Deponia Doomsday
Deponia Doomsday

Deponia Doomsday

Release Date: 01/03/2016 | WORLDWIDE
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₺417.66 + VAT


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Sobre o jogo

Numa fatídica noite, Rufus acorda de um pesadelo assombroso: ele se sacrificou para salvar Deponia. Mas a que preço? Elísio, a cidade flutuante pousou no planeta. Como o último deponiano sobrevivente, ele lutou contra fewlocks selvagens, mas, no final, só havia uma saída: Ele tinha que explodir Deponia! E... Ele deixou o bigode crescer.

É claro que ele percebeu que esses acontecimentos terríveis — especialmente o bigode parcial — tinham que ser evitados a todo custo. Deponia e seu rosto bem barbeado tinham que sobreviver!

Mas será que foi só um sonho? Com a ajuda de McChronicle, um peculiar cientista de temporais, que descobriu anomalias estranhas no tempo, Rufus descobre que alguns viajantes do ,vindos do futuro, estacionaram sua máquina do tempo de qualquer jeito na vizinhança. Imaginem se essa tecnologia incrível caísse em mãos erradas!

Mergulhe nesta sequela frenética da trilogia cult Deponia e junte-se ao caótico anti-herói Rufus em sua aventura mais peculiares. Mesmo sem conhecer a edição anterior, a alegria de Deponia Apocalipse fará você sorrir e rolar de rir.

Encante-se com um humor bizarro e um mundo com design único e aprecie a maior e mais longa aventura de Deponia de todos os tempos.

• Um novo capítulo da premiada série Deponia
• Jogabilidade de aventura épica
• Estilo cômico desenhado à mão exclusivo
• Rostos familiares e mais de 70 novos personagens malucos, que caracterizam o humor pastelão que você tanto ama
• Volte no tempo e veja uma reviravolta na história do lixo do planeta
• Ação ornitorrincotástica
• O lixão encontra sua decadência: fases jogáveis em Deponia e Elísio
• Descubra a flora e fauna exuberantes de Deponia

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

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Относно играта

One fateful night, Rufus awakes from a haunting nightmare: he sacrificed himself to save Deponia. But at what price? Elysium, the floating city crash-landed on the planet. As the last surviving Deponian, he fought savage fewlocks, but in the end, there was only one way out: He had to blow up Deponia! And... He grew a mustache.

Of course he realized that these gruesome events -especially the mustache part- had to be prevented from ever happening. Deponia and his well-shaved face had to survive!

But was this really just a dream? With the help of McChronicle, a quirky temporal scientist, who discovered strange time-anomalies, Rufus discovers that some time travelers from the future carelessly parked their time machine in his neighborhood. Just imagine if this amazing technology would fall into the wrong hands!

Dive right into this frantic sequel of the Deponia cult-trilogy and join the chaotic anti-hero Rufus on his most peculiar adventure. Even without knowing the previous installment, the hilarity of Deponia Doomsday will have you cracking smiles and burst with laughter.

Get enthralled by the bizarre humor and the uniquely designed world and enjoy the largest and longest Deponia adventure of all time.

• A new installment of the award-winning Deponia Series
• Epic adventure gameplay
• Unique hand-drawn comic style
• Familiar faces and more than 70 new crazy characters featuring the whacky humor you love so much
• Turn back time and see a new spin on the junk-planet's history
• Platypus-tastic action
• Junk meets decadence: playable levels on Deponia and Elysium
• Discover the lush flora and fauna of Deponia

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

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O hře

Jedné osudné noci se Rufus probudil z hrozné noční můry: obětoval se pro záchranu Deponie. Ale za jakou cenu? Elysium, plující město se zřítilo na planetu. Jako jediný přeživší na Deponii, vybojoval divoké souboje s Fewlocky, ale na konci byla jen jedna cesta ven: Měl Deponii vyhodit do povětří! a… Narostl mu knírek.

Uvědomil si, že těmto hrozným událostem – zvláště pak části s knírkem – je třeba zamezit dřív než se stanou. Deponia a jeho hladce holená tvář musí přežít!

Ale byl to opravdu jen sen? S pomocí pana McChroniclea, svérázného vědce, který odhalil podivné časové anomálie, Rufus zjistil, že několik cestovatelů v čase z budoucnosti nechalo své stroje pro cestování časem bez dohledu v jeho blízkosti. Představte si, že by se tahle úžasná technologie dostala do nesprávných rukou!

Vrhněte se do zběsilého pokračování kultovní trilogie Deponia a přidejte se k chaotickému antihrdinovi Rufusovi v jeho nejpodivuhodnějším dobrodružství. Aniž byste znali předchozí části, humor hry Deponia Doomsday Vás dostane a potrháte se smíchy.

Nechte se uchvátit bizardním humorem a opravdu unikátně navrženým světem a užijte si to největší a nejdelší dobrodružství Deponie všech dob.

• Nové vydání cenami ověnčené série Deponia
• Epické herní prostředí
• Jedinečný ručně vykreslený komický styl
• Známé tváře a více než 70 nových bláznivých postav včetně nezvyklého druhu humoru, který se Vám tak líbil
• Vraťte se zpátky časem a prožijte nové události na této planetě
• Ptakopysčí akce
• Setkejte se s dekadencí: levely na Deponii a Elysium
• Objevte bujnou floru a faunu na Deponii

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

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Om spillet

En skæbnesvanger nat vågner Rufus fra et uforglemmeligt mareridt: Han ofrede sig selv for at redde Deponia. Men for hvilken pris? Elysium, den svævende by nødlandede på planeten. Som den sidste overlevende deponianer bekæmpede han vilde fewlocker, men til sidste var der kun én udvej: Han måtte sprænge Deponia i luften! Og … Han tillagde sig et overskæg.

Naturligvis gik det op for ham, at disse uhyggelige begivenheder – især det med overskægget – måtte undgås for enhver pris. Deponia og hans glatbarberede ansigt måtte overleve!

