Life is Strange: Before the Storm disponível agora para macOS e Linux.

Jogue grátis

Reviews & Accolades
A lovingly crafted retread of a world we remember so fondly - Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"Quietly affecting as ever" - GamesRadar+
Episódio Bônus "Despedida" já disponível

Reviva a amizade de infância de Max e Chloe no episódio bônus de Life is Strange Before the Storm: Despedida. Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle interpretam novamente as duas amigas em uma emocionante e nostálgica viagem no tempo.
O Episódio Bônus "Despedida" faz parte da Edição Deluxe de Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete Season Out Now!

Edição digital de luxo

A Edição Deluxe contém:
- O jogo principal (episódios 1 a 3)
- Episódio de bônus: "Despedida" - jogue uma última vez como a jovem Max Caulfield em um episódio especial de bônus... (O episódio de bônus estará disponível depois do lançamento do Episódio 3).
- Novo modo exclusivo: Mixtape – Crie sua própria playlist com as músicas licenciadas de Life is Strange e escute-as durante uma cena cinemática do jogo.
- Pacote de trajes exclusivos - Mude o visual da Chloe com três novos conjuntos completos. Inclui os trajes Cervo Punk, Homem Cachorro-Quente e Illuminati.
O episódio extra "Despedida" será lançado após o episódio 3 de Life is Strange: Before the Storm.
Sobre o jogo

Life is Strange: Before the Storm é uma nova história independente, dividida em três partes, que se passa três anos antes do primeiro jogo desta franquia vencedora do prêmio BAFTA.
Você joga com Chloe Price, uma jovem de 16 anos que faz uma amizade inesperada com Rachel Amber, uma garota bonita e popular destinada ao sucesso.
Quando Rachel descobre um segredo familiar que ameaça destruir o mundo dela, é a nova amizade com Chloe que dá forças para ela seguir em frente.
Agora juntas, as garotas precisam confrontar os demônios uma da outra e encontrar uma forma de superá-los.
- Aventura narrativa influenciada por escolhas e consequências
- Finais alternativos que variam de acordo com suas decisões
- Sistema de "Bate-boca" - Um modo de conversa por risco/consequência que permite a Chloe usar sua língua afiada para provocar ou convencer
- Deixe sua marca no mundo com pichações e desenhos sarcásticos
- Escolha as roupas de Chloe e veja como as pessoas reagem
- Trilha sonora marcante, com músicas indie licenciadas, e tema original de Daughter

Life is Strange: Before the Storm out now for macOS and Linux.

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Reviews & Accolades
“Life is Strange Before the Storm is Brilliant“ - Eurogamer
“near-flawless end to the impactful, heartfelt prequel” 5/5 - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
"a worthwhile prequel that expands on its universe" 4/5 Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"a truly memorable experience." 4/5 - Express
"Funny, touching, and irresistibly earnest" 8/10 - Metro
Bonus Episode 'Farewell' out now

Experience Max and Chloe’s childhood friendship in Farewell the bonus episode to Life is Strange Before the Storm. Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle reprise their roles in an emotional and nostalgic trip down memory lane.
'Farewell' Bonus Episode is available as part of the Deluxe Edition of Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete Season Out Now!

Луксозно дигитално издание

Deluxe Edition contains:
- The main game (Episodes 1-3)
- Bonus Episode: ‘Farewell’ - play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode...
- Exclusive New Mixtape Mode – Design your own playlist from the Life is Strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.
- Exclusive outfit pack - Change up Chloe's look with three new complete outfits. Includes Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man & Illuminati outfits.
The bonus episode ‘Farewell’ will release after Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 3
Относно играта

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new three part; standalone adventure set three years before the first game in the BAFTA award-winning franchise.
You play as sixteen-year old Chloe Price who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success.
When Rachel learns a secret about her family that threatens to destroy her world, it is her newfound friendship with Chloe that gives her the strength to carry on.
No longer alone the girls must confront each other's demons and together, find a way to overcome them.
- Choice and consequence driven narrative adventure
- Multiple endings depending on the choices you make
- ‘Backtalk’ - A risk/reward conversation mode that allows Chloe to use her barbed tongue to provoke or get her way
- Make your mark on the world with witty tags and drawings
- Choose Chloe’s outfit and see how people react to your look
- Distinct Licensed indie soundtrack & original score by Daughter

Life is Strange: Before the Storm out now for macOS and Linux.

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Reviews & Accolades
“Life is Strange Before the Storm is Brilliant“ - Eurogamer
“near-flawless end to the impactful, heartfelt prequel” 5/5 - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
"a worthwhile prequel that expands on its universe" 4/5 Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"a truly memorable experience." 4/5 - Express
"Funny, touching, and irresistibly earnest" 8/10 - Metro
Bonus Episode 'Farewell' out now

Experience Max and Chloe’s childhood friendship in Farewell the bonus episode to Life is Strange Before the Storm. Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle reprise their roles in an emotional and nostalgic trip down memory lane.
'Farewell' Bonus Episode is available as part of the Deluxe Edition of Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete Season Out Now!

Digitální luxusní edice

Deluxe Edition contains:
- The main game (Episodes 1-3)
- Bonus Episode: ‘Farewell’ - play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode...
- Exclusive New Mixtape Mode – Design your own playlist from the Life is Strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.
- Exclusive outfit pack - Change up Chloe's look with three new complete outfits. Includes Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man & Illuminati outfits.
The bonus episode ‘Farewell’ will release after Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 3
O hře

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new three part; standalone adventure set three years before the first game in the BAFTA award-winning franchise.
You play as sixteen-year old Chloe Price who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success.
When Rachel learns a secret about her family that threatens to destroy her world, it is her newfound friendship with Chloe that gives her the strength to carry on.
No longer alone the girls must confront each other's demons and together, find a way to overcome them.
- Choice and consequence driven narrative adventure
- Multiple endings depending on the choices you make
- ‘Backtalk’ - A risk/reward conversation mode that allows Chloe to use her barbed tongue to provoke or get her way
- Make your mark on the world with witty tags and drawings
- Choose Chloe’s outfit and see how people react to your look
- Distinct Licensed indie soundtrack & original score by Daughter

Life is Strange: Before the Storm out now for macOS and Linux.

Play Free

Reviews & Accolades
“Life is Strange Before the Storm is Brilliant“ - Eurogamer
“near-flawless end to the impactful, heartfelt prequel” 5/5 - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
"a worthwhile prequel that expands on its universe" 4/5 Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"a truly memorable experience." 4/5 - Express
"Funny, touching, and irresistibly earnest" 8/10 - Metro
Bonus Episode 'Farewell' out now

Experience Max and Chloe’s childhood friendship in Farewell the bonus episode to Life is Strange Before the Storm. Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle reprise their roles in an emotional and nostalgic trip down memory lane.
'Farewell' Bonus Episode is available as part of the Deluxe Edition of Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete Season Out Now!

