My Time at Portia (Incl. Early Access)
My Time at Portia (Incl. Early Access)
My Time at Portia (Incl. Early Access)
My Time at Portia (Incl. Early Access)
My Time at Portia (Incl. Early Access)
My Time at Portia (Incl. Early Access)
My Time at Portia (Incl. Early Access)

My Time at Portia (Incl. Early Access)

Release Date: 23/01/2018 | EU US
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16.99 € + VAT





*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

Sobre o jogo

Comece uma vida nova na encantadora cidade de Portia! Recupere a antiga glória da oficina abandonada de seu pai cumprindo missões, cultivando, criando animais e fazendo amizade com os habitantes peculiares desta terra pós-apocalíptica!
Com o manual e a bancada de seu pai, você terá que colher, minerar e construir seu caminho para ter a melhor oficina de Portia. Ajude os moradores a reconstruírem a cidade e desvendarem os segredos escondidos nas profundezas dela. Prepare-se... não será fácil!
A cidade de Portia está repleta de gente nova para conhecer. Faça amigos, cumpra solicitações, troque presentes, vá em encontros e deixe o romance florescer!
Inspirado pela magia do Studio Ghibli, My Time at Portia lhe levará para um mundo inesquecível de maravilhas. Como você passará seu tempo em Portia?

Características: principais:

CONSTRUA SUA OFICINA: Transforme a oficina abandonada de seu pai na melhor de Portia! Junte recursos e construa seu caminho para o afeto da comunidade, cumprindo tarefas diárias e solicitações dos moradores.

ADMINISTRE SUA PRÓPRIA FAZENDA: Plante, colha, crie animais e faça o terreno vazio em volta da oficina virar uma fazenda graciosa! My Time at Portia tem uma abordagem de agricultura inovadora com caixas de plantio e sistemas de irrigação semiautomáticos. Você pode até dar uma volta de cavalo ou de lhama na cidade!

EXERCITE A CRIATIVIDADE: Transforme sua casa em um lar! Dê um toque especial à sua oficina criando vários tipos de móveis, decorações e melhorias para ela. Além de deixar a oficina incrível, cada item adiciona impulsos de atributos ao seu personagem!

ENTRE NA COMUNIDADE: Faça parte da comunidade fantástica de Portia! Repleta de rostos inesquecíveis com personalidades animadas, rotinas e ótimas histórias para contar. Eles trabalham, jantam fora, fazem atividades físicas e interagem uns com os outros de diversas maneiras interessantes, não deixe de conhecer a todos! Quem sabe não pinta um romance?

EXPLORE E BATALHE: Mergulhe fundo nas ruínas antigas e masmorras de Portia. Pegue sua picareta e o Detector de Relíquias e minere em busca de recursos e tesouros do passado. Não esqueça de equipar uma arma, há hordas de monstros terríveis e chefes mortais entre você e aquele belo saque!

EVOLUA: Faça seu personagem subir de nível com uma variedade de habilidades que lhe ajudarão em suas aventuras. Escolha entre melhorar as habilidades sociais, de fabricação ou combate com base no seu estilo de jogo.

E MUITO MAIS: My Time at Portia tem algo especial para todos! Descubra e explore novas regiões, participe de festivais recorrentes no jogo e de outras atividades. Você decide como aproveitar seu tempo. Que tal aprimorar suas habilidades culinárias e cozinhar uma refeição deliciosa? Participar de algum minijogo? Ou, quem sabe, relaxar e passar a tarde pescando? A escolha é sua!




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

Относно играта

Start a new life in the enchanting town of Portia! Restore your Pa's neglected workshop to its former glory by fulfilling commissions, growing crops, raising animals, and befriending the quirky inhabitants of this charming post-apocalyptic land!

Armed with your Pa's old handbook and workbench, you must gather, mine and craft your way to being crowned the number one workshop in Portia. Help the locals rebuild the town and uncover the secrets locked deep away beneath it. Be prepared though…it won't be easy!

The town of Portia is full of friendly new faces for you to meet. Make friends, complete requests, exchange gifts, go on dates and let romance blossom!

Inspired by the magic of Studio Ghibli, My Time at Portia whisks you away to a world of wonder that you won't forget. How will you spend your time at Portia?

Key Features:

BUILD YOUR WORKSHOP: Build your Pa's derelict workshop into the best in Portia! Gather resources and craft your way into the hearts of the local community, as you work through daily commissions and villager requests.

RUN YOUR OWN FARM: Grow and nurture your own crops, raise animals and convert the empty woodland surrounding your workshop into a quaint little farm! My Time at Portia offers an innovative approach to farming, allowing you to take advantage of planter boxes and semi-automatic irrigation systems. You can even take your horse or llama out for a ride around the town!

GET CREATIVE: Make your house a home! Apply your personal touch with an exciting range of craftable furniture, decorations and workshop upgrades. Not only will it look great, but each piece will add stat boosts to your character!

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Become a part of Portia's extraordinary community! Filled with a vibrant cast of unforgettable faces all with energetic personalities, daily routines and exciting stories to share. They go to work, have dinner in restaurants, exercise and interact with each other in lots of interesting ways - make sure you take the time to get to know them all! Who knows, maybe romance could be in the air?

EXPLORE AND BATTLE: Delve deep into the ancient ruins and dungeons of Portia. Grab your pickaxe and Relic Scanner and mine for resources and treasures from the past. Make sure that you equip a weapon, there’s hordes of fearsome monsters and deadly bosses that stand between you and that precious loot!

SKILL UP: Level up your character with a variety of skills to aid you in your adventures. Decide on whether to boost your crafting, combat or social skills depending on your play style.

AND THERE’S MORE: My Time at Portia has something for everyone! Find and explore new lands, take part in regular in-game festivals and many other activities it’s up to you how you spend your time. Why not hone your culinary skills and cook up some tasty food? Take on one of the many mini-games? Or perhaps just kick back and spend the afternoon fishing? The choice is yours!




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

O hře

Start a new life in the enchanting town of Portia! Restore your Pa's neglected workshop to its former glory by fulfilling commissions, growing crops, raising animals, and befriending the quirky inhabitants of this charming post-apocalyptic land!

Armed with your Pa's old handbook and workbench, you must gather, mine and craft your way to being crowned the number one workshop in Portia. Help the locals rebuild the town and uncover the secrets locked deep away beneath it. Be prepared though…it won't be easy!

The town of Portia is full of friendly new faces for you to meet. Make friends, complete requests, exchange gifts, go on dates and let romance blossom!

Inspired by the magic of Studio Ghibli, My Time at Portia whisks you away to a world of wonder that you won't forget. How will you spend your time at Portia?

Key Features:

BUILD YOUR WORKSHOP: Build your Pa's derelict workshop into the best in Portia! Gather resources and craft your way into the hearts of the local community, as you work through daily commissions and villager requests.

RUN YOUR OWN FARM: Grow and nurture your own crops, raise animals and convert the empty woodland surrounding your workshop into a quaint little farm! My Time at Portia offers an innovative approach to farming, allowing you to take advantage of planter boxes and semi-automatic irrigation systems. You can even take your horse or llama out for a ride around the town!

GET CREATIVE: Make your house a home! Apply your personal touch with an exciting range of craftable furniture, decorations and workshop upgrades. Not only will it look great, but each piece will add stat boosts to your character!

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Become a part of Portia's extraordinary community! Filled with a vibrant cast of unforgettable faces all with energetic personalities, daily routines and exciting stories to share. They go to work, have dinner in restaurants, exercise and interact with each other in lots of interesting ways - make sure you take the time to get to know them all! Who knows, maybe romance could be in the air?

EXPLORE AND BATTLE: Delve deep into the ancient ruins and dungeons of Portia. Grab your pickaxe and Relic Scanner and mine for resources and treasures from the past. Make sure that you equip a weapon, there’s hordes of fearsome monsters and deadly bosses that stand between you and that precious loot!

SKILL UP: Level up your character with a variety of skills to aid you in your adventures. Decide on whether to boost your crafting, combat or social skills depending on your play style.

AND THERE’S MORE: My Time at Portia has something for everyone! Find and explore new lands, take part in regular in-game festivals and many other activities it’s up to you how you spend your time. Why not hone your culinary skills and cook up some tasty food? Take on one of the many mini-games? Or perhaps just kick back and spend the afternoon fishing? The choice is yours!




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

Om spillet

Begynd et nyt liv i den fortryllende by Portia! Før din fars gamle værksted tilbage til dets storhedstid ved at udføre bestillingsarbejde, dyrke afgrøder, avle dyr og blive venner med de spøjse indbyggere i det charmerende postapokalyptiske land.
Med din fars gamle værkstedshåndbog og arbejdsbord skal du samle, udvinde og bygge dig vej til at gøre dit værksted til det bedste i Portia. Hjælp de lokale med at genopbygge byen, og genopdag de hemmeligheder som er skjult under den. Men vær forberedt på at det ikke bliver nemt!
Portia er fuld af nye ansigter at møde. Få venner, udfør opgaver, giv og få gaver, tag på stævnemøder og lad kærligheden blomstre.
My Time at Portia er inspireret af Studio Ghiblis magi, og tager dig ud på en underfuld rejse du sent vil glemme. Hvordan vil du tilbringe tiden i Portia?


