Final Fantasy XV (Windows Edition)
Final Fantasy XV (Windows Edition)
Final Fantasy XV (Windows Edition)
Final Fantasy XV (Windows Edition)
Final Fantasy XV (Windows Edition)
Final Fantasy XV (Windows Edition)
Final Fantasy XV (Windows Edition)

Final Fantasy XV (Windows Edition)

Release Date: 08/03/2018 | WORLDWIDE
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17.49 € + VAT



Pela primeira vez, os jogadores assumem o controle do maior inimigo de Noctis neste novo episódio de FINAL FANTASY XV! Explore o conto sombrio do salvador desprezado Ardyn Lucis Caelum e desvende os segredos que cercam seu misterioso passado.

*É preciso adquirir FINAL FANTASY XV para acessar este conteúdo. Atualizar para a versão mais recente do jogo também pode ser necessário.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bônus: Pacote Half-Life

Bônus: Pacote Half-Life, disponível na Oficina Steam para jogadores que possuem FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION no Steam!

  • Fantasia do Half-Life (exclusividade do Jogo Principal)
    Traje de proteção desenvolvido pelo Laboratório de Pesquisa Black Mesa.
  • Pé de cabra (exclusividade do Jogo Principal)
    Ferramenta metálica que pode ser bem útil em uma emergência
  • Traje HEV (exclusividade de COMPANHEIROS)
    Traje completo, desenvolvido pelo Laboratório de Pesquisa Black Mesa para a máxima proteção de seu usuário. Exclusivo para COMPANHEIROS.
  • Óculos de Cientista (exclusividade de COMPANHEIROS)
    Óculos de aro grosso que exalam um ar de inteligência discreta. Exclusivo para COMPANHEIROS.
  • Pé de cabra (exclusividade de COMPANHEIROS)
    Ferramenta metálica que pode ser bem útil em uma emergência. Exclusivo para COMPANHEIROS.

Demo Jogável Já Disponível!

Dê uma espiada em como tudo começa, com a versão demo do FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*As especificações podem variar da versão final do produto.

Entre nessa jornada, agora em qualidade máxima. Esbanjando uma impressionante quantidade de conteúdo bônus e suporte para resoluções gráficas 4K Nativo(3840×2160 px) Ultra Alta Definição e HDR 10, agora você poderá aproveitar a maravilhosa e cuidadosamente construída experiência FINAL FANTASY XV como nunca visto antes.
* A maior diferença entre esta versão e o produto final é que as missões pararelas foram desabilitadas.

  • O tamanho do DEMO JOGÁVEL DO FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION é 21GB. As texturas de alta resolução 4k estão incluídas no demo e serão ligadas automaticamente dependendo das características do seu hardware.
  • Na versão final do jogo, o recurso de texturas de alta resolução 4k será um download opcional e poderá ser ativado ou desativado pelo usuário.
  • Acesse aqui para saber mais sobre os requisitos recomendados e utilizar este recurso eficientemente.

O DEMO JOGÁVEL DO FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION é uma prévia do jogo completo. Nós vamos continuar a trabalhar para garantir que o FFXV WINDOWS EDITION seja uma ótima experiência para os jogadores de PC.


Análises e louvores

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion

FFXV WINDOWS EDITION Pacote de Definição 4K

Este pacote permite a você jogar FINAL FANTASY XV em alta definição.
Experiencie o mundo do FINAL FANTASY XV como nunca viu antes, com cenas cinematográficas ainda mais impressionantes e personagens e cenários meticulosamente desenhados.

Sobre o jogo

Prepare-se para embarcar na aventura fantástica definitiva, agora para PC Windows.

Com a companhia dos seus melhores amigos na viagem da sua vida, veja paisagens impressionantes de um mundo aberto de tirar o fôlego e encontre criaturas enormes em sua jornada para reivindicar sua terra de um inimigo inimaginável.

Com um sistema de batalha cheio de ação, canalize o poder dos seus ancestrais para se translocar pelo ar em combates alucinantes e, com os seus companheiros, dominar armas, magias e ataques em equipe.

Tirando proveito da mais alta tecnologia dos PCs Windows, incluindo suporte a telas de alta resolução e HDR 10, a bela e rica experiência do FINAL FANTASY XV agora poderá ser aproveitada como nunca antes.

Inclui todo o conteúdo lançado como parte de atualizações contínuas do jogo (rota alternativa do Capítulo 13, personalização do Regalia para fora da estrada, recurso de troca de personagem e mais!). E vem com todo o conteúdo lançado no Passe de Temporada: Episódio do Gladiolus, Episódio do Prompto, Expansão Multijogador: Companheiros e Episódio do Ignis
Prepare-se para embarcar na aventura fantástica definitiva.

Jogo principal:

Novos recursos:
  • "Mapa das ruínas de Insomnia": um novo mapa que leva você direto ao final do jogo
  • Câmera em 1ª pessoa
  • Armiger verdadeiro
  • O uso da embarcação real foi desbloqueado, com novos locais de pesca e receitas
  • Missão adicional para adquirir e melhorar o Regalia D-Type
  • Conquistas adicionais

Conteúdo para baixar:
  • FFXV Episódio do Gladiolus
  • FFXV Episódio do Prompto
  • FFXV Episódio do Ignis
  • FFXV Pacote de Vantagens+
  • FFXV Pacote de Celebração+
*Ingressos para o Evento Moogle Chocobo não estão inclusos no FFXV Pacote de Celebração+.

Itens bônus:
  • Arma: Masamune (FFXV)
  • Arma: Mage Mashers (FFIX)
  • Arma: Sabre Blazefire XV
  • Arma: Gae Bolg (FFXIV)
  • Pintura: Leviatã de platina
  • Pintura: Amigos 16-Bit
  • Pintura: Cindy GT
  • Pintura: Chocobo dourado
  • Roupa: Vestimenta real
  • Item: Mochila de viagem
  • Item: Kit de fotografia
  • Item: Conjunto de pesca
  • Item: Cesta gourmet

Os seguintes itens de menu serão excluídos e as funções de CONTEÚDO ONLINE foram descontinuadas a partir do dia 24 junho de 2020.
(Itens excluídos)

(Fim do serviço)
Habilidade de mudar a aparência de Noctis
Exibe a função para as sombras de avatar de outros jogadores
Função Tesouro de Jogador
Função Tesouro Oficial
Função Foto de Jogador
Jogo multiplataforma entre as versões Steam e Origin

Além disso, corrigimos o problema temporário de instabilidade de movimento durante o jogo.


For the first time, players take control of Noctis's greatest foe in this brand-new episode of FINAL FANTASY XV! Delve into the dark tale of scorned saviour Ardyn Lucis Caelum and unravel the secrets surrounding his mysterious past.

*Players must purchase FINAL FANTASY XV in order to access this content. Updating to the latest version of the game may also be required.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bonus: Half-Life Pack

Bonus: Half-Life Pack – Available now through the Workshop for all FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION owners on Steam!

  • Half-Life Costume (Main Game Exclusive)
    Protective gear made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Crowbar (Main Game Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch.
  • HEV Suit (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Full outfit for the entire body, exclusive to COMRADES. Protective suit made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Scientist Glasses (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Decorative accessory for the face, exclusive to COMRADES. Thick-rimmed black glasses that exude an air of quiet intelligence.
  • Crowbar (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch. Exclusive to COMRADES.

Playable Demo Out Now!

Get a sneak peek into how it all starts with the demo version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Spec may differ from the product version.

Take the journey, now in ultimate quality. Boasting a wealth of bonus content and supporting Native4K(3840×2160px) ultra high-resolution graphical options and HDR 10, you can now enjoy the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV like never before.
*The main difference to the product version is that sub-quests have been disabled.

  • The download size for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is 21GB. The High-Res 4K textures are included in this demo and are turned on or off automatically depending on your hardware specification.
  • In the final product, High-Res 4K textures will be an optional download and can be toggled on or off by the user.
  • Please visit here for more details on the recommended hardware needed to optimally use these textures.

The FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is a preview of the full game. We will continue to work on all aspects to ensure FFXV WINDOWS EDITION will be a great experience for PC gamers.


Reviews & Accolades

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion


This pack allows you to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XV in high resolution.
Experience the world of FINAL FANTASY XV as you have never seen it before, with even more beautiful movie scenes and meticulously drawn characters and backgrounds.

Относно играта

Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure, now for Windows PC.

Joined by your closest friends on the roadtrip of a lifetime through a breathtaking open world, witness stunning landscapes and encounter larger-than-life beasts on your journey to reclaim your homeland from an unimaginable foe.

In an action-packed battle system, channel the power of your ancestors to warp effortlessly through the air in thrilling combat, and together with your comrades, master the skills of weaponry, magic and team-based attacks.

Now realised with the power of cutting-edge technology for Windows PCs, including support for high-resolution displays and HDR10, the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV can be explored like never before.


Includes all of the exciting content released as part of continuous game updates (Chapter 13 alternate route, off-road Regalia customisation, character swap feature and more!). And comes with all of content released in the Season Pass - Episode Gladiolus, Episode Prompto, Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades, and Episode Ignis
Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure.

Main game:

New Features:
  • “Insomnia City Ruins: Expanded Map” – a new map that takes you right up to the end
  • First Person Mode
  • Armiger Unleashed
  • Use of the Royal Cruiser has been unlocked, with new fishing spots and recipes
  • Additional quest to acquire and upgrade the Regalia Type-D
  • Additional Achievements

  • FFXV Episode Gladiolus
  • FFXV Episode Prompto
  • FFXV Episode Ignis
  • FFXV Booster Pack+
  • FFXV Holiday Pack+
*Moogle Chocobo Carnival tickets are not included in the FFXV Holiday Pack+.

Bonus Items:
  • [Weapon] Masamune (FFXV Original Model)
  • [Weapon] Mage Mashers (FFIX Model)
  • [Weapon] Blazefire Saber XV (FFXV Original Color)
  • [Weapon] Gae Bolg (FFXIV Model)
  • [Regalia Decal] Platinum Leviathan
  • [Regalia Decal] 16-Bit Buddies
  • [Regalia Decal] Cindymobile
  • [Regalia Decal] Gold Chocobo
  • [Outfit] Royal Raiment
  • [Item] Travel Pack
  • [Item] Camera Kit
  • [Item] Angler Set
  • [Item] Gourmand Set

The following menu items have been deleted and the ONLINE CONTENT function has been discontinued as of 24 June 2020.
(Deleted Items)

(End of Service)
Ability to change the appearance of Noctis
Display function for other players’ avatar shadows
Player Treasure function
Official Treasure function
Player Photo function
Cross-platform play between the Steam version and the Origin version

Further, the problem with temporary movement instability during play has been fixed.


For the first time, players take control of Noctis's greatest foe in this brand-new episode of FINAL FANTASY XV! Delve into the dark tale of scorned saviour Ardyn Lucis Caelum and unravel the secrets surrounding his mysterious past.

*Players must purchase FINAL FANTASY XV in order to access this content. Updating to the latest version of the game may also be required.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bonus: Half-Life Pack

Bonus: Half-Life Pack – Available now through the Workshop for all FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION owners on Steam!

  • Half-Life Costume (Main Game Exclusive)
    Protective gear made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Crowbar (Main Game Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch.
  • HEV Suit (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Full outfit for the entire body, exclusive to COMRADES. Protective suit made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Scientist Glasses (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Decorative accessory for the face, exclusive to COMRADES. Thick-rimmed black glasses that exude an air of quiet intelligence.
  • Crowbar (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch. Exclusive to COMRADES.

Playable Demo Out Now!

Get a sneak peek into how it all starts with the demo version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Spec may differ from the product version.

Take the journey, now in ultimate quality. Boasting a wealth of bonus content and supporting Native4K(3840×2160px) ultra high-resolution graphical options and HDR 10, you can now enjoy the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV like never before.
*The main difference to the product version is that sub-quests have been disabled.

  • The download size for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is 21GB. The High-Res 4K textures are included in this demo and are turned on or off automatically depending on your hardware specification.
  • In the final product, High-Res 4K textures will be an optional download and can be toggled on or off by the user.
  • Please visit here for more details on the recommended hardware needed to optimally use these textures.

The FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is a preview of the full game. We will continue to work on all aspects to ensure FFXV WINDOWS EDITION will be a great experience for PC gamers.


Reviews & Accolades

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion


This pack allows you to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XV in high resolution.
Experience the world of FINAL FANTASY XV as you have never seen it before, with even more beautiful movie scenes and meticulously drawn characters and backgrounds.

O hře

Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure, now for Windows PC.

Joined by your closest friends on the roadtrip of a lifetime through a breathtaking open world, witness stunning landscapes and encounter larger-than-life beasts on your journey to reclaim your homeland from an unimaginable foe.

In an action-packed battle system, channel the power of your ancestors to warp effortlessly through the air in thrilling combat, and together with your comrades, master the skills of weaponry, magic and team-based attacks.

Now realised with the power of cutting-edge technology for Windows PCs, including support for high-resolution displays and HDR10, the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV can be explored like never before.


Includes all of the exciting content released as part of continuous game updates (Chapter 13 alternate route, off-road Regalia customisation, character swap feature and more!). And comes with all of content released in the Season Pass - Episode Gladiolus, Episode Prompto, Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades, and Episode Ignis
Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure.

Main game:

New Features:
  • “Insomnia City Ruins: Expanded Map” – a new map that takes you right up to the end
  • First Person Mode
  • Armiger Unleashed
  • Use of the Royal Cruiser has been unlocked, with new fishing spots and recipes
  • Additional quest to acquire and upgrade the Regalia Type-D
  • Additional Achievements

  • FFXV Episode Gladiolus
  • FFXV Episode Prompto
  • FFXV Episode Ignis
  • FFXV Booster Pack+
  • FFXV Holiday Pack+
*Moogle Chocobo Carnival tickets are not included in the FFXV Holiday Pack+.

Bonus Items:
  • [Weapon] Masamune (FFXV Original Model)
  • [Weapon] Mage Mashers (FFIX Model)
  • [Weapon] Blazefire Saber XV (FFXV Original Color)
  • [Weapon] Gae Bolg (FFXIV Model)
  • [Regalia Decal] Platinum Leviathan
  • [Regalia Decal] 16-Bit Buddies
  • [Regalia Decal] Cindymobile
  • [Regalia Decal] Gold Chocobo
  • [Outfit] Royal Raiment
  • [Item] Travel Pack
  • [Item] Camera Kit
  • [Item] Angler Set
  • [Item] Gourmand Set

The following menu items have been deleted and the ONLINE CONTENT function has been discontinued as of 24 June 2020.
(Deleted Items)

(End of Service)
Ability to change the appearance of Noctis
Display function for other players’ avatar shadows
Player Treasure function
Official Treasure function
Player Photo function
Cross-platform play between the Steam version and the Origin version

Further, the problem with temporary movement instability during play has been fixed.


For the first time, players take control of Noctis's greatest foe in this brand-new episode of FINAL FANTASY XV! Delve into the dark tale of scorned saviour Ardyn Lucis Caelum and unravel the secrets surrounding his mysterious past.

*Players must purchase FINAL FANTASY XV in order to access this content. Updating to the latest version of the game may also be required.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bonus: Half-Life Pack

Bonus: Half-Life Pack – Available now through the Workshop for all FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION owners on Steam!

  • Half-Life Costume (Main Game Exclusive)
    Protective gear made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Crowbar (Main Game Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch.
  • HEV Suit (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Full outfit for the entire body, exclusive to COMRADES. Protective suit made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Scientist Glasses (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Decorative accessory for the face, exclusive to COMRADES. Thick-rimmed black glasses that exude an air of quiet intelligence.
  • Crowbar (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch. Exclusive to COMRADES.

Playable Demo Out Now!

Get a sneak peek into how it all starts with the demo version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Spec may differ from the product version.

Take the journey, now in ultimate quality. Boasting a wealth of bonus content and supporting Native4K(3840×2160px) ultra high-resolution graphical options and HDR 10, you can now enjoy the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV like never before.
*The main difference to the product version is that sub-quests have been disabled.

