Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Explorer Edition)
Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Explorer Edition)
Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Explorer Edition)
Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Explorer Edition)
Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Explorer Edition)
Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Explorer Edition)
Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Explorer Edition)

Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Explorer Edition)

Release Date: 25/09/2018 | EU
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The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


Sobre o jogo

Com a ajuda de mais de 18 mil apoiadores no Kickstarter, do designer de narrativas Chris Avellone e do compositor Inon Zur, a Owlcat Games tem o orgulho de trazer até você o primeiro RPG isométrico de computador ambientado no adorado universo do jogo de tabuleiro Pathfinder. Curta uma experiência clássica de RPG inspirada em jogos como Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 e 2 e Arcanum. Explore e conquiste as Terras Roubadas e amplie o seu reino!

Com base nos comentários e sugestões dos jogadores, fizemos algumas melhorias para essa versão do jogo. Esta versão inclui:
• conteúdo extra e dezenas de recursos incríveis para melhorar a jogabilidade
• habilidades novas e opções diferentes para criar seu personagem — incluindo uma classe novíssima
• armas e itens novos
• equilíbrio melhorado, principalmente no início e nos dois últimos capítulos do jogo
• um sistema melhor de gerenciamento de reino, tanto no quesito equilíbrio quanto na usabilidade e conforto do usuário
• aumentamos a variedade de conflitos aleatórios no mapa do mundo
• diversas correções de erros e melhorias desde o lançamento do jogo

Explore as Terras Roubadas, uma região cujo território é contestado há séculos. Centenas de reinos surgiram e desapareceram aqui, e agora é a sua vez de deixar a sua marca — construindo o seu próprio reino! Para isso, você precisará sobreviver aos perigos da natureza e às ameaças de nações rivais… sem falar das ameaças vindas de dentro da sua própria corte.

Personalize o seu personagem com uma grande variedade de classes e poderes, incluindo arquétipos especializados, arcanos poderosos e encantos divinos, escolhendo a partir de diversas habilidades de classe, aptidões e recursos. Pathfinder permite aos jogadores criar heróis (ou vilões) de acordo com as suas próprias personalidades e estilo de jogo.

Junte-se a um elenco imenso de companheiros e NPCs, incluindo personagens icônicos do próprio universo de Pathfinder. Você terá que decidir em quem confiar e quem deve ser olhado com desconfiança, já que cada companheiro tem propósitos, crenças e objetivos que podem ser diferentes dos seus. A sua jornada será a jornada deles, e você ajudará a moldar as vidas deles no momento atual e no futuro.

Conquiste novas regiões e tome o que é seu, construindo o seu reino em meio aos desafios impostos pela natureza. Temas clássicos, como exploração e investigação de calabouços, formam a base desta aventura, mas diplomacia, política e administração do reino também compõem o desafio. Escolha seus aliados com sabedoria e mantenha-os por perto enquanto explora ruínas e tumbas antigas — ao mesmo tempo em que lida com temas políticos em sua própria corte.

O seu reino será o reflexo do seu personagem e das suas escolhas ao longo do jogo. Ele é um organismo vivo moldado pelas suas crenças, seus aliados e sua capacidade de liderar o seu povo. Além de expandir o seu reino, criando novos territórios e construindo novas cidades e comunidades, a sua capital mudará fisicamente de acordo com as suas decisões, políticas e escolhas de aliados. À medida que o seu reino cresce, diversas facções e países vizinhos lhe pedirão favores — e testarão a sua força.

Explore - Conquiste - Reine!

O Roleplaying Game Pathfinder é uma evolução do conjunto de regras 3.5 do mais antigo jogo de fantasia do mundo, desenvolvido pela Paizo, Inc, seguindo o feedback de milhares de gamers como você. Não importa se você está conhecendo agora o universo de Pathfinder® ou se já é um veterano — Pathfinder: Kingmaker é o CRPG que você estava esperando.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


Относно играта

With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Explore and conquer the Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom!

Based on our players' feedback and suggestions, this version of the game improves and builds upon the original. This edition includes:
• numerous gameplay-enriching content additions and dozens of quality-of-life features
• new abilities and ways to build your character, including a brand-new class
• new items and weaponry
• improved balance, especially in the beginning and last two chapters of the game
• enhanced kingdom management system, both in terms of balance as well as usability and player comfort
• increased variety of random encounters on the global map
• thousands of fixes and improvements made since the game's initial release

Explore the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries: Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.

Customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills, and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.

Meet a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.

Conquer new regions as claim them as your own, carving your kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and kingdom development are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.

Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.

Explore - Conquer - Rule!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed by Paizo, Inc using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


O hře

With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Explore and conquer the Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom!

Based on our players' feedback and suggestions, this version of the game improves and builds upon the original. This edition includes:
• numerous gameplay-enriching content additions and dozens of quality-of-life features
• new abilities and ways to build your character, including a brand-new class
• new items and weaponry
• improved balance, especially in the beginning and last two chapters of the game
• enhanced kingdom management system, both in terms of balance as well as usability and player comfort
• increased variety of random encounters on the global map
• thousands of fixes and improvements made since the game's initial release

Explore the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries: Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.

Customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills, and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.

Meet a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.

Conquer new regions as claim them as your own, carving your kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and kingdom development are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.

Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.

Explore - Conquer - Rule!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed by Paizo, Inc using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


Om spillet

With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Explore and conquer the Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom!

Based on our players' feedback and suggestions, this version of the game improves and builds upon the original. This edition includes:
• numerous gameplay-enriching content additions and dozens of quality-of-life features
• new abilities and ways to build your character, including a brand-new class
• new items and weaponry
• improved balance, especially in the beginning and last two chapters of the game
• enhanced kingdom management system, both in terms of balance as well as usability and player comfort
• increased variety of random encounters on the global map
• thousands of fixes and improvements made since the game's initial release

Explore the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries: Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.

Customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills, and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.

Meet a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.

Conquer new regions as claim them as your own, carving your kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and kingdom development are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.

Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.

Explore - Conquer - Rule!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed by Paizo, Inc using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


Info over het spel

With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Explore and conquer the Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom!

Based on our players' feedback and suggestions, this version of the game improves and builds upon the original. This edition includes:
• numerous gameplay-enriching content additions and dozens of quality-of-life features
• new abilities and ways to build your character, including a brand-new class
• new items and weaponry
• improved balance, especially in the beginning and last two chapters of the game
• enhanced kingdom management system, both in terms of balance as well as usability and player comfort
• increased variety of random encounters on the global map
• thousands of fixes and improvements made since the game's initial release

Explore the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries: Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.

Customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills, and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.

Meet a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.

Conquer new regions as claim them as your own, carving your kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and kingdom development are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.

Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.

Explore - Conquer - Rule!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed by Paizo, Inc using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


About the Game

With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Explore and conquer the Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom!

Based on our players' feedback and suggestions, this version of the game improves and builds upon the original. This edition includes:
• numerous gameplay-enriching content additions and dozens of quality-of-life features
• new abilities and ways to build your character, including a brand-new class
• new items and weaponry
• improved balance, especially in the beginning and last two chapters of the game
• enhanced kingdom management system, both in terms of balance as well as usability and player comfort
• increased variety of random encounters on the global map
• thousands of fixes and improvements made since the game's initial release

Explore the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries: Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.

Customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills, and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.

Meet a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.

Conquer new regions as claim them as your own, carving your kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and kingdom development are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.

Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.

Explore - Conquer - Rule!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed by Paizo, Inc using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


Tietoa pelistä

With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Explore and conquer the Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom!

Based on our players' feedback and suggestions, this version of the game improves and builds upon the original. This edition includes:
• numerous gameplay-enriching content additions and dozens of quality-of-life features
• new abilities and ways to build your character, including a brand-new class
• new items and weaponry
• improved balance, especially in the beginning and last two chapters of the game
• enhanced kingdom management system, both in terms of balance as well as usability and player comfort
• increased variety of random encounters on the global map
• thousands of fixes and improvements made since the game's initial release

Explore the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries: Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.

Customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills, and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.

Meet a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.

Conquer new regions as claim them as your own, carving your kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and kingdom development are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.

Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.

Explore - Conquer - Rule!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed by Paizo, Inc using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


À propos du jeu

Avec l'aide de plus de 18 000 contributeurs Kickstarter, du concepteur narratif Chris Avellone et du compositeur Inon Zur, Owlcat Games est fier de vous présenter le premier RPG informatique en vue isométrique dans l'univers du cultissime jeu de rôle papier Pathfinder. Retrouvez avec délice les sensations des RPG classiques tels que Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 et 2 ou encore Arcanum. Explorez et conquérez les Terres volées pour en faire votre royaume !

Cette version du jeu a fait l'objet de nombreuses améliorations implémentées en réponse aux divers retours de nos joueurs, et cherche à perfectionner l'expérience offerte par le jeu d'origine. Cette édition comprend :
• de nombreuses additions conçues pour renforcer l'expérience de jeu, ainsi que plusieurs dizaines de fonctionnalités ergonomiques
• de nouvelles aptitudes et façons de développer votre personnage, y compris une classe inédite
• de nouveaux objets et armes
• un meilleur équilibrage, en particulier au début du jeu et lors des deux derniers chapitres
• un système de gestion du royaume amélioré, tant au niveau de l'équilibrage que de la facilité d'usage et du confort du joueur
• des combats aléatoires plus variés sur la carte du monde
• des milliers de correctifs et autres améliorations fort attendus depuis le lancement du jeu

Explorez les Terres volées, une région contestée depuis des siècles. Des centaines de royaumes ont cherché à s'y établir pour ne connaître que la ruine. L'heure est venue d'y laisser votre empreinte en créant votre propre royaume ! Pour ce faire, vous devrez survivre aux périls de l'environnement et des nations rivales... mais aussi aux dangers insidieux de votre cour.

