Gremlins, Inc.
Gremlins, Inc.

Gremlins, Inc.

Release Date: 10/03/2016 | WORLDWIDE
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2,489.64 ₽ + VAT



Gremlins, Inc. tem seu servidor oficial no Discord, onde centenas de jogadores discutem o jogo e nossa equipe mostra trabalhos em andamento. Use este link para se inscrever!


Quando comprar este jogo, você recebe 2 produtos na sua biblioteca de jogos do Steam: Gremlins, Inc. – para jogar online nos modos solo e multijogador, com itens e modificações da Oficina Steam; e Gremlins vs Automatons – para jogar offline no modo para um jogador.

Sobre o jogo

Este intenso jogo de tabuleiro e estratégia é ambientado em um mundo steampunk de gremlins capitalistas, corruptos e competitivos. Economize, invista, roube, achaque, prenda e seja preso no modo solo e no multijogador com posições, classificações e modos de equipe e de espectadores. Apresentando atualizações de conteúdo periódicas, itens, suporte completo ao Mercado da Comunidade do Steam e muito mais!


Gremlins, Inc. foi desenvolvido para ter até 6 jogadores, no modo multijogador ou no modo solo (com jogadores controlados pela IA). Cada jogador tem 6 cartas na mão (repostas a partir do mesmo baralho) e as usa para se movimentar pelo tabuleiro e para realizar diferentes ações de jogo. Há muita interação entre os jogadores e os duelos são significativamente diferentes em relação a jogos de 3 ou 4 jogadores. Você joga até atingir um limite de pontuação em um número fixo de rodadas ou em um limite de tempo em partidas personalizadas ou classificatórias (com organização de partidas por nível de jogador). Também há partidas privadas protegidas por senha disponíveis.


Sim, pode! Além das partidas personalizadas (em que você define os parâmetros da partida e ainda pode definir filtros para os jogadores que podem entrar) e partidas privadas protegidas por senha (para que você e seus amigos possam jogar sem serem perturbados, o jogo oferece o modo de equipe (2x2, 3x3 ou 2x2x2) com equipes de jogadores humanos e/ou controlados pela IA. Gremlins, Inc. também inclui um modo de espectador que permite assistir a partidas de outros jogadores de dentro do jogo, compartilhando sua opinião com os jogadores e outros espectadores por meio de mensagens e emoticons.


Com certeza! Quando comprar este jogo, você recebe 2 produtos na sua biblioteca de jogos do Steam: Gremlins, Inc. – para jogar online nos modos solo e multijogador, com itens e modificações da Oficina Steam; e Gremlins vs Automatons – para jogar offline no modo para um jogador.


O jogo oferece configurações de partida diferentes para se adequar ao seu tempo disponível, e o modo solo oferece a função de salvamento e carregamento automático a cada turno, para que você possa parar sempre que quiser; o modo multijogador oferece o recurso de reconexão enquanto a partida ainda está em andamento. Um duelo rápido por 20 pontos com tempo rápido pode terminar em menos de 20 minutos, enquanto uma partida de 4 jogadores em 60 rodadas pode durar até mais de 2 horas.


Há diferentes tipos de cartas no jogo (permanentes, normais, secretas e criminosas). Já que pode usá-las tanto para se deslocar como para realizar uma ação, você vai elaborar estratégias de curto e longo prazo para aproveitar ao máximo sua posição atual no tabuleiro e as cartas que tiver em mãos. Normalmente você passa metade do tempo de jogo acumulando recursos e montando a base para finalizar a partida; e a outra metade tentando conter o progresso dos adversários (roubando, prendendo, iniciando Conflitos de Jogadores e assim por diante). Quanto mais você joga, mais estratégias descobre, especialmente quando combina os efeitos de várias cartas usadas em combinação.


  • Este é um jogo de estratégia intenso: você precisa tomar decisões a cada rodada! Planeje seus movimentos e adapte-os às ações dos outros jogadores e às novas cartas que receber.
  • O design do tabuleiro e as várias camadas de recursos opcionais (que você pode ativar ou desativar como quiser) abrem um leque de estratégias. Quanto mais você jogar, mais caminhos para a vitória vai descobrir, usando uma combinação de recursos baseada no ajuste particular da partida.
  • O jogo oferece um sistema de recursos diversos que permite muitas chances de reviravolta, mesmo depois dos jogadores terem sido presos ou roubados (ou as duas coisas). Através dos pontos, dinheiro, votos, maldade, renda e subornos, a tensão geralmente se mantém até a última rodada.
  • O modo multijogador conta com um sistema de níveis, classificações e partidas classificatórias: dispute uma liga específica e participe dos torneios organizados com frequência para mais de 1.000 participantes. Um sistema de máscaras anônimas permite que todos disputem uma partida classificatória em igualdade de condições.
  • Além disso, o jogo oferece 10 desafios de jogo solo, além da opção de criar partidas solo personalizadas com configurações diferentes e diversos jogadores controlados pela IA.
  • Por último, há o modo de equipe, no qual a vitória se determina não só pela habilidade estratégica como também pela comunicação e coordenação de cada time.


  • 179 cartas no baralho principal (143 sendo únicas): cartas permanentes, normais, secretas e criminosas, cada uma delas com uma ilustração original feita à mão no estilo steampunk; a cada atualização de estação, vamos continuar colocando cartas novas no baralho.
  • 38 cartas no baralho de Infortúnios: representam os eventos especiais acionados em certos momentos do jogo, que podem afetar a situação de todos os jogadores de forma significativa, especialmente quando usados em um adversário específico.
  • 6 Cartas do Caos especiais: Esse é um conjunto opcional de cartas disponível para todos os jogadores; ative-o ou desative-o para alterar a dinâmica da partida.
  • 12 conjuntos de habilidades de personagem: outro recurso opcional que traz mecânicas de jogo especiais, exclusivas de cada tipo de personagem; jogar com elas tornam as diferentes estratégias dos concorrentes ainda mais evidentes.
  • 11 locais - o Escritório, a Fábrica, o Lixão, o Mercado, o Inferno, a Cadeia, o Cassino, o Tribunal, o Tesouro, o Banco e o Plano Astral - e 7 tipos de casas - Risco, Aposta, Polícia, Renda, Suborno, Infortúnio e Tribuna.
  • Enfim, levamos três anos para desenvolver o jogo, desde o conceito até o acesso antecipado e o lançamento completo; e continuamos comprometidos a manter o suporte para a comunidade com o desenvolvimento de conteúdos novos. No momento, há mais de 120.000 jogadores de Gremlins, Inc. no Steam em todo o mundo, incluindo EUA, Rússia, China, Japão, Reino Unido e França. No total, os jogadores iniciaram mais de um milhão de partidas nos três primeiros meses após o lançamento.


Você acha que possui apenas um relógio de bolso nas mãos. Um relógio que está um pouco atrasado porque você se esqueceu de dar corda? Não, não e não – você não poderia estar mais errado! O que você tem em mãos é uma cidade gremlin totalmente funcional dentro deste mecanismo minúsculo: uma cidade com seu próprio banco, seu próprio cassino... e até sua própria cadeia! Gremlins são as criaturas microscópicas que habitam qualquer mecanismo em que consigam se infiltrar. Se um relógio ou telescópio parar de funcionar, provavelmente foi porque os gremlins fixaram residência dentro deles.

Os gremlins desejam, mais do que tudo em suas vidas, dinheiro, poder político e prestígio: prestígio que pode ser adquirido com a conclusão de um projeto de engenharia grandioso. Além de trabalhar em seus próprios projetos, os gremlins passam a maior parte do tempo impedindo outros gremlins de construir algo ainda mais grandioso. Eles conseguem isso subornando funcionários do governo e mentindo para seu eleitorado, além de roubarem de seus concorrentes - e mandá-los para a cadeia.


Achamos importante frisar que Gremlins, Inc. não é um jogo gratuito (free-to-play). Ele também não é um jogo de cartas colecionáveis: você não precisa comprar boosters ou pacotes, pois em todas as partidas o jogo disponibiliza o mesmo baralho de cartas para todos os jogadores, e as chances de todos serão iguais. Finalmente, chegamos à questão de oferecer ou não conteúdo extra através de DLC: sim, esse é o plano.


Nós nos mantemos comprometidos com o princípio de atualizar continuamente o jogo com recursos e conteúdos novos em atualizações regulares e GRATUITAS para todos os proprietários do produto. Ao mesmo tempo, de tempos em tempos lançamos DLCs que apresentam conteúdos divertidos e cosméticos. Se quiser, pode dar apoio ao nosso trabalho fazendo essa compra. Mas não há nenhuma pressão para você possuir qualquer DLC para jogar ou competir nos torneios. Todo jogador, tendo DLCs ou não, tem acesso aos mesmos recursos e mecânicas de jogo.


Gremlins, Inc. conta com itens de jogo e oferece suporte completo ao Mercado da Comunidade do Steam. Ao jogar, certas ações vão acionar baús aleatórios com itens de raridade variável: eles podem ser um emoticon novo, um plano de fundo de perfil, uma faixa de música ou algum outro das dezenas de itens cosméticos. Esses itens são GRATUITOS para você usar ou negociar no Mercado da Comunidade do Steam. Nós, os desenvolvedores, não nos envolvemos na venda direta de qualquer um desses itens ganhos; somente os jogadores podem negociá-los.

O jogo também oferece suporte à criação: ao encontrar um diagrama de um item específico, você pode criar quantos itens desejar, desde que tenha o número necessário de cargas (você recebe cargas ao converter outros itens de jogo que você não queira ou que sejam repetidos). Enfim, o jogo tem sua própria Loja de Itens do Steam (a partir do final de 2016), onde vendemos um número muito pequeno de itens únicos que influenciam o subjogo de itens (mas que não causam efeito nas mecânicas de jogo).


Gremlins, Inc. foi desenvolvido como um jogo de tabuleiro digital, com o modo multijogador como foco. Mas não é que não gostemos do jogo solo; nós gostamos, e há uma seção separada com os desafios de jogo solo e o recurso para criar uma partida solo personalizada! Um dos produtos que você recebe com este jogo, Gremlins, Inc., contém ambos os modos solo e multijogador; e necessita que o seu cliente do jogo esteja conectado com o Steam e com o servidor do jogo a todo momento; para possibilitar os itens, o Mercado da Comunidade do Steam e a Oficina do Steam. O outro produto que está incluso com o jogo, Gremlins vs Automatons, possui um modo solo e foi projetado especificamente para jogar offline.


No momento, o jogo conta com dois servidores separados: Amsterdã e Singapura. Os jogadores podem conferir seu ping com cada um dos servidores e jogar no que for mais conveniente. Cada servidor tem suas próprias classificações, estatísticas e perfis de jogadores. A maioria dos jogadores escolhe Amsterdã, pois o ping de qualquer lugar para lá raramente passa de 300. No entanto, à medida que vimos cada vez mais jogadores da região asiática entrando no jogo, especialmente da China, acrescentamos o servidor em Singapura para oferecer uma conexão mais rápida para eles. Esperamos que isso funcione bem para todos os jogadores, pois nossa prioridade é uma boa experiência. Vamos continuar monitorando a qualidade da conexão entre os servidores e os clientes para adaptar os servidores a novas necessidades; agradecemos por sua paciência.


Gremlins, Inc. has its official Discord server, where several thousand players discuss the game, and our team shares work in progress. Use this link to join!


When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with item drops and Steam Workshop mods; and Gremlins vs Automatons – playable offline in single-player mode.

Относно играта

This is an intense strategy board game in a steampunk world of corrupt capitalist gremlins who compete for money, political power and prestige. Save and invest, steal and extort, arrest and get arrested – in single-player and multiplayer, with ranks and ladders, team mode and spectator mode. Featuring seasonal content updates, regular tournaments, item drops, full support of Steam Community Market – and more!


Gremlins, Inc. is designed for up to 6 players, in multiplayer or in single-player mode (with AI bots). Each player has 6 cards on their hand (replenished from the same deck) and uses them either to move around the playing field or to perform different game actions. There is a lot of interaction with other players, and duels are significantly different from 3-player or 4-player games. You can play until a certain score limit, or until agreed number of rounds, or for time limit. The game offers both custom and ranked sessions (with matchmaking by rating).


Yes, you can! In addition to custom sessions (where you define the parameters of the session and may optionally set filters for those who can join you) and password-protected private sessions (so that you and your friends can play undisturbed), the game offers team mode (2x2, 3x3, or 2x2x2) with teams of human players and/or AI bots. Gremlins, Inc. also supports a built-in spectator mode, which allows you to watch sessions of other players right from inside of the game, sharing your emotions with players and other spectators through messages and emoticons.


Certainly! When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – the edition that is playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with full support of item drops and Steam Workshop; and Gremlins vs Automatons – the edition that is playable offline in single-player mode, without any connection to our server whatsoever.


The game offers different session settings to make them fit your available time, and single-player mode offers automatic SAVE / LOAD function at every turn so that you can take a break whenever you want (while multiplayer mode offers re-connect functionality as long as the session is still in progress). A quick duel for 20 score points with a fast timer can finish in under 20 minutes, while a 4-player session for 60 rounds can last for 2 hours or more.


There are different types of cards in the game (permanent, regular, secret and criminal) and as each card can be used either to move or for action, you will develop both short-term and long-term strategies for making the most out of where you are, and what you currently have in your hand. Normally, you spend half of your game time accumulating resources and building the foundation for the end-game, and the other half trying to control the progress of your opponents (stealing, arresting, initiating player conflicts, and so on). The more you play, the more new strategies you will discover – especially when combining the effects of several cards played in a combination.


  • This is an intense strategy game: make decisions at every round! Plan your moves, then adjust to the actions of the other players and new cards drawn.
  • The design of the playing field and the multiple layers of optional features (that you can turn on or off, as you wish) allow for a variety of strategies. The more you play, the more roads to victory you discover, using a combination of features based on the particular setup of the session.
  • The game offers a diverse resource system that allows for many comeback chances even after you're robbed or arrested (or both). With score, money, votes, malice, income and bribes, the tension often remains until the very last round.
  • The multilayer mode of the game features a system of ratings, ladders and ranked sessions: compete in a specific league, and take part in the regularly organised tournaments with over 1 000 participants. A system of anonymous masks allows everyone to compete on equal terms in a ranked session.
  • Every season since its release in 2016, the game receives FREE content and feature updates (balancing changes, new cards, new in-game items, new music). We are committed to continue developing this product – based on player feedback!
  • Additionally, the game offers over 10 single-player challenges plus the option to create custom single-player sessions with different settings and a different mix of AI bots.
  • Finally, there's the team mode where victory is determined not only by strategic skill, but also by communication and coordination of each team, which is an entirely different layer of game mechanics.


  • 185 cards in the main deck (149 of them – unique): permanent, regular, secret and criminal, each with a hand-drawn steampunk illustration; with each Season update, we keep adding several new cards to the deck.
  • 39 events in the Misfortune deck: these are the special events triggered at certain moments in the game, and may affect the current standing of all players to a significant degree, especially when used on a specific opponent.
  • 6 special Chaos Cards: this is an optional set of cards available to every player in the game; turn them on or off to change the dynamics of the session.
  • 12 sets of Character Abilities: another optional feature that brings to the game special game mechanics unique to each character type; playing with these makes different competing strategies even more pronounced.
  • 11 original locations: the Office, the Plant, the Dump, the Marketplace, the Inferno, the Jail, the Casino, the Court, the Treasure, the Bank and the Astral Plane; and 7 original spot types: Risk, Gamble, Police, Income, Bribe, Misfortune and Tribune.
  • 2 distinctly different playing fields: The Clockwork Town and The Clockwork Colony, each offering strategic challenges of their own.
  • Finally, the game took us three years to develop from concept to full release, and we're still committed to continue supporting the community through development of new content. There are currently over 150 000 players of Gremlins, Inc. on Steam from all over the world, including USA, Russia, China, Japan, UK and France. Collectively, players already launched several millions game sessions!


You think that’s just a pocket watch in your hand, a watch that’s a bit late because you keep forgetting to wind it up? No, no and no – you couldn’t be further from the truth! What you carry around is a whole gremlin town packed into this tiny mechanism: a town with its own bank, its own casino… and even its own jail! Gremlins are the microscopic creatures that inhabit any mechanism that they can possibly infiltrate. If a watch or a telescope malfunctions, then it’s probably due to gremlins who took up a residence there.

More than anything in life, gremlins value money, political power and prestige: prestige that one can claim after completing some sort of a grandiose engineering project. Aside from working on their own projects, gremlins mostly spend their time preventing other gremlins from building something even more grandiose. This they achieve through bribing officials and lying to the electorate, as well through stealing from their competitors - and outright arresting them.


We felt it important to note that Gremlins, Inc. is not a free-to-play game. Also, this is not a CCG or TCG: you do not need to buy boosters or packs; in every session the game offers the same deck to every player, and everyone's chances are equal.


We are committed to the principle of continuously updating the game with new features and new game content that come as regular updates, FREE to every owner of the product. At the same time, from time to time we release DLCs that feature fun cosmetic content. If you like it, you can support our efforts by your purchase. However, there is absolutely no pressure to own any of the DLCs in order to play the game or compete in the tournaments. Every player, whether they have DLCs or not, has access to the same game features and the same game mechanics.


Gremlins, Inc. features in-game items and fully supports Steam Community Market. While playing the game, certain actions will trigger random chest drops with items of varying rarity: it could be a new emoticon, a new profile background, a new music track, or one of the dozens of other cosmetic items. These items are FREE, yours to use or trade on Steam Community Market. We, the developer, do not engage in the direct sales of any drop items; only players can trade them.

The game also supports crafting: once you find a blueprint of a specific item, you can create as many such items as you wish, as long as you have the required number of charges (you get charges when you convert other in-game items that you do not want, or have multiple copies of). Finally, the game has its own Steam Item Store where we sell a very small number of unique items that influence the item meta-game (but they have no effect on the game mechanics).


Gremlins, Inc. was designed as a digital board game with the multiplayer mode at its heart. However, this is not to say that we don't like single-player – we do, and there's a separate section with the single-player challenges as well as the mode where you can create any custom single-player session that you like! One of the products that you receive with this game, Gremlins, Inc., features both single-player and multiplayer modes, and requires that your game client is connected to both Steam and the game's server at all times – in order to support item drops, Steam Community Market and Steam Workshop. The other product that is included with the game, Gremlins vs Automatons, features single-player mode and is designed specifically to be played offline.


The game currently supports 2 separate servers: Amsterdam and Singapore. Players are able to check their ping value for each of these servers, and play on the server that is the most convenient. Each server has its own player ladder, statistics and player profiles. Most players choose Amsterdam, since ping to Amsterdam from anywhere in the world rarely exceeds 300. However, as we saw more and more players from the Asian region join the game, especially from China, we added the server in Singapore in order to be able to offer faster connection specifically to these players. We hope that this works well for every player, as good player experience is our top priority. We will continue to monitor the quality of our server/client connection in order to adapt the servers to the changing requirements and we thank you for your patience.


Gremlins, Inc. mají svůj oficiální Discord server, kde stovky hráčů diskutují o hře a náš tým informuje o postupu prací. Podívejte sena tenhle odkaz a přidejte se k nám!


Když si zakoupíš tuto hru, dostaneš 2 produkty do své knihovny na Steamu: Gremlins, Inc. – hratelné online v režimu pro jednoho hráče a pro více hráčů, se získáváním předmětů a s módy ze Steam Workshopu; a Gremlins vs Automatons – hratelné offline v režimu pro jednoho hráče.

O hře

Toto je rychlá strategická desková hra ze steampunkového světa zkorumpovaných kapitalistických gremlinů soupeřících o peníze, politickou moc a slávu. Spořte a investujte, kraďte a vydírejte – v singlu i multiplayeru, s žebříčky a ranky, týmovým i diváckým módem. Představujeme sezónní obsahové aktualizace, předměty, plnou podporu Komunitního trhu na Steamu – a mnohem víc!


Hra Gremlins, Inc. je navržena pro 1–6 hráčů, v multiplayeru nebo v singleplayerovém režimu (s AI boty). Každý hráč má v ruce 6 karet, (které se doplňují ze společného balíčku) a používá je buď k pohybu po herním plánu nebo k vykonávání různých herních akcí. Mezi hráči probíhá spousta činností, duely se výrazně liší ve hře pro 3 nebo pro 4 hráče. Můžete hrát buď na výsledné skóre, nebo na zvolený počet kol nebo si nastavíte časový limit. Hra nabízí jak vlastní tak hodnocené hry (s vybíráním soupeřů dle výkonnosti).


Jasně, že můžeš! Kromě vlastních her (kde nastavuješ parametry hry a můžeš nastavit i omezení, kdo se do tvé hry může připojit) a zaheslovaných soukromých her (takže můžete v klidu hrát s přáteli), hra nabízí týmový režim (2x2, 3x3 nebo 2x2x2) s týmy složenými s hráčů a/nebo AI botů. Gremlins, Inc. také nabízí vlastní divácký režim, díky němuž se můžeš koukat na hry ostatních přímo ve hře a sdílet své emoce s ostatními hráči i diváky pomocí zpráv a emotikonů.


Rozhodně! Když si zakoupíš tuto hru, dostaneš 2 produkty do své knihovny na Steamu: Gremlins, Inc. – hratelné online v režimu pro jednoho hráče a pro více hráčů, se získáváním předmětů a s módy ze Steam Workshopu; a Gremlins vs Automatons – hratelné offline v režimu pro jednoho hráče.


Hra nabízí různá nastavení, abyste si ji mohli upravit podle času, který u ní chcete strávit, singleplayerový režim nabízí automatickou funkci ULOŽIT / NAHRÁT po každém tahu, takže můžete hru kdykoli přerušit (v multiplayeru je funkce znovupřipojení, kterou lze využít, dokud aktuální hra probíhá). Krátký duel do 20 bodů s rychlým odpočtem může trvat do 20 minut, zatímco hra 4 hráčů na 60 kol může trvat i přes 2 hodiny.


Ve hře narazíte na různé typy karet (trvalé, obyčejné, tajné & zločinecké), a protože lze každou kartu použít buď k pohybu nebo k akci, budete si muset vytvořit krátkodobou i dlouhodobou strategii, abyste vytěžili maximu z toho, kde se nacházíte a co máte v ruce za karty. Běžně strávíte polovinu hry hromaděním prostředků a tu druhou bojem se svými protivníky (okrádání, zatýkání, pokutování, vyvolávání konfliktů atd.). Čím vice odehrajete, tím více nových strategií objevíte – obzvláště v kombinacích karet, které můžete hrát v jednom tahu po sobě.


  • Tohle je svižná strategická hra: v každém kole rozhodujete co dál! Plánujte své další tahy, upravujte své plány podle hry soupeřů a karet, co vám přijdou do ruky.
  • Design herního pole a množství volitelných nastavení (jež můžete dle libosti vypnout a zapnout) nabízí velké strategické možnosti. Čím více hrajete, tím více cest k vítězství objevíte s využitím kombinace všech položek dostupných při daném nastavení hry.
  • Hra nabízí vyvážený systém prostředků, díky kterému se dokážete mnohokrát vrátit do boje o vítězství i po tom, co vás uvězní nebo okradou (případně oboje). Díky systému bodů, peněz, hlasů, zášti, příjmů i úplatků napětí, kdo zvítězí, trvá většinou až do posledního kola.
  • Hra pro více hráčů nabízí systém hodností, žebříčků a hodnocených her: bojujte v různých ligách, zapojte se do pravidelných turnajů s vice než 1000 hráčů. Systém anonymních masek umožňuje všem soupeřit za rovnocenných podmínek v hodnocených hrách.
  • Navíc hra nabízí 10 singleplayerových výzev a možnost vytváření vlastních singleplayerových her s různým nastavením a různou sadou
    AI botů.
  • Nakonec je tu týmový režim kde vítězství určují nejen strategické schopnosti, ale také komunikace a koordinace každého týmu, což přináší zcela novou vrstvu do herních mechanizmů.


  • 179 karet v hlavním balíčku (143 z nich unikátních): trvalé, běžné, tajné a zločinecké; každá s vlastní ručně malovanou steampunkovou ilustrací; s každou sezónní aktualizací přidáváme do balíčku pár nových karet.
  • 38 událostí v balíčku nešťastných náhod: toto jsou zvláštní události spouštěné v daných okamžicích ve hře, jež mohou významně ovlivnit pořadí hráčů, obzvlášť jsou-li použity na konkrétního soupeře.
  • 6 speciálních karet Chaosu: toto je volitelná sada karet dostupných každému hráči, jejich povolením nebo zakázáním změníte dynamiku hry.
  • 12 sad vlastností postav: další volitelná položka, která přidává unikátní herní mechanizmy pro jednotlivé typy postav; jejich využití ještě zvýrazňuje rozdíly v různých strategiích.
  • Ve hře je 11 lokací – Úřad, Továrna, Skládka, Tržiště, Peklo, Vězení, Kasíno, Soud, Pokladnice, Banka a Astrální rovina – a 7 typů políček – Nebezpečí, Hazard, Policie, Příjem, Úplatek, Nešťastná náhoda a Tribuna.
  • A na závěr, hra nám zabrala tři roky vývoje od konceptu k vydání plné verze, a nadále neustáváme ve snaze podporovat komunitu vývojem dalšího obsahu do hry. V současnosti hraje hru Gremlins, Inc. přes 120 000 hráčů na Steam z celého světa včetně USA, Ruska, Číny, Japonska, Velké Británie a Francie. Dohromady hráči spustili přes milion her za tři měsíce od jejího vydání.


Myslíš si, že to co držíš v ruce, jsou jen obyčejné kapesní hodinky, které jdou trochu pozdě, protože je neustále zapomínáš natahovat? Ne, ne a stokrát ne – nemůžeš se mýlit víc! To, co držíš v ruce, je celé gremlin město napěchované do tohohle malého strojku: město s vlastní bankou, vlastním kasínem…a dokonce i s vlastním vězením! Gremlini jsou miniaturní bytosti, kteří podobné mechanické strojky rádi obývají, když se do nich dokážou dostat. Pokud třeba hodinky nebo dalekohled nefungují správně, je to pravděpodobně kvůli tomu, že se v nich zabydleli právě gremlini.

Nadevše ostatní si gremlini v životě cení peníze, politickou moc a prestiž: prestiž, kterou člověk získá dokončením nějakého mistrovského technického díla. Kromě práce na vlastních projektech gremlini tráví nejvíc času škozením ostatním, aby se jim náhodou nepovedlo stvořit něco ještě lepšího. Používají k tomu všechny prostředky: podplácení úředníků, lhaní voličům, stejně jako okrádání svých konkurentů – nebo přímo jejich zatýkání a uvězňování.


Považujeme za důležité podotknout, že Gremlins, Inc. není hra zadarmo (nebo chcete-li F2P). Není to ani sběratelská karetní hra (ani CCG, ani TCG): nekupujete si v ní booster ani jiné balíčky karet, v každé hře mají všichni hráči přístup k totožnému balíčku karet, šance všech jsou rovnocenné. A poslední otázka, jestli do budoucna chystáme nějaké rozšíření v podobě DLC: ano, máme to v plánu.


Dodržujeme zásadu průběžného aktualizování hry novými položkami a novým herním obsahem v podobě pravidelných aktualizací, které jsou ZDARMA pro každého vlastníka hry. Zároveň čas od času vydáváme DLC se zábavným kosmetickým vylepšením. Pokud se vám líbí, můžete naše snažení podpořit tím, že si jej zakoupíte. V žádném případě na vás ale není kladen žádný tlak zakoupit si jakékoli DLC, abyste mohli hrát hru nebo se účastnit turnajů. Každý hráč, ať DLC vlastní, nebo ne, má přístup ke všem herním položkám a stejným herním mechanizmům.


Gremlins, Inc. obsahuje herní předměty a plně podporuje Komunitní trh Steamu. Během hraní určité situace vyvolají náhodná objevení truhly, v níž se nacházejí předměty různé vzácnosti: může to být nový emotikon, nové pozadí profile, nova písnička nebo jiný z tuctu dalších kosmetických předmětů. Tyto předměty jsou ZDARMA, a můžete je použít nebo s nimi volně obchodovat na Komunitní trh Steamu. My jako vývojáři přímo nezasahujeme do obchodování s předměty; pouze hráči s nimi mohou obchodovat.

Hra také podporuje tvorbu předmětů: jakmile najdete plánek konkrétního předmětu, můžete takových předmětů vytvořit, kolik chcete, pokud máte dostatečný počet nabití (nabití získáte konverzí jiných herních předmětů, které nechcete, nebo kterých máte víc kusů). A nakonec má hra i svůj vlastní steamový ochod s předměty (spuštěn koncem r. 2016), kde prodáváme velmi male množství unikátních předmětů, jež mají vliv na meta-hru předmětů (ale nijak neovlivňují herní mechanizmy).


Gremlins, Inc. byla primárně navržena jako digitální stolní hra s režimem pro více hráčů. Ale tím neříkáme, že nemáme rádi hru pro jednoho hráče – máme, a proto jsme přidali oddělenou sekci s výzvami pro singleplayer a režim, kde si hráč může vytvořit vlastní hru pro jednoho hráče! Jeden z produktů, který dostaneš s touto hrou, Gremlins, Inc., obsahuje jak režim pro jednoho hráče, tak pro více hráčů a vyžaduje připojení ke Steamu i k herním serverům po celou dobu hraní – to je nutné, aby fungovalo získávání předmětů, komunitní trh Steamu a Workshop. Druhý produkt, který dostaneš se hrou, Gremlins vs Automatons, obsahuje režim pro jednoho hráče a je upraven speciálně pro hraní offline.


Hra v současné době podporuje 2 oddělené servery: Amsterdam a Singapur. Hráči si mohou zkontrolovat hodnotu odezvy pro každý z těchto serverů (ping) a hrát na serveru, který je nejvhodnější. Každý server má svůj vlastní hráčský žebříček, statistiky a profily hráčů. Většina hráčů si vybírá Amsterdam, protože ping do Amsterdamu z libovolného místa na světě jen zřídka překročí 300. Nicméně, jak přibývá více a více hráčů z asijského regionu, a to zejména z Číny, přidali jsme server v Singapuru pro rychlejší spojení právě pro tyto hráče. Věříme, že vše funguje ke spokojenosti každého hráče, neboť ta naší nejvyšší prioritou. Budeme i nadále sledovat kvalitu spojení server-klient, abychom mohli přizpůsobit servery podle měnících se požadavků. Děkujeme vám za vaši trpělivost.


Gremlins, Inc. has its official Discord server, where several thousand players discuss the game, and our team shares work in progress. Use this link to join!


When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with item drops and Steam Workshop mods; and Gremlins vs Automatons – playable offline in single-player mode.

Om spillet

This is an intense strategy board game in a steampunk world of corrupt capitalist gremlins who compete for money, political power and prestige. Save and invest, steal and extort, arrest and get arrested – in single-player and multiplayer, with ranks and ladders, team mode and spectator mode. Featuring seasonal content updates, regular tournaments, item drops, full support of Steam Community Market – and more!


