Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight

Hollow Knight

Release Date: 24/02/2017 | WORLDWIDE
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₺792.37 + VAT


Hollow Knight se expande com Conteúdo Grátis

A Trupe Grimm - Acenda a Lanterna do Pesadelo. Invoque a Trupe. Nova Grande Missão. Novos Chefes. Novos Amuletos. Novos Inimigos. Novos Amigos.

Sonhos Escondidos - Poderosos inimigos emergem! Novos Chefes. Novos Aprimoramentos. Novas Músicas.

Enfrente as profundezas de um reino esquecido

Abaixo da cidade moribunda de Dirtmouth jaz um reino antigo e arruinado. Muitos são atraídos para o subterrâneo em busca de riquezas, glórias ou respostas para antigos segredos.

Hollow Knight é uma aventura de ação clássica em estilo 2D por um vasto mundo interligado. Explore cavernas serpenteantes, cidades antigas e ermos mortais; lute contra criaturas malignas e alie-se a insetos bizarros, e solucione mistérios antigos no centro do reino.

Características do jogo

  • Ação clássica de rolagem de tela com todos os aperfeiçoamentos modernos.
  • Controles 2D bem ajustados. Esquive, ataque e golpeie enquanto passa pelos adversários mais letais.
  • Explore um vasto mundo interligado de caminhos esquecidos, florestas frondosas e cidades em ruínas.
  • Forje seu caminho! O mundo de Hallownest é expansivo e aberto. Escolha que caminhos tomar, que inimigos enfrentar e abra seu caminho adiante.
  • Evolua com novas habilidades e perícias poderosas! Ganhe feitiços, força e velocidade. Pule a novas alturas com as asas etéreas. Arremeta à frente em um ágil lampejo. Exploda inimigos com a Alma Flamejante!
  • Equipe-se com amuletos! Antigas relíquias que oferecem novos poderes e habilidades. Escolha seus favoritos e trilhe uma aventura exclusiva!
  • Um enorme elenco de personagens fofos e assustadores revividos em animações tradicionais 2D quadro a quadro.
  • Mais de 130 inimigos! São 30 chefes épicos! Enfrente feras selvagens e subjugue cavaleiros antigos em sua missão pelo reino. Vá ao encalço de todos os cruéis inimigos e adicione-os ao Diário do Caçador!
  • Entre na mente alheia com o Punhal dos Sonhos. Descubra outros lados dos personagens que encontra e dos inimigos que enfrenta.
  • Lindas paisagens pintadas com paralaxe extravagante que dá uma sensação de profundidade a um mundo paralelo.
  • Mapeie sua aventura com diversas ferramentas de mapa. Compre bússolas, penas, mapas e alfinetes para aprimorar seu entendimento das diversas paisagens tortuosas de Hollow Knight.
  • Composta por Christopher Larkin, a trilha íntima e assustadora acompanha o jogador em sua aventura. A música ecoa a majestade e a tristeza de uma civilização arruinada.
  • Conclua Hollow Knight para desbloquear o modo Alma de Aço, o desafio final!

Um mundo evocativo feito à mão

O mundo de Hollow Knight ganha vida em detalhes significativos, suas cavernas ficam cheia de vida com criaturas bizarras e terríveis, todas animadas manualmente em estilo 2D tradicional.

Cada nova área que você descobrir é lindamente exclusiva e peculiar, cheia de novos personagens e criaturas. Explore e descubra os segredos ocultos do caminho em ruínas.

Se você gosta de jogos clássicos, personagens fofos mas assustadores, aventuras épicas e mundos lindos e góticos, Hollow Knight estará à sua espera!

Hollow Knight Expands with Free Content

Godmaster - Take your place amongst the Gods. New Characters and Quest. New Boss Fights. Available Now!

Lifeblood - A Kingdom Upgraded! New Boss. Upgraded Bosses. Tweaks and Refinements across the whole game.

The Grimm Troupe - Light the Nightmare Lantern. Summon the Troupe. New Major Quest. New Boss Fights. New Charms. New Enemies. New Friends.

Hidden Dreams - Mighty new foes emerge! New Boss fights. New Upgrades. New Music.

Brave the Depths of a Forgotten Kingdom

Beneath the fading town of Dirtmouth sleeps an ancient, ruined kingdom. Many are drawn below the surface, searching for riches, or glory, or answers to old secrets.

Hollow Knight is a classically styled 2D action adventure across a vast interconnected world. Explore twisting caverns, ancient cities and deadly wastes; battle tainted creatures and befriend bizarre bugs; and solve ancient mysteries at the kingdom's heart.

Game Features

  • Classic side-scrolling action, with all the modern trimmings.
  • Tightly tuned 2D controls. Dodge, dash and slash your way through even the most deadly adversaries.
  • Explore a vast interconnected world of forgotten highways, overgrown wilds and ruined cities.
  • Forge your own path! The world of Hallownest is expansive and open. Choose which paths you take, which enemies you face and find your own way forward.
  • Evolve with powerful new skills and abilities! Gain spells, strength and speed. Leap to new heights on ethereal wings. Dash forward in a blazing flash. Blast foes with fiery Soul!
  • Equip Charms! Ancient relics that offer bizarre new powers and abilities. Choose your favourites and make your journey unique!
  • An enormous cast of cute and creepy characters all brought to life with traditional 2D frame-by-frame animation.
  • Over 130 enemies! 30 epic bosses! Face ferocious beasts and vanquish ancient knights on your quest through the kingdom. Track down every last twisted foe and add them to your Hunter's Journal!
  • Leap into minds with the Dream Nail. Uncover a whole other side to the characters you meet and the enemies you face.
  • Beautiful painted landscapes, with extravagant parallax, give a unique sense of depth to a side-on world.
  • Chart your journey with extensive mapping tools. Buy compasses, quills, maps and pins to enhance your understanding of Hollow Knight’s many twisting landscapes.
  • A haunting, intimate score accompanies the player on their journey, composed by Christopher Larkin. The score echoes the majesty and sadness of a civilisation brought to ruin.
  • Complete Hollow Knight to unlock Steel Soul Mode, the ultimate challenge!

An Evocative Hand-Crafted World

The world of Hollow Knight is brought to life in vivid, moody detail, its caverns alive with bizarre and terrifying creatures, each animated by hand in a traditional 2D style.

