Goodbye Deponia
Goodbye Deponia

Goodbye Deponia

Release Date: 01/01/1970 | WORLDWIDE
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More chaos, more destruction, more Rufus. Not one, not two, but three Rufuses cause all kinds of crazy mayhem in the long-awaited adventure comedy Goodbye Deponia!

The Organon plans the destruction of Deponia, the lovely Goal has (once again) disappeared, and anti-hero Rufus just can't seem to stop getting in his own way.

All inventor and free spirit Rufus wanted to do was to get off the junkyard planet of Deponia and move to Elysium, the paradise orbiting Deponia as a spaceship reserved for the highest echelons of society. Goal, the ex-Elysian girl that Rufus has fallen head over heels for, still seems to be the key to his endeavor...and to the elevator that will get him to space. Finally, Rufus has come up with a seemingly perfect plan.

And yet, everything that could possibly go wrong suddenly does go wrong. Rufus finds himself (initially in disguise) on a highway cruiser amongst stern-faced officials of the Organon, while Goal goes missing. When Rufus stumbles upon a cloning machine, he believes to have found his way out. A clone copy is supposed to help him out of his predicament. But an "inexplicable" error causes complications and Goal slips from our hero's reach once again. Now, he has to solve three major problems: He needs to find Goal again, reach Elysium and prevent the destruction of the entire planet of Deponia by the hand of the Organon.

Three problems that only three Rufuses could solve – and thus, the luckless inventor decides to clone himself! This leads to crazy ramifications for the player: In Goodbye Deponia, the player occasionally needs to control all three Rufuses, using them to complete tasks together – despite Rufus stumbling over himself so often.

Goodbye Deponia is the epic conclusion to the Deponia trilogy and sequel to the best German game of 2013 (German Computer Game Awards).
The award-winning Deponia series comprises of three wacky tales of adventure from the junkyard planet Deponia. These classic point & click romps not only delight comedy fans and adventure veterans, but also newcomers to the genre. The humorous Deponia series impresses with beautiful, hand-drawn 2D comic graphics, sarcastic dialogues and plenty of black humor. It has received numerous press awards, among them the German Computer Game Award (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) and many other German developer awards.

Key Features

  • A classic point & click adventure in a unique world, in the tradition of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Matt Groening
  • From the makers of Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning and Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • An epic conclusion to the iconic Deponia series
  • Unique comic style with hand-drawn HD 2D graphics
  • Cutscenes set to music with lovingly realized animations

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Относно играта

More chaos, more destruction, more Rufus. Not one, not two, but three Rufuses cause all kinds of crazy mayhem in the long-awaited adventure comedy Goodbye Deponia!

The Organon plans the destruction of Deponia, the lovely Goal has (once again) disappeared, and anti-hero Rufus just can't seem to stop getting in his own way.

All inventor and free spirit Rufus wanted to do was to get off the junkyard planet of Deponia and move to Elysium, the paradise orbiting Deponia as a spaceship reserved for the highest echelons of society. Goal, the ex-Elysian girl that Rufus has fallen head over heels for, still seems to be the key to his endeavor...and to the elevator that will get him to space. Finally, Rufus has come up with a seemingly perfect plan.

And yet, everything that could possibly go wrong suddenly does go wrong. Rufus finds himself (initially in disguise) on a highway cruiser amongst stern-faced officials of the Organon, while Goal goes missing. When Rufus stumbles upon a cloning machine, he believes to have found his way out. A clone copy is supposed to help him out of his predicament. But an "inexplicable" error causes complications and Goal slips from our hero's reach once again. Now, he has to solve three major problems: He needs to find Goal again, reach Elysium and prevent the destruction of the entire planet of Deponia by the hand of the Organon.

Three problems that only three Rufuses could solve – and thus, the luckless inventor decides to clone himself! This leads to crazy ramifications for the player: In Goodbye Deponia, the player occasionally needs to control all three Rufuses, using them to complete tasks together – despite Rufus stumbling over himself so often.

Goodbye Deponia is the epic conclusion to the Deponia trilogy and sequel to the best German game of 2013 (German Computer Game Awards).
The award-winning Deponia series comprises of three wacky tales of adventure from the junkyard planet Deponia. These classic point & click romps not only delight comedy fans and adventure veterans, but also newcomers to the genre. The humorous Deponia series impresses with beautiful, hand-drawn 2D comic graphics, sarcastic dialogues and plenty of black humor. It has received numerous press awards, among them the German Computer Game Award (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) and many other German developer awards.

Key Features

  • A classic point & click adventure in a unique world, in the tradition of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Matt Groening
  • From the makers of Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning and Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • An epic conclusion to the iconic Deponia series
  • Unique comic style with hand-drawn HD 2D graphics
  • Cutscenes set to music with lovingly realized animations

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O hře

Více chaosu, více zkázy, více Rufusu. Ne jeden, ne dva, ale hned tri Rufusové jsou zárukou zábavných potrhlostí ve dlouho ocekávané komediální point-and-click adventure Goodbye Deponia!

Organon plánuje znicit planetu Deponia, krásná Goal (opet) zmizela a antihrdina Rufus se neustále priplétá do dalších potíží.

Svobodomyslný vynálezce Rufus se jen chtel dostat pryc z té obrí skládky odpadu, kterou byla planeta Deponia, a prestehovat se do rajského sveta Elysia – kosmické lodi na její obežné dráze, vyhrazené pro nejvyšší spolecenské vrstvy. Zdá se, že klícem k Rufusove snahám – a k výtahu, který ho dostane do vesmíru – je opet z Elysia pocházející dívka Goal, do níž je Rufus zamilovaný. Rufus se nakonec vytasí se zdánlive dokonalým plánem.

Pres všechno úsilí se ale všechno, co by se mohlo pokazit, opravdu pokazí. Rufus se (puvodne v prestrojení) ocitne na vesmírném korábu mezi nevraživými príslušníky Organonu, zatímco Goal zmizela. Když Rufus zakopne o klonovací prístroj, domnívá se, že našel rešení. Z nesnází by ho mohla vysvobodit jeho vlastní kopie. Kvuli „nevysvetlitelné“ chybe se ale všechno zkomplikuje a Goal opet uniká z dosahu našeho hrdiny. Ted musí vyrešit tri zásadní problémy: Potrebuje znovu najít Goal, dostat se na Elysium a zabránit znicení celé planety Deponia, plánovanému Organonem.
Tri úkoly, které mohou splnit pouze tri Rufusové – a tak se smulou pronásledovaný vynálezce rozhodne naklonovat sám sebe! Pro hráce to má nezvyklé dusledky: Ve hre Goodbye Deponia je obcas nutné ovládat všechny tri
Rufusy, aby úkoly plnili spolecne – ackoli Rufus tak casto zakopává sám o sebe.

Goodbye Deponia je výpravné zakoncení trilogie o planete Deponia a pokracování nejlepší nemecké hry roku 2013 (Deutscher Computerspielpreis).
Ocenená série Deponia zahrnuje tri ztreštené dobrodružné príbehy z planetárního smetište Deponia. Tato klasická point-and-click dílka poteší nejen fanoušky komedie a zkušené hráce adventur, ale také novácky v tomto žánru. Humorná série z planety Deponia zaujme nádhernou a vtipnou rucne kreslenou 2D grafikou, sarkastickými dialogy a velkou dávkou cerného humoru. Byla ocenena radou cen novináru, napríklad ocenením Deutscher Computerspielpreis a mnoha dalšími nemeckými oceneními pro vývojáre.


  • Klasická adventura typu point-and-click v jedineèném svìtì, který navazuje na Douglase Adamse, Terryho Pratchetta a Matta Groeninga
  • Od tvùrcù her Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning a Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • Výpravné zakonèení legendární série z planety Deponia
  • Jedineèný komediální styl s ruènì kreslenou dvourozmìrnou grafikou v HD
  • Videosekvence nastavené na hudbu a nádhernì vypracované animace

The Deponia series on Steam:


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Om spillet

More chaos, more destruction, more Rufus. Not one, not two, but three Rufuses cause all kinds of crazy mayhem in the long-awaited adventure comedy Goodbye Deponia!

The Organon plans the destruction of Deponia, the lovely Goal has (once again) disappeared, and anti-hero Rufus just can't seem to stop getting in his own way.

All inventor and free spirit Rufus wanted to do was to get off the junkyard planet of Deponia and move to Elysium, the paradise orbiting Deponia as a spaceship reserved for the highest echelons of society. Goal, the ex-Elysian girl that Rufus has fallen head over heels for, still seems to be the key to his endeavor...and to the elevator that will get him to space. Finally, Rufus has come up with a seemingly perfect plan.

And yet, everything that could possibly go wrong suddenly does go wrong. Rufus finds himself (initially in disguise) on a highway cruiser amongst stern-faced officials of the Organon, while Goal goes missing. When Rufus stumbles upon a cloning machine, he believes to have found his way out. A clone copy is supposed to help him out of his predicament. But an "inexplicable" error causes complications and Goal slips from our hero's reach once again. Now, he has to solve three major problems: He needs to find Goal again, reach Elysium and prevent the destruction of the entire planet of Deponia by the hand of the Organon.

