Painkiller: Black Edition
Painkiller: Black Edition

Painkiller: Black Edition

Release Date: 11/04/2004 | WORLDWIDE
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9.49 € + VAT


Painkiller Black Edition includes Painkiller and the expansion pack Battle Out of Hell, featuring 10 additional single-player levels and many new villans.

Gothic Story, Frantic Gameplay. Painkiller is a first-person horror shooter, designed to satisfy a gamer's hunger for intense, fast-paced action. It's an adrenaline addict's nightmare, where hellish monsters swarm in seemingly endless mobs.

Graphically, Painkiller is unmatched. The proprietary PAIN Engine puts out an unbelievably high polygon count, while adding increased texture quality and the latest lighting and shadowing techniques, including soft shadows, DOT3 bump mapping, water reflections, glass simulation, volumetric light and fog, and more. Plug in the Havok 2.0 physics engine, and you get a realistic environment in a totally fantastical setting.

Stranded in a place between Heaven and Hell, your time of judgment is at hand. The Underworld is on the verge of unholy war, and you are but a pawn in the infernal battle. As you fight for your purification, the truths behind the deceptions are revealed.


  • Combo weapons: All weapons come in pairs, with a primary and secondary fire.
  • Morphing: Your unholy pact gives you the power to morph into a powerful possessed creature with every 66 souls collected.
  • Lasting replay value: Painkiller features a standard single player campaign, with additional modes to encourage replay.
  • Physics Engine: Painkiller employs the Havok 2.0 physics engine, allowing for inverse kinematics ("rag-doll physics") and deformable, interactive environments.
  • Over 30 levels of fierce action, dozens of different enemies in completely unique and varied environments.
  • High adrenalin gameplay: non-stop action, hundreds of enemies to be decimated and gigantic bosses.
  • 14 incredible weapons, including the famous stake-gun, and the mythical Painkiller.
  • Painkiller Black Edition includes Painkiller and the expansion pack Battle Out of Hell, featuring 10 additional single-player levels and many new villans.

    Gothic Story, Frantic Gameplay. Painkiller is a first-person horror shooter, designed to satisfy a gamer's hunger for intense, fast-paced action. It's an adrenaline addict's nightmare, where hellish monsters swarm in seemingly endless mobs.

    Graphically, Painkiller is unmatched. The proprietary PAIN Engine puts out an unbelievably high polygon count, while adding increased texture quality and the latest lighting and shadowing techniques, including soft shadows, DOT3 bump mapping, water reflections, glass simulation, volumetric light and fog, and more. Plug in the Havok 2.0 physics engine, and you get a realistic environment in a totally fantastical setting.

    Stranded in a place between Heaven and Hell, your time of judgment is at hand. The Underworld is on the verge of unholy war, and you are but a pawn in the infernal battle. As you fight for your purification, the truths behind the deceptions are revealed.


    • Combo weapons: All weapons come in pairs, with a primary and secondary fire.
    • Morphing: Your unholy pact gives you the power to morph into a powerful possessed creature with every 66 souls collected.
    • Lasting replay value: Painkiller features a standard single player campaign, with additional modes to encourage replay.
    • Physics Engine: Painkiller employs the Havok 2.0 physics engine, allowing for inverse kinematics ("rag-doll physics") and deformable, interactive environments.
    • Over 30 levels of fierce action, dozens of different enemies in completely unique and varied environments.
    • High adrenalin gameplay: non-stop action, hundreds of enemies to be decimated and gigantic bosses.
    • 14 incredible weapons, including the famous stake-gun, and the mythical Painkiller.
    • Vom Regen in die Traufe: Sie sind Daniel Garner, ein netter, unscheinbarer Typ der bei einem fatalen Verkehrsunfall ums Leben kommt. Aber der Eintritt in den Himmel wird Ihnen aus unerklärlichen Gründen verwehrt. Die Pforten bleiben geschlossen und Sie finden sich in einer alptraumhaften, dunklen, gothischen Welt wieder in der unheilvolle Mächte um die Herrschaft kämpfen. Ein Kampf der in einer tödlichen Invasion ihrer früheren Heimat, der Erde, enden kann. Kämpfen Sie in 24 riesigen Levels gegen Heerscharen bösartiger Dämonen und erlösen Sie sie von ihrem Leid, denn Sie sind nun der Painkiller!


      • 24 riesige, abwechslungsreiche Levels in denen keine Textur der anderen gleicht!
      • Leistungsstarke 3D-Grafikengine mit 100x mehr Polygonen wie jeder andere Ego-Shooter derzeit
      • Absolut realistische Darstellung von Licht, Schatten, Wasser, Glas, Feuer und Rauch!
      • Perfekte Physik: jedes Objekt, vom riesigen Steinquader bis zum kleinsten Holzsplitter verhält sich realistisch auf Krafteinwirkung; dadurch ergeben sich völlig neuartige Spielmöglichkeiten!
      • Eine Vielzahl von "kleinen" Gegnern und riesigen Bossen!
      • Painkiller Black Edition includes Painkiller and the expansion pack Battle Out of Hell, featuring 10 additional single-player levels and many new villans.

        Gothic Story, Frantic Gameplay. Painkiller is a first-person horror shooter, designed to satisfy a gamer's hunger for intense, fast-paced action. It's an adrenaline addict's nightmare, where hellish monsters swarm in seemingly endless mobs.

        Graphically, Painkiller is unmatched. The proprietary PAIN Engine puts out an unbelievably high polygon count, while adding increased texture quality and the latest lighting and shadowing techniques, including soft shadows, DOT3 bump mapping, water reflections, glass simulation, volumetric light and fog, and more. Plug in the Havok 2.0 physics engine, and you get a realistic environment in a totally fantastical setting.

        Stranded in a place between Heaven and Hell, your time of judgment is at hand. The Underworld is on the verge of unholy war, and you are but a pawn in the infernal battle. As you fight for your purification, the truths behind the deceptions are revealed.


        • Combo weapons: All weapons come in pairs, with a primary and secondary fire.
        • Morphing: Your unholy pact gives you the power to morph into a powerful possessed creature with every 66 souls collected.
        • Lasting replay value: Painkiller features a standard single player campaign, with additional modes to encourage replay.
        • Physics Engine: Painkiller employs the Havok 2.0 physics engine, allowing for inverse kinematics ("rag-doll physics") and deformable, interactive environments.
        • Over 30 levels of fierce action, dozens of different enemies in completely unique and varied environments.
        • High adrenalin gameplay: non-stop action, hundreds of enemies to be decimated and gigantic bosses.
        • 14 incredible weapons, including the famous stake-gun, and the mythical Painkiller.

        System Requirements
