Deponia: The Complete Journey
Deponia: The Complete Journey

Deponia: The Complete Journey

Release Date: 07/07/2014 | WORLDWIDE
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9.49 € + VAT


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Sobre o jogo

Lixo, lixo e mais lixo. A vida no planeta lixo Deponia não é nada fácil. Não é de se surpreender que Rufus, farto de tudo isso, elabore cada plano mais esdrúxulo que o outro para escapar desse lugar sombrio.
Em uma de suas tentativas de deixar Deponia, Rufus conhece Goal e, não apenas se apaixona pela bela garota de Elysium, mas acidentalmente a arrasta de sua confortável nave espacial para o desolado planeta lixo. Esse acidente instiga uma nova ideia brilhante: ele precisa levar Goal de volta para a cidade flutuante de Elysium e, enquanto isso, também pode se passar por Cletus, o esquálido noivo que se parece muito com ele por algum motivo. E assim, começa uma emocionante aventura...
Repleta de altas pontuações e prêmios, a Trilogia Deponia, criada pelos desenvolvedores de Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World e Memoria, conquistou reconhecimento e admiração quase que instantaneamente. Graças à sua estória emocionante, personagens cativantes, diálogos cômicos e uma mistura cuidadosamente elaborada de comédia e enigmas, Deponia é diversão garantida para crianças e também para adultos. Junte-se a Rufus em suas incríveis jornadas, pela primeira vez em edição completa com inúmeros recursos inovadores, que não somente serão fascinantes para os fãs de aventuras ferrenhas, mas também para os iniciantes no gênero.


  • A Jornada completa apresenta mais de quatro horas de comentários do desenvolvedor, um mapa-múndi do Deponia que permite a seleção de cada capítulo do jogo, um sistema gráfico completo para ajudá-lo nas missões, telas de ajuda do minijogo, um novo menu de início, novos itens ocultos para sua coleção, suporte ao Linux
  • Mais 6 novas músicas compostas e cantadas por Poki e vídeos dos bastidores
  • Dos criadores dos jogos premiados Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria e Blackguards
  • Deponia - The Complete Journey contém mais de 4 horas de comentários do desenvolvedor, apresentando Poki e as vozes de Rufus e Goal
  • Veja a estória completa de Deponia
  • Enigmas desafiadores, mas de 40 horas de jogo e diálogos de alta qualidade
  • Conteúdo de bônus, extras, recursos de making-of de “How to draw Rufus” e “The Art of Deponia”, Trilha sonora do desenvolvedor e modelos de desenho de papel

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Относно играта

Junk, junk and even more junk. Life on the trash-planet Deponia is anything but a walk in the park. No surprise that Rufus had enough of that and hatches one ludicrous plan after the other to escape this bleak place.

When Rufus, on one of his attempts to leave Deponia behind, meets Goal, he not only falls madly in love with the beautiful girl from Elysium; he also accidentally shoves her right off her comfortable star cruiser and down to the desolate trash-planet. This accident kindles a new, brilliant plan: he needs to get Goal back to the floating city of Elysium – and while he's on it, he can also impersonate her sleazy fiance Cletus, who is the spitting image of Rufus for some reason. And thus, an exciting adventure begins...

Showered in top-scores and awards, the Deponia-Trilogy, created by the developers of Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World and Memoria, managed to reach cult-status almost instantly. Thanks to its exciting story, likeable characters and hilarious dialogues and a finely crafted mixture of comedy and puzzles, Deponia is enjoyable for both, young and old. Join Rufus on his thrilling journeys, for the first time in a complete edition with many new features, that will not only be a blast for hardcore adventure fans, but also those new to the genre.

Deponia: The Complete Journey does not include the new sequel Deponia Doomsday!

Key Features

  • Deponia: The Complete Journey features over 4 hours of Developer's Commentary, a Deponia world map that allows for selection of each chapter of the game, a comprehensive graphical questlog help system, minigame help screens, a new launch menu, new hidden collectables, Linux support, plus 6 new songs written and sung by Poki and Behind-the-Scenes videos
  • Developer's Commentary is featuring game creator Poki and the voices of Rufus and Goal
  • Experience Deponia's story in full length
  • Challenging puzzles, more than 40 hours of playtime and bizarre dialogues
  • Bonus content, extras and making-of features include 'How to draw Rufus & Goal' and 'The Art of Deponia' videos, Developer's Commentary Soundtrack (6 new songs created and sung by Poki) and papercraft models
  • From the creators of the award-winning games Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria and Blackguards

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O hře

Harampádí a zase jenom harampádí. Život na odpadní planete Deponia je vše, jenom ne snadný. Není žádným prekvapením, že Rufus už toho má dost a v hlave se mu rodí jeden absurdní plán na útek z tohoto ponurého místa za druhým.
Když Rufus behem jednoho ze svých pokusu o únik z Deponie setká s krásnou dívkou z mesta Elysium jménem Goal, nejen že se do ni šílene zamiluje, ale náhodou ji omylem shodí prímo z její pohodlné hvezdné lodi prímo dolu na bezútešnou odpadní planetu. Tato nehoda prinese zrod nového, brilantního plánu: musí dostat Goal zpet do plovoucího mesta Elysium – a behem toho se také muže vydávat za jejího povrchního snoubence Cletuse, který se z nejakého záhadného duvodu verne podobá Rufusovi. A tak nám zacíná úžasné dobrodružství...
Trilogie Deponia zasypaná nejlepším hodnocením a oceneními od vývojáru Edna&Harvey: Jednotlivým dílum Breakout, The Whispered World a Memoria se podarilo témer okamžite dosáhnout kultovního úspechu. Díky úžasnému príbehu, zajímavým postavám, zábavným dialogum a jemne sladené smesi komedie a hádanek je Deponia zábavná jak pro mladé, tak i pro starší. Pridejte se k Rufusovi na jeho dechberoucích výpravách, poprvé v kompletní edici s mnoha novými funkcemi, které nejsou urceny pouze pro nárocné fanoušky adventur, ale také pro novácky v tomto žánru.


  • Sada Complete Journey obsahuje ctyri hodiny komentáru od vývojáru, mapu sveta Deponia, která umožnuje výber jednotlivých kapitol hry, komplexní grafické nápovedy systému seznamu úkolu, obrazovky nápovedy miniher, novou nabídku spouštení, nové skryté sberatelské položky, podporu systému Linux
  • A navíc 6 nových skladeb složených a nazpívaných Pokim a videa z tvorby hry
  • Deponia – cesta tam a zase zpátky obsahuje více než 4 hodiny komentáru od vývojáru týkajících se Pokiho a hlasu Rufuse a Goal.
  • Sledujte príbeh Deponie v celé jeho délce.
  • Nárocné hádanky, hrací doba více než 40 hodin a vysoce kvalitní dialogy.
  • Bonusový obsah, doplnky, príbehy z denícku vývojáre jako „How to draw Rufus“ a „Art of Deponia“, soundtrack vývojáru a papírové modely.
  • Od tvurcu ocenovaných her studia Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria a Blackguards.

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Om spillet

Junk, junk and even more junk. Life on the trash-planet Deponia is anything but a walk in the park. No surprise that Rufus had enough of that and hatches one ludicrous plan after the other to escape this bleak place.

When Rufus, on one of his attempts to leave Deponia behind, meets Goal, he not only falls madly in love with the beautiful girl from Elysium; he also accidentally shoves her right off her comfortable star cruiser and down to the desolate trash-planet. This accident kindles a new, brilliant plan: he needs to get Goal back to the floating city of Elysium – and while he's on it, he can also impersonate her sleazy fiance Cletus, who is the spitting image of Rufus for some reason. And thus, an exciting adventure begins...