  • The download size for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is 21GB. The High-Res 4K textures are included in this demo and are turned on or off automatically depending on your hardware specification.
  • In the final product, High-Res 4K textures will be an optional download and can be toggled on or off by the user.
  • Please visit here for more details on the recommended hardware needed to optimally use these textures.

The FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is a preview of the full game. We will continue to work on all aspects to ensure FFXV WINDOWS EDITION will be a great experience for PC gamers.


Reviews & Accolades

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion


This pack allows you to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XV in high resolution.
Experience the world of FINAL FANTASY XV as you have never seen it before, with even more beautiful movie scenes and meticulously drawn characters and backgrounds.

Om spillet

Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure, now for Windows PC.

Joined by your closest friends on the roadtrip of a lifetime through a breathtaking open world, witness stunning landscapes and encounter larger-than-life beasts on your journey to reclaim your homeland from an unimaginable foe.

In an action-packed battle system, channel the power of your ancestors to warp effortlessly through the air in thrilling combat, and together with your comrades, master the skills of weaponry, magic and team-based attacks.

Now realised with the power of cutting-edge technology for Windows PCs, including support for high-resolution displays and HDR10, the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV can be explored like never before.


Includes all of the exciting content released as part of continuous game updates (Chapter 13 alternate route, off-road Regalia customisation, character swap feature and more!). And comes with all of content released in the Season Pass - Episode Gladiolus, Episode Prompto, Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades, and Episode Ignis
Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure.

Main game:

New Features:
  • “Insomnia City Ruins: Expanded Map” – a new map that takes you right up to the end
  • First Person Mode
  • Armiger Unleashed
  • Use of the Royal Cruiser has been unlocked, with new fishing spots and recipes
  • Additional quest to acquire and upgrade the Regalia Type-D
  • Additional Achievements

  • FFXV Episode Gladiolus
  • FFXV Episode Prompto
  • FFXV Episode Ignis
  • FFXV Booster Pack+
  • FFXV Holiday Pack+
*Moogle Chocobo Carnival tickets are not included in the FFXV Holiday Pack+.

Bonus Items:
  • [Weapon] Masamune (FFXV Original Model)
  • [Weapon] Mage Mashers (FFIX Model)
  • [Weapon] Blazefire Saber XV (FFXV Original Color)
  • [Weapon] Gae Bolg (FFXIV Model)
  • [Regalia Decal] Platinum Leviathan
  • [Regalia Decal] 16-Bit Buddies
  • [Regalia Decal] Cindymobile
  • [Regalia Decal] Gold Chocobo
  • [Outfit] Royal Raiment
  • [Item] Travel Pack
  • [Item] Camera Kit
  • [Item] Angler Set
  • [Item] Gourmand Set

The following menu items have been deleted and the ONLINE CONTENT function has been discontinued as of 24 June 2020.
(Deleted Items)

(End of Service)
Ability to change the appearance of Noctis
Display function for other players’ avatar shadows
Player Treasure function
Official Treasure function
Player Photo function
Cross-platform play between the Steam version and the Origin version

Further, the problem with temporary movement instability during play has been fixed.


For the first time, players take control of Noctis's greatest foe in this brand-new episode of FINAL FANTASY XV! Delve into the dark tale of scorned saviour Ardyn Lucis Caelum and unravel the secrets surrounding his mysterious past.

*Players must purchase FINAL FANTASY XV in order to access this content. Updating to the latest version of the game may also be required.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bonus: Half-Life Pack

Bonus: Half-Life Pack – Available now through the Workshop for all FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION owners on Steam!

  • Half-Life Costume (Main Game Exclusive)
    Protective gear made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Crowbar (Main Game Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch.
  • HEV Suit (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Full outfit for the entire body, exclusive to COMRADES. Protective suit made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Scientist Glasses (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Decorative accessory for the face, exclusive to COMRADES. Thick-rimmed black glasses that exude an air of quiet intelligence.
  • Crowbar (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch. Exclusive to COMRADES.

Playable Demo Out Now!

Get a sneak peek into how it all starts with the demo version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Spec may differ from the product version.

Take the journey, now in ultimate quality. Boasting a wealth of bonus content and supporting Native4K(3840×2160px) ultra high-resolution graphical options and HDR 10, you can now enjoy the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV like never before.
*The main difference to the product version is that sub-quests have been disabled.

  • The download size for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is 21GB. The High-Res 4K textures are included in this demo and are turned on or off automatically depending on your hardware specification.
  • In the final product, High-Res 4K textures will be an optional download and can be toggled on or off by the user.
  • Please visit here for more details on the recommended hardware needed to optimally use these textures.

The FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is a preview of the full game. We will continue to work on all aspects to ensure FFXV WINDOWS EDITION will be a great experience for PC gamers.


Reviews & Accolades

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion


This pack allows you to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XV in high resolution.
Experience the world of FINAL FANTASY XV as you have never seen it before, with even more beautiful movie scenes and meticulously drawn characters and backgrounds.

Info over het spel

Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure, now for Windows PC.

Joined by your closest friends on the roadtrip of a lifetime through a breathtaking open world, witness stunning landscapes and encounter larger-than-life beasts on your journey to reclaim your homeland from an unimaginable foe.

In an action-packed battle system, channel the power of your ancestors to warp effortlessly through the air in thrilling combat, and together with your comrades, master the skills of weaponry, magic and team-based attacks.

Now realised with the power of cutting-edge technology for Windows PCs, including support for high-resolution displays and HDR10, the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV can be explored like never before.


Includes all of the exciting content released as part of continuous game updates (Chapter 13 alternate route, off-road Regalia customisation, character swap feature and more!). And comes with all of content released in the Season Pass - Episode Gladiolus, Episode Prompto, Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades, and Episode Ignis
Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure.

Main game:

New Features:
  • “Insomnia City Ruins: Expanded Map” – a new map that takes you right up to the end
  • First Person Mode
  • Armiger Unleashed
  • Use of the Royal Cruiser has been unlocked, with new fishing spots and recipes
  • Additional quest to acquire and upgrade the Regalia Type-D
  • Additional Achievements

  • FFXV Episode Gladiolus
  • FFXV Episode Prompto
  • FFXV Episode Ignis
  • FFXV Booster Pack+
  • FFXV Holiday Pack+
*Moogle Chocobo Carnival tickets are not included in the FFXV Holiday Pack+.

Bonus Items:
  • [Weapon] Masamune (FFXV Original Model)
  • [Weapon] Mage Mashers (FFIX Model)
  • [Weapon] Blazefire Saber XV (FFXV Original Color)
  • [Weapon] Gae Bolg (FFXIV Model)
  • [Regalia Decal] Platinum Leviathan
  • [Regalia Decal] 16-Bit Buddies
  • [Regalia Decal] Cindymobile
  • [Regalia Decal] Gold Chocobo
  • [Outfit] Royal Raiment
  • [Item] Travel Pack
  • [Item] Camera Kit
  • [Item] Angler Set
  • [Item] Gourmand Set

The following menu items have been deleted and the ONLINE CONTENT function has been discontinued as of 24 June 2020.
(Deleted Items)

(End of Service)
Ability to change the appearance of Noctis
Display function for other players’ avatar shadows
Player Treasure function
Official Treasure function
Player Photo function
Cross-platform play between the Steam version and the Origin version

Further, the problem with temporary movement instability during play has been fixed.


For the first time, players take control of Noctis's greatest foe in this brand-new episode of FINAL FANTASY XV! Delve into the dark tale of scorned saviour Ardyn Lucis Caelum and unravel the secrets surrounding his mysterious past.

*Players must purchase FINAL FANTASY XV in order to access this content. Updating to the latest version of the game may also be required.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bonus: Half-Life Pack

Bonus: Half-Life Pack – Available now through the Workshop for all FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION owners on Steam!

  • Half-Life Costume (Main Game Exclusive)
    Protective gear made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Crowbar (Main Game Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch.
  • HEV Suit (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Full outfit for the entire body, exclusive to COMRADES. Protective suit made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Scientist Glasses (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Decorative accessory for the face, exclusive to COMRADES. Thick-rimmed black glasses that exude an air of quiet intelligence.
  • Crowbar (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch. Exclusive to COMRADES.

Playable Demo Out Now!

Get a sneak peek into how it all starts with the demo version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Spec may differ from the product version.

Take the journey, now in ultimate quality. Boasting a wealth of bonus content and supporting Native4K(3840×2160px) ultra high-resolution graphical options and HDR 10, you can now enjoy the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV like never before.
*The main difference to the product version is that sub-quests have been disabled.

  • The download size for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is 21GB. The High-Res 4K textures are included in this demo and are turned on or off automatically depending on your hardware specification.
  • In the final product, High-Res 4K textures will be an optional download and can be toggled on or off by the user.
  • Please visit here for more details on the recommended hardware needed to optimally use these textures.

The FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is a preview of the full game. We will continue to work on all aspects to ensure FFXV WINDOWS EDITION will be a great experience for PC gamers.


Reviews & Accolades

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion


This pack allows you to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XV in high resolution.
Experience the world of FINAL FANTASY XV as you have never seen it before, with even more beautiful movie scenes and meticulously drawn characters and backgrounds.

About the Game

Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure, now for Windows PC.

Joined by your closest friends on the roadtrip of a lifetime through a breathtaking open world, witness stunning landscapes and encounter larger-than-life beasts on your journey to reclaim your homeland from an unimaginable foe.

In an action-packed battle system, channel the power of your ancestors to warp effortlessly through the air in thrilling combat, and together with your comrades, master the skills of weaponry, magic and team-based attacks.

Now realised with the power of cutting-edge technology for Windows PCs, including support for high-resolution displays and HDR10, the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV can be explored like never before.


Includes all of the exciting content released as part of continuous game updates (Chapter 13 alternate route, off-road Regalia customisation, character swap feature and more!). And comes with all of content released in the Season Pass - Episode Gladiolus, Episode Prompto, Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades, and Episode Ignis
Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure.

Main game:

New Features:
  • “Insomnia City Ruins: Expanded Map” – a new map that takes you right up to the end
  • First Person Mode
  • Armiger Unleashed
  • Use of the Royal Cruiser has been unlocked, with new fishing spots and recipes
  • Additional quest to acquire and upgrade the Regalia Type-D
  • Additional Achievements

  • FFXV Episode Gladiolus
  • FFXV Episode Prompto
  • FFXV Episode Ignis
  • FFXV Booster Pack+
  • FFXV Holiday Pack+
*Moogle Chocobo Carnival tickets are not included in the FFXV Holiday Pack+.

Bonus Items:
  • [Weapon] Masamune (FFXV Original Model)
  • [Weapon] Mage Mashers (FFIX Model)
  • [Weapon] Blazefire Saber XV (FFXV Original Color)
  • [Weapon] Gae Bolg (FFXIV Model)
  • [Regalia Decal] Platinum Leviathan
  • [Regalia Decal] 16-Bit Buddies
  • [Regalia Decal] Cindymobile
  • [Regalia Decal] Gold Chocobo
  • [Outfit] Royal Raiment
  • [Item] Travel Pack
  • [Item] Camera Kit
  • [Item] Angler Set
  • [Item] Gourmand Set

The following menu items have been deleted and the ONLINE CONTENT function has been discontinued as of 24 June 2020.
(Deleted Items)

(End of Service)
Ability to change the appearance of Noctis
Display function for other players’ avatar shadows
Player Treasure function
Official Treasure function
Player Photo function
Cross-platform play between the Steam version and the Origin version

Further, the problem with temporary movement instability during play has been fixed.


For the first time, players take control of Noctis's greatest foe in this brand-new episode of FINAL FANTASY XV! Delve into the dark tale of scorned saviour Ardyn Lucis Caelum and unravel the secrets surrounding his mysterious past.

*Players must purchase FINAL FANTASY XV in order to access this content. Updating to the latest version of the game may also be required.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bonus: Half-Life Pack

Bonus: Half-Life Pack – Available now through the Workshop for all FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION owners on Steam!

  • Half-Life Costume (Main Game Exclusive)
    Protective gear made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Crowbar (Main Game Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch.
  • HEV Suit (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Full outfit for the entire body, exclusive to COMRADES. Protective suit made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Scientist Glasses (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Decorative accessory for the face, exclusive to COMRADES. Thick-rimmed black glasses that exude an air of quiet intelligence.
  • Crowbar (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch. Exclusive to COMRADES.

Playable Demo Out Now!

Get a sneak peek into how it all starts with the demo version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Spec may differ from the product version.

Take the journey, now in ultimate quality. Boasting a wealth of bonus content and supporting Native4K(3840×2160px) ultra high-resolution graphical options and HDR 10, you can now enjoy the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV like never before.
*The main difference to the product version is that sub-quests have been disabled.

  • The download size for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is 21GB. The High-Res 4K textures are included in this demo and are turned on or off automatically depending on your hardware specification.
  • In the final product, High-Res 4K textures will be an optional download and can be toggled on or off by the user.
  • Please visit here for more details on the recommended hardware needed to optimally use these textures.

The FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is a preview of the full game. We will continue to work on all aspects to ensure FFXV WINDOWS EDITION will be a great experience for PC gamers.


Reviews & Accolades

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion


This pack allows you to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XV in high resolution.
Experience the world of FINAL FANTASY XV as you have never seen it before, with even more beautiful movie scenes and meticulously drawn characters and backgrounds.

Tietoja pelistä

Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure, now for Windows PC.

Joined by your closest friends on the roadtrip of a lifetime through a breathtaking open world, witness stunning landscapes and encounter larger-than-life beasts on your journey to reclaim your homeland from an unimaginable foe.

In an action-packed battle system, channel the power of your ancestors to warp effortlessly through the air in thrilling combat, and together with your comrades, master the skills of weaponry, magic and team-based attacks.

Now realised with the power of cutting-edge technology for Windows PCs, including support for high-resolution displays and HDR10, the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV can be explored like never before.


Includes all of the exciting content released as part of continuous game updates (Chapter 13 alternate route, off-road Regalia customisation, character swap feature and more!). And comes with all of content released in the Season Pass - Episode Gladiolus, Episode Prompto, Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades, and Episode Ignis
Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure.

Main game:

New Features:
  • “Insomnia City Ruins: Expanded Map” – a new map that takes you right up to the end
  • First Person Mode
  • Armiger Unleashed
  • Use of the Royal Cruiser has been unlocked, with new fishing spots and recipes
  • Additional quest to acquire and upgrade the Regalia Type-D
  • Additional Achievements

  • FFXV Episode Gladiolus
  • FFXV Episode Prompto
  • FFXV Episode Ignis
  • FFXV Booster Pack+
  • FFXV Holiday Pack+
*Moogle Chocobo Carnival tickets are not included in the FFXV Holiday Pack+.

Bonus Items:
  • [Weapon] Masamune (FFXV Original Model)
  • [Weapon] Mage Mashers (FFIX Model)
  • [Weapon] Blazefire Saber XV (FFXV Original Color)
  • [Weapon] Gae Bolg (FFXIV Model)
  • [Regalia Decal] Platinum Leviathan
  • [Regalia Decal] 16-Bit Buddies
  • [Regalia Decal] Cindymobile
  • [Regalia Decal] Gold Chocobo
  • [Outfit] Royal Raiment
  • [Item] Travel Pack
  • [Item] Camera Kit
  • [Item] Angler Set
  • [Item] Gourmand Set

The following menu items have been deleted and the ONLINE CONTENT function has been discontinued as of 24 June 2020.
(Deleted Items)

(End of Service)
Ability to change the appearance of Noctis
Display function for other players’ avatar shadows
Player Treasure function
Official Treasure function
Player Photo function
Cross-platform play between the Steam version and the Origin version

Further, the problem with temporary movement instability during play has been fixed.


Cet épisode traite des motivations et du sombre passé de l'ennemi juré de Noctis : Ardyn Lucis Caelum.

