Golf With Your Friends
Golf With Your Friends
Golf With Your Friends
Golf With Your Friends
Golf With Your Friends
Golf With Your Friends
Golf With Your Friends

Golf With Your Friends

Release Date: 19/05/2020 | WORLDWIDE
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Sobre o jogo

De que serve ter amigos se não for para jogar golfe com eles...? Vale tudo nos campos de minigolfe frenéticos de até 12 jogadores de Golf With Your Friends!

Atrativos principais:

Diversão para 12 jogadores! Você vai precisar confiar no seu taco se quiser se dar bem contra outros 11 golfistas em partidas multijogador on-line!

Campos temáticos! Dispute com seus amigos em campos com buracos e mecânicas diferenciados! Seja um capitão do golfe num navio pirata, conquiste um albatroz no campo temático antigo ou guerreie contra minhocas!

Poderes! Semeie o caos entre os seus amigos: prenda a bola com mel, congele-a ou até transforme-a num cubo!

Três modos de jogo! Mande ver no minigolfe clássico, faça a bola rolar em aros ou troque o buraco por um gol de hóquei.

Editor de fases! Crie, compartilhe e divirta-se nos seus próprios campos para dar uma cara toda sua ao jogo.

Personalizações! Transforme o corredor do golfe numa passarela: desbloqueie chapéus, visuais e rastros para a bola!

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Достъпно е ново сваляемо съдържание

Относно играта

Why have friends if not to play Golf... With Your Friends! Nothing is out of bounds as you take on courses filled with fast paced, exciting, simultaneous mini golf for up to 12 players!

Key Features:

12 Player Multiplayer! Make sure your skills are up to scratch as you tee off against 11 other golfers in simultaneous online multiplayer.

Themed Courses! Go head to head on courses with unique mechanics and holes. Become a pro in the pirate course, aim for an albatross in the ancient theme or wage all out Worm warfare in the Worms course!

Powerups! Drive a wedge between your friends as you trap their ball in honey, freeze it or turn it into a cube.

Three Game Modes! Tee off in classic mini golf, shoot for the pars in hoops or swap the hole for a goal in hockey

Level Editor! Putt your own spin on the game by creating, sharing and playing your own courses.

Customisations! Turn the fairway into the runway, with unlockable hats, skins and trails for your ball.

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Nový stáhnutelný obsah

O hře

Why have friends if not to play Golf... With Your Friends! Nothing is out of bounds as you take on courses filled with fast paced, exciting, simultaneous mini golf for up to 12 players!

Key Features:

12 Player Multiplayer! Make sure your skills are up to scratch as you tee off against 11 other golfers in simultaneous online multiplayer.

Themed Courses! Go head to head on courses with unique mechanics and holes. Become a pro in the pirate course, aim for an albatross in the ancient theme or wage all out Worm warfare in the Worms course!

Powerups! Drive a wedge between your friends as you trap their ball in honey, freeze it or turn it into a cube.

Three Game Modes! Tee off in classic mini golf, shoot for the pars in hoops or swap the hole for a goal in hockey

Level Editor! Putt your own spin on the game by creating, sharing and playing your own courses.

Customisations! Turn the fairway into the runway, with unlockable hats, skins and trails for your ball.

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Nyt DLC tilgængeligt

Om spillet

Hvorfor have venner, hvis det ikke var for at spille golf ... med sine venner! Der er ingen grænser, når du tager på banerne med hurtig, spændende og simultan minigolf for op til 12 spillere!

Vigtige funktioner:

Multiplayer for 12 spillere! Sørg for, at dine evner er helt friske, når du tager fra tee og møder 11 andre golfspillere i onlinespil for flere spillere.

Baner med temaer! Gå mand mod mand på baner med unik mekanik og unikke huller. Bliv pro i piratskibet, sigt efter en albatros i det historiske tema, eller kæmp mod ormene på ormebanen.

Powerups! Skab splid mellem dine venner, når du fanger deres bold i honning, fryser den eller forvandler den til en terning.

Tre spiltilstande! Tee off i klassisk minigolf, slå for at få par i tøndebånd, eller byt hullet ud med et hockeymål.

