Death Stranding - Director's Cut
Death Stranding - Director's Cut
Death Stranding - Director's Cut
Death Stranding - Director's Cut
Death Stranding - Director's Cut
Death Stranding - Director's Cut
Death Stranding - Director's Cut

Death Stranding - Director's Cut

Release Date: 30/03/2022 | WORLDWIDE
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Retail Price: 39.81 € 55%
18.49 € + VAT



Please make sure you purchase right version of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

If you already own DEATH STRANDING then you can upgrade your version of the game to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT for a lower price. Please purchase the DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT UPGRADE. You must have previously purchased DEATH STRANDING on this platform, and have it installed on your system.

If you have not purchased DEATH STRANDING then you may purchase DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT at the stated full price.

We recommend you do not remove DEATH STRANDING from your PC until you have completed the download of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT and you have transferred your save files to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT.

Sobre o jogo

Do lendário diretor Hideo Kojima, surge uma experiência que desafia gêneros, ainda maior em DIRECTOR’S CUT.

No futuro, um evento misterioso conhecido como Death Stranding abriu uma passagem entre os vivos e os mortos, resultando em criaturas grotescas do pós-vida andando pelo mundo arruinado, marcado por uma sociedade desolada.

Jogando como Sam Bridges, sua missão é entregar esperança à humanidade ao conectar os sobreviventes de uma América devastada.
Você conseguirá reunir este mundo destruído, um passo de cada vez?

DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT no PC inclui ALTA TAXA DE QUADROS, MODO FOTO e SUPORTE A MONITORES ULTRAWIDE. Também inclui conteúdo crossover da série HALF-LIFE, da Valve Corporation; e de Cyberpunk 2077, da CD Projekt Red. Esteja conectado a jogadores no mundo todo com o Social Strand System™.

Todas as cópias do jogo também incluirão:
• “Seleções do Livro Digital de arte ‘The Art of DEATH STRANDING’” (da Titan Books)
• Adesivos para a Mochila
• Traje da Equipe de Entregas Especial Bridges (Ouro)
• Customização da Cápsula do BB (Ouro Quiral)
• Luvas Energizadas (Ouro)
• Traje da Equipe de Entregas Especial Bridges (Prata)
• Customização da Cápsula do BB (Omnirrefletor)
• Luvas Energizadas (Prata)


Please make sure you purchase right version of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

If you already own DEATH STRANDING then you can upgrade your version of the game to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT for a lower price. Please purchase the DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT UPGRADE. You must have previously purchased DEATH STRANDING on this platform, and have it installed on your system.

If you have not purchased DEATH STRANDING then you may purchase DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT at the stated full price.

We recommend you do not remove DEATH STRANDING from your PC until you have completed the download of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT and you have transferred your save files to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT.

Относно играта

From legendary game creator Hideo Kojima comes a genre-defying experience, now expanded in this definitive DIRECTOR’S CUT.

In the future, a mysterious event known as the Death Stranding has opened a doorway between the living and the dead, leading to grotesque creatures from the afterlife roaming the fallen world marred by a desolate society.

As Sam Bridges, your mission is to deliver hope to humanity by connecting the last survivors of a decimated America.

Can you reunite the shattered world, one step at a time?

DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT on PC includes HIGH FRAME RATE, PHOTO MODE and ULTRA-WIDE MONITOR SUPPORT. Also includes cross-over content from Valve Corporation’s HALF-LIFE series and CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077. Stay connected with players around the globe with the Social Strand System™.

All copies of the game will also additionally include:
• “Selections From ‘The Art of DEATH STRANDING’” Digital Book (by Titan Books)
• Backpack Patches
• Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Gold)
• BB pod customization (Chiral Gold)
• Power Gloves (Gold)
• Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Silver)
• BB pod customization (Omnireflector)
• Power Gloves (Silver)


Please make sure you purchase right version of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

If you already own DEATH STRANDING then you can upgrade your version of the game to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT for a lower price. Please purchase the DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT UPGRADE. You must have previously purchased DEATH STRANDING on this platform, and have it installed on your system.

If you have not purchased DEATH STRANDING then you may purchase DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT at the stated full price.

We recommend you do not remove DEATH STRANDING from your PC until you have completed the download of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT and you have transferred your save files to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT.

O hře

From legendary game creator Hideo Kojima comes a genre-defying experience, now expanded in this definitive DIRECTOR’S CUT.

In the future, a mysterious event known as the Death Stranding has opened a doorway between the living and the dead, leading to grotesque creatures from the afterlife roaming the fallen world marred by a desolate society.

As Sam Bridges, your mission is to deliver hope to humanity by connecting the last survivors of a decimated America.

Can you reunite the shattered world, one step at a time?

DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT on PC includes HIGH FRAME RATE, PHOTO MODE and ULTRA-WIDE MONITOR SUPPORT. Also includes cross-over content from Valve Corporation’s HALF-LIFE series and CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077. Stay connected with players around the globe with the Social Strand System™.

All copies of the game will also additionally include:
• “Selections From ‘The Art of DEATH STRANDING’” Digital Book (by Titan Books)
• Backpack Patches
• Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Gold)
• BB pod customization (Chiral Gold)
• Power Gloves (Gold)
• Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Silver)
• BB pod customization (Omnireflector)
• Power Gloves (Silver)


Please make sure you purchase right version of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

If you already own DEATH STRANDING then you can upgrade your version of the game to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT for a lower price. Please purchase the DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT UPGRADE. You must have previously purchased DEATH STRANDING on this platform, and have it installed on your system.

If you have not purchased DEATH STRANDING then you may purchase DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT at the stated full price.

We recommend you do not remove DEATH STRANDING from your PC until you have completed the download of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT and you have transferred your save files to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT.

Om spillet

Fra den legendariske spilskaber Hideo Kojima kommer en genre-definerende oplevelse, som nu er udvidet i denne definitive DIRECTOR'S CUT.

