Ovládněte 18. století na zemi i na moři. Vládněte moři, kontrolujte pevninu, vybudujte nový národ a dobijte celý svět. Empire: Total War přivádí sérii Total War do osmnáctého století, století osvícenství – doby politických převratů, vojenského pokroku a radikálního myšlení – přesně to vám nabídne hra Empire: Total War.
Empire: Total War uvádí řadu revolučních nových funkcí, včetně námořního boje ve skutečném 3D prostředí. Poprvé v sérii Total War budete moci velet jednotlivým lodím nebo celým flotilám. Na moři budete muset dávat pozor na vodu a počasí, které budou hrát důležitou roli v tom, jestli nakonec zvítězíte nebo odejdete poražení. Poté, co omráčíte nepřítele střelbou z děl, přibližte se k němu a přihákněte se k jejich lodi, abyste se na ni mohli nalodit. Potom ovládejte své muže v boji na palubách dřevěných obrů.
Empire: Total War také nabídne další vylepšení tradičně skvělých 3D bitev a kampaní s tahovým ovládáním. Bitvy v reálném čase nabídnou novou výzvu díky přidání děl a mušket. Hráči se tak budou muset naučit zvládat nové formace a taktiku, protože v boji roste úloha střelného prachu. A mapa kampaně – pro mnohé hlavní bod série Total War – přináší řadu nových a vylepšených prvků, včetně nových systémů obchodu, diplomacie a špionáže s agenty. Dále se připravte na upravenou a vylepšenou umělou inteligenci, vylepšené poradce a mnohem širší záběr. Podíváte se do bohaté Indie, rušné Evropy a poprvé také do nedoceněných Spojených států amerických.
- Ovládněte moře. Total War přichází s novou námořní válkou v 3D prostředí – hráči mohou ovládat jednotlivé lodě nebo celé flotily.
- Staňte se zakladatelem. Příběh začíná v roce 1700 – období námořních válek, revolucí a založení Spojených států.
- Úplně nové grafické jádro a technologie nabízející úchvatný pohled na moře, pokročilý systém krajiny a dynamické počasí.
31. března 2010 – aktualizace
Aktualizace 1.6 pro hru Empire: Total War je ode dneška dostupná. Aktualizace přináší velké množství úprav umělé inteligence. Vedle mnoha dalších vylepšeních nyní bitevní umělá inteligence přesněji drží linii, lépe se pohybuje a v boji na blízko si počíná více takticky. Také lépe chrání výhodné pozice a dokáže nepřítele obejít a útočit na něj ze stran.
5. října 2009 – aktualizace
Optimalizace výkonu a další herní vylepšení pro hru Empire: Total War byla právě vydána spolu se zcela novým stáhnutelným obsahem
Warpath Campaign.
Zde najdete úplný seznam změn obsažených v této aktualizaci.
22. září 2009 – aktualizace
Tato aktualizace, nyní dostupná i ve službě Steam, přidává dvě nové historické bitvy: bitvu u Rossbachu a bitvu u Fontenoy. Obě jsou dostupné v režimu pro jednoho i více hráčů.
Zde najdete úplný seznam změn obsažených v této aktualizaci.
22. června 2009 – aktualizace
Empire se stále rozrůstá. Díky nejnovější aktualizaci dostupné ve službě Steam je do hry Empire: Total War přidáno 14 nových jednotek spolu s řadou doplňků a herních vylepšení.
Zde najdete úplný seznam změn obsažených v této aktualizaci
Dominér det 18. århundrede til lands og til vands. Behersk havet, kontrollér landjorden, skab en ny nation, og overtag verden. Empire: Total War bringer Total War-serien til oplysningstiden i det 18. århundrede en tid med politiske omvæltninger, militære fremskridt og radikale tanker, der alt sammen er genskabt med forbløffende detaljer i Empire: Total War.
Empire: Total War introducerer et væld af revolutionerende nye tiltag som bl.a. søslag i ægte 3D. For første gang i Total War-serien kan du intuitivt kontrollere enkelte skibe eller hele flåder på havet, der byder på masser af spektakulære vand- og vejreffekter, som spiller en stor rolle for den glorværdige sejr eller det forsmædelige nederlag, som endeligt vil tilfalde dig. Efter du har beskudt din fjende med kanonild og sejlet tæt på for at slynge entrehager om bord på hans skib og borde det, overtager du styringen af din besætning, mens de kæmper mand mod mand på dækkene af disse giganter af træ.
Derudover vil du i Empire: Total War kunne finde yderligere forbedringer af de 3D-kampe og det turbaserede kampagnekort, der er Total War-seriens kendetegn. Kampe i realtid vil sammen med tilføjelsen af kanoner og musketter give spillerne nye udfordringer, hvor de må mestre nye formationer og taktikker pga. den større rolle, krudt kommer til at spille i krigsførelsen. Kampagnekortet for mange essensen i Total War introducerer en række nye og opgraderede elementer, inkl. nye systemer omkring handel, diplomati og spionage med agenter, en forbedret og strømlinet brugergrænseflade, forbedrede Rådgivere og et langt mere omfangsrigt gameplay herunder Indiens rigdomme, den europæiske turbulens og for første gang nogensinde det uudnyttede potentiale i Amerikas Forenede Stater.
