Death's Door
Death's Door
Death's Door
Death's Door
Death's Door
Death's Door
Death's Door

Death's Door

Release Date: 20/07/2021 | WORLDWIDE
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Retail Price: 22.26 € 8%
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Edição digital de luxo

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

Sobre o jogo

Ceifar a alma dos mortos e bater o cartão pode ser uma rotina monótona, mas é o trabalho honesto de um Corvo. Mas isso está prestes a mudar, quando sua alma designada é roubada, e você deve perseguir um ladrão desesperado até um reino intocado pela morte, onde criaturas vivem muito além do que deveriam e acumulam ganância e poder.
Lute para valer: Use armas de combate corpo a corpo, flechas e magias para vencer um fantástico elenco de feras e semideuses. Erros serão punidos, e a vitória será recompensada. Personalize os atributos do seu personagem e domine suas habilidades e melhorias obtidas.
Um belo mundo desolado: Aventure-se além das Portas e explore um universo cheio de habitantes exóticos e incontáveis segredos, levando esperança aos personagens esquisitos e maravilhosos que você encontra pelo caminho.
Um mistério obscuro para desvendar: Persiga e derrote tiranos colossais com diferentes histórias e motivações. Entre em um conto sombrio, e ainda assim divertido, revelando as verdades por trás do fluxo de almas, a função dos Corvos e a origem das Portas.

Луксозно дигитално издание

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

Относно играта

Reaping souls of the dead and punching a clock might get monotonous but it's honest work for a Crow. The job gets lively when your assigned soul is stolen and you must track down a desperate thief to a realm untouched by death - where creatures grow far past their expiry and overflow with greed and power.

Talon Sharp Combat: Utilize melee weapons, arrows and magic to overcome a fantastic array of beasts and demigods. Mistakes are punished and victory is rewarded. Gain an edge by customizing your character stats and mastering the abilities and upgrades you obtain.

A Beautifully Bleak World: Venture beyond the Doors and explore a land full of twisted inhabitants and countless secrets, bringing hope to the weird and wonderful characters you’ll meet along the way.

A Dark Mystery to Unravel: Track down and defeat colossal tyrants with stories and motivations of their own. Experience a somber yet darkly comedic tale, uncovering the truths behind the flow of souls, the role of the Crows and the origin of the Doors.

Digitální luxusní edice

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

O hře

Reaping souls of the dead and punching a clock might get monotonous but it's honest work for a Crow. The job gets lively when your assigned soul is stolen and you must track down a desperate thief to a realm untouched by death - where creatures grow far past their expiry and overflow with greed and power.

Talon Sharp Combat: Utilize melee weapons, arrows and magic to overcome a fantastic array of beasts and demigods. Mistakes are punished and victory is rewarded. Gain an edge by customizing your character stats and mastering the abilities and upgrades you obtain.

A Beautifully Bleak World: Venture beyond the Doors and explore a land full of twisted inhabitants and countless secrets, bringing hope to the weird and wonderful characters you’ll meet along the way.

A Dark Mystery to Unravel: Track down and defeat colossal tyrants with stories and motivations of their own. Experience a somber yet darkly comedic tale, uncovering the truths behind the flow of souls, the role of the Crows and the origin of the Doors.

Digital Deluxe Edition

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

Om spillet

At høste de dødes sjæle og stemple ind og ud kan være ret ensformigt, men det er et ærligt arbejde for en krage. Jobbet bliver dog noget mere livligt, når din tildelte sjæl bliver stjålet og du skal opspore en desperat tyv i en verden, der er uberørt af døden - hvor skabninger lever langt længere end deres udløbsdato og syder af grådighed og magtbegær.
Skarp klo-kamp: Brug nærkampsvåben, pile og trolddom til at overvinde et fantastisk udvalg af udyr og halvguder. Fejl straffes, og sejr belønnes. Kom på forkant ved at tilpasse din figurs attributter og mestre de evner og opgraderinger, du opnår.
En smuk, håbløs verden: Tag chancen og gå gennem dørene - udforsk et land fuld af forskruede indbyggere og utallige hemmeligheder og giv håb til de unaturlige og vidunderlige figurer, du møder undervejs.
Et mørkt mysterium, der skal opklares: Opspor og besejr kolossale tyranner, som har deres egne historier og motiver. Oplev en dyster, men alligevel komisk sort fortælling, der løfter sløret om sandhederne bag sjælestrømmen, kragernes rolle og dørenes oprindelse.