Customisez votre personnage à l'aide d'un large panel de classes et de pouvoirs, dont des archétypes spécialisés, de puissants sorts profanes et divins, plus une multitude de compétences, dons et capacités propres à chaque classe. Pathfinder vous permet de créer des héros (ou des génies du mal) qui correspondent à la fois à votre style de jeu et à votre personnalité.

Rencontrez un large panel de compagnons et de PNJ, dont des personnages emblématiques de l'univers Pathfinder dans son ensemble. Vous devrez choisir à qui vous fier et qui garder à l'œil, chaque compagnon ayant des motivations, un alignement et des objectifs pas forcément en phase avec les vôtres. Votre aventure deviendra leur aventure et vous influerez sur leur présent mais aussi leur avenir.

Partez à la conquête de nouvelles régions et revendiquez ces terres pour créer votre propre royaume à partir de rien. L'exploration et le porte-monstre-trésor restent bien sûr au cœur de cette aventure, mais la diplomatie, la politique et le développement de votre royaume seront également de la partie. Choisissez bien vos alliés et emmenez-les explorer les tombes ancestrales et autres ruines... sans négliger les affaires politiques de votre cour.

Votre royaume reflète votre personnage et vos choix à travers le jeu. C'est une entité vivante qui évolue selon votre alignement, vos alliés et votre faculté à mener vos sujets. Non seulement votre royaume pourra s'étendre, ce qui vous donnera accès à de nouveaux territoires sur lesquels construire bourgades et communautés, mais votre capitale changera aussi en fonction de vos décisions, de vos choix politiques et même de vos alliances. Tandis que votre royaume grandira, diverses factions et nations voisines viendront vous solliciter... et jauger votre force.

Explorer - Conquérir - Gouverner!

Le jeu de rôle Pathfinder est une évolution des règles 3.5 du jeu de rôle fantasy le plus ancien au monde, conçu par Paizo, Inc. à partir des avis de dizaines de milliers de joueurs comme vous. Que vous soyez un débutant ou un vétéran de l'univers Pathfinder®, vous trouverez dans Pathfinder: Kingmaker le jeu de rôle informatique que vous attendiez.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


Über das Spiel

Owlcat Games ist stolz, dank der Unterstützung von über 18.000 Kickstarter-Unterstützern, Narrative Desginer Chris Avellone und Komponist Inon Zur nun das allererste isometrische Computer-Rollenspiel präsentieren zu dürfen, das im beliebten Pathfinder-Brettspiel-Universum angesiedelt ist. Genieße ein klassisches Rollenspielerlebnis, das von Spielen wie Baldur’s Gate, Fallout 1 + 2 und Arcanum inspiriert wurde. Erkunde und erobere die Raublande und herrsche über dein stetig wachsendes Königreich!

Basierend auf dem Feedback und den Anregungen unserer Spieler enthält diese Version des Spiels zahlreiche Verbesserungen. Diese Edition enthält:
• umfangreiche Inhaltserweiterungen und Dutzende von Komfortfeatures
• neue Fähigkeiten und Charakteroptionen, einschließlich einer brandneuen Klasse
• neue Gegenstände und Waffen
• verbesserte Spielbalance, vor allem zu Beginn und in den letzten beiden Kapiteln des Spiels
• überarbeite Verwaltung des Königreichs, sowohl im Hinblick auf die Spielbalance als auch die Nutzbarkeit und den Spielerkomfort
• abwechslungsreichere Zufallsbegegnungen auf der Weltkarte
• Tausende von Fehlerbehebungen und Verbesserungen seit der ursprünglichen Veröffentlichung des Spiels

Erkunde die Raublande, eine Region, die schon seit vielen Jahrhunderten als umstrittenes Territorium gilt. Hunderte Königreiche sind in diesen Landen erblüht und gefallen und jetzt liegt es an dir, ihnen dein Zeichen aufzusetzen – indem du dein ganz eigenes Königreich erbaust! Um deine Pläne in die Tat umsetzen zu können, wirst du die raue Wildnis, Bedrohungen durch rivalisierende Nationen und auch die ein oder andere Intrige am eigenen Hofe überleben müssen.

Passe deinen Charakter ganz nach deinem Geschmack an und wähle dabei aus einer Fülle an Klassen und Kräften, einschließlich spezialisierter Archetypen, mächtiger arkaner und heiliger Zauber und der Wahl zwischen einer Reihe von Klassenfähigkeiten, Fertigkeiten und Heldentaten. Pathfinder erlaubt es Spielern, Helden (oder Bösewichte) zu erstellen, die sowohl zu ihren Spielweisen, als auch zu ihren Persönlichkeiten passen.

