Elite Dangerous
Elite Dangerous
Elite Dangerous
Elite Dangerous
Elite Dangerous
Elite Dangerous
Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

Release Date: 02/04/2015 | WORLDWIDE
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Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Desembarque, Comandante, e deixe a sua marca na galáxia em Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Explore mundos distantes a pé e expanda a fronteira do espaço conhecido.

O Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition contém o Elite Dangerous, a expansão Elite Dangerous: Odyssey e a Trilha Sonora Original do Elite Dangerous: Odyssey.

Sobre o jogo

Elite Dangerous é o épico espacial multijogador massivo definitivo, traz a aventura original de jogabilidade em mundo aberto à geração atual com galáxia conectada, narrativa contínua e toda a Via Láctea recriada em proporções galácticas absolutas..

Iniciando só com uma pequena nave espacial e poucos créditos, os jogadores fazem o que for preciso para ganhar habilidade, conhecimento, riqueza e poder para sobreviver numa galáxia futurística implacável e ficar entre os ranques da icônica Elite. Numa era de superpotências galácticas e guerra interestelar, a história de todos os jogadores influencia a experiência única de jogabilidade conectada e a intrincada narrativa em constante evolução. Governos caem, batalhas são ganhas e perdidas, e a fronteira da humanidade é redefinida pelas ações de todos os jogadores.

Agora inclui a temporada Horizons!

Experimente um novo ângulo da galáxia com a temporada Horizons, agora incluída no Elite Dangerous. Viaje entre estrelas até superfícies de mundos estranhos, use o novo Veículo de Reconhecimento de Superfície Scarab, crie armas, use caças lançados pela nave e viva a empolgante ação cooperativa de multitripulação.

Uma galáxia de maravilhas

Os 400 bilhões de sistemas solares da Via Láctea são o palco da jogabilidade aberta do Elite Dangerous. Estrelas, planetas, luas, campos de asteróides e buracos negros reais de nossa própria galáxia são construídos em suas proporções épicas reais, no maior espaço de jogo projetado na estória dos videogames.

Uma experiência de jogo conectado única

Governos caem, batalhas são ganhas e perdidas, e a fronteira da humanidade é redefinida pelas ações de todos os jogadores. Na era de superpoderes galáticos e guerra interestelar, cada história pessoal de jogador influencia a galáxia conectada e a envolvente narrativa artesanal.

Irradie seu próprio caminho.

Atualize sua nave e personalize cada componente ao caçar, explorar, lutar, minerar, traficar, negociar e sobreviver numa galáxia implacável no ano de 3301. Faça o que for preciso para ganhar habilidade, conhecimento, riqueza e poder para sobreviver nos ranques de Elite.

Multijogador massivo

Experimente encontros imprevisíveis com jogadores globais do vasto espaço multijogador massivo de Elite Dangerous. Experimente a galáxia conectada jogando só no modo Solo ou com jogadores de todo o mundo em Open Play, onde cada piloto pode ser um aliado confiável ou seu inimigo mortal. Você precisará registrar uma conta gratuita no Elite Dangerous na Frontier para jogar.

Um jogo vivo

O Elite Dangerous cresce e se expande com novos recursos e conteúdos. As principais atualizações reagem a como os jogadores querem jogar e criam novas chances de jogo para centenas de milhares de jogadores que cooperam, competem e exploram juntos a galáxia conectada.

A aventura de mundo aberto original

Elite Dangerous é a terceira sequência do Elite, que definiu o gênero em 1984, traz a aventura original de jogabilidade em mundo aberto à geração moderna com uma galáxia conectada, narrativa contínua e toda a Via Láctea recriada em proporções galácticas absolutas.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Disembark, Commander, and leave your mark on the galaxy in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Explore distant worlds on foot and expand the frontier of known space.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition contains Elite Dangerous, the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey expansion, and the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey OST.

Относно играта

Elite Dangerous is the definitive massively multiplayer space epic, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entirety of the Milky Way re-created at its full galactic proportions.

Starting with only a small starship and a few credits, players do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to survive in a futuristic cutthroat galaxy and to stand among the ranks of the iconic Elite. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s story influences the unique connected gaming experience and handcrafted evolving narrative. Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions.

Horizons Season Now Included!

Experience a whole new angle on the galaxy with the Horizons season, now included in Elite Dangerous. Journey from the stars to the surfaces of strange worlds, hit the ground running in the Scarab Surface Recon Vehicle, craft weapons, deploy ship-launched fighters and experience exhilarating multicrew co-op action.

A Galaxy Of Wonders

The 400 billion star systems of the Milky Way are the stage for Elite Dangerous' open-ended gameplay. The real stars, planets, moons, asteroid fields and black holes of our own galaxy are built to their true epic proportions in the largest designed playspace in videogame history.

A Unique Connected Game Experience

Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s personal story influences the connected galaxy and handcrafted, evolving narrative.

Blaze Your Own Trail

Upgrade your ship and customize every component as you hunt, explore, fight, mine, smuggle, trade and survive in the cutthroat galaxy of the year 3301. Do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to stand among the ranks of the Elite.

Massively Multiplayer

Experience unpredictable encounters with players from around the world in Elite Dangerous’ vast, massively multiplayer space. Experience the connected galaxy alone in Solo mode or with players across the world in Open Play, where every pilot you face could become a trusted ally or your deadliest enemy. You will need to register a free Elite Dangerous account with Frontier to play the game.

A Living Game

Elite Dangerous grows and expands with new features and content. Major updates react to the way players want to play and create new gameplay opportunities for the hundreds of thousands of players cooperating, competing and exploring together in the connected galaxy.

The Original Open World Adventure

Elite Dangerous is the third sequel to 1984's genre-defining Elite, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure into the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entire Milky Way recreated at its full galactic proportions.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Disembark, Commander, and leave your mark on the galaxy in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Explore distant worlds on foot and expand the frontier of known space.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition contains Elite Dangerous, the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey expansion, and the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey OST.

O hře

Elite Dangerous je ten nejlepší masivně multiplayerový vesmírný epos, který nové generaci hráčů přináší původní dobrodružství v otevřeném světě, s propojenou galaxií, rozvíjejícím se příběhem a celou Mléčnou dráhou vytvořenou v její skutečné velikosti.

Po začátku s malou vesmírnou lodí a jen několika málo kredity musí udělat hráči vše, co bude v jejich silách, aby získali dovednosti, znalosti, bohatství i moc a přežili ve futuristické bezohledné galaxii a zařadili se mezi nejlepší v ikonickém světě Elite. V časech galaktických supervelmocí a mezihvězdných válek má příběh každého hráče vliv na jedinečný propojený herní zážitek a postupně se vyvíjející příběh. V návaznosti na akce hráčů dochází k pádům vlád, vítězstvím či prohrám v bitvách a změně směřování lidstva.

Nyní včetně rozšíření Horizons!

Vyzkoušejte si zcela nový pohled na galaxii s rozšířením Horizons, které je nyní součástí Elite Dangerous. Mezihvězdné lety vás zavedou až na povrch zvláštních světů, vydejte se na průzkum v průzkumném vozidle Scarab, vyrábějte zbraně, vysílejte do boje stíhačky vypouštěné z lodi a zažijte vzrušující kooperativní akci více posádek.

Galaxie zázraků

400 miliard hvězdných soustav Mléčné dráhy je dějištěm otevřené hratelnosti Elite Dangerous. Skutečné hvězdy, planety, měsíce, asteroidová pole a černé díry naší vlastní galaxie jsou vymodelovány dle jejich skutečných epických velikostí v největším herním světě v celé historii videoher.

Jedinečný propojený herní zážitek

V návaznosti na akce hráčů dochází k pádům vlád, vítězstvím či prohrám v bitvách a změně směřování lidstva. V časech galaktických supervelmocí a mezihvězdných válek má osobní příběh každého hráče vliv na jedinečnou propojenou galaxii a postupně se vyvíjející příběh.

Vydejte se na svoji vlastní cestu

Vylepšujte svou loď a upravujte každou součástku, abyste mohli lovit, prozkoumávat, bojovat, těžit, pašovat, obchodovat a hlavně přežít v nemilosrdné galaxii roku 3301. Udělejte vše, co bude ve vašich silách, abyste získali dovednosti, znalosti, bohatství i moc a zařadili se mezi nejlepší ve světě Elite.

Multiplayer s velkým počtem hráčů

Zažijte nevyzpytatelná setkání s hráči z celého světa v rozsáhlém vesmíru Elite Dangerous určeného pro velké množství hráčů. Zažijte propojenou galaxii na vlastní pěst v režimu Solo nebo s hráči z celého světa v režimu Open Play, kde se z každého pilota může stát váš věrný spojenec, nebo nepřítel na život a na smrt. Pro hraní hry je nutné si zaregistrovat bezplatný účet hry Elite Dangerous u společnosti Frontier.

Hra plná života

Elite Dangerous roste a rozšiřuje se o nové funkce a obsah. Zásadní aktualizace reagují na způsob, kterým hráči chtějí hrát a vytváří nové herní příležitosti pro spolupráci i soupeření stovek tisíc hráčů a společné zkoumání propojené galaxie.

První dobrodružství v otevřeném světě

Elite Dangerous je třetí pokračování titulu Elite, který v roce 1984 definoval celý herní žánr. Nové generaci přináší původní dobrodružství v otevřeném světě, s propojenou galaxií, rozvíjejícím se příběhem a celou Mléčnou dráhou vytvořenou v její skutečné astronomické velikosti.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Gå fra borde, kommandør, og efterlad et uforglemmeligt aftryk på galaksen i Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Udforsk fjerne verdener til fods, og udvid rummets kendte grænser.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition indeholder Elite Dangerous:, Elite Dangerous: Odyssey-udvidelsen og Elite Dangerous:: Odyssey OST.

Om spillet

Elite Dangerous er det ultimative rumspil i massively multiplayer-format og gør det originale open world-eventyr tilgængeligt for den moderne generation med en sammenhængende galakse, en levende historie og hele Mælkevejen, genskabt i sine fulde galaktiske proportioner.

