Dying Light: Bad Blood Founder's Pack (available September 2018)
The Founder’s Pack includes:
- Dying Light: Bad Blood (game)
- Exclusive Golden Founder’s Mask
- 3 exclusive Legendary weapon skins: Golden Neckslicer (dagger), Golden Bonecleaver (machete), and Golden Skullopener (cricket bat).
- 1000 Blood bucks, the in-game currency spendable in the game’s store
- Bonus: 3 exclusive Legendary skins distributed over 3 months
Sobre o jogo
Prepare-se para sujar as mãos de sangue nessa novíssima experiência Brutal Royale.
Entre em uma área repleta de zumbis e seja um entre 12 jogadores lutando pela sobrevivência. Vasculhe para encontrar armas, destrua ninhos de zumbis para subir de nível e combine seus movimentos de parkour com técnicas de combate brutais para ser mais rápido, esperto e eficiente do que os oponentes.
Vários entram, mas apenas um sai em Dying Light: Bad Blood. Um jogo online rápido e sangrento que mescla de forma criativa combate JvJ e JvA, ao mesmo tempo em que mantém a jogabilidade característica de Dying Light.
Mate os zumbis e destrua seus ninhos para coletar amostras de sangue e subir o nível do seu personagem. Cace os outros jogadores, roube suas posses e seja o único a sair vivo.
São suas habilidades em parkour que te colocam à frente dos inimigos, não importa se você esteja correndo para se salvar, perseguindo outro jogador ou fugindo em direção ao helicóptero de evacuação.
Suje as mãos de sangue no combate em primeira pessoa do aclamado Dying Light, agora com ainda mais complexidade tática, novos movimentos e toneladas de armas devastadoras.
Dying Light: Bad Blood Founder's Pack (available September 2018)
The Founder’s Pack includes:
- Dying Light: Bad Blood (game)
- Exclusive Golden Founder’s Mask
- 3 exclusive Legendary weapon skins: Golden Neckslicer (dagger), Golden Bonecleaver (machete), and Golden Skullopener (cricket bat).
- 1000 Blood bucks, the in-game currency spendable in the game’s store
- Bonus: 3 exclusive Legendary skins distributed over 3 months
Относно играта
Get competitive and get the blood on your hands in the all-new brutal royale experience.
Enter a zombie-infested area and compete as one of 12 players to become the only survivor. Scavenge for weapons, destroy zombie hives to level up, and combine your advanced parkour mobility with brutal combat skills to outrun, outsmart, and outplay your opponents.
It’s all in, one out in Dying Light: Bad Blood - a fast-paced and gory online game that creatively blends PvP and PvE combat while retaining the core of Dying Light’s iconic gameplay.
Kill the zombies and destroy their hives to collect blood samples and level up your character. Prey on other players, steal their loot, and become the only one to leave the zone alive.
Whether you run for your life, chase another player or race to the evac chopper, it’s your parkour skills that give you an edge over the enemies
Immerse yourself in the blood-soaked FPP combat known from the highly-acclaimed Dying Light, now with greater tactical depth, new moves, and tons of vicious weapons.
Dying Light: Bad Blood Founder's Pack
Founder’s Pack obsahuje:
- Dying Light: Bad Blood (hru)
- Exkluzivní zlatou masku Golden Founder’s Mask
- 3 exkluzivní legendární skiny zbraní: Golden Neckslicer (dýka), Golden Bonecleaver (mačeta) a Golden Skullopener (kriketová pálka).
- 1000 Blood bucks, herní měny, za kterou můžete nakupovat v herním obchodě
- Bonus: 3 exkluzivní legendární skiny doručené během 3 měsíců
O hře
Vrhněte se do bitvy a potřísněte si ruce krví ve zcela novém zážitku brutal royale.
Vstupte do zombiemi zamořené oblasti a soutěžte jako jeden z 12 hráčů o to, kdo se stane jediným přeživším. Hledejte zbraně, ničte hnízda zombií, postupujte na nové úrovně a kombinujte pokročilý parkurový pohyb s brutálními bojovými schopnostmi, abyste své protivníky předběhli, přechytračili a obehráli.
