Holy Potatoes! We in Space?!
Holy Potatoes! We in Space?!

Holy Potatoes! We in Space?!

Release Date: 13/02/2017 | WORLDWIDE
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9.49 € + VAT


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Sobre o jogo

Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! é uma aventura espacial com elementos de gerenciamento e combate em turnos. Administre sua própria espaçonave e desbrave um universo gerado proceduralmente, repleto de planetas lotados de recursos e inimigos sempre à procura de batalhas interglácticas.

Encontre uma infinidade de raças espaciais, tais como cenouras cósmicas, abobrinhas abobadas, cebolas detestáveis e até baleias do espaço! Participe de batalhas épicas contra chefes e salve seu avô, Jiji, que foi preso pela federação maligna O Eclipse.

  • Fabrique centenas de armas para a sua espaçonave
  • Contrate engenheiros para a sua equipe e tripulação da sua nave
  • Explore dezenas de planetas e galáxias. Explore o universo inteiro!
  • Acumule recursos para aprimorar sua espaçonave e fabricar armas!
  • Enfrente brócolis galácticos do mal, naves de cenouras alienígenas, e muito mais!
  • Encare batalhas épicas contra chefes!

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Относно играта

Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?! is a whacky space exploration game where you manage your very own spaceship, craft hundreds of weapons, and explore the vastness of a veggie-filled universe.

Play as sisters Cassie and Fay as they scour dozens of planets in a dynamic universe for their beloved grandfather, Jiji! Follow them on their quest and experience an engaging and ever-changing storyline with a diverse cast of lovable, anthropomorphic vegetables, which include some familiar faces!

Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?! features tactical, turn-based combat and a variety of weird and wacky weapons, each with special effects that can be used to turn the tide in battle! Ever wanted to maul your enemies with a horde of kittens? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. If you hated vegetables as a kid, this game is for you!

Manage your crew, time and resources to craft a spudload of weapons and create the ultimate juggernaut of mass destruction!

A charming, vegetabulous soundtrack of over 150 tracks by the talented Jeff “Pumodi” Brice will keep you entertained while blasting your foes to bits!

Key Features:

  • “Carrot” get enough of punny humor? Say no more!
  • A compelling story that differs across playthroughs!
  • Hire engineers from an array of strangely familiar edibles to man your ship and weapons
  • Strategic gameplay - micromanage your crew, craft a wide array of weapons and plan your attack against enemy ships!
  • Explore dozens of planets and galaxies, or why not the whole universe!
  • Various localization options!
  • Casual Mode for stress-free “pew pew”-ing!
  • Own a large, fluffy Space Cat. ‘nuff said.

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O hře

Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! je vesmírná adventura s prvky managementu a souboji založenými na tazích. Řiď svou vlastní vesmírnou loď a prozkoumej procedurálně generovaný vesmír s desítkami planet ke hledání materiálu, a s nepřáteli se můžeš utkat v mezigalaktických vesmírných bitvách.

Setkáš se s hojností vesmírných ras, jako jsou kosmické mrkve, bláznivé cukety, otravné cibule, a dokonce i s kosmickými velrybami! Zúčastni se epických bitev s bossy a zachraň svého dědečka, Jijiho, který byl uvězněn zlou federací, Zatmění.

  • Vyrob stovky zbraní pro svou vesmírnou loď
  • Najmi techniky, kteří se stanou součástí posádky a budou řídit tvou loď
  • Prozkoumej desítky planet a galaxií, nebo klidně i celý vesmír!
  • Sbírej materiál na vylepšení vesmírné lodi a výrobu zbraní!
  • Bojuj s vesmírnými loděmi zlé galaktické brokolice, mimozemské mrkve a mnoha dalších!
  • Střetni se v epických soubojích s bossy!