Luxe digitale editie

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

Info over het spel

De zielen van de doden oogsten en op een klok slaan gaat misschien vervelen, maar het is wel eerlijk werk voor een Kraai. De klus wordt interessant als de aan jou toegewezen ziel wordt gestolen en je een wanhopige dief moet volgen in een land waar de dood geen vat op heeft - waar wezens veel langer leven dan de bedoeling is en overlopen van hebzucht en macht.

Gevechten met scherpe klauwen: gebruik contactwapens, pijlen en magie om een reeks fantastische beesten en halfgoden te verslaan. Fouten worden bestraft en overwinning wordt beloond. Neem een voorsprong door je personagestatistieken aan te passen en de vaardigheden en upgrades die je verkrijgt onder de knie te krijgen.

Een prachtig sombere wereld: waag je door de Deuren en verken een land vol vreemde bewoners en geheimen en geef de bijzondere figuren die je onderweg tegenkomt nieuwe hoop.

Een duister mysterie om te ontrafelen: vind en versla reusachtige tirannen met hun eigen verhalen en beweegredenen. Beleef een somber verhaal vol duistere humor, waarin je de waarheden ontdekt achter de reis van de zielen, de rol van de Kraaien en de oorsprong van de Deuren.

Digital Deluxe Edition

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

About the Game

Reaping souls of the dead and punching a clock might get monotonous but it's honest work for a Crow. The job gets lively when your assigned soul is stolen and you must track down a desperate thief to a realm untouched by death - where creatures grow far past their expiry and overflow with greed and power.

Talon Sharp Combat: Utilize melee weapons, arrows and magic to overcome a fantastic array of beasts and demigods. Mistakes are punished and victory is rewarded. Gain an edge by customizing your character stats and mastering the abilities and upgrades you obtain.

A Beautifully Bleak World: Venture beyond the Doors and explore a land full of twisted inhabitants and countless secrets, bringing hope to the weird and wonderful characters you’ll meet along the way.

A Dark Mystery to Unravel: Track down and defeat colossal tyrants with stories and motivations of their own. Experience a somber yet darkly comedic tale, uncovering the truths behind the flow of souls, the role of the Crows and the origin of the Doors.

Digital Deluxe Edition

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

Tietoja pelistä

Vainajien sielujen kerääminen ja kellokortin leimaaminen voi käydä tylsäksi, mutta se on rehellistä työtä varikselle. Hommasta tulee paljon vauhdikkaampaa, kun kerättävä sielu varastetaan ja sinun on seurattava epätoivoista varasta maailmaan, jota kuolema ei ole koskettanut - ja jonka asukkaat kasvavat aivan liian suuriksi ja ovat täynnä ahneutta ja vallanhimoa.
Kynnenteräviä taisteluita: käytä lähitaisteluaseita, nuolia ja taikuutta hyvin monenlaisia olentoja ja puolijumalia vastaan. Virheistä rangaistaan ja voitoista palkitaan. Päihitä vihollisesi muokkaamalla hahmosi ominaisuuksia, taitoja ja päivityksiä itsellesi sopiviksi.
Kauniin karu maailma: uskaltaudu Ovien tuolle puolen ja tutki maailmaa, joka on täynnä kieroutuneita asukkaita ja lukemattomia salaisuuksia. Tuo toivoa oudoille ja ihastuttaville hahmoille, joita tapaat matkallasi.
Selvitä synkkä mysteeri: etsi ja kukista kolossaalisia tyranneja, joilla kaikilla on omat tarinansa ja motiivinsa. Koe synkeä mutta mustaa huumoria sisältävä tarina, joka paljastaa totuuden sielujen virrasta, varisten roolista ja Ovien alkuperästä.

