Ao comprar Mafia II: Definitive Edition, você também ganha Mafia II (versão clássica). Para ver detalhes sobre essa versão, clique aqui!
Inclui jogos principais e DLCs.
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Neste jogo refeito do zero, suba na hierarquia da máfia durante a Lei Seca nos Estados Unidos. Após um encontro acidental com a máfia, o taxista Tommy Angelo entra para o mundo do crime organizado. Apesar da relutância em se relacionar com a família Salieri, em pouco tempo as oportunidades ficam grandes demais para ignorar.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
Neste jogo remasterizado em HD, seja um gângster durante a era dourada do crime organizado. Vito Scaletta, herói de guerra, se envolve com a máfia na esperança de pagar as dívidas do pai. Acompanhado do melhor amigo Joe, Vito tenta provar o seu valor com crimes cada vez mais audaciosos e arriscados.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
Após anos no Vietnã, a família adotiva de Lincoln Clay, a máfia negra, é traída e eliminada pela máfia italiana. Lincoln forma uma nova família das cinzas da antiga e vai atrás do mafioso responsável em busca de vingança."
Buying Mafia II: Definitive also gives you Mafia II (Classic) for free. For details on that version, click here!
Includes main games and DLC releases.
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Re-made from the ground up, rise through the ranks of the mafia during the Prohibition-era. After an inadvertent brush with the mob, Tommy Angelo is reluctantly thrust into the world of organized crime. Initially uneasy about falling in with the Salieri family, the rewards become too big to ignore.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
Remastered in HD, live the life of a gangster during the Golden-era of organized crime. War hero Vito Scaletta becomes entangled with the mob in hopes of paying his father’s debts. Alongside his buddy Joe, Vito works to prove himself, climbing the family ladder with crimes of larger reward, status and consequence.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
After years of combat in Vietnam, Lincoln Clay’s surrogate family, the black mob, is betrayed and killed by the Italian Mafia. Lincoln builds a new family on the ashes of the old, blazing a path of revenge through the Mafioso responsible.
Buying Mafia II: Definitive also gives you Mafia II (Classic) for free. For details on that version, click here!
Obsahuje základní hry a vydaná DLC.
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Hra byla od základu předělaná. Dostaňte se na vrchol mafie v období americké prohibice. Po náhodné potyčce s mafií se Tommy Angelo neochotně ocitá ve světě organizovaného zločinu. Zpočátku má kvůli spolupráci s rodinou Salieri rozpaky, ale odměny začnou být tak lákavé, že jim nedokáže odolat.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
Prožijte v remasterované HD verzi život gangstera během zlaté éry organizovaného zločinu. Válečný hrdina Vito Scaletta se zaplétá s mafií v naději, že splatí dluhy svého otce. Po boku parťáka Joea se Vito snaží rodině dokázat, že na to má, díky zločinům, které s sebou nesou větší odměny i následky.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
Po letech bojů ve Vietnamu je náhradní rodina Lincolna Claye – černá mafie – zrazena a vyhlazena italskou mafií. Lincoln si vybuduje novou rodinu z popela té staré a vydá se pomstít mafiánům, kteří za to mohou.
Buying Mafia II: Definitive also gives you Mafia II (Classic) for free. For details on that version, click here!
Indeholder hovedspillet og DLC-udgivelser.
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Spillet er genskabt fra grunden op. Efter et møde med mafiaen bliver Tommy Angelo trukket ind i den organiserede kriminalitets verden. I første omgang er han ikke tryg ved Salieri-familien, men belønningerne bliver for store til at ignorere.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
Spillet er opdateret i HD og lader dig leve en gangsters liv i den organiserede kriminalitets guldalder. Krigshelten Vito Scaletta bliver viklet ind i mafiaen i håbet om at betale sin fars gæld. Sammen med sin ven Joe arbejder Vito på at bevise sit værd og komme til tops i familien med forbrydelser med større belønninger, status og konsekvenser.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
Da Lincoln Clay vender tilbage efter mange års kamp i Vietnam, bliver hans surrogatfamilie, den sorte mafia, forrådt og dræbt af den italienske mafia. Lincoln opbygger han ny familie fra asken af den gamle og tager ud på et hævntogt mod de ansvarlige mafiosoer.