BYG DIT VÆRKSTED: Gør din fars forfaldne værksted i Portia! Saml råvarer og fremstil genstande for at vinde lokalbefolkningens hjerter i daglige opgaver og bestillingerne fra borgerne.

DRIV DIN EGEN GÅRD: Dyrk og plej dine afgrøder, avl dyr og omdan det øde skovområde omkring dit værksted til en køn lille gård. My Time at Portia har en innovativ tilgang til landbrug hvor du kan gøre brug af plantekasser og halvautomatiserede vandingssystemer. Du kan endda ride en tur i byen på din hest eller din lama.

VÆR KREATIV: Gør dit hus til et hjem! Sæt dit personlige præg på det med et udvalg af møbler, pynt og opgraderinger til dit værksted du selv kan bygge. Ikke bare ser det pænt ud, men hver genstand giver dig bonusser.

TAG DEL I SAMFUNDET: Vær med i Portias ekstraordinære bysamfund. Her er mange uforglemmelige ansigter og energiske personligheder med deres egne rutiner og spændende historier at fortælle. De går på arbejde, spiser middag på restauranter og omgås hinanden på mange interessante måder – så sørg for at tage dig tid til at møde dem alle. Hvem véd. Måske er der kærlighed i luften.

UDFORSK OG KÆMP: Træng dybt ind i Portias ældgamle ruiner og fangekældre. Tag din hakke og din skattescanner og grav efter råstoffer og fortidens skatte. Sørg for at have et våben med, for der er horder af frygtelige monstre og bosser mellem dig og dine skatte.

BLIV BEDRE: Få levels til din spilfigur, og lær nye færdigheder som hjælper dig på dine eventyr. Vælg om du vil forbedre dine færdigheder indenfor håndværk, kamp eller social omgang.

OG DER ER MERE: My Time at Portia rummer noget for enhver smag! Find og udforsk nye områder, og deltag i festivaler og andre aktiviteter. Det er op til dig hvordan du vil bruge din tid. Hvad med at forbedre dine kulinariske evner og lave noget lækker mad? Eller spille et af de mange minispil? Eller måske bare slappe af og fiske? Valget er dit.




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

Info over het spel

Begin een nieuw leven in het betoverende stadje Portia! Herstel je vaders verwaarloosde werkplaats in zijn voormalige glorie door opdrachten uit te voeren, gewassen te verbouwen, dieren te houden en vrienden te maken onder de eigenaardige bewoners van dit charmante, postapocalyptische land!
Gewapend met het oude handboek en de werkbank van je vader moet je verzamelen, delven en produceren om de beste werkplaats van Portia te worden. Help de bewoners met de heropbouw van de stad en ontrafel de geheimen die eronder verborgen liggen. Maak je borst maar nat, want dat wordt geen makkelijke klus!
In het stadje Portia kom je volop vriendelijke gezichten tegen. Maak vrienden, vervul verzoeken, wissel geschenken uit, ga op dates en laat de romantiek opbloeien!
My Time at Portia, geïnspireerd op de magie van Studio Ghibli, voert je weg naar een wonderlijke wereld die je niet zult vergeten. Wat ga jij allemaal doen in Portia?

Belangrijkste kenmerken:

BOUW JE WERKPLAATS: Bouw de vervallen werkplaats van je vader op tot de beste in Portia! Verzamel materialen en produceer om de harten van de lokale gemeenschap te veroveren terwijl je je dagelijkse opdrachten en verzoeken van de stadsbewoners uitvoert.

BEHEER JE EIGEN BOERDERIJ: Verbouw en verzorg je eigen gewassen, houd dieren en vorm het lege bosland rondom je werkplaats om tot een schilderachtig boerderijtje! My Time at Portia biedt een innovatieve benadering van landbouw, waarbij je gebruik kunt maken van plantenbakken en semi-automatische irrigatiesystemen. Je kunt zelfs een ritje door de stad maken op je paard of lama!

WEES CREATIEF: Maak van je huis een thuis! Breng een persoonlijke noot aan met een geweldige reeks te produceren meubelen, decoraties en werkplaatsupgrades. Niet alleen ziet het er fantastisch uit, maar elk stuk versterkt je personage!

MAAK DEEL UIT VAN DE GEMEENSCHAP: Word onderdeel van Portia's buitengewone gemeenschap! Gevuld met een levendige cast van onvergetelijke gezichten, allen met energieke persoonlijkheden, dagelijkse routines en interessante verhalen om te delen. Ze gaan naar hun werk, eten in restaurants, sporten en gaan op vele interessante manieren met elkaar om. Zorg dat je de tijd neemt om hen allemaal te leren kennen! Wie weet, misschien hangt er romantiek in de lucht?

VERKEN EN VECHT: Graaf diep in de oeroude ruïnes en kerkers van Portia. Pak je houweel en reliekenscanner en delf naar grondstoffen en schatten uit het verleden. Zorg dat je een wapen hebt, want er staan hordes angstaanjagende monsters en dodelijke bazen tussen jou en die kostbare buit!

VERBETER JE VAARDIGHEDEN: Verbeter je personage met een reeks vaardigheden om je te helpen op je avonturen. Bepaal of je je productie-, vecht- of sociale vaardigheden verbetert, afhankelijk van je speelstijl.

EN ER IS MEER: My Time at Portia heeft iets voor iedereen! Vind en verken nieuwe landen, neem deel aan regelmatige festivals in het spel en vele andere activiteiten. Je kiest zelf hoe je je tijd besteedt. Scherp bijvoorbeeld je culinaire vaardigheden aan om smakelijk voedsel te bereiden. Of speel een van de vele minispellen. Of ga gewoon relaxen en een middagje vissen. De keuze is aan jou!




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

About the Game

Start a new life in the enchanting town of Portia! Restore your Pa's neglected workshop to its former glory by fulfilling commissions, growing crops, raising animals, and befriending the quirky inhabitants of this charming post-apocalyptic land!

Armed with your Pa's old handbook and workbench, you must gather, mine and craft your way to being crowned the number one workshop in Portia. Help the locals rebuild the town and uncover the secrets locked deep away beneath it. Be prepared though…it won't be easy!

The town of Portia is full of friendly new faces for you to meet. Make friends, complete requests, exchange gifts, go on dates and let romance blossom!

Inspired by the magic of Studio Ghibli, My Time at Portia whisks you away to a world of wonder that you won't forget. How will you spend your time at Portia?

Key Features:

BUILD YOUR WORKSHOP: Build your Pa's derelict workshop into the best in Portia! Gather resources and craft your way into the hearts of the local community, as you work through daily commissions and villager requests.

RUN YOUR OWN FARM: Grow and nurture your own crops, raise animals and convert the empty woodland surrounding your workshop into a quaint little farm! My Time at Portia offers an innovative approach to farming, allowing you to take advantage of planter boxes and semi-automatic irrigation systems. You can even take your horse or llama out for a ride around the town!

GET CREATIVE: Make your house a home! Apply your personal touch with an exciting range of craftable furniture, decorations and workshop upgrades. Not only will it look great, but each piece will add stat boosts to your character!

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Become a part of Portia's extraordinary community! Filled with a vibrant cast of unforgettable faces all with energetic personalities, daily routines and exciting stories to share. They go to work, have dinner in restaurants, exercise and interact with each other in lots of interesting ways - make sure you take the time to get to know them all! Who knows, maybe romance could be in the air?

EXPLORE AND BATTLE: Delve deep into the ancient ruins and dungeons of Portia. Grab your pickaxe and Relic Scanner and mine for resources and treasures from the past. Make sure that you equip a weapon, there’s hordes of fearsome monsters and deadly bosses that stand between you and that precious loot!

SKILL UP: Level up your character with a variety of skills to aid you in your adventures. Decide on whether to boost your crafting, combat or social skills depending on your play style.

AND THERE’S MORE: My Time at Portia has something for everyone! Find and explore new lands, take part in regular in-game festivals and many other activities it’s up to you how you spend your time. Why not hone your culinary skills and cook up some tasty food? Take on one of the many mini-games? Or perhaps just kick back and spend the afternoon fishing? The choice is yours!




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

Tietoa pelistä

Aloita uusi elämä ihastuttavassa Portian kylässä! Palauta isän laiminlyöty työpaja aiempaan kuntoonsa täyttämällä toimeksiantoja, viljelemällä viljaa, kasvattamalla eläimiä ja ystävystymällä kylän erikoisten asukkaiden kanssa tässä viehättävässä maailmanlopun jälkeisessä maassa!
Isän vanhan käsikirjan ja työstöpenkin avulla sinun on kerättävä, kaivettava ja valmistettava tiesi Portian parhaan työpajan omistajaksi. Auta paikallisia rakentamaan kylää ja selvittämään sen alla piileviä salaisuuksia. Valmistaudu kunnolla... siitä ei tule helppoa!
Portian kylä on täynnä ystävällisiä ihmisiä, joita voit tavata. Ystävysty, täytä pyyntöjä, vaihda lahjoja, käy treffeillä ja anna romanssin kukkia!
Studio Ghiblin magian inspiroima My Time at Portia vie sinut ihmemaailmaan, joka painuu mieleesi. Kuinka vietät aikaasi Portiassa?


RAKENNA TYÖPAJASI: Rakenna isäsi hylätystä työpajasta Portian paras! Kerää resursseja ja valmista tiesi paikallisen yhteisön sydämeen tehdessäsi päivittäisiä toimeksiantoja ja kyläläisten pyyntöjä.