Every new area you’ll discover is beautifully unique and strange, teeming with new creatures and characters. Take in the sights and uncover new wonders hidden off of the beaten path.

If you like classic gameplay, cute but creepy characters, epic adventure and beautiful, gothic worlds, then Hollow Knight awaits!

Hollow Knight Expands with Free Content

Godmaster - Take your place amongst the Gods. New Characters and Quest. New Boss Fights. Available Now!

Lifeblood - A Kingdom Upgraded! New Boss. Upgraded Bosses. Tweaks and Refinements across the whole game.

The Grimm Troupe - Light the Nightmare Lantern. Summon the Troupe. New Major Quest. New Boss Fights. New Charms. New Enemies. New Friends.

Hidden Dreams - Mighty new foes emerge! New Boss fights. New Upgrades. New Music.

Brave the Depths of a Forgotten Kingdom

Beneath the fading town of Dirtmouth sleeps an ancient, ruined kingdom. Many are drawn below the surface, searching for riches, or glory, or answers to old secrets.

Hollow Knight is a classically styled 2D action adventure across a vast interconnected world. Explore twisting caverns, ancient cities and deadly wastes; battle tainted creatures and befriend bizarre bugs; and solve ancient mysteries at the kingdom's heart.

Game Features

  • Classic side-scrolling action, with all the modern trimmings.
  • Tightly tuned 2D controls. Dodge, dash and slash your way through even the most deadly adversaries.
  • Explore a vast interconnected world of forgotten highways, overgrown wilds and ruined cities.
  • Forge your own path! The world of Hallownest is expansive and open. Choose which paths you take, which enemies you face and find your own way forward.
  • Evolve with powerful new skills and abilities! Gain spells, strength and speed. Leap to new heights on ethereal wings. Dash forward in a blazing flash. Blast foes with fiery Soul!
  • Equip Charms! Ancient relics that offer bizarre new powers and abilities. Choose your favourites and make your journey unique!
  • An enormous cast of cute and creepy characters all brought to life with traditional 2D frame-by-frame animation.
  • Over 130 enemies! 30 epic bosses! Face ferocious beasts and vanquish ancient knights on your quest through the kingdom. Track down every last twisted foe and add them to your Hunter's Journal!
  • Leap into minds with the Dream Nail. Uncover a whole other side to the characters you meet and the enemies you face.
  • Beautiful painted landscapes, with extravagant parallax, give a unique sense of depth to a side-on world.
  • Chart your journey with extensive mapping tools. Buy compasses, quills, maps and pins to enhance your understanding of Hollow Knight’s many twisting landscapes.
  • A haunting, intimate score accompanies the player on their journey, composed by Christopher Larkin. The score echoes the majesty and sadness of a civilisation brought to ruin.
  • Complete Hollow Knight to unlock Steel Soul Mode, the ultimate challenge!

An Evocative Hand-Crafted World

The world of Hollow Knight is brought to life in vivid, moody detail, its caverns alive with bizarre and terrifying creatures, each animated by hand in a traditional 2D style.

Every new area you’ll discover is beautifully unique and strange, teeming with new creatures and characters. Take in the sights and uncover new wonders hidden off of the beaten path.

If you like classic gameplay, cute but creepy characters, epic adventure and beautiful, gothic worlds, then Hollow Knight awaits!

Hollow Knight s’élargit avec du contenu gratuit

La Troupe Grimm - Allumez la lanterne du cauchemar. Invoquez la troupe. Nouvelle quête principale. Nouveaux Combats. Nouveaux Boss. Nouveaux Charmes. Nouveaux Ennemis. Nouveaux Amis.

Rêves Cachés - De nouveaux ennemis puissants émergent ! Nouveaux Combats, Nouveaux Boss. Nouvelles Améliorations. Nouvelle Musique Originale.

Affrontez les dangers des abysses d’un royaume oublié.

Sous la ville fantôme de Dirtmouth, sommeille un ancien royaume en ruine. Nombreux sont ceux qui sont attirés par cet endroit en quête de richesses, de gloire ou pour élucider les mystères que recèle ce royaume.

Hollow Knight est un jeu classique d’action et d’aventure en 2D, qui prend place dans un vaste monde souterrain interconnecté. Explorez un labyrinthe de cavernes, de villes ancestrales et de terres désolées dangereuses. Il vous faudra combattre des créatures corrompues, vous lier d’amitié avec des insectes étranges et résoudre les mystères dissimulés au coeur du royaume.

Fonctionnalités du jeu

  • Un jeu d’action classique à défilement horizontal avec un style moderne.
  • Contrôles 2D parfaitement ajustés. Frayez-vous un chemin en vous élançant au milieu de redoutables adversaires et en esquivant leurs attaques.
  • Explorez un vaste monde interconnecté de routes abandonnées, de terres luxuriantes et de villes en ruine.
  • Suivez votre propre voie ! Hallownest est un monde ouvert et vaste. Choisissez le chemin que vous voulez suivre, qui seront les ennemis que vous affronterez et décidez-vous même de la route à suivre.
  • Progressez dans le jeu en découvrant de nouvelles compétences puissantes ! Apprenez des sorts pour obtenir plus de force et de vitesse. Propulsez-vous vers de nouveaux sommets grâce aux ailes éthérées ! Déplacez-vous à une vitesse fulgurante ! Terrassez vos ennemis à l’aide d’une Âme flamboyante !
  • Équipez-vous de Charmes ! Des reliques ancestrales qui octroient des pouvoirs et des capacités étranges. Rendez votre aventure unique en équipant ceux que vous préférez.
  • Tout un tas de personnages adorables et effrayants à qui nous avons donné vie, grâce à l’animation image par image en 2D traditionnelle.
  • Plus de 130 ennemis ! 30 bosses épiques ! Une aventure qui vous conduira à affronter des bêtes féroces et à anéantir des chevaliers d’un autre temps. Pourchassez vos adversaires jusqu’au dernier et ajoutez-les dans votre journal du chasseur !
  • Immiscez-vous dans les esprits des personnages que vous rencontrez, grâce à l’aiguillon des rêves. Découvrez alors une tout autre personnalité de tous ceux qui croiseront votre chemin.
  • De magnifiques paysages peints, avec une parallaxe extravagante, procurant un effet de profondeur unique à un monde en défilement horizontal.
  • Cartographiez vos déplacements avec un vaste choix d’outils de cartographie. Achetez des boussoles, des plumes, des cartes et des épingles pour améliorer vos connaissances sur le monde d’Hollow Knight.
  • Une musique envoûtante accompagne le joueur au cours de son aventure, composée par Christopher Larkin. Cette musique fait écho à la splendeur et à la tristesse d’une civilisation détruite.
  • Finissez Hollow Knight pour débloquer le mode de jeu « Âme d’Acier », le défi ultime !

