For The King
For The King

For The King

Release Date: 18/04/2018 | WORLDWIDE
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Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

Sobre o jogo

O rei está morto, assassinado por um agressor desconhecido. O reino de Fahrul, que outrora vivia em paz, agora está em caos.

Sem ter para onde ir e praticamente sem recursos, a rainha fez um apelo desesperado para os cidadãos se levantarem e ajudarem a conter a onda de desgraça iminente. Parta com sua equipe improvisada, seja no modo single player, local ou cooperativo online. Opte por dividir sua equipe para cobrir maior território ou por permanecerem juntos para maior proteção. Uma boa estratégia pode ser a diferença entre a vida e a morte.

For The King é uma mistura desafiadora de elementos de estratégia, combates de JRPG e roguelike. Cada partida é única, graças a mapas procedurais, missões e eventos. Enfrente intempéries implacáveis, lute contra criaturas malignas, navegue pelos mares e adentre na escuridão do mundo subterrâneo. Antes de você, ninguém jamais retornou de sua jornada. Será você aquele que irá pôr um fim ao caos?

Lute e morra com sua equipe em combates por turnos rápidos e brutais, usando um sistema com espaços exclusivos para ataques e habilidades especiais. Encontre e colha ervas para seu fiel cachimbo e cure suas feridas e doenças. Arme acampamentos seguros ou enfrente os horrores trazidos pelo anoitecer.

E lembre-se, aventureiro, você não faz isso pelos tesouros ou pela fama, mas pela sua aldeia, pelo seu reino, pelo rei!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

Относно играта

The King is dead, murdered by an unknown assailant. Now the once peaceful kingdom of Fahrul is in chaos.

With nowhere left to turn and stretched beyond her means, the queen has put out a desperate plea to the citizens of the land to rise up and help stem the tide of impending doom. Set off with your make-shift party, either single player, local, or online co-op. Choose to split your party up and cover more ground, or stick together for protection. A sound strategy can mean the difference between life and death.

For The King is a challenging blend of Strategy, JRPG Combat, and Roguelike elements. Each play through is made unique with procedural maps, quests, and events. Brave the relentless elements, fight the wicked creatures, sail the seas and delve into the dark underworld. None before you have returned from their journey. Will you be the one to put an end to the Chaos?

Fight and die as a party in fast paced and brutal turn-based combat using a unique slot system for attacks and special abilities. Find and gather herbs for your trusty pipe to heal your wounds and cure your maladies. Set up safe camps or brave the horrors that nightfall brings.

Just remember adventurer, you do this not for the riches or fame but for your village, for your realm, For The King!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

O hře

The King is dead, murdered by an unknown assailant. Now the once peaceful kingdom of Fahrul is in chaos.

With nowhere left to turn and stretched beyond her means, the queen has put out a desperate plea to the citizens of the land to rise up and help stem the tide of impending doom. Set off with your make-shift party, either single player, local, or online co-op. Choose to split your party up and cover more ground, or stick together for protection. A sound strategy can mean the difference between life and death.

For The King is a challenging blend of Strategy, JRPG Combat, and Roguelike elements. Each play through is made unique with procedural maps, quests, and events. Brave the relentless elements, fight the wicked creatures, sail the seas and delve into the dark underworld. None before you have returned from their journey. Will you be the one to put an end to the Chaos?

Fight and die as a party in fast paced and brutal turn-based combat using a unique slot system for attacks and special abilities. Find and gather herbs for your trusty pipe to heal your wounds and cure your maladies. Set up safe camps or brave the horrors that nightfall brings.

Just remember adventurer, you do this not for the riches or fame but for your village, for your realm, For The King!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

Om spillet

The King is dead, murdered by an unknown assailant. Now the once peaceful kingdom of Fahrul is in chaos.

With nowhere left to turn and stretched beyond her means, the queen has put out a desperate plea to the citizens of the land to rise up and help stem the tide of impending doom. Set off with your make-shift party, either single player, local, or online co-op. Choose to split your party up and cover more ground, or stick together for protection. A sound strategy can mean the difference between life and death.

For The King is a challenging blend of Strategy, JRPG Combat, and Roguelike elements. Each play through is made unique with procedural maps, quests, and events. Brave the relentless elements, fight the wicked creatures, sail the seas and delve into the dark underworld. None before you have returned from their journey. Will you be the one to put an end to the Chaos?