I fremtiden har en mystisk hændelse, kendt som Death Stranding, åbnet en dør mellem de levende og de døde, hvilket har ført til, at groteske væsner fra livet efter døden strejfer rundt i den faldne verden, der er præget af et øde samfund.

Som Sam Bridges er det din mission at give håb til menneskeheden ved at forbinde de sidste overlevende i et raseret Amerika.
Kan du genforene den splittede verden, ét skridt ad gangen?

DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT på PC indeholder HØJ BILLEDHASTIGHED, FOTOTILSTAND og ULTRABRED SKÆRMVISNING. Indeholder også cross-over-indhold fra Valve Corporations HALF-LIFE-serie og CD Projekt Reds Cyberpunk 2077. Hold kontakten med spillere rundt om i verden med Social Strand System™.

Alle eksemplarer af spillet vil desuden også indeholde:
• "Uddrag fra den digitale bog 'The Art of DEATH STRANDING'" (af Titan Books)
• Rygsækmærker
• Bridges Special Delivery-holddragt (guld)
• BB pod-tilpasning (kiralt guld)
• Powerhandsker (guld)
• Bridges Special Delivery-holddragt (sølv)
• BB pod-tilpasning (omnireflektor)
• Powerhandsker (sølv)


Please make sure you purchase right version of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

If you already own DEATH STRANDING then you can upgrade your version of the game to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT for a lower price. Please purchase the DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT UPGRADE. You must have previously purchased DEATH STRANDING on this platform, and have it installed on your system.

If you have not purchased DEATH STRANDING then you may purchase DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT at the stated full price.

We recommend you do not remove DEATH STRANDING from your PC until you have completed the download of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT and you have transferred your save files to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT.

Info over het spel

Van de legendarische maker Hideo Kojima komt een genretartende ervaring, nu uitgebreid in deze DIRECTOR'S CUT.

In de toekomst heeft een mysterieuze gebeurtenis die bekend staat als de Death Stranding een deur geopend tussen de levenden en de doden, waardoor groteske wezens uit het hiernamaals ronddwalen in de gevallen wereld getekend door een desolate samenleving.

Als Sam Bridges is het je missie de mensheid hoop te geven door de overlevenden van een gedecimeerd Amerika te verbinden.
Kun jij de versplinterde wereld weer herenigen, stap voor stap?

DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT op pc omvat een HOGE FRAMERATE, FOTOMODUS en ONDERSTEUNING VOOR ULTRABREDE SCHERMEN. Bevat ook cross-over content uit de HALF-LIFE-reeks van Valve Corporation en Cyberpunk 2077 van CD Projekt Red. Blijf verbonden met spelers over de hele wereld met het Social Strand System™.

Alle exemplaren van het spel bevatten ook:
• “Selecties uit het digitale boek ‘The Art of DEATH STRANDING’” (door Titan Books)
• Rugzakpatches
• Bridges-teampak Special Delivery (goud)
• BB-podaanpassing (chiraal goud)
• Krachthandschoenen (goud)
• Bridges-teampak Special Delivery (zilver)
• BB-podaanpassing (omnireflector)
• Krachthandschoenen (zilver)


Please make sure you purchase right version of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

If you already own DEATH STRANDING then you can upgrade your version of the game to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT for a lower price. Please purchase the DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT UPGRADE. You must have previously purchased DEATH STRANDING on this platform, and have it installed on your system.

If you have not purchased DEATH STRANDING then you may purchase DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT at the stated full price.

We recommend you do not remove DEATH STRANDING from your PC until you have completed the download of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT and you have transferred your save files to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT.

About the Game

From legendary game creator Hideo Kojima comes a genre-defying experience, now expanded in this definitive DIRECTOR’S CUT.

In the future, a mysterious event known as the Death Stranding has opened a doorway between the living and the dead, leading to grotesque creatures from the afterlife roaming the fallen world marred by a desolate society.

As Sam Bridges, your mission is to deliver hope to humanity by connecting the last survivors of a decimated America.

Can you reunite the shattered world, one step at a time?

DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT on PC includes HIGH FRAME RATE, PHOTO MODE and ULTRA-WIDE MONITOR SUPPORT. Also includes cross-over content from Valve Corporation’s HALF-LIFE series and CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077. Stay connected with players around the globe with the Social Strand System™.

All copies of the game will also additionally include:
• “Selections From ‘The Art of DEATH STRANDING’” Digital Book (by Titan Books)
• Backpack Patches
• Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Gold)
• BB pod customization (Chiral Gold)
• Power Gloves (Gold)
• Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Silver)
• BB pod customization (Omnireflector)
• Power Gloves (Silver)


Please make sure you purchase right version of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

If you already own DEATH STRANDING then you can upgrade your version of the game to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT for a lower price. Please purchase the DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT UPGRADE. You must have previously purchased DEATH STRANDING on this platform, and have it installed on your system.

If you have not purchased DEATH STRANDING then you may purchase DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT at the stated full price.

We recommend you do not remove DEATH STRANDING from your PC until you have completed the download of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT and you have transferred your save files to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT.

Tietoa pelistä

Legendaarisen pelikehittäjän Hideo Kojiman tyylilajiltaan ennennäkemätön pelikokemus on nyt laajennettu OHJAAJAN VERSIOKSI.

Tulevaisuudessa Death Stranding -nimellä tunnettu ilmiö on avannut elävien ja kuolleiden väliset portit, ja vastenmieliset kuolemanjälkeiset olennot vaeltavat luhistuneessa maailmassa, jota rumentaa laiminlyöty yhteiskunta.

Olet Sam Bridges, jonka tehtävä on toimittaa toivoa ihmiskunnalle ja yhdistää tuhotun Amerikan viimeiset selviytyjät.
Pysytytkö yhdistämään murtuneen maailman askel kerrallaan?

DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT -versiossa PC:lle on KORKEA KUVANOPEUS (HRF), VALOKUVATILA ja ULTRALEVEÄN NÄYTÖN TUKI. Mukana myös crossover-sisältöä Valve Corporationin HALF-LIFE-sarjasta ja CD Projekt Redin Cyberpunk 2077-pelistä. Social Strand System™ auttaa pysymään yhteydessä toisiin pelaajiin kaikkialla maailmassa.