- Overtag kommandoen på åbent hav. Nye søslag i realtids-3D bringer Total Wars uovertrufne kamp-action ud på åbent hav, hvor spillerne kan kontrollere individuelle skibe eller hele flåder.
- Vær med til at grundlægge USA. Med udgangspunkt i 1700-tallet - en epoke med søslag på de 7 have, revolutioner og grundlæggelsen af USA.
- Helt ny grafikmotor og teknologi byder på overvældende havudsigter i realtid, nye avancerede landskabs- og florasystemer samt dynamisk vejr.
Dominate the 18th century on land and sea. Command the seas, control the land, forge a new nation, and conquer the globe. Empire: Total War takes the Total War franchise to the eighteenth century Age of Enlightenment a time of political upheaval, military advancements, and radical thought, captured in stunning detail in Empire: Total War.
Empire: Total War introduces a host of revolutionary new features, including true 3D naval combat. For the first time in the Total War series, you will be able to intuitively command single ships or vast fleets upon seascapes rich with extraordinary water and weather effects that play a huge role in your eventual glorious success or ignominious defeat. After pummelling your enemy with cannon fire, close in to grapple their ship and prepare to board, taking control of your men as they fight hand-to-hand on the decks of these wooden behemoths.
In addition, Empire: Total War will see further enhancements to the Total War series’ signature 3D battles and turn-based campaign map. Real-time battles will pose new challenges with the addition of cannon and musket, challenging players to master new formations and tactics as a result of the increasing role of gunpowder within warfare. And the Campaign Map for many, the heart of Total War introduces a variety of new and upgraded elements, including new systems for Trade, Diplomacy and Espionage with agents; a refined and streamlined UI; improved Advisors; and a vastly extended scope, taking in the riches of India, the turbulence of Europe and, for the first time, the untapped potential of the United States of America.
- Take command on the high seas. New real-time 3D naval warfare takes Total War's unparalleled battle action to the high seas, with players commanding single ships or vast fleets.
- Become a founding father. Starting in 1700 The era of warfare across oceans, revolution and the founding of the United States.
- All new graphics engine and technology features staggering real-time seascapes, new advanced landscape and flora systems, and dynamic weather.
March 31, 2010 - Update
Update 1.6 for Empire: Total War is available today. The update introduces a large number of revisions to the Artificial Intelligence in real time battles. Amongst many other improvements, the Battle A.I. now maintains its lines more rigorously, has better army movement and engages in melee more tactically. It is also better at protecting its own advance and engaging opponents with flanking attacks.
October 5, 2009 - Update
Performance and other general improvements to Empire: Total War have just been released, in conjunction with the new
Warpath Campaign DLC.
Read on for a full list of features included with this update.
September 22, 2009 - Update
This update, now available on Steam, adds two new historical battles: Battle of Rossbach and Battle of Fontenoy. Both are available in single player and multiplayer game modes.
Read on for a full list of features included with this update.
June 22, 2009 - Update
Empire is expanding. With its latest update now available on Steam, Empire: Total War adds 14 free new units along with numerous updates and game enhancements.
Read on for a full list of features included with this update.
Dirigez mers et terres, bâtissez une nouvelle nation et tentez de conquérir le monde. Empire: Total War fait débuter la série de jeux Total War au 18ème siècle, une époque de bouleversements politiques, d'avancées militaires et de radicalisme. Tout cet univers est parfaitement retransmis et défini dans Empire: Total War.
Empire: Total War introduit de nouvelles options de jeu révolutionnaires, dont un véritable moteur de combat naval en 3D. Pour la première fois dans un jeu Total War, vous pourrez commander de manière intuitive des navires seuls ou bien des flottes entières sur des mers magnifiquement modélisées avec des effets météorologiques très réalistes qui joueront un rôle important dans votre glorieux succès...ou votre ignoble défaite. Après avoir noyé votre ennemi sous les boulets de canon, approchez-vous pour passer à l'abordage, et dirigez vos hommes dans des combats au corps à corps sur le pont de ces immenses vaisseaux.
De plus, Empire: Total War améliore également les fameuses batailles en 3D de la série Total War ainsi que la carte de campagne. Les combats en temps réel deviennent plus ardus avec l'ajout des canons et des mousquets, forçant les joueurs à trouver de nouvelles formations et maîtriser de nouvelles stratégies pour appréhender le rôle de plus en plus important de la poudre dans la guerre. La carte de campagne, qui est pour beaucoup de joueurs le cœur même de Total War, introduit toute une série d'éléments nouveaux et mis à jour, dont de nouveaux systèmes d'échange, de diplomatie et d'espionnage; une interface repensée; des conseillers améliorés; et une envergure encore plus importante, allant des richesses de l'Inde aux turbulences de l'Europe, et passant même par les États-Unis d'Amérique et son potentiel encore inexploité.
- Prenez le contrôle des mers. Des batailles navales en 3D réalistes où les joueurs contrôlent des navires seuls ou des flottes entières, font prendre le large à la série Total War.
- Devenez l'un des pères fondateurs. Le jeu débute en 1700, l'âge de la guerre sur les océans mais aussi celui de la révolution et de la fondation des États-Unis.
- Nouveau moteur graphique comportant des paysages marins en temps réel époustouflants, un système de terrain et de flore mis à jour ainsi qu'une météo dynamique.
