Dead by Daylight: Ghost Face (DLC)
Dead by Daylight: Ghost Face (DLC)

Dead by Daylight: Ghost Face (DLC)

Release Date: 18/06/2019 | WORLDWIDE
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19.49 € + VAT


Ghost Face, o Fantasma, é um novo Assassino para Dead by Daylight. Compre o conteúdo baixável (DLC) Ghost Face para desbloquear o novo Assassino e itens exclusivos para ele.

Pessoas conhecidas podem ser uma perigosa fonte de enganos. Nossos locais de trabalho estão cheio de conhecidos assim; estranhos que passam boa parte do dia ao nosso lado, cinco dias por semana. Uma familiaridade distante surge a partir do hábito, preenchendo as lacunas com suposições e nos levando a esquecer de como os conhecemos pouco, até que se prove o contrário.
O Fantasma se aproveitou disso. Seus colegas no jornal poderiam ter percebido como os assassinatos de Roseville apontavam para ele. As pistas estavam lá: as faltas ao trabalho, o horário de morte das vítimas, os artigos detalhados que ele escrevia a partir de fontes jamais compartilhadas. Só que os colegas não ligaram os pontos. O Fantasma se misturava à rotina diária. Ninguém imaginava que o homem sentado à esquerda deles poderia ser responsável pelo assassinato a sangue frio de uma dúzia de pessoas. Até que se provasse o contrário.
No fim, O Fantasma se safaria como nas outras vezes: quando a investigação começasse a apontar para ele, já teria feito as malas e estaria a caminho de outra cidade, candidatando-se a outro emprego. Só que, dessa vez, encontrou um campo de caça diferente, cheio de possibilidades...

O Fantasma

À primeira vista, Jed Olsen era só um freelancer gentil e animado, com experiência em vários jornais locais.
Ele foi contratado pela Gazeta de Roseville, cuja equipe gostou de sua simpatia. Olsen não precisou justificar a carreira instável, um caminho em ziguezague percorrido de Utah à Filadélfia. Ele tinha um temperamento agradável e um portfólio decente, com experiência em notícias de caráter sério, como assassinatos jamais resolvidos. E, mais importante, estava disponível para efetivação imediata.
Cinco meses depois, começaram os Assassinatos de Roseville: vítimas que iam de jovens a velhos, esfaqueadas em casa. Toda a equipe do jornal trabalhou na apuração do caso.
Só que o número de vítimas disparou quando Olsen juntou-se ao time. Para instigar ainda mais o pânico crescente em Roseville, ele arranjou uma filmagem de uma figura encapuzada invadindo uma casa à noite. O rosto mascarado de Olsen, um borrão branco em meio às trevas, encarou a câmera por um segundo antes de desaparecer casa adentro. "O Fantasma Flagrado na Fita" foi como Olsen intitulou o artigo. Ele ficou orgulhoso da obra, deleitando-se com o terror da cidade diante de uma história de fantasmas.
Quando a investigação começou a apontar para ele, Olsen deixou Roseville sem demora. Já tinha escrito e colecionado uma dúzia de artigos, todos para alimentar sua lenda. Encontrar um desafio satisfatório na próxima seria difícil, mas uma oportunidade apareceu.
O Poder do Fantasma: Mortalha da Noite
O Fantasma gostava de espreitar as vítimas. Ele as seguia até o bar da região, tirando fotos delas em casa enquanto procurava um jeito de entrar. Passava semanas estudando a mesma vítima, registrando meticulosamente cada hábito. E voltava quando não tinha mais como resistir a seus impulsos. A essa altura, ele sabia bem o que fazer.
Enquanto a Mortalha da Noite estiver ativa: O Raio de Terror do Fantasma diminui e desaparece. Nessas condições, O Fantasma entra em Furtividade, exceto se for avistado por algum Sobrevivente. O Fantasma pode espreitar os Sobreviventes para encontrar pontos fracos, deixando-os expostos por um tempo limitado.

O Fantasma vem com 3 novas vantagens.

Sou Todo Ouvidos

Quando os Sobreviventes fazem barulhos altos fora do seu Raio de Terror, a aura deles se revela por um tempo limitado. Nesse momento, seus Sentidos de Matador entram em recarga.

Tremores de Terror

Você fica obcecado por um Sobrevivente. Quando sua Obsessão consegue se safar de uma perseguição e se encontra com outros sobreviventes, ela emite um sinal sonoro e revela as auras dos demais para você por um tempo limitado.

Perseguição Furtiva

Você fica obcecado por um Sobrevivente. Quando sua Obsessão é enganchada, você recebe um ponto de progresso na Vantagem. Cada ponto reduz seu Raio de Terror durante uma perseguição. O próximo Sobrevivente que resgatar alguém do gancho vira a Obsessão.

Item Exclusivo para o Fantasma

O complemento Ghost Face inclui dois itens exclusivos para o Fantasma, o corpo Maníaco do Monocromo e a arma Faca Tática de Aço Prateado, disponível apenas como parte do conteúdo baixável (DLC).
É bom lembrar que esse item não pode ser comprado separadamente.

Ghost Face is a brand-new Killer for Dead by Daylight. the Ghost Face DLC unlocks its new Killer and exclusive items for the new killer.

Acquaintances are a dangerous deception. Our workplace is filled with them; strangers beside us, five days a week. A distant familiarity grown from habit; the blanks filled with assumptions as we forget how little we know, until proven otherwise.

The Ghost Face took full advantage of the fact. His entourage at the newspaper could have spotted that the Roseville murders led to him. There were clues: the days he missed work, the victims’ time of death, and the detailed articles he wrote citing sources he never shared. But his coworkers did not see. The Ghost Face blended into the everyday. No one thought the man seated on their left could be responsible for the murder of a dozen people. Until proven otherwise.
In the end, The Ghost Face would have gotten away with it as he had before: he would have packed his bags when the investigation pointed in his direction, driven a few miles, and looked for another job. But this time he found a richer hunting ground…

The Ghost Face

At first glance, Jed Olsen was a kind and enthusiastic freelancer with experience at various small newspapers.
He was hired at the Roseville Gazette, whose staff appreciated how easy-going he seemed. Olsen didn’t have to justify his erratic career path, which zigzagged between Utah and Philadelphia. He had a good attitude and a decent portfolio, which showed he’d covered serious news such as unsolved murders. Most importantly, he was ready to start right away.

Five months later, the Roseville Murders began: victims ranging from young to old, stabbed to death in their homes. The whole staff was working the story.
The number of victims surged as Olsen worked the story. To heighten the swelling panic in Roseville, Olsen produced the footage of a hooded figure breaking into a house at night. Olsen’s masked face, a white blur in the dark, stared at the camera for a second, before disappearing inside. “The Ghost Face Caught on Tape” was the title Olsen gave the article. He was proud of his work, enjoying how the whole town now feared a ghost story.
When the investigation started to point in his direction, he left Roseville swiftly. He had written and collected a dozen of articles, all of which fed his legend. Finding a satisfying challenge next would be difficult, yet opportunity found him.

The Ghost Face’s Power: Night Shroud
The Ghost Face liked to stalk his victims. He’d follow them from the local bar, snapping pictures of them at home while looking for a way in. He could study the same victim for weeks, meticulously registering their habits. He'd return when the urge swelled inside him, too great to ignore. By then he knew exactly what to do. While the Night Shroud is active: The Ghost Face’s Terror Radius shrinks to nil. Under these conditions, The Ghost Face becomes Stealth, as long as he stays unseen from all Survivors. The Ghost Face can stalk Survivors to find their vulnerabilities, making them exposed for a limited time.

The Ghost Face comes with 3 new perks.

I’m All Ears

When Survivors create a loud noise outside your Terror Radius, their aura is revealed for a limited time.

Thrilling Tremors

After picking up a Survivor, all Generators not being repaired by Survivors are blocked by The Entity and cannot be repaired for a limited time. Affected generators are highlighted by a white aura.

Furtive Chase

You become obsessed with one Survivor. When your Obsession is hooked, the Perk receives a token. Each token decreases your Terror Radius during a chase. Next time a Survivor rescues someone from the hook, the rescuer becomes the Obsession.

Exclusive Item for the Ghost

The Ghost Face add-on includes two exclusive items for The Ghost face, the Monochrome Maniac body and Silvery Steel Tactical Knife weapon, only available as part of the DLC.
Please note that this item cannot be purchased separately.

Ghost Face is a brand-new Killer for Dead by Daylight. the Ghost Face DLC unlocks its new Killer and exclusive items for the new killer.

Acquaintances are a dangerous deception. Our workplace is filled with them; strangers beside us, five days a week. A distant familiarity grown from habit; the blanks filled with assumptions as we forget how little we know, until proven otherwise.

The Ghost Face took full advantage of the fact. His entourage at the newspaper could have spotted that the Roseville murders led to him. There were clues: the days he missed work, the victims’ time of death, and the detailed articles he wrote citing sources he never shared. But his coworkers did not see. The Ghost Face blended into the everyday. No one thought the man seated on their left could be responsible for the murder of a dozen people. Until proven otherwise.
In the end, The Ghost Face would have gotten away with it as he had before: he would have packed his bags when the investigation pointed in his direction, driven a few miles, and looked for another job. But this time he found a richer hunting ground…

The Ghost Face

At first glance, Jed Olsen was a kind and enthusiastic freelancer with experience at various small newspapers.
He was hired at the Roseville Gazette, whose staff appreciated how easy-going he seemed. Olsen didn’t have to justify his erratic career path, which zigzagged between Utah and Philadelphia. He had a good attitude and a decent portfolio, which showed he’d covered serious news such as unsolved murders. Most importantly, he was ready to start right away.