Un monde évocateur dessiné à la main.

Le monde morose d’Hollow Knight prend vie au travers de détails saisissants et de cavernes grouillantes de créatures bizarres et terrifiantes. Le tout dessiné à la main dans un style 2D traditionnel.

Toutes les nouvelles zones que vous découvrirez sont merveilleusement uniques et étranges, regorgeant de nouvelles créatures et de personnages. Admirez la vue et partez à la découverte de nouvelles merveilles dissimulées plus loin sur les sentiers battus.

Si vous aimez les jeux 2D classiques, les personnages adorables et à la fois effrayants, les aventures épiques avec un univers gothique magnifique, alors Hollow Knight est fait pour vous !

Hollow Knight erweitert sich mit Gratisinhalt

Die Grimmige Truppe - Entzünde die Albtraumlaterne. Beschwöre die Truppe. Neue Hauptmission. Neue Bosskämpfe. Neue Talismane. Neue Feinde. Neue Freunde.

Verborgene Träume - Mächtige neue Gegner erscheinen! Neue Bosskämpfe. Neue Upgrades. Neue Musik.

Biete den Tiefen eines vergessenen Königreiches die Stirn

Tief unter der langsam verfallenden Stadt Dirtmouth liegt ein uraltes zerstörtes Königreich. So manch einen Abenteurer zieht es in den Untergrund, um nach Schätzen, Ruhm oder nach Antworten auf uralte Geheimnisse zu suchen.

Hollow Knight ist ein in klassischem 2D-Stil gehaltenes Action-Abenteuer in einer riesigen vernetzten Welt. Erkunde verwinkelte Höhlen, uralte Städte und todbringende Einöden, kämpfe gegen verdorbene Kreaturen, mache bizarre Käfer zu deinen Verbündeten und lüfte uralte Geheimnisse im Herzen des Königreiches.


  • Klassische Side-Scrolling-Action in modernem Design.
  • Fein abgestimmte 2D-Steuerung. Weiche aus, sprinte, kämpfe und bahne dir so deinen Weg durch die Reihen der furchteinflößendsten Feinde.
  • Erkunde eine riesige vernetzte Welt mit vergessenen Landwegen, überwucherter Wildnis und verfallenen Städten.
  • Gestalte deinen eigenen Weg! Die Welt von Hallownest ist weit und offen. Wähle selbst, welchen Pfad du nimmst und welchen Gegnern du dich in deinem persönlichen Abenteuer entgegenstellst.
  • Entwickle dich und erhalte mächtige neue Fähigkeiten! Lerne Zauber, werde stärker und schneller und erreiche ungeahnte Höhen mithilfe ätherischer Flügel, sprinte schnell wie der Blitz und vernichte Gegner mit deiner feurigen Seele!
  • Rüste Talismane aus, uralte Relikte mit außergewöhnlichen Kräften und Fähigkeiten. Wähle deine Favoriten und gestalte dein Abenteuer ganz individuell!
  • Eine Vielzahl an niedlichen und unheimlichen Charakteren werden in einer traditionellem 2D-Animation Bild für Bild dargestellt und zum Leben erweckt.
  • Über 130 Gegner! 30 epische Bosse! Stelle dich wilden Bestien und uralten Rittern auf deiner Reise durch das Königreich. Finde und besiege jeden einzelnen Feind und trage ihn in deinem Tagebuch des Jägers ein.
  • Versetze dich mit dem Traumnagel in die Psyche anderer und entdecke verschiedene Facetten der Charaktere und Feinde, auf die du triffst.
  • Malerische Landschaften und extravagante Parallaxe verleihen einer 2D-Welt den einzigartigen Eindruck von Tiefe.
  • Zeichne dein Abenteuer mithilfe vielerlei Werkzeug auf. Erwirb Kompasse, Federn, Karten und Stecknadeln, um dein Wissen über die vielen Landschaften von Hollow Knight zu vertiefen.
  • Unvergessliche musikalische Untermalung, komponiert von Christopher Larkin, begleitet den Spieler auf seinem Abenteuer. Sie spiegelt die Imposanz und Trauer einer zerstörten Zivilisation wieder.
  • Schließe Hollow Knight ab, um den „Stählerne Seele“-Modus freizuschalten, die ultimative Herausforderung!

Eine atmosphärische Welt von Hand gefertigt.

Die Welt von Hollow Knight erwacht mit lebendigen, düsteren Details zum Leben. In seinen Höhlen wimmelt es von bizarren und furchteinflößenden Kreaturen, die im traditionellen 2D-Stil von Hand animiert wurden.

Jedes neue Gebiet, das du entdeckst, ist wunderschön einzigartig und ungewöhnlich, voller neuer Kreaturen und Charaktere. Genieße die Aussicht und entdecke neue Wunder, die abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade auf dich warten.

Wenn du klassisches Gameplay, niedliche aber unheimliche Charaktere, epische Abenteuer und reizvolle Schauerwelten magst, dann ist Hollow Knight genau das Richtige!

Hollow Knight Expands with Free Content

Godmaster - Take your place amongst the Gods. New Characters and Quest. New Boss Fights. Available Now!

Lifeblood - A Kingdom Upgraded! New Boss. Upgraded Bosses. Tweaks and Refinements across the whole game.

The Grimm Troupe - Light the Nightmare Lantern. Summon the Troupe. New Major Quest. New Boss Fights. New Charms. New Enemies. New Friends.

Hidden Dreams - Mighty new foes emerge! New Boss fights. New Upgrades. New Music.

Brave the Depths of a Forgotten Kingdom

Beneath the fading town of Dirtmouth sleeps an ancient, ruined kingdom. Many are drawn below the surface, searching for riches, or glory, or answers to old secrets.

Hollow Knight is a classically styled 2D action adventure across a vast interconnected world. Explore twisting caverns, ancient cities and deadly wastes; battle tainted creatures and befriend bizarre bugs; and solve ancient mysteries at the kingdom's heart.

