Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship

Release Date: 21/08/2014 | WORLDWIDE
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6.49 € + VAT


Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

STCE é uma versão amplamente readaptada do jogo original, Guacamelee!. Divirta-se explorando dois imensos níveis novinhos, detonando no poderoso modo "Muy Macho" e lançando bombas de ovos em sua encarnação como galinha. Você vai precisar de cada restinho de poder para mandar de volta ao outro mundo uma nova classe maléfica de inimigos de Elite, enfrentar vários desafios atualizados e reequiilbrados nos modos Normal e Difícil e ainda encarar um novo e ardiloso "jefe": El Trio de la Muerte.

Em agradecimento aos nossos fãs, temos um generoso desconto no preço de STCE para quem já possui o Guacamelee! Gold Edition original no Steam! Adoramos revisitar o jogo e recheá-lo com os truques e manhas e novidades que sempre quisemos, e esperamos que você também se divirta nesse retorno.

Sobre o jogo

O Guacamelee! É um jogo de plataforma de ação do estilo do Metroidvania que se passa em um mundo mágico de tema mexicano.

O Guacamelee! vai ainda além do estilo de jogos clássicos de mundo aberto do Metroidvania ao adicionar um componente robusto de combate corpo a corpo, uma nova mecânica de troca de dimensões e uma tela compartilhada de cooperativo para o multijogador durante toda a jogo. O Guacamelee! original foi amplamente aclamado pela crítica, tendo sido um dos finalistas tanto para o IndieCade quanto para o prêmio de Excelência em Artes Visuais do Independent Games Festival.

Recursos principais

  • Ação e luta sem parar: Uma extensa lista de golpes, incluindo o 'Muy Macho' e o Uppercut do Galo
  • Plataformas multidimensionais. Alterne entre os mundos dos Vivos e dos Mortos
  • Golpes de combate que se multiplicam em movimento
  • Um mundo diversificado com direito a cidades animadas, florestas sombrias e vulcões ferozes
  • Cooperação local para 2 com gestão de jogadores
  • Múltiplos personagens chefões, inimigos e uma nova classe de inimigos de elite
  • Trajes vibrantes que mudam a aparência e os atributos do jogador
  • Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

    Guacamelee! STCE is an enhanced version of Guacamelee! Gold Edition that adds in two huge new levels, an explosive new ‘Intenso’ power mode, 4-player local co-op support and more. You’ll need to use every bit of your skill and power to defeat STCE’s new challenges (including a scheming new boss- El Trio de la Muerte), in addition to everything the original game's sprawling world has to throw at you.

    Относно играта

    Carlos Calaca has kidnapped El Presidente's Daughter, and he plans to sacrifice her in order to merge the World of the Living with the World of the Dead.

    Juan Aguacate, an agave farmer who stumbles upon a Legendary Luchador mask, must find the strength and courage to become the Hero he's always dreamed of being and put a stop to this.

    Guacamelee! is a Metroidvania-style action-platformer set in a magical world inspired by traditional Mexican culture and folklore. The game features melee combat, parallel dimensions and same-screen co-op. The original Guacamelee! received wide critical acclaim and was a finalist for both IndieCade and the Independent Games Festival's Excellence in Visual Art award.

    Key Features

    • Non-Stop Fighting Action. An extensive move list, advanced combo engine, and anti-gravity grabs
    • Multi-dimensional Platforming. Instantly swap between the Worlds of Living and Dead to traverse impossible terrain
    • Combat moves double as movement, uniting platforming and fighting in a way never seen before
    • Diverse, detailed world containing lively towns, dark forests, flowery canals and fiery volcanoes
    • Drop in/out 4-Player local co-operative play, featuring independent dimension swapping
    • Multiple boss characters (each with unique back stories), wide range of foes, and elite-class enemies
    • Spectacular player abilities: The Rooster Uppercut, Frog Slam, and “Intenso” turbo-combat mode
    • Create new custom costumes and share these with others via Steam Workshop
    • Steam leaderboards, achievements and trading cards, support for multiple save slots, persistent cross-save-game costume unlocks
    • Chickens. Lots and lots of chickens.

    Please note that the ‘Super Turbo Championship Edition’ of Guacamelee! is an updated version of the previously-released Guacamelee! Gold Edition

    Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

    Guacamelee! STCE is an enhanced version of Guacamelee! Gold Edition that adds in two huge new levels, an explosive new ‘Intenso’ power mode, 4-player local co-op support and more. You’ll need to use every bit of your skill and power to defeat STCE’s new challenges (including a scheming new boss- El Trio de la Muerte), in addition to everything the original game's sprawling world has to throw at you.

    O hře

    Carlos Calaca has kidnapped El Presidente's Daughter, and he plans to sacrifice her in order to merge the World of the Living with the World of the Dead.

    Juan Aguacate, an agave farmer who stumbles upon a Legendary Luchador mask, must find the strength and courage to become the Hero he's always dreamed of being and put a stop to this.

    Guacamelee! is a Metroidvania-style action-platformer set in a magical world inspired by traditional Mexican culture and folklore. The game features melee combat, parallel dimensions and same-screen co-op. The original Guacamelee! received wide critical acclaim and was a finalist for both IndieCade and the Independent Games Festival's Excellence in Visual Art award.

    Key Features

    • Non-Stop Fighting Action. An extensive move list, advanced combo engine, and anti-gravity grabs
    • Multi-dimensional Platforming. Instantly swap between the Worlds of Living and Dead to traverse impossible terrain
    • Combat moves double as movement, uniting platforming and fighting in a way never seen before
    • Diverse, detailed world containing lively towns, dark forests, flowery canals and fiery volcanoes
    • Drop in/out 4-Player local co-operative play, featuring independent dimension swapping
    • Multiple boss characters (each with unique back stories), wide range of foes, and elite-class enemies
    • Spectacular player abilities: The Rooster Uppercut, Frog Slam, and “Intenso” turbo-combat mode
    • Create new custom costumes and share these with others via Steam Workshop
    • Steam leaderboards, achievements and trading cards, support for multiple save slots, persistent cross-save-game costume unlocks
    • Chickens. Lots and lots of chickens.