Med kun et lille rumskib og nogle få midler til at starte med, skal spilleren gøre, hvad end det kræver for at udvikle evnerne, viden og styrken til at overleve i en futuristisk, morderisk galakse – og dermed blive en del af den ikoniske Elite. I en verden med galaktiske superkræfter og interstellar krig har hver enkelt spillers historie indflydelse på den unikke, forbundne spiloplevelse og levende historie. Regeringer falder, kampe tabes og vindes, og menneskehedens grænser omformes efter spillernes handlinger.

Horizons Season er nu inkluderet!

Oplev en helt ny tilgang til galaksen med Horizons-sæsonen, der nu er inkluderet i Elite Dangerous. Rejs gennem stjernerne og ud til en række mystiske verdener, hvor du kan udforske i det nye køretøj Scarab Surface Recon, fremstile våben, udsende ship-launched fighters, og opleve superspændende co-op-action med multicrew.

En galakse fyldt med vidundere

Mælkevejens 400 milliarder solsystemer udgør scenen for Elite Dangerous' open-ended-spilleverden. De rigtige stjerner, planeter, måner, asteroidebælter og sorte huller i din egen galakse er konstrueret efter deres sande episke proportioner i den største spilverden nogensinde designet i videospillenes historie.

En unik sammenhængende spiloplevelse

Regeringer falder, kampe tabes og vindes, og menneskehedens grænser omformes efter spillernes handlinger. I en verden med galaktiske superkræfter og interstellar krig, har hver enkelt spillers personlige historie indflydelse på den sammenhængende galakse og levende historie.

Skab din egen vej

Opgrader dit rumskib og tilpas hver eneste komponent, mens du jager, udforsker, kæmper, miner, smugler, handler og overlever i den morderiske galakse i året 3301. Gør hvad end det kræver at udvikle evnerne, viden, rigdommen og styrken til at få en plads blandt Eliten.

Massively Multiplayer

Oplev uforudsigelige møder med spillere fra hele verden i Elite Dangerous’ endeløse massively multiplayer-rumverden. Oplev en sammenhængende galakse i solo-spiltypen eller med spillere fra hele verden i Open Play, hvor enhver pilot, du møder, kan blive en pålidelig allieret eller en svoren dødsfjende. Du skal først oprette en gratis Elite Dangerous:-konto hos Frontier fora t kunne spille.

Et levende spil

Elite Dangerous vokser og udvider sig med nye funktioner og indhold. Massive opdateringer reagerer på den måde, spillerne gerne vil spille, og skaber nye spilmuligheder for de hundredetusindvis af spillere, der samarbejder, konkurrerer og udforsker sammen i den sammenhængende galakse.

Det originale open world-eventyr

Elite Dangerous er den tredje opfølger til det genreskabende Elite fra 1984 og gør spilhistoriens originale open world-eventyr tilgængelig for den moderne generation med en sammenhængende galakse, en levende historie og hele Mælkevejen genskabt i sine fulde galaktiske proportioner.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Ga eropuit, Commander, en druk je stempel op het heelal in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Verken verre werelden te voet en verleg de grens van de bekende ruimte.

De Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition bevat Elite Dangerous, de Elite Dangerous: Odyssey-uitbreiding en de Elite Dangerous: Odyssey-soundtrack.

Info over het spel

Elite Dangerous is de definitieve open-wereld ruimte-MMO, een moderne klassieker. Verken een sterrenstelsel waarin alles met elkaar samenhangt, met een verhaal dat continu in beweging is, en vergaap je aan de op ware grootte nagebouwde Melkweg.

Je begint met een klein ruimteschip en een handjevol credits en je zult zelf moet ontdekken hoe je de vaardigheden, kennis, rijkdom en macht kunt vergaren om te overleven in een vijandig sterrenstelsel en deel uit te maken van de legendarische Elite. Het is de tijd van galactische supermachten en interstellaire oorlogen. Elke speler beleeft een verhaal dat invloed heeft op de unieke, verbonden gaming-ervaring en het uitgestippelde verhaal dat voortdurend in beweging is. Regeringen vallen, gevechten worden gewonnen en verloren en de grens van de mensheid verschuift door de acties van spelers.

Nu inclusief het seizoen Horizons!

Ervaar een heel nieuwe kijk op ons sterrenstelsel met het seizoen Horizons, nu inbegrepen bij Elite Dangerous. Reis van de sterren naar vreemde werelden en verken ze met het nieuwe Scarab Surface Recon Vehicle. Maak wapens, lanceer gevechtstoestellen vanaf ruimteschepen en beleef spectaculaire coöpactie voor meerdere bemanningsleden.

Een universum vol wonderen

De 400 miljard sterrenstelsels van de Melkweg vormen het podium voor de open gameplay van Elite Dangerous. De echte sterren, planeten, manen, asteroïdenvelden en zwarte gaten van ons eigen sterrenstelsel zijn op ware schaal nagemaakt in de grootste speelruimte die ooit in een game is verschenen.

Een unieke verbonden game-ervaring

Regeringen vallen, gevechten worden gewonnen en verloren en de grens van de mensheid verschuift door de acties van spelers. In een tijd van galactische supermachten en interstellaire oorlogen beïnvloedt het persoonlijke verhaal van elke speler het verbonden sterrenstelsel en handgemaakte ontwikkelende verhaal.

Kies je eigen pad

Upgrade je schip en pas elk onderdeel aan terwijl je jaagt, verkent, vecht, delft, smokkelt, onderhandelt en overleeft in een vijandig sterrenstelsel in het jaar 3301. Je moet alles in het werk stellen om de vaardigheid, kennis, rijkdom en macht te vergaren om je onder de Elite te scharen.

Massively multiplayer

Beleef onvoorspelbare confrontaties met spelers van over de hele wereld in de massively-multiplayerruimte van Elite Dangerous. Verken het verbonden sterrenstelsel alleen in de Solo-modus of met spelers van over de hele wereld in Open Play, waar elke piloot die je tegenkomt een trouwe bondgenoot kan worden of je gevaarlijkste vijand. Je moet een gratis Elite Dangerous: account bij Frontier aanmaken om de game te spelen.

Een levende game

Elite Dangerous wordt uitgebreid met nieuwe functies en content. Grote updates spelen in op de manier waarop spelers willen spelen en creëren nieuwe gameplay-mogelijkheden voor de honderdduizenden spelers die met elkaar samenwerken, wedijveren en verkennen in het verbonden sterrenstelsel.

Het originele open-world-avontuur

Elite Dangerous is het derde vervolg op het genre-bepalende Elite uit 1984. Deze game brengt het originele open-world-avontuur naar moderne generaties met een verbonden sterrenstelsel, een verhaal dat zich ontwikkelt, en de complete Melkweg die op galactische schaal is nagemaakt.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Disembark, Commander, and leave your mark on the galaxy in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Explore distant worlds on foot and expand the frontier of known space.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition contains Elite Dangerous, the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey expansion, and the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey OST.

About the Game

Elite Dangerous is the definitive massively multiplayer space epic, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entirety of the Milky Way re-created at its full galactic proportions.

Starting with only a small starship and a few credits, players do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to survive in a futuristic cutthroat galaxy and to stand among the ranks of the iconic Elite. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s story influences the unique connected gaming experience and handcrafted evolving narrative. Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions.

Horizons Season Now Included!

Experience a whole new angle on the galaxy with the Horizons season, now included in Elite Dangerous. Journey from the stars to the surfaces of strange worlds, hit the ground running in the Scarab Surface Recon Vehicle, craft weapons, deploy ship-launched fighters and experience exhilarating multicrew co-op action.

A Galaxy Of Wonders

The 400 billion star systems of the Milky Way are the stage for Elite Dangerous' open-ended gameplay. The real stars, planets, moons, asteroid fields and black holes of our own galaxy are built to their true epic proportions in the largest designed playspace in videogame history.

A Unique Connected Game Experience

Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s personal story influences the connected galaxy and handcrafted, evolving narrative.

Blaze Your Own Trail

Upgrade your ship and customize every component as you hunt, explore, fight, mine, smuggle, trade and survive in the cutthroat galaxy of the year 3301. Do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to stand among the ranks of the Elite.

Massively Multiplayer

Experience unpredictable encounters with players from around the world in Elite Dangerous’ vast, massively multiplayer space. Experience the connected galaxy alone in Solo mode or with players across the world in Open Play, where every pilot you face could become a trusted ally or your deadliest enemy. You will need to register a free Elite Dangerous account with Frontier to play the game.

A Living Game

Elite Dangerous grows and expands with new features and content. Major updates react to the way players want to play and create new gameplay opportunities for the hundreds of thousands of players cooperating, competing and exploring together in the connected galaxy.

The Original Open World Adventure

Elite Dangerous is the third sequel to 1984's genre-defining Elite, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure into the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entire Milky Way recreated at its full galactic proportions.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Komentaja, on aika laskeutua tähdistä ja jättää jälkesi galaksiin. Elite Dangerous: Odysseyssa voit tutkia kaukaisia maailmoja jalkaisin ja laajentaa tunnetun avaruuden rajoja.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition sisältää Elite Dangerous ‑pelin, Elite Dangerous: Odyssey ‑laajennuksen ja alkuperäisen Elite Dangerous: Odyssey ‑soundtrackin.

Tietoa pelistä

Elite Dangerous on avaruuteen sijoittuva massiivinen moninpeli, jossa yhdistyvät alkuperäisestä Elite-pelistä tuttu avoin pelimaailma, pelaajien tekemien valintojen mukaan kehittyvä juoni ja upeasti mallinnettu täydellinen Linnunrata.

Sinulla on aluksi vain pieni avaruusalus ja muutamia krediittejä. Jotta selviytyisit petollisessa tulevaisuuden galaksissa ja saavuttaisit tavoitellun Elite-arvon, sinun on hankittava keinoja kaihtamatta uusia taitoja, tietoa, rikkauksia ja valtaa. Aikakaudella, jota hallitsevat galaktiset suurvallat ja tähtienvälinen sota, jokaisen pelaajan teot vaikuttavat ainutkertaisen pelikokemuksen syntyyn ja juonen kehitykseen. Pelaajien toiminnan seurauksena hallitukset kaatuvat, taistelut hävitään tai voitetaan ja ihmiskunnan etäisimmät asutut kolkat muuttavat muotoaan.

