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Sobre o jogo
Para os jogadores BrasileirosInfelizmente algumas informações importantes do jogo, como descrições de missão, estão apenas disponíveis em inglês. Sinceramente nos desculpamos por esta confusão e vamos trabalhar para aprimorar o mais rápido possível.
Este erro de software é um erro de tradução, então esperamos resolvê-lo rapidamente. Estamos comprometidos em resolver este problema de tradução em várias linguagens para que todas as pessoas no mundo possam aproveitar o jogo. Obrigado pela sua compreensão.
ICARUS é um jogo de sobrevivência JxA em sessões, para curtir com até outros sete jogadores.Explore a selva alienígena de Icarus, o pior erro já cometido pela humanidade. Sobreviva ao ambiente brutal enquanto explora, colhe, fabrica e caça em busca de fortuna.
Da estação orbital, exploradores descem à superfície do planeta para cumprir missões de tempo limitado, onde aprendem a sobreviver neste ambiente alienígena, completam missões de facção e procuram materiais exóticos valiosos. Os que sobreviverem poderão voltar à órbita como veteranos experientes e transformar o material em tecnologia avançada, o que permite executar missões ainda mais ousadas com o conhecimento recém-adquirido. Já os que ficam para trás estão, para sempre, perdidos em Icarus.

Icarus deveria ser uma segunda Terra, mas uma tentativa fracassada de terraformação deixou o ar tóxico e sufocou as esperanças de colonização alimentadas pela humanidade. Icarus se tornou uma piada, um símbolo do fracasso da humanidade ao tentar chegar às estrelas. No entanto, quando xenobiólogos descobriram a matéria exótica — a razão do fracasso da terraformação —, um novo interesse foi despertado. Com valor inestimável, este material exótico gerou uma nova corrida do ouro, acirrando tensões políticas na Terra e trazendo cada vez mais exploradores para Icarus.
Enfrente e conquiste um mundo JxA brutal determinado a levar você à exaustão ou à destruição.Da atmosfera tóxica à fauna selvagem e tempestades violentas, Icarus é um planeta bem temperamental. Preparar-se bem e planejar seus passos é fundamental, seja para construir abrigo, encontrar uma fonte de oxigênio, espreitar sua próxima refeição ou estocar suprimentos para uma jornada desgastante pela selva.
Descubra um mundo enganosamente familiar, mas cem por cento alienígena.A Primeira Legião de exploradores recebeu licenças de mineração para mais de 64 quilômetros quadrados de terreno artificial cheio de recantos escondidos, recursos a minerar e biomas diversos a explorar. Use os recursos ao seu redor para sobreviver. Cada árvore pode ser colhida, cada pedra pode ser minerada.
Domine três árvores de recursos: tecnologia planetária, talentos de jogador e oficina orbital.Use os recursos do planeta para fabricar ferramentas, estruturas e maquinário, tudo para se proteger e ajudar nas missões. Desenvolva habilidades únicas e melhore talentos básicos enquanto ganha experiência na superfície do planeta. Depois, volte para a órbita com materiais exóticos raros para obter tecnologia avançada. Escolha as habilidades a desenvolver e os equipamentos a levar no próximo pouso para cumprir missões mais rápido, viajar para mais longe, automatizar a produção e aumentar suas chances de sobrevivência. Toda decisão é importante.
O tempo que você pode passar em Icarus é limitado, então, olho no relógio: cada segundo faz a diferença./b]
Escolha entre missões que duram horas, dias ou semanas. Cuidado, se você não voltar ao módulo de pouso a tempo de encontrar com a estação orbital, ninguém virá ao seu resgate. Ou leve o tempo que quiser para construir um Reduto planetário permanente. Cada pouso tem um objetivo claro e uma duração, mas cabe a você decidir como superar cada desafio.

Seu personagem é tudo.
Descubra a complexidade da atmosfera, desafie-se e enfrente novas ameaças e saia da sua zona de conforto. Os cautelosos sobrevivem, os destemidos prosperam. Novos talentos, tecnologias e materiais estarão disponíveis para quem estiver disposto a se arriscar. Você vai conseguir encarar Icarus?
ICARUS está sendo desenvolvido por uma equipe de veteranos em jogos de sobrevivência na RocketWerkz, na bela cidade de Auckland, Nova Zelândia.

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Относно играта
ICARUS is a session-based PvE survival game for up to eight co-op players.Endure a savage alien wilderness on Icarus, humanity’s greatest mistake. Survive its brutal environment as you explore, harvest, craft and hunt while seeking your fortune.
From their orbital station, prospectors drop to the planet surface for limited time sessions, where they learn to endure the alien environment, complete faction missions and search for valuable exotic materials. Those that survive return to orbit as seasoned veterans, converting their exotics into advanced technology, and taking on ever more challenging drops with newfound knowledge. Those that get left behind... are lost forever.

Icarus was once destined to be a second Earth, but when terraforming collapsed - the air turned toxic and humanity’s hopes of colonizing a new world died. Icarus became a joke, a symbol of humanity reaching for the stars and failing. Yet when xeno-biologists discovered the cause of the failure - exotic matter - new interest was ignited. Valuable beyond reckoning, these ‘exotics’ sparked a gold rush, fueling political tensions on Earth, and bringing prospectors flocking to Icarus.
Confront and conquer a brutal PvE world determined to wear you down or tear you apart. From toxic atmosphere to savage wildlife and game-altering weather events, Icarus is a planet with a temper. Preparation and planning are everything, whether it’s to find a source of oxygen, stalk your next meal or stock supplies for a long journey into the wilderness.
Immerse yourself in a deceptively familiar, yet alien, world. The First Cohort of prospectors has been granted initial mining licenses for over 64 square kilometers of hand-crafted terrain full of hidden corners and resources to mine and diverse biomes to explore. Use the resources around you to survive - every single tree is harvestable, every rock can be voxel mined.
Master three separate tech trees: planetary tech, player talents and orbital workshop. Use the planet’s resources to craft tools, structures and machinery to protect yourself and aid your mission. Develop unique skills and improve core talents as you gain experience on the planet's surface. Then return to orbit with rare exotic materials that you can engineer into advanced tech. Choose which skills to develop and which tech to take on your next drop so you can complete missions faster, travel further, automate production or improve your odds of survival. Every decision matters.
Your time on Icarus is limited, so always watch the clock and use every second wisely. The orbital space station waits for no one. If you fail to return to your dropship in time, there is no rescue. Your character’s progress and tech is lost to planet Icarus. Choose between sessions that can last from hours to days to weeks. Or play on the side of caution and build a permanent outpost. Every drop has a clear goal, but how you overcome its challenges... is up to you.
Your character is everything.Learn the intricacies of the atmosphere, challenge yourself to face new threats and push yourself beyond the comfort zone. The cautious survive, the bold will thrive. New talents, new tech and new exotics are available to those who dare risk it all. Will you face Icarus head on?
Your Outpost is a permanent map with no time limit and limited dangers, ideal for building.Situated on Icarus’s equator is a thin line of prospects, synchronized with the orbit of the Orbital Stations. Known as Outposts, these prospects can be dropped into and exited at any time, making them perfect for starting a settlement, hanging out with other prospectors or testing your architectural skills. Each prospector is assigned one Outpost with the core game.
ICARUS is being made by a team of survival game veterans at RocketWerkz in beautiful Auckland, New Zealand.

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O hře
ICARUS is a session-based PvE survival game for up to eight co-op players.Endure a savage alien wilderness on Icarus, humanity’s greatest mistake. Survive its brutal environment as you explore, harvest, craft and hunt while seeking your fortune.
From their orbital station, prospectors drop to the planet surface for limited time sessions, where they learn to endure the alien environment, complete faction missions and search for valuable exotic materials. Those that survive return to orbit as seasoned veterans, converting their exotics into advanced technology, and taking on ever more challenging drops with newfound knowledge. Those that get left behind... are lost forever.

Icarus was once destined to be a second Earth, but when terraforming collapsed - the air turned toxic and humanity’s hopes of colonizing a new world died. Icarus became a joke, a symbol of humanity reaching for the stars and failing. Yet when xeno-biologists discovered the cause of the failure - exotic matter - new interest was ignited. Valuable beyond reckoning, these ‘exotics’ sparked a gold rush, fueling political tensions on Earth, and bringing prospectors flocking to Icarus.
Confront and conquer a brutal PvE world determined to wear you down or tear you apart. From toxic atmosphere to savage wildlife and game-altering weather events, Icarus is a planet with a temper. Preparation and planning are everything, whether it’s to find a source of oxygen, stalk your next meal or stock supplies for a long journey into the wilderness.
Immerse yourself in a deceptively familiar, yet alien, world. The First Cohort of prospectors has been granted initial mining licenses for over 64 square kilometers of hand-crafted terrain full of hidden corners and resources to mine and diverse biomes to explore. Use the resources around you to survive - every single tree is harvestable, every rock can be voxel mined.
Master three separate tech trees: planetary tech, player talents and orbital workshop. Use the planet’s resources to craft tools, structures and machinery to protect yourself and aid your mission. Develop unique skills and improve core talents as you gain experience on the planet's surface. Then return to orbit with rare exotic materials that you can engineer into advanced tech. Choose which skills to develop and which tech to take on your next drop so you can complete missions faster, travel further, automate production or improve your odds of survival. Every decision matters.
Your time on Icarus is limited, so always watch the clock and use every second wisely. The orbital space station waits for no one. If you fail to return to your dropship in time, there is no rescue. Your character’s progress and tech is lost to planet Icarus. Choose between sessions that can last from hours to days to weeks. Or play on the side of caution and build a permanent outpost. Every drop has a clear goal, but how you overcome its challenges... is up to you.
Your character is everything.Learn the intricacies of the atmosphere, challenge yourself to face new threats and push yourself beyond the comfort zone. The cautious survive, the bold will thrive. New talents, new tech and new exotics are available to those who dare risk it all. Will you face Icarus head on?
Your Outpost is a permanent map with no time limit and limited dangers, ideal for building.Situated on Icarus’s equator is a thin line of prospects, synchronized with the orbit of the Orbital Stations. Known as Outposts, these prospects can be dropped into and exited at any time, making them perfect for starting a settlement, hanging out with other prospectors or testing your architectural skills. Each prospector is assigned one Outpost with the core game.
ICARUS is being made by a team of survival game veterans at RocketWerkz in beautiful Auckland, New Zealand.