    Please note that the ‘Super Turbo Championship Edition’ of Guacamelee! is an updated version of the previously-released Guacamelee! Gold Edition

    Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

    Guacamelee! STCE is an enhanced version of Guacamelee! Gold Edition that adds in two huge new levels, an explosive new ‘Intenso’ power mode, 4-player local co-op support and more. You’ll need to use every bit of your skill and power to defeat STCE’s new challenges (including a scheming new boss- El Trio de la Muerte), in addition to everything the original game's sprawling world has to throw at you.

    Om spillet

    Carlos Calaca has kidnapped El Presidente's Daughter, and he plans to sacrifice her in order to merge the World of the Living with the World of the Dead.

    Juan Aguacate, an agave farmer who stumbles upon a Legendary Luchador mask, must find the strength and courage to become the Hero he's always dreamed of being and put a stop to this.

    Guacamelee! is a Metroidvania-style action-platformer set in a magical world inspired by traditional Mexican culture and folklore. The game features melee combat, parallel dimensions and same-screen co-op. The original Guacamelee! received wide critical acclaim and was a finalist for both IndieCade and the Independent Games Festival's Excellence in Visual Art award.

    Key Features

    • Non-Stop Fighting Action. An extensive move list, advanced combo engine, and anti-gravity grabs
    • Multi-dimensional Platforming. Instantly swap between the Worlds of Living and Dead to traverse impossible terrain
    • Combat moves double as movement, uniting platforming and fighting in a way never seen before
    • Diverse, detailed world containing lively towns, dark forests, flowery canals and fiery volcanoes
    • Drop in/out 4-Player local co-operative play, featuring independent dimension swapping
    • Multiple boss characters (each with unique back stories), wide range of foes, and elite-class enemies
    • Spectacular player abilities: The Rooster Uppercut, Frog Slam, and “Intenso” turbo-combat mode
    • Create new custom costumes and share these with others via Steam Workshop
    • Steam leaderboards, achievements and trading cards, support for multiple save slots, persistent cross-save-game costume unlocks
    • Chickens. Lots and lots of chickens.

    Please note that the ‘Super Turbo Championship Edition’ of Guacamelee! is an updated version of the previously-released Guacamelee! Gold Edition

    Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

    Duik opnieuw in de wereld van Guacamelee! Met de Super Turbo Championship Edition (STCE) - compleet met uitgebreide mogelijkheden, extra levels, een nieuwe baas en verbeterde graphics.

    Guacamelee! STCE bestaat uit de originele versie van het spel, PLUS:
    - 2 extra gebieden: Vulkaan en Kanaal
    - Nieuwe baas: Trio van de Dood
    - Intenso-gevechtsmogelijkheid. Plus: Kippenbom en Co-op Schaduwwisseling
    - Elite-vijanden
    - Ondersteuning voor meerdere save slots
    - Cross-save outfit-ontgrendelingssysteem, incl. nieuwe Pinata- & Warrior-outfits.
    - Verlichting- en effect-upgrades
    - Veel andere verbeteringen!

    Info over het spel

    Guacamelee! is een Metroidvania-stijl platformgame, die zich afspeelt in een magische wereld geïnspireerd door traditionele Mexicaanse cultuur en folklore. Bereid je voor op:
    - Non-stop gevechtsactie: uitgebreide bewegingslijst, waaronder Intens en de Haan-Uppercut
    - Multidimensionale platformactie. Wissel tussen de Werelden van Leven en Dood
    - Snellere gevechtsbewegingen
    - Een gevarieerde wereld met levendige steden, donkere bossen en vurige vulkanen
    - Mogelijkheid tot inbrengen van 2e speler (co-op)
    - Meerdere bazen, een breed scala tegenstanders en nieuwe elite-vijanden
    - Levendige kostuums, die zowel het uiterlijk als de eigenschappen van de speler veranderen

    Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

    Guacamelee! STCE is an enhanced version of Guacamelee! Gold Edition that adds in two huge new levels, an explosive new ‘Intenso’ power mode, 4-player local co-op support and more. You’ll need to use every bit of your skill and power to defeat STCE’s new challenges (including a scheming new boss- El Trio de la Muerte), in addition to everything the original game's sprawling world has to throw at you.

    About the Game

    Carlos Calaca has kidnapped El Presidente's Daughter, and he plans to sacrifice her in order to merge the World of the Living with the World of the Dead.

    Juan Aguacate, an agave farmer who stumbles upon a Legendary Luchador mask, must find the strength and courage to become the Hero he's always dreamed of being and put a stop to this.

    Guacamelee! is a Metroidvania-style action-platformer set in a magical world inspired by traditional Mexican culture and folklore. The game features melee combat, parallel dimensions and same-screen co-op. The original Guacamelee! received wide critical acclaim and was a finalist for both IndieCade and the Independent Games Festival's Excellence in Visual Art award.

    Key Features

    • Non-Stop Fighting Action. An extensive move list, advanced combo engine, and anti-gravity grabs
    • Multi-dimensional Platforming. Instantly swap between the Worlds of Living and Dead to traverse impossible terrain
    • Combat moves double as movement, uniting platforming and fighting in a way never seen before
    • Diverse, detailed world containing lively towns, dark forests, flowery canals and fiery volcanoes
    • Drop in/out 4-Player local co-operative play, featuring independent dimension swapping
    • Multiple boss characters (each with unique back stories), wide range of foes, and elite-class enemies
    • Spectacular player abilities: The Rooster Uppercut, Frog Slam, and “Intenso” turbo-combat mode
    • Create new custom costumes and share these with others via Steam Workshop
    • Steam leaderboards, achievements and trading cards, support for multiple save slots, persistent cross-save-game costume unlocks
    • Chickens. Lots and lots of chickens.

    Please note that the ‘Super Turbo Championship Edition’ of Guacamelee! is an updated version of the previously-released Guacamelee! Gold Edition

    Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

    Syöksy takaisin Guacamelee!-pelin menoon Super Turbo Championship Edition (STCE) -versiossa! Tarjolla on uusia taitoja, lisäkenttiä, uusi pomovastustaja ja entistä upeampaa grafiikkaa.

    Guacamelee! STCE -versio sisältää kaiken alkuperäisen pelin sisällön lisäksi:
    - 2 uutta aluetta (Volcano ja Canal)
    - uuden pomovastustajan (The Trio of Death)
    - Intenso-taistelukyvyn sekä Chicken Bomb -taidon ja yhteispelin Shadow Swapping -tekniikan
    - eliittitason vihollisia
    - usean tallennuspaikan käyttömahdollisuuden
    - tallennusten välisen asujen avausjärjestelmän sekä uudet Pinata- ja Warrior-asut
    - näyttävät tehosteet
    - monia muita parannuksia!

