Hurtworld (Incl. Early Access)
Hurtworld (Incl. Early Access)

Hurtworld (Incl. Early Access)

Release Date: 04/12/2015 | WORLDWIDE
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Early Access
26.49 € + VAT


WARNING: Hurtworld is still very early in development. It may be worth waiting until we are further through development before getting on board (We're not going anywhere).

Hurtworld is a hardcore multiplayer survival FPS with a focus on deep survival progression that doesn't become trivial once you establish some basic needs. That feeling when you're freezing to death trying to make a fire, or you're defenceless being chased by creatures. These experiences are what make a survival game. When you overcome that challenge and find a level of comfort it's a great feeling, but what do you do next?

Hurtworld tempts you out of your comfort zone with rich resources, better loot and higher tech. It will also throw more dangerous creatures, harsher environments and new challenges at you that can't be taken on without the proper gear or refined skill. Will you settle for bows and arrows and a campfire, or push deeper into the map and start scavenging for vehicle parts and better weapons?

Built from the ground up with solid multiplayer foundations. Designed for fast skill based PVP and PVE. You will constantly have to decide which is the biggest threat, the player opposite you or the creatures that will hear your gunshot.

Current Features

  • Crafting Gear, Tools, Weapons and Machines - Combine what you find in the world to make hundreds of different items.
  • Structure Building - Claim land solo or with friends, build from a hut to a city using our attachment point based structure system.
  • Procedurally Generated, Customizable Vehicles - Find a car or quad bike wreck in world with random panels. Scavenge for parts and get it moving again. Find rare paint colors and skin patterns to get it looking just the way you want. Upgrade your engine and gearbox. Make sure to carry a spare tire!
  • Mining Resources - Heaps of different minable resources that require different tools to gather, from Pickaxes to Dynamite. Alternatively you can build some automated drills and let them do the work for you.
  • Twitch based PVP - Some areas of the map will be highly contested, are you willing to share the limited resources needed to survive? If you aren't, we have many different projectile and melee weapons to do away with your opponent. Careful though, murdering your peers may increase your own penalty for death.
  • Farmable Plants - Find wild seeds and get a crop going back home.
  • Hunting Neutral and Hostile Animals - Environment is filled with animals, they may be your lunch, you may be theirs.
  • Town Ruins and Relics with Random Loot - Tightly contested, if the radiation and mutated creatures don't kill you, another player will. You might just find those engine parts you've been looking for here.
  • Dynamic Day/Night + Weather - Pick the right time of day to attempt crossing sand dunes, but watch out for sandstorms.
  • Stat Simulation - More than just a hunger bar, everything in the world is affected by time of day, current biome, localized effects like radiation, dynamic weather, heat given off by machines etc. Items can have different behaviors based on current stats too. That steak in your backpack might just freeze in the snow, at least it will take longer to go rotten. Put that storage chest too close to your fire you may come home to a pile of Ash.
  • Drastically Different Biomes - Explore the harsh world. From the snow forests of the North to the colorful parrot Tokars of the red desert, gear that lets you survive in one biome may kill you in another. Players with a home base advantage will likely be better equipped to handle their surroundings than invaders.

All the features above are currently in the game and functional, however much of the content in these systems is placeholder. While we've done a lot of the hard work developing robust systems to underpin gameplay mechanics, we haven't yet spent a lot of time generating and balancing content for these systems. As this is mostly configuration work, we will be able to quickly deliver lots of new content in the coming months.

Server Authoritative Multiplayer

Most multiplayer open world games use a MMO style network architecture. While this allows for greater player numbers per server, it opens up the game up to endless cheating exploits that are impossible to stomp out. Hurtworld uses an architecture closer to that of a modern FPS, where all physics and game logic are calculated on the server. While cheats can never be fully stopped, this structure makes a large amount of the exploits impossible from day one. Due to this, our servers will use a bit more resources for the same number of people than your usual survival game, but we think it's totally worth it.