Showered in top-scores and awards, the Deponia-Trilogy, created by the developers of Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World and Memoria, managed to reach cult-status almost instantly. Thanks to its exciting story, likeable characters and hilarious dialogues and a finely crafted mixture of comedy and puzzles, Deponia is enjoyable for both, young and old. Join Rufus on his thrilling journeys, for the first time in a complete edition with many new features, that will not only be a blast for hardcore adventure fans, but also those new to the genre.

Deponia: The Complete Journey does not include the new sequel Deponia Doomsday!

Key Features

  • Deponia: The Complete Journey features over 4 hours of Developer's Commentary, a Deponia world map that allows for selection of each chapter of the game, a comprehensive graphical questlog help system, minigame help screens, a new launch menu, new hidden collectables, Linux support, plus 6 new songs written and sung by Poki and Behind-the-Scenes videos
  • Developer's Commentary is featuring game creator Poki and the voices of Rufus and Goal
  • Experience Deponia's story in full length
  • Challenging puzzles, more than 40 hours of playtime and bizarre dialogues
  • Bonus content, extras and making-of features include 'How to draw Rufus & Goal' and 'The Art of Deponia' videos, Developer's Commentary Soundtrack (6 new songs created and sung by Poki) and papercraft models
  • From the creators of the award-winning games Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria and Blackguards

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Info over het spel

Troep, troep en nog meer troep. Het leven op de afvalplaneet Deponia gaat niet over rozen. Geen wonder dat Rufus er genoeg van heeft en het ene na het andere lachwekkende plan verzint om van deze deprimerende planeet te ontsnappen.
Als Rufus tijdens een van zijn pogingen om Deponia achter zich te laten Goal ontmoet, wordt hij niet alleen stapelverliefd op deze prachtig mooie meid van Elysium; hij stoot haar ook per ongeluk van haar comfortabele sterrenschip waardoor ze op de naargeestige afvalplaneet terechtkomt. Dit ongeluk is de voedingsbodem voor een briljant nieuw plan: hij moet ervoor zorgen dat Goal terugkeert naar de zwevende stad Elysium – en als dan hij toch bezig is, kan hij meteen de plek innemen van haar waardeloze verloofde Cletus, die om de een of andere reden exact op hem lijkt. En zo begint een spannend avontuur...
De Deponia-trilogie, gemaakt door de ontwikkelaars van Edna&Harvey, is bedolven onder topscores en prijzen: het lukte The Breakout, The Whispered World en Memoria om bijna onmiddellijk tot cultstatus te worden verheven. Dankzij het spannende verhaal, de sympathieke personages en hilarische dialogen, en een uitgekiende mix van humor en raadsels, is Deponia leuk voor zowel jong als oud. Ga met Rufus mee op zijn spannende reizen, voor het eerst in een complete uitgave met nieuwe functies waarvan niet alleen de fans van het eerste uur stijl achterover zullen slaan, maar ook diegenen die het genre pas net hebben ontdekt.


  • Volledige reisfuncties, ruim vier commentaar van de ontwikkelaars, een wereldkaart van Deponia met de mogelijkheid delen te selecteren voor ieder hoofdstuk van de game, een alomvattend grafisch logboek van het helpsysteem voor de queeste, mini-game helpschermen, een nieuw startmenu, nieuwe verborgen verzamelitems , Linux-ondersteuning
  • 6 nieuwe songs, geschreven en gezongen door Poki, en video’s van achter de schermen
  • Deponia - The Complete Journey bevat meer dan 4 uur aan commentaar van de ontwikkelaars, met Poki en de stemmen van Rufus en Goal
  • Bekijk het hele verhaal van Deponia
  • Uitdagende raadsels, meer dan 40 uur gametijd en dialogen van hoge kwaliteit
  • Bonus-content, extra's, making-of-features, zoals "How to draw Rufus" en "The Art of Deponia", ontwikkelaarssoundtrack en bouwplaten
  • Van de makers van de bekroonde Edna&Harvey-games: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria en Blackguards

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About the Game

Junk, junk and even more junk. Life on the trash-planet Deponia is anything but a walk in the park. No surprise that Rufus had enough of that and hatches one ludicrous plan after the other to escape this bleak place.

When Rufus, on one of his attempts to leave Deponia behind, meets Goal, he not only falls madly in love with the beautiful girl from Elysium; he also accidentally shoves her right off her comfortable star cruiser and down to the desolate trash-planet. This accident kindles a new, brilliant plan: he needs to get Goal back to the floating city of Elysium – and while he's on it, he can also impersonate her sleazy fiance Cletus, who is the spitting image of Rufus for some reason. And thus, an exciting adventure begins...

Showered in top-scores and awards, the Deponia-Trilogy, created by the developers of Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World and Memoria, managed to reach cult-status almost instantly. Thanks to its exciting story, likeable characters and hilarious dialogues and a finely crafted mixture of comedy and puzzles, Deponia is enjoyable for both, young and old. Join Rufus on his thrilling journeys, for the first time in a complete edition with many new features, that will not only be a blast for hardcore adventure fans, but also those new to the genre.

Deponia: The Complete Journey does not include the new sequel Deponia Doomsday!

Key Features

  • Deponia: The Complete Journey features over 4 hours of Developer's Commentary, a Deponia world map that allows for selection of each chapter of the game, a comprehensive graphical questlog help system, minigame help screens, a new launch menu, new hidden collectables, Linux support, plus 6 new songs written and sung by Poki and Behind-the-Scenes videos
  • Developer's Commentary is featuring game creator Poki and the voices of Rufus and Goal
  • Experience Deponia's story in full length
  • Challenging puzzles, more than 40 hours of playtime and bizarre dialogues
  • Bonus content, extras and making-of features include 'How to draw Rufus & Goal' and 'The Art of Deponia' videos, Developer's Commentary Soundtrack (6 new songs created and sung by Poki) and papercraft models
  • From the creators of the award-winning games Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria and Blackguards

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Tietoja pelistä

Roinaa, roinaa ja aina vain lisää roinaa. Elämä roinaplaneetta Deponialla ei ole ruusuilla tanssimista. Ei ihmekään, että Rufus on lopen kyllästynyt siihen ja keksii jatkuvasti uusia tapoja päästä pakoon ankeasta paikasta.
Kun yhdellä pakomatkallaan Deponiasta Rufus tapaa Goalin, hän ei anoastaan rakastu päätä pahkaa tähän kauniiseen tyttöön Elysiumista, mutta hän myös vahingossa työntää tytön ulos tähtilaivasta alas autiolle roskaplaneetalle. Vahingosta syntyykin uusia hieno suunnitelma: hänen täytyy saattaa Goal takaisin kelluvaan Elysium-kaupunkiin — ja samaan aikaan hän voi myös esiintyä tytön likaisena sulhasena Cletuksena, joka jostain syystä on kuin ilmetty Rufus. Ja niin uusi jännittävä seikkailu alkaa...
Parhaita pisteitä ja palkintoja kahminut Deponia-trilogia, jonka ovat luoneet Edna&Harvey -pelin kehittäjät: The Breakout, The Whispered World ja Memoria saivat kulttimaisen suosion melkein välittömästi. Deponiasta pitävät sekä nuoret että vanhemmat, kiitos sen jännittävän tarinan, mukavien hahmojen ja hauskan vuoropuhelun, ja hienon sekoituksen komediaa ja arvoituksia. Lähde Rufuksen matkaan jännittäviin seikkailuihin, nyt ensimmäistä kertaa täydellisenä versiona, jossa on monia uusia toimintoja. Ne miellyttävät kovimpiakin seikkailufaneja, mutta myös uusia tulijoita tyylilajiin.