    Tietoja pelistä

    Guacamelee! on toimintatasohyppely, jonka tapahtumapaikkana on meksikolaisista kansantaruista innoituksensa saanut pelimaailma. Tarjolla on...
    - vauhdikasta menoa ja kattava liikevalikoima
    - ulottuvuuksien välistä tasohyppelyä, jossa liikutaan elävien ja kuolleiden maailmoissa
    - taistelutekniikoita, jotka sopivat myös liikkumiseen
    - eloisa maailma täynnä kaupunkeja, synkkiä metsiä ja räiskyviä tulivuoria
    - kahden pelaajan paikallinen yhteispeli, jonka voi aloittaa ja lopettaa milloin vain
    - erilaisia pomovastustajia ja vihollisia sekä uusia, eliittitason kuritettavia
    - upeita asuja, jotka muuttavat pelihahmon ulkonäköä ja ominaisuuksia.

    Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

    STCE est une véritable refonte du jeu Guacamelee! original. Amusez-vous à explorer deux nouveaux immenses niveaux, déchaînez-vous en mode "Intenso" et posez des Pollo Bombs quand vous êtes sous forme de poulet. Vous devrez être au max de votre puissance pour vaincre une nouvelle classe d'ennemis d'élite perfides, relever de nombreux défis mis à jour et rééquilibrés en mode Normal et Difficile et combattre le redoutable nouveau boss, El Trio de la Muerte.

    Pour remercier nos fans, nous proposons une remise exceptionnelle sur STCE aux détenteurs du jeu original Guacamelee! Gold Edition sur Steam ! Nous avons adoré revisiter notre jeu et y intégrer toutes les modifications et les ajouts dont nous rêvions. Nous espérons que vous aussi, vous aimerez y rejouer.

    À propos du jeu

    Carlos Calaca a enlevé la fille d'El Presidente pour la sacrifier afin de fondre en un seul le monde des morts et celui des vivants.

    Juan Agacate, un cultivateur d'agaves qui a trouvé par hasard un masque de luchador magique, devra devenir le héros qu'il a toujours rêvé d'être pour mettre un terme à cette entreprise.

    Guacamelee! est un jeu d'action-plateforme dans la lignée de Metroidvania, situé dans un monde inspiré par le folklore traditionnel mexicain -- avec des combats de mêlée, des dimensions parallèles et un mode Coop écran unique. Le jeu Guacamelee! original a été acclamé par les critiques et nominé au festival IndieCade et à l'Independent Games Festival pour ses graphismes.

    Fonctionnalités principales

    • De l'action et des combats : plus de coups, notamment Intenso et le Coup du coq
    • Jeu de plateforme entre le monde des vivants et celui des morts
    • Des coups qui servent aussi de déplacements
    • Des villes animées, de sombres forêts et des volcans ardents
    • Mode Coopératif pour 2 joueurs en local
    • De nombreux boss, une flopée d'ennemis et de nouveaux ennemis d'élite
    • Des costumes flamboyants qui changent l'apparence du joueur, mais aussi ses caractéristiques
    • Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

      STCE ist eine stark aufpolierte Version des Originals Guacamelee!. Genieße das Erkunden zweier neuer Level, die Explosionen im ‚Intenso‘-Macht-Modus und das Legen von Pollo-Bomben als Hühnchen. Du brauchst all deine Kräfte, um eine neue und bösartige Elite-Klasse von Feinden sowie den durchtriebenen neuen Boss El Trío de la Muerte zu bezwingen und viele aktualisierte und ausbalancierte Herausforderungen im normalen und schweren Modus zu meistern.

      Um unseren Fans zu danken, bieten wir allen Besitzern von Guacamelee! Gold auf Steam STCE zum einem Sonderpreis an! Wir lieben es zu unserem Spiel zurückzukehren, es zu verbessern und all das hinzuzufügen, was wir schon immer wollten. Und wir hoffen, dass ihr es genauso genießt wie wir.

      Über das Spiel

      Guacamelee! ist ein Action-Plattformspiel im Metroidvania-Stil. Es spielt in einer magischen Welt der mexikanischen Kultur und Folklore. Es enthält Nahkämpfe, Paralleldimensionen und den Koop-Modus im selben Bildschirm. Das Original Guacamelee! erhielt viel Lob seitens der Kritiker und war im Finale bei IndieCade und dem Independent Games Festival um den „Excellence in Visual Art“-Award.


      • Nonstop-Kampfaction: Eine große Liste an Moves, u. a. „Intenso“ und Hahnen-Uppercut
      • Multidimensionale Plattform. Wechsle zwischen der Welt der Lebenden und Toten
      • Kampf-Moves, die auch als Special-Moves einsetzbar sind
      • Eine vielfältige Welt mit belebten Städten, dunklen Wäldern und feurigen Vulkanen
      • Wechsle ins lokale 2-Spieler-Koop-Spiel
      • Mehrere Bosse, viele Feinde und neue Elite-Gegner
      • Bunte Kostüme, die sowohl das Aussehen als auch die Eigenschaften des Spielers verändern
      • Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

        Guacamelee! STCE is an enhanced version of Guacamelee! Gold Edition that adds in two huge new levels, an explosive new ‘Intenso’ power mode, 4-player local co-op support and more. You’ll need to use every bit of your skill and power to defeat STCE’s new challenges (including a scheming new boss- El Trio de la Muerte), in addition to everything the original game's sprawling world has to throw at you.

        Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

        Carlos Calaca has kidnapped El Presidente's Daughter, and he plans to sacrifice her in order to merge the World of the Living with the World of the Dead.

        Juan Aguacate, an agave farmer who stumbles upon a Legendary Luchador mask, must find the strength and courage to become the Hero he's always dreamed of being and put a stop to this.

        Guacamelee! is a Metroidvania-style action-platformer set in a magical world inspired by traditional Mexican culture and folklore. The game features melee combat, parallel dimensions and same-screen co-op. The original Guacamelee! received wide critical acclaim and was a finalist for both IndieCade and the Independent Games Festival's Excellence in Visual Art award.

