Scout Report
Sobre o jogo
They say football is a game of opinions and everyone has theirs, but it’s only yours that counts around here.
You make the decisions now, from who you sign and who you sell, to how you manage your budget. Will you build tactics around the players at your disposal or train them in your vision of how the game should be played? Who you pick and who you bench will affect squad harmony, and it’s up to you to manage it. Every decision comes back to you.
Get it right and you’ll be the star of the show, grabbing the newspaper headlines and dominating trends on social media. They’ll write your name in footballing folklore…if you succeed, of course.
With unparalleled choices both on and off the pitch, all within the immersive footballing world, it’s time to decide what kind of manager do you want to be?
- Try your hand in 50 of the biggest footballing countries
- Win the title with any one of world’s top 2500 clubs
- Play the transfer market with over 600,000 real players and staff
- Watch your football vision come to life before your very eyes
All purchases of Football Manager 2018 also include a free copy of Football Manager Touch 2018 for PC/Mac and Linux.
New for this season!Dynamics – A harmonious squad produces better results on the pitch. By building partnerships amongst your players – both on and off the pitch – and maintaining a good dressing room atmosphere you’ll get the best performances out of your squad.
Matchday Live – A brand new graphics engine produces the best lighting, stadiums and player models in the series’ history, alongside a sleeker match interface and modernised presentation that bring your fixtures to life.
Real World Scouting System – A true-to-life representation of the techniques used by the world’s biggest clubs including more detailed data analysis that, combined with a wider range of scouting options, give you a better overview of any potential signing.
Sports Science – The new Medical Centre gives you a more complete overview of your squad’s injury situation, with your medical team providing advice on feedback on individual players’ injury risks and how to avoid injuries occurring during training.
Tactics – A redesigned tactics screen puts analysis at its heart, giving you a clear view of whether your tactic is working. The new pre-match briefing allows you to be better prepared for your upcoming fixtures, while new player roles give you more ways to exploit your players’ abilities.
Fantasy Draft – Redesigned with a new interface that is perfect for streaming and with several new setup options that help tailor the Fantasy Draft experience to you, including a bigger squad budget and a Quick Start option.
Football Intelligence – A realistic transfer market that reflects the inflated transfer fees and contract values, more clauses to help finalise that blockbuster deal and the more intelligent transfer and board AI that take into account more contextual information from the game world
Scout Report
Относно играта
They say football is a game of opinions and everyone has theirs, but it’s only yours that counts around here.
You make the decisions now, from who you sign and who you sell, to how you manage your budget. Will you build tactics around the players at your disposal or train them in your vision of how the game should be played? Who you pick and who you bench will affect squad harmony, and it’s up to you to manage it. Every decision comes back to you.
Get it right and you’ll be the star of the show, grabbing the newspaper headlines and dominating trends on social media. They’ll write your name in footballing folklore…if you succeed, of course.
With unparalleled choices both on and off the pitch, all within the immersive footballing world, it’s time to decide what kind of manager do you want to be?
- Try your hand in 50 of the biggest footballing countries
- Win the title with any one of world’s top 2500 clubs
- Play the transfer market with over 600,000 real players and staff
- Watch your football vision come to life before your very eyes
All purchases of Football Manager 2018 also include a free copy of Football Manager Touch 2018 for PC/Mac and Linux.
New for this season!Dynamics – A harmonious squad produces better results on the pitch. By building partnerships amongst your players – both on and off the pitch – and maintaining a good dressing room atmosphere you’ll get the best performances out of your squad.
Matchday Live – A brand new graphics engine produces the best lighting, stadiums and player models in the series’ history, alongside a sleeker match interface and modernised presentation that bring your fixtures to life.
Real World Scouting System – A true-to-life representation of the techniques used by the world’s biggest clubs including more detailed data analysis that, combined with a wider range of scouting options, give you a better overview of any potential signing.
Sports Science – The new Medical Centre gives you a more complete overview of your squad’s injury situation, with your medical team providing advice on feedback on individual players’ injury risks and how to avoid injuries occurring during training.
Tactics – A redesigned tactics screen puts analysis at its heart, giving you a clear view of whether your tactic is working. The new pre-match briefing allows you to be better prepared for your upcoming fixtures, while new player roles give you more ways to exploit your players’ abilities.
Fantasy Draft – Redesigned with a new interface that is perfect for streaming and with several new setup options that help tailor the Fantasy Draft experience to you, including a bigger squad budget and a Quick Start option.
Football Intelligence – A realistic transfer market that reflects the inflated transfer fees and contract values, more clauses to help finalise that blockbuster deal and the more intelligent transfer and board AI that take into account more contextual information from the game world
Scout Report
O hře
Říká se, že fotbal je hrou správných rozhodnutí a každý může volit dle svého uvážení, ovšem tady je rozhodnutí jen a pouze na vás.
Na vás záleží, koho podepíšete, koho prodáte i jak si poradíte s rozpočtem. Postavíte taktiku na hráčích, které máte k dispozici, nebo je tvrdým tréninkem zformujete tak, aby hráli zcela dle vašich představ? Výběr hráčů do hry a na střídačku výrazně ovlivní harmonii sestavy a je jen na vás, jak se téhle role ujmete. Každé vaše rozhodnutí se vám nějak vrátí.
Budou-li správná, stane se z vás hvězda novinových titulků a diskuzí na sociálních sítích. Pokud uspějete, stanete se nedílnou součástí fotbalového světa.
S nepředstavitelnou šíří možností na hřišti i mimo něj vás čeká rozhodnutí, jakým typem manažera se vlastně budete chtít stát.
- Vyzkoušejte svůj um v 50 největších fotbalových zemích.
- Vyhrajte titul s kterýmkoliv z 2500 nejlepších klubů z celého světa.
- Obchodujte na přestupním trhu s 600 000 skutečných hráčů a zaměstnanci.
- Sledujte na vlastní oči, jak vaše fotbalové vize ožívají.
Veškeré zakoupené verze hry Football Manager 2018 obsahují také volnou verzi hry Football Manager Touch 2018 pro PC/Mac a Linux.
Vyladěné mužstvo dosahuje na hřišti prokazatelně lepších výsledků. Jak dostat ze svých svěřenců to nejlepší? Budováním vztahů a spolupráce mezi hráči na hřišti i mimo něj a udržováním pozitivní atmosféry v kabině.
V centru zápasového dění
Zbrusu nový grafický engine přináší ty nejlepší světelné efekty a modely stadionů i hráčů v historii série. Kromě toho na vás čeká modernější zápasová prezentace a elegantní zápasové rozhraní pro maximální herní zážitek.
Realistický systém skautingu
Nový ročník se vyznačuje zásadně přepracovaným systémem skautingu, který se inspiruje postupy světových fotbalových velkoklubů. Vyhledávání hráčů čím dál častěji vychází z datové analýzy a v kombinaci s širokou paletou voleb, jež skauting ve hře nabízí, budete vědět o každé potenciální posile první poslední.
Zdravotnické centrum
Nový přídavek ve hře – zdravotnické centrum – vám poskytne kompletní přehled o zraněních v týmu a o zdravotním stavu všech hráčů. Lékařský tým vás rovněž bude informovat o rizicích zranění, jímž jednotliví hráči čelí, a poradí vám, jak se vyhnout opakovaným zraněním během tréninku.
Přepracovaná obrazovka s taktikou nyní klade důraz na datovou analýzu, abyste měli neustále na očích, zda a jak vaše taktika funguje. Díky zavedení předzápasového brífinku pak máte možnost ještě lépe připravit své hráče na nadcházející utkání, zatímco nové hráčské role přijdou vhod, hledáte-li neotřelé cesty k úspěchu.
Fantasy Draft
Oblíbený herní mód prošel několika změnami. Nový vizuální kabátek je jako stvořený pro streamování a také nastavení draftu doznalo patřičných změn, včetně navýšení maximálního rozpočtu či snadného vytvoření hry pomocí Rychlého začátku.
Komplexní fotbalové přestupy
Realistický přestupový trh odráží skutečný nárůst přestupových částek a výši hráčských kontraktů, nově přidané klauzule vám naopak usnadní dokončení vašeho nejnovějšího přestupového kaufu. Zlepšená umělá inteligence, s ohledem na přestupová jednání a vedení klubů, bude v tomto ročníku brát v potaz ještě větší množství informací z celého herní světa.
Neváhejte s předobjednávkou hry, díky níž získáte přístup do zcela hratelné beta verze. Hry zahájené v betě můžete jednoduše přenést do plné verze hry po jejím vydání 10. listopadu
Scout Report
Om spillet
Man siger, at fodbold handler om meninger, og at alle har ret til hver deres, men her er det kun din mening, der tæller.
Du træffer alle beslutninger – fra køb og salg til hvordan budgettet skal lægges. Tager din taktik udgangspunkt i spillernes givne evner, eller vil du prøve at træne dem på en helt ny måde? Hvem skal på banen, og hvem skal på bænken? Alle valg påvirker holdets harmoni, så tænk dig godt om.
Træf de rigtige valg for at blive showets stjerne, trække overskrifter og trende på de sociale medier. Dit navn bliver en del af fodboldhistorien ... hvis du altså ikke kikser.
I dette omfattende fodboldspil har du mulighed for at tilpasse selv de mindste detaljer både på og uden for banen, så det store spørgsmål er bare, hvilken slags manager du vil være?