  • Complete Journey sisältää yli neljä tuntia kehittäjän kommentteja, Deponian maailmankartan pelin eri lukujen valintaan, kattavan graafisen tehtävälokin apujärjestelmän, minipeliohjenäyttöjä, uuden käynnistysvalikon, uusia piilotettuja keräilykohteita, Linux-tuen
  • 6 uutta Pokin laulamaa ja kirjoittamaa kappaletta sekä videoita kulissien takaa
  • Deponia - The Complete Journey sisältää yli 4 tuntia kehittäjien kommentteja koskien Pokia ja Rufuksen ja Goalin ääniä
  • Katso Deponian tarina kokonaisuudessaan
  • Haastavia arvoituksia, yli 40 tuntia peliaikaa ja korkeatasoista vuoropuhelua
  • Bonus-sisältöä ja ekstroja, kuinka se tehtiin osia kuten ”How to draw Rufus” ja ”The Art of Deponia”, kehittäjän musiikkia ja paperiset mallit
  • Palkittujen Edna&Harvey -pelien kehittäjiltä: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria ja Blackguards

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À propos du jeu

Des ordures, des ordures, et encore des ordures. La vie sur la planète désolée Deponia est tout sauf une promenade de santé. Pas étonnant que Rufus en est eu assez et prépare un plan farfelu après l'autre pour s'échapper de cet endroit perdu.
Lorsque Rufus rencontre Goal durant l'une de ses tentatives pour quitter Deponia, non seulement il tombe fou amoureux de cette superbe jeune fille d'Elysium, mais il fait dériver bien malgré lui son croiseur stellaire et la pousse vers cette planète désolée. Cet accident l'amène à un nouveau plan brillant : il doit ramener Goal sur la cité flottante d'Elysium, et en profiter pour se faire passer pour son sordide fiancé Cletus, qui par une coïncidence folle est le sosie parfait de Rufus. C'est ainsi que commence un incroyable aventure...
La trilogie Deponia, créée par les développeurs de Edna&Harvey : The Breakout, The Whispered World et Memoria, a obtenu maintes et maintes récompenses, et a réussi à passer au rang de jeu culte presque instantanément. Grâce à son histoire passionnante, ses personnages sympathiques, ses dialogues hilarants et son savant mélange entre comédie et énigmes, Deponia convient à tous, petits et grands. Rejoignez Rufus dans ses voyages palpitants, pour la première fois dans une édition complète dotée de nombreuses nouvelles caractéristiques, qui vont non seulement combler les fans les plus exigeants, mais aussi ravir ceux qui n'y ont jamais joués.


  • Complète tes aventures de Journey avec plus de quatre heures de commentaires des développeurs, une carte du monde de Deponia permettant de sélectionner tous les chapitres du jeu, un système d’aide graphique du journal de quête exhaustif, des écrans d’aide pour les mini-jeux, un nouveau menu de lancement, de nouveaux objets de collection cachés, un support Linux
  • Plus 6 nouvelles chansons composées et interprétées par Poki et des vidéos sur les coulisses du jeu
  • Deponia - The Complete Journey contient plus de 4 heures de commentaires des développeurs, dont Poki ainsi que les voix de Rufus et de Goal
  • Suivez l'histoire de Deponia dans son entier
  • Des énigmes passionnantes, plus de 40 heures de jeu, et des dialogues de grande qualité
  • Des contenus bonus, un making-of incluant « How to draw Rufus » et « The Art of Deponia », la bande-son des développeurs et des modèles de maquette
  • Par les créateurs des jeux maintes fois récompensés Edna&Harvey : The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria et Blackguards

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Über das Spiel

Müll, Müll und noch mehr Müll. Das Leben auf dem Schrottplaneten Deponia ist alles andere als ein Urlaubsvergnügen. Kein Wunder also, dass Rufus die Nase gestrichen voll hat und daher mit einem haarsträubenden Plan nach dem anderen versucht, von diesem trostlosen Ort zu entkommen.

Als Rufus bei einem seiner Fluchtversuche auf Goal trifft und sich nicht nur in die schöne Frau aus Elysium verliebt, sondern sie auch gleich noch versehentlich aus ihrem komfortablen Sternenkreuzer schnurstracks auf den tristen Müllplaneten schubst, fasst er sogleich einen neuen Plan: Er muss es schaffen, Goal zurück in die schwebende Luxusstadt Elysium zu bringen – und wenn er schon dabei ist, kann er ja auch gleich in die Rolle ihres schmierigen Verlobten Cletus schlüpfen, der ihm aus irgendeinem Grund wie ein Ei dem anderen gleicht. Ein spannendes Abenteuer beginnt ...
Mit Bestwertungen und Preisen überschüttet, gelang es der Deponia-Trilogie von den Machern von Edna Bricht Aus, The Whispered World und Memoria in kürzester Zeit, Kult-Status zu erreichen. Dank einer spannenden Geschichte, sympathischen Charakteren, aberwitzigen Dialogen und einer fein abgestimmten Kombination aus Gags und guten Rätseln begeistert Deponia Jung und Alt in gleichen Maßen. Erlebe die aufregenden Abenteuer von Rufus, die nicht nur eingefleischte Genre-Fans begeistern, sondern auch Adventure-Neulinge voll auf ihre Kosten kommen lässt, erstmals in einer Gesamtausgabe mit vielen neuen Features.

Deponia: The Complete Journey enthält nicht die brandneue Fortsetzung Deponia Doomsday!

Key Features

  • Die Complete Journey beinhaltet mehr als vier Stunden Entwicklerkommentare, eine Deponia Weltkarte, die dem Spieler erlaubt verschiendene Stellen des Spiels anzuwählen, ein Questlog System, Minigame Hilfen, ein neues Startmenü, versteckte Sammelitems und Linux support
  • Plus 6 neue Songs geschrieben und gesungen von Poki und Behing-the-Scenes videos
  • Entwicklerkommentare von und mit Poki, Gronkh und den Stimmen von Rufus und Goal
  • Erlebe die epische Deponia-Geschichte in voller Länge
  • Herausfordernde Rätsel, über 40 Stunden Spielspaß und bizarre Dialoge
  • Extra Bonus-Inhalte, Making-ofs (“How to draw Rufus” und “The Art of Deponia”), Developer's Commentary Soundtrack (6 neue Songs gesungen von Poki) und Papercraft Modelle
  • Von den Machern der preisgekrönten Spiele Edna Bricht Aus, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harveys Neue Augen, Memoria und Blackguards

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Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Junk, junk and even more junk. Life on the trash-planet Deponia is anything but a walk in the park. No surprise that Rufus had enough of that and hatches one ludicrous plan after the other to escape this bleak place.

When Rufus, on one of his attempts to leave Deponia behind, meets Goal, he not only falls madly in love with the beautiful girl from Elysium; he also accidentally shoves her right off her comfortable star cruiser and down to the desolate trash-planet. This accident kindles a new, brilliant plan: he needs to get Goal back to the floating city of Elysium – and while he's on it, he can also impersonate her sleazy fiance Cletus, who is the spitting image of Rufus for some reason. And thus, an exciting adventure begins...