Gremlins, Inc. is designed for up to 6 players, in multiplayer or in single-player mode (with AI bots). Each player has 6 cards on their hand (replenished from the same deck) and uses them either to move around the playing field or to perform different game actions. There is a lot of interaction with other players, and duels are significantly different from 3-player or 4-player games. You can play until a certain score limit, or until agreed number of rounds, or for time limit. The game offers both custom and ranked sessions (with matchmaking by rating).


Yes, you can! In addition to custom sessions (where you define the parameters of the session and may optionally set filters for those who can join you) and password-protected private sessions (so that you and your friends can play undisturbed), the game offers team mode (2x2, 3x3, or 2x2x2) with teams of human players and/or AI bots. Gremlins, Inc. also supports a built-in spectator mode, which allows you to watch sessions of other players right from inside of the game, sharing your emotions with players and other spectators through messages and emoticons.


Certainly! When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – the edition that is playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with full support of item drops and Steam Workshop; and Gremlins vs Automatons – the edition that is playable offline in single-player mode, without any connection to our server whatsoever.


The game offers different session settings to make them fit your available time, and single-player mode offers automatic SAVE / LOAD function at every turn so that you can take a break whenever you want (while multiplayer mode offers re-connect functionality as long as the session is still in progress). A quick duel for 20 score points with a fast timer can finish in under 20 minutes, while a 4-player session for 60 rounds can last for 2 hours or more.


There are different types of cards in the game (permanent, regular, secret and criminal) and as each card can be used either to move or for action, you will develop both short-term and long-term strategies for making the most out of where you are, and what you currently have in your hand. Normally, you spend half of your game time accumulating resources and building the foundation for the end-game, and the other half trying to control the progress of your opponents (stealing, arresting, initiating player conflicts, and so on). The more you play, the more new strategies you will discover – especially when combining the effects of several cards played in a combination.


  • This is an intense strategy game: make decisions at every round! Plan your moves, then adjust to the actions of the other players and new cards drawn.
  • The design of the playing field and the multiple layers of optional features (that you can turn on or off, as you wish) allow for a variety of strategies. The more you play, the more roads to victory you discover, using a combination of features based on the particular setup of the session.
  • The game offers a diverse resource system that allows for many comeback chances even after you're robbed or arrested (or both). With score, money, votes, malice, income and bribes, the tension often remains until the very last round.
  • The multilayer mode of the game features a system of ratings, ladders and ranked sessions: compete in a specific league, and take part in the regularly organised tournaments with over 1 000 participants. A system of anonymous masks allows everyone to compete on equal terms in a ranked session.
  • Every season since its release in 2016, the game receives FREE content and feature updates (balancing changes, new cards, new in-game items, new music). We are committed to continue developing this product – based on player feedback!
  • Additionally, the game offers over 10 single-player challenges plus the option to create custom single-player sessions with different settings and a different mix of AI bots.
  • Finally, there's the team mode where victory is determined not only by strategic skill, but also by communication and coordination of each team, which is an entirely different layer of game mechanics.


  • 185 cards in the main deck (149 of them – unique): permanent, regular, secret and criminal, each with a hand-drawn steampunk illustration; with each Season update, we keep adding several new cards to the deck.
  • 39 events in the Misfortune deck: these are the special events triggered at certain moments in the game, and may affect the current standing of all players to a significant degree, especially when used on a specific opponent.
  • 6 special Chaos Cards: this is an optional set of cards available to every player in the game; turn them on or off to change the dynamics of the session.
  • 12 sets of Character Abilities: another optional feature that brings to the game special game mechanics unique to each character type; playing with these makes different competing strategies even more pronounced.
  • 11 original locations: the Office, the Plant, the Dump, the Marketplace, the Inferno, the Jail, the Casino, the Court, the Treasure, the Bank and the Astral Plane; and 7 original spot types: Risk, Gamble, Police, Income, Bribe, Misfortune and Tribune.
  • 2 distinctly different playing fields: The Clockwork Town and The Clockwork Colony, each offering strategic challenges of their own.
  • Finally, the game took us three years to develop from concept to full release, and we're still committed to continue supporting the community through development of new content. There are currently over 150 000 players of Gremlins, Inc. on Steam from all over the world, including USA, Russia, China, Japan, UK and France. Collectively, players already launched several millions game sessions!


You think that’s just a pocket watch in your hand, a watch that’s a bit late because you keep forgetting to wind it up? No, no and no – you couldn’t be further from the truth! What you carry around is a whole gremlin town packed into this tiny mechanism: a town with its own bank, its own casino… and even its own jail! Gremlins are the microscopic creatures that inhabit any mechanism that they can possibly infiltrate. If a watch or a telescope malfunctions, then it’s probably due to gremlins who took up a residence there.

More than anything in life, gremlins value money, political power and prestige: prestige that one can claim after completing some sort of a grandiose engineering project. Aside from working on their own projects, gremlins mostly spend their time preventing other gremlins from building something even more grandiose. This they achieve through bribing officials and lying to the electorate, as well through stealing from their competitors - and outright arresting them.


We felt it important to note that Gremlins, Inc. is not a free-to-play game. Also, this is not a CCG or TCG: you do not need to buy boosters or packs; in every session the game offers the same deck to every player, and everyone's chances are equal.


We are committed to the principle of continuously updating the game with new features and new game content that come as regular updates, FREE to every owner of the product. At the same time, from time to time we release DLCs that feature fun cosmetic content. If you like it, you can support our efforts by your purchase. However, there is absolutely no pressure to own any of the DLCs in order to play the game or compete in the tournaments. Every player, whether they have DLCs or not, has access to the same game features and the same game mechanics.


Gremlins, Inc. features in-game items and fully supports Steam Community Market. While playing the game, certain actions will trigger random chest drops with items of varying rarity: it could be a new emoticon, a new profile background, a new music track, or one of the dozens of other cosmetic items. These items are FREE, yours to use or trade on Steam Community Market. We, the developer, do not engage in the direct sales of any drop items; only players can trade them.

The game also supports crafting: once you find a blueprint of a specific item, you can create as many such items as you wish, as long as you have the required number of charges (you get charges when you convert other in-game items that you do not want, or have multiple copies of). Finally, the game has its own Steam Item Store where we sell a very small number of unique items that influence the item meta-game (but they have no effect on the game mechanics).


Gremlins, Inc. was designed as a digital board game with the multiplayer mode at its heart. However, this is not to say that we don't like single-player – we do, and there's a separate section with the single-player challenges as well as the mode where you can create any custom single-player session that you like! One of the products that you receive with this game, Gremlins, Inc., features both single-player and multiplayer modes, and requires that your game client is connected to both Steam and the game's server at all times – in order to support item drops, Steam Community Market and Steam Workshop. The other product that is included with the game, Gremlins vs Automatons, features single-player mode and is designed specifically to be played offline.


The game currently supports 2 separate servers: Amsterdam and Singapore. Players are able to check their ping value for each of these servers, and play on the server that is the most convenient. Each server has its own player ladder, statistics and player profiles. Most players choose Amsterdam, since ping to Amsterdam from anywhere in the world rarely exceeds 300. However, as we saw more and more players from the Asian region join the game, especially from China, we added the server in Singapore in order to be able to offer faster connection specifically to these players. We hope that this works well for every player, as good player experience is our top priority. We will continue to monitor the quality of our server/client connection in order to adapt the servers to the changing requirements and we thank you for your patience.


Gremlins, Inc. has its official Discord server, where several thousand players discuss the game, and our team shares work in progress. Use this link to join!


When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with item drops and Steam Workshop mods; and Gremlins vs Automatons – playable offline in single-player mode.

Info over het spel

This is an intense strategy board game in a steampunk world of corrupt capitalist gremlins who compete for money, political power and prestige. Save and invest, steal and extort, arrest and get arrested – in single-player and multiplayer, with ranks and ladders, team mode and spectator mode. Featuring seasonal content updates, regular tournaments, item drops, full support of Steam Community Market – and more!


Gremlins, Inc. is designed for up to 6 players, in multiplayer or in single-player mode (with AI bots). Each player has 6 cards on their hand (replenished from the same deck) and uses them either to move around the playing field or to perform different game actions. There is a lot of interaction with other players, and duels are significantly different from 3-player or 4-player games. You can play until a certain score limit, or until agreed number of rounds, or for time limit. The game offers both custom and ranked sessions (with matchmaking by rating).


Yes, you can! In addition to custom sessions (where you define the parameters of the session and may optionally set filters for those who can join you) and password-protected private sessions (so that you and your friends can play undisturbed), the game offers team mode (2x2, 3x3, or 2x2x2) with teams of human players and/or AI bots. Gremlins, Inc. also supports a built-in spectator mode, which allows you to watch sessions of other players right from inside of the game, sharing your emotions with players and other spectators through messages and emoticons.


Certainly! When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – the edition that is playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with full support of item drops and Steam Workshop; and Gremlins vs Automatons – the edition that is playable offline in single-player mode, without any connection to our server whatsoever.


The game offers different session settings to make them fit your available time, and single-player mode offers automatic SAVE / LOAD function at every turn so that you can take a break whenever you want (while multiplayer mode offers re-connect functionality as long as the session is still in progress). A quick duel for 20 score points with a fast timer can finish in under 20 minutes, while a 4-player session for 60 rounds can last for 2 hours or more.


There are different types of cards in the game (permanent, regular, secret and criminal) and as each card can be used either to move or for action, you will develop both short-term and long-term strategies for making the most out of where you are, and what you currently have in your hand. Normally, you spend half of your game time accumulating resources and building the foundation for the end-game, and the other half trying to control the progress of your opponents (stealing, arresting, initiating player conflicts, and so on). The more you play, the more new strategies you will discover – especially when combining the effects of several cards played in a combination.


  • This is an intense strategy game: make decisions at every round! Plan your moves, then adjust to the actions of the other players and new cards drawn.
  • The design of the playing field and the multiple layers of optional features (that you can turn on or off, as you wish) allow for a variety of strategies. The more you play, the more roads to victory you discover, using a combination of features based on the particular setup of the session.
  • The game offers a diverse resource system that allows for many comeback chances even after you're robbed or arrested (or both). With score, money, votes, malice, income and bribes, the tension often remains until the very last round.
  • The multilayer mode of the game features a system of ratings, ladders and ranked sessions: compete in a specific league, and take part in the regularly organised tournaments with over 1 000 participants. A system of anonymous masks allows everyone to compete on equal terms in a ranked session.
  • Every season since its release in 2016, the game receives FREE content and feature updates (balancing changes, new cards, new in-game items, new music). We are committed to continue developing this product – based on player feedback!
  • Additionally, the game offers over 10 single-player challenges plus the option to create custom single-player sessions with different settings and a different mix of AI bots.
  • Finally, there's the team mode where victory is determined not only by strategic skill, but also by communication and coordination of each team, which is an entirely different layer of game mechanics.


  • 185 cards in the main deck (149 of them – unique): permanent, regular, secret and criminal, each with a hand-drawn steampunk illustration; with each Season update, we keep adding several new cards to the deck.
  • 39 events in the Misfortune deck: these are the special events triggered at certain moments in the game, and may affect the current standing of all players to a significant degree, especially when used on a specific opponent.
  • 6 special Chaos Cards: this is an optional set of cards available to every player in the game; turn them on or off to change the dynamics of the session.
  • 12 sets of Character Abilities: another optional feature that brings to the game special game mechanics unique to each character type; playing with these makes different competing strategies even more pronounced.
  • 11 original locations: the Office, the Plant, the Dump, the Marketplace, the Inferno, the Jail, the Casino, the Court, the Treasure, the Bank and the Astral Plane; and 7 original spot types: Risk, Gamble, Police, Income, Bribe, Misfortune and Tribune.
  • 2 distinctly different playing fields: The Clockwork Town and The Clockwork Colony, each offering strategic challenges of their own.
  • Finally, the game took us three years to develop from concept to full release, and we're still committed to continue supporting the community through development of new content. There are currently over 150 000 players of Gremlins, Inc. on Steam from all over the world, including USA, Russia, China, Japan, UK and France. Collectively, players already launched several millions game sessions!


You think that’s just a pocket watch in your hand, a watch that’s a bit late because you keep forgetting to wind it up? No, no and no – you couldn’t be further from the truth! What you carry around is a whole gremlin town packed into this tiny mechanism: a town with its own bank, its own casino… and even its own jail! Gremlins are the microscopic creatures that inhabit any mechanism that they can possibly infiltrate. If a watch or a telescope malfunctions, then it’s probably due to gremlins who took up a residence there.

More than anything in life, gremlins value money, political power and prestige: prestige that one can claim after completing some sort of a grandiose engineering project. Aside from working on their own projects, gremlins mostly spend their time preventing other gremlins from building something even more grandiose. This they achieve through bribing officials and lying to the electorate, as well through stealing from their competitors - and outright arresting them.


We felt it important to note that Gremlins, Inc. is not a free-to-play game. Also, this is not a CCG or TCG: you do not need to buy boosters or packs; in every session the game offers the same deck to every player, and everyone's chances are equal.


We are committed to the principle of continuously updating the game with new features and new game content that come as regular updates, FREE to every owner of the product. At the same time, from time to time we release DLCs that feature fun cosmetic content. If you like it, you can support our efforts by your purchase. However, there is absolutely no pressure to own any of the DLCs in order to play the game or compete in the tournaments. Every player, whether they have DLCs or not, has access to the same game features and the same game mechanics.


Gremlins, Inc. features in-game items and fully supports Steam Community Market. While playing the game, certain actions will trigger random chest drops with items of varying rarity: it could be a new emoticon, a new profile background, a new music track, or one of the dozens of other cosmetic items. These items are FREE, yours to use or trade on Steam Community Market. We, the developer, do not engage in the direct sales of any drop items; only players can trade them.

The game also supports crafting: once you find a blueprint of a specific item, you can create as many such items as you wish, as long as you have the required number of charges (you get charges when you convert other in-game items that you do not want, or have multiple copies of). Finally, the game has its own Steam Item Store where we sell a very small number of unique items that influence the item meta-game (but they have no effect on the game mechanics).


Gremlins, Inc. was designed as a digital board game with the multiplayer mode at its heart. However, this is not to say that we don't like single-player – we do, and there's a separate section with the single-player challenges as well as the mode where you can create any custom single-player session that you like! One of the products that you receive with this game, Gremlins, Inc., features both single-player and multiplayer modes, and requires that your game client is connected to both Steam and the game's server at all times – in order to support item drops, Steam Community Market and Steam Workshop. The other product that is included with the game, Gremlins vs Automatons, features single-player mode and is designed specifically to be played offline.


The game currently supports 2 separate servers: Amsterdam and Singapore. Players are able to check their ping value for each of these servers, and play on the server that is the most convenient. Each server has its own player ladder, statistics and player profiles. Most players choose Amsterdam, since ping to Amsterdam from anywhere in the world rarely exceeds 300. However, as we saw more and more players from the Asian region join the game, especially from China, we added the server in Singapore in order to be able to offer faster connection specifically to these players. We hope that this works well for every player, as good player experience is our top priority. We will continue to monitor the quality of our server/client connection in order to adapt the servers to the changing requirements and we thank you for your patience.


Gremlins, Inc. has its official Discord server, where several thousand players discuss the game, and our team shares work in progress. Use this link to join!


When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with item drops and Steam Workshop mods; and Gremlins vs Automatons – playable offline in single-player mode.

About the Game

This is an intense strategy board game in a steampunk world of corrupt capitalist gremlins who compete for money, political power and prestige. Save and invest, steal and extort, arrest and get arrested – in single-player and multiplayer, with ranks and ladders, team mode and spectator mode. Featuring seasonal content updates, regular tournaments, item drops, full support of Steam Community Market – and more!


Gremlins, Inc. is designed for up to 6 players, in multiplayer or in single-player mode (with AI bots). Each player has 6 cards on their hand (replenished from the same deck) and uses them either to move around the playing field or to perform different game actions. There is a lot of interaction with other players, and duels are significantly different from 3-player or 4-player games. You can play until a certain score limit, or until agreed number of rounds, or for time limit. The game offers both custom and ranked sessions (with matchmaking by rating).


Yes, you can! In addition to custom sessions (where you define the parameters of the session and may optionally set filters for those who can join you) and password-protected private sessions (so that you and your friends can play undisturbed), the game offers team mode (2x2, 3x3, or 2x2x2) with teams of human players and/or AI bots. Gremlins, Inc. also supports a built-in spectator mode, which allows you to watch sessions of other players right from inside of the game, sharing your emotions with players and other spectators through messages and emoticons.


Certainly! When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – the edition that is playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with full support of item drops and Steam Workshop; and Gremlins vs Automatons – the edition that is playable offline in single-player mode, without any connection to our server whatsoever.


The game offers different session settings to make them fit your available time, and single-player mode offers automatic SAVE / LOAD function at every turn so that you can take a break whenever you want (while multiplayer mode offers re-connect functionality as long as the session is still in progress). A quick duel for 20 score points with a fast timer can finish in under 20 minutes, while a 4-player session for 60 rounds can last for 2 hours or more.


There are different types of cards in the game (permanent, regular, secret and criminal) and as each card can be used either to move or for action, you will develop both short-term and long-term strategies for making the most out of where you are, and what you currently have in your hand. Normally, you spend half of your game time accumulating resources and building the foundation for the end-game, and the other half trying to control the progress of your opponents (stealing, arresting, initiating player conflicts, and so on). The more you play, the more new strategies you will discover – especially when combining the effects of several cards played in a combination.


  • This is an intense strategy game: make decisions at every round! Plan your moves, then adjust to the actions of the other players and new cards drawn.
  • The design of the playing field and the multiple layers of optional features (that you can turn on or off, as you wish) allow for a variety of strategies. The more you play, the more roads to victory you discover, using a combination of features based on the particular setup of the session.
  • The game offers a diverse resource system that allows for many comeback chances even after you're robbed or arrested (or both). With score, money, votes, malice, income and bribes, the tension often remains until the very last round.
  • The multilayer mode of the game features a system of ratings, ladders and ranked sessions: compete in a specific league, and take part in the regularly organised tournaments with over 1 000 participants. A system of anonymous masks allows everyone to compete on equal terms in a ranked session.
  • Every season since its release in 2016, the game receives FREE content and feature updates (balancing changes, new cards, new in-game items, new music). We are committed to continue developing this product – based on player feedback!
  • Additionally, the game offers over 10 single-player challenges plus the option to create custom single-player sessions with different settings and a different mix of AI bots.
  • Finally, there's the team mode where victory is determined not only by strategic skill, but also by communication and coordination of each team, which is an entirely different layer of game mechanics.


  • 185 cards in the main deck (149 of them – unique): permanent, regular, secret and criminal, each with a hand-drawn steampunk illustration; with each Season update, we keep adding several new cards to the deck.
  • 39 events in the Misfortune deck: these are the special events triggered at certain moments in the game, and may affect the current standing of all players to a significant degree, especially when used on a specific opponent.
  • 6 special Chaos Cards: this is an optional set of cards available to every player in the game; turn them on or off to change the dynamics of the session.
  • 12 sets of Character Abilities: another optional feature that brings to the game special game mechanics unique to each character type; playing with these makes different competing strategies even more pronounced.
  • 11 original locations: the Office, the Plant, the Dump, the Marketplace, the Inferno, the Jail, the Casino, the Court, the Treasure, the Bank and the Astral Plane; and 7 original spot types: Risk, Gamble, Police, Income, Bribe, Misfortune and Tribune.
  • 2 distinctly different playing fields: The Clockwork Town and The Clockwork Colony, each offering strategic challenges of their own.
  • Finally, the game took us three years to develop from concept to full release, and we're still committed to continue supporting the community through development of new content. There are currently over 150 000 players of Gremlins, Inc. on Steam from all over the world, including USA, Russia, China, Japan, UK and France. Collectively, players already launched several millions game sessions!


You think that’s just a pocket watch in your hand, a watch that’s a bit late because you keep forgetting to wind it up? No, no and no – you couldn’t be further from the truth! What you carry around is a whole gremlin town packed into this tiny mechanism: a town with its own bank, its own casino… and even its own jail! Gremlins are the microscopic creatures that inhabit any mechanism that they can possibly infiltrate. If a watch or a telescope malfunctions, then it’s probably due to gremlins who took up a residence there.

More than anything in life, gremlins value money, political power and prestige: prestige that one can claim after completing some sort of a grandiose engineering project. Aside from working on their own projects, gremlins mostly spend their time preventing other gremlins from building something even more grandiose. This they achieve through bribing officials and lying to the electorate, as well through stealing from their competitors - and outright arresting them.


We felt it important to note that Gremlins, Inc. is not a free-to-play game. Also, this is not a CCG or TCG: you do not need to buy boosters or packs; in every session the game offers the same deck to every player, and everyone's chances are equal.


We are committed to the principle of continuously updating the game with new features and new game content that come as regular updates, FREE to every owner of the product. At the same time, from time to time we release DLCs that feature fun cosmetic content. If you like it, you can support our efforts by your purchase. However, there is absolutely no pressure to own any of the DLCs in order to play the game or compete in the tournaments. Every player, whether they have DLCs or not, has access to the same game features and the same game mechanics.


Gremlins, Inc. features in-game items and fully supports Steam Community Market. While playing the game, certain actions will trigger random chest drops with items of varying rarity: it could be a new emoticon, a new profile background, a new music track, or one of the dozens of other cosmetic items. These items are FREE, yours to use or trade on Steam Community Market. We, the developer, do not engage in the direct sales of any drop items; only players can trade them.

The game also supports crafting: once you find a blueprint of a specific item, you can create as many such items as you wish, as long as you have the required number of charges (you get charges when you convert other in-game items that you do not want, or have multiple copies of). Finally, the game has its own Steam Item Store where we sell a very small number of unique items that influence the item meta-game (but they have no effect on the game mechanics).


Gremlins, Inc. was designed as a digital board game with the multiplayer mode at its heart. However, this is not to say that we don't like single-player – we do, and there's a separate section with the single-player challenges as well as the mode where you can create any custom single-player session that you like! One of the products that you receive with this game, Gremlins, Inc., features both single-player and multiplayer modes, and requires that your game client is connected to both Steam and the game's server at all times – in order to support item drops, Steam Community Market and Steam Workshop. The other product that is included with the game, Gremlins vs Automatons, features single-player mode and is designed specifically to be played offline.


The game currently supports 2 separate servers: Amsterdam and Singapore. Players are able to check their ping value for each of these servers, and play on the server that is the most convenient. Each server has its own player ladder, statistics and player profiles. Most players choose Amsterdam, since ping to Amsterdam from anywhere in the world rarely exceeds 300. However, as we saw more and more players from the Asian region join the game, especially from China, we added the server in Singapore in order to be able to offer faster connection specifically to these players. We hope that this works well for every player, as good player experience is our top priority. We will continue to monitor the quality of our server/client connection in order to adapt the servers to the changing requirements and we thank you for your patience.


Gremlins, Inc. has its official Discord server, where several thousand players discuss the game, and our team shares work in progress. Use this link to join!


When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with item drops and Steam Workshop mods; and Gremlins vs Automatons – playable offline in single-player mode.

Tietoja pelistä

This is an intense strategy board game in a steampunk world of corrupt capitalist gremlins who compete for money, political power and prestige. Save and invest, steal and extort, arrest and get arrested – in single-player and multiplayer, with ranks and ladders, team mode and spectator mode. Featuring seasonal content updates, regular tournaments, item drops, full support of Steam Community Market – and more!


Gremlins, Inc. is designed for up to 6 players, in multiplayer or in single-player mode (with AI bots). Each player has 6 cards on their hand (replenished from the same deck) and uses them either to move around the playing field or to perform different game actions. There is a lot of interaction with other players, and duels are significantly different from 3-player or 4-player games. You can play until a certain score limit, or until agreed number of rounds, or for time limit. The game offers both custom and ranked sessions (with matchmaking by rating).


Yes, you can! In addition to custom sessions (where you define the parameters of the session and may optionally set filters for those who can join you) and password-protected private sessions (so that you and your friends can play undisturbed), the game offers team mode (2x2, 3x3, or 2x2x2) with teams of human players and/or AI bots. Gremlins, Inc. also supports a built-in spectator mode, which allows you to watch sessions of other players right from inside of the game, sharing your emotions with players and other spectators through messages and emoticons.


Certainly! When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – the edition that is playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with full support of item drops and Steam Workshop; and Gremlins vs Automatons – the edition that is playable offline in single-player mode, without any connection to our server whatsoever.


The game offers different session settings to make them fit your available time, and single-player mode offers automatic SAVE / LOAD function at every turn so that you can take a break whenever you want (while multiplayer mode offers re-connect functionality as long as the session is still in progress). A quick duel for 20 score points with a fast timer can finish in under 20 minutes, while a 4-player session for 60 rounds can last for 2 hours or more.


There are different types of cards in the game (permanent, regular, secret and criminal) and as each card can be used either to move or for action, you will develop both short-term and long-term strategies for making the most out of where you are, and what you currently have in your hand. Normally, you spend half of your game time accumulating resources and building the foundation for the end-game, and the other half trying to control the progress of your opponents (stealing, arresting, initiating player conflicts, and so on). The more you play, the more new strategies you will discover – especially when combining the effects of several cards played in a combination.


  • This is an intense strategy game: make decisions at every round! Plan your moves, then adjust to the actions of the other players and new cards drawn.
  • The design of the playing field and the multiple layers of optional features (that you can turn on or off, as you wish) allow for a variety of strategies. The more you play, the more roads to victory you discover, using a combination of features based on the particular setup of the session.
  • The game offers a diverse resource system that allows for many comeback chances even after you're robbed or arrested (or both). With score, money, votes, malice, income and bribes, the tension often remains until the very last round.
  • The multilayer mode of the game features a system of ratings, ladders and ranked sessions: compete in a specific league, and take part in the regularly organised tournaments with over 1 000 participants. A system of anonymous masks allows everyone to compete on equal terms in a ranked session.
  • Every season since its release in 2016, the game receives FREE content and feature updates (balancing changes, new cards, new in-game items, new music). We are committed to continue developing this product – based on player feedback!
  • Additionally, the game offers over 10 single-player challenges plus the option to create custom single-player sessions with different settings and a different mix of AI bots.
  • Finally, there's the team mode where victory is determined not only by strategic skill, but also by communication and coordination of each team, which is an entirely different layer of game mechanics.


  • 185 cards in the main deck (149 of them – unique): permanent, regular, secret and criminal, each with a hand-drawn steampunk illustration; with each Season update, we keep adding several new cards to the deck.
  • 39 events in the Misfortune deck: these are the special events triggered at certain moments in the game, and may affect the current standing of all players to a significant degree, especially when used on a specific opponent.
  • 6 special Chaos Cards: this is an optional set of cards available to every player in the game; turn them on or off to change the dynamics of the session.
  • 12 sets of Character Abilities: another optional feature that brings to the game special game mechanics unique to each character type; playing with these makes different competing strategies even more pronounced.
  • 11 original locations: the Office, the Plant, the Dump, the Marketplace, the Inferno, the Jail, the Casino, the Court, the Treasure, the Bank and the Astral Plane; and 7 original spot types: Risk, Gamble, Police, Income, Bribe, Misfortune and Tribune.
  • 2 distinctly different playing fields: The Clockwork Town and The Clockwork Colony, each offering strategic challenges of their own.
  • Finally, the game took us three years to develop from concept to full release, and we're still committed to continue supporting the community through development of new content. There are currently over 150 000 players of Gremlins, Inc. on Steam from all over the world, including USA, Russia, China, Japan, UK and France. Collectively, players already launched several millions game sessions!


You think that’s just a pocket watch in your hand, a watch that’s a bit late because you keep forgetting to wind it up? No, no and no – you couldn’t be further from the truth! What you carry around is a whole gremlin town packed into this tiny mechanism: a town with its own bank, its own casino… and even its own jail! Gremlins are the microscopic creatures that inhabit any mechanism that they can possibly infiltrate. If a watch or a telescope malfunctions, then it’s probably due to gremlins who took up a residence there.

More than anything in life, gremlins value money, political power and prestige: prestige that one can claim after completing some sort of a grandiose engineering project. Aside from working on their own projects, gremlins mostly spend their time preventing other gremlins from building something even more grandiose. This they achieve through bribing officials and lying to the electorate, as well through stealing from their competitors - and outright arresting them.


We felt it important to note that Gremlins, Inc. is not a free-to-play game. Also, this is not a CCG or TCG: you do not need to buy boosters or packs; in every session the game offers the same deck to every player, and everyone's chances are equal.


We are committed to the principle of continuously updating the game with new features and new game content that come as regular updates, FREE to every owner of the product. At the same time, from time to time we release DLCs that feature fun cosmetic content. If you like it, you can support our efforts by your purchase. However, there is absolutely no pressure to own any of the DLCs in order to play the game or compete in the tournaments. Every player, whether they have DLCs or not, has access to the same game features and the same game mechanics.


Gremlins, Inc. features in-game items and fully supports Steam Community Market. While playing the game, certain actions will trigger random chest drops with items of varying rarity: it could be a new emoticon, a new profile background, a new music track, or one of the dozens of other cosmetic items. These items are FREE, yours to use or trade on Steam Community Market. We, the developer, do not engage in the direct sales of any drop items; only players can trade them.

The game also supports crafting: once you find a blueprint of a specific item, you can create as many such items as you wish, as long as you have the required number of charges (you get charges when you convert other in-game items that you do not want, or have multiple copies of). Finally, the game has its own Steam Item Store where we sell a very small number of unique items that influence the item meta-game (but they have no effect on the game mechanics).


Gremlins, Inc. was designed as a digital board game with the multiplayer mode at its heart. However, this is not to say that we don't like single-player – we do, and there's a separate section with the single-player challenges as well as the mode where you can create any custom single-player session that you like! One of the products that you receive with this game, Gremlins, Inc., features both single-player and multiplayer modes, and requires that your game client is connected to both Steam and the game's server at all times – in order to support item drops, Steam Community Market and Steam Workshop. The other product that is included with the game, Gremlins vs Automatons, features single-player mode and is designed specifically to be played offline.


The game currently supports 2 separate servers: Amsterdam and Singapore. Players are able to check their ping value for each of these servers, and play on the server that is the most convenient. Each server has its own player ladder, statistics and player profiles. Most players choose Amsterdam, since ping to Amsterdam from anywhere in the world rarely exceeds 300. However, as we saw more and more players from the Asian region join the game, especially from China, we added the server in Singapore in order to be able to offer faster connection specifically to these players. We hope that this works well for every player, as good player experience is our top priority. We will continue to monitor the quality of our server/client connection in order to adapt the servers to the changing requirements and we thank you for your patience.


Gremlins, Inc. dispose désormais de son serveur Discord officiel, sur lequel vous croiserez des centaines de joueurs parlant du jeu, ainsi que les membres de notre équipe partageant du contenu en cours de finalisation. Utilisez ce lien pour nous rejoindre !