Kaikki pelin kopiot sisältävät lisäksi seuraavat:
• valittuja paloja The Art of DEATH STRANDING -e-kirjasta (julkaisija Titan Books)
• reppumerkkejä
• Bridgesin erikoistoimitustiimin asu (kulta)
• BB:n kapselin muokkaus (kiraalinen kulta)
• voimahanskat (kulta)
• Bridgesin erikoistoimitustiimin asu (hopea)
• BB:n kapselin muokkaus (kaiken heijastava)
• voimahanskat (hopea)


Assurez-vous d'acheter la bonne version de DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

Si vous possédez déjà DEATH STRANDING, vous pouvez passer à la version DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT pour un prix inférieur. Veuillez acheter la MISE À NIVEAU DE DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT. Vous devez avoir acheté DEATH STRANDING sur cette plateforme et le jeu doit être installé sur votre système.

Si vous n'avez pas acheté DEATH STRANDING, vous pouvez acheter DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT au prix normal indiqué.

Nous vous recommandons de ne pas supprimer DEATH STRANDING de votre PC avant d'avoir terminé le téléchargement de DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT et d'avoir transféré vos fichiers de sauvegarde sur DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

À propos du jeu

L'expérience révolutionnaire du légendaire Hideo Kojima revient encore plus étoffée dans l'édition ultime DIRECTOR'S CUT.

Dans le futur, un événement mystérieux connu sous le nom de Death Stranding a ouvert une porte entre les morts et les vivants, conduisant à la propagation de créatures grotesques de l'au-delà dans un monde déchu marqué par une société dévastée.

Sam Bridges a pour mission de donner de l'espoir à l'humanité en reconnectant tous les survivants d'une Amérique décimée.
Parviendrez-vous à réunifier ce monde déchiré ?

DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT sur PC inclut une FRÉQUENCE D'IMAGES ÉLEVÉE, un MODE PHOTO et une COMPATIBILITÉ AVEC LES ÉCRANS ULTRA-LARGES. Cette édition inclut également du contenu en lien avec HALF-LIFE de Valve Corporation et Cyberpunk 2077 de CD Projekt Red. Restez connecté avec les joueurs du monde entier grâce au Social Strand System™.

Toutes les copies du jeu incluront également :
• Des extraits du livre numérique « The Art of DEATH STRANDING » (par Titan Books)
• Écussons de sacs à dos
• Tenue d'équipe de livraison spéciale Bridges (Or)
• Motif pour capsule de BB (Chiral doré)
• Gants renforcés (Or)
• Tenue d'équipe de livraison spéciale Bridges (Argent)
• Motif pour capsule de BB (Argenté)
• Gants renforcés (Argent)


Vergewissere dich bitte, dass du die richtige Version von DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT kaufst.

Falls du DEATH STRANDING bereits besitzt, kannst du deine Version des Spiels zu einem günstigeren Preis auf DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT aufwerten. Kaufe bitte das DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT-UPGRADE. Du musst zuvor DEATH STRANDING auf dieser Plattform gekauft und es auf Deinem System installiert haben.

Falls du DEATH STRANDING noch nicht gekauft hast, kannst du DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT zum vollen Preis kaufen.

Wir empfehlen, DEATH STRANDING nicht von deinem PC zu entfernen, bis du den Download von DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT abgeschlossen und deine gespeicherten Dateien zu DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT übertragen hast.

Über das Spiel

Vom legendären Spielemacher Hideo Kojima stammt ein Erlebnis, das nun in diesem DIRECTOR‘S CUT erweitert wurde.

In der Zukunft eröffnet ein geheimnisvolles Ereignis, welches als Death Stranding bekannt ist, eine Passage zwischen den Lebenden und den Toten für groteske Kreaturen aus dem Jenseits, die durch die gefallene Welt einer desolaten Gesellschaft streifen.

Deine Mission als Sam Bridges ist es, der Menschheit Hoffnung zu schenken, indem du die Überlebenden eines dezimierten Amerikas zusammenführst.
Kannst du die geschundene Welt wiedervereinen?

DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT auf PC unterstützt eine HOHE BILDWIEDERHOLGUNGSRATE, den FOTOMODUS und ULTRA-WIDE-MONITORE. Es umfasst zudem Crossover-Inhalte aus der HALF-LIFE-Serie von Valve Corporation und CD Projekt Reds Cyberpunk 2077. Mit dem Social Strand System™ bleibst du mit Spielenden aus der ganzen Welt verbunden.

Alle Versionen des Spiels beinhalten zudem:
• Das Digitalbuch „Selections From ‘The Art of DEATH STRANDING’“ (von Titan Books)
• Rucksack-Aufnäher
• Bridges Special Delivery Team-Anzug (Gold)
• BB-Pod-Anpassung (Chiral Gold)
• Power-Handschuhe (Gold)
• Bridges Special Delivery Team-Anzug (Silber)
• BB-Pod-Anpassung (Omnireflektor)
• Power-Handschuhe (Silber)


Please make sure you purchase right version of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

If you already own DEATH STRANDING then you can upgrade your version of the game to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT for a lower price. Please purchase the DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT UPGRADE. You must have previously purchased DEATH STRANDING on this platform, and have it installed on your system.

If you have not purchased DEATH STRANDING then you may purchase DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT at the stated full price.

We recommend you do not remove DEATH STRANDING from your PC until you have completed the download of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT and you have transferred your save files to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT.

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

From legendary game creator Hideo Kojima comes a genre-defying experience, now expanded in this definitive DIRECTOR’S CUT.

In the future, a mysterious event known as the Death Stranding has opened a doorway between the living and the dead, leading to grotesque creatures from the afterlife roaming the fallen world marred by a desolate society.

As Sam Bridges, your mission is to deliver hope to humanity by connecting the last survivors of a decimated America.

Can you reunite the shattered world, one step at a time?

DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT on PC includes HIGH FRAME RATE, PHOTO MODE and ULTRA-WIDE MONITOR SUPPORT. Also includes cross-over content from Valve Corporation’s HALF-LIFE series and CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077. Stay connected with players around the globe with the Social Strand System™.

All copies of the game will also additionally include:
• “Selections From ‘The Art of DEATH STRANDING’” Digital Book (by Titan Books)
• Backpack Patches
• Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Gold)
• BB pod customization (Chiral Gold)
• Power Gloves (Gold)
• Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Silver)
• BB pod customization (Omnireflector)
• Power Gloves (Silver)


Please make sure you purchase right version of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

If you already own DEATH STRANDING then you can upgrade your version of the game to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT for a lower price. Please purchase the DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT UPGRADE. You must have previously purchased DEATH STRANDING on this platform, and have it installed on your system.

If you have not purchased DEATH STRANDING then you may purchase DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT at the stated full price.

We recommend you do not remove DEATH STRANDING from your PC until you have completed the download of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT and you have transferred your save files to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT.

A játékról: 

A legendás játéktervező, Hideo Kojima által kínált műfajteremtő játékélmény most végleges RENDEZŐI VÁLTOZATTAL bővül.

A történet a jövőben játszódik: egy Halálhullám nevű titokzatos esemény megnyitotta az élők és holtak világa közötti kaput, amelyen groteszk túlvilági lények léptek át, hogy megszállják a letűnt társadalom által beárnyékolt bukott világot.

Sam Bridgesként feladatod reményt adni az emberiségnek azzal, hogy összekapcsolod a szétzúzott Amerika utolsó túlélőit.
Lépésről lepésre újra tudod egyesíteni a széthullott világot?

A DEATH STRANDING játék számítógépes RENDEZŐI VÁLTOZATA MAGAS KÉPKOCKASEBESSÉGET, FÉNYKÉP MÓDOT és ULTRASZÉLES-KÉPERNYŐS TÁMOGATÁST tartalmaz. Emellett crossover tartalmat foglal magában a Valve Corporation HALF-LIFE sorozatából és a CD Projekt Red Cyberpunk 2077 játékából. Maradj kapcsolatban a világ bármely pontjáról származó más játékosokkal a Social Strand System™ segítségével.

A játék összes példánya tartalmazni fogja továbbá a következőket:
• A „Selections From „The Art of DEATH STRANDING” című digitális könyv (a Titan Books kiadótól)
• Hátizsákfelvarrók
• Bridges speciális kézbesítői csapategyenruhája (arany)
BB-kapszula személyre szabása (királis arany)
• Szervókesztyű (arany)
• Bridges speciális kézbesítői csapategyenruhája (ezüst)
• BB-kapszula személyre szabása (omnireflektor)
• Szervókesztyű (ezüst)


Assicurati di acquistare la versione corretta di DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

Se possiedi già DEATH STRANDING puoi effettuare l'aggiornamento della tua versione del gioco alla versione DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT a un prezzo ridotto. Acquista l'UPGRADE DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT. Devi aver acquistato precedentemente DEATH STRANDING su questa piattaforma e anche averlo installato sul tuo sistema.

Se non hai acquistato DEATH STRANDING, puoi acquistare DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT al prezzo intero riportato.

Ti consigliamo di non rimuovere DEATH STRANDING dal tuo PC finché non avrai completato il download di DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT e finché non avrai trasferito i tuoi dati di salvataggio in DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

Informazioni sul gioco

Dal leggendario Hideo Kojima arriva un’esperienza che definisce il genere, ora ampliata nell’edizione definitiva DIRECTOR’S CUT.

Nel futuro un evento misterioso noto come Death Stranding ha aperto una strada tra i vivi e i morti, generando creature dell’aldilà che vagano in un mondo decaduto e desolato.

Nei panni di Sam Bridges, dovrai dare speranza all’umanità mettendo in contatto gli ultimi sopravvissuti di un’America decimata.
Riuscirai a ricomporre un mondo in frantumi?

DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT per PC include FRAME RATE ELEVATO, MODALITÀ FOTO e SUPPORTO PER MONITOR ULTRAWIDE. Include inoltre contenuti crossover dalla serie HALF-LIFE di Valve e da Cyberpunk 2077 di CD Projekt Red. Resta connesso con i giocatori di tutto il mondo grazie al Social Strand System™.

Tutte le copie del gioco includono anche:
• Il libro digitale “Selections From ‘The Art of DEATH STRANDING’” (edito da Titan Books)
• Patch per lo zaino
• Tuta Squadra consegne speciali di Bridges (Gold)
• Personalizzazione BB pod (Gold)
• Guanti potenza (Gold)
• Tuta Squadra consegne speciali di Bridges (Silver)
• Personalizzazione BB pod (Omnireflector)
• Guanti potenza (Silver)


購入される『DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT』のバージョンにご注意ください。

すでに『DEATH STRANDING』を所有されている場合、特別価格で『DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT』へのアップグレードが可能です。『DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT』のアップグレードを購入してください。購入するには、すでにこのプラットフォームで『DEATH STRANDING』を購入し、インストールされている必要があります。




ゲームクリエイター・小島秀夫が創造する全世界待望のゲーム体験に新要素を加えた、PC版『DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT』登場!


繋がりを失い、孤立した人々のために サム・ポーター・ブリッジズは、“未来” を運ぶ任務に赴く。分断された世界を繋ぎ直すことができるのか?

PC版『DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT』には、「フォトモード」「ハイフレームレート対応」「ウルトラワイドモニター対応」といった、PCユーザー様向けの拡張機能を実装しています。また、Valve社の代表作『ハーフライフ』やCD Projekt Red社による『Cyberpunk 2077』とのコラボレーションコンテンツが収録されます。 「Social Strand System™」で世界中のプレイヤーと繋がりましょう。

• 公式アートブック「THE ART OF DEATH STRANDING」デジタルセレクション版 (出版:Titan Books)
• バックパック用デザインパッチ
• ブリッジズ制式配送班スーツ(ゴールド/色替え)
• BBポッドカスタマイズ(カイラルゴールド/色替え)
• パワーグラブ(ゴールド)
• ブリッジズ制式配送班スーツ(シルバー/色替え)
• BBポッドカスタマイズ(オールリフレクター/色替え)
• パワーグラブ(シルバー)

데스 스트랜딩 업그레이드

올바른 버전의 데스 스트랜딩 디렉터스 컷을 구매하세요.