Keeping your FPS high and smooth is crucially important to us. As members of the PC master race we know 60+ FPS is a right, not a privilege. Not to mention PVP gunplay just doesn't work at low FPS. This is an ongoing battle while we are developing the game, adding new stuff slows things down, doing an optimization pass gives us some breathing room. It goes in cycles.

Currently things are running very well, we did a lot of hard work during our closed alpha to bring performance up and to get rid of big spikes. On mid range 2 year old machines we're currently getting 80+ FPS on medium settings. Our biggest bottleneck is player skinning on the CPU. Meaning if your CPU is a potato, and there are lots of players in your area, it will chugg. We have a fairly comprehensive graphical settings menu that should let you scale things down even on lower spec machines. We are constantly working to improve performance and we'll do our best to keep everything running well throughout early access.

PVP & Gunplay

Hurtworld has competitive FPS in its DNA. Violence isn't the only option, but when it's needed you want to be sure it's a fair skill rewarding system. We are keeping the gear cap low on PVP items. This means a player with 150 hours in a server and endgame loot can't faceroll their way around the map with impunity. Higher grade gear will allow you to survive in harsher environments and take on fiercer creatures, it won't however stop a bullet to the face.

Infamy System

We are currently testing a new system that changes the way gear is dropped on death. By default all gear you have equipped like tools guns and clothes won't drop on death.

Secured gear in your hotbar and equipment slots (gear you are wearing) can only be dropped if your infamy level is above zero.

Infamy is a stat bar that increases by one every time you kill someone, and slowly decreases over time back to zero. For each point of infamy you currently have, you have a chance to lose a secured item (equipped gear / weapons / tools).

We hope this will have a few effects.

  • Most people will actually use their best gear all the time
  • New spawns being harassed at spawn that can’t fight back won’t lose much
  • Players harassing fresh spawns are putting a target on their own head, as some of their gear is now up for grabs to anyone who kills them, creating interesting skirmishes.
  • Farming yield of a player will be dependant on the territory they can control. If a player tries to mine the limited resources around your base, you can kill them to claim the resources back without completely ruining their day.
  • We can make tiers of gear much more expensive to create without crossing the too valuable to lose bracket

As with any new gameplay system, it sounds great in theory to us, how it plays will be the real test. This behavior is currently enabled by default, however server owners can override playerlootmode to 4 different settings depending on preference including the classic lose everything.


Modding is one of our top priorities. We have been working with the awesome guys at Oxide, to integrate their modding framework with Hurtworld. You can download their API right now and start writing server mods for Hurtworld in Lua, C#, Javascript or Python!

In the future we want to build Hurtworld into a platform for different sandbox game types (Think Dota 2 custom games). We are designing the game we want to play most, however the framework of player movement, gear, combat, environmental effects, AI, vehicles, construction and gathering can all be applied to vastly different game modes with very little work. We are slowly building up a more powerful SDK we plan to release sometime in 2016. I can't wait to see what other people do with a solid FPS framework with the backing of a fleshed out survival game.


  • Will you add procedural maps?
    Currently we are focusing on hand crafted maps. We are a good way through developing an SDK for Unity we call "Shigi Tools" designed to allow the community to create their own maps in-engine. It's not out of the realm of possibility that a server will have its own unique map designed by its admins that is downloaded on connection. This combined with server side mods should open up the gameplay possibilities a lot. We don't have an ETA on this yet, we are using it to build internal maps but it will require some new engine systems to handle runtime loading that we will prioritize amongst other things.

  • Can I host a server?
    Yes! We have a Windows and Linux headless server build that can be downloaded through the tools section of Steam or via SteamCMD, check out the Hurtworld Wiki for guides.

  • How many players per server?
    We are optimizing for 50. We run all our physics on the server with low jitter and a high tickrate. This means we won't reach the 200+ mmo class of servers, however we think the tradeoff is worth it for a more responsive experience and a game more resistant to cheats. It also means we can do more interesting things with AI that feel more like Left for Dead and less like World of Warcraft.