Game Features

  • Classic side-scrolling action, with all the modern trimmings.
  • Tightly tuned 2D controls. Dodge, dash and slash your way through even the most deadly adversaries.
  • Explore a vast interconnected world of forgotten highways, overgrown wilds and ruined cities.
  • Forge your own path! The world of Hallownest is expansive and open. Choose which paths you take, which enemies you face and find your own way forward.
  • Evolve with powerful new skills and abilities! Gain spells, strength and speed. Leap to new heights on ethereal wings. Dash forward in a blazing flash. Blast foes with fiery Soul!
  • Equip Charms! Ancient relics that offer bizarre new powers and abilities. Choose your favourites and make your journey unique!
  • An enormous cast of cute and creepy characters all brought to life with traditional 2D frame-by-frame animation.
  • Over 130 enemies! 30 epic bosses! Face ferocious beasts and vanquish ancient knights on your quest through the kingdom. Track down every last twisted foe and add them to your Hunter's Journal!
  • Leap into minds with the Dream Nail. Uncover a whole other side to the characters you meet and the enemies you face.
  • Beautiful painted landscapes, with extravagant parallax, give a unique sense of depth to a side-on world.
  • Chart your journey with extensive mapping tools. Buy compasses, quills, maps and pins to enhance your understanding of Hollow Knight’s many twisting landscapes.
  • A haunting, intimate score accompanies the player on their journey, composed by Christopher Larkin. The score echoes the majesty and sadness of a civilisation brought to ruin.
  • Complete Hollow Knight to unlock Steel Soul Mode, the ultimate challenge!

An Evocative Hand-Crafted World

The world of Hollow Knight is brought to life in vivid, moody detail, its caverns alive with bizarre and terrifying creatures, each animated by hand in a traditional 2D style.

Every new area you’ll discover is beautifully unique and strange, teeming with new creatures and characters. Take in the sights and uncover new wonders hidden off of the beaten path.

If you like classic gameplay, cute but creepy characters, epic adventure and beautiful, gothic worlds, then Hollow Knight awaits!

Hollow Knight Expands with Free Content

Godmaster - Take your place amongst the Gods. New Characters and Quest. New Boss Fights. Available Now!

Lifeblood - A Kingdom Upgraded! New Boss. Upgraded Bosses. Tweaks and Refinements across the whole game.

The Grimm Troupe - Light the Nightmare Lantern. Summon the Troupe. New Major Quest. New Boss Fights. New Charms. New Enemies. New Friends.

Hidden Dreams - Mighty new foes emerge! New Boss fights. New Upgrades. New Music.

Brave the Depths of a Forgotten Kingdom

Beneath the fading town of Dirtmouth sleeps an ancient, ruined kingdom. Many are drawn below the surface, searching for riches, or glory, or answers to old secrets.

Hollow Knight is a classically styled 2D action adventure across a vast interconnected world. Explore twisting caverns, ancient cities and deadly wastes; battle tainted creatures and befriend bizarre bugs; and solve ancient mysteries at the kingdom's heart.

Game Features

  • Classic side-scrolling action, with all the modern trimmings.
  • Tightly tuned 2D controls. Dodge, dash and slash your way through even the most deadly adversaries.
  • Explore a vast interconnected world of forgotten highways, overgrown wilds and ruined cities.
  • Forge your own path! The world of Hallownest is expansive and open. Choose which paths you take, which enemies you face and find your own way forward.
  • Evolve with powerful new skills and abilities! Gain spells, strength and speed. Leap to new heights on ethereal wings. Dash forward in a blazing flash. Blast foes with fiery Soul!
  • Equip Charms! Ancient relics that offer bizarre new powers and abilities. Choose your favourites and make your journey unique!
  • An enormous cast of cute and creepy characters all brought to life with traditional 2D frame-by-frame animation.
  • Over 130 enemies! 30 epic bosses! Face ferocious beasts and vanquish ancient knights on your quest through the kingdom. Track down every last twisted foe and add them to your Hunter's Journal!
  • Leap into minds with the Dream Nail. Uncover a whole other side to the characters you meet and the enemies you face.
  • Beautiful painted landscapes, with extravagant parallax, give a unique sense of depth to a side-on world.
  • Chart your journey with extensive mapping tools. Buy compasses, quills, maps and pins to enhance your understanding of Hollow Knight’s many twisting landscapes.
  • A haunting, intimate score accompanies the player on their journey, composed by Christopher Larkin. The score echoes the majesty and sadness of a civilisation brought to ruin.
  • Complete Hollow Knight to unlock Steel Soul Mode, the ultimate challenge!

An Evocative Hand-Crafted World

The world of Hollow Knight is brought to life in vivid, moody detail, its caverns alive with bizarre and terrifying creatures, each animated by hand in a traditional 2D style.

Every new area you’ll discover is beautifully unique and strange, teeming with new creatures and characters. Take in the sights and uncover new wonders hidden off of the beaten path.

If you like classic gameplay, cute but creepy characters, epic adventure and beautiful, gothic worlds, then Hollow Knight awaits!

Hollow Knight si espande con Contenuti Gratuiti

The Grimm Troupe - Accendi la Lanterna dell’Incubo. Evoca la Compagnia. Nuova Missione Principale. Nuovi Boss. Nuovi Amuleti. Nuovi Nemici. Nuovi Amici.

Hidden Dreams - Nuovi, potenti nemici emergono! Nuovi Boss. Nuovi Potenziamenti. Nuove Musiche.

Affronta le profondità di un regno ormai dimenticato

Al di sotto della città decadente di Pulveria giace un antico regno ormai in rovina. Sono in molti a essere attirati sotto la superficie, per cercare ricchezze, gloria o risposte ad antichi segreti.

Hollow Knight è un gioco d’azione e avventura nel classico stile 2D in un vasto mondo interconnesso. Esplora le caverne tortuose, le città antiche e le scorie mortali; combatti contro sudicie creature e fai amicizia con insetti bizzarri; risolvi antichi misteri nel cuore del regno.

