

Release Date: 27/10/2020 | WORLDWIDE
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Sobre o jogo

Ghostrunner é um jogo hardcore do estilo "hack and slash" em primeira pessoa, com ação frenética, ambientado em uma megaestrutura cyberpunk sombria. Escale a Torre Dharma, o último abrigo da humanidade, após uma catástrofe que acabou com o mundo. Trilhe seu caminho da base até o topo, confronte o Mestre das Chaves tirano e vingue-se.

As ruas desta cidade de arranha-céus são cheias de violência. Mara, o Mestre das Chaves, governa com um pulso firme e pouca consideração pela vida humana.

Conforme os recursos diminuem, os fortes se aproveitam dos fracos e o caos ameaça consumir o pouco da ordem que resta. A última batalha decisiva está chegando. Uma última tentativa de acertar as coisas antes que a humanidade chegue à beira da extinção.

Como o espadachim mais avançado que já foi criado, você está sempre em desvantagem numérica, mas nunca é superado. Dilacere seus inimigos com uma katana monomolecular, desvie de balas com seus reflexos sobre-humanos e recorra a diversas técnicas especializadas para triunfar.

A mecânica de matar com um único golpe torna o combate rápido e intenso. Use sua mobilidade superior (e pontos de verificação frequentes!) para, destemidamente, entrar em uma dança sem fim com a morte.

Ghostrunner proporciona uma experiência de jogador solo única: combate violento em ritmo acelerado e um cenário original, que combina temas de ficção científica com pós-apocalípticos. Ele conta a história de um mundo que já chegou ao fim e de seus habitantes, que lutam para sobreviver.

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Относно играта

Ghostrunner is a hardcore FPP slasher packed with lightning-fast action, set in a grim, cyberpunk megastructure. Climb Dharma Tower, humanity’s last shelter, after a world-ending cataclysm. Make your way up from the bottom to the top, confront the tyrannical Keymaster, and take your revenge.

The streets of this tower city are full of violence. Mara the Keymaster rules with an iron fist and little regard for human life.

As resources diminish, the strong prey on the weak and chaos threatens to consume what little order remains. The decisive last stand is coming. A final attempt to set things right before mankind goes over the edge of extinction.

As the most advanced blade fighter ever created, you’re always outnumbered but never outclassed. Slice your enemies with a monomolecular katana, dodge bullets with your superhuman reflexes, and employ a variety of specialized techniques to

One-hit one-kill mechanics make combat fast and intense. Use your superior mobility (and frequent checkpoints!) to engage in a never-ending dance with death fearlessly.

Ghostrunner offers a unique single-player experience: fast-paced, violent combat, and an original setting that blends science fiction with post-apocalyptic themes. It tells the story of a world that has already ended and its inhabitants who fight to survive.

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O hře

Ghostrunner is a hardcore FPP slasher packed with lightning-fast action, set in a grim, cyberpunk megastructure. Climb Dharma Tower, humanity’s last shelter, after a world-ending cataclysm. Make your way up from the bottom to the top, confront the tyrannical Keymaster, and take your revenge.

The streets of this tower city are full of violence. Mara the Keymaster rules with an iron fist and little regard for human life.

As resources diminish, the strong prey on the weak and chaos threatens to consume what little order remains. The decisive last stand is coming. A final attempt to set things right before mankind goes over the edge of extinction.

As the most advanced blade fighter ever created, you’re always outnumbered but never outclassed. Slice your enemies with a monomolecular katana, dodge bullets with your superhuman reflexes, and employ a variety of specialized techniques to

One-hit one-kill mechanics make combat fast and intense. Use your superior mobility (and frequent checkpoints!) to engage in a never-ending dance with death fearlessly.

Ghostrunner offers a unique single-player experience: fast-paced, violent combat, and an original setting that blends science fiction with post-apocalyptic themes. It tells the story of a world that has already ended and its inhabitants who fight to survive.

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Om spillet

Ghostrunner er en hardcore FPP-slasher spækket med lynhurtig handling, i en dyster cyberpunk-megastruktur. Du kan klatre op i Dharma Tower, menneskehedens sidste ly, efter en kataklysme der ødelagde hele verden. Kæmp dig op fra bunden til toppen, konfronter den tyranniske Keymaster og tag din hævn.