5 Octobre 2009 - Mise à jour !
Les performances d'Empire: Total War viennent d'être améliorées en même temps que la mise à disposition du nouveau contenu téléchargeable
La Campagne Warpath.
Plus d'information sur la liste de la mise à jour.
22 Septembre 2009 - Mise à jour
Cette mise à jour, maintenant disponible sur Steam, ajoute deux nouvelles batailles historiques : la bataille de Rossbach et la bataille de Fontenoy. Toutes deux sont disponibles en mode solo comme en mode multijoueur.
Plus d'information pour une liste complète des éléments de la mise à jour.
22 Juin 2009 - Mise à jour
Empire s'étend. Avec cette dernière mise à jour maintenant disponible sur Steam Empire: Total War dispose de 14 nouvelles unités avec de nombreuses améliorations.
Plus d'information pour une liste complète des éléments de la mise à jour
Herrscht über die Meere, kontrolliert das Land, gestaltet eine neue Nation und erobert die ganze Welt! 'Empire: Total War' lässt euch in das achtzehnte Jahrhundert eintauchen. Das Jahrhundert der Entdeckungen, eine Zeit der politischen Unruhen, militärischer Vorstöße und radikalen Denkens, fängt 'Empire: Total War' in überwältigendem Detailreichtum ein.
Empire: Total War' bietet zahllose revolutionäre neue Features, unter anderem auch echte 3-D-Seegefechte. Zum allerersten Mal bietet euch die 'Total War'-Reihe die Möglichkeit, intuitiv einzelne Schiffe oder ganze Flotten über die Meere zu steuern. Lasst euch von den außergewöhnlichen Wasser- und Wettereffekten überraschen, die entscheidend für euren ruhmreichen Sieg oder eure schmähliche Niederlage sein können. Nehmt euren Feind unter Kanonenbeschuss, schließt auf, um sein Schiff zu entern, und seid bereit, an Bord zu gehen: Steuert eure Männer an Deck der Giganten aus Holz in Kämpfen Mann gegen Mann.
Auch mit 'Empire: Total War' werden die für die 'Total War'-Reihe charakteristischen Schlachten in 3-D weiter verbessert. Schlachten in Echtzeit bieten durch dem Einsatz von Kanonen und Musketen neue Herausforderungen. Schießpulver beginnt eine immer größere Rolle zu spielen und die Kriegsführung grundlegend zu verändern: Meistert die neuen Aufstellungen und Taktiken! Die Kampagne map, die viele als das Herzstück der 'Total War'-Serie ansehen, enthält eine Fülle neuer und verbesserter Elemente, darunter auch neue Systeme für Handel, Diplomatie und Spionage unter Einsatz von Agenten. Die Benutzeroberfläche wurde weiter angepasst und überarbeitet und der Umfang um die Reichtümer Indiens, die politischen Unruhen Europas und zum allerersten Mal auch um die der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika erweitert.
- Übernehmt die Herrschaft über die Meere. Mit der neuen Seekriegsführung in 3-D und Echtzeit erstreckt sich die einmalige Kampf-Action von 'Total War' jetzt auch bis aufs offene Meer. Der Spieler befehligt ein einzelnes Schiff oder auch die gesamte Flotte.
- Seid als einer der Gründerväter mit dabei. Taucht in das 18. Jahrhundert ein und erlebt die Ära der Kriegsführung, die Überwindung der Weltmeere, die Revolutionen und der Gründung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika.
- Die Grafik-Engine ist brandneu und bietet atemberaubende Meerespanoramen in Echtzeit, neue, verbesserte Landschafts- und Pflanzensysteme und dynamisches Wetter.
31. März, 2010 - Update Update 1.6 für Empire: Total War ist ab sofort verfügbar. Das Update umfasst eine großes Anzahl an Verbesserungen für die KI in Echtzeitschlachten. Unter anderem kann die Battle A.I. jetzt Kampflinien viel drastischer aufrechterhalten, verfügt über bessere Armee-Manöver und kann im Nahkampf taktischer agieren. Zudem wird der Vormarsch besser geschützt und Feinde mit Flankenattacken in Schach gehalten.
5. Oktober, 2009 - Update!
Performanceverbesserung und andere Verbesserungen zu Empire: Total War wurden gerade in Verbindung mit dem herunterladbaren Inhalt
Warpath Campaign DLC veröffentlicht.
Hier erhalten Sie eine vollständige Liste aller Verbesserungen dieses Updates.
22. September, 2009 - Update! Dieses Update enthält zwei neue historische Schlachten: die Schlacht von Rossbach und die Schlacht von Fontenoy. Beide Schlachten gibt es im Einzelspieler- und Mehrspielermodus.
Hier erhalten Sie eine vollständige Liste aller Verbesserungen dieses Updates.
22. Juni 2009 - Update!
Empire wurde erweitert. Das neueste Update ist jetzt über Steam verfügbar - jetzt gibt es bei Empire: Total War 14 neue Einheiten und zahllose Spielverbesserungen und Updates gratis. Klicken Sie
hier für weitere Infos zu diesem Update
Domina il XVIII secolo in terra e in mare: controlla i mari, conquista la terra, crea una nuova nazione e domina il mondo intero. Empire: Total War porta la serie Total War nel secolo dei lumi, un periodo di agitazione politica, progressi militari e pensiero radicale. Un mondo catturato in ogni dettaglio da Empire: Total War.