Ve hře Dying Light: Bad Blood se hraje o všechno a vítěz může být jen jeden - je to dynamická a násilná online hra, která kreativním způsobem kombinuje souboje PvP a PvE, přičemž si zachovává jádro ikonické hratelnosti Dying Light.
Zabíjejte zombie, ničte jim hnízda, sbírejte vzorky krve a rozvíjejte svou postavu. Lovte ostatní hráče, kraďte jim kořist a staňte se tím jediným, kdo ze zóny vyjde živý.
Ať už budete utíkat o život, pronásledovat ostatní hráče nebo závodit k evakuačnímu vrtulníku, vaše parkurové schopnosti vám zajistí výhodu před nepřáteli.
Ponořte se do krví zbroceného souboje z pohledu první osoby známého z úspěšné hry Dying Light, nyní s větší taktickou hloubkou, novými chvaty a spoustou násilných zbraní.
Dying Light: Bad Blood Founder's Pack
Founder’s Pack indeholder:
- Dying Light: Bad Blood (spil)
- Eksklusiv gylden Founder’s Mask
- 3 eksklusive Legendary-våbenoverflader: Golden Neckslicer (dolk), Golden Bonecleaver (machete) og Golden Skullopener (cricketbat).
- 1000 Blood bucks, spillets egen valuta til brug i spilbutikken
- Bonus: 3 eksklusive Legendary-overflader, der distribueres i løbet af tre måneder
Om spillet
Kæmp for sejren, og få blod på hænderne i den helt nye "brutal royale"-oplevelse.
Træd ind i et zombiebefængt område, og bliv én af de 12 spillere, der kæmper for at blive eneste overlevende. Led efter våben, stig i niveau ved at smadre zombieboer, og kombinér din avancerede parkour-mobilitet med brutale kampfærdigheder, når du skal udkonkurrere, udmanøvrere og udkøre dine modstandere.
Kun én overlever i Dying Light: Bad Blood – et tempofyldt og splatter-inspireret onlinespil, der kreativt blander PvP- og PvE-kampe uden at gå på kompromis med kernen i Dying Lights ikoniske gameplay.
Dræb zombierne, og ødelæg deres bo, så du kan samle blodprøver og få din figur til at stige i niveau. Gå efter andre spillere, stjæl deres bytte, og bliv den eneste, der forlader zonen med livet i behold.
Dine parkour-færdigheder giver dig et forspring i forhold til dine fjender, uanset om du løber for livet, jagter en anden spiller eller spæner for at nå frem til redningshelikopteren.
Kast dig ud i de bloddryppende kampe, som det kritikerroste Dying Light er kendt for – nu har de endnu mere strategisk dybde, nye tricks og masser af bestialske våben.
Dying Light: Bad Blood Founder's Pack
Het Founder’s Pack bevat:
- Dying Light: Bad Blood (game)
- Exclusief masker: Golden Founder
- 3 exclusieve legendarische wapenskins: Golden Neckslicer (dolk), Golden Bonecleaver (kapmes) en Golden Skullopener (cricketbat).
- 1000 Blood bucks, het gamegeld dat je uit kunt geven in de winkel van de game
- Bonus: 3 exclusieve legendarische skins, verspreid over 3 maanden
Info over het spel
Ga de strijd aan in een gloednieuwe brutal royale-ervaring.
Betreed met 11 andere spelers een gebied vol zombies en kom als enige overlevende weer buiten. Zoek wapens, vernietig zombienesten om te stijgen in niveau en combineer je parkourvaardigheden met vette gevechtstechnieken om je vijanden te slim en te snel af te zijn.
Iedereen mag naar binnen, maar slechts eentje komt weer buiten in Dying Light: Bad Blood. Een snelle, brute onlinegame die PvP- en PvE-gevechten combineert en toch trouw blijft aan de iconische gameplay van Dying Light.
Dood de zombies en vernietig hun nesten om bloedmonsters te verzamelen en in niveau te stijgen. Jaag op andere spelers, jat hun buit en verlaat als enige het gebied.
Of je nu rent voor je leven, een andere speler achtervolgt of racet naar de evacuatieheli, dankzij je parkourvaardigheden ben je de rest een stapje voor.