Digital Deluxe Edition

Deluxe Edition contains:
- The main game (Episodes 1-3)
- Bonus Episode: ‘Farewell’ - play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode...
- Exclusive New Mixtape Mode – Design your own playlist from the Life is Strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.
- Exclusive outfit pack - Change up Chloe's look with three new complete outfits. Includes Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man & Illuminati outfits.
The bonus episode ‘Farewell’ will release after Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 3
Om spillet

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new three part; standalone adventure set three years before the first game in the BAFTA award-winning franchise.
You play as sixteen-year old Chloe Price who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success.
When Rachel learns a secret about her family that threatens to destroy her world, it is her newfound friendship with Chloe that gives her the strength to carry on.
No longer alone the girls must confront each other's demons and together, find a way to overcome them.
- Choice and consequence driven narrative adventure
- Multiple endings depending on the choices you make
- ‘Backtalk’ - A risk/reward conversation mode that allows Chloe to use her barbed tongue to provoke or get her way
- Make your mark on the world with witty tags and drawings
- Choose Chloe’s outfit and see how people react to your look
- Distinct Licensed indie soundtrack & original score by Daughter

Life is Strange: Before the Storm out now for macOS and Linux.

Play Free

Reviews & Accolades
“Life is Strange Before the Storm is Brilliant“ - Eurogamer
“near-flawless end to the impactful, heartfelt prequel” 5/5 - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
"a worthwhile prequel that expands on its universe" 4/5 Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"a truly memorable experience." 4/5 - Express
"Funny, touching, and irresistibly earnest" 8/10 - Metro
Bonus Episode 'Farewell' out now

Experience Max and Chloe’s childhood friendship in Farewell the bonus episode to Life is Strange Before the Storm. Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle reprise their roles in an emotional and nostalgic trip down memory lane.
'Farewell' Bonus Episode is available as part of the Deluxe Edition of Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete Season Out Now!

Luxe digitale editie

Deluxe Edition contains:
- The main game (Episodes 1-3)
- Bonus Episode: ‘Farewell’ - play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode...
- Exclusive New Mixtape Mode – Design your own playlist from the Life is Strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.
- Exclusive outfit pack - Change up Chloe's look with three new complete outfits. Includes Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man & Illuminati outfits.
The bonus episode ‘Farewell’ will release after Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 3
Info over het spel

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new three part; standalone adventure set three years before the first game in the BAFTA award-winning franchise.
You play as sixteen-year old Chloe Price who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success.
When Rachel learns a secret about her family that threatens to destroy her world, it is her newfound friendship with Chloe that gives her the strength to carry on.
No longer alone the girls must confront each other's demons and together, find a way to overcome them.
- Choice and consequence driven narrative adventure
- Multiple endings depending on the choices you make
- ‘Backtalk’ - A risk/reward conversation mode that allows Chloe to use her barbed tongue to provoke or get her way
- Make your mark on the world with witty tags and drawings
- Choose Chloe’s outfit and see how people react to your look
- Distinct Licensed indie soundtrack & original score by Daughter

Life is Strange: Before the Storm out now for macOS and Linux.

Play Free

Reviews & Accolades
“Life is Strange Before the Storm is Brilliant“ - Eurogamer
“near-flawless end to the impactful, heartfelt prequel” 5/5 - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
"a worthwhile prequel that expands on its universe" 4/5 Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"a truly memorable experience." 4/5 - Express
"Funny, touching, and irresistibly earnest" 8/10 - Metro
Bonus Episode 'Farewell' out now

Experience Max and Chloe’s childhood friendship in Farewell the bonus episode to Life is Strange Before the Storm. Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle reprise their roles in an emotional and nostalgic trip down memory lane.
'Farewell' Bonus Episode is available as part of the Deluxe Edition of Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete Season Out Now!

Digital Deluxe Edition

Deluxe Edition contains:
- The main game (Episodes 1-3)
- Bonus Episode: ‘Farewell’ - play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode...
- Exclusive New Mixtape Mode – Design your own playlist from the Life is Strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.
- Exclusive outfit pack - Change up Chloe's look with three new complete outfits. Includes Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man & Illuminati outfits.
The bonus episode ‘Farewell’ will release after Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 3
About the Game

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new three part; standalone adventure set three years before the first game in the BAFTA award-winning franchise.
You play as sixteen-year old Chloe Price who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success.
When Rachel learns a secret about her family that threatens to destroy her world, it is her newfound friendship with Chloe that gives her the strength to carry on.
No longer alone the girls must confront each other's demons and together, find a way to overcome them.
- Choice and consequence driven narrative adventure
- Multiple endings depending on the choices you make
- ‘Backtalk’ - A risk/reward conversation mode that allows Chloe to use her barbed tongue to provoke or get her way
- Make your mark on the world with witty tags and drawings
- Choose Chloe’s outfit and see how people react to your look
- Distinct Licensed indie soundtrack & original score by Daughter

Life is Strange: Before the Storm out now for macOS and Linux.

Play Free

Reviews & Accolades
“Life is Strange Before the Storm is Brilliant“ - Eurogamer
“near-flawless end to the impactful, heartfelt prequel” 5/5 - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
"a worthwhile prequel that expands on its universe" 4/5 Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"a truly memorable experience." 4/5 - Express
"Funny, touching, and irresistibly earnest" 8/10 - Metro
Bonus Episode 'Farewell' out now

Experience Max and Chloe’s childhood friendship in Farewell the bonus episode to Life is Strange Before the Storm. Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle reprise their roles in an emotional and nostalgic trip down memory lane.
'Farewell' Bonus Episode is available as part of the Deluxe Edition of Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete Season Out Now!

Digital Deluxe Edition

Deluxe Edition contains:
- The main game (Episodes 1-3)
- Bonus Episode: ‘Farewell’ - play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode...
- Exclusive New Mixtape Mode – Design your own playlist from the Life is Strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.
- Exclusive outfit pack - Change up Chloe's look with three new complete outfits. Includes Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man & Illuminati outfits.
The bonus episode ‘Farewell’ will release after Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 3
Tietoa pelistä

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new three part; standalone adventure set three years before the first game in the BAFTA award-winning franchise.
You play as sixteen-year old Chloe Price who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success.
When Rachel learns a secret about her family that threatens to destroy her world, it is her newfound friendship with Chloe that gives her the strength to carry on.
No longer alone the girls must confront each other's demons and together, find a way to overcome them.
- Choice and consequence driven narrative adventure
- Multiple endings depending on the choices you make
- ‘Backtalk’ - A risk/reward conversation mode that allows Chloe to use her barbed tongue to provoke or get her way
- Make your mark on the world with witty tags and drawings
- Choose Chloe’s outfit and see how people react to your look
- Distinct Licensed indie soundtrack & original score by Daughter

Life is Strange: Before the Storm est désormais disponible sur macOS & Linux.