데스 스트랜딩을 이미 보유하고 있다면 저렴한 가격에 데스 스트랜딩 디렉터스 컷으로 게임 버전을 업그레이드할 수 있습니다. 데스 스트랜딩 디렉터스 컷 업그레이드를 구매해하세요. 이전에 이 플랫폼에서 데스 스트랜딩을 구매했어야 하며, 시스템에 설치되어 있어야 합니다.

데스 스트랜딩을 구매하지 않은 경우 표시된 정가에 데스 스트랜딩 디렉터스 컷을 구매할 수 있습니다.

데스 스트랜딩 디렉터스 컷 다운로드를 완료하고 데스 스트랜딩 디렉터스 컷에 세이브 파일을 전송할 때까지 PC에서 데스 스트랜딩을 삭제하지 않는 것이 좋습니다.

게임 정보

전설의 게임 제작자 코지마 히데오가 도전한 새로운 장르 경험이 완벽한 디렉터스 컷(DIRECTOR’S CUT)으로 확장됩니다.

먼 미래, 데스 스트랜딩(Death Stranding)이라는 괴현상이 생과 사의 경계에 있는 문을 열고 말았고, 사회가 고립되어 멸망해가는 세상에 사후세계의 괴생명체가 나타나기 시작합니다.

플레이어는 샘 브리지스(Sam Bridges)가 되어 생사의 경계가 무너진 미대륙 최후의 생존자 사이를 이어 인류에 희망을 전달하는 임무를 맡습니다.
산산조각이 난 세계를 조금씩이나마 다시 연결할 수 있을까요?

데스 스트랜딩 디렉터스 컷 PC판에는 높은 프레임률, 포토 모드, 울트라와이드 모니터 지원이 포함됩니다. 또한 Valve Corporation의 HALF-LIFE 시리즈 및 CD Projekt Red의 사이버펑크 2077과 크로스오버 콘텐츠가 기다리고 있습니다. Social Strand System™으로 전 세계 플레이어와 교류하세요.

모든 게임에는 추가로 다음이 포함됩니다:
• “데스 스트랜딩 아트북” 디지털북(Titan Books 출간)
• 백팩 패치
• 브리지스 특별 배송 팀 슈트(골드)
• BB 포드 커스터마이징(카이랄 골드)
• 파워 글로브(골드)
• 브리지스 특별 배송 팀 슈트(실버)
• BB 포드 커스터마이징(옴니리플렉터)
• 파워 글로브(실버)


Please make sure you purchase right version of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

If you already own DEATH STRANDING then you can upgrade your version of the game to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT for a lower price. Please purchase the DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT UPGRADE. You must have previously purchased DEATH STRANDING on this platform, and have it installed on your system.

If you have not purchased DEATH STRANDING then you may purchase DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT at the stated full price.

We recommend you do not remove DEATH STRANDING from your PC until you have completed the download of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT and you have transferred your save files to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT.

Om spillet

From legendary game creator Hideo Kojima comes a genre-defying experience, now expanded in this definitive DIRECTOR’S CUT.

In the future, a mysterious event known as the Death Stranding has opened a doorway between the living and the dead, leading to grotesque creatures from the afterlife roaming the fallen world marred by a desolate society.

As Sam Bridges, your mission is to deliver hope to humanity by connecting the last survivors of a decimated America.

Can you reunite the shattered world, one step at a time?

DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT on PC includes HIGH FRAME RATE, PHOTO MODE and ULTRA-WIDE MONITOR SUPPORT. Also includes cross-over content from Valve Corporation’s HALF-LIFE series and CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077. Stay connected with players around the globe with the Social Strand System™.

All copies of the game will also additionally include:
• “Selections From ‘The Art of DEATH STRANDING’” Digital Book (by Titan Books)
• Backpack Patches
• Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Gold)
• BB pod customization (Chiral Gold)
• Power Gloves (Gold)
• Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Silver)
• BB pod customization (Omnireflector)
• Power Gloves (Silver)


Please make sure you purchase right version of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

If you already own DEATH STRANDING then you can upgrade your version of the game to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT for a lower price. Please purchase the DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT UPGRADE. You must have previously purchased DEATH STRANDING on this platform, and have it installed on your system.

If you have not purchased DEATH STRANDING then you may purchase DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT at the stated full price.

We recommend you do not remove DEATH STRANDING from your PC until you have completed the download of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT and you have transferred your save files to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT.

Informacje o grze

Legendarny twórca gier Hideo Kojima przedstawia swoje nieszablonowe dzieło, teraz w rozszerzonej edycji Director’s Cut.

W przyszłości tajemnicze zdarzenie zwane Wdarciem Śmierci otworzyło drzwi pomiędzy wymiarami żywych i umarłych, przez co okropne stworzenia z zaświatów przemierzają teraz zniszczoną Ziemię, zamieszkałą przez niedobitki społeczeństwa.

Jako Sam Bridges masz za zadanie nieść nadzieję ludzkości poprzez zjednoczenie ostatnich ocalałych żyjących w zdziesiątkowanej Ameryce.
Czy scalisz zrujnowany świat – krok po kroku?

DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT na PC oferuje tryb WYSOKIEJ PŁYNNOŚCI, TRYB ZDJĘĆ i OBSŁUGĘ MONITORÓW ULTRA-WIDE. Gra zawiera również zawartość nawiązującą do serii gier HALF-LIFE autorstwa Valve Corporation oraz Cyberpunk 2077 studia CD Projekt Red. System Społecznościowych Splotów – bądź w kontakcie z graczami na całym świecie.