PIDÄ OMAA FARMIASI: Kasvata omia viljojasi, helli eläimiäsi ja muunna työpajaasi ympäröivä tyhjä metsätontti somaksi pieneksi farmiksi. My Time at Portia tarjoaa innovatiivisen lähestymistavan maatilan hoitoon ja antaa sinun käyttää istutuslaatikoita ja puoliautomaattisia kastelujärjestelmiä. Voit jopa käydä ratsastamassa kylässä hevosellasi tai laamallasi!

RYHDY LUOVAKSI: Tee talostasi koti! Esittele omaa sisustusmakuasi jännittävällä valikoimalla valmistettavia huonekaluja, koristeita ja työpajapäivityksiä. Näin saat kaiken näyttämään hienolta, mutta jokainen osa myös tehostaa hahmoasi!

LIITY YHTEISÖÖN: Liity osaksi Portian ihmeellistä yhteisöä! Se on täynnä unohtumattomia kasvoja, energisiä ihmisiä, päivittäisiä rutiineita ja jännittäviä tarinoita jaettavaksi. He käyvät töissä, ruokailevat ravintoloissa, treenaavat ja toimivat yhdessä monin jännittävin tavoin – varmista, että sinulla on aikaa tutustua heihin kaikkiin! Ken tietää, ehkä ilmassa on rakkauttakin?

TUTKI JA TAISTELE: Sukella syvälle Portian muinaisiin raunioihin ja tyrmiin. Nappaa hakkusi ja reliikkiskannerisi ja kaiva resursseja ja aarteita menneisyydestä. Muista ottaa ase mukaan, sillä sinun ja arvokkaiden aarteiden välillä on pelottavia hirviölaumoja ja tappavia pomoja.

KASVATA TAITOJASI: Nosta hahmosi tasoa monenlaisissa taidoissa, jotka auttavat seikkailuissasi! Päätä oman pelityylisi mukaan tehostatko valmistus-, taistelu- vai sosiaalisia taitojasi.

JA PALJON MUUTA: My Time at Portia tarjoaa jokaiselle jotakin! Löydä ja tutki uusia maita, osallistu pelin sisäisiin säännöllisiin festivaaleihin ja muihin toimiin ja käytä aikaasi miten haluat. Miksipä et hioisi ruoanlaittotaitojasi ja valmistaisi maukasta murkinaa? Voit myös kokeilla jotakin monista minipeleistä. Tai ehkä haluat vain rentoutua ja viettää iltapäivän kalastamalla? Saat itse valita!




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

À propos du jeu

Démarrez votre nouvelle vie dans la merveilleuse ville de Portia ! Remettez à neuf l'atelier délabré de votre père en remplissant des commandes, en cultivant des plantes, en élevant des animaux et en interagissant avec les drôles d'habitants de cette charmante terre post-apocalyptique !
Récoltez, minez et fabriquez des objets grâce au vieux manuel et au plan de travail de votre père pour devenir l'atelier le plus réputé de Portia. Aidez les habitants à rebâtir la ville et percez ses secrets. Attention, ce ne sera pas facile !
Portia regorge de nouvelles têtes à rencontrer. Liez des amitiés, accomplissez des tâches, échangez des cadeaux, flirtez et laissez-vous séduire !
Inspiré par la magie de Studio Ghibli, My Time at Portia vous emmène dans un monde enchanteur qui saura vous émerveiller. Votre nouvelle vie à Portia vous attend !

Fonctionnalités principales :

DÉVELOPPEZ VOTRE ATELIER : Transformez l'atelier délabré de votre père pour en faire le meilleur de tout Portia ! Récupérez des ressources, fabriquez des objets pour séduire les habitants, remplissez les commandes quotidiennes et répondez aux demandes des villageois.

GÉREZ VOTRE FERME : Faites pousser vos propres cultures, élevez des animaux et transformez les bois qui entourent votre atelier en charmante petite ferme ! My Time at Portia propose une approche innovante de l'agriculture. Vous pourrez ainsi profiter de caisses à cultiver et de systèmes d'irrigation semi-automatiques. Vous pourrez même vous promener en ville sur votre cheval ou votre lama !

FAITES PREUVE DE CRÉATIVITÉ : Décorez votre maison pour vous sentir chez vous ! Apportez votre touche personnelle grâce à une vaste gamme de meubles, de décorations et d'améliorations d'atelier à fabriquer. Non seulement ce sera magnifique, mais chaque élément conférera également des bonus aux statistiques de votre personnage !

REJOIGNEZ LA COMMUNAUTÉ: Devenez membre de la communauté extraordinaire de Portia ! Rejoignez cet assortiment dynamique de visages inoubliables avec des histoires passionnantes à partager, des personnalités pleines d'énergie et des comportements propres. Assurez-vous de prendre le temps de faire connaissance avec chacun d'entre eux ; qui sait, une histoire d'amour flotte peut-être dans l'air ?

REJOIGNEZ LA COMMUNAUTÉ : Devenez membre de la communauté extraordinaire de Portia ! Rencontrez une multitude de personnages hauts en couleur et découvrez leur personnalité atypique, leur quotidien et leurs histoires fascinantes. Ils travaillent, vont au restaurant, font du sport et interagissent les uns avec les autres de bien des façons. Prenez le temps d'apprendre à les connaître, vous ne le regretterez pas ! Et qui sait, l'amour sera peut-être au rendez-vous.

EXPLOREZ ET COMBATTEZ : Explorez les ruines et donjons de Portia. Prenez votre pioche et votre détecteur de reliques, et creusez pour dénicher des ressources et des trésors enfouis. Pensez à vous munir d'une arme, car des hordes d'horribles monstres et de dangereux boss risquent de se dresser entre vous et votre précieux butin !

AMÉLIOREZ VOS COMPÉTENCES : Améliorez votre personnage grâce à diverses compétences qui vous serviront au cours de vos aventures. Choisissez de développer vos compétences de fabrication, de combat ou de relations sociales en fonction de votre style de jeu.

ET BIEN PLUS ENCORE : Il y en a pour tous les goûts dans My Time at Portia ! Explorez de nouvelles contrées, ou bien participez aux festivals fréquents en jeu ainsi qu'à de nombreuses autres activités. Il vous suffit de laisser libre cours à votre imagination. Envie d'affiner vos talents culinaires et de préparer de délicieux plats ? De vous essayer à l'un des nombreux mini-jeux proposés ? Ou tout simplement de vous détendre en passant l'après-midi à pêcher ? C'est vous qui décidez !




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

Über das Spiel

Beginne in der bezaubernden Stadt Portia ein neues Leben! Lasse die alte Werkstatt deines Vaters in neuem Glanz erstrahlen, indem du Aufträge erfüllst, Pflanzen anbaust, Tiere aufziehst und dich mit den kuriosen Bewohnern dieses postapokalyptischen Landes anfreundest!
Sammle mit dem Handbuch und der Werkbank deines Vaters Dinge, baue sie ab und fertige sie, um deine Werkstatt zu Portias Nummer eins zu machen. Hilf den Einheimischen, die Stadt wiederaufzubauen und entdecke die Geheimnisse, die tief darunter verborgen sind. Mach dich aber auf was gefasst: Das wird nicht einfach!
Die Stadt Portia ist voller freundlicher neuer Gesichter, die du kennenlernen kannst. Finde Freunde, schließe Aufträge ab, tausche Geschenke aus und beginne Romanzen!
My Time at Portia wurde von der Magie von Studio Ghibli inspiriert und reißt dich mit in eine Welt voller Wunder, die du nicht vergessen wirst. Wie wirst du deine Zeit in Portia verbringen?

Wichtigste Features:

BAUE DEINE WERKSTATT: Baue die heruntergekommene Werkstatt deines Vaters wieder auf, um sie zur Besten in Portia zu machen! Sammle Rohstoffe und werde Teil der Ortsgemeinschaft, indem du Gegenstände fertigst und tägliche Aufträge und Bitten von Dorfbewohnern erfüllst.

LEITE DEINEN EIGENEN BAUERNHOF: Bestelle deine eigenen Felder, ziehe Tiere auf und verwandle das leere Waldgelände um deine Werkstatt herum in einen gemütlichen kleinen Bauernhof! My Time at Portia bietet eine innovative Herangehensweise an die Landwirtschaft, bei der du Pflanzkästen und halbautomatische Bewässerungssysteme nutzen kannst. Du kannst sogar auf deinem eigenen Pferd oder Lama durch die Stadt reiten!

SEI KREATIV: Mache aus deinem Haus ein Heim! Verleihe deinem Haus mit einer aufregenden Auswahl an herstellbaren Möbeln, Dekorationen und Werkstattverbesserungen eine persönliche Note. Das sieht nicht nur toll aus: Jedes Teil verbessert auch die Werte deines Charakters!

WERDE TEIL DER GEMEINSCHAFT: Werde Teil von Portias außergewöhnlicher Gemeinschaft! Sie ist voller unvergesslicher Charaktere, die alle ihre ganz eigenen lebhaften Persönlichkeiten, Tagesabläufe und spannenden Geschichten haben. Sie gehen zur Arbeit, essen in Restaurants, trainieren und interagieren miteinander auf viele interessante Arten – nimm dir die Zeit, sie alle kennenzulernen! Wer weiß, vielleicht liegt Romantik in der Luft?