Jouer gratuitement

Reviews & Accolades
« Une atmosphère envoûtante et des personnages attachants. » - Gameblog
"L'univers est respecté de A à Z" - GamerGen:com
"On en frémit déjà » - Les Inrocks
Épisode bonus « Adieux » disponible

Explorez l’amitié qui unit Max et Chloe dans « Adieux », l’épisode bonus de Life is Strange: Before the Storm. Ashly Burch et Hannah Telle reprennent leurs rôles dans ce voyage dans le passé rempli d’émotion et de nostalgie.
L'épisode bonus « Adieux » est compris dans l'Édition Deluxe de Life is Strange: Before the Storm.
Complete Season Out Now!

Édition numérique de luxe

L’Édition Deluxe contient :
- Le jeu principal (épisodes 1-3)
- Épisode bonus « Adieux » : incarnez la jeune Max Caulfield une dernière fois dans cet épisode bonus spécial.
- Mode Compil exclusif : créez votre propre playlist à partir de la bande originale de Life is Strange et écoutez-la en regardant une cinématique du jeu.
- Un pack de vêtements supplémentaires pour Chloe, comprenant les tenues Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man et Illuminati.
L'épisode bonus « Adieux » sortira après le troisième épisode de Life is Strange: Before the Storm.
À propos du jeu

Life is Strange: Before the Storm est une aventure complète en trois parties, se déroulant trois ans avant les évènements survenus dans le premier opus récompensé et encensé par la critique.
Vous incarnez Chloe Price, une adolescente de 16 ans qui noue une amitié inattendue avec Rachel Amber, une jeune fille belle, populaire et promise à un avenir radieux.
Alors qu’un secret de famille menace de faire voler en éclats l’univers de Rachel, sa toute nouvelle amitié avec Chloe lui donnera la force d’avancer.
Les deux adolescentes devront faire face à leurs démons et, ensemble, trouver le moyen de les vaincre.
- Une aventure narrative dans laquelle vos choix ont des conséquences.
- Plusieurs fins selon les décisions prises au cours du jeu.
- « Insolence » : un mode de conversation qui permet à Chloe d’utiliser sa langue acérée pour provoquer ou faire fléchir son interlocuteur, à vos risques et périls.
- Laissez votre empreinte sur le monde qui vous entoure avec vos tags et dessins incisifs.
- Choisissez la tenue de Chloe et voyez comment votre entourage réagit à votre look.
- Musique indie licenciée unique et bande originale interprétée par Daughter.

Life is Strange: Before the Storm ist jetzt für macOS & Linux erhältlich.

Gratis spielen

Reviews & Accolades
„Sehr gelungener Auftakt zum Prequel“ - PC Games
„Before the Storm ist berührend und mitreißend.“ - Gameflavour
Wer Life is Strange bislang mochte, für den ist Before the Storm ein absoluter Pflichtkauf - Playfront
“Verspricht, eine emotionale Coming-of-Age-Story zu werden!” - Computerbildspiele:de
“Die Stimmung erinnert sehr an Teil 1 der Serie” - Golem:de
„Setzt genau das fort, was "Life is Strange" so wundervoll gemacht hat” - Spiegel:de
„Life is Strange“ gehört zu den besten Erzählspielen überhaupt“ - Bild:de
„Eine emotionale Achterbahnfahrt“ - GIGA
Bonus-Episode „Lebewohl“ jetzt verfügbar

Erlebe die Freundschaft von Max und Chloe aus Kindheitstagen in Lebewohl, der Bonus-Episode zu Life is Strange: Before the Storm. Ashly Burch und Hannah Telle kehren in diesem emotionalen und nostalgischen Trip in die Vergangenheit für ihre Rollen als Chloe und Max zurück.
Die Bonus-Episode „Lebewohl“ ist als der Teil der Deluxe Edition von Life is Strange: Before the Storm erhältlich.
Complete Season Out Now!

Digitale Deluxe-Edition

Die Deluxe Edition enthält:
- Das Spiel (Episoden 1-3)
- Bonusepisode „Lebewohl“ - Spiele ein letztes Mal als junge Max Caulfield in einer besonderen Bonusepisode
- Exklusiver, neuer Mixtape-Modus – Erstelle deine eigene Playlist aus dem lizenzierten Life is Strange-Soundtrack und höre sie dir in einer kinoreifen Szene im Spiel an
- Exklusives Outfit-Pack - Verändere Chloes Stil mit drei ganz neuen Outfits, eingeschlossen Punk Doe-, Hawt Dawg- & Illuminati-Outfits
Die Bonusepisode „Lebewohl“ wird nach Episode 3 von Life is Strange: Before the Storm veröffentlicht.
Über das Spiel

Life is Strange: Before the Storm ist ein neues, eigenständiges Abenteuer in drei Episoden, das drei Jahre vor dem ersten Spiel des preisgekrönten Franchise spielt.
Du spielst die sechszehnjährige Chloe Price, die eine ungewöhnliche Freundschaft mit Rachel Amber schließt, einem hübschen und beliebten Mädchen, das für den Erfolg bestimmt ist.
Als Rachel von einem Geheimnis erfährt, das ihre Welt zu zerstören droht, gibt die neugefundene Freundschaft zu Chloe ihr die Kraft, weiterzumachen.
Nicht länger allein, müssen die beiden Mädchen sich ihren Dämonen stellen und zusammen einen Weg finden, diese zu besiegen.
- Entscheidungen und Konsequenzen treiben die Erzählung des Abenteuers an
- Mehrere Enden, abhängig von den Entscheidungen, die du getroffen hast
- „Widerworte“ – Ein Risiko-/Belohnungs-Modus in Gesprächen, in dem Chloe ihre spitze Zunge benutzen kann, um zu provozieren oder sich durchzusetzen
- Setze dein Zeichen in der Welt mit Graffitis und Tags
- Wechsle deine Outfits im Spiel und sieh, wie deine Umgebung darauf reagiert
- Lizenzierter Indie-Soundtrack und Originalmusik von Daughter

Life is Strange: Before the Storm out now for macOS and Linux.