        Key Features

        • Non-Stop Fighting Action. An extensive move list, advanced combo engine, and anti-gravity grabs
        • Multi-dimensional Platforming. Instantly swap between the Worlds of Living and Dead to traverse impossible terrain
        • Combat moves double as movement, uniting platforming and fighting in a way never seen before
        • Diverse, detailed world containing lively towns, dark forests, flowery canals and fiery volcanoes
        • Drop in/out 4-Player local co-operative play, featuring independent dimension swapping
        • Multiple boss characters (each with unique back stories), wide range of foes, and elite-class enemies
        • Spectacular player abilities: The Rooster Uppercut, Frog Slam, and “Intenso” turbo-combat mode
        • Create new custom costumes and share these with others via Steam Workshop
        • Steam leaderboards, achievements and trading cards, support for multiple save slots, persistent cross-save-game costume unlocks
        • Chickens. Lots and lots of chickens.

        Please note that the ‘Super Turbo Championship Edition’ of Guacamelee! is an updated version of the previously-released Guacamelee! Gold Edition

        Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

        Guacamelee! STCE is an enhanced version of Guacamelee! Gold Edition that adds in two huge new levels, an explosive new ‘Intenso’ power mode, 4-player local co-op support and more. You’ll need to use every bit of your skill and power to defeat STCE’s new challenges (including a scheming new boss- El Trio de la Muerte), in addition to everything the original game's sprawling world has to throw at you.

        A játékról: 

        Carlos Calaca has kidnapped El Presidente's Daughter, and he plans to sacrifice her in order to merge the World of the Living with the World of the Dead.

        Juan Aguacate, an agave farmer who stumbles upon a Legendary Luchador mask, must find the strength and courage to become the Hero he's always dreamed of being and put a stop to this.

        Guacamelee! is a Metroidvania-style action-platformer set in a magical world inspired by traditional Mexican culture and folklore. The game features melee combat, parallel dimensions and same-screen co-op. The original Guacamelee! received wide critical acclaim and was a finalist for both IndieCade and the Independent Games Festival's Excellence in Visual Art award.

        Key Features

        • Non-Stop Fighting Action. An extensive move list, advanced combo engine, and anti-gravity grabs
        • Multi-dimensional Platforming. Instantly swap between the Worlds of Living and Dead to traverse impossible terrain
        • Combat moves double as movement, uniting platforming and fighting in a way never seen before
        • Diverse, detailed world containing lively towns, dark forests, flowery canals and fiery volcanoes
        • Drop in/out 4-Player local co-operative play, featuring independent dimension swapping
        • Multiple boss characters (each with unique back stories), wide range of foes, and elite-class enemies
        • Spectacular player abilities: The Rooster Uppercut, Frog Slam, and “Intenso” turbo-combat mode
        • Create new custom costumes and share these with others via Steam Workshop
        • Steam leaderboards, achievements and trading cards, support for multiple save slots, persistent cross-save-game costume unlocks
        • Chickens. Lots and lots of chickens.

        Please note that the ‘Super Turbo Championship Edition’ of Guacamelee! is an updated version of the previously-released Guacamelee! Gold Edition

        Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

        STCE è la versione migliorata dell'originale Guacamelee!. Lanciati nell'esplorazione di due nuovi livelli, esplodi nella potente modalità "Intenso" e deponi bombe pollo. Ti servirà tutta la tua potenza per eliminare una nuova classe di brutali nemici d'élite, affrontare una serie di sfide migliorate e riequilibrate in modalità Normale e Difficile e vedertela con un nuovo e astuto boss, El Trio de la Muerte.

        Per ringraziare i fan, STCE ha ora un prezzo ribassato per tutti i possessori dell'originale Guacamelee! Gold Edition su Steam! Ci siamo divertiti a rivisitare il gioco per apportare tutti i ritocchi e le aggiunte che avremmo sempre desiderato e speriamo che anche i fan lo apprezzino.

        Informazioni sul gioco

        Guacamelee! è un gioco platform d'azione in stile Metroidvania ambientato in un mondo magico ispirato alla cultura e al folklore del Messico. Scontri all'arma bianca, dimensioni parallele e gioco co-op su schermo singolo. L'originale Guacamelee! è stato accolto con successo dalla critica e si è qualificato come finalista sia a IndieCade che nella categoria Excellence in Visual Art all'Independent Games Festival.


        • Combattimenti a ritmo serrato con tantissime mosse, tra cui 'El Intenso' e il Montante cedrone.
        • Platform multidimensionale. Entra ed esci dal Mondo dei Morti!
        • Mosse che uniscono combattimento e movimenti
        • Un mondo sempre vario, tra città, foreste e vulcani
        • Co-op locale a 2giocatori con drop in/out
        • Diversi boss, una vasta gamma di avversari e i nuovi nemici di classe élite
        • Costumi di foggia vivace che cambiano aspetto e statistiche del giocatore
        • Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

          Guacamelee! STCE is an enhanced version of Guacamelee! Gold Edition that adds in two huge new levels, an explosive new ‘Intenso’ power mode, 4-player local co-op support and more. You’ll need to use every bit of your skill and power to defeat STCE’s new challenges (including a scheming new boss- El Trio de la Muerte), in addition to everything the original game's sprawling world has to throw at you.


          Carlos Calaca has kidnapped El Presidente's Daughter, and he plans to sacrifice her in order to merge the World of the Living with the World of the Dead.

          Juan Aguacate, an agave farmer who stumbles upon a Legendary Luchador mask, must find the strength and courage to become the Hero he's always dreamed of being and put a stop to this.

          Guacamelee! is a Metroidvania-style action-platformer set in a magical world inspired by traditional Mexican culture and folklore. The game features melee combat, parallel dimensions and same-screen co-op. The original Guacamelee! received wide critical acclaim and was a finalist for both IndieCade and the Independent Games Festival's Excellence in Visual Art award.