Ontdek de bloederige FPP-gevechten van het veelgeprezen Dying Light. Nu met meer diepgang, nieuwe moves en brute wapens.
Dying Light: Bad Blood Founder's Pack (available September 2018)
The Founder’s Pack includes:
- Dying Light: Bad Blood (game)
- Exclusive Golden Founder’s Mask
- 3 exclusive Legendary weapon skins: Golden Neckslicer (dagger), Golden Bonecleaver (machete), and Golden Skullopener (cricket bat).
- 1000 Blood bucks, the in-game currency spendable in the game’s store
- Bonus: 3 exclusive Legendary skins distributed over 3 months
About the Game
Get competitive and get the blood on your hands in the all-new brutal royale experience.
Enter a zombie-infested area and compete as one of 12 players to become the only survivor. Scavenge for weapons, destroy zombie hives to level up, and combine your advanced parkour mobility with brutal combat skills to outrun, outsmart, and outplay your opponents.
It’s all in, one out in Dying Light: Bad Blood - a fast-paced and gory online game that creatively blends PvP and PvE combat while retaining the core of Dying Light’s iconic gameplay.
Kill the zombies and destroy their hives to collect blood samples and level up your character. Prey on other players, steal their loot, and become the only one to leave the zone alive.
Whether you run for your life, chase another player or race to the evac chopper, it’s your parkour skills that give you an edge over the enemies
Immerse yourself in the blood-soaked FPP combat known from the highly-acclaimed Dying Light, now with greater tactical depth, new moves, and tons of vicious weapons.
Dying Light: Bad Blood Founder's Pack
- Dying Light: Bad Blood (peli).
- Rajoitettu kultainen Founder's-naamio.
- Kolme rajoitettua Legendary-aseskiniä: Golden Neckslicer (tikari), Golden Bonecleaver (machete) ja Golden Skullopener (krikettimaila).
- 1 000 Blood bucksia, pelin kaupassa käytettävää pelivaluuttaa.
- Bonus: kolme rajoitettua Legendary-skiniä, jotka jaetaan kolmen kuukauden aikana.
Tietoja pelistä
Kilpaile ja tahri kätesi vereen upouudessa brutal royale -pelikokemuksessa.
Astu zombien täyttämälle alueelle ja kisaa 12 pelaajan joukossa ollaksesi ainoa eloonjäänyt. Saalista aseita, nouse tasoissa zombipesiä tuhoamalla ja ohita, älytä sekä päihitä vastustajasi parkour-liikkeitä ja armottomia taistelutaitoja yhdistämällä.
Kaikki astuvat Dying Light: Bad Bloodissa sisälle, vain yksi astuu ulos – kiihkeä ja verinen verkkopeli yhdistää luovasti PvP- ja PvE-taistelua säilyttäen Dying Lightin kuuluisan ydinpelimekaniikan.
Tapa zombit ja tuhoa niiden pesät kerätäksesi verinäytteitä ja nostaaksesi hahmosi tasoa. Vaani muita pelaajia, varasta heidän saaliinsa ja ole ainoa, joka poistuu alueelta elävänä.
Juokset sitten pakoon, jahtaat toista pelaajaa tai kisaat pelastuskopterille, parkour-taitosi antavat sinulle etua vihollisiin nähden.
Sukella kehutun Dying Lightin tunnetuksi tekemään veriseen FPP-taisteluun. Peli tarjoaa nyt syvällisempiä taktiikoita, uusia liikkeitä ja valtavasti ilkeitä aseita.
Dying Light: Bad Blood Founder's Pack
Contenu du pack de fondateur :
- Le jeu Dying Light: Bad Blood
- Un masque de fondateur exclusif en or
- 3 skins d'armes légendaires exclusives : Golden Neckslicer (dague), Golden Bonecleaver (machette) et Golden Skullopener (batte de cricket)
- 1 000 Blood bucks, la devise virtuelle à utiliser dans la boutique du jeu
- Bonus : 3 skins légendaires exclusives distribuées sur 3 mois
À propos du jeu
Laissez parler votre esprit de compétition et votre soif de sang dans cette expérience « brutal royale » inédite.
