Nuclear Dawn е първата игра, предлагаща пълно СПЛ и СРВ преживяване в един геймплей модел, без да осакатява или разрежда тези аспекти от играта.
Като войник разучете разкъсани от битките постапокалиптични пейзажи, моделирани в модерни градове, и се включете в битка срещу враговете си като бронирана, нападателна или стелт пехота, използвайки различни оръжия от десет отделни екипировки, за да изпълните задачите си. Стрелбата от първо лице в Nuclear Dawn е трудна, бърза и непрощаваща, с оръжия, които разчитат на умения и тактика повече, отколкото на внезапни рефлекси и запомняне на картата.
Също така, отведете Nuclear Dawn над действието и играйте като командира. Организирайте приятелите си във взводове и ги назначавайте с тактически задачи. Планирайте пътищата за ресурсите за Вашата армия и продукцията на сградите за развитие в играта. Експлоатирайте терена и ресурсните точки, за да блокирате развитието на враговете си, и разбиете плановете им с железен юмрук. Изследвайте и въведете нови технологии, за да дадете на войниците си предимство на бойното поле, и построите още бази, за да водят нападението срещу враговете Ви, с пълен набор от защитни и нападателни постройки, от които да избирате, за да построите перфектната крепост.
- Две фракции: Империята и Консорциума имат напълно различни парадигми при строенето на бази.
- Командир: Произвеждайте сгради, изследвайте напреднали технологии, пускайте опустошителни удари над врага и поведете отбора си към победа като командир.
- Четири класа: Всяка фракция има четири класа с различни екипировки с общо над три дузини оръжия.
- Взодове: Взодно-базиран военен модел с 32 играчи.
- Шест карти: Пътувайте през най-големите, най-детайлни карти в Source мултиплеър до днес.
- Напреднало въоръжение: Като командир разпределяйте разумно лечението на Вашите войници и смъртта на враговете им, като управлявате Вашите напреднали способности.
- Статистика и Бонуси: 60 ранга, 12 бонуса за всяко оръжие, постижения, джаджи и други.
- SDK: Пакета за софтуерни разработки на Nuclear Dawn ще бъде достъпен, за да може общността да създава карти и други.
- Захранен от Source: Базиран на L4D2 енджина и модифициран, за да предостави върховното онлайн бойно преживяване.
- Захранен от Steam: Достъпен за Mac и PC през Steamplay с поддръжка на Steam облака.
Nuclear Dawn is the first game to offer a full FPS and RTS experience, within a single gameplay model, without crippling or diluting either side of the game.
As a soldier, explore war-torn post-apocalyptic landscapes, modelled on modern cities, and take the fight to your enemies as armoured, assault or stealth infantry, using various weapons across ten distinct load-outs to accomplish your objectives. The first person shooter action in Nuclear Dawn is hard, fast and unforgiving, with weapons that rely on skill and tactics more than on twitch reflexes and map memorization.
Then, take Nuclear Dawn above the action, and play as the commander. Organize your fellow players in squads, and assign them to tactical objectives. Plan the resource routes for your army, and production of your structures for forward deployment. Exploit the terrain and resource point locations to block your enemies’ advance, and crush their plans in an iron fist. Research and implement new technologies to give your soldiers the edge on the battlefield, and set up forward bases to lead the assault on your enemies, with a full complement of defensive and offensive structures to choose from, to build your perfect fortress.
- Two factions: The Empire and the Consortium have completely separate base-building paradigms.
- RTS commander: Produce structures, research advanced technologies, unleash devastating strikes on the enemy, and lead your team to victory as a RTS commander.
- Four classes: Each faction has four classes with various kit load outs, totalling over three dozen weapons.
- Squad up: Squad-based 32 player full warfare battle mode.
- Six maps: Travel across the largest, most detailed maps built in Source multiplayer to date.
- Advanced Weaponry: As a commander, judiciously dispense healing to your troops, and death to their enemies, by managing your advanced abilities.