Showered in top-scores and awards, the Deponia-Trilogy, created by the developers of Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World and Memoria, managed to reach cult-status almost instantly. Thanks to its exciting story, likeable characters and hilarious dialogues and a finely crafted mixture of comedy and puzzles, Deponia is enjoyable for both, young and old. Join Rufus on his thrilling journeys, for the first time in a complete edition with many new features, that will not only be a blast for hardcore adventure fans, but also those new to the genre.

Deponia: The Complete Journey does not include the new sequel Deponia Doomsday!

Key Features

  • Deponia: The Complete Journey features over 4 hours of Developer's Commentary, a Deponia world map that allows for selection of each chapter of the game, a comprehensive graphical questlog help system, minigame help screens, a new launch menu, new hidden collectables, Linux support, plus 6 new songs written and sung by Poki and Behind-the-Scenes videos
  • Developer's Commentary is featuring game creator Poki and the voices of Rufus and Goal
  • Experience Deponia's story in full length
  • Challenging puzzles, more than 40 hours of playtime and bizarre dialogues
  • Bonus content, extras and making-of features include 'How to draw Rufus & Goal' and 'The Art of Deponia' videos, Developer's Commentary Soundtrack (6 new songs created and sung by Poki) and papercraft models
  • From the creators of the award-winning games Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria and Blackguards

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A játékról: 

Szemét, szemét és még több szemét. Deponia bolygóján az élet nem sétagalopp. Nem csoda, hogy Rufus megelégelte ezt és ravaszabbnál ravaszabb terveket szőtt, hogy megléphessen erről a lepattant helyről.
Amikor Rufus egyik terve, hogy elhagyja Deponiát sikerrel jár, találkozik Goallal, és nemcsak szerelmes lesz a gyönyörű lányba az Elysiumról, hanem véletlenül lelöki kényelmes csillagcirkálójáról, egyenesen a kietlen szemét-bolygóra. Ez a baleset egy új, briliáns tervbe torkollik: vissza kell juttatnia Goal-t Elysium lebegő városába – és amíg ezzel a foglalkozik. megszemélyesítheti laza vőlegényét Cletust is, aki valamilyen okból kiköpött Rufus. Így kezdődik a lenyűgöző kaland...
A Deponia-trilógia, az Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, a Whispered World és a Memoria, alkotóinak számos díjat begyűjtő munkája azonnal kultikus státuszra tett szert. Érdekes történetének, szerethető karaktereinek, vicces párbeszédeinek és a komédia és rejtvények egyedülálló keverékének köszönhetően a Deponia mindenki számára, legyen az fiatal vagy idősebb, élvezetes lehet. Csatlakozz Rufushoz lélegzetállító kalandjai során, mely most először érhető el a teljes egészében, számos újdonsággal, és nem csak a hardcore kalandjáték rajongókat fogja lenyűgözni, hanem azokat is akik még csak most ismerkednek a műfajjal.


  • A teljes kaland, több mint négy órás fejlesztői kommentárral, egy Depónia világtérkép, melyen a játék összes fejezete kiválasztható, mindenre kiterjedő grafikus kalandnapló segítség rendszer, mini segítség képernyők, új indítómenü, új rejtett összegyűjthető elemek, Linux támogatás, hat új dal melyet Poki írt és énekel, színfalak mögött videók
  • A Deponia - The Complete Journey 4 órás fejlesztői kommentárt is tartalmaz, Poki és Rufus és Goal hangjainak szereplésével
  • Deponia teljes története
  • Kihívást jelentő fejtörők, több mint 40 óra játékidő, és kiváló párbeszédek
  • Bónusz tartalom, extrák, így készült anyagok. pl. „How to draw Rufus” és „The Art of Deponia”, Fejlesztői soundtrack és papírmodellek
  • Az Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria és a Blackguards díjnyertes alkotóitól

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Informazioni sul gioco

Spazzatura, spazzatura e ancora spazzatura. La vita su Deponia, il pianeta-spazzatura, è tutto tranne che una passeggiata al parco. Non c’è da sorprendersi, quindi, che Rufus ne abbia abbastanza e che abbia escogitato un ridicolo piano dopo l’altro per scappare da quel luogo sconfortante.
Quando Rufus, durante uno dei suoi tentativi di lasciarsi Deponia alle spalle, conosce Goal, non solo si innamora perdutamente della bellissima ragazza proveniente da Elysium, ma per sbaglio la spinge giù dalla sua comoda navicella spaziale e la fa cadere nel desolato pianeta-spazzatura. Questo incidente dà vita a nuovo e brillante piano: deve riportare Goal a Elysium, la città galleggiante, e nel contempo, può anche impersonare il suo trasandato fidanzato Cletus, che, per qualche strana ragione, è la copia sputata di Rufus. E così, inizia un’eccitante avventura…
Riempita di massimi punteggi e premi, la trilogia di Deponia, creata dagli sviluppatori di Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World e Memoria, è riuscita a raggiungere lo status di cult quasi istantaneamente. Grazie alla sua storia frizzante, personaggi simpatici, dialoghi esilaranti e un misto di commedia e puzzle finemente creata, Deponia è godibile sia per giovani che per adulti. Unisciti a Rufus nei suoi elettrizzanti viaggi, per la prima volta in edizione completa con molte nuove caratteristiche, che non saranno solamente uno spasso per i fan dell’avventura hardcore, ma anche ai nuovi del genere.


  • Completa le funzioni Viaggio per oltre Quattro ore di Commenti dello sviluppatore, una mappa del mondo di Deponia che permette una selezione di ogni capitolo del gioco, un Sistema di aiuto di questlog grafico completo, schermate di aiuto minigioco, un nuovo menu di lancio, nuovi collezionabili nascosti, supporto Linux
  • Più 6 nuove canzoni scritte e cantate da Poki e video dietro le scene
  • Deponia- The Complete Journey contiene più di 4 ore di commenti degli sviluppatori insieme a Poki e le voci di Rufus e Goal
  • Guarda la storia di Deponia nella sua interezza
  • Puzzle impegnativi, più di 40 ore di gioco e dialoghi di alta qualità
  • Contenuti bonus, extra, caratteristiche creative come “How to draw Rufus” e “The Art of Deponia”, la colonna sonora dello sviluppatore e modelli pepakura
  • Dai creatori dei giochi vincitori di premi Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria e Blackguards

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ルーファスはデポニアーを後にする計画の中の一つでゴールと出会い、このエリシウムから来た美しい少女に激しく恋をします。そして、ルーファスは偶然彼女を快適なスタークルーザーから荒れ果てたゴミの星へ落としてしまいます。この事故が新しい計画に火を付けます。ゴールを浮遊都市エリシウムに返す - ルーファスはこの計画に取り組む間、なぜか分からないけれど自分と瓜二つのゴールの不誠実な婚約者クレトゥスになりすますことができます。こうして、わくわくするような冒険が幕を開けます…
制作した The Breakout、The Whispered World、Memoria がすぐに熱狂を生み出したデベロッパー Edna&Harvey。最高の評価を受けアワードも受賞した Edna&Harvey による Deponia-Trilogy シリーズは、わくわくする物語、愛らしいキャラクター、愉快なせりふ、巧みに組み合わせられたコメディとパズルで若者からシニア世代まで幅広い年代で楽しめる作品となっています。ルーファスのスリリングな冒険に加わりませんか?ハードコアなアドベンチャーファンだけでなく、このジャンルの初心者も対象とした多くの新しい機能を有する初のコンプリートエディションです。