Pénétrez dans une zone infestée de zombies dans la peau d'un des 12 participants. Votre but : être le seul survivant. Cherchez des armes, détruisez les nids de zombies pour gagner des niveaux et associez votre maîtrise du parkour à vos talents de combat brutaux pour prendre le dessus sur vos adversaires.
Pas de demi-mesure, pas de deuxième place dans Dying Light: Bad Blood, un jeu en ligne ultra dynamique et ultra violent qui mêle avec inventivité combats PvP et PvE tout en conservant ce qui fait l'essence de Dying Light.
Tuez les zombies et détruisez leurs nids pour obtenir des échantillons de sang et améliorer votre personnage. Abattez les autres joueurs, volez leur butin et soyez le seul à quitter la zone vivant.
Que ce soit pour sauver votre peau, pourchasser un autre joueur ou atteindre l'hélico d'évacuation, vos talents de parkour vous donnent un avantage contre vos ennemis.
Immergez-vous dans les combats sanglants en vue subjective du cultissime Dying Light, avec encore plus de profondeur tactique, de nouveaux coups et des tonnes d'armes redoutables.
Dying Light: Bad Blood Founder's Pack
Das Gründerpaket enthält:
- Dying Light: Bad Blood (Spiel)
- Exklusive goldene Gründermaske
- 3 exklusive legendäre Waffen-Skins: Goldener Halsschlitzer (Dolch), Goldener Knochenspalter (Machete) und Goldener Schädelbrecher (Cricketschläger).
- 1.000 Blut-Dollar, die Spielwährung für den Shop im Spiel
- Bonus: 3 exklusive legendäre Skins, die du im Laufe von 3 Monaten erhältst
Über das Spiel
Stürz dich in den Wettkampf und mach dir die Hände im brandneuen Brutal Royale blutig.
Betritt ein zombieverseuchtes Gebiet und tritt als einer von 12 Spielern an, um am Ende als einziger zu überleben. Plündere Waffen, zerstöre Zombienester, um deine Stufe zu erhöhen, und kombiniere deine fortgeschrittenen Parkour-Künste mit brutalen Kampf-Skills, um deinen Gegnern davonzulaufen, sie auszutricksen und auszuspielen.
In Dying Light: Bad Blood heißt es alle rein, einer raus. Erlebe ein tempogeladenes Online-Spiel, das PvP- und PvE-Kämpfe auf kreative Weise verbindet, während das ikonische Gameplay von Dying Light erhalten bleibt.
Töte die Zombies und zerstöre ihre Nester, um Blutproben zu sammeln und die Stufe deines Charakters zu erhöhen. Mach Jagd auf andere Spieler, stiehl ihre Beute und verlasse die Zone als einziger Überlebender.
Ob du um dein Leben läufst, einen anderen Spieler jagst oder zum Evakuierungshubschrauber rennst, deine Parkour-Skills verleihen dir den nötigen Vorteil gegenüber deinen Gegnern.
Stürz dich in blutgetränkte Kämpfe in der Ego-Perspektive, die du bereits vom gefeierten Dying Light kennst und die jetzt über noch größeren taktischen Tiefgang, neue Moves und unzählige brutale Waffen verfügen.
Dying Light: Bad Blood Founder's Pack (available September 2018)
The Founder’s Pack includes:
- Dying Light: Bad Blood (game)
- Exclusive Golden Founder’s Mask
- 3 exclusive Legendary weapon skins: Golden Neckslicer (dagger), Golden Bonecleaver (machete), and Golden Skullopener (cricket bat).
- 1000 Blood bucks, the in-game currency spendable in the game’s store
- Bonus: 3 exclusive Legendary skins distributed over 3 months
Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι
Get competitive and get the blood on your hands in the all-new brutal royale experience.
Enter a zombie-infested area and compete as one of 12 players to become the only survivor. Scavenge for weapons, destroy zombie hives to level up, and combine your advanced parkour mobility with brutal combat skills to outrun, outsmart, and outplay your opponents.