Baneeditor! Giv spillet dit eget tvist ved at skabe, dele og spille dine egne baner.

Brugertilpasning! Lav fairwayen om til landingsbane – og lås op for hatte, temaer og haler til din bold.

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Nieuwe DLC beschikbaar

Info over het spel

Wat moet je met vrienden behalve golfen... met vrienden! Niets is te gek op banen vol snelle, spannende, gelijktijdige minigolf voor maximaal 12 spelers!

Belangrijkste kenmerken:

Multiplayer voor 12 spelers! Zorg dat je vaardigheden op scherp staan en sla een balletje tegen 11 andere golfers in de online multiplayer.

Themabanen! Ga de confrontatie aan op banen met unieke mechanismen en holes, word een pro op de piratenbaan, richt op een albatros in het oerthema of probeer de chaos van oorlog te overleven op de wormenbaan!

Powerups! Zet vriendschappen op het spel door hun ballen te vangen in honing, te bevriezen of te veranderen in blokjes.

Drie speltypen! Sla ballen in klassieke minigolf, dunk ze in baskets of verruil de hole voor een hockeydoel.

Level Editor! Geef het spel je eigen draai door zelf banen te maken, te delen en te spelen.

Aanpassingen! Verander de fairway in een catwalk met ontgrendelbare hoeden, skins en sporen voor je bal.

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New DLC Available

About the Game

Why have friends if not to play Golf... With Your Friends! Nothing is out of bounds as you take on courses filled with fast paced, exciting, simultaneous mini golf for up to 12 players!

Key Features:

12 Player Multiplayer! Make sure your skills are up to scratch as you tee off against 11 other golfers in simultaneous online multiplayer.

Themed Courses! Go head to head on courses with unique mechanics and holes. Become a pro in the pirate course, aim for an albatross in the ancient theme or wage all out Worm warfare in the Worms course!

Powerups! Drive a wedge between your friends as you trap their ball in honey, freeze it or turn it into a cube.

Three Game Modes! Tee off in classic mini golf, shoot for the pars in hoops or swap the hole for a goal in hockey

Level Editor! Putt your own spin on the game by creating, sharing and playing your own courses.

Customisations! Turn the fairway into the runway, with unlockable hats, skins and trails for your ball.

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Uusi lisämateriaali saatavilla

Tietoa pelistä

Golfkaverit ovat niitä parhaita kavereita, ainakin Golf With Friendsissä. Säännöt ovat tosin vapaamuotoiset, kun lähdet valloittamaan ratoja nopeatempoisessa ja jännittävässä, yhtä aikaa pelattavassa minigolfissa jopa 12 kaverin kesken!


12 pelaajan moninpeli. Swingin kannattaa olla kunnossa, kun lähdet viivalle verkkomoninpeliin 11 muun golffarin kanssa.

Teemaradat. Pistä mailalla koreasti erilaisilla teemaradoilla. Merirosvolaivalla kannattaa olla tarkkana, ettei käteesi tartu puumailan sijasta puujalka, matoradalla pääset keskelle matosotaa ja muinaisteemaisella radalla kannattaa tähdätä albatrossiin.

Tehostukset. Hoida tasoitus kuntoon nappaamalla kaverisi pallo hunaja-ansaan, jäädyttämällä se tai muuttamalla se kuutioksi.

Kolme pelitilaa. Puttaile klassisen minigolfin parissa, yritä lyödä pallo koriin tai vaihda reikä jääkiekkomaaliin.

Kenttäeditori. Ryhdy kenttämestariksi ja luo omia ratoja, joita voit jakaa muille ja pelata itse.

Mukautuksia. Valloita väylät tyylillä pukemalla pallosi svingaavan tyylikkäisiin hattuihin ja kellukkeisiin tai vaihtamalla sen liikejälkeä!

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Nouveau DLC disponible

À propos du jeu

À quoi servent les amis, sinon à jouer au golf... entre amis ? Tous les coups sont permis sur ces parcours de minigolf endiablés et stimulants, jouables jusqu'à 12 joueurs en simultané !

Fonctionnalités principales:

Multijoueur à 12 joueurs ! Testez vos compétences en affrontant 11 autres golfeurs dans le mode multijoueur en ligne.