          Key Features

          • Non-Stop Fighting Action. An extensive move list, advanced combo engine, and anti-gravity grabs
          • Multi-dimensional Platforming. Instantly swap between the Worlds of Living and Dead to traverse impossible terrain
          • Combat moves double as movement, uniting platforming and fighting in a way never seen before
          • Diverse, detailed world containing lively towns, dark forests, flowery canals and fiery volcanoes
          • Drop in/out 4-Player local co-operative play, featuring independent dimension swapping
          • Multiple boss characters (each with unique back stories), wide range of foes, and elite-class enemies
          • Spectacular player abilities: The Rooster Uppercut, Frog Slam, and “Intenso” turbo-combat mode
          • Create new custom costumes and share these with others via Steam Workshop
          • Steam leaderboards, achievements and trading cards, support for multiple save slots, persistent cross-save-game costume unlocks
          • Chickens. Lots and lots of chickens.

          Please note that the ‘Super Turbo Championship Edition’ of Guacamelee! is an updated version of the previously-released Guacamelee! Gold Edition

          Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

          Guacamelee! STCE is an enhanced version of Guacamelee! Gold Edition that adds in two huge new levels, an explosive new ‘Intenso’ power mode, 4-player local co-op support and more. You’ll need to use every bit of your skill and power to defeat STCE’s new challenges (including a scheming new boss- El Trio de la Muerte), in addition to everything the original game's sprawling world has to throw at you.

          게임 정보

          Carlos Calaca has kidnapped El Presidente's Daughter, and he plans to sacrifice her in order to merge the World of the Living with the World of the Dead.

          Juan Aguacate, an agave farmer who stumbles upon a Legendary Luchador mask, must find the strength and courage to become the Hero he's always dreamed of being and put a stop to this.

          Guacamelee! is a Metroidvania-style action-platformer set in a magical world inspired by traditional Mexican culture and folklore. The game features melee combat, parallel dimensions and same-screen co-op. The original Guacamelee! received wide critical acclaim and was a finalist for both IndieCade and the Independent Games Festival's Excellence in Visual Art award.

          Key Features

          • Non-Stop Fighting Action. An extensive move list, advanced combo engine, and anti-gravity grabs
          • Multi-dimensional Platforming. Instantly swap between the Worlds of Living and Dead to traverse impossible terrain
          • Combat moves double as movement, uniting platforming and fighting in a way never seen before
          • Diverse, detailed world containing lively towns, dark forests, flowery canals and fiery volcanoes
          • Drop in/out 4-Player local co-operative play, featuring independent dimension swapping
          • Multiple boss characters (each with unique back stories), wide range of foes, and elite-class enemies
          • Spectacular player abilities: The Rooster Uppercut, Frog Slam, and “Intenso” turbo-combat mode
          • Create new custom costumes and share these with others via Steam Workshop
          • Steam leaderboards, achievements and trading cards, support for multiple save slots, persistent cross-save-game costume unlocks
          • Chickens. Lots and lots of chickens.

          Please note that the ‘Super Turbo Championship Edition’ of Guacamelee! is an updated version of the previously-released Guacamelee! Gold Edition

          Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

          Guacamelee! STCE is an enhanced version of Guacamelee! Gold Edition that adds in two huge new levels, an explosive new ‘Intenso’ power mode, 4-player local co-op support and more. You’ll need to use every bit of your skill and power to defeat STCE’s new challenges (including a scheming new boss- El Trio de la Muerte), in addition to everything the original game's sprawling world has to throw at you.

          Om spillet

          Carlos Calaca has kidnapped El Presidente's Daughter, and he plans to sacrifice her in order to merge the World of the Living with the World of the Dead.

          Juan Aguacate, an agave farmer who stumbles upon a Legendary Luchador mask, must find the strength and courage to become the Hero he's always dreamed of being and put a stop to this.

          Guacamelee! is a Metroidvania-style action-platformer set in a magical world inspired by traditional Mexican culture and folklore. The game features melee combat, parallel dimensions and same-screen co-op. The original Guacamelee! received wide critical acclaim and was a finalist for both IndieCade and the Independent Games Festival's Excellence in Visual Art award.

          Key Features

          • Non-Stop Fighting Action. An extensive move list, advanced combo engine, and anti-gravity grabs
          • Multi-dimensional Platforming. Instantly swap between the Worlds of Living and Dead to traverse impossible terrain
          • Combat moves double as movement, uniting platforming and fighting in a way never seen before
          • Diverse, detailed world containing lively towns, dark forests, flowery canals and fiery volcanoes
          • Drop in/out 4-Player local co-operative play, featuring independent dimension swapping
          • Multiple boss characters (each with unique back stories), wide range of foes, and elite-class enemies
          • Spectacular player abilities: The Rooster Uppercut, Frog Slam, and “Intenso” turbo-combat mode
          • Create new custom costumes and share these with others via Steam Workshop
          • Steam leaderboards, achievements and trading cards, support for multiple save slots, persistent cross-save-game costume unlocks
          • Chickens. Lots and lots of chickens.

          Please note that the ‘Super Turbo Championship Edition’ of Guacamelee! is an updated version of the previously-released Guacamelee! Gold Edition

          Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

          Wróć do świata Guacamelee! z edycją Super Turbo Championship Edition (STCE) zawierającą rozszerzone zdolności, dodatkowe poziomy, nowego bossa oraz udoskonaloną grafikę.

          Guacamelee! STCE zawiera praktycznie wszystkie elementy dostępne w oryginalnej wersji gry ORAZ:
          - 2 nowe obszary: Wulkan i Kanał
          - nowego bossa: Trio Śmierci
          - zdolność bojową Intenso oraz Kurzą bombę i Zamianę wymiaru (współpraca)
          - elitarnych przeciwników
          - możliwość zapisywania wielu stanów gier
          - system odblokowywania strojów (cross-save), m.in. nowe kostiumy Piniaty i Wojownika
          - udoskonalenia oświetlenia i efektów
          - wiele innych ulepszeń!

