Darksiders 2
Darksiders 2

Darksiders 2

Release Date: 14/08/2012 | WORLDWIDE
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Crucible Mode

Darksiders II will feature a survival arena mode called Crucible, allowing players to continue advancing their character even after finishing the main game and providing the ultimate challenge.

Key Features:

  • After completing five of the mode’s 100 unique waves, gamers will be given the option of taking a prize or continuing for another five waves for a chance at even better items.
  • However, if they fall in combat they will leave with nothing. Only the most skilled players will have what it takes to best all 100 waves and claim the greatest prizes.
  • In addition to this mode, Darksiders II will feature a New Game+ mode which will allow players to carry over their Death for a new game retaining all of their skills and equipment.

Sobre o jogo

Awakened by the End of Days, Death, the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, embarks upon a quest to restore mankind, and redeem his brother’s name. Along the way, the Horseman discovers that there are far worse things than an earthly Apocalypse, and that an ancient grudge may threaten all of Creation . . .
  • Play Death: Become the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, able to destroy entire worlds and battle forces beyond Heaven and Hell.
  • Epic Universe: Unlike anything the player has seen before, delivered in the unique style of Joe Mad.
  • Player Choice & Customization: Customize your experience with varied armor sets, weapons, and Skill Trees allowing players to create their own Death.
  • Replay-ability: Explore a vast open world, complete dozens of side quests and customize your Death with a full leveling system, Skill Trees and endless equipment combinations.
  • Traversal: Death is a nimble and agile character capable of incredible acrobatic feats allowing the player to explore the world like never before.
  • Crucible Mode

    Darksiders II will feature a survival arena mode called Crucible, allowing players to continue advancing their character even after finishing the main game and providing the ultimate challenge.

    Key Features:

    • After completing five of the mode’s 100 unique waves, gamers will be given the option of taking a prize or continuing for another five waves for a chance at even better items.
    • However, if they fall in combat they will leave with nothing. Only the most skilled players will have what it takes to best all 100 waves and claim the greatest prizes.
    • In addition to this mode, Darksiders II will feature a New Game+ mode which will allow players to carry over their Death for a new game retaining all of their skills and equipment.

    Относно играта

    Пробуден в края на дните, Смъртта, най-страховития от легендарните конници, поема по пътя да спаси човечеството и да изчисти името на брат си. По време на пътешествието си, конника открива, че има много по-лоши неща от земния апокалипсис, както и надвисналата древна злост заплашваща всяко творение…
    • Играйте като Смърт: Превърнете се в най-страховития от легендарните четири конника, способен да унищожи цели светове и бойни сили отвъд Рая и Ада.
    • Епична вселена: Като нищо, което играчът е виждал до сега, представено в уникалния стил на Джо Мад.
    • Избор на играча и персонализация: Персонализирайте преживяването си с разнообразни комплекти оръжия и разпределяне на уменията, позволявайки на играча да създаде своята собствена представа за Смърт.
    • Повторно преиграване: Разгледайте огромен отворен свят, пълен с десетки странични задачи, персонализирайте Вашата смърт, цялостна система за нивата, разпределение на уменията и безкрайни комбинации от оборудване.
    • Преодоляване: Смъртта е пъргав и подвижен персонаж, способен на невероятни акробатични подвизи, които позволяват на играча да изследват света, както никога преди.
    • Crucible Mode

      Darksiders II představí arénu pro boj na život a na smrt s názvem Zkouška ohněm. Ta hráčům umožní pokračovat ve vývoji své postavy i po dokončení hlavní hry a postaví je před poslední výzvu.

      Hlavní prvky:

      • Po dokončení páté ze 100 jedinečných úrovní v tomto režimu hráči dostanou možnost vzít si odměnu nebo pokračovat dalších pět vln s vidinou zisku lepších předmětů.
      • Ovšem pokud v boji padnou, odejdou s prázdnou. Pouze ti nejzkušenější hráči budou mít na to, aby překonali všech 100 vln a získali ty naprosto nejlepší odměny.
      • Návdavkem k tomuto režimu budou Darksiders II obsahovat režim Nová hra+, který hráčům umožní přenést si postavu Smrti do nové hry, přičemž jí zůstanou všechny shopnosti a vybavení."

      O hře

      Smrt, nejobávanější ze čtyř legendárních Jezdců apokalypsy, procitl s příchodem Soudného dne a vyráží na výpravu, jejímž cílem je zachránit lidstvo a očistit bratrovo jméno. Během své cesty Jezdec zjistí, že jsou i mnohem horší věci než pozemská apokalypsa a že se jistá prastará nenávistná síla chystá ohrozit celé Stvoření...
      Vlastnosti hry:
      • Hrajte za Smrt: Staňte se nejobávanějším ze čtyř legendárních Jezdců, jenž dokáže ničit celé světy a bojovat s mocnostmi silnějšími než Nebesa či Peklo.
      • Epický svět: Nevídaný zážitek v jedinečném stylu Joa Mada.
      • Možnosti voleb a úprav: Vytvořte si svého vlastního Jezdce pomocí různých sad zbrojí, zbraní a stromů schopností.
      • Znovuhratelnost: Prozkoumávejte rozsáhlý otevřený svět, plňte tucty vedlejších úkolů a upravte si Smrt prostřednictvím systému úrovní, stromů schopností a nekonečných kombinací různého vybavení.
      • Překonávání překážek: Smrt je hbitá a mrštná postava, která dokáže provádět řadu akrobatických kousků, s jejichž pomocí mohou hráči prozkoumávat okolní svět jako nikdy předtím.
      • Crucible Mode

        Darksiders II will feature a survival arena mode called Crucible, allowing players to continue advancing their character even after finishing the main game and providing the ultimate challenge.