- Stats and Unlocks: 60 ranks, 12 unlocks for each weapon, achievements, gizmos and more.
- SDK: Nuclear Dawn Software Development Kit will be available for the community to be able to create custom maps, etc.
- Source Powered: Based on the L4D2 engine and modified to bring you the ultimate online battle experience.
- Steam Workshop Support: The game supports the Steam Workshop and allows for custom maps to be added.
- Steam Powered: Available for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX through Steamplay with Steam Cloud support.
Nuclear Dawn is the first game to offer a full FPS and RTS experience, within a single gameplay model, without crippling or diluting either side of the game.
As a soldier, explore war-torn post-apocalyptic landscapes, modelled on modern cities, and take the fight to your enemies as armoured, assault or stealth infantry, using various weapons across ten distinct load-outs to accomplish your objectives. The first person shooter action in Nuclear Dawn is hard, fast and unforgiving, with weapons that rely on skill and tactics more than on twitch reflexes and map memorization.
Then, take Nuclear Dawn above the action, and play as the commander. Organize your fellow players in squads, and assign them to tactical objectives. Plan the resource routes for your army, and production of your structures for forward deployment. Exploit the terrain and resource point locations to block your enemies’ advance, and crush their plans in an iron fist. Research and implement new technologies to give your soldiers the edge on the battlefield, and set up forward bases to lead the assault on your enemies, with a full complement of defensive and offensive structures to choose from, to build your perfect fortress.
- Two factions: The Empire and the Consortium have completely separate base-building paradigms.
- RTS commander: Produce structures, research advanced technologies, unleash devastating strikes on the enemy, and lead your team to victory as a RTS commander.
- Four classes: Each faction has four classes with various kit load outs, totalling over three dozen weapons.
- Squad up: Squad-based 32 player full warfare battle mode.
- Six maps: Travel across the largest, most detailed maps built in Source multiplayer to date.
- Advanced Weaponry: As a commander, judiciously dispense healing to your troops, and death to their enemies, by managing your advanced abilities.
- Stats and Unlocks: 60 ranks, 12 unlocks for each weapon, achievements, gizmos and more.
- SDK: Nuclear Dawn Software Development Kit will be available for the community to be able to create custom maps, etc.
- Source Powered: Based on the L4D2 engine and modified to bring you the ultimate online battle experience.
- Steam Workshop Support: The game supports the Steam Workshop and allows for custom maps to be added.
- Steam Powered: Available for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX through Steamplay with Steam Cloud support.
Nuclear Dawn est le premier jeu à offrir une expérience complète de FPS et RTS sans paralyser ou diluer l'autre partie du jeu.
Incarnez un soldat dans un paysage déchiré par la guerre post-apocalyptique, modelé sur des villes modernes et combattez vos ennemis avec une infanterie blindée, d'assaut ou furtive en utilisant diverses armes et charges pour atteindre vos objectifs. L'action à la première personne dans Nuclear Dawn est difficile, rapide et impitoyable avec des armes qui s'appuient sur les compétences et les tactiques plus que sur les réflexes et la mémorisation de carte.
Ensuite, amenez Nuclear Dawn au-dessus de l'action et jouez en tant que commandant. Organisez vos compagnons d’arme en équipes et affectez-les à des objectifs tactiques. Planifiez les itinéraires des ressources pour votre armée et la production de vos structures pour le déploiement du front.
Exploitez le terrain et la localisation des points de ressources pour bloquer l'avance tactique de vos ennemis et écrasez leurs plans dans une poigne de fer. Recherchez et mettez en œuvre de nouvelles technologies pour donner à vos soldats le meilleur sur le champ de bataille et mettez en place des bases avancées pour mener l'assaut sur vos ennemis, avec des structures au choix pleinement défensives et offensives et mettez-les à niveau pour construire votre forteresse parfaite.