Door Mafia II: Definitive Edition te kopen, krijg je ook Mafia II (klassieke versie) gratis. Klik hier voor meer informatie over die versie!
Bevat de basisgames en alle DLC.
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Maak tijdens de drooglegging carrière binnen de maffia in een game die compleet opnieuw is ontworpen. Na in aanraking te zijn gekomen met de maffia belandt Tommy Angelo met frisse tegenzin in de wereld van de georganiseerde misdaad. Aanvankelijk voelt hij zich ongemakkelijk bij de Salieri-familie, maar dan lonkt het grote geld...
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
Leef als een gangster tijdens de bloeiperiode van de georganiseerde misdaad, geremasterd in HD. Oorlogsheld Vito Scaletta komt in aanraking met de maffia als hij de schulden van zijn vader wil afbetalen. Met zijn gabber Joe maakt Vito crimineel carrière, met steeds grotere beloningen én gevolgen.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
Na Vietnam wordt de surrogaatfamilie van Lincoln Clay, de black mob, verraden en uitgeroeid door de Italiaanse maffia. Lincoln bouwt een nieuwe familie op de restanten van de oude om op explosieve wijze wraak te nemen op de verantwoordelijken.
Buying Mafia II: Definitive also gives you Mafia II (Classic) for free. For details on that version, click here!
Includes main games and DLC releases.
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Re-made from the ground up, rise through the ranks of the mafia during the Prohibition-era. After an inadvertent brush with the mob, Tommy Angelo is reluctantly thrust into the world of organized crime. Initially uneasy about falling in with the Salieri family, the rewards become too big to ignore.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
Remastered in HD, live the life of a gangster during the Golden-era of organized crime. War hero Vito Scaletta becomes entangled with the mob in hopes of paying his father’s debts. Alongside his buddy Joe, Vito works to prove himself, climbing the family ladder with crimes of larger reward, status and consequence.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
After years of combat in Vietnam, Lincoln Clay’s surrogate family, the black mob, is betrayed and killed by the Italian Mafia. Lincoln builds a new family on the ashes of the old, blazing a path of revenge through the Mafioso responsible.
Buying Mafia II: Definitive also gives you Mafia II (Classic) for free. For details on that version, click here!
Sisältää pääpelit ja ladattavat sisällöt.
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Alusta asti uusittu, nouse kieltolain aikaisen mafian riveissä. Vahingossa mafiaan törmättyään Tommy Angelo joutuu vastentahtoisesti järjestäytyneen rikollisuuden maailmaan. Aluksi Salieri-perheeseen liittyminen on kiusallista, mutta palkkiot ovat liian suuria ohitettavaksi.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
HD-remasteri, elä gangsterin elämää järjestäytyneen rikollisuuden kulta-ajalla. Sotasankari Vito Scaletta sekaantuu mafiaan yrittäessään maksaa isänsä velat. Vito yrittää Joe-kaverinsa rinnalla todistaa arvonsa ja kiipeää perheen arvoasteikossa yhä suurempia, arvokkaampia ja vakavampia rikoksia suorittamalla.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
Vietnamissa sodittujen vuosien jälkeen Lincoln Clayn sijaisperhe, musta mafia, joutuu italialaisen mafian pettämäksi. Lincoln luo uuden perheen vanhan tuhkista ja kostaa vastuussa olleelle mafiosolle.
Acheter Mafia II: Definitive Edition vous donne également Mafia II (Classic) gratuitement. Pour plus de détails sur cette version, cliquez ici !
Inclut les jeux principaux et les DLC
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Dans cette remasterisation intégrale, faites votre place au sein de la mafia durant la Prohibition. Suite à une altercation avec la pègre, Tommy Angelo, un chauffeur de taxi, plonge malgré lui dans le crime organisé. L'appât du gain aura raison de ses réticences à travailler pour Salieri.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
Dans cette remasterisation en qualité HD, incarnez un gangster à l'âge d'or du crime organisé. Vito Scaletta, un héros de guerre, se retrouve mêlé aux affaires de la mafia pour racheter les dettes de son père. Avec son ami Joe, Vito fait ses preuves, gravit les échelons au sein de la famille et commet des crimes lui valant fortune et reconnaissance, non sans conséquence.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
Après des années de combat au Vietnam, lorsque la mafia italienne trahit et élimine les siens, la pègre noire, Lincoln Clay rassemble un nouveau clan et se lance dans une vendetta contre les responsables.