        Key Features:

        • After completing five of the mode’s 100 unique waves, gamers will be given the option of taking a prize or continuing for another five waves for a chance at even better items.
        • However, if they fall in combat they will leave with nothing. Only the most skilled players will have what it takes to best all 100 waves and claim the greatest prizes.
        • In addition to this mode, Darksiders II will feature a New Game+ mode which will allow players to carry over their Death for a new game retaining all of their skills and equipment.

        Om spillet

        Awakened by the End of Days, Death, the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, embarks upon a quest to restore mankind, and redeem his brother’s name. Along the way, the Horseman discovers that there are far worse things than an earthly Apocalypse, and that an ancient grudge may threaten all of Creation . . .
        • Play Death: Become the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, able to destroy entire worlds and battle forces beyond Heaven and Hell.
        • Epic Universe: Unlike anything the player has seen before, delivered in the unique style of Joe Mad.
        • Player Choice & Customization: Customize your experience with varied armor sets, weapons, and Skill Trees allowing players to create their own Death.
        • Replay-ability: Explore a vast open world, complete dozens of side quests and customize your Death with a full leveling system, Skill Trees and endless equipment combinations.
        • Traversal: Death is a nimble and agile character capable of incredible acrobatic feats allowing the player to explore the world like never before.
        • Crucible Mode

          Darksiders II bevat het speltype Smeltkroes, een uitdagend survivalspeltype waarin je je personage verder kunt ontwikkelen nadat je de game zelf hebt uitgespeeld.

          Belangrijkste kenmerken:

          • Zodra je vijf van de honderd unieke aanvalsgolven hebt overleefd, krijg je de keuze tussen een beloning of doorvechten voor betere prijzen.
          • Maar als je sterft, krijg je niets. Alleen de beste spelers overleven de honderd golven en bemachtigen de mooiste prijzen.
          • Naast dit speltype bevat Darksiders II ook de optie Nieuwe game+, waarmee je met Death een nieuw spel kunt beginnen met al je vaardigheden en uitrusting."

          Info over het spel

          Ontwaakt door het einde der tijden begint Death, de meest gevreesde van de legendarische vier ruiters, aan een missie om de naam van zijn broer te zuiveren. Tijdens zijn reis ontdekt de ruiter dat er nog ergere dingen bestaan dan een aardse Apocalyps en dat een eeuwenoude wrok de gehele schepping kan bedreigen...

          • Speel Death: Word de meest gevreesde van de legendarische vier ruiters, die in staat is om gehele werelden te vernietigen en krachten te bestrijden die zelfs boven hemel en hel uitstijgen.
          • Episch universum: Een unieke wereld zoals spelers nog nooit gezien hebben, in de bijzondere stijl van Joe Mad.
          • Speelkeuzes en aanpasbaarheid: Pas je ervaring aan je voorkeur aan met verschillende pantsersets, wapens en vaardigheidsbomen waarmee spelers hun eigen Death kunnen creëren.
          • Herspeelbaarheid: Verken een enorme open wereld, voltooi tientallen zijmissies en pas Death aan met een volledig niveausysteem, vaardigheidsbomen en oneindig veel uitrustingcombinaties.
          • Bewegingen: Death is een lichtvoetig en behendig personage dat ongelooflijke acrobatische bewegingen kan maken, waarmee de speler de wereld als nooit tevoren kan verkennen.
          • Crucible Mode

            Darksiders II will feature a survival arena mode called Crucible, allowing players to continue advancing their character even after finishing the main game and providing the ultimate challenge.

            Key Features:

            • After completing five of the mode’s 100 unique waves, gamers will be given the option of taking a prize or continuing for another five waves for a chance at even better items.
            • However, if they fall in combat they will leave with nothing. Only the most skilled players will have what it takes to best all 100 waves and claim the greatest prizes.
            • In addition to this mode, Darksiders II will feature a New Game+ mode which will allow players to carry over their Death for a new game retaining all of their skills and equipment.

            About the Game

            Awakened by the End of Days, Death, the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, embarks upon a quest to restore mankind, and redeem his brother’s name. Along the way, the Horseman discovers that there are far worse things than an earthly Apocalypse, and that an ancient grudge may threaten all of Creation . . .
            • Play Death: Become the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, able to destroy entire worlds and battle forces beyond Heaven and Hell.
            • Epic Universe: Unlike anything the player has seen before, delivered in the unique style of Joe Mad.
            • Player Choice & Customization: Customize your experience with varied armor sets, weapons, and Skill Trees allowing players to create their own Death.
            • Replay-ability: Explore a vast open world, complete dozens of side quests and customize your Death with a full leveling system, Skill Trees and endless equipment combinations.
            • Traversal: Death is a nimble and agile character capable of incredible acrobatic feats allowing the player to explore the world like never before.
            • Crucible Mode

              Darksiders II will feature a survival arena mode called Crucible, allowing players to continue advancing their character even after finishing the main game and providing the ultimate challenge.

              Key Features:

              • After completing five of the mode’s 100 unique waves, gamers will be given the option of taking a prize or continuing for another five waves for a chance at even better items.
              • However, if they fall in combat they will leave with nothing. Only the most skilled players will have what it takes to best all 100 waves and claim the greatest prizes.
              • In addition to this mode, Darksiders II will feature a New Game+ mode which will allow players to carry over their Death for a new game retaining all of their skills and equipment.

