ペンを用いた、手描きの美しいゴシックグラフィック
  • 革新的なターン制戦闘システムで、恐るべきモンスターと対決
  • 成功だけでなく、失敗をも祝福するナレーションシステム
  • ペスト医師、荒くれ者、没落者など、16種類(さらに追加中!)のヒーローたち
  • ヒーローの傷を治療したり、士気を上げるために演説したりできるキャンプ
  • ストレスレベルを抑えるために、戦闘で疲れ切ったヒーローたちを休ませることができる街の酒場や修道院
  • ランダム生成のダンジョン、死んだら終わり、そして超高性能のリプレイ機能など、ローグライクの特徴を備えたクラシックRPG


방금 업데이트 됨

최근 완전히 새로운 래디언트 모드로 업데이트하였습니다. 래디언트 모드는 게임을 완료하는 시간을 약 50%로 줄입니다. 이제 여러분의 숙련도에 따라 3개의 전체 게임 모드를 고를 수 있습니다!


이제 Steam Workshop 통합이 추가되었습니다! Darkest Dungeon 커뮤니티가 만든 MOD를 다운로드하거나 나만의 것을 만들어 입맛에 맞게 게임을 바꿔보세요. 새로운 영웅 클래스, 몬스터, 보물, UI 개선 등 다양한 것이 Workshop에 있습니다!

지원 언어

(현재 게임에서는 다음 언어만 지원합니다. 영어, 독일어, 프랑스어, 러시아어, 폴란드어, 체코어, 스페인어, 이탈리아어 및 브라질 포르투갈어)

게임 정보

Darkest Dungeon은 모험의 심리적 스트레스에 중점을 둔, 매력적인 고딕풍의 턴제 기반 RPG입니다.

뒤틀린 숲, 잊힌 워런스, 지하 폐허 이상을 넘어 미완성된 영웅의 팀을 고용, 훈련 그리고 리드하세요. 상상할 수 없는 공포, 스트레스, 기근, 질병 그리고 끊임없이 침식하는 암흑에 맞서 싸우게 됩니다. 신비한 미스터리를 발견하고, 획기적인 전략의 턴제 전투 시스템에서 영웅을 다수의 무서운 몬스터와 싸우게 하세요.

  • 3개 게임 모드와 80시간의 게임 플레이
  • MOD를 위한 Steam Workshop 통합
  • 고뇌 시스템 – 몬스터 말고 스트레스와도 싸우세요! 불안감, 피학증, 공포, 불합리함 그리고 게임플레이와 연관된 버릇과 투쟁하세요!
  • 손으로 그린 놀라운 고딕풍의 까마귀 깃펜 아트 스타일
  • 획기적인 턴제 전투를 이용하여 사악한 몬스터 무리와 싸우세요
  • 내레이션 시스템은 여러분의 성공을 축하할 것입니다. 실패도 빼놓지 않고 말이죠...
  • 15개의 플레이 가능 영웅 클래스(추가 중)에는 역병 의사, 망나니와 버림받은 자로 포함합니다!
  • 캠프로 상처를 치료하거나 감동적인 연설을 하세요.
  • 마을에서는 전쟁에 지친 여러분의 캐릭터를 선술집에서 쉬게 하거나 수도원에서 스트레스를 억제하세요.
  • 영구 사망 캐릭터, 순차식 던전 및 놀라운 리플레이 기능을 포함한 고전적인 CRPG와 로그라이크

가문 대대로 물려받은 저택에서 피어오르는 섬뜩한 공포를 막을 수 있을까요?

위험을 이어가세요!

수상 내역

Wishlist Darkest Dungeon II Now!


Steam Workshop

Now includes Steam Workshop integration! Download mods made by the Darkest Dungeon community or create your own and tweak the game to your liking. You can find new hero classes, monsters, treasures, UI improvements, and more in the Workshop!

Supported Languages

Please note that the game currently supports the following languages only in-game: English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese.

Om spillet

Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring.

Reclaim Your Ancestor's Estate

Recruit, train, and lead a team of flawed heroes through twisted forests, forgotten warrens, ruined crypts, and beyond. You'll battle not only unimaginable foes, but stress, famine, disease, and the ever-encroaching dark. Uncover strange mysteries, and pit the heroes against an array of fearsome monsters with an innovative strategic turn-based combat system.