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Om spillet

Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! er et rumeventyr med styringselementer og omgangsbaseret kamp. Styr dit eget rumskib, og udforsk et processuelt genereret univers, hvor der er dusinvis af planeter at lede efter ressourcer på, og fjender, som du kan møde i intergalaktiske rumkampe. Mød et væld af rumracer som fx kosmiske gulerødder, skrubskøre squasher, øretæveindbydende løg og endda rumhvaler! Deltag i imponerende kampe mod bosser for at redde din bedstefar Jiji, som er blevet taget til fange af den onde føderation Ekllipsen.

  • Lav hundredvis af våben til din rumskib
  • Lej ingeniører til dit mandsskab og bemand dit rumskib
  • Udforsk dusinvis af planeter og galakser, eller hvor ikke udforske hele universet!
  • Indsaml ressourcer til at modernisere dit rumskib og lave våben!
  • Kæmp mod galaktiske broccoli og gulerodsrumskibe og meget mere!
  • Deltag i imponerende kampe mod bosserne!

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Info over het spel

Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! is een avontuurlijk ruimtespel waar je leiding moet geven en vechten op basis van beurten. Leid je eigen ruimteschip, verken een procedureel gegenereerd universum met tientallen planeten vol grondstoffen en strijd tegen vijanden tijdens intergalactische ruimte-oorlogen. Je komt allerlei soorten ruimtewezens tegen, zoals kosmische wortelen, gemene courgettes, akelige uien en zelfs ruimtewalvissen! Doe mee aan spannende boss-gevechten en red je opa, Jiji, die door de kwaadaardige federatie, The Eclipse, gevangen is genomen. 

  • Maak honderden wapens voor je ruimteschip
  • Monster ingenieurs om je schip mee te bemannen
  • Verken tientallen planeten en stelsels. En waarom niet gelijk het hele universum?
  • Verzamel grondstoffen waarmee je je ruimteschip versterkt en wapens kunt maken!
  • Vecht tegen gemene galactische broccolli, buitenaardse wortelschepen en nog veel mee!
  • Doe mee aan superspannende boss-gevechten!

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About the Game

Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?! is a whacky space exploration game where you manage your very own spaceship, craft hundreds of weapons, and explore the vastness of a veggie-filled universe.

Play as sisters Cassie and Fay as they scour dozens of planets in a dynamic universe for their beloved grandfather, Jiji! Follow them on their quest and experience an engaging and ever-changing storyline with a diverse cast of lovable, anthropomorphic vegetables, which include some familiar faces!

Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?! features tactical, turn-based combat and a variety of weird and wacky weapons, each with special effects that can be used to turn the tide in battle! Ever wanted to maul your enemies with a horde of kittens? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. If you hated vegetables as a kid, this game is for you!

Manage your crew, time and resources to craft a spudload of weapons and create the ultimate juggernaut of mass destruction!

A charming, vegetabulous soundtrack of over 150 tracks by the talented Jeff “Pumodi” Brice will keep you entertained while blasting your foes to bits!

Key Features:

  • “Carrot” get enough of punny humor? Say no more!
  • A compelling story that differs across playthroughs!
  • Hire engineers from an array of strangely familiar edibles to man your ship and weapons
  • Strategic gameplay - micromanage your crew, craft a wide array of weapons and plan your attack against enemy ships!
  • Explore dozens of planets and galaxies, or why not the whole universe!
  • Various localization options!
  • Casual Mode for stress-free “pew pew”-ing!
  • Own a large, fluffy Space Cat. ‘nuff said.

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Tietoja pelistä

Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! on managerointielementtejä ja vuoropohjaisia taisteluita sisältävä avaruusseikkailu. Hallinnoi omaa avaruusalusta ja tutki proseduraalisesti generoitua universumia. Universumi on täynnä resursseja täynnä olevia planeettoja ja galaksienvälisissä avaruustaisteluissa kohdattavia vihollisia. 

Tapaa monia erilaisia avaruusolentoja, kuten kosmisia porkkanoita, hullunkurisia kesäkurpitsoja, sietämättömiä sipuleita ja jopa avaruusvalaita! Osallistu eeppisiin pomotaisteluihin ja pelasta isoisäsi Jiji, jonka ilkeä federaatio The Eclipse vangitsi.