Triff auf eine vielseitige Ansammlung von Gefährten und NPCs, einschließlich einiger ikonischer Charaktere aus dem Pathfinder-Universum selbst. Du wirst selbst entscheiden müssen, wem du vertraust und wem du lieber mit Vorsicht begegnest, da jeder Gefährte eigene Ziele verfolgt und über Einstellungen verfügt, die sich von deinen unterscheiden könnten. Deine Reise wird auch zu ihrer Reise werden und es wird an dir liegen, ihre Leben sowohl in der Gegenwart als auch für die Zukunft zu beeinflussen.

Erobere neue Regionen und erkläre sie zu deinem Eigentum, während du dein Königreich aus der Wildnis erhebst. Obwohl das Erkunden von klassischen Verließen immer noch das Herzstück dieses Abenteuers ausmacht, ist es doch ebenso wichtig, dich in Diplomatie, Politik und der Erweiterung deines Königreichs zu üben, um erfolgreich zu sein. Wähle deine Verbündeten weise und halte sie dicht an deiner Seite, während ihr uralte Gräber und Ruinen erkundet – und während du dich zu Hofe um die Politik kümmerst.

Dein Königreich spiegelt deinen Charakter und deine Entscheidungen im Verlauf des Spiels wider. Es ist ständig im Wandel und wird durch deine Einstellung, deine Verbündeten und deine Fähigkeit, dein Volk anzuführen, geformt. Neben der Expansion deines Königreichs, mit der du neue Gebiete erschließt, die daraufhin mit Städten und Gemeinden besiedelt werden können, verändert deine Hauptstadt auch sichtlich ihr Aussehen, je nachdem welche Entscheidungen du triffst, wie du dich politisch engagierst oder für welche Verbündeten du dich entschließt. Mit der Erweiterung deines Königreichs werden eine Reihe von Fraktionen und Nachbarreichen deine Gunst erlangen oder deine Stärke auf die Probe stellen wollen.

Erkunde – Erobere – Herrsche!

Das Pathfinder-Rollenspiel ist eine Weiterentwicklung des 3.5-Regelwerks des ältesten Fantasy-Rollenspiels der Welt, das von Paizo, Inc entworfen wurde und durch das Feedback von zehntausenden Spielern genau wie du verbessert wurde. Ob du nun neu im Pathfinder®-Universum bist oder bereits ein stahlharter Veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker ist genau das Computer-Rollenspiel, auf das du gewartet hast.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


Σχετικά με το παιχνίδι

With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Explore and conquer the Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom!

Based on our players' feedback and suggestions, this version of the game improves and builds upon the original. This edition includes:
• numerous gameplay-enriching content additions and dozens of quality-of-life features
• new abilities and ways to build your character, including a brand-new class
• new items and weaponry
• improved balance, especially in the beginning and last two chapters of the game
• enhanced kingdom management system, both in terms of balance as well as usability and player comfort
• increased variety of random encounters on the global map
• thousands of fixes and improvements made since the game's initial release

Explore the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries: Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.

Customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills, and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.

Meet a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.

Conquer new regions as claim them as your own, carving your kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and kingdom development are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.

Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.

Explore - Conquer - Rule!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed by Paizo, Inc using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


A játékról: 

With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Explore and conquer the Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom!

Based on our players' feedback and suggestions, this version of the game improves and builds upon the original. This edition includes:
• numerous gameplay-enriching content additions and dozens of quality-of-life features
• new abilities and ways to build your character, including a brand-new class
• new items and weaponry
• improved balance, especially in the beginning and last two chapters of the game
• enhanced kingdom management system, both in terms of balance as well as usability and player comfort
• increased variety of random encounters on the global map
• thousands of fixes and improvements made since the game's initial release

Explore the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries: Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.

Customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills, and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.

Meet a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.

Conquer new regions as claim them as your own, carving your kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and kingdom development are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.

Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.

Explore - Conquer - Rule!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed by Paizo, Inc using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


Informazioni sul gioco

Grazie al narrative designer Chris Avellone, al compositore Inon Zur e all'aiuto di più di 18.000 sostenitori su Kickstarter, Owlcat Games è fiera di presentare il primo RPG isometrico ambientato nel popolarissimo universo di gioco di Pathfinder. Goditi un'esperienza da RPG classico ispirato a giochi come Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 e 2 e Arcanum. Esplora e conquista le Terre Rubate e annettile al tuo regno!

Sulla base dei feedback e dei suggerimenti dei nostri giocatori, questa versione del gioco parte dalla versione originale e la migliora. Questa edizione include:
• numerosi contenuti aggiuntivi che arricchiscono il gameplay e decine di caratteristiche che lo migliorano
• nuove abilità e modi per creare il tuo personaggio, inclusa una classe nuova di zecca
• nuovi oggetti e armi
• bilanciamento migliorato, specialmente all'inizio e negli ultimi due capitoli del gioco
• sistema di gestione del regno potenziato, sia in termini di equilibrio che di fruibilità e comfort del giocatore
• maggiore varietà di scontri casuali sulla mappa globale
• migliaia di miglioramenti e correzioni apportati sin dal momento del primo lancio del gioco

Esplora le Terre Rubate, una regione contesa da secoli. In queste terre centinaia di regni sono sorti e poi crollati... Ora è il tuo momento: costruisci il tuo regno e lascia un segno indelebile nella storia di questa regione! Per farlo, dovrai sopravvivere ai pericoli naturali e alla minaccia delle nazioni rivali... Oltre che alle serpi che tramano all'interno della tua stessa corte.

