Patrician IV Gold
Patrician IV Gold

Patrician IV Gold

Release Date: 17/09/2010 | WORLDWIDE
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The Steam Special Edition contains alternate textures for the Counting House and Cog ship type.

Patrician IV is the sequel to the historical trading simulation and strategy series. You are a merchant in northern Europe in the late Middle Ages when the Hanseatic League was flourishing. Your goal is to rise to the most successful and influential member of the Hanse, ultimately being elected Elderman, leader of the trading league. You start bargaining with common goods, build up your own production and establish a merchant fleet. Later on, you will gain more and more political influence and even found new towns.

However, a Hanse merchant's life can also have its dark sides. On your way to power you have to hold your ground against fierce rivals, whom you have to fight with economic competition, price wars or impure means such as sabotage. Will you even engage in piracy?

Key features:

  • Become a powerful merchant - rise through the ranks using your increasing fame and wealth to shape towns from small villages to glorious capitals under your control
  • A complete strategic simulation - balance competing interests, trade routes, political turmoil, disease, weather, piracy and greedy royalty
  • Build an empire - construct buildings and hire workers, stimulating demand for common and exotic goods
  • Battle on the high seas - protect your ships from pirate raiders in realistic and exciting sea battles
  • Visually stunning - a powerful new graphics engine lets you visit bustling and realistically recreated medieval cities such as London, Novgorod, Cologne and Bergen
  • Friendly Interface and Gameplay - Players will enjoy a brand-new, user friendly interface that makes Patrician IV easy to play but challenging to master
The Steam Special Edition contains alternate textures for the Counting House and Cog ship type.

Patrician IV is the sequel to the historical trading simulation and strategy series. You are a merchant in northern Europe in the late Middle Ages when the Hanseatic League was flourishing. Your goal is to rise to the most successful and influential member of the Hanse, ultimately being elected Elderman, leader of the trading league. You start bargaining with common goods, build up your own production and establish a merchant fleet. Later on, you will gain more and more political influence and even found new towns.

However, a Hanse merchant's life can also have its dark sides. On your way to power you have to hold your ground against fierce rivals, whom you have to fight with economic competition, price wars or impure means such as sabotage. Will you even engage in piracy?

Key features:

  • Become a powerful merchant - rise through the ranks using your increasing fame and wealth to shape towns from small villages to glorious capitals under your control
  • A complete strategic simulation - balance competing interests, trade routes, political turmoil, disease, weather, piracy and greedy royalty
  • Build an empire - construct buildings and hire workers, stimulating demand for common and exotic goods
  • Battle on the high seas - protect your ships from pirate raiders in realistic and exciting sea battles
  • Visually stunning - a powerful new graphics engine lets you visit bustling and realistically recreated medieval cities such as London, Novgorod, Cologne and Bergen
  • Friendly Interface and Gameplay - Players will enjoy a brand-new, user friendly interface that makes Patrician IV easy to play but challenging to master
The Steam Special Edition contains alternate textures for the Counting House and Cog ship type.

Patrician IV is the sequel to the historical trading simulation and strategy series. You are a merchant in northern Europe in the late Middle Ages when the Hanseatic League was flourishing. Your goal is to rise to the most successful and influential member of the Hanse, ultimately being elected Elderman, leader of the trading league. You start bargaining with common goods, build up your own production and establish a merchant fleet. Later on, you will gain more and more political influence and even found new towns.

However, a Hanse merchant's life can also have its dark sides. On your way to power you have to hold your ground against fierce rivals, whom you have to fight with economic competition, price wars or impure means such as sabotage. Will you even engage in piracy?

Key features:

  • Become a powerful merchant - rise through the ranks using your increasing fame and wealth to shape towns from small villages to glorious capitals under your control
  • A complete strategic simulation - balance competing interests, trade routes, political turmoil, disease, weather, piracy and greedy royalty
  • Build an empire - construct buildings and hire workers, stimulating demand for common and exotic goods
  • Battle on the high seas - protect your ships from pirate raiders in realistic and exciting sea battles
  • Visually stunning - a powerful new graphics engine lets you visit bustling and realistically recreated medieval cities such as London, Novgorod, Cologne and Bergen
  • Friendly Interface and Gameplay - Players will enjoy a brand-new, user friendly interface that makes Patrician IV easy to play but challenging to master
L'édition spéciale Steam contient des textures alternatives pour la Counting House et le type les navires "Cog" .

Patrician IV est la suite de la simulation du jeu de gestion et de stratégie historique. Vous êtes un marchand dans l'Europe du Nord vers la fin du moyen-âge à l'époque de la ligue Hanséatique. Votre but est de devenir son membre le plus influent et d'en devenir le dirigeant. Commencez en bas de l'échelle et construisez petit à petit votre empire.