Beim Kauf von Mafia II: Definitive Edition erhältst du außerdem kostenlos Mafia II (Classic). Alle Details zu dieser Version hier!
Enthält alle Hauptspiele und Erweiterungen.
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Von Grund auf überarbeitet. Steigen Sie zur Zeit der Prohibition in das organisierte Verbrechen ein. Nach einer Begegnung mit der Mafia findet sich der Taxifahrer Tommy Angelo widerwillig in der Welt des organisierten Verbrechens wieder. Doch schon bald werden die Verlockungen zu stark.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
Remastert in HD. Erleben Sie den Alltag eines Mafia-Gangsters in den Goldenen Jahren des organisierten Verbrechens. Um die Schulden seines Vaters zu begleichen, lässt sich Kriegsheld Vito Scaletta mit der Mafia ein. Schon bald steigt er innerhalb der Familie auf, doch Verbrechen ziehen immer Konsequenzen nach sich.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
In eine Familie wird man nicht hineingeboren. Familie sind die, für die man sterben würde. Als seine Ziehfamilie, der Black Mob, von der italienischen Mafia ausgelöscht wird, sinnt Lincoln Clay nach Rache.
Buying Mafia II: Definitive also gives you Mafia II (Classic) for free. For details on that version, click here!
Includes main games and DLC releases.
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Re-made from the ground up, rise through the ranks of the mafia during the Prohibition-era. After an inadvertent brush with the mob, Tommy Angelo is reluctantly thrust into the world of organized crime. Initially uneasy about falling in with the Salieri family, the rewards become too big to ignore.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
Remastered in HD, live the life of a gangster during the Golden-era of organized crime. War hero Vito Scaletta becomes entangled with the mob in hopes of paying his father’s debts. Alongside his buddy Joe, Vito works to prove himself, climbing the family ladder with crimes of larger reward, status and consequence.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
After years of combat in Vietnam, Lincoln Clay’s surrogate family, the black mob, is betrayed and killed by the Italian Mafia. Lincoln builds a new family on the ashes of the old, blazing a path of revenge through the Mafioso responsible.
Buying Mafia II: Definitive also gives you Mafia II (Classic) for free. For details on that version, click here!
Tartalmazza az alapjátékokat és a DLC-ket.
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Az újraálmodott klasszikusban a felküzdheted magad a maffia csúcsára a szesztilalom idején. Miután véletlenül összezördült a maffiával, Tommy Angelo vonakodva bekerül a szervezett bűnözés világába. Kezdetben nehezen tudta elfogadni a Salieriket, de a busás jutalmaknak ő sem tud ellenállni.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
A HD minőségben felújított játékban a szervezett bűnözés aranykorában játszhatsz. Amikor apja adósságait próbálja rendezni, a háborús hős Vito Scaletta a maffia ügyeibe keveredik. Barátja, Joe oldalán rátermettsége felfelé viszi a családi ranglétrán, komoly jutalmakkal, még komolyabb következményekkel.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
A Vietnamban töltött évek után Lincoln Clay rájött: nem az a családod, ahová születtél, hanem akikért kész vagy meghalni. Lincoln új családot alapít a régi hamvain, és bosszúhadjáratra indul a felelősök ellen.
Acquistando Mafia II: Definitive Edition otterrai anche Mafia II (Classic) gratuitamente. Per dettagli su tale versione, clicca qui!
Include i giochi principali e i DLC.
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Scala i ranghi di una famiglia mafiosa nell'era del proibizionismo in quest'avventura ricreata da zero. Il tassista Tommy Angelo rimane invischiato nel mondo del crimine organizzato. Nonostante le remore verso la famiglia Salieri, ben presto capisce che la tentazione è troppo forte per resistere.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
Impersona un gangster nell'epoca d'oro del crimine, in un'avventura rimasterizzata in alta definizione. L'eroe di guerra Vito Scaletta resta invischiato con la mafia per pagare i debiti di suo padre. Insieme al suo amico Joe, Vito cerca di dimostrare il proprio valore e scalare i ranghi della famiglia con crimini e conseguenze sempre più importanti.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
Dopo anni di servizio in Vietnam, Lincoln Clay vede sterminare la sua famiglia adottiva, la mafia nera, dai gangster italiani. Lincoln costruisce una nuova famiglia sulle ceneri della precedente e va in cerca di vendetta.