Men var det virkelig bare en drøm? Med McChronicles hjælp, en excentrisk tidsforsker, som opdagede mærkelige tidsafvigelser, finder Rufus ud af, at nogle tidsrejsende fra fremtiden skødesløst har parkeret deres tidsmaskine i hans nabolag. Tænk bare, hvis denne utrolige teknologi skulle falde i de forkerte hænder!

Kast dig ud i denne hektiske fortsættelse af kulttrilogien Deponia, og slut dig til den kaotiske anti-helt Rufus på hans yderst sære eventyr. Selv uden at kende til forløberen vil det muntre ved Deponia Doomsday få dig til at smile og bryde ud i latter.

Lad dig tryllebinde af den bizare humor og den unikt konstruerede verden, og nyd det hidtil største og længste eventyr om Deponia.

• Et nyt afsnit i den prisbelønnede serie om Deponia
• Episk eventyr-gameplay
• Unik, komisk stil tegnet i hånden
• Velkendte ansigter og over 70 nye skøre figurer med den tossede humor, som du så godt kan lide
• Gå tilbage i tiden, og oplev en ny version af skraldeplanetens historie
• Næbdyr-tastisk action
• Skrald møder dekadence: niveauer, der kan spilles, på Deponia og Elysium
• Oplev Deponias frodige flora og fauna

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

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Info over het spel

Op een nacht werd Rufus wakker door een verschrikkelijke nachtmerrie: hij offerde zichzelf op om Deponia te redden. Maar tegen welke prijs? Elysium, de zwevende stad, maakte een noodlanding op de planeet. Als de laatste overlevende Deponiaan, vocht hij tegen wilde wezens, maar uiteindelijk was er maar 1 oplossing: Hij moest Deponia opblazen! En… Hij liet een snor staan.

Natuurlijk realiseerde hij zich dat deze gruwelijke acties – vooral die snor – nooit meer mochten voorkomen. Deponia en zijn gladgeschoren gezicht moesten het overleven!

Maar was het echt slechts een droom? Met de hulp van McChronicle, een eigenaardige wetenschapper die vreemde tijdafwijkingen ontdekte, ontdekt Rufus dat een paar tijdreizigers uit de toekomst hun tijdmachine achteloos in zijn buurt hebben geparkeerd. Stel je eens voor dat deze verbluffende technologie in de verkeerde handen zou vallen!

Duik in dit hectische vervolg van de Deponia cult-trilogie en vergezel de chaotische anti-held Rufus in zijn merkwaardigste avontuur. Zelf zonder het vorige avontuur te kennen, zal de hilariteit van Deponia Doomsday je in lachen laten uitbarsten.

Raak gefascineerd door de bizarre humor en de uniek ontworpen wereld en geniet van het grootste en langste Deponia-avontuur ooit.

• Een nieuwe aflevering van de bekroonde Deponia-serie.
• Epische avonturen gameplay
• Unieke met de hand getekende stripstijl
• Bekende gezichten en meer dan 70 nieuwe, gekke karakters met de bizarre humor waar jij zo van houdt
• Ga terug in de tijd en beleef een nieuwe wending in de geschiedenis van de planeet
• Platypus-tastische actie
• Rotzooi ontmoet decadentie: speelbare levels op Deponia en Elysium
• Ontdek de weelderige flora en fauna van Deponia

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

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About the Game

One fateful night, Rufus awakes from a haunting nightmare: he sacrificed himself to save Deponia. But at what price? Elysium, the floating city crash-landed on the planet. As the last surviving Deponian, he fought savage fewlocks, but in the end, there was only one way out: He had to blow up Deponia! And... He grew a mustache.

Of course he realized that these gruesome events -especially the mustache part- had to be prevented from ever happening. Deponia and his well-shaved face had to survive!

But was this really just a dream? With the help of McChronicle, a quirky temporal scientist, who discovered strange time-anomalies, Rufus discovers that some time travelers from the future carelessly parked their time machine in his neighborhood. Just imagine if this amazing technology would fall into the wrong hands!

Dive right into this frantic sequel of the Deponia cult-trilogy and join the chaotic anti-hero Rufus on his most peculiar adventure. Even without knowing the previous installment, the hilarity of Deponia Doomsday will have you cracking smiles and burst with laughter.

Get enthralled by the bizarre humor and the uniquely designed world and enjoy the largest and longest Deponia adventure of all time.

• A new installment of the award-winning Deponia Series
• Epic adventure gameplay
• Unique hand-drawn comic style
• Familiar faces and more than 70 new crazy characters featuring the whacky humor you love so much
• Turn back time and see a new spin on the junk-planet's history
• Platypus-tastic action
• Junk meets decadence: playable levels on Deponia and Elysium
• Discover the lush flora and fauna of Deponia

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

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Tietoja pelistä

Yhtenä kohtalokkaana iltana Rufus herää kamalasta painajaisesta, jossa hän uhrasi itsensä Deponian pelastamiseksi. Mutta mihin hintaan? Kelluva kaupunki Elysium syöksyi planeetan pinnalle. Viimeisenä deponialaisena hän taisteli villejä fewlockeja vastaan, mutta loppujen lopuksi tehtävissä oli vain yksi asia: hänen oli räjäytettävä Deponia! Ja… Hän kasvatti viikset.

Luonnollisesti hän ymmärsi, että nämä kamalat tapahtumat – etenkin viikset – oli estettävä tapahtumasta. Deponian ja hänen hyvin ajellun naamansa oli selvittävä!

Mutta oliko kyseessä pelkkä uni? Outoja aikapoikkeuksia havainneen hassun temporaalisen tiedemiehen McChroniclen avulla Rufus saa selville, että jotkin aikamatkailijat tulevaisuudesta ovat pysäköineet aikakoneensa huolimattomasti hänen asuinalueelleen. Kuvittele mitä tapahtuisi, jos tämä uskomaton teknologia joutuisi vääriin käsiin!