Fight and die as a party in fast paced and brutal turn-based combat using a unique slot system for attacks and special abilities. Find and gather herbs for your trusty pipe to heal your wounds and cure your maladies. Set up safe camps or brave the horrors that nightfall brings.

Just remember adventurer, you do this not for the riches or fame but for your village, for your realm, For The King!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

Info over het spel

The King is dead, murdered by an unknown assailant. Now the once peaceful kingdom of Fahrul is in chaos.

With nowhere left to turn and stretched beyond her means, the queen has put out a desperate plea to the citizens of the land to rise up and help stem the tide of impending doom. Set off with your make-shift party, either single player, local, or online co-op. Choose to split your party up and cover more ground, or stick together for protection. A sound strategy can mean the difference between life and death.

For The King is a challenging blend of Strategy, JRPG Combat, and Roguelike elements. Each play through is made unique with procedural maps, quests, and events. Brave the relentless elements, fight the wicked creatures, sail the seas and delve into the dark underworld. None before you have returned from their journey. Will you be the one to put an end to the Chaos?

Fight and die as a party in fast paced and brutal turn-based combat using a unique slot system for attacks and special abilities. Find and gather herbs for your trusty pipe to heal your wounds and cure your maladies. Set up safe camps or brave the horrors that nightfall brings.

Just remember adventurer, you do this not for the riches or fame but for your village, for your realm, For The King!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

About the Game

The King is dead, murdered by an unknown assailant. Now the once peaceful kingdom of Fahrul is in chaos.

With nowhere left to turn and stretched beyond her means, the queen has put out a desperate plea to the citizens of the land to rise up and help stem the tide of impending doom. Set off with your make-shift party, either single player, local, or online co-op. Choose to split your party up and cover more ground, or stick together for protection. A sound strategy can mean the difference between life and death.

For The King is a challenging blend of Strategy, JRPG Combat, and Roguelike elements. Each play through is made unique with procedural maps, quests, and events. Brave the relentless elements, fight the wicked creatures, sail the seas and delve into the dark underworld. None before you have returned from their journey. Will you be the one to put an end to the Chaos?

Fight and die as a party in fast paced and brutal turn-based combat using a unique slot system for attacks and special abilities. Find and gather herbs for your trusty pipe to heal your wounds and cure your maladies. Set up safe camps or brave the horrors that nightfall brings.

Just remember adventurer, you do this not for the riches or fame but for your village, for your realm, For The King!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

Tietoja pelistä

The King is dead, murdered by an unknown assailant. Now the once peaceful kingdom of Fahrul is in chaos.

With nowhere left to turn and stretched beyond her means, the queen has put out a desperate plea to the citizens of the land to rise up and help stem the tide of impending doom. Set off with your make-shift party, either single player, local, or online co-op. Choose to split your party up and cover more ground, or stick together for protection. A sound strategy can mean the difference between life and death.

For The King is a challenging blend of Strategy, JRPG Combat, and Roguelike elements. Each play through is made unique with procedural maps, quests, and events. Brave the relentless elements, fight the wicked creatures, sail the seas and delve into the dark underworld. None before you have returned from their journey. Will you be the one to put an end to the Chaos?

Fight and die as a party in fast paced and brutal turn-based combat using a unique slot system for attacks and special abilities. Find and gather herbs for your trusty pipe to heal your wounds and cure your maladies. Set up safe camps or brave the horrors that nightfall brings.

Just remember adventurer, you do this not for the riches or fame but for your village, for your realm, For The King!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

À propos du jeu

Le Roi est mort, assassiné par une main inconnue. Le royaume de Fahrul, autrefois havre de paix, est désormais plongé dans le chaos.

Laissée à elle-même et à court de ressources, la reine a lancé un appel désespéré aux citoyens pour qu’ils se soulèvent et l’aident à mettre un terme à cette vague de désastres. Partez à l’aventure avec votre équipe de fortune, que ce soit en solo, en local, ou en ligne. Choisissez de vous séparer pour couvrir une zone plus large ou de rester ensemble pour plus de protection. Une stratégie élaborée peut faire la différence entre la vie et la mort.

