Your world...Your rules! In Just Cause, you are a Latin field operative and specialist in regime change backed by top secret US government agency who will overthrow the corrupt government of San Esperito. The rogue South American state is suspected of stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction, and it's your mission to negate the threat this poses to world peace. It could be to your advantage that the tropical paradise is about to implode as various factions vie for power - it just needs a gentle nudge in the right direction.
Just Cause offers the freedom to tackle your assignments however you want: playing the island's factions against one another, inciting a rebellion among the masses and building alliances with rebel forces and drug cartels. The action takes place in an incredibly detailed game world which consists of over 250,000 acres of mountains, jungles, beaches, cities and villages. The island can be explored by land, sea and air, as you will have at your disposal one of the most varied and exciting array of vehicles ever seen in a video game.
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Om spillet
Din verden... dine regler! I Just Cause er du en latinamerikansk agent og specialist i regimeskift, som støttes af et tophemmeligt, amerikansk regeringsbureau, der vil vælte den korrupte regering i San Esperito. Den sydamerikanske slyngelstat er mistænkt for at oplagre masseødelæggelsesvåben, og det er din opgave at neutralisere denne trussel mod verdensfreden. Det kan vise sig at falde ud til din fordel, at dette tropiske paradis er ved implodere, da forskellige fraktioner kæmper om magten - det skal bare have et lille skub i den rigtige retning.
Just Cause giver dig frie hænder til at tackle din opgave, som du vil: du kan spille øens grupper ud mod hinanden, opildne til oprør blandt folkemasserne og opbygge alliancer med oprørsstyrker og narkokarteller. Handlingerne foregår i en utroligt detaljeret spilverden, som består af over 80.000 hektar med bjerge, jungler, strande, byer og landsbyer. Øen kan udforskes til lands, til vands og fra luften, da du vil have et af de mest spændende og varierede udvalg af befordringsmidler, som nogensinde er set i et videospil, til din rådighed.
- Åbent gameplay: grib missioner an, som du har lyst, eller afbryd kampen og nyd at udforske øerne.
- Over 80.000 hektar land at udforske: de største omgivelser, der nogensinde er set i et spil!
- Sindssyge stunts: spring fra køretøj til køretøj, parasailing, skydiving og basejumping...
- Kæmpe udvalg af fartøjer: over 100 af de mest forskelligartede og spændende land-, sø- og luftfartøjer, som nogensinde er set i et videospil.
- Avalanche Engine™: processuelt genereret landskab giver en kæmpe, flot og detaljeret verden, mens loadtider skæres væk.
- Masser af missioner: historie-missioner, side-missioner, bonus-missioner m.m. sikrer masser af action spredt ud over øerne.
- Support-team: Sheldon og Kane, to hemmelige agenter fra den amerikanske regering, vil forsyne dig med rekognosceringsoplysninger, udtagning og køretøjer.
- Flyv: Den bedste måde at udforske San Esperito er fra luften!
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Info over het spel
Jouw wereld... jouw regels! In Just Cause ben je een Latijnse agent en specialist in regimeverandering, die ondersteund wordt door een topgeheim Amerikaanse regeringsagentschap, en de corrupte regering van San Esperito ten val zal doen brengen. De vijandelijke Zuid-Amerikaanse staat wordt verdacht van het opslaan van massavernietigingswapens, en het is jouw missie om de bedreiging die dit voor wereldvrede vormt uit te schakelen. Het is misschien een voordeel voor je dat het tropische paradijs op het punt staat om in elkaar te klappen omdat verschillende facties een greep naar de macht doen - het heeft maar een klein tikje in de juiste richting heeft.
Just Cause biedt je de vrijheid om op welke manier je ook wilt met je missies af te rekenen: de facties van het eiland het tegen elkaar op laten nemen, een opstand van de bevolking starten of een verbond maken met rebellen en drugskartels. De actie speelt zich af in een ontzettend gedetailleerde spelwereld met meer dan 100,000 hectares aan bergen, jungles, stranden, steden en dorpen. Het eiland kan te land, ter zee en in de lucht verkend worden, omdat je een van de meest gevarieerde en spannende selecties aan voertuigen die ooit in een videogame hebben gezeten tot je beschikking hebt.
- Spelen hoe je ook wilt: handel missies op welke manier je ook wilt af, of stop even met vechten en geniet van het verkennen van de eilanden.
- Meer dan 100K hectares land te verkennen: de grootste omgeving ooit in een game!
- Overdreven stunts: spring van voertuig naar voertuig, parasail, skydive en base-jump...
- Gigantische selectie aan voertuigen: meer dan 100 van de meest gevarieerde, spannende land-, zee- en luchtvoertuigen die ooit in een videogame hebben gezeten.
- Avalanche-engine™: procedureel gegenereerd landschap bezorgt een gigantische, beeldschone, gedetailleerde wereld terwijl het laadtijden uitschakelt.
- Overvloed aan missies: verhaalmissies, zijmissies, bonusmissies en vele anderen; wat garandeert dat de actie over de eilanden verdeelt wordt.
- Ondersteuningsteam: Sheldon en Kane, twee geheim agenten van de Amerikaanse regering, zullen je verkenningsinformatie, extractie en voertuigbezorgingen aanbieden.
- Vlieg: De beste manier om San Esperito te verkennen is in de lucht!
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About the Game
Your world...Your rules! In Just Cause, you are a Latin field operative and specialist in regime change backed by top secret US government agency who will overthrow the corrupt government of San Esperito. The rogue South American state is suspected of stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction, and it's your mission to negate the threat this poses to world peace. It could be to your advantage that the tropical paradise is about to implode as various factions vie for power - it just needs a gentle nudge in the right direction.