              Tietoja pelistä

              Awakened by the End of Days, Death, the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, embarks upon a quest to restore mankind, and redeem his brother’s name. Along the way, the Horseman discovers that there are far worse things than an earthly Apocalypse, and that an ancient grudge may threaten all of Creation . . .
              • Play Death: Become the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, able to destroy entire worlds and battle forces beyond Heaven and Hell.
              • Epic Universe: Unlike anything the player has seen before, delivered in the unique style of Joe Mad.
              • Player Choice & Customization: Customize your experience with varied armor sets, weapons, and Skill Trees allowing players to create their own Death.
              • Replay-ability: Explore a vast open world, complete dozens of side quests and customize your Death with a full leveling system, Skill Trees and endless equipment combinations.
              • Traversal: Death is a nimble and agile character capable of incredible acrobatic feats allowing the player to explore the world like never before.
              • Crucible Mode

                Darksiders II possèdera un mode de survie en arène baptisé Tribularium, permettant aux joueurs de faire progresser leur personnage même après avoir fini le jeu principal, et ainsi de leur offrir le défi ultime.

                Fonctionnalités :

                • après avoir terminé 5 des 100 vagues uniques du mode, les joueurs pourront au choix obtenir une récompense ou continuer et affronter 5 vagues supplémentaires pour espérer gagner de meilleurs objets ;
                • cependant, s'ils tombent au combat, ils repartiront les mains vides. Seuls les joueurs les plus talentueux réussiront à vaincre les 100 vagues et remporter les meilleures récompenses ;
                • en plus de ce mode, Darksiders II possèdera un mode Nouvelle partie+ qui permettra aux joueurs de recommencer le jeu tout en gardant leurs compétences et leur équipement."

                À propos du jeu

                Réveillé par la Fin des Temps, Death, le plus craint des Quatre Cavaliers de l'Apocalypse se lance dans une quête pour laver le nom de son frère. En chemin, le Cavalier découvre que l'Apocalypse n'est qu'un avant-goût de ce qui l'attend, et qu'un conflit ancestral menace la Création tout entière.
                Caractéristiques :
                Comprend :
                • Incarnez Death : devenez le plus craint des Quatre Cavaliers de l'Apocalypse, capable de détruire des mondes entiers et de combattre des forces venant d'au-delà des Cieux et des Enfers.
                • Un univers épique : un cachet incomparable et inimitable, dans le plus pur style de Joe Mad.
                • Choix du joueur et personnalisation : personnalisez votre expérience avec des armes et des armures variées, ainsi que des arbres de compétence permettant aux joueurs de créer leur propre Death.
                • Rejouabilité : explorez un vaste monde ouvert, accomplissez des dizaines de quêtes secondaires et personnalisez votre personnage avec un système complet de niveaux, d'arbres de compétences et de combinaisons d'équipement.
                • Déplacements : Death est un personnage vif et agile capable de prouesses acrobatiques incroyables, qui permettent au joueur d'explorer le monde comme jamais auparavant.
                • Crucible Mode

                  Darksiders II bietet einen Arenamodus, der sich "Feuerprobe" nennt. Hier können Spieler ihren Charakter verbessern, selbst wenn sie das Hauptspiel bereits geschafft haben - die ultimative Herausforderung.


                  • Nach dem Besiegen von fünf der 100 verschiedenen Wellen der Feuerprobe bekommt der Spieler die Möglichkeit, einen Preis zu akzeptieren oder die nächsten fünf Wellen in Angriff zu nehmen, um im Falle eines Sieges noch bessere Gegenstände zu erhalten.
                  • Sollte der Kampf jedoch in einer Niederlage enden, bleibt dem Spieler nichts. Nur die geschicktesten Spieler schaffen es, alle 100 Wellen zu besiegen und die besten Preise abzuräumen.
                  • Zusätzlich zu diesem Modus gibt es in Darksiders II noch den Modus "Neues Spiel+", bei dem der Spieler seinen bisherigen Charakter Tod mit all seinen Fähigkeiten und Ausrüstungen verwenden kann, wenn er ein neues Spiel beginnt."

                  Über das Spiel

                  Erweckt durch die Apokalypse, begibt sich Tod, der gefürchtetste der legendären vier Reiter, auf eine gefahrvolle Reise, um den Namen seines Bruders reinzuwaschen. Unterwegs entdeckt er, dass es weitaus schlimmere Dinge gibt als die Apokalypse auf der Erde - und, dass ein uralter Konflikt die gesamte Schöpfung bedroht.
                  • Spielen Sie als Tod: Werden Sie zum gefürchtetsten der legendären vier Reiter - fähig, ganze Welten zu vernichten und Streitkräfte jenseits von Himmel und Hölle zu bekämpfen.
                  • Episches Universum: Anders als alles, was Sie zuvor gesehen haben - und das im Stil von Joe Mad.
                  • Spielerauswahl & -anpassung: Verändern Sie ihr Spielerlebnis mit verschiedensten Rüstungen, Waffen und Fähigkeitenbäumen. Auf diese Weise können Sie Ihren eigenen Tod ins Leben rufen.
                  • Wiederspielbarkeit: Erkunden Sie eine riesige offene Welt, erledigen Sie Dutzende Nebenaufgaben und passen Sie Ihren Tod durch ein umfangreiches Stufensystem, Fähigkeitenbäume und zahllose Ausrüstungskombinationen an.
                  • Action: Tod ist ein flinker und agiler Charakter, der unglaubliche akrobatische Moves beherrscht. Dadurch können Sie die Welt erkunden wie nie zuvor.
                  • Crucible Mode

                    Darksiders II will feature a survival arena mode called Crucible, allowing players to continue advancing their character even after finishing the main game and providing the ultimate challenge.