Three problems that only three Rufuses could solve – and thus, the luckless inventor decides to clone himself! This leads to crazy ramifications for the player: In Goodbye Deponia, the player occasionally needs to control all three Rufuses, using them to complete tasks together – despite Rufus stumbling over himself so often.

Goodbye Deponia is the epic conclusion to the Deponia trilogy and sequel to the best German game of 2013 (German Computer Game Awards).
The award-winning Deponia series comprises of three wacky tales of adventure from the junkyard planet Deponia. These classic point & click romps not only delight comedy fans and adventure veterans, but also newcomers to the genre. The humorous Deponia series impresses with beautiful, hand-drawn 2D comic graphics, sarcastic dialogues and plenty of black humor. It has received numerous press awards, among them the German Computer Game Award (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) and many other German developer awards.

Key Features

  • A classic point & click adventure in a unique world, in the tradition of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Matt Groening
  • From the makers of Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning and Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • An epic conclusion to the iconic Deponia series
  • Unique comic style with hand-drawn HD 2D graphics
  • Cutscenes set to music with lovingly realized animations

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Info over het spel

More chaos, more destruction, more Rufus. Not one, not two, but three Rufuses cause all kinds of crazy mayhem in the long-awaited adventure comedy Goodbye Deponia!

The Organon plans the destruction of Deponia, the lovely Goal has (once again) disappeared, and anti-hero Rufus just can't seem to stop getting in his own way.

All inventor and free spirit Rufus wanted to do was to get off the junkyard planet of Deponia and move to Elysium, the paradise orbiting Deponia as a spaceship reserved for the highest echelons of society. Goal, the ex-Elysian girl that Rufus has fallen head over heels for, still seems to be the key to his endeavor...and to the elevator that will get him to space. Finally, Rufus has come up with a seemingly perfect plan.

And yet, everything that could possibly go wrong suddenly does go wrong. Rufus finds himself (initially in disguise) on a highway cruiser amongst stern-faced officials of the Organon, while Goal goes missing. When Rufus stumbles upon a cloning machine, he believes to have found his way out. A clone copy is supposed to help him out of his predicament. But an "inexplicable" error causes complications and Goal slips from our hero's reach once again. Now, he has to solve three major problems: He needs to find Goal again, reach Elysium and prevent the destruction of the entire planet of Deponia by the hand of the Organon.

Three problems that only three Rufuses could solve – and thus, the luckless inventor decides to clone himself! This leads to crazy ramifications for the player: In Goodbye Deponia, the player occasionally needs to control all three Rufuses, using them to complete tasks together – despite Rufus stumbling over himself so often.

Goodbye Deponia is the epic conclusion to the Deponia trilogy and sequel to the best German game of 2013 (German Computer Game Awards).
The award-winning Deponia series comprises of three wacky tales of adventure from the junkyard planet Deponia. These classic point & click romps not only delight comedy fans and adventure veterans, but also newcomers to the genre. The humorous Deponia series impresses with beautiful, hand-drawn 2D comic graphics, sarcastic dialogues and plenty of black humor. It has received numerous press awards, among them the German Computer Game Award (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) and many other German developer awards.

Key Features

  • A classic point & click adventure in a unique world, in the tradition of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Matt Groening
  • From the makers of Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning and Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • An epic conclusion to the iconic Deponia series
  • Unique comic style with hand-drawn HD 2D graphics
  • Cutscenes set to music with lovingly realized animations

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About the Game

More chaos, more destruction, more Rufus. Not one, not two, but three Rufuses cause all kinds of crazy mayhem in the long-awaited adventure comedy Goodbye Deponia!

The Organon plans the destruction of Deponia, the lovely Goal has (once again) disappeared, and anti-hero Rufus just can't seem to stop getting in his own way.

All inventor and free spirit Rufus wanted to do was to get off the junkyard planet of Deponia and move to Elysium, the paradise orbiting Deponia as a spaceship reserved for the highest echelons of society. Goal, the ex-Elysian girl that Rufus has fallen head over heels for, still seems to be the key to his endeavor...and to the elevator that will get him to space. Finally, Rufus has come up with a seemingly perfect plan.

And yet, everything that could possibly go wrong suddenly does go wrong. Rufus finds himself (initially in disguise) on a highway cruiser amongst stern-faced officials of the Organon, while Goal goes missing. When Rufus stumbles upon a cloning machine, he believes to have found his way out. A clone copy is supposed to help him out of his predicament. But an "inexplicable" error causes complications and Goal slips from our hero's reach once again. Now, he has to solve three major problems: He needs to find Goal again, reach Elysium and prevent the destruction of the entire planet of Deponia by the hand of the Organon.

Three problems that only three Rufuses could solve – and thus, the luckless inventor decides to clone himself! This leads to crazy ramifications for the player: In Goodbye Deponia, the player occasionally needs to control all three Rufuses, using them to complete tasks together – despite Rufus stumbling over himself so often.

Goodbye Deponia is the epic conclusion to the Deponia trilogy and sequel to the best German game of 2013 (German Computer Game Awards).
The award-winning Deponia series comprises of three wacky tales of adventure from the junkyard planet Deponia. These classic point & click romps not only delight comedy fans and adventure veterans, but also newcomers to the genre. The humorous Deponia series impresses with beautiful, hand-drawn 2D comic graphics, sarcastic dialogues and plenty of black humor. It has received numerous press awards, among them the German Computer Game Award (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) and many other German developer awards.

Key Features

  • A classic point & click adventure in a unique world, in the tradition of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Matt Groening
  • From the makers of Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning and Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • An epic conclusion to the iconic Deponia series
  • Unique comic style with hand-drawn HD 2D graphics
  • Cutscenes set to music with lovingly realized animations

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Tietoja pelistä

Enemmän kaaosta, enemmän tuhoa, enemmän Rufusta. Ei yksi eikä kaksi vaan kolme Rufusta aiheuttaa kaikenlaista sekasortoa tässä pitkään odotetussa, perinteisessä seikkailukomediapelissä Goodbye Deponia!

Organon suunnittelee Deponian tuhoa, ihana Goal on (jälleen kerran) kadonnut ja antisankari Rufus tuntuu jatkuvasti asettuvan poikkiteloin omalle tielleen.

Keksijä ja vapaasielu Rufus tahtoi vain päästä pois Deponian romuplaneetalta ja muuttaa Elysiumiin, Deponiaa kiertävään paratiisinomaiseen avaruusalukseen, joka on varattu yhteiskunnan eliitille. Goal, entinen elysialainen, johon Rufus on päätä pahkaa rakastunut, tuntuu yhä olevan avain tähän hankkeeseen... ja hissiin, joka veisi hänet avaruuteen. Vihdoinkin Rufus on keksinyt ilmeisen täydellisen suunnitelman.

Ja siitä huolimatta kaikki, mikä mitenkään voi mennä pieleen, menee pieleen. Rufus havaitsee olevansa (aluksi valeasussa) vakavailmeisten Organonin upseerien joukossa ja Goal katoaa. Kun Rufus törmää kloonauslaitteeseen, hän uskoo keksineensä keinon päästä pälkähästä. Kloonin on tarkoitus auttaa hänet pulasta. Mutta selittämätön virhe monimutkaistaa tilannetta ja Goal lipuu jälleen sankarimme ulottumattomiin. Hänellä on kolme suurta ongelmaa: hänen on löydettävä Goal uudelleen, päästävä Elysiumiin ja estettävä koko Deponian planeetan tuhoutuminen Organonin käsissä.

Kolme ongelmaa, jotka vain kolme Rufusta pystyisi ratkaisemaan – ja siksi huono-onninen keksijä päättää kloonata itsensä! Tämä johtaa hulluihin seuraamuksiin pelaajalle: Goodbye Deponia -pelissä pelaajan on ajoittain ohjattava kaikkia kolmea
Rufusta ja käyttää heitä suorittamaan tehtäviä yhdessä – vaikka Rufus kompastelee jo itsekseen niin usein.

Goodbye Deponia on eeppinen lopetus Deponia-trilogiaan ja jatko-osa parhaaseen saksalaiseen peliin 2013 (Saksan videopelipalkinto).
Palkittu Deponia-sarja koostuu kolmesta kahjosta tarinasta, jotka sijoittuvat romuplaneetta Deponialle. Nämä klassiset seikkailupelit ihastuttavat sekä komediafaneja että seikkailuveteraaneja, mutta myös pelityypin tulokkaita. Humoristinen Deponia-sarja tekee vaikutuksen kauniilla, käsin piirretyllä 2D-sarjakuvagrafiikalla, sarkastisilla keskusteluilla ja suurella määrällä mustaa huumoria. Se on saanut useita lehdistön palkintoja, mukaan lukien Saksan tietokonepelipalkinto (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) ja monia muita saksalaisia kehittäjäpalkintoja.