Core Features

  • The Affliction System – battle not only monsters, but stress! Contend with paranoia, masochism, fear, irrationality, and a host of gameplay-meaningful quirks!
  • Striking hand-drawn gothic crowquill art style
  • Innovative turn-based combat pits you against a host of diabolical monsters
  • Narration system to celebrate your successes...and failures
  • 16 (and counting!) playable hero classes, including Plague Doctor, Hellion, and even the Leper!
  • Camp to heal wounds or deliver inspiring speeches.
  • Rest your weary, shell-shocked characters in town at the Tavern or the Abbey to keep their stress in check.
  • Classic CRPG and roguelike features, including character permadeath, procedural dungeons, and incredible replay

Can you stem the tide of eldritch horrors erupting across your family’s ancestral estate?

Descend at your peril!

Awards and Honors

Właśnie Uaktualniono

Najnowsza aktualizacja gry wprowadza zupełnie nowy TRYB JAŚNIEJĄCY. Rozgrywka w tym trybie trwa prawie o połowę krócej. Od teraz możesz wybierać spośród trzech trybów w zależności od nabytego doświadczenia!

Steam Workshop

Gra została zintegrowana z Warsztatem Steam! Pobieraj mody stworzone przez społeczność Darkest Dungeon lub przygotowuj własne, modyfikując grę tak, jak lubisz. W Warsztacie znajdziesz nowe klasy postaci, potwory, skarby, ulepszenia interfejsu i dużo więcej!

Obsługiwane Języki

(Obecnie gra jest dostępna tylko w następujących językach: angielski, niemiecki, francuski, rosyjski, polski, czeski, hiszpański, włoski oraz portugalski (brazylijski)).

Informacje o grze

Najmroczniejszy Loch to wymagająca turowa gra RPG w gotyckiej oprawie traktująca o stresie, z którym zmagać się muszą poszukiwacze przygód.

Zwerbuj, wyszkol i poprowadź drużynę niedoskonałych bohaterów przez spaczone lasy, zapomniane norowiska, obrócone w ruinę krypty i inne przeklęte miejsca. Stoczysz walkę nie tylko z niewyobrażalnie przerażającymi przeciwnikami, ale także ze stresem, głodem, zarazą i mrokiem, który nigdy nie ustępuje. Odkryj przedziwne tajemnice i pomóż swoim bohaterom w walce ze straszliwymi potworami, korzystając z nowatorskiego, strategicznego systemu walki turowej.

  • 3 tryby gry i ponad 80 godzin rozgrywki
  • Integracja z Warsztatem Steam dająca dostęp do modów
  • System Udręki: walcz nie tylko z potworami, ale także ze stresem! Zmierz się z paranoją, masochizmem, strachem, nieracjonalnymi zachowaniami i całą masą nawyków, które mają wpływ na rozgrywkę!
  • Imponująca, ręcznie rysowana oprawa graficzna
  • Nowatorski system walki turowej, który pozwoli ci stawić czoła wielu potworom z piekła rodem
  • 16 (a to jeszcze nie koniec!) grywalnych klas postaci, takich jak Badaczka Zarazy, Awanturniczka, a nawet Trędowaty!
  • Rozbij obóz, aby wyleczyć rany i wygłosić inspirujące przemowy!
  • Pozwól swoim wyczerpanym, znerwicowanym bohaterem odpocząć w Oberży lub Opactwie, aby zapanować nad ich stresem.
  • Klasyczne elementy rodem z gier RPG w stylu roguelike, takie jak nieodwracalna śmierć, proceduralne generowanie podziemi i niepowtarzalny charakter każdej rozgrywki.

Czy uda ci się powstrzymać nie dające się opisać koszmary, które pojawiły się w twojej rodzinnej posiadłości?

Schodzisz na własną zgubę!

Nagrody i wyróżnienia

Wishlist Darkest Dungeon II Now!


Steam Workshop

Now includes Steam Workshop integration! Download mods made by the Darkest Dungeon community or create your own and tweak the game to your liking. You can find new hero classes, monsters, treasures, UI improvements, and more in the Workshop!

Supported Languages

Please note that the game currently supports the following languages only in-game: English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese.

Acerca do jogo

Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring.

Reclaim Your Ancestor's Estate

Recruit, train, and lead a team of flawed heroes through twisted forests, forgotten warrens, ruined crypts, and beyond. You'll battle not only unimaginable foes, but stress, famine, disease, and the ever-encroaching dark. Uncover strange mysteries, and pit the heroes against an array of fearsome monsters with an innovative strategic turn-based combat system.

