Motorsport Manager
Motorsport Manager

Motorsport Manager

Release Date: 09/11/2016 | WORLDWIDE
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Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

Sobre o jogo

  • O melhor jogo de gerenciamento para fãs de automobilismo.
  • Sinta a emoção dos dias de corrida. Reaja em tempo real e faça decisões rápidas para ganhar vantagem sobre seus rivais.
  • Domine tecnologias avançadas para personalizar cada aspecto do desempenho de seu carro.

Crie a equipe ideal composta por pilotos, administradores, mecânicos e designers.

Entre no mundo dinâmico do automobilismo, com você no centro dele.

Você tem o que precisa para administrar uma equipe de alto desempenho do automobilismo?

Motorsport Manager fornece a melhor e mais detalhada experiência de gerenciamento para fãs de automobilismo. Você contratará os pilotos, construirá os carros e se firmará no dinâmico mundo do automobilismo.

Cada detalhe deve ser considerado para abrir seu caminho e conseguir o título do campeonato. Decisões rápidas na pista de corrida combinam com planos pré-corrida cuidadosamente traçados, da construção e personalização do seu carro a táticas para o dia da corrida, tudo irá afetar seu caminho até a vitória suprema ou falha épica.

Pare de assistir, comece a vencer e assuma o controle como administrador de sua própria equipe.

  • Os Pilotos. Seus pilotos têm tipos únicos de personalidade, provocando drama dentro da equipe. Como você fará para que eles deem o melhor de si? Irá apoiá-los ou desafiá-los a se superarem?

  • Localização, localização, localização. A localização de sua sede é importante neste esporte de nível mundial. Alguns pilotos podem achar difícil resistir a entrar em uma equipe italiana...

  • Escolha as pessoas certas. Vascular o mundo por talentos secretos é mais satisfatório quando você encontra um jovem mecânico que consegue economizar muitos segundos do tempo no pit stop.

  • A Fábrica. Construa novos carros do zero, depois evolua a tecnologia ao longo de várias temporadas para criar a máquina de corrida perfeita.

  • Pense à frente. Decida quando começar a desenvolver o carro do próximo ano. Organize-se e você estará na posição perfeita para os testes da pré-temporada.

  • Desenvolva sua especialidade. Faça modificações mecânicas detalhadas ou escolha as recomendações de sua equipe.

  • O fim de semana da corrida. Defina a estratégia inicial no treino, classificatórias e corrida, ajustando suas táticas de acordo com o desempenho na pista.

  • Domine os pit stops. Arrisque tudo com um pit stop de alta velocidade que pode colocar você à frente de seus rivais.

  • Sistemas de clima. Tempo dinâmico capaz de alterar o jogo. Você vai parar no pit para colocar pneus intermediários ou vai ficar com slicks o máximo possível?
  • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

    Относно играта

    • The ultimate management game for fans of motorsport.
    • Feel the thrill of race day. React in real-time and make split-second decisions to gain the edge on your rivals.
    • Master advanced technology to customise every aspect of your car’s performance.
    • Create a top racing team composed of drivers, managers, mechanics and designers.
    • Step into a living, breathing world of motorsport with you at the centre.

    Have you got what it takes to become the manager of a high-performance motorsport team?

    Motorsport Manager is a highly detailed, best-in-class management game for fans of motorsport. You’ll hire the drivers, build the cars and embed yourself in the dynamic world of racing.

    Every single detail will need to be considered in order to push your way to the championship title. Split second decisions on the race track combine with carefully laid pre-race plans; everything from building and customising your car to race-day tactics will affect your path to either ultimate victory or epic failure.

    Stop watching, start winning and take control as the manager of your own motorsport team.

    • The Drivers. Your drivers have unique personality types, sparking drama within the team. Will you get the best out of them with tough love, or an arm around the shoulder?

    • Location, Location, Location. The location of your HQ is all-important in this globe-spanning sport. Some drivers might find it hard to resist joining an Italian team...

    • Pick the right people. Scouring the world for hidden gems is all the more satisfying when you find a young mechanic who can shave seconds off your pit stop times.

    • The Factory. Build new cars and parts from scratch, then evolve the technology over multiple seasons to create the perfect driving machine.

    • Thinking Ahead. Make the call on every part that goes into next season’s car. Get it right, and you’ll be in the perfect position come pre-season testing.

    • Hone your expertise. Make detailed mechanical tweaks or choose your team’s recommendations.

    • The Race Weekend. Set initial strategy across practice, qualifying and race – and adjust your tactics according to on-track developments.

    • Master the Pitstop. Risk it all with a high speed pit stop that could put you out in front of your rivals.

    • Weather Systems. Dynamic and game-changing weather. Will you pit for intermediate tyres or hold out on slicks for as long as possible?
    • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

      O hře

      • Unikátní herní manažer pro fanoušky motoristických sportů.
      • Poddejte se vzrušení ze závodu. Reagujte v reálném čase a dělejte rozhodnutí ve zlomku vteřiny, abyste získali výhodu nad svými rivaly.
      • Pokročilá technologie, se kterou můžete vyladit všechny aspekty výkonu svého vozu.
      • Sestavte špičkový závodní tým složený ze závodníků, manažerů, mechaniků a konstruktérů.
      • Vkročte do živoucího, dechberoucího světa motoristických sportů a staňte se jeho středobodem.

      Máte na to, abyste se stali manažery špičkového motoristického týmu?

      Motorsport Manager představuje velmi propracovaný manažer pro fanoušky motoristických sportů, který je nejlepší ve své třídě. Najímejte závodníky, sestavujte vozy a začleňte se do dynamického světa motoristických sportů.

      Chcete-li se ucházet o mistrovský titul, nesmíte opomenout žádný detail. Rozhodnutí ve zlomku vteřiny na závodní dráze ve spojení s důkladně vypracovanými plány před závodem: na své cestě za unikátním vítězstvím nebo epickým selháním se setkáte se vším od výstavby a vyladění vozu po přípravu taktiky v den závodu.

      Přestaňte přihlížet, začněte vyhrávat a ujměte se role manažera svého vlastního motoristického týmu.

      • Závodníci. Vaši závodníci jsou unikátní osobnostní typy, které v týmu vytvářejí dramatické napětí. Dostanete z nich to nejlepší s nekompromisní láskou nebo rukou kolem ramen?

      • Poloha, poloha, poloha. Poloha vašeho ústředí hraje v tomto celosvětovém sportu zcela zásadní roli. Někteří závodníci často jen těžko odolají nabídce z italského týmu...

      • Vyberte si správné lidi. Hledání neobroušených diamantů ve světě je mnohem uspokojivější, když najdete mladého mechanika, který vám ušetří cenné vteřiny v boxech.

      • Továrna. Sestavujte nová auta a díly od píky a následně během několika sezón vyviňte technologii, ze které vzejde dokonalý jízdní stroj.

      • Myslete dopředu. Rozhodujte o všech součástech, které půjdou do auta pro příští sezónu. Když to nepodceníte, budete při předsezónních testech v dokonalé pozici.

      • Pracujte na své odbornosti. Vylaďujte mechanickou stránku, případně dejte na doporučení svého týmu.

      • Závodní víkend. Udejte počáteční strategii v tréninku, kvalifikaci i v závodech – a upravte svou taktiku podle vývoje na trati.

      • Zvládněte mistrovsky zastávku v boxech. Zariskujte a udělejte rychlou zastávku v boxech, která vás může katapultovat před soupeře.

      • Systémy počasí. Dynamické počasí, které se mění podle hry. Zastavíte se v boxech pro pneumatiky do přechodných podmínek, nebo si co nejdéle necháte sliky?
      • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

        Om spillet

        • The ultimate management game for fans of motorsport.
        • Feel the thrill of race day. React in real-time and make split-second decisions to gain the edge on your rivals.
        • Master advanced technology to customise every aspect of your car’s performance.
        • Create a top racing team composed of drivers, managers, mechanics and designers.
        • Step into a living, breathing world of motorsport with you at the centre.