          Informacje o grze

          Guacamelee! to platformowa gra akcji w stylu Metroid i Castlevania, osadzona w magicznym świecie inspirowanym kulturą meksykańską. Oto, na co trzeba się przygotować...
          - walka non stop: szeroka gama manewrów, m.in. Intenso i Podbródkowy koguta
          - wielowymiarowa platformówka - wędruj pomiędzy światem żywych i umarłych
          - manewry bojowe pozwalające też poruszać się po polu bitwy
          - zróżnicowany świat z tętniącymi życiem miastami, mrocznymi lasami i ognistymi wulkanami
          - lokalny tryb współpracy dla 2 graczy (dowolność dołączania)
          - wielu bossów, szeroki zakres przeciwników oraz nowi elitarni wrogowie
          - jaskrawe stroje zmieniające wygląd i atrybuty gracza

          Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

          STCE é uma versão amplamente readaptada do jogo original, Guacamelee!. Divirta-se explorando dois imensos níveis novinhos, detonando no poderoso modo "Muy Macho" e lançando bombas de ovos em sua encarnação como galinha. Você vai precisar de cada restinho de poder para mandar de volta ao outro mundo uma nova classe maléfica de inimigos de Elite, enfrentar vários desafios atualizados e reequiilbrados nos modos Normal e Difícil e ainda encarar um novo e ardiloso "jefe": El Trio de la Muerte.

          Em agradecimento aos nossos fãs, temos um generoso desconto no preço de STCE para quem já possui o Guacamelee! Gold Edition original no Steam! Adoramos revisitar o jogo e recheá-lo com os truques e manhas e novidades que sempre quisemos, e esperamos que você também se divirta nesse retorno.

          Acerca do Jogo

          O Guacamelee! É um jogo de plataforma de ação do estilo do Metroidvania que se passa em um mundo mágico de tema mexicano.

          O Guacamelee! vai ainda além do estilo de jogos clássicos de mundo aberto do Metroidvania ao adicionar um componente robusto de combate corpo a corpo, uma nova mecânica de troca de dimensões e uma tela compartilhada de cooperativo para o multijogador durante toda a jogo. O Guacamelee! original foi amplamente aclamado pela crítica, tendo sido um dos finalistas tanto para o IndieCade quanto para o prêmio de Excelência em Artes Visuais do Independent Games Festival.

          Recursos principais

          • Ação e luta sem parar: Uma extensa lista de golpes, incluindo o 'Muy Macho' e o Uppercut do Galo
          • Plataformas multidimensionais. Alterne entre os mundos dos Vivos e dos Mortos
          • Golpes de combate que se multiplicam em movimento
          • Um mundo diversificado com direito a cidades animadas, florestas sombrias e vulcões ferozes
          • Cooperação local para 2 com gestão de jogadores
          • Múltiplos personagens chefões, inimigos e uma nova classe de inimigos de elite
          • Trajes vibrantes que mudam a aparência e os atributos do jogador
          • Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

            Guacamelee! STCE is an enhanced version of Guacamelee! Gold Edition that adds in two huge new levels, an explosive new ‘Intenso’ power mode, 4-player local co-op support and more. You’ll need to use every bit of your skill and power to defeat STCE’s new challenges (including a scheming new boss- El Trio de la Muerte), in addition to everything the original game's sprawling world has to throw at you.

            Despre joc

            Carlos Calaca has kidnapped El Presidente's Daughter, and he plans to sacrifice her in order to merge the World of the Living with the World of the Dead.

            Juan Aguacate, an agave farmer who stumbles upon a Legendary Luchador mask, must find the strength and courage to become the Hero he's always dreamed of being and put a stop to this.

            Guacamelee! is a Metroidvania-style action-platformer set in a magical world inspired by traditional Mexican culture and folklore. The game features melee combat, parallel dimensions and same-screen co-op. The original Guacamelee! received wide critical acclaim and was a finalist for both IndieCade and the Independent Games Festival's Excellence in Visual Art award.

            Key Features

            • Non-Stop Fighting Action. An extensive move list, advanced combo engine, and anti-gravity grabs
            • Multi-dimensional Platforming. Instantly swap between the Worlds of Living and Dead to traverse impossible terrain
            • Combat moves double as movement, uniting platforming and fighting in a way never seen before
            • Diverse, detailed world containing lively towns, dark forests, flowery canals and fiery volcanoes
            • Drop in/out 4-Player local co-operative play, featuring independent dimension swapping
            • Multiple boss characters (each with unique back stories), wide range of foes, and elite-class enemies
            • Spectacular player abilities: The Rooster Uppercut, Frog Slam, and “Intenso” turbo-combat mode
            • Create new custom costumes and share these with others via Steam Workshop
            • Steam leaderboards, achievements and trading cards, support for multiple save slots, persistent cross-save-game costume unlocks
            • Chickens. Lots and lots of chickens.

            Please note that the ‘Super Turbo Championship Edition’ of Guacamelee! is an updated version of the previously-released Guacamelee! Gold Edition

            Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

            В издании Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship (STCE) вас ждет много нового. Guacamelee! STCE - это все, что было в оригинальной игре, плюс: - Две новых зоны - 'Вулкан' и 'Канал'; - Новый босс - Смертельное Трио; - Поддержка нескольких сохранений ...и многое другое!

            Об игре

            Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition - платформенный экшн в магическом мире мексиканского фольклора. Вас ждут: - Миры живых и мертвых; - Города, леса и вулканы; - Совместная игра вдвоем; - Костюмы, меняющие характеристики героя.

            Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

            Guacamelee! STCE is an enhanced version of Guacamelee! Gold Edition that adds in two huge new levels, an explosive new ‘Intenso’ power mode, 4-player local co-op support and more. You’ll need to use every bit of your skill and power to defeat STCE’s new challenges (including a scheming new boss- El Trio de la Muerte), in addition to everything the original game's sprawling world has to throw at you.


            Carlos Calaca has kidnapped El Presidente's Daughter, and he plans to sacrifice her in order to merge the World of the Living with the World of the Dead.

            Juan Aguacate, an agave farmer who stumbles upon a Legendary Luchador mask, must find the strength and courage to become the Hero he's always dreamed of being and put a stop to this.

            Guacamelee! is a Metroidvania-style action-platformer set in a magical world inspired by traditional Mexican culture and folklore. The game features melee combat, parallel dimensions and same-screen co-op. The original Guacamelee! received wide critical acclaim and was a finalist for both IndieCade and the Independent Games Festival's Excellence in Visual Art award.