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Om spillet
ICARUS is a session-based PvE survival game for up to eight co-op players.Endure a savage alien wilderness on Icarus, humanity’s greatest mistake. Survive its brutal environment as you explore, harvest, craft and hunt while seeking your fortune.
From their orbital station, prospectors drop to the planet surface for limited time sessions, where they learn to endure the alien environment, complete faction missions and search for valuable exotic materials. Those that survive return to orbit as seasoned veterans, converting their exotics into advanced technology, and taking on ever more challenging drops with newfound knowledge. Those that get left behind... are lost forever.

Icarus was once destined to be a second Earth, but when terraforming collapsed - the air turned toxic and humanity’s hopes of colonizing a new world died. Icarus became a joke, a symbol of humanity reaching for the stars and failing. Yet when xeno-biologists discovered the cause of the failure - exotic matter - new interest was ignited. Valuable beyond reckoning, these ‘exotics’ sparked a gold rush, fueling political tensions on Earth, and bringing prospectors flocking to Icarus.
Confront and conquer a brutal PvE world determined to wear you down or tear you apart. From toxic atmosphere to savage wildlife and game-altering weather events, Icarus is a planet with a temper. Preparation and planning are everything, whether it’s to find a source of oxygen, stalk your next meal or stock supplies for a long journey into the wilderness.
Immerse yourself in a deceptively familiar, yet alien, world. The First Cohort of prospectors has been granted initial mining licenses for over 64 square kilometers of hand-crafted terrain full of hidden corners and resources to mine and diverse biomes to explore. Use the resources around you to survive - every single tree is harvestable, every rock can be voxel mined.
Master three separate tech trees: planetary tech, player talents and orbital workshop. Use the planet’s resources to craft tools, structures and machinery to protect yourself and aid your mission. Develop unique skills and improve core talents as you gain experience on the planet's surface. Then return to orbit with rare exotic materials that you can engineer into advanced tech. Choose which skills to develop and which tech to take on your next drop so you can complete missions faster, travel further, automate production or improve your odds of survival. Every decision matters.
Your time on Icarus is limited, so always watch the clock and use every second wisely. The orbital space station waits for no one. If you fail to return to your dropship in time, there is no rescue. Your character’s progress and tech is lost to planet Icarus. Choose between sessions that can last from hours to days to weeks. Or play on the side of caution and build a permanent outpost. Every drop has a clear goal, but how you overcome its challenges... is up to you.
Your character is everything.Learn the intricacies of the atmosphere, challenge yourself to face new threats and push yourself beyond the comfort zone. The cautious survive, the bold will thrive. New talents, new tech and new exotics are available to those who dare risk it all. Will you face Icarus head on?
Your Outpost is a permanent map with no time limit and limited dangers, ideal for building.Situated on Icarus’s equator is a thin line of prospects, synchronized with the orbit of the Orbital Stations. Known as Outposts, these prospects can be dropped into and exited at any time, making them perfect for starting a settlement, hanging out with other prospectors or testing your architectural skills. Each prospector is assigned one Outpost with the core game.
ICARUS is being made by a team of survival game veterans at RocketWerkz in beautiful Auckland, New Zealand.

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Info over het spel
ICARUS is a session-based PvE survival game for up to eight co-op players.Endure a savage alien wilderness on Icarus, humanity’s greatest mistake. Survive its brutal environment as you explore, harvest, craft and hunt while seeking your fortune.
From their orbital station, prospectors drop to the planet surface for limited time sessions, where they learn to endure the alien environment, complete faction missions and search for valuable exotic materials. Those that survive return to orbit as seasoned veterans, converting their exotics into advanced technology, and taking on ever more challenging drops with newfound knowledge. Those that get left behind... are lost forever.

Icarus was once destined to be a second Earth, but when terraforming collapsed - the air turned toxic and humanity’s hopes of colonizing a new world died. Icarus became a joke, a symbol of humanity reaching for the stars and failing. Yet when xeno-biologists discovered the cause of the failure - exotic matter - new interest was ignited. Valuable beyond reckoning, these ‘exotics’ sparked a gold rush, fueling political tensions on Earth, and bringing prospectors flocking to Icarus.
Confront and conquer a brutal PvE world determined to wear you down or tear you apart. From toxic atmosphere to savage wildlife and game-altering weather events, Icarus is a planet with a temper. Preparation and planning are everything, whether it’s to find a source of oxygen, stalk your next meal or stock supplies for a long journey into the wilderness.
Immerse yourself in a deceptively familiar, yet alien, world. The First Cohort of prospectors has been granted initial mining licenses for over 64 square kilometers of hand-crafted terrain full of hidden corners and resources to mine and diverse biomes to explore. Use the resources around you to survive - every single tree is harvestable, every rock can be voxel mined.
Master three separate tech trees: planetary tech, player talents and orbital workshop. Use the planet’s resources to craft tools, structures and machinery to protect yourself and aid your mission. Develop unique skills and improve core talents as you gain experience on the planet's surface. Then return to orbit with rare exotic materials that you can engineer into advanced tech. Choose which skills to develop and which tech to take on your next drop so you can complete missions faster, travel further, automate production or improve your odds of survival. Every decision matters.
Your time on Icarus is limited, so always watch the clock and use every second wisely. The orbital space station waits for no one. If you fail to return to your dropship in time, there is no rescue. Your character’s progress and tech is lost to planet Icarus. Choose between sessions that can last from hours to days to weeks. Or play on the side of caution and build a permanent outpost. Every drop has a clear goal, but how you overcome its challenges... is up to you.
Your character is everything.Learn the intricacies of the atmosphere, challenge yourself to face new threats and push yourself beyond the comfort zone. The cautious survive, the bold will thrive. New talents, new tech and new exotics are available to those who dare risk it all. Will you face Icarus head on?
Your Outpost is a permanent map with no time limit and limited dangers, ideal for building.Situated on Icarus’s equator is a thin line of prospects, synchronized with the orbit of the Orbital Stations. Known as Outposts, these prospects can be dropped into and exited at any time, making them perfect for starting a settlement, hanging out with other prospectors or testing your architectural skills. Each prospector is assigned one Outpost with the core game.
ICARUS is being made by a team of survival game veterans at RocketWerkz in beautiful Auckland, New Zealand.

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About the Game
ICARUS is a session-based PvE survival game for up to eight co-op players.Endure a savage alien wilderness on Icarus, humanity’s greatest mistake. Survive its brutal environment as you explore, harvest, craft and hunt while seeking your fortune.
From their orbital station, prospectors drop to the planet surface for limited time sessions, where they learn to endure the alien environment, complete faction missions and search for valuable exotic materials. Those that survive return to orbit as seasoned veterans, converting their exotics into advanced technology, and taking on ever more challenging drops with newfound knowledge. Those that get left behind... are lost forever.

Icarus was once destined to be a second Earth, but when terraforming collapsed - the air turned toxic and humanity’s hopes of colonizing a new world died. Icarus became a joke, a symbol of humanity reaching for the stars and failing. Yet when xeno-biologists discovered the cause of the failure - exotic matter - new interest was ignited. Valuable beyond reckoning, these ‘exotics’ sparked a gold rush, fueling political tensions on Earth, and bringing prospectors flocking to Icarus.
Confront and conquer a brutal PvE world determined to wear you down or tear you apart. From toxic atmosphere to savage wildlife and game-altering weather events, Icarus is a planet with a temper. Preparation and planning are everything, whether it’s to find a source of oxygen, stalk your next meal or stock supplies for a long journey into the wilderness.
Immerse yourself in a deceptively familiar, yet alien, world. The First Cohort of prospectors has been granted initial mining licenses for over 64 square kilometers of hand-crafted terrain full of hidden corners and resources to mine and diverse biomes to explore. Use the resources around you to survive - every single tree is harvestable, every rock can be voxel mined.
Master three separate tech trees: planetary tech, player talents and orbital workshop. Use the planet’s resources to craft tools, structures and machinery to protect yourself and aid your mission. Develop unique skills and improve core talents as you gain experience on the planet's surface. Then return to orbit with rare exotic materials that you can engineer into advanced tech. Choose which skills to develop and which tech to take on your next drop so you can complete missions faster, travel further, automate production or improve your odds of survival. Every decision matters.
Your time on Icarus is limited, so always watch the clock and use every second wisely. The orbital space station waits for no one. If you fail to return to your dropship in time, there is no rescue. Your character’s progress and tech is lost to planet Icarus. Choose between sessions that can last from hours to days to weeks. Or play on the side of caution and build a permanent outpost. Every drop has a clear goal, but how you overcome its challenges... is up to you.
Your character is everything.Learn the intricacies of the atmosphere, challenge yourself to face new threats and push yourself beyond the comfort zone. The cautious survive, the bold will thrive. New talents, new tech and new exotics are available to those who dare risk it all. Will you face Icarus head on?
Your Outpost is a permanent map with no time limit and limited dangers, ideal for building.Situated on Icarus’s equator is a thin line of prospects, synchronized with the orbit of the Orbital Stations. Known as Outposts, these prospects can be dropped into and exited at any time, making them perfect for starting a settlement, hanging out with other prospectors or testing your architectural skills. Each prospector is assigned one Outpost with the core game.
ICARUS is being made by a team of survival game veterans at RocketWerkz in beautiful Auckland, New Zealand.

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Tietoa pelistä
ICARUS is a session-based PvE survival game for up to eight co-op players.Endure a savage alien wilderness on Icarus, humanity’s greatest mistake. Survive its brutal environment as you explore, harvest, craft and hunt while seeking your fortune.
From their orbital station, prospectors drop to the planet surface for limited time sessions, where they learn to endure the alien environment, complete faction missions and search for valuable exotic materials. Those that survive return to orbit as seasoned veterans, converting their exotics into advanced technology, and taking on ever more challenging drops with newfound knowledge. Those that get left behind... are lost forever.