Horizons-kausi nyt mukana!

Elite Dangerousiin nyt sisältyvä Horizons-kausi antaa täysin uuden näkökulman galaksiin. Voit laskeutua tähdistä uusien outojen maailmojen pinnoille ja lähteä tutkimaan mantuja Scarab-tiedusteluajoneuvolla, valmistaa aseita sekä lisätä alukseesi lyhyen kantaman hävittäjiä ja kokea viihdyttävän yhteispelitoiminnan riemun.

Ihmeellinen galaksi

Elite: Dangerous ‑pelin avoimen pelimaailman näyttämönä ovat Linnunradan yli 400 miljardia tähtijärjestelmää. Videopelien historian kaikkien aikojen laajimmassa pelimaailmassa oman galaksimme tähdet, planeetat, kuut, asteroidivyöhykkeet ja mustat aukot on mallinnettu todellisessa mittakaavassa.

Ainutlaatuinen pelielämys, jossa teoillasi on merkitystä

Pelaajien toiminnan seurauksena hallitukset kaatuvat, taistelut hävitään tai voitetaan ja ihmiskunnan etäisimmät asutut kolkat muuttavat muotoaan. Aikakaudella, jota hallitsevat galaktiset suurvallat ja tähtienvälinen sota, jokaisen pelaajan henkilökohtainen tarina vaikuttaa koko galaksin tapahtumiin ja juonen kehitykseen.

Luo oma tarinasi

Metsästä, tutki, taistele, louhi mineraaleja, salakuljeta, käy kauppaa ja selviydy vuoden 3301 armottomassa galaksissa hankkimalla parempia aluksia ja komponentteja. Elite-rankingin saavuttaminen edellyttää taitojen, tiedon, rikkauksien ja vallan hankkimista keinolla millä hyvänsä.

Massiivinen moninpeli

Koe ennalta-arvaamattomia kohtaamisia ympäri maailmaa olevien pelaajien kanssa tutkiessasi Elite: Dangerousin massiivista moninpeliavaruutta. Voit kokea pelaajien valintojen mukaan kehittyvän galaksin itseksesi soolotilassa tai pelata ympäri maailmaa sijaitsevien muiden pelaajien kanssa avoimessa pelitilassa, jossa kenestä tahansa kohtaamastasi lentäjästä voi tulla luotettu liittolainen tai tappava vihollinen. Pelin pelaaminen edellyttää maksuttoman Elite Dangerous -tilin rekisteröimistä Frontier-palvelussa.

Elävä peli

Elite Dangerous kasvaa ja laajenee edelleen uusien ominaisuuksien ja sisältöjen myötä. Suuret, pelaajien tahdon mukaisesti muotoutuvat päivitykset tuovat mukanaan uusia pelimahdollisuuksia sadoille tuhansille yhteisvoimin tai toisiaan vasten kisaten galaksia tutkiville pelaajille.

Alkuperäinen avoimeen pelimaailmaan sijoittuva seikkailu

Elite Dangerous on vuonna 1984 julkaistun uraauurtaneen Elite-pelin kolmas jatko-osa. Siinä yhdistyvät alkuperäisestä Elitestä tuttu avoin pelimaailma, pelaajien tekemien valintojen mukaan kehittyvä juoni ja upeasti mallinnettu täydellinen Linnunrata.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Posez le pied hors de votre vaisseau, commandant, et marquez la galaxie de votre empreinte avec Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Foulez le sol de mondes lointains et repoussez les frontières de l'espace connu.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition contient Elite Dangerous, l’extension Elite Dangerous: Odyssey et la bande-son officielle d’Elite Dangerous: Odyssey.

À propos du jeu

Elite Dangerous est une épopée spatiale véritablement unique en son genre. Plus encore que le monde ouvert d'autres titres, ce jeu massivement multijoueur repousse les limites de l'espace connu et vous propulse au cœur d'une galaxie connectée avec des trames scénaristiques évolutives et l'intégralité de la Voie lactée reproduite à l'échelle.

Débutant avec un petit vaisseau et quelques crédits, les joueurs font tout ce qu’il faut pour obtenir les compétences, connaissances, richesses et le pouvoir nécessaire à la survie dans une galaxie futuriste impitoyable, et de se tenir parmi les rangs de l’Elite emblématique. À une époque de superpuissances galactiques et guerres interstellaires, chaque histoire des joueurs influe l’expérience unique de jeu connecté et une narration évolutive élaborée à la main. Les gouvernements tombent, les batailles sont perdues et gagnées, et les frontières de l’humanité sont redessinées, tout cela par les actions des joueurs.

La saison d'extension Horizon est désormais incluse !

Découvrez la galaxie sous un nouveau jour avec la saison Horizon, désormais incluse dans Elite Dangerous. Embarquez pour les étoiles, puis posez-vous à la surface de mondes étranges pour prendre le contrôle d'un Scarabée, un véhicule de reconnaissance de surface. Fabriquez des armes, déployez des chasseurs depuis votre propre vaisseau et enchaînez les actions d'éclat en mode coopératif au sein d'un équipage multiple.

Une Galaxie de Merveilles

Les 400 millions de systèmes stellaires de la Voie Lactée sont la scène du gameplay ouvert d’Elite Dangerous Les vraies étoiles, planètes, lunes, champs d’astéroïdes et trous noirs de noter propre galaxie sont reproduites dans la plus grande aire de jeu de l’histoire du jeu vidéo.

Une expérience connectée unique

Les gouvernements tombent, les batailles sont perdues et gagnées, et les frontières de l’humanité sont redessinées, tout cela par les actions des joueurs. Les gouvernements tombent, les batailles sont perdues ou gagnées, et les frontières de l'humanité sont redessinées au gré des actions des joueurs.

Tracez votre propre route

Améliorez votre vaisseau tandis que vous traquez vos ennemis, explorez, combattez, exploitez des gisements de minerais et adonnez-vous à la contrebande ou au commerce dans une galaxie impitoyable en 3301. Faites tout ce qu’il faut pour obtenir les compétences, les connaissances, la richesse et le pouvoir pour mériter votre place parmi l’Elite.

Massivement multijoueur

Faites des rencontres imprévisibles avec des joueurs du monde entier dans l’espace massivement multijoueur d’Elite Dangerous. Partez à la découverte de cette galaxie connectée en mode Solo, ou aventurez-vous avec des commandants de tous horizons en mode Jeu ouvert, où chaque rencontre peut déboucher sur une amitié nouvelle ou une rivalité forcenée. Vous devez vous créer un compte Elite Dangerous auprès de Frontier pour pouvoir jouer.

Un jeu vivant

De nouveaux contenus et fonctionnalités viennent régulièrement enrichir Elite Dangerous. Conçues pour répondre aux attentes des joueurs, de grandes mises à jour démultiplient les possibilités en termes de coopération, d'exploration et de compétition dans cette galaxie complexe et connectée.

L'aventure en monde ouvert originelle

Elite Dangerous est le 3e titre à suivre les traces d'Elite, le jeu révolutionnaire sorti en 1984. Il modernise l'aventure originelle en proposant une galaxie complexe et connectée, une narration évolutive et la reproduction à échelle réelle de la Voie lactée.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Kommandant, hebe ab und drücke der Galaxie von Elite Dangerous: Odyssey deinen Stempel auf. Erkunde entfernte Welten zu Fuß und vergrößere das Gebiet des bekannten Weltraums.

Die Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition enthält das Spiel Elite Dangerous, die Erweiterung Elite Dangerous: Odyssey und den Soundtrack von Elite Dangerous: Odyssey.

Über das Spiel

Elite Dangerous ist das definitive Massively-Multiplayer-Weltraum-Epos und hievt das ursprüngliche Open-World-Abenteuer mit einer zusammenhängenden Galaxie, einer sich stetig weiterentwickelnden Geschichte und der Realisierung der gesamten Milchstraße in ihren echten galaktischen Proportionen in die Videospiel-Gegenwart.

Zu Beginn verfügt der Spieler gerade einmal über ein kleines Raumschiff und eine Handvoll Credits. So tut man, was auch immer nötig ist, um sich das Können, das Wissen und den Wohlstand anzueignen, mit denen man in dieser erbarmungslosen Galaxie überleben und in den verehrten Elite-Rang aufsteigen kann. In einem Zeitalter der galaktischen Supermächte und interstellaren Kriege beeinflusst die Story jedes einzelnen Spielers die zusammenhängende Spielerfahrung und die sich weiterentwickelnde Geschichte. Regierungen stürzen, Schlachten werden verloren und gewonnen und die Grenzen der Menschheit durch die Spieler neu gesteckt.

Horizons-Saison jetzt inklusive!

Erlebe mit der Horizons-Saison eine ganz neue Perspektive auf die Galaxie. Jetzt bei Elite Dangerous inklusive. Reise von den Sternen zu den Oberflächen seltsamer Welten, erkunde diese mit dem Scarab Oberflächenaufklärungsfahrzeug (SRV), stelle Waffen her, setze vom Schiff aus startende Fighter ein und erlebe rasante kooperative MultiCrew-Action.

Eine Galaxie voller Wunder

Die 400 Milliarden Sternensysteme der Milchstraße bilden die Bühne für das offene Gameplay von Elite Dangerous. Die echten Sterne, Planeten, Monde, Asteroidenfelder und schwarzen Löcher unserer eigenen Galaxie wurden mit realistischen Größenverhältnissen in der größten gestalteten Spielwelt in der Geschichte der Videospiele nachgebaut.

Ein einzigartiges zusammenhängendes Spielerlebnis

Regierungen stürzen, Schlachten werden verloren und gewonnen und die Grenzen der Menschheit durch die Spieler neu gesteckt. In einem Zeitalter der galaktischen Supermächte und interstellaren Kriege beeinflusst die Story jedes einzelnen Spielers die zusammenhängende Galaxie und die sich weiterentwickelnde Geschichte.