Five months later, the Roseville Murders began: victims ranging from young to old, stabbed to death in their homes. The whole staff was working the story.
The number of victims surged as Olsen worked the story. To heighten the swelling panic in Roseville, Olsen produced the footage of a hooded figure breaking into a house at night. Olsen’s masked face, a white blur in the dark, stared at the camera for a second, before disappearing inside. “The Ghost Face Caught on Tape” was the title Olsen gave the article. He was proud of his work, enjoying how the whole town now feared a ghost story.
When the investigation started to point in his direction, he left Roseville swiftly. He had written and collected a dozen of articles, all of which fed his legend. Finding a satisfying challenge next would be difficult, yet opportunity found him.

The Ghost Face’s Power: Night Shroud
The Ghost Face liked to stalk his victims. He’d follow them from the local bar, snapping pictures of them at home while looking for a way in. He could study the same victim for weeks, meticulously registering their habits. He'd return when the urge swelled inside him, too great to ignore. By then he knew exactly what to do. While the Night Shroud is active: The Ghost Face’s Terror Radius shrinks to nil. Under these conditions, The Ghost Face becomes Stealth, as long as he stays unseen from all Survivors. The Ghost Face can stalk Survivors to find their vulnerabilities, making them exposed for a limited time.

The Ghost Face comes with 3 new perks.

I’m All Ears

When Survivors create a loud noise outside your Terror Radius, their aura is revealed for a limited time.

Thrilling Tremors

After picking up a Survivor, all Generators not being repaired by Survivors are blocked by The Entity and cannot be repaired for a limited time. Affected generators are highlighted by a white aura.

Furtive Chase

You become obsessed with one Survivor. When your Obsession is hooked, the Perk receives a token. Each token decreases your Terror Radius during a chase. Next time a Survivor rescues someone from the hook, the rescuer becomes the Obsession.

Exclusive Item for the Ghost

The Ghost Face add-on includes two exclusive items for The Ghost face, the Monochrome Maniac body and Silvery Steel Tactical Knife weapon, only available as part of the DLC.
Please note that this item cannot be purchased separately.

Ghost Face is a brand-new Killer for Dead by Daylight. the Ghost Face DLC unlocks its new Killer and exclusive items for the new killer.

Acquaintances are a dangerous deception. Our workplace is filled with them; strangers beside us, five days a week. A distant familiarity grown from habit; the blanks filled with assumptions as we forget how little we know, until proven otherwise.

The Ghost Face took full advantage of the fact. His entourage at the newspaper could have spotted that the Roseville murders led to him. There were clues: the days he missed work, the victims’ time of death, and the detailed articles he wrote citing sources he never shared. But his coworkers did not see. The Ghost Face blended into the everyday. No one thought the man seated on their left could be responsible for the murder of a dozen people. Until proven otherwise.
In the end, The Ghost Face would have gotten away with it as he had before: he would have packed his bags when the investigation pointed in his direction, driven a few miles, and looked for another job. But this time he found a richer hunting ground…

The Ghost Face

At first glance, Jed Olsen was a kind and enthusiastic freelancer with experience at various small newspapers.
He was hired at the Roseville Gazette, whose staff appreciated how easy-going he seemed. Olsen didn’t have to justify his erratic career path, which zigzagged between Utah and Philadelphia. He had a good attitude and a decent portfolio, which showed he’d covered serious news such as unsolved murders. Most importantly, he was ready to start right away.

Five months later, the Roseville Murders began: victims ranging from young to old, stabbed to death in their homes. The whole staff was working the story.
The number of victims surged as Olsen worked the story. To heighten the swelling panic in Roseville, Olsen produced the footage of a hooded figure breaking into a house at night. Olsen’s masked face, a white blur in the dark, stared at the camera for a second, before disappearing inside. “The Ghost Face Caught on Tape” was the title Olsen gave the article. He was proud of his work, enjoying how the whole town now feared a ghost story.
When the investigation started to point in his direction, he left Roseville swiftly. He had written and collected a dozen of articles, all of which fed his legend. Finding a satisfying challenge next would be difficult, yet opportunity found him.

The Ghost Face’s Power: Night Shroud
The Ghost Face liked to stalk his victims. He’d follow them from the local bar, snapping pictures of them at home while looking for a way in. He could study the same victim for weeks, meticulously registering their habits. He'd return when the urge swelled inside him, too great to ignore. By then he knew exactly what to do. While the Night Shroud is active: The Ghost Face’s Terror Radius shrinks to nil. Under these conditions, The Ghost Face becomes Stealth, as long as he stays unseen from all Survivors. The Ghost Face can stalk Survivors to find their vulnerabilities, making them exposed for a limited time.

The Ghost Face comes with 3 new perks.

I’m All Ears

When Survivors create a loud noise outside your Terror Radius, their aura is revealed for a limited time.

Thrilling Tremors

After picking up a Survivor, all Generators not being repaired by Survivors are blocked by The Entity and cannot be repaired for a limited time. Affected generators are highlighted by a white aura.

Furtive Chase

You become obsessed with one Survivor. When your Obsession is hooked, the Perk receives a token. Each token decreases your Terror Radius during a chase. Next time a Survivor rescues someone from the hook, the rescuer becomes the Obsession.

Exclusive Item for the Ghost

The Ghost Face add-on includes two exclusive items for The Ghost face, the Monochrome Maniac body and Silvery Steel Tactical Knife weapon, only available as part of the DLC.
Please note that this item cannot be purchased separately.

Ghost Face is a brand-new Killer for Dead by Daylight. the Ghost Face DLC unlocks its new Killer and exclusive items for the new killer.

Acquaintances are a dangerous deception. Our workplace is filled with them; strangers beside us, five days a week. A distant familiarity grown from habit; the blanks filled with assumptions as we forget how little we know, until proven otherwise.

The Ghost Face took full advantage of the fact. His entourage at the newspaper could have spotted that the Roseville murders led to him. There were clues: the days he missed work, the victims’ time of death, and the detailed articles he wrote citing sources he never shared. But his coworkers did not see. The Ghost Face blended into the everyday. No one thought the man seated on their left could be responsible for the murder of a dozen people. Until proven otherwise.
In the end, The Ghost Face would have gotten away with it as he had before: he would have packed his bags when the investigation pointed in his direction, driven a few miles, and looked for another job. But this time he found a richer hunting ground…

The Ghost Face

At first glance, Jed Olsen was a kind and enthusiastic freelancer with experience at various small newspapers.
He was hired at the Roseville Gazette, whose staff appreciated how easy-going he seemed. Olsen didn’t have to justify his erratic career path, which zigzagged between Utah and Philadelphia. He had a good attitude and a decent portfolio, which showed he’d covered serious news such as unsolved murders. Most importantly, he was ready to start right away.

Five months later, the Roseville Murders began: victims ranging from young to old, stabbed to death in their homes. The whole staff was working the story.
The number of victims surged as Olsen worked the story. To heighten the swelling panic in Roseville, Olsen produced the footage of a hooded figure breaking into a house at night. Olsen’s masked face, a white blur in the dark, stared at the camera for a second, before disappearing inside. “The Ghost Face Caught on Tape” was the title Olsen gave the article. He was proud of his work, enjoying how the whole town now feared a ghost story.
When the investigation started to point in his direction, he left Roseville swiftly. He had written and collected a dozen of articles, all of which fed his legend. Finding a satisfying challenge next would be difficult, yet opportunity found him.

The Ghost Face’s Power: Night Shroud
The Ghost Face liked to stalk his victims. He’d follow them from the local bar, snapping pictures of them at home while looking for a way in. He could study the same victim for weeks, meticulously registering their habits. He'd return when the urge swelled inside him, too great to ignore. By then he knew exactly what to do. While the Night Shroud is active: The Ghost Face’s Terror Radius shrinks to nil. Under these conditions, The Ghost Face becomes Stealth, as long as he stays unseen from all Survivors. The Ghost Face can stalk Survivors to find their vulnerabilities, making them exposed for a limited time.

The Ghost Face comes with 3 new perks.

I’m All Ears

When Survivors create a loud noise outside your Terror Radius, their aura is revealed for a limited time.

Thrilling Tremors

After picking up a Survivor, all Generators not being repaired by Survivors are blocked by The Entity and cannot be repaired for a limited time. Affected generators are highlighted by a white aura.

Furtive Chase

You become obsessed with one Survivor. When your Obsession is hooked, the Perk receives a token. Each token decreases your Terror Radius during a chase. Next time a Survivor rescues someone from the hook, the rescuer becomes the Obsession.

Exclusive Item for the Ghost

The Ghost Face add-on includes two exclusive items for The Ghost face, the Monochrome Maniac body and Silvery Steel Tactical Knife weapon, only available as part of the DLC.
Please note that this item cannot be purchased separately.

Ghost Face (le Fantôme) est un tout nouveau tueur pour Dead by Daylight. Le DLC Ghost Face débloque le nouveau tueur et des objets exclusifs à son intention.