                    Key Features:

                    • After completing five of the mode’s 100 unique waves, gamers will be given the option of taking a prize or continuing for another five waves for a chance at even better items.
                    • However, if they fall in combat they will leave with nothing. Only the most skilled players will have what it takes to best all 100 waves and claim the greatest prizes.
                    • In addition to this mode, Darksiders II will feature a New Game+ mode which will allow players to carry over their Death for a new game retaining all of their skills and equipment.

                    Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

                    Awakened by the End of Days, Death, the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, embarks upon a quest to restore mankind, and redeem his brother’s name. Along the way, the Horseman discovers that there are far worse things than an earthly Apocalypse, and that an ancient grudge may threaten all of Creation . . .
                    • Play Death: Become the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, able to destroy entire worlds and battle forces beyond Heaven and Hell.
                    • Epic Universe: Unlike anything the player has seen before, delivered in the unique style of Joe Mad.
                    • Player Choice & Customization: Customize your experience with varied armor sets, weapons, and Skill Trees allowing players to create their own Death.
                    • Replay-ability: Explore a vast open world, complete dozens of side quests and customize your Death with a full leveling system, Skill Trees and endless equipment combinations.
                    • Traversal: Death is a nimble and agile character capable of incredible acrobatic feats allowing the player to explore the world like never before.
                    • Crucible Mode

                      Darksiders II will feature a survival arena mode called Crucible, allowing players to continue advancing their character even after finishing the main game and providing the ultimate challenge.

                      Key Features:

                      • After completing five of the mode’s 100 unique waves, gamers will be given the option of taking a prize or continuing for another five waves for a chance at even better items.
                      • However, if they fall in combat they will leave with nothing. Only the most skilled players will have what it takes to best all 100 waves and claim the greatest prizes.
                      • In addition to this mode, Darksiders II will feature a New Game+ mode which will allow players to carry over their Death for a new game retaining all of their skills and equipment.

                      A játékról: 

                      Az Ítéletnapra ébredvén a Halál, a legendás Négy Lovas legrettegettebbje, útnak indul, hogy helyreállítsa az emberiséget és tisztázza testvére nevét. Útja során a Lovas ráébred, hogy sokkal rosszabb dolgok is vannak a földi Apokalipszisnél, és hogy egy ősi viszály a Teremtés egészét fenyegetheti...
                      • Játék a halállal: válj a legendás Négy Lovas legrettegettebbjévé, aki képes egész világokat elpusztítani, és csatázz a Menny és a Pokol seregein túli erőkkel.
                      • Epikus univerzum: semmihez sem fogható, amit a játékos valaha látott, Joe Mad különleges stílusában.
                      • Játékosdöntések és testre szabás: szabd testre játékélményed változatos páncélkészletekkel, fegyverekkel és képzettségfákkal, melyekkel megalkothatod saját Halálod.
                      • Újrajátszhatóság: fedez fel egy hatalmas világot mellékküldetések tucatjaival, és szabd testre Halálod teljes szintlépési rendszerrel és végtelen felszerelés-kombinációkkal.
                      • Egyenesen át: a Halál fürge és mozgékony figura, aki hihetetlen akrobatamutatványokra képes, lehetővé téve a játékosnak, hogy úgy fedezze fel a világot, mint még soha.
                      • Crucible Mode

                        Darksiders II avrà una modalità arena chiamata Prova del Fuoco, in cui i giocatori potranno continuare a far progredire il proprio personaggio anche una volta terminato il gioco e che fornirà loro la sfida definitiva.


                        • Dopo aver completato cinque delle 100 diverse ondate di questa modalità, i giocatori potranno scegliere se accettare un premio o continuare per altre cinque ondate, con la possibilità di ottenere oggetti migliori.
                        • Dovessero fallire la sfida, tuttavia, non otterrebbero nulla. Solo i giocatori più abili possiedono ciò che serve per superare tutte le 100 ondate e reclamare i premi migliori.
                        • In aggiunta a questa modalità, Darksiders II disporrà anche di una modalità Nuova partita+ grazie a cui i giocatori potranno usare Morte in una nuova partita mantenendo le abilità e l'equipaggiamento precedentemente acquisiti."

                        Informazioni sul gioco

                        Apremiado por el Fin de los Días, Muerte, el más temido de los legendarios Cuatro Jinetes del Apocalipsis, emprende la misión de limpiar el nombre de su hermano. Por el camino, el Jinete descubrirá que hay cosas peores que un Apocalipsis en la Tierra, y que un antiguo conflicto amenaza toda la Creación.
                        • Juega como Muerte: Conviértete en el más temido de los legendarios Cuatro Jinetes, capaces de destruir mundos enteros, y combate fuerzas de más allá del Cielo y el Infierno.
                        • Universo épico: El jugador no ha visto nunca nada igual, todo con el estilo único de Joe Mad.
                        • Elección y personalización del jugador: Personaliza tu experiencia con distintos sets de armaduras, armas y un árbol de habilidades que permite al jugador crear su propio personaje de Muerte.
                        • Habilidad de repetir el juego: Explora un amplio mundo abierto, completa docenas de misiones secundarias y personaliza tu personaje de Muerte con un sistema completo de nivelación, el árbol de habilidades e infinitas combinaciones de equipamiento.
                        • Transversalidad: Muerte es un personaje dinámico y ágil, capaz de realizar proezas acrobáticas que permiten al jugador explorar el mundo como nunca antes lo había hecho.
                        • Crucible Mode

                          Darksiders II will feature a survival arena mode called Crucible, allowing players to continue advancing their character even after finishing the main game and providing the ultimate challenge.