For The King mélange des éléments de jeu de stratégie, de roguelike et de combats à la JRPG pour un rendu des plus exigeants. Chaque nouvelle partie est unique grâce aux événements, aux quêtes et aux cartes générées de manière procédurale. Bravez des éléments déchaînés, combattez des créatures maléfiques, voguez sur les mers et plongez au cœur du monde souterrain. Personne n’en est jamais revenu. Serez-vous l’élu qui viendra mettre un terme au chaos ?

Combattez et mourez en équipe dans des combats au tour par tour brutaux et survitaminés. Découvrez un système unique inspiré des machines à sous pour les attaques et les capacités spéciales. Trouvez et ramassez des herbes pour votre fidèle pipe afin de soigner vos plaies et vos maladies. Établissez des campements sécurisés ou affrontez les horreurs de la nuit.

Mais souvenez-vous, aventurier, tout cela n’est ni pour les richesses, ni pour la gloire, mais pour le village, pour le royaume, pour le Roi !

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

Über das Spiel

Der König ist tot, ermordet von einem unbekannten Angreifer. Jetzt herrscht Chaos im einst friedlichen Königreich Fahrul.

Ohne Verbündete und am Ende ihrer Ressourcen, hat die Königin eine verzweifelte Bitte an die Bürger des Landes gerichtet, sich zu erheben und den drohenden Untergang abwenden zu helfen. Mach dich mit deiner provisorischen Gruppe auf den Weg, entweder als Einzelspieler oder per lokalem oder Online-Co-Op. Entscheide dich, deine Gruppe aufzuteilen, um mehr Gebiete abzudecken, oder zum Schutz zusammenzubleiben. Eine ausgereifte Strategie kann den Unterschied zwischen Leben und Tod bedeuten.

For The King ist eine herausfordernde Mischung aus Strategie, JRPG-Kampf und Roguelike. Jedes neue Spiel wird durch die prozeduralen Karten, Quests und Ereignisse einzigartig. Trotze den unerbittlichen Elementen, kämpfe gegen die bösen Kreaturen, befahre die Meere und tauche in die dunkle Unterwelt ein. Vor dir ist noch niemand von seiner Reise zurückgekehrt. Wirst du derjenige sein, der dem Chaos ein Ende setzt?

Kämpfe und stirb als Gruppe in einem schnellen und knallharten rundenbasierten Kampf mit einem einzigartigen Slot-System für Angriffe und Spezialfähigkeiten. Finde und sammle Kräuter für deine zuverlässige Pfeife, um deine Wunden zu heilen und deine Krankheiten zu heilen. Richte sichere Lager ein oder trotze den Schrecken, die der Einbruch der Nacht mit sich bringt.

Denk dran, Abenteurer, du tust all das nicht für Reichtum oder Ruhm, sondern für dein Dorf, dein Reich, für den König!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

The King is dead, murdered by an unknown assailant. Now the once peaceful kingdom of Fahrul is in chaos.

With nowhere left to turn and stretched beyond her means, the queen has put out a desperate plea to the citizens of the land to rise up and help stem the tide of impending doom. Set off with your make-shift party, either single player, local, or online co-op. Choose to split your party up and cover more ground, or stick together for protection. A sound strategy can mean the difference between life and death.

For The King is a challenging blend of Strategy, JRPG Combat, and Roguelike elements. Each play through is made unique with procedural maps, quests, and events. Brave the relentless elements, fight the wicked creatures, sail the seas and delve into the dark underworld. None before you have returned from their journey. Will you be the one to put an end to the Chaos?

Fight and die as a party in fast paced and brutal turn-based combat using a unique slot system for attacks and special abilities. Find and gather herbs for your trusty pipe to heal your wounds and cure your maladies. Set up safe camps or brave the horrors that nightfall brings.

Just remember adventurer, you do this not for the riches or fame but for your village, for your realm, For The King!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

A játékról: 

The King is dead, murdered by an unknown assailant. Now the once peaceful kingdom of Fahrul is in chaos.

With nowhere left to turn and stretched beyond her means, the queen has put out a desperate plea to the citizens of the land to rise up and help stem the tide of impending doom. Set off with your make-shift party, either single player, local, or online co-op. Choose to split your party up and cover more ground, or stick together for protection. A sound strategy can mean the difference between life and death.