- Prøv dig frem i de 50 største fodboldnationer
- Vind titlen med en af de 2500 største klubber
- Kast dig over transfermarkedet med mere end 600.000 spillere og medarbejdere fra virkelighedens verden
- Gør dine fodboldvisioner til virkelighed
Når du køber Football Manager 2018, får du desuden en gratis kopi af Football Manager Touch 2018 til pc/Mac og Linux.
En trup i harmoni får bedre resultater på banen. Når man bygger relationer mellem spillerne, både på og uden for banen, og sørger for en god atmosfære i omklædningsrummet, får det bedste ud af spillerne.
Live på kampdagen
Den helt nye grafikmotor producerer det bedste lys og de bedste stadions og spillermodeller i seriens historie, samt en mere elegant kampskærm og en moderne repræsentation, der bringer kampen til live.
Ægte scoutingsystem
En virkelighedstro repræsentation af de teknikker, som verdens største klubber bruger, herunder mere detaljeret dataanalyse, som i kombination med flere scoutingmuligheder, giver dig et bedre overblik over mulige transferemner.
Det nye lægehus giver dig en mere komplet oversigt over truppens skadessituation, da lægeteamet gier dig råd om feedback på skadesrisikoen for spillerne, og hvordan man undgår, at der opstår skader i træningen.
Taktikskærmen har fået et nyt udseende, hvor analyse er i centrum, så du får er klart overblik over, om taktikken virker. Den nye briefing før kampen gør jer bedre forberedt til kommende kampe, mens nye spillerroller giver dig flere måder at bruge spillerne på.
Fantasy Draft
Nyt design med ny grænseflade, som er perfekt til streaming, og med en række nye konfigurationsmuligheder, som kan bruges til at skræddersy Fantasy Draft-oplevelsen til dig, herunder større budget og mulighed for hurtig start.
Et realistisk transfermarked, som afspejler de stigende transfersummer og kontraktværdier, flere klausuler, der hjælper til at afslutte megahandlen, og en mere intelligent transfer- og bestyrelses-KI, som bruger mere kontekstinformation fra spilverdenen.
Hvis du forudkøber nu, får du adgang til den fuldt funktionelle betaversion. Hvis man starter en karriere i betaversionen, kan den overøres til salgsversionen, der udkommer 10. november
Scout Report
Info over het spel
Soms lijkt het wel of iedereen verstand van voetbal heeft, maar hier draait het alleen om jouw mening.
Jij neemt nu de beslissingen, of het nu gaat over wie je contracteert en wie je verkoopt, of hoe je het budget beheert. Baseer je de tactiek op de beschikbare spelers of train je ze volgens jouw visie over hoe het spel gespeeld moet worden? De keuzes die je maakt over basisspelers en bankzitters zijn van invloed op de teamgeest van de selectie. Het is aan jou om dat in goede banen te leiden. Elke beslissing is voor jouw rekening.
Koop de game nu om in de schijnwerpers te staan, de koppen in de krant te krijgen en de trends op sociale media te beheersen. Er is voor jou een plaats gereserveerd in de geschiedenisboeken... als je succesvol bent tenminste.
Je kunt een ongeëvenaarde hoeveelheid beslissingen nemen, zowel op als buiten het veld, allemaal in de meeslepende voetbalwereld. Het is aan jou om te kiezen wat voor een soort manager je wilt zijn.
- Ga aan de slag in een van de 50 grootste voetballanden
- Pak de titel met een van de beste 2500 clubs ter wereld
- Wees actief op de transfermarkt met meer dan 600.000 echte spelers en stafmedewerkers
- Zie hoe je voetbalvisie voor je ogen tot leven komt
Bij elke aankoop van Football Manager 2018 krijg je ook een gratis exemplaar van Football Manager Touch 2018 voor PC/Mac en Linux.
Een harmonieus team produceert betere resultaten op het veld. Door zowel op als buiten het veld partnerschappen te bouwen tussen je spelers en een goede sfeer te handhaven in de kleedkamer, presteren je spelers het best.
Wedstrijddag live
Een gloednieuwe graphics engine zorgt voor de beste belichting, stadions en spelersmodellen in de geschiedenis van Football Manager en een strakkere wedstrijdinterface en gemoderniseerde presentatie brengen je wedstrijden tot leven.
Realistisch scoutingsysteem
Een levensechte representatie van de technieken die gebruikt worden door de grootste clubs ter wereld, inclusief meer gedetailleerde data-analyses die, gecombineerd met meer scoutingopties, je een beter beeld geven van een mogelijke nieuwe speler.
Het nieuwe Medisch centrum geeft je een completer overzicht van de blessures binnen je team, en je medische team geeft je advies over het blessurerisico van individuele spelers en hoe je blessures tijdens de training kunt voorkomen.
Het tactiekscherm is aangepast; analyse staat nu centraal, waardoor je beter kunt zien of je tactiek werkt of niet. Met de nieuwe briefings voor de wedstrijd kun je je beter voorbereiden op de komende wedstrijd, terwijl nieuwe spelersrollen je meer manieren geven om je spelers te gebruiken.
Fantasy Draft
Opnieuw opgezet en met een nieuwe interface die perfect is voor het streamen. Er zijn meerdere nieuwe instellingsopties waarmee je de Fantasy Draft op jouw wensen kunt afstemmen, inclusief een groter selectiebudget en een optie om snel te starten.
Een realistische transfermarkt die de abnormaal gestegen transfersommen en contractwaarden reflecteert, meer clausules om die supertransfer veilig te stellen en de intelligentere transfer- en bestuurs-AI die rekening houdt met meer contextuele informatie uit de spelwereld.
Reserveer nu en krijg toegang tot de volledig speelbare bèta. Carrières die in de bèta worden begonnen, kunnen verder gespeeld worden in de volledige game wanneer deze op 10 november uitkomt
Scout Report
About the Game
They say football is a game of opinions and everyone has theirs, but it’s only yours that counts around here.
You make the decisions now, from who you sign and who you sell, to how you manage your budget. Will you build tactics around the players at your disposal or train them in your vision of how the game should be played? Who you pick and who you bench will affect squad harmony, and it’s up to you to manage it. Every decision comes back to you.
Get it right and you’ll be the star of the show, grabbing the newspaper headlines and dominating trends on social media. They’ll write your name in footballing folklore…if you succeed, of course.
With unparalleled choices both on and off the pitch, all within the immersive footballing world, it’s time to decide what kind of manager do you want to be?
- Try your hand in 50 of the biggest footballing countries
- Win the title with any one of world’s top 2500 clubs
- Play the transfer market with over 600,000 real players and staff
- Watch your football vision come to life before your very eyes
All purchases of Football Manager 2018 also include a free copy of Football Manager Touch 2018 for PC/Mac and Linux.
New for this season!Dynamics – A harmonious squad produces better results on the pitch. By building partnerships amongst your players – both on and off the pitch – and maintaining a good dressing room atmosphere you’ll get the best performances out of your squad.
Matchday Live – A brand new graphics engine produces the best lighting, stadiums and player models in the series’ history, alongside a sleeker match interface and modernised presentation that bring your fixtures to life.
Real World Scouting System – A true-to-life representation of the techniques used by the world’s biggest clubs including more detailed data analysis that, combined with a wider range of scouting options, give you a better overview of any potential signing.
Sports Science – The new Medical Centre gives you a more complete overview of your squad’s injury situation, with your medical team providing advice on feedback on individual players’ injury risks and how to avoid injuries occurring during training.
Tactics – A redesigned tactics screen puts analysis at its heart, giving you a clear view of whether your tactic is working. The new pre-match briefing allows you to be better prepared for your upcoming fixtures, while new player roles give you more ways to exploit your players’ abilities.
Fantasy Draft – Redesigned with a new interface that is perfect for streaming and with several new setup options that help tailor the Fantasy Draft experience to you, including a bigger squad budget and a Quick Start option.
Football Intelligence – A realistic transfer market that reflects the inflated transfer fees and contract values, more clauses to help finalise that blockbuster deal and the more intelligent transfer and board AI that take into account more contextual information from the game world
Scout Report
Tietoja pelistä
They say football is a game of opinions and everyone has theirs, but it’s only yours that counts around here.
You make the decisions now, from who you sign and who you sell, to how you manage your budget. Will you build tactics around the players at your disposal or train them in your vision of how the game should be played? Who you pick and who you bench will affect squad harmony, and it’s up to you to manage it. Every decision comes back to you.
Get it right and you’ll be the star of the show, grabbing the newspaper headlines and dominating trends on social media. They’ll write your name in footballing folklore…if you succeed, of course.
With unparalleled choices both on and off the pitch, all within the immersive footballing world, it’s time to decide what kind of manager do you want to be?
- Try your hand in 50 of the biggest footballing countries
- Win the title with any one of world’s top 2500 clubs
- Play the transfer market with over 600,000 real players and staff
- Watch your football vision come to life before your very eyes
All purchases of Football Manager 2018 also include a free copy of Football Manager Touch 2018 for PC/Mac and Linux.
New for this season!Dynamics – A harmonious squad produces better results on the pitch. By building partnerships amongst your players – both on and off the pitch – and maintaining a good dressing room atmosphere you’ll get the best performances out of your squad.
Matchday Live – A brand new graphics engine produces the best lighting, stadiums and player models in the series’ history, alongside a sleeker match interface and modernised presentation that bring your fixtures to life.
Real World Scouting System – A true-to-life representation of the techniques used by the world’s biggest clubs including more detailed data analysis that, combined with a wider range of scouting options, give you a better overview of any potential signing.