  • 4時間以上に及ぶ開発者の解説、ゲームの各チャプターが選択できるデポニア世界地図、全編を網羅したグラフィカルなクエストログヘルプシステム、ミニゲームヘルプスクリーン、新規ラウンチメニュー、新しい秘宝、Linuxサポート、作曲•収録を手がけたポキによる追加新曲6曲、そして舞台裏特典映像が付いたジャーニー完全版
  • The Breakout、The Whispered World、A New Beginning、Harvey's New Eyes、Memoria、Blackguards など受賞歴のあるゲームクリエイター Edna&Harvey 制作
  • Deponia - The Complete Journey には、Poki、ルーファスとゴールの声を取り上げた 4 時間以上のデベロッパーによる解説が含まれています
  • Deponia のストーリーをすべてご覧いただけます
  • チャレンジングなパズル、40 時間以上のプレイ時間、高いクオリティの会話
  • ボーナスコンテンツ、エクストラ、「How to draw Rufus」、「The Art of Deponia」などのメイキング、デベロッパーサウンドトラック、ペーパークラフトモデル

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게임 정보

정크, 정크, 정크. 쓰레기 행성 Deponia에서는 뭐든 다 할 수 있지만, 특히 공원에서 산책하는 삶이다. 루퍼스(Rufus)가 이 적막한 곳을 빠져나가기 위해 엉뚱한 계획을 하는 것은 놀랍지 않다.
루퍼스가 Deponia를 뒤로 하고 떠나려고 골(Goal)을 만날 때, 루퍼스는 엘리시움에서 온 아름다운 그 소녀와 사랑에 빠질 뿐 아니라 소녀의 우주선을 우연히 타고 황량한 쓰레기 행성에 닿게 된다. 이 사고로 루퍼스는 골을 엘리시움의 도시로 보내는 새롭고 놀라운 계획을 세운다. 루퍼스가 엘리시움에 있을 때, 골의 비열한 피앙세 클레투스(Cletus)를 사칭한다. 클레투스는 어떤 이유에서인지 루퍼스를 닮았다. 그렇게 해서 흥미진진한 모험이 시작되는데...
톱-스코어 및 수상의 영예를 얻은 Deponia 3부작은 Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World, Memoria 제작자에 의해 개발되었으며, 거의 순식간에 독보적인 위치를 달성한다. 흥미진진한 스토리, 호감이 가는 캐릭터들, 재미있는 대사, 코미디와 퍼즐의 멋진 결합으로 Deponia는 노소를 불문하고 모두가 즐길 수 있다. 많은 새 모습이 담긴 첫 완전판에서 루퍼스의 흥미진진한 여정에 참여하다 보면, 모험을 좋아하는 팬뿐만 아니라 이 장르에 처음인 자들도 게임에 푹 빠질 것이다.


  • Complete Journey는 4시간이 넘는 제작자 해설이 들어 있다. 게임의 각 장을 선택할 수 있는 Deponia 세계 지도, 종합 그래픽 questlog 지원 시스템, 미니게임 지원 스크린, 새 시작 메뉴, 새 숨은 수집품, 리눅스 지원, Poki가 작곡하고 부르는 새로운 6곡과 Behind-the-Scenes 비디오 등으로 구성되어 있다.
  • 수상 게임작 Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria, Blackguards 제작자가 개발
  • Deponia - The Complete Journey는 4시간 이상의 제작자 해설이 들어있는데, 루퍼스(Rufus)와 골(Goal)의 목소리를 Poki가 맡음
  • Deponia 스토리 전체 보기
  • 도전적인 퍼즐, 40시간 이상의 플레이 시간 및 뛰어난 대사
  • 보너스 컨텐츠, 엑스트라, 'How to draw Rufus' 및 'The Art of Deponia' 같은 메이킹 오브 피처, 제작자 사운드트랙 및 종이 크래프트 모델

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Om spillet

Søppel, søppel og atter søppel. Livet på søppelplaneten Deponia er alt annet enn lett. Ikke særlig overraskende at Rufus har fått mer enn nok. Nå legger sprø planer på rekke og rad for å komme seg vekk fra dette elendige stedet.
På et de mange forsøkene mens Rufus prøver å forlate Deponia, treffer han Gaol, og ikke bare faller han pladask for den nydelige jenten fra Elysium – ved et uhell dytter han henne ut av den behagelige tilværelsen fra stjerneskipet og ned til den trøstesløse søppelplaneten. Dette setter liv til en ny genial plan: han må få Goal tilbake til den svevende byen Elysium, og når han først er i gang, så kan han vel gi seg ut for å være hennes sleske forlovede Cletus, som av en aller annen grunn ser prikk lik ut som Rufus. Og dette blir starten på et spennende eventyr...
Deponia-trilogien er utviklet av Edna&Harvey, og har nærmest blitt overøst med varme omtaler og priser: The Breakout, The Whispered World og Memoria, fikk omtrent kultstatus etter de ble gitt ut. Grunnet denne spennende historien, sjarmerende figurer og morsomme dialoger, samt en god blanding av humor og oppgaver – er Deponia et spill som faller i smak i de aller fleste aldersgrupper. Bli med Rufus på de spennende reisene, nå og for første gang, i en fullversjon med mye nytt innhold. Det gjør det hele til en fantastisk opplevelse for erfarne eventyrgamere, men også for dem som er ny i genren.


  • Complete Journey inneholder mer enn 4 timers material med kommentarer fra utviklerne, et verdenskart over Deponia med kapittelvelger, et omfattende og grafisk detaljert hjelpesystem for oppdrag, hjelpeskjermer til minispill, en ny startmeny, nye, skjulte samleobjekter, Linux- støtte
  • 6 nye sanger skrevet og sunget av Poki, samt bak scenen-filmer
  • Fra utviklerne av prisbelønte spill Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria og Blackguards
  • Deponia – The Complete Journey, inneholder mer enn 4 timer med kommentering fra utviklerne med Poki og stemmene til Rufus og Goal i hovedrollene
  • Få hele historien om Deponia
  • Utfordrende oppgaver, mer enn 40 timer med spilletid og dialoger av høy kvalitet
  • Bonusinnhold, ekstrainnhold, visningsfunksjoner som «How to draw Rufus» og «The Art of Deponia», utviklernes lydspor og papirmodeller

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Informacje o grze

Śmieci, nic tylko śmieci. Życie na zaśmieconej planecie Deponia na pewno nie jest przyjemne. Nic dziwnego, że Rufus ma dość i wymyśla kolejne absurdalne plany, by uciec z tego ponurego miejsca.
W trakcie jednej ze swych prób ucieczki z planety Rufus spotyka piękną dziewczynę, Goal, w której się zakochuje, a także przypadkowo zrzuca ją z wygodnego gwiezdnego statku, przez co dziewczyna ląduje na zdewastowanej Deponii. Ten wypadek staje się zaczątkiem nowego genialnego planu: Rufus pomoże Goal dotrzeć do pływającego miasta Elysium, a przy okazji podszyje się pod jej szemranego narzeczonego Cletusa, który z jakiegoś powodu wygląda identycznie jak Rufus. I w ten sposób rozpocznie się fantastyczna przygoda...
Wysoko oceniona i obsypana nagrodami trylogia Deponii autorstwa twórców gry Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World oraz Memoria, niemalże od razu zyskała status gry kultowej. Ekscytująca opowieść, sympatyczne postaci, zabawne dialogi oraz udane połączenie komedii i łamigłówek sprawia, że Deponia stanowi świetną rozrywkę zarówno dla młodszych jak i starszych graczy. Dołącz do Rufusa w jego ekscytujących podróżach – pierwsze pełne wydanie tej gry z wieloma nowymi funkcjami to gratka nie tylko dla zagorzałych fanów przygodówek.