Glissez-vous dans la peau de ce personnage énigmatique et découvrez pourquoi son nom a été effacé de l'Histoire, comment le destin a transformé cet homme déterminé à sauver l'humanité en un être cruel et revanchard.

* Il est nécessaire de posséder FINAL FANTASY XV pour profiter de ce contenu. Une mise à jour vers la dernière version du jeu peut également être requise.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER est un outil conçu pour vous aider à créer des mods pour FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. Il vous permet de convertir vos ressources en données de mods et de les incorporer dans le monde de jeu.

La fonction principale du MOD ORGANIZER est de créer les données de modèles et d'envoyer les mods sur Steam Workshop. Il ne contient pas les fonctionnalités requises pour la création et la modification de ressources comme les modèles 3D. Vous devez créer vos ressources avec vos propres outils et les sauvegarder au format FBX, que le MOD ORGANIZER pourra ensuite importer.

Vos mods peuvent être envoyés sur Steam Workshop si vous possédez un compte Steam, avant d'être partagé avec la communauté. Inscrivez-vous aux mods de Steam Workshop pour les utiliser dans la version Steam de FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bonus : Pack Half-Life

Bonus : le pack Half-Life est maintenant disponible sur le Workshop pour tous les joueurs possédant FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION sur Steam !

  • Combinaison HEV (Pour le jeu principal)
    Une combinaison de protection en environnement hostile fabriquée au centre de recherche de Black Mesa, accompagnée de lunettes à bordures noires.
  • Pied-de-biche (Pour le jeu principal)
    Un outil polyvalent en métal qui fait une excellente arme improvisée dans les situations d'urgence.
  • Combinaison HEV (Pour l'extension multijoueur)
    Une combinaison de protection en environnement hostile fabriquée au centre de recherche de Black Mesa. (Pour l'extension multijoueur « Frères d'armes ».)
  • Lunettes de scientifique (Pour l'extension multijoueur)
    Des lunettes à larges bordures noires, très appréciées d'un célèbre chercheur en physique théorique peu loquace. (Pour l'extension multijoueur « Frères d'armes ».)
  • Pied-de-biche (Pour l'extension multijoueur)
    Un outil polyvalent en métal qui fait une excellente arme improvisée dans les situations d'urgence.(Pour l'extension multijoueur « Frères d'armes ».)

La démo jouable est disponible !

Jetez un œil et découvrez comment tout commence avec la version démo de FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Les caractéristiques peuvent différer de celles de la version finale.

Vivez l’aventure en qualité ultime. Explorez le superbe monde de FINAL FANTASY XV d’une façon inédite grâce à une pléthore de contenus bonus et à des options graphiques d’ultra haute résolution et HDR 10.
*Les quêtes secondaires sont désactivées dans la version démo.

  • Taille du fichier de la DÉMO JOUABLE FINAL FANTASY XV ÉDITION WINDOWS : 21 Go. La démo inclut les textures en 4K haute résolution.
  • Les textures haute résolution sont activées ou désactivées automatiquement en fonction de votre configuration matérielle.
  • Les textures 4K haute résolution seront disponibles en téléchargement facultatif dans la version finale du jeu.
  • Pour en savoir plus sur la configuration matérielle recommandée pour utiliser ces textures de façon optimale, rendez-vous ici.

La démo jouable de FINAL FANTASY XV ÉDITION WINDOWS est un aperçu de la version complète du jeu. Nous continuerons à perfectionner tous les aspects de FINAL FANTASY XV ÉDITION WINDOWS afin de proposer une superbe expérience de jeu aux joueurs sur PC.


Avis et commentaires

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"Tout pour nous en mettre en plein les yeux" - Gamergen

"Ultra ultra beau" - Gameblog

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion

Pack résolution 4K de FFXV WINDOWS EDITION

Ce pack vous permet de profiter de votre expérience FINAL FANTASY XV en haute résolution.
Découvrez le monde de FINAL FANTASY XV comme jamais auparavant avec des cinématiques encore plus belles et des personnages et des environnements encore plus détaillés.

À propos du jeu

Préparez-vous à plonger au cœur de l’aventure fantastique ultime, désormais disponible sur PC Windows.

Parcourez les routes d'un monde ouvert à couper le souffle avec vos meilleurs amis, découvrez des paysages magnifiques et rencontrez des monstres plus vrais que nature tout au long de cette aventure pour reprendre votre patrie des mains d'un adversaire qui défie l'imagination.

Faites appel au pouvoir de vos ancêtres pour vous téléporter dans les airs lors de combats palpitants remplis d'action, et passez maître dans l'art du maniement des armes, de la magie, et des attaques en équipe.

L’utilisation de technologies de pointe pour PC Windows et la compatibilité avec les écrans haute résolution et HDR10 vous permettront d’explorer le superbe monde de FINAL FANTASY XV comme jamais auparavant.


Inclut tout le contenu publié lors des mises à jour du jeu (la voie alternative du chapitre 13, la transformation de la Regalia en véhicule tout-terrain, le changement de personnage, et plus encore !), ainsi que tout le contenu inclus dans le Season Pass : les épisodes de Gladiolus, Prompto et Ignis et le pack d’extension multijoueur : « Frères d’armes ».
Préparez-vous à plonger au cœur de l’aventure fantastique ultime.

Jeu principal :

Nouveautés :
  • Nouvelle version d'Insomnia à la fin du jeu comprenant de nouveaux événements.
  • Mode première personne.
  • Arsenal fantôme suprême.
  • Vous pouvez désormais utiliser le bateau et découvrir de nouveaux points de pêche et de nouvelles recettes.
  • Nouvelle quête permettant d’obtenir et de modifier la Regalia Type-D.
  • Nouveaux succès.

Contenus téléchargeables :
  • FFXV – Épisode de Gladiolus
  • FFXV – Épisode de Prompto
  • FFXV – Épisode d’Ignis
  • FFXV – Pack d’extension multijoueur « Frères d’armes »
  • FFXV – Pack de combat +
  • FFXV – Pack de vacances +
*Le pack de vacances + n’inclut pas de billet pour le carnaval kupo-kwéh.

Objets bonus :
  • [Arme] Masamune (version FFXV)
  • [Arme] Dagues Mutisma (version FFIX)
  • [Arme] Pistolame Sanctum XV (version FFXV)
  • [Arme] Gae Bolg (version FFXIV)
  • [Décoration pour la Regalia] Léviathan de platine
  • [Décoration pour la Regalia] Personnages rétro
  • [Décoration pour la Regalia] Cindymobile
  • [Décoration pour la Regalia] Chocobo doré
  • [Costume] Costume royal
  • [Objet] Set de voyage
  • [Objet] Set de photographie
  • [Objet] Set de pêche
  • [Objet] Set de cuisinier

Les objets de menu suivants ont été supprimés et la fonction CONTENU EN LIGNE a été interrompue en 24 juin 2020.
(Objets supprimés)

(Fin du service)
Capacité de modifier l'apparence de Noctis
Fonction d'affichage pour les ombres d'avatar d'autres joueurs
Fonction Trésors de joueur
Fonction Trésors officiels
Fonction Photo de joueur
Jeu multiplateforme entre la version Steam et la version Origin

En outre, le problème temporaire d'instabilité de mouvement dans le jeu a été résolu.


Diese neue Episode dreht sich um die Vergangenheit von Noctis' Erzfeind Ardyn Lucis Caelum.

Nimm die Rolle des rätselhaften Antagonisten ein und erfahre so mehr über sein dunkles Schicksal, warum er aus den Annalen von Lucis gelöscht wurde und was den Hass des einst selbstlosen Mann geschürt hat.

*Spieler müssen FINAL FANTASY XV gekauft haben, um auf diesen Inhalt zuzugreifen. Die Aktualisierung zur neusten Version des Spiels ist eventuell ebenfalls erforderlich.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER ist ein Tool, um Ihnen bei der Erstellung von Mods für die FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION zu helfen. Es ermöglicht Ihnen, Ihre Bauteile in Mod-Daten zu konvertieren und sie in die Spielwelt einzubauen.

Die wichtigste Funktion vom MOD ORGANIZER ist das Erstellen von Modell-Daten, und Mods im Steam Workshop hochzuladen. Er hat nicht die Funktion Objekte, wie 3D-Modelle, zu erstellen und zu bearbeiten. Erstellen Sie Objekte bitte mit Ihren eigenen Tools und geben Sie sie ins FBX-Format aus, das der MOD ORGANIZER dann importieren kann.

Ihre Mods können im Steam Workshop hochgeladen werden, wenn Sie einen Steam-Account haben, und anschließend mit der Community geteilt werden. Abbonieren Sie die Mod-Daten des Steam Workshop und nutzen Sie die Mods in der Steam-Version von FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bonus: Half-Life-Pack

Bonus: Half-Life-Pack – Jetzt erhältlich über den Workshop für alle Besitzer der FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION auf Steam!

  • »Half Life«-Outfit (Exklusiv fürs Hauptspiel)
    Ein Set, bestehend aus dem HEV-Anzug für Forscher von Black Mesa und einer schwarzen Brille.
  • Brechstange (Exklusiv fürs Hauptspiel)
    Werkzeug? Waffe? Egal, denn dieses Brecheisen kann in Notsituationen Leben retten.
  • HEV-Anzug (Exklusiv für FFXV: Gefährten)
    Ein Schutzanzug, der von einer Firma namens Black Mesa entwickelt wurde.
    (Für die Nutzung in der FFXV-Mehrspielererweiterung: Gefährten.)
  • Physikerbrille (Exklusiv für FFXV: Gefährten)
    Eine klassische Brille, die besonders bei theoretischen Physikern gut ankommt.
    (Für die Nutzung in der FFXV-Mehrspielererweiterung: Gefährten.)
  • Brechstange (Exklusiv für FFXV: Gefährten)
    Werkzeug? Waffe? Egal, denn dieses Brecheisen kann in Notsituationen Leben retten.
    (Für die Nutzung in der FFXV-Mehrspielererweiterung: Gefährten.)

Spielbare Demo jetzt verfügbar

Erhasche einen Einblick in den Anfang der Geschichte mit der Demoversion der FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Systemvoraussetzungen unterscheiden sich eventuell von denen der Produktversion.

Begib dich auf die Reise, jetzt in der ultimativen Qualität. Geboten wird ein Reichtum an Bonusinhalten und dank der Unterstützung von Ultra-HD-Grafikoptionen wie Original-4K (3840x2160px) und HDR10 kannst du das wunderschöne und sorgsam geschaffene Erlebnis FINAL FANTASY XV jetzt genießen wie nie zuvor.
*Der Hauptunterschied zur Produktversion ist es, dass die Nebenaufgaben deaktiviert sind.

  • Die Größe der Download-Datei für die FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION SPIELBARE DEMO ist 21 GB. Hochauflösende 4K-Texturen sind in dieser Demo enthalten.
  • Hochauflösende Texturen werden abhängig von deinen Hardware-Voraussetzungen automatisch aktiviert oder deaktiviert.
  • Im endgültigen Produkt sind hochauflösende 4K-Texturen ein optionaler Download
  • Bitte lies hier weitere Details zur empfohlenen Hardware für die optimale Nutzung dieser Texturen nach.

Die FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION SPIELBARE DEMO ist eine Vorschau auf die Vollversion. Wir arbeiten weiterhin an allen Aspekten des Spiels, um sicherzustellen, dass die FFXV WINDOWS EDITION ein großartiges Erlebnis für PC-Spieler sein wird.


Bewertungen & Auszeichnungen

"Ein Must-Have für RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"Optisch Güteklasse A!" - 4players_de

"Die definitive Version von Final Fantasy XV!" - Buffed_de

"Die PC-Version hat einiges zu bieten!" - PC Games_de

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion


Dieser Pack ermöglicht es dir, FINAL FANTASY XV in hoher Auflösung zu genießen.
Erlebe die Welt von FINAL FANTASY XV, wie du sie noch nie gesehen hast, mit noch schöneren Filmsequenzen und sorgfältig gezeichneten Charakteren und Hintergründen.

Über das Spiel

Bereite dich darauf vor, der Mittelpunkt des ultimativen Fantasy-Abenteuers zu sein - jetzt für Windows PC.

Deine engsten Freunde begleiten dich auf die Reise deines Lebens durch eine atemberaubende Welt, in der du unglaubliche Landschaften betrachten kannst und überlebensgroßen Bestien begegnest, während du deine Heimat aus den Klauen eines unvorstellbaren Feindes zurückzugewinnen versuchst.

Lenke in einem actionreichen Kampfsystem die Macht deiner Vorfahren, um dich in aufregenden Kämpfen durch die Luft zu warpen und zusammen mit deinen Kameraden Waffen-, Magie- und teambasierte Fähigkeiten zu meistern.

Das wunderschöne und sorgsam gestaltete Erlebnis von FINAL FANTASY XV kann jetzt dank der neusten Technologie für Windows PC, eingeschlossen hochauflösender Bildschirme und HDR10, erkundet werden wie nie zuvor.

Enthält all die aufregenden Inhalte, die als Teil der fortwährenden Spiele-Updates (alternative Route in Kapitel 13, Anpassung des Regalia fürs Fahren im Gelände, Feature zum Charaktertausch und mehr!) erschienen sind. Dies schließt auch alle Inhalte ein, die mit dem Season Pass veröffentlicht wurden - Episode Gladiolus, Episode Prompto, Mehrspieler-Erweiterung: Gefährten und Episode Ignis.
Werde zum Mittelpunkt des ultimativen Fantasy-Abenteuers.


Neue Features:
  • Insomnia-Ruinen – ein neues Areal am Ende deiner Reise
  • Optionale Steuerung aus der Egoperspektive
  • Königswaffen EX
  • Die Nutzung des Boots ist jetzt möglich, mit neuen Angelstellen und Rezepten
  • Zusätzliche Aufgaben, um den Regalia Typ-D zu erhalten und zu verbessern
  • Zusätzliche Errungenschaften

Inhalte zum Herunterladen:
  • FFXV Episode Gladiolus
  • FFXV Episode Prompto
  • FFXV Episode Ignis
  • FFXV Booster-Pack+
  • FFXV Feiertags-Pack+
*Tickets für den Kupobo-Karneval sind nicht im FFXV Feiertags-Pack+ enthalten.

  • [Waffe] Masamune (FFXV)
  • [Waffe] Silenquedeas (FFIX)
  • [Waffe] Sturmklinge XV (FFXV)
  • [Waffe] Gae Bolg (FFXIV Model)
  • [Regalia-Lackierung] Platinum-Leviathan
  • [Regalia-Lackierung] Pixelbande
  • [Regalia-Lackierung] Aurum GT
  • [Regalia-Lackierung] Goldener Chocobo
  • [Kleidung] Königstracht
  • [Gegenstand] Reiseset
  • [Gegenstand] Kameraset
  • [Gegenstand] Angelset
  • [Gegenstand] Gourmetkorb

Die folgenden Menüpunkte und die Funktion der Online-Inhalte sind seit dem 24 Juni 2020 gelöscht bzw. eingestellt.
(Gelöschte Menüpunkte)
Hauptmenü – Online
Einstellungen – Online-Inhalte

(Eingestellte Funktionen)
Die Möglichkeit, Noctis’ Aussehen zu verändern
Die Anzeigefunktion für die Schatten der Avatare anderer Spieler
Die Funktion „Benutzer-Wertgegestände“
Die Funktion „Offizieller Wertgegenstand“
Die Funktion „Benutzer-Foto“
Plattformübergreifendes Spiel zwischen der Steam-Version und der Origin-Version

Darüber hinaus wurde das Problem bezüglich der vorübergehenden Bewegungsinstabilität während des Spiels behoben.


For the first time, players take control of Noctis's greatest foe in this brand-new episode of FINAL FANTASY XV! Delve into the dark tale of scorned saviour Ardyn Lucis Caelum and unravel the secrets surrounding his mysterious past.

*Players must purchase FINAL FANTASY XV in order to access this content. Updating to the latest version of the game may also be required.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bonus: Half-Life Pack

Bonus: Half-Life Pack – Available now through the Workshop for all FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION owners on Steam!