            Key Features

            • Non-Stop Fighting Action. An extensive move list, advanced combo engine, and anti-gravity grabs
            • Multi-dimensional Platforming. Instantly swap between the Worlds of Living and Dead to traverse impossible terrain
            • Combat moves double as movement, uniting platforming and fighting in a way never seen before
            • Diverse, detailed world containing lively towns, dark forests, flowery canals and fiery volcanoes
            • Drop in/out 4-Player local co-operative play, featuring independent dimension swapping
            • Multiple boss characters (each with unique back stories), wide range of foes, and elite-class enemies
            • Spectacular player abilities: The Rooster Uppercut, Frog Slam, and “Intenso” turbo-combat mode
            • Create new custom costumes and share these with others via Steam Workshop
            • Steam leaderboards, achievements and trading cards, support for multiple save slots, persistent cross-save-game costume unlocks
            • Chickens. Lots and lots of chickens.

            Please note that the ‘Super Turbo Championship Edition’ of Guacamelee! is an updated version of the previously-released Guacamelee! Gold Edition

            Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

            STCE es una versión ampliamente mejorada del Guacamelee! original. Disfruta explorando dos nuevos niveles enormes, explotando en el potente modo "Intenso" y poniendo huevos bomba como un pollo. Necesitarás bastante potencia para librarte de la nueva clase de enemigos de élite despiadados, de una serie de desafíos actualizados y reequilibrados en los modos normal y difícil y del nuevo y calculador jefe, el Trío de la Muerte.

            ¡Para dar las gracias a nuestros seguidores, vamos a ofrecer un gran descuento sobre el precio de STCE a los que ya hayan comprado la versión Guacamelee! Gold original en Steam! Nos encantó volver al juego y poder hacer un montón de ajustes y añadidos que siempre habíamos querido hacer, y esperamos que disfrutéis volviendo a él tanto como nosotros.

            Acerca del juego

            Carlos Calaca ha secuestrado a la hija de El Presidente y planea sacrificarla para unificar el Mundo de los Vivos y el Mundo de los Muertos.

            Juan Aguacate, un cultivador de agave que se tropieza con una emblemática máscara de Luchador, debe hallar la fuerza y el coraje para convertirse en el héroe que siempre soñó y poner fin a este malvado plan.

            Guacamelee! es un plataformas de acción tipo Metroidvania ambientado en un mundo mágico inspirado en el folclore mexicano. Hay combate cuerpo a cuerpo, dimensiones paralelas y cooperativo en la misma pantalla. El Guacamelee! original recibió grandes elogios por parte de la crítica y fue finalista por excelencia visual tanto en el IndieCade como en el Independent Games Festival.

            Funciones clave

            • Acción de combate imparable: Una larga lista de movimientos, como el "Intenso" y el Gancho del Gallo.
            • Plataformas multidimensional: Cambia entre el mundo de los vivos y el de los muertos.
            • Movimientos de combate que también te permiten moverte.
            • Un mundo diverso con ciudades animadas, bosques oscuros y volcanes ardientes.
            • Cooperativo local para 2 jugadores de fácil acceso y salida.
            • Varios jefes, infinidad de enemigos y otros nuevos de élite.
            • Vistosos trajes que cambian la apariencia del personaje y sus atributos.
            • Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

              Kasta dig in i Guacamelee! igen med Super Turbo Championship Edition (STCE) – fullspäckat med utökade förmågor, fler nivåer, en ny boss och förbättrad grafik.

              Guacamelee! STCE innehåller nästan allt från originalspelet, PLUS:
              - 2 stora nya områden: Volcano och Canal
              - Ny boss : The Trio of Death
              - Stridsförmågan ""Intenso"", plus kycklingbomben och ""Shadow Swapping"" i co-op-läget
              - Fiender av elitklass
              - Stöd för flera sparplatser
              - Cross-save-system för upplåsning av dräkter, inklusive nya pinata- och krigarkostymer
              - Blixt- och effektuppgraderingar
              - Många andra förbättringar!"

              Om spelet

              Guacamelee! är ett actionfyllt plattformsspel i Metroidvania-stil som utspelar sig i en magisk värld inspirerad av mexikansk kultur och folklore. Gör dig redo för:
              - Action non-stop: en mängd olika attacker, som ""Intenso"" och ""Rooster Uppercut""
              - Multidimensionellt plattformande. Byt mellan de levande och de dödas värld
              - Avancerade attacker som även fungerar som förflyttningar
              - En spännande värld med levande städer, mörka skogar och eldsprutande vulkaner
              - Hoppa in och ut i lokala co-op-spel för 2 spelare
              - Flera bossar, en rad olika motståndare och nya fiender av elitklass
              - Fantastiska dräkter som ändrar spelarens utseende och egenskaper

              Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

              Guacamelee! STCE is an enhanced version of Guacamelee! Gold Edition that adds in two huge new levels, an explosive new ‘Intenso’ power mode, 4-player local co-op support and more. You’ll need to use every bit of your skill and power to defeat STCE’s new challenges (including a scheming new boss- El Trio de la Muerte), in addition to everything the original game's sprawling world has to throw at you.


              Carlos Calaca has kidnapped El Presidente's Daughter, and he plans to sacrifice her in order to merge the World of the Living with the World of the Dead.

              Juan Aguacate, an agave farmer who stumbles upon a Legendary Luchador mask, must find the strength and courage to become the Hero he's always dreamed of being and put a stop to this.

              Guacamelee! is a Metroidvania-style action-platformer set in a magical world inspired by traditional Mexican culture and folklore. The game features melee combat, parallel dimensions and same-screen co-op. The original Guacamelee! received wide critical acclaim and was a finalist for both IndieCade and the Independent Games Festival's Excellence in Visual Art award.

              Key Features

              • Non-Stop Fighting Action. An extensive move list, advanced combo engine, and anti-gravity grabs
              • Multi-dimensional Platforming. Instantly swap between the Worlds of Living and Dead to traverse impossible terrain
              • Combat moves double as movement, uniting platforming and fighting in a way never seen before
              • Diverse, detailed world containing lively towns, dark forests, flowery canals and fiery volcanoes
              • Drop in/out 4-Player local co-operative play, featuring independent dimension swapping
              • Multiple boss characters (each with unique back stories), wide range of foes, and elite-class enemies
              • Spectacular player abilities: The Rooster Uppercut, Frog Slam, and “Intenso” turbo-combat mode
              • Create new custom costumes and share these with others via Steam Workshop
              • Steam leaderboards, achievements and trading cards, support for multiple save slots, persistent cross-save-game costume unlocks
              • Chickens. Lots and lots of chickens.