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『マフィア コンプリート・エディション』
『マフィアII コンプリート・エディション』
『マフィアIII コンプリート・エディション』
마피아 II 데피니티브 에디션을 구매하면 마피아 II (클래식)를 무료로 드립니다. 해당 버전에 대한 자세한 정보를 확인하려면 여기를 클릭하세요!
"메인 게임 및 지금까지 출시한 DLC가 포함되어 있습니다.
마피아 데피니티브 에디션
완전히 다시 제작한 이 게임에서 금주령 시대의 범죄 조직으로 들어가 마피아로 두각을 드러내세요. 우연히 마피아와 마주친 택시 운전사 토미 안젤로는 망설임을 안고 범죄 조직의 세계에 발을 들입니다. 살리에리 패밀리와 손을 잡는 것은 불편한 일이었지만, 그 보상의 유혹은 무시하기에는 너무 달콤했습니다.
마피아 II 데피니티브 에디션
아름다운 HD 리마스터 작품에서 범죄 조직의 황금기를 살아간 어느 갱스터가 되어보세요. 참전 용사 비토 스칼레타는 아버지의 빚을 갚기 위해 마피아가 됩니다. 비토는 자신의 능력을 증명하면서 패밀리에서 점점 높은 자리로 올라가고, 그에 따라 더 큰 보상과 결과를 맞이하게 됩니다.
마피아 III 데피니티브 에디션
링컨 클레이를 입양한 가족이었던 블랙 몹이 이탈리아 마피아에게 배신 당하고 몰살 당한 이후, 링컨은 잿더미에서 새로운 가족을 일으켜 세우고 마피아로서 복수를 향한 여정에 나섭니다.
Buying Mafia II: Definitive also gives you Mafia II (Classic) for free. For details on that version, click here!
Inneholder hovedspillene og DLC-utgivelsene.
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Stig i gradene i mafiaen under forbudstiden, i et spill som er gjort om fra bunnen av. Etter et tilfeldig møte med mafiaen blir Tommy Angelo motvillig en del av deres verden. Først er han redd for å involvere seg med Salieri-familien, men han innser snart hvor stor avkastningen er.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
Spillet er remastret i HD, og du spiller en gangster i den organiserte kriminalitetens storhetstid. Krigshelten Vito Scaletta roter seg inn i mafiaen når han forsøker å betale farens gjeld. Sammen med kompisen Joe ønsker han å vise hva han er god for, og han begår stadig alvorligere forbrytelser for å klatre på familiens rangstige.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
Lincoln Clay, en veteran fra Vietnam-krigen, opplever at surrogatfamilien hans, den svarte mafiaen, blir sveket og drept av den italienske. Lincoln bygger opp en ny familie på ruinene av den gamle og sverger hevn over de ansvarlige mafiamedlemmene.
Kupując Mafię II: Edycję Ostateczną, otrzymujesz również dostęp do klasycznej wersji Mafii II za darmo. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji o tej wersji, kliknij tutaj!
Zawiera podstawowe wersje gier i DLC.
Mafia: Edycja Ostateczna
W tej grze, odtworzonej od podstaw, pnij się w górę mafijnej hierarchii w erze prohibicji. Przypadkowo wplątany w sprawy mafijne Tommy Angelo wkracza do świata zorganizowanej przestępczości. Początkowo nie chce mieć nic wspólnego z rodziną Salieri, ale zyski wydają się być zbyt kuszące.
Mafia II: Edycja Ostateczna
Zremasterowana w HD gra przedstawia życie gangstera w złotej erze zorganizowanej przestępczości. Vito Scaletta angażuje się w sprawy mafii, chcąc spłacić długi swego ojca. Wraz z kolegą, Joem, Vito szybko pnie się w górę hierarchii, popełniając przestępstwa, z którymi wiążą się duże zyski... ale i konsekwencje.
Mafia III: Edycja Ostateczna
Przybrana rodzina weterana z Wietnamu, Lincolna Claya, zostaje zdradzona i zlikwidowana przez włoską mafię. Lincoln na gruzach tworzy nową i dzięki swemu wojskowemu szkoleniu wypala ścieżkę zemsty wśród odpowiedzialnych za tragedię mafiosów.