  • Half-Life Costume (Main Game Exclusive)
    Protective gear made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Crowbar (Main Game Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch.
  • HEV Suit (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Full outfit for the entire body, exclusive to COMRADES. Protective suit made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Scientist Glasses (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Decorative accessory for the face, exclusive to COMRADES. Thick-rimmed black glasses that exude an air of quiet intelligence.
  • Crowbar (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch. Exclusive to COMRADES.

Playable Demo Out Now!

Get a sneak peek into how it all starts with the demo version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Spec may differ from the product version.

Take the journey, now in ultimate quality. Boasting a wealth of bonus content and supporting Native4K(3840×2160px) ultra high-resolution graphical options and HDR 10, you can now enjoy the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV like never before.
*The main difference to the product version is that sub-quests have been disabled.

  • The download size for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is 21GB. The High-Res 4K textures are included in this demo and are turned on or off automatically depending on your hardware specification.
  • In the final product, High-Res 4K textures will be an optional download and can be toggled on or off by the user.
  • Please visit here for more details on the recommended hardware needed to optimally use these textures.

The FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is a preview of the full game. We will continue to work on all aspects to ensure FFXV WINDOWS EDITION will be a great experience for PC gamers.


Reviews & Accolades

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion


This pack allows you to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XV in high resolution.
Experience the world of FINAL FANTASY XV as you have never seen it before, with even more beautiful movie scenes and meticulously drawn characters and backgrounds.

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure, now for Windows PC.

Joined by your closest friends on the roadtrip of a lifetime through a breathtaking open world, witness stunning landscapes and encounter larger-than-life beasts on your journey to reclaim your homeland from an unimaginable foe.

In an action-packed battle system, channel the power of your ancestors to warp effortlessly through the air in thrilling combat, and together with your comrades, master the skills of weaponry, magic and team-based attacks.

Now realised with the power of cutting-edge technology for Windows PCs, including support for high-resolution displays and HDR10, the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV can be explored like never before.


Includes all of the exciting content released as part of continuous game updates (Chapter 13 alternate route, off-road Regalia customisation, character swap feature and more!). And comes with all of content released in the Season Pass - Episode Gladiolus, Episode Prompto, Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades, and Episode Ignis
Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure.

Main game:

New Features:
  • “Insomnia City Ruins: Expanded Map” – a new map that takes you right up to the end
  • First Person Mode
  • Armiger Unleashed
  • Use of the Royal Cruiser has been unlocked, with new fishing spots and recipes
  • Additional quest to acquire and upgrade the Regalia Type-D
  • Additional Achievements

  • FFXV Episode Gladiolus
  • FFXV Episode Prompto
  • FFXV Episode Ignis
  • FFXV Booster Pack+
  • FFXV Holiday Pack+
*Moogle Chocobo Carnival tickets are not included in the FFXV Holiday Pack+.

Bonus Items:
  • [Weapon] Masamune (FFXV Original Model)
  • [Weapon] Mage Mashers (FFIX Model)
  • [Weapon] Blazefire Saber XV (FFXV Original Color)
  • [Weapon] Gae Bolg (FFXIV Model)
  • [Regalia Decal] Platinum Leviathan
  • [Regalia Decal] 16-Bit Buddies
  • [Regalia Decal] Cindymobile
  • [Regalia Decal] Gold Chocobo
  • [Outfit] Royal Raiment
  • [Item] Travel Pack
  • [Item] Camera Kit
  • [Item] Angler Set
  • [Item] Gourmand Set

The following menu items have been deleted and the ONLINE CONTENT function has been discontinued as of 24 June 2020.
(Deleted Items)

(End of Service)
Ability to change the appearance of Noctis
Display function for other players’ avatar shadows
Player Treasure function
Official Treasure function
Player Photo function
Cross-platform play between the Steam version and the Origin version

Further, the problem with temporary movement instability during play has been fixed.


For the first time, players take control of Noctis's greatest foe in this brand-new episode of FINAL FANTASY XV! Delve into the dark tale of scorned saviour Ardyn Lucis Caelum and unravel the secrets surrounding his mysterious past.

*Players must purchase FINAL FANTASY XV in order to access this content. Updating to the latest version of the game may also be required.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bonus: Half-Life Pack

Bonus: Half-Life Pack – Available now through the Workshop for all FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION owners on Steam!

  • Half-Life Costume (Main Game Exclusive)
    Protective gear made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Crowbar (Main Game Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch.
  • HEV Suit (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Full outfit for the entire body, exclusive to COMRADES. Protective suit made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Scientist Glasses (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Decorative accessory for the face, exclusive to COMRADES. Thick-rimmed black glasses that exude an air of quiet intelligence.
  • Crowbar (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch. Exclusive to COMRADES.

Playable Demo Out Now!

Get a sneak peek into how it all starts with the demo version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Spec may differ from the product version.

Take the journey, now in ultimate quality. Boasting a wealth of bonus content and supporting Native4K(3840×2160px) ultra high-resolution graphical options and HDR 10, you can now enjoy the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV like never before.
*The main difference to the product version is that sub-quests have been disabled.

  • The download size for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is 21GB. The High-Res 4K textures are included in this demo and are turned on or off automatically depending on your hardware specification.
  • In the final product, High-Res 4K textures will be an optional download and can be toggled on or off by the user.
  • Please visit here for more details on the recommended hardware needed to optimally use these textures.

The FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is a preview of the full game. We will continue to work on all aspects to ensure FFXV WINDOWS EDITION will be a great experience for PC gamers.


Reviews & Accolades

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion


This pack allows you to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XV in high resolution.
Experience the world of FINAL FANTASY XV as you have never seen it before, with even more beautiful movie scenes and meticulously drawn characters and backgrounds.

A játékról: 

Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure, now for Windows PC.

Joined by your closest friends on the roadtrip of a lifetime through a breathtaking open world, witness stunning landscapes and encounter larger-than-life beasts on your journey to reclaim your homeland from an unimaginable foe.

In an action-packed battle system, channel the power of your ancestors to warp effortlessly through the air in thrilling combat, and together with your comrades, master the skills of weaponry, magic and team-based attacks.

Now realised with the power of cutting-edge technology for Windows PCs, including support for high-resolution displays and HDR10, the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV can be explored like never before.


Includes all of the exciting content released as part of continuous game updates (Chapter 13 alternate route, off-road Regalia customisation, character swap feature and more!). And comes with all of content released in the Season Pass - Episode Gladiolus, Episode Prompto, Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades, and Episode Ignis
Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure.

Main game:

New Features:
  • “Insomnia City Ruins: Expanded Map” – a new map that takes you right up to the end
  • First Person Mode
  • Armiger Unleashed
  • Use of the Royal Cruiser has been unlocked, with new fishing spots and recipes
  • Additional quest to acquire and upgrade the Regalia Type-D
  • Additional Achievements

  • FFXV Episode Gladiolus
  • FFXV Episode Prompto
  • FFXV Episode Ignis
  • FFXV Booster Pack+
  • FFXV Holiday Pack+
*Moogle Chocobo Carnival tickets are not included in the FFXV Holiday Pack+.

Bonus Items:
  • [Weapon] Masamune (FFXV Original Model)
  • [Weapon] Mage Mashers (FFIX Model)
  • [Weapon] Blazefire Saber XV (FFXV Original Color)
  • [Weapon] Gae Bolg (FFXIV Model)
  • [Regalia Decal] Platinum Leviathan
  • [Regalia Decal] 16-Bit Buddies
  • [Regalia Decal] Cindymobile
  • [Regalia Decal] Gold Chocobo
  • [Outfit] Royal Raiment
  • [Item] Travel Pack
  • [Item] Camera Kit
  • [Item] Angler Set
  • [Item] Gourmand Set

The following menu items have been deleted and the ONLINE CONTENT function has been discontinued as of 24 June 2020.
(Deleted Items)

(End of Service)
Ability to change the appearance of Noctis
Display function for other players’ avatar shadows
Player Treasure function
Official Treasure function
Player Photo function
Cross-platform play between the Steam version and the Origin version

Further, the problem with temporary movement instability during play has been fixed.


Impersona Ardyn Lucis Caelum, l'acerrimo nemico di Noctis, in questo episodio che svela i segreti di un passato e di un destino che la storia ufficiale di Lucis ha voluto cancellare.

Nota: per giocare devi avere FINAL FANTASY XV e aggiornarlo alla versione più recente.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION - MOD ORGANIZER è uno strumento che ti aiuta a creare mod per FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. Ti consente di convertire le tue risorse in dati mod e incorporarle nel mondo del gioco.

La funzione principale del MOD ORGANIZER è la creazione di dati relativi ai modelli e il caricamento di mod su Steam Workshop. Non ha la funzionalità necessaria per la creazione e la modifica di risorse come i modelli 3D. Si prega di creare risorse con i propri strumenti e di produrle in formato FBX, che possono poi essere importate da MOD ORGANIZER.

Le mod possono essere caricate su Steam Workshop se si dispone di un account Steam e quindi condivise con la community. Iscriviti ai dati mod di Steam Workshop per utilizzare le mod nella versione Steam di FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bonus: Pacchetto di Half-Life

Bonus: Pacchetto di Half-Life - Disponibile tramite il Workshop per chi ha acquistato FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION su Steam!

  • Completo Half-Life (per il gioco principale)
    Tuta HEV prodotta dalla Black Mesa e abbinata a un paio di occhiali con montatura nera.
  • Piede di porco (per il gioco principale)
    Barra metallica ricurva utile nelle situazioni di emergenza.
  • Tuta HEV (per l'espansione online)
    Per FFXV: COMPAGNI DI BATTAGLIA, abbigliamento speciale prodotto dalla Black Mesa, è altamente protettivo e multifunzione.
  • Occhiali da scienziato (per l'espansione online)
    Per FFXV: COMPAGNI DI BATTAGLIA, montatura sobriamente nera amata da un famoso esperto di fisica decisamente poco loquace.
  • Piede di porco (per l'espansione online)
    Per FFXV: COMPAGNI DI BATTAGLIA, barra metallica ricurva utile nelle situazioni di emergenza.

La demo giocabile è ora disponibile!

Dai un'occhiata a come comincia tutto con la demo di FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Le specifiche potrebbero essere diverse da quelle della versione finale.

Parti per un'avventura di qualità assoluta con tanti contenuti aggiuntivi e la compatibilità con le opzioni grafiche ad altissima risoluzione in 4K nativo (3840×2160p) e HDR10: ora puoi vivere l'esperienza di FINAL FANTASY XV come mai prima d'ora, in un mondo meraviglioso fin nei minimi dettagli.
*La differenza principale con la versione finale è che le missioni secondarie sono state disabilitate.

  • La dimensione del download della DEMO GIOCABILE di FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION è di 21 GB. Questa demo include le texture in alta risoluzione 4K.
  • Le texture in alta risoluzione vengono attivate o disattivate automaticamente a seconda delle caratteristiche del tuo hardware.
  • Nel prodotto finale, le texture in alta risoluzione 4K saranno un download facoltativo.
  • Vai qui per ulteriori dettagli sull'hardware consigliato per usare queste texture in modo ottimale.

La demo giocabile di FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION è un’anteprima del gioco completo. Continueremo a perfezionare tutti gli aspetti per assicurarci che FFXV WINDOWS EDITION sia un’esperienza fantastica per chi gioca su PC.


Recensioni e riconoscimenti

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition è graficamente la versione migliore del gioco." - Multiplayer it

"L'edizione PC di Final Fantasy XV é destinata a diventare la migliore di sempre" - Multiplayer

"visivamente parlando il mondo di Final Fantasy XV è una delle creazioni videoludiche migliori di sempre" - Everyeye

"la qualità del prodotto è incredibilmente alta" - Spaziogames

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion

Pacchetto a risoluzione 4K di FFXV WINDOWS EDITION

Con questo pacchetto potrai esplorare il mondo di FINAL FANTASY XV ad alta risoluzione.
Scopri il mondo di FINAL FANTASY XV come non l'hai mai visto prima, con dei filmati di gioco ancora più belli e dei personaggi e dei paesaggi disegnati meticolosamente.

Informazioni sul gioco

Preparati ad immergerti nel cuore dell’avventura fantasy definitiva, ora disponibile su PC Windows.

Percorri le strade di un open world mozzafiato insieme ai tuoi migliori amici, scopri dei paesaggi magnifici e incontra dei mostri esagerati mentre affronti un viaggio che ti porterà a riprenderti la tua patria dalle grinfie di un nemico inimmaginabile.

Sfrutta la forza dei tuoi avi per teletrasportarti in aria durante dei combattimenti pieni d’azione e diventa un esperto di armi, magie e attacchi in squadra insieme ai tuoi compagni.

L’uso di tecnologie all’avanguardia per PC Windows e la compatibilità con gli schermi ad alta risoluzione e HDR10 ti permetteranno di esplorare il fantastico mondo di FINAL FANTASY XV come mai prima d’ora.

Include tutti i contenuti pubblicati con i vari aggiornamenti del gioco (la strada alternativa del capitolo 13, la versione fuoristrada per la Regalia, la possibilità di cambiare personaggio e altro ancora!). A questi si aggiungono tutti i contenuti pubblicati con il pass stagionale: Episode Gladio, Episode Prompto, Espansione online Compagni di battaglia ed Episode Ignis.
Preparati ad essere al centro dell'avventura fantasy definitiva.

Gioco principale:

  • Rovine di Insomnia: una nuova zona finale
  • Visuale in soggettiva
  • Panoplia suprema
  • Accesso allo yacht, con nuove zone di pesca e ricette
  • Missione aggiuntiva per ottenere e potenziare la Regalia TYPE-D
  • Achievement aggiuntivi

Contenuti scaricabili:
  • FFXV Episode Gladio
  • FFXV Episode Prompto
  • FFXV Episode Ignis
  • FFXV Pacchetto di potenziamento +
  • FFXV Pacchetto festoso +
*I biglietti per il carnevale kupòkuè non sono inclusi nel Pacchetto festoso +.

Oggetti extra:
  • [Arma] Masamune modello FFXV
  • [Arma] Tritamago modello FFIX
  • [Arma] Lama incandescente (colore originale di FFXV)
  • [Arma] Gae Bolg modello FFXIV
  • [Verniciatura per la Regalia] Leviatano Platinum
  • [Verniciatura per la Regalia] Pixel Edition
  • [Verniciatura per la Regalia] Cindy Edition
  • [Verniciatura per la Regalia] Chocobo Gold
  • [Completo] Completo regale
  • [Oggetto] Pacchetto turistico
  • [Oggetto] Kit fotografico
  • [Oggetto] Cassetta da pesca
  • [Oggetto] Set gourmet

Le seguenti voci del menu sono state eliminate e le funzioni del CONTENUTO ONLINE non sono più disponibili dal giorno 24 giugno 2020.
(Voci eliminate)

(Termine del servizio)
Possibilità di cambiare l'aspetto di Noctis
Possibilità di visualizzare gli avatar degli altri giocatori come ombre
Tesoro dell'utente
Tesoro ufficiale
Foto dell'utente
Modalità di gioco multipiattaforma su Steam e Origin

Inoltre, il problema relativo alla momentanea instabilità di movimento in gioco è stato risolto.


For the first time, players take control of Noctis's greatest foe in this brand-new episode of FINAL FANTASY XV! Delve into the dark tale of scorned saviour Ardyn Lucis Caelum and unravel the secrets surrounding his mysterious past.

*Players must purchase FINAL FANTASY XV in order to access this content. Updating to the latest version of the game may also be required.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.