Lorsque vous achetez le jeu, deux titres apparaissent dans votre bibliothèque

Lorsque vous achetez le jeu, deux titres apparaissent dans votre bibliothèque Steam : Gremlins, Inc., jouable en ligne en solo ou en multijoueur, et qui vous permet de recevoir des objets dans votre inventaire et de profiter du Steam Workshop, ainsi que Gremlins vs Automatons, la version du jeu jouable hors ligne uniquement en solo.

À propos du jeu

Un jeu de plateau stratégique dans un univers steampunk peuplé de gremlins corrompus s'affrontant pour le pouvoir, l'argent et le prestige. Investissements, extorsions, pots-de-vin, dénonciations... En solo ou multijoueur, par équipe ou en spectateur, nul coup n'est trop bas pour arriver à vos fins. Propose désormais du contenu saisonnier, des objets à gagner et à échanger sur le Marché de la communauté Steam, et de nombreuses nouvelles fonctionnalités !


Gremlins, Inc. est conçu pour jusqu'à 6 joueurs, en multijoueur ou en solo (contre des adversaires contrôlés par l'IA). Chaque joueur dispose d'une main de 6 cartes (tirées dans une pioche commune) qu'il utilise pour se déplacer sur le plateau de jeu et pour accomplir diverses actions. Il y a beaucoup d'interactions avec les autres joueurs, et les parties à deux sont très différentes des parties à 3 ou 4 joueurs. Vous pouvez fixer un objectif de score, un nombre de manches à jouer ou une limite de temps, et choisir entre partie personnalisée ou partie classée (avec un système d'association des joueurs en fonction de leur niveau).


Oui, c'est possible ! En plus des parties personnalisées (qui vous permettent de décider des paramètres de jeu et de filtrer si vous le souhaitez les joueurs qui peuvent participer) et des parties protégées par mot de passe (afin de ne jouer qu'avec vos amis), le jeu propose un mode équipe (2x2, 3x3, ou 2x2x2) accueillant des joueurs réels et/ou contrôlés par l'IA. Gremlins, Inc. dispose aussi d'un mode spectateur qui vous donne la possibilité d'assister aux parties des autres joueurs et de partager vos émotions grâce aux messages prédéfinis et aux émoticônes.


Oui ! Lorsque vous achetez le jeu, deux titres apparaissent dans votre bibliothèque Steam : Gremlins, Inc., jouable en ligne en solo ou en multijoueur, et qui vous permet de recevoir des objets dans votre inventaire et de profiter du Steam Workshop, ainsi que Gremlins vs Automatons, la version du jeu jouable hors ligne uniquement en solo.


Le jeu met à votre disposition de nombreux paramètres pour créer des parties en fonction du temps que vous désirez passer, et le mode solo sauvegarde automatiquement à la fin de chaque tour afin de vous permettre d'interrompre une partie facilement (le mode multijoueur vous permet de vous reconnecter tant que la partie est encore en cours). Un duel rapide avec un objectif de 20 points et une limite de temps par tour peut être terminée en moins de 20 minutes, alors qu'une partie à 4 joueurs en 60 manches peut durer plus de 2 heures.


Il y a différents types de cartes dans le jeu (permanentes, classiques, secrètes et criminelles) et chaque carte peut être utilisée soit pour vous déplacer, soit pour effectuer une action, ce qui vous force à développer des stratégies à la fois à court et long terme pour tirer le meilleur parti de votre position sur le plateau et des cartes que vous avez en main. Typiquement, vous passerez la moitié de votre temps à accumuler diverses ressources et à construire les fondations de votre stratégie de jeu, et l'autre moitié à attaquer les autres joueurs (les voler, les envoyer en prison, leur faire payer une amende, les entrainer dans un conflit de joueur, etc.). Plus vous jouerez, plus vous découvrirez de stratégies et de combos possibles entre les cartes pour cumuler leurs effets.


  • Un jeu de stratégie intense : des décisions à chaque tour ! Planifiez vos déplacements, ajustez vos actions en fonction de celles des autres joueurs et des cartes que vous tirez.
  • La conception du plateau et les nombreuses fonctionnalités optionnelles permettent d'élaborer des stratégies variées. Plus vous jouerez, plus vous découvrirez de chemins vers la victoire, en tenant compte de la configuration de chaque partie.
  • Un système de ressources multiples permettant de nombreux retournements de situations, même après avoir été arnaqué ou envoyé en prison (ou les deux). Le prestige, l'argent, les voix, la perfidie, les revenus, les pots-de-vin, autant de paramètres qui vous permettront de faire durer le suspens jusqu'à la dernière manche.
  • Le mode multijoueur du jeu contient un système de classement et de parties classées : participez dans une ligue spécifique et prenez part aux tournois organisés régulièrement (et qui accueillent généralement plus de 1000 joueurs). Un système de masques anonymes permet à tout le monde de s'affronter de manière équitable lors des parties classées.
  • Le jeu propose également plus de 10 défis en solo, ainsi que la possibilité de créer des parties solo personnalisées avec différents types d'adversaires contrôlés par l'IA.
  • Enfin, le mode par équipe oblige les joueurs à faire preuve non seulement de stratégie, mais aussi communication et de coordination, ajoutant un aspect inédit aux mécanismes de jeu.


  • 179 cartes dans le deck principal (dont 143 uniques) : permanentes, normales, secrètes et criminelles, chacune disposant d'une illustration steampunk qui lui est propre. À chaque mise à jour saisonnière, nous ajoutons de nouvelles cartes au deck principal.
  • 38 télégrammes de Malchance qui constituent un deck séparé : ces évènements spéciaux se déclenchent à certains moments du jeu et peuvent affecter la situation de tous les joueurs ou d'un adversaire en particulier.
  • 6 Cartes Chaos : un set de cartes optionnelles disponibles pour tous les joueurs. Activez-les ou non pour changer la dynamique de vos parties.
  • 12 capacités de personnages : une autre fonctionnalité optionnelle qui permet d'activer des capacités associées à chacun des personnages du jeu, orientant dès le départ la stratégie de chaque joueur.
  • 11 lieux sur le plateau (le Bureau, l'Usine, la Décharge, le Marché, l'Inferno, la Prison, le Casino, le Tribunal, le Trésor, la Banque et le Plan astral) et 7 types de cases (Danger, Pari, Police, Revenu, Pot-de-vin, Malchance et Tribune).
  • Le jeu a nécessité trois ans de développement du concept initial au jeu final, et nous continuons à faire vivre la communauté en développant du nouveau contenu. Il y a actuellement plus de 120 000 joueurs de Gremlins, Inc. sur Steam, originaires du monde entier, dont les États-Unis, la Russie, la Chine, le Japon et la France. De manière globale, les joueurs ont lancé plus d'un million de parties au cours des trois mois ayant suivi la parution du jeu.


Vous pensez que c'est une simple montre que vous avez entre vos mains, une montre qui retarde toujours un peu parce que vous oubliez de la remonter régulièrement ? Non, non et non, vous êtes très loin de la réalité ! Ce petit mécanisme abrite en fait une ville gremline toute entière, avec sa banque, son casino, et même sa prison ! Les gremlins sont des créatures microscopiques qui s'installent dans tous les mécanismes qu'ils parviennent à investir. Si votre horloge ou votre télescope ne fonctionnent pas correctement, c'est probablement parce que des gremlins y ont élu résidence.

Rien n'est plus important pour un gremlin que l'argent, le pouvoir et le prestige gagné en réalisant un projet grandiose. Alors, quand ils ne consacrent pas leur énergie à construire leur propre projet, les gremlins tentent d'empêcher les autres de construire quelque chose d'encore plus grandiose. Pour cela, ils n'hésitent pas à corrompre les fonctionnaires, à mentir à leur électorat et à mettre divers bâtons dans les pattes de leurs concurrents, quitte à les envoyer en prison s'il le faut. Après tout, ils ont sans doute eux aussi quelque chose à se reprocher...


Nous tenons à préciser que Gremlins, Inc. ne contient pas de transactions en jeu. Vous achetez le jeu complet une fois pour toutes. Il ne s'agit pas non plus d'un jeu de cartes à collectionner ou à échanger : il n'y a ni boosters, ni packs additionnels. Tous les joueurs disposent du même deck de départ, offrant les mêmes chances à tous.


Nous restons résolus à enrichir le jeu de manière régulière avec de nouvelles fonctionnalités et de nouveaux contenus mis à disposition sous la forme de mises à jour GRATUITES pour TOUS les joueurs qui possèdent le jeu. Parallèlement, nous proposons des améliorations de nature purement cosmétique sous la forme de contenus téléchargeables payants. Si ces contenus vous intéressent, votre achat permettra de soutenir le développement du jeu. Dans tous les cas, vous n'avez pas besoin de ces DLC pour jouer au jeu et participer aux tournois. Touts les joueurs, qu'ils possèdent ou non les DLC, ont accès aux mêmes fonctionnalités et mécanismes de jeu.


Gremlins, Inc. propose des objets en jeu qui peuvent être échangés ou vendus dans le Marché de la communauté Steam. Pendant que vous jouez, vous recevrez des coffres de manière aléatoire. Ceux-ci contiennent des objets plus ou moins rares : de nouvelles émoticônes, de nouveaux fonds d'écran, des nouvelles musiques, ainsi que d'autres éléments cosmétiques. Ces objets sont obtenus gratuitement et vous pouvez les utiliser ou les échanger sur le Marché de la communauté Steam. Les développeurs ne vendent pas ces objets directement, seuls les joueurs peuvent le faire entre eux.

Un système de fabrication a également été ajouté. Si vous disposez du plan d'un objet spécifique, vous pouvez fabriquer cet objet autant que vous le souhaitez, à condition de disposer de suffisamment de charges (vous obtenez des charges en convertissant d'autres objets que vous ne souhaitez pas garder, ou dont vous disposez en double). Enfin, le jeu disposera de sa propre boutique d'objets Steam (fin 2016), dans laquelle nous vendrons une petites sélections d'objets uniques qui influenceront le méta-jeu (mais n'auront pas d'effets sur les mécanismes de jeu).


Gremlins, Inc. a été conçu comme un jeu de plateau numérique, c'est pourquoi le mode multijoueur a toujours été au cœur de nos préoccupations. Le jeu solo n'a pas été négligé pour autant : une série de défis solo sont proposés, ainsi qu'un mode permettant de paramétrer une partie solo comme vous le désirez. De plus, deux titres apparaissent dans votre bibliothèque Steam lorsque vous achetez le jeu :
Gremlins, Inc. propose des modes en jeu en solo et en multijoueur et nécessite que vous restiez connecté en permanence au serveur du jeu et à Steam afin de faire fonctionner les objets en jeu offerts, le marché de la communauté Steam et le Steam Workshop. Le second titre, Gremlins vs Automatons, a été conçu pour être joué hors ligne et propose le mode solo uniquement.


Le jeu propose actuellement 2 serveurs différents : un situé à Amsterdam et l'autre à Singapour. Les joueurs peuvent consulter leur ping avec chacun de ces serveurs et choisir celui qui leur convient le mieux. Chaque serveur dispose de ses propres classements, statistiques et profils de joueurs. La plupart des joueurs sélectionnent Amsterdam, puisque le ping sur ce serveur excède rarement 300. Néanmoins, vu le nombre important de joueurs en provenance des régions asiatiques, et notamment de Chine, nous avons ajouté le serveur de Singapour afin de pouvoir offrir une connexion plus rapide à ces joueurs en particulier. Nous espérons que ceci fonctionnera bien pour tous les joueurs, car offrir une bonne expérience de jeu est notre priorité. Nous continuerons à surveiller la qualité des connexions serveur / client afin d'adapter nos serveurs en fonction de l'évolution de la demande et vous remercions pour votre patience.


Gremlins, Inc. hat ab sofort einen offiziellen Discord-Server, auf dem sich Hunderte von Spielern über das Spiel austauschen und unser Team Einblicke in die laufende Entwicklung gewährt. Mithilfe dieses Links können auch Sie dabei sein!


Wenn Sie dieses Spiel kaufen, wird Ihre Steam-Bibliothek gleich um 2 Spiele erweitert: Gremlins, Inc.online in Einzelspieler- und Multiplayer-Modi spielbar, mit Item Drops und Steam Workshop-Mods, sowie Gremlins vs Automatonsoffline im Einzelspieler-Modus spielbar.

Über das Spiel

Dies ist ein spannendes Brettspiel für Strategen, das in einer Steampunk-Welt voller korrupter Kapitalisten-Gremlins spielt, die um Geld, politische Macht und Prestige kämpfen. Sparen und investieren, stehlen und erpressen, verhaften lassen und verhaftet werden – in Einzelspieler- und Multiplayer-Modi, mit Rang- und Bestenlisten sowie Team- und Zuschauer-Modus. Inklusive saisonaler Inhalts-Updates, Gegenstands-Drops, voller Unterstützung des Steam Community-Markt – und noch viel mehr!


Gremlins, Inc. ist für bis zu 6 Spieler ausgelegt, und zwar im Multiplayer- oder Einzelspieler-Modus (mit KI-Bots). Jeder Spieler hat 6 Karten in seinem Blatt (die aus dem gleichen Stapel wieder aufgefüllt werden) und spielt sie entweder aus, um sich auf dem Spielplan zu bewegen, oder eine Reihe unterschiedlicher Aktionen auszuführen. Es gibt zahlreiche Interaktionsmöglichkeiten mit den anderen Spielern, und Duelle unterscheiden sich deutlich von 3- oder 4-Spieler-Partien. Sie können bis zum Erreichen eines bestimmten Punkte-Limits spielen, oder bis zu einer zuvor festgelegten Anzahl Runden, oder bis zum Ablaufen eines Zeitlimits. Das Spiel bietet sowohl individuelle als auch Ranglisten-Partien (inkl. Matchmaking nach Bewertung).


Ja, das geht! Neben individuellen Partien (bei denen Sie die Parameter der Partie definieren und optional per Filter festlegen, wer mitspielen darf) und passwortgeschützten privaten Partien (bei denen Sie sich ungestört mit Ihren Freunden messen können) bietet das Spiel zudem noch einen Team-Modus (2x2, 3x3 oder 2x2x2) mit Teams aus menschlichen Spielern und/oder KI-Bots. Gremlins, Inc. verfügt auch über einen integrierten Zuschauer-Modus, der es Ihnen ermöglicht, sich die Partien anderer Spieler direkt im Spiel selbst anzusehen, wobei Sie Ihre Gefühle mithilfe von Nachrichten und Emoticons mit den Spielern und anderen Zuschauern teilen können.


Aber sicher doch! Wenn Sie dieses Spiel kaufen, wird Ihre Steam-Bibliothek gleich um 2 Spiele erweitert: Gremlins, Inc.online in Einzelspieler- und Multiplayer-Modi spielbar, mit Item Drops und Steam Workshop-Mods, sowie Gremlins vs Automatonsoffline im Einzelspieler-Modus spielbar.


Das Spiel bietet für Partien eine Reihe von Einstellungsmöglichkeiten, damit sie in jedes Zeitbudget passen, und im Einzelspieler-Modus gibt es eine Funktion zum automatischen SPEICHERN/LADEN bei jedem Zug, damit Sie eine Pause einlegen können, wann immer Sie möchten (im Multiplayer-Modus können Sie sich erneut wieder verbinden, solange die entsprechende Partie noch läuft). Ein schnelles Duell mit einem Ziel von 20 Punkten und schnellem Timer kann in unter 20 Minuten absolviert werden, während eine 4-Spieler-Partie über 60 Runden durchaus 2 Stunden und länger dauern kann.


Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Karten im Spiel (permanent, normal, geheim und kriminell) und da jede Karte entweder zum Ziehen oder für Aktionen verwendet werden kann, sind kurz- und langfristig angelegte Strategien unerlässlich, um aus der jeweiligen Position und dem aktuellen Blatt das Beste zu machen. Normalerweise verbringen Sie die eine Hälfte Ihrer Zeit mit dem Sammeln von Ressourcen und dem Legen des Fundaments für die Endphase des Spiels. Die andere Hälfte konzentrieren Sie sich darauf, Ihren Widersachern Knüppel zwischen die Beine zu werfen (Diebstahl, Verhaftung, Geldstrafe, Auslösen von Konflikten usw.). Je mehr Sie spielen, desto mehr neue Strategien werden Sie entdecken, vor allem wenn Sie die Effekte mehrerer Karten kombinieren.


  • Dies ist ein spannendes Strategiespiel, bei dem in jeder Runde wichtigen Entscheidungen zu fällen sind! Planen Sie Ihre Züge und passen Sie Ihr Spiel je nach den Aktionen der anderen Spieler und den neu gezogenen Karten dynamisch an.
  • Das Design des Spielplans und die optionalen Features auf zahlreichen Ebenen (die Sie nach Wunsch an- oder ausschalten können) ermöglichen eine große Auswahl an Strategien. Je mehr Sie spielen, desto mehr Wege zum Sieg werden Sie entdecken, indem Sie, je nach den jeweiligen Vorgaben der Partie, verschiedene Features kombinieren.
  • Das Spiel verfügt über ein komplexes Ressourcensystem, das selbst dann noch ein Comeback ermöglicht, wenn Sie ausgeraubt oder verhaftet werden (oder beides). Dank Punkten, Geld, Stimmen, Arglist, Einkommen und Bestechungen ist Spannung bis zur allerletzten Runde garantiert.
  • Der Multiplayer-Modus des Spiels bietet ein System aus Bewertungen, Bestenlisten und Ranglisten-Partien: treten Sie in einer bestimmten Liga an und nehmen Sie an den regelmäßig stattfindenden Turnieren mit über 1.000 Spielern teil. Ein System aus anonymen Masken sorgt dafür, dass bei Ranglisten-Partien alle zu den gleichen Bedingungen spielen.
  • Darüber hinaus bietet das Spiel mehr als 10 Einzelspieler-Herausforderungen sowie die Möglichkeit, individuelle Einzelspieler-Partien mit verschiedenen Einstellungen und unterschiedlichen Kombinationen von KI-Bots anzulegen.
  • Und schließlich wäre da noch der Team-Modus, in dem nicht nur strategisches Können zum Sieg führt, sondern eben auch Kommunikation und Koordination innerhalb des Team, also Gameplay-Mechaniken auf einer vollkommen anderen Ebene.


  • 179 Karten bilden den Hauptstapel des Spiels (143 davon einzigartig), permanente, reguläre, geheime und kriminelle Karten, die jeweils von einer handgemalten Steampunk-Illustration geziert werden. Mit jedem saisonalen Update erweitern wir das Spiel um mehrere neue Karten).
  • 38 Ereignisse stecken im Ungemach-Stapel: Dabei handelt es sich im besondere Vorkommnisse, die an bestimmten Punkten im Spiel eintreten und den aktuellen Status aller Spieler erheblich beeinflussen können, vor allem wenn sie gezielt gegen einen bestimmten Spieler eingesetzt werden.
  • 6 besondere Chaos-Karten: Ein optionaler Satz aus 6 Karten, die jedem Spieler in einer Partie zur Verfügung stehen. Sie können dieses Feature wahlweise aktivieren oder deaktivieren, um die Dynamik einer Partie zu verändern.
  • 12 Sets Charakter-Fähigkeiten: Ein weiteres optionales Feature, welches das Spiel um spezielle Gameplay-Mechaniken bereichert, die so einzigartig wie der jeweilige Charaktertyp sind. Wenn Sie dieses Feature aktivieren, treten die Unterschiede der konkurrierenden Strategien noch deutlicher zutage.
  • 11 Orte: Büro, Fabrik, Schrottplatz, Markt, Inferno, Gefängnis, Casino, Gericht, Schatzkammer, Bank und Astral-Ebene sowie 7 Arten von Feldern: Risiko, Glücksspiel, Gendarmerie, Einkommen, Bestechung, Ungemach und Podium.
  • Wir haben drei Jahre für die Entwicklung des Spiels gebraucht, vom Konzept bis zur Veröffentlichung der Vollversion, und wir werden auch weiterhin unsere Community durch die Entwicklung neuer Inhalte unterstützen. Zurzeit spielen über 120.000 Spieler weltweit Gremlins, Inc. auf Steam, darunter in den USA, Russland, China, Japan, Großbritannien und Frankreich. Zusammengenommen haben unsere Spieler in den drei Monaten seit dem Erscheinen des Spiels bereits über eine Million Partien gestartet.


Sie glauben, diese Taschenuhr, die Sie da in der Hand halten, sei einfach nur eine Uhr, die halt ein wenig nachgeht, weil Sie immer vergessen, sie aufzuziehen? Nein, nein und nochmals nein – da täuschen Sie sich aber ganz gewaltig! Was Sie da mit sich herumtragen, ist eine ganze Gremlin-Stadt, verpackt in diesem winzigen Uhrwerk: eine Stadt mit einer eigenen Bank, einem Casino … ja, sogar einem Gefängnis! Gremlins sind mikroskopisch kleine Wesen, die in jeder Art von Mechanismus hausen, dessen sie nur habhaft werden können. Wenn eine Uhr oder ein Teleskop nicht mehr funktionieren, dann liegt das wahrscheinlich an den Gremlins, die sich dort häuslich eingerichtet haben.

Mehr als alles andere im Leben schätzen Gremlins das liebe Geld, politische Macht und Prestige: und zwar die Art von Prestige, die man nur nach dem glorreichen Abschluss eines genialen Meisterwerks der Ingenieurskunst für sich beanspruchen kann. Neben der Arbeit an ihren eigenen Projekten verbringen Gremlins den Großteil ihrer Zeit damit, andere Gremlins daran zu hindern, selbst etwas noch grandioseres zu entwickeln. Dieses Ziel erreichen sie durch Beamtenbestechung und dreistes Belügen ihrer Wählerschaft, wie auch durch Bestehlen von Konkurrenten - und deren Verhaftung.


Wir legen gesteigerten Wert auf die Feststellung, dass Gremlins, Inc. kein Free-to-Play-Spiel ist. Sie brauchen es nur einmal zu bezahlen, mehr wollen wir für dieses Produkt von Ihnen auch gar nicht bekommen. Und Gremlins Inc. ist kein Sammelkartenspiel: Sie brauchen weder Booster noch Pakete zu kaufen, und im Spiel treten alle Spieler mit dem gleichen Stapel und den gleichen Chancen an.


Wir bleiben auch weiterhin unserem Grundsatz treu, das Spiel kontinuierlich um neue Features und neue Inhalte zu erweitern, und zwar durch normale Updates, die für jeden Besitzer des Spiels KOSTENLOS sind. Gleichzeitig werden wir von Zeit zu Zeit DLCs mit witzigen kosmetischen Inhalten veröffentlichen. Sollten Ihnen diese Extras gefallen, können Sie sehr gerne unsere Arbeit durch den Kauf solcher DLCs unterstützen. Wir möchten allerdings ausdrücklich darauf hinweisen, dass es keinerlei Zwang gibt, einen dieser DLCs zu besitzen, um das Spiel zu spielen oder an Turnieren teilzunehmen. Jeder Spieler, ob er nun DLCs sein Eigenen nennt oder nicht, hat auf die gleichen Features und Spielmechaniken Zugriff wie alle anderen.


Gremlins, Inc. bietet In-Game-Gegenstände und eine vollständige Unterstützung des Steam Community-Markt. Im Spiel lösen bestimmte Aktionen per Zufall Drops aus, die dem Spieler Kisten mit unterschiedlich seltenen Gegenständen bescheren: ein neues Emoticon, einen neuen Profil-Hintergrund, ein neues Musikstück oder einen von Dutzenden anderen kosmetischen Gegenständen. Diese Gegenstände sind KOSTENLOS, und es steht Ihnen frei, sie selbst zu verwenden oder auf dem Steam Community-Markt damit zu handeln. Wir, die Entwickler, sind nicht am direkten Verkauf von Drop-Gegenständen beteiligt, denn allein die Spieler können damit handeln.

Das Spiel unterstützt zudem Crafting, also die Herstellung von Gegenständen: sobald Sie den Bauplan eines bestimmten Gegenstands gefunden haben, können Sie ihn beliebig oft herstellen, solange Sie über die nötige Anzahl von Ladungen verfügen (Ladungen bekommen Sie, indem Sie andere nicht benötigte oder mehrfach vorhandenen In-Game-Gegenstände umwandeln). Und schließlich hat das Spiel seinen eigenen Steam Item Store (ab Ende 2016), in dem wir eine stark limitierte Anzahl einzigartiger Gegenstände verkaufen, die sich auf das Metaspiel mit Gegenständen auswirken (jedoch nicht auf die Gameplay-Mechaniken an sich).


Gremlins, Inc. wurde als digitales Brettspiel entwickelt, und zwar mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Multiplayer-Modus. Doch das bedeutet nicht, dass wir etwas gegen Einzelspieler haben – ganz und gar nicht, und es gibt sogar eine eigene Rubrik mit Herausforderungen für Einzelspieler, wie auch einen Modus, in dem individuell definierte Einzelspieler-Partien angelegt werden können! Gremlins, Inc., eines der Spiele, das Sie mit diesem Paket erwerben, verfügt sowohl über Einzelspieler- als auch Multiplayer-Modi und setzt voraus, dass Ihr Steam-Client läuft und Sie durchgehend mit dem Internet verbunden sind – sonst könnten wir Features wie Item Drops, Steam Community-Marktplatz und Steam Workshop nicht anbieten. Gremlins vs Automatons, das andere in diesem Paket enthaltene Spiel verfügt über einen Einzelspieler-Modus und wurde speziell für Offline-Partien entwickelt.


Das Spiel unterstützt zurzeit zwei separate Server: Amsterdam und Singapur. Unsere Spieler können ihren Ping bei beiden Servern abfragen und auf dem Server spielen, der für sie am günstigsten ist. Jeder Server hat seine eigene Ladder, Statistiken und Spieler-Profile. Die meisten Spieler wählen Amsterdam, da der Ping nach Amsterdam von irgendwo auf der Welt selten über 300 liegt. Doch da es nun auch immer mehr Spieler aus Asien gibt, vor allem aus China, haben wir einen Server in Singapur hinzugefügt, um gerade diesen Spielern eine schnellere Verbindung bieten zu können. Wir hoffen, dass dies eine gute Lösung für alle Spieler ist, denn ein optimales Spiel-Erlebnis hat bei uns oberste Priorität. Wir werden auch weiterhin die Qualität unserer Server/Client-Verbindungen im Auge behalten, um die Server an den wechselnden Bedarf anzupassen. Vielen Dank für Ihre Geduld.


Gremlins, Inc. has its official Discord server, where several thousand players discuss the game, and our team shares work in progress. Use this link to join!


When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with item drops and Steam Workshop mods; and Gremlins vs Automatons – playable offline in single-player mode.

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

This is an intense strategy board game in a steampunk world of corrupt capitalist gremlins who compete for money, political power and prestige. Save and invest, steal and extort, arrest and get arrested – in single-player and multiplayer, with ranks and ladders, team mode and spectator mode. Featuring seasonal content updates, regular tournaments, item drops, full support of Steam Community Market – and more!


Gremlins, Inc. is designed for up to 6 players, in multiplayer or in single-player mode (with AI bots). Each player has 6 cards on their hand (replenished from the same deck) and uses them either to move around the playing field or to perform different game actions. There is a lot of interaction with other players, and duels are significantly different from 3-player or 4-player games. You can play until a certain score limit, or until agreed number of rounds, or for time limit. The game offers both custom and ranked sessions (with matchmaking by rating).


Yes, you can! In addition to custom sessions (where you define the parameters of the session and may optionally set filters for those who can join you) and password-protected private sessions (so that you and your friends can play undisturbed), the game offers team mode (2x2, 3x3, or 2x2x2) with teams of human players and/or AI bots. Gremlins, Inc. also supports a built-in spectator mode, which allows you to watch sessions of other players right from inside of the game, sharing your emotions with players and other spectators through messages and emoticons.


Certainly! When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – the edition that is playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with full support of item drops and Steam Workshop; and Gremlins vs Automatons – the edition that is playable offline in single-player mode, without any connection to our server whatsoever.


The game offers different session settings to make them fit your available time, and single-player mode offers automatic SAVE / LOAD function at every turn so that you can take a break whenever you want (while multiplayer mode offers re-connect functionality as long as the session is still in progress). A quick duel for 20 score points with a fast timer can finish in under 20 minutes, while a 4-player session for 60 rounds can last for 2 hours or more.


There are different types of cards in the game (permanent, regular, secret and criminal) and as each card can be used either to move or for action, you will develop both short-term and long-term strategies for making the most out of where you are, and what you currently have in your hand. Normally, you spend half of your game time accumulating resources and building the foundation for the end-game, and the other half trying to control the progress of your opponents (stealing, arresting, initiating player conflicts, and so on). The more you play, the more new strategies you will discover – especially when combining the effects of several cards played in a combination.


  • This is an intense strategy game: make decisions at every round! Plan your moves, then adjust to the actions of the other players and new cards drawn.
  • The design of the playing field and the multiple layers of optional features (that you can turn on or off, as you wish) allow for a variety of strategies. The more you play, the more roads to victory you discover, using a combination of features based on the particular setup of the session.
  • The game offers a diverse resource system that allows for many comeback chances even after you're robbed or arrested (or both). With score, money, votes, malice, income and bribes, the tension often remains until the very last round.
  • The multilayer mode of the game features a system of ratings, ladders and ranked sessions: compete in a specific league, and take part in the regularly organised tournaments with over 1 000 participants. A system of anonymous masks allows everyone to compete on equal terms in a ranked session.
  • Every season since its release in 2016, the game receives FREE content and feature updates (balancing changes, new cards, new in-game items, new music). We are committed to continue developing this product – based on player feedback!
  • Additionally, the game offers over 10 single-player challenges plus the option to create custom single-player sessions with different settings and a different mix of AI bots.
  • Finally, there's the team mode where victory is determined not only by strategic skill, but also by communication and coordination of each team, which is an entirely different layer of game mechanics.


  • 185 cards in the main deck (149 of them – unique): permanent, regular, secret and criminal, each with a hand-drawn steampunk illustration; with each Season update, we keep adding several new cards to the deck.
  • 39 events in the Misfortune deck: these are the special events triggered at certain moments in the game, and may affect the current standing of all players to a significant degree, especially when used on a specific opponent.
  • 6 special Chaos Cards: this is an optional set of cards available to every player in the game; turn them on or off to change the dynamics of the session.
  • 12 sets of Character Abilities: another optional feature that brings to the game special game mechanics unique to each character type; playing with these makes different competing strategies even more pronounced.
  • 11 original locations: the Office, the Plant, the Dump, the Marketplace, the Inferno, the Jail, the Casino, the Court, the Treasure, the Bank and the Astral Plane; and 7 original spot types: Risk, Gamble, Police, Income, Bribe, Misfortune and Tribune.
  • 2 distinctly different playing fields: The Clockwork Town and The Clockwork Colony, each offering strategic challenges of their own.
  • Finally, the game took us three years to develop from concept to full release, and we're still committed to continue supporting the community through development of new content. There are currently over 150 000 players of Gremlins, Inc. on Steam from all over the world, including USA, Russia, China, Japan, UK and France. Collectively, players already launched several millions game sessions!