Gaderne i denne tårnby er fulde af vold. Mara Keymaster regerer med en jernnæve og uden hensyntagen til menneskeliv.

Efterhånden som ressourcerne mindskes, jagter de størke de svage, og kaos truer med at ødelægge det der er tilbage. Det afgørende sidste standpunkt er på vej. Et sidste forsøg på at sætte tingene i orden for menneskeheden er mere end bare at kæmpe mod udryddelse.

Som den mest avancerede sværdkæmper, der nogensinde er skabt, er du altid i undertal, men aldrig underlegen. Skær dine fjender i stykker med en monomolekylær katana, undvig kugler med dine overmenneskelige reflekser, og brug en række specialiserede teknikker til at sejre.

One-hit one-kill mekanik gør kamp hurtigt og intens. Brug din overlegne mobilitet (og hyppige kontrolpunkter!) til at deltage i en uendelig og frygtløs dans med døden.

Ghostrunner tilbyder en unik enkeltspiller-oplevelse: hurtigt tempo, voldelig kamp og en original scene, der blander science fiction med post-apokalyptiske temaer. Det fortæller historien om en verden, der allerede er ødelagt, og dens indbyggere, der kæmper for at overleve.

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Info over het spel

Ghostrunner is een hardcore FPP slasher-game boordevol bliksemsnelle actie en speelt zich af in een grauw, cyberpunk megagebouw. Beklim Dharma Tower, de laatste toevlucht voor de mensheid na een aardverscheurende catastrofe. Ga helemaal van de begane grond naar de top, ga de confrontatie aan met de tirannieke Keymaster en neem wraak.

De straten van deze torenstad zijn levensgevaarlijk. Mara de Keymaster heerst met een ijzeren vuist en geeft niks om mensenlevens.

De middelen nemen steeds verder af, de sterken buiten de zwakkeren uit en chaos dreigt het laatste restje orde te verslinden. De beslissende confrontatie is in aantocht. Een laatste poging om de situatie te herstellen zodat de mensheid niet volledig uitsterft.

Als meest geavanceerde zwaardvechter ooit ben je altijd in de minderheid, maar nooit in het nadeel. Hak je vijanden in mootjes met je monomoleculaire katana, ontwijk kogels met je bovenmenselijke reflexen en zet verschillende speciale technieken in om de overwinning in de wacht te slepen.

Eén klap is dodelijk en dus zich gevechten snel en intens. Gebruik je superieure mobiliteit (en talloze checkpoints) om de eindeloze dans met de dood vol vertrouwen uit te voeren.

Ghostrunner biedt een unieke ervaring voor één speler: hoog tempo, gewelddadige gevechten en een originele setting waarin scifi wordt gecombineerd met postapocalyptische elementen. Het vertelt het verhaal van een wereld die al ten onder is gegaan en de inwoners die vechten om te overleven.

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About the Game

Ghostrunner is a hardcore FPP slasher packed with lightning-fast action, set in a grim, cyberpunk megastructure. Climb Dharma Tower, humanity’s last shelter, after a world-ending cataclysm. Make your way up from the bottom to the top, confront the tyrannical Keymaster, and take your revenge.

The streets of this tower city are full of violence. Mara the Keymaster rules with an iron fist and little regard for human life.

As resources diminish, the strong prey on the weak and chaos threatens to consume what little order remains. The decisive last stand is coming. A final attempt to set things right before mankind goes over the edge of extinction.

As the most advanced blade fighter ever created, you’re always outnumbered but never outclassed. Slice your enemies with a monomolecular katana, dodge bullets with your superhuman reflexes, and employ a variety of specialized techniques to

One-hit one-kill mechanics make combat fast and intense. Use your superior mobility (and frequent checkpoints!) to engage in a never-ending dance with death fearlessly.

Ghostrunner offers a unique single-player experience: fast-paced, violent combat, and an original setting that blends science fiction with post-apocalyptic themes. It tells the story of a world that has already ended and its inhabitants who fight to survive.

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Tietoja pelistä

Ghostrunner on tiukka FPP-taistelupeli, josta löytyy rutkasti nopeatempoista toimintaa synkässä, cyberpunk-henkisessä megarakennuksessa. Kiipeä Dharma Toweriin, ihmiskunnan viimeiseen maailmanpalon jälkeiseen turvapaikkaan. Raivaa tiesi pohjalta huipulle, kohtaa tyranni nimeltä Avainten Valtias ja kosta.