Sports Science – The new Medical Centre gives you a more complete overview of your squad’s injury situation, with your medical team providing advice on feedback on individual players’ injury risks and how to avoid injuries occurring during training.
Tactics – A redesigned tactics screen puts analysis at its heart, giving you a clear view of whether your tactic is working. The new pre-match briefing allows you to be better prepared for your upcoming fixtures, while new player roles give you more ways to exploit your players’ abilities.
Fantasy Draft – Redesigned with a new interface that is perfect for streaming and with several new setup options that help tailor the Fantasy Draft experience to you, including a bigger squad budget and a Quick Start option.
Football Intelligence – A realistic transfer market that reflects the inflated transfer fees and contract values, more clauses to help finalise that blockbuster deal and the more intelligent transfer and board AI that take into account more contextual information from the game world
Scout Report
À propos du jeu
On dit que le football c'est d'abord une question d'opinions et surtout, que tout le monde a la sienne, mais ici, il n'y a que la vôtre qui compte.
Toutes les décisions vous appartiennent désormais : qui vous signez, qui vous vendez et comment vous gérez votre budget. Allez-vous construire vos tactiques autour des joueurs à votre disposition ou les entraîner pour qu'ils s'adaptent à votre vision du jeu ? Vos choix de titulaires et de remplaçants auront un effet sur l'harmonie de l'équipe et c'est à vous de la gérer comme bon vous semble. Au final, chaque décision vous revient.
Faites les bons choix et vous serez la coqueluche du métier, constamment à la une des journaux et parmi les plus aimés sur les réseaux sociaux. Votre nom entrera dans le panthéon du football... enfin, si vous gagnez des titres, évidemment.
Grâce à une variété de choix sans précédent, que ce soit sur et en dehors du terrain et une immersion toujours plus totale dans le monde footballistique, il est temps pour vous de décider quel genre d'entraîneur vous voulez incarner !
- Affirmez vos talents d'entraîneur dans 50 des plus grandes nations du football
- Choisissez n'importe quel club parmi les 2 500 meilleurs du monde et remportez le titre
- Animez le marché des transferts avec plus de 600 000 joueurs réels et membres du personnel
- Faites vivre votre vision du football et regardez l'alchimie de votre équipe se développer sous vos yeux
Tous les achats de Football Manager 2018 incluent également une copie gratuite de Football Manager Touch 2018 pour PC/Mac et Linux.
Une équipe harmonieuse donne de meilleurs résultats sur le terrain. En établissant de bonnes relations entre vos joueurs sur le terrain et en dehors, et en maintenant une bonne atmosphère dans les vestiaires, votre équipe réalisera de meilleures performances.
Match live
Par rapport aux épisodes précédents, le nouveau moteur graphique apporte des améliorations à l’éclairage, aux stades et aux modèles des joueurs, ainsi qu’une interface de match plus épurée et une présentation modernisée pour rendre les rencontres plus vivantes.
Système de repérage réaliste
La représentation fidèle des techniques utilisées par les plus grands clubs du monde inclut des analyses de données plus détaillées qui, combinées à des options de repérage plus nombreuses, donne un meilleur aperçu à l’occasion d'une signature potentielle.
Science du sport
Le nouveau centre médical vous donne un aperçu plus complet des blessures de votre équipe. Votre staff médical apporte ses conseils à propos des risques de blessures encourus par chacun des joueurs et de la manière d’éviter les blessures à l’entraînement.
Un écran tactique revu met l’accent sur l’analyse, vous offrant une vision claire de la réussite de votre tactique. Le nouveau briefing d’avant-match vous permet de mieux vous préparer aux rencontres à venir, tandis que les nouveaux rôles des joueurs vous offrent plus de façons de les utiliser.
Fantasy Draft
Nouvelle interface idéale pour le streaming et nouvelles options de réglage permettant de mieux personnaliser votre expérience Fantasy Draft, incluant un budget d’équipe plus important et une option de démarrage rapide.
Intelligence footballistique
Un marché des transferts réaliste qui reflète les coûts de transfert en augmentation et les valeurs des contrats, plus de clauses pour vous aider à conclure des recrutements fantastiques et une IA de dirigeants qui prend en compte les informations contextuelles au sein du jeu.
Précommandez maintenant pour avoir accès à la Bêta complète. Les carrières commencées dans la Bêta pourront se poursuivre dans le jeu complet qui sortira le 10 novembre
Scout Report
Über das Spiel
They say football is a game of opinions and everyone has theirs, but it’s only yours that counts around here.
You make the decisions now, from who you sign and who you sell, to how you manage your budget. Will you build tactics around the players at your disposal or train them in your vision of how the game should be played? Who you pick and who you bench will affect squad harmony, and it’s up to you to manage it. Every decision comes back to you.
Get it right and you’ll be the star of the show, grabbing the newspaper headlines and dominating trends on social media. They’ll write your name in footballing folklore…if you succeed, of course.
With unparalleled choices both on and off the pitch, all within the immersive footballing world, it’s time to decide what kind of manager do you want to be?
- Try your hand in 50 of the biggest footballing countries
- Win the title with any one of world’s top 2500 clubs
- Play the transfer market with over 600,000 real players and staff
- Watch your football vision come to life before your very eyes
All purchases of Football Manager 2018 also include a free copy of Football Manager Touch 2018 for PC/Mac and Linux.
New for this season!Dynamics – A harmonious squad produces better results on the pitch. By building partnerships amongst your players – both on and off the pitch – and maintaining a good dressing room atmosphere you’ll get the best performances out of your squad.
Matchday Live – A brand new graphics engine produces the best lighting, stadiums and player models in the series’ history, alongside a sleeker match interface and modernised presentation that bring your fixtures to life.
Real World Scouting System – A true-to-life representation of the techniques used by the world’s biggest clubs including more detailed data analysis that, combined with a wider range of scouting options, give you a better overview of any potential signing.
Sports Science – The new Medical Centre gives you a more complete overview of your squad’s injury situation, with your medical team providing advice on feedback on individual players’ injury risks and how to avoid injuries occurring during training.
Tactics – A redesigned tactics screen puts analysis at its heart, giving you a clear view of whether your tactic is working. The new pre-match briefing allows you to be better prepared for your upcoming fixtures, while new player roles give you more ways to exploit your players’ abilities.
Fantasy Draft – Redesigned with a new interface that is perfect for streaming and with several new setup options that help tailor the Fantasy Draft experience to you, including a bigger squad budget and a Quick Start option.
Football Intelligence – A realistic transfer market that reflects the inflated transfer fees and contract values, more clauses to help finalise that blockbuster deal and the more intelligent transfer and board AI that take into account more contextual information from the game world
Scout Report
Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι
Λένε ότι το ποδόσφαιρο είναι ένα παιχνίδι απόψεων και ο καθένας έχει τη δική του άποψη, όμως εδώ μετράει μόνο η δική σου.
Λαμβάνεις τώρα αποφάσεις, από το ποιος θα υπογράψει και ποιον θα πουλήσεις μέχρι το πώς θα διαχειριστείς τον προϋπολογισμό σου. Θα φτιάξεις τακτικές γύρω από τους παίκτες που διαθέτεις ή θα τους προπονήσεις με βάση το όραμά σου για το πώς θα πρέπει να παίζουν; Ποιον θα επιλέξεις και ποιον θα αφήσεις στον πάγκο θα επηρεάσει την αρμονία της ομάδας και είναι στο χέρι σου να το διαχειριστείς. Κάθε απόφασή σου επιστρέφει πίσω σε σένα.
Κάντο σωστά και θα γίνεις το αστέρι του παιχνιδιού, κερδίζοντας πρωτοσέλιδα και κυριαρχόντας στα κοινωνικά δίκτυα. Θα γράψουν το όνομά σου στην ποδοσφαιρική ιστορία… εάν μπορέσεις να πετύχεις φυσικά.
Με πρωτόγνωρες επιλογές τόσο μέσα όσο και έξω από το γήπεδο, όλες όμως εντός του συναρπαστικού κόσμου του ποδοσφαίρου, είναι η ώρα να αποφασίσεις. Τι τύπος μάνατζερ θέλεις να γίνεις;
- Δοκίμασε την τύχη σου στις 50 μεγαλύτερες ποδοσφαιρικές χώρες.
- Κέρδισε τον τίτλο με έναν από τους 2500 κορυφαίους ποδοσφαιρικούς συλλόγους του κόσμου
- Παίξε στην αγορά των μεταγραφών με περισσότερους από 600.000 πραγματικούς παίκτες και προσωπικό
- Παρακολούθησε το όραμά σου για το ποδόσφαιρο να παίρνει σάρκα και οστά μπροστά στα μάτια σου
Μαζί με την αγορά του Football Manager 2018 περιλαμβάνεται και ένα δωρεάν αντίγραφο του Football Manager Touch 2018 για PC/Mac και Linux.
Μια ομάδα με αρμονικές σχέσεις επιτυγχάνει καλύτερα αποτελέσματα στο γήπεδο. Αν δημιουργήσετε σχέσεις συνεργασίας μεταξύ των παικτών σας εντός και εκτός γηπέδου και διατηρείτε την καλή ατμόσφαιρα στα αποδυτήρια, η ομάδα σας θα έχει τις καλύτερες επιδόσεις.
Ζωντανοί Αγώνες
Μια ολοκαίνουρια μηχανή γραφικών παράγει τον καλύτερο φωτισμό, στάδια και μοντέλα παικτών στην ιστορία της σειράς, καθώς και ομαλότερο περιβάλλον χρήσης παιχνιδιού και εκσυγχρονισμένη παρουσίαση που ζωντανεύει τους αγώνες.
