Homefront: The Revolution
Homefront: The Revolution

Homefront: The Revolution

Release Date: 20/05/2016 | WORLDWIDE
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9.49 € + VAT


Freedom Fighter Bundle

Sobre o jogo

Quatro anos após a brutal ocupação militar, os Estados Unidos estão de joelhos.

Filadélfia, o antigo berço da independência, tornou-se um gueto, onde drones de vigilância e patrulhas armadas mantêm a população oprimida, esmagando ferozmente qualquer dissidência.

Os cidadãos, outrora orgulhosos, vivem em um estado policial, forçados a colaborar para sobreviver, seus sonhos de liberdade há muito extintos.

Mas nos ermos da Zona Vermelha, nas ruas bombardeadas e nos metrôs abandonados, a Resistência toma forma. Uma guerrilha determinada a lutar pela liberdade, apesar da enorme desvantagem, e iniciar a segunda Revolução Americana.

Mas a liberdade sempre tem um preço...

E a campanha solo é apenas o começo: no modo cooperativo, você e seus amigos podem formar sua própria célula de resistência e ficar conhecidos como Heróis da Revolução

Freedom Fighter Bundle

Относно играта


Four years into the brutal military occupation, America is on its knees.

Philadelphia - once the birthplace of Independence - has become a ghetto, where surveillance drones and armoured patrols keep the population at heel, crushing any dissent with savage force.

Her once-proud citizens live in a police state, forced to collaborate just to survive, their dreams of freedom long since extinguished.

But in the badlands of the Red Zone, in the bombed out streets and abandoned subways, a Resistance is forming. A guerrilla force, determined to fight for their freedoms despite overwhelming odds and ignite the second American Revolution.

But Freedom always has a price…


Homefront®: The Revolution is an open-world first person shooter where you must lead the Resistance movement in guerrilla warfare against a superior military force.

A living, breathing, open world responds to your actions - you and your Resistance Cell can inspire a rebellion on the streets and turn Occupation into Revolution, as oppressed civilians take up the fight.

But your enemy has the advantage - superior technology, firepower, heavy armour and air support. You must learn the art of guerrilla warfare – ambush, sabotage, infiltration, deception – and fight a running battle through the war-ravaged suburbs of Philadelphia.

And the single player campaign is just the start – in Co-Op you and your friends can form your own Resistance Cell and become renowned as Heroes of the Revolution.


Explore a living, breathing open world - experience true open world gameplay in a first person shooter, brought to life with astonishing CRYENGINE-powered visuals

Wage Guerrilla Warfare - this is no linear shooter; learn the art of guerrilla warfare and use ambush, infiltration and hit and run tactics against your foe in thrilling un-scripted firefights

Build the Resistance - recruit revolutionaries to the cause, establish bases and safehouses, capture and customise a deadly arsenal, and build improvised, homebrew weapons for your Guerrilla Tool Kit

Ignite the Revolution - from oppressed citizen to revolutionary leader, an epic single-player campaign tells the story of the second War of Independence. The dynamic, evolving world responds to your actions as an oppressed nation rises up in defiance against the occupation

Online Co-Op - take the battle online, form a Resistance Cell with your friends and earn your reputation as Heroes of the Revolutio

Freedom Fighter Bundle

O hře

Čtyři roky brutální vojenské okupace dostaly Ameriku na kolena.

Z Filadelfie, kdysi rodiště nezávislosti, se stalo ghetto, ve kterém sledovací drony a obrněné hlídky drží obyvatelstvo na uzdě a jakýkoliv odpor rozdrtí brutální silou.

Kdysi hrdí občané žijí v policejním státě a jsou nuceni ke kolaboraci, aby vůbec přežili. Jejich sny o svobodě jsou už dávno minulostí.

Ale v pustinách Red Zone, ve vybombardovaných ulicích a opuštěných podchodech, vzniká hnutí odporu. Partyzáni, co jsou navzdory drtivé převaze odhodlaní bojovat za svobodu a zažehnout druhou americkou revoluci.

Ale za svobodu se vždycky platí…

A kampaní pro jednoho hráče to nekončí – v kooperačním režimu si můžete s parťáky založit vlastní buňku hnutí odporu a vejít do dějin jako hrdinové revoluce.

Freedom Fighter Bundle

Om spillet


Four years into the brutal military occupation, America is on its knees.

Philadelphia - once the birthplace of Independence - has become a ghetto, where surveillance drones and armoured patrols keep the population at heel, crushing any dissent with savage force.

Her once-proud citizens live in a police state, forced to collaborate just to survive, their dreams of freedom long since extinguished.

But in the badlands of the Red Zone, in the bombed out streets and abandoned subways, a Resistance is forming. A guerrilla force, determined to fight for their freedoms despite overwhelming odds and ignite the second American Revolution.

But Freedom always has a price…


Homefront®: The Revolution is an open-world first person shooter where you must lead the Resistance movement in guerrilla warfare against a superior military force.

A living, breathing, open world responds to your actions - you and your Resistance Cell can inspire a rebellion on the streets and turn Occupation into Revolution, as oppressed civilians take up the fight.

But your enemy has the advantage - superior technology, firepower, heavy armour and air support. You must learn the art of guerrilla warfare – ambush, sabotage, infiltration, deception – and fight a running battle through the war-ravaged suburbs of Philadelphia.

And the single player campaign is just the start – in Co-Op you and your friends can form your own Resistance Cell and become renowned as Heroes of the Revolution.


Explore a living, breathing open world - experience true open world gameplay in a first person shooter, brought to life with astonishing CRYENGINE-powered visuals

Wage Guerrilla Warfare - this is no linear shooter; learn the art of guerrilla warfare and use ambush, infiltration and hit and run tactics against your foe in thrilling un-scripted firefights

Build the Resistance - recruit revolutionaries to the cause, establish bases and safehouses, capture and customise a deadly arsenal, and build improvised, homebrew weapons for your Guerrilla Tool Kit

Ignite the Revolution - from oppressed citizen to revolutionary leader, an epic single-player campaign tells the story of the second War of Independence. The dynamic, evolving world responds to your actions as an oppressed nation rises up in defiance against the occupation

Online Co-Op - take the battle online, form a Resistance Cell with your friends and earn your reputation as Heroes of the Revolutio

Freedom Fighter Bundle

Info over het spel


Four years into the brutal military occupation, America is on its knees.