  • Valmista satoja erilaisia aseita ja varusta avaruusaluksesi niillä
  • Värvää insinöörejä ja miehitä aluksesi
  • Tutki lukuisia planeettoja ja galakseja tai jopa koko universumia!
  • Kerää resursseja avaruusaluksesi parantamiseksi ja aseiden valmistamiseksi!
  • Taistele ilkeitä galaktisia parsakaaleja, porkkana-avaruusaluksia ja monia muita vastaan!
  • Osallistu eeppisiin pomotaisteluihin

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À propos du jeu

Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! est un jeu d'aventure spatiale avec des éléments de gestion et des combats au tour par tour. Pilote ton propre vaisseau et explore un univers généré par procédure peuplé de dizaines de planètes. Tu y collecteras des ressources et tu croiseras le chemin d'ennemis lors de batailles spatiales intergalactiques.

Rencontre pléthore d'espèces spatiales, comme les carottes cosmiques, les courgettes crétines, les odieux oignons et mêmes des baleines de l'espace ! Participe à d'épiques combats de boss et sauve ton grand-père, Jiji, prisonnier de la maléfique fédération, l'Éclipse.

  • Fabrique des centaines d'armes pour ton vaisseau spatial
  • Engage des ingénieurs. Ils rejoindront ton équipage et serviront sur ton vaisseau
  • Explore des dizaines de planètes et de galaxies, et pourquoi pas, l'univers entier !
  • Collecte des ressources afin de moderniser ton vaisseau spatial et de fabriquer des armes !
  • Combat les malfaisants brocolis galactiques, les vaisseaux des carottes extraterrestres, et bien d'autres encore !
  • Prends part à des batailles épiques de boss !

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Über das Spiel

Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! Ist ein Space Adventure Game mit Management Elementen und rundenbasierte Kämpfen. Manage dein eigenes Raumschiff und erkunde ein prozedural generiertes Universum mit dutzenden Planeten, die für Ressourcen erkundet werden können, und Feinden, die du in intergalaktischen Weltraumkämpfen besiegst.

Begegne einer Fülle an Weltraumrassen, wie beispielsweise kosmischen Karotten, seltsamen Zucchini, schrägen Schalotten und sogar Weltraum Wale! Gewinne epische Bosskämpfe und rette deinen Großvater Jiji, der von der bösen Vereinigung, Der Eklipse, gefangen genommen wurde.

  • Stelle hunderte Waffen für dein Raumschiff her.
  • Stelle Teschniker in deine Crew ein, um dein Schiff zu bemannen.
  • Erkunde dutzende Planeten und Galaxien. Warum nicht gleich das ganze Universum?
  • Sammle Ressourcen um dein Raumschiff aufzurüsten und Waffen anzufertigen.
  • Bekämpfe böse galaktische Brokkoli- und außerirdische Karottenraumschiffe, und viele mehr!
  • Bestehe epische Bosskämpfe!

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Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?! is a whacky space exploration game where you manage your very own spaceship, craft hundreds of weapons, and explore the vastness of a veggie-filled universe.

Play as sisters Cassie and Fay as they scour dozens of planets in a dynamic universe for their beloved grandfather, Jiji! Follow them on their quest and experience an engaging and ever-changing storyline with a diverse cast of lovable, anthropomorphic vegetables, which include some familiar faces!

Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?! features tactical, turn-based combat and a variety of weird and wacky weapons, each with special effects that can be used to turn the tide in battle! Ever wanted to maul your enemies with a horde of kittens? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. If you hated vegetables as a kid, this game is for you!

Manage your crew, time and resources to craft a spudload of weapons and create the ultimate juggernaut of mass destruction!

A charming, vegetabulous soundtrack of over 150 tracks by the talented Jeff “Pumodi” Brice will keep you entertained while blasting your foes to bits!