Icarus was once destined to be a second Earth, but when terraforming collapsed - the air turned toxic and humanity’s hopes of colonizing a new world died. Icarus became a joke, a symbol of humanity reaching for the stars and failing. Yet when xeno-biologists discovered the cause of the failure - exotic matter - new interest was ignited. Valuable beyond reckoning, these ‘exotics’ sparked a gold rush, fueling political tensions on Earth, and bringing prospectors flocking to Icarus.
Confront and conquer a brutal PvE world determined to wear you down or tear you apart. From toxic atmosphere to savage wildlife and game-altering weather events, Icarus is a planet with a temper. Preparation and planning are everything, whether it’s to find a source of oxygen, stalk your next meal or stock supplies for a long journey into the wilderness.
Immerse yourself in a deceptively familiar, yet alien, world. The First Cohort of prospectors has been granted initial mining licenses for over 64 square kilometers of hand-crafted terrain full of hidden corners and resources to mine and diverse biomes to explore. Use the resources around you to survive - every single tree is harvestable, every rock can be voxel mined.
Master three separate tech trees: planetary tech, player talents and orbital workshop. Use the planet’s resources to craft tools, structures and machinery to protect yourself and aid your mission. Develop unique skills and improve core talents as you gain experience on the planet's surface. Then return to orbit with rare exotic materials that you can engineer into advanced tech. Choose which skills to develop and which tech to take on your next drop so you can complete missions faster, travel further, automate production or improve your odds of survival. Every decision matters.
Your time on Icarus is limited, so always watch the clock and use every second wisely. The orbital space station waits for no one. If you fail to return to your dropship in time, there is no rescue. Your character’s progress and tech is lost to planet Icarus. Choose between sessions that can last from hours to days to weeks. Or play on the side of caution and build a permanent outpost. Every drop has a clear goal, but how you overcome its challenges... is up to you.
Your character is everything.Learn the intricacies of the atmosphere, challenge yourself to face new threats and push yourself beyond the comfort zone. The cautious survive, the bold will thrive. New talents, new tech and new exotics are available to those who dare risk it all. Will you face Icarus head on?
Your Outpost is a permanent map with no time limit and limited dangers, ideal for building.Situated on Icarus’s equator is a thin line of prospects, synchronized with the orbit of the Orbital Stations. Known as Outposts, these prospects can be dropped into and exited at any time, making them perfect for starting a settlement, hanging out with other prospectors or testing your architectural skills. Each prospector is assigned one Outpost with the core game.
ICARUS is being made by a team of survival game veterans at RocketWerkz in beautiful Auckland, New Zealand.

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À propos du jeu
Pour nos Joueurs FrançaisMalheureusement, certaines informations importantes sur le jeu, telles que les descriptions des missions, ne sont affichées qu'en anglais. Nous nous excusons sincèrement pour cette confusion et travaillons sur une mise à jour pour résoudre ce problème le plus rapidement possible.
Nous nous engageons à traduire Icarus dans de nombreuses langues afin que les gens du monde entier puissent profiter du jeu. Merci pour votre patience.
ICARUS est un jeu de survie JcE qui précipite jusqu'à huit joueurs en coop au cœur de sessions sans concession ! Faites face aux aléas et aux dangers d'une contrée extraterrestre sauvage sur Icarus, la plus grande erreur de l'humanité. Pour espérer pouvoir survivre dans cet environnement impitoyable, vous devrez explorer, récolter, fabriquer, chasser... et mettre tout en œuvre pour que la chance vous sourie.
Depuis leur station orbitale, les prospecteurs se rendent sur la planète pour y effectuer des sessions à durée limitée, au cours desquelles ils apprennent à faire face à l'environnement extraterrestre, accomplissent des missions de faction et recherchent des matériaux exotiques tout aussi rares que précieux. Celles et ceux qui survivent deviennent des vétérans chevronnés et retournent en orbite pour convertir les fruits de leurs recherches en technologies dernier cri afin de relever des défis toujours plus périlleux. Quant aux malheureux qui n'ont pas été à la hauteur et qui ne sont pas revenus à temps... cette planète sera leur tombeau.

Icarus était autrefois destinée à devenir une deuxième Terre, mais lorsque la terraformation a mal tourné, l'air est devenu toxique et les espoirs de l'humanité de coloniser un nouveau monde se sont effondrés. Icarus est désormais synonyme de mauvaise blague... Un symbole de l'humanité qui tente d'atteindre de nouveaux sommets, mais échoue misérablement. Pourtant, lorsque les xéno-biologistes ont découvert la cause de cet échec (une matière exotique), celle-ci a suscité un nouvel intérêt. D'une valeur inestimable, ces « exotismes » ont déclenché une véritable ruée vers l'or qui a donné lieu à des tensions politiques sur Terre et engendré un véritable exode de prospecteurs vers Icarus.
Partez à la conquête d'un monde JcE brutal farouchement déterminé à vous détruire à petit feu, ou à vous faire mordre la poussière sans aucune pitié. De l'atmosphère toxique à la faune sauvage en passant par les tempêtes dévastatrices, Icarus est une planète qui ne manque pas de caractère. Qu'il s'agisse de construire un abri, de trouver une source d'oxygène, de traquer votre prochain repas ou de faire des provisions en vue d'un long périple en pleine nature, la préparation et la planification sont essentielles.
Plongez au cœur d'un monde à la fois familier et étranger.La Jeune cohorte de prospecteurs s'est vu accorder les premières licences d'exploitation pour explorer plus de 64 km² de terrain façonné à la main, regorgeant de coins et recoins cachés, de ressources à exploiter et de biomes tout aussi divers que variés. Pour survivre, utilisez les ressources qui vous entourent : chaque arbre est exploitable, tout comme chaque roche, grâce à la technologie voxel.
Maîtrisez trois arbres technologiques distincts : technologie planétaire, talents des joueurs et atelier orbital.Utilisez les ressources de la planète pour fabriquer des outils, ériger des structures et construire des machines artisanales afin de vous protéger et de faciliter votre mission. Développez des compétences uniques et améliorez vos talents fondamentaux en acquérant de l'expérience sur la surface de la planète. Retournez ensuite en orbite avec des matériaux exotiques rarissimes pour obtenir des technologies dernier cri. Choisissez les compétences à développer et la technologie dont vous souhaitez vous équiper afin d'accomplir votre prochaine mission plus rapidement, de voyager toujours plus loin, d'automatiser la production ou d'améliorer vos chances de survie. Chaque décision compte.
Votre temps sur Icarus est limité, alors ne perdez jamais de vue l'horloge, et exploitez toujours judicieusement et au maximum chaque seconde qui passe.Choisissez entre des sessions d'une durée de quelques heures, de plusieurs jours ou de plusieurs semaines. Mais attention ! Si vous ne retournez pas à votre nacelle dans les temps pour revenir dans votre station orbitale, personne ne viendra vous secourir. Sinon prenez votre temps pour construire un avant-poste planétaire permanent. Lors de chaque largage, vous avez un objectif précis et une durée, mais la manière dont vous surmonterez les obstacles ne dépendra que de vous.
Tout dépend de votre personnage.Apprenez les subtilités de l'atmosphère, faites face à de nouvelles menaces et repoussez vos limites dans leur dernier retranchement. Les prudents survivent, les audacieux atteindront de nouveaux sommets. De nouveaux talents, de nouvelles technologies et de nouveaux exotismes sont disponibles pour celles et ceux qui osent tout risquer. Relèverez-vous les défis d'Icarus ?
ICARUS est réalisé par RocketWerkz, une équipe de vétérans du jeu de survie, basée à Auckland, ville magnifique de la Nouvelle-Zélande.

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Über das Spiel
Für unsere Deutschen SpielerLeider werden einige wichtige Informationen zum Spiel, wie zum Beispiel Missionsbeschreibungen, nur auf Englisch angezeigt. Wir entschuldigen uns zutiefst für die Verwirrung und arbeiten an einem Update, um dieses Problem so schnell wie möglich zu beheben.
Dies ist eher ein Programmierfehler als ein Übersetzungsfehler, daher hoffen wir, ihn schnell beheben zu können. Wir sind bestrebt, Ikarus in viele Sprachen zu übersetzen, damit Menschen aus der ganzen Welt das Spiel genießen können. Danke für Ihre Geduld.
ICARUS ist ein sitzungsbasiertes PvE-Survival-Spiel für bis zu acht Spieler im Koop-Modus.Überstehe die wilde außerirdische Welt auf Icarus – dem größten Fehler der Menschheit. Überlebe die brutale Umwelt, sammle, stelle Gegenstände her und jage, während du die Welt auf der Suche nach deinem Glück erkundest.
Die Schürfer verlassen ihre orbitale Raumstation und landen für zeitlich begrenzte Perioden auf dem Planeten, wo sie die fremde Umgebung aushalten, Fraktionsmissionen abschließen und nach wertvollen und exotischen Materialien suchen müssen. Alle Überlebenden kehren als erfahrene Veteranen in den Orbit zurück und wandeln ihre exotischen Materialien in fortgeschrittene Technologie um, um mit dem neuen Wissen noch schwierigere Missionen in Angriff zu nehmen. Jene, die zurückgelassen werden, sind für immer verloren.

Icarus sollte einst eine zweite Erde werden, doch nach dem fehlgeschlagenen Terraforming-Projekt wurde die Luft giftig, was die Hoffnung der Menschen, eine neue Welt zu kolonisieren, zerstörte. Icarus wurde zu einer Lachnummer und einem Symbol für eine Menschheit, die nach den Sternen greifen wollte und kläglich daran scheiterte. Doch als die Xeno-Biologen die Ursache des Fehlschlags entdeckten – exotische Materie – wurde das Interesse wieder neu entfacht. Die unglaublich wertvolle exotische Materie sorgt für einen Goldrausch und eine angespannte politische Situation auf der Erde, während neue Schürfer nach Icarus schwärmen.
Stelle dich einer brutalen PvE-Welt, die alles daransetzt, dich zu zermürben und in Stücke zu reißen, und erobere sie.Von einer giftigen Atmosphäre über die brutale Tierwelt bis hin zu gefährlichen Stürmen – Icarus ist ein launischer Planet. Vorbereitung und Planung sind entscheidend, egal, ob du einen Schutzraum bauen, eine Sauerstoffquelle finden, deine nächste Mahlzeit jagen oder deine Vorräte für eine lange Reise durch die Wildnis aufstocken musst.
Tauche in eine täuschend vertraute und dennoch fremdartige Welt ein.Die Ersten Kohorten von Schürfern haben eine vorläufige Abbaugenehmigung erhalten, die es ihnen erlaubt, über 64 Quadratkilometer Terrain voller Verstecke und abwechslungsreicher Biome zu erkunden, die von Hand erstellt wurden, um dort Ressourcen abzubauen und verschiedene Biome zu erkunden. Verwende die Ressourcen aus deiner Umwelt, um zu überleben – jeder einzelne Baum kann gesammelt und jeder Stein abgebaut werden.
Meistere drei Tech-Bäume: Planet, Spielertalente und Orbitwerkstatt.Verwende die Ressourcen des Planeten, um Werkzeuge, Konstruktionen und Maschinen herzustellen, die dich schützen und deine Mission erleichtern. Entwickle einzigartige Fähigkeiten und verbessere deine Grundtalente, während du Erfahrung auf der Oberfläche des Planeten sammelst. Kehre anschließend mit seltenen exotischen Materialien in den Orbit zurück, um fortgeschrittene Technologien zu erhalten. Wähle aus, welche Fähigkeiten du entwickeln und welche Technologien du bei deiner nächsten Mission mitbringen willst, damit du Missionen schneller abschließen, weiterreisen, die Produktion automatisieren und deine Überlebenschancen erhöhen kannst. Jede Entscheidung zählt.
Deine Zeit auf Icarus ist begrenzt, behalte also stets die Uhr im Auge und nutze jede Sekunde weise.Wähle aus Perioden, die Stunden, Tage oder Wochen dauern. Solltest du jedoch nicht rechtzeitig zum Landeschiff zurückkehren, um auf die Raumstation zu gelangen, gibt es keine Rettung für dich. Oder plane die Zeit so ein, dass du einen permanenten Außenposten auf dem Planeten errichtest. Bei jeder Landung hast du ein klares Ziel und ein Zeitlimit. Wie du diese Herausforderungen jedoch in Angriff nimmst, ist dir überlassen.
Dein Charakter ist alles.Lerne die Feinheiten der Atmosphäre kennen, stelle dich neuen Bedrohungen und überwinde deinen inneren Schweinehund. Die Vorsichtigen überleben, die Mutigen blühen auf. Neue Talente, neue Technologie und neue exotische Materialien warten auf jene, die alles aufs Spiel setzen. Wirst du Icarus zu einem Duell herausfordern?
ICARUS wird von einem Team von Survival-Veteranen bei RocketWerkz in Auckland, Neuseeland, entwickelt.