Buying Mafia II: Definitive also gives you Mafia II (Classic) for free. For details on that version, click here!
Inclui os jogos principais e os DLC.
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Sobe na hierarquia do crime organizado durante a época da Lei Seca num jogo recriado de raiz. Após um encontro involuntário com a máfia, o taxista Tommy Angelo envolve-se no mundo do crime organizado. Ao início, Tommy mostra-se relutante em se imiscuir com a família Salieri, mas as recompensas tornam-se demasiado tentadoras.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
Vive a vida de um gangster durante a era dourada do crime organizado numa remasterização em HD. O herói de guerra Vito Scaletta envolve-se com a máfia para pagar as dívidas do pai. Juntamente com o seu amigo Joe, Vito trabalha para subir na hierarquia da família com crimes cada vez mais vistosos.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
Após anos de combate no Vietname, a família adotiva de Lincoln Clay, a máfia negra, é traída e eliminada pela máfia italiana. Lincoln cria uma nova família nas cinzas da antiga e passa a trilhar um caminho de vingança atrás do responsável."
Buying Mafia II: Definitive also gives you Mafia II (Classic) for free. For details on that version, click here!
Includes main games and DLC releases.
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Re-made from the ground up, rise through the ranks of the mafia during the Prohibition-era. After an inadvertent brush with the mob, Tommy Angelo is reluctantly thrust into the world of organized crime. Initially uneasy about falling in with the Salieri family, the rewards become too big to ignore.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
Remastered in HD, live the life of a gangster during the Golden-era of organized crime. War hero Vito Scaletta becomes entangled with the mob in hopes of paying his father’s debts. Alongside his buddy Joe, Vito works to prove himself, climbing the family ladder with crimes of larger reward, status and consequence.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
After years of combat in Vietnam, Lincoln Clay’s surrogate family, the black mob, is betrayed and killed by the Italian Mafia. Lincoln builds a new family on the ashes of the old, blazing a path of revenge through the Mafioso responsible.
При покупке Mafia II: Definitive Edition, вы также бесплатно получите Mafia II (Classic). Подробности о классической версии здесь!
Содержит базовые игры и все дополнения.
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Ремейк культовой игры, воссозданной с нуля. Постройте карьеру мафиози во времена сухого закона. После случайной встречи с мафией таксист Томми Анджело попадает в мир организованной преступности. Сначала он настороженно относится к преступной семье Сальери, но большие деньги меняют его отношение…
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
Игра выпущена в HD-разрешении. Станьте гангстером в золотую эпоху организованной преступности. Чтобы расплатиться с долгами отца, герой войны Вито Скалетта связывается с мафией. Он работает вместе со своим приятелем Джо. Совершая преступления, он зарабатывает всё больший авторитет в криминальной семье.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
Когда черная мафия, ставшая для Линкольна Клея приемной семьей, была предана и уничтожена итальянскими гангстерами, Линкольн создал на ее руинах новую семью — чтобы страшно отомстить убийцам своих друзей.
Al comprar Mafia II: Edición Definitiva, obtendrás gratis el Mafia II clásico. Haz clic aquí para más detalles.
Incluye los juegos principales y sus DLC.
Mafia: Edición Definitiva
Prospera como gánster durante la Ley Seca en esta reinvención del clásico. Tras un inesperado percance con la mafia, Tommy Angelo entra a regañadientes en el mundo del crimen organizado. A pesar de su reticencia inicial, las ventajas de unirse a la familia Salieri son demasiadas como para dejarlas pasar.
Mafia II: Edición Definitiva
Vive como un gánster en la edad de oro del crimen organizado con esta remasterización en HD. El héroe de guerra Vito Scaletta se une a la mafia para pagar las deudas de su padre. Junto a su colega Joe, intentará ascender en la familia mediante crímenes de recompensas, importancia y consecuencias cada vez mayores.
Mafia III: Edición Definitiva
Tras pasar años luchando en Vietnam, la familia adoptiva de Lincoln Clay, la mafia negra, es traicionada y asesinada por la mafia italiana. Lincoln levanta una nueva familia sobre las cenizas de la anterior para vengarse del responsable.