              Please note that the ‘Super Turbo Championship Edition’ of Guacamelee! is an updated version of the previously-released Guacamelee! Gold Edition

              Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

              Guacamelee! STCE is an enhanced version of Guacamelee! Gold Edition that adds in two huge new levels, an explosive new ‘Intenso’ power mode, 4-player local co-op support and more. You’ll need to use every bit of your skill and power to defeat STCE’s new challenges (including a scheming new boss- El Trio de la Muerte), in addition to everything the original game's sprawling world has to throw at you.


              Carlos Calaca has kidnapped El Presidente's Daughter, and he plans to sacrifice her in order to merge the World of the Living with the World of the Dead.

              Juan Aguacate, an agave farmer who stumbles upon a Legendary Luchador mask, must find the strength and courage to become the Hero he's always dreamed of being and put a stop to this.

              Guacamelee! is a Metroidvania-style action-platformer set in a magical world inspired by traditional Mexican culture and folklore. The game features melee combat, parallel dimensions and same-screen co-op. The original Guacamelee! received wide critical acclaim and was a finalist for both IndieCade and the Independent Games Festival's Excellence in Visual Art award.

              Key Features

              • Non-Stop Fighting Action. An extensive move list, advanced combo engine, and anti-gravity grabs
              • Multi-dimensional Platforming. Instantly swap between the Worlds of Living and Dead to traverse impossible terrain
              • Combat moves double as movement, uniting platforming and fighting in a way never seen before
              • Diverse, detailed world containing lively towns, dark forests, flowery canals and fiery volcanoes
              • Drop in/out 4-Player local co-operative play, featuring independent dimension swapping
              • Multiple boss characters (each with unique back stories), wide range of foes, and elite-class enemies
              • Spectacular player abilities: The Rooster Uppercut, Frog Slam, and “Intenso” turbo-combat mode
              • Create new custom costumes and share these with others via Steam Workshop
              • Steam leaderboards, achievements and trading cards, support for multiple save slots, persistent cross-save-game costume unlocks
              • Chickens. Lots and lots of chickens.

              Please note that the ‘Super Turbo Championship Edition’ of Guacamelee! is an updated version of the previously-released Guacamelee! Gold Edition

              Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

              Guacamelee! STCE is an enhanced version of Guacamelee! Gold Edition that adds in two huge new levels, an explosive new ‘Intenso’ power mode, 4-player local co-op support and more. You’ll need to use every bit of your skill and power to defeat STCE’s new challenges (including a scheming new boss- El Trio de la Muerte), in addition to everything the original game's sprawling world has to throw at you.

              Oyun Açıklaması

              Carlos Calaca has kidnapped El Presidente's Daughter, and he plans to sacrifice her in order to merge the World of the Living with the World of the Dead.

              Juan Aguacate, an agave farmer who stumbles upon a Legendary Luchador mask, must find the strength and courage to become the Hero he's always dreamed of being and put a stop to this.

              Guacamelee! is a Metroidvania-style action-platformer set in a magical world inspired by traditional Mexican culture and folklore. The game features melee combat, parallel dimensions and same-screen co-op. The original Guacamelee! received wide critical acclaim and was a finalist for both IndieCade and the Independent Games Festival's Excellence in Visual Art award.

              Key Features

              • Non-Stop Fighting Action. An extensive move list, advanced combo engine, and anti-gravity grabs
              • Multi-dimensional Platforming. Instantly swap between the Worlds of Living and Dead to traverse impossible terrain
              • Combat moves double as movement, uniting platforming and fighting in a way never seen before
              • Diverse, detailed world containing lively towns, dark forests, flowery canals and fiery volcanoes
              • Drop in/out 4-Player local co-operative play, featuring independent dimension swapping
              • Multiple boss characters (each with unique back stories), wide range of foes, and elite-class enemies
              • Spectacular player abilities: The Rooster Uppercut, Frog Slam, and “Intenso” turbo-combat mode
              • Create new custom costumes and share these with others via Steam Workshop
              • Steam leaderboards, achievements and trading cards, support for multiple save slots, persistent cross-save-game costume unlocks
              • Chickens. Lots and lots of chickens.

              Please note that the ‘Super Turbo Championship Edition’ of Guacamelee! is an updated version of the previously-released Guacamelee! Gold Edition

              Super? Turbo?? *Championship????*

              Guacamelee! STCE is an enhanced version of Guacamelee! Gold Edition that adds in two huge new levels, an explosive new ‘Intenso’ power mode, 4-player local co-op support and more. You’ll need to use every bit of your skill and power to defeat STCE’s new challenges (including a scheming new boss- El Trio de la Muerte), in addition to everything the original game's sprawling world has to throw at you.

              Про гру

              Carlos Calaca has kidnapped El Presidente's Daughter, and he plans to sacrifice her in order to merge the World of the Living with the World of the Dead.

              Juan Aguacate, an agave farmer who stumbles upon a Legendary Luchador mask, must find the strength and courage to become the Hero he's always dreamed of being and put a stop to this.

              Guacamelee! is a Metroidvania-style action-platformer set in a magical world inspired by traditional Mexican culture and folklore. The game features melee combat, parallel dimensions and same-screen co-op. The original Guacamelee! received wide critical acclaim and was a finalist for both IndieCade and the Independent Games Festival's Excellence in Visual Art award.

              Key Features

              • Non-Stop Fighting Action. An extensive move list, advanced combo engine, and anti-gravity grabs
              • Multi-dimensional Platforming. Instantly swap between the Worlds of Living and Dead to traverse impossible terrain
              • Combat moves double as movement, uniting platforming and fighting in a way never seen before
              • Diverse, detailed world containing lively towns, dark forests, flowery canals and fiery volcanoes
              • Drop in/out 4-Player local co-operative play, featuring independent dimension swapping
              • Multiple boss characters (each with unique back stories), wide range of foes, and elite-class enemies
              • Spectacular player abilities: The Rooster Uppercut, Frog Slam, and “Intenso” turbo-combat mode
              • Create new custom costumes and share these with others via Steam Workshop
              • Steam leaderboards, achievements and trading cards, support for multiple save slots, persistent cross-save-game costume unlocks
              • Chickens. Lots and lots of chickens.

              Please note that the ‘Super Turbo Championship Edition’ of Guacamelee! is an updated version of the previously-released Guacamelee! Gold Edition

            System Requirements