Toute connaissance offre une dangereuse illusion de sécurité. Notre espace de travail en regorge... des étrangers assis à nos côtés, cinq jours par semaine. L'habitude se développe en une sorte de familiarité distante ; on suppose ce que l'on ignore et l'on oublie le peu que l'on sait, jusqu'à preuve du contraire.
Le Fantôme a pleinement profité de cela. Son entourage au journal aurait pu remarquer que les meurtres de Roseville menaient à lui. Ils disposaient d'indices dès le début : les jours où il n'allait pas travailler, l'heure du décès des victimes et les articles détaillés qu'il a écrits, citant des « sources » jamais partagées. Mais ses collègues n'avaient pas fait le lien. Le Fantôme passait inaperçu dans la vie de tous les jours. Personne ne pensait que l'homme assis à leur gauche pouvait être responsable d'une douzaine de meurtres de sang-froid. Jusqu'à preuve du contraire.
Au bout du compte, le Fantôme s'en serait sorti comme à son habitude. Il aurait fait ses valises une fois que l'enquête se serait intéressée à lui, cherchant un nouveau travail à quelques kilomètres de là. Sauf que cette fois, il avait trouvé un terrain de chasse particulièrement riche…

Le Fantôme

À première vue, Jed Olsen était un journaliste à son compte ; fort d'une expérience auprès de plusieurs rédactions locales.
Il fut embauché à la Gazette de Roseville, et très vite, les employés apprécièrent son attitude facile à vivre. Olsen n'eut pas à justifier ses choix de carrière erratiques, à zigzaguer entre l'Utah et Philadelphie. Il avait une bonne attitude et une expérience solide, ayant notamment couvert des affaires sérieuses comme des meurtres non-élucidés. Et plus important encore, il était prêt à commencer immédiatement.
Cinq mois plus tard, les meurtres de Roseville commencèrent : des victimes jeunes et âgées, poignardées à leur domicile. L'équipe entière était sur le coup.
Le nombre de victimes augmenta tandis qu'Olsen suivait l'histoire. Pour amplifier la panique ambiante à Roseville, Olsen publia les images d'une silhouette encapuchonnée pénétrant par effraction dans une maison en pleine nuit. Le visage masqué d'Olsen, un flou livide dans le noir, regarda la caméra de face pendant une seconde avant de disparaître à l'intérieur. « Le Fantôme surpris en direct » fut le titre qu'Olsen donna à l'article. Il était fier de son œuvre. Toute la ville avait dorénavant peur d'une histoire de fantôme.
Lorsque l'enquête commença à s'intéresser à son cas, il quitta rapidement Roseville. Il avait écrit et obtenu une douzaine d'articles, tous là pour participer à sa légende. Il ne serait pas facile de trouver un prochain défi aussi satisfaisant, mais pas chance, une opportunité se présenta à lui.
Le pouvoir du Fantôme : Linceul nocturne
Le Fantôme aimait traquer ses victimes. Il les suivait depuis un bar local, puis prenait des photos d'elles dans leurs domiciles, tout en cherchant un moyen d'entrer. Il pouvait étudier ses victimes pendant des semaines, notant méticuleusement leurs moindres habitudes. Il ferait son retour lorsque la pulsion serait trop forte en lui, trop intense pour être ignorée. Il saurait déjà exactement quoi faire.
Tandis que Linceul nocturne est actif : le rayon de terreur du Fantôme est réduit à néant. Dans ces conditions, le Fantôme devient furtif tant que les survivants ne l'ont pas vu. Le Fantôme peut traquer les survivants pour découvrir leurs points faibles et révéler leur position pendant un temps limité.

Le Fantôme possède 3 nouvelles compétences.

Je vous écoute

Lorsque les survivants provoquent un fort bruit en dehors de votre rayon de terreur, leur aura est révélée pendant un temps limité. Les sens du tueur sont ensuite brouillés pour un moment.

Frissons palpitants

Vous devenez obsédé par un survivant. Si la cible de votre obsession échappe à une poursuite, celle-ci émet un bruit d'alerte une fois avec les autres survivants, dont les auras vous seront révélées pour un temps limité.

Poursuite furtive

Vous devenez obsédé par un survivant. Quand votre obsession est suspendue à un crochet, la compétence reçoit un jeton. Chaque jeton réduit votre rayon de terreur pendant une poursuite. La prochaine fois qu'un survivant libère quelqu'un d'un crochet, le sauveteur devient la cible de l'obsession.

Objet exclusif pour le Fantôme

Le DLC Ghost Face comprend deux objets exclusifs pour le Fantôme, le corps Maniaque monochrome et l'arme Poignard de combat en acier argenté, uniquement disponible dans ce DLC.
Veuillez noter que cet objet ne peut pas être acheté séparément.

Ghost Face ist ein brandneuer Killer für Dead by Daylight. Der Ghost-Face-DLC schaltet den neuen Killer und exklusive Gegenstände für ihn frei.

Bekanntschaften sind eine gefährliche Täuschung. Unser Arbeitsplatz ist voll von ihnen. Fremde neben uns, fünf Tage die Woche. Aus der Gewohnheit erwächst eine gewisse Vertrautheit; die Ungewissheit wird mit Annahmen gefüllt, und wir vergessen, wie wenig wir eigentlich wissen, bis uns das Gegenteil bewiesen wird.
Ghost nutzte diese Tatsache voll und ganz aus. Sein Umfeld und die Zeitungen hätte bemerken können, dass die Roseville-Morde zu ihm führten. Es gab Hinweise: die Tage, an denen er am Arbeitsplatz fehlte, der Todeszeitpunkt der Opfer und die detaillierten Artikel, in denen er „Quellen“ zitierte, die er aber niemals nannte. Doch seine Kollegen sahen sie nicht. Ghost verschmolz mit ihrem Alltag. Niemand dachte, dass der Mann, der links neben ihnen saß, für den Mord an einem Dutzend Menschen verantwortlich sein könnte. Bis ihnen das Gegenteil bewiesen wurde.
Am Ende sollte Ghost damit durchgekommen, genau wie bereits zuvor. Sobald die Ermittlungen in seine Richtung liefen, würde er seine Taschen packen, ein paar Kilometer weiter fahren und sich einen neuen Job suchen. Doch dieses Mal hatte er ein noch reichhaltigeres Jagdgebiet gefunden ...


Auf den ersten Blick war Jed Olsen ein bescheidener und enthusiastischer Freiberufler mit Erfahrung bei verschiedensten kleinen Zeitungen.
Er arbeitete bei der Roseville Gazette, deren Belegschaft begeistert davon war, wie locker er zu sein schien. Olsen musste seinen wechselhaften Weg nicht rechtfertigen, der zwischen Utah und Pennsylvania hin- und hergeführt hatte. Er hatte eine vernünftige Einstellung und ein ordentliches Portfolio, aus dem hervorging, dass er über ernste Fälle und ungelöste Morde berichtet hatte. Aber vor allem war er bereit gewesen, sofort mit der Arbeit zu beginnen.
Fünf Monate später begannen die Roseville-Morde: gleichermaßen junge wie alte Opfer, alle in ihren Wohnungen erstochen. Die ganze Belegschaft arbeitete an der Story.
Als Olsen an der Geschichte arbeitete, stieg die Zahl der Opfer. Um die anschwellende Panik in Roseville zu schüren, fertigte Olsen Bildmaterial von einer Gestalt mit Kapuze an, die nachts in ein Haus einbrach. Olsens maskiertes Gesicht, ein weißer Flecken in der Dunkelheit, blickte für eine Sekunde in die Kamera, bevor es im Haus verschwand. „Geist auf Video festgehalten“ war der Titel, den Olsen dem Artikel gab. Er war stolz auf seine Arbeit und genoss es, wie die ganze Stadt sich vor einer Geistergeschichte fürchtete.
Als die Ermittlungen begannen, in seine Richtung zu laufen, verließ er Roseville in aller Eile. Er hatte ein dutzend Artikel geschrieben und gesammelt, die alle zu seiner Legende beitrugen. Es wäre schwierig, nun eine weitere, zufriedenstellende Herausforderung zu finden. Doch die Gelegenheit fand ihn.
Die Stärke von Ghost: Mantel der Nacht
Ghost liebte es, seine Opfer zu verfolgen. Er folgte ihnen von der örtlichen Bar aus und machte Fotos von ihnen in ihrem Zuhause, während er nach einem Weg hinein suchte. Er konnte dasselbe Opfer wochenlang beobachten und minutiös seine Gewohnheiten notieren. Wenn der Drang in ihm so stark wurde, dass er ihn nicht mehr ignorieren konnte, kehrte er zurück. Dann wusste er genau, was er zu tun hatte.
Solange der Mantel der Nacht aktiv ist: schrumpft der Terrorradius von Ghost auf Null. Unter diesen Bedingungen ist Ghost getarnt, solange er für alle Überlebenden unsichtbar bleibt. Ghost kann Überlebende verfolgen, um ihre Schwachstellen zu finden, wodurch sie für eine begrenzte Zeit ungeschützt sind.

Ghost verfügt über 3 neue Talente.

Ich bin ganz Ohr

Wenn Überlebende außerhalb deines Terrorradius ein lautes Geräusch erzeugen, wird für begrenzte Zeit ihre Aura angezeigt. Die Schlitzer-Sinne klingen dann ab.

Durchdringendes Zittern

Du bist von einem Überlebenden besessen. Nachdem das Ziel deiner Besessenheit bei einer Jagd entkommen ist, sendet es eine Benachrichtigung über ein Geräusch aus, wenn es wieder mit den anderen Überlebenden vereint ist, deren Auren dir für begrenzte Zeit angezeigt werden.

Heimliche Verfolgungsjagd

Du bist von einem Überlebenden besessen. Wenn das Ziel deiner Besessenheit festgehakt wird, bekommt das Talent einen Zähler hinzu. Jeder Zähler verringert deinen Terrorradius während einer Jagd. Wenn das nächste Mal ein Überlebender das Ziel der Besessenheit vom Haken rettet, so wird der Retter zum Ziel der Besessenheit.