Édition numérique de luxe

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

À propos du jeu

Moissonner les âmes des défunts et pointer à heure fixe peut s'avérer être une besogne des plus monotones... mais il s'agit d'un travail fort honnête pour un Corbeau. Les choses se compliquent lorsque l'âme dont vous êtes responsable est subtilisée par un voleur désespéré. Vous devez alors traquer le malfrat jusqu'aux profondeurs insondables d'un royaume qui échappe à la mort. Mais attention... cet endroit grouille de créatures qui auraient dû trépasser voilà bien longtemps, des créatures dont la puissance incommensurable n'a d'égal que l'avidité insatiable.

Combats aussi cinglants que des serres acérées : Utilisez des armes de corps à corps, des flèches et la magie pour terrasser un bestiaire fantastique où monstres et demi-dieux se mêlent et s'entremêlent. Les erreurs sont sanctionnées et la victoire, récompensée. Mettez toutes les chances de votre côté en personnalisant les statistiques de votre alter ego virtuel, ou encore en maîtrisant les capacités et améliorations que vous découvrez en cours de route.

Un superbe monde ténébreux : Aventurez-vous au-delà des Portes et partez à la découverte d'une région foisonnant d'entités grotesques et de secrets nébuleux ! Vous pourrez même insuffler une lueur d'espoir aux personnages insolites et merveilleux dont vous croiserez le chemin.

Un sombre mystère à percer : Débusquez des tyrans surdimensionnés et faites-leur mordre la poussière. Chacun de ces colosses possède sa propre histoire et ses propres motivations. Laissez-vous captiver par un conte ténébreux, transcendé par un humour noir sans concession. Lors de votre périple, vous découvrirez toute la vérité sur le flux des âmes, le rôle des Corbeaux et l'origine des Portes.

Digitale Deluxe-Edition

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

Über das Spiel

Die Seelen der Toten zu ernten und die Uhr zu stempeln mag auf Dauer etwas eintönig sein, doch es ist eine ehrbare Arbeit für eine Krähe. Der Job wird mit einem Mal lebhaft, als die dir zugewiesene Seele gestohlen wird und du einem verzweifelten Dieb in ein vom Tod unberührtes Reich folgen musst – wo Wesen weit über ihre normale Spanne hinaus leben und vor Gier und Macht bersten.
Kämpfe mit scharfen Krallen: Nutze Nahkampfwaffen, Pfeile und Magie, um eine fantastische Ansammlung von Bestien und Halbgöttern zu bezwingen. Fehler werden bestraft, doch der Sieg wird belohnt. Verschaffe dir einen Vorteil, indem du die Werte deines Charakters anpasst und die Fähigkeiten und Upgrades meisterst, die du erhältst.
Eine düster-herrliche Welt: Wage dich hinter die Türen. Erkunde ein Land voller verschrobener Bewohner und unzähliger Geheimnisse. Bring den seltsamen, wunderbaren Charakteren, denen du auf deinem Weg begegnest, etwas Hoffnung.
Enträtsele ein dunkles Geheimnis: Spüre kolossale Tyrannen mit eigenen Geschichten und Motivationen auf – und besiege sie. Erlebe eine düstere und doch humorvolle Geschichte, während du die Wahrheiten hinter dem Fluss der Seelen enthüllst, die Rolle der Krähen erkennst und den Ursprung der Türen aufdeckst.