特典:Half-Lifeパックは、「FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION」のSteamバージョンをお持ちの方であれば、今なら誰でもWorkshopから入手可能です。

  • ハーフライフスタイル(本編用)
  • クロウバー(本編用)
  • H.E.V.スーツ(オンライン拡張パック:戦友用)
    『FFXV オンライン拡張パック:戦友』専用衣装。
  • フィジシストグラス(オンライン拡張パック:戦友用)
    『FFXV オンライン拡張パック:戦友』専用アクセサリー。
  • クロウバー(オンライン拡張パック:戦友用)
    『FFXV オンライン拡張パック:戦友』専用武器。


「FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION」のゲーム序盤を一足先にプレイすることができる特別体験版 です。

※製品版からの主な変更点※ ・「サブクエスト」は発生しません。

  • FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMOのダウンロード容量は21GBです。体験版には4K解像度テクスチャが含まれており、設定はお使いのハードウェアのスペックに合わせて自動で有効化/無効化されます。
  • 製品版では4K解像度テクスチャは追加でダウンロードする必要があります。有効化/無効化はプレイヤーが設定可能です。
  • 4K解像度で快適にプレイするための推奨ハードウェアスペックについてはこちらをご覧ください。

FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMOはゲーム本編の序盤をプレイできる体験版です。PCゲーマーの皆さんによりよい体験を提供できるよう、今後もあらゆる側面から改善を続けていきます。



"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion


『FINAL FANTASY XV』を高解像度でお楽しみいただけるパックです。
でこれまで見たことないFINAL FANTASY XVの世界を体験してください。


物語の主人公になろう。究極のファンタジーアドベンチャーがWindows PCでプレイ可能に。



高解像度ディスプレイとHDR10への対応を含む、Windows PC向けの最新テクノロジーにより、細部までこだわった美しい「FINAL FANTASY XV」の世界が実現され、これまでにない体験をすることができる。



  • 終極へと続く新たなマップ「インソムニア エクストラ マップ」
  • ファースト パーソン モード
  • 真・ファントムソード
  • クルーザー操作の解放に伴い、新しい釣りスポットとレシピ
  • 「レガリア Type-d」入手、強化クエスト
  • 追加実績

  • FFXVエピソード グラディオラス
  • FFXVエピソード プロンプト
  • FFXVエピソード イグニス
  • FFXVオンライン拡張パック:戦友
  • FFXVブースターパック+
  • FFXVホリデイパック+

  • [武器] 正宗 (FFXVオリジナルモデル)
  • [武器] メイジマッシャー (FFXVixモデル)
  • [武器] ブレイズエッジ改 (FFXVオリジナルカラー)
  • [武器] ゲイボルグ (FFXIVモデル)
  • [レガリア カラーリング] プラチナリヴァイアサンエディション
  • [レガリア カラーリング] ピクセルキャラクターエディション
  • [レガリア カラーリング] シドニーエディション
  • [レガリア カラーリング] ゴールデンチョコボエディション
  • [衣装] ルシス王の礼服 
  • [アイテム] トラベルパック
  • [アイテム] カメラキット
  • [アイテム] フィッシングパック
  • [アイテム] クッキングパック




FFXV 에피소드 아덴

녹티스 최대의 적 『아덴 루시스 카일룸』의 증오와 고통을 그린 오리지널 에피소드.
역사에서 말소된 금단의 과거, 그리고 성자에게 주어진 잔혹한 운명. 베일에 싸인 남자의 모든 것이 밝혀진다.
본 에피소드에서는 플레이어블 캐릭터로 아덴을 조작할 수 있습니다.

※본 콘텐츠를 이용하려면 별도 판매되는 제품판이 필요합니다. 또한 최신 버전으로 업데이트한 후 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

보너스: Half-Life 팩

보너스: Half-Life 팩 – 이제 모든 FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION 소유자들이 Steam의 창작마당에서 이용할 수 있습니다!

  • 하프라이프 스타일(본편용)
    블랙 메사에서 만든 방호복과 뿔테 안경 세트
  • 크로우바(본편용)
    비상시에 높은 범용성을 자랑하는 금속 공구
  • H.E.V. 슈트(온라인 확장팩: 전우용)
    『FFXV 온라인 확장팩: 전우』 전용 의상.
    블랙 메사에서 만든 고성능 특수 방호복
  • 물리학자의 안경(온라인 확장팩: 전우용)
    『FFXV 온라인 확장팩: 전우』 전용 액세서리.
    과묵한 물리학자가 애용했다는 뿔테 안경
  • 크로우바(온라인 확장팩: 전우용)
    『FFXV 온라인 확장팩: 전우』 전용 무기.
    비상시에 높은 범용성을 자랑하는 금속 공구

플레이 가능한 데모가 나왔습니다!

「FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION」 게임 초반을 보다 빠르게 즐길 수 있는 특별체험판입니다.
※제품판과 일부 사양이 다릅니다.

압도적인 세계관과 그래픽, 시리즈 첫 오픈 월드, 뛰어난 액션성의 쾌적한 배틀로 지금까지 없던 최고의 자유와 현장감을 맛볼 수 있습니다. Native4K(3840×2160px) 해상도와 HDR10 등, 최고의 영상미가 그려내는 궁극의 FFXV를 즐겨주십시오.
※제품판과의 주요 차이점※ ・「서브 퀘스트」가 발생하지 않습니다.

  • FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION 체험판의 다운로드 크기는 21GB입니다. 이 체험판에는 고해상도 4K 텍스처가 포함되어 있으며 하드웨어 사양에 따라 자동으로 켜지거나 꺼집니다.
  • 최종 제품에서는 고해상도 4K 텍스처의 다운로드를 선택할 수 있으며 사용자가 켜거나 끌 수 있습니다.
  • 이 텍스처를 사용하기에 이상적인 하드웨어 권장 사항에 관한 자세한 내용은 이곳에서 확인하세요.

FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION 체험판으로 정식 게임을 미리 엿볼 수 있습니다. PC 게임 플레이어 여러분이 더욱 재밌는 경험을 선사하기 위해 계속해서 FFXV WINDOWS EDITION을 개선할 것입니다.


의견 및 칭찬

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion


『FINAL FANTASY XV』를 고해상도로 즐길 수 있는 팩입니다.
더욱 세련된 영상, 정교하게 묘사된 캐릭터와 배경,
지금까지 본 적 없는 FINAL FANTASY XV의 세계를 체험해 주십시오.

게임 정보

이제 Windows PC용으로 발매되는 궁극의 판타지 모험의 한복판으로 뛰어들 준비를 마치세요.

대규모 오픈 월드에서 세상에 둘도 없는 친구들과 함께 자동차 여행을 떠나세요. 매우 아름다운 풍경을 감상하고, 여정 중 전설적인 몬스터와 전투를 벌이며 무시무시한 적에게서 고국을 탈환하세요.

액션 요소가 가득한 전투 시스템이 도입된 박진감 넘치는 전투에서 선조의 힘을 빌려 공기를 가르며 손쉽게 이동하고, 동료와 함께 무기, 마법, 팀 기반 공격의 스킬을 마스터하세요.

고해상도 디스플레이, HDR10 등 Windows PC용 최첨단 기술이 새로 도입되어, FINAL FANTASY XV의 아름답고 섬세한 게임 플레이 경험은 그 어느 때보다 확장될 것입니다.

주요 기능
자유롭게 여정을 떠나세요.
수도에서 시골길까지 운전대를 잡고 자동차를 몰거나, 두 발에 의지해 모험을 떠나 야생 동물이 바글거리는 광활한 풍경, 위험한 동굴, 모험으로 가득한 생기 넘치는 도시 등을 발견해보세요.

Windows PC 플레이어에게 안성맞춤.
고해상도 옵션을 지원하고 네이티브(Native) 4K(3840 x 2160) 해상도 및 HDR10과 호환됩니다. 또한, 그래픽 옵션은 최대 8K까지 설정할 수 있습니다. NVIDIA로 아름답고 섬세한 이오스의 세계를 그 어느 때보다 더 잘 경험할 수 있습니다.

게임 본편에 이어 콘솔판에서 배포한 6가지의 DLC와 다양한 아이템, 무료 업데이트도 수록했습니다. 그리고 게임 종반부에 등장할 새로운 맵에 이어 주인공 시점으로 싸우는 1인칭 모드 등 다수의 신규 추가 요소들이 있습니다.


신규 요소:
  • 마지막으로 이어지는 신규 추가 맵 「인섬니아 엑스트라 맵」
  • 1인칭 모드
  • 진・팬텀 소드
  • 크루저 조작 개방과 새로운 낚시 스폿, 레시피
  • 「레갈리아 TYPE-D」 입수, 강화 퀘스트
  • 새로운 트로피

  • FFXV 에피소드 글라디올러스
  • FFXV 에피소드 프롬프토
  • FFXV 에피소드 이그니스
  • FFXV 온라인 확장팩:전우
  • FFXV 부스터 팩+
  • FFXV 홀리데이 팩+
※「FFXV 홀리데이 팩+」에는 「카니발 티켓」이 포함되어 있지 않습니다.

특전 아이템 내용:
  • [무기] 마사무네(FFXV 오리지널 모델)
  • [무기] 메이지 매셔(FFIX 모델)
  • [무기] 블레이즈 엣지+(FFXV 오리지널 컬러)
  • [무기] 게이볼그(FFXIV 모델)
  • [레갈리아 컬러링] 플래티넘 리바이어던 에디션
  • [레갈리아 컬러링] 픽셀 캐릭터 에디션
  • [레갈리아 컬러링] 시드니 에디션
  • [레갈리아 컬러링] 골든 초코보 에디션
  • [의상] 루시스 왕의 예복
  • [아이템] 여행 팩
  • [아이템] 카메라 키트
  • [아이템] 피싱 팩
  • [아이템] 쿠킹 팩

2020년 6월 24일부터 아래의 항목을 삭제하고 온라인 콘텐츠 기능을 종료했습니다.
【삭제 항목】
・메인 메뉴 「온라인」
・옵션 「온라인 콘텐츠」

【서비스 종료】
・녹티스의 외형을 변경하는 기능
・다른 플레이어의 아바타를 환영으로 표시하는 기능
・유저 트레져 기능
・오피셜 트레져 기능
・유저 포토 기능
・Steam판과 Origin판 간 멀티 매칭

그리고 플레이 중에 일시적으로 동작이 불안정해지는 문제를 수정했습니다.


For the first time, players take control of Noctis's greatest foe in this brand-new episode of FINAL FANTASY XV! Delve into the dark tale of scorned saviour Ardyn Lucis Caelum and unravel the secrets surrounding his mysterious past.

*Players must purchase FINAL FANTASY XV in order to access this content. Updating to the latest version of the game may also be required.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bonus: Half-Life Pack

Bonus: Half-Life Pack – Available now through the Workshop for all FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION owners on Steam!

  • Half-Life Costume (Main Game Exclusive)
    Protective gear made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Crowbar (Main Game Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch.
  • HEV Suit (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Full outfit for the entire body, exclusive to COMRADES. Protective suit made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Scientist Glasses (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Decorative accessory for the face, exclusive to COMRADES. Thick-rimmed black glasses that exude an air of quiet intelligence.
  • Crowbar (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch. Exclusive to COMRADES.

Playable Demo Out Now!

Get a sneak peek into how it all starts with the demo version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Spec may differ from the product version.

Take the journey, now in ultimate quality. Boasting a wealth of bonus content and supporting Native4K(3840×2160px) ultra high-resolution graphical options and HDR 10, you can now enjoy the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV like never before.
*The main difference to the product version is that sub-quests have been disabled.

  • The download size for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is 21GB. The High-Res 4K textures are included in this demo and are turned on or off automatically depending on your hardware specification.
  • In the final product, High-Res 4K textures will be an optional download and can be toggled on or off by the user.
  • Please visit here for more details on the recommended hardware needed to optimally use these textures.

The FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is a preview of the full game. We will continue to work on all aspects to ensure FFXV WINDOWS EDITION will be a great experience for PC gamers.


Reviews & Accolades

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion


This pack allows you to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XV in high resolution.
Experience the world of FINAL FANTASY XV as you have never seen it before, with even more beautiful movie scenes and meticulously drawn characters and backgrounds.

Om spillet

Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure, now for Windows PC.

Joined by your closest friends on the roadtrip of a lifetime through a breathtaking open world, witness stunning landscapes and encounter larger-than-life beasts on your journey to reclaim your homeland from an unimaginable foe.

In an action-packed battle system, channel the power of your ancestors to warp effortlessly through the air in thrilling combat, and together with your comrades, master the skills of weaponry, magic and team-based attacks.

Now realised with the power of cutting-edge technology for Windows PCs, including support for high-resolution displays and HDR10, the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV can be explored like never before.


Includes all of the exciting content released as part of continuous game updates (Chapter 13 alternate route, off-road Regalia customisation, character swap feature and more!). And comes with all of content released in the Season Pass - Episode Gladiolus, Episode Prompto, Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades, and Episode Ignis
Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure.

Main game:

New Features:
  • “Insomnia City Ruins: Expanded Map” – a new map that takes you right up to the end
  • First Person Mode
  • Armiger Unleashed
  • Use of the Royal Cruiser has been unlocked, with new fishing spots and recipes
  • Additional quest to acquire and upgrade the Regalia Type-D
  • Additional Achievements

  • FFXV Episode Gladiolus
  • FFXV Episode Prompto
  • FFXV Episode Ignis
  • FFXV Booster Pack+
  • FFXV Holiday Pack+
*Moogle Chocobo Carnival tickets are not included in the FFXV Holiday Pack+.

Bonus Items:
  • [Weapon] Masamune (FFXV Original Model)
  • [Weapon] Mage Mashers (FFIX Model)
  • [Weapon] Blazefire Saber XV (FFXV Original Color)
  • [Weapon] Gae Bolg (FFXIV Model)
  • [Regalia Decal] Platinum Leviathan
  • [Regalia Decal] 16-Bit Buddies
  • [Regalia Decal] Cindymobile
  • [Regalia Decal] Gold Chocobo
  • [Outfit] Royal Raiment
  • [Item] Travel Pack
  • [Item] Camera Kit
  • [Item] Angler Set
  • [Item] Gourmand Set

The following menu items have been deleted and the ONLINE CONTENT function has been discontinued as of 24 June 2020.
(Deleted Items)

(End of Service)
Ability to change the appearance of Noctis
Display function for other players’ avatar shadows
Player Treasure function
Official Treasure function
Player Photo function
Cross-platform play between the Steam version and the Origin version

Further, the problem with temporary movement instability during play has been fixed.


For the first time, players take control of Noctis's greatest foe in this brand-new episode of FINAL FANTASY XV! Delve into the dark tale of scorned saviour Ardyn Lucis Caelum and unravel the secrets surrounding his mysterious past.

*Players must purchase FINAL FANTASY XV in order to access this content. Updating to the latest version of the game may also be required.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bonus: Half-Life Pack

Bonus: Half-Life Pack – Available now through the Workshop for all FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION owners on Steam!

  • Half-Life Costume (Main Game Exclusive)
    Protective gear made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Crowbar (Main Game Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch.
  • HEV Suit (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Full outfit for the entire body, exclusive to COMRADES. Protective suit made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Scientist Glasses (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Decorative accessory for the face, exclusive to COMRADES. Thick-rimmed black glasses that exude an air of quiet intelligence.
  • Crowbar (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch. Exclusive to COMRADES.

Playable Demo Out Now!

Get a sneak peek into how it all starts with the demo version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Spec may differ from the product version.

Take the journey, now in ultimate quality. Boasting a wealth of bonus content and supporting Native4K(3840×2160px) ultra high-resolution graphical options and HDR 10, you can now enjoy the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV like never before.
*The main difference to the product version is that sub-quests have been disabled.

  • The download size for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is 21GB. The High-Res 4K textures are included in this demo and are turned on or off automatically depending on your hardware specification.
  • In the final product, High-Res 4K textures will be an optional download and can be toggled on or off by the user.
  • Please visit here for more details on the recommended hardware needed to optimally use these textures.

The FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is a preview of the full game. We will continue to work on all aspects to ensure FFXV WINDOWS EDITION will be a great experience for PC gamers.


Reviews & Accolades

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion


This pack allows you to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XV in high resolution.
Experience the world of FINAL FANTASY XV as you have never seen it before, with even more beautiful movie scenes and meticulously drawn characters and backgrounds.

Informacje o grze

Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure, now for Windows PC.