        Have you got what it takes to become the manager of a high-performance motorsport team?

        Motorsport Manager is a highly detailed, best-in-class management game for fans of motorsport. You’ll hire the drivers, build the cars and embed yourself in the dynamic world of racing.

        Every single detail will need to be considered in order to push your way to the championship title. Split second decisions on the race track combine with carefully laid pre-race plans; everything from building and customising your car to race-day tactics will affect your path to either ultimate victory or epic failure.

        Stop watching, start winning and take control as the manager of your own motorsport team.

        • The Drivers. Your drivers have unique personality types, sparking drama within the team. Will you get the best out of them with tough love, or an arm around the shoulder?

        • Location, Location, Location. The location of your HQ is all-important in this globe-spanning sport. Some drivers might find it hard to resist joining an Italian team...

        • Pick the right people. Scouring the world for hidden gems is all the more satisfying when you find a young mechanic who can shave seconds off your pit stop times.

        • The Factory. Build new cars and parts from scratch, then evolve the technology over multiple seasons to create the perfect driving machine.

        • Thinking Ahead. Make the call on every part that goes into next season’s car. Get it right, and you’ll be in the perfect position come pre-season testing.

        • Hone your expertise. Make detailed mechanical tweaks or choose your team’s recommendations.

        • The Race Weekend. Set initial strategy across practice, qualifying and race – and adjust your tactics according to on-track developments.

        • Master the Pitstop. Risk it all with a high speed pit stop that could put you out in front of your rivals.

        • Weather Systems. Dynamic and game-changing weather. Will you pit for intermediate tyres or hold out on slicks for as long as possible?
        • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

          Info over het spel

          • Het ultieme managementspel voor motorsportfans.
          • Voel de sensatie van de racedag. Reageer real-time en neem beslissingen in een fractie van een seconde om in het voordeel te komen.
          • Leer alles over geavanceerde technologie om elk aspect van de wagenprestaties aan te passen.
          • Stel een geweldig raceteam samen met coureurs, managers, monteurs en ontwerpers.
          • Betreed een levende wereld van motorsport met jou in het middelpunt.

          Heb jij genoeg in je mars om manager te worden van een high-performance motorsportteam?

          Motorsport Manager is een zeer gedetailleerd, ongeëvenaard management-spel voor motorsportfans. Jij huurt de coureurs en bouwt de wagens om volledig op te gaan in de dynamische wereld van de motorsport.

          Je moet aan elk detail denken om het kampioenschap te winnen. Neem beslissingen in een fractie van een seconde en bereid de race zorgvuldig voor; alles, van het bouwen en aanpassen van de wagen tot de tactiek op de racedag zelf, maakt het verschil tussen de ultieme overwinning of een verpletterende nederlaag.

          Stop met kijken, begin met winnen en neem de regie in handen als manager van je eigen motorsportteam.

          • De coureurs. Je coureurs hebben unieke persoonlijkheden en creëren drama in het team. Hoe haal je het beste uit ze? Met de zweep der liefde of met een arm over de schouder?

          • Locatie, locatie, locatie. De locatie van je hoofdkwartier is erg belangrijk in deze internationale sport. Sommige coureurs zullen de verleiding van een Italiaans team nauwelijks kunnen weerstaan...

          • Kies de juiste mensen. Het wordt nog veel leuker om verborgen parels te vinden als je een jonge monteur tegenkomt die de pitstoptijden nog verder kan inkorten.

          • De fabriek. Bouw volledig nieuwe wagens en onderdelen, en laat de technologie evolueren om de perfecte rijmachine te maken.

          • Denk vooruit. Beslis over elk onderdeel dat in de wagen van het volgende seizoen komt. Als de beslissing juist is, verkeer je in de perfecte positie om nog vóór het seizoen te gaan testen.

          • Verbeter je expertise. Maak gedetailleerde mechanische tweaks of kies voor de aanbevelingen van je team.

          • Het raceweekend. Bepaal je initiële strategie op het gebied van oefeningen, kwalificaties en races; en pas je tactiek aan op basis van de ontwikkelingen op het circuit.

          • Leer alles over de pitstop. Zet alles op het spel met een snelle pitstop waarmee je vóór je rivalen kunt komen.

          • Weersystemen. Dynamisch en spelbepalend weer. Ga je voor intermediate banden of rijd je zo lang mogelijk op slicks?
          • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

            About the Game

            • The ultimate management game for fans of motorsport.
            • Feel the thrill of race day. React in real-time and make split-second decisions to gain the edge on your rivals.
            • Master advanced technology to customise every aspect of your car’s performance.
            • Create a top racing team composed of drivers, managers, mechanics and designers.
            • Step into a living, breathing world of motorsport with you at the centre.

            Have you got what it takes to become the manager of a high-performance motorsport team?

            Motorsport Manager is a highly detailed, best-in-class management game for fans of motorsport. You’ll hire the drivers, build the cars and embed yourself in the dynamic world of racing.

            Every single detail will need to be considered in order to push your way to the championship title. Split second decisions on the race track combine with carefully laid pre-race plans; everything from building and customising your car to race-day tactics will affect your path to either ultimate victory or epic failure.

            Stop watching, start winning and take control as the manager of your own motorsport team.

            • The Drivers. Your drivers have unique personality types, sparking drama within the team. Will you get the best out of them with tough love, or an arm around the shoulder?

            • Location, Location, Location. The location of your HQ is all-important in this globe-spanning sport. Some drivers might find it hard to resist joining an Italian team...

            • Pick the right people. Scouring the world for hidden gems is all the more satisfying when you find a young mechanic who can shave seconds off your pit stop times.

            • The Factory. Build new cars and parts from scratch, then evolve the technology over multiple seasons to create the perfect driving machine.

            • Thinking Ahead. Make the call on every part that goes into next season’s car. Get it right, and you’ll be in the perfect position come pre-season testing.

            • Hone your expertise. Make detailed mechanical tweaks or choose your team’s recommendations.

            • The Race Weekend. Set initial strategy across practice, qualifying and race – and adjust your tactics according to on-track developments.

            • Master the Pitstop. Risk it all with a high speed pit stop that could put you out in front of your rivals.

            • Weather Systems. Dynamic and game-changing weather. Will you pit for intermediate tyres or hold out on slicks for as long as possible?
            • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

              Tietoja pelistä

              • The ultimate management game for fans of motorsport.
              • Feel the thrill of race day. React in real-time and make split-second decisions to gain the edge on your rivals.
              • Master advanced technology to customise every aspect of your car’s performance.
              • Create a top racing team composed of drivers, managers, mechanics and designers.
              • Step into a living, breathing world of motorsport with you at the centre.

              Have you got what it takes to become the manager of a high-performance motorsport team?

              Motorsport Manager is a highly detailed, best-in-class management game for fans of motorsport. You’ll hire the drivers, build the cars and embed yourself in the dynamic world of racing.

              Every single detail will need to be considered in order to push your way to the championship title. Split second decisions on the race track combine with carefully laid pre-race plans; everything from building and customising your car to race-day tactics will affect your path to either ultimate victory or epic failure.

              Stop watching, start winning and take control as the manager of your own motorsport team.

              • The Drivers. Your drivers have unique personality types, sparking drama within the team. Will you get the best out of them with tough love, or an arm around the shoulder?

              • Location, Location, Location. The location of your HQ is all-important in this globe-spanning sport. Some drivers might find it hard to resist joining an Italian team...

              • Pick the right people. Scouring the world for hidden gems is all the more satisfying when you find a young mechanic who can shave seconds off your pit stop times.

              • The Factory. Build new cars and parts from scratch, then evolve the technology over multiple seasons to create the perfect driving machine.

              • Thinking Ahead. Make the call on every part that goes into next season’s car. Get it right, and you’ll be in the perfect position come pre-season testing.