Philadelphia - once the birthplace of Independence - has become a ghetto, where surveillance drones and armoured patrols keep the population at heel, crushing any dissent with savage force.

Her once-proud citizens live in a police state, forced to collaborate just to survive, their dreams of freedom long since extinguished.

But in the badlands of the Red Zone, in the bombed out streets and abandoned subways, a Resistance is forming. A guerrilla force, determined to fight for their freedoms despite overwhelming odds and ignite the second American Revolution.

But Freedom always has a price…


Homefront®: The Revolution is an open-world first person shooter where you must lead the Resistance movement in guerrilla warfare against a superior military force.

A living, breathing, open world responds to your actions - you and your Resistance Cell can inspire a rebellion on the streets and turn Occupation into Revolution, as oppressed civilians take up the fight.

But your enemy has the advantage - superior technology, firepower, heavy armour and air support. You must learn the art of guerrilla warfare – ambush, sabotage, infiltration, deception – and fight a running battle through the war-ravaged suburbs of Philadelphia.

And the single player campaign is just the start – in Co-Op you and your friends can form your own Resistance Cell and become renowned as Heroes of the Revolution.


Explore a living, breathing open world - experience true open world gameplay in a first person shooter, brought to life with astonishing CRYENGINE-powered visuals

Wage Guerrilla Warfare - this is no linear shooter; learn the art of guerrilla warfare and use ambush, infiltration and hit and run tactics against your foe in thrilling un-scripted firefights

Build the Resistance - recruit revolutionaries to the cause, establish bases and safehouses, capture and customise a deadly arsenal, and build improvised, homebrew weapons for your Guerrilla Tool Kit

Ignite the Revolution - from oppressed citizen to revolutionary leader, an epic single-player campaign tells the story of the second War of Independence. The dynamic, evolving world responds to your actions as an oppressed nation rises up in defiance against the occupation

Online Co-Op - take the battle online, form a Resistance Cell with your friends and earn your reputation as Heroes of the Revolutio

Freedom Fighter Bundle

About the Game


Four years into the brutal military occupation, America is on its knees.

Philadelphia - once the birthplace of Independence - has become a ghetto, where surveillance drones and armoured patrols keep the population at heel, crushing any dissent with savage force.

Her once-proud citizens live in a police state, forced to collaborate just to survive, their dreams of freedom long since extinguished.

But in the badlands of the Red Zone, in the bombed out streets and abandoned subways, a Resistance is forming. A guerrilla force, determined to fight for their freedoms despite overwhelming odds and ignite the second American Revolution.

But Freedom always has a price…


Homefront®: The Revolution is an open-world first person shooter where you must lead the Resistance movement in guerrilla warfare against a superior military force.

A living, breathing, open world responds to your actions - you and your Resistance Cell can inspire a rebellion on the streets and turn Occupation into Revolution, as oppressed civilians take up the fight.

But your enemy has the advantage - superior technology, firepower, heavy armour and air support. You must learn the art of guerrilla warfare – ambush, sabotage, infiltration, deception – and fight a running battle through the war-ravaged suburbs of Philadelphia.

And the single player campaign is just the start – in Co-Op you and your friends can form your own Resistance Cell and become renowned as Heroes of the Revolution.


Explore a living, breathing open world - experience true open world gameplay in a first person shooter, brought to life with astonishing CRYENGINE-powered visuals

Wage Guerrilla Warfare - this is no linear shooter; learn the art of guerrilla warfare and use ambush, infiltration and hit and run tactics against your foe in thrilling un-scripted firefights

Build the Resistance - recruit revolutionaries to the cause, establish bases and safehouses, capture and customise a deadly arsenal, and build improvised, homebrew weapons for your Guerrilla Tool Kit

Ignite the Revolution - from oppressed citizen to revolutionary leader, an epic single-player campaign tells the story of the second War of Independence. The dynamic, evolving world responds to your actions as an oppressed nation rises up in defiance against the occupation

Online Co-Op - take the battle online, form a Resistance Cell with your friends and earn your reputation as Heroes of the Revolutio

Freedom Fighter Bundle

Tietoja pelistä


Four years into the brutal military occupation, America is on its knees.

Philadelphia - once the birthplace of Independence - has become a ghetto, where surveillance drones and armoured patrols keep the population at heel, crushing any dissent with savage force.

Her once-proud citizens live in a police state, forced to collaborate just to survive, their dreams of freedom long since extinguished.

But in the badlands of the Red Zone, in the bombed out streets and abandoned subways, a Resistance is forming. A guerrilla force, determined to fight for their freedoms despite overwhelming odds and ignite the second American Revolution.

But Freedom always has a price…


Homefront®: The Revolution is an open-world first person shooter where you must lead the Resistance movement in guerrilla warfare against a superior military force.

A living, breathing, open world responds to your actions - you and your Resistance Cell can inspire a rebellion on the streets and turn Occupation into Revolution, as oppressed civilians take up the fight.

But your enemy has the advantage - superior technology, firepower, heavy armour and air support. You must learn the art of guerrilla warfare – ambush, sabotage, infiltration, deception – and fight a running battle through the war-ravaged suburbs of Philadelphia.

And the single player campaign is just the start – in Co-Op you and your friends can form your own Resistance Cell and become renowned as Heroes of the Revolution.


Explore a living, breathing open world - experience true open world gameplay in a first person shooter, brought to life with astonishing CRYENGINE-powered visuals

Wage Guerrilla Warfare - this is no linear shooter; learn the art of guerrilla warfare and use ambush, infiltration and hit and run tactics against your foe in thrilling un-scripted firefights

Build the Resistance - recruit revolutionaries to the cause, establish bases and safehouses, capture and customise a deadly arsenal, and build improvised, homebrew weapons for your Guerrilla Tool Kit

Ignite the Revolution - from oppressed citizen to revolutionary leader, an epic single-player campaign tells the story of the second War of Independence. The dynamic, evolving world responds to your actions as an oppressed nation rises up in defiance against the occupation

Online Co-Op - take the battle online, form a Resistance Cell with your friends and earn your reputation as Heroes of the Revolutio

Freedom Fighter Bundle

À propos du jeu


Après 4 années d'une occupation militaire sans merci, les États-Unis sont à genoux.