For The King is a challenging blend of Strategy, JRPG Combat, and Roguelike elements. Each play through is made unique with procedural maps, quests, and events. Brave the relentless elements, fight the wicked creatures, sail the seas and delve into the dark underworld. None before you have returned from their journey. Will you be the one to put an end to the Chaos?

Fight and die as a party in fast paced and brutal turn-based combat using a unique slot system for attacks and special abilities. Find and gather herbs for your trusty pipe to heal your wounds and cure your maladies. Set up safe camps or brave the horrors that nightfall brings.

Just remember adventurer, you do this not for the riches or fame but for your village, for your realm, For The King!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

Informazioni sul gioco

Il re è morto, ucciso da un aggressore sconosciuto. Quello che un tempo era il pacifico regno di Fahrul è ora nel caos.

Senza nessuna via d'uscita, impegnata oltre le sue possibilità, la regina ha lanciato un disperato appello ai cittadini a sollevarsi e aiutare ad arginare la marea di imminente oblio. Parti con il tuo gruppo improvvisato, in giocatore singolo, co-op locale o online. Scegli se dividere il gruppo per coprire più terreno o restare uniti per protezione. Una buona strategia può fare la differenza tra vita e morte.

For The King è un mix impegnativo di Strategia, Combattimento da JRPG ed elementi Roguelike. Ogni partita è resa unica da mappe procedurali, missioni ed eventi. Sfida gli elementi implacabili, combatti le creature malvagie, solca i mari e tuffati nel buio Mondo Sotterraneo. Nessuno ha mai fatto ritorno da questo viaggio. Sarai tu a porre fine al Caos?

Combatti e muori come gruppo in un dinamico e brutale combattimento a turni, che utilizza di un sistema unico di slot per attacchi e abilità speciali. Trova e raccogli erbe per la tua fidata pipa, per guarire le ferite e curare i tuoi malanni. Disponi accampamenti sicuri o affronta gli orrori portati dalla notte.

ricorda, avventuriero, tutto questo non è per la fama o la ricchezza, ma per il tuo villaggio, per il tuo regno, For The King!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch


The King is dead, murdered by an unknown assailant. Now the once peaceful kingdom of Fahrul is in chaos.

With nowhere left to turn and stretched beyond her means, the queen has put out a desperate plea to the citizens of the land to rise up and help stem the tide of impending doom. Set off with your make-shift party, either single player, local, or online co-op. Choose to split your party up and cover more ground, or stick together for protection. A sound strategy can mean the difference between life and death.

For The King is a challenging blend of Strategy, JRPG Combat, and Roguelike elements. Each play through is made unique with procedural maps, quests, and events. Brave the relentless elements, fight the wicked creatures, sail the seas and delve into the dark underworld. None before you have returned from their journey. Will you be the one to put an end to the Chaos?

Fight and die as a party in fast paced and brutal turn-based combat using a unique slot system for attacks and special abilities. Find and gather herbs for your trusty pipe to heal your wounds and cure your maladies. Set up safe camps or brave the horrors that nightfall brings.

Just remember adventurer, you do this not for the riches or fame but for your village, for your realm, For The King!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

게임 정보

The King is dead, murdered by an unknown assailant. Now the once peaceful kingdom of Fahrul is in chaos.

With nowhere left to turn and stretched beyond her means, the queen has put out a desperate plea to the citizens of the land to rise up and help stem the tide of impending doom. Set off with your make-shift party, either single player, local, or online co-op. Choose to split your party up and cover more ground, or stick together for protection. A sound strategy can mean the difference between life and death.

For The King is a challenging blend of Strategy, JRPG Combat, and Roguelike elements. Each play through is made unique with procedural maps, quests, and events. Brave the relentless elements, fight the wicked creatures, sail the seas and delve into the dark underworld. None before you have returned from their journey. Will you be the one to put an end to the Chaos?

Fight and die as a party in fast paced and brutal turn-based combat using a unique slot system for attacks and special abilities. Find and gather herbs for your trusty pipe to heal your wounds and cure your maladies. Set up safe camps or brave the horrors that nightfall brings.

Just remember adventurer, you do this not for the riches or fame but for your village, for your realm, For The King!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

Om spillet

The King is dead, murdered by an unknown assailant. Now the once peaceful kingdom of Fahrul is in chaos.