Key Features:

  • “Carrot” get enough of punny humor? Say no more!
  • A compelling story that differs across playthroughs!
  • Hire engineers from an array of strangely familiar edibles to man your ship and weapons
  • Strategic gameplay - micromanage your crew, craft a wide array of weapons and plan your attack against enemy ships!
  • Explore dozens of planets and galaxies, or why not the whole universe!
  • Various localization options!
  • Casual Mode for stress-free “pew pew”-ing!
  • Own a large, fluffy Space Cat. ‘nuff said.

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A játékról: 

Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! egy űrben játszódó kalandjáték stratégiai elemekkel és forduló alapú csatákkal. Kezeld a saját űrhajódat, és fedezd fel a tucatnyi bolygóval folyamatosan bővülő világegyetemet, amelyekre el kell látogatni nyersanyagforrásokért. Győzd le az ellenséget intergalaktikus űrcsatákban. 

Számos fajjal találkozhatsz a világűrben például kozmikus répákkal, bohókás cukkínikkel, ellenszenves hagymákkal és még űrbálnákkal is! Vegyél részt hősies csatákban és mentsd meg nagyapádat, Jijit, akit a gonosz szövetség, a Sötét Hold tart fogva.

  • Alkoss több száz fegyvert az űrhajódhoz
  • Alkalmazz mérnököket, és légy te is csapatod tagja, és vezesd a hajódat
  • Fedezz fel több tucatnyi bolygót és galaxist, vagy miért ne fedeznéd fel az egész univerzumot?!
  • Gyűjts anyagi javakat, és modernizáld űrhajódat és alkoss fegyvereket!
  • Csapj össze gonosz, galaktikus brokkolikkal, és az idegen répák hajóival és a többiekkel!
  • Vívj epikus csatákat!

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Informazioni sul gioco

Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! è un gioco di avventura ambientato nello spazio, caratterizzato da elementi di gestione e combattimenti a turni. Gestisci la tua navicella spaziale ed esplora un universo generato proceduralmente con decine di pianeti da perlustrare alla ricerca di risorse e nemici da sfidare nelle battaglie spaziali intergalattiche. 

Incontra un'infinità di razze spaziali come le carote cosmiche, le zucchine bizzarre, le odiosissime cipolle e perfino le balene spaziali! Partecipa a battaglie epiche contro i boss e salva tuo nonno, Jiji, imprigionato dalla federazione malefica Eclissi.

  • Fabbrica centinaia di armi per la tua navicella spaziale
  • Assumi ingegneri per il tuo equipaggio e del personale per la tua navicella
  • Esplora decine di pianeti e galassie e, perché no?, l'universo intero!
  • Raccogli risorse per potenziare la tua navicella spaziale e fabbrica delle armi!
  • Combatti contro i malefici broccoli galattici, le navicelle delle carote aliene e molti altri personaggi!
  • Partecipa a battaglie epiche contro i boss!

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「Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?」は管理ゲーとターン制戦闘システムを加えたスペース・アドベンチャー・ゲーム。自分の宇宙船を管理しながら、資源をもとめて何十にも及ぶ惑星で構成された宇宙を探索し、敵と遭遇して銀河を股にかけた宇宙戦に突入しよう。

旅の最中は宇宙ニンジンやずっこけズッキーニ、鼻持ちならないタマネギ、さらには宇宙クジラと様々な種族と出会えるぞ! そして壮大なボス戦に挑み、悪の連合「エクリプス」に投獄された祖父ジジを救い出せ!

  • 数百種類の宇宙船用の武装を作り出せ
  • エンジニアをクルーの一員として雇って船の乗員にしよう
  • 何十にも及ぶ惑星や銀河、あるいは宇宙全体を探索せよ!
  • 宇宙船の強化や武装の作成に使う資源を集めろ!
  • 邪悪な銀河ブロッコリー族や星々に暮らすニンジン族の宇宙船といった異星人と戦え!
  • 壮大なボス戦に挑め!