Empire: Total War introduce una serie di nuove caratteristiche rivoluzionarie, in particolare vere battaglie navali in 3D. Per la prima volta nella serie Total War potrai guidare intuitivamente singole navi o grandi flotte su mari ricchi di effetti d'acqua e meteorologici che potranno avere conseguenze cruciali nel tuo cammino verso la gloria del successo o la vergogna della sconfitta. Dopo aver devastato il tuo nemico col fuoco dei cannoni potrai avvicinarti per agganciare le sue navi, preparare l'arrembaggio e infine guidare i tuoi uomini negli scontri corpo a corpo sui ponti di questi colossi di legno.
Oltre a questo, Empire: Total War rappresenta un altro passo avanti nelle tipiche battaglie 3D della serie Total War e nella mappa della campagna a turni. Le battaglie in tempo reale presentano nuove sfide con l'aggiunta di cannoni e moschetti; la nuova sfida è scoprire tattiche e formazioni per affrontare il ruolo bellico sempre più rilevante delle armi da fuoco. La mappa della campagna, per molti il cuore di Total War, presenta una serie di elementi nuovi e migliorati: nuovi sistemi per il commercio, la diplomazia e lo spionaggio con l'uso di agenti; un'interfaccia perfezionata e più lineare; consiglieri più utili; una grande ampiezza che comprende le ricchezze dell'India, la turbolenza dell'Europa e, per la prima volta, il potenziale tutto da scoprire degli Stati Uniti d'America.
- Prendi il comando sul mare. Le nuove battaglie navali 3D portano la leggendaria azione di Total War sul mare e mettono i giocatori al comando di singole navi o grandi flotte.
- Diventa un padre fondatore. Il gioco inizia nel 1700, un'era di guerre sugli oceani, un'epoca di rivoluzioni e, soprattutto, il secolo in cui vennero fondati gli Stati Uniti.
- Nuovo motore grafico. Motore e tecnologie rinnovati creano impressionanti paesaggi marini in tempo reale, nuovi terreni più complessi, sistemi di vegetazione e condizioni meteorologiche dinamiche.
Dominate the 18th century on land and sea. Command the seas, control the land, forge a new nation, and conquer the globe. Empire: Total War takes the Total War franchise to the eighteenth century Age of Enlightenment a time of political upheaval, military advancements, and radical thought, captured in stunning detail in Empire: Total War.
Empire: Total War introduces a host of revolutionary new features, including true 3D naval combat. For the first time in the Total War series, you will be able to intuitively command single ships or vast fleets upon seascapes rich with extraordinary water and weather effects that play a huge role in your eventual glorious success or ignominious defeat. After pummelling your enemy with cannon fire, close in to grapple their ship and prepare to board, taking control of your men as they fight hand-to-hand on the decks of these wooden behemoths.
In addition, Empire: Total War will see further enhancements to the Total War series’ signature 3D battles and turn-based campaign map. Real-time battles will pose new challenges with the addition of cannon and musket, challenging players to master new formations and tactics as a result of the increasing role of gunpowder within warfare. And the Campaign Map for many, the heart of Total War introduces a variety of new and upgraded elements, including new systems for Trade, Diplomacy and Espionage with agents; a refined and streamlined UI; improved Advisors; and a vastly extended scope, taking in the riches of India, the turbulence of Europe and, for the first time, the untapped potential of the United States of America.
- Take command on the high seas. New real-time 3D naval warfare takes Total War's unparalleled battle action to the high seas, with players commanding single ships or vast fleets.
- Become a founding father. Starting in 1700 The era of warfare across oceans, revolution and the founding of the United States.
- All new graphics engine and technology features staggering real-time seascapes, new advanced landscape and flora systems, and dynamic weather.
March 31, 2010 - Update
Update 1.6 for Empire: Total War is available today. The update introduces a large number of revisions to the Artificial Intelligence in real time battles. Amongst many other improvements, the Battle A.I. now maintains its lines more rigorously, has better army movement and engages in melee more tactically. It is also better at protecting its own advance and engaging opponents with flanking attacks.
October 5, 2009 - Update
Performance and other general improvements to Empire: Total War have just been released, in conjunction with the new
Warpath Campaign DLC.
Read on for a full list of features included with this update.
September 22, 2009 - Update
This update, now available on Steam, adds two new historical battles: Battle of Rossbach and Battle of Fontenoy. Both are available in single player and multiplayer game modes.
Read on for a full list of features included with this update.
June 22, 2009 - Update
Empire is expanding. With its latest update now available on Steam, Empire: Total War adds 14 free new units along with numerous updates and game enhancements.
Read on for a full list of features included with this update.
Dominate the 18th century on land and sea. Command the seas, control the land, forge a new nation, and conquer the globe. Empire: Total War takes the Total War franchise to the eighteenth century Age of Enlightenment a time of political upheaval, military advancements, and radical thought, captured in stunning detail in Empire: Total War.
Empire: Total War introduces a host of revolutionary new features, including true 3D naval combat. For the first time in the Total War series, you will be able to intuitively command single ships or vast fleets upon seascapes rich with extraordinary water and weather effects that play a huge role in your eventual glorious success or ignominious defeat. After pummelling your enemy with cannon fire, close in to grapple their ship and prepare to board, taking control of your men as they fight hand-to-hand on the decks of these wooden behemoths.