ERKUNDE UND KÄMPFE: Erforsche die uralten Ruinen und Dungeons von Portia. Schnapp dir deine Spitzhacke und deinen Reliktscanner und grabe Rohstoffe und Schätze aus der Vergangenheit aus. Aber rüste besser eine Waffe aus, denn es gibt Horden von furchterregenden Monstern und tödlichen Bossen, die zwischen dir und der kostbaren Beute stehen!

VERBESSERE DEINE FÄHIGKEITEN: Lasse deinen Charakter mit einer großen Auswahl an Skills, die dir auf deinen Abenteuern helfen können, im Level aufsteigen. Entscheide je nach deinem Spielstil, ob du deine handwerklichen, kämpferischen oder sozialen Skills verbessern willst.

UND VIELES MEHR: In My Time at Portia ist für jeden etwas dabei! Finde und erkunde neue Länder und nimm an regelmäßigen Festen im Spiel und vielen anderen Aktivitäten teil – du entscheidest, wie du deine Zeit verbringst. Willst du deine kulinarischen Fähigkeiten perfektionieren und etwas Feines kochen? Hast du Lust auf Minispiele? Oder willst du dich einfach zurücklehnen und den Nachmittag mit Angeln verbringen? Die Entscheidung liegt bei dir!




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

Start a new life in the enchanting town of Portia! Restore your Pa's neglected workshop to its former glory by fulfilling commissions, growing crops, raising animals, and befriending the quirky inhabitants of this charming post-apocalyptic land!

Armed with your Pa's old handbook and workbench, you must gather, mine and craft your way to being crowned the number one workshop in Portia. Help the locals rebuild the town and uncover the secrets locked deep away beneath it. Be prepared though…it won't be easy!

The town of Portia is full of friendly new faces for you to meet. Make friends, complete requests, exchange gifts, go on dates and let romance blossom!

Inspired by the magic of Studio Ghibli, My Time at Portia whisks you away to a world of wonder that you won't forget. How will you spend your time at Portia?

Key Features:

BUILD YOUR WORKSHOP: Build your Pa's derelict workshop into the best in Portia! Gather resources and craft your way into the hearts of the local community, as you work through daily commissions and villager requests.

RUN YOUR OWN FARM: Grow and nurture your own crops, raise animals and convert the empty woodland surrounding your workshop into a quaint little farm! My Time at Portia offers an innovative approach to farming, allowing you to take advantage of planter boxes and semi-automatic irrigation systems. You can even take your horse or llama out for a ride around the town!

GET CREATIVE: Make your house a home! Apply your personal touch with an exciting range of craftable furniture, decorations and workshop upgrades. Not only will it look great, but each piece will add stat boosts to your character!

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Become a part of Portia's extraordinary community! Filled with a vibrant cast of unforgettable faces all with energetic personalities, daily routines and exciting stories to share. They go to work, have dinner in restaurants, exercise and interact with each other in lots of interesting ways - make sure you take the time to get to know them all! Who knows, maybe romance could be in the air?

EXPLORE AND BATTLE: Delve deep into the ancient ruins and dungeons of Portia. Grab your pickaxe and Relic Scanner and mine for resources and treasures from the past. Make sure that you equip a weapon, there’s hordes of fearsome monsters and deadly bosses that stand between you and that precious loot!

SKILL UP: Level up your character with a variety of skills to aid you in your adventures. Decide on whether to boost your crafting, combat or social skills depending on your play style.

AND THERE’S MORE: My Time at Portia has something for everyone! Find and explore new lands, take part in regular in-game festivals and many other activities it’s up to you how you spend your time. Why not hone your culinary skills and cook up some tasty food? Take on one of the many mini-games? Or perhaps just kick back and spend the afternoon fishing? The choice is yours!




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

A játékról: 

Start a new life in the enchanting town of Portia! Restore your Pa's neglected workshop to its former glory by fulfilling commissions, growing crops, raising animals, and befriending the quirky inhabitants of this charming post-apocalyptic land!

Armed with your Pa's old handbook and workbench, you must gather, mine and craft your way to being crowned the number one workshop in Portia. Help the locals rebuild the town and uncover the secrets locked deep away beneath it. Be prepared though…it won't be easy!

The town of Portia is full of friendly new faces for you to meet. Make friends, complete requests, exchange gifts, go on dates and let romance blossom!

Inspired by the magic of Studio Ghibli, My Time at Portia whisks you away to a world of wonder that you won't forget. How will you spend your time at Portia?

Key Features:

BUILD YOUR WORKSHOP: Build your Pa's derelict workshop into the best in Portia! Gather resources and craft your way into the hearts of the local community, as you work through daily commissions and villager requests.

RUN YOUR OWN FARM: Grow and nurture your own crops, raise animals and convert the empty woodland surrounding your workshop into a quaint little farm! My Time at Portia offers an innovative approach to farming, allowing you to take advantage of planter boxes and semi-automatic irrigation systems. You can even take your horse or llama out for a ride around the town!

GET CREATIVE: Make your house a home! Apply your personal touch with an exciting range of craftable furniture, decorations and workshop upgrades. Not only will it look great, but each piece will add stat boosts to your character!

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Become a part of Portia's extraordinary community! Filled with a vibrant cast of unforgettable faces all with energetic personalities, daily routines and exciting stories to share. They go to work, have dinner in restaurants, exercise and interact with each other in lots of interesting ways - make sure you take the time to get to know them all! Who knows, maybe romance could be in the air?

EXPLORE AND BATTLE: Delve deep into the ancient ruins and dungeons of Portia. Grab your pickaxe and Relic Scanner and mine for resources and treasures from the past. Make sure that you equip a weapon, there’s hordes of fearsome monsters and deadly bosses that stand between you and that precious loot!

SKILL UP: Level up your character with a variety of skills to aid you in your adventures. Decide on whether to boost your crafting, combat or social skills depending on your play style.

AND THERE’S MORE: My Time at Portia has something for everyone! Find and explore new lands, take part in regular in-game festivals and many other activities it’s up to you how you spend your time. Why not hone your culinary skills and cook up some tasty food? Take on one of the many mini-games? Or perhaps just kick back and spend the afternoon fishing? The choice is yours!




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

Informazioni sul gioco

Inizia una nuova vita nell'affascinante città di Portia! Riporta alla sua vecchia gloria la bottega abbandonata di tuo padre, svolgendo incarichi, coltivando, allevando il bestiame e diventando amico degli eccentrici abitanti di questa affascinante terra post-apocalittica!
Armato del vecchio manuale e del tavolo da lavoro di tuo padre, dovrai farti strada raccogliendo, scavando e creando, così da diventare la bottega numero uno di Portia. Aiuta i locali a ricostruire la città e a svelare i segreti che nasconde. Ma fatti trovare pronto… perché non sarà un'impresa facile!
La città di Portia è piena di volti amichevoli che non vedono l'ora di incontrarti. Fai amicizia, completa le richieste, scambia regali, vai agli appuntamenti e fai sbocciare l'amore!
Ispirato dalla magia di Studio Ghibli, My Time at Portia ti porterà in un mondo di meraviglie, difficile da dimenticare. Come passerai il tempo a Portia?

Caratteristiche chiave:

COSTRUISCI LA TUA BOTTEGA: Ricostruisci la vecchia bottega di tuo papà, affinché diventi la migliore di Portia! Raccogli le risorse e fatti strada nel cuore della comunità locale con le tue creazioni, mentre completi gli incarichi giornalieri e le richieste degli abitanti.

GESTISCI LA TUA FATTORIA: Coltiva il tuo raccolto, alleva il bestiame e fai sì che il terreno boscoso che circonda la tua bottega diventi una piccola, pittoresca fattoria! My Time at Portia offre un approccio innovativo alle attività agricole, consentendoti di trarre vantaggio dalle fioriere e dai sistemi di irrigazione semi-automatici. Puoi persino cavalcare un cavallo o un lama in giro per la città!

DIVENTA CREATIVO: Personalizza la tua casa! Applica un tocco personale, grazie a una vasta gamma di mobili, decorazioni e miglioramenti realizzabili per la bottega. Così non solo avrà un aspetto fantastico, ma ciascun pezzo aggiungerà un potenziamento alle statistiche del tuo personaggio!

UNISCITI ALLA COMUNITÀ: Diventa parte della fantastica comunità di Portia! Una popolazione vivace con volti indimenticabili, delle personalità energiche, routine giornaliere e storie interessantissime da condividere. Vanno al lavoro, cenano nei ristoranti, si allenano e interagiscono l'uno con l'altro in tanti modi diversi: perciò, assicurati di avere il tempo per conoscerli tutti! E chi lo sa, forse l'amore potrebbe essere nell'aria?

ESPLORA E COMBATTI: Scava nelle profondità delle antiche rovine e dei sotterranei di Portia. Afferra il piccone e lo Scanner di reliquie, e scava in cerca di risorse e di tesori del passato. Ma assicurati di equipaggiare un'arma: ci sono orde di mostri spaventosi e di boss letali tra te e quel prezioso bottino!

AUMENTA DI LIVELLO LE ABILITÀ: Fai salire di livello il tuo personaggio con una vasta gamma di abilità, affinché ti siano d'aiuto durante le tue avventure. Decisi se sia il caso di potenziare le abilità di creazione, di combattimento o sociali, in base al tuo stile di gioco.