Tämä tornikaupungin kadut ovat tulvillaan väkivaltaa. Avainten valtias Mara pitää kaupunkia rautaisessa otteeseen, eikä ihmishengellä ole juurikaan arvoa.

Resurssien huvetessa vahvat alkavat alistamaan heikkoja ja kaaos uhkaa nielaista vähäisen jäljellä olevan yhteiskunnallisen järjestyksen. Viimeiset hetket ovat käsillä. On aika tasata tilit ennen ihmiskunnan lopullista tuhoa.

Olet yksi parhaimmista koskaan luoduista miekkasotureista. Vihollisia on aina enemmän, mutta yksikään heistä ei pärjää sinulle taidossa. Niitä vastustajasi monokatanalla, väistä luoteja yli-inhimillisillä reflekseilläsi ja hyödynnä useita erikoistekniikoita raivataksesi tiesi voittoon.

Yhden iskun taistelumekaniikat tekevät taisteluista nopeita ja raivokkaita. Hyödynnä ylivertaista liikkuvuuttasi (sekä lukuisia tallennuspisteitä) ja käy hurjaan tanssiin kuoleman kanssa.

Ghostrunner tarjoaa ainutlaatuisen yksinpelikokemuksen: se sisältää nopeatempoisia ja hurjia taiteluita omaperäisessä peliympäristössä, joka on yhdistelmä perinteistä scifiä ja postapokalyptisia teemoja. Se kertoo tarinan kuolleesta maailmasta ja epätoivoista kamppailua käyvistä selviytyjistä.

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À propos du jeu

Ghostrunner est un slasher FPP hardcore rempli d'action ultra-rapide, situé dans une mégastructure sinistre et cyberpunk. Grimpez la Tour du Dharma, le dernier refuge de l'humanité, après un cataclysme mondial. Partez d'en bas pour aller en haut, affrontez le Maître des clés tyrannique et prenez votre revanche.

Les rues de cette ville de tours sont pleines de violence. Mara le Maître des clés règne avec un poing de fer et peu de respect pour la vie humaine.

À mesure que les ressources s'amenuisent, la forte proie des faibles et du chaos menace de consommer le peu d'ordre qui reste. La dernière position décisive arrive. Une dernière tentative pour régler les choses avant que l'humanité ne soit au bord de l'extinction.

En tant que combattant aux lames le plus avancé jamais créé, vous êtes toujours surpassé en nombre mais jamais en classe. Tranchez vos ennemis avec un katana monomoléculaire, esquivez les balles avec vos réflexes surhumains et utilisez une variété de techniques spécialisées pour prévaloir.

La mécanique d'élimination en un coup rend le combat rapide et intense. Utilisez votre mobilité supérieure (et des checkpoints fréquents !) pour vous engager sans crainte dans une danse sans fin avec la mort.

Ghostrunner offre une expérience unique en solo : des combats violents et rapides, et un cadre original mêlant science-fiction à des thèmes post-apocalyptiques. Il raconte l'histoire d'un monde déjà terminé et de ses habitants qui luttent pour survivre.

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Über das Spiel

Ghostrunner ist ein Hardcore-FPP-Slasher voller blitzschneller Action in einer düsteren Cyberpunk-Megastruktur. Erklimme den Dharma-Turm – die letzte Bastion der Menschheit, die nach der Apokalypse noch übrig ist. Begib dich nach oben, stelle dich dem tyrannischen Schlüsselmeister und räche dich.

Die Straßen dieser Turmstadt sind voller Gewalt. Mara, die Schlüsselmeisterin, regiert mit eiserner Faust und nimmt wenig Rücksicht auf menschliches Leben.

Wenn die Ressourcen schwinden, fallen die Starken über die Schwachen her und Chaos bedroht die verbleibende Ordnung. Der entscheidende letzte Moment naht. Ein letzter Versuch, die Dinge in Ordnung zu bringen, bevor die Menschheit ausstirbt.

Als fortschrittlichster Klingenkämpfer, der jemals geschaffen wurde, bist du immer zahlenmäßig unterlegen, aber niemals überlegen. Spalte deine Feinde mit einem monomolekularen Katana, weiche Kugeln mit deinen übermenschlichen Reflexen aus und setze eine Vielzahl spezialisierter Techniken ein, um zu überleben.