Ρεαλιστικό σύστημα σκάουτινγκ
Μια αληθοφανής αναπαράσταση των τεχνικών που χρησιμοποιούνται από τους μεγαλύτερους συλλόγους στον κόσμο, που περιλαμβάνει λεπτομερέστερη ανάλυση δεδομένων η οποία, σε συνδυασμό με περισσότερες επιλογές σκάουτινγκ, βελτιώνει τις προοπτικές ενδεχόμενων μεταγραφών.
Το νέο Ιατρικό Κέντρο σάς δίνει μια πληρέστερη εικόνα των τραυματισμών στην ομάδα σας, ενώ η ιατρική σας ομάδα παρέχει συμβουλές σχετικά με τους κινδύνους τραυματισμού που διατρέχει ο κάθε μεμονωμένος παίκτης, καθώς τρόπους να αποφεύγονται οι τραυματισμοί κατά τη διάρκεια των προπονήσεων.
Η σχεδίαση της οθόνης τακτικής έχει ανανεωθεί, με πυρήνα της την ανάλυση, ώστε να έχετε σαφή άποψη για το εάν η τακτική που υιοθετήσατε λειτουργεί. Η νέα ενημέρωση πριν τον αγώνα σάς δίνει τη δυνατότητα να προετοιμάζεστε καλύτερα για τους επερχόμενους αγώνες, ενώ οι νέοι ρόλοι παικτών σάς προσφέρουν περισσότερους τρόπους να χρησιμοποιείτε τους παίκτες σας.
Fantasy Draft
Μια λειτουργία με ανανεωμένη σχεδίαση και ένα νέο περιβάλλον χρήσης ιδανικό για ροή δεδομένων, καθώς και πολλές, νέες επιλογές ρυθμίσεων που βοηθούν στη διαμόρφωση της εμπειρίας Fantasy Draft σύμφωνα με τις προτιμήσεις σας, μεταξύ των οποίων μεγαλύτερος προϋπολογισμός ομάδας και επιλογή Γρήγορης Έναρξης.
Ποδοσφαιρική κατασκοπεία
Μια ρεαλιστική αγορά μεταγραφών που αντικατοπτρίζει τις φουσκωμένες αμοιβές μεταγραφών και τις υπέρογκες αξίες συμβολαίων, περισσότεροι όροι συμβολαίου για να κλείσουν τα μαγικά συμβόλαια και πιο έξυπνες λειτουργίες τεχνητής νοημοσύνης για τις μεταγραφές και το διοικητικό συμβούλιο, που λαμβάνουν υπόψη περισσότερες πληροφορίες από τον κόσμο του παιχνιδιού.
Κάνετε προαγορά τώρα και αποκτήστε πρόσβαση στην έκδοση beta με πλήρεις δυνατότητες παιχνιδιού. Οι σταδιοδρομίες που ξεκινούν στην έκδοση beta μπορούν να μεταφερθούν και στο πλήρες παιχνίδι, που ξεκινά στις 10 Νοεμβρίου
Scout Report
A játékról:
They say football is a game of opinions and everyone has theirs, but it’s only yours that counts around here.
You make the decisions now, from who you sign and who you sell, to how you manage your budget. Will you build tactics around the players at your disposal or train them in your vision of how the game should be played? Who you pick and who you bench will affect squad harmony, and it’s up to you to manage it. Every decision comes back to you.
Get it right and you’ll be the star of the show, grabbing the newspaper headlines and dominating trends on social media. They’ll write your name in footballing folklore…if you succeed, of course.
With unparalleled choices both on and off the pitch, all within the immersive footballing world, it’s time to decide what kind of manager do you want to be?
- Try your hand in 50 of the biggest footballing countries
- Win the title with any one of world’s top 2500 clubs
- Play the transfer market with over 600,000 real players and staff
- Watch your football vision come to life before your very eyes
All purchases of Football Manager 2018 also include a free copy of Football Manager Touch 2018 for PC/Mac and Linux.
New for this season!Dynamics – A harmonious squad produces better results on the pitch. By building partnerships amongst your players – both on and off the pitch – and maintaining a good dressing room atmosphere you’ll get the best performances out of your squad.
Matchday Live – A brand new graphics engine produces the best lighting, stadiums and player models in the series’ history, alongside a sleeker match interface and modernised presentation that bring your fixtures to life.
Real World Scouting System – A true-to-life representation of the techniques used by the world’s biggest clubs including more detailed data analysis that, combined with a wider range of scouting options, give you a better overview of any potential signing.
Sports Science – The new Medical Centre gives you a more complete overview of your squad’s injury situation, with your medical team providing advice on feedback on individual players’ injury risks and how to avoid injuries occurring during training.
Tactics – A redesigned tactics screen puts analysis at its heart, giving you a clear view of whether your tactic is working. The new pre-match briefing allows you to be better prepared for your upcoming fixtures, while new player roles give you more ways to exploit your players’ abilities.
Fantasy Draft – Redesigned with a new interface that is perfect for streaming and with several new setup options that help tailor the Fantasy Draft experience to you, including a bigger squad budget and a Quick Start option.
Football Intelligence – A realistic transfer market that reflects the inflated transfer fees and contract values, more clauses to help finalise that blockbuster deal and the more intelligent transfer and board AI that take into account more contextual information from the game world
Scout Report
Informazioni sul gioco
Dicono che il calcio è fatto di opinioni e che ognuno ha la propria, ma qui conta solo la tua.
Decidi tu chi ingaggiare, chi vendere e come gestire il tuo budget. Creerai le tattiche in base ai giocatori che hai a disposizione o li allenerai in base alla tua visione di gioco? La scelta delle riserve e dei titolari influenzerà l'umore della squadra, e dovrai gestire tu la situazione. Tutte le decisioni sono nelle tue mani.
Se farai le mosse giuste diventerai una star, avrai tutte le prime pagine e i social network impazziranno. Il tuo nome entrerà nella storia del calcio... se avrai successo, ovviamente.
Con una quantità mai vista di scelte a disposizione, sia dentro che fuori dal campo e in un coinvolgente mondo calcistico, è ora di decidere: che tipo di manager vuoi essere?
- Mettiti alla prova in 50 dei paesi più importanti del calcio
- Vinci con una delle migliori 2.500 squadre del mondo
- Vivi il calciomercato con più di 600.000 veri giocatori e membri dello staff
- Realizza il tuo sogno calcistico
Ogni acquisto di Football Manager 2018 comprenderà anche una copia gratuita di Football Manager Touch 2018 per PC/Mac e Linux.
Una squadra in armonia produce risultati migliori in campo. Favorendo i rapporti fra i tuoi giocatori dentro e fuori dal campo e mantenendo una buona atmosfera nello spogliatoio, otterrai dalla tua squadra prestazioni migliori.
Giorno della partita
Il nuovo motore grafico crea l'illuminazione, gli stadi e i modelli dei giocatori migliori della serie, mentre l'interfaccia più agile e la presentazione rinnovata danno vita alle tue partite.
Sistema di osservazione realistico
Una rappresentazione realistica delle tecniche utilizzate dalle squadre più grandi del mondo compresa un'analisi dei dati più dettagliata che, insieme a una gamma più ampia di opzioni di osservazione, ti fornisce una panoramica migliore degli eventuali elementi da ingaggiare.
Recupero infortuni
Il nuovo Centro medico ti fornisce una panoramica più completa della situazione infortuni della tua squadra; lo staff medico ti comunica chi è a rischio infortunio e ti consiglia come evitare che si facciano male durante l'allenamento.
La schermata delle tattiche ridisegnata ruota intorno alle analisi, permettendoti di capire chiaramente se la tua strategia sta funzionando. Il nuovo briefing prepartita ti permette di prepararti meglio al prossimo match, mentre con i nuovi ruoli avrai più modi di utilizzare i tuoi giocatori.
Fantasy Draft
Ridisegnato con una nuova interfaccia perfetta per lo streaming e con diverse nuove opzioni di impostazione che ti aiuteranno a creare un'esperienza personalizzata, tra cui un budget più elevato e l'opzione Avvio rapido.
Intelligenza calcistica
Un mercato dei trasferimenti realistico che rispecchia gli aumenti a ingaggi e contratti, più clausole per aiutarti a concludere quell'accordo fenomenale e un'IA più intelligente per trasferimenti e dirigenza che tiene in considerazione più informazioni contestuali dal mondo di gioco.
Prenota ora e ottieni l'accesso alla beta completamente giocabile. Potrai proseguire le carriere iniziate nella beta nel gioco completo, che sarà disponibile dal 10 novembre
Scout Report
They say football is a game of opinions and everyone has theirs, but it’s only yours that counts around here.
You make the decisions now, from who you sign and who you sell, to how you manage your budget. Will you build tactics around the players at your disposal or train them in your vision of how the game should be played? Who you pick and who you bench will affect squad harmony, and it’s up to you to manage it. Every decision comes back to you.
Get it right and you’ll be the star of the show, grabbing the newspaper headlines and dominating trends on social media. They’ll write your name in footballing folklore…if you succeed, of course.
With unparalleled choices both on and off the pitch, all within the immersive footballing world, it’s time to decide what kind of manager do you want to be?
- Try your hand in 50 of the biggest footballing countries
- Win the title with any one of world’s top 2500 clubs
- Play the transfer market with over 600,000 real players and staff
- Watch your football vision come to life before your very eyes
All purchases of Football Manager 2018 also include a free copy of Football Manager Touch 2018 for PC/Mac and Linux.