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Reviews & Accolades
“Life is Strange Before the Storm is Brilliant“ - Eurogamer
“near-flawless end to the impactful, heartfelt prequel” 5/5 - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
"a worthwhile prequel that expands on its universe" 4/5 Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"a truly memorable experience." 4/5 - Express
"Funny, touching, and irresistibly earnest" 8/10 - Metro
Bonus Episode 'Farewell' out now

Experience Max and Chloe’s childhood friendship in Farewell the bonus episode to Life is Strange Before the Storm. Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle reprise their roles in an emotional and nostalgic trip down memory lane.
'Farewell' Bonus Episode is available as part of the Deluxe Edition of Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete Season Out Now!

Ψηφιακή πολυτελής έκδοση

Deluxe Edition contains:
- The main game (Episodes 1-3)
- Bonus Episode: ‘Farewell’ - play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode...
- Exclusive New Mixtape Mode – Design your own playlist from the Life is Strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.
- Exclusive outfit pack - Change up Chloe's look with three new complete outfits. Includes Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man & Illuminati outfits.
The bonus episode ‘Farewell’ will release after Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 3
Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new three part; standalone adventure set three years before the first game in the BAFTA award-winning franchise.
You play as sixteen-year old Chloe Price who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success.
When Rachel learns a secret about her family that threatens to destroy her world, it is her newfound friendship with Chloe that gives her the strength to carry on.
No longer alone the girls must confront each other's demons and together, find a way to overcome them.
- Choice and consequence driven narrative adventure
- Multiple endings depending on the choices you make
- ‘Backtalk’ - A risk/reward conversation mode that allows Chloe to use her barbed tongue to provoke or get her way
- Make your mark on the world with witty tags and drawings
- Choose Chloe’s outfit and see how people react to your look
- Distinct Licensed indie soundtrack & original score by Daughter

Life is Strange: Before the Storm out now for macOS and Linux.

Play Free

Reviews & Accolades
“Life is Strange Before the Storm is Brilliant“ - Eurogamer
“near-flawless end to the impactful, heartfelt prequel” 5/5 - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
"a worthwhile prequel that expands on its universe" 4/5 Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"a truly memorable experience." 4/5 - Express
"Funny, touching, and irresistibly earnest" 8/10 - Metro
Bonus Episode 'Farewell' out now

Experience Max and Chloe’s childhood friendship in Farewell the bonus episode to Life is Strange Before the Storm. Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle reprise their roles in an emotional and nostalgic trip down memory lane.
'Farewell' Bonus Episode is available as part of the Deluxe Edition of Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete Season Out Now!

Digital Deluxe kiadás

Deluxe Edition contains:
- The main game (Episodes 1-3)
- Bonus Episode: ‘Farewell’ - play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode...
- Exclusive New Mixtape Mode – Design your own playlist from the Life is Strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.
- Exclusive outfit pack - Change up Chloe's look with three new complete outfits. Includes Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man & Illuminati outfits.
The bonus episode ‘Farewell’ will release after Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 3
A játékról:

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new three part; standalone adventure set three years before the first game in the BAFTA award-winning franchise.
You play as sixteen-year old Chloe Price who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success.
When Rachel learns a secret about her family that threatens to destroy her world, it is her newfound friendship with Chloe that gives her the strength to carry on.
No longer alone the girls must confront each other's demons and together, find a way to overcome them.
- Choice and consequence driven narrative adventure
- Multiple endings depending on the choices you make
- ‘Backtalk’ - A risk/reward conversation mode that allows Chloe to use her barbed tongue to provoke or get her way
- Make your mark on the world with witty tags and drawings
- Choose Chloe’s outfit and see how people react to your look
- Distinct Licensed indie soundtrack & original score by Daughter

Life is Strange: Before the Storm è disponibile ora per macOS & Linux.

Gioca gratis

Reviews & Accolades
"Ancora più umano e straziante" - GameSoul:it
"Il prequel che i fan aspettavano" - IGN Italia
"Un prequel intenso e coinvolgente" - Everyeye:it
8/10 "Un'ottima ripartenza per la serie” - Multiplayer:it
“Evocativo e potente” - La Stampa
È uscito l'Episodio bonus "Addio"

Scopri l'amicizia che ha segnato l'infanzia di Max e Chloe nell'episodio bonus di Life is Strange: Before the Storm. Ashly Burch e Hannah Telle prestano di nuovo le loro voci alle protagoniste in un episodio emozionante, nostalgico e pieno di ricordi.
L'episodio bonus "Addio" è disponibile con la Deluxe Edition di Life is Strange: Before the Storm.
Complete Season Out Now!

Edizione deluxe digitale

La Deluxe Edition include:
- Gioco principale (Episodi 1-3)
- Episodio bonus "Addio": gioca per un'ultima volta nei panni di Max Caulfield in un episodio speciale
- Nuova modalità esclusiva "Compilation": crea la tua playlist personale della colonna sonora ufficiale di Life is Strange e ascoltala guardando un filmato di gioco
- Pacchetto esclusivo di abiti per Chloe. Include i completi: Cerva punk, Omino hot dog e Illuminati
L'episodio bonus "Addio" uscirà dopo il terzo episodio di Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Informazioni sul gioco

Life is Strange: Before the Storm è una nuova avventura stand-alone in tre parti ambientata tre anni prima delle vicende del primo titolo della serie vincitrice di un premio BAFTA.
Giocherai nei panni di una Chloe Price sedicenne nel momento in cui diventa amica di Rachel Amber, una ragazza bellissima, estremamente popolare e destinata al successo.
Quando Rachel scopre un segreto sulla sua famiglia che minaccia di distruggere il suo mondo, è la sua nuova amicizia con Chloe che le dà la forza di andare avanti.
Insieme, le ragazze dovranno affrontare i loro demoni e trovare un modo per vincerli.
- Scelte e conseguenze influenzano la narrazione;
- Finali multipli che dipendono delle scelte effettuate;
- “Insolenza”: una modalità di conversazione rischio/ricompensa in cui Chloe usa la sua lingua affilata per provocare o cercare di ottenere ciò che vuole;
- Lascia il tuo segno nel mondo con graffiti ingegnosi;
- Scegli gli abiti di Chloe e osserva le reazioni della gente;
- Colonna sonora originale indie e musiche originali di Daughter.

「Life is Strange: Before the Storm」がmacOSとLinuxに登場。

Play Free

Reviews & Accolades
“Life is Strange Before the Storm is Brilliant“ - Eurogamer
“near-flawless end to the impactful, heartfelt prequel” 5/5 - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
"a worthwhile prequel that expands on its universe" 4/5 Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"a truly memorable experience." 4/5 - Express
"Funny, touching, and irresistibly earnest" 8/10 - Metro
Bonus Episode 'Farewell' out now

本ボーナスエピソードは『Life is Strange: Before the Storm』のDeluxe Editionに含まれています
Complete Season Out Now!