Bahne dir deinen eigenen Weg

Erweitere dein Raumschiff und passe jedes Bauteil individuell an, während du in der erbarmungslosen Galaxie des Jahres 3301 jagst, erkundest, Rohstoffe abbaust, schmuggelst und handelst. Tue, was immer nötig ist und eigne dir Fähigkeiten, Wissen, Reichtum und Macht an, um unter der Elite zu sein.

Massively Multiplayer

Erlebe im Multiplayer-Universum von Elite Dangerous unvorhersehbare Begegnungen mit Spielern aus aller Welt. Erkunde die zusammenhängende Galaxie im Solo-Modus auf eigene Faust, oder im Offenen Spiel gemeinsam mit anderen Spielern. Dabei kann sich jeder, auf den du triffst, als vertrauenswürdiger Verbündeter, aber auch als Todfeind entpuppen. Du musst ein kostenloses Elite Dangerous-Konto bei Frontier registrieren, um das Spiel spielen zu können.

Ein lebendiges Spiel

Elite Dangerous wird regelmäßig durch neue Funktionen und Inhalte erweitert und wächst ständig. In größeren Updates wird den Wünschen der Spieler Rechnung getragen und hunderttausende Spielern erhalten neue Möglichkeiten, um in der zusammenhängenden Galaxie zu kooperieren, den Wettbewerb zu suchen und gemeinsam Erkundungen anzustellen.

Der Ursprung von Abenteuern in einer offenen Welt

Elite Dangerous ist die dritte Fortsetzung des Genre-definierenden Spiels Elite aus dem Jahr 1984 und hievt das ursprüngliche Open-World-Abenteuer mit einer zusammenhängenden Galaxie, einer sich stetig weiterentwickelnden Geschichte und der Realisierung der gesamten Milchstraße in ihren echten galaktischen Proportionen in die Videospiel-Gegenwart.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Disembark, Commander, and leave your mark on the galaxy in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Explore distant worlds on foot and expand the frontier of known space.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition contains Elite Dangerous, the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey expansion, and the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey OST.

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Elite Dangerous is the definitive massively multiplayer space epic, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entirety of the Milky Way re-created at its full galactic proportions.

Starting with only a small starship and a few credits, players do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to survive in a futuristic cutthroat galaxy and to stand among the ranks of the iconic Elite. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s story influences the unique connected gaming experience and handcrafted evolving narrative. Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions.

Horizons Season Now Included!

Experience a whole new angle on the galaxy with the Horizons season, now included in Elite Dangerous. Journey from the stars to the surfaces of strange worlds, hit the ground running in the Scarab Surface Recon Vehicle, craft weapons, deploy ship-launched fighters and experience exhilarating multicrew co-op action.

A Galaxy Of Wonders

The 400 billion star systems of the Milky Way are the stage for Elite Dangerous' open-ended gameplay. The real stars, planets, moons, asteroid fields and black holes of our own galaxy are built to their true epic proportions in the largest designed playspace in videogame history.

A Unique Connected Game Experience

Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s personal story influences the connected galaxy and handcrafted, evolving narrative.

Blaze Your Own Trail

Upgrade your ship and customize every component as you hunt, explore, fight, mine, smuggle, trade and survive in the cutthroat galaxy of the year 3301. Do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to stand among the ranks of the Elite.

Massively Multiplayer

Experience unpredictable encounters with players from around the world in Elite Dangerous’ vast, massively multiplayer space. Experience the connected galaxy alone in Solo mode or with players across the world in Open Play, where every pilot you face could become a trusted ally or your deadliest enemy. You will need to register a free Elite Dangerous account with Frontier to play the game.

A Living Game

Elite Dangerous grows and expands with new features and content. Major updates react to the way players want to play and create new gameplay opportunities for the hundreds of thousands of players cooperating, competing and exploring together in the connected galaxy.

The Original Open World Adventure

Elite Dangerous is the third sequel to 1984's genre-defining Elite, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure into the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entire Milky Way recreated at its full galactic proportions.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Disembark, Commander, and leave your mark on the galaxy in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Explore distant worlds on foot and expand the frontier of known space.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition contains Elite Dangerous, the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey expansion, and the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey OST.

A játékról: 

Elite Dangerous is the definitive massively multiplayer space epic, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entirety of the Milky Way re-created at its full galactic proportions.

Starting with only a small starship and a few credits, players do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to survive in a futuristic cutthroat galaxy and to stand among the ranks of the iconic Elite. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s story influences the unique connected gaming experience and handcrafted evolving narrative. Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions.

Horizons Season Now Included!

Experience a whole new angle on the galaxy with the Horizons season, now included in Elite Dangerous. Journey from the stars to the surfaces of strange worlds, hit the ground running in the Scarab Surface Recon Vehicle, craft weapons, deploy ship-launched fighters and experience exhilarating multicrew co-op action.

A Galaxy Of Wonders

The 400 billion star systems of the Milky Way are the stage for Elite Dangerous' open-ended gameplay. The real stars, planets, moons, asteroid fields and black holes of our own galaxy are built to their true epic proportions in the largest designed playspace in videogame history.

A Unique Connected Game Experience

Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s personal story influences the connected galaxy and handcrafted, evolving narrative.

Blaze Your Own Trail

Upgrade your ship and customize every component as you hunt, explore, fight, mine, smuggle, trade and survive in the cutthroat galaxy of the year 3301. Do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to stand among the ranks of the Elite.

Massively Multiplayer

Experience unpredictable encounters with players from around the world in Elite Dangerous’ vast, massively multiplayer space. Experience the connected galaxy alone in Solo mode or with players across the world in Open Play, where every pilot you face could become a trusted ally or your deadliest enemy. You will need to register a free Elite Dangerous account with Frontier to play the game.

A Living Game

Elite Dangerous grows and expands with new features and content. Major updates react to the way players want to play and create new gameplay opportunities for the hundreds of thousands of players cooperating, competing and exploring together in the connected galaxy.

The Original Open World Adventure

Elite Dangerous is the third sequel to 1984's genre-defining Elite, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure into the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entire Milky Way recreated at its full galactic proportions.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Comandante, sbarca e conquista la galassia in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Esplora mondi lontani ed espandi i limiti dello spazio conosciuto.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition include Elite Dangerous, l'espansione Elite Dangerous: Odyssey e la colonna sonora originale di Elite Dangerous: Odyssey.

Informazioni sul gioco

Elite Dangerous è il multigiocatore massivo spaziale definitivo, che offre un'originale avventura a mondo aperto alla generazione moderna, con una galassia interconnessa, una storia coinvolgente e la Via Lattea ricreata nella sua completezza in proporzioni galattiche.

Con una piccola navicella spaziale e pochissimi meriti, all'inizio i giocatori dovranno fare tutto il necessario per ottenere abilità, conoscenza, salute e forza per sopravvivere in una galassia futuristica spietata e farsi strada tra i ranghi dell'iconica Elite. In un'epoca di guerra interstellare e superpotenze galattiche, la storia di ogni giocatore influenza l'esperienza di gioco unica e interconnessa e la narrazione che si evolve continuamente. Le autorità crollano, le battaglie vengono vinte e perse e la frontiera dell'umanità cambia forma: tutto questo grazie alle azioni dei giocatori.

Ora include la stagione Horizons!

Una nuova prospettiva sulla galassia ti attende nella stagione Horizons, ora inclusa in Elite Dangerous. Viaggia dalle stelle alle superfici di strani mondi, tocca il suolo con il nuovo veicolo di perlustrazione superficiale Scarab, crea armi, lancia caccia dalle navi e goditi questa entusiasmante avventura co-op multi-equipaggio.

Una galassia di meraviglie

I 400 miliardi di sistemi solari della Via Lattea sono il palcoscenico del gameplay aperto di Elite Dangerous. Tutte le stelle, i pianeti, le lune, i campi di asteroidi e i buchi neri della nostra galassia sono stati ricreati fedelmente nel più grande spazio mai visto nella storia dei videogiochi.

Un'esperienza di gioco unica, completamente collegata

Le autorità crollano, le battaglie vengono vinte e perse e la frontiera dell'umanità cambia forma: tutto questo grazie alle azioni dei giocatori. In un'epoca di guerra interstellare e superpoteri galattici, la storia personale di ogni giocatore influenza la galassia collegata e la narrazione che si evolve.

Costruisci il tuo destino

Migliora la tua navicella spaziale e personalizza ogni sua componente, mentre perlustri, esplori, combatti, scavi, contrabbandi, commerci e cerchi di sopravvivere nella galassia spietata dell'anno 3301. Metticela tutta per ottenere l'abilità, la conoscenza, la salute e la forza necessarie per farti strada tra i ranghi dell'Elite.

Multigiocatore massivo

Sperimenta incontri inaspettati con i giocatori di tutto il mondo nel vasto spazio del multigiocatore massivo di Elite Dangerous. Entra nella sua galassia collegata da solo in modalità Solo o con giocatori da tutto il mondo nella modalità Open Play, dove ogni pilota che affronterai potrebbe diventare un fedele alleato o il più acerrimo dei tuoi nemici. Per giocare dovrai creare un account gratuito per Elite Dangerous con Frontier.

Un gioco in continua evoluzione

Elite Dangerous cresce e si espande grazie a nuovi contenuti e funzionalità. Gli aggiornamenti principali sono influenzati dai desideri dei giocatori e creano nuove opportunità di gioco per le centinaia di migliaia di giocatori che collaborano, competono ed esplorano insieme la galassia collegata.

L'avventura originale in un mondo aperto

Elite Dangerous è il terzo sequel di Elite del 1984 che ha definito il genere, e offre un'originale avventura a mondo aperto alla generazione moderna, con una galassia collegata, una storia coinvolgente e la Via Lattea ricreata nella sua completezza in proporzioni galattiche.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Disembark, Commander, and leave your mark on the galaxy in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Explore distant worlds on foot and expand the frontier of known space.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition contains Elite Dangerous, the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey expansion, and the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey OST.


Elite Dangerous is the definitive massively multiplayer space epic, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entirety of the Milky Way re-created at its full galactic proportions.

Starting with only a small starship and a few credits, players do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to survive in a futuristic cutthroat galaxy and to stand among the ranks of the iconic Elite. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s story influences the unique connected gaming experience and handcrafted evolving narrative. Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions.