Autrefois berceau de l'indépendance, Philadelphie est désormais un ghetto, cadenassé par des drones de surveillance et des patrouilles blindées faisant régner l'ordre et écrasant toute forme de contestation par la force.

Ses habitants autrefois si fiers vivent désormais dans la peur, contraints de collaborer pour survivre, leurs rêves de liberté depuis longtemps oubliés.

Mais dans les paysages désertiques de la Zone rouge, les rues dévastées par les bombardements et les stations de métro abandonnées, la Résistance s'organise. Une guérilla qui, animée par une volonté inébranlable, a décidé de lutter pour la liberté et de déclencher la deuxième Révolution américaine.

Mais la liberté a un prix...

Présentation du jeu

Homefront®: The Revolution est un jeu de tir en vue subjective dans un monde ouvert, au cours duquel vous devez mener la Résistance lors d'une guérilla face à un ennemi supérieur en tous points.

Dans ce monde ouvert et dynamique répondant à la moindre de vos actions, vous devrez insuffler un esprit de rébellion dans les rues de la ville, ralliant les citoyens à votre cause et transformant l'occupation en révolution.

Mais l'ennemi a l'avantage : technologies de pointe, puissance de feu, blindés et soutien aérien. Vous devrez apprendre l'art du combat urbain (embuscade, sabotage, infiltration, camouflage), et livrer une bataille acharnée à travers les banlieues ravagées par les conflits de Philadelphie.

La campagne solo n'est qu'un début... En mode coopération, vous pourrez former votre propre cellule de résistance aux côtés de vos amis, et vous imposer parmi les Héros de la révolution.


Un monde ouvert, dynamique et évolutif - Découvrez un FPS dans un monde véritablement ouvert, bénéficiant des somptueux graphismes du moteur CRYENGINE.

Menez la guérilla - Ce FPS ne suit pas un scénario linéaire. Embuscade, infiltration, sabotage... Apprenez l'art de la guérilla, et attaquez l'ennemi lorsqu'il s'y attend le moins au cours de combats palpitants ne répondant à aucun scénario déterminé !

Formez la Résistance - Ralliez des révolutionnaires à votre cause, établissez des bases et des planques aux quatre coins de la ville, constituez-vous un arsenal redoutable, et fabriquez des armes artisanales pour vos compagnons d'armes.

Déclenchez la révolution - De citoyen opprimé à chef de la révolution, une campagne solo épique retrace l'histoire de la Seconde Guerre d'indépendance. Le monde dynamique et en perpétuelle évolution répond à la moindre de vos actions, tandis qu'une nation opprimée se révolte face à l'occupant.

Mode coopération en ligne - Combattez en ligne, formez une cellule de résistance aux côtés de vos amis, et imposez-vous comme l'un des Héros de la révolution

Freedom Fighter Bundle

Über das Spiel


Vier Jahre nach Beginn eines brutalen Besatzungskriegs befindet sich Amerika am Abgrund.

Philadelphia – einst die Geburtsstätte amerikanischer Unabhängigkeit – ist nur noch ein Ghetto. Überwachungsdrohnen und gepanzerte Patrouillen halten die Bevölkerung unter Kontrolle und unterdrücken jeglichen Widerstand mit blutiger Gewalt.

Die einst mit Stolz erfüllten Einwohner leben in einem Polizeistaat und werden zur Kooperation gezwungen, wenn sie überleben wollen. Das Feuer der Freiheit wurde schon vor langer Zeit ausgelöscht.

In der Ödnis der Roten Zone jedoch, den ausgebombten Straßen und verlassenen U-Bahn-Schächten, formiert sich Widerstand. Guerillakämpfer, die gegen die überwältigende Stärke der Besatzungsmacht um ihre Freiheit kämpfen und die zweite Amerikanische Revolution entfachen wollen.

Doch Friede hat immer seinen Preis ...


Homefront®: The Revolution ist ein OpenWorld-FPS, in dem du den Widerstand im Guerillakampf gegen einen militärisch haushoch überlegenen Feind ins Feld führen musst.

Eine lebendige und dynamische Welt reagiert auf deine Handlungen. Zusammen mit deiner Widerstandszelle kannst du eine Rebellion entfachen und mit Hilfe der Bevölkerung gegen die Besatzung ankämpfen und die Revolution ins Rollen bringen.

Der Feind ist jedoch klar im Vorteil: überlegene Technik, Feuerkraft, schwere Panzer und Luftunterstützung. Du musst die Kunst des Guerillakriegs erlernen – Angriffe aus dem Hinterhalt, Sabotage, Infiltration, Täuschung – und dir in den vom Krieg verwüsteten Straßenzügen Philadelphias pausenlos Gefechte mit dem Feind liefern.

Die Einzelspieler-Kampagne ist dabei nur der Anfang, denn im Koop-Modus kannst du zusammen mit deinen Freunden eine eigene Widerstandszelle bilden, und ihr könnt zu gefeierten Helden der Revolution werden.


Erkunde eine lebendige, dynamische und offene Spielwelt – Erlebe waschechtes OpenWorld-Gameplay in einem Ego-Shooter, der mit der leistungsstarken CRYENGINE zum Leben erweckt wird.

Führe einen Guerillakrieg – Homefront: The Revolution ist kein handelsüblicher linearer Ego-Shooter. Um zu überleben, musst du die Kunst des Guerillakriegs erlernen, d. h. Hinterhalte legen, feindliche Stellungen infiltrieren und in überfallartigen Angriffen gegen den Feind in packenden, nicht geskripteten Gefechten bestehen.

Formiere den Widerstand – Rekrutiere Revolutionäre für deine Sache, errichte Operationsbasen und sichere Unterschlüpfe, baue dein eigenes Waffenlager mit geklauten Waffen auf, und fertige eigene Waffen für deinen Guerillakrieg an.