Ψηφιακή πολυτελής έκδοση

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Reaping souls of the dead and punching a clock might get monotonous but it's honest work for a Crow. The job gets lively when your assigned soul is stolen and you must track down a desperate thief to a realm untouched by death - where creatures grow far past their expiry and overflow with greed and power.

Talon Sharp Combat: Utilize melee weapons, arrows and magic to overcome a fantastic array of beasts and demigods. Mistakes are punished and victory is rewarded. Gain an edge by customizing your character stats and mastering the abilities and upgrades you obtain.

A Beautifully Bleak World: Venture beyond the Doors and explore a land full of twisted inhabitants and countless secrets, bringing hope to the weird and wonderful characters you’ll meet along the way.

A Dark Mystery to Unravel: Track down and defeat colossal tyrants with stories and motivations of their own. Experience a somber yet darkly comedic tale, uncovering the truths behind the flow of souls, the role of the Crows and the origin of the Doors.

Digital Deluxe kiadás

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

A játékról: 

Reaping souls of the dead and punching a clock might get monotonous but it's honest work for a Crow. The job gets lively when your assigned soul is stolen and you must track down a desperate thief to a realm untouched by death - where creatures grow far past their expiry and overflow with greed and power.

Talon Sharp Combat: Utilize melee weapons, arrows and magic to overcome a fantastic array of beasts and demigods. Mistakes are punished and victory is rewarded. Gain an edge by customizing your character stats and mastering the abilities and upgrades you obtain.

A Beautifully Bleak World: Venture beyond the Doors and explore a land full of twisted inhabitants and countless secrets, bringing hope to the weird and wonderful characters you’ll meet along the way.

A Dark Mystery to Unravel: Track down and defeat colossal tyrants with stories and motivations of their own. Experience a somber yet darkly comedic tale, uncovering the truths behind the flow of souls, the role of the Crows and the origin of the Doors.

Edizione deluxe digitale

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

Informazioni sul gioco

Mietere le anime dei defunti, giorno dopo giorno, potrebbe sembrare monotono, ma per un Corvo è un lavoro decente. Le cose iniziano però a movimentarsi quando l'anima che dovresti raccogliere viene rubata, e tu sei costretto a inseguire il disperato ladro in un regno in cui la morte non esiste, popolato da avide creature assetate di potere che vivono ben oltre le aspettative.
Combattimenti all'ultimo artiglio: usa armi da mischia, frecce e incantesimi per sconfiggere schiere di bestie e semidei. Gli errori verranno puniti, ma le vittorie saranno ricompensate. Diventa sempre più forte personalizzando le statistiche del tuo personaggio e padroneggiando le abilità e i potenziamenti che otterrai.
Un mondo splendidamente tenebroso: avventurati oltre le Porte ed esplora una terra abitata da sinistre creature e traboccante di segreti, portando speranza ai bizzarri e favolosi personaggi che incontrerai.
Un oscuro mistero da svelare: insegui e sconfiggi colossali tiranni, ognuno con una storia e obiettivi specifici. Vivi situazioni all'insegna dell'umorismo nero, facendo luce sul flusso di anime, sul ruolo dei Corvi e sull'origine delle Porte.


『Death's Door』本編






디지털 디럭스 에디션

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

게임 정보

죽은 자의 영혼을 수확하고 시간을 끝내는 것은 단조로울 수 있지만 까마귀에겐 평범한 일입니다. 하지만 주어진 영혼을 도둑맞게 되면 변화가 일어납니다. 영혼을 도난하고 죽음의 손길이 닿지 않는 영역으로 도망친 절망적인 도둑을 추적하십시오.
날카로운 발톱 전투: 근접 무기, 화살, 마법을 사용하여 환성적인 짐승과 반신의 능력을 이겨내십시오. 실수는 처벌받고 승리는 보상을 받을 것입니다. 캐릭터를 원하는 대로 커스터마이징하여 성장하고 획득한 능력과 업그레이드를 통달하여 우위를 확보하세요.
아름답고 황량한 세계: 문 너머로 모험을 떠나 뒤틀린 주민들과 수많은 비밀로 가득한 땅을 탐험하러 떠나세요. 길을 따라 만나게 될 이상하고 멋진 캐릭터들에게 희망을 가져다주세요.
풀어야 할 어둠에 감춰진 미스터리: 자신만의 이야기와 동기로 거대한 폭군을 추적하고 물리치세요. 영혼의 흐름, 까마귀의 역할 및 문들의 기원 뒤에 숨겨진 진실을 밝혀내세요. 어둡지만 재밌는 이야기를 경험하세요.