E C'È DI PIÙ: My Time at Portia ne ha per tutti i gusti! Esplora nuovi territori, partecipa ai festival del gioco e ad altre attività; insomma, puoi decidere tu come trascorrere il tuo tempo. Perché non affinare le tue abilità culinarie e preparare del cibo succulento? Vuoi partecipare a uno dei tantissimi mini giochi? O forse vuoi solo rilassarti e trascorrere un pomeriggio pescando? La scelta è tua!




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.


My Time at Portiaは、スタジオジブリを彷彿させる忘れられない驚きの世界にあなたを誘います。 あなたならPortiaでどんな風に過ごしますか?



自分だけの農場を運営しよう:作物の栽培や動物の飼育を行い、何もない工房の周辺を緑豊かな農場に変貌させよう!My Time at Portiaでは、プランターボックスやセミオートの灌漑システムなどの革新的な農業技術を有効活用することができます。ウマやラマを乗り回すことも!

もっとクリエイティブに:家をさらに居心地良く! 様々な家具や装飾品を作成することができ、工房のアップグレードも可能です。家を自分好みに作り変えていきましょう。見た目が良くなるだけではなく、キャラクターのステータスに対するブースト効果も得られます!




他にもたくさん:My Time at Portiaは誰もが楽しめるゲームです!新しい土地の発見や探検、ゲーム内で定期的に開催されるフェスティバルやアクティビティなど、時間の使い方はあなた次第。調理スキルを磨いて美味しい料理を作るのもありかも?たくさんあるミニゲームはいかが?あるいはのんびりと釣りをしながら午後を楽しむことも。すべてはあなた次第!




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

게임 정보

아름다운 Portia 마을에서 새 삶을 시작하세요! 아버지가 방치한 작업장에서 제작을 부탁받고, 작물을 키우고, 가축을 기르고, 아름다운 세기말의 땅에서 특이한 친구들을 사귀며 작업장을 예전의 멋진 모습으로 복원하세요.
아버지의 오래된 공책과 작업대를 무기 삼아, 재료를 채굴하고 모으며 Portia 최고의 작업장을 만드세요. 지역 주민들을 도와 마을을 재건하고 숨겨진 비밀을 밝히세요. 하지만 쉽지 않을 테니, 준비하세요!
Portia 마을에서 새로 만날 다양한 사람들이 기다리고 있습니다. 친구를 만들고, 요청을 완수하고, 선물을 교환하고, 데이트를 하며 로맨스를 꽃피우세요!
Studio Ghibli에서 영감을 받아 만든 My Time at Portia가 여러분을 잊지 못할 멋진 세계로 데려갑니다. Portia에서 어떻게 시간을 보내실 건가요?

주요 특징:

나만의 작업장 만들기: 아버지의 버려진 작업장을 Portia 최고의 작업장으로 만드세요! 자원을 모으고 물건을 만들고 매일매일 주민들의 요청을 들어주며 주민들의 마음속으로 녹아들어세요.

나만의 농장 운영하기: 나만의 작물을 심어 기르고, 가축을 키우면서 작업장 주변의 텅 빈 숲지를 예쁜 농장으로 바꿔보세요! My Time at Portia는 창의적인 농사 방법을 도입하여 식물 심는 상자와 반자동 물주기 시스템을 활용할 수 있습니다! 말이나 라마를 타고 마을 주변을 돌아다닐 수도 있습니다!

창의적인 생각: 집을 포근한 고향으로 만들어보세요! 제작 가능한 가구, 장식, 작업장 업그레이드로 자신만의 터치를 다양하게 적용해보세요. 집이 아름다워질 뿐 아니라 각 장식이 캐릭터에게 능력치 부스트를 부여합니다!

마을의 일원이 되세요: Portia의 멋진 마을의 일원이 되세요! 다양하고 잊지 못할 활기찬 주민으로 가득한 마을에서는 매일 즐거운 이야기가 생깁니다. 이들은 매일 일을 하고, 식당에서 저녁을 먹고, 운동을 하거나 서로 다양하고 재미있는 얘기를 나눕니다. 시간을 들여 모두와 친구가 되세요! 누가 알아요, 멋진 로맨스가 싹틀지?

탐험과 전투: Portia의 고대 유적과 던전을 탐험하세요. 곡괭이와 유물 스캐너를 챙겨서 과거의 귀중한 자원과 보물을 찾아보세요. 무기를 장비하고, 무서운 괴물과 치명적인 보스를 물리치며 귀중한 물건을 찾으세요!

스킬 업: 캐릭터를 레벨업하고 다양한 스킬을 익혀 모험을 떠나세요. 플레이 스타일에 따라 제작, 전투, 소셜 스킬 중 어느 것을 부스트할지 결정하세요.

더 많은 이야기: My Time at Portia는 모두를 위한 게임입니다! 새로운 땅을 탐험하고, 주기적으로 진행되는 게임 내 축제와 다른 다양한 활동에 참여하세요. 어떻게 시간을 보낼지는 여러분의 선택입니다. 요리 스킬을 익혀 맛있는 음식을 만드는 건 어떨까요? 아니면 수많은 미니 게임 중 하나를 해보는 것은요? 또는 느긋하게 낚시를 하며 오후를 보내는 것은 어떠세요? 모두 여러분의 선택입니다!




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

Om spillet

Start et nytt liv i den fortryllende byen Portia! Gjør din fars forsømte verksted som nytt ved å utfør oppdrag, dyrke avlinger, ale opp dyr og bli venn med de underlige innbyggerne i dette sjarmerende post-apokalyptisk landet!
Med din fars gamle håndbok og arbeidsbenk må du samle, utvinne og arbeide for å bli kåret til det beste verkstedet i Portia. Hjelp lokalbefolkningen med å gjenoppbygge byen og oppdag hemmeligheter steng inne langt under den. Vær forberedt men...det blir ikke lett!
Møt byen Portias mange vennlige, nye ansikter. Få venner, fullfør forespørsler, utveksle gaver, gå på dater og la romantikken blomstre!
Inspirert av magien i Studio Ghibli, tar My Time at Portia deg med til en forunderlig verden du aldri vil glemme. Hvordan vil du tilbringe tiden i Portia?


BYGG ET VERKSTED: Gjør din fars forfalne verksted til det beste i Portia! Samle ressurser og jobb deg inn i lokalsamfunnets hjerter ved å utføre oppdrag og forespørsler fra lokalbefolkningen.

DRIV DIN EGEN GÅRD: Dyrk egne avlinger, al opp dyr og gjør skogen rundt verkstedet til en pittoresk liten gård! My Time at Portia gir en innovativ tilnærming til gårdsdrift slik at du kan bruke plantekasser og halvautomatiske vanningssystemer. Du kan til og med ri rundt i byen på hesten eller lamaen din!

BLI KREATIV: Gjør huset ditt til et hjem! Bruk din personlige tøtsj med et spennende sortiment møbler du kan lage og verkstedsoppgraderinger. Det ser flott ut, og hver gjenstand vil styrke figuren din!

BLI MED I LOKALSAMFUNNET: Bli en del av Portias usedvanlige lokalsamfunn! Fylt av levende og uforglemmelige ansikter med energiske personligheter, daglige rutiner og spennende historier å fortelle. De går på jobb, spiser middag på restaurant, trener og samhandler på mange interessante måte - ta deg tid til å bli kjent med alle! Hvem vet, kanskje er det romantikk i luften?





*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

Informacje o grze

Rozpocznij nowe życie w uroczym miasteczku Portia! Przywróć dawną świetność zaniedbanemu warsztatowi Pa, wykonując zlecenia, uprawiając ziemię, hodując zwierzęta i zaprzyjaźniając się z osobliwymi mieszkańcami tej uroczej post-apokaliptycznej krainy!
Mając do dyspozycji stary podręcznik i stół warsztatowy Pa, musisz zbierać zasoby, kopać i stworzyć najlepszy warsztat w Portii. Pomóż mieszkańcom w odbudowie miasta i odkryj jego głęboko skrywane sekrety. Dobrze się przygotuj… bo to wcale nie będzie łatwe!
W Portii mieszka mnóstwo nowych, sympatycznych osób. Zawieraj przyjaźnie, wykonuj zadania, przesyłaj prezenty, umawiaj się na randki i romansuj!
My Time at Portia to gra zainspirowana magią dokonań Studia Ghibli, która przeniesie cię do cudownego, niezapomnianego świata. Jak zamierzasz spędzić czas w Portii?


ZBUDUJ WARSZTAT: Zmień zaniedbany warsztat Pa w najlepiej prosperujący interes w Portii! Zbieraj zasoby i znajdź drogę do serca lokalnej społeczności, wykonując codzienne zlecenia i spełniając życzenia mieszkańców.

POPROWADŹ FARMĘ: Uprawiaj ziemię, sadź rośliny, hoduj zwierzęta i zmień pusty leśny obszar otaczający twój warsztat w małą, uroczą farmę! My Time at Portia oferuje innowacyjne podejście do prowadzenia farmy, umożliwiając wykorzystanie skrzynek do sadzenia i półautomatycznych systemów nawadniania. Możesz nawet wybrać się konno albo na grzbiecie lamy na przejażdżkę po miasteczku!

WYKAŻ SIĘ POMYSŁOWOŚCIĄ: Zmień swoje cztery ściany w prawdziwy dom! Nadaj mu osobisty charakter za sprawą szerokiej gamy mebli, ozdób oraz ulepszeń warsztatu. Nie tylko będzie świetnie wyglądać, ale każdy element zwiększy statystyki twojej postaci!