Horizons Season Now Included!

Experience a whole new angle on the galaxy with the Horizons season, now included in Elite Dangerous. Journey from the stars to the surfaces of strange worlds, hit the ground running in the Scarab Surface Recon Vehicle, craft weapons, deploy ship-launched fighters and experience exhilarating multicrew co-op action.

A Galaxy Of Wonders

The 400 billion star systems of the Milky Way are the stage for Elite Dangerous' open-ended gameplay. The real stars, planets, moons, asteroid fields and black holes of our own galaxy are built to their true epic proportions in the largest designed playspace in videogame history.

A Unique Connected Game Experience

Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s personal story influences the connected galaxy and handcrafted, evolving narrative.

Blaze Your Own Trail

Upgrade your ship and customize every component as you hunt, explore, fight, mine, smuggle, trade and survive in the cutthroat galaxy of the year 3301. Do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to stand among the ranks of the Elite.

Massively Multiplayer

Experience unpredictable encounters with players from around the world in Elite Dangerous’ vast, massively multiplayer space. Experience the connected galaxy alone in Solo mode or with players across the world in Open Play, where every pilot you face could become a trusted ally or your deadliest enemy. You will need to register a free Elite Dangerous account with Frontier to play the game.

A Living Game

Elite Dangerous grows and expands with new features and content. Major updates react to the way players want to play and create new gameplay opportunities for the hundreds of thousands of players cooperating, competing and exploring together in the connected galaxy.

The Original Open World Adventure

Elite Dangerous is the third sequel to 1984's genre-defining Elite, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure into the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entire Milky Way recreated at its full galactic proportions.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Disembark, Commander, and leave your mark on the galaxy in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Explore distant worlds on foot and expand the frontier of known space.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition contains Elite Dangerous, the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey expansion, and the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey OST.

게임 정보

Elite Dangerous is the definitive massively multiplayer space epic, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entirety of the Milky Way re-created at its full galactic proportions.

Starting with only a small starship and a few credits, players do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to survive in a futuristic cutthroat galaxy and to stand among the ranks of the iconic Elite. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s story influences the unique connected gaming experience and handcrafted evolving narrative. Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions.

Horizons Season Now Included!

Experience a whole new angle on the galaxy with the Horizons season, now included in Elite Dangerous. Journey from the stars to the surfaces of strange worlds, hit the ground running in the Scarab Surface Recon Vehicle, craft weapons, deploy ship-launched fighters and experience exhilarating multicrew co-op action.

A Galaxy Of Wonders

The 400 billion star systems of the Milky Way are the stage for Elite Dangerous' open-ended gameplay. The real stars, planets, moons, asteroid fields and black holes of our own galaxy are built to their true epic proportions in the largest designed playspace in videogame history.

A Unique Connected Game Experience

Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s personal story influences the connected galaxy and handcrafted, evolving narrative.

Blaze Your Own Trail

Upgrade your ship and customize every component as you hunt, explore, fight, mine, smuggle, trade and survive in the cutthroat galaxy of the year 3301. Do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to stand among the ranks of the Elite.

Massively Multiplayer

Experience unpredictable encounters with players from around the world in Elite Dangerous’ vast, massively multiplayer space. Experience the connected galaxy alone in Solo mode or with players across the world in Open Play, where every pilot you face could become a trusted ally or your deadliest enemy. You will need to register a free Elite Dangerous account with Frontier to play the game.

A Living Game

Elite Dangerous grows and expands with new features and content. Major updates react to the way players want to play and create new gameplay opportunities for the hundreds of thousands of players cooperating, competing and exploring together in the connected galaxy.

The Original Open World Adventure

Elite Dangerous is the third sequel to 1984's genre-defining Elite, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure into the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entire Milky Way recreated at its full galactic proportions.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Sett ditt preg på galaksen i Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Utforsk fjerntliggende kloder til fots, og utvid grensen for det kjente verdensrommet.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition inneholder Elite Dangerous, Elite Dangerous: Odyssey-utvidelsen og musikken fra Elite Dangerous: Odyssey.

Om spillet

Elite Dangerous er et storslagent romspill, med det opprinnelige spillets åpne verden, laget på på nytt til dagens spillvirkelighet med en sammenkoblet galakse, historie som utvikler seg og hele Melkeveien gjenskapt i naturlig størrelse.

Du begynner med et lite stjerneskip og noen få credits og må gjøre det du kan for å bygge opp ferdigheter, kunnskap, rikdom og makt og overleve i en futuristisk, hensynsløs galakse, med mål om en gang å kunne vise deg verdig å bli kalt en Elite. I en tidsalder der galaktiske supermakter utkjemper i en krig mellom stjernene, vil alle spilleres historie påvirke den unike, sammenkoblede spillopplevelsen og historien som stadig utvikler seg. Herskere faller, slag tapes og vinnes, og menneskehetens grenser formes på nytt som følge av det du foretar deg.

Nå er Horizons-sesongen inkludert!

Få en helt ny innfallsvinkel på galaksen med Horizons-sesongen, nå inkludert i Elite Dangerous. Reis gjennom verdensrommet til overflaten av fremmede verdener, kom i gang umiddelbart etter landing i det nye Scarab Surface Recon-kjøretøyet, lag våpen, utplasser jagere, og delta i spennende samarbeidsaction.

En gigantisk, fascinerende galakse

Melkeveiens 400 milliarder stjernesystemer er åstedet for den åpne spillopplevelsen i Elite Dangerous. De ekte stjernene, planetene, månene, asteroidefeltene og sorte hullene i vår egen galakse er tro mot sine episke proporsjoner i tidenes største romspill.

En unik sammenknyttet spillopplevelse

Herskere faller, slag tapes og vinnes, og menneskehetens grenser formes på nytt som følge av det du foretar deg. I en tidsalder av galaktiske superkrefter og stjernekriger, påvirker alle spilleres personlige historier den tilknyttede galaksen og håndlagde historie som utvikler seg.

Ban din egen sti

Oppgrader skipet ditt og skreddersy hver del mens du jakter, utforsker, kjemper, graver, smugler, forhandler og overlever i den hensynsløse galaksen i fremtidens 3301. Gjør det du må for å oppnå ferdighetene, kunnskapen, rikdommen og styrken til å stå bland Elitens ranker.

Massiv flerspiller

Ta del i uforutsigbare møter med spillere fra hele verden i den store flerspillerverdenen i Elite Dangerous. Fly alene eller med venner i en sammenknyttet galakse der alle piloter du møter kan bli pålitelige allierte eller dine verste fiender. Du må opprette en gratis Elite Dangerous-konto med Frontier for å spille spillet.

Et levende spill

Elite Dangerous vokser og utvides med nye funksjoner og nytt innhold. Store oppdateringer legges ut som reaksjon på måten spillerne spiller på, noe som medfører nye spillmuligheter for de mange hundre tusen spillerne som samarbeider, konkurrerer og utforsker sammen i galaksen.

Det originale eventyret i en åpen verden

Elite Dangerous er den tredje oppfølgeren av det sjangerdefinerende Elite fra 1984. Her får du en åpen verden for en ny generasjon spillere med en sammenknyttet galakse, en spennende historie og hele Melkeveien som lekeplass.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Zejdź z pokładu statku, którym dowodzisz, i zapisz się na kartach historii, grając w Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Eksploruj odległe światy, przemierzając je pieszo i przesuwaj granice poznanego wszechświata.

Zawartość w wersji Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition: Elite Dangerous, rozszerzenie Elite Dangerous: Odyssey oraz Oryginalna ścieżka dźwiękowa Elite Dangerous: Odyssey.

Informacje o grze

Elite Dangerous to widowiskowy symulator kosmiczny MMO nowej generacji, czyli pełna przygód rozgrywka w otwartym świecie ulegającej nieustannym zmianom galaktyki, którą jest Droga Mleczna odwzorowana w całości z zachowaniem galaktycznych proporcji.

Mając na początku jedynie mały statek gwiezdny i kilka kredytów, gracz musi zrobić wszystko co w jego mocy, aby zdobywać umiejętności, wiedzę, bogactwo i władzę, dzięki którym zdoła przetrwać w bezlitosnej galaktyce przyszłości i wyróżnić się w szeregach najlepszych graczy Elite. W erze gwiezdnych supermocarstw i toczącej się międzygalaktycznej wojny poczynania poszczególnych graczy wpływają na losy wszechświata i przebieg akcji. Są zwycięstwa i porażki, rządy powstają i upadają, a granica terytoriów zamieszkanych przez ludzkość wciąż się przemieszcza za sprawą poczynań graczy.

Teraz w pakiecie jest sezon Horizons!

Poznaj galaktykę z zupełnie nowej perspektywy w sezonie Horizons — teraz w pakiecie z grą Elite Dangerous. Podróżuj z gwiazd na powierzchnie nieznanych światów, badaj teren w naziemnym pojeździe rozpoznawczym (SRV) Skarabeusz, konstruuj uzbrojenie, wysyłaj myśliwce startujące ze statku i daj się porwać emocjonującej akcji w wielozałogowym trybie współpracy.

Niesamowita galaktyka

Rozgrywka Elite Dangerous toczy się w otwartym świecie złożonym z czterystu miliardów układów gwiezdnych Drogi Mlecznej. Prawdziwe gwiazdy, planety, księżyce, pola asteroid i czarne dziury odtworzono w niesamowitej skali – to największy świat w historii gier komputerowych.

Twoje działania wpływają na świat gry

Są zwycięstwa i porażki, rządy powstają i upadają, a granica terytoriów zamieszkanych przez ludzkość wciąż się przemieszcza za sprawą poczynań graczy. W dobie galaktycznych supermocarstw i międzygwiezdnej wojny poczynania każdego gracza wpływają na losy wszechświata i przebieg akcji.

Wybierz własną drogę

Ulepszaj statek i dostosuj każdy jego element, polując, eksplorując, tocząc bitwy, prowadząc wydobycie, przemycając, handlując i walcząc o przetrwanie w bezlitosnej galaktyce roku 3301. Zrób wszystko, co w Twojej mocy, aby zdobyć umiejętności, wiedzę, bogactwo i potęgę, dzięki którym wyróżnisz się w szeregach najlepszych graczy Elite.