              • Hone your expertise. Make detailed mechanical tweaks or choose your team’s recommendations.

              • The Race Weekend. Set initial strategy across practice, qualifying and race – and adjust your tactics according to on-track developments.

              • Master the Pitstop. Risk it all with a high speed pit stop that could put you out in front of your rivals.

              • Weather Systems. Dynamic and game-changing weather. Will you pit for intermediate tyres or hold out on slicks for as long as possible?
              • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

                À propos du jeu

                • Le jeu de gestion ultime pour tous les fans de sports automobiles.
                • Ressentez le grand frisson de la course. Réagissez en temps réel et prenez des décisions à la seconde près pour gagner un avantage sur vos adversaires.
                • Maîtrisez une technologie de pointe pour personnaliser chaque aspect de la performance de votre voiture.
                • Créez une équipe de haut niveau avec pilotes, managers, mécaniciens et ingénieurs.
                • Entrez dans le monde dynamique et vibrant des sports automobiles et devenez le centre de cet univers.

                Avez-vous ce qu'il faut pour devenir le manager d'une équipe de sports automobiles de haut niveau ?

                Motorsport Manager est une simulation de management détaillée et de grande qualité dédiée aux fans de sports automobiles. Vous recruterez les pilotes, concevrez les voitures et vous implanterez dans l'univers dynamique des courses automobiles.

                Vous devrez prendre en compte chaque petit détail afin de vous hisser sur le haut du podium. L'issue du parcours sera déterminée autant par les décisions-éclair sur la piste combinées aux stratégies élaborées avant la course, la construction personnalisée de votre bolide et les tactiques de dernière minute... tous affecteront votre échappée vers la victoire finale ou l'échec cuisant.

                Arrêtez de regarder, commencez à gagner et à prendre le contrôle en devenant le manager de votre propre équipe de sports automobiles.

                • Les pilotes. Vos pilotes ont des personnalités uniques. Comment ferez-vous pour qu'ils donnent le meilleur d'eux-mêmes ? En les prenant par l'épaule ou en leur lançant un nouveau défi ?

                • Situation géographique. L'endroit où vous implantez votre QG est très important dans ce sport à échelle mondiale. Certains pilotes auront du mal à résister à l'envie de rejoindre une équipe italienne...

                • Entourez-vous des bonnes personnes. Explorer le globe en quête de perles rares s'avérera d'autant plus productif lorsque vous mettrez la main sur un jeune mécano capable de gagner quelques secondes lors des arrêts au stand.

                • L'usine. Construisez de zéro une nouvelle voiture, puis faites évoluer la technologie sur plusieurs saisons pour créer la machine de course parfaite.

                • Vision à long terme. Vous décidez quand commencer à développer la voiture pour l'année suivante. Faites-le au bon moment, et vous serez en parfaite position pour les tests de présaison.

                • Amélioration de l'expertise. Faites des ajustements mécaniques précis ou choisissez les recommandations de votre équipe.

                • Le week-end de course. Définissez une stratégie initiale pendant l'entraînement, les qualifications et la course, et ajustez votre tactique selon le développement du circuit.

                • Arrêts au stand maîtrisés. Risquez tout avec un arrêt au stand en grande vitesse qui pourra vous faire passer devant tous vos rivaux.

                • Système météo. Une météo dynamique qui change le jeu. Choisirez-vous des pneus intermédiaires ou vous accrocherez-vous à vos pneus lisses aussi longtemps que possible?
                • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

                  Über das Spiel

                  • Das ultimative Management-Spiel für Motorsportfans.
                  • Genieße die Spannung am Renntag. Reagiere in Echtzeit und fälle in Sekundenbruchteilen Entscheidungen, um dich vor deine Rivalen zu setzen.
                  • Nutze fortgeschrittene Technik, um jeden Leistungsaspekt deines Fahrzeugs deiner Fahrweise anzupassen.
                  • Stelle ein Top-Rennteam aus Fahrern, Managern, Mechanikern und Ingenieuren zusammen.
                  • Erlebe eine lebendige, atmende Welt des Motorsports, in deren Mittelpunkt du stehst.

                  Hast du das Zeug dazu, zum Manager eines Motorsportteams der Spitzenklasse zu werden?

                  Motorsport Manager ist ein detailreiches Management-Spiel für Fans des Motorsport - das Beste seiner Art. Du stellst die Fahrer ein, entwirfst die Autos und vertiefst dich in der aufregenden Welt des Motorsports.

                  Jedes noch so kleine Detail muss bedacht werden, um dir den Weg zum Meisterschaftstitel zu ebnen. Vor dem Rennen ausgefeilte Pläne werden mit sekundenschnellen Entscheidungen an der Rennstrecke kombiniert; jeder Aspekt von Entwicklung und Gestaltung des Rennwagens zur Strategie am Renntag wird beeinflussen, ob deine Reise zu Sieg oder Niederlage führt.

                  Greife ein, gewinne und werde Manager deines eigenen Motorsportteams!

                  • Die Fahrer: Deine Fahrer haben einzigartige Persönlichkeitstypen, was das Miteinander im Team spannend macht. Wie holst du das beste aus ihnen heraus – mit strenger Miene oder Kameradschaftsgeist?

                  • Die Lage ist alles: Die Lage deines Hauptstandorts ist in dieser global orientierten Sportart von größter Bedeutung. Manche Fahrer können einem Wechsel zu einem italienischen Team nicht widerstehen ...

                  • Wähle die richtigen Leute: Die ganze Welt nach versteckten Juwelen zu durchsuchen wird sich gelohnt haben, wenn du den einen jungen Mechaniker findest, der Boxenstopps um Sekunden verkürzen kann.

                  • Das Werk: Entwickle dein Fahrzeug von Grund auf neu und mach es technisch über mehrere Saisons hinweg zur perfekten Rennmaschine.

                  • Denke voraus: Du hast die Entscheidung über jedes Teil für das Fahrzeug der nächsten Saison. Wenn du alles richtig machst, bist du in der perfekten Position sobald die Testphase beginnt.

                  • Vervollkommne dein Fachwissen: Gib mechanisches Feintuning in Auftrag oder folge den Empfehlungen deines Teams.

                  • Das Rennwochenende: Du legst die Ausgangsstrategien für Training, Qualifying und Rennen fest und passt deine Taktik an den Verlauf des Events an.

                  • Meistere die Boxengasse: Setze alles auf eine Karte und schicke dein Fahrzeug zum schnellsten Boxenstopp der Welt, damit du deinen Konkurrenten voraus bist.

                  • Wettersysteme: Die dynamischen Wettereffekte können spielentscheidend sein. Lässt du Intermediate-Reifen aufziehen oder bleibst du so lange wie möglich bei Slicks?
                  • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

                    Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

                    • The ultimate management game for fans of motorsport.
                    • Feel the thrill of race day. React in real-time and make split-second decisions to gain the edge on your rivals.
                    • Master advanced technology to customise every aspect of your car’s performance.
                    • Create a top racing team composed of drivers, managers, mechanics and designers.
                    • Step into a living, breathing world of motorsport with you at the centre.

                    Have you got what it takes to become the manager of a high-performance motorsport team?

                    Motorsport Manager is a highly detailed, best-in-class management game for fans of motorsport. You’ll hire the drivers, build the cars and embed yourself in the dynamic world of racing.

                    Every single detail will need to be considered in order to push your way to the championship title. Split second decisions on the race track combine with carefully laid pre-race plans; everything from building and customising your car to race-day tactics will affect your path to either ultimate victory or epic failure.

                    Stop watching, start winning and take control as the manager of your own motorsport team.

                    • The Drivers. Your drivers have unique personality types, sparking drama within the team. Will you get the best out of them with tough love, or an arm around the shoulder?

                    • Location, Location, Location. The location of your HQ is all-important in this globe-spanning sport. Some drivers might find it hard to resist joining an Italian team...