Deluxe Edition の内容:
- ゲーム本編(エピソード1-3)
- ボーナスエピソード Farewel(さよなら)- マックスとクロエの時間をもう一度だけ。前作の主人公となって楽しかった二人の子供時代を体験できるボーナスエピソード。
- ミックステープ・モード - プレイリストも作成可能なゲーム内サウンドトラック。
- アウトフィット・パック - 主人公クロエの外見を変える服装パック。

『ライフ イズ ストレンジ ビフォア ザ ストーム』は、プレイヤーの選択によって物語の内容が変化するアドベンチャーゲームです。
主人公は16 歳の不良少女クロエ。父親を亡くし、世の中のすべてに嫌気がさしている彼女と、同級生レイチェル・アンバーとの切ない青春の物語が、
- 選択肢によって物語が変化するアドベンチャー
- 行動と選択次第で変わるマルチエンディング
- 相手に論戦を仕掛ける「バックトーク」 - 言葉の揚げ足をとって、相手を言い負かそう。ただし、それがいい結果につながるとは限りません…
- 得意の落書きで世界に傷跡を残そう
- 服装を変えると、会話の内容が変わることも
- ゲームを彩るライフ イズ ストレンジならではのインディーミュージック

Life is Strange: Before the Storm out now for macOS and Linux.

Play Free

Reviews & Accolades
“Life is Strange Before the Storm is Brilliant“ - Eurogamer
“near-flawless end to the impactful, heartfelt prequel” 5/5 - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
"a worthwhile prequel that expands on its universe" 4/5 Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"a truly memorable experience." 4/5 - Express
"Funny, touching, and irresistibly earnest" 8/10 - Metro
Bonus Episode 'Farewell' out now

Experience Max and Chloe’s childhood friendship in Farewell the bonus episode to Life is Strange Before the Storm. Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle reprise their roles in an emotional and nostalgic trip down memory lane.
'Farewell' Bonus Episode is available as part of the Deluxe Edition of Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete Season Out Now!

디지털 디럭스 에디션

Deluxe Edition contains:
- The main game (Episodes 1-3)
- Bonus Episode: ‘Farewell’ - play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode...
- Exclusive New Mixtape Mode – Design your own playlist from the Life is Strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.
- Exclusive outfit pack - Change up Chloe's look with three new complete outfits. Includes Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man & Illuminati outfits.
The bonus episode ‘Farewell’ will release after Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 3
게임 정보

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new three part; standalone adventure set three years before the first game in the BAFTA award-winning franchise.
You play as sixteen-year old Chloe Price who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success.
When Rachel learns a secret about her family that threatens to destroy her world, it is her newfound friendship with Chloe that gives her the strength to carry on.
No longer alone the girls must confront each other's demons and together, find a way to overcome them.
- Choice and consequence driven narrative adventure
- Multiple endings depending on the choices you make
- ‘Backtalk’ - A risk/reward conversation mode that allows Chloe to use her barbed tongue to provoke or get her way
- Make your mark on the world with witty tags and drawings
- Choose Chloe’s outfit and see how people react to your look
- Distinct Licensed indie soundtrack & original score by Daughter

Life is Strange: Before the Storm out now for macOS and Linux.

Play Free

Reviews & Accolades
“Life is Strange Before the Storm is Brilliant“ - Eurogamer
“near-flawless end to the impactful, heartfelt prequel” 5/5 - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
"a worthwhile prequel that expands on its universe" 4/5 Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"a truly memorable experience." 4/5 - Express
"Funny, touching, and irresistibly earnest" 8/10 - Metro
Bonus Episode 'Farewell' out now

Experience Max and Chloe’s childhood friendship in Farewell the bonus episode to Life is Strange Before the Storm. Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle reprise their roles in an emotional and nostalgic trip down memory lane.
'Farewell' Bonus Episode is available as part of the Deluxe Edition of Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete Season Out Now!

Digital Deluxe-utgave

Deluxe Edition contains:
- The main game (Episodes 1-3)
- Bonus Episode: ‘Farewell’ - play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode...
- Exclusive New Mixtape Mode – Design your own playlist from the Life is Strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.
- Exclusive outfit pack - Change up Chloe's look with three new complete outfits. Includes Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man & Illuminati outfits.
The bonus episode ‘Farewell’ will release after Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 3
Om spillet

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new three part; standalone adventure set three years before the first game in the BAFTA award-winning franchise.
You play as sixteen-year old Chloe Price who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success.
When Rachel learns a secret about her family that threatens to destroy her world, it is her newfound friendship with Chloe that gives her the strength to carry on.
No longer alone the girls must confront each other's demons and together, find a way to overcome them.
- Choice and consequence driven narrative adventure
- Multiple endings depending on the choices you make
- ‘Backtalk’ - A risk/reward conversation mode that allows Chloe to use her barbed tongue to provoke or get her way
- Make your mark on the world with witty tags and drawings
- Choose Chloe’s outfit and see how people react to your look
- Distinct Licensed indie soundtrack & original score by Daughter

Life is Strange: Before the Storm dostępny na platformy macOS i Linux.

Play Free

Reviews & Accolades
“Life is Strange Before the Storm is Brilliant“ - Eurogamer
“near-flawless end to the impactful, heartfelt prequel” 5/5 - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
"a worthwhile prequel that expands on its universe" 4/5 Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"a truly memorable experience." 4/5 - Express
"Funny, touching, and irresistibly earnest" 8/10 - Metro
Bonus Episode 'Farewell' out now

Experience Max and Chloe’s childhood friendship in Farewell the bonus episode to Life is Strange Before the Storm. Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle reprise their roles in an emotional and nostalgic trip down memory lane.
'Farewell' Bonus Episode is available as part of the Deluxe Edition of Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete Season Out Now!

Digital Deluxe Edition

Deluxe Edition contains:
- The main game (Episodes 1-3)
- Bonus Episode: ‘Farewell’ - play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode...
- Exclusive New Mixtape Mode – Design your own playlist from the Life is Strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.
- Exclusive outfit pack - Change up Chloe's look with three new complete outfits. Includes Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man & Illuminati outfits.
The bonus episode ‘Farewell’ will release after Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 3
Informacje o grze

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new three part; standalone adventure set three years before the first game in the BAFTA award-winning franchise.
You play as sixteen-year old Chloe Price who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success.
When Rachel learns a secret about her family that threatens to destroy her world, it is her newfound friendship with Chloe that gives her the strength to carry on.
No longer alone the girls must confront each other's demons and together, find a way to overcome them.
- Choice and consequence driven narrative adventure
- Multiple endings depending on the choices you make
- ‘Backtalk’ - A risk/reward conversation mode that allows Chloe to use her barbed tongue to provoke or get her way
- Make your mark on the world with witty tags and drawings
- Choose Chloe’s outfit and see how people react to your look
- Distinct Licensed indie soundtrack & original score by Daughter

Life is Strange: Before the Storm out now for macOS and Linux.

