Dead Rising 4 (EMEA)
Dead Rising 4 (EMEA)

Dead Rising 4 (EMEA)

Release Date: 14/03/2017 | EMEA
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Sobre o jogo

Dead Rising 4 marca o retorno do jornalista fotográfico Frank West em um novo capítulo de uma das franquias de jogos de zumbis mais populares de todos os tempos. Todas as marcas clássicas da série estão de volta, inclusive uma enorme gama de armas e veículos que o jogador pode combinar para enfrentar a horda, de itens práticos até itens praticamente insanos. Jogadores também encontrarão várias novidades, incluindo novas classes de zumbis, exoarmaduras e modo cooperativo de 4 jogadores. Com um nível inigualável de personalização de armas e personagens, Dead Rising 4 traz uma experiência emocionante, na qual os jogadores exploram, buscam itens e lutam para sobreviver em um ambiente aberto épico.

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Относно играта

Dead Rising 4 marks the return of photojournalist Frank West in an all-new chapter of one of the most popular zombie game franchises of all time. All of the classic hallmarks of the ground breaking series return, including a huge array of weapons and vehicles players can combine to combat the horde ranging from the practical – to the practically insane. Players will also enjoy ambitious new features including new zombie classes, EXO Suits, and 4-player co-op multiplayer. With intense action and an unmatched level of weapon and character customization, Dead Rising 4 delivers a heart-pounding experience as players explore, scavenge and fight to survive in an epic open world sandbox.

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O hře

Dead Rising 4 marks the return of photojournalist Frank West in an all-new chapter of one of the most popular zombie game franchises of all time. All of the classic hallmarks of the ground breaking series return, including a huge array of weapons and vehicles players can combine to combat the horde ranging from the practical – to the practically insane. Players will also enjoy ambitious new features including new zombie classes, EXO Suits, and 4-player co-op multiplayer. With intense action and an unmatched level of weapon and character customization, Dead Rising 4 delivers a heart-pounding experience as players explore, scavenge and fight to survive in an epic open world sandbox.

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Om spillet

I Dead Rising 4 vender fotojournalisten Frank West tilbage i et helt nyt afsnit i en af de mest populære zombieserier nogensinde. Alle de klassiske kendetegn fra den skelsættende serie vender tilbage – ikke mindst et gigantisk arsenal af våben og fartøjer, som spillerne kan kombinere og bruge til at nedkæmpe zombiehorderne med. Alt fra praktiske redskaber til de mest vanvittige konstruktioner. Spillet indeholder også mange ny funktioner, såsom nye zombieklasser, EXO-dragter og samarbejde for fire spillere i multiplayer. Dead Rising 4 leverer en adrenalinpumpende oplevelse i en gigantisk åben verden fyldt med intens action og flere muligheder for tilpasning af våben og figurer end nogensinde før.

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Info over het spel

In Dead Rising 4 keert Frank West terug in een compleet nieuw hoofdstuk van de populairste zombiegamereeks ooit. Alle klassieke kenmerken van de baanbrekende serie zijn weer terug, inclusief een enorm arsenaal aan wapens en voertuigen, die spelers kunnen combineren om de hordes te verslaan: van het praktische tot het praktisch gestoorde. Spelers beschikken over ambitieuze nieuwe functies, zoals nieuwe zombieklassen, EXO-pakken en co-op multiplayer voor 4 spelers. Dead Rising 4 biedt adembenemende actie, ongeëvenaard aanpassen van wapens en personages, en levert een bloedstollende ervaring terwijl spelers verkennen, stelen en vechten om te overleven in een epische open world sandbox.

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About the Game

Dead Rising 4 marks the return of photojournalist Frank West in an all-new chapter of one of the most popular zombie game franchises of all time. All of the classic hallmarks of the ground breaking series return, including a huge array of weapons and vehicles players can combine to combat the horde ranging from the practical – to the practically insane. Players will also enjoy ambitious new features including new zombie classes, EXO Suits, and 4-player co-op multiplayer. With intense action and an unmatched level of weapon and character customization, Dead Rising 4 delivers a heart-pounding experience as players explore, scavenge and fight to survive in an epic open world sandbox.

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Tietoja pelistä

Valokuvaaja Frank West palaa Dead Rising 4:ssä – suositun zombiepelisarjan täysin uudessa luvussa. Mukana ovat kaikki rajoja rikkoneen pelisarjan klassiset ominaisuudet, kuten valtava valikoima pelaajien yhdisteltävissä olevia aseita ja kulkuneuvoja käytännöllisistä kaistapäisiin. Pelaajat pääsevät tietysti käyttämään myös uusia näyttäviä ominaisuuksia, kuten uusia zombieluokkia, EXO-pukuja ja neljän pelaajan yhteispeliä. Dead Rising 4:ssä intensiivinen toiminta ja aseiden sekä hahmojen verrattomat mukautusmahdollisuudet maustavat sykettä nostavaa kamppailua avoimessa hiekkalaatikkomaailmassa – jossa pelaajan on selviydyttävä tutkimalla, keräilemällä ja taistelemalla.