                          Key Features:

                          • After completing five of the mode’s 100 unique waves, gamers will be given the option of taking a prize or continuing for another five waves for a chance at even better items.
                          • However, if they fall in combat they will leave with nothing. Only the most skilled players will have what it takes to best all 100 waves and claim the greatest prizes.
                          • In addition to this mode, Darksiders II will feature a New Game+ mode which will allow players to carry over their Death for a new game retaining all of their skills and equipment.


                          • Deathの力を手にしよう:伝説の4人のHorsemenで最も恐れられた騎士、Deathになり、天と地を破壊する力を思いのままに操ろう。
                          • 壮大な世界観:ジョー・マデュレイラが描く、これまでにない唯一無二の世界を旅しよう。
                          • 多彩な選択肢とカスタマイズ要素:様々なアーマーセット、武器、スキルツリーで自分だけのDeathを育て、ゲーム体験をカスタマイズしよう。
                          • やりこみ要素:広大な世界を探検し、多数のサイドクエストを楽しもう。またレべリングシステム、スキルツリーと無限の装備品組み合わせでDeathを自由にカスタマイズしよう。
                          • 軽快な動作:Deathは機敏でアクロバティックな動きを得意とするキャラクター。斬新なアクションで世界を探検できる。
                          • Crucible Mode

                            Darksiders II will feature a survival arena mode called Crucible, allowing players to continue advancing their character even after finishing the main game and providing the ultimate challenge.

                            Key Features:

                            • After completing five of the mode’s 100 unique waves, gamers will be given the option of taking a prize or continuing for another five waves for a chance at even better items.
                            • However, if they fall in combat they will leave with nothing. Only the most skilled players will have what it takes to best all 100 waves and claim the greatest prizes.
                            • In addition to this mode, Darksiders II will feature a New Game+ mode which will allow players to carry over their Death for a new game retaining all of their skills and equipment.

                            게임 정보

                            Awakened by the End of Days, Death, the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, embarks upon a quest to restore mankind, and redeem his brother’s name. Along the way, the Horseman discovers that there are far worse things than an earthly Apocalypse, and that an ancient grudge may threaten all of Creation . . .
                            • Play Death: Become the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, able to destroy entire worlds and battle forces beyond Heaven and Hell.
                            • Epic Universe: Unlike anything the player has seen before, delivered in the unique style of Joe Mad.
                            • Player Choice & Customization: Customize your experience with varied armor sets, weapons, and Skill Trees allowing players to create their own Death.
                            • Replay-ability: Explore a vast open world, complete dozens of side quests and customize your Death with a full leveling system, Skill Trees and endless equipment combinations.
                            • Traversal: Death is a nimble and agile character capable of incredible acrobatic feats allowing the player to explore the world like never before.
                            • Crucible Mode

                              Darksiders II will feature a survival arena mode called Crucible, allowing players to continue advancing their character even after finishing the main game and providing the ultimate challenge.

                              Key Features:

                              • After completing five of the mode’s 100 unique waves, gamers will be given the option of taking a prize or continuing for another five waves for a chance at even better items.
                              • However, if they fall in combat they will leave with nothing. Only the most skilled players will have what it takes to best all 100 waves and claim the greatest prizes.
                              • In addition to this mode, Darksiders II will feature a New Game+ mode which will allow players to carry over their Death for a new game retaining all of their skills and equipment.

                              Om spillet

                              Awakened by the End of Days, Death, the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, embarks upon a quest to restore mankind, and redeem his brother’s name. Along the way, the Horseman discovers that there are far worse things than an earthly Apocalypse, and that an ancient grudge may threaten all of Creation . . .
                              • Play Death: Become the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, able to destroy entire worlds and battle forces beyond Heaven and Hell.
                              • Epic Universe: Unlike anything the player has seen before, delivered in the unique style of Joe Mad.
                              • Player Choice & Customization: Customize your experience with varied armor sets, weapons, and Skill Trees allowing players to create their own Death.
                              • Replay-ability: Explore a vast open world, complete dozens of side quests and customize your Death with a full leveling system, Skill Trees and endless equipment combinations.
                              • Traversal: Death is a nimble and agile character capable of incredible acrobatic feats allowing the player to explore the world like never before.
                              • Crucible Mode

                                Darksiders II zawierać będzie tryb areny, zwany Tyglem, na którym gracze będą mogli rozwijać swoją postać nawet po zakończeniu głównego wątku. Tygiel to ostateczne wyzwanie.

                                Cechy charakterystyczne:

                                • Po ukończeniu pięciu ze stu niepowtarzalnych fal w tym trybie, gracz otrzyma wybór: przyjęcie nagrody lub kontynuowanie przez kolejnych pięć fal i szansę na zdobycie jeszcze lepszych przedmiotów.
                                • Jeśli jednak polegnie w boju, nie otrzyma niczego. Tylko najbardziej doświadczeni gracze pokonają wszystkie 100 fal wrogów i zdobędą najlepsze nagrody.
                                • Prócz tego trybu, Darksiders II zawierać będzie opcję Nowa gra+, dzięki której gracz będzie mógł przenieść swoją postać do nowej gry, zatrzymując wszystkie jej umiejętności i przedmioty."