Joined by your closest friends on the roadtrip of a lifetime through a breathtaking open world, witness stunning landscapes and encounter larger-than-life beasts on your journey to reclaim your homeland from an unimaginable foe.

In an action-packed battle system, channel the power of your ancestors to warp effortlessly through the air in thrilling combat, and together with your comrades, master the skills of weaponry, magic and team-based attacks.

Now realised with the power of cutting-edge technology for Windows PCs, including support for high-resolution displays and HDR10, the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV can be explored like never before.


Includes all of the exciting content released as part of continuous game updates (Chapter 13 alternate route, off-road Regalia customisation, character swap feature and more!). And comes with all of content released in the Season Pass - Episode Gladiolus, Episode Prompto, Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades, and Episode Ignis
Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure.

Main game:

New Features:
  • “Insomnia City Ruins: Expanded Map” – a new map that takes you right up to the end
  • First Person Mode
  • Armiger Unleashed
  • Use of the Royal Cruiser has been unlocked, with new fishing spots and recipes
  • Additional quest to acquire and upgrade the Regalia Type-D
  • Additional Achievements

  • FFXV Episode Gladiolus
  • FFXV Episode Prompto
  • FFXV Episode Ignis
  • FFXV Booster Pack+
  • FFXV Holiday Pack+
*Moogle Chocobo Carnival tickets are not included in the FFXV Holiday Pack+.

Bonus Items:
  • [Weapon] Masamune (FFXV Original Model)
  • [Weapon] Mage Mashers (FFIX Model)
  • [Weapon] Blazefire Saber XV (FFXV Original Color)
  • [Weapon] Gae Bolg (FFXIV Model)
  • [Regalia Decal] Platinum Leviathan
  • [Regalia Decal] 16-Bit Buddies
  • [Regalia Decal] Cindymobile
  • [Regalia Decal] Gold Chocobo
  • [Outfit] Royal Raiment
  • [Item] Travel Pack
  • [Item] Camera Kit
  • [Item] Angler Set
  • [Item] Gourmand Set

The following menu items have been deleted and the ONLINE CONTENT function has been discontinued as of 24 June 2020.
(Deleted Items)

(End of Service)
Ability to change the appearance of Noctis
Display function for other players’ avatar shadows
Player Treasure function
Official Treasure function
Player Photo function
Cross-platform play between the Steam version and the Origin version

Further, the problem with temporary movement instability during play has been fixed.


For the first time, players take control of Noctis's greatest foe in this brand-new episode of FINAL FANTASY XV! Delve into the dark tale of scorned saviour Ardyn Lucis Caelum and unravel the secrets surrounding his mysterious past.

*Players must purchase FINAL FANTASY XV in order to access this content. Updating to the latest version of the game may also be required.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bonus: Half-Life Pack

Bonus: Half-Life Pack – Available now through the Workshop for all FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION owners on Steam!

  • Half-Life Costume (Main Game Exclusive)
    Protective gear made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Crowbar (Main Game Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch.
  • HEV Suit (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Full outfit for the entire body, exclusive to COMRADES. Protective suit made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Scientist Glasses (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Decorative accessory for the face, exclusive to COMRADES. Thick-rimmed black glasses that exude an air of quiet intelligence.
  • Crowbar (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch. Exclusive to COMRADES.

Playable Demo Out Now!

Get a sneak peek into how it all starts with the demo version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Spec may differ from the product version.

Take the journey, now in ultimate quality. Boasting a wealth of bonus content and supporting Native4K(3840×2160px) ultra high-resolution graphical options and HDR 10, you can now enjoy the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV like never before.
*The main difference to the product version is that sub-quests have been disabled.

  • The download size for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is 21GB. The High-Res 4K textures are included in this demo and are turned on or off automatically depending on your hardware specification.
  • In the final product, High-Res 4K textures will be an optional download and can be toggled on or off by the user.
  • Please visit here for more details on the recommended hardware needed to optimally use these textures.

The FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is a preview of the full game. We will continue to work on all aspects to ensure FFXV WINDOWS EDITION will be a great experience for PC gamers.


Reviews & Accolades

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion


This pack allows you to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XV in high resolution.
Experience the world of FINAL FANTASY XV as you have never seen it before, with even more beautiful movie scenes and meticulously drawn characters and backgrounds.

Acerca do Jogo

Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure, now for Windows PC.

Joined by your closest friends on the roadtrip of a lifetime through a breathtaking open world, witness stunning landscapes and encounter larger-than-life beasts on your journey to reclaim your homeland from an unimaginable foe.

In an action-packed battle system, channel the power of your ancestors to warp effortlessly through the air in thrilling combat, and together with your comrades, master the skills of weaponry, magic and team-based attacks.

Now realised with the power of cutting-edge technology for Windows PCs, including support for high-resolution displays and HDR10, the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV can be explored like never before.


Includes all of the exciting content released as part of continuous game updates (Chapter 13 alternate route, off-road Regalia customisation, character swap feature and more!). And comes with all of content released in the Season Pass - Episode Gladiolus, Episode Prompto, Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades, and Episode Ignis
Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure.

Main game:

New Features:
  • “Insomnia City Ruins: Expanded Map” – a new map that takes you right up to the end
  • First Person Mode
  • Armiger Unleashed
  • Use of the Royal Cruiser has been unlocked, with new fishing spots and recipes
  • Additional quest to acquire and upgrade the Regalia Type-D
  • Additional Achievements

  • FFXV Episode Gladiolus
  • FFXV Episode Prompto
  • FFXV Episode Ignis
  • FFXV Booster Pack+
  • FFXV Holiday Pack+
*Moogle Chocobo Carnival tickets are not included in the FFXV Holiday Pack+.

Bonus Items:
  • [Weapon] Masamune (FFXV Original Model)
  • [Weapon] Mage Mashers (FFIX Model)
  • [Weapon] Blazefire Saber XV (FFXV Original Color)
  • [Weapon] Gae Bolg (FFXIV Model)
  • [Regalia Decal] Platinum Leviathan
  • [Regalia Decal] 16-Bit Buddies
  • [Regalia Decal] Cindymobile
  • [Regalia Decal] Gold Chocobo
  • [Outfit] Royal Raiment
  • [Item] Travel Pack
  • [Item] Camera Kit
  • [Item] Angler Set
  • [Item] Gourmand Set

The following menu items have been deleted and the ONLINE CONTENT function has been discontinued as of 24 June 2020.
(Deleted Items)

(End of Service)
Ability to change the appearance of Noctis
Display function for other players’ avatar shadows
Player Treasure function
Official Treasure function
Player Photo function
Cross-platform play between the Steam version and the Origin version

Further, the problem with temporary movement instability during play has been fixed.


For the first time, players take control of Noctis's greatest foe in this brand-new episode of FINAL FANTASY XV! Delve into the dark tale of scorned saviour Ardyn Lucis Caelum and unravel the secrets surrounding his mysterious past.

*Players must purchase FINAL FANTASY XV in order to access this content. Updating to the latest version of the game may also be required.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bonus: Half-Life Pack

Bonus: Half-Life Pack – Available now through the Workshop for all FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION owners on Steam!

  • Half-Life Costume (Main Game Exclusive)
    Protective gear made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Crowbar (Main Game Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch.
  • HEV Suit (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Full outfit for the entire body, exclusive to COMRADES. Protective suit made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Scientist Glasses (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Decorative accessory for the face, exclusive to COMRADES. Thick-rimmed black glasses that exude an air of quiet intelligence.
  • Crowbar (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch. Exclusive to COMRADES.

Playable Demo Out Now!

Get a sneak peek into how it all starts with the demo version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Spec may differ from the product version.

Take the journey, now in ultimate quality. Boasting a wealth of bonus content and supporting Native4K(3840×2160px) ultra high-resolution graphical options and HDR 10, you can now enjoy the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV like never before.
*The main difference to the product version is that sub-quests have been disabled.

  • The download size for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is 21GB. The High-Res 4K textures are included in this demo and are turned on or off automatically depending on your hardware specification.
  • In the final product, High-Res 4K textures will be an optional download and can be toggled on or off by the user.
  • Please visit here for more details on the recommended hardware needed to optimally use these textures.

The FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is a preview of the full game. We will continue to work on all aspects to ensure FFXV WINDOWS EDITION will be a great experience for PC gamers.


Reviews & Accolades

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion


This pack allows you to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XV in high resolution.
Experience the world of FINAL FANTASY XV as you have never seen it before, with even more beautiful movie scenes and meticulously drawn characters and backgrounds.

Despre joc

Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure, now for Windows PC.

Joined by your closest friends on the roadtrip of a lifetime through a breathtaking open world, witness stunning landscapes and encounter larger-than-life beasts on your journey to reclaim your homeland from an unimaginable foe.

In an action-packed battle system, channel the power of your ancestors to warp effortlessly through the air in thrilling combat, and together with your comrades, master the skills of weaponry, magic and team-based attacks.

Now realised with the power of cutting-edge technology for Windows PCs, including support for high-resolution displays and HDR10, the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV can be explored like never before.


Includes all of the exciting content released as part of continuous game updates (Chapter 13 alternate route, off-road Regalia customisation, character swap feature and more!). And comes with all of content released in the Season Pass - Episode Gladiolus, Episode Prompto, Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades, and Episode Ignis
Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure.

Main game:

New Features:
  • “Insomnia City Ruins: Expanded Map” – a new map that takes you right up to the end
  • First Person Mode
  • Armiger Unleashed
  • Use of the Royal Cruiser has been unlocked, with new fishing spots and recipes
  • Additional quest to acquire and upgrade the Regalia Type-D
  • Additional Achievements

  • FFXV Episode Gladiolus
  • FFXV Episode Prompto
  • FFXV Episode Ignis
  • FFXV Booster Pack+
  • FFXV Holiday Pack+
*Moogle Chocobo Carnival tickets are not included in the FFXV Holiday Pack+.

Bonus Items:
  • [Weapon] Masamune (FFXV Original Model)
  • [Weapon] Mage Mashers (FFIX Model)
  • [Weapon] Blazefire Saber XV (FFXV Original Color)
  • [Weapon] Gae Bolg (FFXIV Model)
  • [Regalia Decal] Platinum Leviathan
  • [Regalia Decal] 16-Bit Buddies
  • [Regalia Decal] Cindymobile
  • [Regalia Decal] Gold Chocobo
  • [Outfit] Royal Raiment
  • [Item] Travel Pack
  • [Item] Camera Kit
  • [Item] Angler Set
  • [Item] Gourmand Set

The following menu items have been deleted and the ONLINE CONTENT function has been discontinued as of 24 June 2020.
(Deleted Items)

(End of Service)
Ability to change the appearance of Noctis
Display function for other players’ avatar shadows
Player Treasure function
Official Treasure function
Player Photo function
Cross-platform play between the Steam version and the Origin version

Further, the problem with temporary movement instability during play has been fixed.


В этом новом эпизоде FINAL FANTASY XV игрокам предлагается впервые сыграть за главного врага Ноктиса! Погрузитесь в темное прошлое Ардина Люциса Кэлума и узнайте, что заставило его пойти против своего королевства.

*Чтобы получить доступ к этому контенту, необходимо купить FINAL FANTASY XV. Кроме того, может потребоваться обновление до последней версии игры.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Бонус: Набор Half-Life

Бонус: всем владельцам FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION открыт доступ к набору Half-Life в мастерской Steam!

  • Костюм Half-Life (Эксклюзивно для основной игры)
    Защитный костюм, разработанный в научно-исследовательском комплексе «Черная Меза».
  • Монтировка (Эксклюзивно для основной игры)
    Металлический инструмент, который может пригодиться в трудную минуту.
  • Защитный костюм HEV (Эксклюзивно для «Товарищей»)
    Защитный костюм, разработанный в научно-исследовательском комплексе «Черная Меза». Эксклюзивно для «Товарищей».
  • Очки ученого (Эксклюзивно для «Товарищей»)
    Очки в толстой черной оправе, которые излучают интеллект. Эксклюзивно для «Товарищей».
  • Монтировка (Эксклюзивно для «Товарищей»)
    Металлический инструмент, который может пригодиться в трудную минуту. Эксклюзивно для «Товарищей».

Демо-версия уже доступна!

Взгляните на то, как все начиналось, в этой демо-версии FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Спецификация может отличаться от полной версии игры.

Отправляйтесь в путь в отличном качестве! Теперь вы можете наслаждаться прекрасным и тщательно продуманным миром FINAL FANTASY XV, как никогда раньше, благодаря богатому бонусному контенту и поддержке графических опций с высоким разрешением 4K (3840 × 2160 пикселей) и HDR 10.
*Главное отличие от полной версии: побочные задания были отключены.

  • Размер демо-версии FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION - 21 Гб. Текстуры высокого разрешения (4K) включены в пакет загрузки и включаются и выключаются автоматически, в зависимости от спецификации компьютера.
  • В полной версии игры текстуры высокого разрешения будут доступны для индивидуальной загрузки и могут быть влючены или выключены по желанию пользователя.
  • Посетите данную страницу для подробной информации о системных требованиях, рекомендуемых для использования текстур высокого разрешения.

Демо-версия FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION является пробной версией полной игры. Мы продолжим работу над всеми аспектами игры, чтобы гарантировать качество FFXV WINDOWS EDITION для пользователей ПК.


Отзывы и награды

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion

Набор высокого разрешения 4K для FFXV WINDOWS EDITION

Этот набор позволяет насладиться FINAL FANTASY XV в высоком разрешении.
Мир FINAL FANTASY XV, каким вы его еще не видели! С еще более впечатляющими роликами и детально проработанными персонажами и окружающим миром.

Об игре

Окажитесь в центре невероятного приключения — теперь оно доступно и для Windows.

Отправляйтесь в путешествие по открытому миру вместе с самыми близкими друзьями. На пути к родному городу, захваченному врагом, вас ждут потрясающие пейзажи и невероятных размеров монстры.

Новая динамичная боевая система: пробудите силу предков и атакуйте с воздуха, телепортируясь прямо к врагу! Оттачивайте навыки владения оружием, магией и командные атаки вместе с верными друзьями.

Благодаря новейшим технологиям для Windows и поддержке мониторов с высоким разрешением и HDR10, можно наслаждаться прекрасным миром FINAL FANTASY XV как никогда прежде!

Включает в себя все дополнительные материалы, добавленные в обновлениях игры: альтернативный вариант прохождения Главы 13, внедорожный вариант «Регалии», возможность переключения между персонажами и многое другое! Кроме того, эта версия игры включает в себя все материалы из сезонного абонемента: эпизод «Гладиолус», эпизод «Промпто», многопользовательское дополнение «Товарищи» и эпизод «Игнис».

Приготовьтесь оказаться в центре невероятного приключения.

Основная игра:

Что нового:
  • «Руины Инсомнии» — новая карта, которая доведет вас прямо до самого конца истории
  • Режим от первого лица
  • Пробуждение Оруженосца
  • Управление королевским кораблем, а также новые рецепты и места для рыбалки
  • Новые задания, за которые можно получить автомобиль «Регалия TYPE-D» и улучшения для него
  • Новые достижения

  • Эпизод «Гладиолус» для FFXV
  • Эпизод «Промпто» для FFXV
  • Эпизод «Игнис» для FFXV
  • Начальный комплект+ для FFXV
  • Праздничный комплект+ для FFXV
*Праздничный комплект+ не включает в себя билеты на Карнавал муглов и чокобо.

Дополнительные предметы:
  • Оружие: Масамунэ (FFXV)
  • Оружие: Магорезы (FFIX)
  • Оружие: Раскаленная сабля XV (в оригинальном цвете FFXV)
  • Оружие: Га Булга (FFXIV)
  • Цвет: Платиновый Левиафан
  • 16-битная раскраска
  • Цвет: Синдимобиль
  • Цвет: золотой чокобо
  • Костюмы: королевское облачение
  • Предмет: набор путешественника
  • Предмет: фотокамера
  • Предмет: набор рыболовных снастей
  • Предмет: набор гурмана

Следующие элементы меню были удалены и действие следующих функций ОНЛАЙНОВОГО КОНТЕНТА было прекращено 24 июня 2020 года.
(Удаленные элементы)

(Окончание обслуживания)
Возможность менять внешность Ноктис
Функция отображения теней аватаров других игроков
Функция "Сокровище игрока"
Функция "Официальное сокровище"
Функция "Фотография игрока"
Кроссплатформенная игра между версиями для Steam и для Origin

Также была устранена проблема, связанная с временной нестабильностью движения во время игры.

