Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns (DLC)
Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns (DLC)

Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns (DLC)

Release Date: 28/02/2019 | WORLDWIDE
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De ataques de combio na Batalha do Atlântico às ferozes batalhas de porta-aviões na frente do Pacífico, a Segunda Guerra Mundial teve muitas inovações navais tanto táticas quanto tecnológicas. A guerra no mar tem papel central em Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns, uma nova expansão do popular jogo de estratégia de guerra da Paradox Development Studio.

Crie seus próprios navios e reajuste modelos antigos. Altere as rotas do seu comboio para evitar matilhas de lobos famintas. Aceite ou contorne tratados navais e lide com as consequências diplomáticas.

Man the Guns também introduz novos caminhos alternativos de história para as maiores democracias da guerra e também dá às nações amantes da liberdade do mundo mais liberdade para agir antes que a guerra force sua mão.

From the convoy attacks in the Battle of the Atlantic to the fierce carrier battles on the Pacific front, the Second World War saw naval innovation in both tactics and technology. The war at sea takes center stage in Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns, a new expansion to Paradox Development Studio’s popular strategy wargame.

Design your own ships and refit older models. Alter your convoy routes to avoid hungry wolf packs. Embrace or circumvent naval treaties and deal with the diplomatic consequences.

Man the Guns also introduces new alternate history paths for the major democracies of the war and gives the freedom loving nations of the world more freedom to act before the war forces their hand.

From the convoy attacks in the Battle of the Atlantic to the fierce carrier battles on the Pacific front, the Second World War saw naval innovation in both tactics and technology. The war at sea takes center stage in Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns, a new expansion to Paradox Development Studio’s popular strategy wargame.

Design your own ships and refit older models. Alter your convoy routes to avoid hungry wolf packs. Embrace or circumvent naval treaties and deal with the diplomatic consequences.

Man the Guns also introduces new alternate history paths for the major democracies of the war and gives the freedom loving nations of the world more freedom to act before the war forces their hand.

From the convoy attacks in the Battle of the Atlantic to the fierce carrier battles on the Pacific front, the Second World War saw naval innovation in both tactics and technology. The war at sea takes center stage in Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns, a new expansion to Paradox Development Studio’s popular strategy wargame.

Design your own ships and refit older models. Alter your convoy routes to avoid hungry wolf packs. Embrace or circumvent naval treaties and deal with the diplomatic consequences.

Man the Guns also introduces new alternate history paths for the major democracies of the war and gives the freedom loving nations of the world more freedom to act before the war forces their hand.

Des attaques de convois pendant la bataille de l’Atlantique aux combats de transporteurs sur le front pacifique, la Seconde Guerre mondiale fut le théâtre de grandes innovations navales, tant sur le plan stratégique que technologique. Dans Hearts of Iron IV, les batailles navales sont sur le devant de la scène : Man the Guns, la nouvelle extension du jeu de guerre stratégique populaire de Paradox Development Studio.

Bâtissez vos propres navires et rééquipez vos anciens modèles. Modifiez l’itinéraire de vos convois pour éviter les meutes de loups affamés. Pliez-vous aux traités navals ou contournez-les et faites face aux conséquences diplomatiques.

Man the Guns propose également de nouvelles voies narratives pour les démocraties au premier plan de la guerre, et offre aux nations amoureuses de la liberté la possibilité d’agir avant que la guerre ne leur force la main.

Von den Konvoiangriffen in der Atlantikschlacht bis zu den erbitterten Trägerschlachten an der Pazifikfront – der Zweite Weltkrieg war geprägt von taktischen und technologischen Marine-Innovationen. Der Krieg auf den Weltmeeren steht im Mittelpunkt von Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns, einer neuen Expansion für das beliebte Kriegsstrategiespiel des Paradox Development Studio.

Entwerfen Sie Ihre eigenen Schiffe und bauen Sie ältere Modelle um. Passen Sie Ihre Konvoirouten an, um aggressiven Wolfsrudeln auszuweichen. Halten Sie Flottenabkommen ein oder umgehen deren Beschränkungen – und leben Sie mit den diplomatischen Konsequenzen.

Man the Guns führt außerdem neue alternative Geschichtspfade für die großen Demokratien des Krieges ein und gibt den freiheitsliebenden Nationen der Welt mehr Handlungsfreiheit, bevor der Krieg sie in Zugzwang bringt.