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게임 정보

Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?!는 관리와 턴 기반 전투가 결합한 우주 어드벤처 게임이에요. 당신의 우주선을 관리하고, 자원을 찾을 수 있는 수많은 행성이 존재하는 우주를 탐험하고, 은하계 우주 전투에서 적을 상대하세요.

우주 당근, 괴짜 애호박, 기분 나쁜 양파부터 심지어 우주 고래까지 다양한 우주의 종족을 만나보세요! 그리고 엄청난 보스전에 참가하고, 사악한 연합인 이클립스에 잡힌 할아버지 지지를 구하세요.

  • 우주선에 사용할 수백 가지의 무기를 제작하세요
  • 기술자를 채용해 함선의 선원이 되게 하세요
  • 여러 행성과 은하를 탐험하세요. 아니, 우주 전체를 탐험하는 건 어떠세요!
  • 자원을 모아 우주선을 업그레이드하고 무기를 제작하세요!
  • 사악한 은하계 브로콜리와 외계 당근 우주선 등 여러 적과 전투를 벌이세요!
  • 엄청난 보스전을 맞이하세요!

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Om spillet

Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! er et romeventyr med administrasjonselementer og turbasert kamp. Administrer ditt eget romskip og utforsk et prosessuelt generert univers med dusinvis av planeter å lete etter ressurser på, og fiender som du kan møte i intergalaktiske romkamper. Treff en overflod av romraser, som kosmiske gulrøtter, sprø squash, kvalmende løk og romhvaler! Delta i storslåtte sjefskamper for å redde bestefaren din, Jiji, som ble tatt til fange av den onde føderasjonen The Eclipse.

  • Smi hundrevis av våpen for romskipet ditt
  • Lei inn ingeniører til skipet for å få et fullsatt mannskap
  • Utforsk dusinvis av planeter og galakser, eller hvorfor ikke utforske hele universet!
  • Samle ressurser for å oppgradere romskipet og smi våpen!
  • Kjemp mot onde, galaktiske brokkoli og utenomjordiske gulrot-romskip, for å nevne noe!
  • Delta i storslåtte sjefskamper!

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Informacje o grze

Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! to gra przygodowa z elementami zarządzania i turowej walki. Zarządzaj swoim własnym statkiem kosmicznym i odkrywaj generowany na bieżąco wszechświat, odwiedzaj nowe planety, by zdobyć surowce, i pokonuj wrogów w kosmicznych walkach. Spotykaj przedstawicieli najróżniejszych ras, między innymi galaktyczne marchewki, dzielne cukinie, paskudne cebule, a nawet kosmiczne wieloryby! Walcz w epickich walkach i ocal swego dziadka Jijiego, który został porwany przez nikczemną federację Zaćmienie.

  • Twórz setki broni do swojego okrętu
  • Zatrudniaj inżynierów, by dołączyli do załogi statku
  • Przemierzaj wszechświat i odkrywaj dziesiątki planet i galaktyk!
  • Zdobywaj zasoby, by ulepszyć swój statek i tworzyć nowe bronie!
  • Walcz z nikczemnymi galaktycznymi brokułami, marchewkowymi statkami i innymi przeciwnikami.
  • Staw czoła bossom w epickich walkach!

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Acerca do Jogo

Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?! is a whacky space exploration game where you manage your very own spaceship, craft hundreds of weapons, and explore the vastness of a veggie-filled universe.

Play as sisters Cassie and Fay as they scour dozens of planets in a dynamic universe for their beloved grandfather, Jiji! Follow them on their quest and experience an engaging and ever-changing storyline with a diverse cast of lovable, anthropomorphic vegetables, which include some familiar faces!

Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?! features tactical, turn-based combat and a variety of weird and wacky weapons, each with special effects that can be used to turn the tide in battle! Ever wanted to maul your enemies with a horde of kittens? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. If you hated vegetables as a kid, this game is for you!

Manage your crew, time and resources to craft a spudload of weapons and create the ultimate juggernaut of mass destruction!