Entfache die Revolution – Die Geschichte des zweiten Unabhängigkeitskrieges wird in einer bombastischen Einzelspieler-Kampagne erzählt, in der du vom unterdrückten Bürger zum Führer des Widerstands aufsteigst. Die dynamische, sich entwickelnde Spielwelt reagiert auf deine Handlungen. Eine unterdrückte Nation lehnt sich offen gegen die übermächtigen Besatzungskräfte auf.

Online-Koop-Modus – Führe die Schlacht online weiter. Bilde zusammen mit deinen Freunden eine Widerstandszelle, und werdet gemeinsam zu gefeierten Helden der Revolution

Freedom Fighter Bundle

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι


Four years into the brutal military occupation, America is on its knees.

Philadelphia - once the birthplace of Independence - has become a ghetto, where surveillance drones and armoured patrols keep the population at heel, crushing any dissent with savage force.

Her once-proud citizens live in a police state, forced to collaborate just to survive, their dreams of freedom long since extinguished.

But in the badlands of the Red Zone, in the bombed out streets and abandoned subways, a Resistance is forming. A guerrilla force, determined to fight for their freedoms despite overwhelming odds and ignite the second American Revolution.

But Freedom always has a price…


Homefront®: The Revolution is an open-world first person shooter where you must lead the Resistance movement in guerrilla warfare against a superior military force.

A living, breathing, open world responds to your actions - you and your Resistance Cell can inspire a rebellion on the streets and turn Occupation into Revolution, as oppressed civilians take up the fight.

But your enemy has the advantage - superior technology, firepower, heavy armour and air support. You must learn the art of guerrilla warfare – ambush, sabotage, infiltration, deception – and fight a running battle through the war-ravaged suburbs of Philadelphia.

And the single player campaign is just the start – in Co-Op you and your friends can form your own Resistance Cell and become renowned as Heroes of the Revolution.


Explore a living, breathing open world - experience true open world gameplay in a first person shooter, brought to life with astonishing CRYENGINE-powered visuals

Wage Guerrilla Warfare - this is no linear shooter; learn the art of guerrilla warfare and use ambush, infiltration and hit and run tactics against your foe in thrilling un-scripted firefights

Build the Resistance - recruit revolutionaries to the cause, establish bases and safehouses, capture and customise a deadly arsenal, and build improvised, homebrew weapons for your Guerrilla Tool Kit

Ignite the Revolution - from oppressed citizen to revolutionary leader, an epic single-player campaign tells the story of the second War of Independence. The dynamic, evolving world responds to your actions as an oppressed nation rises up in defiance against the occupation

Online Co-Op - take the battle online, form a Resistance Cell with your friends and earn your reputation as Heroes of the Revolutio

Freedom Fighter Bundle

A játékról: 


Four years into the brutal military occupation, America is on its knees.

Philadelphia - once the birthplace of Independence - has become a ghetto, where surveillance drones and armoured patrols keep the population at heel, crushing any dissent with savage force.

Her once-proud citizens live in a police state, forced to collaborate just to survive, their dreams of freedom long since extinguished.

But in the badlands of the Red Zone, in the bombed out streets and abandoned subways, a Resistance is forming. A guerrilla force, determined to fight for their freedoms despite overwhelming odds and ignite the second American Revolution.

But Freedom always has a price…


Homefront®: The Revolution is an open-world first person shooter where you must lead the Resistance movement in guerrilla warfare against a superior military force.

A living, breathing, open world responds to your actions - you and your Resistance Cell can inspire a rebellion on the streets and turn Occupation into Revolution, as oppressed civilians take up the fight.

But your enemy has the advantage - superior technology, firepower, heavy armour and air support. You must learn the art of guerrilla warfare – ambush, sabotage, infiltration, deception – and fight a running battle through the war-ravaged suburbs of Philadelphia.

And the single player campaign is just the start – in Co-Op you and your friends can form your own Resistance Cell and become renowned as Heroes of the Revolution.


Explore a living, breathing open world - experience true open world gameplay in a first person shooter, brought to life with astonishing CRYENGINE-powered visuals

Wage Guerrilla Warfare - this is no linear shooter; learn the art of guerrilla warfare and use ambush, infiltration and hit and run tactics against your foe in thrilling un-scripted firefights

Build the Resistance - recruit revolutionaries to the cause, establish bases and safehouses, capture and customise a deadly arsenal, and build improvised, homebrew weapons for your Guerrilla Tool Kit

Ignite the Revolution - from oppressed citizen to revolutionary leader, an epic single-player campaign tells the story of the second War of Independence. The dynamic, evolving world responds to your actions as an oppressed nation rises up in defiance against the occupation

Online Co-Op - take the battle online, form a Resistance Cell with your friends and earn your reputation as Heroes of the Revolutio

Freedom Fighter Bundle

Informazioni sul gioco


Dopo quattro lunghi anni sotto il gioco di una brutale occupazione militare, l'America è in ginocchio.

Filadelfia, la città che ha dato i natali all'Indipendenza americana, è diventata un ghetto dove droni di sorveglianza e pattuglie corazzate opprimono la popolazione, mettendo a tacere ogni tipo di opposizione con la forza bruta.

I suoi abitanti, un tempo orgogliosi, vivono in uno "Stato di polizia", obbligati a collaborare per poter sopravvivere e i loro sogni di libertà sono ormai un lontano ricordo.

Ma nelle regioni aride e tormentate della Zona Rossa, per le strade distrutte dalle bombe e nei sottopassi abbandonati, si sta formando la Resistenza, una forza di guerriglia disposta a tutto pur di combattere per la libertà e pronta a scatenare la seconda Rivoluzione americana.

Ma la libertà viene sempre a caro prezzo…

Panoramica del prodotto

Homefront®: The Revolution è uno sparatutto in prima persona ambientato in un open world dove dovrai guidare il movimento della Resistenza in una guerriglia contro una forza militare superiore.