Just Cause offers the freedom to tackle your assignments however you want: playing the island's factions against one another, inciting a rebellion among the masses and building alliances with rebel forces and drug cartels. The action takes place in an incredibly detailed game world which consists of over 250,000 acres of mountains, jungles, beaches, cities and villages. The island can be explored by land, sea and air, as you will have at your disposal one of the most varied and exciting array of vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Freeform game-play: approach missions in any way you like, or break off from the fight and enjoy exploring the islands.
- Over 250K acres of land to explore: the largest environment ever seen in a game!
- Over-the-top Stunts: jump from vehicle-to-vehicle, parasail, skydive and base-jump...
- Massive selection of vehicles: over 100 of the most varied, exciting array of land, sea and air vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Avalanche Engine™: procedurally generated landscape delivers a huge, beautiful, detailed world while eliminating loading times.
- Wealth of missions: story missions, side-missions, bonus missions and many more; ensuring plenty of action spread throughout the islands.
- Support team: Sheldon and Kane, two US government secret agents, will provide you with reconnaissance info, extraction and vehicle drops.
- Fly: The best way to explore San Esperito is by air!
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Tietoja pelistä
Sinun maailmasi... Sinun sääntösi! Just Causessa olet latinolaisamerikkalainen kenttäagentti ja -spesialisti, mukana hallitusjärjestelmän uudistuksessa jota tukee Yhdysvaltojen hallituksen agentuuri, joka aikoo syrjäyttää San Esperiton korruptoituneen hallituksen. Valvomatonta Etelä-Amerikan valtiota epäillään joukkotuhoaseiden keräämisestä, ja sinun tehtäväsi on kukistaa tämä maailmanrauhaa horjuttava uhka. Trooppisella paratiisilla riehuvien voimaa janoavien järjestöjen sodan partaalla olevat suhteet voivat jopa olla sinulle hyödyksi... ne vain vaativat pientä töytäisyä oikeaan suuntaan.
Just Cause tarjoaa vapauden suorittaa toimeksiantosi aivan niin kuin haluat: usuta saaren järjestöt nokkatusten toisiaan vastaan, herätä kapinointia joukkojen sisällä ja solmi yhteistyösopimuksia kapinavoimien ja huumekartellien kanssa. Toiminta tapahtuu erittäin yksityiskohtaisella, yli 1000 neliökilometrin pelialueella, joka sisältää vuoria, viidakoita, rantoja, kaupunkeja ja kyliä. Saarta voi tutkia sekä maasta, mereltä että myös ilmasta, sillä käytössäsi on yksi laajimmista ja jännittävimmistä valikoimista kulkuneuvoja joita pelimaailma on koskaan nähnyt.
- Vapaamuotoinen pelattavuus: lähesty tehtäviä aivan miten haluat, tai jättäydy taistelusta ja sen sijaan nauti saaren tutkimisesta
- Yli 1000 neliökilometriä maata tutkittavana: suurin koskaan nähty peliympäristö!
- Ylitseampuvia temppuja: hyppää kulkuneuvolta kulkuneuvolle, harrasta riippuliitoa, hyppää laskuvarjo- ja base-hyppyjä...
- Massiivinen valikoima kulkuneuvoja: yli 100 kulkuneuvoa vaihtelevimmasta ja jännittävimmästä kokoelmasta maa-, meri- ja ilmakulkuneuvoja jota on peleissä koskaan nähty.
- Avalanche Engine™: proseduaalisesti luodut maisemat tarjoavat valtavan, kauniin ja yksityiskohtaisen maailman, pitäen samalla latausajat olemattomina
- Tehtävienrikkaus: tarinatehtävät, sivutehtävät, bonustehtävät ja monet muut varmistavat toiminnan jakautumisen joka puolelle saarta.
- Tukitiimi: Sheldon ja Kane, kaksi Yhdysvaltojen hallituksen salaista agenttia, varustavat sinut tiedustelutiedoilla, kuljetuksilla ja kulkuneuvolähetyksillä
- Lennä: Paras tapa tutkia San Esperitoa on ilmasta käsin!
Disponible maintenant !
À propos du jeu
Votre univers...Vos règles ! Dans Just Cause, vous incarnez un agent de terrain latino spécialiste des changements de régime soutenu par une agence gouvernementale américaine top secret qui veut renverser le gouvernement corrompu de San Esperito. Cet état sud-américain est suspecté de vouloir s’équiper d’armes de destruction massive et vous êtes chargé d’éradiquer la menace qui risque de planer sur la paix dans le monde. Vous pourriez très bien tirer partie du chaos qui règne sur ce petit paradis tropical où plusieurs factions s’affrontent pour le pouvoir. Il suffit juste de lui donner un petit coup de pouce dans la bonne direction.
Just Cause vous donne toute liberté pour mener à bien vos missions : poussez les différentes factions de l’île à s’affronter, fomentez une révolution au sein du peuple ou faites alliance avec les forces rebelles ou les cartels de la drogue. L’action se déroule dans des décors incroyablement détaillés constitués de 1 025 km² de montagnes, jungles, plages, villes et villages. Vous pouvez explorer l’île par voie terrestre, maritime ou aérienne avec une palette de véhicules aussi variés qu’excitants inédite pour un jeu vidéo.
- Une liberté de jeu totale : menez vos missions à bien comme vous l’entendez ou sortez des combats pour explorer les îles.