You think that’s just a pocket watch in your hand, a watch that’s a bit late because you keep forgetting to wind it up? No, no and no – you couldn’t be further from the truth! What you carry around is a whole gremlin town packed into this tiny mechanism: a town with its own bank, its own casino… and even its own jail! Gremlins are the microscopic creatures that inhabit any mechanism that they can possibly infiltrate. If a watch or a telescope malfunctions, then it’s probably due to gremlins who took up a residence there.

More than anything in life, gremlins value money, political power and prestige: prestige that one can claim after completing some sort of a grandiose engineering project. Aside from working on their own projects, gremlins mostly spend their time preventing other gremlins from building something even more grandiose. This they achieve through bribing officials and lying to the electorate, as well through stealing from their competitors - and outright arresting them.


We felt it important to note that Gremlins, Inc. is not a free-to-play game. Also, this is not a CCG or TCG: you do not need to buy boosters or packs; in every session the game offers the same deck to every player, and everyone's chances are equal.


We are committed to the principle of continuously updating the game with new features and new game content that come as regular updates, FREE to every owner of the product. At the same time, from time to time we release DLCs that feature fun cosmetic content. If you like it, you can support our efforts by your purchase. However, there is absolutely no pressure to own any of the DLCs in order to play the game or compete in the tournaments. Every player, whether they have DLCs or not, has access to the same game features and the same game mechanics.


Gremlins, Inc. features in-game items and fully supports Steam Community Market. While playing the game, certain actions will trigger random chest drops with items of varying rarity: it could be a new emoticon, a new profile background, a new music track, or one of the dozens of other cosmetic items. These items are FREE, yours to use or trade on Steam Community Market. We, the developer, do not engage in the direct sales of any drop items; only players can trade them.

The game also supports crafting: once you find a blueprint of a specific item, you can create as many such items as you wish, as long as you have the required number of charges (you get charges when you convert other in-game items that you do not want, or have multiple copies of). Finally, the game has its own Steam Item Store where we sell a very small number of unique items that influence the item meta-game (but they have no effect on the game mechanics).


Gremlins, Inc. was designed as a digital board game with the multiplayer mode at its heart. However, this is not to say that we don't like single-player – we do, and there's a separate section with the single-player challenges as well as the mode where you can create any custom single-player session that you like! One of the products that you receive with this game, Gremlins, Inc., features both single-player and multiplayer modes, and requires that your game client is connected to both Steam and the game's server at all times – in order to support item drops, Steam Community Market and Steam Workshop. The other product that is included with the game, Gremlins vs Automatons, features single-player mode and is designed specifically to be played offline.


The game currently supports 2 separate servers: Amsterdam and Singapore. Players are able to check their ping value for each of these servers, and play on the server that is the most convenient. Each server has its own player ladder, statistics and player profiles. Most players choose Amsterdam, since ping to Amsterdam from anywhere in the world rarely exceeds 300. However, as we saw more and more players from the Asian region join the game, especially from China, we added the server in Singapore in order to be able to offer faster connection specifically to these players. We hope that this works well for every player, as good player experience is our top priority. We will continue to monitor the quality of our server/client connection in order to adapt the servers to the changing requirements and we thank you for your patience.


Gremlins, Inc. has its official Discord server, where several thousand players discuss the game, and our team shares work in progress. Use this link to join!


When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with item drops and Steam Workshop mods; and Gremlins vs Automatons – playable offline in single-player mode.

A játékról: 

This is an intense strategy board game in a steampunk world of corrupt capitalist gremlins who compete for money, political power and prestige. Save and invest, steal and extort, arrest and get arrested – in single-player and multiplayer, with ranks and ladders, team mode and spectator mode. Featuring seasonal content updates, regular tournaments, item drops, full support of Steam Community Market – and more!


Gremlins, Inc. is designed for up to 6 players, in multiplayer or in single-player mode (with AI bots). Each player has 6 cards on their hand (replenished from the same deck) and uses them either to move around the playing field or to perform different game actions. There is a lot of interaction with other players, and duels are significantly different from 3-player or 4-player games. You can play until a certain score limit, or until agreed number of rounds, or for time limit. The game offers both custom and ranked sessions (with matchmaking by rating).


Yes, you can! In addition to custom sessions (where you define the parameters of the session and may optionally set filters for those who can join you) and password-protected private sessions (so that you and your friends can play undisturbed), the game offers team mode (2x2, 3x3, or 2x2x2) with teams of human players and/or AI bots. Gremlins, Inc. also supports a built-in spectator mode, which allows you to watch sessions of other players right from inside of the game, sharing your emotions with players and other spectators through messages and emoticons.


Certainly! When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – the edition that is playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with full support of item drops and Steam Workshop; and Gremlins vs Automatons – the edition that is playable offline in single-player mode, without any connection to our server whatsoever.


The game offers different session settings to make them fit your available time, and single-player mode offers automatic SAVE / LOAD function at every turn so that you can take a break whenever you want (while multiplayer mode offers re-connect functionality as long as the session is still in progress). A quick duel for 20 score points with a fast timer can finish in under 20 minutes, while a 4-player session for 60 rounds can last for 2 hours or more.


There are different types of cards in the game (permanent, regular, secret and criminal) and as each card can be used either to move or for action, you will develop both short-term and long-term strategies for making the most out of where you are, and what you currently have in your hand. Normally, you spend half of your game time accumulating resources and building the foundation for the end-game, and the other half trying to control the progress of your opponents (stealing, arresting, initiating player conflicts, and so on). The more you play, the more new strategies you will discover – especially when combining the effects of several cards played in a combination.


  • This is an intense strategy game: make decisions at every round! Plan your moves, then adjust to the actions of the other players and new cards drawn.
  • The design of the playing field and the multiple layers of optional features (that you can turn on or off, as you wish) allow for a variety of strategies. The more you play, the more roads to victory you discover, using a combination of features based on the particular setup of the session.
  • The game offers a diverse resource system that allows for many comeback chances even after you're robbed or arrested (or both). With score, money, votes, malice, income and bribes, the tension often remains until the very last round.
  • The multilayer mode of the game features a system of ratings, ladders and ranked sessions: compete in a specific league, and take part in the regularly organised tournaments with over 1 000 participants. A system of anonymous masks allows everyone to compete on equal terms in a ranked session.
  • Every season since its release in 2016, the game receives FREE content and feature updates (balancing changes, new cards, new in-game items, new music). We are committed to continue developing this product – based on player feedback!
  • Additionally, the game offers over 10 single-player challenges plus the option to create custom single-player sessions with different settings and a different mix of AI bots.
  • Finally, there's the team mode where victory is determined not only by strategic skill, but also by communication and coordination of each team, which is an entirely different layer of game mechanics.


  • 185 cards in the main deck (149 of them – unique): permanent, regular, secret and criminal, each with a hand-drawn steampunk illustration; with each Season update, we keep adding several new cards to the deck.
  • 39 events in the Misfortune deck: these are the special events triggered at certain moments in the game, and may affect the current standing of all players to a significant degree, especially when used on a specific opponent.
  • 6 special Chaos Cards: this is an optional set of cards available to every player in the game; turn them on or off to change the dynamics of the session.
  • 12 sets of Character Abilities: another optional feature that brings to the game special game mechanics unique to each character type; playing with these makes different competing strategies even more pronounced.
  • 11 original locations: the Office, the Plant, the Dump, the Marketplace, the Inferno, the Jail, the Casino, the Court, the Treasure, the Bank and the Astral Plane; and 7 original spot types: Risk, Gamble, Police, Income, Bribe, Misfortune and Tribune.
  • 2 distinctly different playing fields: The Clockwork Town and The Clockwork Colony, each offering strategic challenges of their own.
  • Finally, the game took us three years to develop from concept to full release, and we're still committed to continue supporting the community through development of new content. There are currently over 150 000 players of Gremlins, Inc. on Steam from all over the world, including USA, Russia, China, Japan, UK and France. Collectively, players already launched several millions game sessions!


You think that’s just a pocket watch in your hand, a watch that’s a bit late because you keep forgetting to wind it up? No, no and no – you couldn’t be further from the truth! What you carry around is a whole gremlin town packed into this tiny mechanism: a town with its own bank, its own casino… and even its own jail! Gremlins are the microscopic creatures that inhabit any mechanism that they can possibly infiltrate. If a watch or a telescope malfunctions, then it’s probably due to gremlins who took up a residence there.

More than anything in life, gremlins value money, political power and prestige: prestige that one can claim after completing some sort of a grandiose engineering project. Aside from working on their own projects, gremlins mostly spend their time preventing other gremlins from building something even more grandiose. This they achieve through bribing officials and lying to the electorate, as well through stealing from their competitors - and outright arresting them.


We felt it important to note that Gremlins, Inc. is not a free-to-play game. Also, this is not a CCG or TCG: you do not need to buy boosters or packs; in every session the game offers the same deck to every player, and everyone's chances are equal.


We are committed to the principle of continuously updating the game with new features and new game content that come as regular updates, FREE to every owner of the product. At the same time, from time to time we release DLCs that feature fun cosmetic content. If you like it, you can support our efforts by your purchase. However, there is absolutely no pressure to own any of the DLCs in order to play the game or compete in the tournaments. Every player, whether they have DLCs or not, has access to the same game features and the same game mechanics.


Gremlins, Inc. features in-game items and fully supports Steam Community Market. While playing the game, certain actions will trigger random chest drops with items of varying rarity: it could be a new emoticon, a new profile background, a new music track, or one of the dozens of other cosmetic items. These items are FREE, yours to use or trade on Steam Community Market. We, the developer, do not engage in the direct sales of any drop items; only players can trade them.

The game also supports crafting: once you find a blueprint of a specific item, you can create as many such items as you wish, as long as you have the required number of charges (you get charges when you convert other in-game items that you do not want, or have multiple copies of). Finally, the game has its own Steam Item Store where we sell a very small number of unique items that influence the item meta-game (but they have no effect on the game mechanics).


Gremlins, Inc. was designed as a digital board game with the multiplayer mode at its heart. However, this is not to say that we don't like single-player – we do, and there's a separate section with the single-player challenges as well as the mode where you can create any custom single-player session that you like! One of the products that you receive with this game, Gremlins, Inc., features both single-player and multiplayer modes, and requires that your game client is connected to both Steam and the game's server at all times – in order to support item drops, Steam Community Market and Steam Workshop. The other product that is included with the game, Gremlins vs Automatons, features single-player mode and is designed specifically to be played offline.


The game currently supports 2 separate servers: Amsterdam and Singapore. Players are able to check their ping value for each of these servers, and play on the server that is the most convenient. Each server has its own player ladder, statistics and player profiles. Most players choose Amsterdam, since ping to Amsterdam from anywhere in the world rarely exceeds 300. However, as we saw more and more players from the Asian region join the game, especially from China, we added the server in Singapore in order to be able to offer faster connection specifically to these players. We hope that this works well for every player, as good player experience is our top priority. We will continue to monitor the quality of our server/client connection in order to adapt the servers to the changing requirements and we thank you for your patience.


Gremlins, Inc. ottiene il suo server Discord ufficiale, dove centinaia di giocatori potranno parlare del gioco, e il nostro team potrà condividere i lavori in corso. Usate questo link per partecipare!


Quando compri questo gioco, otterrai due prodotti nella tua Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – giocabile online in modalità giocatore singolo e multigiocatore, con assegnazione di oggetti e creazione di mod in Steam Workshop; e Gremlins vs Automatons – giocabile offline in modalità giocatore singolo.

Informazioni sul gioco

Questo è un complesso gioco strategico ambientato in un mondo steampunk di gremlin capitalisti che lottano per denaro, potere politico e fama. Risparmia e investi, ruba ed estorci, arresta e vieni arrestato, sia in gioco singolo che in multiplayer, con classifiche, modalità spettatore e a squadre. Il gioco offre aggiornamenti di contenuto stagionali, drop di oggetti, supporto completo del Market della Community Steam e molto altro ancora!


Gremlins, Inc. è un gioco per un massimo di 6 giocatori, in modalità multiplayer o giocatore singolo (con avversari IA). Ogni giocatore dispone di 6 carte (che tutti pescano dallo stesso mazzo) per muoversi sul tabellone ed effettuare diverse azioni. Implica un alto livello di interazione con gli altri giocatori e i duelli cambiano notevolmente a seconda del numero dei giocatori coinvolti. Si gioca a punteggio, a giri oppure a tempo, in partite personalizzate e classificate (in cui i giocatori sono messi insieme in base al posto in classifica).


Ma certo che ci riesci! Oltre alle partite personalizzate (in cui puoi definire i parametri di gioco e, se vuoi, impostare filtri per chi può partecipare) e partite private protette da password (così tu e i tuoi amici non verrete disturbati), il gioco offre anche la modalità a squadre (2x2, 3x3, or 2x2x2) in cui le squadre possono essere formate da esseri umani e/o avversari IA. Gremlins, Inc. supporta inoltre una modalità spettatore, che ti permette di guardare le partite di altri giocatori dall’interno del gioco, con la possibilità di condividere le tue emozioni con i giocatori e gli altri spettatori grazie a messaggi ed emoticon.


Ma certo! Quando compri questo gioco, otterrai due prodotti nella tua Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – giocabile online in modalità giocatore singolo e multigiocatore, con assegnazione di oggetti e creazione di mod in Steam Workshop; e Gremlins vs Automatons – giocabile offline in modalità giocatore singolo.


Il gioco offre diversi settaggi per adattare la durata della partita al tempo che hai a disposizione, e la modalità giocatore singolo offre una funzione di SALVATAGGIO AUTOMATICO a ogni turno, così puoi fare una pausa quando ti pare (nella modalità multiplayer c’è una funzione di riconnessione se la partita è ancora in corso). Un duello rapido per raggiungere 20 punti può finire anche in meno di 20 minuti, mentre una partita con 4 giocatori e 60 giri può durare più di 2 ore.


Ci sono diversi tipi di carte nel gioco (permanenti, normali, segrete e criminali) e, poiché ognuna si può usare sia per muoversi che per un’azione, dovrai sviluppare strategie a breve e a lungo termine per sfruttare al meglio la posizione in cui ti trovi e le carte in tuo possesso. Probabilmente passerai metà della partita ad accumulare risorse e a costruire le basi per il finale del gioco, e l’altra metà ad attaccare gli avversari (derubandoli, facendoli arrestare, attivando conflitti tra giocatori ecc...). Più giocherai, più strategie scoprirai, soprattutto combinando gli effetti di più carte giocate in successione.


  • Questo è un complesso gioco di strategia: a ogni giro dovrai prendere delle decisioni! Pianifica le mosse e adatta le tue azioni a quelle degli avversari e alle nuove carte pescate.
  • La struttura del tabellone e le varie possibilità di personalizzazione (che puoi attivare o disattivare a tuo piacimento) consentono molte strategie diverse. Più giocherai, più scoprirai nuove strade per vincere, usando una combinazione di sistemi basati sulle caratteristiche particolari della partita.
  • Il gioco offre un variegato sistema di risorseche permette di tornare in auge anche quando si viene derubati o arrestati (o entrambe le cose). Con punteggio, denaro, voti, malignità, entrate e mazzette, la tensione resta alta fino all’ultimissimo giro.
  • La modalità multiplayer offre un sistema di punteggio, classifiche e partite classificate: gioca in un gruppo specifico e prendi parte ai tornei che vengono regolarmente organizzati con oltre 1000 giocatori. Un sistema di maschere anonime permette a tutti di giocare alla pari nelle partite classificate.
  • Il gioco offre inoltre più di 10 sfide per giocatore singolo oltre all’opzione di creare partite personalizzate per giocatore singolo con varie ambientazioni e un mix di avversari IA.
  • Infine il gioco offre anche la modalità a squadre in cui la vittoria è determinata non solo dalle abilità strategiche, ma anche dalla comunicazione e dal coordinamento di ogni squadra, mettendo in gioco meccaniche di gioco completamente diverse.


  • 179 carte nel mazzo principale (143 delle quali uniche): permanenti, normali, segrete e criminali, ognuna con un’illustrazione steampunk disegnata a mano; in ogni aggiornamento stagionale continueremo ad aggiungere nuove carte al mazzo.
  • 38 eventi nel mazzo delle Sventure: attivati in particolari momenti del gioco, questi eventi possono influenzare notevolmente la situazione di tutti i giocatori, soprattutto se usati verso un avversario specifico.
  • 6 carte del Caos: un mazzo opzionale di 6 carte, disponibili per tutti i giocatori. Attivale o disattivale per cambiare le dinamiche della partita.
  • 12 set di abilità del personaggio : un'altra importante funzionalità che aggiunge meccaniche di gioco particolari a ogni tipo personaggio e rende ancora più marcate le diverse strategie di ogni giocatore.
  • Ci sono 11 luoghi – l’Ufficio, la Fabbrica, la Discarica, il Mercato, l’Inferno, la Prigione, il Casinò, il Tribunale, il Tesoro, la Banca e il Piano Astrale – e 7 tipi di caselle – Rischio, Gioco d’azzardo, Polizia, Guadagno, Mazzette, Sventure e Tribuna politica.
  • Ci sono voluti tre anni per sviluppare il gioco fino all’uscita definitiva, ma siamo ancora impegnati a dare il nostro continuo supporto alla community sviluppando nuove caratteristiche e nuovi contenuti. Al momento ci sono oltre 120.000 giocatori di Gremlins, Inc. su Steam provenienti da tutto il mondo, compresi USA, Russia, Cina, Giappone, Regno Unito e Francia.. In tutto, i giocatori hanno iniziato oltre un milione di partite nei tre mesi successivi all'uscita.


A te sembra solo un orologio da taschino nella tua mano, un orologio un po’ in ritardo perché dimentichi sempre di caricarlo. No, no e poi no: non potresti essere più lontano dalla verità! Quella che ti porti dietro è in realtà un’intera città gremlin impacchettata nei suoi minuscoli ingranaggi: una città con tanto di banca, casinò… e perfino una prigione! I gremlin sono le microscopiche creature che vivono in ogni meccanismo in cui riescono a infiltrarsi. Se un orologio o un telescopio non funzionano, probabilmente è colpa dei gremlin lo abitano.

Più di ogni altra cosa nella vita, i gremlin amano il denaro, il potere politico e la fama: quest’ultima ottenuta quando riescono a completare un qualche grandioso progetto di ingegneria. A parte lavorare ai loro progetti, i gremlin passano gran parte del loro tempo a evitare che i loro simili riescano a costruire qualcosa di meglio, e lo fanno corrompendo le forze dell’ordine e mentendo agli elettori, oltre a derubare gli avversari e farli arrestare direttamente.


Ci sembra giusto sottolineare che Gremlins, Inc. non è un free-to-play. Inoltre, non si tratta di un gioco di carte collezionabili: non dovrai comprare pacchetti aggiuntivi di carte o simili, perché in ogni partita tutti i giocatori hanno lo stesso mazzo e le stesse possibilità. Infine, se ti stai chiedendo se siamo intenzionati a offrire dei contenuti extra sotto forma di DLC: sì, questo è il nostro piano!


Ci impegniamo ad aggiornare continuamente il gioco con nuove funzionalità e nuovi contenuti, grazie ai nostri aggiornamenti regolari , GRATUITI per tutti i proprietari del prodotto. Oltre a questo, ogni tanto pubblichiamo dei DLC con divertenti contenuti estetici. Se ti piacciono, puoi comprarli per sostenere il nostro lavoro. Ci preme sottolineare però che non è necessario avere questi DLC per giocare o per partecipare ai tornei. Tutti i giocatori, che abbiano o meno i DLC, hanno accesso alle stesse funzionalità del gioco e alle stesse meccaniche.


Gremlins, Inc. offre la possibilità di creare e possedere oggetti e supporta completamente il Market della Community Steam. Nel corso del gioco, certe azioni faranno apparire degli scrigni contenenti oggetti più o meno rari: si può trattare di una nuova emoticon, un nuovo sfondo per il profilo, un nuovo brano musicale o uno delle decine di oggetti estetici. Sono tutti oggetti GRATUITI e potrete usarli o scambiarli nel Market della Community Steam. Noi sviluppatori non ci occupiamo delle vendite dirette degli oggetti, queste vengono effettuate solo dai giocatori.

Il gioco inoltre prevede la produzione: quando trovi il modello di un oggetto specifico, puoi crearne quanti vuoi, a condizione che tu possegga il numero richiesto di cariche (le cariche si ottengono convertendo gli oggetti che non ti interessano più o di cui possiedi più copie). Il gioco inoltre ha il suo Negozio Steam degli Oggetti (previsto per la fine del 2016), in cui mettiamo in vendita un limitato numero di oggetti unici che influenzano il metagioco dell’oggetto, ma che non hanno alcun effetto sulle meccaniche stesse del gioco.


Gremlins, Inc. è stato pensato come un gioco da tavolo digitale con al centro la modalità multigiocatore. Tuttavia, questo non significa che non ci piaccia quella per giocatore singolo: certo che ci piace, e infatti c’è una sezione a parte con le sfide per giocatore singolo, e anche una modalità in cui potrai creare tutte le partite personalizzate per giocatore singolo che ti pare! Uno dei prodotti che riceverai con il gioco, Gremlins, Inc., offre sia la modalità per giocatore singolo che quella multigiocatore, e richiede che tu sia sempre connesso sia a Steam che al server di gioco, per avere l’assegnazione di oggetti, lo Steam Community Market e lo Steam Workshop. L’altro prodotto incluso nel gioco, Gremlins vs Automatons, offre invece una modalità per giocatore singolo ed è pensato specificamente per essere giocato offline.


Il gioco al momento supporta 2 server separati: Amsterdam e Singapore. I giocatori possono controllare il loro valore di ping per ciascuno dei server, e giocare su quello per loro più conveniente. Ogni server ha le sue classifiche dei giocatori, le sue statistiche e i suoi profili giocatore. La maggior parte dei giocatori sceglie il server di Amsterdam, perché il ping, da ogni parte del mondo, sale raramente al di sopra di 300. Comunque, poiché abbiamo notato che sempre più giocatori delle regioni asiatiche stanno entrando nel gioco, soprattutto dalla Cina, abbiamo aggiunto il server di Singapore per offrire una connessione più rapida a questi giocatori. Vogliamo sperare che tutto funzioni al meglio per ogni giocatore, perché ènostra priorità assoluta che tutti gli utenti possano vivere un’esperienza soddisfacente. Continueremo a controllare la qualità della nostra connessione server/client per adattare i server agli eventuali cambiamenti in corso. Grazie a tutti per la pazienza.

公式 DISCORD サーバー

Gremlins, Inc. の公式 Discord サーバーが稼働開始、数百名のプレイヤーがゲームについて語り合い、開発チームが作業状況を共有したりできる場です。参加するにはこちらのリンクをご使用ください!


本作をご購入いただいた際には、『Gremlins, Inc.』(オンライン上でシングルプレイおよびマルチプレイモードをアイテムドロップや Steam ワークショップ MOD と併せてプレイ可能)および『Gremlins vs Automatons(シングルプレイモードで オフラインでプレイ可能)の二作品がご利用の Steam ライブラリに追加されます。


この作品は、腐敗した資本主義者のグレムリン達が、スチームパンクの世界で金や権力、名声を求めて競い合うドキドキハラハラの戦略的ボードゲームです。貯金して、投資して、盗んで脅して、逮捕して逮捕されて――シングルプレイや多人数プレイを、ランキング、ラダー制、チームモードや観戦モードと一緒に楽しみましょう。季節のコンテンツ アップデート、アイテムドロップ、Steam コミュニティ マーケットの完全サポート等の要素も盛り沢山です!


Gremlins, Inc. は最大 6 人のプレイヤー向けゲームで、多人数モードシングルモード(AI 対戦)が選べます。各プレイヤーはそれぞれ 6 枚のカード(同じデッキから補充)を渡され、それらを使ってプレイフィールド上を動き回り、様々なアクションを実行します。他のプレイヤーとの関わりが多く、デュエル戦は 3 人対戦や 4 人対戦のゲームとは大きく異なります。ゲームは指定されたスコア値に達する、指定のラウンド数までプレイできる、もしくは指定された制限時間を超えるように設定できます。本作ではカスタムランカー (評価に応じたマッチング)の二種類のゲームセッションが選べます。


はい、可能です!セッションの条件を指定して参加できるプレイヤーのフィルターをかけることができるカスタム セッションや、友達とだけプレイできるパスワード保護のかかった プライベート セッションに加え、実際のプレイヤーや AI ボットを複数のチーム(2 VS 2、3 VS 3、2 VS 2 VS 2)に分けて遊べるチームモードも楽しめます。Gremlins, Inc. ではさらに 観戦モードが用意されていて、他のプレイヤー達のセッションをゲーム内から見て、メッセージや顔文字でプレイヤーや他の観戦者と気持ちを共有出来たりします。


もちろんプレイ可能です!本作をご購入いただいた際には、『Gremlins, Inc.』(オンライン上でシングルプレイおよびマルチプレイモードをアイテムドロップや Steam ワークショップ MOD と併せてプレイ可能)および『Gremlins vs Automatons(シングルプレイモードで オフラインでプレイ可能)の二作品がご利用の Steam ライブラリに追加されます。


本作では様々な設定によりセッションをプレイヤーの遊べる時間に合わせることができます。シングルプレイ・モードでは毎ターンごとのオートセーブ&ロード機能があるので、いつでも好きな時に休憩できます。(多人数プレイモードではセッションから退出しても、同じセッションが継続中であれば接続し直すことができます)高速タイマー&最高スコア 20 点に設定した素早いデュエル制セッションなら終了までに 20 分以内、60 ラウンドまでの 4 人対戦セッションなら 2 時間以上続く可能性があります。




  • あらゆるタイミングで決断を下せるドキドキハラハラの戦略的ボードゲームです。どう動くか計画を立てて、他のプレイヤーの行動や新たに引いたカードに応じて柔軟に対応していきましょう。
  • プレイフィールドのデザインと、有効・無効にできる様々なオプション機能により幅広い戦略を繰り広げることが可能となっています。そしてプレイすればするほど、特定のセッション設定における機能の組み合わせを活かした、新たな勝利への道が見えてきます。
  • 本作では多彩な資源システムを採用しており、罠にはまったり、逮捕されたり(もしくは両方に陥ったり)しても巻き返しが可能です。スコア、お金、票、悪意、収入、そしてワイロの複数の要素がゲームを最後の最後まで盛り上げます。
  • 本作の多人数プレイモードでは評価ラダーランカーセッションを活用したシステムが採用されています。特定のリーグで競い合ったり、定期的に開かれる 1,000 人以上のプレイヤーが参加するトーナメントに挑戦できたりします。またランカーセッションでは誰もが匿名の仮面をかぶったようなシステムのため、お互いに同じ土俵で戦うことが可能となっています。
  • さらに 10 個以上のシングルプレイ・チャレンジに挑んだり、異なる設定や様々な AI プレイヤーを含めたシングルプレイ用カスタム セッションを作成したりできます。
  • 最後にチームモードでは、戦略的な技量だけでなく、各チームの情報伝達とチームワークが勝利のカギになるという、ゲームの全く異なる仕様でのプレイを楽しめます。


  • メインデッキに継続、通常、秘密、犯罪のカードが 179 枚(その 143 枚がユニーク)含まれており、そのどれもがスチームパンク調の絵が手書きで描かれています。(シーズンアップデート毎にデッキに様々な新規カードを追加していきます)
  • 不幸デッキから繰り出される 38 種類のイベント:これら特別イベントはゲーム中のあるタイミングで発生し、全プレイヤーの順位に大きな影響を及ぼす可能性もあります。特定の相手に対して使うと特に効果的です。
  • 6 種類の特別な「カオスカード」:任意で設定可能なカードのセットで、どのプレイヤーでも使用でき、ON・OFF にすることでセッションの進み方が変わります。
  • 12 セットのキャラクター アビリティ:各キャラクタータイプ別で用意されたゲームシステムをもたらす切り替え可能な機能です。競い合われる各種戦略がさらに際立ちます。
  • 11 ヵ所のオリジナル ロケーション:オフィス、工場、ゴミ捨て場、市場、地獄、刑務所、カジノ、裁判所、宝物、アストラル界そして 7 ヵ所のオリジナル マスタイプ:リスク、ギャンブル、警察、収入、ワイロ、不幸、そしてトリビューン。
  • この作品の開発にはコンセプト起案から完全版の発売に至るまで三年の歳月を掛けており、私たちはコミュニティの応援と新規コンテンツや新機能の開発に注力し続けます。現在ではアメリカ、ロシア、中国、日本、イギリス、フランスなどを含む世界中で 120,000 人のプレイヤーが Gremlins, Inc. を Steam 経由でプレイしています。本作はリリース後 3 ヵ月間でゲームセッションが累計 100 万回以上開始されました。


あなたが手に持つその懐中時計。いつも巻き忘れて針が遅れてしまった、ごく普通の時計だと思ってませんか? あなたが持ち歩いているその小さな機械には、実はグレムリン達の街が丸ごと詰め込まれているんです!それこそ銀行からカジノまで、さらには刑務所さえ完備された街。そこで暮らす「グレムリン」とは、入り込めるありとあらゆる機械の仕組みに住み着く、とっても小さな生き物たちの事。もし時計や望遠鏡が壊れたら、その中に住み着いたグレムリン達のせいでしょう。



皆様が勘違いしないようにお伝えしますと、「Gremlins, Inc.」は無料プレイゲームではありません。またCCGやTCG系のカードゲームでもありません。ブースターやパックを購入する必要はなく、本作ではセッション毎に各プレイヤーに同じデッキを渡すため、誰にとっても同じ土台からのスタートとなります。最後に、今後DLCとして追加コンテンツを用意する予定はあるかというご質問についてお答えしますと、はい、予定しています。

DLC に関するポリシー

私たちは今後とも、弊社作品を所有されるあらゆるユーザーに、追加仕様や新規コンテンツを含んだ定期アップデートを『無償』でご提供するという信条を胸に活動してまいります。同時に、楽しい見た目コンテンツが登場する DLC を定期的に配信していきます。もしお気に入りいただけた場合には、購入することで私たちの頑張りをさらに応援していただけます。もちろん DLC を一切ご購入いただかなくとも、引き続きゲームを楽しみ、トーナメントに参加可能です。プレイヤーの皆様は DLC の所持・未所持にかかわらず、同じゲーム機能、そして同じゲームシステムをお楽しみいただけます。

STEAM コミュニティ マーケット、作成、そしてアイテムストア

Gremlins, Inc. には本作のゲーム内アイテムが登場し、 Steam コミュニティ マーケットに完全対応しています。ゲームのプレイ中、特定のアクションを取る事で様々なレア度のアイテムが入った宝箱がランダムでドロップします。中身は新しい顔文字、プロフィールの背景、BGM 曲、もしくはその他数十個に及ぶ見た目アイテムかもしれません。これらアイテムは『無料』ですので、自分で使うのも、Steam コミュニティ マーケットでトレードするのも自由です。開発者である私達は、ドロップアイテムの直接販売には一切関わりません。トレードはプレイヤーの方々のみが行います。

また本作では作成が可能です。特定アイテムの設計図を見つけたら、必要なチャージ数さえあればそのアイテムを好きなだけ作成することができます。(チャージは他の要らないゲーム内アイテムや重複しているアイテムを変換したりすることで手に入ります)最後に、このゲームには本作独自の Steam アイテムストア(2016 年末に実装予定)が用意され、ゲームシステム外でアイテムに影響を及ぼすごく少数のユニークアイテム(ゲームシステムに実質的な影響の無いもの)が販売されます。


Gremlins, Inc. はマルチプレイモードを主眼に置いたデジタルボードゲームです。ですがこれは別にシングルプレイが嫌いだからではありません。むしろ私たちも大好きです。専用のチャレンジが用意してあったり、自由に単独セッションを作成できるモードがあったりします!本作と併せて届く製品の一つが、シングルプレイおよびマルチプレイの両方を備え、アイテムドロップや Steam コミュニティマーケット、Steam ワークショップに対応するため、常に Steam ならびにゲームサーバーに接続している必要がある『Gremlins, Inc.』です。本作に同梱されているもう一方の製品が、オフラインプレイ専用として開発されたシングルプレイモードを備える『Gremlins vs Automatons』です。


このゲームでは現在アムステルダムとシンガポールの 2 ヵ所のサーバーが別々に構築されています。プレイヤーは各サーバーでの ping 値を確認できるため、一番プレイしやすいサーバーを選択していただくことができます。それぞれのサーバーには独自のプレイヤーラダー、統計、プレイヤープロフィールが用意されています。アムステルダムサーバーへの ping は世界のどこからでも 300 を超える事が稀なため、大半のプレイヤーは同サーバーを選択されています。しかしアジア圏、特に中国から新たにゲームに参加するプレイヤーの方がどんどん増えてきているため、アジア地域のプレイヤーの方々により高速な接続を提供すべく、シンガポールのサーバーを開設しました。プレイヤーの方々に良質な体験を用意することは私たちの最優先事項であり、今回の新サーバー設置も皆さまのお役に立てたと願っています。今後も変化していく要件に合わせた調整を行うべく、これからも引き続きサーバーと接続の品質を注視して参ります。プレイヤーの皆様にはご辛抱いただきますようよろしくお願い致します。


Gremlins, Inc.를 위한 공식 Discord 서버를 만들었습니다. 이제 이곳에서 수많은 플레이어가 게임에 대해 토론하고 개발팀이 작업 중인 콘텐츠를 공유할 수 있습니다. 가입하려면 이 링크를 사용하세요!