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Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι
ICARUS is a session-based PvE survival game for up to eight co-op players.Endure a savage alien wilderness on Icarus, humanity’s greatest mistake. Survive its brutal environment as you explore, harvest, craft and hunt while seeking your fortune.
From their orbital station, prospectors drop to the planet surface for limited time sessions, where they learn to endure the alien environment, complete faction missions and search for valuable exotic materials. Those that survive return to orbit as seasoned veterans, converting their exotics into advanced technology, and taking on ever more challenging drops with newfound knowledge. Those that get left behind... are lost forever.

Icarus was once destined to be a second Earth, but when terraforming collapsed - the air turned toxic and humanity’s hopes of colonizing a new world died. Icarus became a joke, a symbol of humanity reaching for the stars and failing. Yet when xeno-biologists discovered the cause of the failure - exotic matter - new interest was ignited. Valuable beyond reckoning, these ‘exotics’ sparked a gold rush, fueling political tensions on Earth, and bringing prospectors flocking to Icarus.
Confront and conquer a brutal PvE world determined to wear you down or tear you apart. From toxic atmosphere to savage wildlife and game-altering weather events, Icarus is a planet with a temper. Preparation and planning are everything, whether it’s to find a source of oxygen, stalk your next meal or stock supplies for a long journey into the wilderness.
Immerse yourself in a deceptively familiar, yet alien, world. The First Cohort of prospectors has been granted initial mining licenses for over 64 square kilometers of hand-crafted terrain full of hidden corners and resources to mine and diverse biomes to explore. Use the resources around you to survive - every single tree is harvestable, every rock can be voxel mined.
Master three separate tech trees: planetary tech, player talents and orbital workshop. Use the planet’s resources to craft tools, structures and machinery to protect yourself and aid your mission. Develop unique skills and improve core talents as you gain experience on the planet's surface. Then return to orbit with rare exotic materials that you can engineer into advanced tech. Choose which skills to develop and which tech to take on your next drop so you can complete missions faster, travel further, automate production or improve your odds of survival. Every decision matters.
Your time on Icarus is limited, so always watch the clock and use every second wisely. The orbital space station waits for no one. If you fail to return to your dropship in time, there is no rescue. Your character’s progress and tech is lost to planet Icarus. Choose between sessions that can last from hours to days to weeks. Or play on the side of caution and build a permanent outpost. Every drop has a clear goal, but how you overcome its challenges... is up to you.
Your character is everything.Learn the intricacies of the atmosphere, challenge yourself to face new threats and push yourself beyond the comfort zone. The cautious survive, the bold will thrive. New talents, new tech and new exotics are available to those who dare risk it all. Will you face Icarus head on?
Your Outpost is a permanent map with no time limit and limited dangers, ideal for building.Situated on Icarus’s equator is a thin line of prospects, synchronized with the orbit of the Orbital Stations. Known as Outposts, these prospects can be dropped into and exited at any time, making them perfect for starting a settlement, hanging out with other prospectors or testing your architectural skills. Each prospector is assigned one Outpost with the core game.
ICARUS is being made by a team of survival game veterans at RocketWerkz in beautiful Auckland, New Zealand.

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A játékról:
ICARUS is a session-based PvE survival game for up to eight co-op players.Endure a savage alien wilderness on Icarus, humanity’s greatest mistake. Survive its brutal environment as you explore, harvest, craft and hunt while seeking your fortune.
From their orbital station, prospectors drop to the planet surface for limited time sessions, where they learn to endure the alien environment, complete faction missions and search for valuable exotic materials. Those that survive return to orbit as seasoned veterans, converting their exotics into advanced technology, and taking on ever more challenging drops with newfound knowledge. Those that get left behind... are lost forever.

Icarus was once destined to be a second Earth, but when terraforming collapsed - the air turned toxic and humanity’s hopes of colonizing a new world died. Icarus became a joke, a symbol of humanity reaching for the stars and failing. Yet when xeno-biologists discovered the cause of the failure - exotic matter - new interest was ignited. Valuable beyond reckoning, these ‘exotics’ sparked a gold rush, fueling political tensions on Earth, and bringing prospectors flocking to Icarus.
Confront and conquer a brutal PvE world determined to wear you down or tear you apart. From toxic atmosphere to savage wildlife and game-altering weather events, Icarus is a planet with a temper. Preparation and planning are everything, whether it’s to find a source of oxygen, stalk your next meal or stock supplies for a long journey into the wilderness.
Immerse yourself in a deceptively familiar, yet alien, world. The First Cohort of prospectors has been granted initial mining licenses for over 64 square kilometers of hand-crafted terrain full of hidden corners and resources to mine and diverse biomes to explore. Use the resources around you to survive - every single tree is harvestable, every rock can be voxel mined.
Master three separate tech trees: planetary tech, player talents and orbital workshop. Use the planet’s resources to craft tools, structures and machinery to protect yourself and aid your mission. Develop unique skills and improve core talents as you gain experience on the planet's surface. Then return to orbit with rare exotic materials that you can engineer into advanced tech. Choose which skills to develop and which tech to take on your next drop so you can complete missions faster, travel further, automate production or improve your odds of survival. Every decision matters.
Your time on Icarus is limited, so always watch the clock and use every second wisely. The orbital space station waits for no one. If you fail to return to your dropship in time, there is no rescue. Your character’s progress and tech is lost to planet Icarus. Choose between sessions that can last from hours to days to weeks. Or play on the side of caution and build a permanent outpost. Every drop has a clear goal, but how you overcome its challenges... is up to you.
Your character is everything.Learn the intricacies of the atmosphere, challenge yourself to face new threats and push yourself beyond the comfort zone. The cautious survive, the bold will thrive. New talents, new tech and new exotics are available to those who dare risk it all. Will you face Icarus head on?
Your Outpost is a permanent map with no time limit and limited dangers, ideal for building.Situated on Icarus’s equator is a thin line of prospects, synchronized with the orbit of the Orbital Stations. Known as Outposts, these prospects can be dropped into and exited at any time, making them perfect for starting a settlement, hanging out with other prospectors or testing your architectural skills. Each prospector is assigned one Outpost with the core game.
ICARUS is being made by a team of survival game veterans at RocketWerkz in beautiful Auckland, New Zealand.

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Informazioni sul gioco
Per i nostri Giocatori ItalianiSfortunatamente alcune informazioni importanti del gioco, come ad esempio le descrizioni delle missioni, si mostrano solo in inglese. Ci scusiamo profondamente per la confusione e stiamo lavorando ad un aggiornamento per risolvere questo problema il prima possibile.
Siamo impegnati a tradurre Icarus in molte lingue così che persone da tutto il mondo possano divertirsi con il gioco. Grazie per la vostra pazienza.
Icarus è un gioco di sopravvivenza PvE a sessioni fino a otto giocatori, in arrivo nel 2021.Esplora le selvagge terre aliene di Icarus, il più grave errore dell'umanità. Mentre cerchi fortuna, sopravvivi nelle sue lande desolate e brutali, raccogli materiali, inventa, caccia e tieni duro.
Dalla stazione orbitale, i prospettori si lanciano sulla superficie del pianeta per delle missioni a tempo limitato, in cerca di materiali rari ed esotici. I più fortunati riescono a tornare alla stazione orbitale e a convertirli in tecnologia avanzata da sfruttare per affrontare incarichi ancora più ardui. Gli altri si perdono per sempre.
Il primo capitolo di Icarus è dedicato al fato dei prospettori arrivati per primi su questo pianeta (detti First Cohort), pronti a tutto dopo aver ricevuto le loro licenze per l'attività estrattiva.