Uppoudu Deponia-kulttitrilogian hurjaan jatko-osaan ja käy kaoottisen antisankarin Rufuksen kanssa mitä omituisimmalle seikkailulle. Ja vaikka et olisikaan pelannut aiempia pelejä, Deponia Doomsdayn hauskuus saa sinut hymyilemään ja repeämään nauruun.

Ihastu omituiseen huumoriin ja ainutlaatuiseen maailmaan. Nauti kaikkien aikojen suurimmasta ja pisimmästä Deponia-seikkailusta.

• Palkitun Deponia-sarjan uusin peli
• Eeppinen seikkailupeli
• Ainutlaatuista käsin piirrettyä sarjakuvataidett
• Tuttuja kasvoja ja yli 70 uutta hullua hahmoa, jotka takaavat pelaajien rakastaman kahjon huumorin
• Kelaa aikaa taaksepäin ja käännä uusi sivu roskaplaneetan historiassa
• Vesinokkaeläinmäistä toimintaa
• Roskaa ja rappiota: pelattavia tasoja Deponiassa ja Elysiumissa
• Tutustu Deponian monipuoliseen kasvistoon ja eläimistöön

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

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Also available on Steam:


À propos du jeu

Au cours d’une nuit fatidique, Rufus s’est réveillé à cause d’un cauchemar qui le hante : il s’est sacrifié pour sauver Deponia. Mais à quel prix ? Elyseum, la ville flottante s’est écrasée sur la planète. Dernier survivant de Deponia, il a dû combattre de sauvages Fewlocks. Mais à la fin, il ne restait qu’une seule solution : Il devait faire sauter Deponia ! Et… Il s’est fait pousser la moustache.

Il a bien sûr compris que ces événements terribles, surtout l’épisode de la moustache, ne devaient plus se reproduire. Deponia et ses joues bien rasées devaient survivre !

Mais n’était-ce vraiment qu’un rêve ? Avec l’aide de McChronicle, un scientifique temporel excentrique, qui a découvert d’étranges anomalies temporelles, Rufus se rend compte que des voyageurs venus du futur ont garé, sans faire attention, leur machine à explorer le temps dans le quartier. Imaginez un instant que cette incroyable technologie tombe entre de mauvaises mains !

Plongez au cœur de cette suite frénétique de la trilogie culte de Deponia. Joignez-vous à Rufus l’antihéros dans cette étrange aventure. Même sans connaître l’épisode précédent, l’hilarant Deponia Doomsday vous fera bien marrer.

Laissez-vous porter par cet humour bizarre et entraîner dans ce monde au graphisme unique. Éclatez-vous dans cette aventure la plus importante et la plus longue de Deponia.

• Un nouvel épisode de la série primée de Deponia
• Un jeu d’aventures épiques
• Un style BD dessiné à la main
• Des visages familiers et plus de 70 nouveaux personnages dingues et à l’humour déjanté que vous aimez tant
• Repartez dans le temps et vivez un nouveau moment de l’histoire du monde-poubelle
• Une action ornithoryntesque
• Où les détritus croisent la décadence : des niveaux jouables sur Deponia et l’Elyseum
• Découvrez les luxuriantes flore et faune de Deponia

Recevez la bande-son officielle, concept art & art book en bonus digital !
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

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Über das Spiel

In einer schicksalhaften Nacht erwacht Rufus aus einem fürchterlichen Alptraum: Er hatte sich selbst geopfert, um Deponia zu retten. Aber zu welchem Preis? Elysium, die fliegende Stadt, war abgestürzt. Als scheinbar letzter Überlebender kämpfte er gegen gruselige Fewlocks, bis er nur noch einen Ausweg sah: Deponia muss gesprengt werden! Zu allem Überfluss hatte er sich einen Schnurbart wachsen lassen. Natürlich ist ihm klar, dass dieses furchtbare Schicksal unbedingt abgewendet werden muss. Sicher ist: Deponia muss überleben!

Aber war es wirklich nur ein Traum? Mit Hilfe des skurrilen Professors McChronicle, der einige seltsame Zeit-Anomalien entdeckt hat, findet Rufus heraus, dass Zeitreisende aus der Zukunft völlig verantwortungslos eine Zeitmaschine geparkt haben. Man stelle sich nur mal die Konsequenzen vor, würde diese mächtige Maschine in die falschen Hände geraten!

Stürze dich hinein in den wilden Nachfolger der kultigen Deponia-Trilogie und begleite den chaotischen Anti-Helden Rufus in seinem bislang kuriosesten Abenteuer. Auch ohne Vorkenntnisse der anderen Deponia-Spiele schlägt Deponia Doomsday kräftig auf die Lachmuskeln. Lass dich von skurrilem Humor und der einzigartig gestalteten Spielwelt fesseln und erlebe das größte und längste Deponia-Abenteuer aller Zeiten.

• Ein neuer Teil der preisgekrönten Deponia-Serie
• Episches Adventure Gameplay
• Einzigartiger handgezeichneter Comic-Stil
• Viele bekannte und über 70 neue skurrile Charaktere mit schrägem Humor
• Dreh die Zeit zurück und erlebe die epische Geschichte um den Schrottplaneten neu
• Schnabeltiermäßige Action
• Schrott trifft Luxus: Spielbare Level auf Deponia und Elysium
• Entdecke die reichhaltige Flora und Fauna Deponias
• Platypus approved

Enthält den offiziellen Soundtrack, Concept Art & ein Art Book als digitale Extras!
Die Extras können in Eurem Installations-Ordner von Deponia Doomsday gefunden werden (z.B.:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday).

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Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

One fateful night, Rufus awakes from a haunting nightmare: he sacrificed himself to save Deponia. But at what price? Elysium, the floating city crash-landed on the planet. As the last surviving Deponian, he fought savage fewlocks, but in the end, there was only one way out: He had to blow up Deponia! And... He grew a mustache.