                    • Pick the right people. Scouring the world for hidden gems is all the more satisfying when you find a young mechanic who can shave seconds off your pit stop times.

                    • The Factory. Build new cars and parts from scratch, then evolve the technology over multiple seasons to create the perfect driving machine.

                    • Thinking Ahead. Make the call on every part that goes into next season’s car. Get it right, and you’ll be in the perfect position come pre-season testing.

                    • Hone your expertise. Make detailed mechanical tweaks or choose your team’s recommendations.

                    • The Race Weekend. Set initial strategy across practice, qualifying and race – and adjust your tactics according to on-track developments.

                    • Master the Pitstop. Risk it all with a high speed pit stop that could put you out in front of your rivals.

                    • Weather Systems. Dynamic and game-changing weather. Will you pit for intermediate tyres or hold out on slicks for as long as possible?
                    • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

                      A játékról: 

                      • Az autóversenyek rajongóinak egy igazi menedzsmentjáték.
                      • Éld át a versenynap izgalmát! Reagálj valós időben, és hozz döntéseket a másodperc tört része alatt, hogy riválisaid elé kerülj!
                      • Sajátítsd el a fejlett technológiát, hogy testre szabhasd autód teljesítményének minden paraméterét!
                      • Hozz létre egy pilótákból, menedzserekből, szerelőkből és mérnökökből álló csúcskategóriás csapatot!
                      • Lépj be az autósport élő, lélegző világába, ahol te vagy a középpontban!

                      Megvan benned, ami ahhoz kell, hogy egy remekül teljesítő autóversenyző csapat igazgatója légy?

                      A Motorsport Manager egy igen részletes, kategóriájában a legjobb menedzselési élményt nyújtja az autósport szerelmeseinek. Pilótákat szerződtetsz, autókat építesz, és elmerülsz az autósport dinamikus világában.

                      Minden egyes részletet figyelembe kell venned, hogy a bajnoki címre törhess. Vannak itt a versenypályán a másodperc tört része alatt hozott döntések és a verseny előtt gondosan lefektetett tervek; az autód megépítésétől és testreszabásától kezdve a versenynapon alkalmazott taktikáig minden hatással van arra, hogy vagy tiéd lesz a végső győzelem vagy eposzokba illő bukást produkálsz.

                      Ne csak nézd, hanem kezdj nyerni, és irányíts, mint saját autóversenyző csapatod igazgatója!

                      • A versenyzők. A versenyzőid egyedi személyiségek, akik a csapaton belül drámákat csiholnak. Mivel hozod ki belőlük a legjobbat: szigorú szeretettel vagy baráti öleléssel?

                      • Helyszínek, helyszínek, helyszínek. Központod elhelyezkedése mindennél fontosabb ebben az egész bolygóra kiterjedő sportban. Vannak versenyzők, akik nehezen állnak ellen egy olasz csapat hívásának…

                      • A megfelelő emberek kiválasztása. Átfésülni a világot rejtett gyöngyszemek után több mint kielégítő, amikor találsz egy fiatal szerelőt, aki másodperceket képes lefaragni a bokszkiállás idejéből.

                      • Az Üzem. Építs új autókat és alkatrészeket a semmiből, majd fejleszd a technológiát több idényen át, hogy elkészítsd a tökéletes versenygépet!

                      • Gondolkodj előre! Dönts minden egyes alkatrészről, ami bekerül a következő idény autójába! Jól időzíts, mert akkor tökéletes pozícióba kerülsz az idény előtti tesztelésre!

                      • Csiszold a szaktudásod! Készülj részletes műszaki trükkökkel, vagy válassz csapatod javaslataiból!

                      • A versenyhétvége. Dolgozz ki egy induló stratégiát a szabadedzésre, az időmérőre és a versenyre – és módosíts a taktikán a pályán történő fejlemények alapján!

                      • Légy a bokszkiállás mestere! Tégy kockára mindent egy szélvészgyors bokszkiállással, amivel megelőzheted riválisaidat!

                      • Időjárásrendszer. Dinamikus és játékot befolyásoló időjárás. Kihívod a kocsit a bokszba, hogy intermediate gumik kerüljenek fel, vagy maradsz a simán, ameddig csak lehet?
                      • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

                        Informazioni sul gioco

                        • Il gioco di gestione per eccellenza per gli amanti dell'automobilismo.
                        • Prova il brivido del giorno di gara. Reagisci in tempo reale e prendi decisioni all'ultimo secondo per avere la meglio sui rivali.
                        • Padroneggia la tecnologia avanzata e personalizza ogni aspetto dell'auto.
                        • Crea una squadra corse vincente, composta da piloti, manager, meccanici e progettisti.
                        • Diventa protagonista dell'animato mondo automobilistico.

                        Pensi di avere le qualità giuste per diventare il manager di una squadra corse?

                        Motorsport Manager è un incredibile e dettagliato gioco gestionale, diretto ai fan delle corse automobilistiche. Metti i piloti sotto contratto, costruisci le auto e lasciati coinvolgere dal mondo dei motori.

                        Dovrai valutare ogni dettaglio per vincere il titolo. Decisioni immediate in pista insieme a strategie pre-gara attentamente studiate. Dalla costruzione e personalizzazione dell'auto alle tattiche del giorno di gara: ogni singolo aspetto sarà fondamentale per tracciare il percorso verso la vittoria finale o il fallimento.

                        Basta guardare, inizia a vincere e prendi il controllo in qualità di manager della tua squadra corse.

                        • I piloti. I tuoi piloti sono dotati di personalità uniche che influenzano le dinamiche di squadra. Riuscirai a farli gareggiare al meglio? Sarai comprensivo o li inciterai a dare di più?

                        • Il luogo giusto. In uno sport globale, la posizione del quartier generale è importantissima. Per alcuni piloti, una squadra italiana rappresenta una grossa tentazione...

                        • Scegli le persone giuste. Girare il mondo in cerca di talenti nascosti dà ancora più soddisfazione quando trovi un giovane meccanico che riesce a ridurre i tempi di sosta ai box.

                        • La fabbrica. Costruisci nuove auto e parti da zero, poi migliora la tecnologia stagione dopo stagione, per creare la macchina da corsa perfetta.

                        • Lungimiranza. Decidi ogni singola parte per l'auto dell'anno successivo. Con il giusto tempismo affronterai al meglio i test pre-stagione.

                        • Affina la tua competenza. Esegui dettagliate regolazioni meccaniche o segui i consigli della squadra.

                        • Il weekend di gara. Decidi la strategia iniziale tramite le prove libere, le qualifiche e la gara, e modifica la tattica in base agli sviluppi in pista.

                        • Sfrutta al massimo la sosta ai box. Rischia tutto con una sosta veloce che può farti passare davanti agli avversari.

                        • Sistema meteo. Condizioni climatiche dinamiche e che cambiano durante il gioco. Farai una sosta per montare le gomme intermedie o terrai quelle lisce il più a lungo possibile?
                        • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.


                          • The ultimate management game for fans of motorsport.
                          • Feel the thrill of race day. React in real-time and make split-second decisions to gain the edge on your rivals.
                          • Master advanced technology to customise every aspect of your car’s performance.
                          • Create a top racing team composed of drivers, managers, mechanics and designers.
                          • Step into a living, breathing world of motorsport with you at the centre.

                          Have you got what it takes to become the manager of a high-performance motorsport team?

                          Motorsport Manager is a highly detailed, best-in-class management game for fans of motorsport. You’ll hire the drivers, build the cars and embed yourself in the dynamic world of racing.

                          Every single detail will need to be considered in order to push your way to the championship title. Split second decisions on the race track combine with carefully laid pre-race plans; everything from building and customising your car to race-day tactics will affect your path to either ultimate victory or epic failure.

                          Stop watching, start winning and take control as the manager of your own motorsport team.