A charming, vegetabulous soundtrack of over 150 tracks by the talented Jeff “Pumodi” Brice will keep you entertained while blasting your foes to bits!

Key Features:

  • “Carrot” get enough of punny humor? Say no more!
  • A compelling story that differs across playthroughs!
  • Hire engineers from an array of strangely familiar edibles to man your ship and weapons
  • Strategic gameplay - micromanage your crew, craft a wide array of weapons and plan your attack against enemy ships!
  • Explore dozens of planets and galaxies, or why not the whole universe!
  • Various localization options!
  • Casual Mode for stress-free “pew pew”-ing!
  • Own a large, fluffy Space Cat. ‘nuff said.

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Despre joc

Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?! is a whacky space exploration game where you manage your very own spaceship, craft hundreds of weapons, and explore the vastness of a veggie-filled universe.

Play as sisters Cassie and Fay as they scour dozens of planets in a dynamic universe for their beloved grandfather, Jiji! Follow them on their quest and experience an engaging and ever-changing storyline with a diverse cast of lovable, anthropomorphic vegetables, which include some familiar faces!

Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?! features tactical, turn-based combat and a variety of weird and wacky weapons, each with special effects that can be used to turn the tide in battle! Ever wanted to maul your enemies with a horde of kittens? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. If you hated vegetables as a kid, this game is for you!

Manage your crew, time and resources to craft a spudload of weapons and create the ultimate juggernaut of mass destruction!

A charming, vegetabulous soundtrack of over 150 tracks by the talented Jeff “Pumodi” Brice will keep you entertained while blasting your foes to bits!

Key Features:

  • “Carrot” get enough of punny humor? Say no more!
  • A compelling story that differs across playthroughs!
  • Hire engineers from an array of strangely familiar edibles to man your ship and weapons
  • Strategic gameplay - micromanage your crew, craft a wide array of weapons and plan your attack against enemy ships!
  • Explore dozens of planets and galaxies, or why not the whole universe!
  • Various localization options!
  • Casual Mode for stress-free “pew pew”-ing!
  • Own a large, fluffy Space Cat. ‘nuff said.

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Об игре

Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! — приключенческая игра в космосе с элементами стратегии и пошаговыми сражениями. Управляй собственным космическим кораблем, исследуй вселенную с десятками сгенерированных случайным образом планет, добывай ресурсы и сражайся с врагами в межгалактических баталиях.

Ты встретишься с представителями бессчетного количества инопланетных рас: межгалактическую морковь, кабачков-клоунов, лицемерных луковиц и даже космических китов! Вступи в героические сражения с боссами и спаси дедушку Джиджи, находящегося в плену у злобной федерации Затмение.

  • Создавай сотни видов вооружения для своего космического корабля.
  • Нанимай в команду инженеров и заселяй свое судно.
  • Исследуй десятки планет и галактик. А если хочешь, то и всю вселенную!
  • Собирай ресурсы, совершенствуй свой космический корабль и его вооружение!
  • Сражайся со злобными галактическими брокколи, кораблями внеземной моркови и другими врагами!
  • Вступай в героическую борьбу с боссами!

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Holy Potatoes!We're in Space?! 是一款融合管理元素和回合制战斗的太空冒险游戏。管理你自己的飞船,探索按顺序生成的宇宙,并在宇宙里的几十个星球上开采资源,在星际空间战斗中迎战敌人。 邂逅各种太空种族,如宇宙胡萝卜、小丑西葫芦、讨厌的洋葱,甚至还有太空鲸鱼!参与史诗级头目战斗,拯救被邪恶联盟“月食”囚禁的祖父阿吉。

  • 为飞船制造几百种武器
  • 雇用工程师做你的船员并操纵飞船
  • 探索几十个星球和星系,或者,何不干脆探索整个宇宙!
  • 收集资源以升级飞船和制造武器!
  • 与邪恶的银河花椰菜和外星胡萝卜飞船等许多敌人作战!
  • 参与史诗级头目战斗!