Cependant, un marchand de la Hanse à ses problèmes : sur la route du pouvoir vous rencontrez forcément des ennemis, des rivaux et des opportunités qui vous feront peut-être adopter des pratiques peu orthodoxes. Avez-vous pensé avoir recours à la piraterie ?

Comprend :

  • Devenez un marchand puissant - progresser dans les rangs et participer à la création d'une capitale économique
  • Simulation stratégique aboutie - intérêts, routes commerciales, troubles politiques, maladie, disette, météorologie, piraterie et pouvoir royal oppresseur
  • Construisez un empire - construisez des bâtiments et embaucher des travailleurs. Stimulez la demande pour les biens communs et les biens exotiques
  • Batailles en haute mer - protégez vos navires des pirates et engagez les hostilités avec ceux qui se mettent sur votre chemin
  • Graphismes somptueux - de nouveaux graphismes générés par un nouveau moteur vous feront parcourir les rues de la Londres médiévale, de Novgorod, Cologne et Bergen
  • Interface et jouabilité facile d'accès - une toute nouvelle interface fera de Patrician IV un jeu facile à aborder
Die Steam Spezial-Edition enthält alternative Texturen für 'Counting House' und 'Cog'-Shiffstypen.

Patrizier IV ist die Fortsetzung der historischen WiSim-Reihe. Sie übernehmen die Rolle eines Händlers im nordeuropäischen Seeraum des Spätmittelalters, der Blütezeit der Hanse. Ihr Ziel ist es, zum erfolgreichsten und einflussreichsten Mitglied der Hanse aufzusteigen und zum Eldermann gewählt zu werden. Hierzu handeln Sie zunächst mit einfachen Waren, bauen eigene Produktionen auf und errichten ganze Handelsflotten. Später gewinnen Sie mehr und mehr politischen Einfluss und gründen sogar neue Städte.

Doch das Leben eines Hansehändlers kann auch noch andere, düstere Seiten haben. Auf Ihrem Weg an die Macht müssen Sie sich gegen eine harte Konkurrenz durchsetzen, die mit wirtschaftlichem Wettbewerb wie Preiskämpfen aber auch mit unlauteren Mitteln wie Sabotage und Schlachten auf hoher See bekämpft werden muss. Vielleicht betreiben Sie ja sogar selbst Piraterie?


  • Komplexes Handelssystem - mit optimierbaren Handelsrouten zwischen 32 Städten.
  • Städte - Alle Städte werden in eindrucksvoller und detailreicher 3D-Grafik dargestellt.
  • KI - Intelligente Konkurrenten, dynamisches Wetter und Jahreszeiten beeinflussen das Spielgeschehen.
  • Lassen Sie sich in Ihrer Heimatstadt zum Bürgermeister wählen, um den weiteren Ausbau in der Hand zu haben.
  • Stellen Sie aus historischen Schiffstypen eigene Handelsflotten zusammen und erforschen Sie neue Schiffstypen.
  • Bewaffnen Sie Ihre Konvois mit Geleitschiffen und bestreiten Sie eindrucksvolle Seeschlachten gegen Piraten und Konkurrenten.
A Steam Special Edition alternatív textúrákat tartalmaz a Counting House-hoz és a Cog hajótípushoz.

A Patrician IV a történelmi kereskedő-szimulátor és stratégiai játéksorozat folytatása. Észak-Európai kereskedő vagy a Középkor végén, a Hanza-városok virágzása idején. Célod, hogy a Hanza-közösség legsikeresebb és legbefolyásosabb tagjává válj, végül pedig céhmesterré, a kereskedőliga vezetőjévé válasszanak. Hétköznapi árucikkekkel kezdve felfuttatod a termelékenységed és kereskedelmi flottát hozol létre. Később egyre több és több politikai befolyásra teszel szert, és még új városokat is alapíthatsz.

Ám egy Hanza-kereskedő életének lehetnek árnyoldalai is. A hatalom felé vezető úton ki kell tartanod az elszánt riválisokkal szemben, akik ellen üzleti versennyel, árháborúval, vagy akár olyan aljas módszerekkel is felveheted a küzdelmet, mint a szabotázs. Talán még kalózkodásba is kezdesz?