It’s all in, one out in Dying Light: Bad Blood - a fast-paced and gory online game that creatively blends PvP and PvE combat while retaining the core of Dying Light’s iconic gameplay.
Kill the zombies and destroy their hives to collect blood samples and level up your character. Prey on other players, steal their loot, and become the only one to leave the zone alive.
Whether you run for your life, chase another player or race to the evac chopper, it’s your parkour skills that give you an edge over the enemies
Immerse yourself in the blood-soaked FPP combat known from the highly-acclaimed Dying Light, now with greater tactical depth, new moves, and tons of vicious weapons.
Dying Light: Bad Blood Founder's Pack
A Founder’s Pack csomag tartalma:
- Dying Light: Bad Blood (játék)
- Exkluzív arany Founder maszk
- 3 exkluzív legendás fegyver textúra: Golden Neckslicer (Arany torokmetsző – tőr), Golden Bonecleaver (Arany hentelő – machete) és Golden Skullopener (Arany koponyalékelő – krikettütő).
- 1000 Blood-dollár, azaz játékbeli fizetőeszköz, amit a játék boltjában költhetsz el
- Bónusz: 3 exkluzív legendás textúra 3 hónap alatt
A játékról:
Mutasd meg, mit tudsz, és vérezd össze a kezed egy vadonatúj és kivételesen brutális játékban!
Lépj be egy zombik uralta területre, játssz a 12 játékos egyikeként, és maradj talpon utolsó túlélőként! Keresd a fegyvereket, pusztítsd a zombifészkeket a szintlépésért, és lépd le, verd át és győzd le ellenfeleidet brutális harci készségeid és parkour mozgékonyságod taktikus kombinálásával!
Csak egyvalaki élheti túl a Dying Light: Bad Bloodot, ezt a feszült tempójú és véres online többszemélyes játékot, mely kreatívan vegyíti a PvP és a PvE élményét a Dying Light ikonikus játékmenetével.
Pusztítsd a zombikat, és számold fel fészkeiket, hogy az így összegyűjtött vérminták segítségével szintet léphess! Vadássz a többi játékosra, lopd el zsákmányukat, és távozz a zónából utolsó túlélőként!
Akár az életedért futsz, akár egy másik játékost üldözöl vagy a helikopter felé rohansz, parkour készségeid segítségével kiemelkedhetsz a mezőnyből
Vesd bele magad a Dying Lightból már jól ismert, vérmocskos belsőnézetes harcba, amelyet most még összetettebb taktikai lehetőségek és új mozdulatok, továbbá új, könyörtelen fegyverek tesznek még élményszerűbbé.
Dying Light: Bad Blood Founder's Pack (available September 2018)
The Founder’s Pack includes:
- Dying Light: Bad Blood (game)
- Exclusive Golden Founder’s Mask
- 3 exclusive Legendary weapon skins: Golden Neckslicer (dagger), Golden Bonecleaver (machete), and Golden Skullopener (cricket bat).
- 1000 Blood bucks, the in-game currency spendable in the game’s store
- Bonus: 3 exclusive Legendary skins distributed over 3 months
게임 정보
Get competitive and get the blood on your hands in the all-new brutal royale experience.
Enter a zombie-infested area and compete as one of 12 players to become the only survivor. Scavenge for weapons, destroy zombie hives to level up, and combine your advanced parkour mobility with brutal combat skills to outrun, outsmart, and outplay your opponents.
It’s all in, one out in Dying Light: Bad Blood - a fast-paced and gory online game that creatively blends PvP and PvE combat while retaining the core of Dying Light’s iconic gameplay.
Kill the zombies and destroy their hives to collect blood samples and level up your character. Prey on other players, steal their loot, and become the only one to leave the zone alive.
Whether you run for your life, chase another player or race to the evac chopper, it’s your parkour skills that give you an edge over the enemies
Immerse yourself in the blood-soaked FPP combat known from the highly-acclaimed Dying Light, now with greater tactical depth, new moves, and tons of vicious weapons.
Dying Light: Bad Blood Founder's Pack (available September 2018)
The Founder’s Pack includes:
- Dying Light: Bad Blood (game)
- Exclusive Golden Founder’s Mask
- 3 exclusive Legendary weapon skins: Golden Neckslicer (dagger), Golden Bonecleaver (machete), and Golden Skullopener (cricket bat).