                          • The Drivers. Your drivers have unique personality types, sparking drama within the team. Will you get the best out of them with tough love, or an arm around the shoulder?

                          • Location, Location, Location. The location of your HQ is all-important in this globe-spanning sport. Some drivers might find it hard to resist joining an Italian team...

                          • Pick the right people. Scouring the world for hidden gems is all the more satisfying when you find a young mechanic who can shave seconds off your pit stop times.

                          • The Factory. Build new cars and parts from scratch, then evolve the technology over multiple seasons to create the perfect driving machine.

                          • Thinking Ahead. Make the call on every part that goes into next season’s car. Get it right, and you’ll be in the perfect position come pre-season testing.

                          • Hone your expertise. Make detailed mechanical tweaks or choose your team’s recommendations.

                          • The Race Weekend. Set initial strategy across practice, qualifying and race – and adjust your tactics according to on-track developments.

                          • Master the Pitstop. Risk it all with a high speed pit stop that could put you out in front of your rivals.

                          • Weather Systems. Dynamic and game-changing weather. Will you pit for intermediate tyres or hold out on slicks for as long as possible?
                          • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

                            게임 정보

                            • The ultimate management game for fans of motorsport.
                            • Feel the thrill of race day. React in real-time and make split-second decisions to gain the edge on your rivals.
                            • Master advanced technology to customise every aspect of your car’s performance.
                            • Create a top racing team composed of drivers, managers, mechanics and designers.
                            • Step into a living, breathing world of motorsport with you at the centre.

                            Have you got what it takes to become the manager of a high-performance motorsport team?

                            Motorsport Manager is a highly detailed, best-in-class management game for fans of motorsport. You’ll hire the drivers, build the cars and embed yourself in the dynamic world of racing.

                            Every single detail will need to be considered in order to push your way to the championship title. Split second decisions on the race track combine with carefully laid pre-race plans; everything from building and customising your car to race-day tactics will affect your path to either ultimate victory or epic failure.

                            Stop watching, start winning and take control as the manager of your own motorsport team.

                            • The Drivers. Your drivers have unique personality types, sparking drama within the team. Will you get the best out of them with tough love, or an arm around the shoulder?

                            • Location, Location, Location. The location of your HQ is all-important in this globe-spanning sport. Some drivers might find it hard to resist joining an Italian team...

                            • Pick the right people. Scouring the world for hidden gems is all the more satisfying when you find a young mechanic who can shave seconds off your pit stop times.

                            • The Factory. Build new cars and parts from scratch, then evolve the technology over multiple seasons to create the perfect driving machine.

                            • Thinking Ahead. Make the call on every part that goes into next season’s car. Get it right, and you’ll be in the perfect position come pre-season testing.

                            • Hone your expertise. Make detailed mechanical tweaks or choose your team’s recommendations.

                            • The Race Weekend. Set initial strategy across practice, qualifying and race – and adjust your tactics according to on-track developments.

                            • Master the Pitstop. Risk it all with a high speed pit stop that could put you out in front of your rivals.

                            • Weather Systems. Dynamic and game-changing weather. Will you pit for intermediate tyres or hold out on slicks for as long as possible?
                            • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

                              Om spillet

                              • The ultimate management game for fans of motorsport.
                              • Feel the thrill of race day. React in real-time and make split-second decisions to gain the edge on your rivals.
                              • Master advanced technology to customise every aspect of your car’s performance.
                              • Create a top racing team composed of drivers, managers, mechanics and designers.
                              • Step into a living, breathing world of motorsport with you at the centre.

                              Have you got what it takes to become the manager of a high-performance motorsport team?

                              Motorsport Manager is a highly detailed, best-in-class management game for fans of motorsport. You’ll hire the drivers, build the cars and embed yourself in the dynamic world of racing.

                              Every single detail will need to be considered in order to push your way to the championship title. Split second decisions on the race track combine with carefully laid pre-race plans; everything from building and customising your car to race-day tactics will affect your path to either ultimate victory or epic failure.

                              Stop watching, start winning and take control as the manager of your own motorsport team.

                              • The Drivers. Your drivers have unique personality types, sparking drama within the team. Will you get the best out of them with tough love, or an arm around the shoulder?

                              • Location, Location, Location. The location of your HQ is all-important in this globe-spanning sport. Some drivers might find it hard to resist joining an Italian team...

                              • Pick the right people. Scouring the world for hidden gems is all the more satisfying when you find a young mechanic who can shave seconds off your pit stop times.

                              • The Factory. Build new cars and parts from scratch, then evolve the technology over multiple seasons to create the perfect driving machine.

                              • Thinking Ahead. Make the call on every part that goes into next season’s car. Get it right, and you’ll be in the perfect position come pre-season testing.

                              • Hone your expertise. Make detailed mechanical tweaks or choose your team’s recommendations.

                              • The Race Weekend. Set initial strategy across practice, qualifying and race – and adjust your tactics according to on-track developments.

                              • Master the Pitstop. Risk it all with a high speed pit stop that could put you out in front of your rivals.

                              • Weather Systems. Dynamic and game-changing weather. Will you pit for intermediate tyres or hold out on slicks for as long as possible?
                              • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

                                Informacje o grze

                                • Bezapelacyjnie najlepsza sportowa strategia typu manager dla fanów sportu motorowego.
                                • Poczuj dreszcz emocji towarzyszący wyścigom! Reaguj na bieżąco i podejmuj błyskawiczne decyzje, dzięki którym pozostawisz rywali daleko w tyle.
                                • Korzystaj z zaawansowanych technologii, aby podkręcić wydajność swojego auta w każdym jej aspekcie.
                                • Stwórz topowy zespół wyścigowy, zatrudniając najlepszych kierowców, menedżerów, mechaników i projektantów.
                                • Stań w centrum świata sportu motorowego.

                                Czy odnajdziesz w sobie drapieżnego, odnoszącego sukcesy menedżera profesjonalnego zespołu wyścigowego?

                                Motorsport Manager to bogata w szczegóły, najlepsza w swojej klasie gra strategiczna typu manager dla fanów sportu motorowego. Graczowi powierzono proces tworzenia wyścigowego auta i zatrudniania kierowców, jak również inne procesy zarządzania, które sprawią, że zanurzysz się po uszy w ekscytującym świecie sportu motorowego!

                                Nie ignoruj żadnego szczegółu – miej oczy szeroko otwarte, jeśli chcesz choćby myśleć o tytule mistrza! Decyzje podjęte na torze wyścigowym uzupełnią obmyślone wcześniej strategie, a każdy aspekt twojego zarządzania, począwszy od stworzenia i personalizacji bolidu, aż po taktyki wyścigowe, może zawieść cię na szczyt lub wręcz przeciwnie – przynieść gorzki smak porażki.

                                Przestań się biernie przyglądać innym – przejmij stery dowodzenia w swoim zespole i zacznij wygrywać!

                                • Kierowcy. Każdy z nich ma niepowtarzalną osobowość, która może stać się zarzewiem konfliktu w grupie! Będziesz dla nich troskliwym przewodnikiem czy raczej wymagającym nauczycielem? Wybór należy do ciebie!

                                • Miejsce, z którego będziesz zarządzać swoim teamem, może mieć większy wpływ na sukces, niżby się mogło wydawać. Niektórzy kierowcy nigdy nie odrzucą szansy dołączenia do włoskiego zespołu…

                                • Wybierz właściwych ludzi. Wysiłek włożony w znalezienie najlepszego mechanika opłaci się już przy pierwszym wyścigu, gdy twój fachowiec skróci pit stop o kilka dobrych sekund.

                                • Buduj nowe bolidy i ich elementy, rozwijaj technologie i udoskonalaj je; w ciągu kilku sezonów na pewno zaowocuje to idealnym samochodem wyścigowym.