    MAC USERS NOTE: If you get a crash on startup of the game, please disable Steam overlay
  • AVERTISSEMENT: Hurtworld est encore très tôt dans le développement. Il vaut peut-être la peine d'attendre jusqu'à ce que le développement avance un peu plus avant de monter à bord (On ne va pas nul part).
    Hurtworld est un FPS de survie multijoueur concentre sur la survie qui ne devient pas répétitif une fois que vous avez établie vos besoins de base. Ce sentiment quand vous êtes en train de gelé à mort en essayant de faire un feu, ou si vous êtes sans défense étant poursuivi par des créatures. Ces expériences sont ce qui définie un jeu de survie. Lorsque vous surmonter ce défi et que vous trouver un niveau de confort,c’est un sentiment génial, mais que voulez-vous faire ensuite?
    Hurtworld tente de vous sortir de votre zone de confort avec de ressources riches, un meilleure butin et plus de technologie. Il vous lancera également des créatures plus dangereuses, des environnements plus durs et des nouveaux défis qui ne peuvent pas être complété sans l'équipement approprié ou de compétence raffinée. Vous contenterez vous d’un arcs à flèche et d’un feu de camp, ou pousserez-vous plus profondément dans la carte et commencer à cherche pour des pièces de véhicules et de meilleures armes?
    Construit à partir du sol avec des fondations solides multijoueurs. Conçu pour se basé sur vos compétences PVP et PVE. Vous devrez constamment avoir à décider qui est le plus grand danger; le joueur en face de vous ou les créatures qui entendra vos tir de fusil.
    ATTENZIONE: Hurtworldè ancora in una fase iniziale dello sviluppo. Potrebbe valer la pena aspettare fino a che non sarà in uno stadio più avanzato prima di iniziare a giocarci.
    Hurtworld è un FPS multiplayer con una profonda componente survival che non passa mai in secondo piano.Saranno frequenti i momenti in cui cercherai disperatamente di accendere un fuoco mentre starai morendo assiderato o in cui sarai indifeso mentre verrai inseguito da delle creature.Sono questi i momenti che rendono il gioco unsurvival. Quando supererei le avversità e riuscirai a crearti un buon livello di confort sicuramente sarà una bella soddisfazione, ma cosa verrà dopo?
    Hurtworld tenterà di farti uscire dalla tua sicura casetta con ricche risorse e con oggetti e tecnologie più avanzate.Ma ti lancerà addosso anche creature più pericolose, un territorio inospitale e nuove sfide che non potrai superare senza il giusto equipaggiamento e la dovuta esperienza. Ti fermerai ad un arco, poche frecce e un fuoco da campo oppure ti spingerai all’interno della mappa andando alla ricerca di parti di veicoli e armi migliori?
    Costruito partendo da delle solide fondamenta multiplayer. Progettatosia per ilPVP che per il PVE. Dovrai costantemente valutare quale sarà il tuo nemico più grande; Il giocatore che ti sta di fronte o le creature che sentiranno il tuo sparo?