                                Informacje o grze

                                Obudzony w dniu końca świata, Śmierć, najbardziej przerażający z legendarnych jeźdźców apokalipsy, wyrusza w podróż w celu odrodzenia ludzkości i oczyszczenia imienia swego brata. W drodze jeździec odkrywa, że istnieją rzeczy znacznie gorsze, niż ziemska Apokalipsa, a starożytna klątwa zagraża wszelkiemu stworzeniu...
                                Cechy charakterystyczne:
                                • Graj jako Śmierć: Wciel się w postać najbardziej przerażającego z czterech jeźdźców apokalipsy - możesz niszczyć całe światy i walczyć z siłami potężniejszymi, niż niebo i piekło.
                                • Epicki wszechświat: Niepowtarzalna kreacja w niesamowitym stylu Joe Mada.
                                • Wybory i personalizacja: Zdecyduj o stylu gry, korzystając z różnych pancerzy, rodzajów broni i umiejętności - spersonalizuj własną Śmierć!
                                • Zagraj kilka razy: Zbadaj potężny, otwarty świat, wykonaj dziesiątki zadań dodatkowych i spersonalizuj Śmierć poprzez system poziomów, drzew umiejętności i nieskończonych kombinacji wyposażenia.
                                • System przemieszczania się: Śmierć to zwinna postać, która może wykonywać niesamowite akrobacje - zbadaj świat jak nigdy dotąd.
                                • Crucible Mode

                                  Darksiders II will feature a survival arena mode called Crucible, allowing players to continue advancing their character even after finishing the main game and providing the ultimate challenge.

                                  Key Features:

                                  • After completing five of the mode’s 100 unique waves, gamers will be given the option of taking a prize or continuing for another five waves for a chance at even better items.
                                  • However, if they fall in combat they will leave with nothing. Only the most skilled players will have what it takes to best all 100 waves and claim the greatest prizes.
                                  • In addition to this mode, Darksiders II will feature a New Game+ mode which will allow players to carry over their Death for a new game retaining all of their skills and equipment.

                                  Acerca do Jogo

                                  Awakened by the End of Days, Death, the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, embarks upon a quest to restore mankind, and redeem his brother’s name. Along the way, the Horseman discovers that there are far worse things than an earthly Apocalypse, and that an ancient grudge may threaten all of Creation . . .
                                  • Play Death: Become the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, able to destroy entire worlds and battle forces beyond Heaven and Hell.
                                  • Epic Universe: Unlike anything the player has seen before, delivered in the unique style of Joe Mad.
                                  • Player Choice & Customization: Customize your experience with varied armor sets, weapons, and Skill Trees allowing players to create their own Death.
                                  • Replay-ability: Explore a vast open world, complete dozens of side quests and customize your Death with a full leveling system, Skill Trees and endless equipment combinations.
                                  • Traversal: Death is a nimble and agile character capable of incredible acrobatic feats allowing the player to explore the world like never before.
                                  • Crucible Mode

                                    Darksiders II will feature a survival arena mode called Crucible, allowing players to continue advancing their character even after finishing the main game and providing the ultimate challenge.

                                    Key Features:

                                    • After completing five of the mode’s 100 unique waves, gamers will be given the option of taking a prize or continuing for another five waves for a chance at even better items.
                                    • However, if they fall in combat they will leave with nothing. Only the most skilled players will have what it takes to best all 100 waves and claim the greatest prizes.
                                    • In addition to this mode, Darksiders II will feature a New Game+ mode which will allow players to carry over their Death for a new game retaining all of their skills and equipment.

                                    Despre joc

                                    Awakened by the End of Days, Death, the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, embarks upon a quest to restore mankind, and redeem his brother’s name. Along the way, the Horseman discovers that there are far worse things than an earthly Apocalypse, and that an ancient grudge may threaten all of Creation . . .
                                    • Play Death: Become the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, able to destroy entire worlds and battle forces beyond Heaven and Hell.
                                    • Epic Universe: Unlike anything the player has seen before, delivered in the unique style of Joe Mad.
                                    • Player Choice & Customization: Customize your experience with varied armor sets, weapons, and Skill Trees allowing players to create their own Death.
                                    • Replay-ability: Explore a vast open world, complete dozens of side quests and customize your Death with a full leveling system, Skill Trees and endless equipment combinations.
                                    • Traversal: Death is a nimble and agile character capable of incredible acrobatic feats allowing the player to explore the world like never before.
                                    • Crucible Mode

                                      Darksiders II содержит режим выживания, который называется ""Горнило"". Он позволяет игрокам развивать своего персонажа даже после окончания основной игры и создает для них серьезные испытания.

                                      Основные возможности:

                                      • После завершения пяти из 100 уникальных волн, игроку будет предложен выбор - взять награду или продолжать сражаться еще пять волн, чтобы получить лучшие предметы.
                                      • Однако если они потерпят неудачу, то останутся ни с чем. Только самые опытные игроки получат самый большой приз, побив все 100 волн.
                                      • Кроме того, Darksiders II имеет режим ""Новая игра +"", который позволит им перенести своего персонажа в новую игру со всеми умениями и снаряжением."

                                      Об игре

                                      С наступлением конца света пробудился Смерть, самый страшный из всех легендарных Всадников Апокалипсиса. Ему предстоит спасти человечество и восстановить доброе имя своего брата. По пути он узнает, что есть вещи пострашнее земного апокалипсиса и что застарелая обида может стать угрозой всему сущему...
                                      Ключевые особенности:
                                      • Играйте за Смерть, самого жуткого из легендарных Всадников Апокалипсиса, способного уничтожать целые миры и сражаться с силами, которые находятся за гранью Рая и Ада.
                                      • Эпическая вселенная: мир, которого вы нигде не видели, создан в уникальном стиле Джо Мэда.
                                      • Выбор и детальная настройка: вы можете подстроить игру под себя, создав собственного Смерть при помощи разнообразных комплектов оружия и брони, а также разветвленной системы навыков.
                                      • Пройдите игру несколько раз, чтобы исследовать огромный открытый мир, выполнить десятки сторонних заданий и развить Войну по своему усмотрению с помощью продуманной ролевой системы, дерева навыков и бесконечных комбинаций экипировки.
                                      • Смерть - ловкий и проворный персонаж, способный на головокружительные акробатические трюки, благодаря которым вы сможете играть совершенно по-новому.
                                      • Crucible Mode