Play Free

Reviews & Accolades
“Life is Strange Before the Storm is Brilliant“ - Eurogamer
“near-flawless end to the impactful, heartfelt prequel” 5/5 - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
"a worthwhile prequel that expands on its universe" 4/5 Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"a truly memorable experience." 4/5 - Express
"Funny, touching, and irresistibly earnest" 8/10 - Metro
Bonus Episode 'Farewell' out now

Experience Max and Chloe’s childhood friendship in Farewell the bonus episode to Life is Strange Before the Storm. Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle reprise their roles in an emotional and nostalgic trip down memory lane.
'Farewell' Bonus Episode is available as part of the Deluxe Edition of Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete Season Out Now!

Edição Deluxe digital

Deluxe Edition contains:
- The main game (Episodes 1-3)
- Bonus Episode: ‘Farewell’ - play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode...
- Exclusive New Mixtape Mode – Design your own playlist from the Life is Strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.
- Exclusive outfit pack - Change up Chloe's look with three new complete outfits. Includes Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man & Illuminati outfits.
The bonus episode ‘Farewell’ will release after Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 3
Acerca do Jogo

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new three part; standalone adventure set three years before the first game in the BAFTA award-winning franchise.
You play as sixteen-year old Chloe Price who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success.
When Rachel learns a secret about her family that threatens to destroy her world, it is her newfound friendship with Chloe that gives her the strength to carry on.
No longer alone the girls must confront each other's demons and together, find a way to overcome them.
- Choice and consequence driven narrative adventure
- Multiple endings depending on the choices you make
- ‘Backtalk’ - A risk/reward conversation mode that allows Chloe to use her barbed tongue to provoke or get her way
- Make your mark on the world with witty tags and drawings
- Choose Chloe’s outfit and see how people react to your look
- Distinct Licensed indie soundtrack & original score by Daughter

Life is Strange: Before the Storm out now for macOS and Linux.

Play Free

Reviews & Accolades
“Life is Strange Before the Storm is Brilliant“ - Eurogamer
“near-flawless end to the impactful, heartfelt prequel” 5/5 - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
"a worthwhile prequel that expands on its universe" 4/5 Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"a truly memorable experience." 4/5 - Express
"Funny, touching, and irresistibly earnest" 8/10 - Metro
Bonus Episode 'Farewell' out now

Experience Max and Chloe’s childhood friendship in Farewell the bonus episode to Life is Strange Before the Storm. Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle reprise their roles in an emotional and nostalgic trip down memory lane.
'Farewell' Bonus Episode is available as part of the Deluxe Edition of Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete Season Out Now!

Ediţia Digital Deluxe

Deluxe Edition contains:
- The main game (Episodes 1-3)
- Bonus Episode: ‘Farewell’ - play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode...
- Exclusive New Mixtape Mode – Design your own playlist from the Life is Strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.
- Exclusive outfit pack - Change up Chloe's look with three new complete outfits. Includes Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man & Illuminati outfits.
The bonus episode ‘Farewell’ will release after Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 3
Despre joc

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new three part; standalone adventure set three years before the first game in the BAFTA award-winning franchise.
You play as sixteen-year old Chloe Price who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success.
When Rachel learns a secret about her family that threatens to destroy her world, it is her newfound friendship with Chloe that gives her the strength to carry on.
No longer alone the girls must confront each other's demons and together, find a way to overcome them.
- Choice and consequence driven narrative adventure
- Multiple endings depending on the choices you make
- ‘Backtalk’ - A risk/reward conversation mode that allows Chloe to use her barbed tongue to provoke or get her way
- Make your mark on the world with witty tags and drawings
- Choose Chloe’s outfit and see how people react to your look
- Distinct Licensed indie soundtrack & original score by Daughter

Игра Life is Strange: Before the Storm вышла для macOS и Linux.

Играть бесплатно

Reviews & Accolades
“Life is Strange Before the Storm is Brilliant“ - Eurogamer
“near-flawless end to the impactful, heartfelt prequel” 5/5 - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
"a worthwhile prequel that expands on its universe" 4/5 Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"a truly memorable experience." 4/5 - Express
"Funny, touching, and irresistibly earnest" 8/10 - Metro
Бонусный эпизод "Farewell" уже доступен

История детской дружбы Макс и Хлои раскроется по-новому в дополнительном эпизоде Farewell игры Life Is Strange: Before the Storm. Эшли Бёрч и Ханна Телл вернулись, чтобы подарить вам путешествие в прошлое, которое наполнит вас эмоциями и теплыми воспоминаниями.
Complete Season Out Now!

Издание Digital Deluxe Edition

Deluxe Edition contains:
- The main game (Episodes 1-3)
- Bonus Episode: ‘Farewell’ - play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode...
- Exclusive New Mixtape Mode – Design your own playlist from the Life is Strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.
- Exclusive outfit pack - Change up Chloe's look with three new complete outfits. Includes Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man & Illuminati outfits.
The bonus episode ‘Farewell’ will release after Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 3
Об игре

Life is Strange: Before the Storm - это новая игра в серии-победителе премии BAFTA, состоящая из 3 эпизодов.
Главная героиня игры – 16-летняя бунтарка Хлоя Прайс, которая подружилась с самой популярной девушкой школы – Рейчел Эмбер.
Тайна семьи Рейчел перевернула её жизнь с ног на голову и эта дружба – единственный оплот, который помогает справиться девушкам с их внутренними демонами.
- Ваши решения влияют на сюжет
- Несколько концовок игры, которые зависят от ваших решений
- ‘Перепалка’ - Острая на язык Хлоя может провоцировать собеседников для достижения нужных целей
- Оставьте свой след в мире игры с помощью граффити или колких надписей
- Выберите костюм для Хлои и смотрите как меняется реакция других персонажей
- Выдающийся саундтрек

《Life is Strange: Before the Storm》现已登陆 macOS 和 Linux 平台。


Reviews & Accolades
“Authentic and heartfelt“ - Eurogamer
“Phenomenal” - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
A lovingly crafted retread of a world we remember so fondly - Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution

在《奇异人生:暴风前夕》额外章节《再见》中体验麦珂茜和歌露儿的儿时友谊。Ashly Burch与Hannah Telle将原音重现,为两名角色配音,伴随大家走过这段怀旧而富有感情的记忆之路。
Complete Season Out Now!