Gra wieloosobowa o niespotykanej skali

Podczas eksploracji ogromnych przestrzeni kosmicznych Elite Dangerous czekają Cię nieprzewidywalne spotkania z innymi graczami. Przemierzaj galaktykę w pojedynkę w trybie Solo lub z graczami z całego świata w trybie Otwarta gra, w którym każdy napotkany pilot może okazać się zaufanym sojusznikiem lub śmiertelnym wrogiem. Aby grać w grę, należy zarejestrować darmowe konto Elite Dangerous na stronie Frontier

Gra, która ewoluuje

Elite Dangerous stale wzbogaca się o nowe funkcje i treści. Duże aktualizacje odzwierciedlają preferowane style gry i tworzą nowe możliwości dla tysięcy graczy współpracujących i rywalizujących ze sobą oraz wspólnie eksplorujących galaktykę.

Pełna przygód rozgrywka w otwartym świecie

Elite Dangerous – najnowszy, czwarty z kolei tytuł w serii zapoczątkowanej przez rewolucjonizującą gatunek grę Elite z 1984 roku – to pełna przygód rozgrywka w otwartym świecie ulegającej nieustannym zmianom Drogi Mlecznej odwzorowanej w całości z zachowaniem galaktycznych proporcji.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Comandante, desembarca e deixa a tua marca na galáxia com o Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Explora a pé mundos distantes e alarga as fronteiras do espaço conhecido.

A Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition contém o Elite Dangerous, a expansão Elite Dangerous: Odyssey e a Banda Sonora Original de Elite Dangerous: Odyssey.

Acerca do Jogo

Elite Dangerous é o derradeiro épico do espaço para multijogadores em massa, que adapta a aventura original de mundo aberto à nova geração com uma galáxia interligada, uma narrativa evolutiva e toda a Via Láctea recriada à escala galáctica.

Começando apenas com uma pequena nave e alguns créditos, os jogadores fazem o que for preciso para conseguir perícia, conhecimento, fortuna e poder para sobreviverem numa impiedosa galáxia futurista e para fazerem parte da icónica Elite. Numa era de superpoderes galácticos e combate interestelar, a história de cada jogador influencia esta experiência de jogo única e interligada, bem como a evolução da narrativa. As ações dos jogadores fazem cair governos, decidem batalhas e moldam as fronteiras da humanidade.

Agora inclui a temporada Horizons!

Experimenta outra perspetiva da galáxia com a temporada Horizons, agora incluída em Elite Dangerous. Viaja pelas estrelas e visita planetas desconhecidos, sem perder a embalagem da aterragem com o veículo Scarab Surface Recon. Fabrica armas e destaca caças da nave enquanto desfrutas da empolgante ação cooperativa multitripulação.

Uma Galáxia Repleta de Maravilhas

Os 400 mil milhões de sistemas solares da Via Láctea são o palco do mundo aberto de Elite Dangerous. As estrelas, planetas, luas, campos de asteroides e buracos negros reais da nossa própria galáxia são construídos nas suas proporções épicas no maior espaço de jogo alguma vez concebido na história dos videojogos.

Uma Experiência de Jogo Única e Ligada

As ações dos jogadores fazem cair governos, decidem batalhas e moldam as fronteiras da humanidade. Numa era de superpoderes galácticos e combate interestelar, a história de cada jogador influencia a galáxia ligada e a narrativa evolutiva e detalhada.

Trilha o teu Caminho

Melhora a tua nave e personaliza todos os componentes para realizares perseguições, explorações, combates, perfurações, negócios e contrabando e tentares sobreviver na impiedosa galáxia do ano 3301. Faz o que for preciso para conseguires a perícia, o conhecimento, a riqueza e o poder necessários para estares entre a Elite.

Multijogador Massivo

Enfrenta encontros imprevisíveis com jogadores de todo o mundo no vasto espaço de multijogador massivo de Elite Dangerous. Voa sozinho ou com amigos numa galáxia ligada onde cada piloto que enfrentas pode tornar-se um aliado de confiança ou o teu inimigo mais mortal. Terás de criar uma conta gratuita de Elite Dangerous na Frontier para jogares.

Um Jogo Vivo

O Elite Dangerous cresce e expande-se com novas funcionalidades e conteúdos. As atualizações principais respondem à forma como os jogadores querem jogar e criam novas oportunidades de jogo para as centenas de milhares de participantes que cooperam, competem e exploram juntos numa galáxia ligada.

A Aventura Original em Mundo Aberto

Elite Dangerous é a terceira sequela da série Elite, um jogo de 1984 que definiu o seu género, e adapta a jogabilidade original de aventura em mundo aberto à nova geração, com uma galáxia ligada, uma narrativa em evolução e toda a Via Láctea recriada nas suas proporções galácticas.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Disembark, Commander, and leave your mark on the galaxy in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Explore distant worlds on foot and expand the frontier of known space.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition contains Elite Dangerous, the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey expansion, and the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey OST.

Despre joc

Elite Dangerous is the definitive massively multiplayer space epic, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entirety of the Milky Way re-created at its full galactic proportions.

Starting with only a small starship and a few credits, players do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to survive in a futuristic cutthroat galaxy and to stand among the ranks of the iconic Elite. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s story influences the unique connected gaming experience and handcrafted evolving narrative. Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions.

Horizons Season Now Included!

Experience a whole new angle on the galaxy with the Horizons season, now included in Elite Dangerous. Journey from the stars to the surfaces of strange worlds, hit the ground running in the Scarab Surface Recon Vehicle, craft weapons, deploy ship-launched fighters and experience exhilarating multicrew co-op action.

A Galaxy Of Wonders

The 400 billion star systems of the Milky Way are the stage for Elite Dangerous' open-ended gameplay. The real stars, planets, moons, asteroid fields and black holes of our own galaxy are built to their true epic proportions in the largest designed playspace in videogame history.

A Unique Connected Game Experience

Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s personal story influences the connected galaxy and handcrafted, evolving narrative.

Blaze Your Own Trail

Upgrade your ship and customize every component as you hunt, explore, fight, mine, smuggle, trade and survive in the cutthroat galaxy of the year 3301. Do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to stand among the ranks of the Elite.

Massively Multiplayer

Experience unpredictable encounters with players from around the world in Elite Dangerous’ vast, massively multiplayer space. Experience the connected galaxy alone in Solo mode or with players across the world in Open Play, where every pilot you face could become a trusted ally or your deadliest enemy. You will need to register a free Elite Dangerous account with Frontier to play the game.

A Living Game

Elite Dangerous grows and expands with new features and content. Major updates react to the way players want to play and create new gameplay opportunities for the hundreds of thousands of players cooperating, competing and exploring together in the connected galaxy.

The Original Open World Adventure

Elite Dangerous is the third sequel to 1984's genre-defining Elite, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure into the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entire Milky Way recreated at its full galactic proportions.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Разворачивайте трап, командир. Пришло время оставить свой след в галактике с Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Изучайте далекие миры на своих двоих и расширяйте границы изученного космоса.

В издание Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition входят игра Elite Dangerous, дополнение Elite Dangerous: Odyssey и саундтрек Elite Dangerous: Odyssey.

Об игре

Elite Dangerous – эпическая многопользовательская игра, современное воплощение классического космического приключения в открытом мире с постоянно развивающимся сюжетом на просторах Млечного Пути, воссозданного в своих истинных масштабах.

Начав игру с небольшим кораблем и горсткой кредитов, делайте все, чтобы выжить в невероятном, безжалостном мире эпохи галактических сверхдержав и достичь вершин среди Элиты. Однако для этого придется немало потрудиться, зарабатывая славу, власть, деньги или знания. В эпоху галактических сверхдержав и межзвездных войн история каждого игрока так или иначе влияет на общий ход истории, а также затрагивает ход каждого особого сюжета и определяет будущее. Рушатся правительства, победы сменяются поражениями, и граница владений человечества постоянно расширяется - все это благодаря действиям игроков.

Теперь в комплект входит сезон «Horizons»!

Теперь в Elite Dangerous входит сезон «Horizons» – совершенно новый взгляд на галактику! Путешествуйте среди звезд и изучайте поверхность загадочных миров на транспорте для разведки поверхности Scarab, создавайте оружие, выпускайте истребители с корабля и участвуйте в захватывающих кооперативных битвах.

Галактика чудес

400 миллиардов звездных систем Млечного Пути - сцена, на которой разворачивается действие Elite Dangerous. Реально существующие в нашей галактике звезды, планеты и их спутники, поля астероидов и черные дыры воссозданы с невероятной научной точностью – перед вами самое большое игровое пространство в истории видеоигр.

Уникальная общая игра

Рушатся правительства, победы сменяются поражениями, и граница владений человечества постоянно расширяется - все это благодаря действиям игроков. В эпоху галактических сверхдержав и межзвездных военных конфликтов история каждого отдельного игрока влияет на ход событий в их общей галактике и в особом, постоянно развивающемся, сюжете.

Оставь свой след

Совершенствуйте свой корабль и видоизменяйте каждый его компонент, чтобы ловить преступников, исследовать космос, сражаться, разрабатывать астероиды, возить контрабанду, торговать и просто выживать в полной опасностей галактике 3301 года. Копите богатство, развивайте навыки, познания и силу, чтобы занять достойное место в рядах элиты.

Массовый мультиплеер

Участвуй в непредсказуемых столкновениях с игроками со всего мира на бескрайних космических просторах массового мультиплеера Elite Dangerous. Научитесь жить в густонаселенной галактике в одиночном режиме или вместе с пользователями со всего земного шара в режиме открытой игры, где каждый встреченный пилот может стать верным союзником или заклятым врагом. Для игры необходимо зарегистрироваться в Elite Dangerous и открыть бесплатную учетную запись в Frontier.

Игра, которая живет и дышит

Elite Dangerous растет и развивается по мере того, как в ней появляются новые функции и контент. Крупные обновления отражают пожелания самих игроков и создают новые возможности для сотен тысяч пользователей, которые соревнуются, объединяются и исследуют общую для всех галактику.