Un mondo aperto, vivo e dinamico, reagisce alle tue azioni: tu e la tua cellula della Resistenza potrete scatenare una ribellione sulle strade e trasformare l'Occupazione in Rivoluzione man mano che sempre più civili oppressi si uniscono alla lotta.

Ma il nemico è in vantaggio: possiede tecnologia di livello superiore, potenza di fuoco, mezzi corazzati e supporto aereo. Dovrai apprendere l'arte della guerriglia (imboscate, sabotaggi, infiltrazioni e sotterfugi) per combattere un’incessante battaglia nei sobborghi devastati dalla guerra della città di Filadelfia.

E la campagna in giocatore singolo è solo l'inizio: nella modalità cooperativa tu e i tuoi amici potrete formare la vostra cellula della Resistenza e diventare famosi eroi della Rivoluzione.


Esplora un mondo aperto, vivo e dinamico: vivi un'esperienza realistica in uno sparatutto in prima persona grazie al gameplay ambientato in un mondo aperto, animato dalla strabiliante grafica offerta dal motore CRYENGINE

Datti alla guerriglia: non si tratta di uno sparatutto lineare; dovrai apprendere l'arte della guerriglia e sfruttare imboscate, infiltrazioni e tattiche "mordi e fuggi" contro i nemici in scontri a fuoco avvincenti e imprevedibili

Forma la Resistenza: assolda rivoluzionari a favore della causa, fonda basi e trova covi di rifugio, rimedia e personalizza un arsenale letale e costruisci armi improvvisate per il tuo Kit strumenti di guerriglia

Scatena la Rivoluzione: da cittadino oppresso a leader rivoluzionario, la leggendaria campagna in giocatore singolo narra la storia della seconda Guerra di Indipendenza americana. Il mondo dinamico e in continua evoluzione reagisce alle tue azioni mentre una nazione oppressa si ribella e insorge contro l'occupazione

Cooperativa online: porta la battaglia in rete, crea la tua cellula della Resistenza e diventa un famoso eroe della Rivoluzion

Freedom Fighter Bundle









• 臨場感溢れるオープンワールドを体感:驚異的なCryENGINE®を搭載した迫力のあるグラフィック。本格的なオープンワールドでのファーストパーソン・シューティングゲームを体験しよう。

• ゲリラ戦の展開:リニアシューティングゲームとは違う、待ち伏せや潜入などのゲリラ戦術を駆使した、スリリングな台本なしの戦いを繰り広げよう。

• 抵抗組織の形成:革命派を募り、基地や隠れ家を確保し、破壊力のある武器を手に入れてカスタマイズし、ゲリラツールキットに使える自作の簡易武器を作ろう。

• 革命の勃発:シングルプレイヤーキャンペーンは、抑圧された一人の市民が、革命の指導者となる、壮大な第二次独立戦争の物語です。あなたの抵抗運動に鼓舞されて世界は変化していきます。抑圧された国の人々が占領に対して勇敢に立ち上がっていきます。

• オンラインCo-OP:戦いの舞台をオンラインに移そう。他のプレイヤーと抵抗組織を形成して、革命の英雄として共に名を上げよう

Freedom Fighter Bundle

게임 정보


Four years into the brutal military occupation, America is on its knees.

Philadelphia - once the birthplace of Independence - has become a ghetto, where surveillance drones and armoured patrols keep the population at heel, crushing any dissent with savage force.

Her once-proud citizens live in a police state, forced to collaborate just to survive, their dreams of freedom long since extinguished.

But in the badlands of the Red Zone, in the bombed out streets and abandoned subways, a Resistance is forming. A guerrilla force, determined to fight for their freedoms despite overwhelming odds and ignite the second American Revolution.

But Freedom always has a price…


Homefront®: The Revolution is an open-world first person shooter where you must lead the Resistance movement in guerrilla warfare against a superior military force.

A living, breathing, open world responds to your actions - you and your Resistance Cell can inspire a rebellion on the streets and turn Occupation into Revolution, as oppressed civilians take up the fight.

But your enemy has the advantage - superior technology, firepower, heavy armour and air support. You must learn the art of guerrilla warfare – ambush, sabotage, infiltration, deception – and fight a running battle through the war-ravaged suburbs of Philadelphia.

And the single player campaign is just the start – in Co-Op you and your friends can form your own Resistance Cell and become renowned as Heroes of the Revolution.


Explore a living, breathing open world - experience true open world gameplay in a first person shooter, brought to life with astonishing CRYENGINE-powered visuals

Wage Guerrilla Warfare - this is no linear shooter; learn the art of guerrilla warfare and use ambush, infiltration and hit and run tactics against your foe in thrilling un-scripted firefights

Build the Resistance - recruit revolutionaries to the cause, establish bases and safehouses, capture and customise a deadly arsenal, and build improvised, homebrew weapons for your Guerrilla Tool Kit

Ignite the Revolution - from oppressed citizen to revolutionary leader, an epic single-player campaign tells the story of the second War of Independence. The dynamic, evolving world responds to your actions as an oppressed nation rises up in defiance against the occupation

Online Co-Op - take the battle online, form a Resistance Cell with your friends and earn your reputation as Heroes of the Revolutio

Freedom Fighter Bundle

Om spillet


Four years into the brutal military occupation, America is on its knees.

Philadelphia - once the birthplace of Independence - has become a ghetto, where surveillance drones and armoured patrols keep the population at heel, crushing any dissent with savage force.

Her once-proud citizens live in a police state, forced to collaborate just to survive, their dreams of freedom long since extinguished.

But in the badlands of the Red Zone, in the bombed out streets and abandoned subways, a Resistance is forming. A guerrilla force, determined to fight for their freedoms despite overwhelming odds and ignite the second American Revolution.

But Freedom always has a price…


Homefront®: The Revolution is an open-world first person shooter where you must lead the Resistance movement in guerrilla warfare against a superior military force.

A living, breathing, open world responds to your actions - you and your Resistance Cell can inspire a rebellion on the streets and turn Occupation into Revolution, as oppressed civilians take up the fight.

But your enemy has the advantage - superior technology, firepower, heavy armour and air support. You must learn the art of guerrilla warfare – ambush, sabotage, infiltration, deception – and fight a running battle through the war-ravaged suburbs of Philadelphia.