    • Creazione di Equipaggiamento, Strumenti, Armi e Veicoli - Combinaciò che troverai nel mondo per creare centinaia di oggetti diversi.
    • Costruzione di edifici–Rivendica della terra,da solo o con amici, costruisci una capanna o una città utilizzando il nostro sistema di costruzione a punti di aggancio.
    • Veicoli personalizzabili creati in modo procedurale–Trova le carcasse di auto o diquadnel mondo di gioco. Vai alla ricerca di parti e fai ripartire i veicoli. Trova vernici rare e delle skin per personalizzarli. Migliora il motore e il cambio. Ah, ricorda di portarti sempre dietro una ruota di scorta!
    • Risorse minerarie–Una moltitudine di risorse differenti che richiedono vari strumenti per essere minate, dai picconi alla dinamite. Oppure potresti costruire degli estrattori automatici per farli lavorare al posto tuo.
    • PVP –Alcune aree della mappa saranno altamente popolate, sarai disposto a condividere la limitata quantità di risorse che ti servono a sopravvivere? Se non lo sarai, abbiamo a disposizione diversi tipi di proiettili e armi bianche con cui potrai dare il buon giorno ai tuoi vicini.Stai attento però, uccidere i tuoi simili potrebbe far aumentare la penalità in caso di morte.
    • Piante coltivabili–Trova i semi delle piante selvatiche e crea una piantagione nel campo dietro casa.
    • Caccia gli animali(ostili e neutrali)–Il mondo è pieno di animali che potrebbero essere il tuo pranzo…oppure…potresti essere tu il loro.
    • Rovine di città e relitti con loot casuale–Zone altamente contestate, se non saranno le radiazioni o le creature mutate ad ucciderti,molto probabilmente ci penserà un altro giocatore. Però le parti del motore che stavi cercando molto probabilmente le troverai solamente qui.
    • Ciclo giorno/notte e meteo dinamico–Scegli il momento giusto della giornata per andare in giro, ma stai attento alle tempeste di sabbia.
    • Simulazione di condizioni ambientali–Più di una semplice barra della fame, ogni cosa presente nel mondo è influenzata dalla fase della giornata, dal bioma in cui si trova, dagli effetti locali(come le radiazioni), dal meteo dinamico, dal calore emesso dai macchinari e molto altro ancora. Gli oggetti possono subire effetti diversi anche in base alle condizioni del momento. La bistecca nel tuo zaino potrebbe congelarsi quando sei nella neve, ma almeno passerà più tempo prima che vada a male;mettila in un contenitore troppo vicino al fuoco e potresti ottenere un mucchietto di cenere.
    • Biomi altamente diversificati–Esplora questo mondo inospitale.Dalla foreste innevate del nord ai colorati pappagalli del deserto rosso, l’equipaggiamento che ti permette di rimanere in vita in un bioma potrebbe essere la causa della tua morte in un altro. I giocatori “in casa” molto probabilmente avranno un equipaggiamento che gli permetterà di resistere maggiormente alle avversità metereologiche rispetto all’equipaggiamento degli “invasori”.

    Tutte le caratteristiche sovra citate sono funzionalie attualmente presenti in gioco, comunque molti dei contenuti in questi sistemi sono placeholder. Abbiamo speso molto tempo per sviluppare un robusto sistema di meccaniche di gioco, ma non abbiamo ancora concentrato la nostra attenzione sulla creazione e sul bilanciamento dei contenuti; In questo modo, però, saremo in grado di rilasciare molte novità nei prossimi mesi
    UWAGA: Hurtworld jest ciągle w bardzo wczesnej fazie rozwoju. Być może warto poczekać, w jakim kierunku gra zacznie się rozwijać, zanim w nią zagracie. (Nigdzie się nie wybieramy).
    Hurtworld to hardcorowa gra survival FPS z dużym naciskiem właśnie na przeżycie, które jednak nie staje się najważniejsze, kiedy zaspokoi się podstawowe potrzeby. Te uczucie kiedy zamarzasz na śmierć podczas gdy próbujesz rozpalić ogień albo kiedy jesteś całkowicie bezbronny podczas gdy gonią Cię żądne krwi stworzenia. Te doświadczenia są właśnie tym co jest najważniejsze w grach survival. Kiedy uda Ci się pokonać postawione przed tobą wyzwania czujesz się bardzo dobrze, ale co zrobisz później?
    Hurtworld stara się wyprowadzić Cię z Twojej strefy komfortu, kusząc bogatymi w minerały złożami, lepszym łupem czy też bardziej rozwiniętą technologią. Co więcej, na twojej drodze staną bardziej niebezpieczne stworzenia, surowsze środowisko oraz nowe wyzwania z którymi sobie nie poradzisz bez odpowiedniego ekwipunku czy też umiejętności. Zostaniesz przy swoim łuku oraz ognisku czy też może udasz się w poszukiwaniu części do pojazdów i lepszego uzbrojenia?
    Zbudowany od podstaw z solidnym fundamentem gry wieloosobowej. Stworzony do szybkiej, wymagającej umiejętności walki zarówno przeciw innym graczom jak i środowisku. Będziesz musiał decydować, co jest większym zagrożeniem inny gracz czy też może stworzenia które usłyszą wystrzał twojej broni.