Core Features

  • The Affliction System – battle not only monsters, but stress! Contend with paranoia, masochism, fear, irrationality, and a host of gameplay-meaningful quirks!
  • Striking hand-drawn gothic crowquill art style
  • Innovative turn-based combat pits you against a host of diabolical monsters
  • Narration system to celebrate your successes...and failures
  • 16 (and counting!) playable hero classes, including Plague Doctor, Hellion, and even the Leper!
  • Camp to heal wounds or deliver inspiring speeches.
  • Rest your weary, shell-shocked characters in town at the Tavern or the Abbey to keep their stress in check.
  • Classic CRPG and roguelike features, including character permadeath, procedural dungeons, and incredible replay

Can you stem the tide of eldritch horrors erupting across your family’s ancestral estate?

Descend at your peril!

Awards and Honors

Wishlist Darkest Dungeon II Now!


Steam Workshop

Now includes Steam Workshop integration! Download mods made by the Darkest Dungeon community or create your own and tweak the game to your liking. You can find new hero classes, monsters, treasures, UI improvements, and more in the Workshop!

Supported Languages

Please note that the game currently supports the following languages only in-game: English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese.

Despre joc

Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring.

Reclaim Your Ancestor's Estate

Recruit, train, and lead a team of flawed heroes through twisted forests, forgotten warrens, ruined crypts, and beyond. You'll battle not only unimaginable foes, but stress, famine, disease, and the ever-encroaching dark. Uncover strange mysteries, and pit the heroes against an array of fearsome monsters with an innovative strategic turn-based combat system.

Core Features

  • The Affliction System – battle not only monsters, but stress! Contend with paranoia, masochism, fear, irrationality, and a host of gameplay-meaningful quirks!
  • Striking hand-drawn gothic crowquill art style
  • Innovative turn-based combat pits you against a host of diabolical monsters
  • Narration system to celebrate your successes...and failures
  • 16 (and counting!) playable hero classes, including Plague Doctor, Hellion, and even the Leper!
  • Camp to heal wounds or deliver inspiring speeches.
  • Rest your weary, shell-shocked characters in town at the Tavern or the Abbey to keep their stress in check.
  • Classic CRPG and roguelike features, including character permadeath, procedural dungeons, and incredible replay

Can you stem the tide of eldritch horrors erupting across your family’s ancestral estate?

Descend at your peril!

Awards and Honors


Недавно в игру был добавлен новый режим «СВЕТ». В этом режиме время, необходимое для прохождения игры, уменьшается почти вдвое. Теперь к вашим услугам целых три полноценных игровых режима на любой вкус!

Steam Workshop

Добавлена поддержка Steam Workshop! Загружайте пользовательские модификации, созданные сообществом игроков, или создавайте собственные, чтобы изменить игру в соответствии со своими предпочтениями. Модификации привносят в игру новые классы героев, монстров, сокровища, улучшения интерфейса и другие изменения!

Поддерживаемые языки

(На данный момент игрой поддерживаются только следующие языки: английский, немецкий, французский, русский, польский, чешский, испанский, итальянский и бразильский вариант португальского.)

Об игре

Darkest Dungeon — сложная пошаговая ролевая roguelike-игра с готической атмосферой, в которой приключения персонажей сказываются на их душевном здоровье.

Вам предстоит собрать, обучить и возглавить команду героев, у каждого из которых есть свои недостатки. Команду нужно будет провести по жутким лесам, опустевшим заповедникам, обрушенным склепам и другим опасным местам. Сражаться придётся не только с немыслимыми врагами, но и со стрессом, голодом, болезнями и непроглядной тьмой. Раскрывайте странные тайны и отправляйте героев в бой со страшными монстрами при помощи новой стратегической пошаговой системы боя.

  • 3 режима игры и более 80 часов геймплея
  • Поддержка пользовательских модификаций в Steam Workshop
  • Система психозов — сражаться предстоит не только с монстрами, но и со стрессом! Герои подвержены паранойе, мазохизму, нелогичному поведению и многим другим состояниям, влияющим на игру.
  • Стильная графика, будто нарисованная пером от руки.
  • Новая пошаговая система боя столкнёт героев с многочисленными порождениями зла.
  • 16 (и будут новые!) игровых классов: чумной доктор, дикарка и даже прокажённый.
  • Лагерь, где можно залечить раны или выступить с воодушевляющей речью.
  • Город с трактиром и монастырём, где измученные герои могут отдохнуть и снять накопившийся стресс.
  • Классические черты компьютерных RPG: необратимая смерть героев, опасные подземелья и возможность проходить игру несколько раз.