Caratteristiche del gioco

  • Classica azione a scorrimento orizzontale con dettagli moderni.
  • Comandi precisi con impostazione 2D. Schiva, scatta e fatti strada fra gli avversari più temibili.
  • Esplora un vasto mondo interconnesso fatto di strade dimenticate, erbacce selvagge e città in rovina.
  • Forgia la tua strada! Il mondo di Nidosacro è aperto e vasto. Scegli i percorsi da intraprendere, i nemici da affrontare e trova la tua strada.
  • Evolvi con nuove e potenti abilità! Ottieni incantesimi, forza e velocità. Raggiungi grandi altezze su ali eteree. Scatta come un lampo fulmineo. Distruggi i nemici con la furia delle Anime!
  • Equipaggia gli incantesimi! Antiche reliquie donano nuovi e bizzarri poteri e abilità: scegli le tue preferite e rendi unico il tuo viaggio!
  • Un immenso cast di personaggi teneri e raccapriccianti portati in vita con l’animazione tradizionale 2D fotogramma per fotogramma.
  • Più di 130 nemici! 30 epici boss! Affronta bestie feroci e sbaraglia antichi cavalieri durante il tuo viaggio all’interno del regno. Rintraccia ogni singolo nemico malvagio e aggiungili tutti nel tuo Diario del Cacciatore!
  • Balza nelle menti altrui con l’Aculeo dei Sogni. Svela il lato più nascosto dei personaggi che incontri e dei nemici che affronti.
  • Gli splendidi paesaggi dipinti a mano con una magnifica parallasse donano un senso di profondità unico a un mondo a due dimensioni.
  • Traccia il viaggio con strumenti di mappatura molto precisi. Acquista bussole, calami, mappe e puntine per capire al meglio i molti paesaggi tortuosi di Hollow Knight.
  • Una colonna sonora inquietante e profonda, composta da Christopher Larkin, accompagna il giocatore durante il viaggio. La musica evoca la maestosità e la malinconia di una civiltà ormai in rovina.
  • Completa Hollow Knight per sbloccare la modalità Anima d’Acciaio, la sfida finale!

Un mondo suggestivo creato a mano

Il mondo di Hollow Knight prende vita grazie a dettagli vividi e malinconici, le caverne sono rinvigorite da creature bizzarre e spaventose, ognuna animata a mano secondo lo stile 2D tradizionale.

Ogni nuova zona che scoprirai è meravigliosamente unica e stravagante, piena di nuove creature e personaggi. Visita il regno e scopri nuove meraviglie nascoste lontano dal sentiero battuto.

Se ti piacciono le esperienze di gioco classiche, i personaggi teneri ma raccapriccianti, le avventure epiche e i bellissimi mondi gotici, Hollow Knight è il gioco che fa per te!


グリム巡業団 - 悪夢のランタンに火を灯し、巡業団を召喚せよ。新しいクエスト、新しいボス、新しいチャーム、新しいキャラクターが登場!

隠された夢 - 強力な敵、ボス戦、アップグレード、音楽が新たに追加!



『Hollow Knight(ホロウナイト)』は伝統的な2Dスタイルで展開する、アクションアドベンチャーゲームです。プレイヤーは曲がりくねった洞穴や古代都市、危険な荒れ地などが絡まり合うようにして構成される広大な世界を冒険していきます。汚染された生物と戦い、ちょっと変わったムシたちと交流しながら、王国の中枢に秘められた太古の秘密を解き明かしましょう。


  • 伝統的なスタイルに現代的なテイストを加えた、横スクロールアクション。
  • 精密に調整された2Dアクション。回避、ダッシュ、攻撃を駆使して、強力な敵を攻略しましょう。
  • 忘れられた道や、緑の生い茂った土地、廃墟となった都市など、様々な場所が絡まり合うようにして構成される、広大な世界。
  • ハロウネストは探索の可能性に満ちた広大な土地。どの道を選び、どの敵と戦うか、すべてはあなた次第です。自らのやり方で道を切り開きましょう。
  • 強力なスキルと能力を覚えてキャラクターを強化! 冒険の途中であなたは様々なスキルや移動能力を得ることができます。神秘的な翼によってさらなる高みへと到達し、火の玉のように前方に跳躍し、ソウルの塊を放って敵を攻撃しましょう!
  • チャームを身につけてパワーアップ! 古代の遺物であるチャームを用いることで、様々なユニークな能力を得ることができます。自分好みのチャームを選んで、ユニークなプレイスタイルを確立しましょう!
  • 伝統的なコマ割り手法の2Dアニメーションによって描かれる、可愛らしくて不気味なキャラクターたちが多数登場。
  • 130種類以上の敵と30種類のボスが登場! 王国を冒険する中で、あなたは獰猛な怪物や古の騎士など様々な敵と遭遇します。すべての敵を見つけ出して「狩猟者の記録」を完成させましょう!
  • 「夢見の釘」を使って他者の心の中に入り込む! 出会ったムシや敵の新たな側面を明らかにしましょう。
  • 遠近を表現しつつ描かれ、平面ながら独特の奥行を感じさせる美しい風景。
  • 様々な道具を駆使して、冒険の地図を作成! コンパスや羽ペン、ピンなどを活用することで、『Hollow Knight』の入り組んだ世界をより深く理解することができます。
  • 冒険をときに恐ろし気に、ときに優しく彩る、クリストファー・ラーキン作曲の音楽。その音色からあなたは崩壊した文明の哀しみと壮大さを感じることでしょう。
  • ゲームをクリアすると、究極のチャレンジである「スティールソウル・モード」がアンロック!


『Hollow Knight』の世界は薄暗く、かつ瑞々しいタッチによって描かれており、その洞穴内は伝統的な2Dスタイルによって命を吹き込まれた、奇妙で恐ろしい生物で満ちています。


もしあなたが伝統的なゲームプレイや、可愛くて不気味なキャラクターや、壮大な冒険や、暗くてしかし美しい世界を好むなら、きっと『Hollow Knight』をお楽しみいただけるでしょう!

할로우 나이트에 무료 컨텐츠가 추가되었습니다

그림 극단 - 악몽의 등불에 불을 붙여서 극단을 소환하세요. 신규 퀘스트. 새로운 보스전. 새로운 부적. 새로운 적. 새로운 친구.

숨겨진 꿈 - 강력한 적의 등장! 새로운 보스전. 새로운 능력. 새로운 음악.

잊혀진 깊은 왕국의 용감한 대면

몰락한 더트마우스 타운 아래에 고대의 폐허 왕국이 잠들어 있습니다. 많은 사람들이 표면 아래로 들어가 부, 영광 또는 고대 비밀의 해답을 찾습니다.