In addition, Empire: Total War will see further enhancements to the Total War series’ signature 3D battles and turn-based campaign map. Real-time battles will pose new challenges with the addition of cannon and musket, challenging players to master new formations and tactics as a result of the increasing role of gunpowder within warfare. And the Campaign Map for many, the heart of Total War introduces a variety of new and upgraded elements, including new systems for Trade, Diplomacy and Espionage with agents; a refined and streamlined UI; improved Advisors; and a vastly extended scope, taking in the riches of India, the turbulence of Europe and, for the first time, the untapped potential of the United States of America.
- Take command on the high seas. New real-time 3D naval warfare takes Total War's unparalleled battle action to the high seas, with players commanding single ships or vast fleets.
- Become a founding father. Starting in 1700 The era of warfare across oceans, revolution and the founding of the United States.
- All new graphics engine and technology features staggering real-time seascapes, new advanced landscape and flora systems, and dynamic weather.
March 31, 2010 - Update
Update 1.6 for Empire: Total War is available today. The update introduces a large number of revisions to the Artificial Intelligence in real time battles. Amongst many other improvements, the Battle A.I. now maintains its lines more rigorously, has better army movement and engages in melee more tactically. It is also better at protecting its own advance and engaging opponents with flanking attacks.
October 5, 2009 - Update
Performance and other general improvements to Empire: Total War have just been released, in conjunction with the new
Warpath Campaign DLC.
Read on for a full list of features included with this update.
September 22, 2009 - Update
This update, now available on Steam, adds two new historical battles: Battle of Rossbach and Battle of Fontenoy. Both are available in single player and multiplayer game modes.
Read on for a full list of features included with this update.
June 22, 2009 - Update
Empire is expanding. With its latest update now available on Steam, Empire: Total War adds 14 free new units along with numerous updates and game enhancements.
Read on for a full list of features included with this update.
Hersk over 1700-tallet på land og til sjøs. Ta kommandoen til sjøs, ta kontroll over landet, skap en ny nasjon og ta over verden. Empire: Total War tar Total War-serien med inn i 1700-tallet og opplysningstiden –en tid med politisk omveltning, militære nyvinninger og radikal tankegang blir gjengitt i imponerende detalj i Empire: Total War.
Empire: Total War introduserer et utvalg med banebrytende nye funksjoner, blant annet sjøkamper i 3D. For første gang i Total War-serien kan du intuitivt styre enkeltskip eller store flåter i havlandskap fylt av usedvanlige vann- og væreffekter som i stor grad påvirker sjansene dine for å vinne eller tape. Når du har skutt i stykker fienden med kanonkuler, kan du gå inn for å huke tak i skipet deres og gjøre deg klar til bording. Du styrer mennene dine mens de slåss i nærkamp på dekkene til de store treskipene.
I tillegg har Empire: Total War flere forbedringer i 3D-slagene og de turbaserte kampanjekartene som kjennetegner Total War-serien. Slag i sanntid gir nye utfordringer når kanoner og musketter kommer til, noe som utfordrer spillerne til å mestre nye formasjoner og ny taktikk som et resultat av den økende rollen krutt spiller i krigføring. Kampanjekartet, som for mange er hjertet av Total War, introduserer et utvalg av nye og oppgraderte elementer, blant annet nye systemer for handel, diplomati og spionasje med agenter, et forbedret og effektivisert brukergrensesnitt, forbedrede rådgivere og et mye større omfang som omfatter Indias rikdom, det turbulente Europa og, for første gang, det ubenyttede potensialet i USA.
- Ta kommandoen på sjøen. Nye 3D-sjøslag i sanntid tar de enestående slagene i Total War med ut på havet og lar spillerne ta kommandoen over enkeltskip eller store flåter.
- Bli med på skape en ny nasjon. Spillet starter i 1700 – revolusjonenes og de oversjøiske krigenes tid, da USA ble opprettet.
- Helt ny grafikkmotor og teknologi gir mulighet for sanntidsoppdaterte sjølandskap, nye avanserte systemer for landskap og flora og dynamisk vær.
Zdominuj 18 wiek na lądzie i morzu. Dowodź na morzu, kontroluj ląd, wykuwaj nowy naród i podbij świat. Empire: Total War przenosi franszyzę Total War do osiemnastowiecznej Epoki Oświecenia - czasu wrzenia politycznego, postępów militarnych i myśli radykalnej, uchwyconych z oszałamiającą szczegółowością w Empire: Total War.
Empire: Total War przedstawia mnóstwo rewolucyjnie nowych funkcji, włącznie z bitwą morską w prawdziwym 3D. Po raz pierwszy w serii Total War będziesz mógł intuicyjnie dowodzić pojedynczymi statkami lub wielkimi flotami w morskich sceneriach bogatych w niezwykłe efekty wody i pogody, co odgrywa ogromną rolę w Twym końcowym chwalebnym sukcesie lub sromotnej klęsce. Po obłożeniu wroga ogniem dział, zbliż się, by dokonać abordażu ich okrętu i przejmij sterowanie swymi ludźmi, kiedy walczą wręcz na pokładach tych drewnianych molochów.