More Holy Potatoes! on Steam:


Acerca del juego

Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?!, es un juego espacial de aventuras con elementos de gestión y combates por turnos. Dirige tu propia nave espacial y explora un universo generado por procedimientos con decenas de planetas por descubrir en busca de recursos, y enemigos con los que te puedes topar para luchar en combates intergalácticos. 

Conoce una gran variedad de razas espaciales, como zanahorias cósmicas, cebollas irritantes, calabacines chiflados ¡y hasta ballenas espaciales! Participa en batallas de jefes épicas y salva a tu abuelo Jiji, que fue encarcelado por la federación malvada El Eclipse.

  • Forja cientos de armas para tu nave espacial
  • Contrata ingenieros para que formen parte de tu tripulación y dirijan tu nave
  • Explora decenas de planetas y galaxias... o, por qué no, ¡todo el universo!
  • ¡Reúne recursos para mejorar tu nave espacial y forjar armas!
  • ¡Lucha con brócolis malvados y naves espaciales de zanahorias extraterrestres, entre muchos otros!
  • ¡Participa en épicas batallas con jefes!

More Holy Potatoes! on Steam:


Om spelet

Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! är ett rymdäventyrsspel med administrativa element och omgångsbaserad strid. Hantera ditt alldeles egna rymdskepp och utforska ett regelskapat universum med dussintals planeter som du kan utforska efter tillgångat, och fiender som du kan möta i intergalaktiska rymdstrider. Möt en riklig mängd rymdraser såsom kosmiska morötter, galan zucchinis, vidriga lökar och till och med rymdvalar! Delta i episka strider mot bossar och rädda din farfar, Jiji, som har blivit fängslad av den onda federationen, Eclipse.

  • Tillverka hundratals vapen till ditt rymdskepp
  • Anställ ingenjörer till din besättning och bemanna ditt rymdskepp
  • Utforska dussintals planeter och galaxer, eller varför inte utforska hela universum!
  • Samla tillgångar för att uppgradera ditt rymdskepp och tillverka vapen!
  • Slåss mot ond galaktisk broccoli och utomjordiska morotsrymdskepp och mycket mer!
  • Drabba samman i episka strider mot bossar!

More Holy Potatoes! on Steam:



Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?! is a whacky space exploration game where you manage your very own spaceship, craft hundreds of weapons, and explore the vastness of a veggie-filled universe.

Play as sisters Cassie and Fay as they scour dozens of planets in a dynamic universe for their beloved grandfather, Jiji! Follow them on their quest and experience an engaging and ever-changing storyline with a diverse cast of lovable, anthropomorphic vegetables, which include some familiar faces!

Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?! features tactical, turn-based combat and a variety of weird and wacky weapons, each with special effects that can be used to turn the tide in battle! Ever wanted to maul your enemies with a horde of kittens? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. If you hated vegetables as a kid, this game is for you!

Manage your crew, time and resources to craft a spudload of weapons and create the ultimate juggernaut of mass destruction!

A charming, vegetabulous soundtrack of over 150 tracks by the talented Jeff “Pumodi” Brice will keep you entertained while blasting your foes to bits!

Key Features:

  • “Carrot” get enough of punny humor? Say no more!
  • A compelling story that differs across playthroughs!
  • Hire engineers from an array of strangely familiar edibles to man your ship and weapons
  • Strategic gameplay - micromanage your crew, craft a wide array of weapons and plan your attack against enemy ships!
  • Explore dozens of planets and galaxies, or why not the whole universe!
  • Various localization options!
  • Casual Mode for stress-free “pew pew”-ing!
  • Own a large, fluffy Space Cat. ‘nuff said.

More Holy Potatoes! on Steam:



Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?! is a whacky space exploration game where you manage your very own spaceship, craft hundreds of weapons, and explore the vastness of a veggie-filled universe.