One-Hit-One-Kills machen den Kampf schnell und intensiv. Nutze deine überlegene Mobilität (und häufigen Kontrollpunkte!), um furchtlos einen endlosen Tanz mit dem Tod zu führen.

Ghostrunner bietet ein einzigartiges Einzelspieler-Erlebnis: rasante, gewalttätige Kämpfe und eine originelle Umgebung, die Science-Fiction mit postapokalyptischen Elementen verbindet. Es wird die Geschichte einer bereits untergegangenen Welt und ihrer Bewohner erzählt, die ums Überleben kämpfen.

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Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Ghostrunner is a hardcore FPP slasher packed with lightning-fast action, set in a grim, cyberpunk megastructure. Climb Dharma Tower, humanity’s last shelter, after a world-ending cataclysm. Make your way up from the bottom to the top, confront the tyrannical Keymaster, and take your revenge.

The streets of this tower city are full of violence. Mara the Keymaster rules with an iron fist and little regard for human life.

As resources diminish, the strong prey on the weak and chaos threatens to consume what little order remains. The decisive last stand is coming. A final attempt to set things right before mankind goes over the edge of extinction.

As the most advanced blade fighter ever created, you’re always outnumbered but never outclassed. Slice your enemies with a monomolecular katana, dodge bullets with your superhuman reflexes, and employ a variety of specialized techniques to

One-hit one-kill mechanics make combat fast and intense. Use your superior mobility (and frequent checkpoints!) to engage in a never-ending dance with death fearlessly.

Ghostrunner offers a unique single-player experience: fast-paced, violent combat, and an original setting that blends science fiction with post-apocalyptic themes. It tells the story of a world that has already ended and its inhabitants who fight to survive.

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A játékról: 

Ghostrunner is a hardcore FPP slasher packed with lightning-fast action, set in a grim, cyberpunk megastructure. Climb Dharma Tower, humanity’s last shelter, after a world-ending cataclysm. Make your way up from the bottom to the top, confront the tyrannical Keymaster, and take your revenge.

The streets of this tower city are full of violence. Mara the Keymaster rules with an iron fist and little regard for human life.

As resources diminish, the strong prey on the weak and chaos threatens to consume what little order remains. The decisive last stand is coming. A final attempt to set things right before mankind goes over the edge of extinction.

As the most advanced blade fighter ever created, you’re always outnumbered but never outclassed. Slice your enemies with a monomolecular katana, dodge bullets with your superhuman reflexes, and employ a variety of specialized techniques to

One-hit one-kill mechanics make combat fast and intense. Use your superior mobility (and frequent checkpoints!) to engage in a never-ending dance with death fearlessly.

Ghostrunner offers a unique single-player experience: fast-paced, violent combat, and an original setting that blends science fiction with post-apocalyptic themes. It tells the story of a world that has already ended and its inhabitants who fight to survive.

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Informazioni sul gioco

Ghostrunner è uno slasher FPP hardcore ricco di azione fulminea, ambientato in una mega-struttura cupa e cyberpunk. Scala la Torre Dharma, l'ultimo rifugio dell'umanità, dopo un cataclisma devastante. Sali dal basso verso l'alto, affronta il tirannico Maestro delle Chiavi e vendicati.

Le strade di questa città-torre sono piene di violenza. Mara, il Maestro delle Chiavi, governa con il pugno di ferro e scarso rispetto per la vita umana.

Man mano che le risorse diminuiscono, i forti si approfittano dei più deboli e il caos minaccia di distruggere quel poco di ordine rimasto. L'ultima presa di posizione decisiva sta arrivando. Un tentativo finale di sistemare le cose prima che l'umanità si spinga sull'orlo dell'estinzione

In qualità di combattente con la lama più avanzata mai creata, sei sempre in inferiorità numerica, ma non vieni mai surclassato. Fai a fette i tuoi nemici con una katana monomolecolare, schiva i proiettili grazie ai tuoi riflessi sovrumani e utilizza una serie di tecniche specializzate per prevalere sul nemico.

Le meccaniche a un colpo solo rendono il combattimento veloce e intenso. Usa la tua mobilità superiore (e i frequenti checkpoint) per lanciarti senza paura in una danza infinita con la morte.