  • Complete Journey zawiera ponad cztery godziny komentarzy twórców, mapę świata gry Deponia, która umożliwia przejście do wybranego rozdziału, a także kompleksowy system pomocy do graficznego dziennika zadań, ekrany pomocy minigry, nowe menu uruchamiania, nowe ukryte przedmioty, obsługę systemu Linux
  • Sześć nowych piosenek napisanych i wykonanych przez Poki oraz filmy przedstawiające zakulisowe prace
  • Stworzona przez twórców wielokrotnie nagradzanych gier Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria oraz Blackguards
  • Deponia - The Complete Journey zawiera ponad 4 godziny komentarzy twórców, w tym Pokiego oraz głosy Rufusa i Goal
  • Poznaj pełną historię Deponii
  • Wymagające łamigłówki, ponad 40 godzin rozrywki i dobre dialogi
  • Bonusy, dodatki, opisy tworzenia różnych elementów, np. „How to draw Rufus” i „The Art of Deponia”, autorska ścieżka dźwiękowa i papierowe modele

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Acerca do Jogo

Junk, junk and even more junk. Life on the trash-planet Deponia is anything but a walk in the park. No surprise that Rufus had enough of that and hatches one ludicrous plan after the other to escape this bleak place.

When Rufus, on one of his attempts to leave Deponia behind, meets Goal, he not only falls madly in love with the beautiful girl from Elysium; he also accidentally shoves her right off her comfortable star cruiser and down to the desolate trash-planet. This accident kindles a new, brilliant plan: he needs to get Goal back to the floating city of Elysium – and while he's on it, he can also impersonate her sleazy fiance Cletus, who is the spitting image of Rufus for some reason. And thus, an exciting adventure begins...

Showered in top-scores and awards, the Deponia-Trilogy, created by the developers of Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World and Memoria, managed to reach cult-status almost instantly. Thanks to its exciting story, likeable characters and hilarious dialogues and a finely crafted mixture of comedy and puzzles, Deponia is enjoyable for both, young and old. Join Rufus on his thrilling journeys, for the first time in a complete edition with many new features, that will not only be a blast for hardcore adventure fans, but also those new to the genre.

Deponia: The Complete Journey does not include the new sequel Deponia Doomsday!

Key Features

  • Deponia: The Complete Journey features over 4 hours of Developer's Commentary, a Deponia world map that allows for selection of each chapter of the game, a comprehensive graphical questlog help system, minigame help screens, a new launch menu, new hidden collectables, Linux support, plus 6 new songs written and sung by Poki and Behind-the-Scenes videos
  • Developer's Commentary is featuring game creator Poki and the voices of Rufus and Goal
  • Experience Deponia's story in full length
  • Challenging puzzles, more than 40 hours of playtime and bizarre dialogues
  • Bonus content, extras and making-of features include 'How to draw Rufus & Goal' and 'The Art of Deponia' videos, Developer's Commentary Soundtrack (6 new songs created and sung by Poki) and papercraft models
  • From the creators of the award-winning games Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria and Blackguards

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Despre joc

Junk, junk and even more junk. Life on the trash-planet Deponia is anything but a walk in the park. No surprise that Rufus had enough of that and hatches one ludicrous plan after the other to escape this bleak place.

When Rufus, on one of his attempts to leave Deponia behind, meets Goal, he not only falls madly in love with the beautiful girl from Elysium; he also accidentally shoves her right off her comfortable star cruiser and down to the desolate trash-planet. This accident kindles a new, brilliant plan: he needs to get Goal back to the floating city of Elysium – and while he's on it, he can also impersonate her sleazy fiance Cletus, who is the spitting image of Rufus for some reason. And thus, an exciting adventure begins...

Showered in top-scores and awards, the Deponia-Trilogy, created by the developers of Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World and Memoria, managed to reach cult-status almost instantly. Thanks to its exciting story, likeable characters and hilarious dialogues and a finely crafted mixture of comedy and puzzles, Deponia is enjoyable for both, young and old. Join Rufus on his thrilling journeys, for the first time in a complete edition with many new features, that will not only be a blast for hardcore adventure fans, but also those new to the genre.

Deponia: The Complete Journey does not include the new sequel Deponia Doomsday!

Key Features

  • Deponia: The Complete Journey features over 4 hours of Developer's Commentary, a Deponia world map that allows for selection of each chapter of the game, a comprehensive graphical questlog help system, minigame help screens, a new launch menu, new hidden collectables, Linux support, plus 6 new songs written and sung by Poki and Behind-the-Scenes videos
  • Developer's Commentary is featuring game creator Poki and the voices of Rufus and Goal
  • Experience Deponia's story in full length
  • Challenging puzzles, more than 40 hours of playtime and bizarre dialogues
  • Bonus content, extras and making-of features include 'How to draw Rufus & Goal' and 'The Art of Deponia' videos, Developer's Commentary Soundtrack (6 new songs created and sung by Poki) and papercraft models
  • From the creators of the award-winning games Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria and Blackguards

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Об игре

Мусор, мусор и еще раз мусор. Жизнь на маленькой планете Депония не сахар. Неудивительно, что Руфус сыт такой жизнью по горло и строит нелепейшие планы один за другим, надеясь сбежать из этого мрачного местечка.
Во время одной из своих попыток сбежать с Депонии Руфус встречает Гоал и без ума влюбляется в эту прекрасную девушку с Элизиума. Он случайно сбрасывает ее с комфортабельного крейсера, и она оказывается на унылой планете-свалке. Но этот несчастный случай рождает в его голове новый план: ему нужно помочь Гоал вернуться в парящий город Элизиум, и для этого ему придется играть роль ее гадкого жениха Клитуса, который по какой-то неизвестной причине как две капли воды похож на Руфуса. Так начинается их невероятное приключение…
Трилогия Deponia, уже собравшая богатый урожай наград и первых мест в разных чартах, творение разработчиков таких хитов, как Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, «Ускользающий мир» и Memoria, стала культовой еще до своего выпуска. Благодаря восхитительному сюжету, симпатичным героям, уморительным диалогам и тонкому сочетанию комедии и загадок Deponia понравится игрокам самого разного возраста. Отправляйтесь с Руфусом в захватывающее путешествие! Впервые игра выходит в полной версии с массой новых возможностей, которые порадуют не только старых любителей приключенческих игр, но и новичков.


  • Complete Journey включает в себя более четырех часов Комментариев Разработчиков, карту мира Deponia, позволяющую выбрать каждую главу игры, подробную графическую систему помощи, экраны помощи по мини-играм, новое меню запуска, новые скрытые коллекционные предметы, поддержку Linux и 6 новых песен, написанных и исполненных Поки, а также видеоролики о том, что осталось за кадром
  • От создателей Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, «Ускользающий мир», A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria и Blackguards
  • Deponia — The Complete Journey — это более 4 часов комментариев разработчиков, а также Poki и актеров, озвучивающие Руфуса и Гоал
  • Узнайте полную историю Депонии
  • Интереснейшие загадки, больше 40 часов игры и чудесные диалоги
  • Дополнительные материалы, сюрпризы, обучающие бонусы, например «How to draw Rufus» и «The Art of Deponia», саундтрек от разработчика и бумажные модели

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Junk, junk and even more junk. Life on the trash-planet Deponia is anything but a walk in the park. No surprise that Rufus had enough of that and hatches one ludicrous plan after the other to escape this bleak place.