Personalizza il tuo personaggio con un'ampia gamma di classi e di poteri tra cui archetipi specializzati, potenti incantesimi arcani e divini, e una moltitudine di abilità di classe, skill e altri talenti speciali. Pathfinder consente a ogni giocatore di creare eroi (o antieroi) che si adattano al proprio stile di gioco individuale e alla propria personalità.

Scopri un variopinto cast di compagni e PNG, tra cui tanti celebri personaggi della saga di Pathfinder. Dovrai decidere di chi fidarti e chi tenere d'occhio: tutti i compagni hanno i propri obiettivi e le proprie affiliazioni, e potrebbero non essere sempre d'accordo con te. Il tuo viaggio diventerà il loro, e aiuterai a plasmare la loro vita sia nel presente che nel futuro.

Conquista nuove regioni e rivendicale come tue, costruendo il tuo regno pezzo dopo pezzo. Se il cuore di quest'avventura è una classica esplorazione di dungeon, anche la diplomazia, la politica e lo sviluppo del regno avranno il loro peso nel gioco. Scegli bene i tuoi alleati e non perdere il loro sostegno mentre esplori antiche rovine e cerchi di gestire la politica di corte.

Il tuo regno sarà il riflesso del tuo personaggio e delle tue scelte per tutta la durata del gioco. Sarà una creatura vivente, plasmata dalle tue affiliazioni, dai tuoi alleati e dalla tua abilità di guidare il popolo. Non solo il tuo regno può espandersi, aprendo nuovi territori e consentendoti di costruire nuove città e comunità... Ma anche la tua capitale potrà subire trasformazioni in base alle tue decisioni, alle tue politiche e persino ai tuoi alleati. Man mano che il tuo regno crescerà, svariate fazioni e paesi vicini verranno da te a chiederti favori... E mettere alla prova la tua forza.

Esplora - Conquista - Domina!

L'RPG di Pathfinder è un'evoluzione del set di regole 3.5 del gioco di ruolo fantasy più longevo del mondo, progettato da Paizo, Inc usando i consigli e i suggerimenti di decine di migliaia di giocatori come te. Che tu sia un novellino o un veterano dell'universo di Pathfinder®, Pathfinder: Kingmaker è il CRPG che aspettavi.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!



With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Explore and conquer the Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom!

Based on our players' feedback and suggestions, this version of the game improves and builds upon the original. This edition includes:
• numerous gameplay-enriching content additions and dozens of quality-of-life features
• new abilities and ways to build your character, including a brand-new class
• new items and weaponry
• improved balance, especially in the beginning and last two chapters of the game
• enhanced kingdom management system, both in terms of balance as well as usability and player comfort
• increased variety of random encounters on the global map
• thousands of fixes and improvements made since the game's initial release

Explore the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries: Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.

Customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills, and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.

Meet a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.

Conquer new regions as claim them as your own, carving your kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and kingdom development are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.

Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.

Explore - Conquer - Rule!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed by Paizo, Inc using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


게임 정보

With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Explore and conquer the Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom!

Based on our players' feedback and suggestions, this version of the game improves and builds upon the original. This edition includes:
• numerous gameplay-enriching content additions and dozens of quality-of-life features
• new abilities and ways to build your character, including a brand-new class
• new items and weaponry
• improved balance, especially in the beginning and last two chapters of the game
• enhanced kingdom management system, both in terms of balance as well as usability and player comfort
• increased variety of random encounters on the global map
• thousands of fixes and improvements made since the game's initial release

Explore the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries: Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.

Customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills, and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.

Meet a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.

Conquer new regions as claim them as your own, carving your kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and kingdom development are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.

Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.

Explore - Conquer - Rule!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed by Paizo, Inc using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


Om spillet

With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Explore and conquer the Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom!

Based on our players' feedback and suggestions, this version of the game improves and builds upon the original. This edition includes:
• numerous gameplay-enriching content additions and dozens of quality-of-life features
• new abilities and ways to build your character, including a brand-new class
• new items and weaponry
• improved balance, especially in the beginning and last two chapters of the game
• enhanced kingdom management system, both in terms of balance as well as usability and player comfort
• increased variety of random encounters on the global map
• thousands of fixes and improvements made since the game's initial release

Explore the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries: Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.

Customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills, and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.

Meet a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.

Conquer new regions as claim them as your own, carving your kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and kingdom development are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.

Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.

Explore - Conquer - Rule!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed by Paizo, Inc using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


Informacje o grze

With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Explore and conquer the Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom!