Digital Deluxe-utgave

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

Om spillet

Å høste de dødes sjeler som levebrød blir kanskje litt monotont, men det er en grei jobb for en kråke. Jobben blir livlig når sjelen du skal hente blir stjålet, og du må følge en desperat tyv inn i et rike som har vært skånet for død – et sted hvor skapninger kan leve langt hinsides ordinær levetid, og grådighet og makt kan blomstre fritt.
Sylskarpe klokamper: Bruk nærkampsvåpen, piler og magi til å overkomme et fantastisk omfang av beist og halvguder. Feil vil bli straffet og seier belønnet. Få en fordel ved å tilpasse karakteren din, og lær deg å mestre egenskapene og oppgraderingene du finner.
En vakker og dyster verden: Reis bortenfor dørene og utforsk et område rikt på forskrudde beboere og utallige hemmeligheter, og bring håp til de rare og herlige karakterene du møter på veien.
Et mørkt mysterie å avdekke: Spor ned og beseir kolossale tyranner med egne historier og motivasjoner. Opplev en dyster fortelling med mørk humor mens du avslører sannheten bak sjelestrømmen, kråkenes rolle og dørenes opphav.

Digital Deluxe Edition

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

Informacje o grze

Codzienne zbieranie dusz zmarłych może wydać się nieco monotonne, ale Kruk lubi swoją pracę. Bywa jednak, że sprawy się komplikują – przykładowo, gdy dusza zostanie skradziona i nasz bohater musi wytropić zdesperowanego złodzieja w krainie nieskalanej przez śmierć, gdzie żyją bardzo stare istoty pełne chciwości i żądzy władzy.
Ostra walka: Korzystaj z broni do walki wręcz, strzał i magii, aby pokonać hordy bestii i półbogów. Zwycięstwa są nagradzane, a błędów się nie wybacza. Zyskaj przewagę, zwiększając statystyki i opanowując posługiwanie się rozmaitymi umiejętnościami i udoskonaleniami.
Piękno posępnego świata: Przejdź przez Wrota i poznaj krainę pełną wynaturzonych mieszkańców i licznych sekretów, przynosząc nadzieję osobliwym i niezwykłym postaciom napotkanym po drodze.
Mroczna historia: Pokonaj potężnych tyranów, z których każdy ma własną historię i motywację. Przeżyj mroczną, choć pełną czarnego humoru historię, odkrywając prawdę o duszach, roli Kruków oraz początkach Wrót.

Edição Deluxe digital

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

Acerca do Jogo

Reaping souls of the dead and punching a clock might get monotonous but it's honest work for a Crow. The job gets lively when your assigned soul is stolen and you must track down a desperate thief to a realm untouched by death - where creatures grow far past their expiry and overflow with greed and power.

Talon Sharp Combat: Utilize melee weapons, arrows and magic to overcome a fantastic array of beasts and demigods. Mistakes are punished and victory is rewarded. Gain an edge by customizing your character stats and mastering the abilities and upgrades you obtain.

A Beautifully Bleak World: Venture beyond the Doors and explore a land full of twisted inhabitants and countless secrets, bringing hope to the weird and wonderful characters you’ll meet along the way.