    Co zostało wprowadzone:
    Wytwarzanie ekwipunku, narzędzi, broni oraz maszyn - Wykorzystaj wszystko co znajdziesz, aby wytworzyć setki różnych przedmiotów.
    Budowanie struktur - Zajmij teren samemu lub z przyjaciółmi, zbudujcie chatkę która później przerodzi się w całe miasto przy pomocy naszego prostego systemu budowania.
    Proceduralnie generowane, w pełni edytowalne pojazdy - Znajdź samochód lub quad rozbity gdzieś w świecie. Szukaj odpowiednich części które pozwolą Ci przywrócić go do dawnej świetności. Znajdź rzadkie farby oraz wzory skórek, aby sprawić, żeby wyglądał tak jak, sobie go wymarzysz. Ulepsz swój silnik oraz skrzynie biegów. Upewnij się, że masz przy sobie zapasowe koło!
    Kopalne minerały - Mnóstwo kopalnych zasobów które potrzebują różnych narzędzi do ich wydobycia, od zwykłego kilofa aż po dynamit. Jeżeli chcesz możesz zbudować parę automatycznych wierteł które zrobią tę robotę za Ciebie.
    Szybki, zręcznościowy system PVP - Wiele obszarów mapy zostanie zaludnionych, masz ochotę dzielić się ograniczonymi zasobami potrzebnymi do przeżycia? Jeśli nie, mamy dla Ciebie wiele różnych broni dystansowych jak i starą dobrą broń białą, które na pewno pomogą Ci pozbyć się nieproszonych gości. Jednakże ze swoją bronią należy obchodzić się ostrożnie, mordowanie innych graczy jest karane większą karą podczas własnej śmierci.
    • Hodowla roślin - Znajdując dziko rosnące rośliny, nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie, aby zebrać parę nasion, aby później zasadzić je przed własnym domem.
    • Polowanie na neutralne jak i wrogo nastawione zwierzęta - Środowisko wypełnione jest różnymi zwierzętami, mogą stać się Twoim lunchem lub co gorsza - Ty ich.
    • Ruiny miasta lub inne zabytki z losowo generowanym łupem - Przyciągają uwagę wielu śmiałków, jeżeli tamtejsze promieniowanie i zmutowane istoty Cię nie zabiją, to zrobi to prawdopodobnie inny gracz. Jednakże wyprawa jest warta poświęcenia, to właśnie tam znajdziesz części do swojego pojazdu.
    • Dynamiczny system dnia i nocy oraz pogoda - Wybierz odpowiednią porę do przemierzania piaszczystych pustkowi, niezależnie od pory wciąż jednak musisz uważać na burze piaskowe.
    • Zaawansowany system statystyk postaci - Nie wystarczy martwić się jedynie o poziom najedzenia, wszystko jest zależne od aktualnej pory dnia, aktualnego biomu, lokalnych efektów takich jak promieniowanie, dynamicznie zmieniająca się pogoda czy też ciepło wytwarzane przez pracujące maszyny. Przedmioty posiadają różne właściwości zależnie od otaczającego środowiska. Stek który nosisz w plecaku, może zamarznąć podczas mrozu, co spowoduje, że będzie psuć się wolniej. Jeżeli jednak swoją drewnianą skrzynkę postawisz w pobliżu ogniska, to po powrocie do domu możesz zobaczyć jedynie kupkę popiołu.
    • Drastycznie różniące się od siebie Biomy - Zwiedź surowy świat. Od śnieżnych lasów północy aż po kolorowe papugi Tokary pochodzące z czerwonych pustyni, wyposażenie które pozwoli Ci przetrwać, w jednym biomie może zabić Cię w innym. Gracze posiadający dom w znanym dla nich biomie najprawdopodobniej będą lepiej wyposażeni i lepiej będą znać teren niż ich najeźdźcy.