With nowhere left to turn and stretched beyond her means, the queen has put out a desperate plea to the citizens of the land to rise up and help stem the tide of impending doom. Set off with your make-shift party, either single player, local, or online co-op. Choose to split your party up and cover more ground, or stick together for protection. A sound strategy can mean the difference between life and death.

For The King is a challenging blend of Strategy, JRPG Combat, and Roguelike elements. Each play through is made unique with procedural maps, quests, and events. Brave the relentless elements, fight the wicked creatures, sail the seas and delve into the dark underworld. None before you have returned from their journey. Will you be the one to put an end to the Chaos?

Fight and die as a party in fast paced and brutal turn-based combat using a unique slot system for attacks and special abilities. Find and gather herbs for your trusty pipe to heal your wounds and cure your maladies. Set up safe camps or brave the horrors that nightfall brings.

Just remember adventurer, you do this not for the riches or fame but for your village, for your realm, For The King!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

Informacje o grze

Król jest martwy. Nikt nie wie, kim był zabójca. Spokojne niegdyś królestwo Fahrul pogrążyło się w chaosie.

Królowa nie ma innego wyjścia – w akcie desperacji, zwraca się do obywateli, aby pomogli jej powstrzymać zbliżającą się falę zagłady. Niech Twoja prowizorycznie sklecona drużyna rzuci się w wir przygody, która odbywać może się w trybie dla pojedynczego gracza lub kooperacji (lokalnej oraz sieciowej). Rozdziel drużynę, aby zająć większy obszar lub trzymaj jej członków razem dla większego bezpieczeństwa. Rozsądna strategia może zadecydować o życiu lub śmierci.

For The King jest pełną wyzwań mieszanką strategii, walki w stylu gier JRPG oraz elementów roguelike. Każda rozgrywka jest unikalna dzięki proceduralnie generowanym mapom, zadaniom oraz wydarzeniom. Staw czoła bezwzględnym żywiołom, potwornym istotom, przemierzaj morza i zobacz, co skrywają mroczne podziemia. Nikt dotąd nie wrócił z tej misji. Czy uda Ci się zakończyć panujący chaos?

Walcz i giń podczas szybkiej i brutalnej drużynowej walki turowej. Nie zapomnij skorzystać z unikalnego systemu gniazd dodającego ataki i umiejętności specjalne. Zbieraj zioła, którymi nabijesz swoją poczciwą fajkę. Pomogą Ci zaleczyć rany i pozbyć się chorób. Rozbij bezpieczny obóz lub staw czoła potwornościom, które przyniesie mrok.

Pamiętaj, że nie robisz tego dla bogactw i sławy. W For The King liczy się dobro twojej wioski, krainy i króla!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

Despre joc

The King is dead, murdered by an unknown assailant. Now the once peaceful kingdom of Fahrul is in chaos.

With nowhere left to turn and stretched beyond her means, the queen has put out a desperate plea to the citizens of the land to rise up and help stem the tide of impending doom. Set off with your make-shift party, either single player, local, or online co-op. Choose to split your party up and cover more ground, or stick together for protection. A sound strategy can mean the difference between life and death.

For The King is a challenging blend of Strategy, JRPG Combat, and Roguelike elements. Each play through is made unique with procedural maps, quests, and events. Brave the relentless elements, fight the wicked creatures, sail the seas and delve into the dark underworld. None before you have returned from their journey. Will you be the one to put an end to the Chaos?

Fight and die as a party in fast paced and brutal turn-based combat using a unique slot system for attacks and special abilities. Find and gather herbs for your trusty pipe to heal your wounds and cure your maladies. Set up safe camps or brave the horrors that nightfall brings.

Just remember adventurer, you do this not for the riches or fame but for your village, for your realm, For The King!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

Об игре

Король мертв, убит неизвестным противником. И теперь некогда мирное королевство Фарул погрузилось в хаос.

Вариантов не осталось, а казна опустела. Отчаявшись, королева обращается к подданным, чтобы те помогли сдержать подступающую роковую бурю. Начните путешествие с импровизированной группой в одиночку или в локальном либо сетевом кооперативе. Разделите группу, чтобы занять территорию, или держитесь вместе для защиты. Продуманная стратегия может стать решающим фактором выживания.