A Dark Mystery to Unravel: Track down and defeat colossal tyrants with stories and motivations of their own. Experience a somber yet darkly comedic tale, uncovering the truths behind the flow of souls, the role of the Crows and the origin of the Doors.

Ediţia Digital Deluxe

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

Despre joc

Reaping souls of the dead and punching a clock might get monotonous but it's honest work for a Crow. The job gets lively when your assigned soul is stolen and you must track down a desperate thief to a realm untouched by death - where creatures grow far past their expiry and overflow with greed and power.

Talon Sharp Combat: Utilize melee weapons, arrows and magic to overcome a fantastic array of beasts and demigods. Mistakes are punished and victory is rewarded. Gain an edge by customizing your character stats and mastering the abilities and upgrades you obtain.

A Beautifully Bleak World: Venture beyond the Doors and explore a land full of twisted inhabitants and countless secrets, bringing hope to the weird and wonderful characters you’ll meet along the way.

A Dark Mystery to Unravel: Track down and defeat colossal tyrants with stories and motivations of their own. Experience a somber yet darkly comedic tale, uncovering the truths behind the flow of souls, the role of the Crows and the origin of the Doors.

Издание Digital Deluxe Edition

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

Об игре

Сбор душ умерших от звонка до звонка — серые будни любой вороны, зарабатывающей на жизнь честным трудом. Однако работа может заиграть новыми красками, когда порученная тебе душа похищена, а отчаянный вор скрылся в краях, неподвластных смерти, — там, где раздувшиеся от собственной алчности и мощи существа уже давно пережили отведенный им срок.
Битвы на когтях: используйте оружие ближнего боя, стрелы и магию, чтобы сразить любую фантастическую тварь и даже полубога у вас на пути. Ошибки имеют последствия, зато победы будут вознаграждены. Настраивайте параметры персонажа, осваивайте умения и улучшения, чтобы получить преимущество.
До великолепия мрачный мир: пройдите через врата и исследуйте земли, наполненные причудливыми существами и множеством секретов, даря надежду каждому, кто ее ищет.
Темная тайна: выследите и уничтожьте всех исполинских тиранов, выведав их истории и мотивы. Погрузитесь в мрачную, но при этом комичную историю, раскрывающую правду о потоке душ, предназначении ворон и происхождении врат.


Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack



Digital Deluxe Edition

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

Acerca del juego

Cosechar las almas de los muertos y fichar en tu puesto puede hacerse monótono, pero es un trabajo honrado para un cuervo. La cosa se anima cuando roban el alma que tienes asignada y tienes que seguirle el rastro a un ladrón desesperado hasta un mundo que la muerte no ha tocado, donde las criaturas crecen más allá de lo que les toca y rebosan de codicia y poder.

Combate afilado: utiliza armas cuerpo a cuerpo, flechas y magia para vencer a un elenco fantástico de bestias y semidioses. Los errores se castigan y la victoria tiene su recompensa. Obtén ventaja personalizando las estadísticas de tu personaje y dominando las habilidades y mejoras que consigas.

Un mundo de lúgubre belleza: aventúrate más allá de las puertas y explora una tierra llena de habitantes retorcidos e incontables secretos, llevando esperanzas a los extraños y maravillosos personajes que encontrarás por el camino.

Un oscuro misterio que resolver: encuentra y derrota a tiranos colosales con sus propias historias y motivaciones. Vive un cuento sombrío pero lleno de humor negro, descubriendo las verdades que se ocultan detrás del flujo de almas, el papel de los cuervos y el origen de las puertas.