  • Klassinen seikkailupeli ainutlaatuisessa maailmassa, joka on tehty Douglas Adamsin, Terry Pratchettin ja Matt Groeningin tapaan.
  • Pelien Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning ja Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes tekijöiltä
  • Eeppinen päätös ikoniseen Deponia-sarjaan
  • Ainutlaatuinen sarjakuvatyyli käsin piirretyillä 2D-teräväpiirtografiikoilla
  • Musiikkiin sovitetut välivideot ja rakkaudella toteutetut animaatiot

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À propos du jeu

Toujours plus de chaos, de destructions... et de Rufus. Non pas un seul Rufus, ni même deux, mais trois Rufus, bien (mal) à l'oeuvre pour causer tout un tas de catastrophes dans Goodbye Deponia, le dernier épisode du jeu d'aventure point & click bien connu!

D'un côté l'Organon veut tout simplement anéantir Deponia, de l'autre l'adorable Goal a (une fois de plus) disparu, et entre les deux cet anti-héros de Rufus semble tout juste capable de se créer les pires ennuis possibles.

Pourtant tout ce que veut ce libre-penseur (et inventeur) de Rufus c'est s'extirper de Deponia, cette planète dépotoir, et atteindre enfin Elyséum, ce paradis en orbite autour de Deponia dans un vaisseau spatial réservé à la plus haute société. Goal, la donzelle tombée d'Elyséum (perdant la mémoire au passage) et dont Rufus est tombé (bêtement) amoureux, semble être la clé de tous ses plans (tordus) ainsi que de son ascenseur (ou ascension) vers l'espace. Mais cette fois-ci, Rufus a un plan, un bon plan, qui semble parfait.

Bien entendu, tout ce qui pouvait tourner mal ne manque pas de tourner mal au pire moment. Rufus (initialement déguisé) se retrouve sous le regard suspicieux de la police de l'Organon, pendant que Goal disparaît du paysage. Lorsque Rufus découvre par hasard une machine à cloner, il croit avoir trouvé son billet pour le paradis. Un clone devrait l'aider à résoudre tous ses problèmes. Hélas, une erreur "inexplicable" ne fait qu'ajouter son (gros) lot de complications et Goal échappe une fois de plus aux mains de notre héros. Maintenant, il a TROIS problèmes sur les bras : Retrouver Goal, atteindre Elyséum et empêche Organon de détruire toute la planète Deponia.

Trois problèmes... aussi il faudra bien trois Rufus pour s'y attaquer, et notre loser d'inventer décide de se cloner lui-même ! Et c'est maintenant au joueur d'agir, en essayant de s'y retrouver : dans Goodbye Deponia, il devra contrôler les TROIS
Rufus afin de faire tout ce qu'il faut faire, malgré cet idiot de Rufus qui a maintenant trois fois plus d'occasions pour s'emmêler les pinceaux.

Goodbye Deponia est le troisième volet et la conclusion épique de la saga Deponia, sacrée meilleur jeu allemand 2013 (Deutscher Computerspielpreis).
Les trois volets se déroulent sur la planète dépotoir Deponia. Cette aventure classique de type point & click a ravi les amateurs de comédie tout comme les vétérans et les débutants de ce type de jeu. Deponia se distingue par un graphisme superbe en 2D à la main, dans le style bandes dessinées, avec des dialogues sarcastiques et plein d'humour noir. La Série a reçu de nombreuses distinctions, notamment celle de meilleur jeu allemand (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) et bien d'autres prix pour développeurs en Allemagne.


  • Une aventure dans le style classique point & click, à la Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett ou Matt Groening
  • Par les programmeurs de Memoria, Edna & Harvey s'évadent, Un nouveau départ pour Edna & Harvey
  • Une conclusion épique de la saga Deponia
  • Un graphisme unique, en HD tout à la main, dans le style bande dessinée
  • Des scènes de transitions musicales animée avec amour

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Über das Spiel

Mehr Chaos, mehr Zerstörung, mehr Rufus: Gleich drei Rufus(se) sorgen in der heiß ersehnten Point & Click-Adventure-Komödie Goodbye Deponia für abgedrehten Aberwitz!

Deponia wird von der Zerstörung durch den Organon bedroht, die hübsche Goal ist weg (mal wieder), und Antiheld Rufus steht sich bei allem selbst im Wege.

Dabei will Erfinder und Freigeist Rufus doch nach wie vor nur den Schrottplatz-Planeten Deponia verlassen und nach Elysium ziehen, auf dieses paradiesische, um Deponia kreisende Raumschiff der oberen Zehntausend. Goal, einst Elysianerin, in die sich Rufus unsterblich verliebt hat, scheint nach wie vor der Schlüssel zum Erfolg – beziehungsweise zum Aufzug nach oben – zu sein. Rufus‘ neuester Plan scheint endlich perfekt!

Und doch geht ganz schnell alles schief, was schiefgehen kann: Rufus verschlägt es - zunächst in Verkleidung - zu den grimmigen Organon-Beamten auf den Hochbahnkreuzer; Goal kommt abhanden. In einer zufällig entdeckten Klon-Maschine sieht Rufus seine Rettung: Eine Klon-Kopie sollte ihm weiterhelfen können. Durch einen „unerklärlichen“ Fehler kommt es jedoch zu Komplikationen und Goal entgleitet unserem „Helden“ erneut. Da steht Rufus nun vor dreierlei Problemen: Goal muss wiedergefunden werden, Rufus ist immer noch nicht in Elysium angekommen, und zudem droht der Organon Deponia mit der Zerstörung des gesamten Planeten.
Dreierlei Probleme können nur drei Rufus(se) bewältigen – und so klont sich der erfolglose Erfinder kurzerhand selbst! Mit aberwitzigen Folgen für den Spieler: In Goodbye Deponia gilt es, stellenweise alle drei Rufus(se) zu kontrollieren, und fortan gemeinsam Aufgaben zu bewältigen – obwohl Rufus sich so oft selbst im Wege steht.

Goodbye Deponia ist der krönende Abschluss der Deponia-Trilogie und Nachfolger des besten deutschen Spiels 2013 (Deutscher Computerspielpreis).
Als Trilogie erzählt die vielfach preisgekrönte Deponia-Serie drei aberwitzige Abenteuergeschichten vom Müllplaneten Deponia. Als klassische Point & Click-Adventures begeistern die Komödien sowohl eingefleischte Genre-Fans, als auch Adventure-Neulinge. Die humorige Deponia-Reihe besticht mit schönster, handgezeichneter 2D-Comic-Grafik, ist gewürzt mit sarkastischen Dialogen und jeder Menge schwarzem Humor, wurde vielfach von der Fachpresse gelobt, sowie mit vielen bedeutenden Preisen, darunter dem Deutschen Computerspielpreis und mehreren Deutschen Entwicklerpreisen, ausgezeichnet.

Key Features

  • Ein klassisches Point & Click Adventure in einer einzigartigen Spielwelt in der Tradition von Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett und Matt Groening
  • Von den Machern von Memoria, Edna Bricht Aus, A New Beginning und Harveys Neue Augen
  • Epischer Abschluss der kultigen Deponia-Reihe
  • Einzigartiger Comic-Stil mit handgezeichneter 2D-Grafik in HD-Auflösung
  • Melodisch vertonte Cutscenes mit liebevoll gestalteten Animationen
  • U.a. mit den Stimmen von Smudo von den Fantastischen Vier und Let’s Play-Legende Gronkh!

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Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

More chaos, more destruction, more Rufus. Not one, not two, but three Rufuses cause all kinds of crazy mayhem in the long-awaited adventure comedy Goodbye Deponia!

The Organon plans the destruction of Deponia, the lovely Goal has (once again) disappeared, and anti-hero Rufus just can't seem to stop getting in his own way.

All inventor and free spirit Rufus wanted to do was to get off the junkyard planet of Deponia and move to Elysium, the paradise orbiting Deponia as a spaceship reserved for the highest echelons of society. Goal, the ex-Elysian girl that Rufus has fallen head over heels for, still seems to be the key to his endeavor...and to the elevator that will get him to space. Finally, Rufus has come up with a seemingly perfect plan.

And yet, everything that could possibly go wrong suddenly does go wrong. Rufus finds himself (initially in disguise) on a highway cruiser amongst stern-faced officials of the Organon, while Goal goes missing. When Rufus stumbles upon a cloning machine, he believes to have found his way out. A clone copy is supposed to help him out of his predicament. But an "inexplicable" error causes complications and Goal slips from our hero's reach once again. Now, he has to solve three major problems: He needs to find Goal again, reach Elysium and prevent the destruction of the entire planet of Deponia by the hand of the Organon.

Three problems that only three Rufuses could solve – and thus, the luckless inventor decides to clone himself! This leads to crazy ramifications for the player: In Goodbye Deponia, the player occasionally needs to control all three Rufuses, using them to complete tasks together – despite Rufus stumbling over himself so often.