From the convoy attacks in the Battle of the Atlantic to the fierce carrier battles on the Pacific front, the Second World War saw naval innovation in both tactics and technology. The war at sea takes center stage in Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns, a new expansion to Paradox Development Studio’s popular strategy wargame.

Design your own ships and refit older models. Alter your convoy routes to avoid hungry wolf packs. Embrace or circumvent naval treaties and deal with the diplomatic consequences.

Man the Guns also introduces new alternate history paths for the major democracies of the war and gives the freedom loving nations of the world more freedom to act before the war forces their hand.

From the convoy attacks in the Battle of the Atlantic to the fierce carrier battles on the Pacific front, the Second World War saw naval innovation in both tactics and technology. The war at sea takes center stage in Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns, a new expansion to Paradox Development Studio’s popular strategy wargame.

Design your own ships and refit older models. Alter your convoy routes to avoid hungry wolf packs. Embrace or circumvent naval treaties and deal with the diplomatic consequences.

Man the Guns also introduces new alternate history paths for the major democracies of the war and gives the freedom loving nations of the world more freedom to act before the war forces their hand.

From the convoy attacks in the Battle of the Atlantic to the fierce carrier battles on the Pacific front, the Second World War saw naval innovation in both tactics and technology. The war at sea takes center stage in Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns, a new expansion to Paradox Development Studio’s popular strategy wargame.

Design your own ships and refit older models. Alter your convoy routes to avoid hungry wolf packs. Embrace or circumvent naval treaties and deal with the diplomatic consequences.

Man the Guns also introduces new alternate history paths for the major democracies of the war and gives the freedom loving nations of the world more freedom to act before the war forces their hand.

From the convoy attacks in the Battle of the Atlantic to the fierce carrier battles on the Pacific front, the Second World War saw naval innovation in both tactics and technology. The war at sea takes center stage in Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns, a new expansion to Paradox Development Studio’s popular strategy wargame.

Design your own ships and refit older models. Alter your convoy routes to avoid hungry wolf packs. Embrace or circumvent naval treaties and deal with the diplomatic consequences.

Man the Guns also introduces new alternate history paths for the major democracies of the war and gives the freedom loving nations of the world more freedom to act before the war forces their hand.

From the convoy attacks in the Battle of the Atlantic to the fierce carrier battles on the Pacific front, the Second World War saw naval innovation in both tactics and technology. The war at sea takes center stage in Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns, a new expansion to Paradox Development Studio’s popular strategy wargame.

Design your own ships and refit older models. Alter your convoy routes to avoid hungry wolf packs. Embrace or circumvent naval treaties and deal with the diplomatic consequences.

Man the Guns also introduces new alternate history paths for the major democracies of the war and gives the freedom loving nations of the world more freedom to act before the war forces their hand.

Druga wojna światowa była początkiem wielkich zmian w morskiej sztuce wojennej, zarówno jeśli chodzi o taktykę, jak i technologię – od ataków na konwoje w bitwie o Atlantyk po zacięte starcia z udziałem lotniskowców na Pacyfiku. W Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns, nowym rozszerzeniu do popularnej strategii wojennej od Paradox Development Studio, wojna na potężnych akwenach morskich stanowi kluczowy element rozgrywki.

Projektuj własne okręty i modyfikuj starsze jednostki. Zmieniaj trasy konwojów, aby unikać wygłodniałych wilczych stad. Przestrzegaj traktatów morskich lub łam je i zmierz się z konsekwencjami dyplomatycznymi.

Man the Guns wprowadza również nowe alternatywne ścieżki dziejowe dla najważniejszych aktorów wojny i więcej swobody dla miłujących wolność narodów, zanim wojna ograniczy ich pole manewru.

From the convoy attacks in the Battle of the Atlantic to the fierce carrier battles on the Pacific front, the Second World War saw naval innovation in both tactics and technology. The war at sea takes center stage in Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns, a new expansion to Paradox Development Studio’s popular strategy wargame.

Design your own ships and refit older models. Alter your convoy routes to avoid hungry wolf packs. Embrace or circumvent naval treaties and deal with the diplomatic consequences.

Man the Guns also introduces new alternate history paths for the major democracies of the war and gives the freedom loving nations of the world more freedom to act before the war forces their hand.