Dodatkowo w Empire: Total War ujrzysz dalsze ulepszenia będących sygnaturą serii Total War bitew 3D i turowej mapy kampanii. Bitwy w czasie rzeczywistym, dzięki dodatkowi dział i muszkietów, będą stawiać graczom nowe wyzwania do opanowania nowych formacji i taktyk, jako wyniku rosnącej roli prochu w wojnie. A Mapa Kampanii - dla wielu serce Total War - wprowadza różnorodne nowe i ulepszone elementy, włącznie z nowymi systemami Handlu, Dyplomacji i Szpiegostwa z agentami; wyrafinowany i nowoczesny interfejs użytkownika; poprawieni Doradcy; oraz ogromnie rozszerzony zakres, obejmujący bogactwa Indii, wrzenie w Europie i, po raz pierwszy, niewykorzystany potencjał Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki.
- Obejmij dowodzenie na pełnym morzu. Nowa wojna morska 3D w czasie rzeczywistym przenosi niezrównane akcje bojowe Total War na pełne morze, z graczami dowodzącymi pojedynczymi statkami lub wielkimi flotami.
- Zostań Ojcem Założycielem. Zaczyna się w roku 1700 - Epoce wojny na oceanach, rewolucji i powstania Stanów Zjednoczonych.
- Całkiem nowy engine grafiki przedstawia oszałamiające krajobrazy morskie w czasie rzeczywistym, nowe zaawansowane systemy krajobrazu i flory oraz dynamiczną pogodę.
Dominate the 18th century on land and sea. Command the seas, control the land, forge a new nation, and conquer the globe. Empire: Total War takes the Total War franchise to the eighteenth century Age of Enlightenment a time of political upheaval, military advancements, and radical thought, captured in stunning detail in Empire: Total War.
Empire: Total War introduces a host of revolutionary new features, including true 3D naval combat. For the first time in the Total War series, you will be able to intuitively command single ships or vast fleets upon seascapes rich with extraordinary water and weather effects that play a huge role in your eventual glorious success or ignominious defeat. After pummelling your enemy with cannon fire, close in to grapple their ship and prepare to board, taking control of your men as they fight hand-to-hand on the decks of these wooden behemoths.
In addition, Empire: Total War will see further enhancements to the Total War series’ signature 3D battles and turn-based campaign map. Real-time battles will pose new challenges with the addition of cannon and musket, challenging players to master new formations and tactics as a result of the increasing role of gunpowder within warfare. And the Campaign Map for many, the heart of Total War introduces a variety of new and upgraded elements, including new systems for Trade, Diplomacy and Espionage with agents; a refined and streamlined UI; improved Advisors; and a vastly extended scope, taking in the riches of India, the turbulence of Europe and, for the first time, the untapped potential of the United States of America.
- Take command on the high seas. New real-time 3D naval warfare takes Total War's unparalleled battle action to the high seas, with players commanding single ships or vast fleets.
- Become a founding father. Starting in 1700 The era of warfare across oceans, revolution and the founding of the United States.
- All new graphics engine and technology features staggering real-time seascapes, new advanced landscape and flora systems, and dynamic weather.
March 31, 2010 - Update
Update 1.6 for Empire: Total War is available today. The update introduces a large number of revisions to the Artificial Intelligence in real time battles. Amongst many other improvements, the Battle A.I. now maintains its lines more rigorously, has better army movement and engages in melee more tactically. It is also better at protecting its own advance and engaging opponents with flanking attacks.
October 5, 2009 - Update
Performance and other general improvements to Empire: Total War have just been released, in conjunction with the new
Warpath Campaign DLC.
Read on for a full list of features included with this update.
September 22, 2009 - Update
This update, now available on Steam, adds two new historical battles: Battle of Rossbach and Battle of Fontenoy. Both are available in single player and multiplayer game modes.
Read on for a full list of features included with this update.
June 22, 2009 - Update
Empire is expanding. With its latest update now available on Steam, Empire: Total War adds 14 free new units along with numerous updates and game enhancements.
Read on for a full list of features included with this update.
18-й век – доминируйте на земле и на море. Повелевайте морями, контролируйте земли, выкуйте новую нацию и покорите мир. «Empire: Total War» переносит игру «Total War» в восемнадцатый век, эпоху Просвещения – время политических беспорядков, военных прорывов и радикального мышления, невероятно детально проиллюстрированное в игре «Empire: Total War».
«Empire: Total War» содержит целый ряд революционных нововведений, включая морской 3D-бой. Впервые в серии игр «Total War» вы сможете легко командовать одиночными кораблями и огромными флотилиями на фоне морских пейзажей, полных исключительных водных и погодных эффектов, которые играют огромную роль в вашем итоговом славном триумфе или позорном поражении. Подавив врага пушечным огнем, подойдите ближе и возьмите корабли противника на абордаж, управляя своими людьми в ближнем бою на палубах этих деревянных монстров.
Кроме того, в «Empire: Total War» дополнительно усовершенствованы 3D-битвы и карта пошаговой кампании, уникальные для «Total War». Битвы в реальном времени с пушками и мушкетами поставят перед игроками новые задачи. Им придется овладеть новыми боевыми порядками и тактикой вследствие увеличения значения пороха для военных действий. А карта кампании, для многих являющаяся сердцем «Total War», содержит различные новые и обновленные элементы, включая новые системы торговли, дипломатии и шпионажа с агентами; обновленный и оптимизированный интерфейс пользователя; улучшенных советников. Карта значительно расширилась и позволяет завладеть богатствами Индии, обуздать Европу и, впервые, реализовать невиданный потенциал Соединенных Штатов Америки.