最终幻想15 亚丹章

本篇章为全新原创剧情,描绘了诺克提斯最强的劲敌——“亚丹·路西斯·切拉姆”的仇恨和苦痛。 从历史中被抹除的禁忌过往,以及上天降于圣人的残酷命运。围绕亚丹的谜团将被逐一揭晓。在本篇章中,亚丹为可操作角色。



FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.


赠品:半条命礼包,在 Steam 购买《最终幻想15》WINDOWS 版本,即可立即在创意工坊获得此赠品!

  • 半条命风(正篇专用)
  • 撬棒(正篇专用)
  • H.E.V.防护服(在线扩展包:战友专用)
    《最终幻想15 在线扩展包:战友》的专用套装,
  • 黑边眼镜(在线扩展包:战友专用)
    《最终幻想15 在线扩展包:战友》的专用饰品,
  • 撬棒(在线扩展包:战友专用)
    《最终幻想15 在线扩展包:战友》的专用武器,


可以在本特别体验版中提前体验《最终幻想15 WINDOWS EDITION》的开篇内容。


  • 《最终幻想15》WINDOWS 版本试玩版下载大小为 21GB,其中包括高分辨率 4K 纹理,且会依据您的硬件规格自动开启或关闭。
  • 完整版游戏的高分辨率 4K 纹理为可选下载项目,且可由用户自行开启或关闭。
  • 如要进一步了解适合 4K 纹理的硬件规格建议,请访问这里

《最终幻想15》WINDOWS 版本试玩版可让玩家预先掌握游戏全貌。我们会继续努力让整个游戏更完善,确保《最终幻想15》WINDOWS 版本可以为所有 PC 玩家创造完美体验。

最终幻想15 WINDOWS版的基准测试软件


"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion




准备好投入终极奇幻历险了吗?现在推出 Windows PC 版本。



现在推出的 Windows PC 版本,搭配尖端科技的强大功能,包括支持高分辨率画面显示和 HDR10,立即来畅玩这款画面精美且精心制作的《FINAL FANTASY XV》,享受前所未有的游戏体验。

最终幻想15 WINDOWS版

  • 最终幻想15

  • 终极新地图“印索穆尼亚 特别地图”
  • 第一人称模式
  • 真·幻影剑
  • 可操作游艇,开放新垂钓点与食谱
  • 获得“雷迦利亚越野型”、强化任务
  • 追加奖杯

  • 最终幻想15 古拉迪欧拉斯章
  • 最终幻想15 普隆普特章
  • 最终幻想15 伊格尼斯章
  • 最终幻想15 在线扩展包:战友
  • 最终幻想15 助力礼包+
  • 最终幻想15 假日礼包+
※“最终幻想15 假日礼包+”中不包含“嘉年华票券”。

  • “武器” 正宗 (最终幻想15原创造型)
  • “武器” 碎魔刃 (最终幻想9造型)
  • “武器” 炎之刃改 (最终幻想15原创色)
  • “武器” 穿心枪盖博尔格 (最终幻想14造型)
  • “雷迦利亚 涂装” 白金利维亚桑款式
  • “雷迦利亚 涂装” 点阵风格角色款式
  • “雷迦利亚 涂装” 希德妮款式
  • “雷迦利亚 涂装” 金色陆行鸟款式
  • “服装” 路西斯国王礼服
  • “道具” 旅行礼包
  • “道具” 相机配件
  • “道具” 垂钓礼包
  • “道具” 烹饪礼包





Este episodio original relata el origen del odio y pesar del mayor rival de Noctis, Ardyn Lucis Caelum. Su pasado fue borrado de la historia de Eos y tuvo que cargar con una cruz cuyo peso aún sostiene. El misterio de su existencia queda desvelado a través del jugador, quien podrá controlarle por vez primera.

*Para jugar a este contenido es necesario poseer FINAL FANTASY XV (a la venta por separado) y descargarse la última actualización.


El FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER es una herramienta que te ayuda a crear mods para FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. Este te permitirá convertir tus recursos en mods para incorporarlos al juego.

La principal función del MOD ORGANIZER es crear datos de modelo y enviar mods a Steam Workshop. No tiene la capacidad de crear y editar recursos tales como modelos en 3D. Para ello, puedes crear recursos con tus propias herramientas y luego exportarlas en formato FBX, el cual puede ser importado por MOD ORGANIZER.

Podrás enviar tus mods a Steam Workshop si tienes una cuenta de Steam y luego compartirlos con la comunidad. Suscríbete a los mods de Steam Workshop para usar mods en la versión de Steam de FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bonus: Half-Life Pack

Bonus: Pack Half-Life – ¡Ya disponible a través de Workshop para todos los que hayan adquirido FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION en Steam!

  • Conjunto HEV (juego principal)
    Ropa de altísima capacidad protectora diseñada por la empresa Black Mesa y gafas de montura negra.
  • Palanca (juego principal)
    Artilugio de acero de tremenda versatilidad, ideal para situaciones de emergencia.
  • Traje HEV (multijugador)
    Ropa de altísima capacidad protectora diseñada por la empresa Black Mesa. Artículo exclusivo de FINAL FANTASY XV MULTIJUGADOR: HERMANOS DE ARMAS.
  • Gafas de físico (multijugador)
    Lentes de montura negra que cierto investigador taciturno tuvo en alta estima. Artículo exclusivo de FINAL FANTASY XV MULTIJUGADOR: HERMANOS DE ARMAS.
  • Palanca (multijugador)
    Artilugio de acero de tremenda versatilidad, ideal para situaciones de emergencia. Artículo exclusivo de FINAL FANTASY XV MULTIJUGADOR: HERMANOS DE ARMAS.

¡Ya está disponible la demo jugable!

Descubre cómo empieza todo con la demo de FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Las especificaciones podrían variar con respecto a la versión final.

Una aventura con la mejor calidad. Gracias a un montón de contenidos adicionales y la compatibilidad con resolución 4K nativa (3840×2160px), opciones gráficas de alta resolución y HDR10, ahora puedes disfrutar como nunca antes de la experiencia de FINAL FANTASY XV en un mundo hermoso y lleno de detalles.
*La principal diferencia con respecto a la versión final del juego es que se han deshabilitado las misiones secundarias.

  • El tamaño de la descarga de la demo jugable de FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION es 21 GB. La demo incluye las texturas en alta resolución 4K.
  • Las texturas en alta resolución se activan o desactivan automáticamente dependiendo de las características del hardware.
  • En el producto final las texturas en alta resolución 4K serán una descarga opcional.
  • Consulta aquí más información sobre el hardware recomendado para utilizar estas texturas con el mejor rendimiento.

La demo jugable de FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION es una muestra del juego completo. Seguiremos perfeccionando todos los detalles para asegurarnos de que FFXV WINDOWS EDITION sea una experiencia increíble para los jugadores de PC.


Reseñas y premios

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"Más que una adaptación" - GameReactor ES

"Va un paso más allá" - Meristation

"La edición más completa de FFXV" - IGN ES

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion

Pack de 4K de resolución de FFXV WINDOWS EDITION

Este pack te permite disfrutar de FINAL FANTASY XV en alta resolución.
Disfruta del mundo de FINAL FANTASY XV como nunca antes, con escenas cinemáticas aún más impresionantes si cabe y personajes y fondos diseñados meticulosamente.

Acerca del juego

Prepárate para protagonizar la aventura fantástica definitiva, ahora en PC Windows.

En compañía de tus mejores amigos, embárcate en el viaje de tu vida por un mundo extraordinario con paisajes impresionantes y bestias de proporciones épicas para recuperar tu patria de las garras de un enemigo inimaginable.

Canaliza el poder de tus ancestros en un sistema de batalla cargado de acción, proyéctate ágilmente por los aires en combates emocionantes y domina junto a tus compañeros las distintas armas, hechizos y ataques en equipo.

Gracias a la última tecnología para PC Windows y la compatibilidad con monitores de alta resolución y HDR10, ahora podrás disfrutar como nunca antes de la experiencia de FINAL FANTASY XV en un mundo hermoso y lleno de detalles.

Prepárate para protagonizar la aventura fantástica definitiva, ahora en PC Windows.

En compañía de tus mejores amigos, embárcate en el viaje de tu vida por un mundo extraordinario con paisajes impresionantes y bestias de proporciones épicas para recuperar tu patria de las garras de un enemigo inimaginable.

Canaliza el poder de tus ancestros en un sistema de batalla cargado de acción, proyéctate ágilmente por los aires en combates emocionantes y domina junto a tus compañeros las distintas armas, hechizos y ataques en equipo.

Gracias a la última tecnología para PC Windows y la compatibilidad con monitores de alta resolución y HDR10, ahora podrás disfrutar como nunca antes de la experiencia de FINAL FANTASY XV en un mundo hermoso y lleno de detalles.


Características nuevas:
  • Mapa extra de Insomnia (Ruinas de la ciudad de Insomnia), un nuevo mapa que te lleva hasta el final
  • Modo de cámara en primera persona
  • Coro espectral arcano
  • Acceso al barco real, con el que se desbloquean nuevas zonas de pesca y recetas
  • Misión adicional para conseguir y mejorar el Regalia TYPE-D
  • Logros adicionales

Contenidos descargables:
  • Pack de batalla+
  • Pack de vacaciones+
*El Pack de vacaciones+ no incluye el pase para el carnaval moguchocobo.

Objetos adicionales:
  • [Arma] Masamune (modelo original de FFXV)
  • [Arma] Matamagos (modelo de FFIX)
  • [Arma] Hoja candente+ (color original de FFXV)
  • [Arma] Gae Bolg (modelo de FFXIV)
  • [Carrocería] Leviatán platino
  • [Carrocería] Puro Píxel
  • [Carrocería] Cindy GT
  • [Carrocería] Chocobo dorado
  • [Atuendo] Traje de la Casa de Lucis
  • [Objeto] Mochila de viaje
  • [Objeto] Equipo de fotografía
  • [Objeto] Equipo de pesca
  • [Objeto] Cesta gourmet

Se han eliminado los siguientes elementos del menú, y algunas funciones del contenido en línea se suspendieron el 24 de junio de 2020.
(Elementos eliminados)
Menú principal - En línea
Preferencias - Contenido en línea

(Fin de servicio)
La posibilidad de cambiar la apariencia de Noctis
La opción de mostrar las sombras del avatar de otros jugadores
La función Tesoro de usuario
La función Tesoro oficial
La función Foto de usuario
Juego cruzado entre las versiones de Steam y Origin

Además, se ha arreglado el problema de la inestabilidad del movimiento temporal durante el juego.


For the first time, players take control of Noctis's greatest foe in this brand-new episode of FINAL FANTASY XV! Delve into the dark tale of scorned saviour Ardyn Lucis Caelum and unravel the secrets surrounding his mysterious past.

*Players must purchase FINAL FANTASY XV in order to access this content. Updating to the latest version of the game may also be required.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bonus: Half-Life Pack

Bonus: Half-Life Pack – Available now through the Workshop for all FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION owners on Steam!

  • Half-Life Costume (Main Game Exclusive)
    Protective gear made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Crowbar (Main Game Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch.
  • HEV Suit (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Full outfit for the entire body, exclusive to COMRADES. Protective suit made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Scientist Glasses (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Decorative accessory for the face, exclusive to COMRADES. Thick-rimmed black glasses that exude an air of quiet intelligence.
  • Crowbar (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch. Exclusive to COMRADES.

Playable Demo Out Now!

Get a sneak peek into how it all starts with the demo version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Spec may differ from the product version.

Take the journey, now in ultimate quality. Boasting a wealth of bonus content and supporting Native4K(3840×2160px) ultra high-resolution graphical options and HDR 10, you can now enjoy the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV like never before.
*The main difference to the product version is that sub-quests have been disabled.

  • The download size for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is 21GB. The High-Res 4K textures are included in this demo and are turned on or off automatically depending on your hardware specification.
  • In the final product, High-Res 4K textures will be an optional download and can be toggled on or off by the user.
  • Please visit here for more details on the recommended hardware needed to optimally use these textures.

The FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is a preview of the full game. We will continue to work on all aspects to ensure FFXV WINDOWS EDITION will be a great experience for PC gamers.


Reviews & Accolades

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion


This pack allows you to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XV in high resolution.
Experience the world of FINAL FANTASY XV as you have never seen it before, with even more beautiful movie scenes and meticulously drawn characters and backgrounds.

Om spelet

Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure, now for Windows PC.

Joined by your closest friends on the roadtrip of a lifetime through a breathtaking open world, witness stunning landscapes and encounter larger-than-life beasts on your journey to reclaim your homeland from an unimaginable foe.

In an action-packed battle system, channel the power of your ancestors to warp effortlessly through the air in thrilling combat, and together with your comrades, master the skills of weaponry, magic and team-based attacks.

Now realised with the power of cutting-edge technology for Windows PCs, including support for high-resolution displays and HDR10, the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV can be explored like never before.


Includes all of the exciting content released as part of continuous game updates (Chapter 13 alternate route, off-road Regalia customisation, character swap feature and more!). And comes with all of content released in the Season Pass - Episode Gladiolus, Episode Prompto, Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades, and Episode Ignis
Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure.

Main game:

New Features:
  • “Insomnia City Ruins: Expanded Map” – a new map that takes you right up to the end
  • First Person Mode
  • Armiger Unleashed
  • Use of the Royal Cruiser has been unlocked, with new fishing spots and recipes
  • Additional quest to acquire and upgrade the Regalia Type-D
  • Additional Achievements

  • FFXV Episode Gladiolus
  • FFXV Episode Prompto
  • FFXV Episode Ignis
  • FFXV Booster Pack+
  • FFXV Holiday Pack+
*Moogle Chocobo Carnival tickets are not included in the FFXV Holiday Pack+.

Bonus Items:
  • [Weapon] Masamune (FFXV Original Model)
  • [Weapon] Mage Mashers (FFIX Model)
  • [Weapon] Blazefire Saber XV (FFXV Original Color)
  • [Weapon] Gae Bolg (FFXIV Model)
  • [Regalia Decal] Platinum Leviathan
  • [Regalia Decal] 16-Bit Buddies
  • [Regalia Decal] Cindymobile
  • [Regalia Decal] Gold Chocobo
  • [Outfit] Royal Raiment
  • [Item] Travel Pack
  • [Item] Camera Kit
  • [Item] Angler Set
  • [Item] Gourmand Set

The following menu items have been deleted and the ONLINE CONTENT function has been discontinued as of 24 June 2020.
(Deleted Items)

(End of Service)
Ability to change the appearance of Noctis
Display function for other players’ avatar shadows
Player Treasure function
Official Treasure function
Player Photo function
Cross-platform play between the Steam version and the Origin version

Further, the problem with temporary movement instability during play has been fixed.


For the first time, players take control of Noctis's greatest foe in this brand-new episode of FINAL FANTASY XV! Delve into the dark tale of scorned saviour Ardyn Lucis Caelum and unravel the secrets surrounding his mysterious past.

*Players must purchase FINAL FANTASY XV in order to access this content. Updating to the latest version of the game may also be required.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bonus: Half-Life Pack

Bonus: Half-Life Pack – Available now through the Workshop for all FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION owners on Steam!

  • Half-Life Costume (Main Game Exclusive)
    Protective gear made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Crowbar (Main Game Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch.
  • HEV Suit (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Full outfit for the entire body, exclusive to COMRADES. Protective suit made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Scientist Glasses (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Decorative accessory for the face, exclusive to COMRADES. Thick-rimmed black glasses that exude an air of quiet intelligence.
  • Crowbar (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch. Exclusive to COMRADES.