New for this season!Dynamics – A harmonious squad produces better results on the pitch. By building partnerships amongst your players – both on and off the pitch – and maintaining a good dressing room atmosphere you’ll get the best performances out of your squad.
Matchday Live – A brand new graphics engine produces the best lighting, stadiums and player models in the series’ history, alongside a sleeker match interface and modernised presentation that bring your fixtures to life.
Real World Scouting System – A true-to-life representation of the techniques used by the world’s biggest clubs including more detailed data analysis that, combined with a wider range of scouting options, give you a better overview of any potential signing.
Sports Science – The new Medical Centre gives you a more complete overview of your squad’s injury situation, with your medical team providing advice on feedback on individual players’ injury risks and how to avoid injuries occurring during training.
Tactics – A redesigned tactics screen puts analysis at its heart, giving you a clear view of whether your tactic is working. The new pre-match briefing allows you to be better prepared for your upcoming fixtures, while new player roles give you more ways to exploit your players’ abilities.
Fantasy Draft – Redesigned with a new interface that is perfect for streaming and with several new setup options that help tailor the Fantasy Draft experience to you, including a bigger squad budget and a Quick Start option.
Football Intelligence – A realistic transfer market that reflects the inflated transfer fees and contract values, more clauses to help finalise that blockbuster deal and the more intelligent transfer and board AI that take into account more contextual information from the game world
Scout Report
게임 정보
축구는 견해의 경기이며 모두에게 각자의 견해가 있지만, 이곳에서는 당신의 견해가 가장 중요합니다.
누구와 계약하고 누구를 판매할지부터 어떻게 예산을 관리하는지까지 직접 결정을 내리세요. 언제든 자유롭게 사용할 수 있는 선수들로 전략을 세울까요? 아니면 어떤 식으로 경기를 진행할지 미리 계획을 세워 그것에 맞게 선수를 훈련시킬까요? 누구를 벤치에 둘지 누구를 사용할지가 선수단의 조화에 영향을 주며 그것을 관리하는 게 당신의 역할입니다. 모든 결정의 책임은 당신에게 있습니다.
제대로 해낸다면 쇼의 스타가 되고, 신문의 헤드라인을 장식하며, 소셜 미디어에서 유명인사가 될 것입니다. 축구 역사에 당신의 이름이 새겨질 겁니다... 물론 성공한다면 말이죠.
실감 나는 축구 세계에서 경기장 밖과 안에서 최고의 선택을 내리세요. 어떤 감독이 될지 결정할 시간입니다.
- 세계에서 가장 큰 50개의 축구 국가와 만나보세요
- 세계 최고의 2,500개 클럽 중 하나로 타이틀을 획득하세요
- 600,000명 이상의 실제 선수와 스태프가 포함된 이적 시장
- 꿈꾸던 축구가 실현되는 걸 지켜보세요
모든 Football Manager 2018 구매품에는 PC/Mac 및 Linux 용 Football Manager Touch 2018 무료 카피가 포함되어 있습니다.
이번 시즌 신규 내역다이나믹스
조화로운 팀은 경기에서도 더 나은 결과를 얻어냅니다. 경기 안팎으로 선수들 사이에 동료 의식이 생기고 드레싱룸의 분위기도 좋다면, 팀은 최고의 성과를 낼 것입니다.
매치데이 라이브
새로운 그래픽 엔진으로 시리즈 역사상 최고의 조명, 스타디움, 선수 모델링을 선보이게 되었으며, 매끈한 매치 인터페이스와 현대적인 표현 방식이 여러분의 경기를 생생하게 만들어줄 것입니다.
리얼 월드 스카우트 시스템
세계에서 가장 큰 클럽에서 사용하는 실제 방식을 게임에 도입하였습니다. 보다 상세한 데이터 분석과 넓은 범위의 스카우트 옵션이 어우러져 잠재 계약 후보들을 좀 더 잘 살필 수 있게 되었습니다.
스포츠 과학
새 메디컬 센터에서 팀의 부상 현황과, 의료팀에서 제공하는 각 선수별 부상 위험도와 훈련 도중 부상 발생을 방지하는 방법에 대한 피드백을 확인할 수 있습니다.
전술 화면이 새로이 구성되어 분석을 중점으로 하면서 전술이 제대로 작동하고 있는지 확인할 수 있게 되었습니다. 경기 전 브리핑으로 다음 경기를 더 잘 준비할 수 있게 되었으며, 새 선수 역할도 추가되어 선수들을 더욱 잘 활용할 수 있습니다.
판타지 드래프트
스트리밍에 딱 맞는 새로운 인터페이스와 판타지 드래프트 경험을 자신에게 맞게 조정할 수 있는 새로운 설정 옵션에는 더욱 큰 팀 예산과 빠른 시작 옵션이 추가되어 있습니다.
축구 인공지능
실제 이적 시장과 마찬가지로, 블락버스터급의 거래를 하기 위한 엄청난 이적료와 계약금, 상세한 계약 조항이 반영되었으며 이사회 및 이적 관련 인공지능이 게임 세계의 정보를 더욱 맥락적으로 반영하게 되었습니다.
지금 사전 구매하고 플레이 가능한 베타 풀버전을 플레이하세요. 베타 버전에서 시작한 커리어는 11월 10일에 출시하는 정식 버전에서도 그대로 이어서 플레이할 수 있습니다
Scout Report
Om spillet
Di sier fotball handler om meninger og at alle har sine egne, men det er bare dine som har noe å si her.
Det er du som tar avgjørelsene, fra hvem du gir kontrakt og hvem du selger, til hvordan du styrer budsjettet. Bygger du strategien din rundt spillerne du har tilgjengelig eller trener du dem etter hvordan du føler at spillet burde spilles? Hvem du velger og hvem du setter på benken påvirker lagets kjemi og det er opp til deg å styre det. Alle avgjørelser har konsekvenser.
Gjør det riktig og du blir showets store stjerne, med avisoverskrifter og mye omtale på sosiale medier. Navnet ditt vil bli husket i fotballhistorien ... om du lykkes, selvfølgelig.
Med unike valg både på og av banen, hvor alt påvirker fotballens verden, er det på tide å bestemme hva slags type manager du ønsker å være.
- Prøv deg på 50 av de største fotball-landene
- Vinn tittelen med hvilket som helst av verdens 2500 beste klubber
- Opplev overføringsmarkedet med over 600 000 ekte spillere og personale
- Se din fotballvisjon bli levende fremfor dine egne øyne
Alle kjøp av Football Manager 2018 inkluderer også et gratis eksemplar av Football Manager Touch 2018 til PC/Mac og Linux.
En spilletropp i harmoni skaper bedre resultater på banen. Ved å danne partnerskap mellom spillerne på og av banen, og opprettholde en god atmosfære i garderoben, vil du kunne oppnå de beste prestasjonene fra troppen din.
Direkte kampdager
En helt ny grafikkmotor skaper det beste lyset, de beste stadioner og spillermodellene serien har sett, sammen med et mer strømlinjeformet grensesnitt og en modernisert presentasjon som gir liv til dine kamper.
Speidersystem fra virkeligheten
En virkelighetstro representasjon av teknikker som brukes av verdens største klubber – inkludert mer detaljert dataanalyse som, om kombinert med et bredere spekter av speidermuligheter, gir deg en bedre oversikt over potensielle kandidater.
Det nye medisinsenteret gir deg en mer omfattende oversikt over troppens skadesituasjoner med et legeteam som gir deg råd og tilbakemeldinger på hver spillere skaderisiko og hvordan man unngår gjentakende skader under trening.
En nyutviklet taktikkskjerm setter analyse i sentrum, så du får en tydelig oversikt over om taktikken din virker eller ikke. Den nye gjennomgangen før kampene lar deg forberede deg bedre for den kommende kampen mens nye spillerroller gir deg flere måter å bruke spillerne på.
Fantasy Draft
Nyutviklet med et nytt grensesnitt som er tilpasset strømming og med flere nye oppsettvalg som hjelper deg å skreddersy din opplevelse i Fantasy Draft, inkludert muligheter for større troppbudsjett og et hurtigstart-valg.
Et realistisk overgangsmarked som reflekterer de økende overgangkostnadene og kontraktverdiene, flere klausuler som hjelper deg å fullføre store avtaler og en mer intelligent kunstig intelligens for både overganger og styret – som tar mer relevant informasjon fra spillverdenen med i betraktningen.
Forhåndskjøp nå og få tilgang på den spillbare betaen. Karrièrer som startes i betaen kan også overføres til fullversjonen av spillet som lanseres 10. november
Scout Report
Informacje o grze
Mówi się, że piłka nożna to gra opinii. Z opiniami jest tak, że każdy jakąś ma, jednak na boisku liczy się tylko twoja.
Teraz to ty podejmujesz decyzje: od ciebie zależy, kogo kupisz, a kogo sprzedasz i jak będziesz zarządzać budżetem. Oprzesz taktykę na dostępnych zawodnikach, czy znajdziesz nowych i wytrenujesz ich zgodnie z własną wizją? To, kogo wybierzesz do składu, a kogo posadzisz na ławce rezerwowej, wpłynie na harmonię drużyny. Pamiętaj: każda decyzja ma konsekwencje.
Rozegraj to dobrze, a staniesz się gwiazdą widniejącą na pierwszych stronach gazet i we wszystkich wpisach w mediach społecznościowych. Twoje imię zapisze się złotymi zgłoskami w historii futbolu... Jeśli, rzecz jasna, odniesiesz sukces.