- Принимайте командование в открытом море. Новые военные действия на море в 3D переносят непревзойденные бои «Total War» в открытое море, давая игрокам возможность командовать как одиночными кораблями, так и масштабными флотилиями.
- Станьте одним из отцов-основателей США. Начните приключение в 1700 г. – это эра войн в океанах, революций и основания Соединенных Штатов.
- Новейший графический движок и технологические новинки позволили реализовать потрясающие морские пейзажи, меняющиеся в реальном времени, новые продвинутые системы ландшафта и флоры, а также динамическую погодную систему.
Dominate the 18th century on land and sea. Command the seas, control the land, forge a new nation, and conquer the globe. Empire: Total War takes the Total War franchise to the eighteenth century Age of Enlightenment a time of political upheaval, military advancements, and radical thought, captured in stunning detail in Empire: Total War.
Empire: Total War introduces a host of revolutionary new features, including true 3D naval combat. For the first time in the Total War series, you will be able to intuitively command single ships or vast fleets upon seascapes rich with extraordinary water and weather effects that play a huge role in your eventual glorious success or ignominious defeat. After pummelling your enemy with cannon fire, close in to grapple their ship and prepare to board, taking control of your men as they fight hand-to-hand on the decks of these wooden behemoths.
In addition, Empire: Total War will see further enhancements to the Total War series’ signature 3D battles and turn-based campaign map. Real-time battles will pose new challenges with the addition of cannon and musket, challenging players to master new formations and tactics as a result of the increasing role of gunpowder within warfare. And the Campaign Map for many, the heart of Total War introduces a variety of new and upgraded elements, including new systems for Trade, Diplomacy and Espionage with agents; a refined and streamlined UI; improved Advisors; and a vastly extended scope, taking in the riches of India, the turbulence of Europe and, for the first time, the untapped potential of the United States of America.
- Take command on the high seas. New real-time 3D naval warfare takes Total War's unparalleled battle action to the high seas, with players commanding single ships or vast fleets.
- Become a founding father. Starting in 1700 The era of warfare across oceans, revolution and the founding of the United States.
- All new graphics engine and technology features staggering real-time seascapes, new advanced landscape and flora systems, and dynamic weather.
March 31, 2010 - Update
Update 1.6 for Empire: Total War is available today. The update introduces a large number of revisions to the Artificial Intelligence in real time battles. Amongst many other improvements, the Battle A.I. now maintains its lines more rigorously, has better army movement and engages in melee more tactically. It is also better at protecting its own advance and engaging opponents with flanking attacks.
October 5, 2009 - Update
Performance and other general improvements to Empire: Total War have just been released, in conjunction with the new
Warpath Campaign DLC.
Read on for a full list of features included with this update.
September 22, 2009 - Update
This update, now available on Steam, adds two new historical battles: Battle of Rossbach and Battle of Fontenoy. Both are available in single player and multiplayer game modes.
Read on for a full list of features included with this update.
June 22, 2009 - Update
Empire is expanding. With its latest update now available on Steam, Empire: Total War adds 14 free new units along with numerous updates and game enhancements.
Read on for a full list of features included with this update.
Domina los mares, controla la tierra, forja una nación nueva y conquista el mundo. Empire: Total War lleva la serie Total War al siglo XVIII, el Siglo de las Luces, una época de agitación política, avances militares y pensamiento radical, capturado con asombroso detalle en Empire: Total War.
Empire: Total War introduce multitud de características revolucionarias nuevas, incluyendo un auténtico combate naval en 3D. Por primera vez en la serie de Total War, podrás llevar el mando de forma intuitiva de un único barco o de extensas flotas sobre paisajes marinos repletos de agua extraordinaria y efectos meteorológicos que tienen un gran papel en un final con un triunfo glorioso o una derrota vergonzosa. Después de bombardear al enemigo con los cañones, acercarte para apresar su barco y prepararte para abordar, toma el control de tus hombres mientras luchan en las cubiertas de estos gigantes de madera.
Además, Empire: Total War incluye mejoras para las batallas en 3D típicas de la serie Total War y el mapa de campaña por turnos. Las batallas en tiempo real presentan nuevos desafíos con la inclusión del cañón y del mosquete, desafiando a los jugadores a dominar formaciones y tácticas nuevas, como resultado del aumento de la importancia de la pólvora en la guerra. El mapa de campaña, el punto central de la experiencia Total War para muchos, introduce una variedad de elementos nuevos y actualizados, incluyendo sistemas nuevos de comercio, diplomacia y espionaje con agentes, una interfaz de usuario refinada y más eficiente, consejeros mejorados y un mayor alcance, para poder acceder a las riquezas de la India, a la turbulenta Europa y, por primera vez, al potencial sin explotar de Estados Unidos de América.
- Toma el mando en alta mar. La nueva guerra naval en 3D a tiempo real lleva la incomparable acción de batalla de Total War a alta mar, donde los jugadores pueden estar al mando de un solo barco o de grandes flotas.