And the single player campaign is just the start – in Co-Op you and your friends can form your own Resistance Cell and become renowned as Heroes of the Revolution.


Explore a living, breathing open world - experience true open world gameplay in a first person shooter, brought to life with astonishing CRYENGINE-powered visuals

Wage Guerrilla Warfare - this is no linear shooter; learn the art of guerrilla warfare and use ambush, infiltration and hit and run tactics against your foe in thrilling un-scripted firefights

Build the Resistance - recruit revolutionaries to the cause, establish bases and safehouses, capture and customise a deadly arsenal, and build improvised, homebrew weapons for your Guerrilla Tool Kit

Ignite the Revolution - from oppressed citizen to revolutionary leader, an epic single-player campaign tells the story of the second War of Independence. The dynamic, evolving world responds to your actions as an oppressed nation rises up in defiance against the occupation

Online Co-Op - take the battle online, form a Resistance Cell with your friends and earn your reputation as Heroes of the Revolutio

Freedom Fighter Bundle

Informacje o grze

Po czterech latach brutalnej okupacji Ameryka jest wyniszczona.

Filadelfia - będąca niegdyś miejscem narodzin niepodległości - stała się gettem, w którym śledzące każdy ruch mieszkańców drony i uzbrojone patrole wojskowe z barbarzyńską przemocą tłumią najmniejszą próbę sprzeciwu.

Niegdyś dumni mieszkańcy miasta, dawno porzuciwszy swoje marzenia o wolności, żyją w państwie policyjnym, zmuszeni do kolaboracji, aby przetrwać.

Pomimo to, na ogołoconych terenach Czerwonej Strefy, na ulicach spustoszonych przez bomby i opuszczonych stacjach metra rodzi się Ruch Oporu. Oddziały partyzantów, gotowe stanąć do walki o własną wolność i stawić czoła przeciwnościom, wzniecając drugą rewolucję amerykańską.

Jednak wolność ma swoją cenę...

Tryb jednoosobowy to jednak dopiero początek - w trybie kooperacji możesz wraz z przyjaciółmi stworzyć własną Komórkę Oporu i zdobyć sławę Bohatera Rewolucji.

Freedom Fighter Bundle

Acerca do Jogo


Four years into the brutal military occupation, America is on its knees.

Philadelphia - once the birthplace of Independence - has become a ghetto, where surveillance drones and armoured patrols keep the population at heel, crushing any dissent with savage force.

Her once-proud citizens live in a police state, forced to collaborate just to survive, their dreams of freedom long since extinguished.

But in the badlands of the Red Zone, in the bombed out streets and abandoned subways, a Resistance is forming. A guerrilla force, determined to fight for their freedoms despite overwhelming odds and ignite the second American Revolution.

But Freedom always has a price…


Homefront®: The Revolution is an open-world first person shooter where you must lead the Resistance movement in guerrilla warfare against a superior military force.

A living, breathing, open world responds to your actions - you and your Resistance Cell can inspire a rebellion on the streets and turn Occupation into Revolution, as oppressed civilians take up the fight.

But your enemy has the advantage - superior technology, firepower, heavy armour and air support. You must learn the art of guerrilla warfare – ambush, sabotage, infiltration, deception – and fight a running battle through the war-ravaged suburbs of Philadelphia.

And the single player campaign is just the start – in Co-Op you and your friends can form your own Resistance Cell and become renowned as Heroes of the Revolution.


Explore a living, breathing open world - experience true open world gameplay in a first person shooter, brought to life with astonishing CRYENGINE-powered visuals

Wage Guerrilla Warfare - this is no linear shooter; learn the art of guerrilla warfare and use ambush, infiltration and hit and run tactics against your foe in thrilling un-scripted firefights

Build the Resistance - recruit revolutionaries to the cause, establish bases and safehouses, capture and customise a deadly arsenal, and build improvised, homebrew weapons for your Guerrilla Tool Kit

Ignite the Revolution - from oppressed citizen to revolutionary leader, an epic single-player campaign tells the story of the second War of Independence. The dynamic, evolving world responds to your actions as an oppressed nation rises up in defiance against the occupation

Online Co-Op - take the battle online, form a Resistance Cell with your friends and earn your reputation as Heroes of the Revolutio

Freedom Fighter Bundle

Despre joc


Four years into the brutal military occupation, America is on its knees.

Philadelphia - once the birthplace of Independence - has become a ghetto, where surveillance drones and armoured patrols keep the population at heel, crushing any dissent with savage force.

Her once-proud citizens live in a police state, forced to collaborate just to survive, their dreams of freedom long since extinguished.

But in the badlands of the Red Zone, in the bombed out streets and abandoned subways, a Resistance is forming. A guerrilla force, determined to fight for their freedoms despite overwhelming odds and ignite the second American Revolution.

But Freedom always has a price…


Homefront®: The Revolution is an open-world first person shooter where you must lead the Resistance movement in guerrilla warfare against a superior military force.

A living, breathing, open world responds to your actions - you and your Resistance Cell can inspire a rebellion on the streets and turn Occupation into Revolution, as oppressed civilians take up the fight.

But your enemy has the advantage - superior technology, firepower, heavy armour and air support. You must learn the art of guerrilla warfare – ambush, sabotage, infiltration, deception – and fight a running battle through the war-ravaged suburbs of Philadelphia.

And the single player campaign is just the start – in Co-Op you and your friends can form your own Resistance Cell and become renowned as Heroes of the Revolution.


Explore a living, breathing open world - experience true open world gameplay in a first person shooter, brought to life with astonishing CRYENGINE-powered visuals

Wage Guerrilla Warfare - this is no linear shooter; learn the art of guerrilla warfare and use ambush, infiltration and hit and run tactics against your foe in thrilling un-scripted firefights

Build the Resistance - recruit revolutionaries to the cause, establish bases and safehouses, capture and customise a deadly arsenal, and build improvised, homebrew weapons for your Guerrilla Tool Kit

Ignite the Revolution - from oppressed citizen to revolutionary leader, an epic single-player campaign tells the story of the second War of Independence. The dynamic, evolving world responds to your actions as an oppressed nation rises up in defiance against the occupation

Online Co-Op - take the battle online, form a Resistance Cell with your friends and earn your reputation as Heroes of the Revolutio

Freedom Fighter Bundle

Об игре

После 4-х лет оккупации Америка на коленях.