Exklusiver Gegenstand für Ghost

Der Ghost-Face-Zusatz enthält zwei exklusive Gegenstände für Ghost: „Monochrom“ für den Körper und die Waffe „Taktisches Kaltstahlmesser“. Sie sind nur als Teil des DLCs erhältlich.
Bitte beachte, dass dieser Gegenstand nicht separat gekauft werden kann.

Ghost Face is a brand-new Killer for Dead by Daylight. the Ghost Face DLC unlocks its new Killer and exclusive items for the new killer.

Acquaintances are a dangerous deception. Our workplace is filled with them; strangers beside us, five days a week. A distant familiarity grown from habit; the blanks filled with assumptions as we forget how little we know, until proven otherwise.

The Ghost Face took full advantage of the fact. His entourage at the newspaper could have spotted that the Roseville murders led to him. There were clues: the days he missed work, the victims’ time of death, and the detailed articles he wrote citing sources he never shared. But his coworkers did not see. The Ghost Face blended into the everyday. No one thought the man seated on their left could be responsible for the murder of a dozen people. Until proven otherwise.
In the end, The Ghost Face would have gotten away with it as he had before: he would have packed his bags when the investigation pointed in his direction, driven a few miles, and looked for another job. But this time he found a richer hunting ground…

The Ghost Face

At first glance, Jed Olsen was a kind and enthusiastic freelancer with experience at various small newspapers.
He was hired at the Roseville Gazette, whose staff appreciated how easy-going he seemed. Olsen didn’t have to justify his erratic career path, which zigzagged between Utah and Philadelphia. He had a good attitude and a decent portfolio, which showed he’d covered serious news such as unsolved murders. Most importantly, he was ready to start right away.

Five months later, the Roseville Murders began: victims ranging from young to old, stabbed to death in their homes. The whole staff was working the story.
The number of victims surged as Olsen worked the story. To heighten the swelling panic in Roseville, Olsen produced the footage of a hooded figure breaking into a house at night. Olsen’s masked face, a white blur in the dark, stared at the camera for a second, before disappearing inside. “The Ghost Face Caught on Tape” was the title Olsen gave the article. He was proud of his work, enjoying how the whole town now feared a ghost story.
When the investigation started to point in his direction, he left Roseville swiftly. He had written and collected a dozen of articles, all of which fed his legend. Finding a satisfying challenge next would be difficult, yet opportunity found him.

The Ghost Face’s Power: Night Shroud
The Ghost Face liked to stalk his victims. He’d follow them from the local bar, snapping pictures of them at home while looking for a way in. He could study the same victim for weeks, meticulously registering their habits. He'd return when the urge swelled inside him, too great to ignore. By then he knew exactly what to do. While the Night Shroud is active: The Ghost Face’s Terror Radius shrinks to nil. Under these conditions, The Ghost Face becomes Stealth, as long as he stays unseen from all Survivors. The Ghost Face can stalk Survivors to find their vulnerabilities, making them exposed for a limited time.

The Ghost Face comes with 3 new perks.

I’m All Ears

When Survivors create a loud noise outside your Terror Radius, their aura is revealed for a limited time.

Thrilling Tremors

After picking up a Survivor, all Generators not being repaired by Survivors are blocked by The Entity and cannot be repaired for a limited time. Affected generators are highlighted by a white aura.

Furtive Chase

You become obsessed with one Survivor. When your Obsession is hooked, the Perk receives a token. Each token decreases your Terror Radius during a chase. Next time a Survivor rescues someone from the hook, the rescuer becomes the Obsession.

Exclusive Item for the Ghost

The Ghost Face add-on includes two exclusive items for The Ghost face, the Monochrome Maniac body and Silvery Steel Tactical Knife weapon, only available as part of the DLC.
Please note that this item cannot be purchased separately.

Ghostface è un nuovo killer di Dead by Daylight. Il DLC Ghostface sblocca il killer e gli articoli esclusivi a esso relativo.

Le conoscenze superficiali sono potenzialmente molto pericolose. Ognuno di noi, al lavoro, è contornato da semplici conoscenti. Sconosciuti che si siedono proprio accanto a noi cinque giorni su sette. Da queste abitudini scaturisce una vaga familiarità. Ogni incognita viene riempita da mere supposizioni, dimenticandoci che in realtà non sappiamo un bel niente. Fino a prova contraria.
Il Fantasma approfittò di tutto questo. I suoi colleghi del giornale avrebbero potuto intuire che gli omicidi di Roseville conducevano direttamente a lui. Gli indizi c'erano: i giorni di assenza ingiustificata dal lavoro, gli orari della morte delle vittime fin troppo precisi, i suoi articoli straordinariamente dettagliati che riportavano fonti mai rese note. Ma nessuno si accorse di nulla. Il Fantasma sapeva passare inosservato. Nessuno avrebbe mai creduto che l'uomo seduto al loro fianco al lavoro sarebbe stato il responsabile dell'omicidio a sangue freddo di oltre una decina di persone. Fino a prova contraria.
Alla fine, il Fantasma l'aveva fatta franca, come sempre: quando le indagini cominciarono a puntare verso di lui, aveva riunito le sue cose e si era spostato di qualche chilometro in auto, in cerca di un altro impiego. Ma stavolta trovò un terreno di caccia nettamente più affollato...

Il Fantasma

A un primo sguardo, Jed Olsen era un giornalista freelance gentile ma travolgente, la cui esperienza enumerava svariate testate minori.
Fu assunto alla Gazzetta di Roseville, il cui personale apprezzava il suo modo di fare alla mano. Olsen non dovette mai giustificare i suoi continui viaggi di lavoro, che lo portarono a viaggiare dallo Utah alla Pennsylvania. Aveva un buon modo di fare e un portfolio niente male, che provava la sua esperienza pregressa in casi di cronaca di una certa rilevanza, tra cui delitti ancora irrisolti. Ma cosa più importante di tutte, era pronto a iniziare sin da subito.
Cinque mesi dopo, iniziarono gli omicidi di Roseville: vittime di ogni età pugnalate a morte nelle loro abitazioni. Tutto il personale del giornale stava lavorando al caso.
Il numero di vittime si impennò proprio mentre Olsen si occupava del caso. Per incrementare ancora di più il panico che ormai dilagava a Roseville, Olsen filmò una figura incappucciata irrompere in una casa nel cuore della notte. Il volto mascherato di Olsen, un'immagine bianca sfocata nell'oscurità, fissò la telecamera per un secondo per poi svanire nell'abitazione. Ne seguì un articolo scritto da Olsen stesso, intitolato "Il Fantasma immortalato dalla telecamera". Era fiero del suo pezzo, divertito da come la popolazione cittadina rabbrividisse leggendo il suo racconto.
Non appena le indagini cominciarono a puntare verso di lui, andò rapidamente via da Rosevile. Aveva scritto e raccolto ormai più di una decina di articoli, tutti volti ad alimentare la sua leggenda. Non sarebbe stato facile trovare una sfida altrettanto impegnativa, ma fu l'opportunità stessa a presentarsi a lui.
Il potere del Fantasma: Sudario notturno
Il Fantasma si divertiva a perseguitare le sue vittime. Le seguiva dal baretto della zona, scattando foto delle loro case in cerca di un punto d'accesso. Era in grado di studiare la stessa vittima per settimane, registrandone puntigliosamente le abitudini. Quando il desiderio si faceva impellente e troppo difficile da placare, tornava a farle visita. A quel punto sapeva già perfettamente come agire.
Mentre il Sudario notturno è attivo, il raggio di terrore del Fantasma si rimpicciolisce fino a sparire. In queste condizioni, il Fantasma rimane furtivo finché è nascosto da tutti i sopravvissuti. Il Fantasma può perseguitare i sopravvissuti per trovarne i punti deboli e renderli vulnerabili per un breve periodo.

Il Fantasma presenta 3 nuove competenze.

Sono tutt'orecchi

Quando i sopravvissuti fanno rumore al di fuori del tuo raggio di terrore, ne viene rivelata l'aura per un breve lasso di tempo. A questo punto, i Sensi violenti entrano in una fase di ricarica.

Tremori frementi

Diventi ossessionato da uno dei sopravvissuti. Dopo essere fuggita da un inseguimento, la tua ossessione emette una notifica sonora quando si riunisce con gli altri sopravvissuti, e ti vengono rivelate le aure di tutti i sopravvissuti per un breve periodo.

Inseguimento furtivo

Diventi ossessionato da uno dei sopravvissuti. Quando appendi al gancio la tua ossessione, la competenza riceve un token. Durante un inseguimento, ogni token riduce il tuo raggio di terrore. La volta successiva che la tua ossessione viene salvata dal gancio, diventi ossessionato dal sopravvissuto che ha effettuato il soccorso.

Articolo esclusivo per il Fantasma

L'accessorio Ghostface include due articoli esclusivi per il Fantasma: il corpo Maniaco monocromatico e l'arma Coltello tattico d'argento, disponibili unicamente in questo DLC.
Nota: questo articolo non è acquistabile separatamente.

ゴーストフェイスはDead by Daylightに新たに登場する殺人鬼です。「ゴーストフェイス 」DLCでは新しい殺人鬼と、その限定アイテムがアンロックされます。













유령의 얼굴은 데드 바이 데드 라이트의 새로운 살인마이며, 유령의 얼굴 DLC를 구매하면 새로운 살인마 뿐만 아니라 새로운 살인마를 위한 독점 아이템들도 제공됩니다.