Во время Второй мировой войны враждующие стороны внедряли новые технологии и изобретали новые стратегии для сражений на море — от охоты на конвои в Битве за Атлантику до напряжённых боёв авианосцев на Тихоокеанском театре военных действий. В Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns, новом дополнении к популярной стратегической игре от Paradox Development Studio, основное внимание уделяется именно морским сражениям.

Конструируйте корабли и перевооружайте более старые суда. Меняйте маршруты конвоев, скрываясь от «волчьих стай» Карла Дёница, соблюдайте условия морских конвенций или игнорируйте их, но всегда помните о последствиях.

В Man the Guns также доступны новые варианты развития событий для крупнейших демократических держав, благодаря чему они получают больше свободы действий до того, как окажутся втянуты в войну.

From the convoy attacks in the Battle of the Atlantic to the fierce carrier battles on the Pacific front, the Second World War saw naval innovation in both tactics and technology. The war at sea takes center stage in Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns, a new expansion to Paradox Development Studio’s popular strategy wargame.

Design your own ships and refit older models. Alter your convoy routes to avoid hungry wolf packs. Embrace or circumvent naval treaties and deal with the diplomatic consequences.

Man the Guns also introduces new alternate history paths for the major democracies of the war and gives the freedom loving nations of the world more freedom to act before the war forces their hand.

Desde los ataques de convoys en la Batalla del Atlántico hasta los encarnizados combates de cargueros en el frente Pacífico: la Segunda Guerra Mundial trajo innovación naval, tanto desde el punto de vista táctico como tecnológico. La guerra en el mar ocupa el punto de mira en Iron IV: Man the Guns, una nueva expansión de este popular título de guerra estratégica obra de Paradox Development Studio.

Diseña tus propias embarcaciones y rediseña modelos antiguos. Altera la ruta de tus convoys para evitar a las hambrientas manadas de lobos. Acepta o sortea tratados navales y gestiona las consecuencias diplomáticas.

Man the Guns también presenta nuevas rutas históricas alternativas para las principales democracias de la guerra, y confiere a las naciones del mundo que aman la libertad mayor libertad para actuar antes de que la guerra marque su destino.

From the convoy attacks in the Battle of the Atlantic to the fierce carrier battles on the Pacific front, the Second World War saw naval innovation in both tactics and technology. The war at sea takes center stage in Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns, a new expansion to Paradox Development Studio’s popular strategy wargame.

Design your own ships and refit older models. Alter your convoy routes to avoid hungry wolf packs. Embrace or circumvent naval treaties and deal with the diplomatic consequences.

Man the Guns also introduces new alternate history paths for the major democracies of the war and gives the freedom loving nations of the world more freedom to act before the war forces their hand.

From the convoy attacks in the Battle of the Atlantic to the fierce carrier battles on the Pacific front, the Second World War saw naval innovation in both tactics and technology. The war at sea takes center stage in Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns, a new expansion to Paradox Development Studio’s popular strategy wargame.

Design your own ships and refit older models. Alter your convoy routes to avoid hungry wolf packs. Embrace or circumvent naval treaties and deal with the diplomatic consequences.

Man the Guns also introduces new alternate history paths for the major democracies of the war and gives the freedom loving nations of the world more freedom to act before the war forces their hand.

System Requirements

    • OS: Windows 7 64-bit or newer
    • Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 @ 2.66 GHz / AMD Athlon II X4 650 @ 3.20 GHz
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 5850 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX470 with 1GB VRAM
    • DirectX: Version 9.0
    • Storage: 2 GB available space
    • Sound Card: Direct X- compatible soundcard.
    • Additional Notes: Mouse and keyboard are required. / Latest available WHQL drivers from both manufacturers/ Internet Connection or LAN for multiplayer, Up to 32 other players in multiplayer mode.
    • OS: Windows 7 64-bit or newer
    • Processor: Intel Core i5 750 @ 2.66 GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 955 @ 3.20 GHz
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 6950 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX570 with 2GB VRAM
    • DirectX: Version 9.0
    • Storage: 2 GB available space
    • Sound Card: Direct X- compatible soundcard.
    • Additional Notes: Mouse and keyboard are required. / Latest available WHQL drivers from both manufacturers/ Internet Connection or LAN for multiplayer, Up to 32 other players in multiplayer mode.

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