В Филадельфии, бывшей родине независимости, с жителей не спускают глаз, подавляя любое инакомыслие.

Некогда гордые граждане живут в полицейском государстве и вынуждены выживать; мечты о свободе давно угасли.

Однако в бесплодных землях Красной Зоны формируются силы Сопротивления. Партизаны готовы биться за свободу и начать 2-ю американскую революцию.

Но у свободы своя цена…

Формируйте ячейки Сопротивления с друзьями и станьте Героями Революции.

Freedom Fighter Bundle







单人战斗只是开始 — 在协作模式中,你和你的朋友可以组成自己的抵抗组织,并成为著名的革命英雄

Freedom Fighter Bundle

Acerca del juego


Han pasado cuatro años desde la violenta ocupación militar de Estados Unidos y el país está vencido.

Filadelfia, la antigua cuna de la independencia, ahora no es más que un gueto donde los drones de vigilancia y las patrullas armadas aplastan salvajemente cualquier atisbo de rebeldía para mantener a raya a la población.

Sus ciudadanos, antes orgullosos, viven sumidos en un estado policial y forzados a colaborar para poder sobrevivir... ajenos ya a cualquier deseo de libertad.

Sin embargo, en las áridas ruinas de la zona roja, en las calles bombardeadas y en los metros abandonados, comienza a gestarse la resistencia: un grupo de guerrilleros decidido a luchar por su libertad a toda costa y a encender la mecha de la segunda Revolución americana.

Pero la libertad siempre tiene un precio…

Resumen general del producto

Homefront®: The Revolution es un shooter en primera persona de mundo abierto en el que tendrás que liderar a la resistencia en una guerra de guerrillas contra una fuerza militar superior.

El mundo abierto estará lleno de vida y responderá a tus actos: junto con tu célula de resistencia, podrás incitar a la rebelión en las calles para que los civiles oprimidos se unan a la lucha y así transformar la ocupación en una auténtica revolución.

Sin embargo, estarás en gran desventaja frente al enemigo: su tecnología y potencia de fuego, además de sus blindajes y unidades de apoyo aéreo son muy superiores. Tendrás que familiarizarte con el arte de la guerra de guerrillas (emboscadas, sabotajes, infiltración, engaño…) y librar una cruenta batalla en los asolados distritos de Filadelfia.

Además, la campaña para un jugador no será más que el principio: en el modo cooperativo podrás unirte a tus amigos para formar vuestra propia célula de resistencia y convertiros en los más célebres héroes de la revolución.


Explora un mundo abierto lleno de vida: un shooter con un mundo abierto en el que vivirás una experiencia de juego en primera persona, animado con los increíbles gráficos que ofrece CRYENGINE.

Libra una guerra de guerrillas: olvídate de los shooter lineales y familiarízate con el arte de la guerra de guerrillas para acabar con tu enemigo en emocionantes reyertas espontáneas con emboscadas, misiones de infiltración y ataques relámpago.

Forma la resistencia: recluta revolucionarios para tu causa, establece bases y escondites, roba y personaliza todo un arsenal de armas letales, y construye armamento casero improvisado para tu kit de guerrillero.

Enciende la mecha: de ciudadano oprimido a líder revolucionario, juega una épica campaña de un jugador que narra la historia de la segunda Guerra de la Independencia. El mundo del juego, dinámico y en constante evolución, responderá a tus actos; y toda una nación oprimida se alzará en armas contra la ocupación.

Cooperación online: forma una célula de resistencia con tus amigos para luchar online y convertiros en los más reputados héroes de la revolución

Freedom Fighter Bundle

Om spelet


Four years into the brutal military occupation, America is on its knees.

Philadelphia - once the birthplace of Independence - has become a ghetto, where surveillance drones and armoured patrols keep the population at heel, crushing any dissent with savage force.

Her once-proud citizens live in a police state, forced to collaborate just to survive, their dreams of freedom long since extinguished.

But in the badlands of the Red Zone, in the bombed out streets and abandoned subways, a Resistance is forming. A guerrilla force, determined to fight for their freedoms despite overwhelming odds and ignite the second American Revolution.

But Freedom always has a price…


Homefront®: The Revolution is an open-world first person shooter where you must lead the Resistance movement in guerrilla warfare against a superior military force.

A living, breathing, open world responds to your actions - you and your Resistance Cell can inspire a rebellion on the streets and turn Occupation into Revolution, as oppressed civilians take up the fight.

But your enemy has the advantage - superior technology, firepower, heavy armour and air support. You must learn the art of guerrilla warfare – ambush, sabotage, infiltration, deception – and fight a running battle through the war-ravaged suburbs of Philadelphia.

And the single player campaign is just the start – in Co-Op you and your friends can form your own Resistance Cell and become renowned as Heroes of the Revolution.


Explore a living, breathing open world - experience true open world gameplay in a first person shooter, brought to life with astonishing CRYENGINE-powered visuals

Wage Guerrilla Warfare - this is no linear shooter; learn the art of guerrilla warfare and use ambush, infiltration and hit and run tactics against your foe in thrilling un-scripted firefights

Build the Resistance - recruit revolutionaries to the cause, establish bases and safehouses, capture and customise a deadly arsenal, and build improvised, homebrew weapons for your Guerrilla Tool Kit

Ignite the Revolution - from oppressed citizen to revolutionary leader, an epic single-player campaign tells the story of the second War of Independence. The dynamic, evolving world responds to your actions as an oppressed nation rises up in defiance against the occupation

Online Co-Op - take the battle online, form a Resistance Cell with your friends and earn your reputation as Heroes of the Revolutio

Freedom Fighter Bundle



Four years into the brutal military occupation, America is on its knees.

Philadelphia - once the birthplace of Independence - has become a ghetto, where surveillance drones and armoured patrols keep the population at heel, crushing any dissent with savage force.