- 1000 Blood bucks, the in-game currency spendable in the game’s store
- Bonus: 3 exclusive Legendary skins distributed over 3 months
Acerca do Jogo
Prepara-te para sujar as mãos nesta experiência brutal royale competitiva totalmente nova.
Entra numa área pejada de zombies e faz tudo o que precisares para seres o único sobrevivente dos 12 jogadores. Procura armas, destrói ninhos de zombies para subir de nível e combina as tuas capacidades avançadas de parkour e técnicas de combate brutais para ser mais veloz, inteligente e astuto que a concorrência. Entram 12, sai 1.
Entram 12 e sai 1 em Dying Light: Bad Blood – uma sangrenta e frenética experiência online que combina o PvP e o PvE de modo criativo sem fugir muito à jogabilidade icónica de Dying Light.
Elimina os zombies e destrói os seus ninhos para colher amostras de sangue e subir de nível. Caça outros jogadores, rouba o seu saque e torna-te no único sobrevivente da zona.
Quer corras para sobreviver, persigas outro jogador ou tentes chegar ao helicóptero, serão as tuas capacidades de parkour que irão marcar a diferença em relação aos teus adversários
Diverte-te com os sangrentos combates na primeira pessoa do aclamado Dying Light, que passaram a ter maior profundidade tática, mais golpes e montes de armas temíveis.
Dying Light: Bad Blood Founder's Pack (available September 2018)
The Founder’s Pack includes:
- Dying Light: Bad Blood (game)
- Exclusive Golden Founder’s Mask
- 3 exclusive Legendary weapon skins: Golden Neckslicer (dagger), Golden Bonecleaver (machete), and Golden Skullopener (cricket bat).
- 1000 Blood bucks, the in-game currency spendable in the game’s store
- Bonus: 3 exclusive Legendary skins distributed over 3 months
Despre joc
Get competitive and get the blood on your hands in the all-new brutal royale experience.
Enter a zombie-infested area and compete as one of 12 players to become the only survivor. Scavenge for weapons, destroy zombie hives to level up, and combine your advanced parkour mobility with brutal combat skills to outrun, outsmart, and outplay your opponents.
It’s all in, one out in Dying Light: Bad Blood - a fast-paced and gory online game that creatively blends PvP and PvE combat while retaining the core of Dying Light’s iconic gameplay.
Kill the zombies and destroy their hives to collect blood samples and level up your character. Prey on other players, steal their loot, and become the only one to leave the zone alive.
Whether you run for your life, chase another player or race to the evac chopper, it’s your parkour skills that give you an edge over the enemies
Immerse yourself in the blood-soaked FPP combat known from the highly-acclaimed Dying Light, now with greater tactical depth, new moves, and tons of vicious weapons.
Dying Light: Bad Blood Founder's Pack
Набор Founder’s Pack включает:
- игру Dying Light: Bad Blood;
- эксклюзивную золотую маску основателя;
- 3 эксклюзивных легендарных облика оружия: золотой глоткорез (кинжал), золотой костолом (мачете) и золотой крушитель черепов (крикетная бита);
- 1000 кровавых баксов — валюты, необходимой для покупок в игровом магазине;
- бонус: 3 эксклюзивных легендарных облика, которые вы получите в течение 3 месяцев.
Об игре
Игра в новом жанре brutal royale вынудит вас запачкать руки в крови.
Вам предстоит стать одним из 12 игроков в кишащих зомби землях и сразиться за свою жизнь. Ищите оружие, повышайте уровень, уничтожая гнезда зомби, и используйте свои превосходные боевые умения и навыки паркура, чтобы обогнать, обхитрить и обойти противников.
В Dying Light: Bad Blood выживает сильнейший. Эта кровавая сетевая игра не стоит на месте и сочетает в себе сразу PvP и PvE, но при этом сохраняет лучшее от легендарного игрового процесса Dying Light.