- Deux factions distinctes : l'Empire et le Consortium
- Commandement de stratégie en temps réel : Produisez des structures, faites des recherches technologiques et frappez votre ennemi au cœur de son système. Vous êtes le commandant, menez vos troupes à la victoire.
- Quatre classes jouables : Chacune avec trois sous-classe, plus le rôle de commandant.
- Créez des équipes : Escouades de 32 joueurs en mode battle.
- 6 cartes : Parcourez les cartes multijoueurs les plus détaillées conçues à partir du moteur Source.
- Armement de pointe : En tant que commandant, soignez vos troupes et combattez les ennemis avec vos aptitudes avancées.
- Statistiques et bonus : 60 grades, 12 bonus pour chaque arme, succès et plus encore.
- SDK : Le kit de développement pour Nuclear Dawn sera disponible pour la communauté pour créer des cartes personnalisées.
- Conçu avec Source : Basé sur le moteur de L4D2 et modifié pour vous apporter l'expérience ultime de combat en ligne.
- Fonctionnalités Steam : Disponible pour Mac et PC avec Steamplay et le support du Steam Cloud.
Nuclear Dawn ist das erste Spiel, das innerhalb eines einzelnen Spiel-Modells ein volles FPS- und RTS-Erlebnis bietet, ohne dabei Abstriche zu machen.
Spielen Sie als Soldat in einer kriegs-zerrütteten, post-apokalyptischen Welt und bekämpfen Sie den Feind als gepanzerte, verdeckte oder Angriffseinheit und nutzen Sie verschiedenste Waffen und Ausrüstungen, um Ihre Missionsvorgaben zu erreichen. Die FPS-Action in Nuclear Dawn ist schwierig, schnell und unbarmherzig und die Waffen müssen gekonnt genutzt werden und ein schneller Finger und gute Kenntnis der Karte reichen hier nicht aus.
Wechseln Sie dann die Rollen und spielen Sie in Nuclear Dawn als Kommandant. Organisieren Sie Ihre Anhänger in Squads und beauftragen Sie andere Spieler mit taktischen Zielvorgaben. Planen Sie die Nachschubrouten für Ihre Armee und optimieren Sie die Produktion Ihrer Strukturen, um die Forschung voranzutreiben. Plündern Sie Rohstoffe und verhindern Sie den taktischen Fortschritt Ihrer Feinde und durchkreuzen Sie ihre Pläne mit eiserner Faust. Erforschen und verwenden Sie neue Technologie, um Ihren Soldaten einen Vorteil auf dem Schlachtfeld zu verschaffen und bereiten Sie durch Außenposten die Angriffe Ihrer Armee vor mit vollwertigen Verteidigungs- und Angriffsstrukturen, die Sie laufend verbessern können, um die perfekte Festung zu bauen.
- Zwei Fraktionen: Das Imperium und das Konsortium konstruieren ihre Basen auf völlig verschiedene Arten.
- RTS-Kommandant: Produzieren Sie Gebäude, erforschen Sie fortschrittliche Technologien, lassen Sie vernichtende Angriffe auf den Feind los und führen Sie Ihr Team als Kommandant zum Sieg.
- Vier Klassen: Jede Fraktion verfügt über vier Klassen mit verschiedenen Ausrüstungen, woraus sich ein Arsenal aus über drei Dutzend Waffen ergibt.
- Verbünden Sie sich: Squad-basierter Kriegsmodus mit 32 Spielern.
- Sechs Karten: Reisen Sie quer über die größten, detailliertesten Karten, die es je in einem Source-Mehrspieler-Spiel gab.
- Fortschrittliche Waffen: Senden Sie als Kommandant wohlbedacht Versorgungsmittel an Ihre Soldaten und den Tod an deren Feinde, indem Sie Ihre überlegenen Fähigkeiten einsetzen.