    Wszystkie wymienione wyżej systemy znajdują się aktualnie w grze i są w pełni funkcjonalne, jednakże wiele treści zastępuje przyszłe elementy. Podczas gdy włożyliśmy dużo pracy w tworzenie działających systemów, nie spędziliśmy za wiele czasu, generując i balansując treść do nich. Jako, że większość tej pracy to jedynie kwestia konfiguracji, będziemy w stanie szybko dostarczyć dużo nowej treści w nadchodzących miesiącach
    AVISO: Hurtworld ainda está em desenvolvimento muito antecipado. Poderá valer a pena esperar estarmos em desenvolvimento mais avançado antes de entrar a bordo (nós não vamos a lado nenhum).
    Hurtworld é um jogo multijogador hardcore de sobrevivência e tiros em primeira pessoa, que se foca num progresso intenso de sobrevivência que deixa de ser trivial assim que estabeleces algumas necessidades básicas. Aquele sentimento que estás a congelar até à morte enquanto tentas fazer uma fogueira, ou estás indefeso enquanto és perseguido por criaturas. São estas as experiências que fazem um jogo de sobrevivência. É um sentimento fantástico quando superas esse desafio e encontras um nível de conforto, mas o que vais fazer a seguir?
    O Hurtworld tenta-te a sair da tua zona de conforto com recursos ricos, melhores itens e tecnologia superior. Também irá lançar-te criaturas mais perigosas, ambientes desagradáveis e novos desafios que não poderão ser conquistados sem o equipamento apropriado ou habilidades aperfeiçoadas. Vais-te contentar com arcos e flechas e uma fogueira, ou atrever-te cada vez mais para dentro do mapa e começar a procurar peças para veículos e melhores armas?
    Construído a partir do zero com alicerces de multijogador sólidos. Projectado para PVP e PVE com habilidade rápida. Tu vais constantemente ter que decidir qual será a maior ameaça; o jogador à tua frente ou as criaturas que irão ouvir o teu tiro.

    Características actuais:
    • Criação de equipamento, ferramentas, armas e máquinas - Combina o que encontrares no mundo para fazer centenas de itens diferentes.
    • Construção de estruturas - Reclama um terreno sozinho ou com amigos, constrói de uma cabana a uma cidade, usando o nosso sistema de estrutura com base de ponto de fixação.
    • Veículos proceduralmente criados e personalizáveis - Encontra destroços de um carro ou um quadriciclo no mundo com painéis aleatórios. Procura peças e coloca-o a mover-se novamente. Encontra tinta rara e padrões de skins de cor vareada para um visual como tu queres. Melhora o motor e a caixa de velocidades. Certifica-te que levas um pneu de reserva!
    • Minera recursos - Pilhas de diferentes recursos mineralizáveis que requerem ferramentas diferentes para recolher, desde picaretas a dinamite. Como alternativa, podes construir algumas furadoras automáticas e deixá-las fazer o trabalho por ti.
    • PVP baseado em punição - Algumas áreas do mapa serão altamente competitivas. Estás disposto a partilhar os recursos limitados necessários para sobreviver? Se não estiveres, nós temos diversos projécteis e armas brancas para acabar com o teu adversário. Cuidado porém, assassinar os teus rivais poderá aumentar a tua própria punição de morte.
    • Plantas cultiváveis - Encontra sementes selvagens e começa a tua plantação em casa.
    • Caça animais neutros e hostis - O ambiente está cheio de animais, e eles poderão ser o teu almoço, ou tu o deles.
    • Ruínas de cidades e relíquias com pilhagens aleatórias. Fortemente concorridas, se a radiação e criaturas mutantes não te matarem, outro jogador o fará. Talvez aqui encontres aquelas partes do motor das quais andavas à procura.
    • Dia/Noite + Clima dinâmicos - Escolhe a altura certa do dia para tentares atravessar as dunas, mas tem cuidado com as tempestades de areia.
    • Simulação de Condição - Mais do que apenas uma barra de fome, tudo no mundo é afectado pela altura do dia, bioma actual, efeitos localizados como radiação, clima dinâmico, calor gerado pelas máquinas, etc. Os itens podem funcionar de formas diferentes, baseados também nas condições actuais. Aquele bife na tua mochila poderá congelar na neve, pelo menos vai demorar mais tempo a apodrecer. Coloca aquele contentor demasiado perto da tua fogueira e talvez tenhas uma pilha de cinzas quando voltares para casa.
    • Biomas Drasticamente Diferentes - Explora o mundo severo. Desde as florestas de neve do Norte até aos coloridos papagaios Tokars do deserto vermelho, equipamento que te faz sobreviver num bioma poderá matar-te noutro. Jogadores com vantagem de jogar em casa estarão, mais provavelmente, melhor equipados para lidar com o meio que os rodeia do que com os invasores.