Based on our players' feedback and suggestions, this version of the game improves and builds upon the original. This edition includes:
• numerous gameplay-enriching content additions and dozens of quality-of-life features
• new abilities and ways to build your character, including a brand-new class
• new items and weaponry
• improved balance, especially in the beginning and last two chapters of the game
• enhanced kingdom management system, both in terms of balance as well as usability and player comfort
• increased variety of random encounters on the global map
• thousands of fixes and improvements made since the game's initial release

Explore the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries: Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.

Customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills, and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.

Meet a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.

Conquer new regions as claim them as your own, carving your kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and kingdom development are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.

Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.

Explore - Conquer - Rule!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed by Paizo, Inc using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


Acerca do Jogo

With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Explore and conquer the Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom!

Based on our players' feedback and suggestions, this version of the game improves and builds upon the original. This edition includes:
• numerous gameplay-enriching content additions and dozens of quality-of-life features
• new abilities and ways to build your character, including a brand-new class
• new items and weaponry
• improved balance, especially in the beginning and last two chapters of the game
• enhanced kingdom management system, both in terms of balance as well as usability and player comfort
• increased variety of random encounters on the global map
• thousands of fixes and improvements made since the game's initial release

Explore the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries: Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.

Customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills, and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.

Meet a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.

Conquer new regions as claim them as your own, carving your kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and kingdom development are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.

Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.

Explore - Conquer - Rule!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed by Paizo, Inc using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


Despre joc

With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Explore and conquer the Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom!

Based on our players' feedback and suggestions, this version of the game improves and builds upon the original. This edition includes:
• numerous gameplay-enriching content additions and dozens of quality-of-life features
• new abilities and ways to build your character, including a brand-new class
• new items and weaponry
• improved balance, especially in the beginning and last two chapters of the game
• enhanced kingdom management system, both in terms of balance as well as usability and player comfort
• increased variety of random encounters on the global map
• thousands of fixes and improvements made since the game's initial release

Explore the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries: Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.

Customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills, and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.

Meet a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.

Conquer new regions as claim them as your own, carving your kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and kingdom development are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.

Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.

Explore - Conquer - Rule!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed by Paizo, Inc using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


Об игре

Owlcat Games, 18 000 спонсоров с Kickstarter, дизайнер повествования Крис Авеллон и композитор Инон Зур с гордостью представляют первую изометрическую компьютерную ролевую игру, действие которой разворачивается в знаменитом мире настольной игры Pathfinder. Откройте для себя классическую ролевую игру, вдохновленную Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 и 2 и Arcanum. Исследуйте и захватывайте Украденные земли и станьте правителем своего королевства!

Опираясь на комментарии и пожелания наших игроков, мы улучшили и дополнили эту версию игры по сравнению с оригиналом. Это издание включает в себя:
• десятки улучшений, расширяющих возможности игрока и повышающих удобство игрового процесса
• новые пути развития персонажа, включая новый класс и новые способности
• новые предметы и вооружение
• улучшенный баланс, особенно в первой и двух последних главах игры
• усовершенствования в системе управления королевством - как в области баланса, так и в удобстве пользования
• расширенная вариативность типов случайных встреч на глобальной карте
• тысячи улучшений и правок, сделанных со времени выхода игры

Исследуйте Украденные земли, сражения за которые не прекращались многие века. Сотни королевств пережили здесь свой расцвет и падение — и сейчас настало время основать свое собственное! Чтобы стать достойным правителем, вам предстоит обуздать природу, держать в узде вражеские народы, а порой и разбираться с внутренними угрозами.

При создании персонажа у вас на выбор будет множество классов и архетипов, каждый со своими умениями и способностями, а некоторые с доступом к запрещенным и божественным заклинаниям. В Pathfinder можно придумать героя или злодея на любой вкус под собственный стиль игры.

Познакомьтесь со множеством компаньонов и неигровых персонажей, включая культовых героев мира Pathfinder. Вам предстоит решить, кому из них можно доверять, ведь у каждого компаньона свое прошлое и цели, которые могут разительно отличаться от ваших. Будьте осмотрительны: каждый выбор будет влиять не только на вашу, но и на их судьбу.

Захватывайте новые регионы, чтобы расширять владения своего королевства. Вас ждут полные опасностей подземелья, политические интриги и система развития королевства. Выбирайте союзников с умом — они помогут вам и при изучении руин, и при королевском дворе.

Созданное вами королевство станет отражением вашей личности и принятых по ходу игры решений. Королевство — это живой организм, на который влияет множество обстоятельств, начиная от расположения, и заканчивая лидерскими качествами правителя. С присоединением каждой новой территории королевство будет расширяться, а его столица — видоизменяться в зависимости от политики, событий и союзников. По мере роста королевства вам предстоит столкнуться с рядом фракций и стран, готовых посягнуть на ваши владения.

Исследуйте, завоевывайте, управляйте!

«Pathfinder. Настольная ролевая игра» представляет собой переосмысление старейшей фэнтезийной ролевой игры D&D редакции 3.5. Она создана компанией Paizo, Inc благодаря отзывам десятков тысяч игроков. Pathfinder: Kingmaker — это ролевая игра, которая впечатлит как поклонников мира Pathfinder, так и тех, кто только начинает с ним знакомиться.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!