Goodbye Deponia is the epic conclusion to the Deponia trilogy and sequel to the best German game of 2013 (German Computer Game Awards).
The award-winning Deponia series comprises of three wacky tales of adventure from the junkyard planet Deponia. These classic point & click romps not only delight comedy fans and adventure veterans, but also newcomers to the genre. The humorous Deponia series impresses with beautiful, hand-drawn 2D comic graphics, sarcastic dialogues and plenty of black humor. It has received numerous press awards, among them the German Computer Game Award (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) and many other German developer awards.

Key Features

  • A classic point & click adventure in a unique world, in the tradition of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Matt Groening
  • From the makers of Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning and Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • An epic conclusion to the iconic Deponia series
  • Unique comic style with hand-drawn HD 2D graphics
  • Cutscenes set to music with lovingly realized animations

The Deponia series on Steam:


Buy Deponia 1-3:


A játékról: 

More chaos, more destruction, more Rufus. Not one, not two, but three Rufuses cause all kinds of crazy mayhem in the long-awaited adventure comedy Goodbye Deponia!

The Organon plans the destruction of Deponia, the lovely Goal has (once again) disappeared, and anti-hero Rufus just can't seem to stop getting in his own way.

All inventor and free spirit Rufus wanted to do was to get off the junkyard planet of Deponia and move to Elysium, the paradise orbiting Deponia as a spaceship reserved for the highest echelons of society. Goal, the ex-Elysian girl that Rufus has fallen head over heels for, still seems to be the key to his endeavor...and to the elevator that will get him to space. Finally, Rufus has come up with a seemingly perfect plan.

And yet, everything that could possibly go wrong suddenly does go wrong. Rufus finds himself (initially in disguise) on a highway cruiser amongst stern-faced officials of the Organon, while Goal goes missing. When Rufus stumbles upon a cloning machine, he believes to have found his way out. A clone copy is supposed to help him out of his predicament. But an "inexplicable" error causes complications and Goal slips from our hero's reach once again. Now, he has to solve three major problems: He needs to find Goal again, reach Elysium and prevent the destruction of the entire planet of Deponia by the hand of the Organon.

Three problems that only three Rufuses could solve – and thus, the luckless inventor decides to clone himself! This leads to crazy ramifications for the player: In Goodbye Deponia, the player occasionally needs to control all three Rufuses, using them to complete tasks together – despite Rufus stumbling over himself so often.

Goodbye Deponia is the epic conclusion to the Deponia trilogy and sequel to the best German game of 2013 (German Computer Game Awards).
The award-winning Deponia series comprises of three wacky tales of adventure from the junkyard planet Deponia. These classic point & click romps not only delight comedy fans and adventure veterans, but also newcomers to the genre. The humorous Deponia series impresses with beautiful, hand-drawn 2D comic graphics, sarcastic dialogues and plenty of black humor. It has received numerous press awards, among them the German Computer Game Award (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) and many other German developer awards.

Key Features

  • A classic point & click adventure in a unique world, in the tradition of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Matt Groening
  • From the makers of Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning and Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • An epic conclusion to the iconic Deponia series
  • Unique comic style with hand-drawn HD 2D graphics
  • Cutscenes set to music with lovingly realized animations

The Deponia series on Steam:


Buy Deponia 1-3:


Informazioni sul gioco

Ancora più caos, più distruzione, più Rufus. Ben tre Rufus scateneranno ogni tipo di pandemonio nella commedia avventurosa point&click a lungo attesa, Goodbye Deponia!

L'Organon pianifica la distruzione di Deponia, l'amabile Goal è scomparso (ancora una volta) e sembra proprio che l'anti-eroe Rufus continui ad averla vinta su tutti.

Tutto ciò che desiderava l'inventore e spirito libero Rufus era abbandonare il pianeta di Deponia e trasferirsi a Elysium, il paradiso che orbita attorno a Deponia come se fosse una nave spaziale riservata ai ranghi più elevati della società. Goal, l'ex ragazza di Elysian di cui Rufus è ancora follemente innamorato, sembra ancora essere la chiave della sua ricerca...e l'ascensore che lo porterà nello spazio. Alla fine, Rufus ha escogitato un piano perfetto.

E come se non bastasse, tutto quello che potenzialmente sarebbe potuto andare storto all'improvviso prende davvero una brutta piega. Rufus si ritrova (all'inizio è mascherato) in una crociera in alto mare tra gli austeri ufficiali dell'Organon, mentre non c'è ancora traccia di Goal. Quando Rufus si imbatte in una macchina di clonazione, crede di aver trovato la soluzione. Una copia clonata dovrebbe aiutarlo a uscire da questa difficile situazione. Ma un errore inatteso "inspiegabile" causa delle complicazioni e Goal sfugge di nuovo dalle mani del nostro eroe. Ora, deve risolvere tre problemi principali: Deve trovare nuovamente Goal, raggiungere l'Elysium ed evitare che l'intero pianeta di Deponia venga distrutto per mano di Organon.

Tre problemi che solo i Rufus possono risolvere – perciò lo sfortunato inventore decide di clonare se stesso! Questo porta ad alcune pazze diramazioni per il giocatore: In Goodbye Deponia, il giocatore ha occasionalmente bisogno di tenere sotto controllo tutti e tre i
Rufus, utilizzandoli insieme per portare a termine le missioni – anche se Rufus fa davvero del suo meglio.

Goodbye Deponia è l'epica conclusione della trilogia di Deponia e il seguito del miglior gioco tedesco del 2013 (German Computer Game Awards).
La premiata serie Deponia include tre stravaganti serie avventurose provenienti dal pianeta Deponia. La trilogia classica point&click alletterà non solo i fan della commedia ma anche i veterani e chi si approccia per la prima volta al genere avventura. Le serie umoristiche di Deponia impressionano per la loro bellissima grafica tipica dei fumetti, disegnata a mano in 2D, per i dialoghi sarcastici e una buona dose di black humor. Ha ricevuto numerosi premi, incluso il premio German Computer Game Award (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) e tanti altri premi da altri sviluppatori tedeschi.


  • Una classica avventura point&click in un mondo unico, sulla scia della tradizione di Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett e Matt Groening
  • Dai creatori di Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning ed Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • Una conclusione epica delle iconiche serie di Deponia.
  • Stile dei fumetti unico con grafica disegnata a mano HD in 2D
  • Scene di intermezzo con musica e piacevoli animazioni.

The Deponia series on Steam:


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3人のルーファスが、さらなる混沌、破壊に立ち向かいます。 待望のポイントクリックアドベンチャーコメディーGoodby Deponia。今回の大騒動で中心にいるのは、1人でも2人でもなく3人のルーファスです。 オルガノンがデポニアーの破壊を計画。かわいいゴールは(再び)姿を消し、ヒーローではないルーファスは相変わらずまごまごするのを止めることができません。

自由な心を持つ発明家ルーファスが望んだこと。それはゴミに埋もれた星デポニアーを脱出して、デポニアーを周回する上流階級の人々のためのパラダイス「エリシウム」に行くことでした。 ルーファスが恋するエリシウムの少女ゴール。彼女はいまだにルーファスの行動のカギであり...そして彼が宇宙に出るための重要なカギでもあるようです。 最終的に、ルーファスは一見完璧に見える計画を思いつきます。

ですが、うまくいかない可能性があれば、物事は何でも突然悪い方向に進むものです。 ハイウェイ・クルーザーの中で気づいたとき、不機嫌なルーファスは、こわもてのオルガノンに囲まれていることに気づきます。一方で、ゴールは行方不明になってしまいます。 クローンマシーンを見て、彼はこれで脱出できると考えます。 クローンを作れば、この苦境からの脱出を手伝ってくれるはず。 しかし、「説明不能の」エラーによって事態はさらに複雑化し、ゴールは再び我らがヒーローの手からこぼれおちてしまいます。 今、彼は3つの問題を解決しなければなりません。 ゴールを再び見つけ出すこと。エリシウムにたどりつくこと。オルガノンの手によるデポニアーの完全破壊を阻止することです。
これは、3つともルーファスが取り組むしかありません。そこでこの不幸な発明家は、自分自身をクローンすることを決断するのです! プレイヤーは、この決断によって大きな影響を受けます。 Goodbye Deponiaでは、プレイヤーは適宜3人の
ルーファスを操作する必要があるのです。彼らを使って3つの問題を一緒に解決してください - ルーファスは時には自分自身と遭遇することになりますが。

Goodbye Deponia はDeponia三部作の壮大な完結編であり、2013年におけるドイツ最高のゲーム(ドイツコンピューターゲームアワード)の続編です。
数々の賞を受賞してきたDeponiaシリーズは、ゴミの星Deponiaの奇抜なアドベンチャーストーリー3篇で構成されています。 クラシックなポイントクリックコメディであり、コメディファンやアドベンチャーゲームのベテランだけでなく、このジャンルの初心者でも楽しむことができます。 美しい手書きのコミック調2Dグラフィック、サーカスティックなセリフ、そしてたくさんのブラックユーモアが、愉快なDeponiaシリーズを彩ります。 シリーズは多くのプレスアワードを受賞しています。中には、ドイツコンピューターゲームアワード(Deutscher Computerspielpreis)、その他ドイツのデベロッパー関連アワードが含まれています。


  • 独自の世界でのクラシックなポイントクリックアドベンチャー。ダグラス•アダムズ、テリー•プラチェット、マット・グレイニング作品の伝統を継承。
  • Memoria、Edna & Harvey: The Breakout、A New Beginning、Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyesなどに関わったクリエーターが制作。
  • 伝統あるDeponiaシリーズの壮大な完結編。
  • コミック調のユニークなHD 2D手描きグラフィック。
  • かわいらしいアニメーション、音楽と合わせたカットシーン。

The Deponia series on Steam:


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게임 정보

More chaos, more destruction, more Rufus. Not one, not two, but three Rufuses cause all kinds of crazy mayhem in the long-awaited adventure comedy Goodbye Deponia!