Digital delux-utgåva

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

Om spelet

Att skörda själar hela dagarna kan bli långrandigt, men det är hederligt arbete för en Kråka. Jobbet blir livligare när själen du ska hämta blir stulen och du måste jaga en desperat tjuv till en värld där döden inte satt sin fot – där varelser bara fortsätter växa och blir alltmer drivna av girighet och makt.
Knivvass fajting: Slåss i närstrid, skjut pilar och använd magi mot en rad olika bestar och halvgudar. Misstag kostar och framgång belönas. Förbättra oddsen genom att skräddarsy din karaktär och bemästra de förmågor och uppgraderingar du får längs vägen.
En vackert blek värld: Stig in genom Dörrarna och utforska en värld av vridna invånare och oändligt med hemligheter medan du ger hopp åt de konstiga och underbara karaktärer du möter.
Ett mörkt mysterium att upptäcka: Hitta och krossa enorma tyranner med sina egna bakgrunder och motivationer. Upplev en dyster men samtidigt mörkt komisk berättelse där du får upptäcka sanningen bakom flödet av själar, Kråkornas roll och bakgrunden bakom Dörrarna.

Digital Deluxe Edition

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack


Reaping souls of the dead and punching a clock might get monotonous but it's honest work for a Crow. The job gets lively when your assigned soul is stolen and you must track down a desperate thief to a realm untouched by death - where creatures grow far past their expiry and overflow with greed and power.

Talon Sharp Combat: Utilize melee weapons, arrows and magic to overcome a fantastic array of beasts and demigods. Mistakes are punished and victory is rewarded. Gain an edge by customizing your character stats and mastering the abilities and upgrades you obtain.

A Beautifully Bleak World: Venture beyond the Doors and explore a land full of twisted inhabitants and countless secrets, bringing hope to the weird and wonderful characters you’ll meet along the way.

A Dark Mystery to Unravel: Track down and defeat colossal tyrants with stories and motivations of their own. Experience a somber yet darkly comedic tale, uncovering the truths behind the flow of souls, the role of the Crows and the origin of the Doors.


Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack


小偷進入未受死亡眷顧的領域– 那裡的生物都活得比壽命長很多,充滿了貪婪與力量。

Dijital Lüks Paket

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

Oyun Açıklaması

Reaping souls of the dead and punching a clock might get monotonous but it's honest work for a Crow. The job gets lively when your assigned soul is stolen and you must track down a desperate thief to a realm untouched by death - where creatures grow far past their expiry and overflow with greed and power.

Talon Sharp Combat: Utilize melee weapons, arrows and magic to overcome a fantastic array of beasts and demigods. Mistakes are punished and victory is rewarded. Gain an edge by customizing your character stats and mastering the abilities and upgrades you obtain.

A Beautifully Bleak World: Venture beyond the Doors and explore a land full of twisted inhabitants and countless secrets, bringing hope to the weird and wonderful characters you’ll meet along the way.

A Dark Mystery to Unravel: Track down and defeat colossal tyrants with stories and motivations of their own. Experience a somber yet darkly comedic tale, uncovering the truths behind the flow of souls, the role of the Crows and the origin of the Doors.

Видання «Digital Deluxe»

Deluxe Edition content includes:

  • Death's Door base game
  • Digital artbook, hand curated and designed by the game's art director
  • Complete 50-track Original Soundtrack

Про гру

Reaping souls of the dead and punching a clock might get monotonous but it's honest work for a Crow. The job gets lively when your assigned soul is stolen and you must track down a desperate thief to a realm untouched by death - where creatures grow far past their expiry and overflow with greed and power.

Talon Sharp Combat: Utilize melee weapons, arrows and magic to overcome a fantastic array of beasts and demigods. Mistakes are punished and victory is rewarded. Gain an edge by customizing your character stats and mastering the abilities and upgrades you obtain.

A Beautifully Bleak World: Venture beyond the Doors and explore a land full of twisted inhabitants and countless secrets, bringing hope to the weird and wonderful characters you’ll meet along the way.

A Dark Mystery to Unravel: Track down and defeat colossal tyrants with stories and motivations of their own. Experience a somber yet darkly comedic tale, uncovering the truths behind the flow of souls, the role of the Crows and the origin of the Doors.

System Requirements


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