Ghostrunner offre un'esperienza unica per giocatore singolo: combattimenti veloci e violenti e un'ambientazione originale che fonde la fantascienza con temi post-apocalittici. Racconta la storia di un mondo già finito e dei suoi abitanti che lottano per sopravvivere.

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게임 정보

Ghostrunner는 번개처럼 빠른 액션으로 가득하며, 암울한 사이버펑크 거대 구조를 배경으로 한 하드코어 FPP 슬래셔 게임입니다. 세기말적 대재앙 이후 인류의 마지막 거주지인 다르마 타워를 올라 보세요. 밑바닥에서 시작해서 정상까지 올라, 독재자 키마스터를 상대로 복수를 달성하세요.

이 탑 안의 거리는 폭력이 횡행합니다. 키마스터 마라는 사람의 목숨 따위는 가볍게 여기는 철권 통치를 행합니다.

자원이 감소함에 따라, 강자는 약자를 먹이로 하며, 얼마 남지 않은 질서는 카오스로 뒤덮일 위기입니다. 결정적인 최후의 선택의 순간이 다가옵니다. 인류가 멸종을 향해 치닫기 전, 희망을 가질 수 있는 최후의 기회입니다.

역대 만들어진 가장 최첨단의 블레이드 파이터로서, 당신은 항상 수많은 적들을 상대해야 하지만 결코 압도당하지는 않습니다. 분자 단위의 날을 지닌 칼로 적들을 썰어 버리고, 초인적 반사신경으로 총알을 피하며, 다양한 특수 기술을 익혀서 싸움에 승리하세요.

일발필살 메카닉으로 더욱 빠르고 치열한 전투가 치러집니다. 월등한 기동성 (그리고 자주 나오는 체크포인트!)를 살려서 무한한 죽음과의 무도에 용감히 도전하세요.

Ghostrunner는 유니크한 싱글 플레이어 체험을 제공합니다: 빠른 전개, 격렬한 전투, 그리고 공상 과학과 포스트 아포칼립스 테마가 버물린 독창적 설정을 즐겨 보세요. 이미 끝난 세계와 그 속에서 생존을 위해 싸우는 이들의 스토리를 담았습니다.

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Om spillet

Ghostrunner er en brutal FPP-slasher spekket med lynrask action i en dyster cyberpunk-megastruktur. Klyv opp Dharma Tower, som er menneskehetens siste tilfluktssted etter undergangen. Ta deg opp fra bunnen til toppen, konfronter den tyranniske Keymasteren, og ta hevn.

Gatene i denne tårnbyen er fulle av vold. Mara the Keymaster styrer med en jernhånd og et liv er ikke mye verd.

Når ressursene blir mindre er det de sterkeste som overlever og kaoset er i ferd med å ødelegge den siste lille biten av stabilitet. Den avgjørende og siste kampen kommer, og det blir det siste forsøket på å få orden før menneskeheten går tapt.

Som den mest avanserte sverdkjemperen noensinne skapt, er du alltid i undertall, men aldri utklasset. Kutt fiendene i filler med en monomolekylær katana, unnvik kuler med dine overmenneskelige reflekser, og bruk en rekke spesialiserte teknikker for å seire.

Kampmekanismer der ett treff fører til døden gjør kampene raske intensive. Bruk den overlegne bevegeligheten (og hyppige sjekkpunkter!) for å delta i en evig dans der du svever mellom liv og død.

Ghostrunner tilbyr en unik énspilleropplevelse: fartsfylte, voldelige kamper og en original setting som blander science fiction med post-apokalyptiske temaer. Den forteller historien om en verden som allerede har gått under og innbyggerne som kjemper for å overleve.

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Informacje o grze

Ghostrunner to intensywna gra akcji FPP, osadzona w ponurej, cyberpunkowej megastrukturze. Wejdź na Wieżę Dharma, ostatnie schronienie ludzkości po apokalipsie. Znajdź drogę na szczyt i zmierz się z bezwzględną Kluczniczką.

Ulice miasta-wieży są pełne przemocy. Kluczniczka Mara rządzi żelazną ręką, za nic mając ludzkie życie.

Zasoby wyczerpują się, a silni wykorzystują słabych. Niedługo zapanuje chaos. Zbliża się decydujące starcie, ostateczna próba przywrócenia ładu, zanim ludzkość stanie w obliczu wymarcia.