DOŁĄCZ DO SPOŁECZNOŚCI: Zostań częścią niezwykłej społeczności Portii! Miasteczko zamieszkuje barwne grono niezapomnianych postaci, a każda z nich ma mnóstwo energii, codzienne zwyczaje i własną historię do opowiedzenia. Mieszkańcy pracują, jedzą obiady w restauracji i ćwiczą. Występuje pomiędzy nimi wiele interesujących powiązań – warto poświęcić swój czas, by poznać je wszystkie! Kto wie, może nawet czeka cię romans?

EKSPLORUJ I WALCZ: Zejdź głęboko do starożytnych ruin i lochów Portii. Weź ze sobą kilof oraz skaner reliktów i poszukaj zasobów, a także skarbów z przeszłości. Pamiętaj, aby wyposażyć się w broń, ponieważ na drodze do zdobycia łupów staną hordy przerażających potworów i zabójczo groźnych bossów!

ZWIĘKSZAJ UMIEJĘTNOŚCI: Zwiększ poziom swojej postaci za pomocą szeregu umiejętności, które pomogą ci podczas przygód. W zależności od preferencji możesz zwiększyć swoje umiejętności w zakresie konstrukcji, walki lub kontaktów towarzyskich.

I NIE TYLKO: W grze My Time at Portia każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie! Odkrywaj nowe krainy, bierz udział w regularnie organizowanych świętach i rób wiele innych rzeczy. Tylko od ciebie zależy, w jaki sposób spędzisz czas w miasteczku. Chcesz szlifować swoje umiejętności kulinarne i przyrządzić jakąś smaczną potrawę? Masz ochotę zagrać w jedną z wielu minigier? A może wolisz się zrelaksować i spędzić popołudnie na łowieniu ryb? Wybór należy do ciebie!




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

Acerca do Jogo

Começa uma vida nova na encantadora cidade de Portia! Restaura a oficina abandonada do teu pai cumprindo comissões, cultivando vegetais, criando animais e travando amizade com os peculiares habitantes deste cativante mundo pós-apocalíptico!
Com a ajuda do manual e da bancada do teu pai, terás de recolher, minerar e criar até teres a melhor oficina de Portia. Ajuda os habitantes a reconstruir a cidade e desvenda os segredos escondidos nas suas profundezas. Prepara-te... não será fácil!
A cidade de Portia está cheia de habitantes amigáveis para conheceres. Faz amigos, cumpre pedidos, troca prendas, participa em encontros e deixa o romance florescer!
Inspirado na magia do Studio Ghibli, My Time at Portia leva-te para um inesquecível mundo de maravilhas. Como passarás o teu tempo em Portia?

Principais caraterísticas:

CRIA A TUA OFICINA: Torna a oficina abandonada do teu pai na melhor de Portia! Recolhe recursos e cria para conquistares o apreço da comunidade, tratando de comissões e pedidos diários dos habitantes.

GERE A TUA HORTA: Planta e cuida das tuas colheitas, cria animais e converte os bosques vazios à volta da oficina numa pequena e rústica horta! My Time at Portia dá um toque inovador à agricultura, permitindo usar caixotes de plantação e sistemas de irrigação semiautomáticos. Até podes passear na cidade com o teu cavalo ou lama!

SÊ CRIATIVO: Torna a tua casa num lar! Dá um toque pessoal com imensas opções de criação de mobília, decorações e melhorias da oficina. O aspeto fantástico não é tudo, cada elemento reforçará as estatísticas da tua personagem!

JUNTA-TE À COMUNIDADE: Faz parte da extraordinária comunidade de Portia! Conhece personagens animadas e inesquecíveis com personalidades dinâmicas, rotinas diárias e histórias empolgantes para partilhar. Trabalham, jantam em restaurantes, exercitam-se e interagem de maneiras curiosas - arranja tempo para os conheceres a todos! E quem sabe se o amor não andará pelo ar?

EXPLORA E COMBATE: Explora a fundo as ruínas e masmorras ancestrais de Portia. Pega na picareta e no Analisador de Relíquias para descobrir recursos e tesouros do passado. Lembra-te de equipar uma arma, há hordas de monstros temíveis e bosses mortíferos entre ti e o precioso saque!

MELHORA AS CAPACIDADES: Sobe o nível da tua personagem com várias capacidades úteis para as tuas aventuras. Decide se preferes reforçar a criação, combate ou capacidades sociais, conforme o teu estilo de jogo.

E HÁ MAIS: My Time at Portia tem algo para todos! Procura e explora novas terras, participa em festivais regulares e várias outras atividades. Tu decides como passar o tempo. Porque não te tornas o mestre da culinária e preparas pratos suculentos? Ou participas num dos vários minijogos? Talvez prefiras relaxar e passar a tarde a pescar? A escolha é tua!




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

Despre joc

Start a new life in the enchanting town of Portia! Restore your Pa's neglected workshop to its former glory by fulfilling commissions, growing crops, raising animals, and befriending the quirky inhabitants of this charming post-apocalyptic land!

Armed with your Pa's old handbook and workbench, you must gather, mine and craft your way to being crowned the number one workshop in Portia. Help the locals rebuild the town and uncover the secrets locked deep away beneath it. Be prepared though…it won't be easy!

The town of Portia is full of friendly new faces for you to meet. Make friends, complete requests, exchange gifts, go on dates and let romance blossom!

Inspired by the magic of Studio Ghibli, My Time at Portia whisks you away to a world of wonder that you won't forget. How will you spend your time at Portia?

Key Features:

BUILD YOUR WORKSHOP: Build your Pa's derelict workshop into the best in Portia! Gather resources and craft your way into the hearts of the local community, as you work through daily commissions and villager requests.

RUN YOUR OWN FARM: Grow and nurture your own crops, raise animals and convert the empty woodland surrounding your workshop into a quaint little farm! My Time at Portia offers an innovative approach to farming, allowing you to take advantage of planter boxes and semi-automatic irrigation systems. You can even take your horse or llama out for a ride around the town!

GET CREATIVE: Make your house a home! Apply your personal touch with an exciting range of craftable furniture, decorations and workshop upgrades. Not only will it look great, but each piece will add stat boosts to your character!

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Become a part of Portia's extraordinary community! Filled with a vibrant cast of unforgettable faces all with energetic personalities, daily routines and exciting stories to share. They go to work, have dinner in restaurants, exercise and interact with each other in lots of interesting ways - make sure you take the time to get to know them all! Who knows, maybe romance could be in the air?

EXPLORE AND BATTLE: Delve deep into the ancient ruins and dungeons of Portia. Grab your pickaxe and Relic Scanner and mine for resources and treasures from the past. Make sure that you equip a weapon, there’s hordes of fearsome monsters and deadly bosses that stand between you and that precious loot!

SKILL UP: Level up your character with a variety of skills to aid you in your adventures. Decide on whether to boost your crafting, combat or social skills depending on your play style.

AND THERE’S MORE: My Time at Portia has something for everyone! Find and explore new lands, take part in regular in-game festivals and many other activities it’s up to you how you spend your time. Why not hone your culinary skills and cook up some tasty food? Take on one of the many mini-games? Or perhaps just kick back and spend the afternoon fishing? The choice is yours!




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

Об игре

Начните новую жизнь в очаровательном городе Портии! Восстановите мастерскую своего отца и верните ей былую славу! Выполняйте заказы, выращивайте урожай, заботьтесь о животных и заводите друзей среди своеобразных обитателей очаровательного постапокалиптического мира!
Вооружившись справочником и старым верстаком отца, вы будете заниматься собирательством, добывать ресурсы и создавать предметы, чтобы стать лучшим мастером в Портии. Помогите местным жителям восстановить город и раскрыть секреты, которые таятся в его глубинах. И будьте готовы к тому, что путь будет нелегким!
Портия полна дружелюбных созданий, с которыми вам предстоит познакомиться. Находите новых друзей, выполняйте просьбы, обменивайтесь подарками, ходите на свидания и дайте волю романтическим чувствам!
Студия Studio Ghibli вдохнула жизнь в игру My Time at Portia, которая унесет вас в незабываемый мир, полный чудес. А как вы проведете время в Портии?

Ключевые функции:

ПОСТРОЙТЕ СВОЮ МАСТЕРСКУЮ: Восстановите заброшенную мастерскую своего отца и сделайте ее лучшей в Портии! Собирайте ресурсы, создавайте предметы, выполняйте ежедневные заказы и просьбы, чтобы завоевать любовь местных жителей.

ЗАВЕДИТЕ СОБСТВЕННУЮ ФЕРМУ: Выращивайте урожай, заботьтесь о животных и постройте на лесистом участке вокруг мастерской маленькую ферму! My Time at Portia предлагает инновационный подход к фермерству: создавайте ящики с рассадой и пользуйтесь полуавтоматическими системами полива. Вы даже можете взять лошадь или ламу на прогулку по городку!

ДАЙТЕ ВОЛЮ ВООБРАЖЕНИЮ: Сделайте свой дом по-настоящему уютным! Добавьте ему своеобразия, меблируйте его по своему вкусу, создав новые предметы мебели, украшения и улучшения мастерской. Все это не только для красоты: каждый новый предмет повысит характеристики героя!