- Statistiken und Freischaltbares: 60 Ränge, 12 freischaltbare Zusätze für jede Waffe, Errungenschaften, Extras und mehr.
- SDK: Das Software Development Kit für Nuclear Dawn wird der Community öffentlich zugänglich sein, um damit eigene Karten und mehr kreieren zu können.
- Realisiert mit Source: Auf Basis der Engine von Left 4 Dead 2, modifiziert um Ihnen ultimative Online-Schlachten zu bieten.
- Von Steam unterstützt: Mittels Steam Play sowohl für Mac, als auch für PC erhältlich und mit Unterstützung von Steam Cloud.
Nuclear Dawn is the first game to offer a full FPS and RTS experience, within a single gameplay model, without crippling or diluting either side of the game.
As a soldier, explore war-torn post-apocalyptic landscapes, modelled on modern cities, and take the fight to your enemies as armoured, assault or stealth infantry, using various weapons across ten distinct load-outs to accomplish your objectives. The first person shooter action in Nuclear Dawn is hard, fast and unforgiving, with weapons that rely on skill and tactics more than on twitch reflexes and map memorization.
Then, take Nuclear Dawn above the action, and play as the commander. Organize your fellow players in squads, and assign them to tactical objectives. Plan the resource routes for your army, and production of your structures for forward deployment. Exploit the terrain and resource point locations to block your enemies’ advance, and crush their plans in an iron fist. Research and implement new technologies to give your soldiers the edge on the battlefield, and set up forward bases to lead the assault on your enemies, with a full complement of defensive and offensive structures to choose from, to build your perfect fortress.
- Two factions: The Empire and the Consortium have completely separate base-building paradigms.
- RTS commander: Produce structures, research advanced technologies, unleash devastating strikes on the enemy, and lead your team to victory as a RTS commander.
- Four classes: Each faction has four classes with various kit load outs, totalling over three dozen weapons.
- Squad up: Squad-based 32 player full warfare battle mode.
- Six maps: Travel across the largest, most detailed maps built in Source multiplayer to date.
- Advanced Weaponry: As a commander, judiciously dispense healing to your troops, and death to their enemies, by managing your advanced abilities.
- Stats and Unlocks: 60 ranks, 12 unlocks for each weapon, achievements, gizmos and more.
- SDK: Nuclear Dawn Software Development Kit will be available for the community to be able to create custom maps, etc.
- Source Powered: Based on the L4D2 engine and modified to bring you the ultimate online battle experience.
- Steam Workshop Support: The game supports the Steam Workshop and allows for custom maps to be added.
- Steam Powered: Available for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX through Steamplay with Steam Cloud support.
Nuclear Dawn è il primo videogioco a offrire un originale intreccio tra FPS e RTS, all'interno di un singolo modello di gameplay che salvaguarda i presupposti di ambedue i generi.
Nei panni di un soldato, esplora il paesaggio post apocalittico, caratterizzato da moderne città, e prendi parte alla battaglia combattendo come membro di una fanteria armata, di assalto o d’incognito, utilizzando vari tipi di armamenti tra i dieci diversi equipaggiamenti, al fine di completare con successo i tuoi obiettivi. La parte FPS di Nuclear Dawn è dura, veloce e impietosa; l'efficacia delle armi dipende molto dall'abilità e dalla tattica del giocatore, piuttosto che dai riflessi e dalla memorizzazione della mappa.
E ancora, prendi il controllo dell'azione di Nuclear Dawn dall’alto, e gioca come un comandante. Organizza i tuoi giocatori in squadre, e assegna loro degli obiettivi tattici. Segna gli itinerari da percorrere per rifornire le tue armi, e produci le strutture per svilupparle in futuro. Sfrutta il terreno e scopri i punti di rifornimento per bloccare l'avanzata dei nemici, e rovinare i loro piani. Conduci la ricerca e implementa nuove tecnologie per stimolare ancora di più i tuoi soldati sul campo di battaglia, e realizza basi d'avanguardia per guidare l’assalto contro il nemico, sfruttando al meglio il repertorio di strutture offensive o difensive, al fine di mettere a punto la tua fortezza perfetta.