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À propos du jeu

Dead Rising 4 marque le retour du journaliste Frank West dans un tout nouveau chapitre de l'une des meilleures sagas de zombies de tous les temps. Retrouvez toutes les marques de fabrique de la série à succès, y compris un large choix d’armes et de véhicules que les joueurs pourront combiner pour affronter la horde, du plus pratique au pratiquement fou. Les joueurs profiteront aussi d’ambitieuses nouvelles fonctionnalités, dont de nouvelles classes de zombies, des exosquelettes, et un mode multijoueur en coop à 4 joueurs. Avec de l’action à couper le souffle et une personnalisation poussée des armes et des personnages, Dead Rising 4 est une expérience haletante où les joueurs devront explorer, fouiller et se battre pour survivre dans un monde ouvert épique.

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Über das Spiel

Dead Rising 4 bringt die Rückkehr des Fotojournalisten Frank West und schlägt ein neues Kapitel der beliebtesten Zombiespiel-Serie aller Zeiten auf. Sämtliche Merkmale der bahnbrechenden Serie sind wieder mit dabei: z. B. ein riesiges Arsenal an Waffen und Fahrzeugen, das die Spieler für den erfolgreichen Kampf gegen die Horde kombinieren können. Und das reicht von praktisch bis praktisch irrsinnig. Hinzu gesellen sich nagelneue Features wie neue Zombieklassen, Exo-Suits und ein Koop-Mehrspielermodus für bis zu 4 Spieler. Auch dank intensiver Action und unerreichten Möglichkeiten bei der Waffen- und Charaktergestaltung bietet Dead Rising 4 Nervenkitzel sondergleichen. Die Spieler erkunden und plündern die Welt und kämpfen in einer epischen offenen Spielwelt ums Überleben.

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Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Dead Rising 4 marks the return of photojournalist Frank West in an all-new chapter of one of the most popular zombie game franchises of all time. All of the classic hallmarks of the ground breaking series return, including a huge array of weapons and vehicles players can combine to combat the horde ranging from the practical – to the practically insane. Players will also enjoy ambitious new features including new zombie classes, EXO Suits, and 4-player co-op multiplayer. With intense action and an unmatched level of weapon and character customization, Dead Rising 4 delivers a heart-pounding experience as players explore, scavenge and fight to survive in an epic open world sandbox.

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A játékról: 

Dead Rising 4 marks the return of photojournalist Frank West in an all-new chapter of one of the most popular zombie game franchises of all time. All of the classic hallmarks of the ground breaking series return, including a huge array of weapons and vehicles players can combine to combat the horde ranging from the practical – to the practically insane. Players will also enjoy ambitious new features including new zombie classes, EXO Suits, and 4-player co-op multiplayer. With intense action and an unmatched level of weapon and character customization, Dead Rising 4 delivers a heart-pounding experience as players explore, scavenge and fight to survive in an epic open world sandbox.

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Informazioni sul gioco

Dead Rising 4 segna il ritorno del fotoreporter Frank West in un nuovissimo capitolo del videogioco zombi più popolare di tutti i tempi. Nel nuovo episodio ritroviamo i grandi classici dell'amatissima serie, come un'ampia gamma di armi e veicoli che i giocatori potranno combinare per fronteggiare orde di zombi impazziti. I giocatori potranno inoltre scoprire nuove interessanti funzionalità, tra cui nuove classi di zombi, esoscheletri e la modalità co-op con 4 giocatori. Grazie all'azione mozzafiato, a una gamma infinita di armi e alla possibilità di customizzare i personaggi, Dead Rising 4 offre un'esperienza travolgente ai giocatori che esploreranno, saccheggeranno e combatteranno per sopravvivere in questo videogioco unico a esplorazione libera.