Jesteś najbardziej zaawansowanym wojownikiem, jakiego kiedykolwiek stworzono. Przeciwnicy zawsze mają nad tobą przewagę liczebną, ale żaden z nich nie może się z tobą równać. Tnij wrogów monomolekularną kataną, unikaj pocisków dzięki nadludzkiemu refleksowi i stosuj specjalne techniki, by zwyciężyć.

Mechanika typu one-hit-one-kill sprawia, że walka jest szybka i intensywna. Rozpocznij niekończący się taniec ze śmiercią, w którym twoją główną bronią będzie prędkość (a pierwszą i ostatnią deską ratunku gęsto rozmieszczone punkty kontrolne)!

Ghostrunner zapewnia wyjątkowe wrażenia dla jednego gracza: angażującą, brutalną walkę i oryginalną scenerię, która łączy cyberpunk z elementami postapokaliptycznymi. Opowiada o świecie, który już się skończył i o jego mieszkańcach, walczących o przetrwanie.

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Acerca do Jogo

Ghostrunner é um jogo hardcore do estilo "hack and slash" em primeira pessoa, com ação frenética, ambientado em uma megaestrutura cyberpunk sombria. Escale a Torre Dharma, o último abrigo da humanidade, após uma catástrofe que acabou com o mundo. Trilhe seu caminho da base até o topo, confronte o Mestre das Chaves tirano e vingue-se.

As ruas desta cidade de arranha-céus são cheias de violência. Mara, o Mestre das Chaves, governa com um pulso firme e pouca consideração pela vida humana.

Conforme os recursos diminuem, os fortes se aproveitam dos fracos e o caos ameaça consumir o pouco da ordem que resta. A última batalha decisiva está chegando. Uma última tentativa de acertar as coisas antes que a humanidade chegue à beira da extinção.

Como o espadachim mais avançado que já foi criado, você está sempre em desvantagem numérica, mas nunca é superado. Dilacere seus inimigos com uma katana monomolecular, desvie de balas com seus reflexos sobre-humanos e recorra a diversas técnicas especializadas para triunfar.

A mecânica de matar com um único golpe torna o combate rápido e intenso. Use sua mobilidade superior (e pontos de verificação frequentes!) para, destemidamente, entrar em uma dança sem fim com a morte.

Ghostrunner proporciona uma experiência de jogador solo única: combate violento em ritmo acelerado e um cenário original, que combina temas de ficção científica com pós-apocalípticos. Ele conta a história de um mundo que já chegou ao fim e de seus habitantes, que lutam para sobreviver.

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Despre joc

Ghostrunner is a hardcore FPP slasher packed with lightning-fast action, set in a grim, cyberpunk megastructure. Climb Dharma Tower, humanity’s last shelter, after a world-ending cataclysm. Make your way up from the bottom to the top, confront the tyrannical Keymaster, and take your revenge.

The streets of this tower city are full of violence. Mara the Keymaster rules with an iron fist and little regard for human life.

As resources diminish, the strong prey on the weak and chaos threatens to consume what little order remains. The decisive last stand is coming. A final attempt to set things right before mankind goes over the edge of extinction.

As the most advanced blade fighter ever created, you’re always outnumbered but never outclassed. Slice your enemies with a monomolecular katana, dodge bullets with your superhuman reflexes, and employ a variety of specialized techniques to

One-hit one-kill mechanics make combat fast and intense. Use your superior mobility (and frequent checkpoints!) to engage in a never-ending dance with death fearlessly.

Ghostrunner offers a unique single-player experience: fast-paced, violent combat, and an original setting that blends science fiction with post-apocalyptic themes. It tells the story of a world that has already ended and its inhabitants who fight to survive.

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Об игре

Ghostrunner — эта жестокая игра-слэшер от первого лица с супердинамичным сюжетом, разворачивающимся в мрачном киберпанковом мире футуристической сверхконструкции. Взбирайтесь вверх по башне Дхарма, ставшей последним убежищем человечества после всемирной катастрофы. Пройдите путь снизу доверху, встретьтесь с тираном Кимастером и воздайте ему по заслугам.

Улицы этого города-башни охвачены насилием. Ваш железный кулак и пренебрежение к человеческой жизни должны разрушить установленные Кимастером порядки.