유령의 얼굴은 데드 바이 데드 라이트의 새로운 살인마이며, 유령의 얼굴 DLC를 구매하면 새로운 살인마 뿐만 아니라 새로운 살인마를 위한 독점 아이템들도 제공됩니다.
유령은 바로 그 점을 제대로 노렸다. 신문사에 있던 그의 수행원은 로즈빌 연쇄 살인이 그와 관련이 있다는 것을 밝혀낼 수도 있었고, 단서들은 이미 충분히 있었다. 그가 일을 나가지 않은 날, 희생자가 사망한 시각, 그리고 그가 그토록 자세한 기사를 쓰면서도 정보원을 절대 밝히지 않았던 점을 고려한다면 말이다. 하지만 그의 동료들은 이 연결고리를 발견하지 못했다. 유령이 일상에 녹아들었기 때문이다. 그 누구도 자기 왼편에 앉은 남자가 십수 명의 사람들을 살해한 자라고는 생각하지 못했다. 증거가 드러나기 전까지는 말이다.
유령은 끝내 전과 마찬가지로 아무런 처벌도 받지 않고 사라져버렸다. 수사의 칼끝이 자신을 향했을 때 그는 가방을 싸서 새로운 일자리를 찾아 차를 몰고 떠났다. 그러던 어느 날, 그는 예전과는 다른 사냥감이 넘치는 장소를 찾았다…


제드 올슨의 첫 인상은 다양한 소규모 신문사를 다니며 경력을 쌓은 겸손하고 열정적인 프리랜서였다.
그는 곧 로즈빌 가제트에 고용되었으며, 기자들은 그의 융통성 있고 정직한 성품에 크게 기대했다. 올슨은 유타에서 펜실베니아의 작은 마을들을 전전한 자신의 들쭉날쭉한 경력을 변명하는 법이 없었다. 그의 이력서는 깔끔했고, 미해결 살인 사건과 같은 제법 심각한 뉴스들을 다룬 경력도 있었다. 무엇보다도, 그는 지금 당장 일을 시작할 준비가 되어있었다.
그가 일을 시작한 지 5개월 후, 로즈빌 사건이 시작되었다. 피해자는 젊은이부터 노인까지 다양했으며, 대부분 집으로 가던 길에 흉기에 찔려 당했고, 모든 기자들이 그 사건에 매달렸다.
올슨이 그 사건을 다루기 시작하면서 피해자 수는 급증했으며, 그가 한밤중에 후드 모자를 뒤집어쓴 인물이 가택을 침입하는 영상을 공개했을 때, 로즈빌은 공포로 전율했다. 얼굴에 마스크를 쓴 인물이 어둠 속에서 뿌옇지만 하얀 모습으로 카메라를 잠시 응시하더니 집 내부로 사라졌다. 올슨은 “테이프에 찍힌 유령”이라는 기사를 냈다. 그는 마을 전체가 자신의 기사로 얼마나 겁을 먹었을지 상상하며 즐거워했다.
수사 당국이 그를 지목했을 때, 그는 서둘러 짐을 꾸려 로즈빌을 떠났다. 그는 수많은 기사를 내고 수집했으며, 모두 그의 전설을 의미했다. 만족할만한 다음 상대를 찾는 것은 어려워 보였지만, 기회가 먼저 그를 찾았다.
유령의 고유 능력: 밤의 장막
유령은 대상을 미행하기를 좋아했다. 그는 동네 술집부터 그들을 따라가 집에 도착했을 때 내부에 들어갈 방법을 찾으며 사진을 몇 장 찍은 것이 분명했다. 그는 몇 주 동안 같은 피해자의 습관들을 치밀하게 관찰했다. 무시할 수 없는 살인 충동이 그를 집어삼킬 때면 어김없이 유령은 돌아왔으며, 자신이 무엇을 해야 할지 정확히 알고 있었다.
밤의 장막이 활성화되면 유령에게는 공포 범위가 생성되지 않으며, 생존자들에게 발각되기 전까지 은신 상태가 된다. 유령은 생존자들의 약점을 찾기 위해 미행할 수 있으며, 제한된 시간 동안 그들을 약점 노출 상태에 빠트린다.

유령에게는 3가지 신규 기술이 있습니다.

밝은 귀

유령의 공포 범위 바깥에서 큰 소음을 내는 생존자는 모두 제한된 시간 동안 오라가 드러나며, 다음 사용 시까지 재사용 대기 시간이 존재한다.

전율의 기쁨

유령이 한 명의 생존자에게 집착한다. 집착 대상이 추격으로부터 벗어나 다른 동료 생존자와 합류할 때 큰 소음을 내게 되며, 제한된 시간 동안 오라가 드러난다.

은밀한 추격

유령이 한 명의 생존자에게 집착한다. 집착 대상이 갈고리에 걸리면 기술에 토큰을 받으며 토큰 하나당 추격 중 공포 범위가 감소한다. 생존자가 집착 대상을 갈고리에서 구출하면 해당 구출자가 다시 집착 대상이 된다.

유령을 위한 독점 아이템

유령의 얼굴 애드온에는 유령을 위한 두 가지 독점 아이템, 흑백 매니아 의상과 실버강 전술 나이프 무기가 포함되어 있으며, 오직 DLC를 통해서만 이용할 수 있습니다.
이 아이템은 별도로 구매할 수 없습니다.

Ghost Face is a brand-new Killer for Dead by Daylight. the Ghost Face DLC unlocks its new Killer and exclusive items for the new killer.

Acquaintances are a dangerous deception. Our workplace is filled with them; strangers beside us, five days a week. A distant familiarity grown from habit; the blanks filled with assumptions as we forget how little we know, until proven otherwise.

The Ghost Face took full advantage of the fact. His entourage at the newspaper could have spotted that the Roseville murders led to him. There were clues: the days he missed work, the victims’ time of death, and the detailed articles he wrote citing sources he never shared. But his coworkers did not see. The Ghost Face blended into the everyday. No one thought the man seated on their left could be responsible for the murder of a dozen people. Until proven otherwise.
In the end, The Ghost Face would have gotten away with it as he had before: he would have packed his bags when the investigation pointed in his direction, driven a few miles, and looked for another job. But this time he found a richer hunting ground…

The Ghost Face

At first glance, Jed Olsen was a kind and enthusiastic freelancer with experience at various small newspapers.
He was hired at the Roseville Gazette, whose staff appreciated how easy-going he seemed. Olsen didn’t have to justify his erratic career path, which zigzagged between Utah and Philadelphia. He had a good attitude and a decent portfolio, which showed he’d covered serious news such as unsolved murders. Most importantly, he was ready to start right away.

Five months later, the Roseville Murders began: victims ranging from young to old, stabbed to death in their homes. The whole staff was working the story.
The number of victims surged as Olsen worked the story. To heighten the swelling panic in Roseville, Olsen produced the footage of a hooded figure breaking into a house at night. Olsen’s masked face, a white blur in the dark, stared at the camera for a second, before disappearing inside. “The Ghost Face Caught on Tape” was the title Olsen gave the article. He was proud of his work, enjoying how the whole town now feared a ghost story.
When the investigation started to point in his direction, he left Roseville swiftly. He had written and collected a dozen of articles, all of which fed his legend. Finding a satisfying challenge next would be difficult, yet opportunity found him.

The Ghost Face’s Power: Night Shroud
The Ghost Face liked to stalk his victims. He’d follow them from the local bar, snapping pictures of them at home while looking for a way in. He could study the same victim for weeks, meticulously registering their habits. He'd return when the urge swelled inside him, too great to ignore. By then he knew exactly what to do. While the Night Shroud is active: The Ghost Face’s Terror Radius shrinks to nil. Under these conditions, The Ghost Face becomes Stealth, as long as he stays unseen from all Survivors. The Ghost Face can stalk Survivors to find their vulnerabilities, making them exposed for a limited time.

The Ghost Face comes with 3 new perks.

I’m All Ears

When Survivors create a loud noise outside your Terror Radius, their aura is revealed for a limited time.

Thrilling Tremors

After picking up a Survivor, all Generators not being repaired by Survivors are blocked by The Entity and cannot be repaired for a limited time. Affected generators are highlighted by a white aura.

Furtive Chase

You become obsessed with one Survivor. When your Obsession is hooked, the Perk receives a token. Each token decreases your Terror Radius during a chase. Next time a Survivor rescues someone from the hook, the rescuer becomes the Obsession.

Exclusive Item for the Ghost

The Ghost Face add-on includes two exclusive items for The Ghost face, the Monochrome Maniac body and Silvery Steel Tactical Knife weapon, only available as part of the DLC.
Please note that this item cannot be purchased separately.

Twarz ducha to zupełnie nowy zabójca w Dead by Daylight. DLC Twarz ducha odblokowuje nowego zabójcę oraz przedmioty dla niego.