할로우 나이트는 광대하게 상호 연결된 세계에 걸쳐 있는 클래식 스타일의 2D 액션 어드벤처입니다. 구불구불한 동굴, 고대 도시와 치명적인 폐기물을 탐험하고, 오염된 생물과 싸우고 이상한 곤충들과 친구가 되며, 왕국의 중심부에 있는 고대의 미스터리를 해결하세요.

게임의 특징

  • 모든 현대적 트리밍을 포함한 클래식 횡스크롤 액션입니다.
  • 2D 컨트롤로 정교하게 조정되어 있습니다. 가장 치명적인 적도 피하고 돌진하고 베며 나아가세요.
  • 잊혀진 고속도로, 무성하게 자란 잡초들과 폐허 도시로 광대하게 상호 연결된 세계를 탐험해보세요.
  • 당신만의 길을 구축해보세요! 할로우니스트의 세계는 광대하고 개방적입니다. 어떤 경로를 택할지, 어떤 적을 마주할지 선택하고 나아갈 자신만의 경로를 찾으세요.
  • 강력한 새 스킬과 능력으로 진화하세요! 마법, 힘, 스피드를 얻으세요. 천상의 날개에서 새로이 도약하세요. 타오르는 섬광 속에서 앞으로 돌진하세요. 불꽃의 영혼으로 적을 후려치세요!
  • 부적을 장착하세요! 이상한 새 힘과 능력을 제공하는 고대의 유적입니다. 원하는 것을 선택하여 당신의 고유한 여정을 구성하세요!
  • 매우 다양한 귀엽고 기이한 캐릭터들을 모두 전통적인 2D 프레임 바이 프레임 애니메이션으로 되살렸습니다.
  • 130명 이상의 적들! 30명의 에픽 보스! 왕국의 퀘스트에서 흉포한 야수들을 마주하고 고대의 기사들을 무찌르세요. 마지막으로 일그러진 적을 모두 추적하여 헌터의 저널에 추가하세요!
  • 드림 네일을 이용해 마음으로 도약하세요. 당신이 만나는 캐릭터와 마주치는 적들의 완전히 다른 면을 발견하세요.
  • 엄청난 시차로 아름답게 채색된 풍경은 측면 세계에 독특한 깊이감을 줍니다.
  • 광대한 매핑 툴을 이용하여 여정을 차트로 나타내세요. 컴퍼스, 깃펜, 지도 및 핀을 구입하여 할로우 나이트의 구불구불한 여러 풍경에 대한 이해를 높여보세요.
  • 크리스토퍼 랄킨이 제작한 여정에서 잊혀지지 않는 친밀한 점수가 플레이어를 동반합니다. 이 점수는 폐허가 된 시민혁명의 장엄함과 슬픔을 반향합니다.
  • 할로우 나이트를 완료하여 궁극의 도전인 스틸 소울 모드를 잠금 해제하세요!

좋은 기억을 환기시키는 수작업의 세계

할로우 나이트의 세계는 생생하고 음울한 디테일로 되살렸으며 동굴은 전통적인 2D 스타일로 각각 손으로 애니메이션 제작하여 이상하고 섬뜩한 생물로 생생하게 살아있습니다.

당신이 발견할 모든 새 영역은 아름답게 독특하고 이상하며 새로운 생물 및 캐릭터와 조화를 이룹니다. 장면을 보고 폐허가 된 길에 숨겨진 새로운 경이로움을 발견하세요.

클래식한 게임플레이, 귀엽지만 으스스한 캐릭터, 서사적인 어드벤처와 아름다운 고딕 세계를 좋아하신다면 할로우 나이트가 기다리고 있어요!

Hollow Knight Expands with Free Content

Godmaster - Take your place amongst the Gods. New Characters and Quest. New Boss Fights. Available Now!

Lifeblood - A Kingdom Upgraded! New Boss. Upgraded Bosses. Tweaks and Refinements across the whole game.

The Grimm Troupe - Light the Nightmare Lantern. Summon the Troupe. New Major Quest. New Boss Fights. New Charms. New Enemies. New Friends.

Hidden Dreams - Mighty new foes emerge! New Boss fights. New Upgrades. New Music.

Brave the Depths of a Forgotten Kingdom

Beneath the fading town of Dirtmouth sleeps an ancient, ruined kingdom. Many are drawn below the surface, searching for riches, or glory, or answers to old secrets.

Hollow Knight is a classically styled 2D action adventure across a vast interconnected world. Explore twisting caverns, ancient cities and deadly wastes; battle tainted creatures and befriend bizarre bugs; and solve ancient mysteries at the kingdom's heart.

Game Features

  • Classic side-scrolling action, with all the modern trimmings.
  • Tightly tuned 2D controls. Dodge, dash and slash your way through even the most deadly adversaries.
  • Explore a vast interconnected world of forgotten highways, overgrown wilds and ruined cities.
  • Forge your own path! The world of Hallownest is expansive and open. Choose which paths you take, which enemies you face and find your own way forward.
  • Evolve with powerful new skills and abilities! Gain spells, strength and speed. Leap to new heights on ethereal wings. Dash forward in a blazing flash. Blast foes with fiery Soul!
  • Equip Charms! Ancient relics that offer bizarre new powers and abilities. Choose your favourites and make your journey unique!
  • An enormous cast of cute and creepy characters all brought to life with traditional 2D frame-by-frame animation.
  • Over 130 enemies! 30 epic bosses! Face ferocious beasts and vanquish ancient knights on your quest through the kingdom. Track down every last twisted foe and add them to your Hunter's Journal!
  • Leap into minds with the Dream Nail. Uncover a whole other side to the characters you meet and the enemies you face.
  • Beautiful painted landscapes, with extravagant parallax, give a unique sense of depth to a side-on world.
  • Chart your journey with extensive mapping tools. Buy compasses, quills, maps and pins to enhance your understanding of Hollow Knight’s many twisting landscapes.
  • A haunting, intimate score accompanies the player on their journey, composed by Christopher Larkin. The score echoes the majesty and sadness of a civilisation brought to ruin.
  • Complete Hollow Knight to unlock Steel Soul Mode, the ultimate challenge!

An Evocative Hand-Crafted World

The world of Hollow Knight is brought to life in vivid, moody detail, its caverns alive with bizarre and terrifying creatures, each animated by hand in a traditional 2D style.