When Rufus, on one of his attempts to leave Deponia behind, meets Goal, he not only falls madly in love with the beautiful girl from Elysium; he also accidentally shoves her right off her comfortable star cruiser and down to the desolate trash-planet. This accident kindles a new, brilliant plan: he needs to get Goal back to the floating city of Elysium – and while he's on it, he can also impersonate her sleazy fiance Cletus, who is the spitting image of Rufus for some reason. And thus, an exciting adventure begins...

Showered in top-scores and awards, the Deponia-Trilogy, created by the developers of Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World and Memoria, managed to reach cult-status almost instantly. Thanks to its exciting story, likeable characters and hilarious dialogues and a finely crafted mixture of comedy and puzzles, Deponia is enjoyable for both, young and old. Join Rufus on his thrilling journeys, for the first time in a complete edition with many new features, that will not only be a blast for hardcore adventure fans, but also those new to the genre.

Deponia: The Complete Journey does not include the new sequel Deponia Doomsday!

Key Features

  • Deponia: The Complete Journey features over 4 hours of Developer's Commentary, a Deponia world map that allows for selection of each chapter of the game, a comprehensive graphical questlog help system, minigame help screens, a new launch menu, new hidden collectables, Linux support, plus 6 new songs written and sung by Poki and Behind-the-Scenes videos
  • Developer's Commentary is featuring game creator Poki and the voices of Rufus and Goal
  • Experience Deponia's story in full length
  • Challenging puzzles, more than 40 hours of playtime and bizarre dialogues
  • Bonus content, extras and making-of features include 'How to draw Rufus & Goal' and 'The Art of Deponia' videos, Developer's Commentary Soundtrack (6 new songs created and sung by Poki) and papercraft models
  • From the creators of the award-winning games Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria and Blackguards

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Acerca del juego

Basura, basura y más basura. La vida en el planeta basura de Deponia es de todo menos un paseo por el parque. No es de extrañar que Rufus esté harto y maquine un plan absurdo tras otro para escapar de este deprimente lugar.
Cuando Rufus, en uno de sus intentos de abandonar Deponia, conoce a Goal, no solo se enamora perdidamente de la preciosa chica de Elysium, si no que también la empuja por accidente fuera de su cómodo crucero estelar hasta el desolado planeta basura. Gracias a este accidente se le ocurre un nuevo y brillante plan: necesita que Goal vuelva a la ciudad flotante de Elysium, y para ello él mismo se hará pasar por el impresentable de su prometido, Cletus, que, por alguna razón, es la viva imagen de Rufus. Y, así, una emocionante aventura comienza...
Colmado de altísimas puntuaciones y premios, la trilogía de Deponia, creada por los desarrolladores de Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World y Memoria, ha conseguido llegar a la condición de juego de culto casi de forma instantánea. Gracias a su excitante historia, simpáticos personajes y diálogos divertidísimos, todo ello combinado de forma magistral en una mezcla de comedia y puzles, Deponia lo pueden disfrutar tanto jóvenes como no tan jóvenes. Únete a Rufus en sus emocionantes viajes, por primera vez en una edición completa con montones de características nuevas, que no solo gustará a los fanáticos de las aventuras de siempre, si no también a los novatos en el género.


  • Complete Journey incluye más de cuatro horas de comentarios de los desarrolladores, un mapamundi de Deponia que te permite seleccionar cada capítulo del juego, un cómodo sistema de diario para llevar al día tus aventuras, pantallas de ayuda en los minijuegos, un nuevo menú para lanzar el juego, nuevos coleccionables ocultos, soporte para Linux
  • Seis canciones nuevas escritas e interpretadas por Poki y vídeos del cómo se hizo
  • Deponia - The Complete Journey contiene más de cuatro horas de comentarios de los desarrolladores, incluidos Poki y las voces de Rufus y Goal
  • Vive la historia de Deponia en su totalidad
  • Puzles desafiantes, más de 40 horas de juego y diálogos de gran calidad
  • Contenido adicional, extras tales como "How to draw Rufus" y "The Art of Deponia", comentarios de los desarrolladores y plantillas para hacer figuras de papel
  • De los creadores de los galardonados juegos Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria y Blackguards

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Om spelet

Skräp, skräp och ännu mer skräp. Livet på avfallsplaneten Deponia är allt annat än en söndagspromenad. Det är inte konstigt att Rufus har fått nog av detta och funderar ut den mest absurda planen efter den andra för att komma ifrån det här dystra stället.
När Rufus träffar Goal under ett av sina försök att lämna Deponia, blir han inte bara galet förälskad i den vackra flickan från Elysium; av olyckshändelse knuffar han även av henne från hennes bekväma stjärnkryssare ner till den ödsliga avfallsplaneten. Denna olyckshändelse väcker en ny brilliant plan: han måste få tillbaka Goal till den svävande staden Elysium – och under tiden så kan han ge sig ut för att vara hennes sliskiga fästman Cletus som av någon anledning är ett levande porträtt av Rufus. Därmed börjar ett spännande äventyr...
Överöst med toppbetyg och priser har Deponia-triologin, som skapats av utvecklarna till Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World och Memoria, lyckats uppnå kultstatus nästan direkt. Tack vare dess spännande historia, sympatiska personer och fantastiska dialoger och en noga sammansatt mix av komedi och pussel, är Deponia trevligt för både unga och gamla.
Följ med Rufus på hans spännande resor, för första gången i en hel upplaga med många nya funktioner, som inte bara kommer att vara enormt kul för inbitna äventyrsfans utan även för de som är nya inom genren.


  • Med en Deponia-världskarta gör du resefunktionerna under några timmar i utvecklarkommentarerna och den gör det möjligt för dig att välja varje kapitel i spelet, har ett omfattande hjälpsystem för gästinloggning, hjälpskärmar för minispel, en ny startmeny, nya dolda samlarföremål, stöd för Linux
  • Samt 6 nya låtar som skrivits och framförs av Poki samt filmer bakom kameran
  • Från skaparna till de prisbelönta spelen Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria och Blackguards
  • Deponia - The Complete Journey innehåller mer än 4 timmars kommentarer från skaparna med Poki och med Rufus och Goals röster
  • Se hela Deponias historia
  • Utmanande pussel, mer än 40 timmars speltid och dialoger med hög kvalitet
  • Bonusinnehåll, extra material, skapandet av innehåll så som ”'How to draw Rufus” och ”The Art of Deponia”, utvecklarnas soundtrack och pappersmodeller

Buy Deponia Doomsday:



Junk, junk and even more junk. Life on the trash-planet Deponia is anything but a walk in the park. No surprise that Rufus had enough of that and hatches one ludicrous plan after the other to escape this bleak place.

When Rufus, on one of his attempts to leave Deponia behind, meets Goal, he not only falls madly in love with the beautiful girl from Elysium; he also accidentally shoves her right off her comfortable star cruiser and down to the desolate trash-planet. This accident kindles a new, brilliant plan: he needs to get Goal back to the floating city of Elysium – and while he's on it, he can also impersonate her sleazy fiance Cletus, who is the spitting image of Rufus for some reason. And thus, an exciting adventure begins...

Showered in top-scores and awards, the Deponia-Trilogy, created by the developers of Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World and Memoria, managed to reach cult-status almost instantly. Thanks to its exciting story, likeable characters and hilarious dialogues and a finely crafted mixture of comedy and puzzles, Deponia is enjoyable for both, young and old. Join Rufus on his thrilling journeys, for the first time in a complete edition with many new features, that will not only be a blast for hardcore adventure fans, but also those new to the genre.

Deponia: The Complete Journey does not include the new sequel Deponia Doomsday!