ВСТУПАЙТЕ В СООБЩЕСТВО: Станьте частью экстравагантного сообщества Портии! Здесь вы найдете множество незабываемых персонажей, каждый из которых обладает энергичным характером, ежедневными обязанностями и собственной историей. Они ходят на работу, ужинают в ресторанах, занимаются спортом и взаимодействуют друг с другом. Не забудьте познакомиться со всеми! Кто знает, может, здесь вы найдете свою любовь?

ИССЛЕДУЙТЕ И СРАЖАЙТЕСЬ: Спешите узнать, что таится в глубинах древних руин и подземелий Портии. Берите кирку и сканер реликвий и отправляйтесь на поиски ресурсов и сокровищ прошлого. Не забудьте оружие: от драгоценной добычи вас отделяют орды монстров и смертоносных боссов!

УЛУЧШАЙТЕ НАВЫКИ Повышайте уровень персонажа, приобретая множество навыков, которые обязательно пригодятся в приключениях. Улучшайте способность к ремеслу, боевые или социальные навыки — все зависит от вашего стиля игры.

ДРУГИЕ ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ: В игре My Time at Portia каждый найдет что-то для себя! Находите и исследуйте новые земли, принимайте участие в регулярных игровых фестивалях и других мероприятиях. Только от вас зависит, как вы будете проводить время. Почему бы не отточить кулинарные навыки и не приготовить вкусную еду? Поиграть в одну из мини-игр? А может, просто расслабиться и провести весь день за рыбалкой? Выбор за вами!






受吉卜力工作室魔力的启发,《波西亚时光》将带你前往让你难以忘怀的奇妙世界。 你将如何度过在波西亚的时光?




发挥创意:将你的房子变成一个家! 通过一系列激动人心的可制作家具,装饰品和工坊升级来应用你的个人风格。除了看起来很棒的外观,每一件作品还都会为你的角色提高属性!








*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

Acerca del juego

¡Empieza una nueva vida en la encantadora ciudad de Portia! ¡Devuelve el taller abandonado de tu padre a su antigua gloria completando encargos, cultivando, criando animales y entablando amistad con los peculiares habitantes de esta encantadora tierra posapocalíptica!
Con el manual y la mesa de trabajo de tu padre, deberás reunir, excavar y crear hasta convertir tu taller en el número uno de Portia. Ayuda a los lugareños a reconstruir la ciudad y descubre los secretos que oculta. ¡Prepárate… no será fácil!
La ciudad de Portia está llena de gente amistosa por conocer. ¡Haz amigos, completa misiones, intercambia regalos, ve a citas y deja que el romance florezca!
Inspirado por la magia de Studio Ghibli, My Time at Portia te transporta a un mundo de fantasía que no olvidarás. ¿Cómo pasarás el tiempo en Portia?


CONSTRUYE TU TALLER: ¡Convierte el taller abandonado de tu padre en el mejor de Portia! Reúne recursos y fabrica cosas hasta conquistar el corazón de la comunidad local, mientras trabajas a diario en tus encargos y en las peticiones de los lugareños.

GESTIONA TU PROPIA GRANJA: ¡Cultiva y nutre tus propios cultivos, cría animales y convierte los bosques vacíos que rodean tu taller en una pintoresca granja! My Time at Portia ofrece un enfoque innovador de la agricultura, permitiéndote aprovecharte de jardineras y de sistemas de irrigación semiautomáticos. ¡Hasta puedes montar en tu propio caballo o llama por la ciudad!

ÉCHALE CREATIVIDAD: ¡Convierte tu casa en un hogar! Dale tu toque personal con una emocionante selección de muebles fabricables, decoraciones y mejoras de taller. ¡No solo lucirá genial, sino que cada pieza aumentará las estadísticas a tu personaje!

ÚNETE A LA COMUNIDAD: ¡Forma parte de la extraordinaria comunidad de Portia! Llena de un colorido plantel de caras inolvidables con energéticas personalidades, rutinas diarias y emocionantes historias que compartir. Van a trabajar, cenan en restaurantes, hacen ejercicio e interactúan entre ellos de muchas formas interesantes. ¡Asegúrate de llegar a conocerlos a todos! Quién sabe, puede que te enamores.

EXPLORA Y COMBATE: Explora las ruinas y las mazmorras de Portia. Agarra tu pico, coge tu buscarreliquias y excava recursos y tesoros del pasado. ¡Asegúrate de llevar un arma contigo, hay hordas de temibles monstruos y jefes mortales entre tú y tu preciado botín!

MEJORA TUS HABILIDADES: Sube de nivel con varias habilidades que te ayudarán en tus aventuras. Mejora tus habilidades de fabricación, de combate o sociales según tu estilo de juego.

Y MUCHO MÁS: ¡My Time at Portia tiene algo para todo el mundo! Encuentra y explora nuevas tierras, participa en los festivales del juego o toma parte en muchas de las otras actividades, tú decides cómo invertir tu tiempo. ¿Por qué no pules tus habilidades culinarias y cocinas algo delicioso? Enfréntate a alguno de los muchos minijuegos. O relájate y pasa la tarde pescando. ¡Tú decides!




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

Om spelet

Börja ett nytt liv i den bedårande byn Portia! Återställ din pappas övergivna verkstad till dess forna glans. Klara uppdrag, odla grödor, föd upp djur och bli vän med de lustiga invånarna på detta charmiga postapokalyptiska ställe!
Beväpnad med din pappas gamla handbok och arbetsbänk, måste du samla, gräva och tillverka dig fram för att krönas till Portias bästa verkstad. Hjälp lokalbefolkningen återställa byn och upptäck dess gömda hemligheter. Men tro inte att det kommer att bli lätt!
Byn Portia är full av vänliga nya ansikten som du kan lära känna. Skaffa vänner, klara uppdrag, utbyt gåvor, gå på dejt och låt romantiken flöda!
Inspirerad av Studio Ghiblis magi sveper My Time at Portia med dig till en värld full av underverk som du aldrig kommer att glömma. Hur kommer du att tillbringa din tid i Portia?


BYGG DIN VERKSTAD: Gör om din pappas övergivna verkstad till den bästa i hela Portia! Samla resurser och tillverka föremål, ta dig an dagliga uppgifter och bybornas förfrågningar för att vinna en plats i lokalbefolkningens hjärtan.

SKÖT DIN EGEN GÅRD: Odla och sköt dina egna grödor, föd upp djur och förvandla den öde skogsmarken runt din verkstad till en pittoresk liten gård! My Time at Portia erbjuder en innovativ syn på jordbruk vilket gör att du kan dra nytta av planteringslådor och halvautomatiska bevattningssystem. Du kan till och med ta en ridtur runt byn på din häst eller lama!

VAR KREATIV:[]/b Förvandla ditt hus till ett hem! Sätt din personliga prägel med ett spännande utbud av tillverkningsbara möbler, inredning och verkstadsuppgraderingar. Det kommer inte bara bli snyggt utan varje föremål förbättrar värdena som din karaktär har!

GÅ MED I SAMHÄLLET: Bli en del av Portias extraordinära samhälle! En livfull grupp med oförglömliga ansikten. Alla med energiska personligheter, dagliga rutiner och spännande historier att dela med sig av. De går till jobbet, äter middag på restauranger, motionerar och interagerar med varandra på många intressanta sätt – se till att du tar dig tid till att lära känna dem allihop! Vem vet, det kanske ligger romantik i luften?

UTFORSKA OCH SLÅSS: Gräv djupt bland Portias uråldriga ruiner och grottor. Greppa din hacka och din relik-skanner och gräv efter resurser och skatter från förr. Se till att vara beväpnad, det finns horder av monster och bossar som står i vägen för ditt eftertraktade byte!

BLI BÄTTRE: Bättra på din karaktärs nivå med en uppsjö av färdigheter för att underlätta dina äventyr. Beroende på din spelstil kan du välja mellan att förbättra din tillverknings- eller stridsskicklighet, eller dina sociala färdigheter.

OCH DET FINNS MER: My Time at Portia har något för alla! Hitta och utforska nya trakter, delta i spelets regelbundna festivaler och många andra aktiviteter. Det är upp till dig hur du vill tillbringa tiden. Varför inte slipa dina matlagningsfärdigheter och laga lite läcker mat? Ta dig an ett av de många minispelen? Eller kanske bara ta det lugnt och gå och fiska? Valet är ditt!




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.


Start a new life in the enchanting town of Portia! Restore your Pa's neglected workshop to its former glory by fulfilling commissions, growing crops, raising animals, and befriending the quirky inhabitants of this charming post-apocalyptic land!

Armed with your Pa's old handbook and workbench, you must gather, mine and craft your way to being crowned the number one workshop in Portia. Help the locals rebuild the town and uncover the secrets locked deep away beneath it. Be prepared though…it won't be easy!

The town of Portia is full of friendly new faces for you to meet. Make friends, complete requests, exchange gifts, go on dates and let romance blossom!

Inspired by the magic of Studio Ghibli, My Time at Portia whisks you away to a world of wonder that you won't forget. How will you spend your time at Portia?

Key Features:

BUILD YOUR WORKSHOP: Build your Pa's derelict workshop into the best in Portia! Gather resources and craft your way into the hearts of the local community, as you work through daily commissions and villager requests.

RUN YOUR OWN FARM: Grow and nurture your own crops, raise animals and convert the empty woodland surrounding your workshop into a quaint little farm! My Time at Portia offers an innovative approach to farming, allowing you to take advantage of planter boxes and semi-automatic irrigation systems. You can even take your horse or llama out for a ride around the town!