Сумеете ли вы дать отпор потусторонним ужасам, захватившим ваше родовое поместье?

Действуйте на свой страх и риск!

Награды и номинации


最近更新包括全新的光明模式。光明模式将游戏完成的时间缩短了近 50%。 现在有三种完整的游戏模式可供选择,这取决于你自己的个人经验水平!

Steam Workshop

现在包括 Steam 创意工坊整合! 下载由 Darkest Dungeon 社区制作的 mod,或创建自己的 mod,并根据你的喜好调整游戏。你可以在创意工坊中找到新的英雄职业、怪物、宝藏、UI 改进等等!


Please note that the game currently supports the following languages only in-game: English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese.


《Darkest Dungeon》是一个极具挑战性的哥特式类 Rogue 回合制 RPG,聚焦冒险的心理压力。


  • 3 种游戏模式以及 80 小时以上的游戏时间
  • Steam 创意工坊 mod 整合
  • 痛苦系统 — 不仅要与怪物战斗,还要与压力作战!与偏执狂、受虐狂、恐惧、非理性和许多和游戏有关的怪癖斗争!
  • 惊人的手绘哥特式钢笔画风格
  • 创新的基于回合制的战斗,让你与一大群的邪恶的怪物作战
  • 叙事系统,为你庆祝成功…也缅怀你的失败
  • 15 个(还在不断增加!)可玩的英雄职业,包括瘟疫医生、淘气鬼,甚至麻风病人!
  • 扎营以疗伤或进行动员演讲。
  • 在酒馆或修道院让你疲惫而惊恐的人物得到休息,以保持他们的压力不超过限度。
  • 经典 CRPG 和类 Rogue 功能,包括人物永久死亡、程序生成的地下城,还有惊人的重玩性




Solo Actualizado

Descubre el novedoso MODO RADIANTE. Este modo reduce el tiempo necesario para completar el juego en un 50 %. ¡Elige entre 3 modos completos de juego en función de la experiencia que quieras vivir!

Steam Workshop

¡Ahora con compatibilidad Steam Workshop! Descarga modificaciones creadas por otros usuarios de la comunidad Darkest Dungeon o diseña las tuyas propias para moldear el juego a tu gusto. ¡Podrás encontrar nuevas clases de héroe, monstruos, tesoros, mejoras de interfaz y mucho más!

Idiomas Soportados

(El juego está actualmente disponible en los siguientes idiomas: inglés, alemán, francés, ruso, polaco, checo, español, italiano y portugués brasileño)

Acerca del juego

Darkest Dungeon es un desafiante juego de rol gótico en mazmorras y por turnos que gira en torno al esfuerzo psicológico de la aventura.

Recluta, entrena y lidera a un equipo de héroes imperfectos a través de enrevesados bosques, laberintos olvidados, criptas en ruinas y más allá. Te enfrentarás no solo a enemigos inimaginables, sino al esfuerzo, el hambre, la enfermedad y la siempre acechante oscuridad. Descubre extraños misterios y enfrenta a los héroes a una serie de temibles monstruos con un innovador sistema de combate estratégico por turnos.

  • 3 modos de juego y más de 80 horas de duración
  • Compatibilidad con Steam Workshop para uso de modificaciones
  • Sistema de aflicción: ¡enfréntate no solo a monstruos, sino al esfuerzo! ¡Lidia con la paranoia, el masoquismo, el miedo, la irracionalidad y una serie de peculiaridades que afectarán a la dinámica de juego!
  • Impresionante estilo de ilustraciones góticas dibujadas a mano.
  • El innovador combate por turnos te enfrenta a una horda de monstruos diabólicos.
  • ¡16 clases de héroes seleccionables (¡y más que se añadirán!), entre ellos la doctora de plagas, la diabla e incluso un leproso!
  • Acampa para curar heridas o dar discursos inspiradores.
  • Permite que tus agotados personajes descansen en la ciudad, la taberna o la abadía para que el esfuerzo no les afecte.
  • Características de los clásicos juegos de rol y mazmorras, como la muerte permanente, las mazmorras generadas por procedimientos e increíbles posibilidades de volver a jugar

¿Puedes contener la horda de horrores y espíritus que están surgiendo en el feudo ancestral de tu familia?