Of course he realized that these gruesome events -especially the mustache part- had to be prevented from ever happening. Deponia and his well-shaved face had to survive!

But was this really just a dream? With the help of McChronicle, a quirky temporal scientist, who discovered strange time-anomalies, Rufus discovers that some time travelers from the future carelessly parked their time machine in his neighborhood. Just imagine if this amazing technology would fall into the wrong hands!

Dive right into this frantic sequel of the Deponia cult-trilogy and join the chaotic anti-hero Rufus on his most peculiar adventure. Even without knowing the previous installment, the hilarity of Deponia Doomsday will have you cracking smiles and burst with laughter.

Get enthralled by the bizarre humor and the uniquely designed world and enjoy the largest and longest Deponia adventure of all time.

• A new installment of the award-winning Deponia Series
• Epic adventure gameplay
• Unique hand-drawn comic style
• Familiar faces and more than 70 new crazy characters featuring the whacky humor you love so much
• Turn back time and see a new spin on the junk-planet's history
• Platypus-tastic action
• Junk meets decadence: playable levels on Deponia and Elysium
• Discover the lush flora and fauna of Deponia

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

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Also available on Steam:


A játékról: 

Egy végzetes éjszakán Rufus dermesztő rémálomból riad fel: feláldozta magát, hogy megmentse Deponiát. De milyen áron? Elysium, a lebegő város kényszerleszállást hajtott végre a bolygón. Az utolsó élő deponiaiként szembeszállt a gonosz fewlockokkal, de végül csak egyetlen megoldás maradt: Kénytelen volt felrobbantani Deponiát! És... Bajuszt növesztett.

Természetesen rájött, hogy ezek a hátborzongató eseményeket - különösen, ami a bajuszt illeti - meg kell akadályozni. Deponiát és az ő szépen borotvált arcát meg kell menteni!

De mindez tényleg csak álom volt? McChronicle, a különös, idővel kapcsolatos tudományokban jártas tudós, segítségével, aki furcsa idő anomáliákat fedezett fel, Rufus rájön, hogy jövőből érkezett időutazók könnyelműen a környéken hagyták időgépüket. Képzelje csak el mi történne, ha ez a lenyűgöző technológia rossz kezekbe kerülne!

Ugorjon fejest Deponia kultuszának eszeveszett trilógiájába, és csatlakozzon Rufus-hoz, a szétszórt antihőshöz leglátványosabb kalandjában. A korábbi változatok ismerete nélkül is a Deponia: Az utolsó ítélet vidámsága megmosolyogtatja és megnevetteti majd Önt.

Lenyűgözi majd a bizarr humor és a különlegesen megtervezett világ és őszintén élvezni fogja Deponia eddigi legnagyobb és leghosszabb kalandját.

• A díjnyertes Deponia sorozat újabb darabja
• Epikus kalandjáték
• Egyedi kézzel rajzolt képregény stílus
• Ismerős arcok és több mint 70 új, őrült szereplő kelti életre az annyira imádott hóbortos humort
• Forgassa vissza az időt, és ismerje meg a kacatbolygó történetének új fejezetét.
• „Kacsacsőrös” akciójáték
• A kacat találkozása a romlással: játszható szintek Deponián és az Elysiumon
• Fedezze fel Deponia gazdag növény- és állatvilágát.

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

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Also available on Steam:


Informazioni sul gioco

Una fatidica notte, Rufus viene svegliato da un incubo terribile: si è sacrificato per salvare Deponia. Ma a quale prezzo? Elysium, la città fluttuante si è abbattuta sul pianeta. Essendo l’ultimo Deponiano sopravvissuto, ha dovuto combattere contro fewlocchi selvaggi, ma alla fine, c’era un’unica via d’uscita: Doveva far esplodere Deponia! E... Farsi crescere i baffi.

Ovviamente capì subito quanto fosse di vitale importanza impedire questi eventi raccapriccianti… soprattutto la parte sui baffi. Deponia e il suo viso liscio e rasato dovevano essere messi in salvo!

Ma era davvero solo un sogno? Grazie all’aiuto di McChronicle, un bizzarro scienziato temporale che ha scoperto delle strane anomalie nel tempo, Rufus scopre che alcuni viaggiatori dal futuro hanno parcheggiato distrattamente le loro macchine del tempo nel suo quartiere. E se questa fantastica tecnologia finisse nelle mani sbagliate?

Immergiti nel fantastico seguito della trilogia di Deponia e segui Rufus, antieroe confusionario, in un’avventura davvero insolita. Anche se non conosci l’episodio precedente, l’ironia di Deponia Doomsday ti farà sorridere e morire dalle risate.

Lasciati affascinare dal suo curioso umorismo e parti all’avventura più grande di tutti i tempi nello splendido mondo di Deponia.

• Un nuovo episodio della premiata serie di Deponia
• Un gioco avventuroso ed epico
• In stile fumetto, con illustrazioni realizzate a mano
• Volti conosciuti e più di 70 nuovi personaggi fuori di testa dall’umorismo eccentrico che ami tanto
• Torna indietro nel tempo e scopri la storia del pianeta-spazzatura da un nuovo punto di vista
• Ricco di azione e di ornitorinchi
• Il gioco in cui la spazzatura si sposa con la decadenza: livelli giocabili su Deponia o a Elysium
• Scopri la flora e la fauna rigogliosa di Deponia

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

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カルト的人気を博した「Deponia」三部作激闘の続編に飛び込み、混沌のアンチヒーロー・ルーファスと一緒にとっても奇妙な冒険に出かけよう!前作を知らなくても、「Deponia Doomsday」の面白さに思わずにやりとしたり、ゲラゲラ笑い転げたりすること間違いなし。