Key Features

  • Deponia: The Complete Journey features over 4 hours of Developer's Commentary, a Deponia world map that allows for selection of each chapter of the game, a comprehensive graphical questlog help system, minigame help screens, a new launch menu, new hidden collectables, Linux support, plus 6 new songs written and sung by Poki and Behind-the-Scenes videos
  • Developer's Commentary is featuring game creator Poki and the voices of Rufus and Goal
  • Experience Deponia's story in full length
  • Challenging puzzles, more than 40 hours of playtime and bizarre dialogues
  • Bonus content, extras and making-of features include 'How to draw Rufus & Goal' and 'The Art of Deponia' videos, Developer's Commentary Soundtrack (6 new songs created and sung by Poki) and papercraft models
  • From the creators of the award-winning games Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria and Blackguards

Buy Deponia Doomsday:



Junk, junk and even more junk. Life on the trash-planet Deponia is anything but a walk in the park. No surprise that Rufus had enough of that and hatches one ludicrous plan after the other to escape this bleak place.

When Rufus, on one of his attempts to leave Deponia behind, meets Goal, he not only falls madly in love with the beautiful girl from Elysium; he also accidentally shoves her right off her comfortable star cruiser and down to the desolate trash-planet. This accident kindles a new, brilliant plan: he needs to get Goal back to the floating city of Elysium – and while he's on it, he can also impersonate her sleazy fiance Cletus, who is the spitting image of Rufus for some reason. And thus, an exciting adventure begins...

Showered in top-scores and awards, the Deponia-Trilogy, created by the developers of Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World and Memoria, managed to reach cult-status almost instantly. Thanks to its exciting story, likeable characters and hilarious dialogues and a finely crafted mixture of comedy and puzzles, Deponia is enjoyable for both, young and old. Join Rufus on his thrilling journeys, for the first time in a complete edition with many new features, that will not only be a blast for hardcore adventure fans, but also those new to the genre.

Deponia: The Complete Journey does not include the new sequel Deponia Doomsday!

Key Features

  • Deponia: The Complete Journey features over 4 hours of Developer's Commentary, a Deponia world map that allows for selection of each chapter of the game, a comprehensive graphical questlog help system, minigame help screens, a new launch menu, new hidden collectables, Linux support, plus 6 new songs written and sung by Poki and Behind-the-Scenes videos
  • Developer's Commentary is featuring game creator Poki and the voices of Rufus and Goal
  • Experience Deponia's story in full length
  • Challenging puzzles, more than 40 hours of playtime and bizarre dialogues
  • Bonus content, extras and making-of features include 'How to draw Rufus & Goal' and 'The Art of Deponia' videos, Developer's Commentary Soundtrack (6 new songs created and sung by Poki) and papercraft models
  • From the creators of the award-winning games Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria and Blackguards

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Oyun Açıklaması

Çöp, çöp ve çok daha fazla çöp. Çöp-gezegen Deponia'da yasam hiç de parkta yürüyüse benzemez. Rufus'un buradan sikilmis olmasi ve kaçmak için birbirinden akil almaz planlar yapmasi sasirtici degil.
Rufus, Deponia'dan kaçma girisimlerinden birini hayata geçirirken Goal ile tanisir ve sadece Elysium'dan gelen güzel kiza deli gibi asik olmakla kalmaz, ayni zamanda yanlislikla onun yildiz kruvazörünü çöp-gezegenin issiz derinliklerine düsürür. Bu kaza yeni ve parlak bir plani ortaya çikarir: o Goal'i elde etmek için uçan sehir Elysium'a gitmelidir; ve oradayken, her nedense Rufus'un birebir kopyasi olan, onun özensiz nisanlisi Cletus'un kimligine bürünebilir. Ve böylece, heyecan verici bir macera baslar...
Rekorlari kiran ve ödülleri toplayan Deponia-Trilogy, Edna&Harvey tarafindan gelistirilmistir: The Breakout, The Whispered World ve Memoria neredeyse aninda kült statüsüne ulasmayi basardi. Heyecan verici hikayesi, sempatik karakterleri ve komik diyaloglari ile ince harmanlanmis komedi ve bulmacalari sayesinde Deponia, hem gençler için hem de yaslilar için eglencelidir. Rufus'un heyecanli yolculuklarina katilin, ilk defa tam sürümü birçok yeni özellikleri içermektedir, bu sadece büyük macera hayranlari için bir patlama olmakla kalmayacak, ayni zamanda bu tarz oyunlarin yenisi olanlari da içine çekecektir.


  • Complete Journey dört saati askin Yapimci Açiklamalarini, oyunun istenen bölümüne gitmeye izin veren Deponia dünyasi haritasini, kapsamli ve grafik destekli macera yardim sistemini, mini oyun yardim ekranlarini, yeni açilir menüyü, yeni gizli koleksiyonu, Linux destegini
  • Poke’un yazip seslendirdigi 6 yeni sarkiyi ve ayrica kamera arkasi videolari sunmaktadir
  • Asagidaki ödüllü oyunlarin yaraticilari Edna&Harvey'den: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria ve Blackguards
  • Deponia - The Complete Journey Rufus ve Goal'in agzindan Poki sesi ile 4 saatlik gelistirici yorumlari
  • Deponia hikayesinin tamamini görün
  • Zorlu bulmacalar, 40'dan fazla oyun saati ve kaliteli diyaloglar
  • Bonus içerik, ekstralar, “How to draw Rufus” ve “The Art of Deponia” gibi özellikler ile Yapimci müzikleri ve kagit modeller

Buy Deponia Doomsday:


Про гру

Junk, junk and even more junk. Life on the trash-planet Deponia is anything but a walk in the park. No surprise that Rufus had enough of that and hatches one ludicrous plan after the other to escape this bleak place.

When Rufus, on one of his attempts to leave Deponia behind, meets Goal, he not only falls madly in love with the beautiful girl from Elysium; he also accidentally shoves her right off her comfortable star cruiser and down to the desolate trash-planet. This accident kindles a new, brilliant plan: he needs to get Goal back to the floating city of Elysium – and while he's on it, he can also impersonate her sleazy fiance Cletus, who is the spitting image of Rufus for some reason. And thus, an exciting adventure begins...

Showered in top-scores and awards, the Deponia-Trilogy, created by the developers of Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World and Memoria, managed to reach cult-status almost instantly. Thanks to its exciting story, likeable characters and hilarious dialogues and a finely crafted mixture of comedy and puzzles, Deponia is enjoyable for both, young and old. Join Rufus on his thrilling journeys, for the first time in a complete edition with many new features, that will not only be a blast for hardcore adventure fans, but also those new to the genre.

Deponia: The Complete Journey does not include the new sequel Deponia Doomsday!

Key Features

  • Deponia: The Complete Journey features over 4 hours of Developer's Commentary, a Deponia world map that allows for selection of each chapter of the game, a comprehensive graphical questlog help system, minigame help screens, a new launch menu, new hidden collectables, Linux support, plus 6 new songs written and sung by Poki and Behind-the-Scenes videos
  • Developer's Commentary is featuring game creator Poki and the voices of Rufus and Goal
  • Experience Deponia's story in full length
  • Challenging puzzles, more than 40 hours of playtime and bizarre dialogues
  • Bonus content, extras and making-of features include 'How to draw Rufus & Goal' and 'The Art of Deponia' videos, Developer's Commentary Soundtrack (6 new songs created and sung by Poki) and papercraft models
  • From the creators of the award-winning games Edna&Harvey: The Breakout, The Whispered World, A New Beginning, Harvey's New Eyes, Memoria and Blackguards

System Requirements


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