- Due fazioni distinte: l’Impero e il Consorzio, ognuna con paradigmi completamenti diversi in merito alla costruzione di basi.
- Comandante RTS: Realizza strutture, conduci la ricerca di tecnologie avanzate, scatena devastanti attacchi contro il nemico, e porta la tua squadra alla vittoria nei panni di un comandante RTS.
- Quattro classi: Ciascuna fazione presenta quattro classi con vari kit di equipaggiamento, per un totale di oltre tre dozzine di armi.
- Gioco di squadra: Modalità di battaglia guerra totale a 32 giocatori organizzati in squadre.
- Sei mappe: Muoviti attraverso le mappe multiplayer più vaste e dettagliate mai create con il Source.
- Armamentario Avanzato: In qualità di comandante, distribuisci oculatamente le cure alle tue truppe e la morte ai tuoi nemici, padroneggiando le tue abilità avanzate.
- Statistiche e Sbloccabili: 60 rank, 12 sbloccabili per ogni arma, achievement, gizmo e tanto altro.
- SDK: Il Kit di Sviluppo di Nuclear Dawn verrà reso disponibile alla community per permetterle di creare contenuti personalizzati, come le mappe.
- Source Powered: Basato sul motore di L4D2, modificato per l'occasione al fine di garantirti l'esperienza di battaglia online definitiva.
- Steam Powered Disponibile sia per Mac sia per PC tramite Steamplay con supporto Steam Cloud.
Nuclear Dawn은 하나의 게임플레이 모델 내에서 FPS와 RTS 경험을 어느 한쪽도 해치지 않고 동시에 완벽하게 제공하는 제공하는 최초의 게임입니다.
한 명의 병사가 되어 전쟁으로 피폐해진 세계를 탐험하십시오. 근대 도시를 기반으로 종말 후 세계의 모습을 그린 전장에서 중장병, 강습병, 기습병 중 병과를 선택하십시오. 그리고 10종 이상의 차별화된 장비설정을 통해 제공되는 다양한 무기 중 원하는 것을 선택해 임무를 완수하십시오. Nuclear Dawn의 일인칭 슈터 플레이는 빠르게 변모하며, 어렵고, 힘듭니다. 재빠른 반응 속도나 지형에 대한 지식보다는 기술과 전략이 승패를 좌우할 것입니다.
그리고, 전장을 넘어 지휘관이 되어 Nuclear Dawn을 플레이하십시오. 아군 플레이어로 분대를 조직하고 이들을 전략적 임무에 배정하십시오. 병력을 유지하고 전진 배치를 위한 건물 건설에 필요한 자원로를 확보하십시오. 지형과 자원 채취 지역을 활용해 적의 진군을 막고 그들의 계획을 강력한 군세로 분쇄하십시오. 새로운 기술을 연구 및 적용해 병사들을 전장의 첨단에 세우고, 다양한 방어 및 공격 건물을 활용해 전진 기지를 설치함으로써 적에게 강습을 가해 완벽한 요새를 건설하십시오.
- 두 개의 세력: 전혀 다른 기지 건설 양식을 지닌 제국(The Empire)과 재단(The Consortium)이 등장합니다.
- RTS 지휘관: 전략 시뮬레이션의 지휘관이 되어 건물을 건설하고, 최신 기술을 연구하고, 적에게 위력적인 공격을 가해 소속 팀을 승리로 이끄십시오.
- 4개의 병과: 양 세력마다 4개의 병과가 존재하며, 각기 다양한 장비설정을 통해 30종 이상의 무기가 등장합니다.
- 분대 결성: 분대 기반의 32인 대규모 전투가 제공됩니다.