GET CREATIVE: Make your house a home! Apply your personal touch with an exciting range of craftable furniture, decorations and workshop upgrades. Not only will it look great, but each piece will add stat boosts to your character!

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Become a part of Portia's extraordinary community! Filled with a vibrant cast of unforgettable faces all with energetic personalities, daily routines and exciting stories to share. They go to work, have dinner in restaurants, exercise and interact with each other in lots of interesting ways - make sure you take the time to get to know them all! Who knows, maybe romance could be in the air?

EXPLORE AND BATTLE: Delve deep into the ancient ruins and dungeons of Portia. Grab your pickaxe and Relic Scanner and mine for resources and treasures from the past. Make sure that you equip a weapon, there’s hordes of fearsome monsters and deadly bosses that stand between you and that precious loot!

SKILL UP: Level up your character with a variety of skills to aid you in your adventures. Decide on whether to boost your crafting, combat or social skills depending on your play style.

AND THERE’S MORE: My Time at Portia has something for everyone! Find and explore new lands, take part in regular in-game festivals and many other activities it’s up to you how you spend your time. Why not hone your culinary skills and cook up some tasty food? Take on one of the many mini-games? Or perhaps just kick back and spend the afternoon fishing? The choice is yours!




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.







经营工: 在这里你的目标是将继承自父亲的工坊打造成波西亚最好的工坊!你可以通过接受订单和任务来收集资源并且升级工坊,在波西亚中闯出自己的一片天地。



发挥创意: 想要把你的家打扮得美观大方的?当然可以!你可以通过工具台制作出你喜欢的家具来装饰你的家。来尽情发挥你的创意和想象力吧。

融入波西亚: 来融入波西亚小镇,成为波西亚小镇的一员吧!波西亚小镇里居住着形形色色的居民,每个居民都有不一样的生活轨迹和属于自己的故事等待你的发现。来向他们打声招呼吧,或许你能获得友谊或是收获爱情呢。

探险与战斗: 就像其他RPG游戏一样,你可以提升属性,升级人物,让你有更多的时间波西亚探险之旅

其他: 在波西亚世界里,你可以拥有一段丰富有趣的经历。那么如何来分配你的时间呢?你可以选择利用各种食材来烹饪,选择和村民玩石头剪刀布,选择与你的小伙伴们来场力量与操作的较量。又或者沉迷于游戏中的特色小游戏,骑动物,享受游戏中节日的氛围。亦或者你只是想安安静静的一个人享受钓鱼的美好时光;你的波西亚之旅,当然你来做主!




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

Oyun Açıklaması

Portia'nın büyüleyici kasabasında yeni bir hayata başla! Komisyonları yerine getirerek, ürünler yetiştirerek, hayvanlar büyüterek ve bu büyüleyici kıyamet sonrası bölgesinin eğlenceli sakinleriyle arkadaş olarak Pa'nın göz ardı edilen atölyesini eski haline getir!
Pa'nın eski el kitapçığı ve çalışma tezgahıyla toplamalı, kaynak çıkarmalı ve üretim yaparak Portia'daki en iyi atölye haline gelmelisin. Köylülerin kasabayı yeniden inşa etmesine ve onun derinliklerindeki sırları ortaya çıkarmasına yardım et. Ama hazırlan... Bu kolay olmayacak!
Portia kasabası, tanışacağın dost canlısı yeni yüzlerle dolu. Arkadaşlar edin, istekleri tamamla, hediye değiş tokuş et, biriyle çık ve romantizmi çiçeklendir!
Studio Ghibli'nin büyüsünden esinlenen My Time at Portia, seni unutamayacağın güzelliklerle dolu bir harikalar dünyasına götürüyor. Portia'daki vaktini nasıl geçireceksin?

Ana Özellikler:

ATÖLYENİ İNŞA ET: Pa'nın terkedilmiş atölyesini Portia'daki en iyi atölye haline getir! Kaynak topla ve günlük komisyonlar ve köylü isteklerini tamamlarken üretimler yaparak yerel toplulukla bağlarını güçlendir.

KENDİ ÇİFTLİĞİNİ İŞLET: Kendi ürünlerini yetiştirip onlarla ilgilen, hayvanlar büyüt ve atölyeni çevreleyen boş ormanlık alanı ilginç ve küçük bir çiftliğe dönüştür! My Time at Portia, çiftçiliğine yenilikçi bir yaklaşım katıyor ve ekici kutusu, yarı otomatik sulama sistemleri gibi özelliklerden faydalanmanı sağlıyor. Atını veya lamanı da kasabada bir gezintiye çıkarabilirsin!

YARATICI OL: Binanı bir ev haline getir! Üretilebilen heyecan verici mobilyalar, dekorasyonlar ve atölye yükseltmeleriyle kendi kişisel dokunuşunu kat! Sadece harika görünmekle kalmayacak, aynı zamanda her parça karakterine istatistik desteği katacak!

TOPLULUĞA KATIL: Portia'nın olağandışı topluluğunun bir parçası ol! Her birinin enerjik karakterleri, günlük rutinleri ve anlatacak heyecanlı hikayeleri olan unutulmaz yüzlerle dolu. İşe gidiyorlar, restoranlarda akşam yemeği yiyorlar, egzersiz yapıyorlar ve birçok ilginç şekilde birbirleriyle etkileşimde bulunuyorlar; hepsiyle tanışmak için zaman ayır! Kim bilir belki havada aşk kokusu vardır?

KEŞFET VE SAVAŞ: Portia'nın antik harabeleri ve zindanlarının derinliklerine dal. Kazmanı ve Kalıntı Tarayıcını alıp, geçmişten kaynaklar ve hazineler ara. Bir silah kuşandığından emin ol; bu değerli ganimeti ortaya çıkarmanı engellemeye çalışacak korkunç canavarlar ve ölümcül elebaşlarından oluşan ordular var!

YETENEKLERİNİ YÜKSELT: Karakterinin seviyesini maceralarında sana yardımcı olacak çeşitli yeteneklerle yükselt. Oyun tarzına bağlı olarak üretimini, savaş veya sosyal yeteneklerini artırıp artırmayacağına karar ver.

VE DAHA FAZLASI: My Time at Portia'da herkes için bir şey var! Yeni bölgeler bul ve keşfet, düzenli oyun içi festivallere ve vaktini nasıl geçireceğinin sana bağlı olduğu diğer birçok etkinliğe katıl. Neden mutfak yeteneklerini bilemiyor ve lezzetli yemekler pişirmiyorsun? Birçok mini oyundan birine katılmak ister misin? Veya belki de sadece arkana yaslanıp balık tutmak istiyorsundur? Seçim senin!




*PLEASE NOTE* Game saves from the My Time at Portia Demo ARE NOT COMPATIBLE with the full version of the game.

Please start a New Game and remove any previous saves.

Про гру

Start a new life in the enchanting town of Portia! Restore your Pa's neglected workshop to its former glory by fulfilling commissions, growing crops, raising animals, and befriending the quirky inhabitants of this charming post-apocalyptic land!

Armed with your Pa's old handbook and workbench, you must gather, mine and craft your way to being crowned the number one workshop in Portia. Help the locals rebuild the town and uncover the secrets locked deep away beneath it. Be prepared though…it won't be easy!

The town of Portia is full of friendly new faces for you to meet. Make friends, complete requests, exchange gifts, go on dates and let romance blossom!

Inspired by the magic of Studio Ghibli, My Time at Portia whisks you away to a world of wonder that you won't forget. How will you spend your time at Portia?

Key Features:

BUILD YOUR WORKSHOP: Build your Pa's derelict workshop into the best in Portia! Gather resources and craft your way into the hearts of the local community, as you work through daily commissions and villager requests.

RUN YOUR OWN FARM: Grow and nurture your own crops, raise animals and convert the empty woodland surrounding your workshop into a quaint little farm! My Time at Portia offers an innovative approach to farming, allowing you to take advantage of planter boxes and semi-automatic irrigation systems. You can even take your horse or llama out for a ride around the town!

GET CREATIVE: Make your house a home! Apply your personal touch with an exciting range of craftable furniture, decorations and workshop upgrades. Not only will it look great, but each piece will add stat boosts to your character!

JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Become a part of Portia's extraordinary community! Filled with a vibrant cast of unforgettable faces all with energetic personalities, daily routines and exciting stories to share. They go to work, have dinner in restaurants, exercise and interact with each other in lots of interesting ways - make sure you take the time to get to know them all! Who knows, maybe romance could be in the air?

EXPLORE AND BATTLE: Delve deep into the ancient ruins and dungeons of Portia. Grab your pickaxe and Relic Scanner and mine for resources and treasures from the past. Make sure that you equip a weapon, there’s hordes of fearsome monsters and deadly bosses that stand between you and that precious loot!

SKILL UP: Level up your character with a variety of skills to aid you in your adventures. Decide on whether to boost your crafting, combat or social skills depending on your play style.

AND THERE’S MORE: My Time at Portia has something for everyone! Find and explore new lands, take part in regular in-game festivals and many other activities it’s up to you how you spend your time. Why not hone your culinary skills and cook up some tasty food? Take on one of the many mini-games? Or perhaps just kick back and spend the afternoon fishing? The choice is yours!

System Requirements


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