在18,000多名众筹平台Kickstarter支持者、叙事设计师Chris Avellone和作曲家Inon Zur的共同帮助下,Owlcat Games以广受喜爱的开拓者桌面世界为背景,自豪地为您带来首款等角电脑角色扮演游戏。享受经典角色扮演游戏体验,诸如博德之门、结果1和2以及奥妙。探索并征服失窃之地,统治您不断壮大的王国!

• 新增多项丰富的游戏内容和数十种生活质量的功能
• 打造角色的新能力和方法,包括一款全新类别
• 新物品和武器
• 改善平衡,特别是在游戏一开始和最后两个章节
• 已强化的王国管理系统,无论是平衡方面, 还是在可用性和玩家舒适性方面
• 增加全球地图上各种随机遭遇的情况
• 自游戏首发以来所进行的数千个修复和改进

探索失窃之地,即一个几世纪以来一直备受争议的地区。数百个王国曾经在这片土地上起起落落,现在是时候让您做下自己的专属标记了 - 通过建立自己的王国!因此,您需要征服严酷的荒野、敌对国家的威胁以及来自法庭的挑战,才能够生存下来。





探索 - 征服 - 统治!

开拓者角色扮演游戏是世界上最古老的奇幻角色扮演游戏3.5条规则的进化,而此款游戏正式由Paizo, Inc基于成千上万像你一样的玩家的反馈意见设计而成的。无论你是开拓者®宇宙中的新玩家,还是经验丰富的老玩家,《开拓者:拥王者》正是那款您一直以来翘首以盼的电脑角色扮演游戏。

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


Acerca del juego

Gracias a la ayuda de más de 18 000 patrocinadores de Kickstarter, del diseñador narrativo Chris Avellone y del compositor Inon Zur, Owlcat Games se enorgullece de presentar el primer RPG isométrico para ordenador basado en el tan querido universo del juego de mesa Pathfinder. Disfruta de la experiencia de un RPG clásico inspirada en juegos como Baldur’s Gate, Fallout 1 y 2 y Arcanum. Explora y conquista las Tierras Robadas para que formen parte de tu reino.

Según los comentarios y las sugerencias de nuestros jugadores, esta versión del juego mejora la base del original. Esta edición incluye:
• amplio contenido extra que enriquece la jugabilidad y decenas de mejoras de calidad de vida
• nuevas habilidades y formas de desarrollar tu personaje, incluida una clase completamente nueva
• nuevos objetos y armas
• equilibrio mejorado, especialmente en el inicio y los dos últimos capítulos del juego
• sistema de gestión de reino mejorado, tanto en términos de equilibrio como en términos de facilidad de uso y comodidad para el jugador
• mayor variedad de enfrentamientos aleatorios en el mapa global
• miles de correcciones y mejoras realizadas desde el lanzamiento inicial del juego

Explora las Tierras Robadas, una región disputada durante siglos. Cientos de reinos se han alzado y han caído en estas tierras y ahora te toca a ti dejar tu huella: ¡crea tu propio reino! Para hacerlo, tendrás que sobrevivir tanto a la despiadada y salvaje naturaleza como a la amenaza de los reinos rivales, así como a las de tu propia corte.

Personaliza tu personaje con una amplia variedad de clases y poderes, como arquetipos especializados o poderosos conjuros divinos y arcanos, y elige entre diferentes tipos de habilidades, destrezas y hazañas. Pathfinder permite que los jugadores creen héroes (o villanos) que encajen tanto con su estilo de juego individual como con su personalidad.

Podrás conocer una gran variedad de acompañantes y PNJ, entre los que se incluyen personajes icónicos del mundo Pathfinder. Decide con cuidado en quién vas a confiar o a quién vas a vigilar, porque cada acompañante tiene sus propios planes, aliados y objetivos, que pueden no ser los mismos que los tuyos. Tu viaje pasará a ser el suyo y les ayudarás a transformar sus vidas tanto en ese momento como en el futuro.

Conquista regiones nuevas y proclámalas tuyas para darle forma a tu reino a partir de la naturaleza salvaje. Aunque esta aventura se basa en la exploración de mazmorras clásica, la diplomacia, la política y el desarrollo del reino también forman parte del reto. Elige bien a tus aliados y mantenlos cerca cuando explores tumbas y ruinas antiguas y también cuando te encargues de la política en tu propia corte.

Tu reino es un reflejo de tu personaje y de las decisiones que tomes a lo largo del juego. Está vivo y se basa en tu ideología, tus aliados y tu capacidad para liderar a tu pueblo. Tu reino no solo podrá expandirse y abrirse a nuevos territorios para construir ciudades y comunidades nuevas, sino que tu capital cambiará físicamente dependiendo de tus decisiones, de la política que apliques e incluso de quién sea tu aliado. A medida que crece tu reino, otros reinos y facciones vecinos vendrán en busca de tu favor y también pondrán a prueba tu fortaleza.