The Organon plans the destruction of Deponia, the lovely Goal has (once again) disappeared, and anti-hero Rufus just can't seem to stop getting in his own way.

All inventor and free spirit Rufus wanted to do was to get off the junkyard planet of Deponia and move to Elysium, the paradise orbiting Deponia as a spaceship reserved for the highest echelons of society. Goal, the ex-Elysian girl that Rufus has fallen head over heels for, still seems to be the key to his endeavor...and to the elevator that will get him to space. Finally, Rufus has come up with a seemingly perfect plan.

And yet, everything that could possibly go wrong suddenly does go wrong. Rufus finds himself (initially in disguise) on a highway cruiser amongst stern-faced officials of the Organon, while Goal goes missing. When Rufus stumbles upon a cloning machine, he believes to have found his way out. A clone copy is supposed to help him out of his predicament. But an "inexplicable" error causes complications and Goal slips from our hero's reach once again. Now, he has to solve three major problems: He needs to find Goal again, reach Elysium and prevent the destruction of the entire planet of Deponia by the hand of the Organon.

Three problems that only three Rufuses could solve – and thus, the luckless inventor decides to clone himself! This leads to crazy ramifications for the player: In Goodbye Deponia, the player occasionally needs to control all three Rufuses, using them to complete tasks together – despite Rufus stumbling over himself so often.

Goodbye Deponia is the epic conclusion to the Deponia trilogy and sequel to the best German game of 2013 (German Computer Game Awards).
The award-winning Deponia series comprises of three wacky tales of adventure from the junkyard planet Deponia. These classic point & click romps not only delight comedy fans and adventure veterans, but also newcomers to the genre. The humorous Deponia series impresses with beautiful, hand-drawn 2D comic graphics, sarcastic dialogues and plenty of black humor. It has received numerous press awards, among them the German Computer Game Award (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) and many other German developer awards.

Key Features

  • A classic point & click adventure in a unique world, in the tradition of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Matt Groening
  • From the makers of Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning and Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • An epic conclusion to the iconic Deponia series
  • Unique comic style with hand-drawn HD 2D graphics
  • Cutscenes set to music with lovingly realized animations

The Deponia series on Steam:


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Om spillet

Mer kaos, mer ødeleggelse og mer Rufus. I det morsomme, etterlengtede pek og klikk-eventyrspillet Goodbye Deponia er det ikke bare én, ikke to, men hele tre Rufuser som forårsaker utrolige mengder kaos!

Organon har planer om å ødelegge Deponia, den skjønne Goal har forsvunnet (igjen), og anti-helten Rufus virker ute av stand til å gjøre noe rett.

Det eneste oppfinneren og den frie sjelen Rufus ville, var å komme seg bort fra søppelplaneten Deponia og flytte til Elysium – paradiset som går i bane rundt Deponia, og et romskip reservert for de rike og mektige. Det virker fremdeles som at Goal, den eks-Elysianske piken Rufus er hodestups forelsket i, er nøkkelen til målet hans... og til heisen han må ta for å komme ut i verdensrommet. Rufus har omsider kommet på en tilsynelatende perfekt plan.

Og likevel går alt som kunne ha gått galt, plutselig meget galt. Rufus befinner seg (først i forkledning) i et kjøretøy blant stramt utseende representanter for Organon, mens Goal forsvinner. Når Rufus oppdager en kloningsmaskin, tror han at han funnet en utvei. En klone skal hjelpe ham ut av den vanskelige situasjonen. Men en "uforklarlig" feil forårsaker komplikasjoner, og helten vår mister taket om Goal igjen. Nå må han løse tre store problemer: Han må finne Goal, komme seg til Elysium og forhindre at hele planeten Deponia ødelegges av Organon.

Dette er tre problemer som bare kan løses av tre Rufuser – og dermed bestemmer den uheldige oppfinneren seg for å klone seg selv! Dette fører til noen ville konsekvenser for spilleren: I Goodbye Deponia kontrollerer spilleren tidvis alle treRufusene, slik at de skal løse oppgaver sammen – på tross av at Rufus ofte snubler over seg selv.

"Goodbye Deponia" er den episke avslutningen av Deponia-trilogien og oppfølger til det beste tyske spillet i 2013 (den Tyske PC-spill-prisen).
Den prisvinnende Deponia-serien består av tre sprø eventyrspill fra søppelplaneten Deponia. Denne klassiske pek og klikk-moroa er ikke bare til stor glede for tegneseriefans og eventyrveteraner, men også for nybegynnere innen sjangeren. Den humoristiske Deponia-serien imponerer med vakker, håndtegnet grafikk, sarkastisk dialog og mengder med sort humor. Den har mottatt en rekke utmerkelser fra pressen, deriblant den Tyske PC-spill-prisen (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) og mange andre tyske utviklerpriser.


  • Et klassisk pek og klikk-eventyr i en unik verden som fører tankene til Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett og Matt Groening
  • Fra skaperne av Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning og Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • En episk avslutning på den ikoniske Deponia-serien
  • Unik tegneseriestil med håndlagd HD 2D-grafikk
  • Kuttscener med musikk og omsorgsfullt utformede animasjoner

The Deponia series on Steam:


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Informacje o grze

Więcej chaosu, więcej zniszczenia, więcej Rufusa. Nie jeden, nie dwóch, ale trzech Rufusów powoduje wszelkiego rodzaju szalony zamęt w długo oczekiwanej komedii przygodowej typu point & click pod tytułem Do widzenia Deponio!

Organoni planują zniszczyć Deponię, prześliczna Goal zniknęła (po raz kolejny), a anty-bohater Rufus nie może przestać iść swoją droga.

Rufus, wynalazca i wolny duch, chciał tylko uciec z zagraconej planety Deponia i przenieść się do Elysium, raju orbitującej wokół Deponii jako statek kosmiczny zarezerwowany dla najwyższych warstw społeczeństwa. Goal, dziewczyna zamieszkująca niegdyś Elysium, dla której Rufus stracił głowę, nadal stanowi klucz do jego sukcesu....oraz trampolinę, która wyniesie go w przestrzeń. W końcu Rufus opracował pozornie perfekcyjny plan.

A jednak wszystko co mogło pójść nie tak nagle rzeczywiście idzie nie tak. Początkowo w przebraniu, Rufus znajdzie się na szybkim krążowniku pośród poważnych oficjeli Orgnanonu, a Goal znika. Kiedy Rufus napotyka na maszynę do klonowania, wydaje się, że znalazł rozwiązanie. Jego klon ma mu pomóc wydostać się z tego położenia, Jednak „niewytłumaczalny” błąd sprawia problemy i Goal po raz kolejny wymyka się naszemu bohaterowi. Teraz musi rozwiązać trzy główne problemy: musi ponownie znaleźć Goal, dotrzeć do Elysium i zapobiec zniszczeniu całej planety Deponia z rąk Organonów.
Tylko trzech Rufusów może to rozwiązać — i dlatego pechowy wynalazca decyduje się sklonować! Ma to swoje szalone konsekwencje dla gracza: w Do widzenia Deponio, gracz czasami musi kontrolować wszystkich trzech
Rufusów, wykorzystując ich do wspólnego wykonania zadań — mimo, że Rufus często wpada na samego siebie.

Do widzenia Deponio to epickie zakończenie trylogii o Deponii oraz sequel najlepszej gry niemieckiej roku 2013 (German Computer Game Awards).
Zwycięska seria o Deponii składa się z trzech szalonych przygód z zagraconej planety Deponia. Trzy klasyczne gry typu point & click ucieszą nie tylko fanów komedii i weteranów przygód, ale również nowicjuszy tego gatunku. Pełna humoru seria o Deponii zachwyca piękną, ręcznie rysowaną grafiką komiksową 2D, sarkastycznymi dialogami oraz dużą ilością czarnego humoru. Otrzymała wiele nagród branżowych, w tym German Computer Game Award (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) oraz wiele nagród przyznawanych przez programistów niemieckich.