Znajomi potrafią być zdradliwi. Nasze miejsce pracy jest nimi wypełnione. To obcy, którzy siedzą obok nas pięć dni w tygodniu. Z przyzwyczajenia rodzi się dalsza znajomość, w której braki są wypełniane przypuszczeniami i szybko zapominamy, jak mało wiemy o tych ludziach, dopóki coś nie otworzy nam oczu.
Duch wykorzystał ten fakt w pełni. Jego koledzy z redakcji mogli dostrzec, że morderstwa w Roseville prowadzą do niego. Wskazówki były widoczne: opuszczone dni w pracy, czas morderstw oraz szczegółowe artykuły, które pisał z pomocą „źródeł”, którymi nigdy się nie dzielił. Jednak jego współpracownicy niczego nie zauważyli, bo Duch świetnie wmieszał się w codzienność. Nikt nie podejrzewał, że mężczyzna siedzący po lewej stronie może być odpowiedzialny za zamordowanie dziesiątek ludzi.
Ostatecznie duchowi uszło to na sucho, tak jak wcześniej. Spakował torby, gdy śledztwo zaczęło wskazywać na niego i pojechał kilka mil dalej, szukając nowego zadania. Tym razem trafił jednak na bardziej obfity teren łowiecki…


Na pierwszy rzut oka Jed Olsen był miłym i pełnym entuzjazmu freelancerem z doświadczeniem zdobytym w różnych małych gazetach.
Został zatrudniony w Gazette w Roseville, a inni redaktorzy docenili jego otwartość. Olsen nie musiał uzasadniać swojej nieprzewidywalnej ścieżki kariery, która prowadziła go między kilkoma małymi miastami od Utah po Filadelfię. Miał dobre nastawienie i przyzwoite portfolio, według którego pisał już o poważnych sprawach, takich jak nierozwiązane morderstwa. A co najważniejsze, był gotowy zaczynać od razu.
Pięć miesięcy później rozpoczęła się seria morderstw w Roseville: ofiary w różnym wieku były dźgane w swoich domach. Cała redakcja pracowała nad tą historią.
Gdy Olsen pisał historię, liczba ofiar rosła. Aby jeszcze bardziej zwiększyć panikę w Roseville, stworzył nagranie zakapturzonej postaci włamującej się w nocy do domu. Jego zamaskowana, jasna twarz spojrzała na sekundę w kamerę, po czym zniknęła w środku. Artykuł napisany przez Olsena nosił tytuł „Duch na taśmie”. Był on dumny ze swojej pracy i podobało mu się, że całe miasto bało się jego strasznych historii.
Kiedy śledztwo zaczęło wskazywać na niego, spakował torby i szybko opuścił Roseville. Napisał i zebrał sporo artykułów, które tworzyły jego legendę. Znalezienie nowego satysfakcjonującego wyzwania byłoby trudne, jednak okazja nadarzyła się sama.
Moc Ducha: Nocny całun
Duch lubił śledzić swoje ofiary. Szedł za nimi z lokalnego baru, robił zdjęcia i szukał wejścia do domu. Potrafił analizować jedną ofiarę tygodniami, skrupulatnie zapisując jej zwyczaje. Powracał, gdy narastało w nim pragnienie zbyt wielkie, aby mu się oprzeć. Wtedy dokładnie wiedział, co robić.
Gdy Nocny całun jest aktywny, zasięg terroru Ducha zmniejsza się do zera. Wówczas Duch wchodzi w tryb ukrycia, dopóki nie zauważą go ocalali. Może śledzić ocalałych, aby poznać ich słabości i zwiększyć ich bezbronność na ograniczony czas.

Duch jest dostępny z 3 nowymi umiejętnościami.

Zamieniam się w słuch

Jeśli ocalali zrobią głośny hałas poza twoim zasięgiem terroru, ich aura zostanie ci pokazana przez ograniczony czas. Następnie Morderczych zmysłów nie można użyć przez określony czas.

Dreszczyk emocji

Jeden z ocalałych staje się twoją obsesją. Gdy obsesja ucieknie podczas pościgu, po dołączeniu do innych ocalałych wyemituje powiadomienie dźwiękowe, a aury pozostałych zostaną pokazane na ograniczony czas.

Tajemny pościg

Jeden z ocalałych staje się twoją obsesją. Gdy obsesja zawiśnie na haku, umiejętność otrzymuje żeton. Każdy żeton zmniejsza twój zasięg terroru podczas pościgu. Gdy następnym razem ocalały zdejmie kogoś z haka, stanie się on twoją obsesją.

Wyjątkowy przedmiot dla Ducha

Dodatek Twarz ducha zawiera dwa wyjątkowe przedmioty dla Ducha: ubranie Monochromatyczny maniak oraz nóż bojowy ze srebrnej stali. Są one dostępne wyłącznie w ramach DLC.
Przedmiotu nie można kupić osobno.

Ghost Face is a brand-new Killer for Dead by Daylight. the Ghost Face DLC unlocks its new Killer and exclusive items for the new killer.

Acquaintances are a dangerous deception. Our workplace is filled with them; strangers beside us, five days a week. A distant familiarity grown from habit; the blanks filled with assumptions as we forget how little we know, until proven otherwise.

The Ghost Face took full advantage of the fact. His entourage at the newspaper could have spotted that the Roseville murders led to him. There were clues: the days he missed work, the victims’ time of death, and the detailed articles he wrote citing sources he never shared. But his coworkers did not see. The Ghost Face blended into the everyday. No one thought the man seated on their left could be responsible for the murder of a dozen people. Until proven otherwise.
In the end, The Ghost Face would have gotten away with it as he had before: he would have packed his bags when the investigation pointed in his direction, driven a few miles, and looked for another job. But this time he found a richer hunting ground…

The Ghost Face

At first glance, Jed Olsen was a kind and enthusiastic freelancer with experience at various small newspapers.
He was hired at the Roseville Gazette, whose staff appreciated how easy-going he seemed. Olsen didn’t have to justify his erratic career path, which zigzagged between Utah and Philadelphia. He had a good attitude and a decent portfolio, which showed he’d covered serious news such as unsolved murders. Most importantly, he was ready to start right away.

Five months later, the Roseville Murders began: victims ranging from young to old, stabbed to death in their homes. The whole staff was working the story.
The number of victims surged as Olsen worked the story. To heighten the swelling panic in Roseville, Olsen produced the footage of a hooded figure breaking into a house at night. Olsen’s masked face, a white blur in the dark, stared at the camera for a second, before disappearing inside. “The Ghost Face Caught on Tape” was the title Olsen gave the article. He was proud of his work, enjoying how the whole town now feared a ghost story.
When the investigation started to point in his direction, he left Roseville swiftly. He had written and collected a dozen of articles, all of which fed his legend. Finding a satisfying challenge next would be difficult, yet opportunity found him.

The Ghost Face’s Power: Night Shroud
The Ghost Face liked to stalk his victims. He’d follow them from the local bar, snapping pictures of them at home while looking for a way in. He could study the same victim for weeks, meticulously registering their habits. He'd return when the urge swelled inside him, too great to ignore. By then he knew exactly what to do. While the Night Shroud is active: The Ghost Face’s Terror Radius shrinks to nil. Under these conditions, The Ghost Face becomes Stealth, as long as he stays unseen from all Survivors. The Ghost Face can stalk Survivors to find their vulnerabilities, making them exposed for a limited time.

The Ghost Face comes with 3 new perks.

I’m All Ears

When Survivors create a loud noise outside your Terror Radius, their aura is revealed for a limited time.

Thrilling Tremors

After picking up a Survivor, all Generators not being repaired by Survivors are blocked by The Entity and cannot be repaired for a limited time. Affected generators are highlighted by a white aura.

Furtive Chase

You become obsessed with one Survivor. When your Obsession is hooked, the Perk receives a token. Each token decreases your Terror Radius during a chase. Next time a Survivor rescues someone from the hook, the rescuer becomes the Obsession.

Exclusive Item for the Ghost

The Ghost Face add-on includes two exclusive items for The Ghost face, the Monochrome Maniac body and Silvery Steel Tactical Knife weapon, only available as part of the DLC.
Please note that this item cannot be purchased separately.

Маска Привидения — дополнение с новым убийцей для Dead by Daylight. DLC открывает нового убийцу и эксклюзивные предметы для него.

Знакомство — это опасный обман. На нашей работе полно незнакомцев, сидящих рядом с нами пять дней в неделю. Отдаленное знакомство вырастает из привычки. Мы предполагаем, что они занимаются по вечерам и на выходных тем же, чем и большинство. Пробелы заполняются предположениями, и мы забываем, как мало знаем, пока не встаем перед фактом.
Привидение использовало это. Коллеги по газете могли связать его с убийствами в Розвилле. Подсказки были видны с самого начала: дни, когда он пропускал работу, время смерти жертв и его подробные статьи, написанные со слов «источников», которыми он никогда не делился. Но его коллеги ничего не замечали, потому что Привидение растворялся в ежедневной рутине. Никто не думал, что сидящий напротив сослуживец может совершать хладнокровные убийства десятков людей. Потом всех поставили перед фактом.
Привидению, как и раньше, удалось сбежать. Оказавшись на страницах газет, он собрал статьи о себе и достаточно натешился славой, чтобы взяться за следующее испытание. Когда расследование начало указывать на него, он упаковал вещи и решил проехать пару миль до нового места работы. Вот только на этот раз ему удалось найти куда более уникальные и богатые охотничьи угодья...


На первый взгляд Джед Олсен был скромным и усердным фрилансером, поработавшим на множество мелких газет.
Его взяли на работу в «Розвилль Газетт». Сотрудникам газеты понравилось, что Олсен казался добродушным, и ему даже не пришлось объяснять, почему он проделал такой витиеватый путь от Юты до Филадельфии. У него было правильное отношение к делу и хорошее портфолио, судя по которому он писал о серьезных новостях вроде нераскрытых убийств. Но важнее всего было то, что он мог немедленно приступить к работе.
Пять месяцев спустя в Розвилле начались убийства: жертвы разного возраста были зарезаны в своих домах. Над этой историей работали все сотрудники газеты.
Олсен продолжал работать над сюжетом, а число жертв все росло. В Розвилле назревала паника. Чтобы напугать жителей еще больше, Олсен сфотографировал фигуру в капюшоне, ночью вламывающуюся в чей-то дом. Спрятав лицо под маской, он стал расплывчатым белым пятном во тьме, которое на секунду появилось на пленке и затем исчезло в доме. Свою статью Олсен назвал «Привидение поймано на камеру». Он гордился своей работой, и его веселило то, что весь город боится его историй о привидениях.
Когда расследование начало указывать на него, Олсен быстро покинул Розвилль. За это время он написал и добавил в коллекцию больше десятка статей, которые дополняли его легенду. Найти новое достойное испытание могло быть непросто, но Привидению подвернулась отличная возможность.
Сила Привидения: Ночной саван
Привидение любил следить за своими жертвами. Он следовал за ними от местного бара, фотографировал их, когда они были дома, и заодно высматривал способ пробраться внутрь. Он мог следить за своими жертвами неделями, скрупулезно изучая их привычки. Когда желание становилось невыносимым, он возвращался. И уже точно знал, как будет действовать.
Когда «Ночной саван» активен, радиус террора Привидения становится нулевым. При этом Привидение становится скрытным, пока не попадется на глаза выжившим. Привидение может преследовать выживших и обнаруживать их слабости, на время накладывая на них «Уязвимость».