                                • Bądź przewidujący, planując rozbudowę bolidu. Jeśli dobrze przemyślisz strategię rozwoju, testowanie pojazdu przed sezonem powinno pójść jak z płatka.

                                • Stań się ekspertem od nowinek technicznych i sam wprowadzaj ulepszenia swojego auta lub zdaj się na opinię twojego zespołu.

                                • Dzień wyścigu: to wtedy okaże się, czy obrana strategia dobrze sprawdza się podczas treningów, kwalifikacji i wyścigu. Ucz się na błędach, obserwuj i bądź gotowy na modyfikowanie taktyki w zależności od wyników.

                                • Odpowiednie zaplanowanie pit stopów może dać ci nieoczekiwaną przewagę nad rywalami! Przyspieszenie tempa to ryzyko, ale i szansa na świetne wyniki.

                                • Pogoda może w każdej chwili popsuć ci szyki. Łatwiej będzie zagrać bezpiecznie i zarządzić pit stop na zmianę opon, ale możesz też podjąć wyzwanie i zaryzykować rajd pełen poślizgów…
                                • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

                                  Acerca do Jogo

                                  • O jogo de gestão definitivo para os fãs dos desportos motorizados.
                                  • Sente as emoções das corridas. Reage em tempo real e toma decisões rápidas para ganhares vantagem sobre os teus rivais.
                                  • Domina tecnologia avançada para personalizares todos os aspetos do desempenho do teu carro.
                                  • Cria uma equipa de corridas de topo composta por pilotos, diretores, mecânicos e designers.
                                  • Torna-te a peça central do mundo vivo e dinâmico dos desportos motorizados.

                                  Achas que consegues assumir o papel de diretor de uma equipa de desportos motorizados de alto desempenho?

                                  O Motorsport Manager é um jogo de gestão altamente detalhado dirigido aos fãs dos desportos motorizados. Irás contratar os pilotos, construir os carros e fazer parte do mundo dinâmico dos desportos motorizados.

                                  Terás de levar em consideração todos os detalhes para poderes alcançar a vitória no campeonato. As decisões rápidas tomadas na pista têm de combinar com os planos estabelecidos antes da corrida; tudo o que fizeres, desde a construção e personalização do teu carro até às táticas usadas durante as corridas, irão afetar o teu percurso até à glória ou ao fracasso.

                                  Deixa de ser um mero espetador; começa a vencer e assume o controlo da tua própria equipa de desportos motorizados.

                                  • Os pilotos: os teus pilotos terão personalidades únicas, provocando alguns dramas na equipa. Irás ser duro com eles ou tentarás protegê-los de modo a rentabilizá-los ao máximo?

                                  • Escolhe o local perfeito: a localização da tua sede é de extrema importância neste desporto global. Alguns pilotos poderão não resistir ao chamamento de uma equipa italiana...

                                  • Escolhe as pessoas certas: vasculhar o mundo em busca de “tesouros” escondidos torna-se gratificante quando encontras um jovem mecânico capaz de tirar vários segundos aos teus tempos de paragem nas boxes.

                                  • A fábrica: constrói novos carros e peças de raiz e de seguida desenvolve a tecnologia ao longo de várias sessões para criares a máquina perfeita.

                                  • Planeia em antecipação: decide todas as peças integrantes do carro da próxima temporada. Se acertares, estarás na posição perfeita quando começarem os testes da pré-temporada.

                                  • Aguça os teus conhecimentos: efetua afinações mecânicas detalhadas ou escolhe as recomendações da tua equipa.

                                  • O fim-de-semana de competição: define a estratégia inicial nos treinos, nas qualificações e nas corridas e ajusta as tuas táticas de acordo com os acontecimentos na pista.

                                  • Domina as paragens nas boxes: arrisca tudo com uma paragem nas boxes de alta velocidade que poderá colocar-te à frente dos teus rivais.

                                  • Sistemas climatéricos: o clima dinâmico pode mudar o jogo. Pedes uma paragem nas boxes para colocar pneus intermédios ou aguentas os pneus de piso seco o máximo de tempo possível?
                                  • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

                                    Despre joc

                                    • The ultimate management game for fans of motorsport.
                                    • Feel the thrill of race day. React in real-time and make split-second decisions to gain the edge on your rivals.
                                    • Master advanced technology to customise every aspect of your car’s performance.
                                    • Create a top racing team composed of drivers, managers, mechanics and designers.
                                    • Step into a living, breathing world of motorsport with you at the centre.

                                    Have you got what it takes to become the manager of a high-performance motorsport team?

                                    Motorsport Manager is a highly detailed, best-in-class management game for fans of motorsport. You’ll hire the drivers, build the cars and embed yourself in the dynamic world of racing.

                                    Every single detail will need to be considered in order to push your way to the championship title. Split second decisions on the race track combine with carefully laid pre-race plans; everything from building and customising your car to race-day tactics will affect your path to either ultimate victory or epic failure.

                                    Stop watching, start winning and take control as the manager of your own motorsport team.

                                    • The Drivers. Your drivers have unique personality types, sparking drama within the team. Will you get the best out of them with tough love, or an arm around the shoulder?

                                    • Location, Location, Location. The location of your HQ is all-important in this globe-spanning sport. Some drivers might find it hard to resist joining an Italian team...

                                    • Pick the right people. Scouring the world for hidden gems is all the more satisfying when you find a young mechanic who can shave seconds off your pit stop times.

                                    • The Factory. Build new cars and parts from scratch, then evolve the technology over multiple seasons to create the perfect driving machine.

                                    • Thinking Ahead. Make the call on every part that goes into next season’s car. Get it right, and you’ll be in the perfect position come pre-season testing.

                                    • Hone your expertise. Make detailed mechanical tweaks or choose your team’s recommendations.

                                    • The Race Weekend. Set initial strategy across practice, qualifying and race – and adjust your tactics according to on-track developments.

                                    • Master the Pitstop. Risk it all with a high speed pit stop that could put you out in front of your rivals.

                                    • Weather Systems. Dynamic and game-changing weather. Will you pit for intermediate tyres or hold out on slicks for as long as possible?
                                    • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

                                      Об игре

                                      • Современный спортивный менеджер для любителей автогонок.
                                      • Почувствуйте азарт гонки. Чтобы вырвать победу, принимайте решения в реальном времени за доли секунды.
                                      • Осваивайте передовые технологии, настраивайте все характеристики своей машины.
                                      • Создайте лучшую команду из гонщиков, менеджеров, механиков и конструкторов.
                                      • Погрузитесь живой мир автоспорта, станьте его центром.

                                      Хотите проверить себя в роли менеджера высокоэффективной команды автогонщиков?

                                      Motorsport Manager - это лучший в своем классе спортивный менеджер для любителей автогонок. Управление командой, создание автомобилей и полное погружение в увлекательный спортивный мир.

                                      В борьбе за чемпионский титул нет второстепенных деталей. Решения за доли секунды на трассе и тщательная подготовка к заезду, создание автомобиля, тюнинг, тактика гонки - все влияет на ваш результат и предопределяет блестящую победу или горькое поражение.

                                      Хватит смотреть, начинайте побеждать. Берите в свои руки управление гоночной командой.

                                      • Гонщики. Ваши гонщики обладают уникальными характерами, что вносит в игру дополнительный драматизм. Как добиться от них наилучшего результата? Кнут или пряник?

                                      • Место, место и еще раз место. Местонахождение вашей штаб-квартиры имеет огромное значение. Некоторые гонщики не устоят перед искушением записаться в итальянскую команду...

                                      • Подбор персонала. Ищите таланты по всему миру. Это того стоит. Хороший механик сэкономит вам пару секунд на пит-стопе.

                                      • Мастерская. Создавайте новые автомобили и запчасти из металлолома. От сезона к сезону совершенствуйте их, пока не получите идеальную машину.

                                      • Планирование. Обращайте внимание на любую мелочь при подготовке к новому сезону. Сделаете все правильно - выгодно проявите себя на отборочных соревнованиях.