• 受賞歴のある「Deponia」シリーズの最新作
• 壮大なアドベンチャーゲーム
• 一線を画すコミック風手書きスタイル
• いつものキャラクターたちに加え、70名以上の新キャラと皆大好きなヒネったユーモア
• 時間を巻き戻してガラクタ惑星の歴史の新たな一面を目にしよう
• カモノハシタティックなアクション
• ガラクタ+堕落主義:デポニアとエリジウムの両方で展開されるステージ
• デポニアの豊富な動植物を発見しよう

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

Buy Deponia 1-3:


Also available on Steam:


게임 정보

운명적인 어느 밤에 루푸스는 끈질긴 악몽에서 깨납니다. 자신을 희생하여 데포니아를 살리는 꿈이었죠. 하지만 무엇을 희생해야죠? 공중 도시 엘리시움이 행성에 불시착했습니다. 마지막으로 생존한 데포니아인으로서 야만적인 퓨록과 싸웠지만 결국 살기 위해선 한 가지 방법뿐이었습니다. 데포니아를 폭파시켜야 했습니다. 그리고… 콧수염을 길렀습니다.

물론 이 끔찍한 사건, 특히 콧수염은 절대 일어나면 안 되는 것이라는 것을 깨달았습니다. 데포니아와 깔끔히 면도한 얼굴을 지켜야 했습니다!

하지만 이것이 단지 꿈이었을까요? 특이한 시간 왜곡을 발견한 괴짜 시간 과학자 맥크로니클의 도움을 받아 루푸스는 미래에서 온 시간 여행자 일부가 부주의하게 타임 머신을 이웃에 놓았다는 것을 알았습니다. 이 놀라운 기술이 악당의 손에 들어가면 어떻게 될지 상상해보세요!

데포니아 컬트 3부작을 잇는 광란의 후속 작품으로 뛰어들어 혼란스러운 안티영웅 루푸스와 함께 가장 이상한 모험을 떠나세요 이전 버전의 내용을 알지 못하더라도 데포니아 둠스데이의 재미에 미소 짓고 크게 웃음을 터트리게 될 것입니다.

기묘한 유머와 독특하게 디자인한 세계에 빠져 역사상 가장 크고 긴 데포니아 모험을 즐기세요.

• 수상 경력에 빛나는 데포니아 시리즈의 새로운 버전
• 놀라운 모험 게임플레이
• 손으로 그린 독특한 코믹 스타일
• 모두가 사랑하는 기묘한 유머가 가득한 친숙한 얼굴과 70여 개의 새롭고 재미있는 캐릭터
• 시간을 돌려 쓰레기 행성의 역사를 다시 쓰세요
• 기묘한 액션
• 쓰레기와 타락의 만남: 데포니아와 엘리시움에서 플레이 가능한 레벨
• 데포니아의 풍부한 동식물을 찾아보세요

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

Buy Deponia 1-3:


Also available on Steam:


Om spillet

En skjebnesvanger natt våkner Rufus fra et fælt mareritt: Han ofret seg selv for å redde Deponia. Men til hvilken pris? Elysium, den flytende byen krasjlandet på planeten. Som den siste overlevende deponier, kjempet han mot fæle fewlocker, men til slutt fantes det bare én utvei: Han måtte sprenge Deponia! Og … Han lot barten gro.

Han innså selvsagt at disse grusomme hendelsene – spesielt barten – måtte hindres fra å skje. Deponia og det glattbarberte ansiktet hans måtte overleve!

Men var det bare en drøm? Med hjelp av den sprø tidsforskeren McChronicle – som oppdaget merkelige tidsavvik – oppdager Rufus at noen tidsreisende fra fremtiden har parkert tidsmaskinen deres i nabolaget. Bare tenk på hva som ville skjedd om denne fantastiske teknologien hadde falt i gale hender!

Hopp inn i denne ville oppfølgeren til kulttrilogien Deponia, og følg den kaotiske antihelten Rufus på hans merkelige eventyr. Selv uten å kjenne til de tidligere spillene, kommer den livlige stemningen til Deponia Doomsday til å gi deg latterbrøl gang på gang.

La deg forhekse av den bisarre humoren og den unike verdenen, og nyt det største og lengste Deponia-eventyret noensinne.

• Et nytt avsnitt i den prisvinnende Deponia-serien
• Episk eventyrspill
• Unik, håndtegnet tegneseriestil
• Kjente fjes og over 70 nye sprø karakterer med den enda sprøere humoren dere liker så godt
• Dra tilbake i tid og se en ny versjon av søppelplanetens historie
• Nebbete action
• Søppel møter dekadanse: Spillbare nivåer på Deponia og Elysium
• Utforsk den frodige floraen og dyrelivet til Deponia

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

Buy Deponia 1-3:


Also available on Steam:


Informacje o grze

Pewnej pamiętnej nocy Rufusa obudził przerażający koszmar. Śniło mu się, że poświęcił samego siebie, by ocalić Deponię. Jednak jakim kosztem? Szybujące miasto Elizjum rozbiło się o planetę. Jako ostatni z Deponian, Rufus miał stawić czoła okrutnym fewlockom, aby ostatecznie zrealizować jedyny plan mający jakiekolwiek szanse powodzenia – wysadzić Deponię w powietrze! I... Zapuścić wąsy.

Oczywiście zdawał sobie sprawę, że wszystkim tym straszliwym wydarzeniom (szczególnie temu z wąsami) trzeba za wszelką cenę zapobiec. Zarówno Deponia, jak i gładko wygolona twarz Rufusa musiały przetrwać!

Ale czy faktycznie było to tylko sen? Z pomocą McChronicle'a, ekscentrycznego naukowca badającego dziwne anomalie czasowe, Rufus odkrywa, że jacyś podróżnicy z przyszłości nierozważnie zaparkowali swój wehikuł czasu w jego dzielnicy. Tylko pomyśl, co by się stało, gdyby taka fantastyczna technologia wpadła w niepowołane ręce!