We wciągającym świecie piłki nożnej masz do dyspozycji szeroką gamę możliwości zarówno na boisku, jak i poza nim. Jakim menadżerem zostaniesz?
- Spróbuj sił w 50 krajach, w których piłka nożna to świętość
- Zdobądź tytuł mistrza wraz z jednym spośród 2500 najlepszych klubów świata
- Skompletuj drużynę marzeń i niezrównany sztab spośród 600 000 prawdziwych zawodników i ekspertów
- Patrz, jak twoja własna wizja futbolu staje się faktem
Przy zakupie gry Football Manager 2018 otrzymasz również darmową kopię gry Football Manager Touch 2018 na komputery z system operacyjnym Windows, Mac i Linux.
Zgrany zespół to lepsze wyniki na boisku. Budując więzi pomiędzy zawodnikami na murawie i poza nią oraz zachowując dobrą atmosferę w szatni, wykorzystasz umiejętności swojej drużyny w maksymalnym możliwym stopniu.
Dzień meczu na żywo
Zupełnie nowy silnik graficzny to najlepsze oświetlenie, stadiony i modele zawodników w historii serii – do tego bardziej przejrzysty interfejs meczowy oraz zmodernizowana prezentacja, która ożywia spotkania.
Realistyczny światowy system skautingu
Wierna reprezentacja technik używanych przez największe kluby świata, w tym bardziej szczegółowa analiza danych, która w połączeniu z szerszym wachlarzem opcji skautingu, daje ci lepszy ogląd zawodnika, którego potencjalnie chcesz zatrudnić.
Nauka sportowa
Nowe centrum medyczne daje bardziej kompletny przegląd sytuacji z kontuzjami w składzie, a zespół medyczny dostarcza zaawansowanych informacji na temat zagrożeń urazami u poszczególnych piłkarzy. Dowiesz się też, jak uniknąć kontuzji w trakcie treningu.
Przebudowany ekran taktyki z analizą w samym centrum daje ci jasne informacje, czy twoja taktyka działa. Nowa odprawa przedmeczowa lepiej przygotowuje cię do zbliżającego się meczu, a nowe role zawodników dają ci więcej możliwości wykorzystania piłkarzy.
Fantasy Draft
Przebudowany nowy interfejs jest idealny dla streamerów, a kilka nowych opcji pozwala dostosować Fantasy Draft do własnych preferencji – znajdziesz tu między innymi większy budżet na drużynę i opcję szybkiego startu.
Inteligencja piłkarska
Realistyczny rynek transferowy odzwierciedla ogromne opłaty i wartości kontraktów, więcej klauzul pozwalających sfinalizować wartościową umowę i inteligentniejszą SI transferów oraz zarządu, która bierze pod uwagę informacje ze świata gry, przykładając uwagę do ich kontekstu.
Kup w przedsprzedaży już dziś i zyskaj dostęp do w pełni grywalnej bety. Kariery rozpoczęte w becie można przenieść do pełnej wersji gry, która ukaże się 10 listopada
Scout Report
Acerca do Jogo
Dizem que o futebol é um jogo de opiniões e todos têm a sua, mas aqui a única opinião que conta é a tua.
Agora és tu quem toma as decisões, desde quem vendes e contratas até à forma como geres o teu orçamento. Irás delinear a tua tática em torno dos jogadores à tua disposição ou irás treiná-los de acordo com a tua visão de como este desporto deve ser jogado? A tua escolha dos jogadores titulares e suplentes irá afetar a estabilidade do plantel e terás de ser tu a lidar com isso. És responsável por todas as decisões.
Se tomares as decisões certas serás uma estrela, dominando os títulos dos jornais e os temas de conversa nas redes sociais. Serás uma lenda do futebol… isto se tiveres sucesso, claro.
Com escolhas sem paralelo tanto dentro como fora do campo, tudo isto dentro do mundo imersivo do futebol, está na hora de decidires o tipo de treinador que queres ser.
- Treina em 50 dos países mais importantes do mundo do futebol
- Conquista o título com qualquer um dos principais 2500 clubes do mundo
- Domina o mercado de transferências com mais de 600.000 jogadores e membros do staff reais
- Vê a tua visão do mundo do futebol a ganhar forma perante os teus olhos
Todas as compras do Football Manager 2018 incluem ainda um exemplar gratuito do Football Manager Touch 2018 para PC/Mac e Linux.
Um plantel em harmonia produz melhores resultados em campo. Ao construírem parcerias entre os vossos jogadores dentro e fora do campo e ao manterem uma boa atmosfera no balneário conseguirão tirar o melhor partido do vosso plantel.
Dia de jogo em direto
Um novo motor gráfico produz a melhor iluminação, estádios e modelos de jogadores na história da série juntamente com uma interface mais simples e uma apresentação mais moderna para dar vida aos encontros.
Sistema de prospeção realista
Uma representação realista das técnicas usadas pelos maiores clubes do mundo, incluindo uma análise de dados mais detalhada que, em combinação com um maior número de opções de prospeção, apresentam uma imagem mais completa das potenciais contratações.
Ciência desportiva
O novo Centro Médico apresenta uma descrição mais completa da situação clínica do plantel e a equipa médica providencia feedback sobre os riscos de lesões dos jogadores individuais, aconselhando as melhores formas de evitar lesões durante os treinos.
O ecrã das táticas foi redesenhado e coloca as análises ao centro para dar-vos uma visão concisa sobre o funcionamento da vossa tática. O novo briefing pré-jogo permite que se preparem melhor para o próximo encontro e as posições novas para os jogadores dão-vos mais formas de utilizarem o vosso plantel.
Fantasy Draft
O Fantasy Draft foi redesenhado com uma nova interface que é perfeita para o streaming e com várias opções de configuração que ajudam a adaptar a experiência ao vosso gosto, incluindo um maior orçamento e uma opção de início rápido.
Inteligência futebolística
Um mercado de transferências realista que reflete os valores inflacionados das transferências e dos contratos, mais cláusulas para finalizar os acordos e uma IA mais sagaz para a direção e para as transferências que leva em conta mais informação contextualizada do mundo de jogo.
Faz já a pré-compra e recebe acesso à beta jogável completa. As carreiras iniciadas na beta podem ser retomadas no jogo completo, que chega a 10 de novembro
Scout Report
Despre joc
They say football is a game of opinions and everyone has theirs, but it’s only yours that counts around here.
You make the decisions now, from who you sign and who you sell, to how you manage your budget. Will you build tactics around the players at your disposal or train them in your vision of how the game should be played? Who you pick and who you bench will affect squad harmony, and it’s up to you to manage it. Every decision comes back to you.
Get it right and you’ll be the star of the show, grabbing the newspaper headlines and dominating trends on social media. They’ll write your name in footballing folklore…if you succeed, of course.
With unparalleled choices both on and off the pitch, all within the immersive footballing world, it’s time to decide what kind of manager do you want to be?
- Try your hand in 50 of the biggest footballing countries
- Win the title with any one of world’s top 2500 clubs
- Play the transfer market with over 600,000 real players and staff
- Watch your football vision come to life before your very eyes
All purchases of Football Manager 2018 also include a free copy of Football Manager Touch 2018 for PC/Mac and Linux.
New for this season!Dynamics – A harmonious squad produces better results on the pitch. By building partnerships amongst your players – both on and off the pitch – and maintaining a good dressing room atmosphere you’ll get the best performances out of your squad.
Matchday Live – A brand new graphics engine produces the best lighting, stadiums and player models in the series’ history, alongside a sleeker match interface and modernised presentation that bring your fixtures to life.
Real World Scouting System – A true-to-life representation of the techniques used by the world’s biggest clubs including more detailed data analysis that, combined with a wider range of scouting options, give you a better overview of any potential signing.
Sports Science – The new Medical Centre gives you a more complete overview of your squad’s injury situation, with your medical team providing advice on feedback on individual players’ injury risks and how to avoid injuries occurring during training.
Tactics – A redesigned tactics screen puts analysis at its heart, giving you a clear view of whether your tactic is working. The new pre-match briefing allows you to be better prepared for your upcoming fixtures, while new player roles give you more ways to exploit your players’ abilities.
Fantasy Draft – Redesigned with a new interface that is perfect for streaming and with several new setup options that help tailor the Fantasy Draft experience to you, including a bigger squad budget and a Quick Start option.
Football Intelligence – A realistic transfer market that reflects the inflated transfer fees and contract values, more clauses to help finalise that blockbuster deal and the more intelligent transfer and board AI that take into account more contextual information from the game world
Scout Report
Об игре
Говорят, что футбол — это очень субъективная игра и у каждого есть свое мнение. Но здесь имеет значение только ваше.
Теперь вы принимаете все решения: с кем заключить контракт, кого перевести в другую команду, как распорядиться бюджетом. Вы можете построить тактику вокруг имеющихся у вас в наличии игроков, или, напротив, можете тренировать и развивать игроков в соответствии с вашим видением игры. От того, кто будет играть, а кто останется сидеть в запасе, будет зависеть сыгранность состава. У каждого вашего решения есть последствия.
Сделайте правильный выбор, и вы станете настоящей звездой, будете смотреть с первых полос газет и задавать тренды в соцсетях. Ваше имя войдет в футбольные легенды... если у вас все получится, разумеется.
Вы станете частью максимально реалистичного футбольного мира, вам придется принимать важнейшие решения как на поле, так и за его пределами, — настал момент решить, каким менеджером вы хотите стать?