- Des décors gigantesques : plus de 1 025 km² de terrain à explorer, probablement le plus grand environnement jamais créé pour un jeu !
- Des cascades à couper le souffle : sautez d’un véhicule à un autre ou en parachute, faites du parachute ascensionnel ou encore du base-jump...
- Un formidable choix de véhicules : choisissez parmi plus d’une centaine de véhicules terrestres, marins et aériens aussi variés qu’excitants.
- Avalanche Engine™ : le paysage généré de manière progressive révèle un monde gigantesque, magnifique et détaillé tout en réduisant les temps de chargement.
- Une pléiade de missions : missions principales, missions secondaires, missions bonus et plus encore sont là pour assurer l’action dans toutes les îles.
- Une équipe de soutien : Sheldon et Kane, deux agents de terrain américains, vous procurent toutes les informations de reconnaissance et d’extraction dont vous avez besoin, ainsi que les emplacements des véhicules.
- Exploration aérienne : la meilleure façon d'explorer San Esperito est de s'envoler !
Jetzt erhältlich!
Über das Spiel
Ihre Welt … Ihre Regeln! In Just Cause schlüpfen Sie in die Rolle eines lateinamerikanischen Feldagenten, der im Auftrag einer streng geheimen Regierungsbehörde der USA den Sturz der korrupten Regierung von San Esperito vorbereitet. Es besteht der Verdacht, dass die südamerikanische Bananenrepublik Massenvernichtungswaffen entwickelt, und Sie müssen alles daran setzen, den Weltfrieden zu sichern. Dabei haben Sie einen entscheidenden Vorteil: Das tropische Inselparadies ist ein Pulverfass, auf dem verschiedene Gruppierungen um die Macht kämpfen. Sie müssen also nur die richtigen Impulse setzen.
In Just Cause bestimmen allein Sie, wie Sie Ihre Aufträge ausführen: spielen Sie die verschiedenen Gruppierungen gegeneinander aus, provozieren Sie eine Revolution, unterstützen Sie die Guerillas, oder machen Sie gemeinsame Sache mit berüchtigten Drogenkartellen. Schauplatz des Spiels ist eine unglaublich detaillierte Spielwelt mit über 100.000 Hektar Gebirgen, Urwäldern, Stränden, Städten und Dörfern. Erforschen Sie die Insel zu Land, zu Wasser und aus der Luft mithilfe des vielseitigsten und spektakulärsten Fuhrparks aller Zeiten.
- Freeform-Spiel: Sie können Missionen auf beliebige Weise angehen oder den Kampf abbrechen und die Inseln entdecken.
- Über 100.000 Hektar Land zu entdecken: die größte Umgebung, die es je in einem Spiel gab!
- Herausragende Stunts: von Fahrzeug zu Fahrzeug springen, Parasailing, Skydiving und Base Jumping…
- Umfassende Fahrzeugauswahl: über 100 der unterschiedlichsten und interessantesten Land-, Wasser- und Luftvehikel, die Sie je in einem Videospiel gesehen haben.
- Avalanche Engine™: eine speziell generierte Landschaft in einer riesigen, wunderschönen Welt mit vielen Details ohne Ladezeiten.
- Vielfältige Missionen: Hauptmissionen, Nebenmissionen, Bonusmissionen und viele mehr sorgen für reichlich Action auf den Inseln.
- Support-Team: Sheldon und Kane, zwei Geheimagenten der US-Regierung, versorgen Sie mit Geheimdienstberichten und Fahrzeugen.
- Fliegen: Die beste Art, San Esperito zu erkunden, ist aus der Luft!
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Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι
Your world...Your rules! In Just Cause, you are a Latin field operative and specialist in regime change backed by top secret US government agency who will overthrow the corrupt government of San Esperito. The rogue South American state is suspected of stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction, and it's your mission to negate the threat this poses to world peace. It could be to your advantage that the tropical paradise is about to implode as various factions vie for power - it just needs a gentle nudge in the right direction.
Just Cause offers the freedom to tackle your assignments however you want: playing the island's factions against one another, inciting a rebellion among the masses and building alliances with rebel forces and drug cartels. The action takes place in an incredibly detailed game world which consists of over 250,000 acres of mountains, jungles, beaches, cities and villages. The island can be explored by land, sea and air, as you will have at your disposal one of the most varied and exciting array of vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Freeform game-play: approach missions in any way you like, or break off from the fight and enjoy exploring the islands.
- Over 250K acres of land to explore: the largest environment ever seen in a game!
- Over-the-top Stunts: jump from vehicle-to-vehicle, parasail, skydive and base-jump...
- Massive selection of vehicles: over 100 of the most varied, exciting array of land, sea and air vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Avalanche Engine™: procedurally generated landscape delivers a huge, beautiful, detailed world while eliminating loading times.
- Wealth of missions: story missions, side-missions, bonus missions and many more; ensuring plenty of action spread throughout the islands.
- Support team: Sheldon and Kane, two US government secret agents, will provide you with reconnaissance info, extraction and vehicle drops.
- Fly: The best way to explore San Esperito is by air!
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A játékról:
A te világod... a te szabályaid!A Just Cause-ban egy a szigorúan titkos amerikai kormányügynökség által támogatott rezsimváltásban résztvevő ügynököt és specialistát alakítasz, aki meg fogja dönteni San Esperito korrupt kormányát. A dél-amerikai latorállam feltehetően tömegpusztító fegyvereket halmoz fel, és a te feladatod, hogy kiiktasd ezt a világbékét veszélyeztető fenyegetést. Előnyödre válhat, hogy a trópusi paradicsom az összeomlás szélén áll, ahogy a különböző csoportok a hatalomért viaskodnak - csak egy kis lökésre van szüksége a megfelelő irányba.