Des parcours à thème ! Relevez le défi d'une multitude de parcours dotés de mécaniques et de trous uniques. Devenez pro sur le parcours pirate, visez un albatros dans le thème ancestral, ou déclarez la guerre aux vers sur le parcours Worms !

Des améliorations !Ne faites pas de cadeau à vos amis : piégez leur balle dans du miel, gelez-la ou transformez-la en cube.

Trois modes de jeu ! Croisez le fer en mode Minigolf classique, visez les pars en mode Paniers, et échangez les trous contre des buts en mode Hockey.

Un éditeur de niveaux !Apportez votre touche personnelle au jeu en créant, partageant et jouant sur vos propres parcours.

Des objets de personnalisation ! Arpentez le green avec style grâce à des chapeaux, des skins et des traînées à débloquer pour votre balle.

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Neuer DLC verfügbar

Über das Spiel

Was gibt es schöneres, als mit Freunden Golf zu spielen?! Spiel dich bloß nicht ins Aus, während du Kurse voll schnellem, aufregendem Minigolf für bis zu 12 Spieler gleichzeitig erlebst!

Wichtigste Features:

Bis zu 12 Spieler! Sorge dafür, dass deine Fähigkeiten auf höchstem Niveau sind, da du gegen 11 andere Golfer im Online-Mehrspielermodus antrittst.

Mottokurse! Trete auf besonderen Kursen mit einzigartigen Mechaniken und Löchern gegen andere an. Werde Profi auf dem Piratenkurs, ziele im Antik-Mottokurs auf einen Albatross oder wage dich im Worms-Kurs an die Kriegsführung!

Powerups!Ärgere deine Freunde, indem du ihren Ball mit Honig, Eis oder als Würfel zum Stehen bringst.

Drei Spielmodi! Spiele den Abschlag beim klassischen Minigolf, jage deinem Handicap nach oder tausche das Loch durch ein Hockeytor aus.

Level Editor!Verleihe dem Spiel einen persönlichen Touch, indem du deine eigenen Kurse entwirfst, teilst und spielst.

Individualisierungen!Mach einen Laufsteg aus dem Fairway: mit freischaltbaren Hüten, Skins und Schweifen für deinen Ball.

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Νέο DLC διαθέσιμο

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Why have friends if not to play Golf... With Your Friends! Nothing is out of bounds as you take on courses filled with fast paced, exciting, simultaneous mini golf for up to 12 players!

Key Features:

12 Player Multiplayer! Make sure your skills are up to scratch as you tee off against 11 other golfers in simultaneous online multiplayer.

Themed Courses! Go head to head on courses with unique mechanics and holes. Become a pro in the pirate course, aim for an albatross in the ancient theme or wage all out Worm warfare in the Worms course!

Powerups! Drive a wedge between your friends as you trap their ball in honey, freeze it or turn it into a cube.

Three Game Modes! Tee off in classic mini golf, shoot for the pars in hoops or swap the hole for a goal in hockey

Level Editor! Putt your own spin on the game by creating, sharing and playing your own courses.

Customisations! Turn the fairway into the runway, with unlockable hats, skins and trails for your ball.

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Új DLC érhető el

A játékról: 

Why have friends if not to play Golf... With Your Friends! Nothing is out of bounds as you take on courses filled with fast paced, exciting, simultaneous mini golf for up to 12 players!

Key Features:

12 Player Multiplayer! Make sure your skills are up to scratch as you tee off against 11 other golfers in simultaneous online multiplayer.

Themed Courses! Go head to head on courses with unique mechanics and holes. Become a pro in the pirate course, aim for an albatross in the ancient theme or wage all out Worm warfare in the Worms course!

Powerups! Drive a wedge between your friends as you trap their ball in honey, freeze it or turn it into a cube.

Three Game Modes! Tee off in classic mini golf, shoot for the pars in hoops or swap the hole for a goal in hockey

Level Editor! Putt your own spin on the game by creating, sharing and playing your own courses.

Customisations! Turn the fairway into the runway, with unlockable hats, skins and trails for your ball.