Every new area you’ll discover is beautifully unique and strange, teeming with new creatures and characters. Take in the sights and uncover new wonders hidden off of the beaten path.

If you like classic gameplay, cute but creepy characters, epic adventure and beautiful, gothic worlds, then Hollow Knight awaits!

Бросьте вызов глубинам заброшенного Королевства

Глубоко под угасающим городом Грязьмут лежат руины древнего Королевства. Многих влечет под землю тяга к богатству, славе или ответам на старинные загадки.

Hollow Knight – классическое двухмерное приключение в огромном взаимосвязанном мире. Исследуйте извилистые пещеры, древние города и смертоносные пустоши, сражайтесь с порчеными тварями и заводите дружбу со странными жуками, раскрывайте древние тайны в самом сердце королевства.

Особенности игры

  • Классический боевик с промоткой кадра в сторону и всеми характеристиками современной игры.
  • Тонко настраиваемое 2D-управление. Прокладывайте себе мечом путь сквозь строй самых страшных противников.
  • Исследуйте огромный взаимосвязанный мир забытых трактов, заросших пустошей и обратившихся в развалины замков.
  • Станьте хозяином своей судьбы! Мир Халлоунеста огромен и открыт. Выбирайте свой путь – какой тропой идти, с какими врагами встречаться.
  • Развивайтесь, приобретая новые мощные умения и навыки! Пополняйте запас заклинаний, силы и скорости. Воспаряйте к новым высотам на волшебных крыльях. Рвитесь вперед, словно сверкающая молния. Обращайте врагов в пепел с помощью «Пламенной души»!
  • Надевайте амулеты! Древние реликвии хранят в себе необычные силы. Выбирайте то, что вам по душе – и ваше путешествие будет уникальным!
  • Невероятное количество милых и страшных персонажей оживает благодаря традиционной покадровой 2D-анимации.
  • Больше 130 противников! 30 эпических боссов! На пути вас ждут схватки со свирепыми зверями и победы над рыцарями древности. Выследите всех до единого чудовищ и внесите их в свой охотничий журнал!
  • «Гвоздь грез» позволит проникнуть в чужой разум. Откройте для себя обратную сторону персонажей, с которыми встречаетесь, и врагов, с которыми вам предстоит биться.
  • Великолепные рисованные пейзажи с экстравагантным параллаксом рождают необычайное чувство глубины мира.
  • Наносите свой путь на карту с помощью разнообразных картографических инструментов. Покупайте компасы, перья, карты и булавки, чтобы лучше понимать многочисленные «закрученные» пейзажи Hollow Knight.
  • В пути игрока сопровождают полупризрачные, трогающие душу мелодии Кристофера Ларкина. Они – эхо величия и скорби павшей цивилизации.
  • Пройдя Hollow Knight, вы откроете доступ к режиму «Стальной души» – вызову из вызовов!

Выразительный игровой мир ручной работы

Мир Hollow Knight полон живых и красочных деталей, в его пещерах обитают необычные и страшные создания, вручную оживленные художниками в традиционном двухмерном стиле.

Каждая новая открытая вами область – странна, по-своему великолепна и полна новых существ и персонажей. Будьте внимательны – и в стороне от проторенных дорог вас ждут новые чудеса.

Если вам по душе классический геймплей, милые, но страшные существа, эпические приключения и красивые миры в готическом стиле, тогда Hollow Knight ждет вас!


格林剧团——点燃梦魇之灯,召唤剧团,全新的主线任务,全新的 Boss 战,新护符,新敌人,新朋友。

隐藏的梦——强劲的新敌人出现!全新的 Boss 战,全新的升级,新音乐。



《空洞骑士》是一款传统风格的 2D 动作冒险游戏,庞大的游戏世界交错相通。探索幽深的洞穴、古老的城市和危险的废墟,与被感染的生物战斗,结识友好又奇异的昆虫,并且深入王国腹地,揭开远古谜团的真相。


  • 经典的横版卷轴游戏关卡,并拥有新时代的游戏特色。
  • 连贯紧凑的 2D 操控:躲避攻击,向前冲刺,并使用骨钉技艺击败致命的敌人。
  • 探索交错相通的庞大世界,在遗忘的山道、杂草丛生的荒地和废弃的城市之间穿梭。
  • 打造属于自己的冒险之旅!圣巢是广阔、开放的世界,你可以自由选择前进的道路和面对的敌人。
  • 不断获得新的技能!学习法术、提升力量和速度,用轻薄的羽翼跳出新高度,在风驰云卷中向前冲刺,还能向敌人发射威力十足的灵魂冲击波!
  • 装备强大的护符!这些古老的宝物能使你具备独特的能力。选择自己钟爱的护符,让你的旅途独一无二!
  • 2D 逐帧动画给数不胜数的可爱又颇具攻击性的角色赋予了生机。
  • 超过 130 种敌人!30 个史诗级 Boss!在旅途中直面凶猛的怪物,并征服古老的骑士。将每一种独特生物的踪迹记录在你的猎人日志之中。
  • 使用梦之钉进入他人的思想,揭开你遇到的角色和敌人心中不为人知的另一面。
  • 如画的风景、华丽的视觉盛宴为游戏世界带来独特的层次感。
  • 使用各种导航工具为你的旅途绘制图景。购买指南针、鹅毛笔、地图、图针等物品,增加你对《空洞骑士》中曲折的世界地形的理解。
  • 游戏全程配有优美的背景音乐,由克里斯托弗·拉金创作。背景音乐衬托出王国的宏伟,同时也奏出失落文明的凄婉。
  • 完成《空洞骑士》后,可以解锁终极挑战:钢铁之魂模式!


《空洞骑士》的世界因为生动、丰富的细节而生机勃勃:地下洞穴中充满了奇异又可怕的生物,每一种都是通过传统的 2D 手绘动画打造。



Hollow Knight se Expande con Contenido Gratis

La Compañía de Grimm - Enciende la linterna Pesadilla. Invoca a
la Compañía. Nueva Misión Principal. Nuevos Bosses. Nuevos Amuletos. Nuevos Enemigos. Nuevos Amigos.

Sueños Ocultos - ¡Poderosos nuevos enemigos emergen! Nuevos Bosses. Nuevas Habilidades. Más Música.