У Привидения есть 3 новых навыка.

Чуткий слух

Когда выжившие громко шумят за пределами вашего радиуса террора, вы какое-то время можете видеть их ауры. После этого запускается перезарядка навыка.

Пугающая тряска

Вы становитесь одержимы одним выжившим. Если объект одержимости уходит в процессе погони, то при встрече с другими выжившими издает звуковой сигнал, и вы какое-то время можете видеть их ауры.

Скрытная погоня

Вы становитесь одержимы одним выжившим. Когда вы вешаете объект одержимости на крюк, навык получает жетон. С каждым жетоном радиус террора во время погони уменьшается. Выживший, который спасет кого-то с крюка в следующий раз, станет новой одержимостью.

Эксклюзивный предмет для Привидения

Дополнение «Маска Привидения» включает два эксклюзивных предмета для Привидения: костюм «Двухцветный маньяк» и тактический нож «Серебристая сталь». Получить эти предметы можно только при покупке DLC.
Обратите внимание, что этот предмет нельзя приобрести отдельно.













Cara de fantasma es un nuevo asesino de Dead by Daylight. El DLC de Cara de fantasma desbloquea al nuevo asesino y objetos exclusivos para este.

Nuestros conocidos son una amenaza en las sombras. El lugar de trabajo está repleto de ellos: completos extraños que se sientan a nuestro lado cinco días a la semana. La costumbre da paso con el tiempo a una familiaridad distante. Rellenamos con suposiciones los huecos de lo que no sabemos y nos olvidamos de lo mucho que ignoramos, a menos que algo nos despierte de nuestro ensueño.
El Fantasma se aprovechó de esto. Alguien del periódico podría haberse dado cuenta de que era el responsable de los crímenes de Roseville. No será por falta de pistas: los días que faltaba al trabajo, la hora de la muerte de las víctimas y los detallados artículos que escribía citando fuentes que nunca revelaba. Pero sus compañeros no habían atado cabos. El Fantasma se integraba en su día a día. A nadie se le pasó por la cabeza que el hombre sentado a su izquierda podía ser el autor del asesinato a sangre fría de una docena de personas. Hasta que algo los despertó de su ensueño.
El Fantasma había quedado impune, como en el pasado. Hizo las maletas cuando la investigación apuntó hacia él y se puso al volante en dirección al siguiente trabajo. Pero esta vez encontró un terreno de caza excepcional...

El Fantasma

A primera vista, Jed Olsen era algo así como un trabajador por cuenta propia modesto y entusiasta, con experiencia en varios periódicos pequeños.
Al equipo de la Roseville Gazette le pareció muy buena gente, así que lo contrató. Olsen nunca tuvo que justificar su errática trayectoria profesional, que se repartía entre Utah y Filadelfia. Tenía buena predisposición, experiencia cubriendo noticias importantes, como crímenes sin resolver, y lo más importante: disponibilidad inmediata.
Cinco meses más tarde, comenzaron los crímenes de Roseville: personas de todas las edades aparecían apuñaladas en sus hogares. Todo el equipo se puso a cubrir el asunto.
Olsen comenzó a trabajar en la historia y el número de víctimas se disparó. Para que el pánico cundiese todavía más en Roseville, Olsen grabó a una figura encapuchada colándose en una casa por la noche. Su cara enmascarada, apenas una mancha blanca en la oscuridad, miró un segundo a la cámara antes de desaparecer en el interior. Olsen puso como nombre al artículo "El Fantasma capturado en vídeo". Estaba orgulloso de su trabajo, contento de ver que toda la ciudad estaba aterrorizada por la historia del fantasma.
En cuanto la investigación comenzó a apuntar hacia él, salió pitando de Roseville. Había escrito una docena de artículos que contribuyeron a alimentar su leyenda. Encontrar un nuevo desafío no era tarea fácil, pero al final se le presentó la oportunidad.
El poder del Fantasma: Velo de la noche
Al Fantasma le gustaba acechar a sus víctimas. Las seguía desde un bar de la zona y, mientras buscaba una forma de entrar, les sacaba fotos cuando estaban en casa. Podía pasarse semanas enteras vigilando a sus víctimas, registrando con meticulosidad sus hábitos y costumbres. Cuando la pulsión de matar se volvía irrefrenable, regresaba. Y para entonces sabía exactamente qué hacer.
Mientras Velo de la noche esté activo: el radio de terror del Fantasma se reduce a cero. En estas circunstancias, el Fantasma permanece en modo sigilo mientras no lo vea ningún superviviente. El Fantasma puede acechar a los supervivientes para averiguar cuáles son sus vulnerabilidades y aprovecharse de ellas durante un tiempo limitado.

El Fantasma tiene 3 nuevas habilidades.

Soy todo oídos

Cuando los supervivientes provoquen un ruido intenso fuera de tu radio de terror, su aura se te revelará durante un tiempo limitado. A continuación, los sentidos del asesino entran en tiempo de recarga.

Temblores trepidantes

Te obsesionas con un superviviente. Cuando tu obsesión logra escapar de una persecución, emite una notificación de ruido al reunirse con los demás supervivientes, cuyas auras se te mostrarán durante un tiempo limitado.

Persecución furtiva

Te obsesionas con un superviviente. Cuando cuelgas a tu obsesión, la habilidad recibe un distintivo. Cada distintivo reduce tu radio de terror durante una persecución. La próxima vez que un superviviente rescate a alguien del gancho, se convertirá en la obsesión.

Objeto exclusivo para el Fantasma

El accesorio de Cara de fantasma incluye dos objetos exclusivos para el Fantasma, el cuerpo Loco del monocromo y el cuchillo táctico de acero plateado, que solo estarán disponibles en el DLC.
Recuerda que este objeto no se puede comprar por separado.

Ghost Face เป็นฆาตกรคนใหม่ล่าสุดของ Dead by Daylight และ Ghost Face DLC จะปลดล็อคฆาตกรรายใหม่และไอเท็มพิเศษเฉพาะสำหรับฆาตกรรายใหม่นี้

ความใกล้ชิดสนิทสนมเป็นคำลวงแสนอันตราย ที่ทำงานของเราเต็มไปด้วยผู้คนเหล่านี้ คนแปลกหน้าอยู่รอบกายสัปดาห์ละห้าวัน ความสนิทสนมอันห่างเหินจึงก่อตัวขึ้นจากความเคยชิน สิ่งที่ไม่รู้กลับเต็มไปด้วยเรื่องที่ทึกทักเอา เราหลงลืมกันไปแล้วว่าเรารู้น้อยเพียงใด ใครจะไปเชื่อจนกว่าจะได้พิสูจน์เอง
เดอะโกสต์ใช้ประโยชน์จากเรื่องดังกล่าวอย่างเต็มที่ เพื่อนร่วมงานในสำนักพิมพ์อาจเอะใจว่าคดีฆาตกรรมโรสวิลล์สามารถสืบสาวราวเรื่องมาถึงตัวเขาได้ เบาะแสก็มีให้เห็นตั้งแต่เนิ่นๆ ทั้งวันที่ไม่ได้เข้าทำงาน เวลาเสียชีวิตของเหยื่อ ตลอดจนเนื้อข่าวแบบละเอียดยิบที่เขาเป็นผู้เขียนโดยอ้างแหล่งข่าวที่ไม่เคยเปิดเผยว่าคือผู้ใด แต่กลับไม่มีคนมองเห็นเลย เพราะในแต่ละวันเดอะโกสต์ทำตัวกลมกลืนเข้ากับทุกคน ใครจะไปคาดคิดได้ว่าชายที่นั่งทำงานอยู่ข้างๆ คือผู้ก่อเหตุฆาตกรรมมาแล้วกว่าสิบคน ไม่มีใครเชื่อจนกว่าจะได้พิสูจน์กับตาตัวเอง
ในที่สุดเดอะโกสต์ก็หนีรอดไปได้เช่นเคย เมื่อการสืบสวนสอบสวนเริ่มเพิ่มเล็งมาที่ตัวเขา เดอะโกสต์ก็ได้เก็บกระเป๋าและขับรถจากไปไกลแล้ว เขามุ่งหน้าหางานทำใหม่ เพียงแต่ในครั้งนี้เขาได้พบกับลานสังหารที่อุดมไปด้วยเหยื่อมากยิ่งกว่าที่เคย...