Odwiedź szalony świat drugiej odsłony trylogii Deponia i dołącz do roztrzepanego antybohatera Rufusa w jego niezwykłej przygodzie. Nawet bez znajomości poprzedniej części w Deponii Doomsday uśmiejesz się do łez.

Daj się porwać osobliwemu poczuciu humoru i wybierz się w niezapomnianą podróż przez niezwykły świat Deponii.

• Nowa odsłona wielokrotnie nagradzanej serii Deponia
• Epicka przygoda
• Wyjątkowa, ręcznie rysowana komiksowa grafika
• Znajome twarze i ponad 70 nowych, niezwykłych postaci tryskających zwariowanym humorem, który tak kochacie
• Odwróć bieg czasu i poznaj historię śmieciowej planety z innej strony
• Dziabkostyczna dawka emocji
• Spotkanie śmieci i dekadencji – grywalne poziomy na Deponii i Elizjum
• Odkryj bujną florę i niezwykłą faunę Deponii

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

Buy Deponia 1-3:


Also available on Steam:


Acerca do Jogo

One fateful night, Rufus awakes from a haunting nightmare: he sacrificed himself to save Deponia. But at what price? Elysium, the floating city crash-landed on the planet. As the last surviving Deponian, he fought savage fewlocks, but in the end, there was only one way out: He had to blow up Deponia! And... He grew a mustache.

Of course he realized that these gruesome events -especially the mustache part- had to be prevented from ever happening. Deponia and his well-shaved face had to survive!

But was this really just a dream? With the help of McChronicle, a quirky temporal scientist, who discovered strange time-anomalies, Rufus discovers that some time travelers from the future carelessly parked their time machine in his neighborhood. Just imagine if this amazing technology would fall into the wrong hands!

Dive right into this frantic sequel of the Deponia cult-trilogy and join the chaotic anti-hero Rufus on his most peculiar adventure. Even without knowing the previous installment, the hilarity of Deponia Doomsday will have you cracking smiles and burst with laughter.

Get enthralled by the bizarre humor and the uniquely designed world and enjoy the largest and longest Deponia adventure of all time.

• A new installment of the award-winning Deponia Series
• Epic adventure gameplay
• Unique hand-drawn comic style
• Familiar faces and more than 70 new crazy characters featuring the whacky humor you love so much
• Turn back time and see a new spin on the junk-planet's history
• Platypus-tastic action
• Junk meets decadence: playable levels on Deponia and Elysium
• Discover the lush flora and fauna of Deponia

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

Buy Deponia 1-3:


Also available on Steam:


Despre joc

One fateful night, Rufus awakes from a haunting nightmare: he sacrificed himself to save Deponia. But at what price? Elysium, the floating city crash-landed on the planet. As the last surviving Deponian, he fought savage fewlocks, but in the end, there was only one way out: He had to blow up Deponia! And... He grew a mustache.

Of course he realized that these gruesome events -especially the mustache part- had to be prevented from ever happening. Deponia and his well-shaved face had to survive!

But was this really just a dream? With the help of McChronicle, a quirky temporal scientist, who discovered strange time-anomalies, Rufus discovers that some time travelers from the future carelessly parked their time machine in his neighborhood. Just imagine if this amazing technology would fall into the wrong hands!

Dive right into this frantic sequel of the Deponia cult-trilogy and join the chaotic anti-hero Rufus on his most peculiar adventure. Even without knowing the previous installment, the hilarity of Deponia Doomsday will have you cracking smiles and burst with laughter.

Get enthralled by the bizarre humor and the uniquely designed world and enjoy the largest and longest Deponia adventure of all time.

• A new installment of the award-winning Deponia Series
• Epic adventure gameplay
• Unique hand-drawn comic style
• Familiar faces and more than 70 new crazy characters featuring the whacky humor you love so much
• Turn back time and see a new spin on the junk-planet's history
• Platypus-tastic action
• Junk meets decadence: playable levels on Deponia and Elysium
• Discover the lush flora and fauna of Deponia

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

Buy Deponia 1-3:


Also available on Steam:


Об игре

В одну роковую ночь Руфус проснулся от жуткого кошмара: в нем он принес себя в жертву во имя спасения Депонии. Но какой ценой? На планету обрушился летающий город Элизиум. Будучи последним выжившим депонийцем, он сражался с воинственными дикарями, но вскоре понял, что выход у него только один: Он должен взорвать Депонию! И... Он отрастил усы.

Конечно, он понял, что всех этих пугающих событий, особенно отращивания усов, следовало избежать любой ценой. Депония и его гладковыбритое лицо должны были уцелеть!

Но действительно ли все это было сном? Заручившись поддержкой МакХроникла — безумного ученого, специализирующегося на вопросах времени и открывшего несколько странных временных аномалий — Руфус обнаруживает, что какие-то беспечные путешественники во времени из будущего припарковали свою машину времени рядом с его домом. Представьте, что случилось бы, попади это удивительное изобретение в плохие руки!

Погрузитесь в атмосферу этого безбашенного продолжения культовой трилогии о Депонии и присоединитесь к безалаберному антигерою Руфусу в его удивительном приключении. Даже если вы пока не знакомы со вселенной этой игры, фееричный мир Депонии, стоящий на пороге Судного дня, не раз вызовет у вас улыбку, а то и заставит расхохотаться.

Насладитесь странным юмором и уникальным миром, примите участие в самом главном и долгом приключении в истории Депонии.