- Conviértete en fundador. Comienza en 1700, la era de la guerra a lo largo de los océanos, la revolución y la fundación de los Estados Unidos.
- La tecnología y el motor gráfico totalmente nuevos presentan asombrosos paisajes marinos en tiempo real, nuevos sistemas avanzados de los paisajes y la flora y un meteorología dinámica.
Dominera 1700-talet på land och till sjöss. Ta makten över de sju haven, ta kontrollen på land, grunda en ny nation och ta herraväldet över världen. Empire: Total War placerar Total War-serien i 1700-talet och upplysningstiden, en epok som karaktäriseras av politiskt kaos, militära framsteg och radikala teorier, vilket återges med makalös detaljrikedom i Empire: Total War.
Empire: Total War introducerar en mängd revolutionerande nya funktioner, däribland äkta tredimensionella sjöstrider. För första gången i Total War-seriens historia kan du på ett intuitivt sätt styra enskilda fartyg och stora flottor i ett havslandskap med extraordinära vatten- och vädereffekter som spelar en avgörande roll för om du ska gå segrande ut striden eller lida ett nesligt nederlag. När du väl har pepprat fienden med kanonkulor rycker du närmare för att borda och övermanna deras fartyg och sedan kontrollera din besättning när de kämpar man mot man på däcken till dessa flytande havsvidunder.
Utöver detta bidrar Empire: Total War med ytterligare förbättringar av Total War-seriens signatur i form av funktioner som 3D-strider och omgångsbaserad kampanjkarta. Striderna i realtid utgör nya utmaningar tack vare att kanonen och musköten har tillkommit och gör det nödvändigt för spelaren att bemästra nya formationer och knep som följer på den ökande användningen av krut inom krigföringen. Kampanjkartan, som för många utgör hjärtat i Total War-serien, har uppgraderats med en mängd nya och uppdaterade element, däribland nya system för handel, diplomati och spionage med agenter, ett förfinat och effektiviserat användargränssnitt, förbättrade rådgivare och mycket större omfattning, som sträcker sig från Indiens rikedomar till Europas turbulenta situation och för första gången även inbegriper USA:s hittills outnyttjade potential.
- Ta makten över de sju haven. Med nya 3D-sjöstrider i realtid tar Total Wars oöverträffade stridsspelsaction nu herraväldet över haven och du kan själv styra enskilda fartyg eller hela flottor.
- Grunda en ny nation. Spelet tar avstamp år 1700 och speglar en epok som såg otaliga strider till havs, revolutioner och grundandet av de Förenta staterna.
- Med helt ny grafik-motor och teknik har man skapat hisnande havslandskap i realtid, nya avancerade system för landskap och flora samt dynamiska väderfunktioner.
Dominate the 18th century on land and sea. Command the seas, control the land, forge a new nation, and conquer the globe. Empire: Total War takes the Total War franchise to the eighteenth century Age of Enlightenment a time of political upheaval, military advancements, and radical thought, captured in stunning detail in Empire: Total War.
Empire: Total War introduces a host of revolutionary new features, including true 3D naval combat. For the first time in the Total War series, you will be able to intuitively command single ships or vast fleets upon seascapes rich with extraordinary water and weather effects that play a huge role in your eventual glorious success or ignominious defeat. After pummelling your enemy with cannon fire, close in to grapple their ship and prepare to board, taking control of your men as they fight hand-to-hand on the decks of these wooden behemoths.
In addition, Empire: Total War will see further enhancements to the Total War series’ signature 3D battles and turn-based campaign map. Real-time battles will pose new challenges with the addition of cannon and musket, challenging players to master new formations and tactics as a result of the increasing role of gunpowder within warfare. And the Campaign Map for many, the heart of Total War introduces a variety of new and upgraded elements, including new systems for Trade, Diplomacy and Espionage with agents; a refined and streamlined UI; improved Advisors; and a vastly extended scope, taking in the riches of India, the turbulence of Europe and, for the first time, the untapped potential of the United States of America.
- Take command on the high seas. New real-time 3D naval warfare takes Total War's unparalleled battle action to the high seas, with players commanding single ships or vast fleets.
- Become a founding father. Starting in 1700 The era of warfare across oceans, revolution and the founding of the United States.
- All new graphics engine and technology features staggering real-time seascapes, new advanced landscape and flora systems, and dynamic weather.
March 31, 2010 - Update
Update 1.6 for Empire: Total War is available today. The update introduces a large number of revisions to the Artificial Intelligence in real time battles. Amongst many other improvements, the Battle A.I. now maintains its lines more rigorously, has better army movement and engages in melee more tactically. It is also better at protecting its own advance and engaging opponents with flanking attacks.
October 5, 2009 - Update
Performance and other general improvements to Empire: Total War have just been released, in conjunction with the new
Warpath Campaign DLC.
Read on for a full list of features included with this update.
September 22, 2009 - Update
This update, now available on Steam, adds two new historical battles: Battle of Rossbach and Battle of Fontenoy. Both are available in single player and multiplayer game modes.
Read on for a full list of features included with this update.
June 22, 2009 - Update
Empire is expanding. With its latest update now available on Steam, Empire: Total War adds 14 free new units along with numerous updates and game enhancements.
Read on for a full list of features included with this update.
System Requirements