Fő jellemzők:

  • Válj nagy hatalmú kereskedővé - Emelkedj fel a ranglétrán növekvő hírneved és vagyonod segítségével, hogy irányításod alatt apró falvakból városok, majd fényűző fővárosok váljanak
  • Teljes stratégiai szimuláció - Találd meg az utat ütköző érdekek, kereskedelmi útvonalak, politikai torzsalkodás, járványok, rossz időjárás, kalózok és mohó uralkodók között
  • Építs birodalmat - Húzz fel épületeket és toborozz munkásokat, így növelve a hétköznapi és egzotikus áruk iránti keresletet
  • Vívj tengeri csatákat - Védd meg hajóidat a fosztogató kalózoktól valószerű és izgalmas tengeri csatákban
  • Lenyűgöző látvány - Az új, nagy teljesítményű grafikai motor segítségével olyan nyüzsgő, élethűen megalkotott középkori városokba a látogathatsz el, mint London, Novgorod, Cologne és Bergen
  • Barátságos kezelőfelület és játékmenet - A játékosok teljesen új, felhasználóbarát kezelőfelületet élvezhetnek, melynek köszönhetően a Patrician IV könnyen játszható lett, de a mesterévé válni kihívás marad
The Steam Special Edition contains alternate textures for the Counting House and Cog ship type.

Patrician IV is the sequel to the historical trading simulation and strategy series. You are a merchant in northern Europe in the late Middle Ages when the Hanseatic League was flourishing. Your goal is to rise to the most successful and influential member of the Hanse, ultimately being elected Elderman, leader of the trading league. You start bargaining with common goods, build up your own production and establish a merchant fleet. Later on, you will gain more and more political influence and even found new towns.

However, a Hanse merchant's life can also have its dark sides. On your way to power you have to hold your ground against fierce rivals, whom you have to fight with economic competition, price wars or impure means such as sabotage. Will you even engage in piracy?

Key features:

  • Become a powerful merchant - rise through the ranks using your increasing fame and wealth to shape towns from small villages to glorious capitals under your control
  • A complete strategic simulation - balance competing interests, trade routes, political turmoil, disease, weather, piracy and greedy royalty
  • Build an empire - construct buildings and hire workers, stimulating demand for common and exotic goods
  • Battle on the high seas - protect your ships from pirate raiders in realistic and exciting sea battles
  • Visually stunning - a powerful new graphics engine lets you visit bustling and realistically recreated medieval cities such as London, Novgorod, Cologne and Bergen
  • Friendly Interface and Gameplay - Players will enjoy a brand-new, user friendly interface that makes Patrician IV easy to play but challenging to master
The Steam Special Edition contains alternate textures for the Counting House and Cog ship type.

Patrician IV is the sequel to the historical trading simulation and strategy series. You are a merchant in northern Europe in the late Middle Ages when the Hanseatic League was flourishing. Your goal is to rise to the most successful and influential member of the Hanse, ultimately being elected Elderman, leader of the trading league. You start bargaining with common goods, build up your own production and establish a merchant fleet. Later on, you will gain more and more political influence and even found new towns.

However, a Hanse merchant's life can also have its dark sides. On your way to power you have to hold your ground against fierce rivals, whom you have to fight with economic competition, price wars or impure means such as sabotage. Will you even engage in piracy?

Key features:

  • Become a powerful merchant - rise through the ranks using your increasing fame and wealth to shape towns from small villages to glorious capitals under your control
  • A complete strategic simulation - balance competing interests, trade routes, political turmoil, disease, weather, piracy and greedy royalty
  • Build an empire - construct buildings and hire workers, stimulating demand for common and exotic goods
  • Battle on the high seas - protect your ships from pirate raiders in realistic and exciting sea battles
  • Visually stunning - a powerful new graphics engine lets you visit bustling and realistically recreated medieval cities such as London, Novgorod, Cologne and Bergen
  • Friendly Interface and Gameplay - Players will enjoy a brand-new, user friendly interface that makes Patrician IV easy to play but challenging to master
The Steam Special Edition contains alternate textures for the Counting House and Cog ship type.

Patrician IV is the sequel to the historical trading simulation and strategy series. You are a merchant in northern Europe in the late Middle Ages when the Hanseatic League was flourishing. Your goal is to rise to the most successful and influential member of the Hanse, ultimately being elected Elderman, leader of the trading league. You start bargaining with common goods, build up your own production and establish a merchant fleet. Later on, you will gain more and more political influence and even found new towns.

However, a Hanse merchant's life can also have its dark sides. On your way to power you have to hold your ground against fierce rivals, whom you have to fight with economic competition, price wars or impure means such as sabotage. Will you even engage in piracy?

Key features:

  • Become a powerful merchant - rise through the ranks using your increasing fame and wealth to shape towns from small villages to glorious capitals under your control
  • A complete strategic simulation - balance competing interests, trade routes, political turmoil, disease, weather, piracy and greedy royalty
  • Build an empire - construct buildings and hire workers, stimulating demand for common and exotic goods
  • Battle on the high seas - protect your ships from pirate raiders in realistic and exciting sea battles
  • Visually stunning - a powerful new graphics engine lets you visit bustling and realistically recreated medieval cities such as London, Novgorod, Cologne and Bergen
  • Friendly Interface and Gameplay - Players will enjoy a brand-new, user friendly interface that makes Patrician IV easy to play but challenging to master
The Steam Special Edition contains alternate textures for the Counting House and Cog ship type.