¡Desciende bajo tu propio riesgo!

Premios y menciones

Wishlist Darkest Dungeon II Now!


Steam Workshop

Now includes Steam Workshop integration! Download mods made by the Darkest Dungeon community or create your own and tweak the game to your liking. You can find new hero classes, monsters, treasures, UI improvements, and more in the Workshop!

Supported Languages

Please note that the game currently supports the following languages only in-game: English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese.

Om spelet

Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring.

Reclaim Your Ancestor's Estate

Recruit, train, and lead a team of flawed heroes through twisted forests, forgotten warrens, ruined crypts, and beyond. You'll battle not only unimaginable foes, but stress, famine, disease, and the ever-encroaching dark. Uncover strange mysteries, and pit the heroes against an array of fearsome monsters with an innovative strategic turn-based combat system.

Core Features

  • The Affliction System – battle not only monsters, but stress! Contend with paranoia, masochism, fear, irrationality, and a host of gameplay-meaningful quirks!
  • Striking hand-drawn gothic crowquill art style
  • Innovative turn-based combat pits you against a host of diabolical monsters
  • Narration system to celebrate your successes...and failures
  • 16 (and counting!) playable hero classes, including Plague Doctor, Hellion, and even the Leper!
  • Camp to heal wounds or deliver inspiring speeches.
  • Rest your weary, shell-shocked characters in town at the Tavern or the Abbey to keep their stress in check.
  • Classic CRPG and roguelike features, including character permadeath, procedural dungeons, and incredible replay

Can you stem the tide of eldritch horrors erupting across your family’s ancestral estate?

Descend at your peril!

Awards and Honors

Wishlist Darkest Dungeon II Now!


Steam Workshop

Now includes Steam Workshop integration! Download mods made by the Darkest Dungeon community or create your own and tweak the game to your liking. You can find new hero classes, monsters, treasures, UI improvements, and more in the Workshop!

Supported Languages

Please note that the game currently supports the following languages only in-game: English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese.


Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring.

Reclaim Your Ancestor's Estate

Recruit, train, and lead a team of flawed heroes through twisted forests, forgotten warrens, ruined crypts, and beyond. You'll battle not only unimaginable foes, but stress, famine, disease, and the ever-encroaching dark. Uncover strange mysteries, and pit the heroes against an array of fearsome monsters with an innovative strategic turn-based combat system.

Core Features

  • The Affliction System – battle not only monsters, but stress! Contend with paranoia, masochism, fear, irrationality, and a host of gameplay-meaningful quirks!
  • Striking hand-drawn gothic crowquill art style
  • Innovative turn-based combat pits you against a host of diabolical monsters
  • Narration system to celebrate your successes...and failures
  • 16 (and counting!) playable hero classes, including Plague Doctor, Hellion, and even the Leper!
  • Camp to heal wounds or deliver inspiring speeches.
  • Rest your weary, shell-shocked characters in town at the Tavern or the Abbey to keep their stress in check.
  • Classic CRPG and roguelike features, including character permadeath, procedural dungeons, and incredible replay

Can you stem the tide of eldritch horrors erupting across your family’s ancestral estate?

Descend at your peril!

Awards and Honors



Steam Workshop

現已包含Steam Workshop整合!下載由《Darkest Dungeon》社群製作的遊戲模組,或創造屬於你的模組,並根據自身喜好調整遊戲。你可以在Workshop裡找到新英雄類別、怪物、寶藏、使用者介面改良以及更多!




《Darkest Dungeon》一款關於冒險的心理壓力,且極具挑戰性的哥德風回合制類rogue角色扮演遊戲。


  • 3種遊戲模式及超過80小時的遊戲過程
  • 遊戲模組的Steam Workshop整合
  • 痛苦系統:戰鬥不只有怪物,還有壓力!面對妄想症、被虐待狂、恐懼、非理性,以及一大堆使遊戲過程更有意義的怪癖!
  • 鮮明的手繪哥德風鴉羽筆觸藝術風格
  • 創新的回合制戰鬥能讓你對抗一大堆陰險惡毒的怪物
  • 敘事系統能慶祝你的成功...與失敗
  • 15種(持續新增!)可玩的英雄類別,包括瘟疫醫生、壞蛋,甚至是痲瘋患者!
  • 紮營即可治癒傷口,或進行一場鼓舞人心的演講也行。
  • 讓你疲倦且嚇昏頭的角色在鎮上的酒館或修道院休息,以持續抑制他們的壓力。
  • 經典的電腦角色扮演遊戲與類rogue特色功能,包括角色永久性死亡、隨進度漸進的地牢與不可思議的重玩功能




Wishlist Darkest Dungeon II Now!