La speranza dell'umanità di colonizzare un nuovo mondo, in origine destinato a essere un secondo pianeta Terra, svanì quando il collasso della terraformazione rese l'aria tossica. Icarus divenne quindi l'emblema del fallimento umano, del tentativo non riuscito di raggiungere le stelle. Ciononostante, la scoperta dell'origine del problema, ovvero della materia esotica, da parte di xenobiologi suscitò un nuovo interesse. L'immenso valore di questi materiali esotici generò una vera e propria corsa all'oro e tensioni politiche fra le varie fazioni della Terra.
SOPRAVVIVIAffronta e conquista un universo PvE brutale, determinato a farti a pezzi. Dall'atmosfera tossica alla fauna selvatica, passando per eventi atmosferici capaci di stravolgere l'esperienza di gioco, Icarus è un pianeta decisamente ostile. Prepara tutto nei dettagli: gestisci i rifornimenti per un lungo viaggio nelle terre desolate e pianifica come trovare riserve di ossigeno e dove cacciare la tua prossima preda.
ESPLORAImmergiti in un mondo apparentemente familiare, eppure alieno. I primi prospettori, i First Cohort, hanno ricevuto le licenze per estrarre materiali ed esplorare gli oltre 64 chilometri quadrati del pianeta terraformato, ricchi di angoli nascosti, risorse da raccogliere e biomi differenti. Usa i materiali che trovi per sopravvivere: puoi abbattere ogni singolo albero ed estrarre voxel da qualunque roccia.
CREA E AVANZAApprendi due diverse ramificazioni tecnologiche: planetarie e orbitali. Sfrutta le risorse del pianeta per realizzare manualmente strumenti, strutture e macchinari per difenderti e progredire nella missione.
Torna poi in orbita con la tua ricompensa, rari materiali esotici da trasformare in progresso tecnologico. Scegli quale tecnologia portare con te all'incarico successivo per completarlo in meno tempo, percorrere più strada, automatizzare la produzione e migliorare le tue chance di sopravvivenza. I prospettori più abili mantengono aggiornate abilità e tecnologie nel tempo, così da poter accettare incarichi più difficili e remunerativi.
FUGGI IN TEMPOIl tempo che puoi trascorrere su Icarus è limitato, quindi tieni sempre d'occhio l'orologio e sfrutta al massimo ogni secondo. La stazione orbitale non aspetta nessuno. Se non riesci a tornare in tempo alla navicella, resterai indietro per sempre. I progressi del personaggio e la tecnologia andranno perduti su Icarus.
Ogni incarico ha un obiettivo chiaro e un limite di tempo, ma sei tu a decidere come affrontare le sfide.
Icarus è sviluppato da RocketWerkz, un gruppo di veterani dei giochi di sopravvivenza, nella splendida Auckland, in Nuova Zelanda.



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게임 정보
-- 더 궁금한 사항은 ICARUS 네이버 카페에서 문의할 수 있습니다. --업데이트 안내: 게임 내 번역 문제를 일부 수정 완료했습니다. 기다려 주신 분들께 감사의 인사를 올립니다. 번역 관련 오류가 발견될 경우 제보해주면 바로 수정할 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.
ICARUS는 시즌 기반 PvE 생존 게임으로 최대 8명의 협동 플레이를 지원합니다.인간성이 약점이 되는 곳, ICARUS에서 야만적인 자연환경을 견뎌내세요. 탐험, 수확, 제작 및 사냥하고 보수를 획득하며 혹독한 환경에서 생존하세요.
탐사자들은 궤도 정거장에서 행성 표면으로 낙하하여 일정 시간 동안 머무를 수 있습니다. 그동안 외계 환경에서 살아남는 법을 배우고, 조직의 임무를 수행하고, 가치 있는 외계 물질을 탐색해야 합니다. 살아남은 이들은 능숙한 탐험가가 되어 다시 궤도 스테이션으로 귀환 후, 외계 물질을 이용하여 첨단 기술을 개발하고, 새로운 지식으로 무장한 다음 다시 행성으로 낙하하여 더 어려운 탐험에 도전하게 됩니다. 하지만 귀환하지 않고 행성에 남겨진 이들은... 영원히 찾을 수 없게 됩니다.

Icarus는 한때 제2의 지구로 불리던 곳입니다. 하지만 테라포밍에 실패하면서 대기가 유독 가스로 변했고, 신세계 개척을 갈망하던 인간의 희망은 무너지고 말았습니다. Icarus는 별에 닿으려다 추락한 인간의 욕망을 상징하는 실패의 교과서가 되었습니다. 하지만 최근 우주생물학자들이 테라포밍 실패의 원인인 외계 물질에 대해 밝혀내면서 새로운 희망이 싹트기 시작했습니다. 헤아릴 수 없을 정도의 가치가 예상되는 이 '외계 물질'은 골드러시를 촉발했고, 지구에서의 정치적 관심이 급증하면서 탐험가들이 다시 Icarus로 모여들기 시작했습니다.
당신을 지치고 쓰러지게 만들 거친 PvE 월드에 도전하고 공략하세요.유독성 대기부터 난폭한 야생 동물과 거친 폭풍에 이르기까지 Icarus는 다양한 위험이 도사리는 행성입니다. 치밀한 준비와 계획이 모든 것을 좌우합니다. 은신처를 만들거나, 산소 공급원을 찾거나, 식량을 구하거나, 야생 환경에서의 긴 여행을 위해 보급품을 비축해야 합니다.
믿을 수 없을 정도로 현실과 유사한 외계 행성으로 떠나세요.탐험가 선발대는 64평방킬로미터에 이르는 지역에 대한 최초 채굴 면허를 부여받았습니다. 수제작된 이 지형에는 비밀스러운 장소와 채굴 가능한 자원이 풍부하며, 다양한 생물 군계를 찾아볼 수 있습니다. 생존하려면 주변에 있는 자원을 활용하세요. 모든 나무에서 재료나 열매를 수확할 수 있고, 모든 바위를 채굴할 수 있습니다.
세 가지 유형의 테크 트리를 마스터하세요: 행성 기술, 플레이어 능력, 궤도 작업장자신을 보호하고 임무를 더 쉽게 완수하려면 행성의 자원을 사용하여 도구, 구조물, 기계 등을 제작하세요. 행성 표면에서 경험치를 획득하면서 고유의 기술을 개발하고 핵심 능력을 향상시키세요. 외계 물질을 가지고 궤도로 복귀한 후 첨단 기술을 습득하세요. 개발할 스킬과 임무 완수 시간 단축, 이동 거리 향상, 생산 자동화 또는 생존 능력 향상에 도움이 될 기술을 선택하세요. 모든 결정이 결과에 영향을 미칩니다.
Icarus에 머무를 수 있는 시간은 제한되어 있습니다. 항상 시간을 잘 확인하고 유익하게 활용하세요.몇 시간에서 며칠 또는 몇 주에 이르기까지 체류 기간을 선택하세요. 주의하세요. 궤도 우주정거장과 랑데부하는 왕복선으로 제시간에 돌아가지 못하면, 구조될 수 없습니다. 혹은 행성에 영구히 생활할 수 있는 은신처를 건설하세요. 매번 낙하할 때마다 명확한 목표와 체류 기간이 명시됩니다. 하지만 이러한 도전을 어떻게 극복할 것인지는... 전적으로 당신에게 달려 있습니다.
과감한 결정이 큰 도움이 됩니다.대기의 복잡성을 배우고, 새로운 위협에 도전하세요. 안전한 지역을 벗어나 스스로 오지에 도전하세요. 주의 깊게 생존하고 과감하게 성공하세요. 위험에 도전하는 자만이 새로운 능력, 새로운 기술, 새로운 외계 물질 등을 획득할 수 있습니다. Icarus로 떠나보시겠어요?
내 전초 기지는 시간 제한이 없고, 위험 요소가 제한적이어서, 건설에 이상적인 고정형 지도입니다.ICARUS의 적도를 따라 가늘게 펼쳐진 지역은 오비탈 스테이션의 궤도와 일치되는 곳으로, 탐사 가치가 높은 곳입니다. 전초 기지로 알려진 이 지역으로는 언제든 드롭하거나 나올 수 있고, 다른 탐사자들과 함께 지내거나 본인의 건축 기술을 시험하기에 좋으므로, 정착지를 개척하기에 안성맞춤입니다. 코어 게임에서 각 탐사자에게 전초 기지 하나씩이 할당됩니다.
Icarus는 뉴질랜드의 아름다운 오클랜드에 위치한 RocketWerkz에 있는 생존 게임 전문 제작진이 개발했습니다.

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Om spillet
ICARUS is a session-based PvE survival game for up to eight co-op players.Endure a savage alien wilderness on Icarus, humanity’s greatest mistake. Survive its brutal environment as you explore, harvest, craft and hunt while seeking your fortune.
From their orbital station, prospectors drop to the planet surface for limited time sessions, where they learn to endure the alien environment, complete faction missions and search for valuable exotic materials. Those that survive return to orbit as seasoned veterans, converting their exotics into advanced technology, and taking on ever more challenging drops with newfound knowledge. Those that get left behind... are lost forever.

Icarus was once destined to be a second Earth, but when terraforming collapsed - the air turned toxic and humanity’s hopes of colonizing a new world died. Icarus became a joke, a symbol of humanity reaching for the stars and failing. Yet when xeno-biologists discovered the cause of the failure - exotic matter - new interest was ignited. Valuable beyond reckoning, these ‘exotics’ sparked a gold rush, fueling political tensions on Earth, and bringing prospectors flocking to Icarus.
Confront and conquer a brutal PvE world determined to wear you down or tear you apart. From toxic atmosphere to savage wildlife and game-altering weather events, Icarus is a planet with a temper. Preparation and planning are everything, whether it’s to find a source of oxygen, stalk your next meal or stock supplies for a long journey into the wilderness.
Immerse yourself in a deceptively familiar, yet alien, world. The First Cohort of prospectors has been granted initial mining licenses for over 64 square kilometers of hand-crafted terrain full of hidden corners and resources to mine and diverse biomes to explore. Use the resources around you to survive - every single tree is harvestable, every rock can be voxel mined.
Master three separate tech trees: planetary tech, player talents and orbital workshop. Use the planet’s resources to craft tools, structures and machinery to protect yourself and aid your mission. Develop unique skills and improve core talents as you gain experience on the planet's surface. Then return to orbit with rare exotic materials that you can engineer into advanced tech. Choose which skills to develop and which tech to take on your next drop so you can complete missions faster, travel further, automate production or improve your odds of survival. Every decision matters.
Your time on Icarus is limited, so always watch the clock and use every second wisely. The orbital space station waits for no one. If you fail to return to your dropship in time, there is no rescue. Your character’s progress and tech is lost to planet Icarus. Choose between sessions that can last from hours to days to weeks. Or play on the side of caution and build a permanent outpost. Every drop has a clear goal, but how you overcome its challenges... is up to you.
Your character is everything.Learn the intricacies of the atmosphere, challenge yourself to face new threats and push yourself beyond the comfort zone. The cautious survive, the bold will thrive. New talents, new tech and new exotics are available to those who dare risk it all. Will you face Icarus head on?
Your Outpost is a permanent map with no time limit and limited dangers, ideal for building.Situated on Icarus’s equator is a thin line of prospects, synchronized with the orbit of the Orbital Stations. Known as Outposts, these prospects can be dropped into and exited at any time, making them perfect for starting a settlement, hanging out with other prospectors or testing your architectural skills. Each prospector is assigned one Outpost with the core game.
ICARUS is being made by a team of survival game veterans at RocketWerkz in beautiful Auckland, New Zealand.