                                        暗黑血统 2 将会有一个生存竞技场模式称为试炼场,允许玩家即使在完成了主线剧情后仍可继续发展他们的人物,提供终极挑战。


                                        • 在完成了此模式 100 个独特的回合中的 5 波之后,玩家会获得一个选项是拿走奖品还是继续挑战 5 波来获得更好的物品。
                                        • 然而,一旦在战斗中落败,玩家将什么也无法获得。只有最富有技巧的玩家可以击败全部 100 波来获得最棒的奖品。
                                        • 除此之外,暗黑血统 2 也有新的二周目模式可以让玩家保留他们死亡的所有技能和装备来开始新的游戏。


                                        • 操作死亡:成为传奇的天启四骑士中最令人畏惧一位,能够摧毁整个世界并与超越天堂与地狱的力量战斗。
                                        • 史诗级宇宙:不同于任何玩家之前所见过的,来自 Joe Mad 的独特风格。
                                        • 玩家选择&定制:使用多样化的护甲套装,武器,和技能树来自定义经验让玩家可以创建自己的死亡。
                                        • 重复可玩性:在一个广大的开放世界中探索,完成数十个支线任务并使用完整的升级系统、技能树和无尽的装备组合来定制你的死亡。
                                        • 穿梭:死亡是一个灵活和敏捷的角色可以做出惊人的杂技,让玩家能够以前所未有的方式探索世界。
                                        • Crucible Mode

                                          Darksiders II presenta un modo de supervivencia en la arena llamado El Crisol, que permite a los jugadores seguir mejorando su personaje incluso después de haber terminado el juego principal y que ofrece el desafío definitivo.

                                          Características principales:

                                          • Tras completar cinco de las 100 oleadas exclusivas del modo, los jugadores tendrán la opción de aceptar un premio o continuar con otras cinco oleadas para optar a objetos incluso mejores.
                                          • Sin embargo, si caen en combate, se quedarán sin nada. Solo los jugadores más expertos tienen lo que hay que tener para vencer en las 100 oleadas y conseguir los mayores premios.
                                          • Además de esto, Darksiders II cuenta con un nuevo modo, Nueva partida+, que permite a los jugadores llevar a su personaje Muerte a una nueva partida manteniendo todas sus habilidades y su equipamiento."

                                          Acerca del juego

                                          Despertado por el fin de los tiempos, Death (Muerte), el más temido de los legendarios Cuatro Jinetes, se embarca en una aventura para restaurar la raza humana y vengar el nombre de su hermano. Por el camino, el Jinete descubre que hay cosas peores que el Apocalipsis de la Tierra, y que un antiguo rencor puede poner en riesgo toda la Creación...

                                          Características Principales:
                                          • Juega con la Muerte: Vuélvete el más temido de los Cuatro Jinetes, capaz de destruir mundos enteros y batallar con fuerzas más allá del Cielo y el Infierno
                                          • Universo Épico: Como ningún jugador ha visto jamás, traído con el estilo único de Joe Mad
                                          • Elecciones para el jugador y personalización: Personaliza tu experiencia con una gran variedad de armaduras, armas y un Árbol de Habilidades que permiten al jugador crear su propio Death
                                          • Jugabilidad: Explora un vasto mundo, completa docenas de misiones secundarias y personaliza tu Death con un completo sistema de niveles, un Árbol de Habilidades e interminables combinaciones de equipamiento
                                          • Travesías: Death es un personaje ágil y veloz capaz de realizar increíbles acrobacias permitiendo al jugador explorar el mundo como nunca antes
                                          • Crucible Mode

                                            Darksiders II will feature a survival arena mode called Crucible, allowing players to continue advancing their character even after finishing the main game and providing the ultimate challenge.

                                            Key Features:

                                            • After completing five of the mode’s 100 unique waves, gamers will be given the option of taking a prize or continuing for another five waves for a chance at even better items.
                                            • However, if they fall in combat they will leave with nothing. Only the most skilled players will have what it takes to best all 100 waves and claim the greatest prizes.
                                            • In addition to this mode, Darksiders II will feature a New Game+ mode which will allow players to carry over their Death for a new game retaining all of their skills and equipment.

                                            Om spelet

                                            Awakened by the End of Days, Death, the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, embarks upon a quest to restore mankind, and redeem his brother’s name. Along the way, the Horseman discovers that there are far worse things than an earthly Apocalypse, and that an ancient grudge may threaten all of Creation . . .
                                            • Play Death: Become the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, able to destroy entire worlds and battle forces beyond Heaven and Hell.
                                            • Epic Universe: Unlike anything the player has seen before, delivered in the unique style of Joe Mad.
                                            • Player Choice & Customization: Customize your experience with varied armor sets, weapons, and Skill Trees allowing players to create their own Death.
                                            • Replay-ability: Explore a vast open world, complete dozens of side quests and customize your Death with a full leveling system, Skill Trees and endless equipment combinations.
                                            • Traversal: Death is a nimble and agile character capable of incredible acrobatic feats allowing the player to explore the world like never before.
                                            • Crucible Mode

                                              Darksiders II will feature a survival arena mode called Crucible, allowing players to continue advancing their character even after finishing the main game and providing the ultimate challenge.

                                              Key Features:

                                              • After completing five of the mode’s 100 unique waves, gamers will be given the option of taking a prize or continuing for another five waves for a chance at even better items.
                                              • However, if they fall in combat they will leave with nothing. Only the most skilled players will have what it takes to best all 100 waves and claim the greatest prizes.
                                              • In addition to this mode, Darksiders II will feature a New Game+ mode which will allow players to carry over their Death for a new game retaining all of their skills and equipment.


