Empire of Sin (Deluxe Pack) (DLC)
Empire of Sin (Deluxe Pack) (DLC)
Empire of Sin (Deluxe Pack) (DLC)
Empire of Sin (Deluxe Pack) (DLC)
Empire of Sin (Deluxe Pack) (DLC)
Empire of Sin (Deluxe Pack) (DLC)
Empire of Sin (Deluxe Pack) (DLC)

Empire of Sin (Deluxe Pack) (DLC)

Release Date: 01/12/2020 | WORLDWIDE
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20.99 € + VAT


O Deluxe Pack concede aos jogadores o conteúdo da Deluxe Edition , incluindo quatro gângsteres recrutáveis exclusivos, o Golden Weapon Set e uma animação de execução exclusiva para o seu chefão, a Curb Stomp Execution.
Deluxe Pack giver spillerne Deluxe Edition-indhold, inklusive fire gangstere at rekruttere, Golden Weapon Set og en unik henrettelsesanimation til din boss: Curb Stomp Execution.
Het Deluxe Pack biedt spelers de content van de Deluxe Edition: vier unieke gangsters die je kunt rekruteren, de Golden Weapon Set en een unieke executie-animatie voor je baaspersonage: de Curb Stomp Execution.
The Deluxe Pack grants players the Deluxe Edition content including four unique recruitable gangsters, the Golden Weapon Set, and a unique execution animation for your boss character - the Curb Stomp Execution.
Deluxe Pack -paketilla pelaajat saavat käyttöönsä Deluxe Edition -version sisällön, kuten neljä ainutlaatuista värvättävää gangsteria, Golden Weapon Set -asesarjan ja ainutlaatuisen Curb Stomp Execution -teloitusanimaation pomohahmolle.
Le Deluxe Pack offre aux joueurs le contenu de la Deluxe Edition, y compris quatre gangsters uniques à recruter, le Golden Weapon Set, ainsi qu'une animation d'exécution unique pour votre personnage de chef : Curb Stomp Execution.
Mit dem Deluxe Pack erhalten Spieler den Inhalt der Deluxe Edition, darunter vier individuelle, rekrutierbare Gangster, das Golden Weapon Set und eine einzigartige Tötungsanimation für ihren Boss-Charakter – die Curb Stomp Execution.
Il Deluxe Pack offre ai giocatori i contenuti della Deluxe Edition, inclusi quattro gangster reclutabili unici, il Golden Weapon Set e l'animazione unica dell'esecuzione del boss, la Curb Stomp Execution.
Deluxe Packを入手すると、リクルート可能なギャング4人、Golden Weapon Set、ボスキャラクター用の特別なキルアニメーション「Curb Stomp Execution」を含むDeluxe Editionのコンテンツをゲットできる!
Deluxe Pack을 구매하면 영입 가능한 네 명의 개성 있는 갱스터가 포함된 Mobster Pack, Golden Weapon Set, 보스 캐릭터를 위한 독특한 사형 애니메이션 Curb Stomp Execution 등의 Deluxe Edition 콘텐츠를 즐길 수 있습니다.
Med Deluxe Pack får spillerne tilgang til innholdet i Deluxe Edition, som inkluderer fire unike gangstere som kan rekrutteres, Golden Weapon Set og en unik henrettelsesanimasjon til sjeffiguren – Curb Stomp Execution.
Pakiet Deluxe Pack oferuje dostęp do treści z wydania Deluxe Edition: czwórkę gangsterów do zwerbowania, zestaw Golden Weapon Set oraz wyjątkową animację egzekucji dla twojego bossa – Curb Stomp Execution.
O Deluxe Pack concede aos jogadores o conteúdo da Deluxe Edition, incluindo quatro gangsters recrutáveis únicos, o Golden Weapon Set e uma animação de execução única para o teu chefe, a "Curb Stomp Execution".
Deluxe Pack дает игрокам контент Deluxe Edition, включающий четырех уникальных гангстеров, набор оружия Golden Weapon Set и уникальную анимацию казни для вашего босса Curb Stomp Execution.
《Deluxe Pack》可让玩家获得豪华版的内容,其中包含四名可招募的独特帮派角色、《Golden Weapon Set》,以及老大角色可使用的独特处决动作:Curb Stomp Execution。
El Deluxe Pack otorga a los jugadores el contenido de la Deluxe Edition, que incluye cuatro gánsteres exclusivos que se pueden reclutar, el Golden Weapon Set y una animación de ejecuciones única para tu jefe: la Curb Stomp Execution.
Deluxe Pack ger spelare innehållet från Deluxe Edition, som inkluderar fyra unika rekryteringsbara gangsters, Golden Weapon Set och en unik avrättningsanimation till din bosskaraktär: Curb Stomp Execution.
《Deluxe Pack》可讓玩家獲得豪華版的內容,其中包含四名可招募的獨特幫派角色、《Golden Weapon Set》,以及老大角色可使用的獨特處決動作:Curb Stomp Execution。
Deluxe Pack oyunculara çetene katabileceğin dört eşsiz gangster, Golden Weapon Set ve patron karakterin için eşsiz bir infaz animasyon olan Curb Stomp Execution da dahil olmak üzere Deluxe Edition içeriğini sunuyor.

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