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Informacje o grze
ICARUS is a session-based PvE survival game for up to eight co-op players.Endure a savage alien wilderness on Icarus, humanity’s greatest mistake. Survive its brutal environment as you explore, harvest, craft and hunt while seeking your fortune.
From their orbital station, prospectors drop to the planet surface for limited time sessions, where they learn to endure the alien environment, complete faction missions and search for valuable exotic materials. Those that survive return to orbit as seasoned veterans, converting their exotics into advanced technology, and taking on ever more challenging drops with newfound knowledge. Those that get left behind... are lost forever.

Icarus was once destined to be a second Earth, but when terraforming collapsed - the air turned toxic and humanity’s hopes of colonizing a new world died. Icarus became a joke, a symbol of humanity reaching for the stars and failing. Yet when xeno-biologists discovered the cause of the failure - exotic matter - new interest was ignited. Valuable beyond reckoning, these ‘exotics’ sparked a gold rush, fueling political tensions on Earth, and bringing prospectors flocking to Icarus.
Confront and conquer a brutal PvE world determined to wear you down or tear you apart. From toxic atmosphere to savage wildlife and game-altering weather events, Icarus is a planet with a temper. Preparation and planning are everything, whether it’s to find a source of oxygen, stalk your next meal or stock supplies for a long journey into the wilderness.
Immerse yourself in a deceptively familiar, yet alien, world. The First Cohort of prospectors has been granted initial mining licenses for over 64 square kilometers of hand-crafted terrain full of hidden corners and resources to mine and diverse biomes to explore. Use the resources around you to survive - every single tree is harvestable, every rock can be voxel mined.
Master three separate tech trees: planetary tech, player talents and orbital workshop. Use the planet’s resources to craft tools, structures and machinery to protect yourself and aid your mission. Develop unique skills and improve core talents as you gain experience on the planet's surface. Then return to orbit with rare exotic materials that you can engineer into advanced tech. Choose which skills to develop and which tech to take on your next drop so you can complete missions faster, travel further, automate production or improve your odds of survival. Every decision matters.
Your time on Icarus is limited, so always watch the clock and use every second wisely. The orbital space station waits for no one. If you fail to return to your dropship in time, there is no rescue. Your character’s progress and tech is lost to planet Icarus. Choose between sessions that can last from hours to days to weeks. Or play on the side of caution and build a permanent outpost. Every drop has a clear goal, but how you overcome its challenges... is up to you.
Your character is everything.Learn the intricacies of the atmosphere, challenge yourself to face new threats and push yourself beyond the comfort zone. The cautious survive, the bold will thrive. New talents, new tech and new exotics are available to those who dare risk it all. Will you face Icarus head on?
Your Outpost is a permanent map with no time limit and limited dangers, ideal for building.Situated on Icarus’s equator is a thin line of prospects, synchronized with the orbit of the Orbital Stations. Known as Outposts, these prospects can be dropped into and exited at any time, making them perfect for starting a settlement, hanging out with other prospectors or testing your architectural skills. Each prospector is assigned one Outpost with the core game.
ICARUS is being made by a team of survival game veterans at RocketWerkz in beautiful Auckland, New Zealand.

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Acerca do Jogo
ICARUS is a session-based PvE survival game for up to eight co-op players.Endure a savage alien wilderness on Icarus, humanity’s greatest mistake. Survive its brutal environment as you explore, harvest, craft and hunt while seeking your fortune.
From their orbital station, prospectors drop to the planet surface for limited time sessions, where they learn to endure the alien environment, complete faction missions and search for valuable exotic materials. Those that survive return to orbit as seasoned veterans, converting their exotics into advanced technology, and taking on ever more challenging drops with newfound knowledge. Those that get left behind... are lost forever.

Icarus was once destined to be a second Earth, but when terraforming collapsed - the air turned toxic and humanity’s hopes of colonizing a new world died. Icarus became a joke, a symbol of humanity reaching for the stars and failing. Yet when xeno-biologists discovered the cause of the failure - exotic matter - new interest was ignited. Valuable beyond reckoning, these ‘exotics’ sparked a gold rush, fueling political tensions on Earth, and bringing prospectors flocking to Icarus.
Confront and conquer a brutal PvE world determined to wear you down or tear you apart. From toxic atmosphere to savage wildlife and game-altering weather events, Icarus is a planet with a temper. Preparation and planning are everything, whether it’s to find a source of oxygen, stalk your next meal or stock supplies for a long journey into the wilderness.
Immerse yourself in a deceptively familiar, yet alien, world. The First Cohort of prospectors has been granted initial mining licenses for over 64 square kilometers of hand-crafted terrain full of hidden corners and resources to mine and diverse biomes to explore. Use the resources around you to survive - every single tree is harvestable, every rock can be voxel mined.
Master three separate tech trees: planetary tech, player talents and orbital workshop. Use the planet’s resources to craft tools, structures and machinery to protect yourself and aid your mission. Develop unique skills and improve core talents as you gain experience on the planet's surface. Then return to orbit with rare exotic materials that you can engineer into advanced tech. Choose which skills to develop and which tech to take on your next drop so you can complete missions faster, travel further, automate production or improve your odds of survival. Every decision matters.
Your time on Icarus is limited, so always watch the clock and use every second wisely. The orbital space station waits for no one. If you fail to return to your dropship in time, there is no rescue. Your character’s progress and tech is lost to planet Icarus. Choose between sessions that can last from hours to days to weeks. Or play on the side of caution and build a permanent outpost. Every drop has a clear goal, but how you overcome its challenges... is up to you.
Your character is everything.Learn the intricacies of the atmosphere, challenge yourself to face new threats and push yourself beyond the comfort zone. The cautious survive, the bold will thrive. New talents, new tech and new exotics are available to those who dare risk it all. Will you face Icarus head on?
Your Outpost is a permanent map with no time limit and limited dangers, ideal for building.Situated on Icarus’s equator is a thin line of prospects, synchronized with the orbit of the Orbital Stations. Known as Outposts, these prospects can be dropped into and exited at any time, making them perfect for starting a settlement, hanging out with other prospectors or testing your architectural skills. Each prospector is assigned one Outpost with the core game.
ICARUS is being made by a team of survival game veterans at RocketWerkz in beautiful Auckland, New Zealand.

Join our Discord

Despre joc
ICARUS is a session-based PvE survival game for up to eight co-op players.Endure a savage alien wilderness on Icarus, humanity’s greatest mistake. Survive its brutal environment as you explore, harvest, craft and hunt while seeking your fortune.
From their orbital station, prospectors drop to the planet surface for limited time sessions, where they learn to endure the alien environment, complete faction missions and search for valuable exotic materials. Those that survive return to orbit as seasoned veterans, converting their exotics into advanced technology, and taking on ever more challenging drops with newfound knowledge. Those that get left behind... are lost forever.

Icarus was once destined to be a second Earth, but when terraforming collapsed - the air turned toxic and humanity’s hopes of colonizing a new world died. Icarus became a joke, a symbol of humanity reaching for the stars and failing. Yet when xeno-biologists discovered the cause of the failure - exotic matter - new interest was ignited. Valuable beyond reckoning, these ‘exotics’ sparked a gold rush, fueling political tensions on Earth, and bringing prospectors flocking to Icarus.
Confront and conquer a brutal PvE world determined to wear you down or tear you apart. From toxic atmosphere to savage wildlife and game-altering weather events, Icarus is a planet with a temper. Preparation and planning are everything, whether it’s to find a source of oxygen, stalk your next meal or stock supplies for a long journey into the wilderness.
Immerse yourself in a deceptively familiar, yet alien, world. The First Cohort of prospectors has been granted initial mining licenses for over 64 square kilometers of hand-crafted terrain full of hidden corners and resources to mine and diverse biomes to explore. Use the resources around you to survive - every single tree is harvestable, every rock can be voxel mined.
Master three separate tech trees: planetary tech, player talents and orbital workshop. Use the planet’s resources to craft tools, structures and machinery to protect yourself and aid your mission. Develop unique skills and improve core talents as you gain experience on the planet's surface. Then return to orbit with rare exotic materials that you can engineer into advanced tech. Choose which skills to develop and which tech to take on your next drop so you can complete missions faster, travel further, automate production or improve your odds of survival. Every decision matters.
Your time on Icarus is limited, so always watch the clock and use every second wisely. The orbital space station waits for no one. If you fail to return to your dropship in time, there is no rescue. Your character’s progress and tech is lost to planet Icarus. Choose between sessions that can last from hours to days to weeks. Or play on the side of caution and build a permanent outpost. Every drop has a clear goal, but how you overcome its challenges... is up to you.
Your character is everything.Learn the intricacies of the atmosphere, challenge yourself to face new threats and push yourself beyond the comfort zone. The cautious survive, the bold will thrive. New talents, new tech and new exotics are available to those who dare risk it all. Will you face Icarus head on?
Your Outpost is a permanent map with no time limit and limited dangers, ideal for building.Situated on Icarus’s equator is a thin line of prospects, synchronized with the orbit of the Orbital Stations. Known as Outposts, these prospects can be dropped into and exited at any time, making them perfect for starting a settlement, hanging out with other prospectors or testing your architectural skills. Each prospector is assigned one Outpost with the core game.
ICARUS is being made by a team of survival game veterans at RocketWerkz in beautiful Auckland, New Zealand.

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Об игре
ICARUS — это сессионный симулятор выживания в жанре PvE для компании до восьми человек включительно.Вас ждет суровый Икар — величайшая ошибка в истории человечества. В погоне за богатством вам предстоит разведывать местность, заниматься собирательством, изготавливать орудия труда и выслеживать животных.
Старатели покидают орбитальную станцию на строго ограниченное время и отправляются бороться с непростыми условиями чужой планеты, выполнять задания фракции и искать редкие и весьма ценные экзоресурсы. Выжившие возвращаются на орбиту и используют добытую экзоматерию для разработки новой аппаратуры, чтобы предпринять еще более рискованную вылазку с новоприобретенными знаниями. Тем же, кто не сумел вернуться, суждено сгинуть без вести.