- 游戏主要内容(第1-3章)
- 额外章节:《再见》——在这个特殊的额外章节中最后一次扮演年轻的麦珂茜·考尔菲德……
- 专有的全新混音带模式——根据《奇异人生》授权配乐设计您自己的歌单,并一边欣赏游戏过场动画一边倾听音乐。
- 独家服装包——3套全新的全套服装,让歌露儿打扮的更加光鲜亮丽。包含“朋克鹿”、“热狗男”以及“光照派”三套服装。

- 选择与后果导向型叙事冒险游戏
- 多结局模式,最终结局取决于您的选择
- “顶嘴”-风险伴随奖励的对话模式,歌露儿可以用自己的尖牙利嘴来进行挑衅或自行其是
- 用巧妙的涂鸦在世界上画出属于自己的记号
- 给歌露儿选择不同的服装,并观察人们对你着装的反应
- 别具一格的授权独立配乐以及由Daughter乐队打造的原创音乐

Life is Strange: Before the Storm ya está disponible para macOS y Linux.

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Reviews & Accolades
8/10 « Una exquisita narrativa y una magnífica banda sonora. » - IGN Espana
"Estamos seguros que será un videojuego divertido" - Alfabetajuega:com
“Life is Strange: Before the Storm deslumbrará a aquellos que disfrutaron con el juego original” - es:ign:com
A lovingly crafted retread of a world we remember so fondly - Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"Quietly affecting as ever" - GamesRadar+
Episodio adicional "Adiós" ya disponible

Descubre la amistad que marcó la infancia de Max y Chloe en el episodio adicional de de Life is Strange: Before the Storm. Ashly Burch y Hannah Telle retoman sus papeles en un episodio emotivo y nostálgico lleno de recuerdos.
El episodio adicional "Adiós" está disponible con la Deluxe Edition de Life is Strange: Before the Storm.
Complete Season Out Now!

Digital Deluxe Edition

La Deluxe Edition contiene:
- El juego (Episodio 1, 2 y 3).
- El episodio adicional "Adiós" para jugar una vez más como la joven Max Caulfield en un episodio adicional especial...
- El exclusivo modo de mezcla musical para crear una lista de reproducción propia con la música de Life is Strange que acompañe a las escenas cinemáticas del juego.
- Un paquete de atuendos exclusivos para cambiar el estilo de Chloe con "Cierva punkarra", "Hombre Perrito Caliente" e "Illuminati".
El episodio adicional "Adiós" se lanzará después del Episodio 3 de Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Acerca del juego

Life is Strange: Before the Storm es una aventura independiente en tres episodios ambientada tres años antes del primer juego de esta serie que ha sido galardonada con un premio BAFTA.
Juegas en el papel de Chloe Price, una adolescente rebelde que entabla una inesperada amistad con Rachel Amber, una chica guapa y popular destinada al éxito.
Cuando Rachel descubre un secreto en su familia capaz de hacer que su mundo se desmorone, la nueva amistad que ha entablado con Chloe le da fuerzas para seguir adelante.
Juntas tendrán que enfrentarse a sus problemas personales y encontrar una forma de superarlos.
- Aventura narrativa con elecciones y consecuencias.
- Múltiples finales dependiendo de las elecciones que tomes.
- Insolencia, una modalidad de conversación donde Chloe le saca partido a su labia para provocar o salirse con la suya.
- Deja huella en el mundo con pintadas ingeniosas.
- Elige la ropa de Chloe y observa cómo la gente reacciona a tu estilo.
- Particular banda sonora con música indie y temas originales de Daughter.

Life is Strange: Before the Storm out now for macOS and Linux.

Play Free

Reviews & Accolades
“Life is Strange Before the Storm is Brilliant“ - Eurogamer
“near-flawless end to the impactful, heartfelt prequel” 5/5 - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
"a worthwhile prequel that expands on its universe" 4/5 Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"a truly memorable experience." 4/5 - Express
"Funny, touching, and irresistibly earnest" 8/10 - Metro
Bonus Episode 'Farewell' out now

Experience Max and Chloe’s childhood friendship in Farewell the bonus episode to Life is Strange Before the Storm. Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle reprise their roles in an emotional and nostalgic trip down memory lane.
'Farewell' Bonus Episode is available as part of the Deluxe Edition of Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete Season Out Now!

Digital delux-utgåva

Deluxe Edition contains:
- The main game (Episodes 1-3)
- Bonus Episode: ‘Farewell’ - play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode...
- Exclusive New Mixtape Mode – Design your own playlist from the Life is Strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.
- Exclusive outfit pack - Change up Chloe's look with three new complete outfits. Includes Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man & Illuminati outfits.
The bonus episode ‘Farewell’ will release after Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 3
Om spelet

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new three part; standalone adventure set three years before the first game in the BAFTA award-winning franchise.
You play as sixteen-year old Chloe Price who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success.
When Rachel learns a secret about her family that threatens to destroy her world, it is her newfound friendship with Chloe that gives her the strength to carry on.
No longer alone the girls must confront each other's demons and together, find a way to overcome them.
- Choice and consequence driven narrative adventure
- Multiple endings depending on the choices you make
- ‘Backtalk’ - A risk/reward conversation mode that allows Chloe to use her barbed tongue to provoke or get her way
- Make your mark on the world with witty tags and drawings
- Choose Chloe’s outfit and see how people react to your look
- Distinct Licensed indie soundtrack & original score by Daughter

Life is Strange: Before the Storm out now for macOS and Linux.

Play Free

Reviews & Accolades
“Life is Strange Before the Storm is Brilliant“ - Eurogamer
“near-flawless end to the impactful, heartfelt prequel” 5/5 - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
"a worthwhile prequel that expands on its universe" 4/5 Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"a truly memorable experience." 4/5 - Express
"Funny, touching, and irresistibly earnest" 8/10 - Metro
Bonus Episode 'Farewell' out now

Experience Max and Chloe’s childhood friendship in Farewell the bonus episode to Life is Strange Before the Storm. Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle reprise their roles in an emotional and nostalgic trip down memory lane.
'Farewell' Bonus Episode is available as part of the Deluxe Edition of Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete Season Out Now!