                                              Awakened by the End of Days, Death, the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, embarks upon a quest to restore mankind, and redeem his brother’s name. Along the way, the Horseman discovers that there are far worse things than an earthly Apocalypse, and that an ancient grudge may threaten all of Creation . . .
                                              • Play Death: Become the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, able to destroy entire worlds and battle forces beyond Heaven and Hell.
                                              • Epic Universe: Unlike anything the player has seen before, delivered in the unique style of Joe Mad.
                                              • Player Choice & Customization: Customize your experience with varied armor sets, weapons, and Skill Trees allowing players to create their own Death.
                                              • Replay-ability: Explore a vast open world, complete dozens of side quests and customize your Death with a full leveling system, Skill Trees and endless equipment combinations.
                                              • Traversal: Death is a nimble and agile character capable of incredible acrobatic feats allowing the player to explore the world like never before.
                                              • Crucible Mode

                                                Darksiders II will feature a survival arena mode called Crucible, allowing players to continue advancing their character even after finishing the main game and providing the ultimate challenge.

                                                Key Features:

                                                • After completing five of the mode’s 100 unique waves, gamers will be given the option of taking a prize or continuing for another five waves for a chance at even better items.
                                                • However, if they fall in combat they will leave with nothing. Only the most skilled players will have what it takes to best all 100 waves and claim the greatest prizes.
                                                • In addition to this mode, Darksiders II will feature a New Game+ mode which will allow players to carry over their Death for a new game retaining all of their skills and equipment.


                                                Awakened by the End of Days, Death, the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, embarks upon a quest to restore mankind, and redeem his brother’s name. Along the way, the Horseman discovers that there are far worse things than an earthly Apocalypse, and that an ancient grudge may threaten all of Creation . . .
                                                • Play Death: Become the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, able to destroy entire worlds and battle forces beyond Heaven and Hell.
                                                • Epic Universe: Unlike anything the player has seen before, delivered in the unique style of Joe Mad.
                                                • Player Choice & Customization: Customize your experience with varied armor sets, weapons, and Skill Trees allowing players to create their own Death.
                                                • Replay-ability: Explore a vast open world, complete dozens of side quests and customize your Death with a full leveling system, Skill Trees and endless equipment combinations.
                                                • Traversal: Death is a nimble and agile character capable of incredible acrobatic feats allowing the player to explore the world like never before.
                                                • Crucible Mode

                                                  Darksiders II will feature a survival arena mode called Crucible, allowing players to continue advancing their character even after finishing the main game and providing the ultimate challenge.

                                                  Key Features:

                                                  • After completing five of the mode’s 100 unique waves, gamers will be given the option of taking a prize or continuing for another five waves for a chance at even better items.
                                                  • However, if they fall in combat they will leave with nothing. Only the most skilled players will have what it takes to best all 100 waves and claim the greatest prizes.
                                                  • In addition to this mode, Darksiders II will feature a New Game+ mode which will allow players to carry over their Death for a new game retaining all of their skills and equipment.

                                                  Oyun Açıklaması

                                                  Awakened by the End of Days, Death, the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, embarks upon a quest to restore mankind, and redeem his brother’s name. Along the way, the Horseman discovers that there are far worse things than an earthly Apocalypse, and that an ancient grudge may threaten all of Creation . . .
                                                  • Play Death: Become the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, able to destroy entire worlds and battle forces beyond Heaven and Hell.
                                                  • Epic Universe: Unlike anything the player has seen before, delivered in the unique style of Joe Mad.
                                                  • Player Choice & Customization: Customize your experience with varied armor sets, weapons, and Skill Trees allowing players to create their own Death.
                                                  • Replay-ability: Explore a vast open world, complete dozens of side quests and customize your Death with a full leveling system, Skill Trees and endless equipment combinations.
                                                  • Traversal: Death is a nimble and agile character capable of incredible acrobatic feats allowing the player to explore the world like never before.
                                                  • Crucible Mode

                                                    Darksiders II will feature a survival arena mode called Crucible, allowing players to continue advancing their character even after finishing the main game and providing the ultimate challenge.

                                                    Key Features:

                                                    • After completing five of the mode’s 100 unique waves, gamers will be given the option of taking a prize or continuing for another five waves for a chance at even better items.
                                                    • However, if they fall in combat they will leave with nothing. Only the most skilled players will have what it takes to best all 100 waves and claim the greatest prizes.
                                                    • In addition to this mode, Darksiders II will feature a New Game+ mode which will allow players to carry over their Death for a new game retaining all of their skills and equipment.

                                                    Про гру

                                                    Awakened by the End of Days, Death, the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, embarks upon a quest to restore mankind, and redeem his brother’s name. Along the way, the Horseman discovers that there are far worse things than an earthly Apocalypse, and that an ancient grudge may threaten all of Creation . . .
                                                    • Play Death: Become the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, able to destroy entire worlds and battle forces beyond Heaven and Hell.
                                                    • Epic Universe: Unlike anything the player has seen before, delivered in the unique style of Joe Mad.
                                                    • Player Choice & Customization: Customize your experience with varied armor sets, weapons, and Skill Trees allowing players to create their own Death.
                                                    • Replay-ability: Explore a vast open world, complete dozens of side quests and customize your Death with a full leveling system, Skill Trees and endless equipment combinations.
                                                    • Traversal: Death is a nimble and agile character capable of incredible acrobatic feats allowing the player to explore the world like never before.

                                                    System Requirements