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Nuovo DLC disponibile

Informazioni sul gioco

A cosa servono gli amici, se non a giocare a golf... con gli amici! Il mini golf diventa maxi in Golf With Your Friends, tra percorsi pieni di insidie e partite simultanee tra 12 giocatori!


Multiplayer a 12 giocatori! Non vorrai sfigurare quando dovrai confrontarti con altri 11 golfisti nel multigiocatore online, vero?

Percorsi a tema! Ogni percorso riserve meccaniche e buche originali. Dimostra quanto vali sulla nave pirata, punta all'albatross nel tema antico o dichiara guerra sul campo di battaglia dei vermi!

Potenziamenti!Metti in difficoltà i tuoi amici intrappolando la loro pallina nel miele, congelandola o persino trasformandola in un cubo.

Tre modalità di gioco! Gioca al mini golf classico, punta al par andando a canestro o vai in rete nella porta da hockey.

Editor di livelli!Aggiungi il tuo tocco personale creando e condividendo i tuoi percorsi.

Personalizzazioni!Trasforma il fairway in una passerella sbloccando cappellini, skin e scie per la tua pallina.

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新 DLC を配信中


友達がいるなら…『Golf With Your Friends』で一味違うゴルフを楽しもう!最大12人で楽しめるハイペースでエキサイティングな11種類のコース。


最大12人のマルチプレイ! オンラインのマルチプレイでは他の11人のゴルファーたちと対抗してティーアップする!しっかりとスキルを磨いておこう。

テーマ別のコース! オアシス、海賊の入り江、宇宙ステーション…ユニークなホールと仕掛けが待ち受ける11種類のコースでアルバトロスを狙おう。

パワーアップ! ボールにハチミツの罠を仕掛けたり、凍らせたり、四角に変えたりして、友達を仲間割れさせちゃおう。

3つのゲームモード! クラシックなミニゴルフでティーオフしたり、リングにシュートしてパーを取ったり、ホールをホッケーのゴールに変えたり…ここでしかできない遊びを楽しもう。

レベルエディター! 自分のオリジナルコースを作ったら、みんなにシェアして遊べるよ!自分なりの仕掛けを詰め込んだ世界に1つしかないコースを組み立てよう。

カスタマイズ! アンロックできる帽子やスキン、ボールの跡で着飾って、フェアウェイをランウェイに変身させよう。

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새 DLC 출시

게임 정보

친구와 골프를""은 재미있고, 도전적이고, 최대 12명이 즐길 수 있는 멀티플레이어 미니 골프 게임입니다.
이 게임에는 현재 18홀로 구성된 레벨 9개가 있습니다.

조작법은 단순하며 게임은 사용자가 호스트가 되거나 단 몇 초 만에 게임에 참가할 수 있도록 만들어졌습니다.
게임은 필요한 경우 사용자가 암호를 추가해서 서버에 호스트하거나 공개적으로 개방할 수 있습니다.

주요 특징

각각 18홀로 구성된 다양한 레벨 7개, 총 162개 홀. 

12인 멀티플레이어

레벨 편집기

공 꾸미기 (모자 및 궤적)

조정 기능 (낮은 중력, 다양한 공 모양 등)

게임 모드 (후프 및 하키)

플레이어 생성 서버

Steam 초대

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Ny DLC tilgjengelig

Om spillet

Hva har man vel venner til, om ikke for å spille golf med! I Golf With Your Friends kan du spille kjapp, spennende, simultan minigolf på en rekke baner for opptil 12 spillere!

Dette får du:

Flerspiller med 12 spillere! Sørg for at du har trent deg opp når du møter opptil 11 andre golfere til dyst i nettbasert flerspiller.

Temabaserte baner! Slå i gang på baner med unike mekanikker og hull! Vinn byttet i sjørøverskipet, slå en albatross på antikkbanen, eller gå til krig mot markene på markebanen!

Power-ups! Gi vennene dine noe å bryne seg på ved å fange ballen deres i honning, fryse den eller gjøre den om til en terning.

Tre spillmoduser! Slå i gang i klassisk minigolf, sett ballen i kurven i «Hoops», eller bytt ut hullene med mål i «Hockey».

Nivåredigerer! Sett din egen vri på spillet ved å lage, dele og spille egne baner.