В свое время Икар планировали превратить во вторую Землю, но после неудачной попытки терраформирования его атмосфера стала ядовитой, и человечество оставило надежду колонизировать новую планету. Икар стал вечной темой для шуток, символом самонадеянности человека, который дерзнул замахнуться на недосягаемое. Однако, когда ксенобиологи выяснили, что причиной неудачи стала так называемая экзоматерия, интерес к Икару проснулся вновь. Открытие баснословно дорогого ресурса положило начало настоящей золотой лихорадке и росту политической напряженности на Земле, и на Икар потянулись старатели.
Жестокий PvE-мир Icarus, кажется, готов на все, чтобы вымотать вас до предела и уничтожить физически.Ядовитая атмосфера, опасные животные, жестокие бури — характера Икару не занимать. Вам придется планировать свои действия, будь то строительство убежища, поиски кислорода, выслеживание дичи или заготовка припасов в дорогу, и ежесекундно просчитывать ситуацию на несколько шагов вперед.
Вас ждет обманчиво знакомый, но все же чужой мир.Первому отряду старателей разрешено проводить работы на богатом ресурсами участке площадью более 64 км² с разнообразными природными условиями и множеством неприметных закоулков. Вся территория проработана вручную. Чтобы выжить, положитесь на доступные ресурсы: здесь можно срубить каждое дерево и разломать любой валун.
Осваивайте два дерева технологий: одно на планете, а второе на орбите. Самодельные инструменты, постройки и механизмы помогут вам выстоять в экспедиции на поверхность Икара и добиться заданной цели. Накапливайте опыт пребывания на планете, осваивайте уникальные навыки и развивайте полезные таланты. Вернувшись же на орбиту с редкими экзоресурсами, вы сможете разработать более продвинутое оборудование. Выберите, какие навыки развить и что из новых разработок взять в следующую вылазку, чтобы быстрее выполнить поставленную задачу, преодолеть большее расстояние, автоматизировать производство или просто повысить свои шансы на выживание. В этом вопросе не может быть мелочей.
Время, которое вы проводите на Икаре, строго ограничено: не забывайте смотреть на часы и цените каждую секунду.Продолжительность сессии выбираете вы: от пары часов до дней или даже недель. Берегитесь: если не успеете вовремя добраться до челнока, который доставит вас на орбитальную станцию, возвращаться за вами не станут. При желании вы можете выделить время на строительство постоянной базы. Каждая вылазка преследует определенную цель, достичь которой требуется за отведенное время, но как именно действовать, решаете только вы.
Залог успеха — это ваш персонаж.Изучайте особенности чужой планеты, сталкивайтесь с новыми опасностями и заставляйте себя раз за разом выходить из зоны комфорта. Осторожные выживут, но удача благоволит отважным. Тех, кто готов рискнуть всем, ждут новые таланты, технологии и экзоресурсы. А вы готовы бросить вызов Икару?
ICARUS разрабатывает команда настоящих ветеранов жанра «симулятор выживания» из студии RocketWerkz, которая базируется в прекрасном новозеландском городе Окленде.

- 《翼星求生:首批勘探者》游戏
- 1x 森林生物群系前哨站(永久地图)
- DLC1:《翼星求生:未知区域》可下载内容(待发布后即可访问)
- DLC2:《翼星求生:前路凶险》可下载内容(待发布后即可访问)
- 1x 森林生物群系前哨站(永久地图)
- 额外的北极生物群系前哨站(永久地图)
- 额外的森林生物群系前哨站(永久地图)


-- 请加入翼星求生官方玩家群:597051856 ---- 请关注官方微博 --更新:游戏内翻译问题目前已经完成绝大部分修复,感谢大家的耐心等待。

让自己沉浸在一个看似熟悉却又陌生的世界。《First Cohort》的勘探者已获得超过64平方公里的手绘制作地形的初始采矿许可证。这些地形充满着许多隐藏角落、可供您开采的资源和探索的生物群落。利用您周围的资源来生存:您可以砍伐每一棵树,也可开采每一颗矿石。

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Acerca del juego
ICARUS es un juego de supervivencia JcE por sesión para hasta ocho jugadores en modo cooperativo o en solitario.Soporta la naturaleza salvaje alienígena de Icarus, el mayor error de la humanidad. Sobrevive a su entorno brutal mientras exploras, cosechas, creas y cazas para buscar fortuna.
Desde su estación espacial orbital, los prospectores descienden a la superficie del planeta en sesiones de tiempo limitado, en las que aprenden a sobrevivir al ambiente alienígena, a completar misiones de facción y buscar materiales exóticos valiosos. Los afortunados que viven para contarlo regresan a la órbita como veteranos para transformar los materiales exóticos en tecnología avanzada y emprender descensos aún más arriesgados con el conocimiento recién adquirido. Aquellos que se quedan atrás... se pierden para siempre.

Hubo un día en que Icarus estuvo destinado a ser la segunda Tierra, pero, cuando la terraformación falló, el aire se volvió tóxico y mató las esperanzas de la humanidad de colonizar un mundo nuevo. Icarus se convirtió en una parodia, en un símbolo del fracaso de la humanidad al intentar alcanzar las estrellas. Sin embargo, cuando los xenobiólogos descubrieron la causa del fallo, la materia exótica, esta suscitó un interés nuevo. Estos "exóticos", de un valor incalculable, despertaron una fiebre del oro que exacerbó las tensiones políticas en la Tierra y atrajo a una gran cantidad de buscadores a Icarus.
Enfrenta y conquista un mundo brutal de JcE dispuesto a agotarte o a destrozarte.Su atmósfera tóxica, su fauna salvaje y sus fenómenos meteorológicos dañinos dejan claro que Icarus es un planeta con temperamento. La preparación y la planificación son fundamentales, ya sea para montar un refugio, encontrar una fuente de oxígeno, acechar a tu próxima cena o para acumular suministros con el fin de emprender un viaje a tierras inexploradas.
Sumérgete en un mundo aparentemente familiar, pero alienígena.Los prospectores del Primer Séquito recibieron licencias de minería iniciales para explorar más de 64 kilómetros cuadrados de terreno creado por la mano del hombre y repleto de recovecos ocultos, recursos que extraer y biomas para explorar. Usa los recursos que te rodean para sobrevivir: en cada árbol se puede encontrar algo, en cada roca hay un vóxel que extraer.
Domina los tres árboles individuales de tecnología: tecnología planetaria, talentos y taller orbital.Usa los recursos del planeta para crear herramientas, estructuras y máquinas que te protejan y te ayuden en tu misión. Desarrolla habilidades únicas y mejora tus talentos básicos a medida que ganes experiencia en la superficie del planeta. Después, regresa a la órbita con materiales exóticos raros para crear tecnología avanzada. Elige las habilidades que quieres desarrollar en tu siguiente descenso y la tecnología que quieres obtener para completar las misiones más rápido, viajar más lejos, automatizar la producción o aumentar tus posibilidades de supervivencia. Cada una de tus decisiones tiene un impacto.
Existe un límite de tiempo para estar en Icarus, así que nunca pierdas de vista el reloj y aprovecha cada segundo.Puedes elegir entre sesiones que duran horas, días o semanas. Pero ten cuidado, si no llegas a tu nave de descenso a tiempo para regresar a tu estación espacial orbital, nadie irá a rescatarte. O date tiempo para construir un puesto de avanzada planetario permanente. Cada descenso tiene un objetivo claro y un límite de tiempo, pero superar los desafíos depende de ti.
Tu personaje lo es todo.Aprende las particularidades de la atmósfera, desafíate a enfrentar amenazas nuevas y oblígate a salir de tu zona de confort. Aquellos que son cautelosos sobrevivirán, pero los valientes prosperarán. Hay talentos, tecnología y materiales exóticos nuevos disponibles para aquellos que se atreven a arriesgarse. ¿Te enfrentarás a Icarus con la frente en alto?
ICARUS es obra de un equipo de veteranos de los juegos de supervivencia de RocketWerkz, que lo está creando en la hermosa ciudad de Auckland, Nueva Zelanda.

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Om spelet
ICARUS is a session-based PvE survival game for up to eight co-op players.Endure a savage alien wilderness on Icarus, humanity’s greatest mistake. Survive its brutal environment as you explore, harvest, craft and hunt while seeking your fortune.
From their orbital station, prospectors drop to the planet surface for limited time sessions, where they learn to endure the alien environment, complete faction missions and search for valuable exotic materials. Those that survive return to orbit as seasoned veterans, converting their exotics into advanced technology, and taking on ever more challenging drops with newfound knowledge. Those that get left behind... are lost forever.

Icarus was once destined to be a second Earth, but when terraforming collapsed - the air turned toxic and humanity’s hopes of colonizing a new world died. Icarus became a joke, a symbol of humanity reaching for the stars and failing. Yet when xeno-biologists discovered the cause of the failure - exotic matter - new interest was ignited. Valuable beyond reckoning, these ‘exotics’ sparked a gold rush, fueling political tensions on Earth, and bringing prospectors flocking to Icarus.
Confront and conquer a brutal PvE world determined to wear you down or tear you apart. From toxic atmosphere to savage wildlife and game-altering weather events, Icarus is a planet with a temper. Preparation and planning are everything, whether it’s to find a source of oxygen, stalk your next meal or stock supplies for a long journey into the wilderness.
Immerse yourself in a deceptively familiar, yet alien, world. The First Cohort of prospectors has been granted initial mining licenses for over 64 square kilometers of hand-crafted terrain full of hidden corners and resources to mine and diverse biomes to explore. Use the resources around you to survive - every single tree is harvestable, every rock can be voxel mined.
Master three separate tech trees: planetary tech, player talents and orbital workshop. Use the planet’s resources to craft tools, structures and machinery to protect yourself and aid your mission. Develop unique skills and improve core talents as you gain experience on the planet's surface. Then return to orbit with rare exotic materials that you can engineer into advanced tech. Choose which skills to develop and which tech to take on your next drop so you can complete missions faster, travel further, automate production or improve your odds of survival. Every decision matters.
Your time on Icarus is limited, so always watch the clock and use every second wisely. The orbital space station waits for no one. If you fail to return to your dropship in time, there is no rescue. Your character’s progress and tech is lost to planet Icarus. Choose between sessions that can last from hours to days to weeks. Or play on the side of caution and build a permanent outpost. Every drop has a clear goal, but how you overcome its challenges... is up to you.
Your character is everything.Learn the intricacies of the atmosphere, challenge yourself to face new threats and push yourself beyond the comfort zone. The cautious survive, the bold will thrive. New talents, new tech and new exotics are available to those who dare risk it all. Will you face Icarus head on?
Your Outpost is a permanent map with no time limit and limited dangers, ideal for building.Situated on Icarus’s equator is a thin line of prospects, synchronized with the orbit of the Orbital Stations. Known as Outposts, these prospects can be dropped into and exited at any time, making them perfect for starting a settlement, hanging out with other prospectors or testing your architectural skills. Each prospector is assigned one Outpost with the core game.
ICARUS is being made by a team of survival game veterans at RocketWerkz in beautiful Auckland, New Zealand.