                                      • Повышайте свое мастерство. Проводите тонкую настройку механики самостоятельно или прислушивайтесь к советам своей команды.

                                      • Гоночные дни. Разработайте начальную стратегию для тренировок, отборочных заездов и гонок. Корректируйте тактику применительно к ситуации на трассе.

                                      • Используйте пит-стоп. Рискните - и удачный пит-стоп даст вам преимущество перед соперниками.

                                      • Погодные условия. Динамичная, переменчивая погода. Остановитесь для замены шин или поедете дальше?
                                      • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.


                                        • The ultimate management game for fans of motorsport.
                                        • Feel the thrill of race day. React in real-time and make split-second decisions to gain the edge on your rivals.
                                        • Master advanced technology to customise every aspect of your car’s performance.
                                        • Create a top racing team composed of drivers, managers, mechanics and designers.
                                        • Step into a living, breathing world of motorsport with you at the centre.

                                        Have you got what it takes to become the manager of a high-performance motorsport team?

                                        Motorsport Manager is a highly detailed, best-in-class management game for fans of motorsport. You’ll hire the drivers, build the cars and embed yourself in the dynamic world of racing.

                                        Every single detail will need to be considered in order to push your way to the championship title. Split second decisions on the race track combine with carefully laid pre-race plans; everything from building and customising your car to race-day tactics will affect your path to either ultimate victory or epic failure.

                                        Stop watching, start winning and take control as the manager of your own motorsport team.

                                        • The Drivers. Your drivers have unique personality types, sparking drama within the team. Will you get the best out of them with tough love, or an arm around the shoulder?

                                        • Location, Location, Location. The location of your HQ is all-important in this globe-spanning sport. Some drivers might find it hard to resist joining an Italian team...

                                        • Pick the right people. Scouring the world for hidden gems is all the more satisfying when you find a young mechanic who can shave seconds off your pit stop times.

                                        • The Factory. Build new cars and parts from scratch, then evolve the technology over multiple seasons to create the perfect driving machine.

                                        • Thinking Ahead. Make the call on every part that goes into next season’s car. Get it right, and you’ll be in the perfect position come pre-season testing.

                                        • Hone your expertise. Make detailed mechanical tweaks or choose your team’s recommendations.

                                        • The Race Weekend. Set initial strategy across practice, qualifying and race – and adjust your tactics according to on-track developments.

                                        • Master the Pitstop. Risk it all with a high speed pit stop that could put you out in front of your rivals.

                                        • Weather Systems. Dynamic and game-changing weather. Will you pit for intermediate tyres or hold out on slicks for as long as possible?
                                        • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

                                          Acerca del juego

                                          • La mejor experiencia de gestión para los amantes del automovilismo.
                                          • Siente la emoción del día de la carrera. Reacciona en tiempo real y toma decisiones al momento para sacar ventaja a tus rivales.
                                          • Domina la tecnología más avanzada para personalizar todos los aspectos del rendimiento de tu coche.
                                          • Crea un equipo de competición de alto nivel formado por pilotos, directores, mecánicos e ingenieros.
                                          • Adéntrate en un mundo del motor vivo y dinámico contigo en su centro.

                                          ¿Tienes lo que hace falta para dirigir un equipo de alto rendimiento en el mundo del motor?

                                          Motorsport Manager es la mejor experiencia de gestión detallada para los amantes del automovilismo. Contratarás a los pilotos, diseñarás los coches y te sumergirás en el dinámico mundo del motor.

                                          Deberás considerar cada detalle si quieres tener alguna opción de optar a vencer el campeonato. Las decisiones durante la carrera se combinan con la estrategia planteada antes de ella. Todo contribuirá en tu camino hacia la gloria o el fracaso, desde la construcción y personalización de tus coches hasta las tácticas del día de la carrera.

                                          Deja de mirar, empieza a ganar y asume el control como director de tu propio equipo automovilístico.

                                          • Los pilotos. Tus pilotos tienen tipos de personalidad únicos. ¿Cómo conseguirás sacar el máximo de ellos? ¿Con palmaditas en la espalda o haciendo que se pongan las pilas?

                                          • Ubicación, ubicación y ubicación. La ubicación de tu sede es fundamental en este deporte globalizado. Algunos pilotos no se resistirán a la tentación de unirse a un equipo italiano...

                                          • Elige a la gente adecuada. Buscar a los mejores profesionales por todo el mundo produce una satisfacción sin igual, sobre todo cuando encuentras a ese mecánico maravilloso que te permite ahorrar unos segundos en las paradas en boxes.

                                          • La fábrica. Diseña piezas y coches partiendo de cero y luego haz evolucionar la tecnología a lo largo de varias temporadas para crear la máquina de conducción perfecta.

                                          • Sé previsor. Decide qué piezas irán en el coche del próximo año. Hazlo bien y estarás en la situación ideal cuando empiecen las pruebas de la pretemporada.

                                          • Pule tu pericia. Haz retoques mecánicos detallados o elige las recomendaciones de tu equipo.

                                          • El fin de semana. Decide la estrategia inicial en los entrenamientos, la clasificación y la carrera, y ajusta tus tácticas en función de lo que vaya sucediendo sobre el asfalto.

                                          • Domina las paradas en boxes. Juégatelo todo con una parada en boxes a gran velocidad que podría permitirte adelantar a tus rivales.

                                          • Sistemas climáticos. El clima del juego cambia de forma dinámica. ¿Entrarás a poner neumáticos intermedios o intentarás aguantar todo lo posible con los lisos?
                                          • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

                                            Om spelet

                                            • The ultimate management game for fans of motorsport.
                                            • Feel the thrill of race day. React in real-time and make split-second decisions to gain the edge on your rivals.
                                            • Master advanced technology to customise every aspect of your car’s performance.
                                            • Create a top racing team composed of drivers, managers, mechanics and designers.
                                            • Step into a living, breathing world of motorsport with you at the centre.

                                            Have you got what it takes to become the manager of a high-performance motorsport team?

                                            Motorsport Manager is a highly detailed, best-in-class management game for fans of motorsport. You’ll hire the drivers, build the cars and embed yourself in the dynamic world of racing.

                                            Every single detail will need to be considered in order to push your way to the championship title. Split second decisions on the race track combine with carefully laid pre-race plans; everything from building and customising your car to race-day tactics will affect your path to either ultimate victory or epic failure.

                                            Stop watching, start winning and take control as the manager of your own motorsport team.

                                            • The Drivers. Your drivers have unique personality types, sparking drama within the team. Will you get the best out of them with tough love, or an arm around the shoulder?

                                            • Location, Location, Location. The location of your HQ is all-important in this globe-spanning sport. Some drivers might find it hard to resist joining an Italian team...

                                            • Pick the right people. Scouring the world for hidden gems is all the more satisfying when you find a young mechanic who can shave seconds off your pit stop times.

                                            • The Factory. Build new cars and parts from scratch, then evolve the technology over multiple seasons to create the perfect driving machine.

                                            • Thinking Ahead. Make the call on every part that goes into next season’s car. Get it right, and you’ll be in the perfect position come pre-season testing.

                                            • Hone your expertise. Make detailed mechanical tweaks or choose your team’s recommendations.

                                            • The Race Weekend. Set initial strategy across practice, qualifying and race – and adjust your tactics according to on-track developments.

                                            • Master the Pitstop. Risk it all with a high speed pit stop that could put you out in front of your rivals.

                                            • Weather Systems. Dynamic and game-changing weather. Will you pit for intermediate tyres or hold out on slicks for as long as possible?
                                            • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.


                                              • The ultimate management game for fans of motorsport.
                                              • Feel the thrill of race day. React in real-time and make split-second decisions to gain the edge on your rivals.
                                              • Master advanced technology to customise every aspect of your car’s performance.
                                              • Create a top racing team composed of drivers, managers, mechanics and designers.
                                              • Step into a living, breathing world of motorsport with you at the centre.

