Praise for Fallout 4
Sobre o jogo
Fallout 4, o épico jogo pós-apocalíptico da Bethesda Game Studios e vencedor de mais de 200 prêmios, incluindo Jogo do Ano da DICE e do BAFTA, finalmente está entrando por inteiro no mundo da realidade virtual. Fallout 4 VR inclui o jogo completo e sistemas de combate, criação e construção totalmente recriados para a realidade virtual. Viva a liberdade da exploração dos Ermos como nunca antes.
Sendo o único sobrevivente do Refúgio 111, você encontra um mundo destruído pela guerra nuclear. Cada segundo é uma luta pela sobrevivência, e as escolhas estão nas suas mãos. Só você pode reconstruir e determinar o destino dos Ermos. Boas-vindas ao lar.
Praise for Fallout 4
Относно играта
Fallout 4, the legendary post-apocalyptic adventure from Bethesda Game Studios and winner of more than 200 ‘Best Of’ awards, including the DICE and BAFTA Game of the Year, finally comes in its entirety to VR. Fallout 4 VR includes the complete core game with all-new combat, crafting, and building systems fully reimagined for virtual reality. The freedom of exploring the wasteland comes alive like never before.
As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
Praise for Fallout 4
O hře
Fallout 4, the legendary post-apocalyptic adventure from Bethesda Game Studios and winner of more than 200 ‘Best Of’ awards, including the DICE and BAFTA Game of the Year, finally comes in its entirety to VR. Fallout 4 VR includes the complete core game with all-new combat, crafting, and building systems fully reimagined for virtual reality. The freedom of exploring the wasteland comes alive like never before.
As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
Praise for Fallout 4
Om spillet
Fallout 4, the legendary post-apocalyptic adventure from Bethesda Game Studios and winner of more than 200 ‘Best Of’ awards, including the DICE and BAFTA Game of the Year, finally comes in its entirety to VR. Fallout 4 VR includes the complete core game with all-new combat, crafting, and building systems fully reimagined for virtual reality. The freedom of exploring the wasteland comes alive like never before.
As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
Praise for Fallout 4
Info over het spel
Fallout 4, the legendary post-apocalyptic adventure from Bethesda Game Studios and winner of more than 200 ‘Best Of’ awards, including the DICE and BAFTA Game of the Year, finally comes in its entirety to VR. Fallout 4 VR includes the complete core game with all-new combat, crafting, and building systems fully reimagined for virtual reality. The freedom of exploring the wasteland comes alive like never before.
As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
Praise for Fallout 4
About the Game
Fallout 4, the legendary post-apocalyptic adventure from Bethesda Game Studios and winner of more than 200 ‘Best Of’ awards, including the DICE and BAFTA Game of the Year, finally comes in its entirety to VR. Fallout 4 VR includes the complete core game with all-new combat, crafting, and building systems fully reimagined for virtual reality. The freedom of exploring the wasteland comes alive like never before.
As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
Praise for Fallout 4
Tietoja pelistä
Fallout 4, the legendary post-apocalyptic adventure from Bethesda Game Studios and winner of more than 200 ‘Best Of’ awards, including the DICE and BAFTA Game of the Year, finally comes in its entirety to VR. Fallout 4 VR includes the complete core game with all-new combat, crafting, and building systems fully reimagined for virtual reality. The freedom of exploring the wasteland comes alive like never before.
As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
Praise for Fallout 4
À propos du jeu
Fallout 4, la légendaire aventure post-apocalyptique de Bethesda Game Studios qui a remporté plus de 200 récompenses dont Jeu de l'année aux BAFTA et DICE, sort enfin en version compatible RV. Fallout 4 VR inclut l'expérience complète ainsi que de tout nouveaux systèmes de combat, d'artisanat et de construction réinventés pour la RV. Explorez les Terres désolées avec une liberté encore jamais vue.
Seul survivant de l'abri 111, vous entrez dans un monde dévasté par une guerre nucléaire. Votre survie sera un combat de tous les instants et vos choix façonneront votre destin. Le sort des Terres désolées est entre vos mains. Bienvenue chez vous.
Praise for Fallout 4
Über das Spiel
Fallout 4, das legendäre postapokalyptische Abenteuer von Bethesda Game Studios und Gewinner von über 200 ""Best Of"" -Awards (u. a. D.I.C.E. und BAFTA Game of the Year), wagt endlich den Sprung in die VR. Fallout 4 VR enthält das vollständige Grundspiel – mit brandneuen und komplett an Virtual Reality angepassten Kampf-, Herstellungs- und Bausystemen. Erkunden Sie das Ödland, so frei und realitätsnah wie nie zuvor.