게임 구매 시 2개 제품 제공

이 게임을 구매하면 Steam 라이브러리에 2개의 제품이 표시됩니다. 하나는 온라인으로 싱글플레이 및 멀티플레이 모드를 즐길 수 있으며 거래 가능 아이템과 Steam 장착마당 모드를 지원하는 Gremlins, Inc.이고, 다른 하나는 오프라인으로 싱글플레이 모드를 플레이할 수 있는 Gremlins vs Automatons입니다.

게임 정보

Gremlins, Inc.는 부패한 자본가 그렘린으로 가득한 스팀펑크 세상에서 돈, 정치적 권력, 명성을 놓고 서로 대결을 벌이는 치열한 전략 보드게임입니다. 랭킹 및 래더 모드부터, 팀 모드, 관전 모드까지 지원하는 싱글플레이 및 멀티플레이 모드에서 자원을 비축하거나 투자하고, 훔치거나 강탈하고, 체포하거나 체포되는 흥미로운 플레이를 경험해보세요. 시즌 콘텐츠 업데이트, 정기 토너먼트, 아이템 획득, 완벽한 Steam 커뮤니티 장터 지원 등을 제공합니다!

이 게임은 어떻게 플레이할 수 있나요?

Gremlins, Inc.는 멀티플레이 모드 또는 싱글플레이 모드(AI 봇과 대결)에서 최대 6명이 대결을 펼칠 수 있도록 디자인되었습니다. 각 플레이어는 손에 6장의 카드(같은 덱에서 계속 채움)를 가지고 시작하며, 카드를 사용해 게임판에서 이동하거나 다양한 게임 동작을 취할 수 있습니다. 다른 플레이어와의 상호작용이 매우 많이 존재하며, 결투는 3인 또는 4인 게임과 크게 다릅니다. 특정 점수 한도, 합의된 라운드 수 또는 시간 한도까지 게임을 플레이할 수 있습니다. 이 게임은 커스텀 세션과 랭킹 세션(평점을 기준으로 매치메이킹)을 모두 제공합니다.

팀으로 플레이하거나, 아니면 그냥 관전만 할 수도 있나요?

네, 가능합니다! 커스텀 세션(세션의 변수를 정의하고 참가 가능한 플레이어에 대한 필터를 설정할 수 있음)과 비밀번호로 보호된 비공개 세션(친구들끼리 방해받지 않고 플레이할 수 있음) 외에도, 사람 및/또는 AI 봇이 함께 팀을 이루어 대결할 수 있는 팀 모드(2x2, 3x3, 2x2x2)도 제공합니다. 또한 Gremlins, Inc.는 기본적으로 관전 모드를 제공합니다. 이를 통해 게임 내에서 다른 플레이어의 세션을 바로 관전하고, 메시지와 이모티콘을 통해 다른 플레이어 또는 관전자들과 감정을 공유할 수 있습니다.

이 게임을 오프라인으로 플레이할 수 있나요?

물론입니다! 이 게임을 구매하면 Steam 라이브러리에 2개의 제품이 표시됩니다. 하나는 온라인으로 싱글플레이 및 멀티플레이 모드를 즐길 수 있으며 거래 가능 아이템과 Steam 창작마당을 완전하게 지원하는 Gremlins, Inc.이고, 다른 하나는 서버나 인터넷에 연결할 필요 없이 오프라인으로 싱글플레이 모드를 플레이할 수 있는 Gremlins vs Automatons입니다.

하나의 세션을 플레이하는 데 얼마나 걸리나요?

이 게임은 각 플레이어가 원하는 시간 동안 플레이할 수 있도록 다양한 세션 설정을 제공합니다. 또한 싱글플레이 모드는 매 턴마다 자동 저장/불러오기 기능을 제공하기 때문에 원할 때 휴식을 취할 수 있습니다. 반면에 멀티플레이 모드는 세션이 진행 중인 동안에 한해 재연결 기능을 제공합니다. 20점 한도와 빠른 타이머를 설정한 빠른 결투는 20분 안에 끝날 수 있지만, 60라운드로 설정한 4인 세션은 2시간 넘게 진행될 수 있습니다.

단기 및 장기 전략에는 무엇이 있나요?

이 게임에는 다양한 카드 유형(지속, 일반, 비밀, 범죄)이 있으며, 각 카드를 사용해 이동하거나 행동을 취할 수 있으므로 현재 위치에서 손에 보유한 카드를 최대한 활용할 수 있도록 단기장기 전략을 모두 세워야 합니다. 일반적으로, 게임 시간의 반은 자원을 축적하고 후반 게임을 위한 기반을 세우는 데 보내고, 나머지 반은 상대의 진행 상황을 통제(훔치기, 체포, 플레이어 충돌 유발 등)하는 데 소비합니다. 더 많이 플레이할수록 더 다양한 전략을 새롭게 발견할 수 있습니다. 특히, 여러 장의 카드를 콤보로 플레이하면 다양한 효과를 조합할 수 있습니다.

결정을 내리고 행동을 계획하세요!

  • Gremlins, Inc.는 매 라운드마다 많은 결정을 내려야 하는 치열한 전략 게임입니다! 행동을 계획한 후 다른 플레이어의 행동과 뽑은 카드에 맞게 조정하세요.
  • 게임판 디자인과 여러 옵션 기능(원할 때 ON/OFF 가능)을 이용하여 다양한 전략을 수립할 수 있습니다. 더 많이 플레이할수록 승리에 도달할 더 다양한 길을 발견할 수 있습니다. 각 세션만의 설정에 따라 여러 기능을 조합해보세요.
  • 이 게임은 강탈당하거나 체포된 후에도 역전의 기회를 노릴 수 있도록 다양한 자원 시스템을 제공합니다. 점수, 돈, 투표, 악행, 수입, 뇌물 등의 자원이 끊임없이 변하므로 마지막 라운드까지 긴장의 끈을 놓을 수 없습니다.
  • 게임의 멀티플레이 모드는 평점, 래더랭킹 세션을 제공합니다. 특정 리그에서 경쟁하거나, 참가자가 1,000명이 넘는 정기 토너먼트에 참가해보세요. 익명 시스템을 통해 랭킹 세션에서 모든 플레이어가 공정한 조건으로 대결할 수 있습니다.
  • 10개가 넘는 싱글플레이 챌린지를 제공합니다. 또한, 플레이어는 다양한 설정과 AI 봇 상대를 이용하여 커스텀 싱글플레이 세션을 만들 수도 있습니다.
  • 마지막으로, 팀 모드가 있습니다. 이 모드에서 승리는 전략적 기술뿐만 아니라 팀원 간의 의사소통 및 협력에서 결정됩니다. 이는 전혀 새로운 차원의 게임 기능입니다.

세부 정보

  • 기본 덱에 있는 카드 179장(그중 143장이 고유 카드): 카드 유형은 지속, 일반, 비밀, 범죄이며, 각 카드에는 엄선된 스팀펑크 삽화가 포함되어 있습니다. 시즌 업데이트를 통해 여러 장의 새로운 카드를 덱에 계속 추가할 예정입니다.
  • 불운 덱에 있는 이벤트 38개: 게임의 특정 순간에 발동되는 특수 이벤트로, 모든 플레이어의 현재 순위에 상당한 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 특정 상대에게 사용 시 매우 큰 영향을 줄 수 있습니다.
  • 특별한 카오스 카드 6장: 게임의 모든 플레이어가 이용할 수 있는 카드 세트(옵션)입니다. 이 옵션의 설정 여부에 따라 게임 세션의 판세가 변할 수 있습니다.
  • 캐릭터 능력 12개: 또 다른 옵션 기능으로, 각 캐릭터 유형마다 고유한 특수 기능을 게임에 사용할 수 있습니다. 이러한 능력을 사용해 플레이하면 더욱 개성 넘치는 대결 전략을 세울 수 있습니다.
  • 고유한 장소 11개: 사무실, 폐기장, 시장, 지옥, 감옥, 카지노, 법원, 보물 창고, 은행, 아스트랄 차원. 고유한 지점 7개: 위험, 도박, 경찰, 수입, 뇌물, 불운, 연단.
  • 마지막으로, 이 게임은 콘셉트 단계에서 정식 출시까지 3년의 시간이 소요되었으며, 신규 콘텐츠 개발을 통해 커뮤니티를 계속해서 지원할 예정입니다. 현재 미국, 러시아, 중국, 일본, 영국, 프랑스 등 전 세계 120,000명 이상이 Steam에서 Gremlins, Inc.를 플레이하고 있습니다. 종합적으로 보면, 출시 후 지난 3개월간 플레이어들이 백 만개 이상의 게임 세션을 시작했습니다.

마지막으로, 그렘린은 어떤 존재일까요?

태엽 감는 걸 잊어 시간이 조금 늦게 가는 회중시계 정도라고 생각하면 될까요? 아니요. 그건 전혀 사실이 아닙니다! 여러분이 가지고 다니는 것은 작은 기계 장치 안에 빽빽하게 찬 전체 그렘린 마을입니다. 자체적인 은행, 카지노 등을 보유했으며, 심지어 감옥도 있습니다! 그렘린은 침투할 수 있는 모든 기계 장치에 거주하는 아주 작은 생물입니다. 만약 시계나 망원경이 오작동한다면 내부에 그렘린들이 살고 있기 때문일 수 있습니다.

세상 그 어느 것보다 그렘린은 , 정치 권력, 명성을 중요하게 생각합니다. 명성은 거대한 공학 프로젝트를 마친 후 얻을 수 있습니다. 자체 프로젝트에서 일하는 것 외에는 다른 그렘린들이 더 멋진 장치를 만들지 못하도록 방해하는 데 대부분의 시간을 보냅니다. 예를 들어, 관리에게 뇌물을 주거나, 유권자들에게 거짓말을 하거나, 경쟁자 물건을 훔치거나, 체포하는 등의 방법으로 이런 목적을 달성합니다.


Gremlins, Inc.은 무료로 플레이할 수 있는 게임입니다. 또한 CCG 또는 TCG 게임이 아니기 때문에, 부스터 또는 팩을 구매할 필요가 없습니다. 모든 세션에서 동일한 덱이 모든 플레이어에게 제공되기 때문에 모두가 동일한 조건에서 대결을 펼치게 됩니다.

DLC 정책

저희는 새로운 기능과 새로운 콘텐츠를 정기 업데이트를 통해 게임을 보유한 모든 사람에게 무료로 제공함으로써 게임을 지속적으로 개선해 나갈 예정입니다. 이와 동시에 때때로 흥미로운 부가 콘텐츠가 포함된 DLC를 출시합니다. 마음에 드신다면 구매를 통해 저희의 개발 작업을 지원할 수 있습니다. 하지만 게임을 플레이하거나 토너먼트에 참가하기 위해 DLC를 소유해야 할 필요는 전혀 없습니다.

Steam 커뮤니티 장터, 제작 및 아이템 상점

Gremlins, Inc.에는 게임 내 아이템이 구현되어 있으며, Steam 커뮤니티 장터의 모든 기능을 지원합니다. 게임을 플레이하는 중 특정 행동을 하면 다양한 희귀도의 아이템 상자를 무작위로 획득할 수 있고, 이를 통해 새로운 이모티콘, 프로필 배경, 음악 또는 기타 꾸미기 아이템을 얻을 수 있습니다. 이 무료(!) 아이템들은 직접 사용하거나 Steam 커뮤니티 장터에서 거래할 수 있습니다. 저희는 게임 개발사로서 고객이 획득한 아이템의 직접적인 판매에 관여하지 않으며, 오직 플레이어만 게임에서 획득한 아이템을 거래할 수 있습니다.

또한 이 게임은 제작을 지원합니다. 특정 아이템의 도면을 찾으면, 필요한 에너지(불필요하거나 중복된 다른 게임 내 아이템을 변환하여 획득)를 사용하여 원하는 만큼 제작할 수 있습니다. 마지막으로, 이 게임에는 자체 Steam 아이템 상점이 있습니다. 이곳에서는 아이템 메타에 영향을 주는 소수의 유니크 아이템이 판매되지만, 게임 기능에는 전혀 영향을 주지 않습니다.

온라인 및 오프라인 버전

Gremlins, Inc.는 멀티플레이 모드를 염두에 두고 만든 디지털 보드게임입니다. 하지만 싱글플레이를 중요시하지 않았다는 얘기는 아닙니다. 이 게임은 싱글플레이 챌린지뿐만 아니라 원하는 대로 커스텀 싱글플레이 세션을 만들 수 있는 모드를 별도로 제공합니다. 이 상품을 구매하면 Gremlins, Inc.라는 게임이 제품으로 제공됩니다. 이 제품은 싱글플레이와 멀티플레이 모드를 모두 지원하며 거래 가능 아이템, Steam 커뮤니티 장터, Steam 창작마당 지원을 위해 항상 Steam과 게임 서버에 접속된 상태를 유지해야 합니다. 상품에 포함된 다른 하나의 제품은 Gremlins vs Automatons으로, 싱글플레이 모드를 제공하며 오프라인 플레이를 위해 특별히 제작되었습니다.

암스테르담 및 싱가포르 서버

이 게임은 현재 2개의 별도 서버(암스테르담, 싱가포르)를 지원합니다. 플레이어는 각 서버에 대한 핑(Ping) 값을 확인한 후 가장 쾌적한 서버에서 게임을 플레이할 수 있습니다. 각 서버는 자체적인 플레이어 래더, 통계, 프로필을 보유합니다. 전 세계에서 암스테르담에 대한 핑(Ping) 값이 거의 300을 넘지 않기 때문에 대부분의 플레이어가 암스테르담을 선택합니다. 하지만 게임에 참가하는 중국을 비롯한 아시아 지역의 플레이어가 점점 늘어감에 따라, 이러한 플레이어들에게 빠른 연결을 제공하기 위해 싱가포르에 서버를 추가했습니다. 이로 인해 모든 플레이어에게 도움이 되길 바랍니다. 쾌적한 플레이어 환경을 제공하는 것이 저희의 최우선 사항입니다. 서버/클라이언트 연결의 품질을 계속 모니터링하며 변화하는 요구사항에 맞게 서버를 계속 조정하겠습니다. 양해해 주셔서 감사합니다.


Gremlins, Inc. has its official Discord server, where several thousand players discuss the game, and our team shares work in progress. Use this link to join!


When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with item drops and Steam Workshop mods; and Gremlins vs Automatons – playable offline in single-player mode.

Om spillet

This is an intense strategy board game in a steampunk world of corrupt capitalist gremlins who compete for money, political power and prestige. Save and invest, steal and extort, arrest and get arrested – in single-player and multiplayer, with ranks and ladders, team mode and spectator mode. Featuring seasonal content updates, regular tournaments, item drops, full support of Steam Community Market – and more!


Gremlins, Inc. is designed for up to 6 players, in multiplayer or in single-player mode (with AI bots). Each player has 6 cards on their hand (replenished from the same deck) and uses them either to move around the playing field or to perform different game actions. There is a lot of interaction with other players, and duels are significantly different from 3-player or 4-player games. You can play until a certain score limit, or until agreed number of rounds, or for time limit. The game offers both custom and ranked sessions (with matchmaking by rating).


Yes, you can! In addition to custom sessions (where you define the parameters of the session and may optionally set filters for those who can join you) and password-protected private sessions (so that you and your friends can play undisturbed), the game offers team mode (2x2, 3x3, or 2x2x2) with teams of human players and/or AI bots. Gremlins, Inc. also supports a built-in spectator mode, which allows you to watch sessions of other players right from inside of the game, sharing your emotions with players and other spectators through messages and emoticons.


Certainly! When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – the edition that is playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with full support of item drops and Steam Workshop; and Gremlins vs Automatons – the edition that is playable offline in single-player mode, without any connection to our server whatsoever.


The game offers different session settings to make them fit your available time, and single-player mode offers automatic SAVE / LOAD function at every turn so that you can take a break whenever you want (while multiplayer mode offers re-connect functionality as long as the session is still in progress). A quick duel for 20 score points with a fast timer can finish in under 20 minutes, while a 4-player session for 60 rounds can last for 2 hours or more.


There are different types of cards in the game (permanent, regular, secret and criminal) and as each card can be used either to move or for action, you will develop both short-term and long-term strategies for making the most out of where you are, and what you currently have in your hand. Normally, you spend half of your game time accumulating resources and building the foundation for the end-game, and the other half trying to control the progress of your opponents (stealing, arresting, initiating player conflicts, and so on). The more you play, the more new strategies you will discover – especially when combining the effects of several cards played in a combination.


  • This is an intense strategy game: make decisions at every round! Plan your moves, then adjust to the actions of the other players and new cards drawn.
  • The design of the playing field and the multiple layers of optional features (that you can turn on or off, as you wish) allow for a variety of strategies. The more you play, the more roads to victory you discover, using a combination of features based on the particular setup of the session.
  • The game offers a diverse resource system that allows for many comeback chances even after you're robbed or arrested (or both). With score, money, votes, malice, income and bribes, the tension often remains until the very last round.
  • The multilayer mode of the game features a system of ratings, ladders and ranked sessions: compete in a specific league, and take part in the regularly organised tournaments with over 1 000 participants. A system of anonymous masks allows everyone to compete on equal terms in a ranked session.
  • Every season since its release in 2016, the game receives FREE content and feature updates (balancing changes, new cards, new in-game items, new music). We are committed to continue developing this product – based on player feedback!
  • Additionally, the game offers over 10 single-player challenges plus the option to create custom single-player sessions with different settings and a different mix of AI bots.
  • Finally, there's the team mode where victory is determined not only by strategic skill, but also by communication and coordination of each team, which is an entirely different layer of game mechanics.


  • 185 cards in the main deck (149 of them – unique): permanent, regular, secret and criminal, each with a hand-drawn steampunk illustration; with each Season update, we keep adding several new cards to the deck.
  • 39 events in the Misfortune deck: these are the special events triggered at certain moments in the game, and may affect the current standing of all players to a significant degree, especially when used on a specific opponent.
  • 6 special Chaos Cards: this is an optional set of cards available to every player in the game; turn them on or off to change the dynamics of the session.
  • 12 sets of Character Abilities: another optional feature that brings to the game special game mechanics unique to each character type; playing with these makes different competing strategies even more pronounced.
  • 11 original locations: the Office, the Plant, the Dump, the Marketplace, the Inferno, the Jail, the Casino, the Court, the Treasure, the Bank and the Astral Plane; and 7 original spot types: Risk, Gamble, Police, Income, Bribe, Misfortune and Tribune.
  • 2 distinctly different playing fields: The Clockwork Town and The Clockwork Colony, each offering strategic challenges of their own.
  • Finally, the game took us three years to develop from concept to full release, and we're still committed to continue supporting the community through development of new content. There are currently over 150 000 players of Gremlins, Inc. on Steam from all over the world, including USA, Russia, China, Japan, UK and France. Collectively, players already launched several millions game sessions!


You think that’s just a pocket watch in your hand, a watch that’s a bit late because you keep forgetting to wind it up? No, no and no – you couldn’t be further from the truth! What you carry around is a whole gremlin town packed into this tiny mechanism: a town with its own bank, its own casino… and even its own jail! Gremlins are the microscopic creatures that inhabit any mechanism that they can possibly infiltrate. If a watch or a telescope malfunctions, then it’s probably due to gremlins who took up a residence there.

More than anything in life, gremlins value money, political power and prestige: prestige that one can claim after completing some sort of a grandiose engineering project. Aside from working on their own projects, gremlins mostly spend their time preventing other gremlins from building something even more grandiose. This they achieve through bribing officials and lying to the electorate, as well through stealing from their competitors - and outright arresting them.


We felt it important to note that Gremlins, Inc. is not a free-to-play game. Also, this is not a CCG or TCG: you do not need to buy boosters or packs; in every session the game offers the same deck to every player, and everyone's chances are equal.


We are committed to the principle of continuously updating the game with new features and new game content that come as regular updates, FREE to every owner of the product. At the same time, from time to time we release DLCs that feature fun cosmetic content. If you like it, you can support our efforts by your purchase. However, there is absolutely no pressure to own any of the DLCs in order to play the game or compete in the tournaments. Every player, whether they have DLCs or not, has access to the same game features and the same game mechanics.


Gremlins, Inc. features in-game items and fully supports Steam Community Market. While playing the game, certain actions will trigger random chest drops with items of varying rarity: it could be a new emoticon, a new profile background, a new music track, or one of the dozens of other cosmetic items. These items are FREE, yours to use or trade on Steam Community Market. We, the developer, do not engage in the direct sales of any drop items; only players can trade them.

The game also supports crafting: once you find a blueprint of a specific item, you can create as many such items as you wish, as long as you have the required number of charges (you get charges when you convert other in-game items that you do not want, or have multiple copies of). Finally, the game has its own Steam Item Store where we sell a very small number of unique items that influence the item meta-game (but they have no effect on the game mechanics).


Gremlins, Inc. was designed as a digital board game with the multiplayer mode at its heart. However, this is not to say that we don't like single-player – we do, and there's a separate section with the single-player challenges as well as the mode where you can create any custom single-player session that you like! One of the products that you receive with this game, Gremlins, Inc., features both single-player and multiplayer modes, and requires that your game client is connected to both Steam and the game's server at all times – in order to support item drops, Steam Community Market and Steam Workshop. The other product that is included with the game, Gremlins vs Automatons, features single-player mode and is designed specifically to be played offline.


The game currently supports 2 separate servers: Amsterdam and Singapore. Players are able to check their ping value for each of these servers, and play on the server that is the most convenient. Each server has its own player ladder, statistics and player profiles. Most players choose Amsterdam, since ping to Amsterdam from anywhere in the world rarely exceeds 300. However, as we saw more and more players from the Asian region join the game, especially from China, we added the server in Singapore in order to be able to offer faster connection specifically to these players. We hope that this works well for every player, as good player experience is our top priority. We will continue to monitor the quality of our server/client connection in order to adapt the servers to the changing requirements and we thank you for your patience.


Gremlins, Inc. posiada oficjalny serwer Discord, gdzie setki graczy mogą dyskutować o grze i gdzie nasz zespół dzieli się informacjami o postępach. Aby dołączyć, kliknij w ten link!


Zaraz po zakupie gry w twojej bibliotece Steam pojawią się dwa produkty: Gremlins, Inc. – wersja wymagająca połączenia z internetem, pozwalająca na rozgrywki jednoosobowe, partie online, otrzymywanie przedmiotów oraz dająca dostęp do Warsztatu Steam; oraz Gremlins vs Automatonsniewymagająca połączenia z internetem, umożliwiająca samotne rozgrywki.

Informacje o grze

Strategiczna gra planszowa w steampunkowym świecie skorumpowanych, kapitalistycznych gremlinów, walczących o pieniądze, władzę i prestiż. Oszczędzaj i inwestuj, kradnij i wymuszaj, wysyłaj i trafiaj za kratki – graj sam lub ze znajomymi w grach rankingowych, drużynowych, lub oglądaj, jak grają inni. Zapewniamy regularne aktualizacje, dodatkowe przedmioty, pełne wsparcie na Rynku Społeczności Steam oraz wiele więcej!


Gremlins, Inc. to gra zaprojektowana dla maksymalnie 6 graczy, w trybie dla wielu lub pojedynczego gracza (z botami). Każdy z graczy posiada 6 kart na ręce (uzupełnianych z tej samej talii), których używa do poruszania się po planszy i wykonywania różnych akcji. Między graczami dochodzi do wielu interakcji, a pojedynki różnią się znacznie od gier dla 3 lub 4 osób. W grach wolnych, jak i sesjach rankingowych (gdzie gracze dobierani są na podstawie rankingu), można grać do założonej liczby punktów lub rund albo do końca ustalonego czasu.


Oczywiście! Oprócz gier wolnych (w których możesz zdefiniować parametry gry i filtrować graczy, którzy mogą dołączyć) oraz chronionych hasłem rozgrywek prywatnych (w których nikt nie będzie wam przeszkadzał), gra oferuje też tryb drużynowy (2 na 2, 3 na 3 lub 2 na 2 na 2), gdzie drużyny mogą być tworzone z graczy, jak również botów SI. Gremlins, Inc. posiada również wbudowany tryb widza, który pozwala na oglądanie partii innych graczy bezpośrednio z gry oraz na dzielenie się swoimi emocjami przez system wiadomości i emotikon.


Oczywiście! Zaraz po zakupie gry w twojej bibliotece Steam pojawią się dwa produkty: Gremlins, Inc. – wersja wymagająca połączenia z internetem, pozwalająca na rozgrywki jednoosobowe, partie online, otrzymywanie przedmiotów oraz dająca dostęp do Warsztatu Steam; oraz Gremlins vs Automatonsniewymagająca połączenia z internetem, umożliwiająca samotne rozgrywki.


Gra posiada wiele ustawień, abyście mogli dostosować ją do ilości wolnego czasu, jaki posiadacie. Natomiast tryb jednoosobowy posiada funkcję ZAPISU / WCZYTYWANIA gry co turę, co pozwala na robienie przerw wedle uznania (tryb dla wielu graczy oferuje możliwość przywrócenia połączenia w przypadku jego zerwania, jeśli rozgrywka jest wciąż w toku). Szybki pojedynek do 20 punktów z czasomierzem ustawionym na krótki czas może trwać poniżej 20 minut, podczas gdy sesja dla 4 graczy na 60 rund może zająć ponad 2 godziny.


W grze występuje kilka typów kart (stałe, zwykłe, tajne i kryminalne), a każdej z nich można użyć w celu poruszania się lub zagrywania akcji, dzięki czemu gracze mogą opracowywać krótkoterminowe i długoterminowe strategie, pozwalające osiągnąć maksimum zysków z obecnego położenia i posiadanych kart. Przeważnie gracze spędzają połowę czasu na zdobywaniu zasobów i przygotowywaniu się na finał gry, a drugie pół na kontrolowaniu postępu innych graczy (kradzieże, aresztowania, wymuszenia, inicjowanie konfliktów itd.). Im dłużej będziecie grać, tym więcej strategii odkryjecie, zwłaszcza dzięki łączeniu efektów kilku kart zagranych po sobie.


  • To gra strategiczna: podejmuj decyzje w każdej rundzie! Planuj ruchy i dostosowuj swoją strategię do akcji innych graczy i dociągniętych kart.
  • Projekt planszy i wiele możliwości konfiguracji gry pozwalają na różnorodność strategii. Im więcej czasu spędzisz, grając, tym więcej dróg do zwycięstwa odkryjesz, wykorzystując ustawienia konkretnej partii.
  • Gra oferuje zaawansowany system zasobów, dający wiele okazji powrotu do gry nawet po utracie pieniędzy lub aresztowaniu (lub obu tych wydarzeniach jednocześnie). Dzięki punktom zwycięstwa, pieniądzom, głosom, punktom złośliwości, dochodom i łapówkom napięcie trwa do ostatniej rundy.
  • Tryb dla wielu graczy zawiera system ocen, drabinek i sesji rankingowych: rywalizuj w wybranej lidze i bierz udział w regularnie organizowanych turniejach (z ponad 1000 uczestników każdy). System masek anonimowości pozwala graczom na udział w sesjach rankingowych na równych warunkach.
  • Oprócz trybu dla wielu graczy gra oferuje 10 wyzwań dla pojedynczego gracza oraz opcję tworzenia własnej, jednoosobowej rozgrywki z rożnymi ustawieniami i dowolnymi kombinacjami botów SI.
  • Dodatkowo oferujemy jeszcze tryb drużynowy, gdzie o zwycięstwie decydują nie tylko umiejętności strategicznego myślenia, ale również komunikacja i koordynacja każdej z drużyn, co pozwala odkryć zupełnie nowe mechanizmy gry.