Her once-proud citizens live in a police state, forced to collaborate just to survive, their dreams of freedom long since extinguished.

But in the badlands of the Red Zone, in the bombed out streets and abandoned subways, a Resistance is forming. A guerrilla force, determined to fight for their freedoms despite overwhelming odds and ignite the second American Revolution.

But Freedom always has a price…


Homefront®: The Revolution is an open-world first person shooter where you must lead the Resistance movement in guerrilla warfare against a superior military force.

A living, breathing, open world responds to your actions - you and your Resistance Cell can inspire a rebellion on the streets and turn Occupation into Revolution, as oppressed civilians take up the fight.

But your enemy has the advantage - superior technology, firepower, heavy armour and air support. You must learn the art of guerrilla warfare – ambush, sabotage, infiltration, deception – and fight a running battle through the war-ravaged suburbs of Philadelphia.

And the single player campaign is just the start – in Co-Op you and your friends can form your own Resistance Cell and become renowned as Heroes of the Revolution.


Explore a living, breathing open world - experience true open world gameplay in a first person shooter, brought to life with astonishing CRYENGINE-powered visuals

Wage Guerrilla Warfare - this is no linear shooter; learn the art of guerrilla warfare and use ambush, infiltration and hit and run tactics against your foe in thrilling un-scripted firefights

Build the Resistance - recruit revolutionaries to the cause, establish bases and safehouses, capture and customise a deadly arsenal, and build improvised, homebrew weapons for your Guerrilla Tool Kit

Ignite the Revolution - from oppressed citizen to revolutionary leader, an epic single-player campaign tells the story of the second War of Independence. The dynamic, evolving world responds to your actions as an oppressed nation rises up in defiance against the occupation

Online Co-Op - take the battle online, form a Resistance Cell with your friends and earn your reputation as Heroes of the Revolutio

Freedom Fighter Bundle







單人戰鬥只是開始 — 在協作模式中,你和你的朋友可以組成自己的抵抗組織,並成為著名的革命英雄

Freedom Fighter Bundle

Oyun Açıklaması


Four years into the brutal military occupation, America is on its knees.

Philadelphia - once the birthplace of Independence - has become a ghetto, where surveillance drones and armoured patrols keep the population at heel, crushing any dissent with savage force.

Her once-proud citizens live in a police state, forced to collaborate just to survive, their dreams of freedom long since extinguished.

But in the badlands of the Red Zone, in the bombed out streets and abandoned subways, a Resistance is forming. A guerrilla force, determined to fight for their freedoms despite overwhelming odds and ignite the second American Revolution.

But Freedom always has a price…


Homefront®: The Revolution is an open-world first person shooter where you must lead the Resistance movement in guerrilla warfare against a superior military force.

A living, breathing, open world responds to your actions - you and your Resistance Cell can inspire a rebellion on the streets and turn Occupation into Revolution, as oppressed civilians take up the fight.

But your enemy has the advantage - superior technology, firepower, heavy armour and air support. You must learn the art of guerrilla warfare – ambush, sabotage, infiltration, deception – and fight a running battle through the war-ravaged suburbs of Philadelphia.

And the single player campaign is just the start – in Co-Op you and your friends can form your own Resistance Cell and become renowned as Heroes of the Revolution.


Explore a living, breathing open world - experience true open world gameplay in a first person shooter, brought to life with astonishing CRYENGINE-powered visuals

Wage Guerrilla Warfare - this is no linear shooter; learn the art of guerrilla warfare and use ambush, infiltration and hit and run tactics against your foe in thrilling un-scripted firefights

Build the Resistance - recruit revolutionaries to the cause, establish bases and safehouses, capture and customise a deadly arsenal, and build improvised, homebrew weapons for your Guerrilla Tool Kit

Ignite the Revolution - from oppressed citizen to revolutionary leader, an epic single-player campaign tells the story of the second War of Independence. The dynamic, evolving world responds to your actions as an oppressed nation rises up in defiance against the occupation

Online Co-Op - take the battle online, form a Resistance Cell with your friends and earn your reputation as Heroes of the Revolutio

Freedom Fighter Bundle

Про гру


Four years into the brutal military occupation, America is on its knees.

Philadelphia - once the birthplace of Independence - has become a ghetto, where surveillance drones and armoured patrols keep the population at heel, crushing any dissent with savage force.

Her once-proud citizens live in a police state, forced to collaborate just to survive, their dreams of freedom long since extinguished.

But in the badlands of the Red Zone, in the bombed out streets and abandoned subways, a Resistance is forming. A guerrilla force, determined to fight for their freedoms despite overwhelming odds and ignite the second American Revolution.

But Freedom always has a price…


Homefront®: The Revolution is an open-world first person shooter where you must lead the Resistance movement in guerrilla warfare against a superior military force.

A living, breathing, open world responds to your actions - you and your Resistance Cell can inspire a rebellion on the streets and turn Occupation into Revolution, as oppressed civilians take up the fight.

But your enemy has the advantage - superior technology, firepower, heavy armour and air support. You must learn the art of guerrilla warfare – ambush, sabotage, infiltration, deception – and fight a running battle through the war-ravaged suburbs of Philadelphia.

And the single player campaign is just the start – in Co-Op you and your friends can form your own Resistance Cell and become renowned as Heroes of the Revolution.


Explore a living, breathing open world - experience true open world gameplay in a first person shooter, brought to life with astonishing CRYENGINE-powered visuals

Wage Guerrilla Warfare - this is no linear shooter; learn the art of guerrilla warfare and use ambush, infiltration and hit and run tactics against your foe in thrilling un-scripted firefights

Build the Resistance - recruit revolutionaries to the cause, establish bases and safehouses, capture and customise a deadly arsenal, and build improvised, homebrew weapons for your Guerrilla Tool Kit

Ignite the Revolution - from oppressed citizen to revolutionary leader, an epic single-player campaign tells the story of the second War of Independence. The dynamic, evolving world responds to your actions as an oppressed nation rises up in defiance against the occupation

Online Co-Op - take the battle online, form a Resistance Cell with your friends and earn your reputation as Heroes of the Revolutio

System Requirements


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