Убивайте зомби и разрушайте их гнезда, чтобы собрать образцы крови и повысить уровень своего персонажа. Докажите свое превосходство: нападайте на других игроков, забирайте их добычу и станьте единственным, кто выберется из зоны.
Спасаетесь бегством, преследуете другого игрока или мчитесь к эвакуационному вертолету — паркур даст вам преимущество над противниками.
Знаменитые кровавые бои от первого лица теперь с тоннами нового оружия, новыми движениями и продуманными тактиками.
Dying Light: Bad Blood Founder's Pack
El pack de fundador incluye:
- Dying Light: Bad Blood (juego)
- Máscara de fundador dorada exclusiva
- 3 exclusivos aspectos de arma legendaria: rajacuellos dorada (daga), partehuesos dorado (machete) y abrecabezas dorado (bate de críquet).
- 1000 pavos de sangre, la moneda del juego que se usa en la tienda
- Además: 3 exclusivos aspectos legendarios que se distribuirán en los próximos 3 meses
Acerca del juego
Saca tu lado competitivo y empápate de sangre en la nueva experiencia brutal royale.
Adéntrate en una zona llena de zombis y lucha como uno de los 12 jugadores para convertirte en el único superviviente. Busca armas, acaba con nidos de zombis para subir de nivel y combina la movilidad superior del parkour con habilidades de combate brutales para correr, planear y jugar mejor que nadie.
En Dying Light: Bad Blood, entran todos, pero solo uno sale: es un juego online rápido y violento que combina ingeniosamente el combate JcJ y JcE sin perder la esencia de la jugabilidad icónica de Dying Light.
Mata zombis y destruye sus nidos para conseguir muestras de sangre y subir de nivel a tu personaje. Ataca a otros jugadores, róbales su botín y conviértete en el único superviviente.
Ya estés huyendo por tu vida, persiguiendo a otro jugador o corriendo hacia el helicóptero de evacuación, las habilidades de parkour te dan la ventaja sobre tus enemigos.
Sumérgete en el aclamado combate sangriento en primera persona de Dying Light, ahora con más profundidad táctica, nuevos movimientos y montones de armas salvajes.
Dying Light: Bad Blood Founder's Pack
Founder's Pack innehåller:
- Spelet Dying Light: Bad Blood
- Exklusiv Golden Founder's Mask
- 3 exklusiva legendariska vapenutseenden: Golden Neckslicer (dolk), Golden Bonecleaver (machete) och Golden Skullopener (cricketträ)
- 1 000 Blood bucks, spelets valuta som kan användas i spelets butik
- Bonus: 3 exklusiva legendariska utseenden som delas ut över 3 månader"
Om spelet
Get competitive and get the blood on your hands in the all-new brutal royale experience.
Enter a zombie-infested area and compete as one of 12 players to become the only survivor. Scavenge for weapons, destroy zombie hives to level up, and combine your advanced parkour mobility with brutal combat skills to outrun, outsmart, and outplay your opponents.
It’s all in, one out in Dying Light: Bad Blood - a fast-paced and gory online game that creatively blends PvP and PvE combat while retaining the core of Dying Light’s iconic gameplay.
Kill the zombies and destroy their hives to collect blood samples and level up your character. Prey on other players, steal their loot, and become the only one to leave the zone alive.
Whether you run for your life, chase another player or race to the evac chopper, it’s your parkour skills that give you an edge over the enemies
Immerse yourself in the blood-soaked FPP combat known from the highly-acclaimed Dying Light, now with greater tactical depth, new moves, and tons of vicious weapons.
Dying Light: Bad Blood Founder's Pack (available September 2018)
The Founder’s Pack includes:
- Dying Light: Bad Blood (game)
- Exclusive Golden Founder’s Mask
- 3 exclusive Legendary weapon skins: Golden Neckslicer (dagger), Golden Bonecleaver (machete), and Golden Skullopener (cricket bat).
- 1000 Blood bucks, the in-game currency spendable in the game’s store
- Bonus: 3 exclusive Legendary skins distributed over 3 months
Get competitive and get the blood on your hands in the all-new brutal royale experience.
Enter a zombie-infested area and compete as one of 12 players to become the only survivor. Scavenge for weapons, destroy zombie hives to level up, and combine your advanced parkour mobility with brutal combat skills to outrun, outsmart, and outplay your opponents.