  • 179 kart w głównej talii (w tym 143 unikatowych): stałe, zwykłe, tajne i kryminalne, z czego każda posiada ręcznie malowaną, steampunkową ilustrację; z każdą aktualizacją dodajemy zupełnie nowe karty do talii.
  • 38 wydarzeń w talii Nieszczęść: te specjalne karty zagrywane w niektórych momentach gry mogą zupełnie odmienić sytuacje graczy, zwłaszcza kiedy użyje się ich przeciwko konkretnemu oponentowi.
  • 6 specjalnych Kart Chaosu: opcjonalna talia dostępna dla wszystkich graczy; jej włączenie może zmienić dynamikę gry.
  • 12 kompletów Zdolności Postaci: kolejna, opcjonalna mechanika, która wnosi do gry specjalne umiejętności powiązane z typami postaci; granie w tym trybie wymaga od graczy zupełnie innych strategii.
  • 11 Lokacji – Biuro, Fabryka, Wysypisko, Bazar, Piekło, Więzienie, Kasyno, Sąd, Skarbiec, Bank i Plan Astralny; oraz 7 typów pól – Niebezpieczeństwo, Ryzyko, Żandarm, Dochód, Łapówka, Nieszczęście oraz Trybuna
  • Trzy lata zajęło nam tworzenie gry, począwszy od pomysłu do premiery, i zamierzamy dalej wspierać społeczność i dostarczać nowe funkcjonalności oraz treści. Obecnie w Gremlins, Inc. gra ponad 120 000 graczy pochodzących z całego świata, w tym z USA, Rosji, Chin, Japonii, Anglii oraz Francji. W ciągu 3 miesięcy od premiery gry gracze rozegrali ponad milion partii.


Gremliny to mikroskopijne stworzenia żyjące wewnątrz mechanizmów. Jeśli dochodzi do awarii, to najczęściej winę ponoszą właśnie one. Co jeszcze można o nich powiedzieć? Są bezpłciowe i nieśmiertelne, a ponad wszystko cenią prestiż, na który zasłużyć można jedynie ciężką pracą. Na przykład w zakładzie produkującym jakiś Majestatyczny i Niezwykle Ważny Przedmiot. W międzyczasie, oczywiście, należy pilnować, żeby konkurencja nie stworzyła czegoś jeszcze bardziej majestatycznego. A w tym pomagają skorumpowani urzędnicy, sprzedajni żandarmi i dział marketingu. Wcielcie się w rolę gremlina-kapitalisty walczącego o władzę i prestiż wszelkimi dostępnymi środkami.


Czujemy się w obowiązku poinformować, że Gremlins, Inc. nie jest grą „free-to-play”. Nie jest także grą „kolekcjonerską” - nie musicie kupować dodatkowych kart. Każda partia oferuje tę samą talię wszystkim graczom, tym samym dając wszystkim takie same szanse na zwycięstwo. A jeśli interesuje was, czy zamierzamy wydać w przyszłości jakieś DLC: tak, taki jest plan.


Jesteśmy wierni zasadzie aktualizowania gry o nowe funkcje oraz zawartości, które dostępne będą w formie DARMOWYCH aktualizacji dla wszystkich posiadaczy gry. Od czasu do czasu zamierzamy też wydawać dodatki DLC, zawierające śmieszne, kosmetyczne zmiany. Jednakże posiadanie DLC nie jest wymagane do grania oraz do udziału w turniejach. Każdy gracz, bez względu na to, czy posiada DLC, ma dostęp do tych samych funkcjonalności i mechanik gry.


W Gremlins, Inc. gracze mogą znaleźć przedmioty, a sama gra w pełni wspiera Rynek Społeczności Steam. Podczas gry można otrzymać losowe kufry, zawierające przedmioty o różnej częstotliwości występowania: nowe emotikony, tła profilu, muzykę i wiele więcej. Te przedmioty są darmowe, możecie ich używać bądź handlować nimi na Rynku Społeczności Steam. My, twórcy gry, nie sprzedajemy tych przedmiotów, handlować nimi mogą jedynie gracze.

W grze można również wytwarzać przedmioty: gdy tylko znajdziesz schemat konkretnego przedmiotu, możesz go wytwarzać tyle razy, ile zechcesz, o ile masz wymaganą liczbę ładunków (ładunki możesz zdobywać, rozkładając przedmioty, których nie potrzebujesz lub których masz za dużo). Dodatkowo gra posiada własny Sklep Przedmiotów Steam (dostępny pod koniec 2016), gdzie możecie zakupić niewielką ilość unikalnych przedmiotów, które wpływają na inne przedmioty w grze (ale nie na mechanikę gry).


Gremlins, Inc. została zaprojektowana jako cyfrowa gra planszowa głównie z myślą o wielu graczach. Co nie znaczy, że nie lubimy samotnych graczy – oczywiście, że lubimy i z myślą o nich stworzyliśmy osobną sekcję z wyzwaniami dla pojedynczego gracza oraz tryb, w którym możecie dostosować rozgrywkę do własnych potrzeb! Jedna z gier, którą otrzymacie po zakupie, Gremlins, Inc., zawiera tryby dla jednego i wielu graczy, ale wymaga stałego dostępu do platformy Steam oraz serwerów gry, zapewniających dostęp do przedmiotów, Rynku Społeczności Steam oraz Warsztatu Steam. Druga gra, Gremlins vs Automatons, zawiera tryb dla jednego gracza i została zaprojektowana do gry offline.


W chwili obecnej gra wspiera 2 niezależne serwery: w Amsterdamie i Singapurze. Gracze mają możliwość sprawdzenia wartości ping dla każdego z nich i połączenia się z lepszym z nich. Każdy serwer posiada własną drabinkę graczy, statystyki oraz profile graczy. Większość graczy wybiera Amsterdam, gdyż ping do Amsterdamu z dowolnego miejsca na Ziemi rzadko przekracza 300. Jednakże wraz z rosnącą ilością graczy z Azji (a zwłaszcza z Chin) dodaliśmy serwer w Singapurze w celu zapewnienia lepszego połączenia dla tych właśnie graczy. Mamy nadzieję, że każdy z graczy jest w stanie bezproblemowo grać, jako że dobre wrażenia z gry to nasz najwyższy priorytet. Będziemy na bieżąco monitorować jakość połączeń między serwerami i klientami w celu dostosowania serwerów do zmieniających się wymagań. Dziękujemy wam za cierpliwość.


Gremlins, Inc. has its official Discord server, where several thousand players discuss the game, and our team shares work in progress. Use this link to join!


When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with item drops and Steam Workshop mods; and Gremlins vs Automatons – playable offline in single-player mode.

Acerca do Jogo

This is an intense strategy board game in a steampunk world of corrupt capitalist gremlins who compete for money, political power and prestige. Save and invest, steal and extort, arrest and get arrested – in single-player and multiplayer, with ranks and ladders, team mode and spectator mode. Featuring seasonal content updates, regular tournaments, item drops, full support of Steam Community Market – and more!


Gremlins, Inc. is designed for up to 6 players, in multiplayer or in single-player mode (with AI bots). Each player has 6 cards on their hand (replenished from the same deck) and uses them either to move around the playing field or to perform different game actions. There is a lot of interaction with other players, and duels are significantly different from 3-player or 4-player games. You can play until a certain score limit, or until agreed number of rounds, or for time limit. The game offers both custom and ranked sessions (with matchmaking by rating).


Yes, you can! In addition to custom sessions (where you define the parameters of the session and may optionally set filters for those who can join you) and password-protected private sessions (so that you and your friends can play undisturbed), the game offers team mode (2x2, 3x3, or 2x2x2) with teams of human players and/or AI bots. Gremlins, Inc. also supports a built-in spectator mode, which allows you to watch sessions of other players right from inside of the game, sharing your emotions with players and other spectators through messages and emoticons.


Certainly! When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – the edition that is playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with full support of item drops and Steam Workshop; and Gremlins vs Automatons – the edition that is playable offline in single-player mode, without any connection to our server whatsoever.


The game offers different session settings to make them fit your available time, and single-player mode offers automatic SAVE / LOAD function at every turn so that you can take a break whenever you want (while multiplayer mode offers re-connect functionality as long as the session is still in progress). A quick duel for 20 score points with a fast timer can finish in under 20 minutes, while a 4-player session for 60 rounds can last for 2 hours or more.


There are different types of cards in the game (permanent, regular, secret and criminal) and as each card can be used either to move or for action, you will develop both short-term and long-term strategies for making the most out of where you are, and what you currently have in your hand. Normally, you spend half of your game time accumulating resources and building the foundation for the end-game, and the other half trying to control the progress of your opponents (stealing, arresting, initiating player conflicts, and so on). The more you play, the more new strategies you will discover – especially when combining the effects of several cards played in a combination.


  • This is an intense strategy game: make decisions at every round! Plan your moves, then adjust to the actions of the other players and new cards drawn.
  • The design of the playing field and the multiple layers of optional features (that you can turn on or off, as you wish) allow for a variety of strategies. The more you play, the more roads to victory you discover, using a combination of features based on the particular setup of the session.
  • The game offers a diverse resource system that allows for many comeback chances even after you're robbed or arrested (or both). With score, money, votes, malice, income and bribes, the tension often remains until the very last round.
  • The multilayer mode of the game features a system of ratings, ladders and ranked sessions: compete in a specific league, and take part in the regularly organised tournaments with over 1 000 participants. A system of anonymous masks allows everyone to compete on equal terms in a ranked session.
  • Every season since its release in 2016, the game receives FREE content and feature updates (balancing changes, new cards, new in-game items, new music). We are committed to continue developing this product – based on player feedback!
  • Additionally, the game offers over 10 single-player challenges plus the option to create custom single-player sessions with different settings and a different mix of AI bots.
  • Finally, there's the team mode where victory is determined not only by strategic skill, but also by communication and coordination of each team, which is an entirely different layer of game mechanics.


  • 185 cards in the main deck (149 of them – unique): permanent, regular, secret and criminal, each with a hand-drawn steampunk illustration; with each Season update, we keep adding several new cards to the deck.
  • 39 events in the Misfortune deck: these are the special events triggered at certain moments in the game, and may affect the current standing of all players to a significant degree, especially when used on a specific opponent.
  • 6 special Chaos Cards: this is an optional set of cards available to every player in the game; turn them on or off to change the dynamics of the session.
  • 12 sets of Character Abilities: another optional feature that brings to the game special game mechanics unique to each character type; playing with these makes different competing strategies even more pronounced.
  • 11 original locations: the Office, the Plant, the Dump, the Marketplace, the Inferno, the Jail, the Casino, the Court, the Treasure, the Bank and the Astral Plane; and 7 original spot types: Risk, Gamble, Police, Income, Bribe, Misfortune and Tribune.
  • 2 distinctly different playing fields: The Clockwork Town and The Clockwork Colony, each offering strategic challenges of their own.
  • Finally, the game took us three years to develop from concept to full release, and we're still committed to continue supporting the community through development of new content. There are currently over 150 000 players of Gremlins, Inc. on Steam from all over the world, including USA, Russia, China, Japan, UK and France. Collectively, players already launched several millions game sessions!


You think that’s just a pocket watch in your hand, a watch that’s a bit late because you keep forgetting to wind it up? No, no and no – you couldn’t be further from the truth! What you carry around is a whole gremlin town packed into this tiny mechanism: a town with its own bank, its own casino… and even its own jail! Gremlins are the microscopic creatures that inhabit any mechanism that they can possibly infiltrate. If a watch or a telescope malfunctions, then it’s probably due to gremlins who took up a residence there.

More than anything in life, gremlins value money, political power and prestige: prestige that one can claim after completing some sort of a grandiose engineering project. Aside from working on their own projects, gremlins mostly spend their time preventing other gremlins from building something even more grandiose. This they achieve through bribing officials and lying to the electorate, as well through stealing from their competitors - and outright arresting them.


We felt it important to note that Gremlins, Inc. is not a free-to-play game. Also, this is not a CCG or TCG: you do not need to buy boosters or packs; in every session the game offers the same deck to every player, and everyone's chances are equal.


We are committed to the principle of continuously updating the game with new features and new game content that come as regular updates, FREE to every owner of the product. At the same time, from time to time we release DLCs that feature fun cosmetic content. If you like it, you can support our efforts by your purchase. However, there is absolutely no pressure to own any of the DLCs in order to play the game or compete in the tournaments. Every player, whether they have DLCs or not, has access to the same game features and the same game mechanics.


Gremlins, Inc. features in-game items and fully supports Steam Community Market. While playing the game, certain actions will trigger random chest drops with items of varying rarity: it could be a new emoticon, a new profile background, a new music track, or one of the dozens of other cosmetic items. These items are FREE, yours to use or trade on Steam Community Market. We, the developer, do not engage in the direct sales of any drop items; only players can trade them.

The game also supports crafting: once you find a blueprint of a specific item, you can create as many such items as you wish, as long as you have the required number of charges (you get charges when you convert other in-game items that you do not want, or have multiple copies of). Finally, the game has its own Steam Item Store where we sell a very small number of unique items that influence the item meta-game (but they have no effect on the game mechanics).


Gremlins, Inc. was designed as a digital board game with the multiplayer mode at its heart. However, this is not to say that we don't like single-player – we do, and there's a separate section with the single-player challenges as well as the mode where you can create any custom single-player session that you like! One of the products that you receive with this game, Gremlins, Inc., features both single-player and multiplayer modes, and requires that your game client is connected to both Steam and the game's server at all times – in order to support item drops, Steam Community Market and Steam Workshop. The other product that is included with the game, Gremlins vs Automatons, features single-player mode and is designed specifically to be played offline.


The game currently supports 2 separate servers: Amsterdam and Singapore. Players are able to check their ping value for each of these servers, and play on the server that is the most convenient. Each server has its own player ladder, statistics and player profiles. Most players choose Amsterdam, since ping to Amsterdam from anywhere in the world rarely exceeds 300. However, as we saw more and more players from the Asian region join the game, especially from China, we added the server in Singapore in order to be able to offer faster connection specifically to these players. We hope that this works well for every player, as good player experience is our top priority. We will continue to monitor the quality of our server/client connection in order to adapt the servers to the changing requirements and we thank you for your patience.


Gremlins, Inc. has its official Discord server, where several thousand players discuss the game, and our team shares work in progress. Use this link to join!


When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with item drops and Steam Workshop mods; and Gremlins vs Automatons – playable offline in single-player mode.

Despre joc

This is an intense strategy board game in a steampunk world of corrupt capitalist gremlins who compete for money, political power and prestige. Save and invest, steal and extort, arrest and get arrested – in single-player and multiplayer, with ranks and ladders, team mode and spectator mode. Featuring seasonal content updates, regular tournaments, item drops, full support of Steam Community Market – and more!


Gremlins, Inc. is designed for up to 6 players, in multiplayer or in single-player mode (with AI bots). Each player has 6 cards on their hand (replenished from the same deck) and uses them either to move around the playing field or to perform different game actions. There is a lot of interaction with other players, and duels are significantly different from 3-player or 4-player games. You can play until a certain score limit, or until agreed number of rounds, or for time limit. The game offers both custom and ranked sessions (with matchmaking by rating).


Yes, you can! In addition to custom sessions (where you define the parameters of the session and may optionally set filters for those who can join you) and password-protected private sessions (so that you and your friends can play undisturbed), the game offers team mode (2x2, 3x3, or 2x2x2) with teams of human players and/or AI bots. Gremlins, Inc. also supports a built-in spectator mode, which allows you to watch sessions of other players right from inside of the game, sharing your emotions with players and other spectators through messages and emoticons.


Certainly! When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – the edition that is playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with full support of item drops and Steam Workshop; and Gremlins vs Automatons – the edition that is playable offline in single-player mode, without any connection to our server whatsoever.


The game offers different session settings to make them fit your available time, and single-player mode offers automatic SAVE / LOAD function at every turn so that you can take a break whenever you want (while multiplayer mode offers re-connect functionality as long as the session is still in progress). A quick duel for 20 score points with a fast timer can finish in under 20 minutes, while a 4-player session for 60 rounds can last for 2 hours or more.


There are different types of cards in the game (permanent, regular, secret and criminal) and as each card can be used either to move or for action, you will develop both short-term and long-term strategies for making the most out of where you are, and what you currently have in your hand. Normally, you spend half of your game time accumulating resources and building the foundation for the end-game, and the other half trying to control the progress of your opponents (stealing, arresting, initiating player conflicts, and so on). The more you play, the more new strategies you will discover – especially when combining the effects of several cards played in a combination.


  • This is an intense strategy game: make decisions at every round! Plan your moves, then adjust to the actions of the other players and new cards drawn.
  • The design of the playing field and the multiple layers of optional features (that you can turn on or off, as you wish) allow for a variety of strategies. The more you play, the more roads to victory you discover, using a combination of features based on the particular setup of the session.
  • The game offers a diverse resource system that allows for many comeback chances even after you're robbed or arrested (or both). With score, money, votes, malice, income and bribes, the tension often remains until the very last round.
  • The multilayer mode of the game features a system of ratings, ladders and ranked sessions: compete in a specific league, and take part in the regularly organised tournaments with over 1 000 participants. A system of anonymous masks allows everyone to compete on equal terms in a ranked session.
  • Every season since its release in 2016, the game receives FREE content and feature updates (balancing changes, new cards, new in-game items, new music). We are committed to continue developing this product – based on player feedback!
  • Additionally, the game offers over 10 single-player challenges plus the option to create custom single-player sessions with different settings and a different mix of AI bots.
  • Finally, there's the team mode where victory is determined not only by strategic skill, but also by communication and coordination of each team, which is an entirely different layer of game mechanics.


  • 185 cards in the main deck (149 of them – unique): permanent, regular, secret and criminal, each with a hand-drawn steampunk illustration; with each Season update, we keep adding several new cards to the deck.
  • 39 events in the Misfortune deck: these are the special events triggered at certain moments in the game, and may affect the current standing of all players to a significant degree, especially when used on a specific opponent.
  • 6 special Chaos Cards: this is an optional set of cards available to every player in the game; turn them on or off to change the dynamics of the session.
  • 12 sets of Character Abilities: another optional feature that brings to the game special game mechanics unique to each character type; playing with these makes different competing strategies even more pronounced.
  • 11 original locations: the Office, the Plant, the Dump, the Marketplace, the Inferno, the Jail, the Casino, the Court, the Treasure, the Bank and the Astral Plane; and 7 original spot types: Risk, Gamble, Police, Income, Bribe, Misfortune and Tribune.
  • 2 distinctly different playing fields: The Clockwork Town and The Clockwork Colony, each offering strategic challenges of their own.
  • Finally, the game took us three years to develop from concept to full release, and we're still committed to continue supporting the community through development of new content. There are currently over 150 000 players of Gremlins, Inc. on Steam from all over the world, including USA, Russia, China, Japan, UK and France. Collectively, players already launched several millions game sessions!


You think that’s just a pocket watch in your hand, a watch that’s a bit late because you keep forgetting to wind it up? No, no and no – you couldn’t be further from the truth! What you carry around is a whole gremlin town packed into this tiny mechanism: a town with its own bank, its own casino… and even its own jail! Gremlins are the microscopic creatures that inhabit any mechanism that they can possibly infiltrate. If a watch or a telescope malfunctions, then it’s probably due to gremlins who took up a residence there.

More than anything in life, gremlins value money, political power and prestige: prestige that one can claim after completing some sort of a grandiose engineering project. Aside from working on their own projects, gremlins mostly spend their time preventing other gremlins from building something even more grandiose. This they achieve through bribing officials and lying to the electorate, as well through stealing from their competitors - and outright arresting them.


We felt it important to note that Gremlins, Inc. is not a free-to-play game. Also, this is not a CCG or TCG: you do not need to buy boosters or packs; in every session the game offers the same deck to every player, and everyone's chances are equal.


We are committed to the principle of continuously updating the game with new features and new game content that come as regular updates, FREE to every owner of the product. At the same time, from time to time we release DLCs that feature fun cosmetic content. If you like it, you can support our efforts by your purchase. However, there is absolutely no pressure to own any of the DLCs in order to play the game or compete in the tournaments. Every player, whether they have DLCs or not, has access to the same game features and the same game mechanics.


Gremlins, Inc. features in-game items and fully supports Steam Community Market. While playing the game, certain actions will trigger random chest drops with items of varying rarity: it could be a new emoticon, a new profile background, a new music track, or one of the dozens of other cosmetic items. These items are FREE, yours to use or trade on Steam Community Market. We, the developer, do not engage in the direct sales of any drop items; only players can trade them.

The game also supports crafting: once you find a blueprint of a specific item, you can create as many such items as you wish, as long as you have the required number of charges (you get charges when you convert other in-game items that you do not want, or have multiple copies of). Finally, the game has its own Steam Item Store where we sell a very small number of unique items that influence the item meta-game (but they have no effect on the game mechanics).


Gremlins, Inc. was designed as a digital board game with the multiplayer mode at its heart. However, this is not to say that we don't like single-player – we do, and there's a separate section with the single-player challenges as well as the mode where you can create any custom single-player session that you like! One of the products that you receive with this game, Gremlins, Inc., features both single-player and multiplayer modes, and requires that your game client is connected to both Steam and the game's server at all times – in order to support item drops, Steam Community Market and Steam Workshop. The other product that is included with the game, Gremlins vs Automatons, features single-player mode and is designed specifically to be played offline.


The game currently supports 2 separate servers: Amsterdam and Singapore. Players are able to check their ping value for each of these servers, and play on the server that is the most convenient. Each server has its own player ladder, statistics and player profiles. Most players choose Amsterdam, since ping to Amsterdam from anywhere in the world rarely exceeds 300. However, as we saw more and more players from the Asian region join the game, especially from China, we added the server in Singapore in order to be able to offer faster connection specifically to these players. We hope that this works well for every player, as good player experience is our top priority. We will continue to monitor the quality of our server/client connection in order to adapt the servers to the changing requirements and we thank you for your patience.


У Gremlins, Inc. есть официальный сервер Discord, на котором более тысячи игроков уже обсуждают игру, а наша команда делится рабочими материалами из процесса разработки! Зайти на сервер можно через эту ссылку.


При покупке этой игры в Вашу библиотеку Steam добавляются сразу 2 продукта: Gremlins, Inc. – версия игры, которая позволяет Вам играть в одиночном и сетевом режимах, поддерживает игровые предметы и моды из Мастерской Steam, и требует постоянного подключения к серверу; и Gremlins vs Automatons – версия игры, которая позволяет Вам играть в одиночном режиме без какого-либо подключения к серверу.

Об игре

Действие этой стратегической настольной игры происходит в стимпанковском городе-механизме. Окунитесь в микроскопический мир больших взяток и огромных амбиций, где гремлины борются за власть, престиж и богатство! Одиночный и сетевой режимы. Командная игра и режим зрителя. Регулярные турниры и рейтинговые игры со своими правилами и распределением игроков по лигам (с призами). Сезонные обновления с новыми картами. А также выпадающие во время игры предметы и полная поддержка Торговой площадки Steam (Community Market)!


В матчах Gremlins, Inc. принимают участие до 6 игроков. Играть можно как в сетевом режиме, так и в одиночном (и тогда против Вас играет искусственный идиот интеллект). У каждого из игроков на руке есть по 6 карт​. Карты раздаются и добираются из общей колоды и используются как для перемещения по игровому полю, так и для активных игровых действий (арест оппонента, телепортация, получение ресурсов – и так далее).

Играть можно до определённого числа очков, до заранее установленного числа игровых раундов или на время. Многие игровые механики построены на взаимодействии с другими игроками, а потому режим дуэли (один на один) по динамике и характеру игры существенно отличается от матчей с тремя или четырьмя участниками.

Матчи бывают как произвольные (создаваемые игроками на своё усмотрение), так и рейтинговые (с автоподбором соперников и масками анонимности на время матча), влияющие на Ваше положение в рейтинговой и турнирной таблицах. Также доступны матчи по приглашению, предназначенные для игры с друзьями и защищённые паролем.


Да, в Gremlins, Inc. можно играть командами – двое против двух, трое против трёх, или тремя независимыми командами по два игрока в каждой. Игра также поддерживает режим зрителя, который позволяет Вам присоединиться из сетевого лобби к любому из проходящих в данный момент матчей (за исключением закрытых матчей по приглашению) и не только посмотреть на ход игры, но и поддержать участников эмотиконами или сообщениями.


Да, конечно! При покупке этой игры в Вашу библиотеку Steam добавляются сразу 2 продукта: Gremlins, Inc. – версия игры, которая позволяет Вам играть в одиночном и сетевом режимах, поддерживает игровые предметы и моды из Мастерской Steam, и требует постоянного подключения к серверу; и Gremlins vs Automatons – версия игры, которая позволяет Вам играть в одиночном режиме без какого-либо подключения к серверу.


Быстрая дуэль до 20 очков с картами Хаоса может занять менее 20 минут, в то время как матч на четверых до 60 раундов может продлиться 2 часа и более: игра позволяет создавать матчи с самыми разными параметрами, чтобы каждый мог подобрать себе тот или иной вариант в зависимости от доступного на игру времени.

В одиночном режиме игры действует функция автосохранения, записывающая матч в конце каждого хода – Вы всегда сможете взять перерыв тогда, когда Вам удобно. В сетевом же режиме из матча можно выходить и возвращаться до тех пор, пока он не будет завершён (на время отсутствия игроков их подменяют боты, а после возвращения игрока в матч он снова перехватывает контроль).


В игре есть несколько типов карт (обычные карты, карты постоянного действия, секретные карты и криминальные карты). Поскольку каждая карта может быть использована как для перемещения по игровому полю, так и для игрового действия, Вам предстоит разработать и корректировать по ходу игры стратегию, основанную на том, в какой части игрового поля Вы находитесь и какие карты у Вас прямо сейчас есть на руке.

Как правило, одну половину игрового времени Вы будете заняты зарабатыванием ресурсов, а другую – созданием проблем для других игроков (аресты, штрафы, конфликты, воровство ресурсов и прочие приятные мелочи). Чем больше Вы будете играть, тем больше разных стратегий Вы для себя откроете – особенно связанных с комбинациями нескольких карт подряд!


  • 179 карт с большими картинками, странными значками и дурацкими названиями. Они собраны в общую кучу с гордым названием "колода", из которой карты берут все игроки (кстати, с каждым бесплатным сезонным обновлением мы добавляем в игру по нескольку новых карт).
  • 38 неприятностей. Хоть нам и неприятно об этом говорить, но получить неприятность довольно неприятно. Зато когда она произойдёт с оппонентом, на нашей улице праздник!
  • 6 карт Хаоса. Зачем они нужны? Чтобы внести Хаос в игру, естественно! Хотя с этим утверждением и не все согласны, но когда речь идёт о Хаосе, единства мнений быть не может.
  • 12 разных персонажей. Выбор персонажа определяет стратегию всего матча: вооружённые своими специальными способностями, они способны на многое!
  • 11 локаций. Можно назвать их "зданиями". Или "домиками"... но лучше заранее удостовериться, что обитатели "домика" при этом Вас не услышат. Здания нужны, чтобы в них заходить. Что делать внутри – зависит от того, куда Вы зашли и что у Вас на уме.
  • 7 типов игровых клеток (при этом они все круглые... круглые клетки – здорово, да?). По клеткам мы перемещаемся из локации в локацию. По пути с нами случаются разные... случаи. Какие именно – зависит от типов клеток.
  • Более 10 испытаний одиночного режима игры, придуманных для испытания Ваших нервов (а когда нервы закончатся, всегда можно настроить одиночную игру на свой вкус, с любой целью и любыми условиями).
  • Соревновательная система с регулярными турнирами (на призы!), в которых принимают участие около 1,000 игроков – а также рейтинговой таблицей с 8 разными лигами, и раздачей слонов призов в конце каждого сезона!
  • Три года разработки игры (включая пять месяцев страданий удовольствия в режиме "раннего доступа"), и это ещё не конец истории: мы и по сей день продолжаем заниматься дальнейшей работой над игрой, выпуская регулярные сезонные обновления. На сегодня в проект играют люди из более чем 100 стран по всему миру, включая Россию, Украину, США, Китай, Японию, Францию и Великобританию. Число игроков Gremlins, Inc. уже перевалило за 120,000 и лишь за первые три месяца после выхода в игре уже было запущено более миллиона одиночных и сетевых матчей.


Гремлины – микроскопические существа, которые живут внутри механизмов. Если какое-то устройство не работает как надо – скорее всего, виноваты именно они. Что ещё можно сказать о гремлинах? Они бесполы и бессмертны, и превыше всего ценят положение в обществе. Престиж же можно заработать исключительно тяжёлым трудом. Например, трудом рабочих вашего завода, создающих Величественный и Неимоверно Важный Агрегат. Заодно, конечно, нужно следить, чтобы конкуренты не создали что-то ещё более величественное на своих заводах. В этом вам помогут коррумпированные чиновники, лживые пиарщики, продажные жандармы и прочие не менее полезные представители гремлинского сообщества. Примерьте на себя роль гремлина-капиталиста, любыми средствами борющегося за власть и престиж!


Мы остаёмся верны принципу, в соответствии с которым все новые игровые возможности (например, спец. способности персонажей), а также новый функциональный контент (например, новые карты, новые одиночные испытания и новые Неприятности) добавляются в проект в виде регулярных обновлений, доступных всем обладателям нашей игры БЕСПЛАТНО. Время от времени мы выпускаем дополнительные забавные "плюшки", не влияющие на игровой процесс, в виде DLC (новую музыку, новые эмоции, новые портреты персонажей и т.д.). Если эта идея вам нравится, вы можете её поддержать своим рублём (или долларом, или гривной). Однако покупка DLC не является необходимостью, и даже без DLC вы сможете участвовать во всех матчах и игровых турнирах в абсолютно равных условиях с любыми другими игроками.


Время от времени на протяжении игры в Gremlins, Inc. Вы будете получать сундуки, которые содержат игровые предметы (например, новую музыкальную композицию, новый тип профиля игрока, специальную анимацию Вашей игровой фишки, и т.д.). Эти сундуки БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ и не требуют никаких ключей для того, чтобы их открыть, а находящиеся в них предметы Вы всегда можете продать или обменять через Торговую площадку Steam, которую проект поддерживает в полном объёме. Мы, как разработчики игры, подобных предметов нигде не продаём, так что их цена определяется исключительно самими игроками, покупающими и продающими данные предметы на Торговой площадке.

Игра также поддерживает возможность создавать предметы (crafting): если Вы раздобудете чертёж какого-либо предмета, то Вы всегда сможете его построить, потратив на это необходимое число зарядов (получаемых при разборе на запчасти не нужных Вам других предметов). Наконец, вскоре (конец 2016 г.) у игры появится и свой собственный Магазин предметов, в котором мы планируем предложить очень ограниченное число уникальных предметов, которые будут опосредованно влиять на вероятности получения сундуков в матчах разных типов.


Изначально мы разрабатывали Gremlins, Inc. как цифровую настольную игру, рассчитанную именно на сетевой режим, но затем нашли возможность добавить в проект и полноценный одиночный режим, состоящий из одиночных испытаний, а также дающий возможность создавать любые одиночные пользовательские матчи. Одна из версий игры, которую Вы получаете – это Gremlins, Inc., содержащая как одиночный, так и сетевой режимы, и требующая постоянного подключения к серверу для того, чтобы поддерживать игровые предметы, а также Торговую площадку и Мастерскую Steam. Другая версия игры – это Gremlins vs Automatons, содержащая только одиночный режим и разработанная нами специально для того, чтобы в неё можно было играть без какого-либо подключения к серверу.