  • Klasyczna przygoda typu point & click w niezwykłym świecie, utrzymana w tradycji Douglasa Adamsa, Terry'ego Pratchetta i Matta Groeninga
  • Od producentów Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning and Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • Epickie zakończenie ikonicznej serii o Deponii
  • Unikalna, utrzymana w stylu komiksowym, ręcznie rysowana grafika 2D HD
  • Wycinane sceny opatrzone przepiękną animacją, dostosowane do muzyki

The Deponia series on Steam:


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Acerca do Jogo

More chaos, more destruction, more Rufus. Not one, not two, but three Rufuses cause all kinds of crazy mayhem in the long-awaited adventure comedy Goodbye Deponia!

The Organon plans the destruction of Deponia, the lovely Goal has (once again) disappeared, and anti-hero Rufus just can't seem to stop getting in his own way.

All inventor and free spirit Rufus wanted to do was to get off the junkyard planet of Deponia and move to Elysium, the paradise orbiting Deponia as a spaceship reserved for the highest echelons of society. Goal, the ex-Elysian girl that Rufus has fallen head over heels for, still seems to be the key to his endeavor...and to the elevator that will get him to space. Finally, Rufus has come up with a seemingly perfect plan.

And yet, everything that could possibly go wrong suddenly does go wrong. Rufus finds himself (initially in disguise) on a highway cruiser amongst stern-faced officials of the Organon, while Goal goes missing. When Rufus stumbles upon a cloning machine, he believes to have found his way out. A clone copy is supposed to help him out of his predicament. But an "inexplicable" error causes complications and Goal slips from our hero's reach once again. Now, he has to solve three major problems: He needs to find Goal again, reach Elysium and prevent the destruction of the entire planet of Deponia by the hand of the Organon.

Three problems that only three Rufuses could solve – and thus, the luckless inventor decides to clone himself! This leads to crazy ramifications for the player: In Goodbye Deponia, the player occasionally needs to control all three Rufuses, using them to complete tasks together – despite Rufus stumbling over himself so often.

Goodbye Deponia is the epic conclusion to the Deponia trilogy and sequel to the best German game of 2013 (German Computer Game Awards).
The award-winning Deponia series comprises of three wacky tales of adventure from the junkyard planet Deponia. These classic point & click romps not only delight comedy fans and adventure veterans, but also newcomers to the genre. The humorous Deponia series impresses with beautiful, hand-drawn 2D comic graphics, sarcastic dialogues and plenty of black humor. It has received numerous press awards, among them the German Computer Game Award (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) and many other German developer awards.

Key Features

  • A classic point & click adventure in a unique world, in the tradition of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Matt Groening
  • From the makers of Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning and Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • An epic conclusion to the iconic Deponia series
  • Unique comic style with hand-drawn HD 2D graphics
  • Cutscenes set to music with lovingly realized animations

The Deponia series on Steam:


Buy Deponia 1-3:


Despre joc

More chaos, more destruction, more Rufus. Not one, not two, but three Rufuses cause all kinds of crazy mayhem in the long-awaited adventure comedy Goodbye Deponia!

The Organon plans the destruction of Deponia, the lovely Goal has (once again) disappeared, and anti-hero Rufus just can't seem to stop getting in his own way.

All inventor and free spirit Rufus wanted to do was to get off the junkyard planet of Deponia and move to Elysium, the paradise orbiting Deponia as a spaceship reserved for the highest echelons of society. Goal, the ex-Elysian girl that Rufus has fallen head over heels for, still seems to be the key to his endeavor...and to the elevator that will get him to space. Finally, Rufus has come up with a seemingly perfect plan.

And yet, everything that could possibly go wrong suddenly does go wrong. Rufus finds himself (initially in disguise) on a highway cruiser amongst stern-faced officials of the Organon, while Goal goes missing. When Rufus stumbles upon a cloning machine, he believes to have found his way out. A clone copy is supposed to help him out of his predicament. But an "inexplicable" error causes complications and Goal slips from our hero's reach once again. Now, he has to solve three major problems: He needs to find Goal again, reach Elysium and prevent the destruction of the entire planet of Deponia by the hand of the Organon.

Three problems that only three Rufuses could solve – and thus, the luckless inventor decides to clone himself! This leads to crazy ramifications for the player: In Goodbye Deponia, the player occasionally needs to control all three Rufuses, using them to complete tasks together – despite Rufus stumbling over himself so often.

Goodbye Deponia is the epic conclusion to the Deponia trilogy and sequel to the best German game of 2013 (German Computer Game Awards).
The award-winning Deponia series comprises of three wacky tales of adventure from the junkyard planet Deponia. These classic point & click romps not only delight comedy fans and adventure veterans, but also newcomers to the genre. The humorous Deponia series impresses with beautiful, hand-drawn 2D comic graphics, sarcastic dialogues and plenty of black humor. It has received numerous press awards, among them the German Computer Game Award (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) and many other German developer awards.

Key Features

  • A classic point & click adventure in a unique world, in the tradition of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Matt Groening
  • From the makers of Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning and Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • An epic conclusion to the iconic Deponia series
  • Unique comic style with hand-drawn HD 2D graphics
  • Cutscenes set to music with lovingly realized animations

The Deponia series on Steam:


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Об игре

Больше хаоса, больше разрушений, больше Руфуса. Не один, не два, а целых три Руфуса перевернут мир вверх дном в долгожданной приключенческой комедии point & click "Прощай, Депония!"

Органон замышляет разрушить Депонию, милая Гоул (снова) исчезла, а антигерой Руфус все время путается у себя под ногами.

Все, о чем мечтал изобретательный и свободолюбивый Руфус, было оставить планету Депония, превратившуюся в гигантскую свалку, и отправиться в Элизиум - орбитальную станцию и настоящий рай для высших слоев общества. Гоул, девушка из Элизиума, от которой Руфус когда-то потерял голову, все еще остается ключом к его стремлениям... и к двери, которая ведет в космический рай. Итак, Руфус, кажется, разработал идеальный план.

Однако все, что могло пойти не так, конечно же, пошло не так. Руфус приходит в себя (сначала инкогнито) на борту крейсера среди свирепых приспешников Органона, а Гоул куда-то исчезает. Когда Руфус натыкается на машину для клонирования, он решает, что нашел выход. Клон может помочь ему выбраться из этой переделки. Однако странная ошибка путает все карты, и Гоул снова ускользает от нашего героя. Теперь перед ним три главных задачи: Он должен снова найти Гоул, попасть в Элизиум и спасти Депонию от разрушения, которым грозит ей Органон.
Эти задачи по силам только трем Руфусам - и вот незадачливый изобретатель решает клонировать себя! Это может здорово запутать игрока: Игрок "Прощай, Депония!" должен управлять всеми тремя
Руфусами, так чтобы все задания они выполняли вместе - несмотря на то что Руфус нередко мешает самому себе.

"Прощай, Депония!" - эпическое завершение трилогии о Депонии и сиквел лучшей игры Германии 2013 г. (награда German Computer Game Awards).
Признанная серия игр о Депонии включает три невероятные истории о планете Депонии, превратившейся в гигиантскую свалку. Эти классические игры point & click не только радуют фанатов и знатоков приключений, но и новичков в этом жанре. Юмористическая серия игр о Депонии очаровывает своей двухмерной графикой, созданной вручную, ироничными диалогами и обилием черного юмора. Игра получила множество наград прессы, среди которых награда German Computer Game Award (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) и многие другие награды Германии.


  • Действие классической приключенческой игры point & click происходит в уникальном мире, созданном в традициях Дугласа Адамса, Терри Пратчетта и Мэтта Грейнинга.
  • Действие классической приключенческой игры point & click происходит в уникальном мире, созданном в традициях Дугласа Адамса, Терри Пратчетта и Мэтта Грейнинга.
  • Эпическое завершение культовой серии игр о Депонии.
  • Уникальный комический стиль и высококачественная двухмерная графика, созданная вручную.
  • Игровые заставки наполнены музыкой и прекрасно проработанной анимацией

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More chaos, more destruction, more Rufus. Not one, not two, but three Rufuses cause all kinds of crazy mayhem in the long-awaited adventure comedy Goodbye Deponia!

The Organon plans the destruction of Deponia, the lovely Goal has (once again) disappeared, and anti-hero Rufus just can't seem to stop getting in his own way.

All inventor and free spirit Rufus wanted to do was to get off the junkyard planet of Deponia and move to Elysium, the paradise orbiting Deponia as a spaceship reserved for the highest echelons of society. Goal, the ex-Elysian girl that Rufus has fallen head over heels for, still seems to be the key to his endeavor...and to the elevator that will get him to space. Finally, Rufus has come up with a seemingly perfect plan.

And yet, everything that could possibly go wrong suddenly does go wrong. Rufus finds himself (initially in disguise) on a highway cruiser amongst stern-faced officials of the Organon, while Goal goes missing. When Rufus stumbles upon a cloning machine, he believes to have found his way out. A clone copy is supposed to help him out of his predicament. But an "inexplicable" error causes complications and Goal slips from our hero's reach once again. Now, he has to solve three major problems: He needs to find Goal again, reach Elysium and prevent the destruction of the entire planet of Deponia by the hand of the Organon.