    Todas as características acima estão actualmente presentes no jogo e funcionais, porém, muito do conteúdo nestes sistemas é reservado. Sendo que fizémos já muito do trabalho árduo a desenvolver sistemas robustos para sustentar a mecânica da jogabilidade, ainda não passámos muito tempo a gerar e a equilibrar o conteúdo para tais sistemas. Como isto é maioritariamente trabalho de configuração, vamos estar aptos para rapidamente distribuir imensos conteúdos novos nos próximos meses
    ВНИМАНИЕ: Hurtworld находится на ранней стадии разработки. Возможно, вам стоит немного подождать, прежде чем присоединятся к нам (мы никуда не денемся).
    Hurtworld - это хардкорный многопользовательский шутер с уклоном на глубокую систему выживания, которая не становится тривиальной после обеспечения базовых потребностей. Те чувства, когда ты пытаешься развести костер, чтобы не замерзнуть насмерть, или спасаешься бегством от враждебных существ, и определяют этот жанр. Осознание того, что вы сумели справиться со всеми вызовами и освоиться в этом мире, прекрасно. Но что вы сделаете после?

    Hurtworld побуждает вас покинуть зону комфорта ради ресурсов, лучшей добычи и технологий. Там вы столкнетесь с более опасными существами, суровой средой и новыми трудностями, преодоление которых требует должного снаряжения и умений. Ограничитесь ли вы костром, луком и стрелами, или решите отправиться вглубь карты в поисках автомобильных деталей и лучшего вооружения?
    Эта игра создана для стремительного PVP и PVE, где все упирается в ваши умения и опыт. Вам постоянно придется выбирать, что является большей угрозой: стоящий перед вами игрок, или существа, которые услышат ваш выстрел.
    警告: Hurtworld 还处于早期开发阶段。或许应该等到我们进一步完成开发再开始玩(我
    Hurtworld 是一款暴力多人生存第一人称射击类游戏,致力于深度生存发展,在满足一些
    Hurtworld 用丰富的资源、更好的战利品和更高的科技诱惑你走出安乐窝。我们也会丢给