Wszystkie egzemplarze gry zawierać będą ponadto:
• Fragmenty cyfrowego albumu „The Art of DEATH STRANDING” (wyd. Titan Books)
• Naszywki na plecak
• Kombinezon Drużyny Przesyłki Specjalnej Bridges (złoty)
• Personalizacja kapsuły ŁD (złoty chiral)
• Rękawice mocy (złote)
• Kombinezon Drużyny Przesyłki Specjalnej Bridges (srebrny)
• Personalizacja kapsuły ŁD (omnireflektor)
• rękawice mocy (srebrne)


Please make sure you purchase right version of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

If you already own DEATH STRANDING then you can upgrade your version of the game to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT for a lower price. Please purchase the DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT UPGRADE. You must have previously purchased DEATH STRANDING on this platform, and have it installed on your system.

If you have not purchased DEATH STRANDING then you may purchase DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT at the stated full price.

We recommend you do not remove DEATH STRANDING from your PC until you have completed the download of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT and you have transferred your save files to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT.

Acerca do Jogo

O lendário criador Hideo Kojima traz uma nova experiência no género, agora expandida nesta VERSÃO DO REALIZADOR definitiva.

No futuro, um evento misterioso conhecido como Death Stranding abriu uma porta entre os vivos e os mortos, levando criaturas grotescas da vida após a morte a vaguear por um mundo caído manchado por uma sociedade desolada.

No papel de Sam Bridges, resgata a humanidade ligando os últimos sobreviventes de uma América dizimada.
Conseguirás voltar a unir o mundo estilhaçado, passo a passo?

A VERSÃO DO REALIZADOR DE DEATH STRANDING em PC inclui VELOCIDADE DE FOTOGRAMAS ALTA, MODO FOTOGRAFIA e SUPORTE PARA MONITOR ULTRA LARGO. Inclui também conteúdo cruzado da série HALF-LIFE da Valve Corporation e de Cyberpunk 2077 da CD Projekt Red. Mantém-te ligado com jogadores de todo o mundo com o Social Strand System™.

Todas as cópias do jogo incluirão adicionalmente:
• O livro digital “Selections From ‘The Art of DEATH STRANDING’” (da Titan Books)
• Remendos para mochila
• Fato de equipa de entregas especiais da Bridges (Ouro)
• Personalização de BB pod (Ouro Chiral)
• Luvas ativadas (Ouro)
• Fato de equipa de entregas especiais da Bridges (Prata)
• Personalização de BB pod (Omnirrefletor)
• Luvas ativadas (Prata)


Please make sure you purchase right version of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

If you already own DEATH STRANDING then you can upgrade your version of the game to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT for a lower price. Please purchase the DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT UPGRADE. You must have previously purchased DEATH STRANDING on this platform, and have it installed on your system.

If you have not purchased DEATH STRANDING then you may purchase DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT at the stated full price.

We recommend you do not remove DEATH STRANDING from your PC until you have completed the download of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT and you have transferred your save files to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT.

Despre joc

From legendary game creator Hideo Kojima comes a genre-defying experience, now expanded in this definitive DIRECTOR’S CUT.

In the future, a mysterious event known as the Death Stranding has opened a doorway between the living and the dead, leading to grotesque creatures from the afterlife roaming the fallen world marred by a desolate society.

As Sam Bridges, your mission is to deliver hope to humanity by connecting the last survivors of a decimated America.

Can you reunite the shattered world, one step at a time?

DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT on PC includes HIGH FRAME RATE, PHOTO MODE and ULTRA-WIDE MONITOR SUPPORT. Also includes cross-over content from Valve Corporation’s HALF-LIFE series and CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077. Stay connected with players around the globe with the Social Strand System™.

All copies of the game will also additionally include:
• “Selections From ‘The Art of DEATH STRANDING’” Digital Book (by Titan Books)
• Backpack Patches
• Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Gold)
• BB pod customization (Chiral Gold)
• Power Gloves (Gold)
• Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Silver)
• BB pod customization (Omnireflector)
• Power Gloves (Silver)


Please make sure you purchase right version of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

If you already own DEATH STRANDING then you can upgrade your version of the game to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT for a lower price. Please purchase the DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT UPGRADE. You must have previously purchased DEATH STRANDING on this platform, and have it installed on your system.

If you have not purchased DEATH STRANDING then you may purchase DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT at the stated full price.

We recommend you do not remove DEATH STRANDING from your PC until you have completed the download of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT and you have transferred your save files to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT.

Об игре

Легендарный творец Хидэо Кодзима представляет окончательную версию DIRECTOR’S CUT знаковой для жанра игры.

Таинственное событие, известное как Death Stranding, в будущем открыло дверь между миром живых и миром мертвых. Как результат, уродливые потусторонние твари отправились бродить по падшему миру, в котором почти не осталось людей.

Действуя от лица Сэма Бриджеса и объединяя последних выживших на территории Америки, вам предстоит возродить надежду человечества.
Удастся ли вам шаг за шагом воссоединить разрушенный мир?

DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT на ПК обеспечивает ВЫСОКУЮ ЧАСТОТУ СМЕНЫ КАДРОВ и предоставляет ФОТОРЕЖИМ и ПОДДЕРЖКУ СВЕРХШИРОКИХ МОНИТОРОВ. Также включает в себя перекрестный контент из серии HALF-LIFE корпорации Valve и Cyberpunk 2077 от CD Projekt Red. Оставайтесь на связи с игроками по всему миру с помощью Social Strand System™.