A Just Cause biztosítja a szabadságot, hogy úgy hajtsd végre feladataidat, ahogy akarod: játszd ki a szemben álló feleket egymás ellen, szíts felkelést a nép körében, vagy építs ki szövetséget lázadó erőkkel és drogkartellekkel. Az akció egy rendkívül részletes játék-világban játszódik, ami több mint 250 000 holdnyi hegyből, dzsungelból, tengerpartokból, városokból és falvakból áll. A szigeteket felfedezheted földön, vízen és a levegőből, mivel az eddig videojátékban soha nem látott, legkülönfélébb és legizgalmasabb járművek széles választéka áll rendelkezésedre.
- Kötetlen játékmenet: oldd meg a feladatokat úgy, ahogy neked tetszik, vagy szakíts a harccal és élvezd a sziget felfedezését.
- Több mint kétszázötvenezer holdnyi felfedezhető földterület: a legnagyobb környezet, amit valaha játékban megtalálható volt!
- Bámulatos merészségű mutatványok: járműről járműre ugrálás, siklóernyőzés, ejtőernyőzés és bázisugrás...
- Járművek hatalmas választéka: több mint 100 eddig játékban soha nem látott, legváltozatosabb és legizgalmasabb földi, tengeri, légi járművek hosszú sora.
- Avalanche Engine™: előrehaladás közbeni tájgenerálás, ami hatalmas, csodaszép, és részletes világot hoz létre a töltési idők teljes kiküszöbölésével.
- Rengeteg küldetés: történethez kapcsolódó küldetések, mellékküldetések, bónusz küldetések és még sok más; elegendő akció jut a szigetek minden részére.
- Támogató csapat: Sheldon és Kane, az amerikai kormány két titkos ügynöke fog ellátni az előzetes terepinformációkkal, találkozópontokkal és járműátvevő helyekkel.
- Repülés: San Esperito felfedezésének legjobb módja, ha a levegőből teszed!
Già disponibile!
Informazioni sul gioco
Your world...Your rules! In Just Cause, you are a Latin field operative and specialist in regime change backed by top secret US government agency who will overthrow the corrupt government of San Esperito. The rogue South American state is suspected of stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction, and it's your mission to negate the threat this poses to world peace. It could be to your advantage that the tropical paradise is about to implode as various factions vie for power - it just needs a gentle nudge in the right direction.
Just Cause offers the freedom to tackle your assignments however you want: playing the island's factions against one another, inciting a rebellion among the masses and building alliances with rebel forces and drug cartels. The action takes place in an incredibly detailed game world which consists of over 250,000 acres of mountains, jungles, beaches, cities and villages. The island can be explored by land, sea and air, as you will have at your disposal one of the most varied and exciting array of vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Freeform game-play: approach missions in any way you like, or break off from the fight and enjoy exploring the islands.
- Over 250K acres of land to explore: the largest environment ever seen in a game!
- Over-the-top Stunts: jump from vehicle-to-vehicle, parasail, skydive and base-jump...
- Massive selection of vehicles: over 100 of the most varied, exciting array of land, sea and air vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Avalanche Engine™: procedurally generated landscape delivers a huge, beautiful, detailed world while eliminating loading times.
- Wealth of missions: story missions, side-missions, bonus missions and many more; ensuring plenty of action spread throughout the islands.
- Support team: Sheldon and Kane, two US government secret agents, will provide you with reconnaissance info, extraction and vehicle drops.
- Fly: The best way to explore San Esperito is by air!
Out Now!
Your world...Your rules! In Just Cause, you are a Latin field operative and specialist in regime change backed by top secret US government agency who will overthrow the corrupt government of San Esperito. The rogue South American state is suspected of stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction, and it's your mission to negate the threat this poses to world peace. It could be to your advantage that the tropical paradise is about to implode as various factions vie for power - it just needs a gentle nudge in the right direction.
Just Cause offers the freedom to tackle your assignments however you want: playing the island's factions against one another, inciting a rebellion among the masses and building alliances with rebel forces and drug cartels. The action takes place in an incredibly detailed game world which consists of over 250,000 acres of mountains, jungles, beaches, cities and villages. The island can be explored by land, sea and air, as you will have at your disposal one of the most varied and exciting array of vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Freeform game-play: approach missions in any way you like, or break off from the fight and enjoy exploring the islands.
- Over 250K acres of land to explore: the largest environment ever seen in a game!
- Over-the-top Stunts: jump from vehicle-to-vehicle, parasail, skydive and base-jump...
- Massive selection of vehicles: over 100 of the most varied, exciting array of land, sea and air vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Avalanche Engine™: procedurally generated landscape delivers a huge, beautiful, detailed world while eliminating loading times.
- Wealth of missions: story missions, side-missions, bonus missions and many more; ensuring plenty of action spread throughout the islands.
- Support team: Sheldon and Kane, two US government secret agents, will provide you with reconnaissance info, extraction and vehicle drops.
- Fly: The best way to explore San Esperito is by air!
Out Now!
게임 정보
Your world...Your rules! In Just Cause, you are a Latin field operative and specialist in regime change backed by top secret US government agency who will overthrow the corrupt government of San Esperito. The rogue South American state is suspected of stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction, and it's your mission to negate the threat this poses to world peace. It could be to your advantage that the tropical paradise is about to implode as various factions vie for power - it just needs a gentle nudge in the right direction.