В настоящее время в игре доступно два сервера, один из которых расположен в Амстердаме, а другой в Сингапуре. Игроки легко могут проверить свой пинг до каждого сервера и выбрать для игры наиболее подходящий. Каждый сервер имеет собственную глобальную таблицу лидеров, статистику и профили игроков. Большинство игроков предпочитают сервер в Амстердаме, так как пинг до него в большинстве случаев не превышает 300ms. Однако видя, что в игре появляется всё больше игроков из азиатского региона, особенно из Китая, мы запустили сервер в Сингапуре, который обеспечивает более качественное соединение для игроков из этого региона. Мы надеемся, что при таком подходе любой игрок сможет выбрать то, что лучше ему подходит, так как обеспечение положительного игрового опыта является нашим высочайшим приоритетом. Мы продолжим следить за качеством соединения наших серверов/клиента, чтобы при необходимости адаптировать серверы в соответствии с меняющимися условиями и/или требованиями к ним.

官方 DISCORD 服务器

Gremlins, Inc. 拥有自己的官方 Discord 服务器,成百上千的玩家在这里讨论游戏,我们的团队在这里分享工作进程。使用此链接加入!

购买本游戏后,你的 Steam 库中会获得 2 个产品

购买本游戏后,你的 Steam 库中会获得 2 个产品:Gremlins, Inc. – 可在线玩单人模式和多人模式,含物品掉落和 Steam 创意工坊模组;以及 Gremlins vs Automatons – 可离线玩单人模式。


这是一款激烈的战略棋盘游戏,在一个蒸汽朋克世界里处处都是腐败不堪的资本主义小魔怪,他们为了金钱、政治权力和威望争斗不休。存钱和投资、偷盗和敲诈、逮捕和被捕 — 畅玩单人和多人模式,提升等级并跻身排行榜,团队模式和观众模式。其特色包括周期性内容更新、物品掉落、全力支持 Steam 社区市场,还有更多精彩!


Gremlins, Inc. 的设计最多可允许 6 位玩家,具有多人模式单人模式(含机器人)。每位玩家拥有 6 张卡牌(从同一副牌中补牌),并可以用这些卡牌在游戏区域中移动,还可执行各种不同的游戏行动。玩家可以和其他玩家互动,双人决斗与 3 人或 4 人游戏截然不同。你可以一直玩游戏,直到达到一定分值、一定回合数或一定时间限制。游戏提供自定义排行两种赛局(按积分匹配对手)。


可以!除自定义赛局(在这里你可以定义赛局参数,还能随意设置参赛人员的筛选条件)和受密码保护的非公开赛局(这样你和你的好友可以不受干扰地玩游戏)以外,游戏还提供团队模式(2x2、3x3 或 2x2x2)来组建真人团队和/或机器人团队。Gremlins, Inc. 还支持内置观众模式,允许你进入游戏中观看其他玩家的赛局,并通过发送消息和表情符号与玩家以及其他观众分享你的感受。


当然!购买本游戏后,你的 Steam 库中会获得 2 个产品:Gremlins, Inc. – 可在线玩单人模式和多人模式,含物品掉落和 Steam 创意工坊模组;以及 Gremlins vs Automatons – 可离线玩单人模式。


游戏提供不同的赛局设置以配合你的空闲时间,单人模式在每次走牌时提供自动保存/加载功能,以便你随时休息(多人模式提供重新连接功能,只要当前赛局仍在进行中便可)。目标为 20 分且设有快速计时器的快速双人决斗可在 20 分钟内结束,而目标为 60 个回合的 4 人赛局可持续两个小时或以上。




  • 这是一款激烈的战略游戏:每个回合都要运筹决策!制定移动计划,然后根据其他玩家的行动和抽取的新卡牌调整计划。
  • 游戏区域的设计和多种可选功能(可根据需要打开或关闭)允许玩家采取各种战略。玩得越多,发现的取胜之路就越多,根据赛局的特定设置使用组合功能。
  • 游戏提供丰富的资源系统,让你在被盗和/或被捕后可以卷土重来。分数、金币、选票、邪恶、收入和贿赂让你绷紧神经,直到最后一回合。
  • 游戏的多人模式设有积分排行榜排行赛局系统:以特定公会的名义参赛,参加定期组织的锦标赛(参赛玩家通常超过 1,000 名)。匿名面具系统可让每位玩家在排行赛局中公平竞争。
  • 除多人模式外,游戏还提供 10 种单人挑战,并可让你创建包含不同设置和各类机器人的自定义单人赛局
  • 最后,在团队模式中,胜利不只取决于战略技巧,还取决于每支团队的沟通与协作能力,这是一种层次完全不同的游戏机制。


  • 整副主卡牌中设有 179 张卡牌(其中 143 张独特卡牌):永久、常规、秘密和罪恶,每张卡牌均有蒸汽朋克风格的手绘插画;在每次季度更新中,我们将持续向核心卡牌增加几张新卡牌)。
  • 厄运卡牌中的 38 个事件:这些在游戏中不定时触发的特别事件可能在很大程度上影响所有玩家的当前地位,尤其是在特定对手身上使用的时候。
  • 6 张暴乱卡牌:这是每位玩家可在游戏中选用的卡牌类型;打开或关闭可改变赛局动态。
  • 12 套角色技能:另一种可选功能,使游戏拥有特属于各类角色的特殊游戏机制,用这些游戏机制玩游戏可以制定各种更明确的比赛战略。
  • 11 个原创建筑:办公室、工厂、垃圾场、市场、地狱、监狱、赌场、法院、藏宝阁、银行和天界;7 个原创站点类型:危险、赌博、警察、收入、贿赂、厄运和演讲。
  • 最后,从概念到发布完整版,我们共花了三年,我们致力于通过开发新的功能及内容继续提供社区支持。目前,Gremlins, Inc. 在 Steam 上拥有来自世界各地的 120,000 多位玩家,包括美国、俄罗斯、中国、日本、英国和法国。游戏发布后的三个月内,玩家总共建立了超过一百万个赛局


您觉得是握在手中的一块怀表,因为总是忘记上发条,所以走得有点慢?不,不是这样 — 完全是两码事!您掌握的是一座完整的小魔怪城镇,整个小镇就挤在这个微小的机械装置里:有自己的银行、赌场...甚至还有监狱!小魔怪是一种体积极小的生物,他们寄居在一切可以潜入的机械装置里。如果手表或望远镜发生故障,很可能就是小魔怪在那里安家造成的。



请务必注意 Gremlins, Inc. 不是一款免费游戏。此外,本游戏不是集换式卡牌游戏(简称 CCG 或 TCG):你无需购买补充包或游戏包,在各个赛局中,游戏为每位玩家提供相同的一副牌,每个人的机会是均等的。最后,有人问我们是否计划再推出追加下载内容 (DLC):“是的,我们有这个计划。



STEAM 社区市场,技能和物品商店

Gremlins, Inc. 设有游戏内物品并全力支持Steam 社区市场。玩游戏时,有些操作会触发宝箱随机掉落不同稀有度的物品:可能是新表情符号、新资料背景、新音乐或某种其他装饰品。这些物品都是免费的,你可以使用它们或在Steam 社区市场中进行交易。作为开发人员的我们无法直接参与任何掉落物品的交易,只有玩家可以交易。

游戏还支持制作功能:找到特定物品的蓝图后,只要你达到规定的充量,你就可以随意创造多个物品(你转换不需要的或拥有多个同种物品时会获得充量)。最后,游戏还将拥有自己的 Steam 物品商店(2016 年末即将发布),我们会在这里出售极少量的特别物品,这些物品将影响这个超级物品游戏(但不会影响游戏机制)。


Gremlins, Inc. 是一款主要以多人模式为主的数字棋盘游戏。但是,这并不是说我们排斥单人模式 — 我们也推出单人模式,我们设计了单人挑战的单独板块,您还可以根据自身喜好创建自定义单人赛局!本游戏随附的其中一个产品 Gremlins, Inc. 设有单人和多人模式,并要求游戏客户端始终同时连接到 Steam 和游戏服务器,以便支持物品掉落、Steam 社区市场和 Steam 创意工坊。本游戏包含的另一个产品 Gremlins vs Automatons 设有单人模式,专为离线玩游戏而设计。


本游戏目前支持 2 个独立服务器:阿姆斯特丹和新加坡。玩家可以检测每个服务器对应的 ping 值,然后在最便利的服务器上玩游戏。每个服务器拥有各自的玩家排行榜、统计数据和玩家资料。大多数玩家选择阿姆斯特丹服务器,因为从世界各地 ping 到阿姆斯特丹时,该值极少超过 300。但是,随着越多越多来自亚洲地区的玩家加入游戏,尤其是中国玩家,我们便增设了新加坡服务器,从而专为这些玩家提供更快速的连接。我们希望这对每位玩家都有效,因为出色的玩家体验是我们的头等大事。我们将继续监控服务器/客户端连接的质量,使服务器适应不断变化的需求,衷心感谢各位玩家的耐心守候。


Gremlins, Inc. cuenta con su propio servidor Discord, en el que cientos de jugadores hablan sobre el juego y nuestro equipo comparte materiales en elaboración. ¡Pincha en este enlace para unirte!


Cuando adquieres el juego, aparecen dos nuevos procutos en tu biblioteca de Steam: Gremlins, Inc. (para jugar online, en modos individual o multijugador, con objetos coleccionables y mods de Steam Workshop) and Gremlins vs Automatons (para jugar sin conexión en modo individual).

Acerca del juego

Este es un intenso juego de estrategia de tablero ambientado en un mundo steampunk de gremlins capitalistas corruptos que compiten por dinero, poder y prestigio. Ahorra, invierte, roba, soborna y arresta en modo individual, multijugador, por equipos y espectador con tablas clasificatorias. Cuenta con actualizaciones de contenidos en cada nueva estación, soporte completo para el Mercado de la Comunidad de Steam... ¡y mucho más!


Gremlins, Inc. es un juego diseñado para un máximo de 6 jugadores en modo multijugador o para un solo jugador contra diferentes IAs. Cada jugador tiene 6 cartas en la mano (robadas del mismo mazo) y tiene que usarlas para moverse por el terreno de juego o ejecutar diferentes acciones de juego. Hay muchísima interacción con otros jugadores, y los duelos entre 2 jugadores son muy diferentes a partidas de 3 o 4 jugadores. Puedes establecer el objetivo de victoria en un número de puntos, en un límite de rondas o en uno de tiempo. El juego ofrece tanto partidas personalizadas como puntuables (con jugadores escogidos en base a su índice).


¡Sí, se puede! Además de las partidas personalizadas (en las que podrás definir los parámetros de la partida y poner filtros para que solo se unan ciertos tipos de jugadores) y partidas privadas protegidas por contraseña (para que tú y tus amigos podáis jugar sin que os molesten), el juego ofrece un modo por equipos (2x2, 3x3 o 2x2x2), con equipos formados por jugadores humanos y/o IAs. Gremlins, Inc. también cuenta con un modo espectador integrado que te permite ver las partidas de otros jugadores desde el propio juego, además de compartir tus emociones con los jugadores de la partida mediante mensajes y emoticonos.


¡Claro que sí! Cuando adquieres el juego, aparecen dos nuevos procutos en tu biblioteca de Steam: Gremlins, Inc. (para jugar online, en modos individual o multijugador, con objetos coleccionables y mods de Steam Workshop) and Gremlins vs Automatons (para jugar sin conexión en modo individual).


El juego ofrece diferentes opciones de creación de partida para adecuarla al tiempo del que dispongas y su modo individual cuenta con una función de GUARDADO Y CARGA de partidas para que puedas salir siempre que quieras. El modo multijugador ofrece una función de reconexión, siempre y cuando la partida siga abierta. Un duelo rápido a 20 puntos con turnos cortos puede durar menos de 20 minutos, mientras que una partida de 4 jugadores a 60 rondas puede durar 2 horas o más.


Hay diferentes tipos de carta (permanentes, normales, secretas y criminales), y todos ellos pueden usarse bien para moverse o para ejecutar acciones. Así, desarrollarás estrategias a corto y a largo plazo con el fin de sacar el mayor provecho a tu ubicación y a tus cartas. Lo más usual es que pases la mitad del tiempo acumulando recursos y levantando los cimientos para tu estrategia final, y la otra mitad tratando de controlar el progreso de tus rivales (robando, arrestando, entrando en conflicto...). Cuanto más juegues, más estrategias descubrirás, sobre todo al combinar los efectos de varias cartas a la vez.


  • Este es un intenso juego de estrategia: ¡tomarás decisiones en cada ronda! Planea tus movimientos y ajústalos a las acciones de los otros jugadores y a las cartas que robes.
  • El diseño del tablero y las múltiples capas de características opcionales (que puedes activar y desactivar a voluntad) permiten una gran variedad de estrategias. Cuanto más juegues, más caminos hacia la victoria conocerás, a partir de la combinación de las diversas reglas al inicio de la partida.
  • El juego ofrece un sistema de recursos que permite que te reenganches a la partida una y otra vez incluso tras haber sido robado o arrestado (¡o ambas cosas!). La puntuación, el dinero, los votos, la malicia, la renta y los sobornos se encargarán de mantener la tensión hasta la última ronda.
  • El modo multijugador incluye un sistema de índices, clasificaciones y partidas puntuables: puedes competir en una liga específica y tomar parte en alguno de los torneos que se organizan regularmente, en los que suelen participar más de 1000 jugadores. En las partidas puntuables, un sistema de máscaras anónimas permite que todo el mundo compita en igualdad de condiciones.
  • Además, el juego ofrece más de 10 retos individuales y la opción de crear partidas individuales personalizadas con diversas configuraciones y diferentes combinaciones de IAs.
  • Finalmente, cuenta con el modo por equipos, en el que la victoria viene determinada no solo por tu pericia estratégica, sino también por la comunicación y coordinación entre los miembros de tu equipo, lo que aporta una nueva capa de jugabilidad.


  • 179 cartas en el mazo principal (143 de ellas únicas): permanentes, normales, secretas y criminales, cada una de ellas con una ilustración steampunk dibujada a mano. Además, en cada actualización de estación, añadiremos nuevas cartas al mazo.
  • 38 eventos en el mazo de Infortunios: son eventos especiales que saltan en ciertos momentos del juego y que pueden afectar al estado de todos los jugadores en mayor o menor grado o específicamente a un rival.
  • 6 cartas especiales del Caos: un set opcional de cartas disponibles para todos los jugadores, que cambia por completo la dinámica de la partida.
  • 12 sets de Habilidades de Personaje: una funcionalidad especial que aporta mecánicas únicas a cada tipo de personaje. Jugar con habilidades exagera aún más las diferentes estrategias de juego.
  • 11 Destinos: la Agencia, la Fábrica, el Vertedero, el Mercado, el Infierno, la Cárcel, el Casino, el Juzgado, el Tesoro, el Banco y el plano Astral, además de 7 tipos de casilla originales: Peligro, Azar, Policía, Renta, Soborno, Infortunio y Tribuna.
  • Nos costó un total de tres años desarrollar este juego desde el concepto al lanzamiento oficial y seguimos fieles a nuestro compromiso de continuar apoyando a la comunidad con la incorporación de nuevos contenidos. El juego tiene ya más de 120 000 jugadores de Steam provenientes de todas partes del mundo, como Estados Unidos, Rusia, China, Japón, el Reino Unido o Francia. En conjunto, los jugadores iniciaron más de un millón de partidas en los tres meses posteriores al lanzamiento.


¿Crees que lo que llevas en la muñeca es solo un reloj que anda un poco retrasado porque olvidaste darle cuerda? ¡No, no y no! No podrías estar más lejos de la verdad. Dentro de su pequeña maquinaria se esconde una ciudad gremlin con su banco, su casino... ¡e incluso su propia cárcel! Los gremlins son unas criaturas microscópicas que habitan cualquier maquinaria en la que puedan infiltrarse. Si un reloj o un telescopio se estropean, lo más probable es que sea por culpa de los gremlins que en él viven.
Más que nada en la vida, los gremlins valoran el dinero, el poder político y el prestigio, que solo pueden ganar tras completar grandiosos proyectos de ingeniería. A la vez que trabajan en sus propios proyectos, los gremlins pasan la mayor parte de su tiempo evitando que otros gremlins construyan otros grandiosos proyectos. ¿Cómo lo consiguen? Sobornando policías, mintiendo al electorado, robando a sus competidores y llevándolos a la cárcel en cuanto tienen ocasión.


Creemos importante destacar que Gremlins, Inc. no es un juego free-to-play. Se paga una sola vez. Ese es todo el dinero que te pediremos por el producto. Ni siquiera hay que comprar coleccionables ni cartas extras: el juego ofrece las mismas cartas a todo el mundo, así que todos los jugadores tienen las mismas oportunidades.


Seguimos fieles a nuestro compromiso de seguir mejorando el juego con nuevas características y contenidos en forma de actualizaciones GRATUITAS para todos quienes ya tienen el juego. Además, de tanto en tanto, lanzamos DLCs que aportan divertidos contenidos cosméticos. Si quieres, puedes apoyarnos con tu compra. Sin embargo, no es necesario ni hay ningún tipo de presión en comprar ninguno de los DLCs, ni para jugar ni para competir en torneos. Todos los jugadores, adquieran los DLCs o no, tienen exactamente el mismo acceso a las características y mecánicas del juego.


Gremlins, Inc. cuenta con objetos ingame integrados plenamente en el Mercado de la Comunidad de Steam. Algunos de los lances ocurridos en las partidas causarán la aparición de arcones que contendrán objetos de diversa rareza: un nuevo emoticono, un nuevo fondo de perfil, un nuevo tema musical o una de las docenas de objetos cosméticos. Todos esos objetos son GRATUITOS y puedes usarlos o comerciar con ellos en el Mercado de la Comunidad de Steam. Nosotros, los desarrolladores, no estamos implicados en las ventas directas de ningún objeto: solo los jugadores pueden comerciar con ellos.

El juego también incluye la fabricación de objetos: cuando encuentres el diseño de un objeto específico, podrás crear tantos objetos de ese tipo como quieras, siempre que cuentes con el número de cargas necesarias. Las cargas se consiguen convirtiendo otros objetos ingame que no quieres, o de los cuales tienes demasiadas copias). Finalmente, el juego tendrá su propia Tienda de Objetos de Steam, que llegará a finales de 2016. En ella venderemos un pequeño número de objetos únicos que influirán en el metajuego de objetos, pero no en las mecánicas de juego.


Gremlins, Inc. fue diseñado como juego de tablero digital con el modo multijugador como núcleo. Eso no quiere decir que no nos guste el modo individual: nos gusta tanto que hay una sección exclusiva con retos individuales, además de un modo extra en el que puedes personalizar el tipo de partida al que prefieres jugar. Uno de los productos que recibirás con el juego, Gremlins, Inc., incluye tanto el modo individual como el multijugador y precisa de una conexión a internet y al servidor del juego en todo momento para poder jugarse, con el fin de facilitar la entrega de objetos, así como el acceso al Mercado de la Comunidad de Steam y a Steam Workshop. El otro producto incluido en el juego, Gremlins vs Automatons, cuenta únicamente con el modo individual y está específicamente diseñado para ser jugado sin conexión.


Te puedes conectar al juego desde dos servidores: Amsterdam y Singapur. Los jugadores pueden comprobar que ping tienen en cada uno de esos servidores y jugar en el que crean más conveniente. Cada servidor tiene su propia tabla clasificatoria, estadísticas y perfiles de jugador. La mayoría de jugadores escoge Amsterdam, ya que el ping desde cualquier parte del mundo rara vez pasa de 300. Sin embargo, como cada vez se nos unen más jugadores asiáticos, especialmente de China, hemos añadido el servidor de Singapur para ofrecerles una conexión más rápida. Esperamos que esta organización funcione igual de bien para todos los jugadores, ya que su satisfacción es nuestra máxima prioridad. Seguiremos monitorizando la calidad de nuestra conexión cliente/servidor para adaptar los servidores a unas necesidades cambiantes y os damos las gracias por nuestra paciencia.


Gremlins, Inc. has its official Discord server, where several thousand players discuss the game, and our team shares work in progress. Use this link to join!


When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with item drops and Steam Workshop mods; and Gremlins vs Automatons – playable offline in single-player mode.

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This is an intense strategy board game in a steampunk world of corrupt capitalist gremlins who compete for money, political power and prestige. Save and invest, steal and extort, arrest and get arrested – in single-player and multiplayer, with ranks and ladders, team mode and spectator mode. Featuring seasonal content updates, regular tournaments, item drops, full support of Steam Community Market – and more!


Gremlins, Inc. is designed for up to 6 players, in multiplayer or in single-player mode (with AI bots). Each player has 6 cards on their hand (replenished from the same deck) and uses them either to move around the playing field or to perform different game actions. There is a lot of interaction with other players, and duels are significantly different from 3-player or 4-player games. You can play until a certain score limit, or until agreed number of rounds, or for time limit. The game offers both custom and ranked sessions (with matchmaking by rating).


Yes, you can! In addition to custom sessions (where you define the parameters of the session and may optionally set filters for those who can join you) and password-protected private sessions (so that you and your friends can play undisturbed), the game offers team mode (2x2, 3x3, or 2x2x2) with teams of human players and/or AI bots. Gremlins, Inc. also supports a built-in spectator mode, which allows you to watch sessions of other players right from inside of the game, sharing your emotions with players and other spectators through messages and emoticons.


Certainly! When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – the edition that is playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with full support of item drops and Steam Workshop; and Gremlins vs Automatons – the edition that is playable offline in single-player mode, without any connection to our server whatsoever.


The game offers different session settings to make them fit your available time, and single-player mode offers automatic SAVE / LOAD function at every turn so that you can take a break whenever you want (while multiplayer mode offers re-connect functionality as long as the session is still in progress). A quick duel for 20 score points with a fast timer can finish in under 20 minutes, while a 4-player session for 60 rounds can last for 2 hours or more.


There are different types of cards in the game (permanent, regular, secret and criminal) and as each card can be used either to move or for action, you will develop both short-term and long-term strategies for making the most out of where you are, and what you currently have in your hand. Normally, you spend half of your game time accumulating resources and building the foundation for the end-game, and the other half trying to control the progress of your opponents (stealing, arresting, initiating player conflicts, and so on). The more you play, the more new strategies you will discover – especially when combining the effects of several cards played in a combination.


  • This is an intense strategy game: make decisions at every round! Plan your moves, then adjust to the actions of the other players and new cards drawn.
  • The design of the playing field and the multiple layers of optional features (that you can turn on or off, as you wish) allow for a variety of strategies. The more you play, the more roads to victory you discover, using a combination of features based on the particular setup of the session.
  • The game offers a diverse resource system that allows for many comeback chances even after you're robbed or arrested (or both). With score, money, votes, malice, income and bribes, the tension often remains until the very last round.
  • The multilayer mode of the game features a system of ratings, ladders and ranked sessions: compete in a specific league, and take part in the regularly organised tournaments with over 1 000 participants. A system of anonymous masks allows everyone to compete on equal terms in a ranked session.
  • Every season since its release in 2016, the game receives FREE content and feature updates (balancing changes, new cards, new in-game items, new music). We are committed to continue developing this product – based on player feedback!
  • Additionally, the game offers over 10 single-player challenges plus the option to create custom single-player sessions with different settings and a different mix of AI bots.
  • Finally, there's the team mode where victory is determined not only by strategic skill, but also by communication and coordination of each team, which is an entirely different layer of game mechanics.


  • 185 cards in the main deck (149 of them – unique): permanent, regular, secret and criminal, each with a hand-drawn steampunk illustration; with each Season update, we keep adding several new cards to the deck.
  • 39 events in the Misfortune deck: these are the special events triggered at certain moments in the game, and may affect the current standing of all players to a significant degree, especially when used on a specific opponent.
  • 6 special Chaos Cards: this is an optional set of cards available to every player in the game; turn them on or off to change the dynamics of the session.
  • 12 sets of Character Abilities: another optional feature that brings to the game special game mechanics unique to each character type; playing with these makes different competing strategies even more pronounced.
  • 11 original locations: the Office, the Plant, the Dump, the Marketplace, the Inferno, the Jail, the Casino, the Court, the Treasure, the Bank and the Astral Plane; and 7 original spot types: Risk, Gamble, Police, Income, Bribe, Misfortune and Tribune.
  • 2 distinctly different playing fields: The Clockwork Town and The Clockwork Colony, each offering strategic challenges of their own.
  • Finally, the game took us three years to develop from concept to full release, and we're still committed to continue supporting the community through development of new content. There are currently over 150 000 players of Gremlins, Inc. on Steam from all over the world, including USA, Russia, China, Japan, UK and France. Collectively, players already launched several millions game sessions!


You think that’s just a pocket watch in your hand, a watch that’s a bit late because you keep forgetting to wind it up? No, no and no – you couldn’t be further from the truth! What you carry around is a whole gremlin town packed into this tiny mechanism: a town with its own bank, its own casino… and even its own jail! Gremlins are the microscopic creatures that inhabit any mechanism that they can possibly infiltrate. If a watch or a telescope malfunctions, then it’s probably due to gremlins who took up a residence there.

More than anything in life, gremlins value money, political power and prestige: prestige that one can claim after completing some sort of a grandiose engineering project. Aside from working on their own projects, gremlins mostly spend their time preventing other gremlins from building something even more grandiose. This they achieve through bribing officials and lying to the electorate, as well through stealing from their competitors - and outright arresting them.


We felt it important to note that Gremlins, Inc. is not a free-to-play game. Also, this is not a CCG or TCG: you do not need to buy boosters or packs; in every session the game offers the same deck to every player, and everyone's chances are equal.


We are committed to the principle of continuously updating the game with new features and new game content that come as regular updates, FREE to every owner of the product. At the same time, from time to time we release DLCs that feature fun cosmetic content. If you like it, you can support our efforts by your purchase. However, there is absolutely no pressure to own any of the DLCs in order to play the game or compete in the tournaments. Every player, whether they have DLCs or not, has access to the same game features and the same game mechanics.


Gremlins, Inc. features in-game items and fully supports Steam Community Market. While playing the game, certain actions will trigger random chest drops with items of varying rarity: it could be a new emoticon, a new profile background, a new music track, or one of the dozens of other cosmetic items. These items are FREE, yours to use or trade on Steam Community Market. We, the developer, do not engage in the direct sales of any drop items; only players can trade them.

The game also supports crafting: once you find a blueprint of a specific item, you can create as many such items as you wish, as long as you have the required number of charges (you get charges when you convert other in-game items that you do not want, or have multiple copies of). Finally, the game has its own Steam Item Store where we sell a very small number of unique items that influence the item meta-game (but they have no effect on the game mechanics).


Gremlins, Inc. was designed as a digital board game with the multiplayer mode at its heart. However, this is not to say that we don't like single-player – we do, and there's a separate section with the single-player challenges as well as the mode where you can create any custom single-player session that you like! One of the products that you receive with this game, Gremlins, Inc., features both single-player and multiplayer modes, and requires that your game client is connected to both Steam and the game's server at all times – in order to support item drops, Steam Community Market and Steam Workshop. The other product that is included with the game, Gremlins vs Automatons, features single-player mode and is designed specifically to be played offline.


The game currently supports 2 separate servers: Amsterdam and Singapore. Players are able to check their ping value for each of these servers, and play on the server that is the most convenient. Each server has its own player ladder, statistics and player profiles. Most players choose Amsterdam, since ping to Amsterdam from anywhere in the world rarely exceeds 300. However, as we saw more and more players from the Asian region join the game, especially from China, we added the server in Singapore in order to be able to offer faster connection specifically to these players. We hope that this works well for every player, as good player experience is our top priority. We will continue to monitor the quality of our server/client connection in order to adapt the servers to the changing requirements and we thank you for your patience.


Gremlins, Inc. has its official Discord server, where several thousand players discuss the game, and our team shares work in progress. Use this link to join!


When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with item drops and Steam Workshop mods; and Gremlins vs Automatons – playable offline in single-player mode.


This is an intense strategy board game in a steampunk world of corrupt capitalist gremlins who compete for money, political power and prestige. Save and invest, steal and extort, arrest and get arrested – in single-player and multiplayer, with ranks and ladders, team mode and spectator mode. Featuring seasonal content updates, regular tournaments, item drops, full support of Steam Community Market – and more!


Gremlins, Inc. is designed for up to 6 players, in multiplayer or in single-player mode (with AI bots). Each player has 6 cards on their hand (replenished from the same deck) and uses them either to move around the playing field or to perform different game actions. There is a lot of interaction with other players, and duels are significantly different from 3-player or 4-player games. You can play until a certain score limit, or until agreed number of rounds, or for time limit. The game offers both custom and ranked sessions (with matchmaking by rating).


Yes, you can! In addition to custom sessions (where you define the parameters of the session and may optionally set filters for those who can join you) and password-protected private sessions (so that you and your friends can play undisturbed), the game offers team mode (2x2, 3x3, or 2x2x2) with teams of human players and/or AI bots. Gremlins, Inc. also supports a built-in spectator mode, which allows you to watch sessions of other players right from inside of the game, sharing your emotions with players and other spectators through messages and emoticons.


Certainly! When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – the edition that is playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with full support of item drops and Steam Workshop; and Gremlins vs Automatons – the edition that is playable offline in single-player mode, without any connection to our server whatsoever.


The game offers different session settings to make them fit your available time, and single-player mode offers automatic SAVE / LOAD function at every turn so that you can take a break whenever you want (while multiplayer mode offers re-connect functionality as long as the session is still in progress). A quick duel for 20 score points with a fast timer can finish in under 20 minutes, while a 4-player session for 60 rounds can last for 2 hours or more.


There are different types of cards in the game (permanent, regular, secret and criminal) and as each card can be used either to move or for action, you will develop both short-term and long-term strategies for making the most out of where you are, and what you currently have in your hand. Normally, you spend half of your game time accumulating resources and building the foundation for the end-game, and the other half trying to control the progress of your opponents (stealing, arresting, initiating player conflicts, and so on). The more you play, the more new strategies you will discover – especially when combining the effects of several cards played in a combination.


  • This is an intense strategy game: make decisions at every round! Plan your moves, then adjust to the actions of the other players and new cards drawn.
  • The design of the playing field and the multiple layers of optional features (that you can turn on or off, as you wish) allow for a variety of strategies. The more you play, the more roads to victory you discover, using a combination of features based on the particular setup of the session.
  • The game offers a diverse resource system that allows for many comeback chances even after you're robbed or arrested (or both). With score, money, votes, malice, income and bribes, the tension often remains until the very last round.
  • The multilayer mode of the game features a system of ratings, ladders and ranked sessions: compete in a specific league, and take part in the regularly organised tournaments with over 1 000 participants. A system of anonymous masks allows everyone to compete on equal terms in a ranked session.
  • Every season since its release in 2016, the game receives FREE content and feature updates (balancing changes, new cards, new in-game items, new music). We are committed to continue developing this product – based on player feedback!
  • Additionally, the game offers over 10 single-player challenges plus the option to create custom single-player sessions with different settings and a different mix of AI bots.
  • Finally, there's the team mode where victory is determined not only by strategic skill, but also by communication and coordination of each team, which is an entirely different layer of game mechanics.