Digital Deluxe Edition

Deluxe Edition contains:
- The main game (Episodes 1-3)
- Bonus Episode: ‘Farewell’ - play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode...
- Exclusive New Mixtape Mode – Design your own playlist from the Life is Strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.
- Exclusive outfit pack - Change up Chloe's look with three new complete outfits. Includes Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man & Illuminati outfits.
The bonus episode ‘Farewell’ will release after Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 3

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new three part; standalone adventure set three years before the first game in the BAFTA award-winning franchise.
You play as sixteen-year old Chloe Price who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success.
When Rachel learns a secret about her family that threatens to destroy her world, it is her newfound friendship with Chloe that gives her the strength to carry on.
No longer alone the girls must confront each other's demons and together, find a way to overcome them.
- Choice and consequence driven narrative adventure
- Multiple endings depending on the choices you make
- ‘Backtalk’ - A risk/reward conversation mode that allows Chloe to use her barbed tongue to provoke or get her way
- Make your mark on the world with witty tags and drawings
- Choose Chloe’s outfit and see how people react to your look
- Distinct Licensed indie soundtrack & original score by Daughter

Life is Strange: Before the Storm out now for macOS and Linux.

Play Free

Reviews & Accolades
“Life is Strange Before the Storm is Brilliant“ - Eurogamer
“near-flawless end to the impactful, heartfelt prequel” 5/5 - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
"a worthwhile prequel that expands on its universe" 4/5 Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"a truly memorable experience." 4/5 - Express
"Funny, touching, and irresistibly earnest" 8/10 - Metro
Bonus Episode 'Farewell' out now

Experience Max and Chloe’s childhood friendship in Farewell the bonus episode to Life is Strange Before the Storm. Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle reprise their roles in an emotional and nostalgic trip down memory lane.
'Farewell' Bonus Episode is available as part of the Deluxe Edition of Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete Season Out Now!


Deluxe Edition contains:
- The main game (Episodes 1-3)
- Bonus Episode: ‘Farewell’ - play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode...
- Exclusive New Mixtape Mode – Design your own playlist from the Life is Strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.
- Exclusive outfit pack - Change up Chloe's look with three new complete outfits. Includes Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man & Illuminati outfits.
The bonus episode ‘Farewell’ will release after Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 3

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new three part; standalone adventure set three years before the first game in the BAFTA award-winning franchise.
You play as sixteen-year old Chloe Price who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success.
When Rachel learns a secret about her family that threatens to destroy her world, it is her newfound friendship with Chloe that gives her the strength to carry on.
No longer alone the girls must confront each other's demons and together, find a way to overcome them.
- Choice and consequence driven narrative adventure
- Multiple endings depending on the choices you make
- ‘Backtalk’ - A risk/reward conversation mode that allows Chloe to use her barbed tongue to provoke or get her way
- Make your mark on the world with witty tags and drawings
- Choose Chloe’s outfit and see how people react to your look
- Distinct Licensed indie soundtrack & original score by Daughter

Life is Strange: Before the Storm out now for macOS and Linux.

Play Free

Reviews & Accolades
“Life is Strange Before the Storm is Brilliant“ - Eurogamer
“near-flawless end to the impactful, heartfelt prequel” 5/5 - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
"a worthwhile prequel that expands on its universe" 4/5 Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"a truly memorable experience." 4/5 - Express
"Funny, touching, and irresistibly earnest" 8/10 - Metro
Bonus Episode 'Farewell' out now

Experience Max and Chloe’s childhood friendship in Farewell the bonus episode to Life is Strange Before the Storm. Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle reprise their roles in an emotional and nostalgic trip down memory lane.
'Farewell' Bonus Episode is available as part of the Deluxe Edition of Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete Season Out Now!

Dijital Lüks Paket

Deluxe Edition contains:
- The main game (Episodes 1-3)
- Bonus Episode: ‘Farewell’ - play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode...
- Exclusive New Mixtape Mode – Design your own playlist from the Life is Strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.
- Exclusive outfit pack - Change up Chloe's look with three new complete outfits. Includes Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man & Illuminati outfits.
The bonus episode ‘Farewell’ will release after Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 3
Oyun Açıklaması

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new three part; standalone adventure set three years before the first game in the BAFTA award-winning franchise.
You play as sixteen-year old Chloe Price who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success.
When Rachel learns a secret about her family that threatens to destroy her world, it is her newfound friendship with Chloe that gives her the strength to carry on.
No longer alone the girls must confront each other's demons and together, find a way to overcome them.
- Choice and consequence driven narrative adventure
- Multiple endings depending on the choices you make
- ‘Backtalk’ - A risk/reward conversation mode that allows Chloe to use her barbed tongue to provoke or get her way
- Make your mark on the world with witty tags and drawings
- Choose Chloe’s outfit and see how people react to your look
- Distinct Licensed indie soundtrack & original score by Daughter

Life is Strange: Before the Storm out now for macOS and Linux.

Play Free

Reviews & Accolades
“Life is Strange Before the Storm is Brilliant“ - Eurogamer
“near-flawless end to the impactful, heartfelt prequel” 5/5 - Windows Central
“It has real promise” - Rock Paper Shotgun
"a worthwhile prequel that expands on its universe" 4/5 Trusted Reviews
"Outstanding character performances" - GameRevolution
"a truly memorable experience." 4/5 - Express
"Funny, touching, and irresistibly earnest" 8/10 - Metro
Bonus Episode 'Farewell' out now

Experience Max and Chloe’s childhood friendship in Farewell the bonus episode to Life is Strange Before the Storm. Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle reprise their roles in an emotional and nostalgic trip down memory lane.
'Farewell' Bonus Episode is available as part of the Deluxe Edition of Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Complete Season Out Now!

Видання «Digital Deluxe»

Deluxe Edition contains:
- The main game (Episodes 1-3)
- Bonus Episode: ‘Farewell’ - play one last time as a young Max Caulfield in a special bonus episode...
- Exclusive New Mixtape Mode – Design your own playlist from the Life is Strange licensed soundtrack and listen to it alongside a cinematic scene from the game.
- Exclusive outfit pack - Change up Chloe's look with three new complete outfits. Includes Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man & Illuminati outfits.
The bonus episode ‘Farewell’ will release after Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 3
Про гру

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new three part; standalone adventure set three years before the first game in the BAFTA award-winning franchise.
You play as sixteen-year old Chloe Price who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success.
When Rachel learns a secret about her family that threatens to destroy her world, it is her newfound friendship with Chloe that gives her the strength to carry on.
No longer alone the girls must confront each other's demons and together, find a way to overcome them.
- Choice and consequence driven narrative adventure
- Multiple endings depending on the choices you make
- ‘Backtalk’ - A risk/reward conversation mode that allows Chloe to use her barbed tongue to provoke or get her way
- Make your mark on the world with witty tags and drawings
- Choose Chloe’s outfit and see how people react to your look
- Distinct Licensed indie soundtrack & original score by Daughter