Tilpasninger! Gjør fairwayen om til en catwalk med opplåsbare hatter, skins og spor til ballen din!

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Nowe DLC dostępne

Informacje o grze

Znajomi są po to, żeby grać w Golfa... Ze znajomymi! Nic nie jest poza zasięgiem, gdy mierzysz się z polami golfowymi pełnymi żywiołowego, ekscytującego golfa do jednoczesnej gry dla nawet 12 graczy!

Cechy gry:

Tryb wieloosobowy dla 12 graczy! Sprawdź, czy dasz radę, mierząc się z 11 innymi golfistami w grze wieloosobowej online.

Pola tematyczne! Zmierz się z polami golfowymi o unikalnej mechanice rozgrywki i nietypowych dołkach. Zostań profesjonalistą na polu pirackim, spróbuj zaliczyć albatrosa w scenerii starożytnej lub wytocz ciężkie działa na polu zainspirowanym grą Worms.

Wzmocnienia! Wsadź wedge w mrowisko, nękając znajomych — unieruchamiając piłeczkę w miodzie, zamrażając ją lub zamieniając ją w kostkę.

Trzy tryby gry! Zmierz się w partii klasycznego minigolfa, paraj się grą w kosza lub zamień dołek na strzelanie goli w hokeju.

Edytor poziomów! Stwórz własną wersję gry, budując własne pola, które możesz udostępnić i w nie zagrać.

Personalizacja! Zamień fairway na wybieg dzięki możliwym do odblokowania kapeluszom, skórkom i śladom piłki.

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Novo DLC disponível

Acerca do Jogo

De que serve ter amigos se não for para jogar golfe... With Your Friends? Vale tudo nestes campos de minigolfe e a ação é rápida e entusiasmante para um máximo de 12 jogadores em simultâneo!

Caraterísticas principais:

Multijogador de 12 jogadores! Certifica-te de que as tuas capacidades estão a par dos 11 golfistas que podes enfrentar no multijogador online.

Campos temáticos! Joga em campos com mecânicas e buracos únicos, torna-te um profissional no campo dos piratas, faz um albatroz no campo com o tema ancestral e entra num campo de batalha que alude a um certo jogo de minhocas!

Reforços! Ganha vantagem sobre os teus amigos prendendo a bola deles em mel, congelando-a ou transformando-a num cubo.

Três modos de jogo! Joga minigolfe clássico, dá tacadas para encestar a bola ou troca o buraco por uma baliza de hóquei.

Editor de níveis! Dá um toque pessoal ao jogo ao criar, partilhar e jogar nos teus próprios campos.

Personalizações! Transforma o campo de golfe numa passarela de moda para a tua bola, dando-lhe chapéus, skins e rastos cheios de estilo!

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DLC nou disponibil!

Despre joc

Why have friends if not to play Golf... With Your Friends! Nothing is out of bounds as you take on courses filled with fast paced, exciting, simultaneous mini golf for up to 12 players!

Key Features:

12 Player Multiplayer! Make sure your skills are up to scratch as you tee off against 11 other golfers in simultaneous online multiplayer.

Themed Courses! Go head to head on courses with unique mechanics and holes. Become a pro in the pirate course, aim for an albatross in the ancient theme or wage all out Worm warfare in the Worms course!

Powerups! Drive a wedge between your friends as you trap their ball in honey, freeze it or turn it into a cube.

Three Game Modes! Tee off in classic mini golf, shoot for the pars in hoops or swap the hole for a goal in hockey

Level Editor! Putt your own spin on the game by creating, sharing and playing your own courses.

Customisations! Turn the fairway into the runway, with unlockable hats, skins and trails for your ball.

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Новый дополнительный контент

Об игре

Для чего нужны друзья, как не для того, чтобы играть с ними в гольф... в Golf With Your Friends! Забудьте о границах и почувствуйте драйв, играя в захватывающий динамичный синхронный мини-гольф компанией до 12 игроков!

Ключевые особенности:

Многопользовательский режим на 12 игроков! Приготовьтесь выполнять умопомрачипительные удары одновременно с 11 другими игроками.