Just Cause offers the freedom to tackle your assignments however you want: playing the island's factions against one another, inciting a rebellion among the masses and building alliances with rebel forces and drug cartels. The action takes place in an incredibly detailed game world which consists of over 250,000 acres of mountains, jungles, beaches, cities and villages. The island can be explored by land, sea and air, as you will have at your disposal one of the most varied and exciting array of vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Freeform game-play: approach missions in any way you like, or break off from the fight and enjoy exploring the islands.
- Over 250K acres of land to explore: the largest environment ever seen in a game!
- Over-the-top Stunts: jump from vehicle-to-vehicle, parasail, skydive and base-jump...
- Massive selection of vehicles: over 100 of the most varied, exciting array of land, sea and air vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Avalanche Engine™: procedurally generated landscape delivers a huge, beautiful, detailed world while eliminating loading times.
- Wealth of missions: story missions, side-missions, bonus missions and many more; ensuring plenty of action spread throughout the islands.
- Support team: Sheldon and Kane, two US government secret agents, will provide you with reconnaissance info, extraction and vehicle drops.
- Fly: The best way to explore San Esperito is by air!
Out Now!
Om spillet
Din verden ... dine regler! I Just Cause er du en latinamerikansk feltarbeider som er spesialist på regimeendringer, og du arbeider for en topphemmelig amerikansk regjeringsetat som ønsker å styrte de korrupte myndighetene i San Esperito. Den korrupte sør-amerikanske staten er blitt mistenkt for lagring av masseødeleggelsesvåpen, og det er din jobb å fjerne trusselen som dette utgjør for verdensfreden. Det kan være til din fordel at dette tropiske paradiset er i ferd med å bryte sammen fordi ulike fraksjoner kjemper om makten. Konflikten trenger bare en liten dytt i riktig retning.
Just Cause gir deg friheten til å gjennomføre oppdragene slik du selv synes er best: Spill øyens fraksjoner opp mot hverandre, start et opprør blant befolkningen, og inngå allianser med opprørsstyrker og narkotikakartell. Handlingen finner sted i en svært detaljert spillverden, som består av over 250 000 kvadratkilometer med fjell, jungel, strender, byer og landsbyer. Øya kan utforskes fra land, fra sjøen og fra luften, og du kan benytte deg av et av de største utvalgene av transportmidler som noen gang har blitt inkludert i et videospill.
- Friformsspill: Tilnærme deg oppdragene slik du selv synes er best, eller ta en pause fra oppdraget og utforsk øyene.
- Over 250 000 kvadratkilometer å utforske: Det største miljøet som noen gang har vært inkludert i et spill!
- Overveldende stunt: Hopp fra kjøretøy til kjøretøy, bruk paraglider, hopp i fallskjerm, og foreta basehopp.
- Enormt utvalg i transportmidler: Over 100 av de mest avanserte og spennende transportmidlene til lands, sjøs og i luften som noen gang har blitt inkludert i et videospill.
- Avalanche Engine™: Prosedyregenerert landskap som gjengir en stor, nydelig og detaljert verden med minimal opplastingstid.
- Et utall oppdrag: Hovedoppdrag, deloppdrag, bonusoppdrag og mye mer. Du er sikret plenty med action på alle øyene.
- Supportteam: Sheldon og Kane, som er to amerikanske hemmelige agenter, forsyner deg med rekognoseringsinfo samt info om uttrekking og slipp av transportmidler.
- Fly: Den beste måten å utforske San Esperito på, er fra luften!
Out Now!
Informacje o grze
Your world...Your rules! In Just Cause, you are a Latin field operative and specialist in regime change backed by top secret US government agency who will overthrow the corrupt government of San Esperito. The rogue South American state is suspected of stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction, and it's your mission to negate the threat this poses to world peace. It could be to your advantage that the tropical paradise is about to implode as various factions vie for power - it just needs a gentle nudge in the right direction.
Just Cause offers the freedom to tackle your assignments however you want: playing the island's factions against one another, inciting a rebellion among the masses and building alliances with rebel forces and drug cartels. The action takes place in an incredibly detailed game world which consists of over 250,000 acres of mountains, jungles, beaches, cities and villages. The island can be explored by land, sea and air, as you will have at your disposal one of the most varied and exciting array of vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Freeform game-play: approach missions in any way you like, or break off from the fight and enjoy exploring the islands.
- Over 250K acres of land to explore: the largest environment ever seen in a game!
- Over-the-top Stunts: jump from vehicle-to-vehicle, parasail, skydive and base-jump...
- Massive selection of vehicles: over 100 of the most varied, exciting array of land, sea and air vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Avalanche Engine™: procedurally generated landscape delivers a huge, beautiful, detailed world while eliminating loading times.
- Wealth of missions: story missions, side-missions, bonus missions and many more; ensuring plenty of action spread throughout the islands.
- Support team: Sheldon and Kane, two US government secret agents, will provide you with reconnaissance info, extraction and vehicle drops.
- Fly: The best way to explore San Esperito is by air!
Out Now!
Acerca do Jogo
Your world...Your rules! In Just Cause, you are a Latin field operative and specialist in regime change backed by top secret US government agency who will overthrow the corrupt government of San Esperito. The rogue South American state is suspected of stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction, and it's your mission to negate the threat this poses to world peace. It could be to your advantage that the tropical paradise is about to implode as various factions vie for power - it just needs a gentle nudge in the right direction.