- Попытайте счастья в 50 главных футбольных странах.
- Выиграйте титул с одним из 2500 лучших клубов мира.
- Работайте на трансферном рынке, выбирая из 600 000 реальных игроков и представителей тренерского состава.
- Смотрите, как ваше видение футбола воплощается у вас на глазах.
При покупке Football Manager 2018 вы также бесплатно получаете Football Manager Touch 2018 для Windows, Mac и Linux.
НОВОЕ В ЭТОМ СЕЗОНЕСыгранность и взаимодействие
Сыгранный и хорошо взаимодействующий состав добивается лучших результатов. Выстраивайте взаимоотношения между игроками на поле и вне и поддерживайте хорошую атмосферу в раздевалке, чтобы ваша команда демонстрировала лучшую игру, на какую способна.
Трансляция матчей
Новый графический движок обеспечивает качественное освещение и лучший вид стадионов и моделей игроков в истории игры, а также современный интерфейс матча и обновленное оформление трансляций, благодаря которым игра становится еще более реалистичной.
Настоящая селекционная система
В игре воспроизведены настоящие селекционные методы, которые используют самые известные клубы, а также более подробный анализ данных и большая вариативность в работе скаутов — теперь вы будете получать больше полезной информации об интересующем вас игроке.
Спортивная наука
Теперь в Медицинском центре представлена более подробная сводка по травмированным игрокам, а ваш медперсонал предоставляет информацию по рискам травм у отдельных игроков и рекомендации по профилактике повреждений во время тренировок.
Экран тактики был переделан, и теперь сфокусирован на анализе — теперь он дает наглядное представление, работает ваша тактика или нет. Новый предматчевый брифинг позволяет вам лучше подготовиться к игре, а новые роли игроков предоставляют больше вариантов использования ваших футболистов в игре.
Фэнтези-драфт получил новый интерфейс, упрощающий использование стриминговых сервисов, а также несколько новых настроек персонализации, включая увеличенный бюджет команды или вариант «Быстрый старт».
Улучшенный интеллект
Реалистичный трансферный рынок, отражающий огромные трансферные выплаты и раздутые контракты игроков, новые пункты договоров, с которыми проще будет завершить громкую сделку, и улучшенный ИИ, который теперь учитывает контекст и прочие факторы в игровом мире.
Оформите предзаказ прямо сейчас и получите доступ к бета-версии. Начатые в бета-версии карьеры можно продолжить в полной версии после выхода игры 10 ноября
Scout Report
- 在全球最负盛名的 50 个足球国家一展身手
- 选择任一 2500 个足球俱乐部,成功夺下冠军
- 与超过 60 万名真实球员和工作人员一起畅玩转会市场
- 忠实呈现自己的足球理念
《Football Manager 2018》的所有购买内容,皆包含一个免费 PC / Mac 和 Linux 版的《Football Manager Touch 2018》。
现在预购即可提前畅玩完整 Beta 版。Beta 版中的职涯进度将于 11 月 10 日正式版完整游戏中继续保留
Scout Report
Acerca del juego
Dicen que el fútbol es un deporte de opiniones y todo el mundo tiene una, pero aquí es la tuya la que cuenta.
Ahora puedes tomar las decisiones, desde a quién fichar y a quién traspasar, hasta cómo administrar el presupuesto. ¿Basarás tu estrategia en los jugadores a tu disposición o los entrenarás en tu visión sobre cómo deberían jugarse los partidos? Quién resulta elegido y quién se queda en el banquillo afectará a la armonía del equipo y depende de ti gestionarlo todo. Todas las decisiones tienen sus consecuencias.
Hazlo bien y te convertirás en la estrella del espectáculo, acapararás titulares y dominarás las discusiones en las redes sociales. Escribirán tu nombre en las leyendas del fútbol... si tienes éxito, claro.
Con elecciones incomparables dentro y fuera del campo en un envolvente mundo futbolístico, es hora de decidir qué clase de entrenador quieres ser.
- Prueba suerte en 50 de los países futbolísticos más grandes
- Gana el título con cualquiera de los 2500 mejores clubes
- Participa en el mercado de traspasos con más de 600 000 jugadores y personal de la vida real
- Contempla cómo tu visión futbolística se convierte en realidad ante tus propios ojos
Football Manager 2018 incluye una copia gratuita de Football Manager Touch 2018 para PC/Mac y Linux.
Un equipo en armonía obtiene mejores resultados en el terreno de juego. Forja alianzas tanto dentro como fuera del campo y mantén un buen ambiente en el vestuario para que tus jugadores rindan al máximo.
Vive los partidos
El nuevo motor gráfico ofrece una iluminación, unos estadios y unos modelos de jugadores jamás vistos en la serie, y la sofisticada interfaz de partido dará vida a tus encuentros con una presentación más moderna.
Sistema de ojeo real
Una representación fiel a la realidad de las técnicas que utilizan los mejores clubes del mundo. Gracias a sus análisis de datos más detallados y a su amplia gama de opciones de ojeo, tendrás más información sobre potenciales fichajes.
Ciencia deportiva
El nuevo centro médico te informa sobre el estado de salud de tu equipo, y el equipo médico te da consejos relacionados con el riesgo de lesión de cada jugador y cómo evitar que se haga daño durante los entrenamientos.
La nueva pantalla de tácticas da protagonismo a los análisis para que sepas si tu táctica funciona. Además, la sesión previa a los partidos te ayuda a estar mejor preparado para cada encuentro, y las nuevas funciones de jugador hacen que tus jugadores sean más versátiles.
Draft de fantasía
Se ha rediseñado con una interfaz pensada para las transmisiones y con nuevas opciones de configuración que te permiten crear una experiencia a tu medida, como un mayor presupuesto de equipo y una opción de inicio rápido.
Inteligencia futbolística
Un mercado de traspasos realista que muestra cuotas infladas y valores de contratos, más cláusulas para rematar fichajes millonarios y una IA más inteligente tanto para los traspasos como para la directiva que tiene en cuenta más información contextual del mundo del juego.
Resérvalo ya y accede a la beta jugable. Las carreras comenzadas en la beta podrán continuarse en el juego completo, que estará disponible el 10 de noviembre
Scout Report
Om spelet
De säger att fotboll är ett spel om åsikter och alla har sina, men det är bara dina som räknas här.
Du tar besluten nu, från vem du köper och säljer, till hur du sköter din budget. Kommer du att bygga taktiken runt de spelare du har eller träna dem enligt din vision för hur spelet ska spelas? Vilka du spelar med och vilka du bänkar påverkar harmonin i truppen, och det är upp till dig att hantera den. Varje beslut kommer tillbaka till dig.
Gör rätt för dig så blir du showens stjärna, får alla de stora rubrikerna och dominerar trender på sociala medier. De kommer att skriva ditt namn i fotbollssägner... det vill säga, om du lyckas.
Med oöverträffade valmöjligheter både på och utanför planen, allt inom den inlevelsefulla fotbollsvärlden, är det dags att bestämma dig för vilken sorts manager du vill vara?
- Pröva din lycka i 50 av världens största fotbollsländer
- Vinn titeln med någon av världens 2 500 största klubbar
- Spela på transfermarknaden med över 600 000 verkliga spelare och personal
- Se din fotbollsvision komma till liv mitt framför ögonen på dig
Alla som köper Football Manager 2018 får dessutom Football Manager Touch 2018 för PC/Mac och Linux gratis.
Ett harmoniskt lag ger bättre resultat på planen. Genom att bygga relationer mellan dina spelare både på och utanför planen, och upprätthålla en bra stämning i omklädningsrummet, får du de bästa prestationerna.
Matchdagen direkt
En helt ny grafikmotor ger den bästa belysningen, arenorna och spelarmodellerna någonsin, tillsammans med ett snyggare matchgränssnitt och moderniserad presentation som ger dina matcher liv.
Riktig scouting
En verklighetstrogen representation av de tekniker som används av världens största klubbar, inklusive mer detaljerad dataanalys som kombinerat med ett brett utbud av scoutalternativ ger dig en bättre överblick över en potentiell signering.
Det nya skadecentret ger dig en mer fullständig översikt över ditt lags skadesituation. Här ger ditt sjukvårdsteam råd och återkoppling om enskilda spelares skador och hur man undviker skador som uppstår under träningen.
En omdesignad taktikskärm sätter analysen först, vilket ger dig en tydlig bild av hur din taktik fungerar. Den nya genomgången innan match gör att du kan vara bättre förberedd för din kommande match medan nya spelarroller ger dig fler sätt att utnyttja dina spelare.
Fantasidraften är omdesignad med ett nytt gränssnitt som är perfekt för streaming och med flera nya installationsalternativ som hjälper dig att skräddarsy din spelupplevelse, inklusive en större lagbudget och ett snabbstartsalternativ.
En realistisk övergångsmarknad som återspeglar de uppblåsta övergångsavgifterna och kontraktsvärdena, fler klausuler för att slutföra din jätteaffär och en mer intelligent övergångs- och styrelse-AI som tar hänsyn till mer kontextuell information från spelvärlden.
Förköp nu och få tillgång till den fullt spelbara betan. Karriärerna som startas i betan kan också föras vidare till det kompletta spelet som släpps den 10 november
Scout Report
They say football is a game of opinions and everyone has theirs, but it’s only yours that counts around here.
You make the decisions now, from who you sign and who you sell, to how you manage your budget. Will you build tactics around the players at your disposal or train them in your vision of how the game should be played? Who you pick and who you bench will affect squad harmony, and it’s up to you to manage it. Every decision comes back to you.