Тематические поля! Соберите свою команду и начните пар-ти-ю на любом из полей с уникальными механиками. Поднимите флаг на пиратской лунке, сделайте альбатрос в древнем мире или устройте побоище червячков на поле Worms!

Усиления! Заставьте своих друзей попаттеть: приклеивайте их мячи медом, замораживайте или превращайте их в кубы.

Три режима игры! Играйте в классический мини-гольф, забивайте пары в кольца или замените лунки на хоккейные ворота.

Редактор уровней! Экспериментируйте с размахом, создавая собственные поля и делясь ими с другими игроками.

Персонализация! Устройте показ мод на фервее, открыв головные уборы, облики и следы для своего мяча.

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现已推出最新 DLC


不打高尔夫,要朋友何用... 邀请朋友们一起来吧!最多可有 12 名玩家同时于球场上游玩精彩刺激的快节奏迷你高尔夫,在这里一切充满无限可能!


可供 12 名玩家游玩的多人游戏! 与其他 11 名高尔夫球手进行在线多人游戏前,一定要先磨练好自己的技术。

各种主题的球场! 在具有独特机制与球洞的各种球场上一较高下。您可在海盗球场中成为高手、在远古主题球场中努力打出信天翁球,或在百战天虫球场发动一场虫虫全面战争!

强化道具! 让好友的球掉入蜂蜜陷阱之中、冻结成冰或变为一个方块,看看好友的反应吧。

三种游戏模式!! 进行经典的迷你高尔夫球赛、想办法击球进篮框打出标准杆,或是将球洞换成曲棍球的球门。

关卡编辑器! 创建、分享并游玩自己专属的球场,为游戏增添个人风格。

全面自定义! 将球道化为 T 台,为您的高尔夫球搭配各种可解锁的帽子、外观与轨迹。

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Nuevo DLC disponible

Acerca del juego

¿Para qué son los amigos si no es para jugar al golf? En Golf With Your Friends podrás jugar partidas de minigolf rápidas y emocionantes de hasta 12 jugadores a la vez.

Características principales:

¡Multijugador para 12 jugadores! Asegúrate de dar la talla cuando te enfrentes a otros 11 golfistas en el multijugador en línea.

¡Campos temáticos! Con mecánicas y hoyos únicos: conviértete en todo un profesional en el campo pirata, declara la guerra a los gusanos en el campo temático de Worms o consigue un albatros en el campo antiguo.

¡Potenciadores!Molesta a tus amigos atrapando su bola con miel, congelándola o convirtiéndola en un cubo.

¡Tres modos de juego! Da el golpe inicial en el minigolf clásico, encesta en el modo de canastas o cambia el hoyo por una portería de hockey.

¡Editor de niveles!Dale tu toque personal al juego al crear, compartir y jugar en tus propios campos.

¡Personalizaciones!Convierte la calle en una pasarela personalizando tu bola con sombreros, aspectos y estelas.

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Nytt DLC tillgängligt!

Om spelet

Varför ha vänner om inte för att spela Golf With Your Friends? Inget är utom räckhåll på de här banorna med fartfylld, spännande minigolf för upp till 12 spelare!

Utvalt innehåll:

Flerspelarläge för 12 spelare! Se till att dina färdigheter är på topp när du ska slå ut 11 andra golfare i flerspelarläget online.

Temabanor! Möt varandra på banor med unika funktioner och hål. Bli proffs i piratskeppet, utkämpa krig på maskbanan eller sikta på att slå en albatross i det forntida temat.

Extrakrafter! Sätt vänskapen på peggen när du snärjer dina kompisars bollar i honung, is, eller förvandlar dem till klossar.

Tre spellägen! Spela klassisk minigolf, slå för par i ringar eller byt ut hålet mot ett hockeymål.

Banredigerare! Sätt din egen prägel på spelet med hemmasnickrade banor som du kan dela med världen.

Anpassningar! Gör fairwayen till en catwalk med snygga hattar, ballonger och bollspår!

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Why have friends if not to play Golf... With Your Friends! Nothing is out of bounds as you take on courses filled with fast paced, exciting, simultaneous mini golf for up to 12 players!

Key Features:

12 Player Multiplayer! Make sure your skills are up to scratch as you tee off against 11 other golfers in simultaneous online multiplayer.