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ICARUS is a session-based PvE survival game for up to eight co-op players.Endure a savage alien wilderness on Icarus, humanity’s greatest mistake. Survive its brutal environment as you explore, harvest, craft and hunt while seeking your fortune.
From their orbital station, prospectors drop to the planet surface for limited time sessions, where they learn to endure the alien environment, complete faction missions and search for valuable exotic materials. Those that survive return to orbit as seasoned veterans, converting their exotics into advanced technology, and taking on ever more challenging drops with newfound knowledge. Those that get left behind... are lost forever.

Icarus was once destined to be a second Earth, but when terraforming collapsed - the air turned toxic and humanity’s hopes of colonizing a new world died. Icarus became a joke, a symbol of humanity reaching for the stars and failing. Yet when xeno-biologists discovered the cause of the failure - exotic matter - new interest was ignited. Valuable beyond reckoning, these ‘exotics’ sparked a gold rush, fueling political tensions on Earth, and bringing prospectors flocking to Icarus.
Confront and conquer a brutal PvE world determined to wear you down or tear you apart. From toxic atmosphere to savage wildlife and game-altering weather events, Icarus is a planet with a temper. Preparation and planning are everything, whether it’s to find a source of oxygen, stalk your next meal or stock supplies for a long journey into the wilderness.
Immerse yourself in a deceptively familiar, yet alien, world. The First Cohort of prospectors has been granted initial mining licenses for over 64 square kilometers of hand-crafted terrain full of hidden corners and resources to mine and diverse biomes to explore. Use the resources around you to survive - every single tree is harvestable, every rock can be voxel mined.
Master three separate tech trees: planetary tech, player talents and orbital workshop. Use the planet’s resources to craft tools, structures and machinery to protect yourself and aid your mission. Develop unique skills and improve core talents as you gain experience on the planet's surface. Then return to orbit with rare exotic materials that you can engineer into advanced tech. Choose which skills to develop and which tech to take on your next drop so you can complete missions faster, travel further, automate production or improve your odds of survival. Every decision matters.
Your time on Icarus is limited, so always watch the clock and use every second wisely. The orbital space station waits for no one. If you fail to return to your dropship in time, there is no rescue. Your character’s progress and tech is lost to planet Icarus. Choose between sessions that can last from hours to days to weeks. Or play on the side of caution and build a permanent outpost. Every drop has a clear goal, but how you overcome its challenges... is up to you.
Your character is everything.Learn the intricacies of the atmosphere, challenge yourself to face new threats and push yourself beyond the comfort zone. The cautious survive, the bold will thrive. New talents, new tech and new exotics are available to those who dare risk it all. Will you face Icarus head on?
Your Outpost is a permanent map with no time limit and limited dangers, ideal for building.Situated on Icarus’s equator is a thin line of prospects, synchronized with the orbit of the Orbital Stations. Known as Outposts, these prospects can be dropped into and exited at any time, making them perfect for starting a settlement, hanging out with other prospectors or testing your architectural skills. Each prospector is assigned one Outpost with the core game.
ICARUS is being made by a team of survival game veterans at RocketWerkz in beautiful Auckland, New Zealand.

- 1x 森林生物群系前哨站(永久地圖)
- 1x 森林生物群系前哨站(永久地圖)
- 額外的北極生物群系前哨站(永久地圖)
- 額外的森林生物群系前哨站(永久地圖)

-- 翼星求生FB粉絲專頁 --更新:遊戲的翻譯bug已經修補,感謝大家的耐心等待。
《翼星求生 ICARUS》是一款與時間賽跑的PvE生存遊戲,可支援多達八名玩家。在翼星上體驗蠻荒的外星荒野,承受人類史上最大的錯誤。在殘酷的環境中生存下來,您將在探索、收穫、製作和狩獵的同時尋求財富。

勇敢面對並征服一心要打倒和摧毀您的殘酷PvE世界。 翼星是個暴躁莫名的星球,從有毒的大氣到野蠻的野生動物和毀滅性風暴。無論是建造庇護所、尋找氧氣來源、狩獵下一頓餐食或是為長途跋涉儲備物資,準備和計劃就是一切。
您在翼星上的時間 有限,所以要時刻注意時間,明智地利用每一秒。 從長達數小時、數日或數週的勘探之中進行選擇。請注意,要是您未能按時返回飛船並前往軌道空間站會合,那就只能自求多福了。或者您可以花點時間建立一個永久的行星前哨站。每一次勘探都有明確的目標和時長,但如何克服挑戰……將取決於您。

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Oyun Açıklaması
ICARUS is a session-based PvE survival game for up to eight co-op players.Endure a savage alien wilderness on Icarus, humanity’s greatest mistake. Survive its brutal environment as you explore, harvest, craft and hunt while seeking your fortune.
From their orbital station, prospectors drop to the planet surface for limited time sessions, where they learn to endure the alien environment, complete faction missions and search for valuable exotic materials. Those that survive return to orbit as seasoned veterans, converting their exotics into advanced technology, and taking on ever more challenging drops with newfound knowledge. Those that get left behind... are lost forever.

Icarus was once destined to be a second Earth, but when terraforming collapsed - the air turned toxic and humanity’s hopes of colonizing a new world died. Icarus became a joke, a symbol of humanity reaching for the stars and failing. Yet when xeno-biologists discovered the cause of the failure - exotic matter - new interest was ignited. Valuable beyond reckoning, these ‘exotics’ sparked a gold rush, fueling political tensions on Earth, and bringing prospectors flocking to Icarus.
Confront and conquer a brutal PvE world determined to wear you down or tear you apart. From toxic atmosphere to savage wildlife and game-altering weather events, Icarus is a planet with a temper. Preparation and planning are everything, whether it’s to find a source of oxygen, stalk your next meal or stock supplies for a long journey into the wilderness.
Immerse yourself in a deceptively familiar, yet alien, world. The First Cohort of prospectors has been granted initial mining licenses for over 64 square kilometers of hand-crafted terrain full of hidden corners and resources to mine and diverse biomes to explore. Use the resources around you to survive - every single tree is harvestable, every rock can be voxel mined.
Master three separate tech trees: planetary tech, player talents and orbital workshop. Use the planet’s resources to craft tools, structures and machinery to protect yourself and aid your mission. Develop unique skills and improve core talents as you gain experience on the planet's surface. Then return to orbit with rare exotic materials that you can engineer into advanced tech. Choose which skills to develop and which tech to take on your next drop so you can complete missions faster, travel further, automate production or improve your odds of survival. Every decision matters.
Your time on Icarus is limited, so always watch the clock and use every second wisely. The orbital space station waits for no one. If you fail to return to your dropship in time, there is no rescue. Your character’s progress and tech is lost to planet Icarus. Choose between sessions that can last from hours to days to weeks. Or play on the side of caution and build a permanent outpost. Every drop has a clear goal, but how you overcome its challenges... is up to you.
Your character is everything.Learn the intricacies of the atmosphere, challenge yourself to face new threats and push yourself beyond the comfort zone. The cautious survive, the bold will thrive. New talents, new tech and new exotics are available to those who dare risk it all. Will you face Icarus head on?
Your Outpost is a permanent map with no time limit and limited dangers, ideal for building.Situated on Icarus’s equator is a thin line of prospects, synchronized with the orbit of the Orbital Stations. Known as Outposts, these prospects can be dropped into and exited at any time, making them perfect for starting a settlement, hanging out with other prospectors or testing your architectural skills. Each prospector is assigned one Outpost with the core game.
ICARUS is being made by a team of survival game veterans at RocketWerkz in beautiful Auckland, New Zealand.

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Про гру
ICARUS is a session-based PvE survival game for up to eight co-op players.Endure a savage alien wilderness on Icarus, humanity’s greatest mistake. Survive its brutal environment as you explore, harvest, craft and hunt while seeking your fortune.
From their orbital station, prospectors drop to the planet surface for limited time sessions, where they learn to endure the alien environment, complete faction missions and search for valuable exotic materials. Those that survive return to orbit as seasoned veterans, converting their exotics into advanced technology, and taking on ever more challenging drops with newfound knowledge. Those that get left behind... are lost forever.

Icarus was once destined to be a second Earth, but when terraforming collapsed - the air turned toxic and humanity’s hopes of colonizing a new world died. Icarus became a joke, a symbol of humanity reaching for the stars and failing. Yet when xeno-biologists discovered the cause of the failure - exotic matter - new interest was ignited. Valuable beyond reckoning, these ‘exotics’ sparked a gold rush, fueling political tensions on Earth, and bringing prospectors flocking to Icarus.
Confront and conquer a brutal PvE world determined to wear you down or tear you apart. From toxic atmosphere to savage wildlife and game-altering weather events, Icarus is a planet with a temper. Preparation and planning are everything, whether it’s to find a source of oxygen, stalk your next meal or stock supplies for a long journey into the wilderness.
Immerse yourself in a deceptively familiar, yet alien, world. The First Cohort of prospectors has been granted initial mining licenses for over 64 square kilometers of hand-crafted terrain full of hidden corners and resources to mine and diverse biomes to explore. Use the resources around you to survive - every single tree is harvestable, every rock can be voxel mined.
Master three separate tech trees: planetary tech, player talents and orbital workshop. Use the planet’s resources to craft tools, structures and machinery to protect yourself and aid your mission. Develop unique skills and improve core talents as you gain experience on the planet's surface. Then return to orbit with rare exotic materials that you can engineer into advanced tech. Choose which skills to develop and which tech to take on your next drop so you can complete missions faster, travel further, automate production or improve your odds of survival. Every decision matters.
Your time on Icarus is limited, so always watch the clock and use every second wisely. The orbital space station waits for no one. If you fail to return to your dropship in time, there is no rescue. Your character’s progress and tech is lost to planet Icarus. Choose between sessions that can last from hours to days to weeks. Or play on the side of caution and build a permanent outpost. Every drop has a clear goal, but how you overcome its challenges... is up to you.
Your character is everything.Learn the intricacies of the atmosphere, challenge yourself to face new threats and push yourself beyond the comfort zone. The cautious survive, the bold will thrive. New talents, new tech and new exotics are available to those who dare risk it all. Will you face Icarus head on?
Your Outpost is a permanent map with no time limit and limited dangers, ideal for building.Situated on Icarus’s equator is a thin line of prospects, synchronized with the orbit of the Orbital Stations. Known as Outposts, these prospects can be dropped into and exited at any time, making them perfect for starting a settlement, hanging out with other prospectors or testing your architectural skills. Each prospector is assigned one Outpost with the core game.
ICARUS is being made by a team of survival game veterans at RocketWerkz in beautiful Auckland, New Zealand.