Все копии игры также будут содержать:
• Цифровую книгу "Selections From The Art of DEATH STRANDING" (изд. Titan Books).
• Исправления в ранце
• Особый костюм команды доставки Бриджеса (Золото)
• Настройки капсулы ББ (Хиральное золото)
• Силовые перчатки (Золото)
• Особый костюм команды доставки Бриджеса (Серебро)
• Настройки капсулы ББ (Омнирефлектор)
• Силовые перчатки (Серебро)





建议您先进行《死亡搁浅导演剪辑版》的游戏下载,再将《死亡搁浅》的存档文件传输到《死亡搁浅导演剪辑版》,然后再将其从您的 PC 中删除。




玩家将扮演山姆·布里奇斯(Sam Bridges),你的任务就是将这残破的美国中最后的幸存者们联合起来,为人类带来希望。

PC版《死亡搁浅导演剪辑版》拥有高帧率和拍照模式,并且支持超宽带鱼屏。还包括 Valve Corporation 的《半条命》(HALF-LIFE)系列和 CD Projekt Red 的《赛博朋克 2077》(Cyberpunk 2077)的联动内容。使用 Social Strand System™ 与全球玩家联机。

• 由 Titan Books 出版的《死亡搁浅艺术设定集》数字图书的节选
• 背包补丁
• 布里奇斯特遣队套装(金)
• BB吊舱的定制(开罗尔金)
• 力量手套(金)
• 布里奇斯特遣队套装(银)
• BB吊舱的定制(全反射银)
• 力量手套(银)


Please make sure you purchase right version of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

If you already own DEATH STRANDING then you can upgrade your version of the game to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT for a lower price. Please purchase the DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT UPGRADE. You must have previously purchased DEATH STRANDING on this platform, and have it installed on your system.

If you have not purchased DEATH STRANDING then you may purchase DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT at the stated full price.

We recommend you do not remove DEATH STRANDING from your PC until you have completed the download of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT and you have transferred your save files to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT.

Acerca del juego

El legendario creador de videojuegos Hideo Kojima nos ofrece una experiencia que desafía a todos los géneros y que, ahora, se amplía con este DIRECTOR’S CUT definitivo.

En el futuro, un misterioso evento conocido como Death Stranding ha abierto una puerta entre los vivos y los muertos, lo que lleva a grotescas criaturas del otro mundo deambulen por un planeta en ruinas habitado por una sociedad desolada.

En el papel de Sam Bridges, tendrás la misión de llevar esperanza a la humanidad conectando a los últimos supervivientes de unos Estados Unidos arrasados.
¿Podrás volver a unir, paso a paso, un mundo hecho añicos?

DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT en PC incluye ALTA TASA DE REFRESCO, MODO FOTO y COMPATIBILIDAD CON MONITOR ULTRAWIDE. También incluye contenido cruzado con la serie HALF-LIFE de Valve Corporation y Cyberpunk 2077 de CD Projekt Red. Mantente conectado con jugadores de todo el mundo con el sistema Social Strand System™.

Todas las copias del juego incluirán también:
• “Selecciones del libro digital “The Art of DEATH STRANDING” (de Titan Books)
• Parches para la mochila
• Traje de equipo de entregas especiales de Bridges (oro)
• Personalización de la cápsula de BB (dorado quiral)
• Guantes reforzados (oro)
• Traje de equipo de entregas especiales de Bridges (plata)
• Personalización de la cápsula de BB (omnirreflector)
• Guantes reforzados (plata)


Please make sure you purchase right version of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

If you already own DEATH STRANDING then you can upgrade your version of the game to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT for a lower price. Please purchase the DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT UPGRADE. You must have previously purchased DEATH STRANDING on this platform, and have it installed on your system.

If you have not purchased DEATH STRANDING then you may purchase DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT at the stated full price.

We recommend you do not remove DEATH STRANDING from your PC until you have completed the download of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT and you have transferred your save files to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT.

Om spelet

From legendary game creator Hideo Kojima comes a genre-defying experience, now expanded in this definitive DIRECTOR’S CUT.

In the future, a mysterious event known as the Death Stranding has opened a doorway between the living and the dead, leading to grotesque creatures from the afterlife roaming the fallen world marred by a desolate society.

As Sam Bridges, your mission is to deliver hope to humanity by connecting the last survivors of a decimated America.

Can you reunite the shattered world, one step at a time?

DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT on PC includes HIGH FRAME RATE, PHOTO MODE and ULTRA-WIDE MONITOR SUPPORT. Also includes cross-over content from Valve Corporation’s HALF-LIFE series and CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077. Stay connected with players around the globe with the Social Strand System™.

All copies of the game will also additionally include:
• “Selections From ‘The Art of DEATH STRANDING’” Digital Book (by Titan Books)
• Backpack Patches
• Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Gold)
• BB pod customization (Chiral Gold)
• Power Gloves (Gold)
• Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Silver)
• BB pod customization (Omnireflector)
• Power Gloves (Silver)


Please make sure you purchase right version of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

If you already own DEATH STRANDING then you can upgrade your version of the game to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT for a lower price. Please purchase the DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT UPGRADE. You must have previously purchased DEATH STRANDING on this platform, and have it installed on your system.

If you have not purchased DEATH STRANDING then you may purchase DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT at the stated full price.

We recommend you do not remove DEATH STRANDING from your PC until you have completed the download of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT and you have transferred your save files to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT.


จากตำนานแห่งเกมครีเอเตอร์อย่างฮิเดโอะ โคจิมะมาสู่ผลงานแบบผสมผสาน มาถึงส่วนขยายเพิ่มเติมฉบับไดเรคเตอร์คัท

ในอนาคต เหตุการณ์พิศวงที่เรียกกันว่า Death Stranding นั้นได้เปิดประตูระหว่างโลกแห่งความเป็นและความตาย ทำให้สัตว์ร้ายอันแสนน่ากลัวจากโลกหลังความตายมาเยือนโลกที่ล่มสลายที่ถูกทำลายด้วยสังคมที่รกร้าง

สวมบทบาทเป็น Sam Bridges ภารกิจของคุณคือการมอบความหวังให้แก่มนุษยชาติด้วยการติดต่อกับผู้รอดชีวิตกลุ่มสุดท้ายของอเมริกาที่ถูกทำลายสิ้นไป