For The King — это увлекательная смесь элементов стратегии, JRPG и «рогалика». Каждая игра уникальна благодаря процедурно-генерируемым картам, заданиям и событиям. Взгляните жестокости в глаза, бейтесь со злобными существами, бороздите моря и погружайтесь в темный подземный мир. Никто из отправившихся в путешествие до вас не вернулся. Сможете ли вы положить конец Хаосу?

Сражайтесь и умирайте всей группой в динамичной и брутальной пошаговой битве, используйте уникальную систему ячеек для атак и специальных возможностей. Ищите и собирайте травы для старой-доброй трубки, которая излечит раны и исцелит от болезней. Разбейте безопасный лагерь или столкнитесь лицом к лицу с ужасами, что приходят ночью.

Помните, искатель приключений, что вы делаете это не ради богатства и славы, а для своей родины и за короля — For The King!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch




为国王(For The King),是一个具有战略 JRPG战斗 Roguelike 元素的混合体。每一关都赋有独一无二的程序地图,任务和事件。勇气是成功的元素,勇气带领我们打败邪恶的野兽,纵横四海面对黑暗。没有一个人能从旅途中平安归来你会否能成为停止所有混乱动荡的战士。



Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

Acerca del juego

El rey ha muerto, asesinado a manos de un agresor desconocido. Ahora en el antes pacífico reino de Fahrul solo hay caos.

Sin un lugar al que ir y bajo una inmensa presión, la reina ha suplicado a los ciudadanos de su reino que se alcen y la ayuden a frenar la ola de destrucción inminente. Parte con tu grupo improvisado, en modo para un jugador, local, o cooperativo en línea. Elige dividir tu grupo y cubrir más terreno, o quedaros juntos por protección. Una estrategia segura puede marcar la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte.

For The King es una mezcla desafiante con elementos de estrategia, combate de JRPG, y exploración de mazmorras . Cada partida es única gracias a sus mapas procedimentales, misiones, y eventos. Haz frente a los implacables elementos, lucha contra criaturas malvadas, surca los mares y adéntrate en el oscuro inframundo. Ninguno antes ha regresado de su viaje. ¿Serás tú quien acabe con el caos?

Lucha y muere como un equipo en combates por turnos rápidos y brutales con un sistema de ataques y habilidades especiales único. Encuentra y recoge hierbas para tu vieja pipa y cura tus heridas y enfermedades. Monta campamentos seguros o enfréntate a los horrores que trae la noche.

Aventurero, tan solo recuerda que no lo haces por las riquezas ni la fama, sino por tu pueblo, tu reino, ¡por el rey!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

Om spelet

The King is dead, murdered by an unknown assailant. Now the once peaceful kingdom of Fahrul is in chaos.

With nowhere left to turn and stretched beyond her means, the queen has put out a desperate plea to the citizens of the land to rise up and help stem the tide of impending doom. Set off with your make-shift party, either single player, local, or online co-op. Choose to split your party up and cover more ground, or stick together for protection. A sound strategy can mean the difference between life and death.

For The King is a challenging blend of Strategy, JRPG Combat, and Roguelike elements. Each play through is made unique with procedural maps, quests, and events. Brave the relentless elements, fight the wicked creatures, sail the seas and delve into the dark underworld. None before you have returned from their journey. Will you be the one to put an end to the Chaos?

Fight and die as a party in fast paced and brutal turn-based combat using a unique slot system for attacks and special abilities. Find and gather herbs for your trusty pipe to heal your wounds and cure your maladies. Set up safe camps or brave the horrors that nightfall brings.

Just remember adventurer, you do this not for the riches or fame but for your village, for your realm, For The King!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch


The King is dead, murdered by an unknown assailant. Now the once peaceful kingdom of Fahrul is in chaos.

With nowhere left to turn and stretched beyond her means, the queen has put out a desperate plea to the citizens of the land to rise up and help stem the tide of impending doom. Set off with your make-shift party, either single player, local, or online co-op. Choose to split your party up and cover more ground, or stick together for protection. A sound strategy can mean the difference between life and death.