Классические приключения в открытом мире

Elite Dangerous – это третье продолжение игры Elite 1984 года, легшей в основу целого жанра. Современное воплощение классического космического приключения в открытом мире приносит с собой единую для всех галактику, постоянно развивающийся сюжет, а также весь Млечный Путь, воссозданный в своих истинных масштабах.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Disembark, Commander, and leave your mark on the galaxy in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Explore distant worlds on foot and expand the frontier of known space.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition contains Elite Dangerous, the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey expansion, and the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey OST.


Elite Dangerous is the definitive massively multiplayer space epic, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entirety of the Milky Way re-created at its full galactic proportions.

Starting with only a small starship and a few credits, players do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to survive in a futuristic cutthroat galaxy and to stand among the ranks of the iconic Elite. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s story influences the unique connected gaming experience and handcrafted evolving narrative. Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions.

Horizons Season Now Included!

Experience a whole new angle on the galaxy with the Horizons season, now included in Elite Dangerous. Journey from the stars to the surfaces of strange worlds, hit the ground running in the Scarab Surface Recon Vehicle, craft weapons, deploy ship-launched fighters and experience exhilarating multicrew co-op action.

A Galaxy Of Wonders

The 400 billion star systems of the Milky Way are the stage for Elite Dangerous' open-ended gameplay. The real stars, planets, moons, asteroid fields and black holes of our own galaxy are built to their true epic proportions in the largest designed playspace in videogame history.

A Unique Connected Game Experience

Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s personal story influences the connected galaxy and handcrafted, evolving narrative.

Blaze Your Own Trail

Upgrade your ship and customize every component as you hunt, explore, fight, mine, smuggle, trade and survive in the cutthroat galaxy of the year 3301. Do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to stand among the ranks of the Elite.

Massively Multiplayer

Experience unpredictable encounters with players from around the world in Elite Dangerous’ vast, massively multiplayer space. Experience the connected galaxy alone in Solo mode or with players across the world in Open Play, where every pilot you face could become a trusted ally or your deadliest enemy. You will need to register a free Elite Dangerous account with Frontier to play the game.

A Living Game

Elite Dangerous grows and expands with new features and content. Major updates react to the way players want to play and create new gameplay opportunities for the hundreds of thousands of players cooperating, competing and exploring together in the connected galaxy.

The Original Open World Adventure

Elite Dangerous is the third sequel to 1984's genre-defining Elite, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure into the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entire Milky Way recreated at its full galactic proportions.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Desembarca, comandante, y deja huella en la galaxia de Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Explora mundos lejanos a pie y expande las fronteras del espacio conocido.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition incluye Elite Dangerous, la expansión Elite Dangerous: Odyssey y la BSO de Elite Dangerous.

Acerca del juego

Elite Dangerous es el multijugador masivo espacial definitivo, que acerca la aventura original de mundo abierto a la nueva generación con una galaxia conectada, una narrativa en constante evolución y una recreación integral de la Vía Láctea.

Tras comenzar con solo una pequeña nave estelar y unos pocos créditos, el jugador hará todo lo que esté en su mano para obtener las habilidades, conocimientos, riqueza y poder necesarios para sobrevivir en una implacable galaxia del futuro y destacar entre los miembros de la icónica Élite. En una era de superpotencias galácticas y guerra interestelar, la historia personal de cada jugador influirá en la galaxia conectada y la evolución artesanal de la narrativa. Caen gobiernos, se pierden y ganan batallas, la última frontera de la humanidad se reconfigura constantemente; todo ello en función de las acciones de los jugadores.

¡Temporada Horizons incluida!

Explora la galaxia desde una perspectiva completamente nueva con la temporada Horizons, ya disponible junto Elite Dangerous. Viaja desde las estrellas hasta las superficies de mundos desconocidos, aterriza con el nuevo vehículo de reconocimiento "Scarab", fabrica armas, despliega cazas desde tus naves y vive una experiencia multitripulación cooperativa trepidante.

Una galaxia maravillosa

Los 400 000 millones de sistemas estelares de la Vía Láctea son el escenario donde se desarrolla Elite Dangerous a través de su sistema abierto. Las verdaderas estrellas, planetas, lunas, campos de asteroides y agujeros negros de nuestra propia galaxia se han reproducido a épica escala real, creando el mayor espacio de juego jamás diseñado en la historia de los videojuegos.

Una experiencia única de juego conectado

Caen gobiernos, se pierden y ganan batallas, la última frontera de la humanidad se reconfigura constantemente; todo ello en función de las acciones de los jugadores. En una era de superpotencias galácticas y guerra interestelar, la historia personal de cada jugador influirá en la galaxia conectada y la evolución artesanal de la narrativa.

Traza tu propio rumbo

Mejora tu nave y personaliza cada uno de sus componentes, todo mientras cazas, exploras, combates, extraes minerales, contrabandeas, comercias y sobrevives en la implacable galaxia del año 3301. Haz lo que sea necesario para obtener las habilidades, conocimientos, riquezas y poder necesarios para destacar entre los miembros de la Élite.

Multijugador masivo

Vive encuentros impredecibles con jugadores de todo el mundo en el inmenso espacio multijugador de Elite Dangerous. Disfruta de toda una galaxia conectada en el modo Jugar en solitario o con jugadores de todo el mundo en el modo Juego abierto, en la que cada piloto que te encuentres podría convertirse en fiable aliado o en tu enemigo más mortal. Tendrás que registrar una cuenta gratuita en Frontier para jugar a Elite Dangerous.

Un juego vivo

Elite Dangerous crece y se expande con nuevas funciones y contenido. Las actualizaciones principales reaccionan a cómo quieren jugar los jugadores y crean oportunidades de juego nuevas para los cientos de miles de usuarios que cooperan, compiten y exploran la galaxia conectada.

La aventura de mundo abierto original

Elite Dangerous es la tercera secuela del título que estableció las bases del género, Elite, de 1984, y acerca esta aventura original de mundo abierto a la nueva generación con una galaxia conectada, una narrativa en constante evolución y una recreación integral de la Vía Láctea.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Lämna skeppet och gör avtryck i galaxen i Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Utforska avlägsna världar till fots och rita om kartan över den kända rymden.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition innehåller Elite Dangerous, expansionen Elite Dangerous: Odyssey och Elite Dangerous: Odyssey OST.

Om spelet

Elite Dangerous är det definitiva rymdäventyret för flera spelare. Det tar det ursprungliga spelets öppna värld till den moderna generationen med en ansluten galax, en berättelse under ständig utveckling och hela Vintergatan återskapad i dess fullständiga galaktiska proportioner.

Du börjar med ett litet rymdskepp och några få krediter, sedan är det upp till dig att skaffa sig de färdigheter, kunskaper, medel och det inflytande som krävs för att överleva i en livsfarlig framtidsgalax och sälla sig till de ikoniska Elite. I en tid med galaktiska stormakter och interstellära krig påverkar varje spelares historia den unika anslutna spelupplevelsen och den handgjorda berättelsen som ständigt utvecklas. Regeringar störtas, krig utkämpas utan givna vinnare eller förlorare och mänsklighetens gränser ritas om, allt baserat på hur spelarna agerar.

Nu ingår säsongen Horizons!

Upplev ett helt nytt perspektiv på galaxen med säsongen Horizons, som nu ingår i Elite Dangerous. Res från stjärnorna till främmande världar och ta mark i fordonet Scarab Surface Recon Vehicle. Tillverka vapen, skicka ut skepp från andra farkoster och upplev spännande samarbetsspel där du kan bli del av andra skepps besättning.

En undrens galax

Vintergatans 400 miljarder stjärnsystem är scenen för Elite Dangerous öppna spel. De riktiga stjärnorna, planeterna, månarna, asteroidfälten och svarta hålen i vår egen galax byggs till sina sanna episka proportioner i den största designade spelrymden i videospelets historia.

En unik, uppkopplad spelupplevelse

Regeringar störtas, krig utkämpas utan givna vinnare eller förlorare och mänsklighetens gränser ritas om, allt baserat på hur spelarna agerar. I en tid av galaktiska superkrafter och interstellära krig påverkar varje spelares personliga historia den unika anslutna galaxen och den handgjorda, utvecklande berättelsen.

Lys upp ditt eget spår

Uppgradera ditt skepp och anpassa alla komponenter medan du jagar, utforskar, strider, minerar, smugglar, handlar och överlever i 3301 års mördande galax. Gör vad som krävs för att tjäna färdigheter, kunskap, rikedom och kraft för att stå dig bland graderna i Elite.

Många spelare

Upplev oförutsägbara möten med spelare från hela världen i Elite Dangerous stora rymd. Flyg ensam eller med vänner i en sammankopplad galax där varje pilot du möter kan bli en pålitlig allierad eller din dödligaste fiende. Du måste registrera ett gratis Elite Dangerous:-konto med Frontier för att spela spelet

Ett levande spel

Elite Dangerous växer och breddas med nya funktioner och nytt innehåll. Stora uppdateringar tar avstamp i spelarnas önskningar för att skapa nya spelmöjligheter för alla hundratusentals som vill samarbeta, tävla och utforska tillsammans i den sammankopplade galaxen.

Det ursprungliga open world-äventyret

Elite Dangerous är tredje uppföljaren till 1984 års genredefinierade Elite, som tar det ursprungliga open world-äventyret till den moderna generationen med en sammanhängande galax, föränderlig berättelse och hela Vintergatan återskapad i verkliga galaktiska proportioner.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Disembark, Commander, and leave your mark on the galaxy in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Explore distant worlds on foot and expand the frontier of known space.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition contains Elite Dangerous, the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey expansion, and the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey OST.


Elite Dangerous is the definitive massively multiplayer space epic, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entirety of the Milky Way re-created at its full galactic proportions.

Starting with only a small starship and a few credits, players do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to survive in a futuristic cutthroat galaxy and to stand among the ranks of the iconic Elite. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s story influences the unique connected gaming experience and handcrafted evolving narrative. Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions.

Horizons Season Now Included!

Experience a whole new angle on the galaxy with the Horizons season, now included in Elite Dangerous. Journey from the stars to the surfaces of strange worlds, hit the ground running in the Scarab Surface Recon Vehicle, craft weapons, deploy ship-launched fighters and experience exhilarating multicrew co-op action.