Three problems that only three Rufuses could solve – and thus, the luckless inventor decides to clone himself! This leads to crazy ramifications for the player: In Goodbye Deponia, the player occasionally needs to control all three Rufuses, using them to complete tasks together – despite Rufus stumbling over himself so often.

Goodbye Deponia is the epic conclusion to the Deponia trilogy and sequel to the best German game of 2013 (German Computer Game Awards).
The award-winning Deponia series comprises of three wacky tales of adventure from the junkyard planet Deponia. These classic point & click romps not only delight comedy fans and adventure veterans, but also newcomers to the genre. The humorous Deponia series impresses with beautiful, hand-drawn 2D comic graphics, sarcastic dialogues and plenty of black humor. It has received numerous press awards, among them the German Computer Game Award (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) and many other German developer awards.

Key Features

  • A classic point & click adventure in a unique world, in the tradition of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Matt Groening
  • From the makers of Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning and Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • An epic conclusion to the iconic Deponia series
  • Unique comic style with hand-drawn HD 2D graphics
  • Cutscenes set to music with lovingly realized animations

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Acerca del juego

Más caos, más destrucción y más Rufus. No uno, ni dos, sino tres Rufuses causarán toda clase de desastres en la tan esperada y divertida aventura gráfica Goodbye Deponia!

Los habitantes de Organon planean la destrucción de Deponia, la encantadora Goal ha desaparecido (una vez más) y el antihéroe Rufus no parece dejar de seguir su camino.

El espíritu libre y creativo de Rufus quiere abandonar el planeta vertedero de Deponia y trasladarse a Elysium, la nave espacial que orbita alrededor de Deponia, un paraíso reservado para las altas esferas de la sociedad. La ex elysina Goal, de la que Rufus se ha enamorado perdidamente, todavía parece ser la clave de su determinación... y lo que lo impulsará hacia el espacio. Finalmente, Rufus ha ideado un plan aparentemente perfecto.

Pero todo lo que podía ir mal, de repente va mal. Rufus se encuentra (al principio disfrazado) patrullando por carretera junto a los hoscos oficiales de Organon, mientras Goal continúa desaparecida. Cuando Rufus se topa con una máquina clonadora, cree haber encontrado la salida ya que un clon supondría una ayuda para salir del apuro. Pero, por un error "inexplicable" se presentan nuevas complicaciones y Goal vuelve a escabullirse del alcance de nuestro héroe. Ahora Rufus tiene tres grandes problemas que resolver: Necesita volver a encontrar a Goal, llegar a Elysium y evitar que los habitantes de Organon destruyan completamente el planeta de Deponia.

Tres problemas que solo tres Rufuses podrían solucionar y, por eso, ¡el desafortunado inventor decide clonarse a sí mismo! Esto hará que el jugador se encuentre en una disparatada encrucijada: En Goodbye Deponia, a veces el jugador deberá controlar a los tres
Rufuses haciendo que trabajen juntos a pesar de que Rufus se tropiece consigo mismo a menudo.

Goodbye Deponia es el final épico a la trilogía de Deponia y continuación del mejor juego alemán de 2013 (Premio para Juegos de Ordenador de Alemania).
La galardonada serie Deponia se compone de tres descabelladas aventuras del planeta vertedero de Deponia. Esta clásica aventura gráfica no solo se gana a los fans y veteranos de los juegos de comedia y aventura, sino también a los recién llegados al género. La divertida serie Deponia llama la atención por sus magníficos gráficos en 2D realizados a mano, sus sarcásticos diálogos y su humor negro. Ha recibido diversos premios de la prensa, entre ellos el Premio para Juegos de Ordenador de Alemania (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) y muchos otros premios para desarrolladores en Alemania.


  • Clásica aventura gráfica que tiene lugar en un mundo extraordinario, siguiendo el modelo de Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett y Matt Groening
  • De los realizadores de Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning and Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • Un final épico para la prestigiosa serie Deponia
  • Al más puro estilo del comic, con gráficos en 2D realizados a mano
  • Escenas con música y animaciones realizadas al detalle

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Om spelet

Mer kaos, mer förstörelse, mer Rufus. Inte en, inte två, utan tre Rufusar orsakar alla typer av galna kaos i den efterlängtade peka & klicka äventyrskomedin Farväl Deponia!

Organon planer att förstöra Deponia, den vackra Goal har (återigen) försvunnit, och anti-hjälten Rufus kan bara inte låta bli att få igenom sin egen vilja.

Allt som uppfinnaren och den frie anden Rufus ville göra var att få kliva av skräpplaneten Deponia och flytta till Elysium, paradiset som cirklar runt Deponia som ett rymdskepp reserverat för de högsta posterna i samhället. Goal, den f.d.-Elysianflickan som Rufus blivit förälskad i upp över öronen, verkar fortfarande vara nyckeln till vad han strävar efter ... och till den hiss som kommer att kunna föra honom ut i rymden. Slutligen, har Rufus kommit på en till synes perfekt plan.

Och ändå, allt som kunde gå fel går plötsligt fel. Rufus finner sig själv (ursprungligen förklädd) på en motorvägskryssare mellan tjänstemän från Organon med ansiktsuttryck som av sten, medan Goal har försvunnit. När Rufus snubblar på en cloningsmaskin tror han sig ha funnit sin väg att fly. En klonad kopia skall hjälpa honom ut ur hans knipa. Men ett "oförklarligt" fel leder till komplikationer och Goal försvinner ur vår hjältes grepp igen. Nu måste han lösa tre stora problem: Han måste hitta Goal igen, nå fram till Elysium och förhindra Organons förstörelse av hela planeten Deponia.

Tre problem som endast tre Rufusar skulle kunna lösa - och därför beslutar den mindre tursamme uppfinnaren att klona sig själv! Detta leder till galna konsekvenser för spelaren: I Farväl Deponia, måste spelaren ibland styra alla tre
Rufusar, använda dem för att fullborda uppgifter tillsammans - trots att Rufus så ofta snubblar över sig själv.

Farväl Deponia är den storslagna avslutningen på Deponia trilogin och uppföljaren till det bästa tyska spelet 2013 (tysk prisbelöning).
Den prisbelönta Deponiaserien består av tre knasiga historier om äventyr från skräpplaneten Deponia. Dessa klassiska peka & klicka klassiska äventyrsfilmer ger inte bara glädje åt komedifans och äventyrsveteraner, utan även nybörjare i genren. Den humoristiska Deponiaserien imponerar med vackert, handgjord 2D-grafik, sarkastiska dialoger och massor av svart humor. Den har fått många tidningsutmärkelser, bland dem den tyska dataspel priset (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) och många andra tyska utvecklarpriser.


  • Ett klassiskt peka och klicka äventyr i en unik värld, i traditionen från Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett och Matt Groenings
  • Från skaparna av Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning och Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • En storslagen avslutning på den legendariska Deponiaserien
  • Unik seriestil med handgjord HD 2D grafik
  • Musiksatta sekvenser med kärleksfullt realistiska animeringar

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More chaos, more destruction, more Rufus. Not one, not two, but three Rufuses cause all kinds of crazy mayhem in the long-awaited adventure comedy Goodbye Deponia!

The Organon plans the destruction of Deponia, the lovely Goal has (once again) disappeared, and anti-hero Rufus just can't seem to stop getting in his own way.

All inventor and free spirit Rufus wanted to do was to get off the junkyard planet of Deponia and move to Elysium, the paradise orbiting Deponia as a spaceship reserved for the highest echelons of society. Goal, the ex-Elysian girl that Rufus has fallen head over heels for, still seems to be the key to his endeavor...and to the elevator that will get him to space. Finally, Rufus has come up with a seemingly perfect plan.

And yet, everything that could possibly go wrong suddenly does go wrong. Rufus finds himself (initially in disguise) on a highway cruiser amongst stern-faced officials of the Organon, while Goal goes missing. When Rufus stumbles upon a cloning machine, he believes to have found his way out. A clone copy is supposed to help him out of his predicament. But an "inexplicable" error causes complications and Goal slips from our hero's reach once again. Now, he has to solve three major problems: He needs to find Goal again, reach Elysium and prevent the destruction of the entire planet of Deponia by the hand of the Organon.

Three problems that only three Rufuses could solve – and thus, the luckless inventor decides to clone himself! This leads to crazy ramifications for the player: In Goodbye Deponia, the player occasionally needs to control all three Rufuses, using them to complete tasks together – despite Rufus stumbling over himself so often.

Goodbye Deponia is the epic conclusion to the Deponia trilogy and sequel to the best German game of 2013 (German Computer Game Awards).
The award-winning Deponia series comprises of three wacky tales of adventure from the junkyard planet Deponia. These classic point & click romps not only delight comedy fans and adventure veterans, but also newcomers to the genre. The humorous Deponia series impresses with beautiful, hand-drawn 2D comic graphics, sarcastic dialogues and plenty of black humor. It has received numerous press awards, among them the German Computer Game Award (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) and many other German developer awards.