Enfréntate a las profundidades de un reino olvidado

Bajo la deteriorada ciudad de Petrópolis yace un antiguo reino en ruinas. A muchos les atrae la vida bajo la superficie y van en busca de riquezas, gloria o respuestas a viejos enigmas.

Hollow Knight es una aventura de acción clásica en 2D ambientada en un vasto mundo interconectado. Explora cavernas tortuosas, ciudades antiguas y páramos mortales. Combate contra criaturas corrompidas, haz amistad con extraños insectos y resuelve los antiguos misterios que yacen en el corazón de reino.

Características del juego

  • Acción clásica de desplazamiento lateral, con todos los avances modernos.
  • Controles para 2D perfectamente ajustados. Esquiva, corre y golpea para abrirte camino incluso frente a los adversarios más mortales.
  • Explora un vasto mundo interconectado de caminos olvidados, vegetación salvaje y ciudades en ruinas.
  • ¡Forja tu propio camino! El mundo de Sacronido es extenso y abierto. Elige qué rutas seguir, a qué enemigos enfrentarte y encuentra tu propio camino.
  • ¡Evoluciona con habilidades nuevas y poderosas! Adquiere hechizos, fuerza y velocidad. Llega a nuevas alturas con las alas etéreas. Avanza rápidamente en un destello fulminante. ¡Acaba con los enemigos con el Alma Ígnea!
  • ¡Equipa amuletos! Antiguas reliquias que proporcionan poderes y habilidades extrañas. ¡Elige las que prefieras y emprende un viaje único!
  • Un inmenso elenco de personajes adorables y extraños que cobran vida gracias a una animación tradicional fotograma a fotograma en 2D.
  • ¡Más de 130 enemigos! ¡30 jefes épicos! Enfréntate a bestias feroces y vence a caballeros antiguos durante tu búsqueda a través del reino. ¡Rastrea hasta el último enemigo y añádelo a tu Diario del Cazador!
  • Entra en sus mentes con el Aguijón Onírico. Descubre un lado nuevo de los personajes con los que te encuentres y de los enemigos a los que te enfrentes.
  • Los bellos paisajes coloreados con una perspectiva extravagante consiguen que este mundo transmita una sensación de profundidad.
  • Registra tu viaje con numerosas herramientas de cartografía. Compra brújulas, plumas, mapas y marcadores para entender mejor los paisajes serpenteantes de Hollow Knight.
  • Una banda sonora íntima e inquietante, compuesta por Christopher Larkin, acompaña al jugador durante su viaje. La música evoca la majestuosidad y tristeza de una civilización llevada a la ruina.
  • Completa Hollow Knight para desbloquear el modo Alma de acero, ¡el desafío definitivo!

Un mundo sugerente hecho a mano

El mundo de Hollow Knight cobra vida gracias a sus detalles vívidos y melancólicos, sus cavernas con criaturas extrañas y terroríficas, y su animación a mano con un estilo tradicional en 2D.

Cada nueva zona que descubras es única, hermosa y extraña, con cantidad de criaturas y personajes nuevos. Disfruta de las vistas y descubre nuevas maravillas ocultas fuera de los caminos habituales.

Si te gusta la jugabilidad clásica, los personajes adorables a la vez que extraños, las aventuras épicas y los mundos bellos y de estilo gótico, ¡entonces Hollow Knight te espera!

Hollow Knight Expands with Free Content

Godmaster - Take your place amongst the Gods. New Characters and Quest. New Boss Fights. Available Now!

Lifeblood - A Kingdom Upgraded! New Boss. Upgraded Bosses. Tweaks and Refinements across the whole game.

The Grimm Troupe - Light the Nightmare Lantern. Summon the Troupe. New Major Quest. New Boss Fights. New Charms. New Enemies. New Friends.

Hidden Dreams - Mighty new foes emerge! New Boss fights. New Upgrades. New Music.

Brave the Depths of a Forgotten Kingdom

Beneath the fading town of Dirtmouth sleeps an ancient, ruined kingdom. Many are drawn below the surface, searching for riches, or glory, or answers to old secrets.

Hollow Knight is a classically styled 2D action adventure across a vast interconnected world. Explore twisting caverns, ancient cities and deadly wastes; battle tainted creatures and befriend bizarre bugs; and solve ancient mysteries at the kingdom's heart.

Game Features

  • Classic side-scrolling action, with all the modern trimmings.
  • Tightly tuned 2D controls. Dodge, dash and slash your way through even the most deadly adversaries.
  • Explore a vast interconnected world of forgotten highways, overgrown wilds and ruined cities.
  • Forge your own path! The world of Hallownest is expansive and open. Choose which paths you take, which enemies you face and find your own way forward.
  • Evolve with powerful new skills and abilities! Gain spells, strength and speed. Leap to new heights on ethereal wings. Dash forward in a blazing flash. Blast foes with fiery Soul!
  • Equip Charms! Ancient relics that offer bizarre new powers and abilities. Choose your favourites and make your journey unique!
  • An enormous cast of cute and creepy characters all brought to life with traditional 2D frame-by-frame animation.
  • Over 130 enemies! 30 epic bosses! Face ferocious beasts and vanquish ancient knights on your quest through the kingdom. Track down every last twisted foe and add them to your Hunter's Journal!
  • Leap into minds with the Dream Nail. Uncover a whole other side to the characters you meet and the enemies you face.
  • Beautiful painted landscapes, with extravagant parallax, give a unique sense of depth to a side-on world.
  • Chart your journey with extensive mapping tools. Buy compasses, quills, maps and pins to enhance your understanding of Hollow Knight’s many twisting landscapes.
  • A haunting, intimate score accompanies the player on their journey, composed by Christopher Larkin. The score echoes the majesty and sadness of a civilisation brought to ruin.
  • Complete Hollow Knight to unlock Steel Soul Mode, the ultimate challenge!

An Evocative Hand-Crafted World

The world of Hollow Knight is brought to life in vivid, moody detail, its caverns alive with bizarre and terrifying creatures, each animated by hand in a traditional 2D style.

Every new area you’ll discover is beautifully unique and strange, teeming with new creatures and characters. Take in the sights and uncover new wonders hidden off of the beaten path.

If you like classic gameplay, cute but creepy characters, epic adventure and beautiful, gothic worlds, then Hollow Knight awaits!

System Requirements


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