- 6개의 맵: 이때까지의 Source 기반 멀티 플레이 게임 중 가장 거대하고 세밀하게 묘사된 맵을 탐험하십시오.
- 최첨단 무기: 지휘관으로서 최첨단의 능력을 사용해 아군에겐 생명을, 적군에겐 죽음을 선사하십시오.
- 능력치와 언락: 60종의 계급, 각 무기마다 존재하는 12개의 언락, 도전과제, 보조 장비, 기타 등등.
- SDK: 커뮤니티에서 커스텀 맵을 비롯 다양한 작품을 제작할 수 있는 Nuclear Dawn의 소프트웨어 개발 도구(Software Development Kit)가 제공됩니다.
- Source Powered: L4D2 엔진에 기반해 개조된 엔진이 최고의 온라인 전장 경험을 선사합니다.
- Steam Powered: Steamplay를 통해 Mac과 PC에서 모두에서 플레이할 수 있으며 Steam Cloud를 지원합니다.
Nuclear Dawn is the first game to offer a full FPS and RTS experience, within a single gameplay model, without crippling or diluting either side of the game.
As a soldier, explore war-torn post-apocalyptic landscapes, modelled on modern cities, and take the fight to your enemies as armoured, assault or stealth infantry, using various weapons across ten distinct load-outs to accomplish your objectives. The first person shooter action in Nuclear Dawn is hard, fast and unforgiving, with weapons that rely on skill and tactics more than on twitch reflexes and map memorization.
Then, take Nuclear Dawn above the action, and play as the commander. Organize your fellow players in squads, and assign them to tactical objectives. Plan the resource routes for your army, and production of your structures for forward deployment. Exploit the terrain and resource point locations to block your enemies’ advance, and crush their plans in an iron fist. Research and implement new technologies to give your soldiers the edge on the battlefield, and set up forward bases to lead the assault on your enemies, with a full complement of defensive and offensive structures to choose from, to build your perfect fortress.
- Two factions: The Empire and the Consortium have completely separate base-building paradigms.
- RTS commander: Produce structures, research advanced technologies, unleash devastating strikes on the enemy, and lead your team to victory as a RTS commander.
- Four classes: Each faction has four classes with various kit load outs, totalling over three dozen weapons.
- Squad up: Squad-based 32 player full warfare battle mode.
- Six maps: Travel across the largest, most detailed maps built in Source multiplayer to date.
- Advanced Weaponry: As a commander, judiciously dispense healing to your troops, and death to their enemies, by managing your advanced abilities.
- Stats and Unlocks: 60 ranks, 12 unlocks for each weapon, achievements, gizmos and more.
- SDK: Nuclear Dawn Software Development Kit will be available for the community to be able to create custom maps, etc.
- Source Powered: Based on the L4D2 engine and modified to bring you the ultimate online battle experience.
- Steam Workshop Support: The game supports the Steam Workshop and allows for custom maps to be added.
- Steam Powered: Available for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX through Steamplay with Steam Cloud support.
Nuclear Dawn — первая игра, в равной степени совмещающая в себе элементы шутера и стратегии, без упрощения какой-либо из этих двух сторон игрового процесса.
Играя за пехоту, исследуйте обезображенные войной постапокалиптические ландшафты, созданные под впечатлением от современных городов, и сразитесь с противником как тяжеловооруженный солдат, штурмовик или разведчик. Используйте десять комплектов вооружения с самым разным оружием, чтобы выполнить поставленную задачу. Шутер в Nuclear Dawn жесткий, быстрый и непрощающий, основанный на опыте игрока и тактике, а не голых рефлексах и запоминании особенностей каждой карты.
Затем отстранитесь от прямых действий и играйте в роли командира. Создавайте отряды из других игроков и задавайте им тактические цели. Организуйте поток ресурсов для вашей армии и для возведения важных объектов. Используйте местность и точки с ресурсами, чтобы блокировать продвижение врага, а затем разрушьте их планы железной рукой. Изучайте и внедряйте новые технологии, чтобы дать вашим бойцам преимущество на поле боя, а также чтобы возвести передовые укрепления с системами обороны или нападения на ваш выбор.