Patrician IV is the sequel to the historical trading simulation and strategy series. You are a merchant in northern Europe in the late Middle Ages when the Hanseatic League was flourishing. Your goal is to rise to the most successful and influential member of the Hanse, ultimately being elected Elderman, leader of the trading league. You start bargaining with common goods, build up your own production and establish a merchant fleet. Later on, you will gain more and more political influence and even found new towns.

However, a Hanse merchant's life can also have its dark sides. On your way to power you have to hold your ground against fierce rivals, whom you have to fight with economic competition, price wars or impure means such as sabotage. Will you even engage in piracy?

Key features:

  • Become a powerful merchant - rise through the ranks using your increasing fame and wealth to shape towns from small villages to glorious capitals under your control
  • A complete strategic simulation - balance competing interests, trade routes, political turmoil, disease, weather, piracy and greedy royalty
  • Build an empire - construct buildings and hire workers, stimulating demand for common and exotic goods
  • Battle on the high seas - protect your ships from pirate raiders in realistic and exciting sea battles
  • Visually stunning - a powerful new graphics engine lets you visit bustling and realistically recreated medieval cities such as London, Novgorod, Cologne and Bergen
  • Friendly Interface and Gameplay - Players will enjoy a brand-new, user friendly interface that makes Patrician IV easy to play but challenging to master
La Edición Especial de Steam contiene texturas alternativas para la Tesorería y el Buque Remolcador.

Patrician IV es la secuela de la histórica saga de simulación de comercio y estrategia. Eres un mercader de Europa del Norte a finales de la Edad Media, en pleno esplendor de la Liga Hanseática. Tu objetivo es convertirte en el miembro más próspero e influyente de los Hanse para llegar a ser nombrado Elderman, el líder de la liga comercial. Empezarás comerciando con bienes comunes, construyendo tu propia producción y estableciendo una flota mercante. Posteriormente ganarás más y más influencia política e incluso podrás fundar nuevas ciudades.

Sin embargo, la vida de un mercader Hanse puede tener su lado oscuro. En tu carrera hacia el poder deberás defenderte de fieros rivales, a quienes deberás combatir siendo competitivo, con guerras de precios o por medios más oscuros como el sabotaje. ¿Llegarás a utilizar la piratería?

Características Principales:

  • Conviértete en un poderoso mercader - asciende por el escalafón utilizando tu creciente fama y fortuna para convertir a pequeños poblados en gloriosas capitales bajo tu control.
  • Una completa simulación estratégica - maneja conflictos de interés, rutas comerciales, confusión política, enfermedades, clima, piratería y derechos comerciales.
  • Construye un imperio - construye edificios y contrata trabajadores, estimulando la demanda de los bienes comunes y los exóticos.
  • Lucha en alta mar - protege tus navíos de las incursiones de los piratas en unas batallas navales realistas y emocionantes.
  • Impecable visualmente - un nuevo y potente motor gráfico te permite visitar las bulliciosas y fielmente recreadas ciudades medievales, por ejemplo Londres, Novgorod, Colonia y Bergen.
  • Interfaz y mecánica de juego amigables - los jugadores disfrutarán de una nueva e intuitiva interfaz que hará que el manejo de Patrician IV sea sencillo, aunque llegar a dominarlo será todo un reto.
The Steam Special Edition contains alternate textures for the Counting House and Cog ship type.

Patrician IV is the sequel to the historical trading simulation and strategy series. You are a merchant in northern Europe in the late Middle Ages when the Hanseatic League was flourishing. Your goal is to rise to the most successful and influential member of the Hanse, ultimately being elected Elderman, leader of the trading league. You start bargaining with common goods, build up your own production and establish a merchant fleet. Later on, you will gain more and more political influence and even found new towns.

However, a Hanse merchant's life can also have its dark sides. On your way to power you have to hold your ground against fierce rivals, whom you have to fight with economic competition, price wars or impure means such as sabotage. Will you even engage in piracy?

Key features:

  • Become a powerful merchant - rise through the ranks using your increasing fame and wealth to shape towns from small villages to glorious capitals under your control
  • A complete strategic simulation - balance competing interests, trade routes, political turmoil, disease, weather, piracy and greedy royalty
  • Build an empire - construct buildings and hire workers, stimulating demand for common and exotic goods
  • Battle on the high seas - protect your ships from pirate raiders in realistic and exciting sea battles
  • Visually stunning - a powerful new graphics engine lets you visit bustling and realistically recreated medieval cities such as London, Novgorod, Cologne and Bergen
  • Friendly Interface and Gameplay - Players will enjoy a brand-new, user friendly interface that makes Patrician IV easy to play but challenging to master

System Requirements


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