DEATH STRANDING ฉบับไดเรคเตอรส์คัทสำหรับ PC นั้นเป็นฉบับเฟรมเรทสูง มีโหมดภาพถ่าย และรองรับจอแบบอัลตราไวด์ และยังมีครอสโอเวอร์คอนเทนต์จากซีรีส์ HALF-LIFE ของ Valve Corporation และ Cyberpunk 2077 ของ Projekt Red เชื่อมต่อกับผู้เล่นรอบโลกด้วย Social Strand System™

• ดิจิทัลบุ๊ก "ชุดหนังสือ ‘The Art of DEATH STRANDING’” (โดย Titan Books)
• แพตช์ Backpack
• ทีมสูท Bridges Special Delivery (โกลด์)
• ชุดปรับแต่ง BB Pod (ไครัลโกลด์)
• Power Gloves (โกลด์)
• ทีมสูท Bridges Special Delivery (ซิลเวอร์)
• ชุดปรับแต่ง BB Pod (ออมนิรีเฟลคเตอร์)
• Power Gloves (ซิลเวอร์)










《死亡擱淺導演剪輯版》PC 版包含高幀率、拍照模式,並支援超寬螢幕顯示。還包含 Valve Corporation 的 《HALF-LIFE》 系列和 CD Projekt Red 的 《電馭叛客 2077 》的聯動內容。使用 Social Strand System™ 與全球玩家保持連繫。

• 《死亡擱淺美術設定集》電子版精選(由Titan Book出版)
• 背包布章
• 布橋斯特殊配送隊套裝(金)
• BB 圓艙自訂功能(開若爾金)
• 力量手套(金)
• 布橋斯特殊配送隊套裝(銀)
• BB 圓艙自訂功能(鏡面灰)
• 力量手套(銀)


Please make sure you purchase right version of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

If you already own DEATH STRANDING then you can upgrade your version of the game to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT for a lower price. Please purchase the DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT UPGRADE. You must have previously purchased DEATH STRANDING on this platform, and have it installed on your system.

If you have not purchased DEATH STRANDING then you may purchase DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT at the stated full price.

We recommend you do not remove DEATH STRANDING from your PC until you have completed the download of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT and you have transferred your save files to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT.

Oyun Açıklaması

Efsanevi oyun yapımcısı Hideo Kojima oyun türünün sınırlarını zorlayan bir deneyim sunuyor, artık bu deneyim kusursuz YÖNETMEN KURGUSU sürümünde daha da kapsamlı.

Gelecekte Death Stranding olarak bilinen gizemli bir olay, ölülerle dirilerin arasında bir geçit açıyor ve öteki dünyadan fırlayıp gelen garip yaratıklar, kimsesiz toplumlar tarafından mahvedilen dünyada başıboş geziyor.

Sam Bridges olarak görevin büyük bir kısmı yok edilen Amerika'daki son hayatta kalanları bir araya getirerek insanlığa umut sunmak.
Bu paramparça dünyayı adım adım bir araya getirebilir misin?

DEATH STRANDING YÖNETMEN KURGUSU sürümü PC'de YÜKSEK KARE HIZI, FOTOĞRAF MODU ve ULTRA GENİŞ MONİTÖR DESTEĞİ içeriyor. Ayrıca Valve Corporation'ın HALF-LIFE serisinden ve CD Projekt Red'in Cyberpunk 2077 oyunundan karışık içerikler içeriyor. Social Strand System™ ile dünyanın dört bir yanından oyuncularla bağlantıda kal.

Oyunun tüm kopyaları ek olarak şunları da içerir:
• “‘The Art of DEATH STRANDING’” Dijital Kitabından (Titan Books tarafından hazırlandı) Kesitler
• Çanta Yamaları
• Köprüler Özel Teslim Ekibi Takımı (Altın)
• BB pod özelleştirmesi (Şiral Altın)
• Güç Eldivenleri (Altın)
• Köprüler Özel Teslim Ekibi Takımı (Gümüş)
• BB pod özelleştirmesi (Tüm Yansıtıcı)
• Güç Eldivenleri (Gümüş)


Please make sure you purchase right version of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT.

If you already own DEATH STRANDING then you can upgrade your version of the game to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT for a lower price. Please purchase the DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT UPGRADE. You must have previously purchased DEATH STRANDING on this platform, and have it installed on your system.

If you have not purchased DEATH STRANDING then you may purchase DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT at the stated full price.

We recommend you do not remove DEATH STRANDING from your PC until you have completed the download of DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT and you have transferred your save files to DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT.

Про гру

Роботи легендарного творця ігор Хідео Кодзіма завжди унікальні, і сьогодні до них додалася ця надзвичайна DIRECTOR’S CUT.

У майбутньому стається таємнича подія під назвою «Death Stranding», «Сплетіння смерті», яка утворює прохід між світами живих та мертвих. І страхітливі створіння зі світу мертвих захоплюють зруйнований світ, сповнений нещасних та відірваних одне від одного людей.

Ви — Сем Бріджес, і лише ви можете врятувати людство, згуртувавши останніх людей сплюндрованої Америки.
Чи вдасться вам знову об’єднати розірваний на шматки світ, крок за кроком?

DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT для ПК — це ВИСОКА ЧАСТОТА КАДРІВ, РЕЖИМ ФОТОЗЙОМКИ та ПІДТРИМКА МОНІТОРІВ ULTRA-WIDE Також присутній контент, спільний з HALF-LIFE від Valve Corporation та Cyberpunk 2077 від CD Projekt Red. Підтримуйте зв’язок з іншими гравцями в світі завдяки Social Strand System™.

До всіх копій гри також додаються:
• Уривки з електронного артбуку «Світ гри DEATH STRANDING» (в-во Titan Books)
• Нашивки для рюкзака
• Костюм Бріджеса «Особлива команда доставки» (золотий)
• Кастомізація для капсули BB pod (хіральне золото)
• Силові рукавиці (золоті)
• Костюм Бріджеса «Особлива команда доставки» (срібний)
• Кастомізація для капсули BB pod (омнірефлектор)
• Силові рукавиці (срібні)

System Requirements


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