  • 185 cards in the main deck (149 of them – unique): permanent, regular, secret and criminal, each with a hand-drawn steampunk illustration; with each Season update, we keep adding several new cards to the deck.
  • 39 events in the Misfortune deck: these are the special events triggered at certain moments in the game, and may affect the current standing of all players to a significant degree, especially when used on a specific opponent.
  • 6 special Chaos Cards: this is an optional set of cards available to every player in the game; turn them on or off to change the dynamics of the session.
  • 12 sets of Character Abilities: another optional feature that brings to the game special game mechanics unique to each character type; playing with these makes different competing strategies even more pronounced.
  • 11 original locations: the Office, the Plant, the Dump, the Marketplace, the Inferno, the Jail, the Casino, the Court, the Treasure, the Bank and the Astral Plane; and 7 original spot types: Risk, Gamble, Police, Income, Bribe, Misfortune and Tribune.
  • 2 distinctly different playing fields: The Clockwork Town and The Clockwork Colony, each offering strategic challenges of their own.
  • Finally, the game took us three years to develop from concept to full release, and we're still committed to continue supporting the community through development of new content. There are currently over 150 000 players of Gremlins, Inc. on Steam from all over the world, including USA, Russia, China, Japan, UK and France. Collectively, players already launched several millions game sessions!


You think that’s just a pocket watch in your hand, a watch that’s a bit late because you keep forgetting to wind it up? No, no and no – you couldn’t be further from the truth! What you carry around is a whole gremlin town packed into this tiny mechanism: a town with its own bank, its own casino… and even its own jail! Gremlins are the microscopic creatures that inhabit any mechanism that they can possibly infiltrate. If a watch or a telescope malfunctions, then it’s probably due to gremlins who took up a residence there.

More than anything in life, gremlins value money, political power and prestige: prestige that one can claim after completing some sort of a grandiose engineering project. Aside from working on their own projects, gremlins mostly spend their time preventing other gremlins from building something even more grandiose. This they achieve through bribing officials and lying to the electorate, as well through stealing from their competitors - and outright arresting them.


We felt it important to note that Gremlins, Inc. is not a free-to-play game. Also, this is not a CCG or TCG: you do not need to buy boosters or packs; in every session the game offers the same deck to every player, and everyone's chances are equal.


We are committed to the principle of continuously updating the game with new features and new game content that come as regular updates, FREE to every owner of the product. At the same time, from time to time we release DLCs that feature fun cosmetic content. If you like it, you can support our efforts by your purchase. However, there is absolutely no pressure to own any of the DLCs in order to play the game or compete in the tournaments. Every player, whether they have DLCs or not, has access to the same game features and the same game mechanics.


Gremlins, Inc. features in-game items and fully supports Steam Community Market. While playing the game, certain actions will trigger random chest drops with items of varying rarity: it could be a new emoticon, a new profile background, a new music track, or one of the dozens of other cosmetic items. These items are FREE, yours to use or trade on Steam Community Market. We, the developer, do not engage in the direct sales of any drop items; only players can trade them.

The game also supports crafting: once you find a blueprint of a specific item, you can create as many such items as you wish, as long as you have the required number of charges (you get charges when you convert other in-game items that you do not want, or have multiple copies of). Finally, the game has its own Steam Item Store where we sell a very small number of unique items that influence the item meta-game (but they have no effect on the game mechanics).


Gremlins, Inc. was designed as a digital board game with the multiplayer mode at its heart. However, this is not to say that we don't like single-player – we do, and there's a separate section with the single-player challenges as well as the mode where you can create any custom single-player session that you like! One of the products that you receive with this game, Gremlins, Inc., features both single-player and multiplayer modes, and requires that your game client is connected to both Steam and the game's server at all times – in order to support item drops, Steam Community Market and Steam Workshop. The other product that is included with the game, Gremlins vs Automatons, features single-player mode and is designed specifically to be played offline.


The game currently supports 2 separate servers: Amsterdam and Singapore. Players are able to check their ping value for each of these servers, and play on the server that is the most convenient. Each server has its own player ladder, statistics and player profiles. Most players choose Amsterdam, since ping to Amsterdam from anywhere in the world rarely exceeds 300. However, as we saw more and more players from the Asian region join the game, especially from China, we added the server in Singapore in order to be able to offer faster connection specifically to these players. We hope that this works well for every player, as good player experience is our top priority. We will continue to monitor the quality of our server/client connection in order to adapt the servers to the changing requirements and we thank you for your patience.


Gremlins, Inc. has its official Discord server, where several thousand players discuss the game, and our team shares work in progress. Use this link to join!


When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with item drops and Steam Workshop mods; and Gremlins vs Automatons – playable offline in single-player mode.


This is an intense strategy board game in a steampunk world of corrupt capitalist gremlins who compete for money, political power and prestige. Save and invest, steal and extort, arrest and get arrested – in single-player and multiplayer, with ranks and ladders, team mode and spectator mode. Featuring seasonal content updates, regular tournaments, item drops, full support of Steam Community Market – and more!


Gremlins, Inc. is designed for up to 6 players, in multiplayer or in single-player mode (with AI bots). Each player has 6 cards on their hand (replenished from the same deck) and uses them either to move around the playing field or to perform different game actions. There is a lot of interaction with other players, and duels are significantly different from 3-player or 4-player games. You can play until a certain score limit, or until agreed number of rounds, or for time limit. The game offers both custom and ranked sessions (with matchmaking by rating).


Yes, you can! In addition to custom sessions (where you define the parameters of the session and may optionally set filters for those who can join you) and password-protected private sessions (so that you and your friends can play undisturbed), the game offers team mode (2x2, 3x3, or 2x2x2) with teams of human players and/or AI bots. Gremlins, Inc. also supports a built-in spectator mode, which allows you to watch sessions of other players right from inside of the game, sharing your emotions with players and other spectators through messages and emoticons.


Certainly! When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – the edition that is playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with full support of item drops and Steam Workshop; and Gremlins vs Automatons – the edition that is playable offline in single-player mode, without any connection to our server whatsoever.


The game offers different session settings to make them fit your available time, and single-player mode offers automatic SAVE / LOAD function at every turn so that you can take a break whenever you want (while multiplayer mode offers re-connect functionality as long as the session is still in progress). A quick duel for 20 score points with a fast timer can finish in under 20 minutes, while a 4-player session for 60 rounds can last for 2 hours or more.


There are different types of cards in the game (permanent, regular, secret and criminal) and as each card can be used either to move or for action, you will develop both short-term and long-term strategies for making the most out of where you are, and what you currently have in your hand. Normally, you spend half of your game time accumulating resources and building the foundation for the end-game, and the other half trying to control the progress of your opponents (stealing, arresting, initiating player conflicts, and so on). The more you play, the more new strategies you will discover – especially when combining the effects of several cards played in a combination.


  • This is an intense strategy game: make decisions at every round! Plan your moves, then adjust to the actions of the other players and new cards drawn.
  • The design of the playing field and the multiple layers of optional features (that you can turn on or off, as you wish) allow for a variety of strategies. The more you play, the more roads to victory you discover, using a combination of features based on the particular setup of the session.
  • The game offers a diverse resource system that allows for many comeback chances even after you're robbed or arrested (or both). With score, money, votes, malice, income and bribes, the tension often remains until the very last round.
  • The multilayer mode of the game features a system of ratings, ladders and ranked sessions: compete in a specific league, and take part in the regularly organised tournaments with over 1 000 participants. A system of anonymous masks allows everyone to compete on equal terms in a ranked session.
  • Every season since its release in 2016, the game receives FREE content and feature updates (balancing changes, new cards, new in-game items, new music). We are committed to continue developing this product – based on player feedback!
  • Additionally, the game offers over 10 single-player challenges plus the option to create custom single-player sessions with different settings and a different mix of AI bots.
  • Finally, there's the team mode where victory is determined not only by strategic skill, but also by communication and coordination of each team, which is an entirely different layer of game mechanics.


  • 185 cards in the main deck (149 of them – unique): permanent, regular, secret and criminal, each with a hand-drawn steampunk illustration; with each Season update, we keep adding several new cards to the deck.
  • 39 events in the Misfortune deck: these are the special events triggered at certain moments in the game, and may affect the current standing of all players to a significant degree, especially when used on a specific opponent.
  • 6 special Chaos Cards: this is an optional set of cards available to every player in the game; turn them on or off to change the dynamics of the session.
  • 12 sets of Character Abilities: another optional feature that brings to the game special game mechanics unique to each character type; playing with these makes different competing strategies even more pronounced.
  • 11 original locations: the Office, the Plant, the Dump, the Marketplace, the Inferno, the Jail, the Casino, the Court, the Treasure, the Bank and the Astral Plane; and 7 original spot types: Risk, Gamble, Police, Income, Bribe, Misfortune and Tribune.
  • 2 distinctly different playing fields: The Clockwork Town and The Clockwork Colony, each offering strategic challenges of their own.
  • Finally, the game took us three years to develop from concept to full release, and we're still committed to continue supporting the community through development of new content. There are currently over 150 000 players of Gremlins, Inc. on Steam from all over the world, including USA, Russia, China, Japan, UK and France. Collectively, players already launched several millions game sessions!


You think that’s just a pocket watch in your hand, a watch that’s a bit late because you keep forgetting to wind it up? No, no and no – you couldn’t be further from the truth! What you carry around is a whole gremlin town packed into this tiny mechanism: a town with its own bank, its own casino… and even its own jail! Gremlins are the microscopic creatures that inhabit any mechanism that they can possibly infiltrate. If a watch or a telescope malfunctions, then it’s probably due to gremlins who took up a residence there.

More than anything in life, gremlins value money, political power and prestige: prestige that one can claim after completing some sort of a grandiose engineering project. Aside from working on their own projects, gremlins mostly spend their time preventing other gremlins from building something even more grandiose. This they achieve through bribing officials and lying to the electorate, as well through stealing from their competitors - and outright arresting them.


We felt it important to note that Gremlins, Inc. is not a free-to-play game. Also, this is not a CCG or TCG: you do not need to buy boosters or packs; in every session the game offers the same deck to every player, and everyone's chances are equal.


We are committed to the principle of continuously updating the game with new features and new game content that come as regular updates, FREE to every owner of the product. At the same time, from time to time we release DLCs that feature fun cosmetic content. If you like it, you can support our efforts by your purchase. However, there is absolutely no pressure to own any of the DLCs in order to play the game or compete in the tournaments. Every player, whether they have DLCs or not, has access to the same game features and the same game mechanics.


Gremlins, Inc. features in-game items and fully supports Steam Community Market. While playing the game, certain actions will trigger random chest drops with items of varying rarity: it could be a new emoticon, a new profile background, a new music track, or one of the dozens of other cosmetic items. These items are FREE, yours to use or trade on Steam Community Market. We, the developer, do not engage in the direct sales of any drop items; only players can trade them.

The game also supports crafting: once you find a blueprint of a specific item, you can create as many such items as you wish, as long as you have the required number of charges (you get charges when you convert other in-game items that you do not want, or have multiple copies of). Finally, the game has its own Steam Item Store where we sell a very small number of unique items that influence the item meta-game (but they have no effect on the game mechanics).


Gremlins, Inc. was designed as a digital board game with the multiplayer mode at its heart. However, this is not to say that we don't like single-player – we do, and there's a separate section with the single-player challenges as well as the mode where you can create any custom single-player session that you like! One of the products that you receive with this game, Gremlins, Inc., features both single-player and multiplayer modes, and requires that your game client is connected to both Steam and the game's server at all times – in order to support item drops, Steam Community Market and Steam Workshop. The other product that is included with the game, Gremlins vs Automatons, features single-player mode and is designed specifically to be played offline.


The game currently supports 2 separate servers: Amsterdam and Singapore. Players are able to check their ping value for each of these servers, and play on the server that is the most convenient. Each server has its own player ladder, statistics and player profiles. Most players choose Amsterdam, since ping to Amsterdam from anywhere in the world rarely exceeds 300. However, as we saw more and more players from the Asian region join the game, especially from China, we added the server in Singapore in order to be able to offer faster connection specifically to these players. We hope that this works well for every player, as good player experience is our top priority. We will continue to monitor the quality of our server/client connection in order to adapt the servers to the changing requirements and we thank you for your patience.


Gremlins, Inc. has its official Discord server, where several thousand players discuss the game, and our team shares work in progress. Use this link to join!


When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with item drops and Steam Workshop mods; and Gremlins vs Automatons – playable offline in single-player mode.

Oyun Açıklaması

This is an intense strategy board game in a steampunk world of corrupt capitalist gremlins who compete for money, political power and prestige. Save and invest, steal and extort, arrest and get arrested – in single-player and multiplayer, with ranks and ladders, team mode and spectator mode. Featuring seasonal content updates, regular tournaments, item drops, full support of Steam Community Market – and more!


Gremlins, Inc. is designed for up to 6 players, in multiplayer or in single-player mode (with AI bots). Each player has 6 cards on their hand (replenished from the same deck) and uses them either to move around the playing field or to perform different game actions. There is a lot of interaction with other players, and duels are significantly different from 3-player or 4-player games. You can play until a certain score limit, or until agreed number of rounds, or for time limit. The game offers both custom and ranked sessions (with matchmaking by rating).


Yes, you can! In addition to custom sessions (where you define the parameters of the session and may optionally set filters for those who can join you) and password-protected private sessions (so that you and your friends can play undisturbed), the game offers team mode (2x2, 3x3, or 2x2x2) with teams of human players and/or AI bots. Gremlins, Inc. also supports a built-in spectator mode, which allows you to watch sessions of other players right from inside of the game, sharing your emotions with players and other spectators through messages and emoticons.


Certainly! When you buy this game, you get 2 products in your Steam Library: Gremlins, Inc. – the edition that is playable online in single-player and multiplayer modes, with full support of item drops and Steam Workshop; and Gremlins vs Automatons – the edition that is playable offline in single-player mode, without any connection to our server whatsoever.


The game offers different session settings to make them fit your available time, and single-player mode offers automatic SAVE / LOAD function at every turn so that you can take a break whenever you want (while multiplayer mode offers re-connect functionality as long as the session is still in progress). A quick duel for 20 score points with a fast timer can finish in under 20 minutes, while a 4-player session for 60 rounds can last for 2 hours or more.


There are different types of cards in the game (permanent, regular, secret and criminal) and as each card can be used either to move or for action, you will develop both short-term and long-term strategies for making the most out of where you are, and what you currently have in your hand. Normally, you spend half of your game time accumulating resources and building the foundation for the end-game, and the other half trying to control the progress of your opponents (stealing, arresting, initiating player conflicts, and so on). The more you play, the more new strategies you will discover – especially when combining the effects of several cards played in a combination.


  • This is an intense strategy game: make decisions at every round! Plan your moves, then adjust to the actions of the other players and new cards drawn.
  • The design of the playing field and the multiple layers of optional features (that you can turn on or off, as you wish) allow for a variety of strategies. The more you play, the more roads to victory you discover, using a combination of features based on the particular setup of the session.
  • The game offers a diverse resource system that allows for many comeback chances even after you're robbed or arrested (or both). With score, money, votes, malice, income and bribes, the tension often remains until the very last round.
  • The multilayer mode of the game features a system of ratings, ladders and ranked sessions: compete in a specific league, and take part in the regularly organised tournaments with over 1 000 participants. A system of anonymous masks allows everyone to compete on equal terms in a ranked session.
  • Every season since its release in 2016, the game receives FREE content and feature updates (balancing changes, new cards, new in-game items, new music). We are committed to continue developing this product – based on player feedback!
  • Additionally, the game offers over 10 single-player challenges plus the option to create custom single-player sessions with different settings and a different mix of AI bots.
  • Finally, there's the team mode where victory is determined not only by strategic skill, but also by communication and coordination of each team, which is an entirely different layer of game mechanics.


  • 185 cards in the main deck (149 of them – unique): permanent, regular, secret and criminal, each with a hand-drawn steampunk illustration; with each Season update, we keep adding several new cards to the deck.
  • 39 events in the Misfortune deck: these are the special events triggered at certain moments in the game, and may affect the current standing of all players to a significant degree, especially when used on a specific opponent.
  • 6 special Chaos Cards: this is an optional set of cards available to every player in the game; turn them on or off to change the dynamics of the session.
  • 12 sets of Character Abilities: another optional feature that brings to the game special game mechanics unique to each character type; playing with these makes different competing strategies even more pronounced.
  • 11 original locations: the Office, the Plant, the Dump, the Marketplace, the Inferno, the Jail, the Casino, the Court, the Treasure, the Bank and the Astral Plane; and 7 original spot types: Risk, Gamble, Police, Income, Bribe, Misfortune and Tribune.
  • 2 distinctly different playing fields: The Clockwork Town and The Clockwork Colony, each offering strategic challenges of their own.
  • Finally, the game took us three years to develop from concept to full release, and we're still committed to continue supporting the community through development of new content. There are currently over 150 000 players of Gremlins, Inc. on Steam from all over the world, including USA, Russia, China, Japan, UK and France. Collectively, players already launched several millions game sessions!


You think that’s just a pocket watch in your hand, a watch that’s a bit late because you keep forgetting to wind it up? No, no and no – you couldn’t be further from the truth! What you carry around is a whole gremlin town packed into this tiny mechanism: a town with its own bank, its own casino… and even its own jail! Gremlins are the microscopic creatures that inhabit any mechanism that they can possibly infiltrate. If a watch or a telescope malfunctions, then it’s probably due to gremlins who took up a residence there.

More than anything in life, gremlins value money, political power and prestige: prestige that one can claim after completing some sort of a grandiose engineering project. Aside from working on their own projects, gremlins mostly spend their time preventing other gremlins from building something even more grandiose. This they achieve through bribing officials and lying to the electorate, as well through stealing from their competitors - and outright arresting them.


We felt it important to note that Gremlins, Inc. is not a free-to-play game. Also, this is not a CCG or TCG: you do not need to buy boosters or packs; in every session the game offers the same deck to every player, and everyone's chances are equal.


We are committed to the principle of continuously updating the game with new features and new game content that come as regular updates, FREE to every owner of the product. At the same time, from time to time we release DLCs that feature fun cosmetic content. If you like it, you can support our efforts by your purchase. However, there is absolutely no pressure to own any of the DLCs in order to play the game or compete in the tournaments. Every player, whether they have DLCs or not, has access to the same game features and the same game mechanics.


Gremlins, Inc. features in-game items and fully supports Steam Community Market. While playing the game, certain actions will trigger random chest drops with items of varying rarity: it could be a new emoticon, a new profile background, a new music track, or one of the dozens of other cosmetic items. These items are FREE, yours to use or trade on Steam Community Market. We, the developer, do not engage in the direct sales of any drop items; only players can trade them.

The game also supports crafting: once you find a blueprint of a specific item, you can create as many such items as you wish, as long as you have the required number of charges (you get charges when you convert other in-game items that you do not want, or have multiple copies of). Finally, the game has its own Steam Item Store where we sell a very small number of unique items that influence the item meta-game (but they have no effect on the game mechanics).


Gremlins, Inc. was designed as a digital board game with the multiplayer mode at its heart. However, this is not to say that we don't like single-player – we do, and there's a separate section with the single-player challenges as well as the mode where you can create any custom single-player session that you like! One of the products that you receive with this game, Gremlins, Inc., features both single-player and multiplayer modes, and requires that your game client is connected to both Steam and the game's server at all times – in order to support item drops, Steam Community Market and Steam Workshop. The other product that is included with the game, Gremlins vs Automatons, features single-player mode and is designed specifically to be played offline.


The game currently supports 2 separate servers: Amsterdam and Singapore. Players are able to check their ping value for each of these servers, and play on the server that is the most convenient. Each server has its own player ladder, statistics and player profiles. Most players choose Amsterdam, since ping to Amsterdam from anywhere in the world rarely exceeds 300. However, as we saw more and more players from the Asian region join the game, especially from China, we added the server in Singapore in order to be able to offer faster connection specifically to these players. We hope that this works well for every player, as good player experience is our top priority. We will continue to monitor the quality of our server/client connection in order to adapt the servers to the changing requirements and we thank you for your patience.


Gremlins, Inc. має офіційний сервер Discord, на якому сотні гравців обговорюють гру, а наша команда ділиться робочими матеріалами з процесу розробки! Зайти на сервер можна через це посилання.

Купуючи цю гру, Ви отримуєте одразу 2 продукти

Коли Ви купуєте цю гру, до Вашої бібліотеки Steam додаються одразу 2 продукти: Gremlins, Inc. – версія гри, яка надає Вам можливість грати в одиночному і мережевому режимах, підтримує ігрові предмети та моди з Майстерні Steam, і потребує постійного підключення до сервера; та Gremlins vs Automatons – версія гри, яка дає змогу грати в одиночному режимі без будь-якого підключення до сервера.

Про гру

Дія цієї стратегічної настільної гри відбувається у стімпанківському місті-механізмі. Пориньте у мікроскопічний світ великих хабарів та величезних амбіцій, де гремліни змагаються за владу, престиж та багатство! Одиночний і мережевий режими. Командна гра та режим глядача. Регулярні турніри і рейтингові ігри зі своїми правилами та розподілом гравців по лігах (з призами). Сезонні оновлення з новими картами. А також предмети, які можна здобути під час гри, і повна підтримка Торговельного майданчика Steam (Community Market)!


У матчах Gremlins, Inc. беруть участь до 6 гравців. Грати можна як у мережевому режимі, так і в одиночному (і тоді проти Вас грає штучний ідіот інтелект). Усі гравці мають по 6 карт, які беруть із загальної колоди. Карти використовуються і для пересування ігровим полем, і для активних ігрових дій (арешт суперника, телепортація, отримання ресурсів тощо).

Грати можна до певної кількості очок або до заздалегідь встановленої кількості ігрових раундів, також можна грати на час. Ігрові механіки побудовані на взаємодії з іншими гравцями, і тому режим дуелі (один на один) за динамікою та характером гри істотно відрізняється від матчів з трьома або чотирма учасниками.

Матчі бувають як звичайні (створені гравцями за власним розсудом), так і рейтингові, з автоматичним підбиранням суперників та масками анонімності на час матчу. Рейтингові матчі впливають на Ваше положення у рейтинговій та турнірній таблицях. Також доступні матчі на запрошення, вони призначені для гри з друзями і захищені паролем.


Так, у Gremlins, Inc. можна грати командами – двоє проти двох, троє проти трьох, або трьома незалежними командами по два гравці в кожній. Гра також підтримує режим глядача, який дозволяє Вам приєднатися з мережевого лобі до будь-якого поточного матчу (за винятком закритих матчів на запрошення) і не тільки спостерігати гру, але і підтримувати учасників емотіконами або повідомленнями.


Так, звісно! Коли Ви купуєте цю гру, до Вашої бібліотеки Steam додаються одразу 2 продукти: Gremlins, Inc. – версія гри, яка надає Вам можливість грати в одиночному і мережевому режимах, підтримує ігрові предмети та моди з Майстерні Steam, і потребує постійного підключення до сервера; та Gremlins vs Automatons – версія гри, яка дає змогу грати в одиночному режимі без будь-якого підключення до сервера.


Швидка дуель до 20 очок з картами Хаосу може закінчитися вже за 20 хвилин, а от матч із чотирма гравцями до 60 раундів може тривати дві години, а то і довше. Гра дозволяє створювати матчі з різними параметрами, щоб кожен міг обрати для себе потрібний варіант – залежно від того, скільки він має вільного часу.

В одиночному режимі гри діє функція автозбереження, яка записує матч наприкінці кожного ходу, то ж Ви у будь-який час можете зробити перерву. У мережевому режимі можна виходити з матчу і знов повертатися впродовж всього часу, поки матч не буде завершено (на час відсутності гравців їх заміщають боти, а після повернення до матчу гравець знову перехоплює контроль).


У грі є декілька типів карт (звичайні карти, карти постійної дії, таємні карти і кримінальні карти). Кожна карта може бути використана як для пересування ігровим полем, так і для ігрової дії, тому Вам належить розробити і коригувати під час гри стратегію, засновану на тому, в якій частині ігрового поля Ви знаходитесь і які у Вас є карти.
Зазвичай одну половину ігрового часу гравець заробляє ресурси, а другу витрачає на створення проблем для інших гравців (арешти, штрафи, конфлікти, крадіжка ресурсів та інші приємні дрібнички). Чим більше Ви будете грати, тим більше різних стратегій Ви відкриєте для себе – особливо таких, що пов'язані з комбінаціями декількох карт поспіль!


  • 179 карт з великими картинками, дивними значками і безглуздими назвами. Вони зібрані в загальну купу з гучною назвою "колода", з якої беруть карти всі гравці (до речі, з кожним великим безкоштовним оновленням ми додаємо у гру кілька нових карт).
  • 38 халеп. Хоч нам і неприємно про це говорити, але вскочити в халепу досить таки неприємно. Зате коли туди потрапляє опонент, на нашій вулиці свято!
  • 6 карт Хаосу. Навіщо вони потрібні? Щоб вносити Хаос у гру, певна річ! Хоча з цим твердженням і не всі згодні, але коли мова йде про Хаос, єдності думок бути не може.
  • 12 різних персонажів. Вибір персонажа визначає стратегію всього матчу: вони озброєні своїми спеціальними здібностями і багато на що здатні!
  • 11 локацій. Можна назвати їх "будівлями". Або "будиночками"... але краще заздалегідь упевнитися, що мешканці "будиночка" при цьому Вас не почують. Будинки потрібні, щоб в них заходити. Що робити всередині – залежить від того, куди Ви зайшли і що у Вас на думці.
  • 7 типів ігрових клітинок (при цьому вони всі круглі... круглі клітинки – оригінально, правда ж?). По клітинках ми переходимо з локації до локації. Дорогою з нами трапляються різні... випадки. Які саме – залежить від типів клітинок.
  • Більше 10 випробувань одиночного режиму гри, створених для випробування Ваших нервів (а коли нервів бракуватиме, завжди можна налаштувати одиночну гру на свій смак, з будь-якою метою і будь-якими умовами).
  • Змагальна система з регулярними турнірами (на призи!), в яких беруть участь до 1000 гравців, а також рейтинговою таблицею з 8 різними лігами, і роздаванням слонів призів наприкінці кожного сезону!
  • Три роки розробки гри (в тому числі п'ять місяців страждань задоволення в режимі "раннього доступу"), і на цьому історія ще не закінчилася: ми і донині працюємо над грою, випускаємо регулярні сезонні оновлення. На сьогодні в проект грають люди з більш ніж 100 країн по всьому світі, включаючи Росію, Україну, США, Китай, Японію, Францію та Великобританію. Кількість гравців Gremlins, Inc. вже перейшла за 120 000, і лише за останні три місяці у грі було запущено понад мільйон одиночних та мережевих матчів.


Гремліни – мікроскопічні істоти, які живуть усередині механізмів. Якщо якийсь пристрій не працює як слід – швидше за все, винні саме вони. Що ще можна сказати про гремлінів? Вони безстатеві і безсмертні, і понад усе цінують становище у суспільстві. А престиж можна заробити виключно важкою працею. Наприклад, працею робітників вашого заводу, які створюють Величний і Неймовірно Важливий Агрегат. Водночас, звичайно, потрібно стежити, щоб конкуренти не створили щось іще більш величне на своїх заводах. У цьому вам допоможуть корумповані чиновники, брехливі піарники, продажні жандарми та інші не менш корисні представники гремлінської спільноти. Приміряйте на себе роль гремліна-капіталіста, що будь-якими засобами бореться за владу і престиж!


Ми залишаємося відданими принципу, згідно з яким усі нові ігрові можливості (наприклад, спец. здібності персонажів), а також новий функціональний контент (наприклад, нові карти, нові одиночні випробування та нові Халепи) додаються в проект у вигляді регулярних оновлень, доступних всім власникам нашої гри БЕЗКОШТОВНО. Час від часу ми випускаємо додаткові "витребеньки", які не впливають на ігровий процес, у вигляді DLC (нова музика, нові емоції, нові портрети персонажів тощо). Якщо ця ідея вам подобається, ви можете її підтримати своєю гривнею (або доларом, або рублем). Однак купівля DLC не є необхідністю, і навіть без DLC ви зможете брати участь у всіх матчах та ігрових турнірах абсолютно нарівні з будь-якими іншими гравцями.


Подеколи впродовж гри у Gremlins, Inc. Ви будете отримувати скрині, які містять ігрові предмети (наприклад, нову музичну композицію, новий тип профілю гравця, спеціальну анімацію Вашої ігрової фішки тощо). Ці скрині БЕЗКОШТОВНІ, і щоб їх відкрити, не потрібні жодні ключі, а предмети, які вони містять, Ви завжди можете продати або обміняти через Торговельний майданчик Steam, який проект підтримує у повному обсязі. Ми, як розробники гри, таких предметів ніде не продаємо, тому їх ціну визначають виключно ті гравці, які купують і продають ці предмети на Торговельному майданчику.

Гра також підтримує можливість створювати предмети (crafting): якщо Ви дістанете креслення якогось предмета, то завжди зможете його побудувати, витративши на це необхідну кількість зарядів (а заряди одержите, розібравши на запчастини інші, не потрібні Вам предмети). Нарешті, незабаром (наприкінці 2016 р.) у гри з'явиться і свій власний Магазин предметів, у якому ми плануємо запропонувати дуже обмежену кількість унікальних предметів, які будуть опосередковано впливати на ймовірності отримання скринь у матчах різних типів.


Спочатку ми розробляли Gremlins, Inc. як цифрову настільну гру, розраховану саме на мережевий режим, але згодом розробили і додали до проекту повноцінний одиночний режим, що складається з одиночних випробувань, а також дає можливість користувачу створювати будь-які одиночні матчі. Одна з версій гри, яку Ви отримуєте – це Gremlins, Inc., яка містить і одиночний, і мережевий режими, та потребує постійного підключення до сервера, щоб підтримувати ігрові предмети, а також Торговельний майданчик і Майстерню Steam. Друга версія гри – це Gremlins vs Automatons, яка містить тільки одиночний режим і розроблена нами спеціально для того, щоб у неї можна було грати без будь-якого підключення до сервера.


На цей час у грі доступні два сервера, один з них розташований в Амстердамі, другий у Сінгапурі. Гравці легко можуть перевірити свій пінг до кожного сервера і обрати для гри більш зручний. Кожен сервер має власну глобальну таблицю лідерів, статистику та профілі гравців. Більшість гравців віддають перевагу серверу в Амстердамі, тому що пінг до нього здебільшого не перевищує 300ms. Але зважаючи на те, що у грі з'являється дедалі більше гравців з азіатського регіону, а надто з Китаю, ми запустили сервер в Сінгапурі, який забезпечує більш якісне з'єднання для гравців з цього регіону. Ми сподіваємось, що за таких умов будь-який гравець зможе обрати для себе кращий варіант, тому що забезпечення позитивного ігрового досвіду – це наш найвищий пріоритет. Ми будемо стежити за якістю з'єднання наших серверів/клієнта, щоб у разі потреби адаптувати сервери відповідно до зміни умов та/або вимог до них.

System Requirements


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