¡Explora, conquista, gobierna!

El juego de rol Pathfinder es una evolución de conjunto de reglas 3.5 del juego de rol fantástico más antiguo del mundo, diseñado por Paizo, Inc a través de las aportaciones de decenas de miles de jugadores como tú. Tanto si eres nuevo en el universo Pathfinder®, como si ya eres todo un veterano, Pathfinder: Kingmaker es el RPG para ordenador que estabas esperando.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


Om spelet

With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Explore and conquer the Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom!

Based on our players' feedback and suggestions, this version of the game improves and builds upon the original. This edition includes:
• numerous gameplay-enriching content additions and dozens of quality-of-life features
• new abilities and ways to build your character, including a brand-new class
• new items and weaponry
• improved balance, especially in the beginning and last two chapters of the game
• enhanced kingdom management system, both in terms of balance as well as usability and player comfort
• increased variety of random encounters on the global map
• thousands of fixes and improvements made since the game's initial release

Explore the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries: Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.

Customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills, and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.

Meet a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.

Conquer new regions as claim them as your own, carving your kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and kingdom development are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.

Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.

Explore - Conquer - Rule!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed by Paizo, Inc using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!



With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Explore and conquer the Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom!

Based on our players' feedback and suggestions, this version of the game improves and builds upon the original. This edition includes:
• numerous gameplay-enriching content additions and dozens of quality-of-life features
• new abilities and ways to build your character, including a brand-new class
• new items and weaponry
• improved balance, especially in the beginning and last two chapters of the game
• enhanced kingdom management system, both in terms of balance as well as usability and player comfort
• increased variety of random encounters on the global map
• thousands of fixes and improvements made since the game's initial release

Explore the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries: Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.

Customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills, and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.

Meet a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.

Conquer new regions as claim them as your own, carving your kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and kingdom development are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.

Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.

Explore - Conquer - Rule!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed by Paizo, Inc using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!



With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Explore and conquer the Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom!

Based on our players' feedback and suggestions, this version of the game improves and builds upon the original. This edition includes:
• numerous gameplay-enriching content additions and dozens of quality-of-life features
• new abilities and ways to build your character, including a brand-new class
• new items and weaponry
• improved balance, especially in the beginning and last two chapters of the game
• enhanced kingdom management system, both in terms of balance as well as usability and player comfort
• increased variety of random encounters on the global map
• thousands of fixes and improvements made since the game's initial release

Explore the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries: Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.

Customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills, and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.

Meet a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.

Conquer new regions as claim them as your own, carving your kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and kingdom development are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.

Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.

Explore - Conquer - Rule!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed by Paizo, Inc using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


Oyun Açıklaması

With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Explore and conquer the Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom!

Based on our players' feedback and suggestions, this version of the game improves and builds upon the original. This edition includes:
• numerous gameplay-enriching content additions and dozens of quality-of-life features
• new abilities and ways to build your character, including a brand-new class
• new items and weaponry
• improved balance, especially in the beginning and last two chapters of the game
• enhanced kingdom management system, both in terms of balance as well as usability and player comfort
• increased variety of random encounters on the global map
• thousands of fixes and improvements made since the game's initial release

Explore the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries: Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.

Customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills, and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.

Meet a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.

Conquer new regions as claim them as your own, carving your kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and kingdom development are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.

Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.

Explore - Conquer - Rule!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed by Paizo, Inc using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.

The sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker is now available now!


Про гру

With the help of over 18,000 Kickstarter backers, Narrative Designer Chris Avellone and composer Inon Zur, Owlcat Games is proud to bring you the first isometric computer RPG set in the beloved Pathfinder tabletop universe. Enjoy a classic RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. Explore and conquer the Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom!

Based on our players' feedback and suggestions, this version of the game improves and builds upon the original. This edition includes:
• numerous gameplay-enriching content additions and dozens of quality-of-life features
• new abilities and ways to build your character, including a brand-new class
• new items and weaponry
• improved balance, especially in the beginning and last two chapters of the game
• enhanced kingdom management system, both in terms of balance as well as usability and player comfort
• increased variety of random encounters on the global map
• thousands of fixes and improvements made since the game's initial release

Explore the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries: Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark—by building your own kingdom! To do so, you’ll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations… as well as threats within your own court.

Customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills, and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay styles and their personalities.

Meet a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You’ll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you’ll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.

Conquer new regions as claim them as your own, carving your kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and kingdom development are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins — and while dealing with politics in your own court.

Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor—and to test your strength.

Explore - Conquer - Rule!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is an evolution of the 3.5 rules set of the world's oldest fantasy roleplaying game, designed by Paizo, Inc using the feedback of tens of thousands of gamers just like you. Whether you’re new to the Pathfinder® universe or you’re a seasoned veteran, Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the CRPG you’ve been waiting for.

System Requirements


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