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史上最高クラスの人気を誇るゾンビ ゲームの新章、Dead Rising 4 では、あのフォトジャーナリスト Frank West が帰って来た! この革新的シリーズの魅力を受け継ぎ、プレイヤーはゾンビの大群と対抗するため、あらゆるものを組み合わせて実用的なものからクレイジーなものまで多種多様な武器や車両を作成することができる。また、新たなゾンビ クラス、エキゾ スーツ、4 人のプレイヤーが参加可能な Co-op マルチプレイヤー モード等の新機能をふんだんに取り込んでいるのも見どころのひとつだ。激しいアクションや比類なきレベルの武器/キャラクター カスタマイズを楽しみながら、Dead Rising 4 の壮大なオープン ワールドを探索し、漁り回り、生き延びるために戦う

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게임 정보

Dead Rising 4는 좀비 게임 프랜차이즈 사상 가장 높은 인기를 자랑하는 시리즈의 최신작으로, 새로운 사건에 휘말린 Frank West가 다시 활약합니다. 콤보 시스템을 포함하여 획기적인 시리즈의 전통이 모두 담겨 있습니다. 수많은 무기와 차량을 마음껏 조합하여 터무니없을 만큼 엄청난 무기와 차량을 만들고 사방에 넘치는 좀비 무리를 상대하십시오. 새로운 유형의 좀비, EXO 슈트, 4인 협동 멀티 플레이 등을 포함하여 플레이어 여러분을 더욱 즐겁게 해 드릴 새로운 기능들도 마련되어 있습니다. 강렬한 액션, 상상을 뛰어넘는 무기와 캐릭터 커스터마이징 등, Dead Rising 4가 제공하는 장대한 오픈 월드 세상에서 살아남기 위해 싸우고, 물건을 찾아 돌아다니면서 심장이 두근거리는 플레이를 경험하십시오.

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Om spillet

I Dead Rising 4 er fotojournalisten Frank West tilbake i et helt nytt kapittel i en av de mest populære zombiespillseriene noensinne. Alle de klassiske elementene fra den banebrytende serien er tilbake, som et enormt arsenal med våpen og fremkomstmidler du kan kombinere for å beseire zombiehordene, fra praktiske løsninger til helt sinnssyke. Du får også masse nytt innhold, som nye zombieklasser, EXO-drakter og samarbeidsspill for fire spillere. Med intens action og uslåelig dybde i tilpasningen av våpen og figurer leverer Dead Rising 4 en adrenalinspekket opplevelse der du utforsker, leter etter ting og kjemper for å overleve i en storslått åpen verden.

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Informacje o grze

W Dead Rising 4 do gry powraca fotoreporter Frank West w zupełnie nowej odsłonie jednej z najpopularniejszych serii o tematyce zombie wszech czasów. Powracają też wszystkie atuty przełomowej serii, takie jak ogromny wybór broni i pojazdów — od całkiem praktycznych po zupełnie odjechane — które gracz może samodzielnie skonstruować, by walczyć z hordami wrogów. W grze pojawiają się również ambitne nowe funkcje, w tym nowe klasy zombie, egzoszkielety oraz tryb współpracy w ramach rozgrywki wieloosobowej dla 4 graczy. Porywająca akcja i niezliczone opcje konfiguracji broni oraz postaci sprawią, że podczas gry w Dead Rising 4 gracze poczują prawdziwe emocje, poznając i przeszukując ogromny otwarty świat oraz walcząc w nim o przetrwanie.

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Acerca do Jogo

Dead Rising 4 assinala o regresso do fotojornalista Frank West num novo capítulo de um dos mais populares franchises de jogos de zombies de sempre. Vemos também regressar todas as imagens de marca clássicas desta pioneira série, incluindo um rol enorme de armas e de veículos que os jogadores podem combinar para combater as hordas de zombies, e que vão do prático ao praticamente delirante. Os jogadores também vão gostar de novas e ambiciosas funcionalidades como as novas classes de zombies, os exofatos e o modo multijogador cooperativo de 4 jogadores. Repleto de ação intensa e com um nível de personalização de armas e de personagens sem rival, Dead Rising 4 proporciona uma experiência avassaladora enquanto os jogadores exploram, vasculham e lutam pela sobrevivência num jogo épico de mundo aberto.

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Despre joc

Dead Rising 4 marks the return of photojournalist Frank West in an all-new chapter of one of the most popular zombie game franchises of all time. All of the classic hallmarks of the ground breaking series return, including a huge array of weapons and vehicles players can combine to combat the horde ranging from the practical – to the practically insane. Players will also enjoy ambitious new features including new zombie classes, EXO Suits, and 4-player co-op multiplayer. With intense action and an unmatched level of weapon and character customization, Dead Rising 4 delivers a heart-pounding experience as players explore, scavenge and fight to survive in an epic open world sandbox.

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Об игре

Фотожурналист Фрэнк Уэст возвращается к нам в Dead Rising 4, новой главе популярнейшей серии игр про зомби. Игроки найдут здесь все, чем знаменит Dead Rising, включая огромный арсенал комбинируемого оружия и транспорта как для эффективного, так и для безумно эффектного изничтожения зомби, а также новые классы зомби, экзоскелеты и режим совместной сетевой игры для четырех игроков. Исследуйте город, ищите припасы и сражайтесь в огромном открытом мире, полном возможностей для создания оружия и изменения внешнего вида героя.