• Новое обновление игры из серии «Депония», получившей немало наград
• Невероятный квестовый игровой процесс
• Уникальная ручная прорисовка в стиле комиксов
• Давно знакомые лица и более 70 новых, безбашенных персонажей, сыплющих странными шутками, которые вам так полюбились
• Поверните время вспять и станьте свидетелем нового витка развития планеты хламоискателей
• Клевые повороты событий
• Хлам и упадок: игровые уровни в атмосфере Депонии и Элизиума
• Откройте для себя все разнообразие флоры и фауны Депонии

Издание включает в себя дополнительный контент:
- официальный саундтрек
- концепт-арт
- цифровой арт-бук
Вы сможете найти весь дополнительный контент в каталоге с установленной через Steam игрой ( например C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

Buy Deponia 1-3:


Also available on Steam:






进入德波尼亚三部曲的疯狂续集,和混乱的非正统主角鲁弗斯一起开始他最独特的冒险之旅。即使不知道前情内容,Deponia Doomsday 的搞笑内容也会让你爆笑连连。

• 获奖的德波尼亚系列游戏新续集
• 史诗级历险游戏
• 独特的手绘漫画风格
• 熟悉的脸庞和超过 70 个全新疯狂角色,铸就了你如此喜欢的怪诞幽默内容
• 让时间倒回,看这垃圾星球的历史的新回转
• 无厘头情节
• 当垃圾遇上堕落:德波尼亚与极乐世界的可玩关卡
• 探索德波尼亚繁茂昌盛的动植物

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

Buy Deponia 1-3:


Also available on Steam:


Acerca del juego

Una aciaga noche, Rufus se despierta de una pesadilla espantosa: se sacrificaba para salvar Deponia. Pero ¿a qué precio? Elíseo, la ciudad flotante, se estrellaba contra el planeta. Como el último superviviente de Deponia, luchaba contra salvajes pocospelos, pero al final solo había una salida: ¡Tenía que hacer estallar Deponia! Y... Se dejaba bigote.

Por supuesto, era consciente de que tan espantosos acontecimientos (especialmente lo del bigote) tenían que impedirse para que nunca sucediesen. ¡Deponia y su cara aterciopelada tenían que sobrevivir!

Pero ¿sería de verdad solo un sueño? Con ayuda de McChronicle, un excéntrico científico temporal que descubrió unas extrañas anomalías en el tiempo, Rufus averigua que unos viajeros en el tiempo aparcaron descuidadamente su máquina del tiempo en su barrio. ¡Imagina lo que pasaría si esta increíble tecnología cayese en malas manos!

Sumérgete en esta frenética continuación de la trilogía de culto de Deponia y únete al caótico antihéroe Rufus en su aventura más estrambótica. Aunque no conozcas la entrega anterior, la hilaridad de Deponia Apocalipsis te hará sonreír y reírte a carcajadas.

Déjate cautivar por su humor estrafalario y su mundo sin igual, y disfruta de la mayor y más larga aventura de Deponia de todos los tiempos.

• Una nueva entrega de la galardonada saga de Deponia
• Dinámica de juego de aventura épica
• Estilo único de cómics dibujados a mano
• Caras familiares y más de 70 nuevos personajes con el sentido del humor extravagante que tanto te gusta
• Retrocede en el tiempo para ver un nuevo giro en la historia del planeta vertedero
• Acción y ornitorrincos
• Basura y decadencia: niveles jugables en Deponia y Elíseo
• Descubre la suntuosa flora y fauna de Deponia

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

Buy Deponia 1-3:


Also available on Steam:


Om spelet

En ödesdiger natt vaknar Rufus ur en oförglömlig mardröm: han offrade sig själv för att rädda Deponia. Men till vilket pris? Elysium, den flytande staden kraschlandade på planeten. Som den sista överlevande Deponianen, slogs han mot vildsinta fewlocks, men till sist fanns det bara en utväg: Han var tvungen att spränga Deponia! Och… Han odlade en mustasch.

Han insåg givetvis att dessa ohyggliga händelser – särskilt den delen med mustaschen - måste förhindras från att inträffa. Deponia, och hans slätrakade ansikte måste överleva!

Men var det bara en dröm? Med hjälp av McChronicle, en udda tidsforskare, som upptäckt underliga avvikelser i tiden, märker Rufus att en del tidsresenärer från framtiden parkerat sina tidsmaskiner lite hur som helst i grannskapet. Tänk på vad som skulle kunna hända om denna fantastiska teknologi skulle hamna i fel händer!

Kasta dig rakt ut i den hektiska uppföljaren till kulttrilogin Deponia, och följ med den kaotiske anti-hjälten Rufus på hans underligaste äventyr. Även om du inte har hört talas om de föregående delarna, kommer tokigheterna i Deponia Doomsday att få dig att brista ut i stora leenden och kikna av skratt.

Bli fängslad av den bisarra humorn och den unikt designade världen, och njut av det största och längsta Deponia-äventyret någonsin.

• En ny del i den prisbelönade Deponia-serien
• Episkt äventyrsspel
• Unikt handritad i serietidningsstil
• Familjära ansikten och mer än 70 nya galna karaktärer med den knasiga humor som du tycker så mycket om.
• Backa tiden och se en ny vändning i skräpplanetens historia
• Näbbig action
• Skräp möter dekadens: Spelbara nivåer på Deponia och Elysium
• Upptäck Deponias frodiga flora och fauna

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

Buy Deponia 1-3:


Also available on Steam:



One fateful night, Rufus awakes from a haunting nightmare: he sacrificed himself to save Deponia. But at what price? Elysium, the floating city crash-landed on the planet. As the last surviving Deponian, he fought savage fewlocks, but in the end, there was only one way out: He had to blow up Deponia! And... He grew a mustache.

Of course he realized that these gruesome events -especially the mustache part- had to be prevented from ever happening. Deponia and his well-shaved face had to survive!

But was this really just a dream? With the help of McChronicle, a quirky temporal scientist, who discovered strange time-anomalies, Rufus discovers that some time travelers from the future carelessly parked their time machine in his neighborhood. Just imagine if this amazing technology would fall into the wrong hands!

Dive right into this frantic sequel of the Deponia cult-trilogy and join the chaotic anti-hero Rufus on his most peculiar adventure. Even without knowing the previous installment, the hilarity of Deponia Doomsday will have you cracking smiles and burst with laughter.

Get enthralled by the bizarre humor and the uniquely designed world and enjoy the largest and longest Deponia adventure of all time.