It’s all in, one out in Dying Light: Bad Blood - a fast-paced and gory online game that creatively blends PvP and PvE combat while retaining the core of Dying Light’s iconic gameplay.
Kill the zombies and destroy their hives to collect blood samples and level up your character. Prey on other players, steal their loot, and become the only one to leave the zone alive.
Whether you run for your life, chase another player or race to the evac chopper, it’s your parkour skills that give you an edge over the enemies
Immerse yourself in the blood-soaked FPP combat known from the highly-acclaimed Dying Light, now with greater tactical depth, new moves, and tons of vicious weapons.
Dying Light: Bad Blood Founder's Pack
Kurucu Paketi’ne şunlar dahil:
- Dying Light: Bad Blood (oyun)
- Özel Altın Kurucu Maskesi
- 3 özel Efsanevi silah görünümü: Altın Boğazkesen (kama), Altın Kemiksatır (pala) ve Altın Kafatasıkıran (kriket sopası).
- Oyun dükkânında harcayabileceğin 1000 Blood doları (oyun içi para birimi)
- Bonus: 3 aya yayılmış 3 özel Efsanevi görünüm
Oyun Açıklaması
Yepyeni brutal royale deneyimiyle rekabetçi tarafını ortaya koy ve elini kana bula.
Zombilerle dolu bir bölgeye gir, 12 oyuncudan biri olarak başla ve hayatta kalan tek kişi olmak için rekabet et. Silahları topla, seviyeni yükseltmek için zombi kovanlarını yok et ve rakiplerini geçmek, onları zekanla yenmek ve daha iyi bir oyun çıkarmak için gelişmiş parkur hareketliliğinle acımasız çatışma becerilerini birleştir.
Herkes giriyor, tek bir kişi çıkıyor. Dying Light - Bad Blood: PvP ile PvE çatışma türlerini yaratıcı biçimde bir araya getirirken Dying Light’ın efsanevi oyun tarzını koruyan, hareketli ve kan dondurucu bir online oyun.
Kan örneklerini toplayıp karakterinin seviyesini yükseltmek için zombileri öldür ve kovanlarını yok et. Diğer oyuncuları avla, ganimetlerini topla ve bölgeden canlı çıkan tek kişi ol.
İster canını kurtarmaya çalış, ister bir başka oyuncuyu takip et ya da kurtarma helikopterine koş, parkur becerilerin düşmanlar karşısında sana üstünlük kazandıracaktır.
Çok sevilen Dying Light’tan bilinen kanlı FPP çatışmalarına gir. Şimdi daha fazla taktik derinlik, yeni hareketler ve pek çok korkunç silah içeriyor.
Dying Light: Bad Blood Founder's Pack (available September 2018)
The Founder’s Pack includes:
- Dying Light: Bad Blood (game)
- Exclusive Golden Founder’s Mask
- 3 exclusive Legendary weapon skins: Golden Neckslicer (dagger), Golden Bonecleaver (machete), and Golden Skullopener (cricket bat).
- 1000 Blood bucks, the in-game currency spendable in the game’s store
- Bonus: 3 exclusive Legendary skins distributed over 3 months
Про гру
Get competitive and get the blood on your hands in the all-new brutal royale experience.
Enter a zombie-infested area and compete as one of 12 players to become the only survivor. Scavenge for weapons, destroy zombie hives to level up, and combine your advanced parkour mobility with brutal combat skills to outrun, outsmart, and outplay your opponents.
It’s all in, one out in Dying Light: Bad Blood - a fast-paced and gory online game that creatively blends PvP and PvE combat while retaining the core of Dying Light’s iconic gameplay.
Kill the zombies and destroy their hives to collect blood samples and level up your character. Prey on other players, steal their loot, and become the only one to leave the zone alive.
Whether you run for your life, chase another player or race to the evac chopper, it’s your parkour skills that give you an edge over the enemies
Immerse yourself in the blood-soaked FPP combat known from the highly-acclaimed Dying Light, now with greater tactical depth, new moves, and tons of vicious weapons.