Play as sisters Cassie and Fay as they scour dozens of planets in a dynamic universe for their beloved grandfather, Jiji! Follow them on their quest and experience an engaging and ever-changing storyline with a diverse cast of lovable, anthropomorphic vegetables, which include some familiar faces!

Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?! features tactical, turn-based combat and a variety of weird and wacky weapons, each with special effects that can be used to turn the tide in battle! Ever wanted to maul your enemies with a horde of kittens? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. If you hated vegetables as a kid, this game is for you!

Manage your crew, time and resources to craft a spudload of weapons and create the ultimate juggernaut of mass destruction!

A charming, vegetabulous soundtrack of over 150 tracks by the talented Jeff “Pumodi” Brice will keep you entertained while blasting your foes to bits!

Key Features:

  • “Carrot” get enough of punny humor? Say no more!
  • A compelling story that differs across playthroughs!
  • Hire engineers from an array of strangely familiar edibles to man your ship and weapons
  • Strategic gameplay - micromanage your crew, craft a wide array of weapons and plan your attack against enemy ships!
  • Explore dozens of planets and galaxies, or why not the whole universe!
  • Various localization options!
  • Casual Mode for stress-free “pew pew”-ing!
  • Own a large, fluffy Space Cat. ‘nuff said.

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Oyun Açıklaması

Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?!, yönetim elemanları ve sıra tabanlı savaş ile bir uzay macera oyunudur. Kendi uzay gemini yönet ve yöntemsel olarak yönetilen kaynakların keşfedilebileceği ve galaksiler arası uzay savaşları için karşılaşacağın düşmanlar ve düzinelerce gezegenin bulunduğu evreni keşfet.

Kozmik havuçlar, soytarı kabaklar, ukala soğanlar ve dahası uzay balinaları gibi birçok uzay ırkıyla karşılaş! Destansı boss savaşlarına katıl ve şeytani federasyon Tutulma tarafında hapse atılmış büyükbaban Jiji'yi kurtar.

  • Uzay gemin için yüzlerce silah oluştur
  • Ekibinin bir parçası olması ve gemininde görev yapması için mühendisler işe al
  • Düzinelerce gezegen ve galaksiyi keşfet, aslında neden tüm evreni keşfetmeyesin ki!
  • Uzay gemini iyileştirmek ve silah işlemek için kaynaklar topla!
  • Şeytani galaktik brokoli, dünya dışı havuç uzay gemileri ve daha fazlaşıyla savaş!
  • Destansı boss savaşlarında dövüş!

More Holy Potatoes! on Steam:


Про гру

Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?! is a whacky space exploration game where you manage your very own spaceship, craft hundreds of weapons, and explore the vastness of a veggie-filled universe.

Play as sisters Cassie and Fay as they scour dozens of planets in a dynamic universe for their beloved grandfather, Jiji! Follow them on their quest and experience an engaging and ever-changing storyline with a diverse cast of lovable, anthropomorphic vegetables, which include some familiar faces!

Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?! features tactical, turn-based combat and a variety of weird and wacky weapons, each with special effects that can be used to turn the tide in battle! Ever wanted to maul your enemies with a horde of kittens? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. If you hated vegetables as a kid, this game is for you!

Manage your crew, time and resources to craft a spudload of weapons and create the ultimate juggernaut of mass destruction!

A charming, vegetabulous soundtrack of over 150 tracks by the talented Jeff “Pumodi” Brice will keep you entertained while blasting your foes to bits!

Key Features:

  • “Carrot” get enough of punny humor? Say no more!
  • A compelling story that differs across playthroughs!
  • Hire engineers from an array of strangely familiar edibles to man your ship and weapons
  • Strategic gameplay - micromanage your crew, craft a wide array of weapons and plan your attack against enemy ships!
  • Explore dozens of planets and galaxies, or why not the whole universe!
  • Various localization options!
  • Casual Mode for stress-free “pew pew”-ing!
  • Own a large, fluffy Space Cat. ‘nuff said.

System Requirements


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