• A new installment of the award-winning Deponia Series
• Epic adventure gameplay
• Unique hand-drawn comic style
• Familiar faces and more than 70 new crazy characters featuring the whacky humor you love so much
• Turn back time and see a new spin on the junk-planet's history
• Platypus-tastic action
• Junk meets decadence: playable levels on Deponia and Elysium
• Discover the lush flora and fauna of Deponia

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

Buy Deponia 1-3:


Also available on Steam:



One fateful night, Rufus awakes from a haunting nightmare: he sacrificed himself to save Deponia. But at what price? Elysium, the floating city crash-landed on the planet. As the last surviving Deponian, he fought savage fewlocks, but in the end, there was only one way out: He had to blow up Deponia! And... He grew a mustache.

Of course he realized that these gruesome events -especially the mustache part- had to be prevented from ever happening. Deponia and his well-shaved face had to survive!

But was this really just a dream? With the help of McChronicle, a quirky temporal scientist, who discovered strange time-anomalies, Rufus discovers that some time travelers from the future carelessly parked their time machine in his neighborhood. Just imagine if this amazing technology would fall into the wrong hands!

Dive right into this frantic sequel of the Deponia cult-trilogy and join the chaotic anti-hero Rufus on his most peculiar adventure. Even without knowing the previous installment, the hilarity of Deponia Doomsday will have you cracking smiles and burst with laughter.

Get enthralled by the bizarre humor and the uniquely designed world and enjoy the largest and longest Deponia adventure of all time.

• A new installment of the award-winning Deponia Series
• Epic adventure gameplay
• Unique hand-drawn comic style
• Familiar faces and more than 70 new crazy characters featuring the whacky humor you love so much
• Turn back time and see a new spin on the junk-planet's history
• Platypus-tastic action
• Junk meets decadence: playable levels on Deponia and Elysium
• Discover the lush flora and fauna of Deponia

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

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Oyun Açıklaması

Kaderin ağlarını ördüğü bir gece, Rufus zihninin derinliklerine işleyen bir kâbustan uyanır: Deponia'yı kurtarmak için kendisini feda etmiştir. Peki, ne pahasına? Elysium, yani uçan şehir gezegene oturmuştur. Hayatta kalan son Depoian olarak kanalizasyon memelileri ile dövüşüp durmuş ama yine de sonunda bir çıkış yolu bulmuştur: Deponia'yı havaya uçurmalıymış! Ve... Bıyık bırakmış.

Elbette bu tüyler ürpertici olayların hiç yaşanmadan engellenmesi gerektiğini fark eder; özellikle de bıyıklı olayın. Deponia ve sinekkaydı suratı kurtulmak zorunda!

Ama bu yalnızca bir rüya mıdır? Garip zaman anomalileri olduğunu keşfeden tuhaf bir zaman bilimci McChronicle'ın yardımıyla Rufus, gelecekten gelen bazı zaman yolcularının zaman makinelerini umarsızca etrafa park ettiklerini anlar. Peki ya bu muhteşem teknoloji yanlış kişilerin eline geçerse neler olur!

Ekol haline gelmiş Deponia üçlemesinin son bölümüne girin ve başı beladan kurtulmayan anti kahraman Rufus'a macerasında yardım edin. Daha önceki bölümleri bilmeseniz bile Deponia Kıyamet Günü'nün komikliği ile kahkahalarınıza engel olamayacaksınız.

Sıra dışı mizahın ve benzersiz bir şekilde tasarlanmış dünyanın büyüsüne kapılıp tüm zamanların en büyük ve en uzun Deponia macerasının tadını çıkarın.

• Ödüllü Deponia Serisinin yeni bölümü
• Destansı macera oyunu
• Elle çizilmiş benzersiz karikatür tarzı
• Tanıdık yüzler ve 70'i aşkın yeni çılgın karakterin yanı sıra bayıldığınız sıra dışı mizah
• Zamanı geri döndürün ve çöp gezegenin geçmişinde yeni yolculuklara çıkın
• Muhteşem ornitorenk aksiyonları
• Çöp gezegen yıkılmak üzere: Deponia ve Elysium'da oynanabilir seviyeler
• Deponia'nın bereketli bitki örtüsü ve hayvanlarını keşfedin

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

Buy Deponia 1-3:


Also available on Steam:


Про гру

One fateful night, Rufus awakes from a haunting nightmare: he sacrificed himself to save Deponia. But at what price? Elysium, the floating city crash-landed on the planet. As the last surviving Deponian, he fought savage fewlocks, but in the end, there was only one way out: He had to blow up Deponia! And... He grew a mustache.

Of course he realized that these gruesome events -especially the mustache part- had to be prevented from ever happening. Deponia and his well-shaved face had to survive!

But was this really just a dream? With the help of McChronicle, a quirky temporal scientist, who discovered strange time-anomalies, Rufus discovers that some time travelers from the future carelessly parked their time machine in his neighborhood. Just imagine if this amazing technology would fall into the wrong hands!

Dive right into this frantic sequel of the Deponia cult-trilogy and join the chaotic anti-hero Rufus on his most peculiar adventure. Even without knowing the previous installment, the hilarity of Deponia Doomsday will have you cracking smiles and burst with laughter.

Get enthralled by the bizarre humor and the uniquely designed world and enjoy the largest and longest Deponia adventure of all time.

• A new installment of the award-winning Deponia Series
• Epic adventure gameplay
• Unique hand-drawn comic style
• Familiar faces and more than 70 new crazy characters featuring the whacky humor you love so much
• Turn back time and see a new spin on the junk-planet's history
• Platypus-tastic action
• Junk meets decadence: playable levels on Deponia and Elysium
• Discover the lush flora and fauna of Deponia

Includes Soundtrack, Concept Art & Art Book as digital extras!
The extras can be found in your Steam installation location for Deponia Doomsday. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Deponia Doomsday)

System Requirements


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