Key Features

  • A classic point & click adventure in a unique world, in the tradition of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Matt Groening
  • From the makers of Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning and Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • An epic conclusion to the iconic Deponia series
  • Unique comic style with hand-drawn HD 2D graphics
  • Cutscenes set to music with lovingly realized animations

The Deponia series on Steam:


Buy Deponia 1-3:



More chaos, more destruction, more Rufus. Not one, not two, but three Rufuses cause all kinds of crazy mayhem in the long-awaited adventure comedy Goodbye Deponia!

The Organon plans the destruction of Deponia, the lovely Goal has (once again) disappeared, and anti-hero Rufus just can't seem to stop getting in his own way.

All inventor and free spirit Rufus wanted to do was to get off the junkyard planet of Deponia and move to Elysium, the paradise orbiting Deponia as a spaceship reserved for the highest echelons of society. Goal, the ex-Elysian girl that Rufus has fallen head over heels for, still seems to be the key to his endeavor...and to the elevator that will get him to space. Finally, Rufus has come up with a seemingly perfect plan.

And yet, everything that could possibly go wrong suddenly does go wrong. Rufus finds himself (initially in disguise) on a highway cruiser amongst stern-faced officials of the Organon, while Goal goes missing. When Rufus stumbles upon a cloning machine, he believes to have found his way out. A clone copy is supposed to help him out of his predicament. But an "inexplicable" error causes complications and Goal slips from our hero's reach once again. Now, he has to solve three major problems: He needs to find Goal again, reach Elysium and prevent the destruction of the entire planet of Deponia by the hand of the Organon.

Three problems that only three Rufuses could solve – and thus, the luckless inventor decides to clone himself! This leads to crazy ramifications for the player: In Goodbye Deponia, the player occasionally needs to control all three Rufuses, using them to complete tasks together – despite Rufus stumbling over himself so often.

Goodbye Deponia is the epic conclusion to the Deponia trilogy and sequel to the best German game of 2013 (German Computer Game Awards).
The award-winning Deponia series comprises of three wacky tales of adventure from the junkyard planet Deponia. These classic point & click romps not only delight comedy fans and adventure veterans, but also newcomers to the genre. The humorous Deponia series impresses with beautiful, hand-drawn 2D comic graphics, sarcastic dialogues and plenty of black humor. It has received numerous press awards, among them the German Computer Game Award (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) and many other German developer awards.

Key Features

  • A classic point & click adventure in a unique world, in the tradition of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Matt Groening
  • From the makers of Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning and Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • An epic conclusion to the iconic Deponia series
  • Unique comic style with hand-drawn HD 2D graphics
  • Cutscenes set to music with lovingly realized animations

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Oyun Açıklaması

Daha fazla kargasa, daha fazla yikim, daha fazla Rufus. Bir degil, iki degil, üç Rufus uzun zamandir beklenen bul ve tikla macera komedisi Elveda Deponia’da her türlü çilgin kargasaya neden oluyor!

Organon, Deponia'nin imhasini planliyor, sevimli Goal (bir kez daha) ortadan kaybolmus durumda ve anti-kahraman Rufus kendi bildigini okumaktan vazgeçememis görünüyor.

Mucit ve özgür ruhlu Rufus'un tüm yapmak istedigi, hurdalik gezegeni Deponia'dan ayrilmak ve toplumun en üst kademeleri için ayrilan bir uzay gemisi olarak Deponia'nin yörüngesindeki cennet Elysium'a tasinmak. Rufus'un gönlünü kaptirdigi eski Elysian kizi olan Goal, çabasinin ve onu uzaya götürecek olan asansörün hala anahtari olarak görünüyor. Son olarak Rufus, mükemmel görünen bir plan ortaya atti.

Hal böyle olunca, büyük olasilikla ters gidebilecek her sey aniden ters gidiyor. Goal kayip iken, Rufus kendini Organon'un sert yüzlü yetkililerinin arasinda, bir otoyol gezinti aracinda (baslangiçta kilik degistirmis olarak) buluyor. Rufus bir klonlama makinesine rastladiginda, çikis yolunu bulmus olduguna inaniyor. Bir klon kopyasinin ona içinden çikilmaz durum konusunda yardim etmesi gerek. Ancak "açiklanamaz" bir hata komplikasyonlara neden oluyor ve Goal kahramanimizin elinden bir kez daha kayip gidiyor. Simdi, üç büyük sorunu çözmek zorunda: Goal'u tekrar bulmasi, Elysium'a ulasmasi ve Organon'un elinden tüm Deponia gezegeninin yok olmasini önlemesi gerek.

Sadece üç Rufus'un çözebilecegi üç sorun ve böylece, sanssiz mucit kendini klonlamak için karar veriyor! Bu, oyuncu için çilgin sonuçlara yol açiyor: Elveda Deponia'da, Rufus sik sik kendisine takilip tökezlemesine ragmen, birlikte görevleri tamamlamak için bunlari kullanarak oyuncunun zaman zaman her üç
Rufus'u kontrol etmesi gerek.

Elveda Deponia, Deponia üçlemesinin destansi sonu ve 2013 yili en iyi Alman oyununun devami (Alman Bilgisayar Oyunu Ödülleri).
Ödüllü Deponia serisi, hurdalik gezegen Deponia'dan gelen maceranin üç tuhaf hikâyesinden olusuyor. Bu klasik bul ve tikla haylazlari, sadece komedi tutkunlarini ve macera ustalarini degil, ayni zamanda bu türde yeni olanlari da eglendiriyor. Komik Deponia serisi güzel, elle çizilmis 2D çizgi roman grafikleri, alayci diyaloglari ve bol kara mizah ile iz birakiyor. Aralarinda Alman Bilgisayar Oyunu Ödülü (Deutscher Bundestag Besin Computerspielpreis) ve diger birçok Alman gelistirici ödülleri de bulunan çok sayida basin ödülü kazandi.


  • Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett ve Matt Groening geleneginde, essiz bir dünyada klasik bir bul ve tikla macerasi
  • Memoria, Edna ve Harvey’in yapimcilarindan: Firar, Yeni Bir Baslangiç ve Edna ve Harvey: Harvey'in Yeni Gözleri
  • Ikonik Deponia serisine destanci bir son
  • Elle çizilmis HD 2D grafiklerle benzersiz çizgi roman tarzi
  • Sevgi ile gerçeklestirilen animasyonlarla bestelenmis ara sahneler

The Deponia series on Steam:


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Про гру

More chaos, more destruction, more Rufus. Not one, not two, but three Rufuses cause all kinds of crazy mayhem in the long-awaited adventure comedy Goodbye Deponia!

The Organon plans the destruction of Deponia, the lovely Goal has (once again) disappeared, and anti-hero Rufus just can't seem to stop getting in his own way.

All inventor and free spirit Rufus wanted to do was to get off the junkyard planet of Deponia and move to Elysium, the paradise orbiting Deponia as a spaceship reserved for the highest echelons of society. Goal, the ex-Elysian girl that Rufus has fallen head over heels for, still seems to be the key to his endeavor...and to the elevator that will get him to space. Finally, Rufus has come up with a seemingly perfect plan.

And yet, everything that could possibly go wrong suddenly does go wrong. Rufus finds himself (initially in disguise) on a highway cruiser amongst stern-faced officials of the Organon, while Goal goes missing. When Rufus stumbles upon a cloning machine, he believes to have found his way out. A clone copy is supposed to help him out of his predicament. But an "inexplicable" error causes complications and Goal slips from our hero's reach once again. Now, he has to solve three major problems: He needs to find Goal again, reach Elysium and prevent the destruction of the entire planet of Deponia by the hand of the Organon.

Three problems that only three Rufuses could solve – and thus, the luckless inventor decides to clone himself! This leads to crazy ramifications for the player: In Goodbye Deponia, the player occasionally needs to control all three Rufuses, using them to complete tasks together – despite Rufus stumbling over himself so often.

Goodbye Deponia is the epic conclusion to the Deponia trilogy and sequel to the best German game of 2013 (German Computer Game Awards).
The award-winning Deponia series comprises of three wacky tales of adventure from the junkyard planet Deponia. These classic point & click romps not only delight comedy fans and adventure veterans, but also newcomers to the genre. The humorous Deponia series impresses with beautiful, hand-drawn 2D comic graphics, sarcastic dialogues and plenty of black humor. It has received numerous press awards, among them the German Computer Game Award (Deutscher Computerspielpreis) and many other German developer awards.

Key Features

  • A classic point & click adventure in a unique world, in the tradition of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Matt Groening
  • From the makers of Memoria, Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, A New Beginning and Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
  • An epic conclusion to the iconic Deponia series
  • Unique comic style with hand-drawn HD 2D graphics
  • Cutscenes set to music with lovingly realized animations

System Requirements


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