- Две фракции: Базы Империи и Консорциума строятся совершенно по-разному.
- Командир-стратег: Возводите постройки, изучайте улучшенные технологии, наносите разрушительные удары по врагу и приведите свою команду к победе в роли командира.
- Четыре класса: У каждой из сторон есть четыре класса с различными комплектами вооружения, насчитывающего более трех десятков видов оружия.
- Игра в команде: Командные бои, рассчитанные на 32 человека.
- Шесть карт: Исследуйте самые большие и детализированные карты на движке Source на сегодняшний день.
- Расширенное вооружение: Будучи командиром, грамотно лечите свои войска и подрывайте здоровье противника, используя продвинутые умения.
- Статистика и улучшения: 60 рангов, 12 улучшений для каждого оружия, достижения и многое другое.
- Редактор карт: В ближайшее время для Nuclear Dawn станет доступен редактор, что даст сообществу игры возможность создавать новые карты и тому подобное.
- Движок Source: Технология Left 4 Dead 2 модифицирована таким образом, что вы получите непередаваемые ощущения от многопользовательской игры.
- Поддержка Steam: Доступна для Mac и ПК благодаря Steamplay и функции Steam Cloud.
Nuclear Dawn es el primer juego en ofrecer una experiencia completa FPS y RTS sin perjudicar a ninguna de las dos partes.
Juega como un soldado en un paisaje post apocalíptico, modelado en base a ciudades modernas, y afronta la lucha con tus enemigos como infantería armada, de asalto o de sigilo, utilizando diversas armas y configuraciones para cumplir tus objetivos. La parte shooter en primera persona de Nuclear Dawn es dura, de ritmo rápido e implacable, con armas que dependen más de tu habilidad y tus tácticas que de unos reflejos rápidos y de la memorización del escenario.
Después, toma el control de Nuclear Dawn desde arriba y juega como comandante. Organiza a tus jugadores en escuadras y asígnales objetivos tácticos. Planifica las rutas de recursos para tu ejército y la producción de tus estructuras para un desarrollo posterior. Explota el terreno y las localizaciones de los recursos para bloquear el avance de tus enemigos y aplastar sus planes con puño de hierro. Investiga e implementa nuevas tecnologías para proporcionar ventaja a tus soldados en el campo de batalla y establece bases de avanzadilla para liderar el asalto sobre tus enemigos, con una gran variedad de estructuras defensivas y ofensivas a elegir para construir tu fortaleza perfecta.
Características Principales
Dos facciones: El Imperio y el Consorcio tienen paradigmas de construcción de bases totalmente diferentes
Comandante RTS: Produce estructuras, investiga avanzadas tecnologías, desata devastadores ataques contra tus enemigos y dirige a tu equipo hacia la victoria como comandante RTS
Cuatro clases: Cada facción dispone de cuatro clases con varias configuraciones diferentes para un total de más de tres docenas de armas
Escuadras: Modo de guerra total basada en escuadras para 32 jugadores
Seis mapas: Viaja por los mapas multijugador más grandes y detallados creados con el motor Source hasta la fecha
Armamento avanzado: Como comandante, deberás proporcionar curación a tus tropas y muerte a tus enemigos administrando tus habilidades avanzadas
Estadísticas y desbloqueos: 60 rangos, 12 desbloqueos para cada arma, logros, aparatos y mucho más
SDK: El Software Development Kit para Nuclear Dawn estará disponible para que la comunidad cree mapas personalizados, etc.
Potenciado por Source: Basado en el motor de L4D2 y modificado para proporcionarte la experiencia definitiva de combate online
Potenciado por Steam: Disponible tanto para Mac como para PC mediante Steamplay con soporte para Steam Cloud
System Requirements