Playable Demo Out Now!

Get a sneak peek into how it all starts with the demo version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Spec may differ from the product version.

Take the journey, now in ultimate quality. Boasting a wealth of bonus content and supporting Native4K(3840×2160px) ultra high-resolution graphical options and HDR 10, you can now enjoy the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV like never before.
*The main difference to the product version is that sub-quests have been disabled.

  • The download size for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is 21GB. The High-Res 4K textures are included in this demo and are turned on or off automatically depending on your hardware specification.
  • In the final product, High-Res 4K textures will be an optional download and can be toggled on or off by the user.
  • Please visit here for more details on the recommended hardware needed to optimally use these textures.

The FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is a preview of the full game. We will continue to work on all aspects to ensure FFXV WINDOWS EDITION will be a great experience for PC gamers.


Reviews & Accolades

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion


This pack allows you to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XV in high resolution.
Experience the world of FINAL FANTASY XV as you have never seen it before, with even more beautiful movie scenes and meticulously drawn characters and backgrounds.


Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure, now for Windows PC.

Joined by your closest friends on the roadtrip of a lifetime through a breathtaking open world, witness stunning landscapes and encounter larger-than-life beasts on your journey to reclaim your homeland from an unimaginable foe.

In an action-packed battle system, channel the power of your ancestors to warp effortlessly through the air in thrilling combat, and together with your comrades, master the skills of weaponry, magic and team-based attacks.

Now realised with the power of cutting-edge technology for Windows PCs, including support for high-resolution displays and HDR10, the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV can be explored like never before.


Includes all of the exciting content released as part of continuous game updates (Chapter 13 alternate route, off-road Regalia customisation, character swap feature and more!). And comes with all of content released in the Season Pass - Episode Gladiolus, Episode Prompto, Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades, and Episode Ignis
Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure.

Main game:

New Features:
  • “Insomnia City Ruins: Expanded Map” – a new map that takes you right up to the end
  • First Person Mode
  • Armiger Unleashed
  • Use of the Royal Cruiser has been unlocked, with new fishing spots and recipes
  • Additional quest to acquire and upgrade the Regalia Type-D
  • Additional Achievements

  • FFXV Episode Gladiolus
  • FFXV Episode Prompto
  • FFXV Episode Ignis
  • FFXV Booster Pack+
  • FFXV Holiday Pack+
*Moogle Chocobo Carnival tickets are not included in the FFXV Holiday Pack+.

Bonus Items:
  • [Weapon] Masamune (FFXV Original Model)
  • [Weapon] Mage Mashers (FFIX Model)
  • [Weapon] Blazefire Saber XV (FFXV Original Color)
  • [Weapon] Gae Bolg (FFXIV Model)
  • [Regalia Decal] Platinum Leviathan
  • [Regalia Decal] 16-Bit Buddies
  • [Regalia Decal] Cindymobile
  • [Regalia Decal] Gold Chocobo
  • [Outfit] Royal Raiment
  • [Item] Travel Pack
  • [Item] Camera Kit
  • [Item] Angler Set
  • [Item] Gourmand Set

The following menu items have been deleted and the ONLINE CONTENT function has been discontinued as of 24 June 2020.
(Deleted Items)

(End of Service)
Ability to change the appearance of Noctis
Display function for other players’ avatar shadows
Player Treasure function
Official Treasure function
Player Photo function
Cross-platform play between the Steam version and the Origin version

Further, the problem with temporary movement instability during play has been fixed.

FFXV 額外篇章 艾汀




FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.


贈品:戰慄時空包 – 在 Steam 購買 FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS 版,即可立即在 Workshop 獲得此獎勵!

  • 戰慄時空(本篇專用)
  • 撬棍(本篇專用)
  • H.E.V.防護服(線上擴充包:戰友專用)
    『FFXV 線上擴充包:戰友』的專用服裝
  • 黑框眼鏡(線上擴充包:戰友專用)
    『FFXV 線上擴充包:戰友』專用配件
  • 撬棍線上(線上擴充包:戰友專用)
    『FFXV 線上擴充包:戰友』專用武器



本作首次採用開放環境,擁有龐大的世界觀與細膩畫面,動作性極強的爽快戰鬥更為玩家帶來了前所未有的身臨其境感與自由度。本作對應Native 4K(3840×2160點陣)解像度、HDR10。請享受透過最新圖像處理展現出的最棒的FFXV。

  • 《FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS 版》試玩版的下載檔案大小為 21GB。此試玩版為高解析 4K 畫質,系統將依您的硬體規格自動開啟或關閉 4K 畫質。
  • 完整版遊戲的高解析 4K 畫質為自訂下載選項,玩家可手動開啟或關閉。
  • 請造訪此處,了解適合 4K 畫質的硬體建議規格。

《FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS 版》試玩版可搶先一覽完整版遊戲內容。我們將會持續優化各方面功能,確保《FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS 版》能為 PC 玩家帶來絕佳體驗。



"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion


此包可以暢玩高清畫質下的『FINAL FANTASY XV』。
為玩家帶來煥然一新的FINAL FANTASY XV的世界。


準備好進入終極幻想冒險的核心,現已在 Windows PC 上推出。



現在透過 Windows PC 上的先端技術,包括高解析度顯示和 HDR10 等的支援,在《FINAL FANTASY XV》中您將能探索前所未有的各種優美且精心製作的體驗。



  • ‧進化至終極的全新地圖「殷索姆尼亞 終極 地圖」
  • 第一人稱模式
  • 真‧幻影劍
  • 伴隨操作遊艇的解鎖、追加新的釣魚運動和菜單
  • 入手「雷格里亞 TYPE-D」、強化任務
  • 追加獎杯

  • FFXV額外章節 格拉迪歐藍斯
  • FFXV額外章節 普羅恩普特
  • FFXV額外章節 伊格尼斯
  • FFXV線上擴張包:戰友
  • FFXV增幅器包+
  • FFXV假期包+

  • [武器] 正宗 (FFXV原創模型)
  • [武器] 法師剋星 (FFIX模型)
  • [武器] 怒火劍改 (FFXV原創顏色)
  • [武器] 魔槍蓋博魯格 (FFXIV模型)
  • [雷格里亞 塗裝] 白金利維坦款式
  • [雷格里亞 塗裝] 點陣角色款式
  • [雷格里亞 塗裝] 希德妮款式
  • [雷格里亞 塗裝] 黃金陸行鳥款式
  • [服裝] 路希斯王的禮服
  • [道具] 旅行包
  • [道具] 相機套件
  • [道具] 釣魚包
  • [道具] 料理包





For the first time, players take control of Noctis's greatest foe in this brand-new episode of FINAL FANTASY XV! Delve into the dark tale of scorned saviour Ardyn Lucis Caelum and unravel the secrets surrounding his mysterious past.

*Players must purchase FINAL FANTASY XV in order to access this content. Updating to the latest version of the game may also be required.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bonus: Half-Life Pack

Bonus: Half-Life Pack – Available now through the Workshop for all FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION owners on Steam!

  • Half-Life Costume (Main Game Exclusive)
    Protective gear made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Crowbar (Main Game Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch.
  • HEV Suit (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Full outfit for the entire body, exclusive to COMRADES. Protective suit made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Scientist Glasses (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Decorative accessory for the face, exclusive to COMRADES. Thick-rimmed black glasses that exude an air of quiet intelligence.
  • Crowbar (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch. Exclusive to COMRADES.

Playable Demo Out Now!

Get a sneak peek into how it all starts with the demo version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Spec may differ from the product version.

Take the journey, now in ultimate quality. Boasting a wealth of bonus content and supporting Native4K(3840×2160px) ultra high-resolution graphical options and HDR 10, you can now enjoy the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV like never before.
*The main difference to the product version is that sub-quests have been disabled.

  • The download size for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is 21GB. The High-Res 4K textures are included in this demo and are turned on or off automatically depending on your hardware specification.
  • In the final product, High-Res 4K textures will be an optional download and can be toggled on or off by the user.
  • Please visit here for more details on the recommended hardware needed to optimally use these textures.

The FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is a preview of the full game. We will continue to work on all aspects to ensure FFXV WINDOWS EDITION will be a great experience for PC gamers.


Reviews & Accolades

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion


This pack allows you to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XV in high resolution.
Experience the world of FINAL FANTASY XV as you have never seen it before, with even more beautiful movie scenes and meticulously drawn characters and backgrounds.

Oyun Açıklaması

Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure, now for Windows PC.

Joined by your closest friends on the roadtrip of a lifetime through a breathtaking open world, witness stunning landscapes and encounter larger-than-life beasts on your journey to reclaim your homeland from an unimaginable foe.

In an action-packed battle system, channel the power of your ancestors to warp effortlessly through the air in thrilling combat, and together with your comrades, master the skills of weaponry, magic and team-based attacks.

Now realised with the power of cutting-edge technology for Windows PCs, including support for high-resolution displays and HDR10, the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV can be explored like never before.


Includes all of the exciting content released as part of continuous game updates (Chapter 13 alternate route, off-road Regalia customisation, character swap feature and more!). And comes with all of content released in the Season Pass - Episode Gladiolus, Episode Prompto, Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades, and Episode Ignis
Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure.

Main game:

New Features:
  • “Insomnia City Ruins: Expanded Map” – a new map that takes you right up to the end
  • First Person Mode
  • Armiger Unleashed
  • Use of the Royal Cruiser has been unlocked, with new fishing spots and recipes
  • Additional quest to acquire and upgrade the Regalia Type-D
  • Additional Achievements

  • FFXV Episode Gladiolus
  • FFXV Episode Prompto
  • FFXV Episode Ignis
  • FFXV Booster Pack+
  • FFXV Holiday Pack+
*Moogle Chocobo Carnival tickets are not included in the FFXV Holiday Pack+.

Bonus Items:
  • [Weapon] Masamune (FFXV Original Model)
  • [Weapon] Mage Mashers (FFIX Model)
  • [Weapon] Blazefire Saber XV (FFXV Original Color)
  • [Weapon] Gae Bolg (FFXIV Model)
  • [Regalia Decal] Platinum Leviathan
  • [Regalia Decal] 16-Bit Buddies
  • [Regalia Decal] Cindymobile
  • [Regalia Decal] Gold Chocobo
  • [Outfit] Royal Raiment
  • [Item] Travel Pack
  • [Item] Camera Kit
  • [Item] Angler Set
  • [Item] Gourmand Set

The following menu items have been deleted and the ONLINE CONTENT function has been discontinued as of 24 June 2020.
(Deleted Items)

(End of Service)
Ability to change the appearance of Noctis
Display function for other players’ avatar shadows
Player Treasure function
Official Treasure function
Player Photo function
Cross-platform play between the Steam version and the Origin version

Further, the problem with temporary movement instability during play has been fixed.


For the first time, players take control of Noctis's greatest foe in this brand-new episode of FINAL FANTASY XV! Delve into the dark tale of scorned saviour Ardyn Lucis Caelum and unravel the secrets surrounding his mysterious past.

*Players must purchase FINAL FANTASY XV in order to access this content. Updating to the latest version of the game may also be required.


FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION MOD ORGANIZER is a tool to help you make mods for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. It allows you to convert your assets into mod data and incorporate them into the game world.

The main function of MOD ORGANIZER is building model data and uploading mods to Steam Workshop. It does not have the functionality for creating and editing assets such as 3D models. Please create assets with your own tools and output them in FBX format, which MOD ORGANIZER can then import.

Your mods can be uploaded to Steam Workshop if you have a Steam account, and then shared with the community. Subscribe to Steam Workshop's mod data to use the mods in the Steam version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

Bonus: Half-Life Pack

Bonus: Half-Life Pack – Available now through the Workshop for all FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION owners on Steam!

  • Half-Life Costume (Main Game Exclusive)
    Protective gear made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Crowbar (Main Game Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch.
  • HEV Suit (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Full outfit for the entire body, exclusive to COMRADES. Protective suit made at the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • Scientist Glasses (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Decorative accessory for the face, exclusive to COMRADES. Thick-rimmed black glasses that exude an air of quiet intelligence.
  • Crowbar (COMRADES Exclusive)
    Metallic tool that could prove quite useful in a pinch. Exclusive to COMRADES.

Playable Demo Out Now!

Get a sneak peek into how it all starts with the demo version of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.
*Spec may differ from the product version.

Take the journey, now in ultimate quality. Boasting a wealth of bonus content and supporting Native4K(3840×2160px) ultra high-resolution graphical options and HDR 10, you can now enjoy the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV like never before.
*The main difference to the product version is that sub-quests have been disabled.

  • The download size for the FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is 21GB. The High-Res 4K textures are included in this demo and are turned on or off automatically depending on your hardware specification.
  • In the final product, High-Res 4K textures will be an optional download and can be toggled on or off by the user.
  • Please visit here for more details on the recommended hardware needed to optimally use these textures.

The FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION PLAYABLE DEMO is a preview of the full game. We will continue to work on all aspects to ensure FFXV WINDOWS EDITION will be a great experience for PC gamers.


Reviews & Accolades

"A Must Have for RPG Fans!" - Gamezoom

"Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition is the best version of the game." - Multiplayer it

"The attention to detail is astonishing" - Rock Paper Shotgun

"It looks stunning" - Tech Radar

"The ultimate way to play" - PC Invasion


This pack allows you to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XV in high resolution.
Experience the world of FINAL FANTASY XV as you have never seen it before, with even more beautiful movie scenes and meticulously drawn characters and backgrounds.

Про гру

Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure, now for Windows PC.

Joined by your closest friends on the roadtrip of a lifetime through a breathtaking open world, witness stunning landscapes and encounter larger-than-life beasts on your journey to reclaim your homeland from an unimaginable foe.

In an action-packed battle system, channel the power of your ancestors to warp effortlessly through the air in thrilling combat, and together with your comrades, master the skills of weaponry, magic and team-based attacks.

Now realised with the power of cutting-edge technology for Windows PCs, including support for high-resolution displays and HDR10, the beautiful and carefully-crafted experience of FINAL FANTASY XV can be explored like never before.


Includes all of the exciting content released as part of continuous game updates (Chapter 13 alternate route, off-road Regalia customisation, character swap feature and more!). And comes with all of content released in the Season Pass - Episode Gladiolus, Episode Prompto, Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades, and Episode Ignis
Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure.

Main game:

New Features:
  • “Insomnia City Ruins: Expanded Map” – a new map that takes you right up to the end
  • First Person Mode
  • Armiger Unleashed
  • Use of the Royal Cruiser has been unlocked, with new fishing spots and recipes
  • Additional quest to acquire and upgrade the Regalia Type-D
  • Additional Achievements

  • FFXV Episode Gladiolus
  • FFXV Episode Prompto
  • FFXV Episode Ignis
  • FFXV Booster Pack+
  • FFXV Holiday Pack+
*Moogle Chocobo Carnival tickets are not included in the FFXV Holiday Pack+.

Bonus Items:
  • [Weapon] Masamune (FFXV Original Model)
  • [Weapon] Mage Mashers (FFIX Model)
  • [Weapon] Blazefire Saber XV (FFXV Original Color)
  • [Weapon] Gae Bolg (FFXIV Model)
  • [Regalia Decal] Platinum Leviathan
  • [Regalia Decal] 16-Bit Buddies
  • [Regalia Decal] Cindymobile
  • [Regalia Decal] Gold Chocobo
  • [Outfit] Royal Raiment
  • [Item] Travel Pack
  • [Item] Camera Kit
  • [Item] Angler Set
  • [Item] Gourmand Set

The following menu items have been deleted and the ONLINE CONTENT function has been discontinued as of 24 June 2020.
(Deleted Items)

(End of Service)
Ability to change the appearance of Noctis
Display function for other players’ avatar shadows
Player Treasure function
Official Treasure function
Player Photo function
Cross-platform play between the Steam version and the Origin version

Further, the problem with temporary movement instability during play has been fixed.

System Requirements


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