Als einziger Überlebender von Vault 111 betreten Sie eine durch den Atomkrieg vernichtete Welt. Jede Sekunde ist ein Kampf ums Überleben und alles liegt in Ihrer Hand. Nur Sie können sie wieder aufbauen und das Schicksal des Ödlands bestimmen. Welcome home.
Praise for Fallout 4
Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι
Fallout 4, the legendary post-apocalyptic adventure from Bethesda Game Studios and winner of more than 200 ‘Best Of’ awards, including the DICE and BAFTA Game of the Year, finally comes in its entirety to VR. Fallout 4 VR includes the complete core game with all-new combat, crafting, and building systems fully reimagined for virtual reality. The freedom of exploring the wasteland comes alive like never before.
As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
Praise for Fallout 4
A játékról:
Fallout 4, the legendary post-apocalyptic adventure from Bethesda Game Studios and winner of more than 200 ‘Best Of’ awards, including the DICE and BAFTA Game of the Year, finally comes in its entirety to VR. Fallout 4 VR includes the complete core game with all-new combat, crafting, and building systems fully reimagined for virtual reality. The freedom of exploring the wasteland comes alive like never before.
As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
Praise for Fallout 4
Informazioni sul gioco
Fallout 4, la leggendaria avventura post-apocalittica di Bethesda Game Studio premiata con oltre 200 riconoscimenti, tra cui il premio Gioco dell'Anno DICE e BAFTA, arriva interamente in VR. Fallout 4 VR include il gioco base, completo con nuovi sistemi di combattimento, creazione e costruzione rielaborati per la realtà virtuale. Esplora la Zona Contaminata come mai prima d'ora.
Unico superstite del Vault 111, ti ritroverai in un mondo devastato dalla guerra nucleare. Ogni secondo che passa dovrai lottare per sopravvivere, e ogni scelta presenterà un nuovo dilemma. Solo tu potrai ricostruire la Zona Contaminata e deciderne il destino. Bentornato a casa.
Praise for Fallout 4
『Fallout 4』は、Bethesda Game Studiosが手掛けた核戦争後の世界を舞台にしたゲーム。「日本ゲーム大賞2015・フューチャー部門」、「ファミ通アワード2015優秀賞」、「PlayStation® Awards 2016ユーザーズチョイス賞」をはじめとして、世界各国で200以上もの賞に輝いています。この名作がついにVRに対応し『Fallout 4 VR』となり登場。『Fallout 4』本編を完全に収録した本作では、VR用に一新された戦闘・クラフト・建造システムを搭載し、全く新しい感覚でウェイストランドの自由な探索を楽しめます。
あなたは「Vault 111」唯一の生存者として、核戦争で荒廃した世界で生き抜き、ウェイストランドの命運を担うことになります。この世界では、一分一秒がサバイバルであり、全ての決断はあなた次第。ようこそ、再びこの世界へ。
Praise for Fallout 4
게임 정보
Fallout 4, the legendary post-apocalyptic adventure from Bethesda Game Studios and winner of more than 200 ‘Best Of’ awards, including the DICE and BAFTA Game of the Year, finally comes in its entirety to VR. Fallout 4 VR includes the complete core game with all-new combat, crafting, and building systems fully reimagined for virtual reality. The freedom of exploring the wasteland comes alive like never before.
As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
Praise for Fallout 4
Om spillet
Fallout 4, the legendary post-apocalyptic adventure from Bethesda Game Studios and winner of more than 200 ‘Best Of’ awards, including the DICE and BAFTA Game of the Year, finally comes in its entirety to VR. Fallout 4 VR includes the complete core game with all-new combat, crafting, and building systems fully reimagined for virtual reality. The freedom of exploring the wasteland comes alive like never before.
As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
Praise for Fallout 4
Informacje o grze
Fallout 4, legendarna postapokaliptyczna przygoda od Bethesda Game Studios i zdobywca ponad 200 nagród, w tym tytułów Gry Roku DICE i BAFTA, nareszcie przechodzi do VR. Fallout 4 VR zawiera pełną podstawową wersję gry z zupełnie nowymi systemami walki, wytwarzania i budowy, w pełni przystosowanymi do wirtualnej rzeczywistości. Odkryj pustkowia jak nigdy wcześniej.
Jako jedyna osoba z krypty 111, która przeżyła, wychodzisz na świat zniszczony przez wojnę atomową. Każda chwila to walka o przetrwanie, chwytaj wszystkie szanse. Ty zdecydujesz jak się potoczą losy Pustkowi, i tylko ty możesz je odbudować. Witaj w domu.