Just Cause offers the freedom to tackle your assignments however you want: playing the island's factions against one another, inciting a rebellion among the masses and building alliances with rebel forces and drug cartels. The action takes place in an incredibly detailed game world which consists of over 250,000 acres of mountains, jungles, beaches, cities and villages. The island can be explored by land, sea and air, as you will have at your disposal one of the most varied and exciting array of vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Freeform game-play: approach missions in any way you like, or break off from the fight and enjoy exploring the islands.
- Over 250K acres of land to explore: the largest environment ever seen in a game!
- Over-the-top Stunts: jump from vehicle-to-vehicle, parasail, skydive and base-jump...
- Massive selection of vehicles: over 100 of the most varied, exciting array of land, sea and air vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Avalanche Engine™: procedurally generated landscape delivers a huge, beautiful, detailed world while eliminating loading times.
- Wealth of missions: story missions, side-missions, bonus missions and many more; ensuring plenty of action spread throughout the islands.
- Support team: Sheldon and Kane, two US government secret agents, will provide you with reconnaissance info, extraction and vehicle drops.
- Fly: The best way to explore San Esperito is by air!
Out Now!
Despre joc
Your world...Your rules! In Just Cause, you are a Latin field operative and specialist in regime change backed by top secret US government agency who will overthrow the corrupt government of San Esperito. The rogue South American state is suspected of stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction, and it's your mission to negate the threat this poses to world peace. It could be to your advantage that the tropical paradise is about to implode as various factions vie for power - it just needs a gentle nudge in the right direction.
Just Cause offers the freedom to tackle your assignments however you want: playing the island's factions against one another, inciting a rebellion among the masses and building alliances with rebel forces and drug cartels. The action takes place in an incredibly detailed game world which consists of over 250,000 acres of mountains, jungles, beaches, cities and villages. The island can be explored by land, sea and air, as you will have at your disposal one of the most varied and exciting array of vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Freeform game-play: approach missions in any way you like, or break off from the fight and enjoy exploring the islands.
- Over 250K acres of land to explore: the largest environment ever seen in a game!
- Over-the-top Stunts: jump from vehicle-to-vehicle, parasail, skydive and base-jump...
- Massive selection of vehicles: over 100 of the most varied, exciting array of land, sea and air vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Avalanche Engine™: procedurally generated landscape delivers a huge, beautiful, detailed world while eliminating loading times.
- Wealth of missions: story missions, side-missions, bonus missions and many more; ensuring plenty of action spread throughout the islands.
- Support team: Sheldon and Kane, two US government secret agents, will provide you with reconnaissance info, extraction and vehicle drops.
- Fly: The best way to explore San Esperito is by air!
Уже в продаже!
Об игре
Твой мир… Твои правила! В Just Cause ты играешь за латиноамериканского оперативника, отправленного секретной правительственной организацией США в страну Сан-Эсперито для свержения коррупционного режима. Это государство, находящееся в Южной Америке, подозревается в создании оружия массового поражения, и твоя миссия заключается в восстановлении равновесия мировых сил. И в твоих же интересах попасть в этот тропический рай, так как множество фракций, которые борются за власть просто нуждаются в «джентльменском» толчке в правильном направлении.
Just Cause предлагает тебе свободный стиль прохождения. Занимайся, чем хочешь: настраивай фракции острова друг против друга, подстрекай народные массы на восстание, создавай союзы с силами повстанцев и наркокартелями. Действие игры разворачивается в детализированном мире, площадью более 1000 квадратных километров гор, джунглей, пляжей, городов и деревень. Ты можешь исследовать остров по земле, морю и воздуху, поскольку в твоем распоряжении находится огромное количество самых разнообразных транспортных средств, из когда-либо появлявшихся в видеоиграх.
- Полная свобода! Проходи миссии так, как хочется тебе. Или убеги от перестрелок и займись исследованием островов!
- Более 1000 квадратных километров земли, доступной для исследования: самая большая территория, из когда-либо представленных в играх!
- Умопомрачительные трюки: прыжки по автомобилям, парашютизм — скайдайвинг и бейсджампинг, и многие другие...
- Огромная подборка транспорта: более 100 самых захватывающих и разнообразных наземных, водных и воздушных транспортных средств, из когда-либо виденных в видеоиграх.
- Используемая технология Avalanche Engine™ позволяет создать огромный, красивый и детализированный мир.
- Изобилие миссий: сюжетные задания, сторонние поручения, бонусные миссии и многое другое; ты найдешь, чем заняться на каждом квадратном метре земли.
- Команда поддержки: Шелдон и Кейн — два правительственных секретных агента США — предоставят тебе разведывательную информацию, помощь и транспорт.
- Лети: лучший способ исследования Сан-Эсперито — по воздуху!
Out Now!
Your world...Your rules! In Just Cause, you are a Latin field operative and specialist in regime change backed by top secret US government agency who will overthrow the corrupt government of San Esperito. The rogue South American state is suspected of stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction, and it's your mission to negate the threat this poses to world peace. It could be to your advantage that the tropical paradise is about to implode as various factions vie for power - it just needs a gentle nudge in the right direction.
Just Cause offers the freedom to tackle your assignments however you want: playing the island's factions against one another, inciting a rebellion among the masses and building alliances with rebel forces and drug cartels. The action takes place in an incredibly detailed game world which consists of over 250,000 acres of mountains, jungles, beaches, cities and villages. The island can be explored by land, sea and air, as you will have at your disposal one of the most varied and exciting array of vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Freeform game-play: approach missions in any way you like, or break off from the fight and enjoy exploring the islands.
- Over 250K acres of land to explore: the largest environment ever seen in a game!
- Over-the-top Stunts: jump from vehicle-to-vehicle, parasail, skydive and base-jump...