    • 制作装备、工具、武器和机器——组合你在世界中找到的东西,制作数百种不同的道具。
    • 建造建筑物——独自或与好友一起占据土地,用基于附着点的建筑物系统建造一间小屋到一座城市。
    • 由程序生成的、可定制的车辆——在世界中寻找带随机仪表板的汽车或四轮摩托车残骸。搜集零件,让它再次行驶起来。寻找罕见的油漆颜色和外壳图案,让它看起来如你所愿。升级你的发动机和变速箱。请务必带一个备胎!
    • 开采资源——有大量不同的可开采资源,需要用不同的工具来收集,从鹤嘴镐到炸药。或者,你可以建造一些自动化钻杆,让它们为你工作。
    • 基于快速反应的玩家对战玩家游戏——地图上的一些区域备受争议,你愿意分享生存所需的有限资源吗?如果你不愿意,我们有很多不同的炮弹和近战武器来除掉你的对手。但要小心,谋杀同伴可能会增加你被判死刑的几率。
    • 可种植的植物 - 寻找野生种子,带作物回家。 狩猎中立和敌对的动物——环境中充斥着动物,它们可能是你的午餐,你也可能是它们的。
    • 有随机战利品的城镇遗址和遗物——兵家必争之地,如果辐射和突变生物杀不死你,其它玩家会的。你有可能在这里找到一直在寻找的发动机零件。
    • 动态白昼/黑夜+天气——选择合适的时刻来尝试穿越沙丘,但要小心沙尘暴。 统计数据模拟——不只是饥饿条,世界中的一切都受时刻、当前生物群落、局部效应(如辐射、动态天气、机器发出的热量等)影响。基于当前的统计数据,道具也可能有不同的行为。你背包中的牛排也许会在雪中冻结,但至少它能保存更久才会腐烂。储物箱太靠近火,你回家后就会看到一堆灰烬。
    • 截然不同的生物群系——探索严酷的世界。从北部雪林到红色沙漠的多彩鹦鹉 Tokars,能让你在一个生物群落生存的装备可能会在另一个群落害死你。有主场优势的玩家可
    Hurtworld係一款骨灰級嘅多人求生類第一人稱射擊遊戲 (FPS),喺遊戲中一旦你建立咗一啲基本需求後,不斷

    • 製造裝備、工具、武器同機器 – 將你喺世界裡搵到嘅嘢組合成上百件唔同嘅物品。

    • 建造建築 – 獨自或與好友共同佔領土地,使用我哋提供嘅附著點建造系統將小營房建成一座城市。

    • 由程式生成嘅可訂制車輛 – 發現世界中帶隨機面板嘅汽車或沙灘車碎片。搵部件,讓車輛重新動起嚟。搵稀有嘅塗裝顏色同皮膚樣式,訂制自己鐘意嘅車。升級你嘅引擎和變速箱。請記得帶上一條備胎!

    • 開採資源 – 堆積如山嘅各種可採資源需要從鶴嘴鋤到炸藥嘅唔同工具以開採。或者,你可以建造一啲自動鑽機,讓機器為你工作。

    • 觸發式PVP – 地圖上嘅某啲區域競爭非常激烈,你想將生存必須嘅有限資源分俾其他人嗎?如果你唔想,我哋有各種投擲武器和近戰武器幫助你消滅你嘅對手。但係請小心。殺害同類可能會增加你自己嘅死亡懲罰。

    • 可栽種嘅植物 – 發現野生種子,收穫莊稼帶翻屋企。

    • 獵殺中立和敵對動物 – 世界中到處都係動物,你係獵手,定係獵物?

    • 帶隨機戰利品嘅城鎮廢墟和遺跡 – 競爭激烈,如果輻射和變異怪物冇消滅你,其他玩家亦都會。你可能會喺呢度搵到夢寐以求嘅引擎部件。

    • 動態日夜轉換 + 天氣 – 揀啱時候穿越沙丘,但係要小心沙塵暴。

    • 統計模擬 – 唔單止係饑餓條,世界中嘅所有物體都會受到時間,當前嘅生物群落,局部效果如輻射、動態天氣、機器嘅散熱等影響。根據當前嘅統計資料,物體亦會有唔同嘅行為方式。喺你背包裡面嘅牛排會喺雪天凍結,至少唔會繼續腐爛。將儲存室放得靠火太近,小心翻嚟後就剩一堆灰燼。

    • 差異顯著嘅生物群落 – 探索呢個嚴酷嘅世界。從背部冰雪覆蓋嘅森林到紅色沙漠裡多彩嘅鸚鵡,能讓你喺一種環境下生存嘅裝備或者會喺另一種環境下害咗你。有基地優勢嘅玩家會比入侵者更好咁適應周圍嘅環境。


System Requirements