Steam Workshop

Now includes Steam Workshop integration! Download mods made by the Darkest Dungeon community or create your own and tweak the game to your liking. You can find new hero classes, monsters, treasures, UI improvements, and more in the Workshop!

Supported Languages

Please note that the game currently supports the following languages only in-game: English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese.

Oyun Açıklaması

Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring.

Reclaim Your Ancestor's Estate

Recruit, train, and lead a team of flawed heroes through twisted forests, forgotten warrens, ruined crypts, and beyond. You'll battle not only unimaginable foes, but stress, famine, disease, and the ever-encroaching dark. Uncover strange mysteries, and pit the heroes against an array of fearsome monsters with an innovative strategic turn-based combat system.

Core Features

  • The Affliction System – battle not only monsters, but stress! Contend with paranoia, masochism, fear, irrationality, and a host of gameplay-meaningful quirks!
  • Striking hand-drawn gothic crowquill art style
  • Innovative turn-based combat pits you against a host of diabolical monsters
  • Narration system to celebrate your successes...and failures
  • 16 (and counting!) playable hero classes, including Plague Doctor, Hellion, and even the Leper!
  • Camp to heal wounds or deliver inspiring speeches.
  • Rest your weary, shell-shocked characters in town at the Tavern or the Abbey to keep their stress in check.
  • Classic CRPG and roguelike features, including character permadeath, procedural dungeons, and incredible replay

Can you stem the tide of eldritch horrors erupting across your family’s ancestral estate?

Descend at your peril!

Awards and Honors

просто оновлення

Нещодавно було додано новий режим гри – «СВІТЛО». У цьому режимі час, потрібний для проходження гри, зменшується майже удвічі. Відтепер до ваших послуг три повноцінні режими гри на будь-який смак!

Steam Workshop

Додано підтримку Steam Workshop! Завантажуйте користувацькі модифікації, створені спільнотою гравців, або ж створюйте модифікації власноруч, змінюючи гру за власними вподобаннями. Модифікації додають нові класи героїв, монстрів, скарби, вдосконалення інтерфейсу тощо!

Підтримувані Мови

(Зауважте, що наразі гра підтримує лише такі мови: англійську, німецьку, французьку, російську, польську, чеську, іспанську, італійську та бразильський варіант португальської.)

Про гру

Darkest Dungeon – складна покрокова стратегія/roguelike-RPG у готичному стилі, присвячена психологічним аспектам життя шукачів пригод.

Вам доведеться найняти, тренувати й очолити команду героїв, кожен з яких має свої вади, і провести цю команду через зачаровані ліси, покинуті заповідники, обвалені склепи та інші небезпечні місця. Героям доведеться боротися не лише із жахливими чудовиськами, а й зі стресом, голодом, хворобами та непроникною темрявою. Відкривайте зловісні таємниці і бийтеся зі страхітливими чудовиськами, використовуючи оригінальну покрокову стратегічну бойову систему.

  • 3 режими гри і понад 80 годин геймплею
  • Підтримка користувацьких модифікацій у Steam Workshop
  • Система психозів: вам загрожують не лише чудовиська, а й стрес! Герої схильні до параної, мазохізму, паніки, ірраціональної поведінки та безлічі інших психічних відхилень, що суттєво впливають на гру!
  • Стильна, немов намальована старовинним пером графіка
  • Оригінальна покрокова бойова система і зграї пекельних чудовиськ
  • Система повідомлень, що відзначає ваші успіхи і поразки
  • 15 (і це ще не кінець!) класів героїв, серед яких чумний лікар, дикарка і навіть прокажений!
  • Табір, де можна загоїти рани чи підняти настрій супутників натхненною промовою.
  • Місто із шинком та монастирем, де стомлені герої можуть відпочити та зняти стрес.
  • Риси класичних комп’ютерних RPG і roguelike-ігор: необоротна смерть персонажів, створення підземель за випадковою системою, стимул проходити гру знов і знов.

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System Requirements


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