Buying Mafia II: Definitive also gives you Mafia II (Classic) for free. For details on that version, click here!
Innehåller huvudspelen och DLC.
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Klättra i maffians hierarki under den amerikanska förbudstiden, i det här spelet som gjorts om från grunden. Efter ett oavsiktligt möte med maffian kastas taxiföraren Tommy Angelo in i den organiserade brottslighetens värld. Han vill inte hamna i tvist med Salierifamiljen, men snart blir belöningarna för stora att blunda för.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
Lev som gangster under den organiserade brottslighetens guldålder, nu i HD. Krigshjälten Vito Scaletta dras in i maffian i hopp om att kunna återbetala sin faders skulder. Vito och hans polare Joe kämpar för att visa vad de går för, och tar sig upp i familjehierarkin med brott som får allt större belöningar och konsekvenser.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
Efter flera år i Vietnam förlorar Lincoln Clay sin fosterfamilj, svarta maffian, när de blir förrådda och mördade av italienska maffian. Han bygger upp en ny familj ur askan av den gamla och rustar nu för hämnd.
Buying Mafia II: Definitive also gives you Mafia II (Classic) for free. For details on that version, click here!
Includes main games and DLC releases.
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Re-made from the ground up, rise through the ranks of the mafia during the Prohibition-era. After an inadvertent brush with the mob, Tommy Angelo is reluctantly thrust into the world of organized crime. Initially uneasy about falling in with the Salieri family, the rewards become too big to ignore.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
Remastered in HD, live the life of a gangster during the Golden-era of organized crime. War hero Vito Scaletta becomes entangled with the mob in hopes of paying his father’s debts. Alongside his buddy Joe, Vito works to prove himself, climbing the family ladder with crimes of larger reward, status and consequence.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
After years of combat in Vietnam, Lincoln Clay’s surrogate family, the black mob, is betrayed and killed by the Italian Mafia. Lincoln builds a new family on the ashes of the old, blazing a path of revenge through the Mafioso responsible.
Mafia II: Definitive'i satın aldığınızda ayrıca ücretsiz olarak Mafia II'yi (Klasik) alırsınız. Söz konusu sürümle ilgili bilgiler için buraya tıklayın!
Ana oyunları ve yayınlanan DLC'leri içerir.
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Sıfırdan başlayıp Yasak çağında mafya camiasında rütbenizi yükseltin. Tommy Angelo, mafyayla hesapta olmadan yaşadığı bir olay nedeniyle istemeden de olsa organize suç dünyasına dahil olur. Salieri ailesine katılmaktan başlarda rahatsızlık duysa da, zaman geçtikçe avantajlar görmezden gelinemeyecek kadar ciddileşir.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
HD ile yeniden düzenlenmiş oyunda organize suçun Altın çağında bir gangsterin hayatını yaşayın. Savaş kahramanı Vito Scaletta, babasının borçlarını ödeme umuduyla mafyaya bulaşır. Arkadaşı Joe ile birlikte Vito kendini ispatlamak için çalışır ve daha büyük ödül, statü ve sonuçları olan suçlar ile ailede yükselir.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
Vietnam'da geçirdiği yılların ardından Lincoln Clay'in yeni ailesi zenci mafyası İtalyan Mafyası tarafından ihanete uğrayıp öldürülüyor. Lincoln yeni bir aile kurarak sorumlu Mafioso'lara karşı intikam mücadelesine giriyor.
Buying Mafia II: Definitive also gives you Mafia II (Classic) for free. For details on that version, click here!
Includes main games and DLC releases.
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Re-made from the ground up, rise through the ranks of the mafia during the Prohibition-era. After an inadvertent brush with the mob, Tommy Angelo is reluctantly thrust into the world of organized crime. Initially uneasy about falling in with the Salieri family, the rewards become too big to ignore.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition
Remastered in HD, live the life of a gangster during the Golden-era of organized crime. War hero Vito Scaletta becomes entangled with the mob in hopes of paying his father’s debts. Alongside his buddy Joe, Vito works to prove himself, climbing the family ladder with crimes of larger reward, status and consequence.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
After years of combat in Vietnam, Lincoln Clay’s surrogate family, the black mob, is betrayed and killed by the Italian Mafia. Lincoln builds a new family on the ashes of the old, blazing a path of revenge through the Mafioso responsible.