Количество ресурсов уменьшается, и место, где теплятся остатки жизни, все больше погружается в охоту на слабых и хаос. Приближается последний бой — попытка предотвратить окончательное вымирание человечества.

Вы владеете холодным оружием лучше, чем кто-либо из живших на Земле, и враги всегда превосходят вас числом, но не умением. Потрошите врагов мономолекулярным мечом-катаной, уклоняйтесь от пуль благодаря своим сверхъестественным рефлексам и применяйте разнообразные специальные техники, чтобы победить в бою.

Механика боя «один удар-одна смерть» делает схватки динамичными и интенсивными. Используйте свою превосходную подвижность (и часто встречающиеся контрольные точки), чтобы без страха вступить в бесконечный танец со смертью.

Игра Ghostrunner предлагает уникальный режим одиночной игры: динамичное жестокое сражение в оригинальной атмосфере, в которой научная фантастика сочетается с постапокалиптической тематикой. Игра расскажет вам историю мира, который остался в прошлом и обитатели которого вынуждены постоянно сражаться, чтобы выжить.

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Acerca del juego

Ghostrunner es un juego intenso de acción vertiginosa con perspectiva en primera persona y ambientado en una megaestructura ciberpunk. Sube por la torre Dharma, el último refugio de la humanidad tras un cataclismo devastador. Tendrás que llegar a la cima y enfrentarte a la ama de las llaves, una tirana, para vengarte de una vez por todas.

La violencia reina en las calles de la torre. Mara, la ama de las llaves, gobierna con mano de hierro y con desdén por las vidas humanas.

Los recursos se diezman, los más fuertes dan caza a los débiles y el caos amenaza con devorar el orden por completo. La batalla final se acerca. Será la última oportunidad de arreglar las cosas antes de que la humanidad se extinga para siempre.

Te crearon con un dominio de la espada extraordinario, eres letal aunque te superen en número. Rebana a tus enemigos con una katana monomolecular, esquiva balas gracias a unos reflejos sobrehumanos y usa técnicas especiales para sobrevivir.

Los combates son rápidos e intensos gracias a unas mecánicas que te permiten matar de un golpe. Aprovéchate de tu movilidad (y de los puntos de control) para vértelas cara a cara con la muerte sin cesar.

Ghostrunner ofrece una experiencia única para un solo jugador con combates trepidantes y violentos, además de una ambientación que combina la ciencia ficción con temas postapocalípticos. Descubre la historia de un mundo que ha llegado a su fin y cuyos habitantes luchan por sobrevivir.

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Om spelet

Ghostrunner är ett fartfyllt stridsspel med förstapersonsperspektiv och supersnabb action, som utspelar sig i en grym cyberpunkinspirerad megastruktur. Klättra upp i Dharma-tornet, mänsklighetens sista tillflyktsort efter en naturkatastrof som förstörde världen. Ta dig hela vägen upp, ända från marknivån, utmana den tyranniska mästaren och ta revansch.

Gatorna i den här tornstaden är fyllda med våld. Mästaren Mara styr med järnhand och med föga respekt för människors liv.

Allteftersom resurserna utarmas plundrar de starka de svagare och kaos hotar att förgöra den lilla ordning som finns kvar. Den avgörande slutgiltiga striden närmar sig. Ett sista försök att rätta till problemen innan mänskligheten utrotas för gott.

Som den mest avancerade knivkämpen någonsin ligger du ofta i underläge men besegras aldrig. Hugg dina fiender med ett singelmolekylärt katanasvärd, undvik kulor med dina övermänskliga reflexer och använd ett stort antal olika specialtekniker för att vinna.

Eftersom en träff dödar direkt blir spelet snabbt och intensivt. Använd din överlägsna rörlighet (och många kontrollpunkter!) för att oförskräckt engagera dig i en evig dans med döden.

Ghostrunner erbjuder en unik upplevelse för singelspelare: fartfyllda, våldsamma strider och en unik miljö som kombinerar science fiction med postapokalyptiska teman. Spelet berättar historien om en värld som redan har upphört att existera och dess invånares kamp för att överleva.