A Galaxy Of Wonders

The 400 billion star systems of the Milky Way are the stage for Elite Dangerous' open-ended gameplay. The real stars, planets, moons, asteroid fields and black holes of our own galaxy are built to their true epic proportions in the largest designed playspace in videogame history.

A Unique Connected Game Experience

Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s personal story influences the connected galaxy and handcrafted, evolving narrative.

Blaze Your Own Trail

Upgrade your ship and customize every component as you hunt, explore, fight, mine, smuggle, trade and survive in the cutthroat galaxy of the year 3301. Do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to stand among the ranks of the Elite.

Massively Multiplayer

Experience unpredictable encounters with players from around the world in Elite Dangerous’ vast, massively multiplayer space. Experience the connected galaxy alone in Solo mode or with players across the world in Open Play, where every pilot you face could become a trusted ally or your deadliest enemy. You will need to register a free Elite Dangerous account with Frontier to play the game.

A Living Game

Elite Dangerous grows and expands with new features and content. Major updates react to the way players want to play and create new gameplay opportunities for the hundreds of thousands of players cooperating, competing and exploring together in the connected galaxy.

The Original Open World Adventure

Elite Dangerous is the third sequel to 1984's genre-defining Elite, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure into the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entire Milky Way recreated at its full galactic proportions.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Disembark, Commander, and leave your mark on the galaxy in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Explore distant worlds on foot and expand the frontier of known space.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition contains Elite Dangerous, the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey expansion, and the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey OST.


Elite Dangerous is the definitive massively multiplayer space epic, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entirety of the Milky Way re-created at its full galactic proportions.

Starting with only a small starship and a few credits, players do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to survive in a futuristic cutthroat galaxy and to stand among the ranks of the iconic Elite. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s story influences the unique connected gaming experience and handcrafted evolving narrative. Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions.

Horizons Season Now Included!

Experience a whole new angle on the galaxy with the Horizons season, now included in Elite Dangerous. Journey from the stars to the surfaces of strange worlds, hit the ground running in the Scarab Surface Recon Vehicle, craft weapons, deploy ship-launched fighters and experience exhilarating multicrew co-op action.

A Galaxy Of Wonders

The 400 billion star systems of the Milky Way are the stage for Elite Dangerous' open-ended gameplay. The real stars, planets, moons, asteroid fields and black holes of our own galaxy are built to their true epic proportions in the largest designed playspace in videogame history.

A Unique Connected Game Experience

Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s personal story influences the connected galaxy and handcrafted, evolving narrative.

Blaze Your Own Trail

Upgrade your ship and customize every component as you hunt, explore, fight, mine, smuggle, trade and survive in the cutthroat galaxy of the year 3301. Do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to stand among the ranks of the Elite.

Massively Multiplayer

Experience unpredictable encounters with players from around the world in Elite Dangerous’ vast, massively multiplayer space. Experience the connected galaxy alone in Solo mode or with players across the world in Open Play, where every pilot you face could become a trusted ally or your deadliest enemy. You will need to register a free Elite Dangerous account with Frontier to play the game.

A Living Game

Elite Dangerous grows and expands with new features and content. Major updates react to the way players want to play and create new gameplay opportunities for the hundreds of thousands of players cooperating, competing and exploring together in the connected galaxy.

The Original Open World Adventure

Elite Dangerous is the third sequel to 1984's genre-defining Elite, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure into the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entire Milky Way recreated at its full galactic proportions.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Komutan, iniş yap ve Elite Dangerous: Odyssey'de galaksiye izini bırak. Yaya bir şekilde uzaktaki dünyaları keşfet ve bilinen uzayın sınırını genişlet.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition; Elite Dangerous'ı, Elite Dangerous: Odyssey genişlemesini ve Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Özgün Oyun Müziğini içerir.

Oyun Açıklaması

Devasa boyutta çoklu oyunculu bir uzay destanı olan Elite Dangerous, bağlı bir galaksi, gelişen bir hikaye ve Samanyolunun tam boyutlardaki bütün galaktik büyüklüğü ile açık dünya oyun macerasını modern jenerasyona taşıyor.

Sadece küçük bir uzay gemisi ve birkaç kredi ile başlayan oyuncular, çağ ötesi ve tehlike dolu bir galakside hayatta kalmak ve unutulmaz Elite rütbelerine ulaşmak için yetenek, bilgi, zenginlik ve güç kazanmak için gereken her şeyi yapıyor. Galaktik süper güçlerin ve yıldızlararası savaşların çağında, her oyuncunun hikayesi, eşsiz bir şekilde bağlantılı oyun deneyimini ve gelişen hikayeyi etkiliyor. Devletler çöküyor, savaşlar kaybediliyor ve kazanılıyor. İnsanlığın sınırı, tüm oyuncuların eylemleri tarafından yeniden şekillendiriliyor.

Şimdi Horizons Sezonu da Yer Alıyor!

Şimdi Elite Dangerous'ta yer alan Horizons sezonuyla galaksiyi tamamen yeni bir bakış açısından tecrübe et. Yıldızlardan ilginç dünyaların yüzeylerine seyahat et, Böcek Yüzey Keşif Aracıyla iniş yap, çeşitli silahlar üret, gemiden fırlatılan savaşçıları konuşlandır ve birden çok ekibin capcanlı, ortak macerasını tecrübe et.

Mucizelerle Dolu Bir Galaksi

Elite Dangerous'ın açık uçlu oynanışı, Samanyolu'nun 400 milyar yıldız sisteminde gerçekleşiyor. Kendi galaksimizdeki gerçek yıldızlar, aylar, asteroit alanları ve kara delikler, video oyunları tarihinin tasarlanan en büyük oyun alanında gerçekteki destansı boyutlarına sadık kalınarak oluşturuldu.

Eşsiz Bağlantılı Bir Oyun Deneyimi

Devletler çöküyor, savaşlar kaybediliyor ve kazanılıyor. İnsanlığın sınırı, tüm oyuncuların eylemleri tarafından yeniden şekillendiriliyor. Galaktik süper güçlerin ve yıldızlararası savaşların çağında, her oyuncunun kişisel hikayesi, bağlantılı galaksiyi ve gelişen hikayeyi etkiliyor.

Kendi İzini Bırak

Gemini yükselterek ve her bileşeni özelleştirerek avlan, keşfet, savaş, madencilik, kaçakçılık, ticaret yap ve 3301 yılındaki tehlike dolu bir galakside hayatta kal. Elitlerin arasında öne çıkmak için yetenek, bilgi, zenginlik ve güç kazanmak üzere gereken her şeyi yap.

Devasa Çok Oyunculu

Elite Dangerous'ın devasa çok oyunculu alanında dünyanın dört bir yanından oyuncularla öngörülemez karşılaşmalar deneyimle. Bağlantılı galaksiyi tek başına Tek Oyunculu modda ya da dünyanın her yerinden oyuncularla karşılaştığın ve her pilotun güvenilir bir müttefike veya ölümcül bir düşmana dönüşebildiği Açık Oyunda deneyimle. Oyunu oynayabilmek için Frontier'de ücretsiz bir Elite Dangerous hesabı kaydı yaptırman gerekiyor.

Yaşayan Bir Oyun

Elite Dangerous yeni özellikler ve içeriklerle büyüyor ve genişliyor. Büyük güncellemeler, oyuncuların nasıl oynamak istediklerine göre şekilleniyor ve bağlantılı galakside iş birliği yapan, rekabet eden ve birlikte keşfeden yüz binlerce oyuncu için yeni oynanış fırsatları yaratıyor.

Orijinal Açık Dünya Macerası

1984'teki türü tanımlayan Elite adlı oyunun üçüncü devam oyunu olan Elite Dangerous, bağlantılı bir galaksi, gelişen hikaye anlatımı ve galaktik boyutlarına uygun bir şekilde yeniden oluşturulan Samanyolu'nun tamamı ile orijinal açık dünya macerasını modern nesle taşıyor.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition

Disembark, Commander, and leave your mark on the galaxy in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Explore distant worlds on foot and expand the frontier of known space.

Elite Dangerous: Commander Premium Edition contains Elite Dangerous, the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey expansion, and the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey OST.

Про гру

Elite Dangerous is the definitive massively multiplayer space epic, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entirety of the Milky Way re-created at its full galactic proportions.

Starting with only a small starship and a few credits, players do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to survive in a futuristic cutthroat galaxy and to stand among the ranks of the iconic Elite. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s story influences the unique connected gaming experience and handcrafted evolving narrative. Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions.

Horizons Season Now Included!

Experience a whole new angle on the galaxy with the Horizons season, now included in Elite Dangerous. Journey from the stars to the surfaces of strange worlds, hit the ground running in the Scarab Surface Recon Vehicle, craft weapons, deploy ship-launched fighters and experience exhilarating multicrew co-op action.

A Galaxy Of Wonders

The 400 billion star systems of the Milky Way are the stage for Elite Dangerous' open-ended gameplay. The real stars, planets, moons, asteroid fields and black holes of our own galaxy are built to their true epic proportions in the largest designed playspace in videogame history.

A Unique Connected Game Experience

Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s personal story influences the connected galaxy and handcrafted, evolving narrative.

Blaze Your Own Trail

Upgrade your ship and customize every component as you hunt, explore, fight, mine, smuggle, trade and survive in the cutthroat galaxy of the year 3301. Do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to stand among the ranks of the Elite.

Massively Multiplayer

Experience unpredictable encounters with players from around the world in Elite Dangerous’ vast, massively multiplayer space. Experience the connected galaxy alone in Solo mode or with players across the world in Open Play, where every pilot you face could become a trusted ally or your deadliest enemy. You will need to register a free Elite Dangerous account with Frontier to play the game.

A Living Game

Elite Dangerous grows and expands with new features and content. Major updates react to the way players want to play and create new gameplay opportunities for the hundreds of thousands of players cooperating, competing and exploring together in the connected galaxy.

The Original Open World Adventure

Elite Dangerous is the third sequel to 1984's genre-defining Elite, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure into the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entire Milky Way recreated at its full galactic proportions.

System Requirements


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