Get it right and you’ll be the star of the show, grabbing the newspaper headlines and dominating trends on social media. They’ll write your name in footballing folklore…if you succeed, of course.
With unparalleled choices both on and off the pitch, all within the immersive footballing world, it’s time to decide what kind of manager do you want to be?
- Try your hand in 50 of the biggest footballing countries
- Win the title with any one of world’s top 2500 clubs
- Play the transfer market with over 600,000 real players and staff
- Watch your football vision come to life before your very eyes
All purchases of Football Manager 2018 also include a free copy of Football Manager Touch 2018 for PC/Mac and Linux.
New for this season!Dynamics – A harmonious squad produces better results on the pitch. By building partnerships amongst your players – both on and off the pitch – and maintaining a good dressing room atmosphere you’ll get the best performances out of your squad.
Matchday Live – A brand new graphics engine produces the best lighting, stadiums and player models in the series’ history, alongside a sleeker match interface and modernised presentation that bring your fixtures to life.
Real World Scouting System – A true-to-life representation of the techniques used by the world’s biggest clubs including more detailed data analysis that, combined with a wider range of scouting options, give you a better overview of any potential signing.
Sports Science – The new Medical Centre gives you a more complete overview of your squad’s injury situation, with your medical team providing advice on feedback on individual players’ injury risks and how to avoid injuries occurring during training.
Tactics – A redesigned tactics screen puts analysis at its heart, giving you a clear view of whether your tactic is working. The new pre-match briefing allows you to be better prepared for your upcoming fixtures, while new player roles give you more ways to exploit your players’ abilities.
Fantasy Draft – Redesigned with a new interface that is perfect for streaming and with several new setup options that help tailor the Fantasy Draft experience to you, including a bigger squad budget and a Quick Start option.
Football Intelligence – A realistic transfer market that reflects the inflated transfer fees and contract values, more clauses to help finalise that blockbuster deal and the more intelligent transfer and board AI that take into account more contextual information from the game world
Scout Report
- 在全球最負盛名的 50 個足球國家一展身手
- 從世界 2500 大足球球會擇一,贏得冠軍頭銜
- 與超過 60 萬名真實球員和員工一起暢玩轉會市場
- 親眼見證自己的足球理念付諸實踐
《Football Manager 2018》的所有購買內容皆包含一份免費 PC / Mac 和 Linux 版的《Football Manager Touch 2018》。
進入擬真的轉會市場,親身經歷飆高的轉會費和簽約金;利用更多條款助你一臂之力,搞定那筆大合約;還有更聰明的轉會與董事會 AI 會把遊戲世界的現況納入考量。
立刻預購,即可試玩完整測試版。測試期間累積的生涯進度將可直接帶入完整版遊戲。遊戲將於 11 月 10 日上市
Scout Report
Oyun Açıklaması
Futbolun bir fikir oyunu olduğunu ve herkesin bir fikri olduğunu söylerler, ama burada sadece sizin fikriniz geçerli.
Kiminle sözleşme imzaladığınız ve kimi sattığınızdan bütçenizi nasıl yönettiğinize kadar uzanan kararları artık siz veriyorsunuz. Taktiklerinizi elinizdeki oyunculara göre mi oluşturacaksınız, yoksa onları futbolun nasıl oynanması gerektiğiyle ilgili vizyonunuz doğrultusunda eğitecek misiniz? Kimi seçtiğiniz ve kimi yedek kulübesinde bıraktığınız takımınızın uyumunu etkileyecek ve bunu yönetmek size kalmış. Her karar sizi etkileyen bir sonuç doğuracak.
İyi bir iş çıkarırsanız şovun yıldızı olacak, gazete manşetlerine adınızı yazdırıp sosyal medyadaki trendlere damganızı vuracaksınız. Adınızı futbol tarihine yazacaklar, tabii başarılı olursanız.
Saha içinde ve saha dışında hepsi de sürükleyici futbol dünyasının bir bileşeni olan benzersiz seçeneklerle ne tür bir menajer olmak istediğinizi belirlemenin vakti geldi.
- En büyük 50 futbol ülkesinde hünerlerinizi deneyin
- Dünyanın en iyi 2500 kulübünden herhangi biriyle şampiyon olun
- 600.000'in üzerinde gerçek oyuncu ve personelden oluşan transfer pazarında kazanmaya çalışın
- Futbol vizyonunuzun gözlerinizin önünde hayat buluşunu izleyin
Satın alınan tüm Football Manager 2018'lerin yanında PC/Mac ve Linux için Football Manager Touch 2018'in ücretsiz bir kopyası verilecektir.
Uyumlu bir kadro, sahada daha iyi sonuçlar sergiler. Oyuncularınız arasında sahada ve saha dışında ortaklık kurarak ve iyi bir soyunma odası atmosferi yakalayarak kadronuzun en iyi performansı göstermesini sağlayabilirsiniz.
Canlı Maç Günü
Yepyeni bir grafik motoru serinin geçmişindeki en iyi aydınlatmanın, stadyumların ve oyuncu modellerinin yanı sıra fikstürlerinizi hayata geçiren daha şık maç arayüzü ve modernleştirilmiş bir sunum üretiyor.
Gerçeklere Dayanan Oyuncu Araştırma Sistemi
Daha geniş oyuncu araştırma seçenekleriyle bir araya geldiğinde size olası anlaşmalarla ilgili daha iyi bir genel bakış sağlayan daha ayrıntılı veri analizi dahil olmak üzere dünyanın en büyük kulüpleri tarafından kullanılan tekniklerin gerçek hayatı yansıtan bir temsili.
Spor Bilimi
Yeni Tıp Merkezi, kadronuzun sakatlık durumuyla ilgili daha eksiksiz bir genel bakış sunarken sağlık ekibiniz oyuncuların sakatlık riski ve antrenman sırasında oluşan sakatlıklardan nasıl kaçınılacağı konusunda geri bildirim sağlar.
Yeniden tasarlanmış taktik ekranının merkezinde analiz bulunmaktadır. Bu, taktiğinizin işe yarayıp yaramadığı konusunda size net bilgiler sağlar. Yeni maç öncesi brifing gelecek fikstür için daha iyi hazırlanmanıza olanak tanırken yeni oyuncu rolleri size oyuncularınızı kullanmak için daha fazla yol sunar.
Fantezi Draft
Akış için harika olan bir arayüz ve Fantezi Draft deneyimini kendinize göre uyarlamanıza yardımcı olan yeni ayar seçenekleriyle yeniden tasarlanmıştır ve daha yüksek bir kadro bütçesi ve bir Hızlı Başlangıç seçeneği içerir.
Futbol Zekâsı
Abartılı transfer ücretlerini ve sözleşme değerlerini yansıtan daha gerçekçi bir transfer pazarı, büyük anlaşmaları yapmanıza yardımcı olacak daha fazla madde ve oyun dünyasından daha bağlamsal bilgileri göz önünde bulunduran daha akıllı transfer ve kurul AI'si.
Şimdi ön sipariş verin ve tamamen oynanabilir beta sürüme erişin. Beta sürümünde başlanan kariyerler 10 Kasım'da çıkacak olan tam oyuna aktarılabilir
Scout Report
Про гру
They say football is a game of opinions and everyone has theirs, but it’s only yours that counts around here.
You make the decisions now, from who you sign and who you sell, to how you manage your budget. Will you build tactics around the players at your disposal or train them in your vision of how the game should be played? Who you pick and who you bench will affect squad harmony, and it’s up to you to manage it. Every decision comes back to you.
Get it right and you’ll be the star of the show, grabbing the newspaper headlines and dominating trends on social media. They’ll write your name in footballing folklore…if you succeed, of course.
With unparalleled choices both on and off the pitch, all within the immersive footballing world, it’s time to decide what kind of manager do you want to be?
- Try your hand in 50 of the biggest footballing countries
- Win the title with any one of world’s top 2500 clubs
- Play the transfer market with over 600,000 real players and staff
- Watch your football vision come to life before your very eyes
All purchases of Football Manager 2018 also include a free copy of Football Manager Touch 2018 for PC/Mac and Linux.
New for this season!Dynamics – A harmonious squad produces better results on the pitch. By building partnerships amongst your players – both on and off the pitch – and maintaining a good dressing room atmosphere you’ll get the best performances out of your squad.
Matchday Live – A brand new graphics engine produces the best lighting, stadiums and player models in the series’ history, alongside a sleeker match interface and modernised presentation that bring your fixtures to life.
Real World Scouting System – A true-to-life representation of the techniques used by the world’s biggest clubs including more detailed data analysis that, combined with a wider range of scouting options, give you a better overview of any potential signing.
Sports Science – The new Medical Centre gives you a more complete overview of your squad’s injury situation, with your medical team providing advice on feedback on individual players’ injury risks and how to avoid injuries occurring during training.
Tactics – A redesigned tactics screen puts analysis at its heart, giving you a clear view of whether your tactic is working. The new pre-match briefing allows you to be better prepared for your upcoming fixtures, while new player roles give you more ways to exploit your players’ abilities.
Fantasy Draft – Redesigned with a new interface that is perfect for streaming and with several new setup options that help tailor the Fantasy Draft experience to you, including a bigger squad budget and a Quick Start option.
Football Intelligence – A realistic transfer market that reflects the inflated transfer fees and contract values, more clauses to help finalise that blockbuster deal and the more intelligent transfer and board AI that take into account more contextual information from the game world