- Massive selection of vehicles: over 100 of the most varied, exciting array of land, sea and air vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Avalanche Engine™: procedurally generated landscape delivers a huge, beautiful, detailed world while eliminating loading times.
- Wealth of missions: story missions, side-missions, bonus missions and many more; ensuring plenty of action spread throughout the islands.
- Support team: Sheldon and Kane, two US government secret agents, will provide you with reconnaissance info, extraction and vehicle drops.
- Fly: The best way to explore San Esperito is by air!
¡Ya disponible!
Acerca del juego
¡Es tu mundo y tú dictas las reglas! En Just Cause, eres un oficial de operaciones latino y un especialista en cambios de régimen apoyado por un departamento gubernamental estadounidense de alto secreto que trata de derrocar al corrupto gobierno de San Esperito. Se sospecha que este estado sudamericano está almacenando armas de destrucción masiva y tu misión consiste en eliminar la amenaza que supone para la paz mundial. El hecho de que este paraíso tropical esté a punto de desmoronarse debido a las luchas internas por el poder entre las distintas facciones puede beneficiarte, sólo tienes que dar un empujoncito hacia el lado que más te convenga.
En Just Cause tienes libertad para llevar a cabo tus misiones de la forma que quieras: enfrentar a las distintas facciones de la isla entre ellas, incitar a una rebelión de masas y crear alianzas con ejércitos rebeldes y cárteles dedicados al tráfico de drogas. La acción transcurre en un mundo increíblemente detallado que comprende más de 100.000 hectáreas de montañas, junglas, playas, ciudades y pueblos. Podrás explorar la isla por tierra, mar y aire, pues tendrás a tu disposición la más variada y emocionante colección de vehículos que se haya visto jamás en un videojuego.
- Juego totalmente libre: Enfoca las misiones de la forma que quieras o desmárcate de la lucha y disfruta explorando las islas
- Cerca de 100.000 hectáreas de terreno para explorar: ¡El mayor entorno jamás visto en un videojuego!
- Acrobacias que exceden el límite: Salta de un vehículo a otro, usa parapentes, tírate en paracaídas, realiza saltos base...
- Enorme selección de vehículos: Cerca de 100 de los más variados y excitantes vehículos terrestres, marinos y aéreos jamás vistos en un videojuego
- Motor gráfico Avalanche Engine™: El paisaje generado mediante procedimientos da lugar a un mundo inmenso, precioso y detallado eliminando los tiempos de carga
- Abundancia de misiones: Con las misiones de la historia, secundarias, de bonificación y muchas otras más, hay acción más que suficiente a lo largo de todas las islas
- Equipo de apoyo: Sheldon y Kane, dos agentes secretos del gobierno estadounidense, te proporcionarán información de reconocimiento, extracción y vehículos
- Vuela: ¡La mejor forma de explorar San Esperito es por el aire!
Out Now!
Om spelet
Din värld – dina regler! I Just Cause är du en latinamerikansk agent och specialist på regimbyten. Du får stöd från en hemlig amerikansk myndighet som vill störta den korrupta regeringen i San Esperito. Den korrupta sydamerikanska staten misstänks för att ha lagrat massförstörelsevapen, och det är ditt uppdrag att eliminera det här hotet mot världsfreden. Det kan vara till din fördel att det tropiska paradiset är i färd med att kollapsa inifrån på grund av att olika aktörer slåss om makten – det behövs bara en liten knuff i rätt riktning.
I Just Cause kan du utföra dina uppdrag hur du vill: spela ut öns olika grupper mot varandra, starta ett uppror bland folkmassorna och bygga allianser med rebellstyrkor och drogkarteller. Spelets action utspelas i en otroligt detaljerad värld som består av över 250 000 tunnland bergstrakter, djungelmiljöer, stränder, städer och byar. Ön kan utforskas på land, till sjöss och från luften, och till ditt förfogande har du ett av de bredaste fordonsutbuden någonsin i ett videospel.
- Spela efter egna önskemål: utför uppdrag på ditt sätt, eller lämna kampen och bege dig ut på strövtåg på öarna.
- Över 250 000 tunnland att utforska: den största miljön som någonsin beskådats i ett videospel!
- Överlägsna stunts: hoppa från fordon till fordon eller testa parasailing, fallskärmshoppning och base-hopp ...
- Stort fordonsurval: över 100 av de mest varierade, häftiga fordon för framfärd på land, till sjöss eller i luften som någonsin funnits i ett videospel.
- Avalanche Engine™: procedurmässigt skapade landskap som ger en enorm, vacker och detaljerad värld samtidigt som laddningstiderna eliminerats.
- En uppsjö av uppdrag: uppdrag i handlingen, sidouppdrag, bonusuppdrag och mycket mer. Action garanteras på alla öarna!
- Supportteam: Sheldon och Kane, två amerikanska regeringsagenter, ger dig spaningsinformation, var du hämtas och var fordonen lämnas.
- Flyga: Det bästa sättet att utforska San Esperito är från luften!
Out Now!
Your world...Your rules! In Just Cause, you are a Latin field operative and specialist in regime change backed by top secret US government agency who will overthrow the corrupt government of San Esperito. The rogue South American state is suspected of stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction, and it's your mission to negate the threat this poses to world peace. It could be to your advantage that the tropical paradise is about to implode as various factions vie for power - it just needs a gentle nudge in the right direction.