Themed Courses! Go head to head on courses with unique mechanics and holes. Become a pro in the pirate course, aim for an albatross in the ancient theme or wage all out Worm warfare in the Worms course!

Powerups! Drive a wedge between your friends as you trap their ball in honey, freeze it or turn it into a cube.

Three Game Modes! Tee off in classic mini golf, shoot for the pars in hoops or swap the hole for a goal in hockey

Level Editor! Putt your own spin on the game by creating, sharing and playing your own courses.

Customisations! Turn the fairway into the runway, with unlockable hats, skins and trails for your ball.

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推出新 DLC


不玩高爾夫,要朋友何用... 快呼朋喚友一起來吧!最多可有 12 名玩家同時於球場上遊玩精彩刺激的快節奏迷你高爾夫,在這裡一切皆有可能!


可供 12 名玩家參加的多人遊戲! 與其他 11 名高爾夫球手進行線上多人比賽前,別忘了先磨練好自己的技術哦。

主題各異的球場! 在具有獨特機制與球洞的不同球場上一較高下。您可在海盜球場中成為高手、在遠古主題球場中努力打出雙鷹,或在百戰天蟲球場發動一場蟲蟲全面戰爭!

強化道具! 讓好友的高爾夫球掉進蜂蜜陷阱、將球結凍或直接變為一個方塊,看看好友的反應吧。

三種遊戲模式! 進行經典的迷你高爾夫比賽、想辦法將球彈進籃框打出標準桿,或是將球洞換成曲棍球的球門。

關卡編輯器! 建立、分享並遊玩自己專屬的球場,為遊戲增添個人風格。

全面自訂! 將球道化為絢麗伸展台,為您的高爾夫球搭配各種可解鎖的帽子、外觀與軌跡。

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Yeni DLC Yayınlandı

Oyun Açıklaması

Arkadaşlarınla Golf oynamayacaksan arkadaşlarının olmasının ne önemi var! Hareketli, heyecan verici, 12'ye kadar oyuncunun aynı anda mini golf oynayabildiği sahalarda hiçbir atış başarısız değildir!

Ana Özellikler:

12 Oyunculuk Çok Oyunculu Mod! Çevrimiçi çok oyunculu modda diğer 11 golfçüyle mücadele edeceksin, becerilerini en iyi şekilde kullan.

Temalı Sahalar! Eşsiz mekaniklerin ve deliklerin yer aldığı sahalarda mücadele et, korsan gemisinde profesyonelleş, antik temada bir albatros yapmaya çalış veya solucan sahasında solucan savaşı ilan et!

Güçlendirmeler! Arkadaşlarının topunu bala batırarak, topu dondurarak veya topu küpe dönüştürerek arkadaşlarınla şakalaş.

Üç Oyun Modu! Klasik mini golfte mücadele et, topu halkalardan geçir ya da deliği bir hokey kalesiyle değiştir.

Seviye Düzenleyici! Kendi sahalarını oluşturarak, paylaşarak ve oynayarak oyuna kendi dokunuşunu kat.

Özelleştirmeler! Kilidi açılabilir şapkalar, görünümler ve top izleriyle golf sahasındaki geçit bölgesini podyuma dönüştür.

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Доступний новий вміст

Про гру

Why have friends if not to play Golf... With Your Friends! Nothing is out of bounds as you take on courses filled with fast paced, exciting, simultaneous mini golf for up to 12 players!

Key Features:

12 Player Multiplayer! Make sure your skills are up to scratch as you tee off against 11 other golfers in simultaneous online multiplayer.

Themed Courses! Go head to head on courses with unique mechanics and holes. Become a pro in the pirate course, aim for an albatross in the ancient theme or wage all out Worm warfare in the Worms course!

Powerups! Drive a wedge between your friends as you trap their ball in honey, freeze it or turn it into a cube.

Three Game Modes! Tee off in classic mini golf, shoot for the pars in hoops or swap the hole for a goal in hockey

Level Editor! Putt your own spin on the game by creating, sharing and playing your own courses.

Customisations! Turn the fairway into the runway, with unlockable hats, skins and trails for your ball.

System Requirements


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