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Ghostrunner is a hardcore FPP slasher packed with lightning-fast action, set in a grim, cyberpunk megastructure. Climb Dharma Tower, humanity’s last shelter, after a world-ending cataclysm. Make your way up from the bottom to the top, confront the tyrannical Keymaster, and take your revenge.

The streets of this tower city are full of violence. Mara the Keymaster rules with an iron fist and little regard for human life.

As resources diminish, the strong prey on the weak and chaos threatens to consume what little order remains. The decisive last stand is coming. A final attempt to set things right before mankind goes over the edge of extinction.

As the most advanced blade fighter ever created, you’re always outnumbered but never outclassed. Slice your enemies with a monomolecular katana, dodge bullets with your superhuman reflexes, and employ a variety of specialized techniques to

One-hit one-kill mechanics make combat fast and intense. Use your superior mobility (and frequent checkpoints!) to engage in a never-ending dance with death fearlessly.

Ghostrunner offers a unique single-player experience: fast-paced, violent combat, and an original setting that blends science fiction with post-apocalyptic themes. It tells the story of a world that has already ended and its inhabitants who fight to survive.

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一擊必殺的機制創造緊湊刺激的戰鬥。立刻用你優異的機動力 (和隨處可見的檢查點!) 大膽地與死亡共譜無止盡的雙人舞吧。


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Oyun Açıklaması

Ghostrunner; ışık hızında aksiyon, amansız bir mücadele ortamı, siber hacker tarzı mega yapı ile donatılmış, zorlu bir Birinci Şahıs (FPP) öldürme oyunudur. Dünyayı sona erdiren felaketten sonra insanlığın son sığınağı olan Darma Kulesine tırman. En aşağıdan en yukarıya çıkmak için yol bul, acımasız Keymaster’a karşı gel ve intikamını al.

Bu kule şehrinin sokakları şiddetle dolu. Keymaster Mara burayı demir yumrukla ve insan hayatına değer vermeden yönetiyor.

Kaynaklar tükendikçe, güçlüler zayıfları avlıyor ve kaos kalan son düzeni de tüketmekle tehdit ediyor. Kararlı bir son direniş geliyor. İnsanlık yok olmanın sınırına gelmeden önce bir şeyleri değiştirmeye yönelik son bir girişim bu.

Şimdiye kadar oluşturulan en gelişmiş kılıç savaşçısı olarak her zaman sayıca çoksun ama bir o kadar da üstünsün. Düşmanlarını tek moleküllü bir katana ile ikiye böl, süper insansı reflekslerinde mermilerden kaçın ve galip gelmek için pek çok çeşit özel tekniği kullan.

Tek vuruş tek öldürme mekaniği savaşı hızlı ve yoğun hale getirir. Ölümle korkusuzca hiç bitmeyen bir dansa başlamak için üstün hareket etme yeteneğini (ve sık kontrol noktalarını) kullan.

Ghostrunner tek oyunculu benzersiz bir deneyim sunar: hızlı tempolu bir oyun, şiddet içeren bir savaş ve bilim kurguyu kıyamet sonrası temalarla bir araya getiren orijinal bir ortam. Bu oyun, zaten son ermiş bir dünyanın ve hayatta kalmak için savaşan sakinlerinin hikayesini anlatır.

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Про гру

Ghostrunner is a hardcore FPP slasher packed with lightning-fast action, set in a grim, cyberpunk megastructure. Climb Dharma Tower, humanity’s last shelter, after a world-ending cataclysm. Make your way up from the bottom to the top, confront the tyrannical Keymaster, and take your revenge.

The streets of this tower city are full of violence. Mara the Keymaster rules with an iron fist and little regard for human life.

As resources diminish, the strong prey on the weak and chaos threatens to consume what little order remains. The decisive last stand is coming. A final attempt to set things right before mankind goes over the edge of extinction.

As the most advanced blade fighter ever created, you’re always outnumbered but never outclassed. Slice your enemies with a monomolecular katana, dodge bullets with your superhuman reflexes, and employ a variety of specialized techniques to

One-hit one-kill mechanics make combat fast and intense. Use your superior mobility (and frequent checkpoints!) to engage in a never-ending dance with death fearlessly.

Ghostrunner offers a unique single-player experience: fast-paced, violent combat, and an original setting that blends science fiction with post-apocalyptic themes. It tells the story of a world that has already ended and its inhabitants who fight to survive.

System Requirements


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