Praise for Fallout 4
Acerca do Jogo
Fallout 4, the legendary post-apocalyptic adventure from Bethesda Game Studios and winner of more than 200 ‘Best Of’ awards, including the DICE and BAFTA Game of the Year, finally comes in its entirety to VR. Fallout 4 VR includes the complete core game with all-new combat, crafting, and building systems fully reimagined for virtual reality. The freedom of exploring the wasteland comes alive like never before.
As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
Praise for Fallout 4
Despre joc
Fallout 4, the legendary post-apocalyptic adventure from Bethesda Game Studios and winner of more than 200 ‘Best Of’ awards, including the DICE and BAFTA Game of the Year, finally comes in its entirety to VR. Fallout 4 VR includes the complete core game with all-new combat, crafting, and building systems fully reimagined for virtual reality. The freedom of exploring the wasteland comes alive like never before.
As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
Praise for Fallout 4
Об игре
Fallout 4, легендарное пост-апокалиптическое приключение от Bethesda Game Studios, получает поддержку VR. В Fallout 4 VR вошла полная версия игры с новыми системами боя, создания предметов и строительства, измененных с учетом виртуальной реальности. Огромный мир пост-апокалиптический пустоши стал еще более живым.
Вы, единственный выживший из Убежища 111, выходите в мир, уничтоженный ядерной войной. Только вы сможете восстановить Пустошь и решить судьбу ее жителей. Добро пожаловать домой.
Praise for Fallout 4
Bethesda Game Studios 的《Fallout 4》荣获超过200项最佳奖项,包括 DICE 和 BAFTA 的「年度最佳游戏」。现在,这款传奇的劫后世界冒险游戏终于即将完整登陆VR平台。 《Fallout 4 VR》包括完整主游戏和专为虚拟实境量身打造的全新战斗、制作与建造系统,带玩家自由探索逼真度前所未见的废土世界。
Praise for Fallout 4
Acerca del juego
Fallout 4, la legendaria aventura posapocalíptica de Bethesda Game Studios ganadora de más de 200 premios al mejor Juego del año en certámenes como DICE o BAFTA, llega por fin en su totalidad a la realidad virtual. Fallout 4 VR incluye el juego principal completo con nuevos sistemas de combate, fabricación y vivienda, rediseñados desde cero para el entorno virtual. La libertad de exploración del yermo cobra vida como nunca lo había hecho.
Eres el único superviviente del Refugio 111 en un mundo destruido por la guerra nuclear. Cada segundo es una lucha por la supervivencia, y en tus manos estarán todas las decisiones. Solo tú puedes reconstruir el yermo y decidir su futuro. Bienvenido a casa.
Praise for Fallout 4
Om spelet
Fallout 4, the legendary post-apocalyptic adventure from Bethesda Game Studios and winner of more than 200 ‘Best Of’ awards, including the DICE and BAFTA Game of the Year, finally comes in its entirety to VR. Fallout 4 VR includes the complete core game with all-new combat, crafting, and building systems fully reimagined for virtual reality. The freedom of exploring the wasteland comes alive like never before.
As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
Praise for Fallout 4
Fallout 4, the legendary post-apocalyptic adventure from Bethesda Game Studios and winner of more than 200 ‘Best Of’ awards, including the DICE and BAFTA Game of the Year, finally comes in its entirety to VR. Fallout 4 VR includes the complete core game with all-new combat, crafting, and building systems fully reimagined for virtual reality. The freedom of exploring the wasteland comes alive like never before.
As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
Praise for Fallout 4
Bethesda Game Studios 的《Fallout 4》榮獲超過200項最佳獎項,包括 DICE 和 BAFTA 的「年度最佳遊戲」。現在,這款傳奇的劫後世界冒險遊戲終於即將完整登陸VR平台。《Fallout 4 VR》包括完整主遊戲和專為虛擬實境量身打造的全新戰鬥、製作與建造系統,帶玩家自由探索逼真度前所未見的廢土世界。
Praise for Fallout 4
Oyun Açıklaması
Fallout 4, the legendary post-apocalyptic adventure from Bethesda Game Studios and winner of more than 200 ‘Best Of’ awards, including the DICE and BAFTA Game of the Year, finally comes in its entirety to VR. Fallout 4 VR includes the complete core game with all-new combat, crafting, and building systems fully reimagined for virtual reality. The freedom of exploring the wasteland comes alive like never before.
As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
Praise for Fallout 4
Про гру
Fallout 4, the legendary post-apocalyptic adventure from Bethesda Game Studios and winner of more than 200 ‘Best Of’ awards, including the DICE and BAFTA Game of the Year, finally comes in its entirety to VR. Fallout 4 VR includes the complete core game with all-new combat, crafting, and building systems fully reimagined for virtual reality. The freedom of exploring the wasteland comes alive like never before.
As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.