For The King is a challenging blend of Strategy, JRPG Combat, and Roguelike elements. Each play through is made unique with procedural maps, quests, and events. Brave the relentless elements, fight the wicked creatures, sail the seas and delve into the dark underworld. None before you have returned from their journey. Will you be the one to put an end to the Chaos?

Fight and die as a party in fast paced and brutal turn-based combat using a unique slot system for attacks and special abilities. Find and gather herbs for your trusty pipe to heal your wounds and cure your maladies. Set up safe camps or brave the horrors that nightfall brings.

Just remember adventurer, you do this not for the riches or fame but for your village, for your realm, For The King!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch



在沒有任何退路下,女王陛下已经向所有公民提出绝望中的呼吁。她懇請各個公民團結一致,一起阻止即将到来的厄运浪潮。不論是單人遊戲本地遊戲在線合作,快點召喚你們的隊友一起踏上戰場。你們可以選擇分組行動,覆蓋更多的地域,或者全組出動,保護各組員安全。 一個完美無瑕的策略,往往就是主宰你的生與死關鍵。

為國王(For The King),是一個具有戰略 JRPG戰鬥 Roguelike 元素的混合體。 每一關都赋有獨一無二的程序地圖,任務和事件。 勇氣是成功的元素,勇氣帶領我們打敗邪惡的野獸,縱橫四海面對黑暗。 沒有一個人能從旅途中平安歸來。 你會否能成為停止所有混亂動盪的戰士

在這個節奏緊湊,殘酷的回合製戰鬥中,就運用一套獨特回合製系統擊敗敵人!請收集不同的草藥來治愈您的傷口疾病, 建立安全堅固的營地,或戰勝夜晚帶來的恐懼。

最後各位親愛的冒险家,你們的一舉一動,所作所為,絕不是為了名與利。是為了你的村庄,為了你的家園, 为国王!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

Oyun Açıklaması

The King is dead, murdered by an unknown assailant. Now the once peaceful kingdom of Fahrul is in chaos.

With nowhere left to turn and stretched beyond her means, the queen has put out a desperate plea to the citizens of the land to rise up and help stem the tide of impending doom. Set off with your make-shift party, either single player, local, or online co-op. Choose to split your party up and cover more ground, or stick together for protection. A sound strategy can mean the difference between life and death.

For The King is a challenging blend of Strategy, JRPG Combat, and Roguelike elements. Each play through is made unique with procedural maps, quests, and events. Brave the relentless elements, fight the wicked creatures, sail the seas and delve into the dark underworld. None before you have returned from their journey. Will you be the one to put an end to the Chaos?

Fight and die as a party in fast paced and brutal turn-based combat using a unique slot system for attacks and special abilities. Find and gather herbs for your trusty pipe to heal your wounds and cure your maladies. Set up safe camps or brave the horrors that nightfall brings.

Just remember adventurer, you do this not for the riches or fame but for your village, for your realm, For The King!

Out Now in Full Release!

For The King is now available in full release! We'd like to thank all of our Early Access players for their support, and welcome to all new players! Fahrul awaits, happy adventuring!

Remember, if you want to continue your adventure on your current save file, switch to the Legacy version in the properties menu of Steam;
- Right click the game in your Library
- Go to Properties
- Select the Beta Tab
- In the dropdown, choose Legacybranch

Про гру

The King is dead, murdered by an unknown assailant. Now the once peaceful kingdom of Fahrul is in chaos.

With nowhere left to turn and stretched beyond her means, the queen has put out a desperate plea to the citizens of the land to rise up and help stem the tide of impending doom. Set off with your make-shift party, either single player, local, or online co-op. Choose to split your party up and cover more ground, or stick together for protection. A sound strategy can mean the difference between life and death.

For The King is a challenging blend of Strategy, JRPG Combat, and Roguelike elements. Each play through is made unique with procedural maps, quests, and events. Brave the relentless elements, fight the wicked creatures, sail the seas and delve into the dark underworld. None before you have returned from their journey. Will you be the one to put an end to the Chaos?

Fight and die as a party in fast paced and brutal turn-based combat using a unique slot system for attacks and special abilities. Find and gather herbs for your trusty pipe to heal your wounds and cure your maladies. Set up safe camps or brave the horrors that nightfall brings.

Just remember adventurer, you do this not for the riches or fame but for your village, for your realm, For The King!

System Requirements


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