เมื่อแรกพบนั้น เจด โอลเซนเป็นฟรีแลนซ์ผู้กระตือรือร้นแต่ก็ดูอ่อนโยน และยังมีประสบการณ์การทำงานกับหนังสือพิมพ์ขนาดเล็กมาแล้วมากมาย
หนังสือพิมพ์โรสวิลล์กาแซ็ตจึงว่าจ้างเจด และเพื่อนร่วมงานต่างก็ชื่นชอบในท่าทางที่ดูสบายๆ ของเขา โอลเซนไม่เคยหาข้ออ้างให้กับสายอาชีพที่ดูไม่ค่อยแน่นอนของตน ที่ทำให้ต้องเดินทางย้ายที่อยู่ไปมาบ่อยครั้งระหว่างรัฐยูทาห์กับฟิลาเดลเฟีย เขามีทัศนคติที่ดีและประวัติการทำงานอันน่าเชื่อถือ บ่งบอกว่าโอลเซนสามารถทำได้แม้กระทั่งข่าวที่เป็นเรื่องเป็นราวจริงจังอย่างเช่นคดีฆาตกรรมที่ยังไม่คลี่คลาย และสำคัญที่สุดเลยก็คือ เขาพร้อมทำงานทันที
ห้าเดือนผ่านไปนับจากนั้น คดีฆาตกรรมโรสวิลล์ก็ได้เริ่มต้นขึ้น โดยมีเหยื่อผู้เคราะห์ร้ายมากมายทุกช่วงวัยทั้งคนหนุ่มสาวและผู้สูงอายุถูกกระหน่ำแทงจนถึงแก่ชีวิตในบ้านของตน นักข่าวทุกคนต่างพากันตามติดคดีนี้
จำนวนเหยื่อพุ่งสูงขึ้นเมื่อโอลเซนเข้ามาทำข่าว และเพื่อเป็นการเติมเชื้อไฟให้กับเมืองโรสวิลล์ที่่กำลังหวาดผวา เขาได้เผยแพร่คลิปบุคคลน่าสงสัยสวมผ้าคลุมกำลังบุกรุกบ้านในยามวิกาล ใบหน้าที่สวมหน้ากากขาวดูเลือนรางในความมืดมิดจ้องเขม็งมาที่กล้องอยู่ชั่ววินาทีก่อนเข้าบ้านแล้วอันตรธานไป “กล้องถ่ายติดเดอะโกสต์” คือพาดหัวข่าวที่โอลเซนเป็นผู้เขียน เขาภูมิอกภูมิใจในผลงานนี้มาก และยังดูบันเทิงใจกับการได้เห็นเมืองทั้งเมืองต้องตื่นตระหนกเพราะเรื่องขวัญผวาของตน
แต่แล้วเมื่อการสืบสวนเริ่มที่จะมุ่งเป้ามาทางตัวเขา โอลเซนก็หนีออกจากเมืองโรสวิลล์ไปอย่างรวดเร็ว เขาทั้งเขียนและเก็บสะสมคอลัมน์ข่าวไว้นับสิบซึ่งต่างก็หล่อเลี้ยงตำนานของตน การออกตามหาความท้าทายใหม่ที่ทำให้พึงพอใจอาจเป็นเรื่องยาก แต่แล้วโอกาสก็ตามเขาพบจนได้
พลังของเดอะโกสต์: ผ้าคลุมราตรี
เดอะโกสต์ชอบสะกดรอยตามเหยื่อของตน เขาจะติดตามเหยื่อเหล่านั้นไปตั้งแต่ร้านเหล้า แอบถ่ายภาพเหยื่อที่บ้าน พร้อมทั้งมองหาลู่ทางที่จะเข้าไปข้างใน เดอะโกสต์จะเฝ้าดูเหยื่อรายเดิมเป็นเวลาหลายสัปดาห์เพื่อสังเกตกิจวัตรของเหยื่อโดยละเอียด ซึ่งเขาจะกลับมาอีกครั้งเมื่อแรงกระตุ้นที่พุ่งพล่านอยู่ภายในรุนแรงเกินต้านทานไหว เมื่อถึงเวลานั้น เดอะโกสต์ก็รู้แล้วว่าต้องทำสิ่งใด
เมื่อผ้าคลุมราตรีกำลังทำงาน: รัศมีความน่ากลัวของเดอะโกสต์จะลดลงจนเหลือศูนย์ ด้วยสภาพเหล่านี้จึงทำให้เดอะโกสต์สามารถซ่อนตัวอยู่ได้ตราบใดที่ยังไม่มีผู้รอดชีวิตมองเห็น เดอะโกสต์สามารถสะกดรอยตามผู้รอดชีวิตเพื่อหาจุดอ่อนพร้อมทำให้ปลอดกำบังได้ชั่วระยะเวลาหนึ่ง

เดอะโกสต์มาพร้อมกับ Perk ใหม่ 3 อย่าง


หากมีผู้รอดชีวิตก่อให้เกิดการเตือนเสียงดังภายนอกรัศมีความน่ากลัว คุณจะมองเห็นออร่าของผู้รอดชีวิตนั้นอยู่ชั่วระยะเวลาหนึ่ง จากนั้นสัมผัสนักสับก็จะเริ่มคูลดาวน์


ผู้รอดชีวิตหนึ่งคนจะกลายเป็นเป้าหมายของคุณ ภายหลังหนีรอดจากการไล่ล่าไปได้แล้ว เป้าหมายจะส่งการเตือนเสียงดังออกมาเมื่อพบกับผู้รอดชีวิตคนอื่น ทำให้คุณมองเห็นออร่าของผู้รอดชีวิตเหล่านี้อยู่ชั่วระยะเวลาหนึ่ง


ผู้รอดชีวิตหนึ่งคนจะกลายเป็นเป้าหมายของคุณ เมื่อเป้าหมายถูกจับแขวนบนตะขอ Perk นี้จะได้รับโทเค่น ซึ่งแต่ละโทเค่นช่วยลดรัศมีความน่ากลัวของคุณลงได้ระหว่างการไล่ล่า ครั้งถัดไปที่มีผู้รอดชีวิตช่วยเหลือคนอื่นลงจากตะขอ ผู้ช่วยเหลือคนนั้นจะกลายเป็นเป้าหมายของคุณแทน


ส่วนเสริม Ghost Face นี้มาพร้อมกับไอเท็มพิเศษเฉพาะสำหรับเดอะโกสต์ คือชุดสวมใส่คนคลั่งขาวดำและอาวุธมีดรบเหล็กกล้าสีเงิน มีให้ใช้งานใน DLC นี้เท่านั้น














Ghost Face is a brand-new Killer for Dead by Daylight. the Ghost Face DLC unlocks its new Killer and exclusive items for the new killer.

Acquaintances are a dangerous deception. Our workplace is filled with them; strangers beside us, five days a week. A distant familiarity grown from habit; the blanks filled with assumptions as we forget how little we know, until proven otherwise.

The Ghost Face took full advantage of the fact. His entourage at the newspaper could have spotted that the Roseville murders led to him. There were clues: the days he missed work, the victims’ time of death, and the detailed articles he wrote citing sources he never shared. But his coworkers did not see. The Ghost Face blended into the everyday. No one thought the man seated on their left could be responsible for the murder of a dozen people. Until proven otherwise.
In the end, The Ghost Face would have gotten away with it as he had before: he would have packed his bags when the investigation pointed in his direction, driven a few miles, and looked for another job. But this time he found a richer hunting ground…

The Ghost Face

At first glance, Jed Olsen was a kind and enthusiastic freelancer with experience at various small newspapers.
He was hired at the Roseville Gazette, whose staff appreciated how easy-going he seemed. Olsen didn’t have to justify his erratic career path, which zigzagged between Utah and Philadelphia. He had a good attitude and a decent portfolio, which showed he’d covered serious news such as unsolved murders. Most importantly, he was ready to start right away.

Five months later, the Roseville Murders began: victims ranging from young to old, stabbed to death in their homes. The whole staff was working the story.
The number of victims surged as Olsen worked the story. To heighten the swelling panic in Roseville, Olsen produced the footage of a hooded figure breaking into a house at night. Olsen’s masked face, a white blur in the dark, stared at the camera for a second, before disappearing inside. “The Ghost Face Caught on Tape” was the title Olsen gave the article. He was proud of his work, enjoying how the whole town now feared a ghost story.
When the investigation started to point in his direction, he left Roseville swiftly. He had written and collected a dozen of articles, all of which fed his legend. Finding a satisfying challenge next would be difficult, yet opportunity found him.

The Ghost Face’s Power: Night Shroud
The Ghost Face liked to stalk his victims. He’d follow them from the local bar, snapping pictures of them at home while looking for a way in. He could study the same victim for weeks, meticulously registering their habits. He'd return when the urge swelled inside him, too great to ignore. By then he knew exactly what to do. While the Night Shroud is active: The Ghost Face’s Terror Radius shrinks to nil. Under these conditions, The Ghost Face becomes Stealth, as long as he stays unseen from all Survivors. The Ghost Face can stalk Survivors to find their vulnerabilities, making them exposed for a limited time.

The Ghost Face comes with 3 new perks.

I’m All Ears

When Survivors create a loud noise outside your Terror Radius, their aura is revealed for a limited time.

Thrilling Tremors

After picking up a Survivor, all Generators not being repaired by Survivors are blocked by The Entity and cannot be repaired for a limited time. Affected generators are highlighted by a white aura.

Furtive Chase

You become obsessed with one Survivor. When your Obsession is hooked, the Perk receives a token. Each token decreases your Terror Radius during a chase. Next time a Survivor rescues someone from the hook, the rescuer becomes the Obsession.

Exclusive Item for the Ghost

The Ghost Face add-on includes two exclusive items for The Ghost face, the Monochrome Maniac body and Silvery Steel Tactical Knife weapon, only available as part of the DLC.
Please note that this item cannot be purchased separately.

System Requirements


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