Just Cause offers the freedom to tackle your assignments however you want: playing the island's factions against one another, inciting a rebellion among the masses and building alliances with rebel forces and drug cartels. The action takes place in an incredibly detailed game world which consists of over 250,000 acres of mountains, jungles, beaches, cities and villages. The island can be explored by land, sea and air, as you will have at your disposal one of the most varied and exciting array of vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Freeform game-play: approach missions in any way you like, or break off from the fight and enjoy exploring the islands.
- Over 250K acres of land to explore: the largest environment ever seen in a game!
- Over-the-top Stunts: jump from vehicle-to-vehicle, parasail, skydive and base-jump...
- Massive selection of vehicles: over 100 of the most varied, exciting array of land, sea and air vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Avalanche Engine™: procedurally generated landscape delivers a huge, beautiful, detailed world while eliminating loading times.
- Wealth of missions: story missions, side-missions, bonus missions and many more; ensuring plenty of action spread throughout the islands.
- Support team: Sheldon and Kane, two US government secret agents, will provide you with reconnaissance info, extraction and vehicle drops.
- Fly: The best way to explore San Esperito is by air!
Out Now!
Your world...Your rules! In Just Cause, you are a Latin field operative and specialist in regime change backed by top secret US government agency who will overthrow the corrupt government of San Esperito. The rogue South American state is suspected of stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction, and it's your mission to negate the threat this poses to world peace. It could be to your advantage that the tropical paradise is about to implode as various factions vie for power - it just needs a gentle nudge in the right direction.
Just Cause offers the freedom to tackle your assignments however you want: playing the island's factions against one another, inciting a rebellion among the masses and building alliances with rebel forces and drug cartels. The action takes place in an incredibly detailed game world which consists of over 250,000 acres of mountains, jungles, beaches, cities and villages. The island can be explored by land, sea and air, as you will have at your disposal one of the most varied and exciting array of vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Freeform game-play: approach missions in any way you like, or break off from the fight and enjoy exploring the islands.
- Over 250K acres of land to explore: the largest environment ever seen in a game!
- Over-the-top Stunts: jump from vehicle-to-vehicle, parasail, skydive and base-jump...
- Massive selection of vehicles: over 100 of the most varied, exciting array of land, sea and air vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Avalanche Engine™: procedurally generated landscape delivers a huge, beautiful, detailed world while eliminating loading times.
- Wealth of missions: story missions, side-missions, bonus missions and many more; ensuring plenty of action spread throughout the islands.
- Support team: Sheldon and Kane, two US government secret agents, will provide you with reconnaissance info, extraction and vehicle drops.
- Fly: The best way to explore San Esperito is by air!
Out Now!
Oyun Açıklaması
Your world...Your rules! In Just Cause, you are a Latin field operative and specialist in regime change backed by top secret US government agency who will overthrow the corrupt government of San Esperito. The rogue South American state is suspected of stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction, and it's your mission to negate the threat this poses to world peace. It could be to your advantage that the tropical paradise is about to implode as various factions vie for power - it just needs a gentle nudge in the right direction.
Just Cause offers the freedom to tackle your assignments however you want: playing the island's factions against one another, inciting a rebellion among the masses and building alliances with rebel forces and drug cartels. The action takes place in an incredibly detailed game world which consists of over 250,000 acres of mountains, jungles, beaches, cities and villages. The island can be explored by land, sea and air, as you will have at your disposal one of the most varied and exciting array of vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Freeform game-play: approach missions in any way you like, or break off from the fight and enjoy exploring the islands.
- Over 250K acres of land to explore: the largest environment ever seen in a game!
- Over-the-top Stunts: jump from vehicle-to-vehicle, parasail, skydive and base-jump...
- Massive selection of vehicles: over 100 of the most varied, exciting array of land, sea and air vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Avalanche Engine™: procedurally generated landscape delivers a huge, beautiful, detailed world while eliminating loading times.
- Wealth of missions: story missions, side-missions, bonus missions and many more; ensuring plenty of action spread throughout the islands.
- Support team: Sheldon and Kane, two US government secret agents, will provide you with reconnaissance info, extraction and vehicle drops.
- Fly: The best way to explore San Esperito is by air!
Out Now!
Про гру
Your world...Your rules! In Just Cause, you are a Latin field operative and specialist in regime change backed by top secret US government agency who will overthrow the corrupt government of San Esperito. The rogue South American state is suspected of stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction, and it's your mission to negate the threat this poses to world peace. It could be to your advantage that the tropical paradise is about to implode as various factions vie for power - it just needs a gentle nudge in the right direction.
Just Cause offers the freedom to tackle your assignments however you want: playing the island's factions against one another, inciting a rebellion among the masses and building alliances with rebel forces and drug cartels. The action takes place in an incredibly detailed game world which consists of over 250,000 acres of mountains, jungles, beaches, cities and villages. The island can be explored by land, sea and air, as you will have at your disposal one of the most varied and exciting array of vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Freeform game-play: approach missions in any way you like, or break off from the fight and enjoy exploring the islands.
- Over 250K acres of land to explore: the largest environment ever seen in a game!
- Over-the-top Stunts: jump from vehicle-to-vehicle, parasail, skydive and base-jump...
- Massive selection of vehicles: over 100 of the most varied, exciting array of land, sea and air vehicles ever seen in a video game.
- Avalanche Engine™: procedurally generated landscape delivers a huge, beautiful, detailed world while eliminating loading times.
- Wealth of missions: story missions, side-missions, bonus missions and many more; ensuring plenty of action spread throughout the islands.
- Support team: Sheldon and Kane, two US government secret agents, will provide you with reconnaissance info, extraction and vehicle drops.
- Fly: The best way to explore San Esperito is by air!
System Requirements