                                              Have you got what it takes to become the manager of a high-performance motorsport team?

                                              Motorsport Manager is a highly detailed, best-in-class management game for fans of motorsport. You’ll hire the drivers, build the cars and embed yourself in the dynamic world of racing.

                                              Every single detail will need to be considered in order to push your way to the championship title. Split second decisions on the race track combine with carefully laid pre-race plans; everything from building and customising your car to race-day tactics will affect your path to either ultimate victory or epic failure.

                                              Stop watching, start winning and take control as the manager of your own motorsport team.

                                              • The Drivers. Your drivers have unique personality types, sparking drama within the team. Will you get the best out of them with tough love, or an arm around the shoulder?

                                              • Location, Location, Location. The location of your HQ is all-important in this globe-spanning sport. Some drivers might find it hard to resist joining an Italian team...

                                              • Pick the right people. Scouring the world for hidden gems is all the more satisfying when you find a young mechanic who can shave seconds off your pit stop times.

                                              • The Factory. Build new cars and parts from scratch, then evolve the technology over multiple seasons to create the perfect driving machine.

                                              • Thinking Ahead. Make the call on every part that goes into next season’s car. Get it right, and you’ll be in the perfect position come pre-season testing.

                                              • Hone your expertise. Make detailed mechanical tweaks or choose your team’s recommendations.

                                              • The Race Weekend. Set initial strategy across practice, qualifying and race – and adjust your tactics according to on-track developments.

                                              • Master the Pitstop. Risk it all with a high speed pit stop that could put you out in front of your rivals.

                                              • Weather Systems. Dynamic and game-changing weather. Will you pit for intermediate tyres or hold out on slicks for as long as possible?
                                              • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.


                                                • 賽車迷的終極管理遊戲。
                                                • 感受賽車日的緊張刺激。根據現況即時反應,當機立斷,超前對手取得優勢。
                                                • 掌握先進科技,自訂賽車的所有性能細節。
                                                • 集結最優秀的車手、經理、技師和設計師,組成頂尖賽車團隊。
                                                • 踏入生動逼真的賽車世界,你就是主角。


                                                《Motorsport Manager》是賽車迷夢寐以求的高規格管理遊戲。你可以雇用車手,打造車輛,沈浸在賽車瞬息萬變的動態世界。



                                                • 車手。每一位車手的個性都是獨一無二,在團隊李互相擦撞出火花。你會用愛的鼓勵還是鐵的紀律激發出他們最好的一面?

                                                • 地點、地點、地點。在這種遍布全球的賽事活動,總部地點非常重要,所以說三次。有些車手看到義大利車隊就忍不住想加入……

                                                • 選對人才。探索全球,尋找隱藏好手,當你找到一位好技師,可以幫你縮短中途進站的時間,哪怕一秒鐘也值得。

                                                • 車廠。從無到有打造全新車輛和零件,連著數季提升你的技術,才能擁有夢幻賽車。

                                                • 未雨綢繆。預測下一季賽車會使用的所有零件。如果猜對,賽前測試就能事半功倍。

                                                • 磨練專業技能。在技術層面加入一點小巧思,或者選擇團隊的建議配置。

                                                • 賽事週末。根據練習、排位賽和正式比賽擬定初始策略,到了現場也得視情況立刻調整戰術。

                                                • 把握中途進站。盡全力縮短中途進站時間,趁機超前對手。

                                                • 天氣系統。動態天氣系統會在比賽途中隨時產生變化。你要換成晴雨胎,還是盡可能用光頭胎撐下去?
                                                • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

                                                  Oyun Açıklaması

                                                  • The ultimate management game for fans of motorsport.
                                                  • Feel the thrill of race day. React in real-time and make split-second decisions to gain the edge on your rivals.
                                                  • Master advanced technology to customise every aspect of your car’s performance.
                                                  • Create a top racing team composed of drivers, managers, mechanics and designers.
                                                  • Step into a living, breathing world of motorsport with you at the centre.

                                                  Have you got what it takes to become the manager of a high-performance motorsport team?

                                                  Motorsport Manager is a highly detailed, best-in-class management game for fans of motorsport. You’ll hire the drivers, build the cars and embed yourself in the dynamic world of racing.

                                                  Every single detail will need to be considered in order to push your way to the championship title. Split second decisions on the race track combine with carefully laid pre-race plans; everything from building and customising your car to race-day tactics will affect your path to either ultimate victory or epic failure.

                                                  Stop watching, start winning and take control as the manager of your own motorsport team.

                                                  • The Drivers. Your drivers have unique personality types, sparking drama within the team. Will you get the best out of them with tough love, or an arm around the shoulder?

                                                  • Location, Location, Location. The location of your HQ is all-important in this globe-spanning sport. Some drivers might find it hard to resist joining an Italian team...

                                                  • Pick the right people. Scouring the world for hidden gems is all the more satisfying when you find a young mechanic who can shave seconds off your pit stop times.

                                                  • The Factory. Build new cars and parts from scratch, then evolve the technology over multiple seasons to create the perfect driving machine.

                                                  • Thinking Ahead. Make the call on every part that goes into next season’s car. Get it right, and you’ll be in the perfect position come pre-season testing.

                                                  • Hone your expertise. Make detailed mechanical tweaks or choose your team’s recommendations.

                                                  • The Race Weekend. Set initial strategy across practice, qualifying and race – and adjust your tactics according to on-track developments.

                                                  • Master the Pitstop. Risk it all with a high speed pit stop that could put you out in front of your rivals.

                                                  • Weather Systems. Dynamic and game-changing weather. Will you pit for intermediate tyres or hold out on slicks for as long as possible?
                                                  • Endurance Series DLC and free Anniversary Update out now.

                                                    Про гру

                                                    • The ultimate management game for fans of motorsport.
                                                    • Feel the thrill of race day. React in real-time and make split-second decisions to gain the edge on your rivals.
                                                    • Master advanced technology to customise every aspect of your car’s performance.
                                                    • Create a top racing team composed of drivers, managers, mechanics and designers.
                                                    • Step into a living, breathing world of motorsport with you at the centre.

                                                    Have you got what it takes to become the manager of a high-performance motorsport team?

                                                    Motorsport Manager is a highly detailed, best-in-class management game for fans of motorsport. You’ll hire the drivers, build the cars and embed yourself in the dynamic world of racing.

                                                    Every single detail will need to be considered in order to push your way to the championship title. Split second decisions on the race track combine with carefully laid pre-race plans; everything from building and customising your car to race-day tactics will affect your path to either ultimate victory or epic failure.

                                                    Stop watching, start winning and take control as the manager of your own motorsport team.

                                                    • The Drivers. Your drivers have unique personality types, sparking drama within the team. Will you get the best out of them with tough love, or an arm around the shoulder?

                                                    • Location, Location, Location. The location of your HQ is all-important in this globe-spanning sport. Some drivers might find it hard to resist joining an Italian team...

                                                    • Pick the right people. Scouring the world for hidden gems is all the more satisfying when you find a young mechanic who can shave seconds off your pit stop times.

                                                    • The Factory. Build new cars and parts from scratch, then evolve the technology over multiple seasons to create the perfect driving machine.

                                                    • Thinking Ahead. Make the call on every part that goes into next season’s car. Get it right, and you’ll be in the perfect position come pre-season testing.

                                                    • Hone your expertise. Make detailed mechanical tweaks or choose your team’s recommendations.

                                                    • The Race Weekend. Set initial strategy across practice, qualifying and race – and adjust your tactics according to on-track developments.

                                                    • Master the Pitstop. Risk it all with a high speed pit stop that could put you out in front of your rivals.

                                                    • Weather Systems. Dynamic and game-changing weather. Will you pit for intermediate tyres or hold out on slicks for as long as possible?

                                                    System Requirements