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《丧尸围城 4》是史上最热门的丧尸游戏系列中的全新章节,不但摄影记者弗兰克·韦斯特将再度登场,这款开创性游戏系列中的所有经典要素也将一一重现,从实际到异想天开,包罗万象的武器与车辆供玩家组合并用以对抗丧尸群。不仅如此,玩家还能享受到大胆推出的新功能,包括新类型的丧尸、动力装甲服,以及 4 人连线合作的多人游戏模式。《丧尸围城 4》充满刺激的动作要素以及前所未有的武器与角色自定义功能,能让玩家在壮阔的开放世界沙盒中为求生而探索、搜刮与战斗的同时,享受惊心动魄的快感。

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Acerca del juego

Dead Rising 4 significa el retorno del periodista gráfico Frank West en un capítulo totalmente nuevo de una de las franquicias de juegos de zombis más populares de todos los tiempos. Vuelven todos los innovadores elementos distintivos de la saga, incluyendo un enorme repertorio de armas y vehículos que los jugadores pueden combinar para combatir a la hora y que van desde los más prácticos hasta prácticamente los más dementes. Los jugadores también disfrutarán de nuevas y ambiciosas características como nuevas clases de zombi, exotrajes y un modo multijugador cooperativo para 4 jugadores. Con acción a montones y un nivel inigualable de personalización de armas y personajes, Dead Rising 4 ofrece una experiencia emocionante mientras los jugadores exploran, saquean y luchan para sobrevivir en un sandbox épico de mundo abierto.

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Om spelet

Dead Rising 4 innebär återkomsten för fotografen Frank West i ett helt nytt kapitel av en av de mest populära zombieserierna någonsin. Alla klassiska inslag från den banbrytande serien är tillbaka, inklusive ett massivt utbud av vapen och fordon som spelare kan kombinera på mer eller mindre praktiska sätt mot den vandöda armén. Spelare får även chans att uppleva nya ambitiösa funktioner som nya zombieklasser, EXO-dräkter och samarbete för fyra spelare. Med intensiv action och anpassningsmöjligheter utan like levererar Dead Rising 4 en adrenalinstinn upplevelse där spelare får utforska, samla och kämpa för sin överlevnad i en öppen värld.

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Dead Rising 4 marks the return of photojournalist Frank West in an all-new chapter of one of the most popular zombie game franchises of all time. All of the classic hallmarks of the ground breaking series return, including a huge array of weapons and vehicles players can combine to combat the horde ranging from the practical – to the practically insane. Players will also enjoy ambitious new features including new zombie classes, EXO Suits, and 4-player co-op multiplayer. With intense action and an unmatched level of weapon and character customization, Dead Rising 4 delivers a heart-pounding experience as players explore, scavenge and fight to survive in an epic open world sandbox.

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Dead Rising 4 是史上最熱門的喪屍遊戲系列中的全新章節,不但攝影記者 Frank West 將再度登場,這款開創性遊戲系列中的所有經典要素也將一一重現,從實際到異想天開,包羅萬象的武器與車輛供玩家組合並用以對抗喪屍群。不僅如此,玩家還能享受到大膽推出的新功能,包括新類型的喪屍、動力裝甲服,以及 4 人連線合作的多人遊戲模式。Dead Rising 4 充滿刺激的動作要素以及前所未有的武器與角色自訂功能,能讓玩家在壯闊的開放世界沙盒中為求生而探索、搜刮與戰鬥的同時,享受驚心動魄的快感。

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Oyun Açıklaması

Dead Rising 4 marks the return of photojournalist Frank West in an all-new chapter of one of the most popular zombie game franchises of all time. All of the classic hallmarks of the ground breaking series return, including a huge array of weapons and vehicles players can combine to combat the horde ranging from the practical – to the practically insane. Players will also enjoy ambitious new features including new zombie classes, EXO Suits, and 4-player co-op multiplayer. With intense action and an unmatched level of weapon and character customization, Dead Rising 4 delivers a heart-pounding experience as players explore, scavenge and fight to survive in an epic open world sandbox.

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Про гру

Dead Rising 4 marks the return of photojournalist Frank West in an all-new chapter of one of the most popular zombie game franchises of all time. All of the classic hallmarks of the ground breaking series return, including a huge array of weapons and vehicles players can combine to combat the horde ranging from the practical – to the practically insane. Players will also enjoy ambitious new features including new zombie classes, EXO Suits, and 4-player co-op multiplayer. With intense action and an unmatched level of weapon and character customization, Dead Rising 4 delivers a heart-pounding experience as players explore, scavenge and fight to survive in an epic open world sandbox.

System Requirements


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